HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-06-01Ple~ing Board Meeting
June 1, 1993
Cafeteria & - High School
The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:10 p.m.
Members Present:
Richard Nardella, Chairman, John Simons, Vice-Chairman, Joseph
Mahoney, Clerk, Richard Rowen and George Perna. John Draper
arrived at 8:15 p.m. Also present were Kathleen Bradley, Town
Planner and Karen Nelson, Director of the Division of Planning &
Community Development.
Osaood Mill - (Sutton Pond)
Mr. Richard Kaminski, Richard Kaminski Associates, represents
"Brickstone Properties" and the proponent of Osgood Mill.
Two alternatives for access to the condo complex:
Nol 1.
Through existing house on High Street
Through parking lot out across from Prescott Street
Leave ball field alone for present users. Entry way
detail shown - heavily landscaped with stonewall
entrance. Proposed as 22 feet in width. Vegetation is
to continue through to Osgood Mill. Landscape to
separate Modicon/Osgood Mill.
Mr. Simons commented on his concerns of tearing house down to put
a road through it. Less optimistic on the buffering. He
questioned the distance from the existing drive. Mr. Kaminski told
him it was 150' from High Street bend.
Mr. Nardella asked how many parking spaces there would be. The
answer was 450 parking spaces now.
No. 2. 100' feet from existing access through parking lot
Mr. Nardella had questions on the lighting. He wanted it shining
downcast, not offensive to the neighbors.
Mr. Richard Kaminski wanted everyone to understand where the
existing right-of-way was as per original Osgood Mill decision thus
the traffic would come out to High Street simply a question of
where. '
Mr. Mahoney stated that the existing right-of-way currently
impinged upon. He questioned why Modicon does not want to use the
approved "proposed right-of-way,,.
Mr. Kaminski stated that it did not make sense from a safety point
of view to mix residential and industrial uses.
Mr. Mahoney asked what happened to Sutton Street. Why is there are
problem with a mix of residential and industrial?
Guy Tammi, 109 High Street, stated that there was a problem with
noise in the early morning. He believed that the access to the
Mill Condos would go out to Sutton Street.
Attorney George Rand, Attorney with Marden office, stated that
there were legal concerns:
New public hearing needed
Use of residential lot as a driveway is not allowed
Mr. Rowen stated that this was an emotional issue, wants to
understand the concerns. There will be a high volume of traffic
onto High Street, the question is where.
Mr. Calvin Tardiff, 202 High Street, spoke on the extra cars coming
into parking lot with Modicon addition, too much traffic on High
Street already.
Ms. Janet Sheehan, 113 High Street, questioned the proposal and
asked who would own the property. Mr. Kaminski told her Brickstone
would own the parcel with an easement granted to Osgood Mill. The
developer of Osgood Mill would maintain the driveway and the
landscaping. Mr. Paul Hedstrom, Attorney, stated that the condo
association would maintain the driveway and landscaping. Mr.
Hedstrom stated that the Osgood Mill developer would support the
Sutton Street connector. At the present time the Osgood Mill has
two access points - Main Street and High Street.
Mr. Nardella asked Mr. Perna to address Sutton Street connector.
Mr. Perna stated that the Sutton Street connector has been in the
works for 10 years, working with Laidlaw to try to get land,
environmental issues have arisen, D.P.W. continues to pursue this
$100,000 was available to work to Sutton Street
Town has approved road if land donated, cannot take by
emminent domain.
Could go to Town Meeting to have Town appropriate the
money to take by eminent domain.
Mary Windle, 118 High Street, expressed concerns about traffic
issues with the children on High Street.
Ms. Ann Apkarian, 154-B High Street, was present to give input as
to which option/proposal there would be.
Lydia Rice, 138 High Street, stated that she was looking to Sutton
Street in the future for the access. Proposal 2 would be
preferable because then Brickstone and the Mill would be motivated
to'work to Sutton Street connector.
An unidentified person commented on two proposals. Proposal 1
would generate 100% traffic to the neighborhood. Proposal 2 would
generate 50% traffic to the neighborhood.
Ms. Phyllis Zimmerman, 105 High Street, had questions about Sutton
Mr. Perna stated that there were three plans for Sutton Street.
Sutton Street to Route 125
Sutton Street to High Street
Sutton Street to Brickstone with a cul-de-sac, never to
connect with Mill Condos
A second traffic study may be required. Mr. Perna asked what
traffic safety controls would be put in place. Mr. Kaminski stated
that there could be a blinking yellow light or possibly a stop
Mr. Perna stated that D.P.W. would make a determination as to what
would be appropriate.
Mr. Leonard Enaire, 14 Prescott Street, stated that there were
problems with the parking garage lights at Modicon.
John Collins, 177 High Street, stated that the existing exit from
Modicon should be used. Why should High Street neighbors suffer
for problems Brickstone/Modicon have with their trucks.
Carrie Tatlock, 138 High street, stated that she would rather have
condo complex empty. She questioned the access from Main Street
and wanted to know why only one way from Main Street. Mr. Hedstrom
stated that the Osgood Mill has had easement out to High Street for
many years, and that the key question was as to where the traffic
would exit on High Street.
