HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-09-28September 28, 1959
The Board of Selectmen met on this date with all members presemt and Chairman
Ralph E. Finck Presiding. The meeting was called to order at ?:30 P.M.
Edmund J. Bielawski of 361 Middlesex Street, North Andover, appeared before the
board in the interest of his first application for a firearms license. Upon
motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimous, license
was granted.
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and vo~ed unanimous,
permission was granted the New Fmgland Tel. & Tel. Co. and Merrimack-Essex
Electric Company to locate i pole on Turnpike Street 23 South of Boston Rd.
STOP SIGNS - Beverly Street
Chairman Finck read letter from the Department of Public Works warranting
the installation of Stop Signs at Middlesex Street on Beverly Street.
Chairman Finck recommended the board adopt the amendment by vote and ad-
vertise the amendment as set forth in the letter. Mr. Sutcliffe made this
a motion seconded by Kr. Finneran and the vote was unanimous.
STREET LIGHTING - Greene St., Stonington St. & Maple Ave.
Chairman Finck read Merrimack-Essex ELectric Company recommendations for
improved street lighting at the intersection of Stoning~on St. and Maple
Avenue and on Greene Street. ~h-. Finne~an motioned the recommendations
be adopted by the board. Mr. Sutc!iffe added to the motion stating Mr.
Connors, Tree Warden, be advised to trim the trees around the strett
lights as reco~,,,ended. Mr. Finneran seconded the amended motion and the
vote wes unanimous.
Chairman Finck read recommendation for improved street lighting in the
vicinity of 200~OsgOod~St.. ~r. Sutcliffe motioned recommendation be
adopted. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
M~RIN0 HOUSE - To~m Counsel
~hairman Finck read letter from Town Counsel advising the board on the
two courses of action that can be taken by the Town in respect to Mr.
Marino's direct violation of the Building Law and the Zoning By-Law. Chairman
Finck co,~,,ented the Town Counsel had set out two possible courses of
actionjbut that the setting up of a fine was strictly up to the Selectmen.
Mr. Sutcliffe stated he felt the board should set a fine tonight. Chairman
Finck stated the course of action shoed be determined first. Atty. Willis,
representing his client Mr. Marino, stated the basic problem for all concern-
ed is to gain relief for both parties, the Town and Mr. Marino. He added
he is uns~.~athetic with his client in so far as the violation is concerned
and suggested either a per day fee or a per week fee since the violation
occurred. Mr. Willis explained the case' as an adjustment matter with a
compromise to be met. Chairman Finck suggested the board adopt To~m ~"ounsel
advise relative to Civil proceedings, Chap%er 143, Section 12. Mr. Willis
requested the board take an additional step in so far as a fine is concerned
and advise Town Counsel on both matters. Nm. Fimn~ an and ~r. Sutcliffe
showed concern against the actual removal of the building. Mr. W~llis stated
if this is the feeling of the board To~m Counsel should be so advimed. Mr;
Finneran motioned the fine be set at $1,000. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned the
fine be $1,500. Mr. Finck seconded Mr. Sutcliffe's motion and the vote was
PROCLAMATION - Employ the Handicapped Week
Chairman Finck read the proclamation on Employ the Physically Handicapped
Week for 1959, submitted by the Division of Employment Security, Lawrence
in honor of this designated week of October h through 10, 1959. Mr. Sutcliffe
motioned the proclamation be adopted. The motion was seconded by Mr. Finneram
and the vote was unanimous.
DEPA~R~M~NT OF PUBLIC WORKS - Memorandum of Agreement
In consideration of Agreement between the Town and State for work on Dale
Street, I,~r. Finneran motioned the board sign the agreement in duplicate as
requested. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
Mr. Ftnneran motioned a letter be sent the D.P.W. requesting an extension
of the work on Dale Street under tho present contracted prices ~o use up
the haL%rice of this y~ar's allotment. Mr. Fiuneram referred to a ledge
along the present segment of road and that the contour of the road could
be changed to avoid the ledge and motioned the D.P.W. be advised that the
board approves this change in the layout if desirable to the con%fac%or
and State. Mr. Sutcliffe seconded beth motions and the vote was unanimous.
