HomeMy WebLinkAbout1974-07-01 Board of Selectmen MinutesThe Board of Selectmen held their regular meeting on this date with all members present;
Selectmen Joseph A. Guthrie, John F. Coady with Chairman John P. Kirk presiding. The minutes
and warrant were approved as submitted.
James Winston of Winston's Restaurant appeared before the Board to reqmest a street light in-
stallation in the area of his Restaurant on existing poles. He said he feared his patrons
would be in~ured walking across the street to parked cars as the area is very dark because of
the lack of street lights. The Board advised him that the electric company had not
any new lights since the energy crises and advised him to contact the company and state his
story. Chief Lawlor would also be a source to contact to view the area.
Selectman Guthrie advised the Beard that Naverhill and La~rence Nayors were in favor to set
up a transportation authority in the cozmmnities. Francis Trembly spoke on t~ematter and
he would like North Andover to vote for the transit authority because the transportation of
the people of the town will become the town's reponsibility. Selectman Coady stated that he
does not see the need for the town to participate at this time. Chairman Kirk will attend
a City Council meeting in the near~ .. future and he will report on the matter at the next
Francis Trembly stated that he would ta2k with Airport Manager , Thomas Davies, about air-
plane noise nuisance and the flight patterom. He would report on July 15 meeting.
Petitions to e~cavate to install gas services on Pleasant and Johnson Streets were approved.
Petition approved to relocate 3 poles on Stevens Street.
Hearing was set for July 15, 1974, at 7:30 p.m. on petition for Joint pole location on Salem
Letter from Town Counsel stated that the suggestion of John Lyons to have the town donate
$100. for a fund to be re~!med in the year 2055 ~uld be impossible for such a fund must
go through a town meeting two years prior to the town's celebration of their 20Otb ansiver-
sary. It cannot be transfe~-~d from any existing i~,~ ~ Selectman Coady suggested or stated
he is quite sure the Town Clerk could find 100 ~own citizens w~q~ug to donate a $1.00 to
create the fund suggested. Selectmen Joseph A. Guthrie, John F. Coady, John P. Kirk and
the Board's Secretary, Alice M. Letarte, donated $1.00 each to start the fund off and gave
the money to John Lyons to complete the fund.
~ ~zI'ATION:
The Board of Selectmen, Tree Warden, Leo Lafond, Highway Surveyor, Wi]Tiara Cyr and Charles
Wilcox were invited by the Historical commission to attend the dedication of the Wilcox
Blacksmith Shop site on Thursday, July 4, 1974, at 4:30 p.m. prior to the anrmual Chicken Bar-
B-Qus on the Greeen which started at 5 p.m.
A citizen of the Sutton Street area appeared before the Board to '..'.protest the No Parking
inst~ed on Sutton Street. Selectman Coady will. contact Chief Lawlor and report on the
matter, July 15, 1974.
Selectman Guthrie stated that he had received several c=~ls from senior citizens who cannot
get to the hospital of doctor's offices. He requested the Chairman to contact the Council
For the Aging for a meeting at the end of the summer to discuss a program that wou~d provide
a mini-bus service for Senior Citizens.
Selectman G~thrie reported to the Board that the required letter from the Conservation
had been received and a letter sent to the Director of the Hight of Way B~reau, DPW., in
Boston..certified..which should expedited the inst~ql~tion of the overhead pass for the new
High School.
A coz~non vict~-I er license was approved for the Stevens Pond Concession in the name of
Amiz .... -"-~ ~,/ /
Building Inspector, Charles H. Foster, Jr., submitted a report on the clearance of Junk from
the Sweeney properties. Property on Sutton Street has not been cleaned up and only a partial
fence has been erected on the North Main Street property. The Board authorized Chairman to
contact Sweeney on the matter.