HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-03-01The North Andover Planning Board held a regular meeting on Thursday evening, March 1, 1990, in the Town Hall, Selectmen's Meeting Room. The meeting was called to order at 8~05 p.m. by the Chairman, George Perna, Jr. Also present were Erich Nitzsche and Jack Graham. John Simons arrived at 8~15 p.m. John Draper was absent. Approval Not Required Form A Plans Granville Lane - Chanqe Lot Line Easements need to be put on the plans before the Board will sign. A motion was made by Jack Graham to approve the Form A Plan for Granville Lane subject to the easements being shown on the plans with the Book and Page of the easement documents. The motion was seconded by Erich Nitzsche and voted unanimous of those present. Public Hearings N.B. Kent - 2070 Turnpike Street - Site Plan Review John Simons read letters from the Fire Department, attorney for the abutters and the Department of Public Works. The Board went over concerns from the last meeting. 2. 3. 4 5. view from Berry Street size of the building screening on the Berry Street side parking area storage not in the back of the building Abutters expressed their concerns with~ 2. 3. 4. owner becoming an agent view from Berry Street trucks parked with their engines running activity going on in the area Issues still to be addressed are: 1. parking area 2. storage area 3. drainage 4. legal Modifications will be supplied by the engineer, Tom Neve, to the Planning Board by Thursday, March 8, 1990. The Board will review the modifications. A motion was made by John Simons to continue the public hearing to March 15, 1990 and direct staff to draft a first cut of conditions. The motion was seconded by Erich Nitzsche and voted unanimous of those present. South Bradford Street - Special Permit - Common Driveway Coolidge Construction A motion was made by John Simons to continue the public hearing to March 15, 1990. The motion was seconded by Jack Graham and voted unanimous by those present. Discussions Campion Way John Simons read a letter from Hartcourt Association. The letter listed work that needs to be completed within the subdivision. The Board requested that Mr. Philbin appear before them on the issues that need to be addressed. The chairman asked that proceeding be started to pull the bond. Louis Isenberg, abutter, expressed his concerns on needed improvements. Pat Clark, abutter, asked about the timing of the work being done once the bond was pulled. Magdi Bichay, abutter, asked what would happen if there were insufficient funds remaining for the completion of the subdivision. The Board will get an opinion from Town Counsel on the issue of insufficient funds. The Department of Public Works will review the subdivision and supply the Board with a list of items to be addressed and an estimate cost to complete the work. Eugene Piacentinl, abutter, asked about any conflict on what needs to be completed within the subdivision. The chairman told the abutters that the Department of Public Works has the final say on the improvements. A motion was made by Erich Nitzsche and seconded by Jack Graham to start the proceedings on pulling the bond on Hartcourt Subdivision and contact the developers of the subdivision to come before the Board to respond. The Department of Public Works will visit the site to determine the cost to finish the subdivision. The vote was unanimous of those present. Bruin Hill Subdivision Christian Huntress, Town Planner, told the Board that the bond for reforestation had not posted by the developer. The developer was looking for Planning Office sign off for a building permit and because the bond was not posted, Chris did not sign off on the sheet. John Simons read a Christian Huntress. Chris was read. letter from Mr. Cormier to the Planner, The response to Mr. Cormler's letter from Decision North Andover Business Park Extension The chairman went over a letter from the Bayfield Company which addressed minor changes to the draft decision. The Chairman has met with the developers, Robert Webster and Mike Rice as well as the Town Manager. Minor changes were made in the wording of Conditions 3. A condition on street trees was added. The Board reviewed both the letter from the developer and the draft decision. The Board discussed tress being planted, street trees. A motion was made by Erich Nitzsche that the North Andover Planning Board approve the North Andover Business Park Extension Definitive Subdivision Plan in accordance with the conditional approval, Conditions 1 through 18 as amended and in accordance with the letter from Bayfield Company, dated March 1, 1990, regarding traffic signalization. Conditions 1 ~through 8 of that letter will become part of the conditional approval. The motion was seconded by John Simons and voted unanimously by those present. Discussion North Andover Business Park Members of the Planning Board and Mike Rice, Bayfield Company discussed, in brief, the possibility of rezoning a parcel of land located adjacent to the industrial park which is presently zoned residential. A study will be done on the area. Christian Huntress will coordinate with the abutters and the issue will be discussed on March 15, 1990 at the Planning Board Meeting. 1070 Osqood Street -Hydroloqical Report Christian Huntress, Town Planner stated that a request for bids has been sent out for the study which the Planning Board requested. There has been some response. Village Commercial Dimensions George Perna stated that he has seen a commercial development on Route 101 in New Hampshire that was impressive. The development looks like a Bavarian Village. Staff from the Planning Office, along with the Chairman and Thomas Neve Associates will visit the site on March 6, 1990. Bonds Spring Hill - Definitive Subdivision Christian Huntress, Town Planner, stated the Spring Hill Development was requesting final release. Chris has spoken to Bill Hmurciak and all the work is complete according to Bill. The remaining issue is the trees around the detention pond. The consensus of the Board was to have the developer clean up the detention pond area and plant willow trees. A motion was made by Jack Graham and seconded by Erich Nitzsche to have the developer clean up the detention pond and plant willow trees. The Board will retain $10,800 of the bond for the planting of those trees. The vote of the Board was unanimous of those present. Minutes February 15, 1990 - February 21, 1990 A motion was made by Erich Nitzsche to approve the minutes of February 15, 19OO as amended and approve the minutes of February 21, 1990 as written. The motion was seconded by John Simons and voted unanimous of those present. Jack Graham abstained because he was absent from those meetings. A motion was made by Jack Graham to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by John Simons and voted unanimously by those present. The Planning Board Meeting adjourned at 11=10 p.m. George Perna, Jr., Chairman Eaton, Secretary