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TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS Advisory Committee Report and · Town Warrant REPORT OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TOWN MEETING MARCH, 1969 FELLOW CITIZENS OF NORTH ANDOVER: On the following pages of this report you will fmd the recommendations of the Advisory Committee. If these recommendations are followed it would appear that the tax rate would increase approximately $8.00. This is based on an optimistic extimate of the State reimbursements to the Town. We should also bear in mind that additional Special Town Meetings during the remainder of the year could raise this figure substantially. A case in point is the anticipated expansion of facilities at the Regional Vocational School The favorable recommendations we have made include a Town Budget amounting to $3,907,397.00, which is an increase of about 10% over last year. This year we are asking the Town to raise and appropriate $269,628.00 through articles which is also a sizable increase. At one point in our deliberations of the Budget and articles the projected tax increase was over $13.00 which we felt to be unreasonable. This is where the task of your Advisory Committee becomes rather frustrating. We fully realize that some of the requests upon which we have acted unfavorably are meritorious. But in fairness to the tax payers these items must be weighed in relation to what the town can afford.(It is our best judgement ,that the recommendations we have made represent a sound fiscal policyX~ the to~vn to follow.) We hope that all Citizens will exercise their right of free opinion on March 15, at the Town Meeting. Respectfully submitted, -"~;" NORTH ANDOVER ADVISORY COMMIT'I4EE John J. Burke, Chairman , Robert E. Mascola, Secretary Mrs. Daniel F. Cahill Donald W. Coan George F. FitzPatrick Richard A. Graham Atty. Merrill Rosenberg Cornelius J. Twomey Arti cl e No. 10 ll 12 15 16 ~7 231 24 25 26 27 30 ~ 31 ~32 33 34 35 36 37 39 40 41 *Bonded VOURTALLV SHEET FOR A~TICLES RE{UESTING FUN2S (To raise and appropriate $30,000.00 means an increase of $1.00 on the tax rate.) Description Fourth of July Celebration Christmas Lighting Town Charter Study Police Station Emergency Generator National Cash Register Material Traffic Lights - Sutton & Main Streets Fire Station Landtaking *Construction, Equipment; New Fire Station Paint Interior Town Office Building Rewiring Town Office Building Roof Town Garage Pay Increase Town Office Building Janitor Print 500 copies Town Laws *Replace Water Main on Johnson Street Turf Sweeper - Board of Public Works Equipment Board of Public Works Extensions of Water Main Systems Maintenance Water Services & Sewers Extension Water System Farnum Street Extend Water System Wood Lane Extend Sewer System Wood Lane Extend Sewer Poor Avenue Extend Water System Salem Street Extend Sewer System Os§ood Street Extend West Side Sewer Amount Requested $ 1,500 1,600 5,000 6,500 252 7,800 135,000 5,000 2,500 2,000 52O 500 120,000 1,700 9,000 2,000 1,000 4,000 2,200 3,800 6,000 40,000 50,000 18,000 Amount Recommended $ 1,5oo 800 1,000 6,500 252 0 10,000 4,050 5,000 2,500 1,200 520 500 0 1,700 3,000 2,000 1,O00 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Voted Article No. 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 5O 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 '58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 71 84 85 87 Description Extend Water System Autran Avenue Extend Sewer System Turnpike Street Extend Water System Abbott Street Extend Sewer System Martin Avenue Extend Sewer System Autran Avenue, Chapter 90 - Salem, Johnson, Foster Streets Maintenance of Streets - Chapter 90 Highway Equipment Replace Head Wall & Pipe Holt Road Cleaning Brooks Erection & Replacement of Guard Rails Overhaul Bulldozer Replace Catch Basins & Grates Repair of Streets Fence at Disposal Site Repair Old Stone Culverts Repair Conc'rete Sidewalks Street Signs Land Purchase Disposal Site Piping Brook at Disposal Site Drain Installation Chestnut Street Hot-top Barker Street Installation of Drains Mark Road Widen & Pave Farnum Street Repair Harwood Street Educational Consultant Plans & Surveys New High School Snow Removal on School Grounds Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Amount Amount Requested Recommended $ 3,500 $ 0 28,000 0 2,700 0 1A,ODO 0 14,000 0 ll,500 11,500 2,000 2,000 79,000 9,300 5,000 0 5,000 2,000 10,000 1,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 l,O00 75,000 30,000 1,500 0 2,000 1,O00 5,000 0 500 400 13,800 13,800 16,000 5,000 7,250 7,250 ? 0 10,750 0 ? 0 ? 0 22,500 22,500 25,000 25,000 16,500 0 48,500 48,500 2,520 2,520 1,300 1,300 Voted Arti cl e No. 87 88 9O 92 94 95 96 98 99 lO0 lO1 102 103 107 108 ll4 115 ll7 ll8 ll9 Description Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Re-evaluation of Real Estate G. L. Chaper 32B, S.7A Tree Department Pick-up Truck Postage-meter Mailing Machine 3 Additional Regular Patrolmen 2 New Police Cars 3 Additional Regular Firemen Fire Chief's Car Maps for Floodplain Zoning By-Law Conservation Fund Playground Equipment Playground Equipment Leash Law Expenses Reserve Fund Stabilization Fund Amount Amount Requested Recommended $ 1,300 $ 1,300 6,500 6,500 275 275 1,O00 1,O00 700 700 46,000 0 25,137 0 7,500 0 750 750 12,918 8,612 5,000 5,000 14,000 0 2,500 0 1,O00 0 5,000 0 450 450 300 300 ? 0 8,000 8,000 0 $ 269,628 Voted TRANSFERS FROM RESERVE FUND DURING 1968 Approved by your Advisory Committee under Chapter 40, Section 6, of the General Laws Animal Inspector Salary Wiring Inspector Salary Gas Inspector Salary Captial Outlay Expenses Forest Fire Expenses Board of Health Expenses Accountant Expenses Accountant Expenses Election Expenses Garbage ~isposal Contract Election Expenses Police Wages Refuse Disposal Expenses Tax Collector Wages 75.00 250.00 lO0.O0 16.13 800.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 72.00 1,250.00 200.00 1,800.00 112.81 Tax Collector Expenses Board of Appeals Expenses Building Inspector Expenses Advisory Committee Expenses Refuse Disposal Expenses Veterans Benefits Cash Grants 388.00 150.00 75.00 5.81 500.00 950.00 Balance of Account returned to Treasury Amount of original appropriation TOWN WARRANT $ 7,944.7§ 55.25 $ 8,000.00 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX SS: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are quali,fied to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School Auditorium in Precinct One, St. Michael's School Auditor- ium in Precinct Two, the Thomson School Auditorium in Precinct Three and the Kittredge School Aud- itorium in Precinct Four, all in said North Andover on Monday, the Third Day of March 1969 at 7 o'clock A.M., arid there to Act on the following Article: ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator and Town Treasurer for one year, one Selectman, one Member of the Board of Assessors, one Member of the Board of Health, one Member of the Board of Public Works, one Member of the Greater Lawrence Region- al Vocational Technical High School Committee and two Mem- bers of the School Co~ittee for three years, one Member of the Planning Board for five years, and one Member of the Planning Board for un-expired four year term, and one Mem- ber of the Housing Authority for five years. And to vote upon the following question: "Shall the Town, in addition to the payment of fifty per cent of a premium for contributory group life and health insurance for employees in the service of the Town and their dependents, pay a subsidiary or additional rate?" YES NO All to be voted upon one ballot. The polls shall be open at 7:00 A.M., and shall be closed at 7:00 P.M. After final action on the preceeding Article 1, said meeting shall stand adjourned by virtue of Section 4, Article 1 of the Town By-Laws to Saturday March 15, 1969 at one-thirty P.M., i~ th~ Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover High School, then and there to act on the follow- ing articles: ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by ballot. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town refer to the Selectmen the ap- pointment of Town Officers not required by law or By-Law to be otherwise chosen. ARTICLE 3. TO see if the Town will vote to accept the re- port of receipts and expenditures as presented by the Se- lectmen. It is recommended the report be accepted. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 4. TO see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and compensation of all elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section 108 of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of the selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to fix the following annual salaries of the elected officers of the Town effective from Janu- ary 1, 1969: Board of Selectmen and Licensing Commission - each per ann~m Board of Assessors - each per annum Board of Health - ~ach per annum Board of Public Works - each per annum Town Treasurer - per annum Tax Collector - per annum Tree Warden - per annum Highway Surveyor - per annum Moderator - per annum $ 2,000.00 2,500.00 400.00 400.00 9,700.00 2,900.00 1,500.00 11,400.00 50.00 ARTICLE 5. To see what action the Town will take as to its unexpended appropriations. Petition of the Selectnuen. It is recoma~nded that the Town vote to ~arry forward to fiscal 1969, the following articles and appropriations: Article 27, 1968 Article 1, 1968 Article 2, 1968 Article 10, 1968 Article 38, 1963 Police Expenses - Article 1, 1967 Article 1, 1968 Article 1, 1963 Article 62, 1964 MBTA - Rail Service MBTA - Rail Service MBTA - Bus Service Planning Board Consultant Town Garage - Yard Survey Radio Equipment Service New Police Station Complete & Equip Police Station New Ladder Truck Town Fire Fighter Accident Article 66, 67, 68, 1966 Sewer Extension Article 72, 1966 West Side Sewer Article 39, 1968 Sewer Construction - Autran Avenue Article 41, 1968 Complete West Side Sewer Article 47, 1968 Extend Sewer Article 51, 1967 Highway - Sidewalks Article 61, 1967 Chapder 90 - Salem Street Article 3, 1967 Highway Equipment Article 67, 1968 Chapter 90 - Salem Street Article 69, 1968 Street Signs Article 78, 1968 Hot Top Sidewalks Article 84, 1968 Permanent Pavement Excavations Elmcrest Estates Trust Settlement U. S. Old Age Assistance (Administration) U. S. Aid to Dependent Children (Administration) U. S. Disability Assistance (Administration) U.'S. Medical Assistance Grants U. S. Medical Assistance (Administration) School Department Expenses School P. L. 864 School P. L. 874 School P. L. 88-210 School P. L. 89-10 (Title I) School P. L. 89-10 (Title VI-A) Article 19, 1967 Franklin School Article 18, 1968 Addition Atkinson School Article 19, 1968 Updating S.ucvey of Schools North Andover School Lunch North Andover Athletic Association State Aid for Libraries - Reserved for Appropriation Playgrounds Expenses (K. Bailey) Parks & School Grounds Expenses (K. Bailey) Land Damage Claims $ 233.58 500.00 5,740.35 2,500.00 122.78 375.00 169.97 62,428.23 26.50 2,445.86 2,442.39 1,946.78 1,719.69 2,488.35 5,327.38 2,500.00 38,764.84 2,673.00 40,000.00 109.60 8,000.00 3,447.76 500.00 14.28 22.27 131.00 2,501.85 1,013.17 886.65 13,208.88 20,025.31 60.99 124.55 863.27 57,009.65 7,500.00 1,110.00 10,039.92 4,926.02 2,727.00 300.00 345.00 4,686.60 Water Maintenance & Construction Expenses (E. A. Pomerleau) Article 68, 1967 Renew Water Services Article 70, 1967 Develop Well Field Article 7, 1967 12" Water Main Article 40, 1968 Water Main Article 42, 55, 1968 Extend Water System Article 43, 1968 Water Services Article 44, 1968 Water Extensions Article 53, 1968 Extend Water System - salem Street $ 650.00 1,110.46 187,558.33 11,370.31 250.19 9,722.90 2,000.00 1,000.00 2,298.91 $527,919.57 ARTICLE 6. TO see what action the Town will take as to the budget recommendations of the Advisory Committee. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that such num- bered items of the proposed bud- get as may be questioned by any voter be separately considered. RECOMMENDED BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS - 1969 Item No. GENERAL GOVERNMENT & STAFF AGENCIES 1969 EXPENDED Dept. Adv. Comm. 1967 1968 Request Recommend Selectmen Salaries Expenses and Wages 8,253 $ 9,575 $ 11,637 $ 11,637 2,801 2,960 3,252 3,252 Salaries Expenses and Wages 13,720 14,320 15,837 15,537 2,997 3,963 5,964 5,964 Accountant Salaries Expenses and Wages 13,666 14,968 14,968 14,968 1,484 3,402 6,040 6,040 Tax Collector Salaries Expenses and Wages 7,648 7,733 8,291 8,291 3,714 4,820 4,925 4,925 Town Clerk Salaries Expenses and Wages 6,100 6,800 7,500 7,500 752 813 1,935 1,935 Assessors Salaries Expenses and Wages 16,470 18,389 18,389 18,389 5,957 5,963 6,586 6,586 Election and Registrars Salaries and Wages Expenses 1,400 1,400 1,400 1,400 6,158 10,986 6,738 6,738 Town Counsel Annual Retainer Expenses 2,500 4,000 4,000 4,000 1,040 1,040 1,040 1,040 Moderator Salary 50 50 50 50 10 Advisory Committee Expenses 122 160 150 150 11 Capital Outlay Committee Expenses 313 366 450 450 1969 EXPENDED Dept. Adv. Co~. 