HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-08-31Planning Board Meeting
August 31, 1993
Senior Center
The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m.
Members Present
Richard Nardella, Chairman, Richard Rowen and John Daghlian,
Associate Member. John Draper arrived at 7:30 p.m. and John Simons
arrived at 7:45 p.m. Joseph Mahoney was absent. Also present was
Kathleen Bradley, Town Planner.
New Associate M~ber
Mr. Nardella welcomed John Daghlian, Associate Member to the
Planning Board.
Modioon - Site Plan Review Ugdate
Mr. Martin Spagat had not arrived for the discussion. The item was
tabled until he arrived.
Ed~ewood Life Care - Request for Extension
Ms. Bradley told the Board that in their packets for tonight's
meeting there was a copy of a vote by the Trustees of Edgewood Life
Care regarding payment in lieu of taxes. Mr. James Gordon, Town
Manager is in support of this project and feels this resolution by
the Trustees is sufficient.
Ms. Bradley is to go over the draft extension provided by Attorney
Clifford Elias, make comments and get back to the Board.
Mr. Rowen had questions about extra use of Fire Department - any
way to provide staff Fire Department.
Attorney Elias told the Board the each apartment will have a buzzer
system, manually operated, not automatically connected to the Fire
Department. The Board wanted sprinklers as a requirement. Staff
to speak to Chief Dolan to get comments on the sprinkler system.
Coventry I - Updat.
The Board was given a copy of a letter that was sent to the Shawmut
Bank and discussed that letter.
Staff to report to the Board at their next regular meeting. Legal
action must be started by that date if payment has not been
Waaon Wheels - Subdivision Extension - Sian
Mr. Nardella does not want to reference Woodland Estates Plans in
the extension, he will talk to staff about how he wants extension
WhiPPOOrWill Park - Set Roadway Bond - Release Lots
Ms. Bradley read a letter from William Hmurciak, D.P.W.,
recommending a bond be set for $26,000.
The Board by consensUs set bond at $26,000 and released Lots 2 and
The Board signed the Lot Release but wanted it held until receipt
of check.
Mr. Draper arrived at 7:30 p.m.
NEBWC Resolution
The Board of Selectmen have asked the Planning Board to adopt a
resolution to support a test burn at the NESWC facility to burn
Mr. Simons arrived at 7:45 p.m.
The Board reviewed the resolution.
On a motion by Mr. Draper, seconded by Mr. Simons, the Board voted
unanimously to support the resolution as follows:
RESOLVED: In order to mitigate the presence of incineration
in the Town of North Andover and to improve the quality of
life for all of its citizens, especially those who have been
adversely impacted by noxious odors from the Greater Lawrence
Sanitary District and will be impacted by the on-site
incineration of sludge, the North Andover Planning Board
supports the co-incineration of the Sanitary District sludge
at the NESWC/MRI Facility on Holt Road in North Andover. The
North Andover Planning Board believe the off site disposal of
Sanitary District sludge, at the NESWC/MRI Facility, will
result in a more cost effective solution for the long-term
disposal of sludge. The Board will support NESWC's endeavors
to evaluate this alternative. The Planning Board's support of
this alternative is subject to the MRI Facility complying with
all EPA and DEP Clean Air Requirements, to the MRI Facility
accepting only GLSD produced sludge, and further subject to
the right of the Planning Board to withdraw their support if
during the test burn there is any noticeable evidence of
noxious odors, or if the Planning Board is not satisfied with
the results of the test burn.
Adopted by the
North Andover Planning Board
August 16, 1993
Hickor~ Hill Phase
The Board wanted the right-of-way dedication easement for the
entire roadway. Ms. Bradley to call Attorney Peter Caruso.
The Board signed the Covenant. The Board endorsed the plans.
Cobblestone Crossina - Modification
Wall/Fence - Set Roadway Bond - Release Lots
Wall/Fence Issue
Ms. Bradley, Ms. Nelson and Mr. Laudani went to look at the perma-
hedge at Merrimack College. The consensus was that the perma hedge
was not aesthetically pleasing.
There is a maintenance issue of chain link fence.
Mr. Laudani told the Board that perma hedge did not look great on
a closer look. He told the Board that he has spoken to David
Lanzoni of the "99" Restaurant and his attorney. Fourteen foot
spruce trees and ten foot white pines will be planted within the
next few weeks. After plantings done, Staff and/or the Board will
look at the fence versus the wall issue.
The Board still in favor of the wall, but will look at the site
after planting has taken place.
Endorsement of Plan~
Ail items in modification prior to endorsement have been met.
Condition b is moot because a bond was posted., no covenant
Mr. Rowen read a letter from D.P.W. with a bond recommendation of
$79,000 for work remaining to be done on the site.
The Planning Board would like a workshop on the best way to protect
open space in a subdivision.
The Board will review Town Counsel's opinion that was rendered on
this subject a few years ago.
There was a discussion as to whether $10,000 being held as
performance bond and $5,000 for model should be rolled over.
