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and ~ Ft~ern L,,
Advisory Committee
Because our fiscal year is being changed, we present in this report,
budgets and articles submitted for an 18 month period.
Your Advisory Committee has reviewed in detail all items in this Warrant
and recommends action that will sustain a wise balance between adequate service to
the townspeople and sensible expenditures.
Considering the fact that educational costs make up one-half of the bud-
get and significant increases appear this year, we would like to summarize the
recommendation we have made in this area.
With the opening of the new High School and th~ inauguration of Kinder-
garten, operational costs will increase 23% for 1973 alone. We realize that fixed
costs must be met. Nevertheless in the 18 month period the Advisory Committee
found a number of contingencies that seemed to be unnecessarily high. We there-
fore suggest a reduction of $28,000 from the requested $475,000 in the expense
section of this budget.
The School Department has requested 38 additional personnel: 23 teach-
ers, 6 paraprofessionals, 6 custodians, 2 secretaries and one nurse. We recommend
that the requested personnel be reduced by 8 teachers. We would also suggest that
teachers be requested to wait until July 1, 1974 for their summer pay, to thereby
postpone two months of instructional salary until the next fiscal period.
During the planning of the new high school, the School Committee hired
an educational consultant to devise plans and educational specifications to assure
that the proposed high school would meet all academic and physical requirements
mandated by the Massachusetts Board of Education. We therefore feel that addi-
tional expenditures for construction and maintenance of a skating rink for phys-
ical education cannot be justified.
With the application of $500,000 from Revenue Sharing, $13 of our
creased tax rate will be absorbed. We know the rate will rise perhaps $6.00 in
addition to this. Because of intangibles such as the Cherry Sheet we cannot pre-
dict a definite amount of increase. Please keep in mind that for every $38,000
voted above our recommedations, your taxes will increase by one dollar per thou-
sand of assessed valuation.
Respectfully submitted,
Mrs. Daniel F. Cahill, chairman
Everett T. Aubry
John W. ConnorS
William J. Driscoll
Harry M. Godden, Jr.
Raymond M. Holland
Richard J. Kulpinski
Harold Morley, Jr., Esq.
Charles A. Salisbury
"Town Farm" Golf Course Study
Equipment - Board of Public Works
Sewage Pumping Station
Water Extensions
Water Extension - Salem Street
Renew Water Services
Recreation - Reynolds Land
Sewer Extension - Wood Avenue
Water Extension - Boxford Street
Sewer Extension - Martin Avenue
Lighting - Drummond Playground
Additional Patrolmen
Additional Firefighters
Personnel By-Law
Terminal Leave Pay
Personnel By-Law
Personnel By-Law
Additional Payment - Group Insurance
Land Taking
Equipment - Police Department
Equipment - Highway Department
Highway Department - Chapter 90
Street Repairing-Resurfacing
Replacing Catch Basins
Repairing Culverts
Guard Rails
$ 1,500 $ 0
33,000 32,500
484,000 0
3,000 3,000
105,000 105,000
4,500 4,500
20,000 0
15,000 15,000
4,500 4,500
17,000 0
16,500 0
8,000 8,000
16,974 16,974
30,000 0
450 450
5,000 2,750
4,975 3,014
94,000 88,710
91,467 0
Street Signs
Sidewalk Repairs
Drainage Repair - Salem Street
Hot Top - Jay Road
Mental Health.
Greater Lawrence Drug Program
Greater Lawrence Sanitary District
Roof - Franklin School
Skating Rink
Renovations - School Committee
Highway Department - Chapter 90
$ 500
2 000
1 600
15 000
24 000
37 460
Recommended Voted
$ 5OO
$2,398,576 $ 572,958
Approved by your Advisory Board under chapter 40, Section 6, of the General Laws
Town Meeting Reports
Police Department
Advisory Committee
Board of Assessors
Building Inspector
Board of Appeals
Board of Health
Snow Removal
Snow Removal
Tax Collector
Selectmen (Legal fees, etc.)
Selectmen (Admin. Asst.)
Balance Closed to Revenue
Amount of Original Appropriation
1972 Date Amount
May 2 $ 100
Sept. 15 3,950
Oct. 17 200
Oct. 29 1,500
Nov. 13 200
Nov. 13 205
Nov. 28 50
Nov. 28 500
Dec. 20 14,000
Dec. 29 4,600
Dec. 29 75
Dec. 29 201
Dec. 29 2,490
Dec. 29 450
$ 28,521
$ 40,000
To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover.
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to
notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to
vote in Elections and Town Affairs to meet in the Bradstreet School Auditorium in
Precinct One, the St. Michael's School Auditorium in Precinct Two, the Thomson
School Auditorium in Precinct Three, the Kittredge School Auditorium in Precinct
Four and the Franklin School Auditorium in Precinct Five, all said in North An~ove~
on Monday, the Fifth day of March 1973 at 7 o'clock A.M. and there to act on the
following article.
ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moder-
ator and Town Treasurer for one year,
one Selectman for three yearS and one
Selectman for two year un-expired
term, one Tax Collector, one Tree
Warden, one member of the Board of
Assessors, one Member of the Board
of Health, one member of the Board
of Public Works and one Highway Sur-
veyor for three years, two members of
the School Committee for three years,
one member of the Planning Board and
one member of the Housing Authority
for five years, and one Constable for
a one year un-expired term.
The polls will be open from 7:00 A.M.,
to 7:00 P.M.
After final action on the preced-
ing Article 1, the meeting shall stand
adjourned, pursuant to the provisions
of the Town's By-Laws to Saturday,
March 17, 1973, at one-thirty (1:30)
P.M., in the Veteran'S Auditorium of
our North Andover High School, then
and there to act on the following
ARTICLE 2. To elect all other
officers not required by law to be
elected by ballot.
Petition of the Selectmen.
It is recommended that the Town refer
to the Selectmen the appointment of
Town Officers not required by law or
By-Law to be otherwise chosen.
ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town
will vote to accept the report of re-
ceipts and expenditures as presented
by the Selectmen.
It is recommended that the report be
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town
will vote to fix the salary and com-
pensation of elected officers of the
Town, as provided by Section 108 of
Chapter 41 of the General Laws.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to fix the following annual salaries of
the elected officers of the Town effect-
ive from January 1, 1973.
Petition of the Selectmen.
Board of Selectmen and Licensing
Commission - each per annum
Board of Assessors - each per annum
Board of Health - each per annum
Board of Public Works - each per
Town Treasurer - per annum
Tree Warden - per annum
Highway Surveyor - per annum
Moderator - for regular Town Meeting
for each Special Town
$ 2,000.00
ARTICLE 5. TO see what action
the Town will take as to its unexpended
Petition of the Selectmen.
It is recom~nended that the Town vote to
carry forward to fiscal 1973-6/30/74
the following articles and appropria-
tions with the exception of the balance
of $153.37 from Article 25 of 1972 Town
Meeting; and the balance of $119.36
from Article 28 of 1972 Town Meeting and
the balance of $328.23 from Article 44
of the 1968 Town Meeting
Article 12,
" 85,
" 47
" 55
" 33
" 35
" 41
" 63
" 43
" 45
" 53
" 20
" 22
" 29
1969 - Town Charter Committee
1970 - Monuments - Boundary
1970 - Town Building - Hot Top Town Yard
8/4/69 - Add. Funds Building & Equiping
Fire Station
1972 - Tree - Equipment
56, 57 - 1970 - Sewers - Turnpike Street
1971 - Sewers - Extend on Andover Street
1971 - " - " " West Side
6/21/71 - " - " " Autran Avenue
6/21/71 - " - .... Grosvenor Avenue
1972 - - " " Waverley Road
1971 - Regional Refuse Disposal Plan Bd.
1970 - Highway - Chap. 90, Salem & Johnson Sts.
1971 - " " " " .... "
1971 - " - Complete Piping Brook
1972 - " - Chap. 90
1972 - " - Complete Piping Brook
1972 - " - Replace Building - Disposal Site
6/12/72 -" - Repair Drainage - So. Bradford St.
School Expenses
" P.L. 864
" P.L. 874
" P.L. 89-10 Title I
" Article 18, 1972 - Complete Construction
" Lunch Program
" North Andover Athletic Assoc.
" Art. 1-A - 6/15/70 - Acquisition of Land
" Art. 2 - 1970 - Construct & Equip High School
" Art. 5 - 6/12/72 - Study need - Skating Rink
$ 460.55
2 925
7 200
8 604
4 082
1 683
4 370
3 000
1 226
41 897
1 710
6 127
2 120
72 070
2 114
24 006
31 291
6 115
29 492
1,652 465
5 000
School Chap. 88 - Lost Books, Fi~es, etc.
Article 70
" 33
" 32
" 34
" 35
" 37
" 40
1967 - Well Field
1969 - Water Main Extensions
6/21/71 - Terminal Leave
1972 - Replace 6" Water Main
1972 - Renew Water Services
1972 - Expand Bathing Beach
1972 - Replace Telemeter
1972 - Extend Water Main (Autran Ave.)
6/1'2/72 -" " " (Beacon Hill Blvd.)
$ 31.15
o 0
o 0
0 0
0 o
0 0
0 o
o o
0 0
0 o
o o
0 ~O
0 Lq
0 o
,'o ~
,ql o
oo oo ~ ~o oo g~'l
0 0 0 H 0 0 0
o 0 0 o o o o ~0I
0 o o o o 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
o 0 0 o 0 0 0o~11
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o
0 0 0 0 0 o
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
o o o I 0 0 00 ~.[[
0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 I 0 0 0
I 0 0 I 0 0 0 0
I 0 0 I 0 0 0
ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Treasurer,
with the approval o£ the Selectmen, to borrow in anticipation of the
revenue for the eighteen month period beginning January 1, 1973 in
accordance with General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 4, and acts in
amendment thereof, and including in addition thereto, Chapter 849 of the
Acts d 1969, as amended, and to renew any note or notes as may be g~ven
for a period of less than one year in accordance with General Laws,
Chapter 44, Section 17.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 8. To consider the reports of all Special Committees.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of
Health to appoint one of its members to the position of Board of Health
physician and fix his compensation, as such, as provided by Section 4A of
Chapter 41 of the General Lawn
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.129 of
its Zoning B~r-Law, which lists the uses permitted in the Industrial 1.
District, by striking out sub-section (3) and inserting in place thereof the
following sub-section: (3) retail, personal service and eating and drinking
use shall be permitted in an amount not to exceed five percent of total
gross floor area of the principal uses.
Petition of Mark O. Henry and other~,
ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.129 of
its Zoning By-Law, which lists the uses permitted in the Industrial I
District, by adding the following subsection (17) Indoor recreational
facilities. Special Permit required.
Petition of Mark O. Henry and othera
ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town sill vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $1,500, to he expended under the direction of the Selectman for
the purpose of providing an investigation and feasability study concerning
the use of the "Town Farm" land and buildings for a Municipal Golf
Course. The study committee to be made up of five members appointed
by the Selectmen two of which members shall he one from the Board of
Public Works and the Director of the Recreation Committee.
Petition of John J. Willis~ Sr., ~nd others.
ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote raise and appropriate the
sum of $33,000, to he expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of purchasing the following equipment: a 1~$
ton dump truck, a % ton pick-up truck, a front end loader and a twelve
voit system automobile: a 1967 1~ ton dump truck, a 1967 ~ ton pick-up
truck, a 1962 H30 Hough Payloader, and a 1967 automobile to he traded.
