HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-06-30 Board of Selectmen Minutes11 =c sn a com ss oNE : THE %~IIiL~S, INC.: RESTAURANT, ALL A~OHO~C ~C~SE: A hoa~ ~s h~d on the a~lication for a ~9ta~t, ~ ~coholic lice~e on pr~ses c~led ~he Wi~o~, ~., 815 T~ke St., ~b~ P. ~g~, ~ger. No abutters objected, o~ abutter ~ressed the ~sh t~t the lice~e be g~nt~. C~ co~e~ of the B~rd ~s t~ffic ~ti~ onto ~. ~4. Boa~ ~d ~ co~ide~e t~t ~. ~g~ ~d ~ve i~led a w~l-li~ted sign ~ ~t~ t~t they ~ic~rly/~ of t~fic on ~. ~ ~en ~ti~ on~ the ~a~ f~m the t~s club. C~ef ~or ~tted ~ letter ~ati~ Jection to the g~nti~ of the lic~e. Lice~e ~s ~ly gr~t~. ~DAY ~ & BEER ~C~: A~licatio~ receiv~ for the a~-~ lice~es f~m the No~h ~ver Ja~ees for the Bicente~al obse~a~es, J~Y 5, on the eld co~n. ~ f~m T~ L~, in:co~ction ~th the ~ti~ Auto Show for the Bicente~, lice~e for d~ive~, J~Y 3 a~ for ~e, J~Y 6 on pr~s~ co,er of Gr~t Pond ~d m~ ~rble~e ~d, to be~n at 12:00 ~on S~y. Both lice~es g~t~. O~-DOOR PA~G LIC~BE D~ISION- C. ~: ~sc~sien of the a~ication of C~stopher ~ for ~ ~t-~or P~ ~ce~e on Osgood Steer took p~ce. ~e d~ision: ~ce~e d~ed. ~Jo~ty ~te. C~n Nc~y stepped do~ f~m c~r to seco~ the ~tion to ~ the lice~e. S~tmn ~th~e ab~d ~tiag. ~. ~t~e ~t~ t~t he fe~s t~t there is a ~ s~ety p~bl~ at tha locati~,, t~t the to~ elicits ~volved ~s ~ver t~n ste~ ~ correct sit, rich. ~w's attit~e a~ ~s ~ason for ~t si~ t~ lice~e ~s out of o~er ~ ~t ~id, HO s~d. C~ ~w stat~ t~t he ~ ~t si~ ~ ~t~or ~r~ lice~e in ~t a~ because it ~d ~o~te the ~m~'s zo~ ~, ~t b~a~e of fire de~ r~so~. S~t~n Coa~ ~t~ t~t, t~$ a ~n~o~o~ ~e ~d be~ J~ge~ to be ~id by the Selec~ at a proteus h~, the lic~e ~s de~ ~ca~e a ~ste~d offici~ ~s re~ed to si~ ~s a~. He ~s ref~ ~ C~ ~w. ~ I~r ~ Po~ce O~ef ~wlor ~so ~bJect~ ~ the gr~ti~ of the lic~e, the ~ret,b~a~e it ~s im ~o~tion of Zo~ ~, the seco~, ~eca~e of the ~ety fac~r. A letter ~ be se~ Ad~ of the decision, ~tbo~h he ~s told of the deci~om when he ~d at ~e ~et~ ~ter. ~ce N. Le~e, S~ret~ lerk The Board of S~ectmen h~d their ~ar meeti~ on t~s ~te ~th ~l ~bers present; S~ectmen Joseph A. Guth~e, Thorns J. ~oy ~th C~i~n Jo~ F. Coa~ pre~. The ~r~nt' a~ ~tes were app~ved as ~tted. CERTIFICATION OF INCORPORATION: John J. Lyons was recommended as a member of the N. Shore City and Town Clerk's Association. REC~VED: Letter from County Planner re bicycle safety. Referred to Highway Surveyor. Letter from former Selectman, Raymond Breadhoad. Will be present for Bicentennial Parade. Notice from Peter Bossiter of Parade Schedule. Copies sent to all officials. Copy of letter to School Bldg. Committee from D. Boche, re tennis court reimbursement costs. Easter Seal Proclamation. Notice from Gulf Oil 0o. re t~ cent increase in heating oil and diesel fuel. Letter from J. Willis re reappointment. Notice of first payment on new town garage construction. Ground breaking arrangements to be made. FIR~FIGHTERS: Letter received from William G. Doherty, Mediator, of the Department of Iabor and Industries regarding the impasse between the town of North Andcver and Firefighters Local. 2035. He stated that the parties in the dispute negotiated in good faith and have signed a full and complete contract. This contract is binding on both parties. He also stated that it ~uld seem sheer folly and a waste of time and money to pursue this matter further. He suggested tho Town fund and implement this agreement July 1, 1975. Town Counsel advised the Board to appoint Atty. John Ford to represent the to~n in. the matter. The Board disagreed, stated that they, as the bargaining body, could handle the matter. Unless Advisory Board persists in their anti-stand, 0hairman Coady w~uld confer with Tow~ Counsel how money can be obtained - would go the route cf Spectral Town Meeting if necessary. Board authorized Chairman to pursue the matter. BICENTE~UuAL G?JtNTS: Application received for Bicentennial Grants to be filied out. Referred to Chairman Bossiter. WATER RESOURCES FREDFJRAL GPJ,NTS: Copy of letter from Board of Public Workssent from Thomas EcMabon stating the Public Works project...pumping station, force main and collecting sewers...bad been placed on the priority list for Federal Grants. Board voted to send Borgesi a letter endorsing his action, copy to Advisory Board. HUDAK-GAS RANGES: Board voted to grant permission for Dr. Seth F~Adak to auction off t~, old Caloric ranges if other could use them.