1967 1968 Request Recommend No. GENERAL GOVERNMENT ~ STAFF AGEI~CIES (CONTINUED) 12 Planning Board Salaries and Wages $ 731 $ 994 Expenses 956 164 13 Board of Appeals (Zoning) Salaries and Wages Expenses 801 1,089 197 192 14 Personnel Board Salaries and Wages 952 1,053 Expenses 89 186 15 Town Building Salaries and Wages 2,080 2,080 Expenses 5,972 5,942 16 Annual Town Meeting Expenses 3,505 3,019 TOTAL - GENERAL GOVERNMENT & STAFF AGENCIES $104,058 $126,427 $ 1,000 $ 1,000 5OO 200 1,000 1,000 500 200 1,200 1,200 250 250 2,080 2,080 6,400 6,400 3,795 3,795 $135,877 $134,977 PUBLIC SAFETY 17 Police Department (Includes School Crossing Guards) Salaries and Wages $178,649 $189,604 Expenses 16,091 18,470 18 Fire Department (Includes Forest Fires & Forest Fire Warden) Salaries and Wages 177,874 199,652 Expenses 10,941 9,843 19 Dog officer Salary 400 400 Expenses 683 697 20 Civil Defense Salary 900 900 Expenses 3,430 3,513 21 Building Inspector Salary 3,229 3,480 Expenses 394 448 22 Wiring Inspector Salary 1,200 1,450 Expenses 396 398 23 Gas Inspector Salary 500 600 Expenses 97 56 24 Sealer of Weights & Measures Salary 900 900 Expenses 153 185 TOTAL - PUBLIC SAFETY $400,376 $430,596 $195,142 $195,142 21,731 21,731 220,307 220,307 11,630 11,630 450 450 747 747 900 900 3,600 3,600 3,500 3,500 600 600 1,750 1,750 400 400 600 600 100 100 900 900 250 250 $462,607 $462,607 Item NO. 25 26 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SANITATION Board of Health Salaries and Wages Expenses Greater Lawrence Sanitary District 27 Animal Inspector Salary 28 Garbage Disposal Contract TOTAL - PUBLIC HEALTH AND SANITATION EXPENDED 1967 1968 ~1969 Dept. Adv. Comm. Rec~uest '.~ Recommend 13,336 $ 10,677 $ 11,332 $ 11,032 3,505 6,191 6,910 6,910 2,066 2,066 325 400 400 400 14,081 15,951 17,599 17,599 31,247 $ 33,219 $ 38,307 $ 38,007 PUBLIC WORKS 29 Board of Public Works Salaries 3O Sewer Maintenance & Construction Salaries and Wages Expenses 31 Water Maintenance & Construction Salaries and Wages Expenses 32 Parks and School Grounds Salaries and Wages Expenses 33 Tree Department Salaries and Wages Expenses 34 Dutch Elm Disease Labor Wages Expenses 35 Insect Pest Control Salary and Wages Expenses 36 Street Lighting Expenses 37 Streets - General Maintenance Salaries and Wages Expenses 38 Snow Removal Expenses 39 Refuse Disposal Salaries and Wages Expenses TOTAL - PUBLIC WORKS $ 900 $ 900 $ 1,500 $ 1,200 18,320 19,964 22,000 22,000 10,943 12,000 13,000 13,000 67,419 70,722 77,000 77,000 51,043 50,985 53,000 53,000 15,232 17,872 19,500 19,500 6,115 6,991 8,000 8,000 21,108 22,741 22,790 22,790 5,613 5,586 6,915 6,915 7,192 7,261 7,269 7,269 1,600 1,599 1,600 1,600 11,641 11,682 12,540 12,540 2,685 3,182 3,185 3,185 50,503 52,366 56,269 54,500 79,588 91,048 97,500 96,400 39,837 49,908 65,000 55,000 64,530 54,549 90,000 90,000 44,481 56,471 60,000 60,000 6,784 9,800 15,000 10,000 $500,281 $545,627 $632,068 $613,899 9 Item NO. WELFARE ¸40 *Board of Public Welfare Salaries 41 *Welfare Administration Salaries and Expenses Reimbursements Net Cost to Town Amount to be raised 42 *Welfare Grants Total Spent Reimbursements Net Cost to Town Amount to be raised 43 Veterans Benefits Salaries Expenses cash Grants 44 Graves Registration Salaries Expenses TOTAL - WELFARE EXPENDED 1967 1968 $ 1,133 26,915 18,814 8,100 136,100 128,000 8,100 3,170 $ 3,170 159 239 25,768 30,278 1969 Dept. Adv. Com~. Request Recommend $ 3,170 $ 3,170 285 285 36,600 36,600 100 124 175 175 320 374 325 325 $ 46,850 $ 34,185 $ 40,555 $ 40,555 SCHOOLS 45 School Department Salaries and Wages Less reimbursement special funds (P.L. 864 and 874) Net Salaries and Wages to be appropriated Expenses Less reimbursement special funds (P.L. 864 and 874) Net Expenses to be appropriated 46 Regional Vocational School Allocation of cost to N. Andover TOTAL - SCHOOLS $1,051,010 $1,266,393 228,414 261,144 58,647 70,360 $1,279,424 $1,597,897 $1,545,177 $1,529,577 25,000 25,000 1,520,177 1,504,577 293,565 281,565 13,000 13,000 280,965 268,565 68,519 68,519 $1,869,261 $1,841,661 LIBRARY 47 Steven's Memorial Library Salaries and Wages Expenses TOTAL - LIBRARY $ 39,241 $ 42,189 10,196 12,097 $ 49,437 $ 54,286 $ 45,746 $ 45,746 13,527 13,527 $ 59,273 $ 59,273 *Responsibility for Welfare has been assumed by the State. ]0 Item No. RECREATION 48 Playgrounds & Bathing Beaches Salaries and Wages Expenses 49 Recreational Council Salaries and Wages EXpenses TOTAL - RECREATION EMPLOYEE'S BENEFITS 50 Group Insurance 51 Essex County Retirement Pensions TOTAL - EMPLOYEE'S BENEFITS 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 UNCLASSIFIED Contingent Fund Rental of Veterans Headquarters Patriotic & Civic Celebrations Insurance Industrial Con~nission Expenses Land Damage Claims Ira Catty Pension Out of State Travel (Not including School) Conservation Co~mission Expenses Senior Citizens' Council TOTAL UNCLASSIFIED 62 63 64 65 66 67 DEBT REDEMPTION Highway Equipment School Bonds Welfare Bond Water Main Notes & Bonds Sewer Notes & Bonds Fire Equipment Notes EXPENDED 1967 1968 $ 13,366 $ 15,207 4,700 5,000 4,215 4,990 2,709 2,498 $ 24,990 $ 27,695 $ 38,955 $ 41,570 91,474 83,777 $130,429 $125,347 $ 3,507 $ 3,500 1,200 1,200 886 1,066 33,484 51,775 15 23 263 750 2,500 2,500 674 864 57 86 $ 42,586 $ 61,764 $-- $ 15,000 160,000 200,000 35,000 46,000 77,500 35,000 35~000 5,000 5,000 1969 Dept. Adv. Comm. Request Recommend $ 17,000 $ 17,000 6,500 6,000 5,140 5,140 3,000 3,000 $ 31,640 $ 31,140 $ 50,273 $ 50,273 92,243 92,243 $142,516 $142,516 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 1,200 1,200 1,100 1,100 58,430 58,430 200 200 1,000 1,000 2,500 2,500 1,850 1,000 500 100 250 250 $ 70,530 $ 69,280 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 200,000 200,000 0 0 82,000 82,000 32,000 32,000 Item NO. 68 Police Station TOTAL - DEBT REDEMPTION INTEREST ON DEBTS 69 Highway Equipment 70 School Bonds 71 Welfare Bond 72 Water Main Notes & Bonds 73 Sewer Notes & Bonds 74 Fire Equipment Notes 75 Short Term Borrowing 76 Police Station TOTAL - INTEREST ON DEBTS GRAND TOTAL EX~ENDED 1967 1968 $246,000 $367,500 $ $ 1,606 51,500 78,920 --- 1,033 6,996 20,853 11,595 11,278 230 115 11,570 18,558 --- 2,188 $ 93,871 $134,551 $2,949,445 $3,539,094 1969 Dept. Adv. Co~. Request Recommend $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $334,000 $334,000 $ 1,168 $ ' 1,16~ 72,590 72,590 0 0 21,035 21,035 10,906 10,906 0 0 30,000 30,000 3,783 3,783 $139,482 $139,482 $3,956,116 $3,907,397 ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial years begin- ning January 1, 1969 and January 1, 1970, in accordance with the provi- sions of General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 4, and to renew any note or notes as ~nay he given fox a period of less than one year, in accordance with the provision of General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 17. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 8. To consider the reports of all Special C~mmittees. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 9. To see i/ the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of its members to the position of Board of Health Physician and to fix his compensation, as such, as provided by Section 4A of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of the Board of Health. ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1,500, to be used for a Town 4th of July Celebration, any and all profits made at said celebration to be returned to the Town, said appropriation to be expended by a committee of nine members to be appointed by the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1,600, to be expended under the direction of the electmen for the purpose of providing decorative lighting during the Christmas Season. Petition of the Selectmen at the request of John J. McLay. ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- print a sum of money sufficient for the purpose of this Article, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for organizational, con- sultant, and other necessary expenses by a Town Charter Study Com- mittee; said committee, not to exceed seven in number, is to be ap- pointed by the Selectmen and shall contain at least two members ~vho are either Town department heads or full time employees of the Towni the committee is to make a study of the need, if any, for improving and up- dating the Town Government of North Andover, including but not limited to the need, if any, for the creation of an executive secretary position within the Town Government, and the need if ~ny for enact- irig a Town Charter; and said committee is to report to the Sel~e~ within one month of its formatien an outline of the study it proposes to undertake, and the committee shall within five months thereafter, or such other period of time as may be fixed by the Selectmen, submit a detailed first report or reports with recommendations to the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 12A of Article IV of its General By-Laws to read as follows: Section 12A: There is hereby established an unpaid Town Capital Outlay Committee consisting of five members, including the Town Accountant, one member of the Planning Board to be designated. each year by the Planning Board, and three members at large appointed by the Selectmen, each for a term of three years. This Committee shall present to each Annual Town Meeting, for its action, a proposed capital budget program for the Town. Petition of the Selecl~nen. ARTICLE 14. To see if The Town will pass a resolution calling for the creation of a Route 114 Study Committee, said committee to con- sist of three members to be appointed by the Board of Selectmen and two members to be appointed by the Planning Board, with .no me .tuber of either Board serving on the committee: and luther, directing sa~d com- mittee to report to Board of Selectmen and Planning Board within six months of the formation of the committee with recommendations as to land use, and with status reports on proposed utility development .and traffic control on said Route 114, with particular emphasis to be g~ven to developing a comprehensive plan for dea]dng with the impact of hoth the new missile installation and Route 495 on the area. Petition of the Selectmen. 13 It is recommended ~hat the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the reports of all special Committees be heard. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT tho article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $800 for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000. for the purpose of this article. No recommendation. No recommendation. ARTICLE 15. To sec if the Town will vote to raise and appre- priate the sum of $6,500 to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of purchasing an emergency electric power generator for the new Police Station. Petition of the Selectmen upon recommendation of the Chief. ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $251.60 to pay for material and equipment purchased from the National Cash Register Company. Petition of the Selectnnen. ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $7,800, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of installing traffic lights at the intersection of Sutton and Main Streets. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate such sum of money as it may determine to be the necessary cost of acquiring for the Town, by purchase, eminent domain procecdings or otherwise, one of the three parcels of land described below for the construction thereon of a new fire station, and to authorize and direct the Selectmen in the name and behalf of the Town, to take such steps as they may deem necessary or advisable to effect such acquisition: Parcel 1: Land at the junction of Salem and Johnson Streets. Parcel 2: Land at the junction of Marhleridge Road and Salem Street. Parcel 3: Land at the junction of Marbleridge Road and Dale Street. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 19. In the event of the adoption of the preceding Article, to see if the Town will vote to discontinue all public ways and private ways lying within the parcel of land in question. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 20, To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate a sum of money sufficient for the purpose of constructing, equip- ping and furnishing a new fire station, and of landscaping, grading and finishing its grounds. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 21. In the event of the adoption of the preceding Article, .to see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen, or such other Committee as they may vote to establish, to act in its name and behalf in all matters having to do with the expenditure of the funds provided under said Article, including the execution of all contracts per- taining to the new fire station and grounds. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by inserting, after Section 4.07 thereof, the following new sec- tion: Section 4.08: Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this By-Law the buildings, facilities and grounds of a municipal fire station may be maintained upon any parcel of land acquired by the Town for such purposes. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of panelling walls in hallways and in the stairwells, painting ceilings in hallways and in the stairwells, washing all woodwork and painting with two coats, washing.all doors and apply- ing one coat of Polyurithane, clean and paint banisters in both of the stairwells, and to install all new lighting fixtures in the hallways and stairwells of the Town Office Building. Petition of the Town Clerk, Custodian of Town Buildings. 14 It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the adicle. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and apprepdale the sum of $10,000. for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate $135,000. for the purpose of the article and that this appro- priation be met by a proper municipal bor- rowing. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. No recommendation. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- p~'iate the sum of $2,500, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen roi' the purpose of removing present 100 amp underground electrical service from present location and-replace with a 400 amp three phase four wire piped to a new forty circuit panel on present ser- vice board in passageway of Town Office Building~ as the present sys- tem is proving inadequate and not sufficient power for building and town yards. Petition of the Town Clerk. ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,000 to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of new roof (tar & ga'avel) for Town garages also including the repairing of edges of r~of of same. Petition of the Town Clerk. ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $520, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of giving a salary increase to the part-time Town Office Building janitor. Petition of the Town Clerk. ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $500, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of printing in book form approximately 500 copies of all Town By-Laws and other pertinent Laws~ Rules & Regula- tions (to date) approximately forty-five pages, and to authorize the selling of same for one-dollar per copy, with same reverting into Town Treasury. Petition of the Town Clerk. ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to accept from the R~& S Construction Company, or its nominee, the sum of $19,500, to be expended by the Board of Public Works, for the purpose of extending the sewer system in Ipswich Street from Cotuit Street to the Village Green Apartment House Property. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the exten- sion of the sewer system on Turnpike Street from 322 Turnpike Street a distance of 1750 feet to the south entrance to the Royal Crest Estates Apartment under the direction of the Board of Public Works, the total cost of the project to be without expense to the town. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- prlate the sum of $120,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of replacing the old 6 inch water main on Johnson Street from the Reservoir right of way to Mill Road with 12 inch cement lined east iron pipe before Johnson Street is recon- structed. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 31. To see is' the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1,700, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of purchasing a Turf-Sweeper for the Parks, Playgrounds and School Grounds. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $9,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of Purchasing trucks to replace a 1961 platform Ford truck, a 1962 Dodge pick-up truck and a 1963 Chevrolet pick-up truck. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of making such extensions of the water main system, subject to the standard regulations of said Board, on or befo~e October 1, 1969 may consider most necessary, such extensions not having been petitioned for at this meeting. Petition of the Board of Public Works. 15 I! is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,200. for the purpose of this article, provided that new roof shall not be constructed of tar and gravel It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. it is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article and that the appropria- tion called for be met by a proper munici- pal borrowing. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,000 for the purchase of a pick-up truck, a 1962 Dodge pick-up truck to 'be traded. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 34. To See if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of renewing water services to the proper~¥ lines, placing gate valves on hydrant branches and raising manhole frames and covers on streets that are being reconstructed. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $8,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system on Farnum Street fram the present terminous of the new 8 inch water main to Raleigh Tavern Lane (South) and to accept from Benjamin C. Osgood of North Andover fifty per cent of the cost of the project. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgood and others. ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,200, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system in Groat Oak Street 225 feet from Wood Lane. Petition of Edward M. McAloon and others. ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- prlate the sam of $3,800, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Great Oak Street 225 feet from Wood Lane. Petition of Edward M. McAloon and others. ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $6,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Poor Avenue from Sutton Street. Petition of Harold E. Smith and others. ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will vote to raiee and appro- priate the sum of $40,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system on Salem Street from its present te~minous a distance of about 2800 feet up to, but not including land of Lynch. Petition of George H. Fart and others. ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $50,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Osgood Street from Phillips Brooks Road to Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of John W. Belyea and others. ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $18,000, to be expended nuder the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the West Side Sewer in an easement from the rear of 209 Turnpike Street to Andover Street and Southerly on Andover Street. Petition of Arthur F. O'Connor and others. ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $3,500, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system 450 feet westerly on Antron Avenue from the p resent terminous. Petition of Milo J. Owen and others. ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $28,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Turn- pike Street from the south entrance to the Royal Crest Apartments to the Advance Reproductions Building on Turnpike Street. Petition of Charles S. Nigrel]i and others. ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,700, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the wa~or system 270 feet easterly on Abbott Street from Marbleridge Road. Petition of Richard A. Dufresne and others. 16 It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,000. for the purpose of the article and to ac- cept a similar sum from Benjamin C. Os- good for said purpose. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote lo REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sam of $14,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Martin Avenue from the existing manhole easterly to Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of Vincenzina Ferrara and others. ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $14,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Autran Avenue from Wood Lane to Unity Avenue. Petition of Milo J. Owen and others. ARTICLE 47. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $9,016.10, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for highway projects having the approval of the State Department of Public Works, from the sum of $18,016.10 Appor- tioned to the Town by said Department under Section 5 of Chapter 616 of the Acts of 1967, expenditures therefrom to be made under the direc- tion of the Highway Surveyor, with the prior approval of the Select- Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $11,500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of meeting the Town's share of the costs of Chapter 90 highway construction of Salem Street, Johnson St. and Foster St. and to transfer $34,500.00 from unappropriated available funds to meet the State and County shares of such costs, the rei~nburse- ment from the State and County to be restored upon their receipt to un- appropriated available funds in the town treasury. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of Mainiaining any street in the Tuwn, under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, and, in addition, to trans- fer $1,000, unappropriated available funds, to meet the State's share of the cost of such work, the reimbursement from the State to be restored, upon receipt, unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $79,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of purchasing the foilowing equip- ment: One Road Grader, a Grader to be traded $29,009. One Dump Truck GVW 30,000 lbs., a 1962 Model 850 Ford to be traded $11,000. One Road Roller, a 3 wheel Buffalo-Springfield Roller to be traded $10,000. One Chassis and Sand Spreader, a 1954 Mack to be traded $9,300. One Refuse Disposal Truck, a 1958 Refuse Truck to be traded $15,000. One Rodding Machine 4,700. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of replacing Head Wall and Pipe on outlet end of culvert which has been undermined on Holt Road. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of cleaning brooks in order to keep water flowing in order to prevent flooding. Petition of the Highway Surveyer. ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $10,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of erecting and replacing g u a r d rails throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5,000, to he expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of overhauling Bulldozer as it is customary to rebuild the undercarriage of this type of machine once every two years. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. 17 It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,300. for the purchase of one chassis and sand spreader, a 1959 Mack to be traded. It is also recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum $29,000 for the purchase of one Road Grader, a Grader to be traded and that this appro- priation be met by a proper municipal bor- rowing. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the a~ticle. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000. for the purpose of the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000. for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the su~n of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of replacing existing catch basin frames and grates which are smaller than standard size. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $75,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of resurfacing, oiling, repairing and maintenance of any street. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- prlate the sum of $1,500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing chaia-llnk fence to en- close areas of disposal site where needed. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of repairing old stone culverts. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 59. To See if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of repairing concrete sidewalks. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to raise and approo priate the sum of $500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of making and placing street signs. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $13,800, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor and the Selectmen for the purpose of purchasing 9.2 acres of land adjacent, to the present Disposal Site area in order to expand the same. Petition of the Selectmen, Board of Health and Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $16,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of piping brook so that land may be used for the Disposal Site. Petition of the Selectmen, Board of Health and Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $7,250, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyorfor the purpose of installing a combination Surface Drain and Side Drain on Chestnut Street, starting at Turnpike Street and running 500 feet towards Marian Drive. Petition of Edward W. Phelan and others. ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate a sufficient su~m of money, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of hot-topping Barker Street from the intersection of Osgood Street to Bradford Street. Petition of Richard Bell and others. ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $10,750, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installlng a combination Surface Drain and Side Drain on Mark Road, North Andover. Petition 'of Vincent E. Savukinas and others. ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- prlate a sufficient sum of money to widen and pave Farnum Street from the corner of Summer, a distance of approximately 3600 feet to Brook Street. Petition of Ralph D. Powell and others. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000. for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000. for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $~100. for the purpose of the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vole to raise and appropriate the sum of $S,000 for the purpose of the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. 18 ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate a sufficient sum of money to repair Harwood Street from its intersection with Mablin Avenue to the end of the stree. Petition of Joan E. Koebr~ck and others~ ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $22,500 and to transfer from the unexpended balance of Article 18 of the 1968 Town Meeting, (Atkinson Addition) the sum of $7,500 to be expended under the direction of the School Building Committee for educational consulting services in connection with the selection of a site and the planning of a new 1500-1600 pupil high school building in order to insure that the layout and construction will provide adequately for the educational and community needs at the lowest cost to the Town. Petition of the School Committee and the School Building CommiNee. ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $25,000 to be expended under the direction of the School Build- ing Committee for preliminary plans, specifications, topographic sur- veys, borings, estimates of costs and such other data as the said commit- tee may deem necessary in order that it may properly advise the Town concerning the construction and maintenance of a new 1590-1600 pupil high school building and grounds. Petition of the School Committee and the School Building Commitee ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will authorize the School Build- ing Committee to enter into any and all contracts necessary for the pur- pose of carrying out the votes passed in the preceding two articles rela- tive to consulting services and preliminary plans and specifications for a new high school. Petition of the School Committee and the School Building Committee ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $16,500 to remove snow and ice from and otherwise maintain in safe and usable condition (including sanding) the grounds of the several public school houses, including the driveways and parking areas existing thereon, and to direct which department shall expend the same and be responsible for the said snow removal and sanding. Petition of the School Committee. ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town will vote lo amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from Village Residential and/or Industrial to Gen- eral Business the following described parcels of land or any portions thereof: First Pa*'cel: Starting at a point on Chickering Road at land now or formerly of Haffner Realty Trust thence running in a westerly direction by land of Haffner Realty Trust 190.84 feet to a point thence turning and running in a northerly direction by land now or formerly of Lynch & Willis, 249.13 feet to a point; thence turning and running in an easterly direction by land now or formerly of Polizotti 41.52 feet to a point; thence turning and running still by land of Poli- zotti, in a :northwesterly direction 120 feet to a point on the southerly boundary of Davis Street; thence turning and running in an easterly direction by the southerly boundary of Davis Street, 422.53 feet to a point on the westerly }~oundary of East Water Street; thence turning and running in a southerly direction by the westeriy boundary of East Water Street, 105.61 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of Chi- kering Road; thence turning and running in a'southwesterly direction by the northerly boundary of Chickerlng Road, 347.99 feet to the point of beginning. Second Parcel: Starting at a point on. the easterly bound- ary of East Water Street in a northerly direction 686.99 f~et to a point at land now or formerly of the Douglas Development Company, Inc.; thence turning and running in two courses in a northeasterly direction by land of the Douglas Development Company, Inc., 50 feet and 215.75 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a northerly direction in two courses 189.06 feet and 249 feet to a point at land now or formerly of the Davis & Furber Machine Co.; thence turning and running in a northeasterly direction by land of Davis & Furber Machine Co., 155.58 feet to a point; tbence turning and running in a southerly direction by land now or formerly of Walker Realty Association in two courses, 306.38 feet and 603.38 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of Chickering Road; thence turning and running in a southwesterly direc- tion by the northerly boundary of Chickering Road,.601.43 feet to the point of beginning. Petition of John J. Willis and others. 19 It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. No recommendation. ARTICLE 73. To sec if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from Rural Residential to Generul Business the following described parcel of land: Beginning at a stone bound on the southeasterly side of Osgood Street at the tern~ination of the existing General Business Zone thence running northeasterly by said Osgood Street 105.8 feet to a stone bound at the intersection of Osgood and Stanleyville Avenue, a proposed street shown on a plan owned by Stefanowicz, North Andover, Massachusetts, Charles E. Cyr, C. E., dated April, 1947; thence turning and running by said Stanleyville Avenue, 330 fect to a point'; thence turning and running southerly 382 feet to a point on the northerly side of Great Pond Road; thence turning and running westerly .by said Great Pond Road, 218 feet to a point; thence turning and running northeasterly by the existing General Business Zone, 316 fee% more or less to a point thence tu~nlng and running in a not,westerly direction, 203.36 feet to the point of beginning. Petition of John J. Wills and others. No recommendation. ARTICLE 74. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 3.1 of its Zoning By-Law by adding thereto - "~Iulti Dwelling Districts", and by adding to said By-Law the following sections. Section 3.9 MULTI DWELLING DISTRICTS Section 3.91 (1) A certain parcel ~f land situated on the Northerly side of the Salem Turnpike in said~North Andover, and being approximately seventy-four (74) acres of the Southwesterly portion of the Third parcel described in Land Court Decree dated August 8, 1951, recorded with North Essex Registry of Deeds on August 9, 1951, con- firming the title of the Grantors to certain lands in said North Andover, in Land Court Case No. 22768, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point on the Northerly side of the Salem Turnpike at the end of a stone wall at land of William Dawson; thence the line runs northwesterly by the northeasterly side of said Turnpike,eighteen hundred eighty-two and 23/100 (1382.23) feet to a corner of a wall at ]and of Gardner R. Humphreys et al; thence the line runs Northerly by said Humphreys land, by land of one Valcourt and land of one Theriault as the stone wall stands, five hundred eighty-seven and 64/100 (587.64) feet to a corner at land of Charles Melamed et al; thence the line runs Northerly as the stone wall stands by said Mela~ed land and by land of one Arthur Frechette a distance of nineteen hundred twelve (1912) feet to the Westerly corner of Lot numOoered two (2) described in said confirmation decree; thence the line turns and runs Southeaster- ly by said Lot numbered two (2), seven hundred ninety-seven and 05/100 (797.05) feet to a corner of a wall at land of John B. Harriman and continues Southeasterly by said wall by said Harriman land four hundred sixteen and 64/100 (416.64) feet to a corner in said wall at the Southerly corner of said Harriman land: thence the line runs in a straight line in about the same course a distance of about eighteen hun- dred forty (1840) feet to the stone wall along said Dawson's boundary line at a point which is three hundred (300) feet Southwesterly from Hillside Road, as measured along said Dawson wall; thence the line turns and runs Southwesterly by said Dawson wail to the Turnpike at the point of beginning. (2) R & S Land ok Chickering Road. (3) Three parcels of land owned by Walker Realty Trust situated in North Andover and bounded and described as follows: PARCEL NO. 1. A certain parcel of land as shown on Plan No. 4442 and recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds more particularly bounded and described as follows: Easterly by a wall at land of New England Industries, Inc. as shown on said plan, six hundred and 15/100 (600.15) foot; Southerly by a lot shown on said plan as "HENRY E. LUND", two hundred ninety (290) feet, more or less, as so shown; Again Easterly or Southeasterly by a curved line at land of said Lund a distance of fifty-nine and 87/100 (59.87) feet as so shown; Again Easterly or Northeasterly by said "LUND' lot three hundred ninety-five (395) feet as so shown; Again Northerly by a curved line at ]and of said Lund a distance of fifty-nine and 81/100 (59.81) feet; Again Easterly or Southeasterly by Chickering Road ninety-six and 62/100 (96.62) feet, as so shown; Westerly or Southwesterly by land of Boston and Maine Railroad a distance of one thousand eleven and 33/100 (1011.38) feet, more or less, aa so shown: Norhterly at a wall at land now or formerly of Colgate four hun- dred forty and 40/100 (440.40) feet, as so shown; and Again Northerly by a wall at land now or formerly of Ida N. Cur -rier one hundred sixty-seven and 60/100 (167.60) feet. No recommendat;on. 2O PARCEL NO. 2. Connnencing at the northeast corner thereof on the southerly side of Prescott Street; thence running southwesterly by land of A. P. Cur- tier, six hundred and eighty-five (685) feet to an angle; thence south- easterly one hundred twenty-eight (128) feet to land of Mrs. Sames Davis; thence southwesterly by land of Mrs. Sames Davis four hundred forty-two (442) feet to land of the Boston and Maine Railroad; thence northwesterly by land of said Railroad, three hundred twenty-three and one half (323%) feet to land of Davis & Furber; thence northeastm'ly by land of Davis and Furber and land of one Marston eight hundred four (804) feet to Prescott Street. thence easterly by Prescott Street' four hundred fifty (450) feet to ihe point of beginning. Containing about nine and 2/10 (9.2) acres. Excepting therefrem so much of the above described premises as have been already conveyed, as follows: To Coleman H. Lee by two deeds, one dated June 3, 1915, recorded with North Eesex Registry of Deeds, Book 354, Page 195, and the second dated August 17, 1921, recorded with said Registry of Deeds, Book 4.4.7, Page 526; to Judson W. Harvey, dated August 2, 1921, recorded wi ith said Registry, Book 444, Page 595; to Henry E. Lund, dated November 7, 1922, recorded with said Registry, Book 468, Page 192; to Joseph M. Freeman, dated March 6. 