HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-09-28 Board of Selectmen MinutesSEPTEMBER 28 1970. ~ ~ ~
The regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on this date with two members
Selectman Arthur P. Kirk with Chairman Finneran presiding. Mr. Duffy, Jr. was absent be-
cause of other committments. The warrant was approved as submitted.
Four petitions to excavate for installation of gas services were approved by the Board:~
ll90 Salem St., Brentwood Circle, Great Oak Road, Sutton Hill Road.
Amemo was received on Chapter 90 maintenance work completed from the DPW.
Donald J. Leonard, member of theBoard of Appeals, sent his resignation from that Board ~dth
regret. He is being transferred by Bell Lab to a Western State. The Board accepted his
resignation and voted to have a letter of thanks and appreciation sent to Mr. Leonard for
his services on the Board. The appointment to fill the vacancy on the Appeals Board wil]
be considered on October 19th, when a full Beard is present.
A letter from Town Counsel advised the Board that the newly agreed boundary line between
City of Lawrence and HorthAndoverhas not as yet been acknowledged as existing owing to
some inexplicable delay by the Department of Public Works in giving final approVal to the
plan, agreed upon by the Board and the City of Lawrence, showing the proposed new line.
He stated that the new line will eventually be formerly established, but since the legis-
lature is not presently in session, this will ~rylikely not be accomplished until January
of 1971. In the meantime, the old boundary lines still exist, and it is these~aichMr.
Nicolosi wants to check over wi~+~he Board on October 14. The Board voted to send a
of acceptance of the October 14 o Santo Nmcolosi to perambulate the old boundary linesl
The Board authorized Chairman Finneran to represent them on this perambulation.
Letter of protest from the Avon Board of Selectmen re the roster of speakers chosenCf6r
the State-wide town meeting ac all being one political party.
State Emergency Board permission for town to borrow $36,500.00 for construction of sewers.
Housing &Urban Development Acto of 1968 re flood insurance, to be posted on bulletin board
I~ reply to the complaints of North Andover residents re noise of training piano, Mr.
K~rkman sent copy of !4angers Curfew he sent to all Airport Managers, Fixed Base Operators
and Flight Schools which stated: "A curfe¥ on all studer~'pilots flight and touch and gas
has been put in effect at the Lawrence Munmcipal Airport between the Hours of 9:00 P.M. and
8:00 A.M. e~fective September 23, 1970. The Board voted to send a copy of the notice to
the main complainants, Mr. Keisling and Mrs. McMann.
' ~Selectmen Kirk and Finneran met with the Boxford Selectmen on September 26, 1970 and per-
ambulated ll bounds. After the Boxford Selectmen had departed, Mr. Kirk and Mr. Finneran,
exploring a little further, came upon a bound that evidently had never been perambulated
or marked since placed there when North Andover was a part of Andover. The bound was mark-
ed with a~ "B" and "A." Chairman Finneran painted the year 1970 on the bound to indicate
its final discovery.
A report from Chief Lawlor advised the Board that Mr. Crawford is going to remove one j~nk
car from his property. He also stated that he has tol~ Mr. Crawford that if any future
parking of cars or trucks on his side of the street occurs, he will be issued a court order.
Aletter from Building Inspector, Charles H.Foster, Jr., advised the Board that he had been
with contact once more with Mr. Crawford, in person and by letter, a copy which was
closed with a copy O~ letter sent to Town Counsel requesting advice on the several complaint
on Crawford-Curtis. Mr. Foster stated that further actionwill be taken upon receipt of a
~,~ug from Town Counsel regarding operations at 254 Middlesex Street. The Board voted to
have copies of t~e BuildingInspect0r's and Chief Lawlor's letters sent to the complainants.
A letter from Chief Lawlor advised the Board that a satisfactory solution had been arrived
at after a conference with School Committeeman McEvoy.
A letter from Chief Lawlor stated that parking.a trsiler on Main Street, across from the
T own ~uilding, three or four weeks before the November 3 election, would result in two
violations of the Traffic Rules and Regulations of the Town .... 2-hour parking ban and
the display of posters and signs. He recommended that the Committee lease the empty space
available in the former "Mod"shop located at the corner of WaverlyRd. and Main Streets.
The Board requested that a copy of the Chief's letter be sent to J. Vaillancourt, Secretary
of the Democratic Committee, who had made the request.
