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August 10, 1959 - continued
The above statements of Nr. Sutcliffe and Mr. Ftnck were followed by a general
discussion on how Mr. ~hrushchev hsppened to be invited to this country. In~speskL~gg
of the possibility of Mr. Ehrushchev being assassinated while in the U. S. Mr.
Finneran stated the same thing could happen to P~es. Eisenhnwere whil~ visiting
ChmLrman Finck read Lawrence ~as Company request to service for Louis Mint~ercci .
Mr. Sutcliffe motioned permission be granted ~ith the provision that the street be
restored t~its present condition~ Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and the vote
was unanimous. Tbs request to excavate was at 522 Main Street to install gas
service for the Mr. Minfcercci.
At Mr. Finneran s~ggestion the board mgreed to request the electric company
conduct a survey of the Anthony .~laimo residence on Osgood Street, opposite
the We-~tern Electric Plant.
Mr.' Sutcliffe white stop llne~ be painted at the connor of Waverly smd Middlesex
Street and Waverly and Massachusetts Avenue and furthez~ suggested the Police
Department be asRed if the e~uipmemt for such is available. The board discussed
the advisability of painting 'the school cross-walks green. Mr. ~'~nneran stated the
Fire Dept. had t~.m gallons of green paint that could be Used for this purpose.
The board directed a .letter be sent to the chief requesting all school cross-wa/is
be painted prior to the reopening of schools, if possible. Mr. Sutcliffe added the
"Child" stencil be used on the walks/.
This'meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M.
August 24, 1959
Ali members were present at the' meeting of the Board of Selectmen at which
Chairman Finck presided. The meeting commenced at 7:30 P.M.
Mr.. David a. G~ristensem, Service Manager of the Automobile Club o£-Narrimack
Valley, appeared before the Board for the presentation of a certificate of
award to the Town of North Andover for its record of no pedestrian .traffic-
accident in the town's driving the past y~a~. Mr. Christensen complimented
the board and Chief Joseph ~. Lawl6r, also present, in this achi~vememt for
the' third consecutive year , snd stated he looks forwnrd to many such awards
in the future. He commented that the record ofppedist~ansaccidents has de-
creased over the y~ars where traffic has increased; all of whfc~ he at-
tributed to the commendable efforts of the Public 'Safety Departments. Chair-
man Finck.thanked Mr. Ohristensen for the award, on behalf of the Town of
North Andover, and presented the award to ~ief Lawlor , commending the Chief
for his efforts in this regard as Safety Officer among the previous yearns.
l~.~Bou~ews reporter, took a picture of the board, Chief Lawlor and
Mr.. Christensen.
· HEARINGS - Removal of Trees
A hearing was held at this time on petition, for the removal of trees b~ Mrs.
John Shas of 6 Belmont, Mr. Philip3_~rrigo, 278 Barker Street, and Mr. Ernest
Northsm of 24 Hodges Street. John Connors, Tree Warden, was present and re-
commended all trees involved be removed. Upon motion of Mr.Finneram, seconded
by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted u~ani~ouslF permission for the removal of the
trees was granted.
Chairman Finck read letter from Congressman Lane which stated premission could
not be granted at this tim~ on his petition for the issuance of a postage stamp
honoring ~amuel B. Osgoed 'as first Postmaster General, stating the issuance at
this time of a stamp for Mr. Osgood~ who was born ~in 1~48, would not conform
to the criteria established for commentoratives stamps. Commentorative stamps
~°en~ i~nda~ivi~a~coSn~ al.lnbea ed on even date a~e 'e~tarting~lth
ym ~n~ g ~ y~ar intervals. A s~'~e~er was
ceived ~from Senator Kennedy a~d Senator Saltenstall.
continued August 2h, 19~9
Chairman Finck read letter f:om the Department of Public Works con-
corning the petition of residents of Dale Street and Appleton Streets
objecting to the w~donin~ the roadway under Chapter 90 Construction.
The letter stated there are not sufficent Chapter 90 funds available for
construction in the area concerned this year and that any work in this
section will be subject to another Town Meeting,vote and future contract.
Mr. Sutcliffe suggested a copy of the letter be sent to R../u~shton Smith
who represented the petitioners.
The Department of Public Works notified the board then request for a survey
for the installation of stop signs at the intersection of Middlesex, Davis
and Main Streets, has been referred to the Dist. Highway Engineer for in-
vestagation and report. Mr. Sutcliffe suggested the D.P.W. be reminded.
The board has received no such acknowledgement on its request for a similar
survey at the intersections of Greene Street and Massachusetts Avenue and
Greene Street and Waverly Road.
SECrETARy OF STATE - Certification for incorporations.
Application of Ethel L. Ross and others for certifiacte of incorperstion under
name of Mass. Council for Public School, Inc. , was referred to the board by
the Secretary of State for certification of characmer. Mr. Finneran motioned
the board sign the form certifying the character of Mrs. Ross. Mr. Sutcliffe
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
ALDERMAN SCANLON -Rifle Shooting Complaint
The board accepted a letter from Alderman Scanlon, Director of Public Safety,
Lawrence, stating board letter Comcerning rifle shooting near Waverly Road
between Greene and Turnpike Streets had been referred to Chief Hart of the
Lawrence Police Department for immediate investigations.