Gail Canan, 150 High Street, stated that residents were being
patronized as to Sutton Street connector. She would like to see
the minutes of the Sutton Street connector public hearing.
Ms Nelson stated answered in response to the Sutton Street
connector questions that the Community Development Office was
funded by a grant. Brickstone acquired the property, traffic
studies looked into and public hearing was held.
Gail Carian, High Street wants Sutton Street connector and will
work towards it. She wanted a road sign, "no left turn", at
existing driveway from Modicon so that it will reduce the amount of
traffic. She wanted access to and from Main Street for the Osgood
Mill complex.
Mr. Rand stated that all options should be reviewed again. He
stated that the Board would be in violation if no public hearing
was held.
Manuel F. Arista, 65 Prospect Street, wanted to know where Prescott
Street was on the map. He wanted to see the whole site/area. He
further stated that there was heavy traffic currently.
Ms. Zimmerman, High Street, asked when was traffic study done and
was a new one needed. Neighbors want to work to get to Sutton
Street connector.
Planning Staff to work out a strategy for helping neighbors to get
Sutton Street connector through.
Public Rearings
Woodland Estates - Special Permit - Common Driveway
Mr. Mahoney read legal notice to open the public hearing.
Peter Ogan, Hayes Engineering, spoke to the Board on the common
driveway. With the proximity to the wetlands, it makes two
driveways infeasible.
On a motion by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Rowen, the Board voted
to close the public hearing.
On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Mr. Draper the Board voted to
approve the special permit as proposed.
Woodland Estates - Endorse Plans
The Board signed the plans for Woodland Estates.
Coventry Estates II,- Definitive Subdivision Modification
John Willis, attorney, spoke to the Board. Drainage issues have
been reviewed and approved of by the Conservation Commission.
Mr. Nardella asked about granite curbing. The answer was on the 8%
slopes granite curbing will be used, with Cape Cod berm being used
on the rest.
The pavement will be removed at the end of the temporary cul-de-
sac. The slope of the roadway would protect existing driveways
from runoff.
An abutter would like to see granite curbing throughout the new
Mr. Willis requested a waiver of construction of roadway width to
driveway width for access to Lot 64. He spoke on the existing
roadway. Parallel driveways would be created in the right-of-way
and would be greater than 10 ft. apart. Frontage on the right-of-
way was discussed. Nine acres would be deeded to the Town as
conservation land.
Judy Epstein stated that she always knew roadway would cross
driveway. She would prefer no road and would agree to move
Mr. Simons asked how many fewer lots. The answer was two fewer.
A neighbor wanted to know why the street would be regraded. The
answer was by removing the cul-de-sac and building consistent with
existing grade, it is safer and this would eliminate need for 6 ft.
Mr. Leach asked where will construction equipment be stored. Mr.
Quinn stated that he would clear site first and then store
equipment there.
Mr. Bill Grant, had questions about what will be done with his
property to fix construction that he has landscaped. The answer
was it will be loamed and seeded.
Howard Morin, Blue Ridge Road, stated that water pressure problems
need to be addressed.
On a motion by Mr. Draper, seconded by Mr. Rowen the Board voted to
close the public hearing and take the matter under advisement.
Hickory Hill Phase II - Subdivision Modification
Mr. Mahoney read a letter from Bill Hmurciak, D.P.W. The following
items were part of that letter:
allow grade >6%
Waive granite with Cape Cod berm
Dead end street length is okay
Shoulders less that 8 ft.
Waive sidewalks - $5,400 to sidewalk fund
PVC drain to remain
Mr. Nardella asked why not require granite curbing on >6% grade.
Mr. Perna stated that Cape Cod berm was placed throughout entire
roadway in Phase I and Phase II.
Mr. Nardella asked that a performance bond be set at $5,000.
Mr. Simons stated that he would prefer a 22' street, straight road.
May be safer as narrow. Sidewalks not warranted due to topography
and site layout.
On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Mr. Mahoney the Board voted
to close the public hearing and take the matter under advisement.
Bake 'N' JoY - Bite Plan Review
A letter was submitted to the Board by the neighbors. A letter was
also submitted to the Board by Neve Associates.
Mr. Simons questioned the elimination of 100' of trees. Mr. James
Bourgeois stated that 200' of trees will remain between limit of
construction and Route 114.
Mr. Draper asked what the berm would be made of. Mr. Bourgeois
stated that it would be an earth berm with woodboard fence on top.
Additional parking not required. There will be 65 spaces utilized
and 75 space provided.
Mr. Perna asked if any new people will be hired as part of the
expansion. Mr. Ogan, Bake 'N' Joy, stated that there would be no
new people hired.
Mr. Draper asked if there would be any additional expansion. Mr.
Bourgeois stated that there may be additions but no plans at the
present time.
Mr. Ogan talked with the morning manager to get the morning
4:45 a.m.