The Community Center sent a letter to the Board stating, that if the Board had no objection
they would auction off the remaining desks and chairs at their auction on Friday night,
October 16, benefit of the Community Center. (continued)
Selectman Kirk stated that since~the Board had advertised the sales of the desks
and chairs, twice, without too much success~ he would make a motion to ~present said desks
and chairs as a gift to the Community Center. Chairman Finneran seconded the motion and
directed they be so notified.
A letter from Town Counsel advised the Board it was in order~to award the contract for
hot-topping the town yard to Merrimack Pa~lng Company, the only bidder. The Board has a
right to negotiate on any bid. (The company had originally sent in a figure that was $50.
over the appropriation amount. Upon being advised of this, Merrimack Paving submitted a
figure, $50.00 less than the original, stating they would paved the yard for this amoun~
if it could be dons this year.) The Board voted to award the contract, as submitted the
second time and directed that Town Clerk be ac advised and ko take charge of the matter.
At 7:30 p.m. the Licensing Board, comprising of Mr. Kirk and Mr. Finneran, took up the
matter of reconsideration of their former vo~e on the petition of Merrimack College for
a Special Wine & Malt beverage license. Although the Board waited, no representative from
the College showed up. Selec~n Finneran made a motion ~that the application be denied
which was seconded by Selectman Kirk. Ten minutes after the hearing was scheduleg~ Atty.
Brown, from Merrimack College, made an appearance. Chairman Kirk advised him that the
matter had been taken up on the time it was scheduled, that the application had been
unanimously denied. Mr. Kirk also asked A~ty.Brown if he had anything to discuss, or any
questions he wan~ed answered; that the Licensing Board would reopen the hearing for his
convenience. Atty. Brown stated that everything that he had to state was contained in
his original petition and that he hadmthing further to add. Mr. Duffy,~Jr.~ who haS/
voted for theopetition a~ the first hea_~ing was not present on this ~iate-· ~.\~ ~ ~
Alice M. Letarte, Secretary *~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~, ~.~.~lerk
OCTOBEE 19, 1970
The Board of Selectmen held their regular meeting on this~elth all member s present,
Selectmen Dully, Jr., Esq., Arthur P. Kirk with Chairman Finneren presiding. The ~arrant
and minutes were approved as submitted.
No bids were received for a Highway Dept. obsolete road roller and upon motion of Er.
D~ffy, Jr., the Board voted to have the Highway Surveyor dispose of it to ar~ junk
dealer making the highest offer.
Charles W. Annis, Walker ~i., a Supervisor, was drawn for the November 2 sitting at Salem.
Daniel H. Thoren, 1 Elm Street, Engineer, was drawn for the November 2 sitting at Lawrence.
Hearings were set for November 2, 1970, at 7:30 p.m. on two petitions from Mass. Electric
Go. and New England Tel. & Tel. ¢o. ~o inetall underground conduits on Hillside, Rd.
Abutters will be notified,
Board were notified by J. Berkover, DI~/., that 1850 cubic yards of excess fill
be available to the Town when the Salem Street reconstruction begins. The Board voted to
a letter that the town can use the fill and would pay for the transportation distance,
excess of one mile, of the surplus, excavated material. The Board expressly would like
the fill for the town's disposal site...proposed cost for 5 miles...hO cents per yard...
5 yards' per truck, resulting in approximately $2.00 per load. The DPW wil] be So notified.
A letter was received from North American Communication Systems, Inc. requesting a meeting
. with the Board to discuss the installation of Cable TV in North Andover. The Board voted
to table the matter for further discussion.
A letter from Trembly Notor Coach Service requested permission to paint bus stop indications
on the utility poles in the town of North Andover. Mr. Thomas Leavitt, present at the meet-
ing as a Town Charter Study Committee member, stated that he objected to ar~ morea's", gns being
displayed in the Town. At the motion of Er. Dully, Jr., the Board voted to have Secretary
write a letter requesting Mr. Trembly to advise Board where and how the poles would be painted.
The matter, was tabled until, recipt of said letter.
A letter from Chairman George FArley requested date and time for the two Boards to meet and
conduct necessary perambulation of the Middleton-North. Andover bounds. The Board voted to
meet with Niddleton on October 31, 1970, at 9:00 A.M., at the Three Pines, if convenient with
the Middleton Selectmen.
Chairman William A. Finnsran notified the Board that he and Mr. Kirk had perambulated the
on October 1970; Mr. Finneran would perambulate Law-N.A. bounds, October 20.