HomeMy WebLinkAboutADDENDUM CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE i K L - u eo I Q Y 2W ; .►1 10 12 2® NIF MURmy '....................... WF LENO 1w N,f ENE y� 6 4/F SNULTZ ,yam I✓F ([�j �INST Locus uµE �'20 Nib ............... ADDENDUM CAMPION HALL ESTATES NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS DEVELOPER ENGINEER G.P.V. INC. CYR ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC. 15 OLD FERRY ROAD 234 ESSEX STREET METHUEN, MASS. LAWRENCE, MASS. ADDENDUM Coattcucti,on Schedute and Exhibits Con6tAuction o6 this devetopment wiet begin, weathetc petmitt-ingy on on about the 16th day o6 Apr&U, 1985. The project wiU be developed in con�stAuction ph"m to insutce the highat ,sa4ety .6tandatd,6, comp.tete envitonmentat contAot and to prevent devetopment oveA exposuAm and oven tuns. The initi.at activity on the site w%Pt be " Uottowz, and shouEd be com- pZeted within (30) thiAty days {nom the time oA beginning. PHASE I- � A- Estabtish sedimentation and eAos ion controtz shown on 4inat sub- div.vs.ion ptanz and ass UunthuL exbounded within this addendum 8- EztabW h a site tAa i.teA or g ene&at con stAucti.on o4 .ice with a tetephone and otheA requviced utiCitiez. C- Excavate top and sub-zo-i U in roadway area and atabtizh stock p.ite area and neces,sany vLoz.ion control. methods D- Remove those ttc.ees and vegetation in the roadway and uti,2ity eaae- ment areas. Phase I showed be concluded on or about May 28, 1985. PHASE II- A- Stabi ize excavated roadway areas to toad .intetusection at station 5 + 54.44 ; then proceed to station 13 + 18.89 excavating top and zub-soitz. ADDENDUM PAGE # 2 PHASE 11- B- Finaf- ze road sub grades and prepare area 4oA utiX i tiez. C- Stabit ze roadway stopes and ,imptement hay bate bwLAieu and or Mita4i Fabtri.c. D- Stab,i Qize tom undeA construction, remove excuzive mateAiatz and estabt i z h 4inat grading. Phaze II zhoutd be eompteted within (30) t yrty day,5 or on approxi.mate2y the 9th o4 Juty, 1985. PHASE III- Between the 9th o4 Ju2y and NovembeA 15, 1985 the 4ottowing 6houtd be compteted. A- Fina.2i.ze noad grades and commence constnuetion o6 utLUti.e6 B- Pehmanent vegetative eoveA wilt be extabt i shed thAoughout the devetopment. C- Totat maintenance o6 at2 .6ittation and zed:mentation ponds and bwLAie z .6hou-d be continued thAoughout the project. D- DAa,inage system and san-ita&y .should be eompteted and b,indeA course 6oA roadway and driveway zhou2d be eompteted. Att uti.�ez zhatt be approved by respective town depaAtments ptrior to binder rouge. ADD BNDUM PAGE # 3 PHASE I V- A- Beginning in the .6 pAi,ng o4 1986 4ina.2 ptepo ati o n is houtd be made to 'ptace 6inat cowvse on completed Roadway area. B- Ent Ae pto ect tshoutd be stabit i.zed; vegetation contAotz and existing uti,titim shoutd be ptcopenty maintained. C- GeneAat duetting constAucti.on tshaU continue; vegetative contAot and ptanti.ng .6houtd be cons instant with section (1) one a6 these. PHASE V- PAoject .should be completed in the UaU oU 1987 on .spAing ob 1988. SUMMARY The construction schedute witt be considehed as an ,integAat palm o6 Section No. 4 - BAos,ion and Sedimentation ContAot. The sedimentation and eho�s,ion contAot devices witt be continua?ty thAoughout the pAoject and wett a4teA stab,i P.ized planting hays taken ,sub,stantia2 contAot on the site. Att aspect o6 con tAuction in this development wiU be subject to tires pecti,on and tev,iew by Ae�s pective depatr tment3 o4 the Town o4 Nanth AndoveA. EvelrAy pozz ibte attempt wi,U be made by the devetopeu to eru uAe the Town and abutteu that no adveue condition witt Aezuf-t UAom the development oU this rite. ADDENDUM NO. 1 - SECTION NO. 4 - EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL As a Amutt o4 the joint meeting it was 5ugge,6ted that although the designed methods o6 contAott i.ng sit tati.on and impeeding .6uA6ace wateA 4tow, additional putec t i.ve and modi jicatio n were dis cu s s ed and accepted by the Devetopeu G.P.V. INC. Item accepted oAe as 4ottowz: 1. ConstAuct (2) two additional catch basins at station 13+18.90 2. Etiminate sedimentation basin between .lots # 11 and 12 and es- ta.bt, sh a 5,000 gaUon oit and gays tAap at appnoximatety station 15+00 l 3. EstabW h (2) two retention ponA6 outside o6 the (250' ) two hundred and 6i6ty boot set back 6Aom take Cochichew.ick, one oU which wiP.l ` be temporaA.ily {nor use daily duAing constAucti.on. 4. Additi.onz staked hay bales w.i t be e,6tabti6hed on the down stope o6 .lots 9, 10, 11 at (25' ) twenty 4.ive Uoot .inteAvala mara4i 6abjci.c ,shoutd be placed pti.or to aU staked hay bates. ADDENDUM NO. 1 - SECTION NO. 5 - SEWER DISPOSAL METHODS NOTE: 046 site .seweA da igned by Hayes Engineejr ing which proceeded down Great Pond Road has been approved by Department o6 Pubtic Works and the Developers wilt be responz bte {nor the construction of this propo,sed seweA and tie in at the existing ti4t station at Rays Pond.