Town Of North Andover �
Office of the Planning Department
Community Development and Services Division ;
27 Charles Street
North Andover,Massachusetts 01845 �9SSwce+US�s�
Telephone (978)688-9535
TO: North Andover Planning Board
FROM:Jacki Byerley,Interim Assistant Town Planner� J
RE: Lot 2 Bradford Street-Watershed Special Permit
DATE: May 14,2002
This proposal is for a driveway located within the Non-Discharge Zone to access a dwelling located within
Boxford. An ANR plan was submitted on May 22, 2001 creating the lot. In June 2001 the applicant received a
special permit for a frontage exception.
My review is as follows:
1. The length of the proposed driveway is approximately 400' to the Town Boundary line and
approximately 12' in width.
2. The plans are depicted with a water line and forced main being extended to a house in Boxford from
North Andover. When the applicant received approval for the frontage exception a condition was
placed that Lot 2 shall not be entitled to Town of North Andover Municipal Services. These lines
should be removed from the plan.
3. The limit of clearing does not extend into Boxford but the applicant should demonstrate to the Board
the amount that will need to be cleared to extend the driveway and construct the dwelling. The
applicant should demonstrate that further clearing would not alter the area located in North Andover
BOARD OF APPEALS 688-9541 BUILDING 688-9545 CONSERVATION 688-9530 HEALTH 688-9540 PLANNING 688-9535 /