HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-05-18Planning Board Meeting Minutes May Xa, 1993 Senior Center The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:15 p.m. Members Present Richard Nardella, Chairman, Joseph Mahoney, Clerk, Richard Rowen and George Perna. John Simons arrived at 7:40 p.m. John Draper was absent. Also present were Kathleen Bradley, Town Planner and Karen Nelson, Director of Planning & Community Development. Old Business Woodland Estates - Endorse Plans Ms. Bradley gave the Board an overview of Woodland Estates and suggested that the Board endorse the plans. The applicant was not present with the plans. The Board tabled the issue until the plans arrived. Upon arrival plans deemed inaccurate and not signed. Bond Releases English Circle - Bond Release Ms. Bradley read a letter from Bill Hmurciak, D.P.W., recommending that the Planning Board release all bond funds. The Planning Board, by consensus, decided to release all but $500. Street trees were planted recently and the Board felt as though some money should be retained to ensure their survival for one year. The Planning Board had the support of the tree warden. Holly Rid. e Bond Release There was release. D.P.W. no letter from Bill Hmurciak, D.P.W. recommending a The Board tabled the item until receipt of letter from Phillips Common - Tree Bond Release & Roadway Release Ms. Bradley gave a summary of her site visit with Mr. Perna, Mr. Bailey and Mr. Doucette. Some street trees planted next to catch basins, D.P.W. would like to see them moved; detention pond plantings not completed as shown on landscape plan; plantings between house # 13 and 14 not completed as shown on landscape plan, fence obstructs pathway. The Planning Board discussed these items and decided that the applicant needed to complete the following: Two trees to be replaced in Mahoney's yard, species to be approved by the tree warden The Board completed Mr. Perna 1. 2. Tree screen between house 13 and 14; species to be approved by the tree warden. Fence will be adjusted. determined that the detention pond plantings have been satisfactorily. stated that D.P.W. has always controlled street trees. Need at least four varieties of species do not plant trees near catch basins. Staff to write letter to applicant with the following information: me 2. 3. 4. clean pathway remove street trees at catch basins two trees replaced behind Mahoney plantings between house 13 and 14. The Planning Board decided by consensus to release all but $1,000 of the $7,044.71 remaining. John Simons arrived 7:40 p.m. Mr. Mahoney read a letter from Bill Hmurciak, D.P.W., recommending that the Board retain $15,000 for work remaining on the roadway. By consensus, the Board decided to release all but $15,000 of the roadway bond to cover the work remaining. Ms. Bradley to arrange "tree summit" between Planning Board, Staff and D.P.W. Public Hearings - Cont,d 232 Sutton Street - Site Plan Revie~ Update on project: Ms. Bradley and Mr. Nardella met with Anil Mehrotra and Dr. Chatterjee. Dr. Chatterjee has an agreement with the property owner next door. This would give him adequate parking and access. Staff to review their plan and meet with them at the end of the week. Mr. Simons said that this needs to be re-advertised because of the extended parcel. Mr. Nardella asked the Planning Staff to review this and advise the Board. The consensus of the Board was to order all work to stop at the site. On a motion by Mr. Simons, seconded by Mr. Rowen, the Board voted unanimously to direct staff to cease construction on Chatterjee site until the matter is settled. Waaon Wheels - Update Mr. Nardella gave the Board an update on a meeting he and Ms. Bradley had with Dana Akers at the'Lawrence Savings Bank. The Planning Board will require Wagon Wheels to come before the Board for a modification of the subdivision approval to include sidewalks and construction of the roadway connecting Old Cart Way and the Woodland Estates Subdivision. If Wagon Wheels does not come before the Board for a modification, the Board will not extend the subdivision approval. Public Hearinqs Hiokorv Hill Phase II - Subdivision Modification Mr. Mahoney read the legal notice to open the public hearing. Ms. Bradley gave the Board a history of approvals on the site. Mr. Thomas Zahoruiko, developer, presented the current plans. Mr. Perna stated that if D.P.W. were to accept road as public way, it needs to be widened to 24 feet. Mr. Simons questioned the philosophy behind the site layout. Mr. Zahoruiko stated that the plans before the Board were an attempt to work with the topography and limit erosion, cutting and filling. There was a discussion of where the roadway would be extended to 24 ft. Discussion of sidewalks versus sidewalk fund. There was a discussion on the entrance way being left at 22' and opening the street'up to 24'. This idea was not a safe one. Mr. Nardella questioned where the granite curbing would be used. Mr. Perna asked that cape cod berm be used throughout the site. Questions were raised on cape cod berm versus granite in a greater than 6% slope. The Planning Board to decide what type of curbing to be used. A waiver is needed for the length of the dead-end. There would be 3,200 ft. roadway. There was a discussion of the 2Oft conservation restriction across the back of lots along Mazurenko