HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959-10-19October 19, 1959 - continued:
property on Dale Street. Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe seconded by Mr.
Finneran and voted unanimous!y, the letter was referred to the Department
of Public l,~orks along with board recommendation of favorable action.
Chairman Finck read letter from the Department of Public Works along
with copy ofD.P.~L letter to Representative Giles relative to board
request that Osgeod Street be widened from the ~estern Electric Plant
to Sutton Street. Commissioner DiNatale stated once Interstate Rte.h95
and the 125 Connector was constructed, much of the traffic along this
segment of highway would be alleviated. Mr. Finneran motioned a copy of
the letter be forwarded to ~.Yestern Electric for their ir~ormation and con-
sideration. ~. Sutcllffe seconded the mo~ion and the vote was unanimous.
Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe seconded by Mr. Ftnneran and voted unanimous,
the board signed the form submitted by the Secretary of State for certif-
ication of charanter of Fesenden ~ilder of Brooks School who, among others,
has made application for incorporation under n~me of Independent School
Board, Inc.
STREET LIGHT R~U~T - Congressman Lane
Chairman Finck read letter from Congressman Thomas J. Lane requesting a street
light be installed at 680 Great Pond Road, residence of Mr. Pb.i!ip Garnick.
Mr. Finck recommended the electric company be requested to conduct a sur~ey
for improved street lighting an~ that Congressman Lane be so-informed. Mr.
Finneran made this a motion, seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and vote~ unanimously.
Upon motion of ],~. Finneran seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimously
a hearing was set for November 2, 1959, at 7:30 P.M. on the petition by
Merrlmack-EssexElectric Co. ar~ New England Tel. & Tel. ~ Co. for the
placement of i pole on Osgood Street.
Upon motion of Mr. Sutcliffe seconded by Mr. Finneran and voted unanimously
La;,ence Gas Company requests to excavate on Sutton Street and Moody St.
for the installation of gas services was gramted with the pro~isisn that
the roadway be restored to its present condition.
Chairmau Finck read memo from local Director of Clvil Defense Dewey ~.
I~ concerning the possibility of equiping all key vehicles of the Public
Works and H~ghway Departments with two-way radio on s separate system.
Ym. Finck suggested the Tree Department be included in this plan. Mr.
Sutcliffe suggested the High,my Department also be included as it is the
only department without a two-way radio system. ChairmanFinck stated
The letter applies mo all dep~rtments except tree and that the Tree DepOt.
should be considered as it is a key department.
Survey Questionaire - Police Departments
Upon motion of Mr. Finneran, seconded by Mr. Sutcliffe and voted unanimously,
a 'survey questionaire on Police Departments from the Town of North Borough
was referred to Cheif Lawlor for completion.
~LEGAL ~.CTION - Marine Violation
Chairman Finck read letter from Atty. krnold H. Salisbury, Town Council
stating he had filed a Petition In Equity wuth the Clerk of Essex Superior
Court and will discontinue ~the suit only if Mr. Marine is given e variance
by the Boerd of Appeals, and if Mr. Marine pays $15~ into the Town Treasury.
copy of ~etition In Equity was attached. This information and material was ac-
cepted by the b~ard.
~on the sudden death of Sgt. Richard F. Hilton, on October 15, 1959, the
board voted to express their sympathy to sg$. Hilton's family at their time
of beresment and in addition commenting on the many yea~s of commendable
service rendered the community by Sgt. Hilton as a hereby respected Police
Officer in the North Andover Police Department. Sgt Hilton ~es a credit to the
Department and will be sadly missed by all who have known him and worked
him. Sergeant Hilton was appointed a patrolman in 1926 and a Sergant in 1937.
CIVIL SERVICE i Sgt's Examination
~. Sutcliffe motioned Civil Servicee be advised of the death of Sgt. Hilton
and requested ~o set up an ex~ination for the promotion to ~$~, as soon as
possible. Chairman Finck stated the r~quisition was sent in la~tFriday and
that he had spoken to Civil Service and had been assured the mat%er will be -
October 19, 1959 - continued
treated as an emergency, and that the examination will take place some
time in December.
Upon suggestion of~m. Sutc!iffe, next Monday evening at ~:O0mP.M. was
set up as a date for a demonstration of the Hunter P~oto Copy Machine.
Street Light Request - ~sgood Street
Mr. Finneran suggested the electric company be requested to contact Mra.
Copola, Osgood Street on re~u!o~ation of a St. light. Mr. Finck advised the
cOmpany also be reouested t~ contactMr John Roche, Osgood Street, on the re-
placement of a Street Light at his residence.
Mr. Sutcliffe suggested Mr. Brasseurbe contacted on plans requested by the
board in connection with the proposed installation of stop signs at Waverlya
and Greene Streets and Main, Davis , andMiddlesex Streets and Crs. of And~ve=
, Peters. Street amd C~hickering Road.
TG~N GARAGE -Mr. Brasseur
Mr. Ralph Brasseur, Engineer, appeared before the board to request information
on the amount of Money to be spemt on the Improvement of the T. Garage. Mr. Finck
advised ~ere remainad$5000, in .the appropriation for this expenditure. Mr. Finneran'?
reminded ~. Brasseur to indlude drainage facilities in the plans. Mr. Brasssur
,when questioned by Mr. Sutcliffe, assured the board that plans for above mention=
ed locations ~uldbe available to the boardwithin a week.
Mr. Connors appeared before the board with a bill for cost of repairs , Power
Lines , to a home,damege~ when ~emoving an Elm Tree afflicted with Dutch Elm
Disease. He exPlained thc nature of the damage~ ~required immediate repair.
Mr. Sutcliffe motioned th~ bill be paid from Contingent Fund , MrFinneran
seconded the motion'and the vote was unanimous. ~. Connors mentioned another such
bill for damage to awindow in the home of Mr~. Brett on ~mdover Street would be
forthcoming. The Board agreed such incidents were inavoidable.
N~TNEN~J°~Br-~CT~DRKS.M.Trsffic Sigh_ss
~. Finneran suggested the D.P.W. be requested to install a "Signals Ahead"
sig~., on ~averly Road near residence of l~rs. Nary Kerwin 275 Waverly Road .';.,:.:.
~Meeti~.g Adjourned 8:30 P.M.
.M.) ''