On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Mr. Simons, the Board voted
to release $15,000.
The Board set the bond at $79,000, as recommended by D.P.W.
The Board signed the lot releases for Lots 2-16. Documents to be
held in escrow until check received.
Mo4icon - Site Plan Review Update
Mr. Nardella stated that a letter was sent on August 18, 1993. Ms.
Bradley gave the Board an overview of the memo with an update on
the issues. There will be a special meeting on September 8, 1993
to discuss the items to take action if all items not completed.
Mr. Daniel Schevis, Brickstone Properties, was present. Mr.
Schevis told the Board that additional testing has been completed
on the piles, reviewed by DEP, initial approval has been given.
Mr. Schevis stated that a contract has been signed with a facility
to remove the material.
Martin Spagat, Brickstone Properties, told the Board that he has
met with the people of Sutton Pond today to discuss access. He
hopes by the end of the week to deliver documents as to how
easement can be delineated. He will not be able to be at the
September $ meeting.
Mr. Nardella asked if the legally existing right-of-way was
encumbered. Mr. Schevis said that the retaining wall was removed
where it encroaches on the easement. Sidewalk, curb and pavement
are still on the easement.
Mr. Ernest Gralia, III, Sutton Pond Realty Trust, told the Board
that 21 units have been reserved at the Sutton Pond Condominium
Complex. Open house is planned in September. He would like to
have a decision on the easement within the next few days.
Mr. Gralia told the Board that the program has been worked out to
review option 1 as preferred. He would like to start work on it.
Mr. Nardella has met with Mr. Spagat, Mr. Gralia, Ms. Nelson and
Mr. Perna. There are three easements to review. There are three
easements shown on the plans. Option 2 and 3 are similar to
proposed and existing easements. Option 1 goes around the edge of
the parking lot. Mr. Nardella stated that he was encouraged that
progress was being made. If physical barriers are required by the
Planning Board along the existing legal easement,, it will
effectively shut loading docks down.
Mr. Gralia told the Board that option 2 and 3 were better for
Sutton Pond. Mr. Nardella felt that there was movement toward a
resolution, but at what point would final resolution be agreed to.
Mr. Gralia told the Board that documents could be signed and
prepared by next Wednesday.
Mr. Spagat said he would grant all three easements now. Sutton
Pond can use current easement now to see how it works, if it
doesn't work, option 1 could be used. Mr. Gralia would prefer to
construct Option 1 now and be finished with it. The existing 32
feet has been agreed to. A letter will be provided to the Board
from Mr. Spagat to Mr. Gralia stating that they can continue to use
the 32 foot easement.
Mr. Nardella stated that the Board wants this built by the end of
the year.
Mr. Draper said he has heard that it takes a long time to get
partners to agree. If it does not happen, jersey barriers will be
put up.
Ms. Phyllis Zimmerman, High Street, would like to have her attorney
review the plan. Mr. Nardella told her once the Board is presented
with a final right-of-way, the Board will review. Ms. Zimmerman
told the Board that safety measures should be taken to protect
neighbors/kids from easements.
A meeting will be set up for September 15, 1993 with the
understanding that the easement will be done on that night.
Publio Hearing~
~arbleridge Road - Lot A-l, Lot B-l, Lot C-1 - Special Permit
Watershed Protection Distrio~
Mr. Rowen read the legal notices to open the public hearings.
Ms. Bradley asked the applicant to reconfigure the house design to
pull them out of the non-disturbance zone.
Mr. Michael Rosati, Marchionda Associates, was present.
The Board discussed the change in the lot lines.
The Board questioned whether Lot C-1 was a buildable lot because of
wetlands along the front.
Mr. David Kindred, Flintlock, Inc., told the Board if Lot C-1 was
a lot by itself, it would be able to fill wetland to access lot.
Staff, Planning Board, Conservation Commission and Building
Inspector to discuss accessibility and buildability of the lot.
Driveway to Lot C-1 across Lot A-1 easement. Sewer will run
through this easement.
Lot A-1
Lot B-1
construction within the watershed
driveways will be gravel.
1. extend existing gravel driveway
2. 50' buffer to wetland~with grading.
Lot C-1
need a Zoning Board of Appeals variance to build house
which has been requested
Received Order of Condition from the Conservation
Leaching pits from roof drains for two new houses.
Mr. Simons asked why not have a common driveway. Mr. Rosati
answered that the existing homeowner did not want a common
Joseph Cavelaro, abutter on Marbleridge Road and Salem Street,
stated that water flows from Sutton Hill through an underground
pipe. He wanted to know if this would effect the flow of water
across the land. He stated that there was a problem with the build
up of water.
Mr. Draper asked Ms. Bradley to ask D.P.W. if there have been any
problems with roadway water build up.
Mr. Kindred stated that he was not creating any new crossings over
the wetlands.
Mr. Simons stated that there would be more grading with two
driveways. He wanted to know who would enforce the gravel
driveway. The house in the Watershed District is within 100' of a
wetland. He does not feel as though a variance should be granted
on this site.