1923, recorded with said Registry, Book 473, Page 487. Also excepting therefrom so much of the above described premises as have been taken by the City of Lawrence, the Town of North An- dover, or other duly constituted governmental authority, as appears of record. PARCEL NO. 3. NORTHERLY by land now or formerly of Currier, 387 feet; EASTERLY by land now or formerly of James W. Heron and of William Sutton; SOUTHEASTERLY by land now or formerly of Eben Sutton and by land now or formerly of Walker Realty Trust 450 .fee~; ...... SOUTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly oz wa~zer r, ea~y Trust, 127 feet: and NORTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly of Walker Realty Trust 263.5 feet. The land in North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts, being shown as Parcel B. and Parcel C. on plan entitled "Walker Realty Trust and John J. Willis et ux", North Andover, i~Iass., dated March 1967, Brasseur Associates, 60% Bailey Street, Haverhill, Maseachuse.t.ts,.re- corded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds, bounded and describes as follows: EASTERLY by Main Street, by two courses, 40.95 feet and 97.75 respectively; SOUTHERLY by Parcel A, as shown on said plan, 140.00 feet; EASTERLY again by Parcel A, as shown on said plan, 82.21 feet; SOUTHERLY again by land of Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, as shown on said plan, 107.51 feet; . WESTERLY by land of owners, unnamed, and by land of Cathe~r~n~e Murphy and Rose McEvey, as shown on said plan, by two courses, ~-~.o feet and 138.00 feet. NORTHERLY by land of Edith G. Haley as shown on said plan 259.29 feet. (4) The land in North Andover, Massachusetts, bounded and des- eribe,~ as follows: Beginning at the northeasterly corner of the premises at the in tersection of Chickering Read and Massachusetts ?v, enu. e, ,formerly known as the Air Line Road; thence running westerly oy luna now or formerly of Edward Adams 1877 feet, more or less, to an angle in the wall; thence rurming southwesterly by land of owners unknown and by an old road known as Wood Lane, 748 feet, more or less, to a stone bound, thence running southeasterly by said old road known as Wood Lane 84.25 feet to a stone bound; thence running south 51 08 58 East 347.96 feet to a stone bound; thence running south 60°56'17" East 117.84 feet to a point; thence running northerly 2.99 feet to a point; thence running easterly 713 feet to a point; thence running northerly 2.99 feet to a point; thence tuning easterly 713 feet to a point; thence running northerly 160 feet to a point; thence running easterly 421.46 feet to a point; thence by a curved line with a radius of 20 feet, 39.96 feet to Chickering Road; thence by said Road northerly 24o28'25" East 1001.77 feet to a point; thence northerly by a curved line with. a radiu, s. of 125 feet, 76 feet more or less to a point of beginning along sam Chicke~ing Road. Being the same premises conveyed to Roy R. Fart by deed of David Rennie, Jr., and Dorothy J. Rennie dated December 13, 1955, and record,- ed in the Essex Registry of Deeds for the Northern District in ~OOK 826, Page 34. 21 (5) The land in North Andover all as shown on Plan No. 5385 recorded with the North Essex Registry of Deeds, bounded and des- cribed as follows: A certain parcel of land situated on the westerly side of Main Street in said North Andover, bounded and described as follows; Beginning at a point at the southeasterly corner of said premises and at land of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston ~ thence run- ning westerly by said land of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boa- ten, 227.87 feet; thence northerly by land of said Roman Catholic Arch- bishop of Boston, 87.50 feet; thence easterly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Eliza Ryan, 245.0 feet; thence southerly by said Mai Street, 79 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Being the same premises conveyed to Annie Laurie Stevens Gile and Arthur 0. Gile by deed of Arthur O. Gile dated December 15, 1933, and recorded with the Northern Essex Registry of Deeds, Book 579, Page 194. (6) Shield's Land on Sutton Street. Section 4.7 MULTI DWELLING DISTRICTS: The Board of Appeals shall grant a Special Permit for a Multi Dwelling Develop- ment in a Multi Dwelling District but only if it be satisfied that such a development will conform to the permitted uses and specific regulations set forth in Sections 4.71 and 4.72. 4.71 PERMITTED USES (a) Multiple or group dwellings provided that they shall not contain more than twelve dwelling un/ts per structure. (b) Such accessory uses as are customary in connection with the permitted principal uses, including the provision for the build- lng of a separate residence for the rental office or managers quarters, except that professional offices and home occupations are specifically excluded. 4.72 SPECIFIC REGULATIONS: (a) No structure shall exceed two and one-half stories or 35 feet in height, measured from the top of the foundations. (b) No structures except one story garages or carports, or un- pierced walls of residential structures shall be nearer to each that the sum of the heights of their two opposing exterior walls measured above the top of the foundations. (c) There shall be a lot area of at least 3500 square feet for each dwelling unit in Multiple Dwelling Structure, in addition to the lot area, if any, required for other permitted uses. (d) The gross usable floor area of all principal and accessory structures shall not exceed thirty percent of the gross area of the lot. (e) No structure shall be built within thirty feet of the sideline of any public street or way and no structure or parking space shah be built or maintained within fifty feet of any other exterior property line, where the development abuts residentially zoned property, and within twenty feet, where the development abuts apy other land not residentially zoned. Where the development abuts residential land there shall be maintained, in said fifty foot buffer zone, adequate screening in the nature of natural growth, as to be de~errnined by the Board of Appeals. (f) There shall be provided at least one paved off street parking space or space in a garage or carport, for each dwelling unit, said space to be no more than 200 feet from the outside entrance to each unit. No space shall be considered available for parking which ~educes the effective width of a driveway providing access to more than one dwelling unit to less than 12 feet. (g) There shall be a paved driveway or paved walk, ade- quate to aecomodate emergency vehicles, within fifty feet of the outside entrance to each dwelling unit. (h) Any road or driveway providing principal access to six or more dwelling units or eight or more parking spaces shall con~ form to appropriate provisions of the Sub-Division Control Regulations as established by the Planning Board. Before issuing any permits the Board of Appeals shall request a report from the Planning Board on the extent of such conformity. 6.7 IN MULTI DWELLING DISTRICTS 6.71 The lot area and lot width shall be determined in accord with the specific regulations as set forth in Section 4.72 of this By-Law. 7.6 In Multi Dwelling Districts the yard spaces shall be determined in accord with the specific regulations as set forth in Sec- tion 4.72 of this By-Law. 8.6 In Multi Dwelling Districts the building heights per- mitred for ali structures shall be determined in accord with the specific regulations as set forth in Section 4.72 of this By-Law. 2.13 MULTIPLE DWELLINGS A free standing building or group of buildings, intended and de- signed to be occupied and used exclusively for residential purposes by each or more than two families. Petition of John J. Lynch and others. 22 ARTICLE 75. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing the classification froal country residential district to multi dwelling district the following described land: Beginning at a point in the southerly street line of Andover Street at the westerly side ~of the Town of North Andover school property line and proceeding in a southwesterly direction along the southerly street line of Andover Street a distance of three hundred and twenty nine and 00/00, more or less (329'±) feet to a point; thence southeasterly along the property of Edward Melamed a distance of One Hundred and 001100 more or less (100'±) feet to a point; thence southwesterly along the property of same Edward Melamed a distance of One Hundred Twenty Eight and 24/100 (128.24') feet to a point; thence southerly along 'the property of Thomas D. Mahoney a distance of two hundred fi/fy and 00/00 more or less (250'___) feet to a point: thence southeasterly along the property of Thomas J. Driscoll a distance of two hundred sixty rune and 75/100 (269.75') feet to a point; thence westerly along the sou- thern property line of said Thomas Driscoll g distance of three hundred one and 60/100 (301.60') feet to a point; thence westerly along the pro- perty of Dorothy M. Hammond a distance of one hundred fourteen and 75/100 (114.75') feet to a point; thence continuing in a westerly direc- tion along the southerly property line of From George a distance of six hundred twenty eight and 93/100 (628.93') fe~t to a point on the easter- ly street line of Auburn Street; thence southerly along said street line a distance of seventy and 00/100 more or less (70'+) feet to a point; thence easterly down the centerline of Summit Aven~, said street being a paper street, a distance of one hundred fourteen and 07/100 (114.07') feet to a point; thence southerly along the property of Emily L. Parker a distance of one hundred twenty and 60/100, more or less (120'~-) feet to a point; thence easterly along the property of Mable S. Sarcio~6, a distance of one hundred twenty and 10/100 (120.10') feet to a point; thence southerly along the easterly property line of said Sarcione a dis- tance of one hundred twenty and 00/100, more or less (120'±) feet to a point in the center of Prospect Terrace, said Prospect Terrace being a paper street; thence easterly down the eenterline of Prospect Terrace a distance of two hundred six and 03/100 (206.03') feet to a point in the northerly street line of Wilson Road; thence along the easterly street line of Wilson Road a distance of forty and 00/100 (40.00')feet to a point in the southerly street line of Wilson Road; thence in a south easterly direction along the property of Walter A. Wilson a distance of one hundred and 00/100, ~nore or less (100'~) feet to a point: thence in a southerly direction along the prope~'ty of ~id Wilson a distance of one hundred seventy five and 00/100, more or less (175'±) feet to a point; thence in a southeasterly direction along the property of Hollis A. Cur- tis a distance of one hundred twenty and 00/100, more or less (120'+ feet to a point in the center of Toiland Road; thence southwesterly along the centerline of said Tolland Road a distance of fifty and 00/100, more or less (50'4-) feet to a point; thence southeasterly along the property line of Tolland Road a distance of twenty and 00/100, more or less (20'±) feet to a point in the street llne of said Tolland Road; thence southeasterly along the property of Russell C. Lodge a distance of one hundred and 00/100, more or less (100'±) feet; and continuing in the sarae direction along the property of Elizabeth Elliot a distance of one hundred and 00/100, more or less (100'±); feet thence in the same direc- tion along the street llne of Berkeley Road a distance of forty and 00/100, more or less (40'±) feet; said Berkeley Road lying entirely to the south and west; thence continuing in the same direction along the property of Elizabeth Elliot a distance of one hundred seven and 00/100, more or less (107'±) feet to a point in the street line of Bevin Road; thence in the same southeasterly direction along the street line of Bevin Road a distance of forty three, and 00/100, more or less (43'±) feet; Bevin Read ly/ng entirely to the south and west of said street line, to a point; thence in a northeasterly direction along the property of Gene- veive Pucclo a distance of one thousand two hundred and fifty and 00/100 mercer le~s (1~254'~) feet to a point; thence turning and pro- ceeding in a northwesterly direction along the property of the Town of North Andover a distance of six hundred and thirty and 00/100 more or less (630'±) feet to a point; ~hence turning and running in a north- easterly direction along said property of the Town of North Andover a distance of two hundred and fifty six and 00/100, more or less (256'__) feet to a point; thence turning and running in a northwesterly direction along the property of said Town of North Andover, a distance of five hundred eighty five and 04/100 (585.4') feet to a point in the street line of Andover Street; said point being the point of beginning. The above described parcel contains thirty three and 71/100 (33.71) acres. Petition of Harold Morley, Jr. and others. 23 No recommendation. ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town will rots to amend its Zoning By-Law by chahging from Rural Residential to General Business the following described parcel of ]and: NORTHEASTERLY by the South- westerly line of Salem Turnpike four hundred sixty-nine and 89/100 (469.89) feet; SOUTHERLY by land now or formerly of Edward Sch- wartz and John McDowell two hundred eighty-two and 14/100 (282.14) fe~t; and WESTERLY by land now or formerly Charles R. Annaloro about two hundred sixty-nine (269) feet, said parcel containing 30,000 sq. ft. more or less. Petition of Louis J. Kmiec, Jr. and others. ARTICLE 77. To see if the Town will vote to rezone a piece of land on Winthrop Avenue, North Andover described below from Resi- dential to Business: Starting from a point on Waverley Road and running in a Southerly direction for 480 ft. more or less, then turning North West along Win- throp Avenue for 973 ft. more or less, then turning North East and running for 596 ft. more or less, then turning South and running for 300 ft. more or less, then turning East and running 100 feet more or less, then turning South and running 315 ft. more or less, then turning East and running 100 ft. more or less, back to the point of origin, total parcel consisting of 8.810 acres more or less. Petition of Stewart P. Wilson, and others. ARTICLE 78. TO see if the Town will vote to change its Zoning By Law by changing from Rural Residence District to Business District, the following described parcel of land on Turnpike Street: On the Easterly side of Turnpike Street 1204 feet, by Mill Road 200 feet, then on a straight line Northeasterly 1200 feet to a wall to land of Gilbert Rea, thence westerly by the wall to the point of beginning. Said land owned by Charlotte P. and George P. Rea. Petition of George A. Rea and others. ARTICLE 79. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-L~w by changing from rural residence zone to industrial, the follow- lng parcel of land: Starting at a point on Turnpike St. at the Northwesterly junction of the abandon way of Willow St. running parallel to the Salem Turn- pike a distance of 860'~-, then turning and running Southerly 490'~-, then turning and running Westerly 1550'±, then turning and running Southeasterly 850'±, then turning and running ~estorly 100'-4-, then turning and running Southerly 185'±, then turning and runnln~-South- easterly 160'±, then turning and running Southerly 265'-4-, then turning and running Westerly 445'±, then turning and running Northwesterly 410'-% then turning and running Westerly 175'±, then turning and running Northwesterly 170'±, then turning and runninl~ Westerly 250'± to the Andover North Andover town line, then l~orthwesterly 150'+ along the town line, then turning and running Northerly 410'-I-, turns and running Northwesterly 460'-~- to the Andover North Andover town line. Then turning and running in a Northerly direction 1200'_____ along the town line to the Andover By Pass. Then turning and running North 910'± along the Andover By Pass, then turning and running Easterly 662'±, then turning and running Northerly 835'_____, then turning and running Northeasterly 44'±, then turning and running Northwesterly 628'___~, then turning and running Northeasterly 155'_____ along Hillside Road, then turning and running Southeasterly 190'-~-, then turning and running Northeasterly 125'±, then turning and running Southeasterly 200'~-, then turning and running Northeastea:ly 75'-% then turning and run~'~g Southeasterly 100'___, then turning and r~-~ning Northeasterly 130'±, then turning and running Southeasterly 130'±, then turning and running Northeasterly 175'± to Salem Turnpike, then turning and run- ning Southeasterly 50'~- along Salem Turnpike, then turning and run- ning Southwesterly 175'-4-, then turning and running Southeasterly 125'~-, then turning and ~-tmning Southwesterly 125'-4-, then turning and running Southeasterly 150'__., then turning and running northeast 300'.-~- to Salem Turnpike, then turning and running Southeasterly 100' along Salem Turnpike, then turning and running Southerly 1450'-+-, then turning and running Easterly 575'± to Salem Turnpike, then turning and running Southeasterly 600'~ along Salem Turnpike to point of be- ginning. An area containing 176 acres more or less. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgeod and others. ARTICLE 80. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from Industrial use to General Business use, the following parcel of Land: Property of Agnes & George Farkas, situated at 1615 O s go o d Street, North Andover, Mass. bounded and described as follows: 24 recommendation. recommendation. No r~commendafion. No recommendation. No recommendation. Westerly by Osgood Street, one-hundred eighty-two (182.81) feet more or less; Northerly by land formerly of E.J. & B.F. Dudley, now Local 1365 C.W.A.-A.F.L.-C.LO., three-hundred-fifty (350.92) feet more or less; Easterly by land Coppola, ninety (90) feet more or less; South- erly by land formerly D & M.R Olenio, now hy Chris Adams, Three- hundred-sixty-three (363.16) feet more or less. Petition of Norman E. Lentz and others. ARTICLE 81. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law so as to change from Rural Residential to Industrial use the following described parcel of real estate: The land on the easterly side of Osgood Street bounded and des- cribed as follows: Northerly by an easement for a water main held by the Town of North Andover and by land now or formerly of George R. Barker, eight hundred seventy (870) feet more or less; Easterly by land now or formerly of Frank Paparella, nine hundred fifty-five (955) feet more or less; Southerly by land now or formerly of George R. Barker, Jr., two hundred thirty-five (235) feet more or less; Westerly by land now or formerly of George R. Barker, Jr., one hundred thirteen (113) feet more or less; Southerly again by land now or formerly of George R. Barker, Jr. and land now or formerly of Una G. Arlit, six hundred ninety-four (694) feet more or less; and Westerly again by the presently existing Industrial Zone. Petition of Frank Paparella and others. ARTICLE 82. To see if the Town will vote to change from Rural Residence and Country Residence to General Business the following described parcel of land. The land in North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts, with the buildings thereon, shown on a Plan of Land in North Andover, Mass., as surveyed for Charles Donovan, dated October 23, 1957, drawn by Ralph B. Brasseur, C.E., recorded Essex N.D. Deeds and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe at the northeasterly corner of said pre- mises at the intersection of the southwesterly line of the Salem Turn- pike and the northwesterly line of Hillside Road and thence running South 34o 28' 50" West 467.79 feet by said Hillside Road to an iron pipe; Thence turning and running South 47© 26' 20" West 383.52 feet by said Hillside Road to an iron pipe in the northeasterly line of the An dover By-Pass; Thence turning and running North 8° 13' 20" West 620.13 feet by said Andover By-Pass to an iron pipe at land now or formerly of Dutch- land Farms Corp.; Thence turning and running North 43© 51' 10" East 465.56 feet by said land now or formerly of Datchland Farms Corp. to an iron pipe in the southwesterly line of the said Salem Turnpike; and Thence turning and running South 45© 49' 50" East 437 feet by said Salem Turnpike to the point of beginning. Said pre~iscs are hereby conveyed subject to the highway taking recorded with the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book 826, Page 140. Petition of Emil J. Camuso and others. ARTICLE 83. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by inserting therin a new part known as cluster zoning. 1. The Planning Board may approve for a parcel of land more than 7 (seven) acres, accm'ding to the regular procedure for the approval of subdivisions, lots which do not. conform specifically to the area, and frontage requirements of the standard Zoning By-Law provided that: A. The total number of lots does not exceed the number oI lot~ which would be obtained by using the s~andard Zoning By ]~ws, and that in no case will any lot have less than 2/$ of the area required by the standard By-Law. B. The minimum street set back shall he 50' on culdesacs and 40' on all other lots. Rear and side offsets shall be a minimum of 20'. C. Street f,rontages of all lots on a culdesac may not be any less than 50 and no less than 75' at the set back line. All other lots must have at least 2/3 of the frontage required by the standard Zoning By-Law and have a minimum of 100' at the set back line. All set back lines must be shown on the difini- tire plan. 25 No recommendation. No recommendation. No recommendation. D. All areas designated as greenbelt areas or common land area shall be deeded to the Town Conservation Commission for conservation and recreation purposes. The Town will honor all utility easements (water, sewer, powers, phone, etc.) The owner of the development will have the right to trespass upon all green areas while carting on the functions of constructing the subdivision. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgood and others. ARTICLE 84. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $48,500 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 7, Schedules B, C and D, and Sections 8 and 9, by adding a 5% increase to all rates in each compensation grade, effective January 1, 1969; and apply an additional 2%% increase to said rates on July 1, 1969. Petition of the Personnel Board ARTICLE 85. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2520 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 7, Schedule A, Department Head and Supervisory Group, by adding an "asterisk" provision to compensation grade S-2i assigned to class title Superintendent of Public Works designating: A personal rate of $15,000 per year payable only to Mr. William B. Dully, Superln- tendent of Public Works. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 86. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law, Section 7, Schedule A, by adding class title "Water Station Operator" to Department Head and Supervisory Group, and by assign- ing compensation grade S-3 to said class title. Petition of the Personnel Board. Article 87. To see if the To*m will vote to raise anti appropriate the sum of $1,300 for the purpose of amending its personnel By-Law, Section 12 - Longevity Increments, by adding $25. to each amount of increment set forth in paragraph (A). Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 85. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $6500 for the purpose of amending ite Personnel By- Law, Section 17 -- Vacation Leave, by inserting the following in place of the existing provisions of paragraphs A-3 and (3) An e employee who has completed five years of service shall be granted three weeks of vacation with pay. (4) An employee who has completed ten years of ~rvlce shall be granted four weeks of vacation with pay. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 89. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Person- nel By-Law Section 18 -- Sick Leave, by changing the wording of paragraph (B) to read: (B) An employee' shall be credited with the unused portion of leave granted under sub-section (4). Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 90. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $275 for the purpose of amending its Personnel Law, Section 7, Schedule A, by adding class title "Board of Health Secretary" to Clerical Group, and by assigning compensation grade to said class title. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 91. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law, Section 7, Schedule A, by adding class title "Assistant Super- visor of Pumping Stations" to De~part~ent Head and Supervisory Group, and by assigning compensation grade S-9 to said class title. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 92. To see if +.he Town will vote to raise, and appro- prlate the sum of $1000 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 7, Schedule E, by assigning $3500 per year compensation to class title "Building Inspector" in place of the existing $2500 per year. Petition of the Personnel Board. 26 It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vole Jo ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the ~artlcte. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended thai the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. it is recommended that the Town vole to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 93. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law, Section 7, Schedule E, by assigning $24.00 per day compensa- tion to class title "l~serve Patrolman" in plac~e of the exist/rig rate of $21 per day. Petition of the Personnel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the articl~ ARTICLE 94. To see if the Town will vote 9o raise and appro- ~rlate the sum of $700 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By- aw, Section 7 Schedule E by assigning $1200 per year to class title 'Fire Engineer and Deputy Chief" in place of the existing rate of $850 per year. Petition of the Personnel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 95. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appre- priate or take fr~n available funds or from the stabilization fund the sum of $46,000 to be expended under the direction of the Assessors for a complete revaluation of real estate property in North Andover. Petition of the Assessors. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 96. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $25,137 to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purposes of G.L. ch.32B, s. 7A, if said statute shall have been accepted by the Town at the annual 1969 Town election. Petition of John J. Lanni and others. ARTICLE 97. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate for the use of Stevens Memorial Library the sum of $5,454 which the Town has received from the State under the provisions of Chapter 78, Section 19 A and which is now in an account entitled "State Aid for Libraries-- Reserved for Appropriation." Petition of the Trustees of the Stevens Memorial Library. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate for the purpose of this article such sums that have been re- ceived from the state. ARTICLE 98. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sam of $7,500, to be expended under the direction of the Tree Warden for the purpose of purchasing a new % Ton Pick-Up Truck and a new two Ton Stake Body Dump Truck with necessary equipment for the Tree Deparhnent. A 1963 ~ Ton Pick-Up Truck and a 1963 two Ton Stake Body Dump Truck to be turned in, in trade. Petition of the Tree Warden. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 99. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $750, to be ~xpended under the direction of the ~.ol- lector of Taxes for the purposes of purchasing a postage-meter mailing machine. Petition of the Collector of Taxes. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 100. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $12,918, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of the appointment of three regular patrol- men, ful~ly qualified, who have passed the Civil Service Physical and Mental examination all in accordance with Civii Service Rules and Regulations. Petition of the Chief of Police. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,612.' for the appointment of 2 patrolmen. ARTICLE 101. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5000, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the Purchase of two new 1969, 12 volt system ears with neccessary safety equipment. One 1967 car to be turned in trade, and all equipment to be changed over, such as police radios, sirens and other similar accessories. Petition of the Chief of Polic~. ARTICLE 102. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $14,000, to be expended under the direction of the Fire Engineers for the ]purpose of appointing three regular fire fighters who have passed the C~vil Service physical and mental examinations, all in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Petition of the Fire Engineers. ARTICLE 103. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2500, to be expended under the direction of the Fire Engineers for the purpose of use with the trade:in value of the pre- sent Chief's car to purchase a new car for the Chief's use. Petition of the Fire Engineers. 27 It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. it is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 104. To see if the Tovm will accept as a public walt that part of Mablin Avenue extending from Waverley Road to Jetwood Street. Petition of Carl W. Lindfors. ARTICLE 105. To see if the Town will vole to accept as a public way the way that is shown on the Plan of Land entitled "Plan of Hill- side Acres" owned by John-Andrew Company, Inc., daLed June 20, 1966, Brasseur Associates, Engineers and recorded in the NorLh Essex Regis- try of Deeds as Plan No. 5516 which has been developed and completed in accordance with the Planning Board's Specifications all as required under the Provisions of ~he North Andover Zoning Law pertaining to Residential Homes and all lald out and adjudicated by The Board of SelecL~en and to name street so accepted Maria~ Drive. Plan on record w/th North Andover Planning Board. Petition of Charles P. Johnson and others. ARTICLE 106. To see if the Town will vote to establish Old Vil- lage Lane, Russett Lane, Morningside Lane, Wooderest Drive, Meadow- view Road and Coachman's Lane, for a distance of 2100 feet, as Town ways, by accept/ng the Seleetmen's laying-out of the same, as hereto- fore filed with the Town Clerk. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgood and others. ARTICLE 107. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1000, to be expended under ~he direction of the Con- servation Commission for the purpose of obtaining proper engineering maps needed and in connection with a proposed floodplain zoning by-law. Petition of the Conservation Commission. ARTICLE 108. To see if the Town will vole to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5000 or any other sum to be added to the "Conserva- tion Fund" established by the vote of the Town upon ArLicle 34 of the Warrant for the 1968 Annual Town Meeting. Petition of the Conservation Commission. ARTICLE 109. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding the following: When an Article submitted for a Town Moating Warrant is con- sidered by Town Counsel to be illegal because of working, he shall, when practicable, attempt to submit an amendment to the A r t i c 1 e which would make the same legal while accomplish~g the basic intent of the petitioner. Petition of Norman E. Lentz and others. ARTICLE 110. To see if the Town will vole to amend its General By-Laws by adding the following: "The Town Counsel shall p~ss on the legality of all Articles pro- ' perly submitted for any Town Warrant." Petition of Norman E. Lentz and others. ARTICLE 111. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding the following: "The Moderator shall not overrule the Town Counsel on determin- lng the legality of Articles and shall allow the Town Meeting to vote on all Articles of the Warrant declared legal by Town Counsel." Petition of Norman E. Lentz and others. ARTICLE 112. To see if the Town will vote tn amend its General By-Laws by adding the following: "When an article for any Town Warrant is considered by Town Counset to be illegal because of its intent a brief reason for this deter- ruination shall be written in the Town Warrant." Petition of Robert A. Banks and others. ARTICLE 113. To see if the Town will vole as follows: No funds appropriated for use by the Water Department or by any other department of the Town shall be used for the purpose of fluorid- ating the whole or any part of the public water supply, nor shall any funds be accepted from any source for the purpose of fluoridating the town water supply or any part thereof. Petition of Howard M. Thomson. 28 No recommendation. Ho recommendation. Ho recommendation. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. No recommendation. recommendation. Ho recommendation. No recommendation. No recommendation. ARTICLE 114. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $450 to be expended under the direction of the Re- creational Council for the purpose of purchasing six (6) Bucking Broncos (Spring Riders) to be installed at the playgrounds. Petition of the Recreational Council ARTICLE 115. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $300 to be expended under the direction of the Recrea- tional Council for the purpose of purchasing Basketball Standards for the Playgrounds. Petition of the Recreational Council. ARTICLE 116. To see if the Town will vote to prohibit any per- son from owning or keeping, outside of the confines of his property, any dog which is not held firmly on a leash not exceeding six feet in length. Petition of Veronica Perkins and others. ARTICLE 117. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate sufficient funds for the salary of a dog officer, in conjunction with the passage of the North Andover Leash Law, for purposes of en- forcement. The dog officer is the enforcing officer of this By-Law, and he shall enter and prosecute a non-criminal complaint against owner or keeper of any dog if such owner or keeper violates the provisions of this By-Law or any part thereof. Petition of Anita D. Raymond and others. ARTICLE 118. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate, or transfer from the Overlay Reserve the sum of $ to the Reserve Fund. Petition of the Selecixnen. ARTICLE 119. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate such sum as this meeting may determine, to the stabilization fund, as provided by Section 5B of Chapter 40 of the General Laws. Petition of the Assessors. ARTICLE 120. To see if the Town will vote to take the sum of from available funds to reduce the tax rate. Petition of the Assessors. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and at- tested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies to be post- ed not more than seven days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meet- ing. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 25th day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine. Arthur P. Kirk William A. Finneran William B. Duffy, Jr. Board of Selectme~. A true copy: Constable. North Andover, Massachusetts 1969 It is recommended that the Town vole to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. No recommendation. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000. for the purpose of the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to transfer from available funds the sum of $ for the purpose of this article. 29 ATTEND TOWN MEETING DATE: TIME: PLACE: Saturday, March 15, 1969 1:30 P.M. Veterans Memorial Auditorium North Andover High School Please bring this copy of Advisory Committee Report with you to Town Meeting. Advisory Committee Report Town of North Andover Massachusetts U. $. POSTAGE PAID No. Andover, Mass. Permit No. 191 NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 1969 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS Advisory Committee Report and Town Warrant REPORT OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TOWN MEETING MARCH, 1969 FELLOW CITIZENS OF NORTH ANDOVER: On the following pages of this report you will find the recommendations of the Advisory Committee. If these recommendations are followed it would appear that the tax rate would increase approximately $8.00. This is based on an optimistic extimate of the State reimbursements to the Town. We should also bear in mind that additional Special Town Meetings during the remainder of the year could raise this iVtgure substantially. A case in point is the anticipated expansion of facilities at the Regional Vocational School The favorable recommendations we have made include a Town Budget amounting to $3,907,397.00, which is an increase of about 10% over last year. This year we are asking the Town to raise and appropriate $269,628.00 through articles which is also a sizable increase. At one point in our deliberations of the Budget and articles the projected tax increase was over $13.00 which we felt to be unreasonable. This is where the task of your Advisory Committee becomes rather frustrating. We fully realize that some of the requests upon which we have acted unfavorably are meritorious. But in fairness to the tax payers these items must be weighed in relation to what the town can afford. It is our best judgement that the recommendations we have made represent a sound fiscal policy for the town to follow. We hope that all citizens will exercise their right of free opinion on March 15, at the Town Meeting. Respectfully submitted, NORTH ANDOVER ADVISORY COMMITTEE John J. Burke, Chairman Robert E. Mascola, Secretary Mrs. Daniel F. Cahill Donald W. Coan George F. FitzPatrick Richard A. Graham Atty. Merrill Rosenberg Cornelius J. Twomey Article No. lO ll 12 15 16 17 18 2O 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 *Bonded YOUR TALLY SHEET FOR ART/OLES REQUESTING FUNDS (To raise and appropriate $30,000.00 means an increase of $1.00 on the tax rate.) Amount Description Fourth of July Celebration Christmas Lighting Town Charter Study Police Station Emergency Generator National Cash Register Material Traffic Lights - Sutton & Main Streets Fire Station Landtaking *Construction, Equipment; New Fire Station Paint Interior Town Office Building Rewiring Town Office Building Roof Town Garage Pay Increase Town Office Building Janitor Print 500 copies Town Laws *Replace Water Main on Johnson Street Turf Sweeper - Board of Public Works Equipment Board of Public Works Extensions of Water Main Systems Maintenance Water Services & Sewers Extension Water System Farnum Street Extend Water System Wood Lane Extend Sewer System Wood Lane Extend Sewer Poor Avenue Extend Water System Salem Street Extend Sewer System Osgood Street Extend West Side Sewer Requested $ 1,500 1,600 5,000 6,500 252 7,800 135,000 5,000 2,500 2,000 520 500 120,000 1,700 9,000 2,000 1,000 4,000 2,200 3,800 6,000 40,000 50,000 18~000 Amount Recommended $ 1,500 8OO 1,O00 6,500 252 0 lO,O00 4,050 5,000 2,500 1,200 520 50O 0 1,700 3,000 2,000 1,O00 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Voted Arti cl e No. 