Farm. Mr. Simons told the developer that he may be able to play around with the location of the homes. If house makes sense to be set closer to the road, variance may be needed and supported. On a motion by Mr. Simons, seconded by Mr, Rowen, the Board voted to continue the public hearing until June 1, 1993. A site visit is scheduled for Saturday, May 22 at 8;00 a.m. Ms Simons and Mr. Rowen will visit the site, others will arrange their own visit. First Methodist Church - Site Plan Review Mr. Paul Minor, architect, and Jerry Foley, Engineer were present. Ms. Bradley gave an overview of the Technical Review Committee Meeting. The was a discussion of the parking with Mr. Bob Nicetta, Building Inspector and a discussion of the drainage with Mr. Bill Hmurciak, D.P.W. Mr. Minor discussed the existing structure and gave an overview of the planned expansion. Mr. Simons wanted to know the extension of the foot print. There was not much extension of the existing foot print. Mr. Nardella asked if there were any repairs or repainting planned. Mr. Minor's answer was "yes". Some repair and repainting was planned. The architect is planning to maintain the current lines and windows in the expansion. The average attendance is between 120 and 140, including the choir on Sunday. At least 220 parking spaces are needed. The site plan shows 110 parking spaces. Mr. Simons asked if they needed new parking spaces. Mr. Minor answered, "no", the church does not feel that it needs any new parking. Mr. Nardella question the lighting. Mr. Minor stated that there would be four light up at the steeple, three exterior lights at the entrance, facing down, on tall wooden poles, 12-14 ft. high, to delineate area of entrance. These lights would be focused down on the steps. Mr. Nardella told the applicant he needs to change the design of the lights because it looks as though the lights will project outward. The applicant to work with Staff on choice of lights. Mr. Nardella asked what the height of the spire was above the roof. The answer was 22.5 ft. Mr. Perna would prefer to have a future parking area shown on the plans, but not built, designated instead of having the applicant request a variance from the ZBA. Planning Staff to work with the applicant and Building Inspector on the number of parking spaces needed. Ms. Nelson was asked to contact the State regarding trees along Winthrop Avenue/125/133. Landscaping to be as shown on the plans. A new sprinkler system to be installed. Fire hydrants located on plans. The time-frame on construction is starting in July, continuing until January. A construction schedule is needed. On a motion by Mr. Simons, seconded by Mr. Rowen, the Board voted to continue the public hearing until June 1, 1993 and directed Ms. Bradley to draft a decision for their review. The Board would like to see additional landscaping along Route 114 and the type of building material to be used, they want it to match the existing building. Blue Ridge Road - Subdivision Modification Mr. Mahoney read the legal notice to open the public hearing. Attorney John Willis gave the Board an overview of the request for a modification of the subdivision. staff made the determination that the public hearing would be opened tonight and applicant would be given 15 minutes to discuss the issues. The proposal to be discussed more fully at the June 1, 1993 meeting. Attorney Willis stated that Form A modifications may be required, there would be no non-conforming lots, only three fewer lots. Mr. Rowen asked under what conditions would the cul-de-sac at end of Bear Hill side be temporary. The answer: It would be permanent as long as current laws protecting wetlands are in effect. One lot on South Bradford Street needs either a "pork chop lot" or a frontage variance for the lot. Robert Brudnick, 90 Blue Ridge Road, was opposed to the modification. The original proposal showed road running through. There are problems with the steepness on the road. There are problems with the water pressure in the existing houses. The cul- de-sac is like a playground for the neighborhood kids. If the roadway goes through he wanted granite curbing. An unidentified abutter would like to see the road go through. Bill Grant, Blue Ridge Road, wants to see the road go through. The drainage terminates at the corner of property for subdivision. The abutters would like to have the pavement removed from the temporary cul-de-sac and replanted and their driveways extended. Ms. Bradley to talk to Richard Boetcher regarding street name change. Staff to check if older section of Blue Ridge Road to keep the name. On a motion by Mr, Simons, seconded by Mr, Rowen, the Board voted to continue the public hearing to June 1, 1993. Bake 'N' Joy - Site Plan Review - Cont'd James Bourgeois, Engineer, was present. Caron, 22 Kathleen Drive, Andover, spokesperson. Also present was Steven as the neighborhood The applicant is proposing a 13,090 sq. ft. freezer addition. Mr. Bourgeois gave the Board a summary of the proposal. A 50 ft. extension of loading (paving) area to new loading bays into a grassy slope. There would be 40-50 ft. of trees eliminated by this proposal. No additional employees will be required. Parking - 84 spaces built, 65 used. Materials for addition will match existing structure. Mr. Rowen asked why 40-50 ft. of trees would be pulled out to get to the loading