6 people arrive - gate unlocked doors opened
5:00 - 5:15
trucks leave - trucks do not back up in the
Trucks come back from routes between 1:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.. They
pull into the yard and back into building in the afternoon and
turned off for the night. Trucks are loaded in the morning. Dry
product is loaded onto the trucks at night until 9:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Neighbors want to make sure these changes are permanent.
Mr. Mahoney asked what were the plans for the berm. Mr. Bourgeois
asked that the Board approve conditionally with restrictions on
hours of operations and when addition is constructed, either keep
hours of operations restricted or build berm.
Mr. Peter Schwin, 13 Kathleen Drive, stated that there was still
some noise. Mr. Nardella asked if there was any way further to
mitigate the noise. Mr. Bourgeois answer was "no".
Neighbors concerned that there will not be a permanent physical
barrier - enforceability problems.
It would not be practicable to build berm if not required because
it would eliminate trees. Neighbors would like a sound barrier to
address early morning issues.
On a motion by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Rowen, the Board voted
to close the public hearing and take the matter under advisement.
First Methodist Church - site Plan Revie~
Ms. Bradley reviewed issues from last meeting with Board.
Additional trees to be added along Route 114 as shown on plans
submitted tonight.
The following information was submitted:
350 parishioners
100-125 every Sunday
86 parking spaces now
maximum number of spaces shown on plans for future
110 spaces will be constructed
On a motion by Mr. Mahoney, seconded by Mr. Simons the Board voted
to close the public hearing and take the matter under advisement.
232 Sutton Street - Site Plan Review Modificatio-
Easement document submitted to Planning Board staff for
Counsel's review. Twenty four parking spaces shown on plan.
Possible use of residence for lab work in future.
Need to review the number of spaces for proposed use of residence.
There will be green space along Charles Street.
Staff to look at the following:
What re-notice is needed?
New public hearing - site plan review for construction of
parking lot - 75 spaces
Mr. Simons questioned the need to rehear this plan.
A new legal notice for adjacent site is needed.
By a consensus of the Board, the public hearing is continued.
Booth Street - Reopen Discussion
Ms. Bradley gave an overview of her discussions with Town Counsel
as to time frame within which decision required to be made.
Town Counsel's advice is that Board has until 6/8/93 to file
decision with Town Clerk..
Ralph Joyce, attorney, submitted letter to Board from Camuso
Attorney - $15,000 offer for easement.
There has been no response from the owner of Lot 39 Blueberry Hill.
Alternative presented.
Language to be added to decision as
Proposals to assess tie in fee for sewer and water for down street
users. $12,000 for either or both water and/or sewer for next 3
lots to tie in. Revert to town after 3 lots, town to maintain,
built to town standards.
The sewer is located on private property.
Mr. Perna stated that past representation was that sewer and water
would not cost anything to later people wanting to tie in. Sewer
and water will be granted to town after 3 lots tie in. Vote to
incorporate is in needed.
On a motion by Mr. Perna, seconded by Mr. Rowen the Board voted to
approve, subject to Town Counsel's approval and D.P.W.'s approval.
Mr. Mahoney and Mr. Simons abstained.
Staff to continue to work with Attorney Joyce in reaching an
First Methodist Church - ~ite Plan Review
Discussion of amendments to draft conditional approval:
Applicant to construct 110 parking spaces with future
parking shown on the plans for remaining number of
A bond of $5,000 will be established by the applicant and
placed in an escrow account with the Town.
On a motion by Mr. Perna, seconded by Mr. Draper, the Board voted
to approve the decision as amended.
Hickor~ Hill
D.P.W. - street trees will not be in the right-of-way.
A $5,000 performance bond will be set up.
List of waivers to be added to the decision.
On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Mr. Simons, the Board voted
to approve the decision as amended.
&uthor~zat~on of S~qnature~
Mr. Draper signed the form.
Bru~n H~11 - Sidewalk Fun~
Mr. Perna would rather have the money put in a fund to construct
sidewalks in other parts of town. Mr. Nardella wanted sidewalks in
the subdivision. Mr. Simons wants sidewalks on through roads.
Staff to look into the number of lots of future expansion and the
Coventry Estates II - Lot Releas~
The Board signed a Lot Release for the following lots: 33, 34, 35,
36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, and 42 on Lancaster Road. A $40,000
Performance Secured by a Lenders Agreement was posted by the
Ho11¥ Ridae - Bond Release
A letter from Bill Hmurciak, D.P.W. was received recommending that
the Board retain $10,000 to ensure the continued operation and
maintenance of the Holly Ridge sewage pumping station.
It was the consensus of the Board to release all but $10,000 from
the bond on Holly Ridge/Deerfield Definitive Subdivision.
Enfield Street - Bond Releas~
A letter was received from Bill Hmurciak, D.P.W., recommending the
release of all but $600 for repair as may be required.
It was the consensus of the Board to release all but $600 from the
bond being held for Enfield Street.
On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Mr. Simons, the Board voted
to accept the minutes of May 18, 1993 as amended.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 11:30 p.m.
~ Richard Nardella, Chairman