HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-05-03The North Andover Planning Board held a regular meeting on May 3,
1990 in the Town Hall, Selectmen's Meeting Room. The meeting was
called to order at 8:10 p.m. by the Chairman, George Perna, Jr.
Also present were John Draper and Jack Graham. John Simons arrived
at 8:30 p.m. ~Erich Nitzsche was absent.
Due to the lack of a quorum at the beginning of the meeting the
Board started with continued public hearing on Warrant Articles.
Public Hearinqs
Rezone from R-2 to I-1 - Flagship Drive
Christian Huntress, Town Planner, stated that he has contacted Town
Counsel and a deed restriction would be in order.
John Draper read a letter from the Bayfield Company into the
May 3, 1990
Planning Board
Town of North Andover
123 Main Street
North Andover, MA
Attention~ Mr. George Perna, Chairman
Re~ Petition to Rezone Lot 1 of The North Andover Business Park
Extension from R-2 to I-1
Pursuant to discussions and suggestions that have been made during
the public hearing regarding the referenced petition, the Land
Owner is prepared to grant certain conservation easements, create
no build buffer zones, and grant a .67 acre parcel to the Ward
Reservation for conservation purposes contingent upon the Planning
Board's affirmative recommendation to approve the rezoning of Lot
! from R-2 to I-1.
Specifically, the Land Owner will:
Place a conservation easement on all land east of the
stone wall that abuts the Novello property, an area of
approximately 1.95 acres. (Refer to the attached sketch
to identify areas) Said easement shall allow improving
or replicating wetland resource areas in accordance with
provisions of the North Andover Conservation Commission.
Deed the .67 acre tab at the southeast corner of the lot
over to the Ward Reservation for conservation purposes.
Covenant to provide a 50' no cut, no build, natural
buffer zone around the east, west, and south property
lines. (area = 1.31 acres)
4 o
Agree to restrictions with regard to use to those uses
allowed under the Zoning Bylaw that do not adversely
effect the environment by reason of light, noise, odor,
fumes, dust or smoke and that are not dangerous or
detrimental to the surrounding areas, as may be
reasonably be determined by the Planning Board during
Site Plan Review.
The net effect of the above covenants is to commit approximately
45% or 3.93 acres of land to conservation use, while still
providing the ability for the Town to raise significant tax
revenues from the industrial use of the balance of the land which,
being bounded by the Business Park on the north, the Ward
Reservation on the west and south, and wetland resource areas on
the east, has no reasonable prospect of ever being accessed or
suitable for residential use.
We respectfully request your support of this petition as being in
the best interest of the vast majority of the taxpayers in the Town
of North Andover.
Very truly yours,
Michael A. Rice,
Vice President
Jim Bourgeois showed the Board drawings of the easements listed in
the letter.
George Perna questioned Christian Huntress on the advantages.
Chris stated that the 100' restriction (set back) being in the deed
makes this stronger.
Jack Graham asked what was the tax revenue on the parcel.
Rice said, $45,000 to $50,000.
John Grover, 35 Marian Drive, spoke on taxes.
Pat Cavanaugh, Marian Drive, asked for a copy of the letter and
asked in light of the easements, with relation to the size of the
building, what could possibly be developed. Jim Bourgeois stated
that most of the sites in the park were 20% developed.
George Perna asked what the distance was from the conservation land
if Mr. Novello were to build a house. The answer was 400 feet.
John Draper referred to the letter regarding noise, light, odor and
the like and stated that what would probably allowed would be an
office building with no loading docks.
A lengthy discussion took place on the Industrial Zone and what is
A motion was made by John Simons to close the public hearing. The
motion was seconded by John Draper and voted unanimously by those
present, including the Chairman.
Peter Novello, Marian Drive stated that he had purchased the land
for maybe further development. The rezoning of this land would
reduce the value of his home.
A second motion was made by John Simons to make an U~FAVORABLE
recommendation on this article. The motion was seconded by John
Draper. Before the vote was taken, Jack Graham asked what the
primary reason for the unfavorable recommendation. John Simons
answered: 1.) moving from R-2 to I-l; locus of area originally
zoned residential. The zone lines were drawn with a buffer, not
what you see at "Chemlawn". Jack Graham asked Christian Huntress
what would happen to this land. John Simons stated that the
applicant bought the land knowing this portion was residential.
George Perna stated that the intent of the buffer is maintained
with the easements. The Board voted unanimously on the unfavorable
Watts Regulator - Site Plan Revie~
John Simons read the legal notice to open the public hearing. A
letter was read from Watts Regulator to Karen Nelson, Director of
Planning and Community Development.
Carlton Brown, Port Engineering, presented the Board with a few
Proposed is an 80'x50' addition.
minor development
no increase in employees
no wetland involved
no Notice of Intent needed
no increase in run-off
Christian Huntress, Town Planner, stated that the applicant would
be going before the Technical Review Committee on Friday. Chris
also stated the he has spoken to Mr. Horne with regard to the
lighting and it will be addressed. George Perna wants boxed
lighting to reduce the lighting situation on Marian Drive. This
will be part of the consideration of this special permit.
John Draper asked about landscaping. John Simons wants the land
abutting the residential area buffered with four season type of
trees. George Perna would like to see renderings of what the
proposed will look like from Route 114.
Paul Hedstrom, Oakes Drive, stated that other towns are requiring
10 foot trees at a cost of $150 each, mature tress to buffer.
Pat Cavanaugh, Marian Drive, stated that the addition would bring
the building closer to the residential area.
Joan Grover, Marian Drive, asked how close to her home the proposed
addition would be. Carlton Brown told Mrs. Grover that the
proposed would be about 310 feet.
Carlton Brown was told by the Board to work very closely with the
Technical review Committee.