Chairman Finck read letter from Frank L. Brigham in ref. to a sign as' a
guide to the Shady Enotl Nursing Home. Mr. Brigham emplained he would be
unable to attend the board meeting but would suggest a sign. identifying
Prescott Street be placed such that persons traveling f=om ~ndover could
find' their way to the nursing home. Mr. Finneran motioned the reouest bm~
referred to the Highway Dept.. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion a~d vote
MARINO BOND - 'Town counsel
Chairman Finck read letter from Atty. Salisbury, Town Counsel, in ref. to
the Merino bond, enclosed with an orginal instrument releasing .the Town
from any claims or demands which Mr. Merino may make against it in connection
with the vote of the Board of Selectman on August.10, 1959.., concerning
the withdrawal of $1390.00 for the completion of the work on Woodstock St.
Mr. Sutclif£e asked if there was any work not yet completed. ~h. Finck stated
Shy additional work required will now be the responsibility of the Town ,~ as
stated in the letter by Tows Counsel.
~M2INO HOUSE - Marblehead Street
Chairman Finck read letter,from the Board of Appeals rel. to application by
Mr. Merino for a variance of the Zoning By- Law in respect to the house he is
building On' Marblehead? Street, which was denied by the Bd. of Appeals and
stating the matter is no~, the responsibility of the Building Inspector,.
Chairman Finck stated the By-Law gives the Building Inspector and Board
of Selectmen the authority to enforce the law if a violation ex~st and sug-
gested the matter be discussed with Town COunsel. Mr. Sutcliffe stated Mr.
Narino could certainly go no ftu~thar with his house as gas and electricity
and water Could not be connected. Mr.Finck reque~tiugt~he board authorize
him to confer with Town Counsel on the matter. Mr. Finneran made this a motion
,seconded by Mr. Sutcli£fe and voted unanimOusly.
STREET LIGHTING - Anthony Alaimo
Chairman Finck read letter from Merrimack - Essex Elec. Co. reco~ending
a 21,00 lumen light be installed on pole 377 near residence of Mr. Anthouy
Alaimo, Osgood Street. Mr. Finneran motioned the recommendation be adopted.
Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion and the vote was unm~imous.
August 24, 1959 continued
Mr. Sutcliffe sta~ he had received seversl complaints of street lights out
of order for lengthy periods. He had observed one in particular which was out
of operation for 18 days. Mr. Finck expressed his feelings that an electric
company truck was not patroling the town for the purpose of making such repsir~.
Mr. Sutcliffe connected for over ~18,00 per year the town was getting very poor
service. ~airman Finck suggested a letter to the electric company , requesting
a representative appear at Selectmen's Meeting of Sept. 14, 1959 at 8:00P.M.,
to discuss the replacement of street lamps in Town.
Upon mo.tion of Mr. Sutcliffe, seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted uns~imsus ,
permission was granted the New England Tel,&~Tel. Co. and Merrimack Essex
Elec,. Co. on their joint petition to remove 1 pole on Hillside Rd. and the
replacing of one pole on Middlesex Street. Upon mo%ion of Mr. Finneran,
seconded by ~. Sutcliffe and voted unanimous hearing was set for September
14, at~7:3OP.M, on the Joint petition for the placing of our pole on Rea
Chairman Finck stated he h~d received an estimate of $1350.00 for purchase
and installation of two ~!ashing light standards at the intersection of
Middlesez: and Marblehead Streets. No other estimates had been received.
Mr. Sutcliffe motioned an article appropriating $1400. for this. purpose be
pre2.~a~..ed for insertic~ into the Warrant for next ~. Meeting. Mr. Finneram
sec~'~ed 'the motion and the vote was unanimous. ~
The board voted work had been completed on the resurfacing of Water and Clarendon
Streets uhder Chapter 90 Naintenance program. Accordingly, the District Highway
Engineer will be 'notified the starting and completion da~s:~ of this project.
Discussion took pZ~e. on the neccessary work for the e~panston of the T. Garage
Mr. Finck stated he felt there was an alternate plan in existance to that of
Mr. Brasseur~ andssug~ested Mr. Duffy be contacted on the matter. Mr. Sutcliff. e
stated he felt it was time to advertise for bids 'if the work was to be done
this year.
Mr. Sutcliffe motioned the electric company he ~quested to conduc~ a s~u~e~
for improved street lighting in the vicinity of Green Street and Waverly ~d.
Mr.', Ftnneran seconded the motion and the vote wos~animous.
CONGRATULATI~S _- Retirement of Duck :Bri~geTender
Mr. 'Sutcliffe stated Mr. George Clark, 118 Brook field Street, Lawrecne was
retiring after 35 years ~e~v~ with the County as ~dg~-tender of the Law-
remce Duck Bridge. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned a letter of congratulations be sent~?
the County Commsioner stating app~ation for ~the courteous service rendered
byMr. Clark, and that a copy of this letter be sent toMr. Clark. Mr. Finneran
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
C~LAINT- Lawrence Gas Company
Mr. Satcliffe stated he hm~cmi~ed~seve=a~omDt~alnt~n the condition of Elm Street
between Water and ,High Streets after a gas company excavation and motioned a letter
be sent to the cempany requesting the road be restored to a satisfactory con-
dition. Mr. Finneranseconded the motion and the vote ~ms unanimous.
