HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-10-05October 5, 1959 The Board. of Selectmen met on this date with all members presen~ and Chairmen Finck presiding. The mee~ingw~s called to order a~ 7:30 P.M. At 7:20 P.M., prior to the opening of the meeting, Town Clerk John J. Lyons appeared before Mr~ Sutcliffe, the only member present, and requested the drawing of a Juror for Salem Superior Court, Civil business, November 2 sitting, taka place at this time since he had an emergency call to be at the Coast Guard Reserve Quarters at ?:30 P.M. Mr. Sutcliffe esked if it wes alright to handle it this way and was assured by John Lyons that it had been done on many occasions before and that the secretary td the board coUld be a witness. Mr. Nathaniel Archer, 10 E1 m Street, a Clerk for the Davis & Furber Machine Co., was drawn. - .... During the meeting when this part of the agenda was considered, Mr. Finck questioned the legality of the drawing and suggested approval be withheld as he did not think it was legal to draw a Juror without the fl:ll board being present. Mr. Finneran stated the circumstances were satisfactory to him. Mr. Sutcliffe stated he could see nothing wrong with the situation adding he did not feel he could make a motion for approval as he was the person responsible for the action. Mr. Finck called for a motion to set aside the selection until such time as he determined the validity of the action. Mr. Finneran stated he was sat- isfied with 'the selection. The Juror drawn woe accepted with ~,Lr. Finck opposed and concerned over the legality of the action. REAR~NGS: Aboveground storage of Aviation Gas A hearing was held atthis time on applications by Northeast Airlines for above groUnd storage of 1800 gallons of Aviation gasoline at the Lawrence Airport, Zimny's Flying Service, Inc. for 3890 g~ts of same at same location, and Four Star Aviation, Inc. for 1400 gallons of same at same location. Mr. and Mr. Mathew~sof 288 Sutton Street, abuttors to the Airport, were present. Mr. Mathews questioned the danger of such storage. Chairman Finck stated the applications were approved by the Fire Chief and would not have his approval if there was danger involved. Mr. Mathews asked if the amounts were not excessive fo~ aboveground storage. Mr. Finck explained the fuel w~s in tank trnckswhichwere used to ~ryfuel to the planes from the underground storage tanks. Mr~ Mathew~ asked how incenvenient would it be to the companies if the license was not granted. The Chairman replied he would assume there would be some inconvenience. Mr. &Mrs. Mathews stated the safety engle was their prime concern and thanked the board for their time. Ym. Finneran motioned the applications be granted. Mr. Sut- cliffe seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. INViTAT!O~ - Frank~!in School Auditoriu~ ~hair~an Finck..read invitation from the School Building C6mmittee to attend the dedication of the Franklin School auditorium in memory of former Superintendent of Schools Francis J. O'Brien, on October 8'~'at 9:15 P.M. ~r. Finneran motioned the board make every effort to attendl Mr. Sutcliffe seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIO WORKS- Stop Signs Chairman Finck read letter from the Department of Public Works which stated board request for a survey of traffic conditions at the intersection of Peters & Andover Streets and Chiekering Road had been referred tothe District Office for report. In reference to other surveys for stop signs in Town, Nr. Sutcliffe suggest- ed Mr. Brasseurbe called and reminded of the plans requested by the board. DEP~d~T OF PUBLIC WORES - Amendment to Traffic Rules &~rders Chairme~ Finck suggested the copies of the new amendment to the Traffic Rules and O~ders requiring the signatures of the board and attest of the To~,n Clerk be delayed umtil the Town Clerk arrived to witness the signatures. LA~ENCE GAS CC~ANY Upon motion of Mr. Finneran seconded by M~. Sutcliffe and voted unanimously, requests by the Lawrence Gas Company to excavate on Prescott Street and on Johnson Street to install gas services ware granted. IN~TTATEON - American Legion Joint Installation Chairman Finck read invitations from the ~mericen Legion Post 219 end Aux- iliary toattend their Jo"~nt instzllation of officers on October 12 at 8:00 P.M., American Legion Home. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned the board make every effort to attend. Mr. Finneran seconded the motion and the vote was unan. October 5, 1959 - continued: 497 BLUE-CRCSS BLUE-SHIELD - Waiver The board recieved notice fro~ Blue-Cress Blue-Shield that due to Town employees having a high participation and an acceptable loss ratio, the deferred credits waiting period for ell who are now or who become members of the group on and after October 1, 1959. CIVIL SERVICE - Police Sgt. Exam Chairman Finck read letter from Civil Service in replyto board reques~ that an examination for promotion to Sgt. in the N.A. PoliceDepartment be held in the near future. Letter inquired as to whether or not a vacancy exists in the department at present. Chairman Finck stated Civil Servicers advised by telephone that unless a vacancy exists or one is definitaly anticipated an examination cannot be held. Mr. Fimck added he feels that in the event of a vacancy a list should be available and it is highly probable a vecancywill occur in the near future. That the Chief is interested in a complete complement of personnel. Mr. ~inneran inquired whether the board of selectmen or the Chief of Police instituted the original request for an exam, and if the Chief shouldn't put his reasons in writing along ~ith a substantiating letter from the board. ~. Sutcliffe stated he did not feel this would be necessary. ~. Finck stated Mr. Finneran's suggestion not necessary but would do'no harm. Mr. Finneran motioned the Chief be requested to forward his reasons for holding a Sgt's. exam in writing to this board to be incorporated with a board lmtter to Civil Service. Mr. Sutcliffe read previous letter from the board to Civil Service and stated in view of substance of~the letter he could not see where reasons from the Chief arenecessary. Mr. Sutcliffe suggested the~aituation bemxp!ained as an anticipated retirement and that a list be made available as soon as possible. He then made this a motion which was seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimously. INVITATION - Little League Banquet .. Chairman Finck read invitation to attend the Little League Banquet on Oct. 14, 1959 at the North Andover High School, which issponsored by the N.A/ Boosters Club. Mr. Sutcliffe motioned the chairman of the board attend this function. Mx. Finneran seconded the motion and Chairman Finck stated L he w~uld attend with pleasure. DALE STREET REQUEST - Martin Smolak ~. Finck read letter from Mr. Martin Smolak of 315 So. Bradford Street requesting the balance stone wal/s along his proper~y on Dele Street be replaced ~ith stock wire fence in connection with the present contract for Chapter 90 work on Dale Street. Chairman Finck mentioned the request woul~ be less expensive than restoring the stone wall and suggested Mr. '.Smolak's letter be forwarded to the Department of PublicWorkswith a recommendation of favorable actionfrom the board. Mr. Finneran made this a motion which was seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimous. ~NEETING - Traffic Mgrs. Stevens & Hemingway Mr. Edward Eaton of Hemingway Bros.'Transp. Co..and Mr. Edward McCabe of ~J. P. Stevens Co. met with the board to discuss the possibility of using an alternate rou~e to Main Street for their heavy trucks. Chairman Finck explained that residents along Main Street between Chickering Road and Elm Street have complained that they are considerably disturbed at times by the noises emanating from large trucks along ~his route. Mr. McCabe gave the chairman a graph showing the number of Stevens trucks using this rOute and stated most trucking done at night. ~ir. Eaton stated there is no backfiring from deise! trucks due to their special ignition system. Mr. McCabe stated his company trucks use the shortest route ~othe high- way, Elm Street to Main Street to the highway. He explained this traveled way was in the most suitable condition for their40' trucks. Other routes had narrow streets and considerabl~ more children. Chairman Finck stated his effort is to alleviate the problem if possible and determine whether or not a disturbance exists. Mr. Finck asked if the other board members had anything to say. Mr. Finneran stated he was satisfied with the repor~ of the gentlemen present. Mr. Sutcliffe inquired of the chairman as to the area of the complaint. The Chairman answered on Main Street near the N.A. High School. Mr. Eaton and ~r. McCabe were thanked for appearing before the board this evening to discuss this matter. FIRE DEPARTMENT - Chief Daw Fire Chief Jim Daw appeared before the board to discuss the steps to be taken to eliminate the' Board of Fire Engineers. He explained the depart- ment now operate~ under the provisions of Chapter 48, Section 45, with a Board of Fire Engineers and would like to see the departmnet placed under Chapter 48, Sections 42, 43 and 44. He suggested this be done so that Call men will not be giving orders to the regulars, pointing ou~ there are more regulars on the department now than cell men. Chairman Finck