C~LAINT - Heavy Trucking
Chairman Flnck referred to a complaint of heavy trucking on Main Street and
suggested the local trucking industries be con~acted and asked ~o meet with
the board to see if an altername .route could be used. Mr. Finck stated
the majority of trucking wns from Hemingway Bros. and J. Stevens Co. Mr.
Sutcliffe motioned the Traffic Managers of Hemingway Bros and J. p. Stevens
Co. be invited to next meeting of the board at 8:00 P.M. Mr. Finneran
seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
SETTLEMENT - Broughton vs Town of North Andover
Atty. Harold Morley, Jr. appeared before the board to explain the case of
Broughton vs the Town of North Andover for which he was retained as Counsel
for the Town. He stated an agreement had been reached and that under the
terms of settlement no money was to be paid by the Town and no work vms to
be done by the Town. He stated $1,000 was to be paid Mr. Broughton by the
electric company. He added he felt the Town was quite fortunate in this
matter and advised the board a blocked drainage ditch causing property
damage is subject to considerable expense.
AIRPORT ENGINEER Drainage ~ Mr. Mathews
Mr. Paley, Chief ~gineer for the Airport Cormission, and Mr. & Mrs. Mathewe
of 288 Sutton Street appeared before the board mo discuss airportp!ans' on
drainage and reasons for certain land takings. Chairman Flnck explained
the residents of' the area and the Town have a Joint interes~ in the'matter.
Mr. Paley stated contractors and engineers cannot see what has been done ~o
disturb the terrain to give any residents in the area additional surface
water drainage in the area. Mr. Paley added there is con~rolled underground
drainage which flows toward the river. That the commission has a specific
interest in keeping the drainage away from Sutton Street due to numerous
previous complaints. Chairman Finck asked to see the plans. Mr. Paley
mentioned the plans were delivered to this office several months ago. Mr.
Fihck stated the footage area being taken by the airpor~ commission
for La~rence may create additional drainage problems. Mr. Pa!ey stated the
requirements are that land must be taken 750 feet each side of the runway
plus any proper~ty that may be an obstruction. He added there is no obstruc~-
ion on the Nathews property. Mr. Paley stated individuals may take easement
back from the city for grass or garden porposes but no strucmure.Mr. Mathews
referred to an area where trees were cut and questioned the possibility of
more wa~er draining into his area. Mr. Pa!ey stated the grade of this land
runs away from Sutton Street and showed the area on his plan. ~r. Pa!ey
advised Mr. Mathewe to see his engineers on the Job for actual on the scene
information. Mr. & Mrs. Mathews thanked the board and Mr. Paley for their
time and departed. Mr. Sutcliffe asked if anything was being done about
Clark Street. Mr. Paley answered the contractor promised to do s better Job
of clearing in the future. N~. Paley stated New Clark Street could be started
tomorrow if the Board of Selectmen went it. Mr. Finck commen~ed the City of
Lawrence had le~ the contract without consideration of the Town of North
Andovar and added the board is awaiting their decision on the well field.
Mr. Pale~asked if the board is satisfied with the position of new Clark St.
Chairman Finck answered the topography of Clark St. is up ~o the Planning
Board. Mr. Paley was thanked for attending this meeting of the board.~
Mr. Alsdon Arold, 30 Putnam Road, introduced himself to the board as s
resident of North Andover and employee of Bolta Products. He stated he is
proud of the airport and wants to see it developed but all he hears is how
the NOrth. Andover Board of Selectmen is holding up the development and
requested an explanation. Chairman Finck explained the situation in ref-
erence to Clark Street and the well field and stated that Town ~fficials
would like to see the problems resolved once and for all. He added the
well field area is of no value to the City of I~wrence but the City will
make no decision on the matter. He also ~xplained the Planning Board is
the authority on requirements concerning the relocation of Clark Street.
Mr. Arold stated the situation sounds as if a game is being played between
the city and town. Chairman Finck s~ated there is also the zoning of the
land involved~ that much of the land the city is taking is land the ~own has
set aside for industrial purposes. Mr. ~rold stated he doesnt have too much
sympathy for residents of the area who are complaining es they knew the
airport was there when they moved into the area. Ne suggested the papers
print the Town side of the s~ory and not let the Town look like farmers.
There was a discussion of newspaper coverage on the ma~ter. Mr. Arold thanked
the board for their explanation and time.
This meeting adjourned at 10:30 P.M.