Mr. Rosati said that without a variance, Lot C-1 becomes an
unbuildable lot.
The Board would want to review the design of the leach pit.
Mr. Rosati said that the water table is within 1 foot of ground
leach pit and house raised to compensate. Cellar will be at grade
at rear of house.
Issues to be addressed:
1. Is C-1 a proper buildable, accessible lot?
The houses would tie into existing sewer with gravity
2. Any D.P.W. issues on this site with sewer tie in?
Mr. Draper would like a gravel driveway, and asked if any drains
for oil would be needed. Need to get a written certificate
regarding water quality/quantity.
A site visit in two Saturdays, September 11, 1993, at 8:00 a.m..
The applicant is to stake out the driveways. House locations are
already staked.
Mr. Rosati told the Board that a permeable driveway would not make
a difference because water table is so high.
The developer needs to provide information as to nitrogen levels.
On a motion by Mr. Draper, seconded by Mr. Simons, the Board voted
to continue the public hearing to September 21, 1993.
115 Bonny Lane - SDeoial Permit - Watershed Protection Distrioe
Mr. Rowen read the legal notice to open the public hearing.
Domenic Terranova, Attorney, told the Board that the house has been
on the site for more than 10 years. The owners want to enlarge the
master bedroom suite. The total addition is less than 10%. The
porch will be enclosed. The existing porch is presently open. A
roof will be put over it and the stairway will be moved slightly.
A hip roof over porch with a better foundation. Will add gutters
and spouts to a dry well.
Mr. Simons asked if there would be any additional bathrooms. The
answer was "no".
Excavation for the addition needs to be added on the plan.
fertilizer limits in the decision.
Will need limit of work shown and silt fences/hay bales.
On a motion be Mr. Rowen, seconded by Mr. Draper, the Board voted
to continue the public hearing to September 21, 1993.
Mr. Nardella asked when the sewer was going to go in. Staff to ask
Mr. Rowen will draft decision, Ms. Bradley will give him a draft.
Coventry II - Modification
Attorney Willis brought final signed documents but still missing
mylar with conditions.
A fee sample deed to inhabitants of North Andover can put a
restriction on it with conservation restrictions.
Attorney Willis questioned whether the Board wanted to abandon
roadway completely.
1. Deed lot to Town
2. Deed fee in roadway to Town.
Board wants to keep roadway on plan.
Ms. Bradley to discuss with Richard Doucette, Conservation
Administrator, what restrictions should be placed on it to connect
with Town Farm.
The item will be discussed further on September 21, 1993.
LOt $ & 4 Boxford Street - Special Permit - Common Driveway
Mr. Michael Rosati, Marchionda & Associates, was present.
Issue of site distance and width of driveway at entrance was
discussed at the last meeting. Information was provided to the
Board stating that site distance is adequate with 18' wide at
entrance tapered to 12'.
A condition of no future access to Lot 3 from the driveway will be
placed in the decision.
The Board wants to review the vote to allow Planning Staff to sign
Form A Plans to create new lots.
Staff needs to review requirements of access with Town Counsel
because Lot 3 has wetlands across the front. Lot 3 has a driveway,
approximately 1,000 feet long.
Mr Simons asked if all Conservation Commission and Board of Health
requirements been met. Mr. Rosati answered "yes".
On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Mr. Simons the Board voted to
close the public hearing.
A decision will be discussed at the next meeting.
Lawrence MuniciPal Airport - site plan Review
Bill Galman, Merrimack Group was present.
Airport tower is closed at night.
There was a discussion of requirements of the Fire Department.
Project cannot install sprinklers because there is no water. No
heat is provided to the hanger. No other hangers at the airport
have sprinklers systems.
The Board was given a draft decision. After reviewing the
decision, the Board had the following comments:
Mr. Draper - delete 3(b)(i)(ii)(iii), keep 3(b)(iv)
Mr. Rowen - delete 3(b)
Mr. Daghlian - alarm system installed
Mr. Draper smoke detection - conform to applicable state
On a motion by Mr. Draper, seconded by Mr. Simons, the Board voted
to close the public hearing.
On a motion by Mr. Draper, seconded by Mr. Rowen the board voted to
approve ~he site plan decision as written and modified by deleting
specific requirements of the Fire Department and adding that
applicable state regulations be met.
seven Oaks - Sttbdivision Modification
Ms. Bradley read a letter from Town Counsel stating that property
is not grandfathered and that it is 2 acre zoning. The Board
requests that the applicant withdraw the modification.
Applicant needs to review a conventional subdivision plan with 2
acre lots to look at a PRD and withdraw subdivision.
On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Mr. Draper, the Board voted
to continue the public hearing to September 21, 1993.
Au,ust ~7. 1993
On a motion by Mr. Rowen, seconded by Mr. Draper, the Board voted
to approve the minutes of August 17, 1993 as written.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 11:40 p.m.
Richard Nardella, Chairman