Petition of the Board of Public Work~
ARTICLE 14. To see ff the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $484,000, to he expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of constructing the Osgood Street sewage
pumping station, a force main to the Sutton Street sewer, an extension of
the sewage system to a point 2600 feet northerly on Osgood Street from
(]re~t Pond Road a~d 2700 feet on (}mat Pond Road from Osgood Street
in accordance with the report on sewerage faeillties for the O~ood Street,
Greet Pond Road area by Camp Dresser & MeKee, consulting engineers.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $3,000, to he expended unde~ the direction of the Board of Public
Works for the purpose of extending water mai~s, subject to the regulations
of said Board, which may not have been petitioned for at this meeting.
Petition of the Board of Public Worka
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is reonmmended that the rown vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Tovat vot~
to ADOPT this article.
No recommendation.
No feeommendatin~t,
Unfavorable ~ion is recomme.ded o~
this art~.
It is re~)mmended that the Town vote
to raise ami appropriate the amount of
$32~500 for the purpose of this article.
Um~-,~oralde action is recomme~&d on
this article.
Uda~o~ble action is re~mmended on
this article.
ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $105,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of extending the twelve inch water main on
Salem Street from the present terminus to Campbell Road, a distance of
7000 ft.
Petition of the Board of Public Worka
ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $4,500, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public
Works for the purpose of renewing water services, placing gate valves on
hydrant branches and raising manhole frames and covers on streets that are
being reconstructed.
Petition of the Boerd of Public Worka
ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $20,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of development of recreation facilities upon
the land area given to the Town by Fanny G. Reynolds, including the
construction of a playground and a ball field.
Petition of the Board of Public Worka
ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town win vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $15,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public
Works for the purpose of raising the flouride content of the Town's water
supply to the levels recommended by Massachusetts Department of Public
Petition of the board of Health and the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $4,500, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public
Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system 150 feet on Wood
Avenue from Sutton Street.
Petition of William A. Hilbert, Jr., and others.
ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $17,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Publ/c Works for the purpose of extending the twalve inch main on
Boxford Street a distance of 1150 feet to Forest Street.
Petition of Joseph J. Flyrm and others.
ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $16,500, to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Martin Avenue
from the existing manhole easterly to Massachusetts Avenue.
Petition of Alfio Ferrara and others.
ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $8,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public
Works for the purpose of purchasing and installing lights and necessary
equipment at Drummond Playground.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to set the Moderator's
compensation at $100, for the Annual Town Meeting, and $50, for each
Special Town Meeting.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $16,974, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for
the purpose of the appointment of two regular patrolmen, fully qualified,
who have passed the Civil Service physical and mental examinations, all in
accordance with Civil Service rules and regulation~
Petition of the Chief of Police.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000
for the purpose of this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $16,974
for the purpose of this article.
ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town wiil vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $30,000, to be extended under the direction of the Fh~e E~neers
for the purpose of appointing four regular fire fighters who have passed
the Civil Service physical and mental examinations, all in accordance with
C~vil Service rules and regulations.
Petition of the Fire Engineers.
ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to establish the position of
Building Inspector as a full- time Employee classified as Compensation
Grade S-20, Schedule B, under the Personnel By-Law, and to amend that
By-Law to implement such vote.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
suw of $450, for the purpose of amending its Personnel By-Law, Schedule
~.., cl~s title Veterans' Benefits Clerk, by striking therefrom compensation
of $36.75 per month, and inserting in its place compensation of $75.00
per month, effective April 1, 1973.
Petition of the Personnel Board.
ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Selectman for
the purpose of paying the terminal leave pay, together with interest, of
retired town employees Francis J. Chemberlin, Robert S. Dill and Edward
J. Donovan, pursuant to the provisions of Section 22 of the Town's
Personnel By-Law.
Petition of Robert S. Dill and Others.
ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of
Section 108-L of c.41 of the General Laws, being an act of establishing a
career incentive pay program for regnalr full-time police officers.
Petition of John J. Lanni and others.
ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will vote to amend Schedule C of
Section 7 of its Personnel By-Law by changing the Police and Fire Annual
Salary Schedules, as to Compensation Grades P-3 and F-3, to read as
Grade Min. II III IV Max.
P-3 15848 16892 17940 19108
P-3 15848 16892 17940 19108
Petition of the Personnel Board.
ARTICLE 32: To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel
By-Law in the following manner:
(A) Raise and appropriate the sum of $1,861. for the purpose of
amending Section 7, Schedule A, Department Head and
Supervisor~ Group, by striking therefrom class title "Librarian"
and inserting in its place class title "Library Director" with
compensation grade S-20, effective April 1, 1973.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ~blish the position of Building
Inspector as a full-time Employee classified
as Comper~ation Grade S-18 Schedule B,
under the Personnel By-Law, and to amend
that By-Law to implement such vote.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the amount of
$2,750 for the purpose of this article.
Unfavorable action is reoummended on
this article.
it ia t'~ommendad that the Town ¥ote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended 1lint the following
motion to amend the Personnel By-Law be
adopted by the Town.
(A) Raise and appropriate the sum of $1,058
for the purpose of amending Section 7,
Schedule A, Department Head and
Supervisory Group, by Striking
therefrom class title "Librarian" and
inserting in its place class title "Library
Director" with eompensatiou grade S-19
effective April 1, 1973.
Raise and appropriate the sum of $1,037.50 for the purpose of
amending Section 7, Schedule A, Library Group, by striking
therefrom class title "Assistant Librarian" and inserting in its
place class t/fie "Assistant Library Director" with compensation
grade S-15, effective April 1, 1973.
(C) Raise and appropr/ate the sum of $995.75 for the purpose of
amending Section 7, Schedule A, Library Group, by striking
therefrom class title "Children's Librarian" and inserting in its
place class title "Librarian H" with compensation grade S-14,
effective April 1, 1973.
(D) Amend Sect/on 7, Schedule A, Library Group, by striking
therefrom class title "Professional Library Assistant" and
inserting in its place clas~ title "Librarian I" with compensation
grade ~-11, effective April 1, 1973,
(E) Raise and appropriate the sum of $728. for the purpose of
amending Section 9, Schedule E, Part-Time Positions Classified
in Library Group, by striking therefrom compensation grade 8-8
and inserting in its place compensation grade 8-11 w~th the
following hourly rates, effective April 1, 1973.
Gre~le Min. H III IV Ma~.
S-11 3.85 3.99 4.13 4.28 4.42
Raise and appropriate the sum of $352.75 for the purpose of
amending Section 7, Schedule A, Custodial Group, by striking
therefrom compensation grade S-7 and inserting in its place
compensation grade S-8, effective April 1, 1973.
Petition of the Personnel Board
Raise and appropriate the sum of $539
for the purpose of amending Section 7,
Schedule A, Library Group, by striking
therefrom class title "Assistant
Librarian" and inserting in its place class
title "Assistant Library Director" with
compensation grade S-14, effective April
1, 1973.
Raise and appropriate the sum of $512
for the purpose of amending Section 7,
Schedule A, Library Group, by striking
therefrom class title "Children's
Librarian" and inserting in its place class
title "Librarian I1" with compensation
grade S-13, effective April 1, 1973.
(D) Amend Section 7, Schedule A, Library
Group, by striking therefrom da~ title
"Professional Library Assistant" and
inserting in its place class title "Librarian
I" with compensation grade S-10,
effective April 1, 1973.
Raise and appropriate the sum of $552
for the purpose of amending Section 9,
Schedule E, Part-Time Positions
Classified in Library Group, by striking
therefrom compensation grade S-8 and
inserting in its place compensation grade
S-10 with the following hourly rates,
effective April 1, 1973.
Grade Min, II III IV Max.
S-10 3.70 3.83 3.96 4.10 4.42
(F) It is recommended that the Town vote
to adopt this section of the article as
ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $94,000, for the purpose of amending its Personnel By-Law by
applying a % increase to become effective April 1, 1973, and by applying a
2% increase to become effective January 1, 1974, to all rates in Schedules
B, C, D, and Sections 8 and 9; and in addition, apply the same percentage
increases and effective dstes to class titles Reserve Patrolman, Veterans'
Agent School Crossing Guard, specifically, within Schedule E.
Petition of the Personnel Board.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $88,710
and to insert the figure 3.9 before % increase
for the purpose of this article.
ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel
By-Law by adding the following sub*section "K" to Section 18 - Sick
Emergency leave of one (1) day per year may be allowed an
employee for personal reasons other than Sick Leave as provided in
this sectiom A "hardship day" is ~thjeet to the ~rme provislous of
this section and is deductible from an employee's unused sick leave.
Petition of the Personnel Board.
ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel
By-Law, Section 22 (A) - Terminal Leave, by striking from sub-section (2)
the number "90" and inserting in place thereof the number "60'.
Petition of the Personnel Board.
ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to pay, in addition to it~
payment of 50% for premiums for contributory group llfe and health
insurance for Town employees, and their dependents, an additional rate of
49%, and to raize and appropriate $91,467, to implement such a vote.
Petition of Robert L. Shea and othera
ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen
to take by eminent domain proceedings such properties as may be
necessary for the construction of a pedestrian overpa~ (over Chickering
Road) into the grounds of the new High School, and to raise and
appropriate the sum of $ in implementation of such a vote.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to raise and approi~iate the
sum of $12,000, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for
the purpose of purchasing four new 1973 12 volt system ears with
necessary safety equipment. One 1970, two 1971 and one 1972 cars to
turned in, in trade, and all equipment such as police radio~, sirens and
other similar accessories to be changed over to the new cars.
Petition of the Chief of Police~
ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate for the use
of the Stevens Memorial Library the sum of $6106.50, which the Town
has received from the state under the provisions of Chapter 78, Section
19A, of the General Laws.
Petition of the Trustees of Stevens Memorial Library.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
Moliom To amend the Personnel
By-Law by striking out Section 22 (A} (2),
whir. it establi;bes the maximum number of
measure an employee's terminal leave
be~4ite, and in~mA'~ in pl~ce ~f ~e
followin~ Section 22 (A) (2):
An employee who qualifies for terminal
leave shall be entitled to the ;ante percenta~
that the number of his years of sewi~e bears
to the 100% .ervi~e factor of 25 years;
provided, that in no ~ d~all said ~ be
measured by more than {a) 60 days
ac~uinlated sick leave, or (b) the number of
days of sick leave accruing to ~ benefit of
the employee during twelve consecutive
calendar regular-work-weeks, whidtever
number of days shall be the les~r.
Unfavorable a~tion is recommended on
Recommendation to be made at Town
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this artiMe.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $20,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of purchasing the following equipment: One
Road Roller ($8,000) and one Loader ($12,000) a 1965 0liver Loader to
be traded.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of maintaining any street in the Town, under
Chapter 90 of the General Laws, and in addition, to raise and appropriate
$1,000 to meet the State's share of the cost of such work, the
reimbursement from the State to be restored, upon receipt, to
unappropriated available funds in the Town treasury.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $85,000, to ha expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of resurfacing, oiling, repairing and maintenance
of any street in Town.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $2,000, to ha expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of replacing existing catch basin frames and
grates which are smaller than standard size.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $2,000, to ha expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of replacing and repairing old stones and other
Petition of the Highway Surveyer.
ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town w/Il vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $3,000, to ha expended ~nder the direction of the Highway
Surveyor, for the purpose of erecting and replacing guard rails throughout
the Town.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor
for the purpose of making and placing street signs.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 47. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $8,000, to ha expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of repairing concrete sldewalk~
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of eng/neering and construction costs to correct
a drainage defect on Salem Street approximately 250 feet west of South
Bradford Street on the northerly side of the road.
Petition of Helen J. St. Cyr and others.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $12,000
under the direction of the Highway Surveyor
for the purpose of puchasing one Loader, a
1965 Loader to be traded.
It ia recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate ~e mm of $55,000
for the purpose of this article.
It is recommended that the Towrt vote
to rais~ and appropriate the sum of $1,500
for the purpose of this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500
for the purpose of this article.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $1,600, to be expended, together with the $2400 heretofore paid
to the Town by John J. Shields, under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor, for the purpose of adding a finish coat of hot-top to Jay Road.
Petition of Timothy S. Rock and others.
ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to accept Jay Road as a
Town Way.
Petition of Timothy S. Rock an.d others.
ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $15,000, to be expended under the direction of the School
Committee for the purpose of providing payment for 18 months of
services rendered, or to be rendered, by the Greater Lawrence Mental
Health Center, for or in befall of some of the children of the Town, all as
the Committee may determine.
Petition of the School Committee.
ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $24,000, to be expended under the direction of the Greater
Lawrence Community Drug Council, Inc., for the purpose of sponsoring a
comprehensive community based drug treatment program which will
provide the following services:
1) an educational program for parents, teachers and children under the
direction of qualified educator and in cooperation with the Health
Coordinator of the North Andover School System;
2) a counselling center which will offer individual and group
counselling programs;
3) a medical walk-in clinic which will be based at the Bon Secours
4) a residential therapeutic community (Challenge House) which will
provide fifty beds for in-patient treatment;
5) a 24 hour, 7 day week, hot line to he manned by qualified
personnel in the area of crisis intervention.
Petition of James A. Glynn, Jr., and others.
ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of
Section 8G of Chapter 40 of the general Laws, which authorizes towns to
enter into agreements to provide mutual Police Aid Programs.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town
Charter Study Committee, to initiate the necessary actions under the
provisions of Article LXXXIX of the Amendments of the Constitution of
the Commonwealth and Chapter 43B of the General Laws, to place before
the Town at the 1974 Annual Town Election the question of electing a
commission to frame a charter for the Town, and to expend any or all of
the balance of funds appropriated under Article 12 of the Warrant for the
1969 Town Meeting for this purpose and for the purpose of presenting to
the voters of the Town the facts about a Charter Commission.
Petition of the Town Charter Study Committee.
ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote to amend itz General
By-Laws by inserting, in Article I_II thereof, the following new sectiou:
Section 9. For the purpose of controlling and abating noise, no automobile
service station within the Town shall conduct business between the hours
of 10 P.M. and & 7 A.M.
Petition of the Selectmen.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,200
under betterment ___~sments to abutters,
under General Laws, to be expended
together with the $2,400 heretofore paid to
the Town by John J. Shields, under the
direction of the Highway Surveyor for the
purpose of adding a finish coat of hottop to
Jay Road.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is re~)mmendad that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,200
for the puq~se of this article, provided the
other Greater Lawrence Community
members contribute no less than 50 ~nts
per capita annually.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this artiete.
It is recommended that t~e Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
No recommendation
ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General
By-Laws by inserting, in Article HI thereof, the following new section:
Section 10. The Selectmen may, for the purpose of controlling and abating
noise, promulgate orders, not inconsistent with any governing statute,
establishing the hours during which any holder of a common victualler's
license may open his licensed premises to the public.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article XI-A of
its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following opanin~ paragraph:
No owner or keeper of any dog shall permit it to leave its owner's or
keeper's premises unless it is held firmly on a leash. The owner or keeper
of a dog shall be that person normally responsible for the maintenance and
upkeep of the premises upon which the dog is kept, and need not
necessarily be the person to whom a dog license may have been issued. The
dog officer shall be the enforcing officer of this By-Law, and may seek
complaints against persons in violation hereof under provisions of Section
173A of Chapter 140 of the General Laws.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $37,460.46, representing the Town's share of the estimated
operating costs and capital expenses of the Greater Lawrence Sanitary
District for the eighteenth month period commencing January 1, 1973;
provided, however, that said sum shall not be paid from the Town
Treasury until the other Member Municipalities of said District shall have
made legally appropriate provisions for the payment of their respective
apportioned shares of such expenses and costs for the same period.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $20,000, to be extended under the direction of the School
Committee for the purpose of installing an asphalt and gravel roof on the
Franklin School, covering an area of about 17,000 square feet (old section
of school), or act in relation thereto.
Petition of the School Committee.
ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $1,068,150, to be extended under the direction of the School
Building Committee for the purpose of completing the construction of,
and originally equipping and furnishing the new North Andover High
School's Physical Education Skating Facility for school purposes.
Petition of the School Committee and the School Building Committee.
ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $75,000, to be expended under the direction of the School
Committee for the purpose of renovating, equipping and furnishing the
present High School as a middle school, and the renovating, equipping and
furnishing of the present Atkinson School as an elementary school (Grades
K-5), and a Superintendent's Central Office.
Petition of the School Committee.
ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to accept Section 58E of
Chapter 48 of the General Laws which reads as follows; In any city or
town which accepts this section, applicants for position in and members of
the regular fire department of said city or town may reside outside said
city or town; provided, they reside within the Commonwealth and within
ten miles of the limits of said city or town.
Petition of Robert L. Shea and others.
ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $11,500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyer for the purpose of meeting the Town's share of the cost of
Chapter 90 Highway construction, and in addition, to raise and
appropriate $34,500 to meet the State and County shares of such costs,
the reimbursement from State and County to be restored, upon their
receipt, to unappropriated available funds in the Town treasury.
Petition of the Selectmen.
No recommendation
No recommendation
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this arti=le.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $65,000
for the purpose of this article.
No recommendation
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $46,000
for the purpose of this article.
ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4 of
Article I of its General By-Laws to provide that the adjourned Annual
Town Meeting shall hereafter be held on the third Monday in May at 7:30
P.M. or at such other time as this Meeting may determine.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $ from
Revenue Sharing funds (Fiscal Assistance to State and Local Governments)
as follows:
Purpose Amount
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or
transfer from the Overlay Reserve the sum of $ to the Reserve Fund.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum as this meeting may determine, to the Stabilization Fund, as provided
by Section 5B of Chapter 40 of the General Laws.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 68. To see ff the Town will vote to take the sum of $ frown
available funds to reduce the tax rate.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $19,000 to be expended under the disection of the Board of Fire
Engineers for the purpose of the purchasing of a New Ambulance.
Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers.
And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested
copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more public
places in each voting precinctof the Town,. Said copies to be posted not
more than seven days before the time of said meeting.
Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings
thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting.
Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 15th day
of January in the year of Our Lord one thous~md nine hundred and
A true copy:
North Andover, Mass.
Februa~j 1973.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to amend Section 4 of Article I of the
General By-Laws to provide that the
adjourned Annual Town meeting shall
hereafter be held on the third Saturday of
May at 1:30 P, M.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to appropriate $500,050 from Revenue
Sharing as follow=
$200,000 to be applied to Police
Department Budget
$300,000 to he applied to Fire Department
It is recommended that the Town vote
to transfer from available funds $150,000
for the purpose of this article.
It is recommended that no sum he
appropiated for the purpose of this article.
it is recommended that the Town vote
to take the sum of $------ from available
funds for the p~rpose of this article.
Recommendation to be made at Town
Town Cl~rk
Advisory Committee Report
Town of North Andover
Arnold H Salisbury
301 Johnson St
N Andover ~aas 01545
No. Andover, Mass.
Permi! No. 191
DATE: Saturday, March 17, 1973
TIME: 1:30 P.M.
PLACE: Veterans Memorial Auditorium
North Andover High School
Please bring this copy of Advisory
Committee Report with you to
Town Meeting.
Advisory Committee
Because our fiscal year is being changed, we present in this report,
budgets and articles submitted for an 18 month period.
Your Advisory Committee has reviewed in detail all items in this Warrant
and recommends action that will sustain a wise balance between adequate service to
the townspeople and sensible expenditures.
Considering the fact that educational costs make up one-half of the bud-
get and significant increases appear this year, we would like to summarize the
recommendation we have made in this area.
With the opening of the new High School and the inauguration of Kinder-
garten, operational costs will increase 23% for 1973 alone. We realize that fixed
costs must be met. Nevertheless in the 18 month period the Advisory Committee
found a number of contingencies that seemed to be unnecessarily high. We there-
fore suggest a reduction of $28,000 from the requested $475,000 in the expense
section of this budget.
The School Department has requested 38 additional personnel: 23 teach-
ers, 6 paraprofessionals, 6 custodians, 2 secretaries and one nurse. We recommend
that the requested personnel be reduced by 8 teachers. We would also suggest that
teachers be requested to wait until July 1, 1974 for their summer pay, to thereby
postpone two months of instructional salary until the next fiscal period.
During the planning of the new high school, the School Committee hired
an educational consultant to devise plans and educational specifications to assure
that the proposed high school would meet all academic and physical requirements
mandated by the Massachusetts Board of Education. We therefore feel that addi-
tional expenditures for construction and maintenance of a skating rink for phys-
ical education cannot be justified.
With the application of $500,000 from Revenue Sharing, $13 of our in-
creased tax rate will be absorbed. We know the rate will rise perhaps $6.00 in
addition to this. BecauSe of intangibles such as the Cherry Sheet we cannot pre-
dict a definite amount of increase. Please keep in mind that for every $38,000
voted above our recommedations, your taxes will increase by one dollar per thou-
sand of assessed valuation.
Respectfully submitted,
Mrs. Daniel F. Cahill, Chairman
Everett ~T. Aubry
John W. Connors
William J. Driscoll
Harry M. Godden, Jr.
Raymond M. Holland
Richard J. Kulpinski
Harold Morley, Jr., Esq.
Charles A. Salisbury
"Town Farm" Golf Course Study
Equipment - Board of Public Works
Sewage Pumping Station
Water Extensions
Water Extension - Salem Street
Renew Water Services
Recreation - Reynolds Land
Sewer Extension - Wood Avenue
Water Extension - Boxford Street
Sewer Extension - Martin Avenue
Lighting - Drummond Playground
Additional Patrolmen
Additional Firefighters
Personnel By-Law
Terminal Leave Pay
Personnel By-Law
Personnel By-Law
Additional Payment - Group Insurance
Land Taking
Equipment - Police Department
Equipment - Highway Department
Highway Department - Chapter 90
Street Repairing-Resurfacing
Replacing Catch Basins
Repairing culverts
Guard Rails
4 500
4 500
17 000
16 500
8 000
16 974
30 000
Street Signs
Sidewalk Repairs
Drainage Repair - Salem Street
Hot Top - Jay Road
Mental Health
Greater Lawrence Drug Program
Greater Lawrence Sanitary District
Roof - Franklin School
Skating Rink
Renovations - School Committee
Highway Dep~rtment - Chapter 90
$ 50O $ 5OO
8,000 2,500
2,000 0
1,600 1,600
15,000 15,000
24,000 12,000
37,460 37,460
20,000 20,000
1,068,150 0
75,000 65,000
46,000 46,000
$ 572,958
Approved by your Advisory Board under Chapter 40, Section 6, of the General Laws
1972 Date Amount
Town Meeting Reports
Police Department
Advisory Committee
Board of Assessors
Building Inspector
Board of Appeals
Board of Health
Snow Removal
Snow Removal
Tax Collector
Selectmen (Legal fees, etc.)