A motion was made by John Simons to continue the public hearing to
May 17, 1990. The motion was seconded by John Draper and voted
unanimously by those present.
2070 Turnpike Street - Bayfield Company
Christian Huntress gave the Board a draft decision.
review the draft.
The Board
John Simons added two items~
Plan does not conform to zoning, Form A expired on April
27, 1990.
2. Not an allowed use under present zoning, which is VR.
A motion was made by John Simons to deny the Site Plan Review for
2070 Turnpike Street as drafted and amended. The motion was
seconded by John Draper and voted unanimously by those present,
including the Chairman.
Jack Graham left the meeting at 9~30 p.m.
Sign Plans
6 Woodberry Lane
The Planning Board did not sign the plans for 6 Woodberry Lane
because the 20 day appeal period is not up. The issue will placed
on the May 17, 1990 meeting.
Public Hearinqs
Rezone from R-4 to B-2, 164 Mass Avenue
John Simons read a letter from the Fire Chief, Bill Dolan.
Richard Kaminskl, 200 Sutton Street, stated that there were two
Access around the building, the Fire Department has
responded and the building will have sprinklers.
Request for two deeds, Joseph Mahoney presented the Board
with the deeds.
John Simons expressed his concern with the size of the lot.
Dr. Cipro stated that the Condo Association does not want to sell
any portion of the property at this time. They want to maintain
the property as is.
Joseph Mahoney asked the Board to make a favorable recommendation
or no recommendation at all.
John Simons has a problem with recommending favorable action on a
parcel that is 20% under sized. Richard Kaminski said that this
was a unique situation.
A lengthy discussion took place on variances, lot size and use.
Christian Huntress read from the Zoning Bylaw what is allowed in a
B-2 District.
Richard Kaminski, Joseph Mahoney and Dr. Cipro went over the Zoning
Bylaw on the allowed uses in B-2. Several allowed uses were
A motion was made by John Simons to close the public hearing and
recommend FAVORABLE action subject to the applicant supplying a
covenant on uses and stating that the lot is an under sized lot.
The motion was seconded by John Draper. In favor of this
recommendation were John Draper and George Perna. John Simons was
against a favorable recommendation.
Rezone from R-2 to VC
Turnpike Street - Forbes Property
Christian Huntress visited the site. Conservation easements were
provided. A deed restriction will be in perpetuity.
A motion was made by John Simons to close the public hearing a
recommend FAVORABLE action subject to the deed restriction. The
motion was seconded by John Draper and voted unanimous by those
present, including the Chairman.
Rezone from GB, R-2 & VR to VC
Turnpike Street & Sullivan Street - Angus Realty Corp
John Simons read a letter from Thomas Caffrey on 1987 rezoning.
Jim Bourgeois stated that he has spoken to his client. There is a
possibility of giving land to the abutter.
George Perna stated that he would like to see a larger buffer area
between the residents and any proposed business use.
A motion was made by John Simons to close the public hearing an
recommend UNFAVORABLE action on this article and request that the
applicant withdraw this article at Town Meeting and work with the
Planning Board in preparation for the Special Town Meeting in
September. The motion wa seconded by John Draper and voted
unanimously by those present including the Chairman.
Reconsider Rezone VR to VC
Turnpike Street - R. Dunn
Christian Huntress Town Planner, gave the Board reasons why this
article was before them for reconsideration. Robert Dunn gave the
Board background on the particular parcel.
George Perna stated that he does not want to see the parcel in two
lots. Mr. Dunn stated that 1/3 of the 2 plus acres was in the
John Simons discussed the lot size of 50,000 sq.ft, being too small
for Village Commercial District.
John Simons wants to be assured that there are no strip malls.
Robert Dunn stated that he cannot afford to buy any more land. He
would like to have a first class project on the site. He has lost
his GB zoning.
Paul Hedstrom spoke on working with Mr. Dunn in the for the Special
Town Meeting.
Mr. Dunn agreed to place a deed restriction on the parcel to
develop as one lot.
Marian Dunn was also present.
Multi curb cuts were discussed along Route 114 and the possibility
of the State not allowing them.
A motion was made by John Simons to reconsider and reopen the
public hearing on the rezoning of Mr. Dunn's parcel, rescinding the
previous motion on an unfavorable recommendation and recommending
FAVORABLE action subject to a deed restriction for developing the
parcel as one lot. The motion was seconded by John Draper and
voted unanimously by those present, including the Chairman.
Reconsiderinq the Acceptance of Sprinq Hill Road
Paul St. Hilaire spoke to the Board stating that shrubs were
planted in the detention area and all of them died.
The issue the Board had was that the area was previously a dense
forest, now there are very few trees~
A motion was made by John Simons not to reconsider the acceptance
of Spring Hill Road at this time. The motion was seconded by John
Draper and voted unanimously by those present, including the
Chairman. The Board would reconsider in September.
Bond Release
Marbleridqe Estates
John Simons read a letter from Michael Kasabuski requesting to be
placed on the agenda for a bond release. A letter was received and
read from the Division of Public Works recommending the release of
$13,000 for work that has been completed.
A motion was made by John Simons to release $13,000 as recommend by
the Division of Public Works. The motion was seconded by John
Draper and voted unanimously by those present, including the
March 15, 1990 & April 5, 1990
A motion was made by John Simons to approve the minutes as written.
The motion was seconded by John Draper and voted unanimously by
those present, including the Chairman.
A motion was made by John Simons to adjourn the meeting. The
motion was seconded by John Draper and voted unanimously by those
present, including the Chairman.
The Planning Board meeting adjourned at 11:35 p.m.
George Perna, Jr , Chairman LJ Eaton, Secretary