CC~PLAINT - Boston and Maine Railroad
Mr. Finneran mentioned the ~rnde crossing condition and motioned a letter
be sent the Naintenancedt~rlsion~n ~ the Boston and Maine Railroad requestigg
the crossing he repaired. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion and the vote was
unanimous. =
August 24, 1959 - continued:
Mr,.. Finneran noted~o~,hearin~,.Had-~o~n~.~,~A,.~ ~+~ .............
~ ~ons~c~on ~ for sto~' ~ ~'~ ~.~,' ~, -,--;Y -~
A~ort ~nd motioned s he~ng be held S~t~ber ~, 1959 at 7:30 P.M.
~, ~tcliffe s~d he was not inerested in setting a being date ~til
~ch time as ~e La~ence Albert Co~ission co, lies ~th bo~d re~ests
~ meet with the Selec~emt to discuss ~e relocation of ~k S~eet ~d
~e ~ field. ~. Finner~ stated to set a ~ng ~ld be no~ pro-
cede on ~y ~ application ~d ~e p~s ~d cone of ~e si~ation c~
be a~ed at ~at time. He added his fee~ng ~at ~e petitioner h~ cert~n
~ts ~d his ~plication sh~ld be he~d. ~. ~nck stated his agreement
' ~ ~. ~tc~fe ~d added it is up to ~e app~c~t to take this m att~
up ~ the A~ort C~is~on. Also ~at if ~e c~Ission ~ts ~ ex-
tension of ~e ~ort ~y, it sh~d cooperate ~ ~e contractor. ~.
~er~ motion did no~ c~.
B~RD OF HEALTH - Lacey Complaint
Mrs. Boudrean , news repo~ter, inquired if the~ board had received sm reply
from the Board of Health in regard to Mr. Lackey complaint of u~healthy ordors
emanating from the Sutton Mill dyehouse. Chairman stated the board had re-
ceived a reply but that he did not feel the letter ~as fit forpprint or even
fit to come before the board. Mr. PLuck then read the letter. Mr. Sutcliffe s~
stated the board had complied with Mr. Lacey's request in referring the mattmr
to the Board of Health.
Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe, seconded b~ Mr. Finneran and voted unanimous,
this meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
September 14, 1959
The Board of Selectmen met on this 'date with aL1 members present and Chairman
Ralph E. Finck presiding. The meeting ~ms called to order by the chairman
at 7:30 P.M.
Mr. Ralph Civitarese, part owner of the Ralph Richard Construction Co. 'of
Dadhem, and Mr. M. J. Aucoin, company superintendent of the local project
appeared before the Selectmen with a second application for the storage of
2000 gallons of gasoline in underground tanks .at the Lawrence Municipal
Airport. Mr. Aucoin requested tbs board set mpa hearing on the~ applica~ion~
Chairman Finck stated the problem is with the city of Lawrence in connect-
ion with the well field and that Lawrence, should not have granted the con-
tract until the problem had been solved. Mr. Finck added it is his personal..
Seeling no action should be taken until the problem is solved. Mr. Civitarese
stated he had been'awarded the contrac~ to do the work regardless of the feel-
ings between the city and town and refusal to grant him a hearing in order
to obtain a license to store fuel was costing his company considerable more
than planned as they now have to haul the Eael by truck. He added there ~was
also a time limit involved. Mr. Finck asked if the contractor didn't have'
rights ov~r ~the City of Lawrence. Mr. Civitarese replied the company had no
right to sue'the city on a matter'of this nature. Mr. Sutcliffe stated he
agrees with the chairman~ and feels sorry for the cuntractor who is suffer-
ing hardship'due to the fallacies of the airport commission. Mr. Sutcliffe
stated he had received many complaints on the condition of Clark Street as
a result of work being done by the con~ractor and added the airport commission
had promised to do nothing untiI Clark Stree~ had been relocated. The con-
tractor stated his feelings are in sympathy with the To~,n in this matter. Mr.
Finck stated the positiomoof the Town was made clear to the City of Lawrence
and there will be no action on his part until a decision is made on the well
field. Mr. Ctvitarese requested his application be heard, that at the time of
the hearing these matters can be discussed. He stated his feeling that every
citizen is due a hearing and added the 2own is benefiting financially with his
work crew in town~ banks, reataurants, service stations, etc. and that if he
withdraws his interests town business will also stand to lose. The contracmor
asserted he is being hurt as an innocent bystander due to an argument between
the City of Lawrence and the North Andover Board of Selectmen. Mr. Sutcliffe
advised Mr. Civitares~ to confer with the airport commission adding that a
hearing would be a waste of time. The con~ractor asked if he was being refused a
hearing. Mr. Finck answered, "Simply no action." ~Mr. Sutcliffe stated the
board is awaiting airport commission action. Mr. Finck stated the discussion
is closed.