Selectmen (Admin. Asst.)
May 2 $ 100
Sept. 15 3,950
Oct. 17 200
Oct. 29 1,500
Nov. 13 200
Nov. 13 205
Nov. 28 50
Nov. 28 500
Dec. 20 14,000
Dec. 29 4,600
Dec. 29 75
Dec. 29 201
Dec. 29 2,490
Dec. 29 450
Balance Closed to Revenue
$ 28,521
$ 40,000
Amount of Original Appropriation
To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andovsr.
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to
notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to
vote in Elections and Town Affairs to meet in the Bradstreet School Auditorium in
Precinct One, the St. Michael's School Auditorium in Precinct Two, the Thomson
School Auditorium in Precinct Three, the Kittredge School Auditorium in Precinct
Four and the Franklin School Auditorium in Precinct Five, all said in North Andover
on Monday, the Fifth day of March 1973 at 7 o'clock A.M. and there to act on the
following article.
ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moder-
ator and Town Treasurer for one year,
one Selectman for three years and one
Selectman for two year un-expired
term, one Tax Collector, one Tree
Warden, one member of the Board of
Assessors, one Member of the Board
of Health, one member of the Board
of Public Works and one Highway Sur-
veyor for three years, two members of
the School Committee for three years,
one member of the Planning Board and
one member of the Housing Authority
for five years, and one Constable for
a one year un-expired term.
The polls will be open from 7:00 A.M.,
to 7:00 P.M.
After final action on the preced-
ing Article 1, the meeting shall stand
adjourned, pursuant to the provisions
of the Town'S By-Laws to Saturday,
March 17, 1973, at one-thirty (1:30)
P.M., in the Veteran's Auditorium of
our North Andover High School, then
and there to act on the following
ARTICLE 2. To elect all other
officers not required by law to be
elected by ballot.
Petition of the Selectmen.
It is recommended that the Town refer
to the Selectmen the appointment of
Town officers not required by law or
By-Law to be otherwise chosen.
ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town
will vote to accept the report of re-
ceipts and expenditures as presented
by the Selectmen.
It is recommended that the report be
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town
will vote to fix the salary and com-
pensation of elected officers of the
Town, as provided by Section 108 of
Chapter 41 of the General Laws.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to fix the following annual salaries of
the elected officers of the Town effect-
ive from January i, 1973.
Petition of the Selectmen.
Board of Selectmen and Licensing
Commission - each per annum
Board of Assessors - each per annum
Board of Health - each per annum
Board of Public Works - each per
Town Treasurer - per annum
Tree Warden - per annum
Highway Surveyor - per annum
Moderator - for regular Town Meeting
for each Special Town
$ 2,000.00
ARTICLE 5. TO see what action
the Town will take as to its unexpended
Petition of the Selectmen.
It is recommended that the Town vote to
carry forward to fiscal 1973-6/30/74
the following articles and appropria-
tions with the exception of the balance
of $153.37 from Article 25 of 1972 Town
Meeting; and the balance of $119.36
from Article 28 of 1972 Town Meeting and
the balance of $328.23 from Article 44
of the 1968 Town Meeting
Article 12, " 81,
" 85,
" 47,
" 55,
" 33,
" 63
" 43
" 45
" 53
" 20
" 22
" 29
1969 - Town Charter committee
1970 - Monuments - Boundary
1970 - Town Building - Hot Top Town Yard
8/4/69 - Add. Funds Building & Equiping
Fire Station
1972 - Tree - Equipment
56, 57 - 1970 - Sewers - Turnpike Street
1971 - Sewers - Extend on Andover Street
1971 - " - " " West Side
6/21/71 - " - " " Autran Avenue
6/21/71 - " - " " Grosvenor Avenue
1972 - " - " "Waverley Road
1971 - Regional Refuse Disposal Plan Bd.
1970 - Highway - Chap. 90, Salem & Johnson Sts.
1971 - " " " " " " "
1971 - " - Complete Piping Brook
1972 - " Chap. 90
1972 - " - Complete Piping Brook
1972 - " Replace Building - Disposal Site
6/12/72 - " - Repair Drainage - So. Bradford St.
P.L. 864
P.L. 874
P.L. 89-10 Title I
Article 18, 1972 - Complete Construction
Lunch Program
North Andover Athletic Assoc.
Art. 1-A - 6/15/70 - Acquisition of Land
Art. 2 - 1970 - Construct & Equip High School
Art. 5 - 6/12/72 - Study need - Skating Rink
$ 460.55
4,082 .61
School Chap. 88 - Lost Books, Fines, etc.
Article 70
" 33
" 32
" 34
" 35
" 37
" 40
1967 - Well Field
1969 - Water Main Extensions
6/21/71 - Terminal Leave
1972 - Replace 6" Water Main
1972 - Renew Water Services
1972 - Expand Bathing Beach
1972 - Replace Telemeter
1972 - Extend Water Main (Autran Ave.)
6/12/72 -" " " (Beacon Hill Blvd.)
$ 31.15
o · ~4
o o
o o
o o
o o
o o
0 0
0 0 o o o 0 00 ~!I
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
~ ~ 0 0 0 I~ 0
0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0
I 0 0 I 0 0 0
I 0 0 I 0 0
0 ~1
4.1 0
~ 0 · ~ 0
I~ o~ ~J 13 H
~ 0 ~ 0
· P 0
0 m
ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Treasurer,
with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow in anticipation of the
revenue for the eighteen month period beginning January 1, 1973 in
accordance with General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 4, and acts in
amendment thereof, and including in addition thereto, Chapter 849 of the
Acts of 1969, as amended, and to renew any note or notes as may be given
for a period of less than one year in accordance with General Laws,
Chapter 44, Section 17.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 8. To consider the reports of all Special Committees.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 9. To see ff the Town will vote to authorize the Board of
Health to appoint one of its members to the pos/tion of Board of Health
physician and fix his compensation, as such, as provided by ~ection 4A of
Chapter 41 of the General Law~
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.129 of
its Zoning By-Law, which lists the uses permitted in the Industrisl 1.
District, by striking out sub-section (3) and inserting in place thereof the
following sub-section: (3) retail, personal service and eating and drinking
use shall ha permitted in an amount not to exceed five percent of total
gross floor area of the principal use~
Petition of Mark O. Henry and oth~s.
ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.129 of
its Zoning By-Law, which lists the uses permitted in the Industrial I
District, by adding the following sub-section (17) Indoor re~eational
facilities. Special Permit required.
Petition of Mark O. Henry and othe~
ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town s/il vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $1,500, to be expended under the d/rection of the Selectman for
the purpose of providing an ~vest,~ation and feasability study concerning
the use of the '~l'own Farm" land and buildings for a Mu[ftc/pal Golf
Course. The study committee to be made up of five members appointed
by the Selectmen two of which members shah he one from the Board of
Public Works and the Director of the Recreation Committee.
Petition of John J. Willi~ ~., and other&
ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote raise and appropriate the
sum of $33,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of purchasing the following equipment: a 1~
ton dump truck, a ~& ton pick-up track, a f~ont end loader and a twelve
volt system automobile: a 1967 1~ ton dump truck, a 1967 ~A ton pick-up
truck, a 1962 H30 Hough Payloader, and a 1967 automobile to he traded.
Petition of the Board of Public Works~
ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town ~ Tote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $484,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of constxucting the Osgood Street sewage
pumping station, a force main to the Sutton Street sewer, an extension of
the sewage system to a point 2600 feet northerly on Oagood/~rcet from
Great Pond Road ,n.d 2700 feet on Great Pond Road ~rom Osgood Street
in accordance with the report on sewerage fac/lities for the Osgood Street,
Gmat Pond Road area by Camp Dresser & McKce, consulting en~n~ers.
Petition of the Board of Public Work&
ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $3,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public
Works for the purpose of extending water mains, subject to the regulations
of said Board, which may not have been petitioned for at this meeting.
Petition of the Board of Public Work~
it is recommended Rat the Town vote
to ADOPT this artic/e.
It is recommended ~hat the I'own vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended thst the Town vot~
to ADOPT this article.
No recommendation.
No recommendation.
Urda~oralde action is mcommemlmJ on
this article.
It is reoommend~d that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the amount of
$32,500 for the pumose of this article.
Unfavorable action is ~ecommonded on
this article.
ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $105,000, to be expended under the dimctinn of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of extending the twelve inch water main on
Salem Steer from the present ~erminus to C0mphell Road, a distance of
7000 ft.
Petition of the Board of Public Worka
ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $4,500, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public
Works for the purpose of renewing water services, placing gate valves on
hydrant branches and raising manhole frames and covers on streets that are
being reconstructed.
Petition of the Board of Public Worka
ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $20,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of development of recreation facilities upon
the land area given to the Town by Fanny G. Reynolds, including the
construction of a playground and a ball field.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $15,000 to be expended under the dimctinn of the Board of Public
Works for the purpose of raising the fiouride content of the Town's water
supply to the levels recommended by Massachusetts Department of Public
Petition of the board of Health and the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $4,500, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public
Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system 150 feet on Wood
Avenue from Sutton Street.
Petition of William A. Hilhert, Jr., and others.
ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $17,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of extending the twelve inch main on
Boxford Street a distance of 1150 feet to Forest Street.
Petition of Joseph J. Flynn and other&
ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $16,500, to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Mart'm Avenue
from the existing manhole easterly to Massachusetts Avenue.
Petition of Alfio Ferrara and othara
ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $8,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public
Works for the purpose of purchasing and installing lights and necessary
equipment at Drummond Playground.
Petition of the Selectmer~
ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to set the Moderator's
compensation at $100, for the Annual Town Meeting, and $50, for each
Special Town Meeting.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $16,974, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for
the purpose of the appointment of two regular patrolmen, fully qualified,
who have passed the Civil Service physical and mental examinations, all in
accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations.
Petition of the Chief of Police.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise end appropriate the sum of $8,000
for the purpose of this articl~
it is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $16,974
for the purpose of this article.
ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to relae and appropriate the
sum of $30,000, to be extended under the direction of the Fire Engineers
for the purpose of appointing four regular fire fighters who have passed
the Civil Service physical and mental examinations, all in accordance with
Civil Service rules and regulations.
Petition of the Fire Engineers.
ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to establish the position of
Building Inspector as a full- time Employee classified as Compensation
Grade S-20, Schedule B, under the Personnel By-Law, and to amend that
By-Law to implement such vote.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 28. To see if the Tovm will vote to raise and appropriate the
suw of $450, for the purpose of amending its Personnel By-Law, Schedule
E, class title Veterans' Benefits Clerk, by str/king therefrom compensation
of $36.75 per month, and inserting in its place compensation of $75.00
per month, effective April 1, 1973.
Petition of the Personnel Board.
ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $5,000, to he expended under the direction of the Selectman for
the purpose of paying the terminal leave pay, together with interest, of
retired town employees Francis J. Chamberlin, Robert S. Dill and Edward
J. Donovan, pursuant to the provisions of Section 22 of the Town's
Personnel By-Law.
Petition of Robert S. Dill and Othera
ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of
Section 108-L of c.41 of the General Laws, being an act of establishing a
career incentive pay program for regualr full-time police officers.
Petition of John J. Lanni and others.
ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will vote to amend Schedule C of
Section 7 of its Personnel By-Law by changing the Police and Fire Annual
Salary Schedules, as to Compensation Grades P-3 and F-8, to read as
Grade Min. II III IV Max.
P-3 15848 16892 17940 19108
1~-3 15848 16892 17940 19108
Petition of the Personnel Board.
ARTICLE 32: To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel
By-Law in the following manner:
(A) Raise and appropriate the sum of $1,861. for the purpose of
amending Section 7, Schedule A, Department Head and
Supervisory Group, by striking therefrom claas title "Librarian"
and inserting in it~ place class title "Library Director" with
compensation grade S-20, effective April 1, 1973.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ~;~blish the position of Building
Ir~pector as a full-time Employee classified
as Compensation Grade S-18 Schedule B,
under the Personnel By-Law, and to amend
that By-Law to implement such vote.
It is recommended tbet the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommanded that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the amount of
$2,750 for the puq~ose of this article.
Unfavorable action i$ recommended on
this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is red, remanded that the following
motion to amend the Personnel By-Law be
adopted by the Town.
(A) Raise and ~propriate the sum of $1
for the purpose of amending Suction 7,
Schedule A, Deperb..ent Head and
Supervisory Group, by Striking
therefrom class title "Librarian" and
inserting in its place class 1]tt~ "Library
Director" wilJt compe.sation grade S-19
eff,at~e Ap~l 1, 197~
(B) Raise and appropriate the sum of $1,037.50 for the purpose of
amending Section 7, Schedule A, Library Group, by striking
therefrom class title "Assistant Librarian" and inserting in its
place class title "Assistant Library Director" with compensation
grade S-15, effective April 1, 1973.
(C) Raise and appropriate the sum of $995.75 for the purpose of
amending Section 7, Schedule A, Library Group, by striking
therefrom class title "Children's Librarian" and inserting in its
place class title "Librarian II" with compensation grade S-14,
effective April 1, 1973.
(D) Amend Section 7, Schedule A, Library Group, by striking
therefrom class title "Professional Library Assistant" and
inserting in its place class title "Librarian I" with compensation
grade S-11, effective April 1, 1973.
(E) Raise and appropriate the sum of $728. for the purpose of
amending Section 9, Schedule E, Part-Time Positions Classified
in Library Group, by striking therefrom compensation grade S-8
and inserting in its place compensation grade S-11 with the
following hourly rates, effective April 1, 1973.
Grode Min. II III IV Max.
S-11 3.85 3.99 4.13 4.28 4.42
(F) Raise and appropriate the sum of $352.75 for the purpose of
amending Section 7, Schedule A, Custodial Group, by striking
therefrom compensation grade S-7 and inserting in its place
compensation grade S-8, effective April 1, 1973.
Petition of the Personnel Board
(B) Raise and appropriate the sum of $539
for the purpose of amending Section 7,
Schedule A, Library Group, by striking
therefrom class title "Assistant
Librarian" and inserting in its place class
title "Assistant Library Director" with
compensation grade S-14, effective April
1, 1973.
Raise and appropriate the sum of $512
for the purpose of amending Section 7,
Schedule A, Library Group, by striking
therefrom class title "Children's
Librarian" and inserting in its piece class
title "Librarian I1" with compensation
grade S-13, effective April 1, 1973.
(D) Amend Section 7, Schedule A, Library
Group, by striking therefrom class title
"Professional Library Assistant" and
inserting in its place class title "Librarian
I" with compensation grade S-10,
effective April 1, 1973.
(E) Raise and appropri~e the sum of $552
for the purpose of amending Section 9,
Schedule E, Part-Time Positions
Classified in Library Group, by striking
therefrom compensation grade S-8 and
inserting in its place compensation grade
S-10 with the following hourly rates,
effective April 1, 1973.
Grade Min. II III IV Max.
S-10 3.70 3.83 3.96 4.10 4.42
(F) It is recommended that the Town vote
to adopt this section of the article as
ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $94,000, for the purpose of amending its Personnel By-Law by
applying a % increase to become effective April 1, 1973, and by applying a
2% increase to become effective January 1, 1974, to all rates in Schedu]as
B, C, D, and Sections 8 and 9; and in addition, apply the same percentage
increases and effective dates to class titles Reserve Patrolman, Veterans'
Agent School Crowing Guard, specifically, within Schedule E.
Petition of the Personnel Board.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $88,710
and to insert the figure 3.9 before % increase
for the purpose of this article.
ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel
By-Law by adding the following sub-section "K" to Section 18 - Sick
Emergency leave of one (1) day per year may be allowed an
employee for personal reasons other than Sick Leave as provided in
this section. A "hardship day" is subject to the same provisions of
this section and is deductible from an employee's unused sick leave.
Petition of the Personn~ Board.
ARTICLE 35. To see ff the Town will vote to amend its Personnel
By-Law, Section 22 (A) - Terminal Leave, by striking from sub-section (2)
the number "90" and inserting in place thereof the number "60".
Petition of the Personnel Board.
ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to pay, in addition to its
payment of 50% for premiums for contributory group life and health
insurance for Town employees, and their dependents, an additional rate of
49%, and to raise and appropriate $91,467, to implement such a vote.
Petition of Robert L. Shea and other~
ARTICLE 37. To see ff the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen
to f~ke by eminent domain proceedings such properties as may be
necessary for the construction of a pedestrian overpass (over Chickering
Road) into the grounds of the new High School, and to raise and
appropriate the sum of $ in implementation o! such a vot~
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $12,000, to be expended unde~ the direction of the Selectmen for
the purpose of purchasing four new 1973 12 volt system cars with
necessary safety equipment. One 1970, two 1971 and one 1972 cars to
turned in, in trade, and all equipment such as police radios, sirens and
other similar accessories to he changed over to the new cars.
Petition of the Chief of Police.
ARTICLE 39. To see ff the Town will vote to appropriate for the use
of the Stevens Memorial Library the sum of $6106.50, which the Town
has received from the state unde~ the provisions of Chapter 78, Section
19A, of the (]eneral Laws.
Petition of the Trustees of Stevens Memorial Library.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
Motion: To amend the Personnel
By-Law by striking out Section 22 {A) (2),
which establishes the m~(imum number of
~-:~_~mulated days of sick lewe which
measure an employee's terminal leave
benefits, and inserting in place thereof the
followin; Section 22 (A) (2):
An employee who qualifies for terminal
leave shall be entitled to the same percentage
shat the number of his years of service bears
to the 100% seevice factor of 25 years;
provided, that in no ~ shall said leave be
me~__,mcl by more than (a) 60 days
eacululated ~ leave, or (b) the number of
days of sick leave accruing to the benefit of
the employee during twelve consecutive
number of days shall be the .__h~F~r__,
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
Recommendation to be made at Town
It is recomme.ded that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $20,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of purehasing the following equipment: One
Road Roller ($8,000) and one Loader ($12,000) a 1965 Oliver Loader to
be traded.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of maintaining any street in the Town, under
Chapter 90 of the General Laws, and in addition, to raise and appropriate
$1,000 to meet the State's share of the cost of such work, the
reimbursement from the State to be restored, upon receipt, to
unappropriated available funds in the Town treasury.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 42. To see ff the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $85,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of resurfacing, oiling, repairing and maintenance
of any street in Town.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of replacing existing catch basin frames and
grates which are smaller than standard size.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of replacing and repairing old stones and other
Petition of the Highway Surveyer.
ARTICLE 45. To see ff the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $3,000, to be expended tinder the direction of the Highway
Surveyor, for the purpose of erecting and replacing guard rails throughout
the Town.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor
for the purpose of making and placing street signs.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 47. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $8,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of repairing concrete sidewalks.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of engineering and construction costs to correct
a drainage defect on Salem Street approximately 250 feet west of South
Bradford Street on the northerly side of the road.
Petition of Helen J. St. Cyr and othera
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $12,000
under the di~ction of the Highway Surveyor
for the purpose of puchasing one Loader, a
1965 Loader to he traded.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $55,000
for the purpose of this article.
It is recommended that the Towrt vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500
for the purpose of this article,
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500
for the purpose of this article.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $1,600, to be expended, together with the $2400 heretofore paid
to the Town by John J. Shields, under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor, for the purpose of adding a finish coat of hot-top to Jay Road.
Petition of Timothy S. Rock and others.
ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to accept Jay Road as a
Town Way.
Petition of Timothy S. Rock and others.
ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $15,000, to be expended under the direction of the School
Committee for the purpose of providing payment for 18 months of
services rendered, or to be rendered, by the Greater Lawrence Mental
Health Center, for or in befalf of some of the children of the Town, all as
the Committee may determine.
Petition of the School Committee.
ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $24,000, to be expended under the direction of the Greater
Lawrence Community Drug Council, Inc., for the purpose of sponsoring a
comprehensive community based drug treatment program which will
provide the following services:
1) an educational program for parents, teachers and children under the
direction of qualified educator and in cooperation with the Health
Coordinator of the North Andover School System;
2) a counselling center which will offer individual and group
counselling programs;
3) a medical walk-in clinic which will be based at the Bon Secours
4) a residential therapeutic community (Challenge House) which will
provide fifty beds for in-patient treatment;
5) a 24 ltour, 7 day week, hot line to be manned by qualified
personnel in the area of crisis interventio~
Petition of James A. Glynn, Jr., and others.
ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of
Section 8G of Chapter 40 of the general Laws, which authorizes towns to
enter into agreements to provide mutual Police Aid Programs.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town
Charter Study Committee, to initiate the necessary actions under the
provisions of Article LXXXIX of the Amendments of the Constitution of
the Commonwealth and Chapter 43B of the General Laws, to place before
the Town at the 1974 Annual Town Election the question of electing a
commission to frame a charter for the Town, and to expend any or all of
the balance of funds appropriated under Article 12 of the Warrant for the
1969 Town Meeting for this purpose and for the purpose of presenting to
the voters of the Town the facts about a Charter Commission.
Petition of the Town Charter Study Committee.
ARTICLE 55. To see ff the Town will vote to amend its General
By-Laws by inserting, in Article HI thereof, the following new sectiou:
Section 9. For the purpose of controlling and abating noise, no automobile
service station within the Town shall conduct business between the hours
of 10 P.M. and & 7 A.M.
Petition of the Selectmen.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,200
under betterment assessments to abutters,
under General Laws, to be expended
together with the $2,400 heretofore paid to
the Town by John J. Shields, under the
direction of the Highway Surveyor for the
purpose of adding a finish ~oat of hottop to
Jay Road.
