HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-11-30?he North Andover Planning Board held a regular meeting in the North Andover Middle School Cafeteria on Thursday evening, November 30, 1989. The meeting was called to order at 8505 p.m. by the Chairman, George Perna, Jr. Present were John Simons, Clerk, Erich Nitzsche and John Draper. Also present was Karen Nelson, Director of Planning and Community Development. Absent was Jack Graham. Public Hearinqs Thomson School - Site Plan Review John Simons read a letter from Christian Huntress, Town Planner to Martin Kretsche. Martin Kretsche addressed the letter of November 20, 1989 from Christian Huntress going over several issues, Showed the Board phasing drawings Lighting Plan - recessed lighting, the type of lighting to be used. Crosswalks - applicant is working with consultants for best possible location. Harold Dushame, 14 Saltonstall Road, asked the location of the sidewalks along Saltonstall Road. 6. 7. 8. Christian Huntress spoke to safety officer regarding no parking on one side of the street. retaining walls will have steel fence. Handicapped spaces (4) delineated on plans. Traffic study - applicant said the study was up to date. Drainage issue to be reviewed. Motion: Second~ Vote~ By John Simons to close the public hearing and take the matter under advisement. John Draper Unanimous of those present. Calzetta Farm Site - Site Plan Review John Simons read a list of concerns and issues to be addressed. o Sight distance along Johnson Street. George Perna wants to visit the site with a bus. Dr. Blaisedell and Mark DiSalvo to set up the bus arrangements Lighting plans were shown to the Board, plus the type of lighting and fixtures to be used. Crosswalks were shown on the plans. Abutters concerns - Parking along Abbott Street. Christian Huntress stated that there would be no parking signs along Abbott Street. Old entrance to the farm was drawn on the plans. Buffer area to be white and red pines. Martin Kretsche showed the plans of the proposed sewer, being a forced main. Thomas Burkhardt, Abbott Street, expressed three concerns~ Buffer zone - would like a fence installed also. Problem of urination in the woods. Why large field - all purpose Dr. Blaisedell stated that 600 students would be using the field as a play area. There would be no lights on the playing area. Motion: By John Simons to close the public hearing and take the matter under advisement and schedule a site visit. Dick Hell,r, Abbott Street, expressed his concern of the character of the area changing. Second: Vote: John Draper Unanimous of those present. The Board would like to review a draft decision on December 21, 1989. Riparian Realty Trust - Site Plan Review John Simons read a letter from the Board of Health. Also read was a letter from the Department of public Works. Christian Huntress, Planner, stated that the Board had a dead line of December 5, 1989. He presented the Board with a draft decision. The draft decision does not include the concerns from the D.P.W. The Board added to the draft decision a condition to tie into the sewer when available. George Perna asked that the words Special Permits be replaced by Site Plan Review. A discussion took place on the letter from the Board of Health as it relates to Condition #2(b) reducing the size of the footprint. Also discussed was adding to that portion of the condition after (b) section (c) regarding the physical conditions found on the site. John Simons asked if there was a condition that relates to all necessary permits being obtained, for example common driveways. Christian Huntress stated that Condition #23 addresses the issue. A further discussion took place on Condition #2 (b). The applicant did not agree with the recommendations from the Board of Health. Motion: Second~ Vote: By Erich Nitzsche to approve the conditional site plan approval for Riparian Office Park as drafted and amended during discussions. John Simons. Unanimous of those present, including the Chairman, George Perna. Due to the inclement weather the agenda was shortened. Discussions Tiffany Lane George Perna questioned the issue. Christian Huntress briefed the Board on the problems in the Tiffany Lane - Jeffrey Place Definitive Subdivision. Some of the issues were the hydrants, and the water lines going into the hydrants being substandard to the D.P.W. requirements. Occupancy Permits are coming up. Owners of some of the lots want the bond taken. John Simons read a letter from the attorneys representinq the residents, McGarry and Bodnar. Christian Huntress stated that this issue has to be addressed by the developer and that it is premature to pull the bond. Attorney Bodnar spoke to the Board on behalf of the residents trying to obtain Occupancy Permits. A few of the items that have to be addressed were: 1. hydrants 2. island in the cul-de-sac 3. tieing into Coventry water main Residential sprinklers cannot be tested. Attorney Bodnar stated that As-Builts Plans have not been submitted and expressed his clients concern about not being able to obtain Occupancy Permits. The Board requested that the applicant appear before the Planning Board to address the issues. Motion: By John Simons that the developer appear before the Planning Board on December 7, 1989 and schedule a public hearing for taking the bond in the matter of Tiffany Lane. Second: John Draper Vote: Unanimous of those present. Lyons Wav- Preliminary Plans The Planning Board reviewed the application and tabled the discussion. Butcher Boy To be discussed on December 7, 1989 French Farm To be discussed on December 7, 1989. Bond Release Oakwood Estates To be discussed on December 7, 1989 Approval Not Required Form A Plans Upland Street - Finicharro Motion: Second: Vote: By John Simons to approve the Form A Plan subject to a site vist to check the width, grade and construction. Erich Nitzsche Unanimous of those present. Motion~ Second~ Vote~ By John Simons to adjourn the meeting. Erich Nitzsche Unanimous fo those present. The Planning Board meeting adjourned at 11:30 p.m. George Perna, Jr., Chairman et L.-Eaton, Secretary