dock. Three new docks were being added for a total of 10. There would be no operations on the weekends. Current Night-time Operations: Up to 6 trucks with refrigeration loaded between 5:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. Trucks idle until departure at 5:00 a.m. 2. Night shift ends when trucks are loaded. Mr. Perna asked Mr. Bradley to check the Town Bylaw regarding idling trucks. Kathleen Drive neighbors told the Board that it has been a historic problem with the noise and vibrations. The applicant has two proposals to address the noise and vibrations issues: construct a 7' high berm topped by a wooden fence to screen project noise down Kathleen Drive. This would entail an additional 50' tree cut. (approximately) Mr. Perna asked what the distance was from the berm to the nearest house. The answer was 425 ft. Limit hours of operations because berm is tied to construction of the addition, which is not going to be constructed until next year. The applicant would agree not to run trucks at night until berm was built with option at that time to make a determination as to whether limit of operation works better. Berm to be considered as an option. Mr. Robert Ogan, Vice President of Bake 'N' Joy spoke on the hours of refrigerator units on trucks Bake 'N' Joy recently changed operation so no refrigerator units would run before 5:00 a.m. - no operation until 5:00 a.m. Mr. Nardella questioned effect on business. Mr. Ogan stated that this limitation would not have a great detriment to business. Mr. Nardella reserved comments regarding lighting and landscaping until the next meeting. Mr. Robert Cates, 16 Kathleen Drive, stated that at 5:00 a.m. horns are blowing, there is banging and slamming. Peter Schwind, 20 Kathleen Drive, stated that neighbors have been working together, berms as a permanent solution, question problems with memorializing agreement. Dorothea Bakulski, Kathleen Drive, affected by vibrations. Beth Schwind, 20 Kathleen Drive asked what happens if there is a new owner. The answer was that the requirements would be memorialized in any Planning Board decision. Steve Caron, 22 Kathleen Drive, questioned about increase in the number of trucks in the future. One of the abutters stated that there is a problem at 5:00 a.m. with windows open in the summer and the excess noise. Mr. Nardella suggested monitoring the level of noise in the early morning. Phyllis Cates, Kathleen Drive, stated that there was a lighting problem although it has improved because lights redirected down. Conservation approved with the following: add one catch basin modify existing to create swale Barbara Pulsford wanted berm to curve around site. Mr. Bourgeois said no because of the wetland edge. On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Mr. Simons the Board voted to continue the public hearing to June 1, 1993. Booth Street - Definitive Subdivision Ms. Bradley gave the Board an overview of the site visit and request to the applicant that a water connection be hooked into with Blueberry Hill. Attorney Ralph Joyce gave the Board a summary of water line costs and attempts to get an easement from Blueberry Hill. Sewer currently exists. Easement will be provided to "down street" users. Mr. Rowen stated that it was unfair to require two land owners to bear burden of cost. Mr. Hmurciak commented on the neighborhood circumstances has ignored water requirements. The easement from Blueberry Hill property owner would cost apProximately $26,000 per lot. The applicant has not finished estimates and negotiations with landowner on Blueberry Hill for cost of easement for water line. Ail three alternatives would add $23,000 to $26,000 to each lot. Pressurized sprinkler system plus water will add $7,000 to $10,000. Reconfigure detention basin out of right of way. D.P.W. - put cul-de-sac in existing right of way. Chris Ahem, developer, said if road is not reconfigured, he will have steep grades to deal with to develop his property. Board would agree to move cul-de-sac to existing right of way. On a motion by Mr. Perna, seconded by Mr. Rowen the Board voted to close the public hearing. The Board discussed the draft decision. Items: e 3. 4. 5. NO watermain, but pressurized system well as per fire department. sidewalk fund detention basin moved. cul-de-sac centered in four corners to be reconfigured. 40 ft right of way - waiver granted because old subdivision length of road 550' - waiver granted easement documents to be drafted On a motion by Mr. Perna, seconded by Mr. Simons, the Board voted to accept the draft as amended. Stevens Memorial Library - Site Plan Review- Ms. Bradley read a letter from Mr. Doucette, Conservation Administrator, requesting that a condition be placed in the decision regarding the protection of larches on the site. The Board decided to include Mr. Doucette condition into the decision. The Board also decided to keep the brick walkway at 8 ft. and not expand it to 9 ft. as suggested by the Fire Department. On a motion by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Rowen the Board voted to approve the draft with the amendments. Hinutes &uril 13. 1993 April Z0, 1993 April 29, 1993 NaY 3. 1993 MaY 4. 1993 M&¥ 5, 1993 On a motion by Mr. Perna, seconded by Mr. Mahoney the Board voted to approve the minutes. The meeting adjourned at approximately 11:45 p.m. Richard Nardella, Chairman