Unfworable action is recommended on
this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this artieie.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,200
for the purpose of this article, provided the
othe~ Greater Lawrance Community
members ennl~ibute no less than 50 cents
per capita annually.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
No recommendation
ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General
By-Law~ by inserting, in Article III thereof, the following new section:
Section 10. The Selectmen may, for the purpose of controlling and abating
noise, promulgate orders, not inconsistent with any governing statute,
establishing the hours during which any holder of a common victualler's
license may open his licensed premises to the public.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article XI-A of
its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following opening paragraph:
No owner or keeper of any dog shall permit it to leave its owner's or
keeper's premises unless it is held firmly on a leash. The owner or keeper
of a dog shall be that person normally responsible for the maintenance and
upkeep of the premises upon which the dog is kept, and need not
necessarily be the person to whom a dog license may have been i~ued. The
dog officer shall be the enforcing officer of this By-Law, and may seek
complaints against persons in violation hereof under provisions of Section
173A of Chapter 140 of the General Laws.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $37,460.46, representing the Town's share of the estimated
operating costs and capital expenses of the Greater Lawrence Sanitary
District for the eighteenth month period commencing January 1, 1973;
provided, however, that said sum shall not be paid from the Town
Treasury until the other Member Municipalities of said District shall have
made legally appropriate provisions for the payment of their respective
apportioned shares of such expenses and costs for the same period.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $20,000, to be extended under the direction of the School
Committee for the purpose of installing an asphalt and gravel roof on the
Franklin School, covering an area of about 17,000 square feet (old section
of school), or act in relation thereto.
Petition of the School Committee.
ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $1,068,150, to be extended under the direction of the School
Building Committee for the purpose of completing the construction of,
and originally equipping and furnishing the new North Andover High
School's Physical Education Skating Facility for school purposes.
Petition of the School Committee and the School Building Committee.
ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $75,000, to be expended under the direction of the School
Committee for the purpose of renovating, equipping and furnishing the
present High School as a middle school, and the renovating, equipping and
furnishing of the present Atkinson School as an elementary school (Grades
K-5), and a Superintendent's Central Office.
Petition of the School Committee.
ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to accept Section 58E of
Chapter 48 of the General Laws which reads as follows; In any city or
town which eceepts this section, applicants for position in and members of
the regular fire department of said city or town may reside outside said
city or town; provided, they reside within the Commonwealth and within
ten miles of the limits of said city or town.
Petition of Robert L. Shea and others.
ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $11,500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyer for the purpose of meeting the Town's share of the cost of
Chapter 90 Higt~way construction, and in addition, to raise and
appropriate $34,500 to meet the State and County shares of such cost, s,
the reimborsemant from State and County to be restored, upon their
receipt, to unappropriated available funds in the Town treasury.
Petition of the Selectmen.
No recommendation
No recommendation
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is menmmended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $65,000
for 1he purpose of this article.
No recommendation
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $46,000
for the purpose of this article.
ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will vote to amend ~ection 4 of
Article I of its General By-Laws to provide that the a~ourned Annual
Town Meeting shall hereafter be held on the third Monday in May at 7:30
P.M. or at such other time as this Meeting may determine.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $ /rom
Revenue Sharing funds (Fiscal Assistance to State and Local Governments)
as follows:
Purpose Amount
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or
transfer/rom the Overlay Reserve the sum of $ to the Reserve Fund.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum as this meeting may determine, to the Stabilization Fund, as provided
by Section 5B of Chapter 40 of the General Laws.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will vote to take the sum of $ from
available funds to reduce the tax rate.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $19,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire
Engineers for the purpose of the purchasing of a New Ambulance.
Petition of the Board of Fire Engineem.
And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested
copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more public
places in each voting precinctof the Town,. Said copies to be posted not
more than seven days before the time of said meeting.
Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings
thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting.
Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 15th day
of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and
A true copy:
North Andover, Mass.
February 1973.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to amend Section 4 of Article I of the
General By-Laws to pn)vide that the
adjourned Annual Town meeting shall
hereafter be held on she third Saturday of
May at 1:30 P. M.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to appropriate $500,000 from Revenue
Sharing as follow~
$200,000 to be applied to Police
Department Budget
$300,000 to be applied to Fire Department
It is recommended that the Town vote
to l~ansfer from available funds $150,000
for the purpose of this ;wtioia.
It is recommended that no sum be
appropiated for the purpose of this article.
It is recommended 'that the Town vote
to take the sum of $--- from available
funds for the purpose of this article.
Renommendation to be made at Town
Town Clerk
Advisory Committee Report
Town of North AndoYer
No. Andover, Mass.
Permit No. 191
DATE: Saturday, March 17, 1973
TIME: 1:30 P.M'.
PLACE: Veterans Memorial AUditorium
North Andover High School
Please ..b. ring this copy of Advisory
Comm,ttee Report with you to
Town Meeting.
Advisory Committee
Town Warrant
Because our fiscal year is being changed, we present in this report,
budgets and articles submitted for an 18 month period.
Your Advisory Committee has reviewed in detail all items in this Warrant
and recommends action that will sustain a wise balance between adequate service to
the townspeople and sensible expenditures.
Considering the fact that educational costs make up one-half of the bud-
get and significant increases appear this year, we would like to summarize the
recommendation we have made in this area.
With the opening of the new High School and the inauguration of Kinder-
garten, operational costs will increase 23% for 1973 alone. We realize that fixed
costs must be met. Nevertheless in the 18 month period the Advisory Committee
found a number of contingencies that seemed to be unnecessarily high. We there-
fore suggest a reduction of $28,000 from the requested $475,000 in the expense
section of this budget.
The School Department has requested 38 additional personnel: 23 teach~
erS, 6 paraprofessionals, 6 custodians, 2 secretaries and one nurse. We recommend
that the requested personnel be reduced by 8 teachers. We would also suggest that
teachers be requested to wait until July 1, 1974 for their summer pay, to thereby
postpone two months of instructional salary until the next fiscal period.
During the planning of the new high school, the School Committee hired
an educational consultant to devise plans and educational specifications to assure
that the proposed high school would meet all academic and physical requirements
mandated by the Massachusetts Board of Education. We therefore feel that addi-
tional expenditures for construction and maintenance of a skating rink for phys-
ical education cannot be justified.
With the application of $500,000 from Revenue Sharing, $13 of o~r in-
creased tax rate will be absorbed. We know the rate will rise perhaps $6.00 in
addition to this. Because of intangibles such as the Cherry Sheet we cannot pre-
dict a definite amount of increase. Please keep in mind that for every $38,000
voted above our recommedations, your taxes will increase by one dollar per thou-
sand of assessed valuation.
Respectfully s~bmitted,
Mrs. Daniel F. Cahill, Chairman
Everett T. Aubry
John W. ConnorS
William J. Driscoll
Harry M- Godden, Jr.
Raymond M. Holland
Richard J. Kulpineki
Harold Morley, Jr., Esq.
Charles A. Salisbury
"Town Farm" Golf Course Study
Equipment - Board of Public Works
Sewage Pumping Station
Water Extensions
Water Extension - Salem Street
Renew Water Services
Recreation - Reynolds Land
Sewer Extension - Wood Avenue
Water Extension - Boxford Street
Sewer Extension - Martin Avenue
Lighting - Drummond Playground
Additional Patrolmen
Additional Firefighters
Personnel By-Law
Terminal Leave Pay
Personnel By-Law
Personnel By-Law
Additional Payment - Group Insurance
Land Taking
Equipment - Police Department
Equipment - Highway Department
Highway Department - Chapter 90
Street Repairing-Resurfacing
Replacing Catch Basins
Repairing Culverts
Guard Rails
Amount Amount
Requested Recommended Voted
$ 1,500 $
105 000
20 000
15 000
4 500
Street Signs
Sidewalk Repairs
Drainage Repair - Salem Street
Hot Top - Jay Road
Mental Health
Greater Lawrence Drug Program
Greater Lawrence Sanitary District
Roof - Franklin School
Skating Rink
Renovations - School committee
Highway Department - Chapter 90
$ 500
$ 572,958
Approved by your Advisory Board under Chapter 40, Section 6, of the General Laws
1972 Date Amount
Town Meeting Reports
Police Department
Advisory Committee
Board of Assessors
Building Inspector
Board of Appeals
Board of Health
Snow Removal'
Snow Removal
Tax Collector
Selectmen (Legal fees, etc.)
Selectmen (Admin. Asst.)
May 2
Sept. 15
Oct. 17
Oct. 29
Nov. 13
Nov. 13
Nov 28
Nov 28
Dec 20
Dec 29
Dec 29
Dec 29
Dec. 29
Dec. 29
Balance Closed to Revenue
$ 28,521
$ 40,000
Amount of Original Appropriation
TO either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover.
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to
notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to
vote in Elections and Town Affairs to meet in the Bradstreet School Auditorium in
Precinct One, the St. Michael's School Auditorium in Precinct Two, the Thomson
School Auditorium in Precinct Three, the Kittredge School Auditorium in Precinct
Four and the Franklin School Auditorium in Precinct Five, all said in North Andover
on Monday, the Fifth day of March 1973 at 7 o'clock A.M. and there to act on the
following article.
ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moder-
ator and Town Treasurer for one year,
one Selectman for three yearS and one
Selectman for two year un-expired
term, one Tax Collector, one Tree
Warden, one member of the Board of
Assessors, one Member of the Board
of Health, one member of the Board
of Public Works and one Highway Sur-
veyor for three years, two members of
the School Committee for three years,
one member of the Planning Board and
one member of the Housing Authority
for five years, and one Constable for
a one year un-expired term.
The polls will be open from 7:00 A.M.,
to 7:00 P.M.
After final action on the preced-
ing Article 1, the meeting shall stand
adjourned, pursuant to the provisions
of the Town's By-Laws to Saturday,
March 17, 1973, at one-thirty (1:30)
P.M., in the Veteran's Auditorium of
our North Andover High School, then
and there to act on the following
ARTICLE 2. To elect all other
officers not required by law to be
elected by ballot.
Petition of the Selectmen.
It is recommended that the Town refer
to the Selectmen the appointment of
Town officers not required by law or
By-Law to be otherwise chosen.
ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town
will vote to accept the report of re-
ceipts and expenditures as presented
by the Selectmen.
It is recommended that the report be
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town
will vote to fix the salary and com-
pensation of elected officers of the
Town, as provided by Section 108 of
Chapter 41 of the General Laws.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to fix the following annual salaries of
the elected officers of the Town effect-
ive from January 1, 1973.
Petition of the Selectmen.
Board of Selectmen and Licensing
Commission o each per annum
Board of Assessors - each per annum
Board of Health - each per annum
Board of Public Works - each per
Highway Surveyor - per annum
Moderator - for regular Town Meeting
for each Special Town
$ 2,000.00
ARTICLE 5. To see what action
the Town will take as to its unexpended
Petition of the Selectmen.
It is recommended that the Town vote to
carry forward to fiscal 1973-6/30/74
the following articles and appropria-
tions with the exception of the balance
of $153.37 from Article 25 of 1972 Town
Meeting; and the balance of $119.36
from Article 28 of 1972 Town Meeting and
the balance of $328.23 from Article 44
of the 1968 Town Meeting
Article 12 , " 81,
" 85,
" 47,
" 55,
" 33,
" 35,
" 41,
" 63,
" 43,
" 45,
" 53,
" 20,
" 22,
" 29 ,
1969 - Town Charter Committee
1970 - Monuments - Boundary
1970 - Town Building - Hot Top Town Yard
8/4/69 - Add. Funds Building & Equiping
Fire Station
1972 - Tree - Equipment
56, 57 - 1970 - Sewers - Turnpike Street
1971 - Sewers - Extend on Andover Street
1971 - " " "West Side
6/21/71 - " " " Autran Avenue
6/21/71 - " " " Grosvenor Avenue
1972 - " " " Waverley Road
1971 - Regional Refuse Disposal Plan Bd.
1970 - Highway - Chap. 90, Salem & Johnson Sts.
1971 - ' ....... " " "
1971 - " - Complete Piping Brook
1972 - " - Chap. 90
1972 - " - Complete Piping Brook
1972 - " - Replace Building - Disposal Site
" 6, 6/12/72 - "
School Expenses
- Repair Drainage - SO. Bradford St.
P.L. 864
P.L. 874
P.L. 89-10 Title I
Article 18, 1972 - Complete Construction
Lunch Program
North Andover Athletic AsSoc.
Art. 1-A - 6/15/70 - Acquisition of Land
Art. 2 - 1970 - Construct & Equip High School
Art. 5 - 6/12/72 - Study need - Skating Rink
$ 460.55
School Chap. 88 - Lost Books, Fines, etc.
Article 70
" 33
" 32
" 34
" 35
" 37
" 40
1967 - Well Field
1969 - Water Main Extensions
6/21/71 - Terminal Leave
1972 - Replace 6" Water Main
1972 - Renew Water Services
1972 - Expand Bathing Beach
1972 - Replace Telemeter
1972 - Extend Water Main (Autran Ave.
6/12/72 -" " " (Beacon Hill Blvd.)
$ 31.15
,i~ 0
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ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Treasurer,
with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow in anticipation of the
revenue for the eighteen month period beginning January 1, 1973 in
accordance with General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 4, and acts in
amendment thereof, and including in addition thereto, Chapter 849 of the
Acts of 1969, as amended, and to renew any note or notes as may be given
for a period of leas than one year in accordance with General Laws,
Chapter 44, Section 17.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 8. To consider the reports of all Special Committees.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of
Health to appoint one of its members to the position of Board of Health
physician and fix his compensation, as such, as provided by Section 4A of
Chapter 41 of the General Laws;
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.129 of
its Zoning By-Law, which lists the uses permitted in the Industrial 1.
District, by striking out sub-section (3) and inserting in piece thereof the
following sub-section: (3) retail, personal service and eating and drinking
use shall be permitted in an amount not to exceed five percent of total
gross floor area of the p~incipal use~
Petition of Mark O. Henry and others~
ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.129 of
its Zoning By-Law, which lists the uses permitted in the Industrial I
District, by adding the following suB-section (17) Indoor recreational
facilities. Special Permit required.
Petition of Mark O. Henry and others.
ARTICLR 12. To see if the Town sill vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $1,500, to be expended unde~ the direction of the Selectman for
the purpose of providing an investigation and feasability study concerning
the use of the "Town Farm" land and buildln~ for a Monleipal Golf
Course. The study committee to be made up of five members appointed
by the Selectmen two o! which members shall be one from the Board
Public Works and the Director of the Recreation Committee.
Petition ot~ John J. Willi% ~r., and other~
ARTICLE llk To see if the Town will vote raise and appropriate the
sum of $33,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of purcheslng the following equipment: a
ton dump truck, a ~i ton pick-up truck, a front end loader and a twelve
volt system automobile: a 1967 l~t ton dump truck, a 1967 ~ ton pick-up
truck, a 1962 H30 Hough Payloader, and a 1967 automobile to be traded.
Petition of the Board of Public Worl~
ARTICLE 14. To see ff the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $484,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of constructing the Osgood Street sewage
pumping station, a force main to the Sutton Street sewer, an extension of
the sewage system to a point 2600 feat northerly on Os~ood Street from
Great Pond Road aud 2700 feet on Great Pond Road from O~,good Street
in accordance with the report on sewerage facilities for the Osgood Street,
Great Pond Road area by Camp Dresser & McKec, consultin~ engineers.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $3,000, to he expended under the direction of the Board of Public
Works for the purpose of extending water mains, subject to the regulations
of said Board, which may not have been petitioned for at this meeting.
Petition of the Board of Publie Work~
it is recommended J~at the Town vol~
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended Itmt the town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that l~e Town vote
to ADOPT this arti~.
No recommendation.
No recommendation.
Unfavorable a;tion is recommended on
this article.
It is recommended that the Towa vote
to raise aad appropriate the amount of
$32,500 for t~e pu~ose of this article.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $105,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of extending the twelve inch water main on
Salem Street from the present terminus to Campbell Road, a distance of
7000 ft.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $4,500, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public
Works for the purpose of renewing water services, placing gate valves on
hydrant branches and raising manhole frames and covers on streets that are
being reconstructed.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $20,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of development of recxeation facilities upon
the land area given to the Town by Fanny G. Reynolds, including the
construction of a playground and a ball riel&
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $15,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public
Works for the purpose of raising the flouride content of the Town's water
supply to the levels recommended by Massachusetts Department of Public
Petition of the board of Health and the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $4,500, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public
Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system 150 feet on Wood
Avenue from Sutton Street.
Petition of William A. Hilbert, Jr., and others.
ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $17,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of extending the twelve inch main on
Boxford Street a distance of 1150 feet to Forest Street.
Petition of Joseph J. Flynn and othera
ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $16,500, to be expended under the direction of the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Martin Avenue
from the existing manhole easterly to Massachusetts Avenue.
Petition of Alfio Ferrara and others.
ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $8,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public
Works for the purpose of purchasing and installing lights and necessary
equipment at Drummond Playground.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to set the Moderator's
compensation at $100, for the Annual Town Meeting, and $50, for each
Special Town Meeting.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $16,974, to he expended under the direction of the Selectmen for
the purpose of the appointment of two regular patrolmen, fully qualified,
who have passed the Civil Service physical and mental examinations, all in
accordance with Civil Service rules and regulations.
Petition of the Chief of Police.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
it is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000
for the pmposu of this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote.
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $16,974
for the purpose of this article.
ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $30,000, to be extended under the direction of the Fire Engineers
for the purpose of appointing four regular fire fight~rs who have passed
the Civil Service physical and mental examinations, all in accordance with
Civil Service rules and regulations.
Petition of the Fire Engineer&
ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to establish the position of
Building Inspector as a full- time Employee classified as Compematinn
Grade S-20, Schedule B, under the Personnel By-Law, and to amend that
By-Law to implement such vote.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
suw of $450, for the purpose of amending its Personnel By-Law, Schedule
E, class title Veterans' Benefits Clerk, by striking therefrom compensation
of $36.75 per month, and inserting in its place compensation of $75.00
per month, effective April 1, 1973.
Petition of the Personnel Board.
ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Selectman for
the purpose of paying the terminal leave pay, together with interest, of
retired town employees Francis J. Chamberlin, Robert S. Dill and Edward
J. Donovan, pursuant to the provisions of Section 22 of the Town's
Personnel By-Law.
Petition of Robert S. Dill and Others.
ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of
Section 108-L of c. 41 of the General Laws, being an act of establishing a
career incentive pay program for regualr full-time police officers.
Petition of John J. Lanni and others.
ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will vote to amend Schedule C of
Section 7 of its Personnel By-Law by changing the Police and Fire Annual
Salary Schedules, as to Compensation Grades P-3 and F-3, to read as
Grade Min. II Ill IV Max.
P-3 15848 ].6892 17940 19108
1~-3 15848 16892 17940 19108
Petition of the Personnel Board.
ARTICLE 32: To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel
By-Law in the following manner:
(A) Raise and appropriate the sum of $1,861. for the purpose of
amending Section 7, Schedule A, Department Head and
Supervisory Group, by striking therefrom class title "Librarian"
and inserting in its place class title "Library Director" with
compensation grade S-20, effective April 1, 1973.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
It is rasommended that the Town vote
to establish the position of BuiMing
Inspector as a full-time Employee classified
as Compun~ation Grade S-18 Schedule B,
under the Personnel By-Law, and to amend
that By-Law to implement such vote.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appmpriato the amount of
$2,750 for the purpose of this article.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this arUcle.
It is recommended timt the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the following
motion to amend the Personnel By-Law be
adopted by the Tovm.
(A) Raise and appropriate the sum of $1,058
for the purpose of amending Section 7,
Schec~le A, Dep~;~,ent Head and
Supewisory Group, by Striking
therefrom class title "Librarian" and
inserting in its place class title "Library
Director" with compensation ~rade 8-19
effect~e April 1, 1973.
(B) Raise and appropriate the sum of $1,037.50 for the purpose of
amending Section 7, Schedule A, Library Group, by striking
therefrom class title "Assistant Librarian" and inserting in its
place class title "Assistant Library Director" with compensation
grade S-15, effective April 1, 1973.
Raise and appropriate the sum of $995.75 for the purpose of
amending Section 7, Schedule A, Librai3; Group, by striking
therefrom class title "Children's Librarian" and inserting in its
place class title "Librarian II" with compensation grade S-14,
effective April 1, 1973.
(D) Amend Section 7, Schedule A, Library Group, by striking
therefrom class title "Professional Library Assistant" and
inserting in its place class title "Librarian I" with compensation
grade S-11, effective April 1, 1973.
Raise and appropriate the sum of $728. for the purpose of
amending Section 9, Schedule E, Part-Time Positions Classified
in Library Group, by striking therefrom compensation grade S-8
and inserting in its place compensation grade S-11 with the
following hourly rates, effective April 1, 1973.
Grode Min. I1 II1 IV Max.
S-11 3.85 3.99 4.13 4.28 4.42
Raise and appropriate the sum of $852.75 for the purpose of
amending Section 7, Schedule A, Custodial Group, by striking
therefrom compensation grade S-7 and inserting in its place
compensation grade S-8, effective April 1, 1973.
Petition of the Personnel Board
(B) Raise and apprapriate the sum of $539
for the purpose of amending Section 7,
Schedule A, Library Group, by striking
therefrom class title "Assistant
Librarian" and inserting in its place class
title "Assistant Library Director" with
compensation grade S-14, effective April
1, 1973.
(C) Raise and appropriate the sum of $512
for the purpose of amending Section 7,
Schedule A, Library Group, by striking
therefrom class title "Children's
Librarian" and inserting in its place class
title "Librarian I1" with compensation
grade S-13, effective April 1, 1973.
Amend Section 7, Schedule A, Library
Group, by striking therefrom class title
"Professional Library Assistant" and
inserting in its place class title "Librarian
I" with compensation grade S-10,
effective April 1, 1973.
Raise and appropriate the sum of $552
for the purpose of amending Section 9,
Schedule E, Part-Time Positions
Classified in Library Group, by striking
therefrom compensation grade S-8 and
inserting in its place compensation grade
S-10 with the following hourly rates,
effective April 1, 1973.
Grade Min. II III IV Max.
S-10 3.70 3.83 ~96 4.10 4.42
(F) It is reoummended that the Town vote
to adopt this section of the article as
ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $94,000, for the purpose of amending its Personnel By-Law by
applying a % increase to become effective April 1, 1973, and by applying a
2% increase to become effective January 1, 1974, to all rates in Schedules
B, C, D, and Sections 8 and 9; and in addition, apply the same percentage
increases and effective dates to class titles Reserve Patrolman, Veterans'
Agent School Crossing Guard, specifically, within Schedule E.
Petition of the Personnel Board.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $58,710
and to insert the figure 3.9 before % iocrease
for the purpose of this article.
ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel
By-Law by adding the following sub-section "K" to Section 18 - Sick
Emergency leave of one (1) day per year may be allowed an
employee for personal reasons other than Sick I~eave as provided in
this section. A "hardship day" is subject to the same provisions of
this section and is deductible from an employee's unused sick leave.
Petition of the Personnel Bo~d.
ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will vote to mnend its Personnel
By-Law, Section 22 (A) - Terminal Leave, by striking from sub-section (2)
the number "90" and inserting in place thereof the number "60".
Petition of the Persuune[ Board.
ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to pay, in addition to its
payment of 50% for premiums for contributory group life and health
insurance for Town employees, and their dependents, an additional rate of
49%, and to raise and appropriate $91,467, to implement such a vote.
Petition of Robert L. Shea and others~
ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen
to take by eminent domain proceedings such properties as may be
necessary for the construction of a pedestrian overpass (over Chickering
Road) into the grounds of the new High School, and to raise and
appropriate the sum of $ in implementation of such a vote.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $12,000, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for
the purpose of purchasing four new 1973 12 volt system cars with
necessary safety equipment. One 1970, two 1971 and one 1972 cars to
turned in, in trade, and all equipment such as police radio~ sirens and
other similar accessories to be changed over to the new cars.
Petition of the Chief of Police.
ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate for the use
of the Stevens Memorial Library the sum of $6106.50, which the Town
has received from the state under the provisions of Chapter 78, Section
19A, of the General Laws.
Petition of the Trustees of Stevens Memorial Library.
It is ~commended that the Town vo~e
to ADOPT this article.
Motion: To amend tbe Personnel
By-Law by striking out Sec'don 22 (A) (2),
which establishes the maximum number of
accumulated days of sid( leave which
measure an employee's terminal leave
benufits, and inserting in pleee thereof the
following: Section 22 {A) {2):
An employee who qualifies for ~'minal
leave shall be entitled to the ~ame pereentage
that the number of his years of se~iee bears
me~,__ _, red by more than (a) 60 days
a~ululated s~k leave, or lb) the number of
days of ~ leave __=~_~uing to the benefit of
the employee during twelve consecutive
calendar regular-work-weeks, whichever
number of days shall be ~e
Oofevoralde action is recommended on
thb artk:~.
Recommendation to be mede at Town
It is re~)mmended tl;t the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Tram) yom
to ADOPT this article.
ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $20,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of purchasing the following equipment: One
Road Roller ($8,000) and one Loader ($12,000) a 1965 Oliver Loader to
be traded.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of maintaining any street in the Town, under
Chapter 90 of the General Laws, and in addition, to raise and appropriate
$1,000 to meet the State's share of the cost of such work, the
reimbursement t~om the State to be restored, upon ~ipt, to
unappropriated available funds in the Town treasury.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $85,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of resurfacing, oiling, repairing and maintenance
of any street in Town.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of replacing exist~g catch basin frames and
grates which are smaller than standard size.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of replacing and repairing old stones and other
Petition of the Highway Surveyer.
ARTICLE 45, To see if the Town vdll vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $3,000, to be expended ~lnder the direction of the Highway
Surveyor, for the purpose of erecting and replacing guard rails throughout
the Town.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor
for the purpose of making and placing street signs.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 47. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $8,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of repairing concrete sidewalks.
Petition of the Highway Sutweyor.
ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor for the purpose of engineering and construction costs to correct
a drainage defect on Salem Street approximately 250 feet west of South
Bradford Street on the northerly side of the road.
Petition of Helen J. St. Cyr and others.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $12,000
under the direction of the Highway Surveyor
for the purpose of puehasing one Loader, a
1965 Loader to be traded.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $55,000
for the purpose of this article.
It is recommended that the Towh vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500
for the purpose of this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
it is recommended that the Town vote.
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500
for the purpose of this article.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $1,600, to be expended, together with the $2400 heretofore paid
to the Town by John J. Shields, under the direction of the Highway
Surveyor, for the purpose of adding a finish coat of hot-top to Jay Road.
Petition of Timothy S. Rock and others.
ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to accept Jay Road as a
Town Way.
Petition of Timothy S. Rock and others.
ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $15,000, to be expended under the direction of the School
Committee for the purpose of providing payment for 18 months of
services rendered, or to be rendered, by the Greater Lawrence Mental
Health Center, for or in befalf of some of the children of the Town, all as
the Committee may determine.
Petition of the School Committee.
ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $24,000, to he expended under the direction of the (3rearer
Lawrence Community Drug Council, Inc., for the purpose of sponsoring a
comprehensive community based drug treatment program which will
provide the following services:
1) an educational program for parents, teachers and children under the
direction of qualified educator and in cooperation with the Health
Coordinator of the North Andover School System;
2) a counselling center which will offer indi~dual and group
counselling programs;
3) a medical walk-in clinic which will be based at the Bon Secours
4) a residential therapeutic community (Challenge House) which will
provide fifty beds for in-patient treatment;
5) a 24 hour, 7 day week, hot line to he manned by qualified
personnel in the area of crisis intervention.
Petition of James A. Glynn, Jr., and othen~
ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of
Section 8G of Chapter 40 of the general Laws, which authorizes towns to
enter into agreements to provide mutual Police Aid Programs.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town
Charter Study Committee, to initiate the necessary actions under the
provisions of Article LXXXIX of the Amendments of the Constitution of
the Commonwealth and Chapter 43B of the General Laws, to place before
the Town at the 1974 Annual Town Election the question of electing a
commission to frame a charter for the Town, and to expend any or all of
the balance of funds appropriated under Article 12 of the Warrant for the
1969 Town Meeting for this purpose and for the purpose of presenting to
the voters of the Town the facts about a Charter Commission.
Petition of the Town Charter Study Committee.
ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General
By-Laws by inserting, in Article HI thereof, the following new seetion:
Section 9. For the purpose of controlling and abating noise, no automobile
service station within the Town shall conduct business between the hours
of 10 P.M. and& 7A.M.
Petition of the Selectmen.
It is recommended that the Town rots
to raise and appropriate the sum ot $1,200
under betterment assessments to abutters,
under General Laws, to be expended
together with the $2,400 heretofore paid to
the Town by John J. Shields, under the
directk)n of the Highway Suwayor (or the
purpose of adding a finish ~oat of hottop to
Jay Road.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
It is rceommendad that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,200
for the purpose of this ~'ticle, provided the
other Greater Lawrence Community
members contribute no less than 50 cents
per capita annually.
It is reoommanded that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is re~ommendad that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
No recommendation
ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General
By-Laws by inserting, in Article III thereof, the following new section:
Section 10. The Selectmen may, for the purpose of controlling and abating
noise, promulgate orders, not inconsistent with any governing statute,
establishing the hours during which any holder of a common victualler's
license may open his licensed premises to the public.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will vote to amend Article XLA of
its General By-Laws by adding thereto the following opening paragraph:
No owner or keeper of any dog shall permit it to leave its owner's or
keeper's premises unless it is held f~rmly on a leash. The owner or keeper
of a dog shall be that person normally responsible for the maintenance and
upkeep of the premises upon which the dog is kept, and need not
necessarily be the person to whom a dog license may have been issued. The
dog officer shall be the enforcing officer of this By-Law, and may seek
complaints against persons in violation hezeof under provisions of Section
173A of Chapter 140 of the General Laws.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $37,460.46, representing the Town's share of the estimated
operating costs and capital expenses of the Greater Lawrence Sanitary
District for the eighteenth month period commencing January 1, 1973;
provided, however, that said sum shall not be paid from the Town
Treasury until the other Member Municipalities of said District shall have
made legally appropriate provisions for the payment of their respective
apportioned shares of such expenses and costs for the same period.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $20,000, to be extended under the direction of the School
Committee for the purpose of installing an asphalt and gravel roof on the
Franklin. School, covering an area of about 17,000 square feet (old section
of school), or act in relation thereto.
Petition of the School Committee.
ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $1,068,150, to be extended under the dh~ection of the School
Building Committee for the purpose of completing the construction of,
and originally equipping and furnishing the new North Andover High
School's Physical Education Skating Facility for school purposes.
Petition of the School Committee and the School Building Committee.
ARTICLE 61. To see ff the Town wiH vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $75,000, to be expended under the direction of the School
Committee for the purpose of renovating, equipping and furnishing the
present High School as a middle school, and the renovating, equipping and
furnishing of the present Atkinson School as an elementary school (Grades
K-5), and a Superintendent's Central Office.
Petition of the School Committee.
ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to accept Section 58E of
Chapter 48 of the General Laws which reads as follows; In any city or
town which accepts this section, applicants for position in and members of
the regular fire dep~rtment of said city or town may reside outside said
city or town; provided, they reside within the Commonwealth and within
ten miles of the limits of said city or town.
Petition of Robert L. Shea and othera
ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $11,500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway
Surveyer for the purpose of meeting the Town's share of the cost of
Chapter 90 Highway construction, and in addition, to raise and
appropriate $34,500 to meet the State and County shares of such costs,
the reimbursement from State and County to be restored, upon their
receipt, to unappropriated available funds in the Town treasury.
Petition of the Selectmen.
No recommendation
No recommendation
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to ADOPT this article.
Unfavorable action is recommended on
this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate the sum of $65,000
for the purpose of this article.
No recommendation
It is recommended that the Town vote
to raise and appropriate t~e sum of $46,000
for the purpose of thia article.
ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4 of
Article I of its General By-Laws to provide that the adjourned Annual
Town Meeting sh~ll hereafter be held on the third Monday in May at 7:30
P.M. or at such other time as this Meeting may determine.
PetiV~on of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate $ from
Revenue Sharing funds (Fiscal Assistance to State and Local Governments)
as follows:
Purpose Amount
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or
transfer from the Overlay Reserve the sum of $ to the Reserve Fund.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 67. To see ff the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum as this meeting may determine, to the Stabilization Fund, as provided
by Section 5B of Chapter 40 of the General Laws.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will vote to take the sum of $ from
available funds to reduce the tax rate.
Petition of the Selectmen.
ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the
sum of $19,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire
Engineers for the purpose of the purchasing of a New Ambulance.
Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers.
And you ere directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested
copies thereof, at the Town Office Build'rog and at five ar more public
places in each voting prceinctof the Town,. Said eopias to be posted not
more than seven days before the time of said meeting.
Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings
thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting.
Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 15th day
of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and
A true copy:
North Andover, Mass~
February 1973.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to amend Section 4 of Article I of the
General By-Laws to provide that the
adjourned Annual Town meeting shall
hereafter be held on the third Saturday of
May at 1:30 P, M.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to appropriate $500,000 from Revenue
Sharing as follow~
$200,000 to be applied to Police
Department Budget
$300,000 to be applied to Fire Department
It is rem)mmended that the Town vote
to transfe~ from availalde funds $150,000
for the purpose of this article.
It is recommended that no sum be
eppropiated for the purpose of this article.
It is recommended that the Town vote
to take the sum of $---- from available
funds for the purpose of this article.
Recommendation to be made at Town
Town Clerk
Advisory Committee Report
Town of North Andover
No. Andover, Mass.
Permit No. 191
DATE: Saturday, March 17, 1973
TIME: 1:30 P.M.
PLACE: Veterans Memorial Auditorium
North Andover High School
Please bring this copy of Advisory
Committee Report with you to
Town Meeting.