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 71 84 85 87 Description Extend Water System Autran Avenue Extend Sewer System Turnpike Street Extend Water System Abbott Street Extend Sewer System Martin Avenue Extend Sewer System Autran Avenue, Chapter 90 - Salem, Johnson, Foster Streets Maintenance of Streets - Chapter 90 Highway Equipment Replace Head Wall & Pipe Holt Road Cleaning Brooks Erection & Replacement of Guard Rails Overhaul Bulldozer Replace Catch Basins & Grates Repair of Streets Fence at Disposal Site Repair Old Stone Culverts Repair ConcYete Sidewalks Street Signs Land Purchase Disposal Site Piping Brook at Disposal Site Drain Installation Chestnut Street Hot-top Barker Street Installation of Drains Mark Road Niden & Pave Farnum Street Repair Harwood Street Educational Consultant Plans & Surveys New High School Snow Removal on School Grounds Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Amount Amount Requested Recommended $ 3,5oo $ 0 28,000 0 2,700 0 1A,O00 0 14,000 0 ll,500 11,500 2,000 2,000 79,000 9,300 5,000 0 5,000 2,000 lO,O00 1,O00 5,000 5,000 2,000 1,000 75,000 30,000 1,500 0 2,000 1,O00 5,000 0 500 400 13,800 13,800 16,000 5,000 7,250 7,250 ? 0 10,750 0 ? 0 ? 0 22,500 22,500 25,000 25,000 16,500 0 48,500 48,500 2,520 2,520 1,300 1,300 Voted Article No. 87 88 90 92 94 95 96 98 9g 100 101 102 103 107 108 114 115 117 ll8 119 Description Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Re-evaluation of Real Estate G. L. Chaper 32B, S.TA Tree Department Pick-up Truck Postage-meter Mailing Machine 3 Additional Regular Patrolmen 2 New Police Cars 3 Additional Regular Firemen Fire Chief's Car Maps for Floodplain Zoning By-Law Conservation Fund Playground Equipment Playground Equipment Leash Law Expenses Reserve Fund Stabilization Fund Amount Amount Requested Recommended $ 1,300 $ 1,300 6,500 6,500 275 275 1,O00 1,000 700 700 46,000 0 25,137 0 7,500 0 750 750 12,gl8 8,612 5,000 5,000 14,000 0 2,500 0 1,000 0 5,000 0 450 450 300 300 ? 0 8,000 8,000 0 $ 269,628 Voted TRANSFERS FROM RESERVE FUND DURING 1968 Approved by your Advisory Committee under Chapter 40, Section 6, of the General Laws Animal Inspector Salary Wiring ~nspector Salary Gas Inspector Salary Captial Outlay Expenses Forest Fire Expenses Board of Health Expenses Accountant Expenses Accountant Expenses Election Expenses Garbage ~isposal Contract Election Expenses Police Wages Refuse Disposal Expenses Tax Collector Wages 75.00 250.00 100.00 16.13 BO0.O0 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 72.00 1,250.00 200.00 ],800.00 112.8l Tax Collector Expenses Board of Appeals Expenses Building Inspector Expenses Advisory Committee Expenses Refuse Disposal Expenses Veterans Benefits Cash Grants 388.00 150.00 75.00 5.81 500.00 950.00 $ 7,944.75 55.25 $ 8,000.00 Balance of Account returned to Treasury Amount of original appropriation TOWN WARRANT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX SS: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are quali$ied to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School Auditorium in Precinct One, St. Michael's School Auditor- ium in Precinct Two, the Thomson School Auditorium in Precinct Three and the Kittredge School Aud- itorium in Precinct Four, all in said North Andover on Monday, the Third Day of March 1969 at 7 o'clock A.M., and there to Act on the following Article: ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator and Town Treasurer for one year, one Selectman, one Member of the Board of Assessors, one Member of the Board of Health, one Member of the Board of Public Works, one Member of the Greater Lawrence Region- al Vocational Technical High School Committee and two Mem- bers of the School Comittee for three years, one Member of the Planning Board for five years, and one Member of the Planning Board for un-expired four year term, and one Mem- ber of the Housing Authority for five years. And to vote upon the following question: "Shall the Town, in addition to the payment of fifty per cent of a premium for contributory group life and health insurance for employees in the service of the Town and their dependents, pay a subsidiary or additional rate?" YES NO All to be voted upon one ballot. The polls shall be open at 7:00 A.M., and shall be closed at 7:00 P.M. After final action on the preceeding ~.rticle 1, said meeting shall stand adjourned by virtue of Section 4, Article 1 of the Town By-Laws to Saturday March 15, 1969 at one-thirty P.M., i~ tb~ Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover High school, then and there to act on the follow- ing articles: ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by ballot. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town refer to the Selectmen the ap- pointment of Town Officers not required by law or By-Law to be otherwise chosen. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the re- port of receipts and expenditures as presented by the Se- lectmen. It is recommended the report be accepted. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 4. TO see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and compensation of all elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section 108 of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recomended that the Town vote to fix the following annual salaries of the elected officers of the Town effective from Janu- ary 1, 1969: Board of Selectmen and Licensing Comission - each per annum Board of Assessors - each per annum Board of Health - ~ach per annum Board of Public ~orks - each per annum Town Treasurer - per annum Tax Collector - per annum Tree Warden - per annum Highway Surveyor - per annum Moderator - per annum $ 2,000.00 2,500.00 400.00 400.00 9,700.00 2,900.00 1,500.00 11,400.00 50.00 ARTICLE 5. TO see what action the Town will take as to its unexpended appropriations. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to carry forward to fiscal 1969, the following articles and appropriations: Article 27, 1968 Article 1, 1968 A~ticle 2, 1968 Article 10, 1968 Article 38, 1963 Police Expenses - Article 1, 1967 Article 1, 1968 Article 1, 1963 Article 62, 1964 MBTA - Rail Service MBTA - Rail Service MBTA - Bus Service Planning Board Consultant Town Garage - Yard Survey Radio Equipment Service New Police Station Complete & Eq~lip Police Station New Ladder Truck Town Fire Fighter Accident Article 66, 67, 68, 1966 Sewer Extension Article 72, 1966 West Side Sewer Article 39, 1968 Sewer Construction - Autran Avenue Article 41, 1968 Complete West Side Sewer Article 47, 1968 Extend Sewer Article 51, 1967 Highway - Sidewalks Article 61, 1967 Chapder 90 - Salem Street Article 3, 1967 Highway Equipment Article 67, 1968 Chapter 90 - Salem Street Article 69, 1968 Street Signs Article 78, 1968 Hot Top Sidewalks Article 84, 1968 Permanent Pavement Excavations Elmcrest Estates Trust Settlement U. S. Old Age Assistance (Administration) U. S. Aid to Dependent Children (Administration) U. S. Disability Assistance (Administration) U.'S. Medical Assistance Grants U. S. Medical Assistance (Administration) School Department Expenses School P. L. 864 School P. L. 874 School P. L. 88-210 School P. L. 89-10 (Title I) School P. L. 89-10 (Title VI-A) Article 19, 1967 Franklin School Article 18, 1968 Addition Atkinson School Article 19, 1968 Updating Survey of Schools North Andover School Lunch North Andover Athletic Association State Aid for Libraries - Reserved for Appropriation Playgrounds Expenses (K. BaiIey) Parks & School Grounds Expenses (K. Bailey) Land Damage Claims $ 233.58 500.00 5,740.35 2,500.00 122.78 375.00 169.97 62,428.23 26.50 2,445.86 2,442.39 1,946.78 1,719.69 2,488.35 5,327.38 2,500.00 38,764.84 2,673.00 40,000.00 109.60 8,000.00 3,447.76 500.00 14.28 22.27 131.00 2,501.85 1,013.17 886.65 13,208.88 20,025.31 60.99 124.55 863.27 57,009.65 7,500.00 1,110.00 10,039.92 4,926.02 2,727.00 300.00 345.00 4,686.60 Water Maintenance & Construction Expenses (E. A. Pomerleau) Article 68, 1967 Renew Water Services Article 70, 1967 Develop Well Field Article 7, 1967 12" Water Main Article 40, 1968 Water Main Article 42, 55, 1968 Extend Water System Article 43, 1968 Water Services Article 44, 1968 Water Extensions Article 53, 1968 Extend Water System - Salem Street $ 650.00 1,110.46 187,558.33 11,370.31 250.19 9,722.90 2,000.00 1,000.00 2,298.91 $527,919.57 ARTICLE 6. To see what action the Town will take as to the budget recommendations of the Advisory Cormmittee. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that such num- bered items of the proposed bud- get as may be questioned by any voter be separately considered. RECO~ENDED BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS - 1969 Item NO. GENERAL GOVERNMENT & STAFF AGENCIES EXPENDED 1967 1968 1969 Dept. Adv. Con. Request Recomend Selectmen Salaries Expenses and Wages 8,253 $ 9,575 2,801 2,960 $ 11,637 $ 11,637 3,252 3,252 Treasurer Salaries Expenses and Wages 13,720 14,320 2,997 3,963 15,837 15,537 5,964 5,964 Accountant Salaries Expenses and Wages 13,666 14,968 1,484 3,402 14,968 14,968 6,040 6,040 Tax Collector Salaries Expenses and Wages 7,648 7,733 3,714 4,820 8,291 8,291 4,925 4,925 Town Clerk Salaries Expenses and Wages 6,100 6,800 752 813 7,500 7,500 1,935 1,935 Assessors Salaries Expenses and Wages 16,470 18,389 5,957 5,963 18,389 18,389 6,586 6,586 Election and Registrars Salaries and Wages Expenses 1,400 1,400 6,158 10,986 1,400 1,400 6,738 6,738 Town Counsel Annual Retainer Expenses 2,500 4,000 1,040 1,040 4,000 4,000 1,040 1,040 Moderator Salary 50 50 5O 5O 10 Advisory Committee Expenses 122 160 150 150 i1 Capital Outlay Committee Expenses 313 366 450 450 Item No. GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDED 1967 1968 & STAFF AGENCIES (CONTINUED) 12 Planning Board Salaries and Wages Expenses 13 Board of Appeals (Zoning) Salaries and Wages Expenses 14 Personnel Board Salaries and Wages Expenses 15 Town Building Salaries and Wages Expenses 16 Annual Town Meeting Expenses TOTAL - GENERAL GOVERNMENT & STAFF AGENCIES 731 $ 994 956 164 801 197 952 89 2,080 5,972 3,505 $104,058 1,089 192 1,053 186 2,080 5,942 3,019 $126,427 1969 Dept. Adv. Com~. Request Recoa~mend $ 1,000 $ 1,000 500 200 1,000 1,000 500 200 1,200 1,200 250 250 2,080 2,080 6,400 6,400 3,795 3,795 $135,877 $134,977 PUBLIC SAFETY 17 Police Department (Includes School Crossing Guards) Salaries and Wages Expenses 18 Fire Department (Includes Forest Fires & Forest Fire Warden) Salaries and Wages Expenses 19 Dog Officer Salary Expenses 20 Civil Defense Salary Expenses 21 Building Inspector Salary Expenses 22 Wiring Inspector Salary Expenses 23 Gas Inspector Salary Expenses 24 Sealer of Weights & Measures Salary Expenses TOTAL - PUBLIC SAFETY $178,649 16,091 177,874 10,941 400 683 900 3,430 3,229 394 1,200 396 5O0 97 9O0 153 $400,376 $189,604 18,470 199,652 9,843 400 697 90O 3,513 3,480 448 1,450 398 6OO 56 900 185 $430,596 $195,142 $195,142 21,731 21,731 220,307 220,307 11,630 11,630 450 450 747 747 900 900 3,600 3,600 3,500 3,500 600 600 1,750 1,750 400 400 600 600 100 100 900 900 250 250 $462,607 $462,607 Item Ng. 25 26 27 28 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SANITATION Board of Health Salaries and Wages Expenses Greater Lawrence Sanitary District Animal Inspector Salary Garbage Disposal Contract TOTAL - PUBLIC ~BALTH AND SANITATION PUBLIC WORKS 29 Board of Public Works Salaries 3O Sewer Maintenance & Construction Salaries and Wages Expenses 31 Water Maintenance & Construction Salaries and Wages Expenses 32 Parks and School Grounds Salaries and Wages Expenses 33 Tree Department Salaries and Wages Expenses 34 Dutch Elm Disease Labor Wages Expenses 35 Insect Pest Control Salary and Wages Expenses 36 Street Lighting Expenses 37 Streets - General Maintenance Salaries and Wages Expenses 38 Snow Removal Expenses 39 Refuse Disposal Salaries and Wages Expenses TOTAL - PUBLIC WORKS EXPENDED 1967 1968 $ 13,336 $ 10,677 3,505 6,191 325 400 14,081 15,951 $ 31,247 $ 33,219 $ 900 $ 900 18,320 19,964 10,943 12,000 67,419 70,722 51,043 50,985 15,232 17,872 6,115 6,991 21,108 22,741 5,613 5,586 7,192 7,261 1,600 1,599 11,641 11,682 2,685 3,182 50,503 52,366 79,588 91,048 39,837 49,908 64,530 54,549 44,481 56,471 6,784 9,800 $500,281 $545,627 9 1969 Dept. Adv. Comm. Request Recor~aend $ 11,332 $ 11,032 6,910 6,910 2,066 2,066 400 400 17,599 17,599 $ 38,307 $ 38,007 $ 1,500 $ 1,200 22,000 22,000 13,000 13,000 77,000 77,000 53,000 53,000 19,500 19,500 8,000 8,000 22,790 22,790 6,915 6,915 7,269 7,269 1,600 1,600 12,540 12,540 3,185 3,185 56,269 54,500 97,500 96,400 65,000 55,000 90,000 90,000 60,000 60,000 15,000 10,000 $632,068 $613,899 Item No. WELFARE 40 *Board of Public Welfare Salaries 41 *Welfare Administration Salaries and Expenses Reimbursements Net Cost to Town Amount to be raised 42 *Welfare Grants Total Spent Reimbursements Net Cost to Town Amount to be raised 43 Veterans Benefits Salaries Expenses Cash Grants 44 Graves Registration Salaries Expenses TOTAL - WELFARE EXPENDRD 1967 1968 $ 1,133 26,915 18,814 8,100 136,100 128,000 8,100 3,170 $ 3,170 159 239 25,768 30,278 1969 Dept. Adv. Comm. Request Recommend $ 3,170 $ 3,170 285 285 36,600 36,600 100 124 175 175 320 374 325 325 $ 46,850 $ 34,185 $ 40,555 $ 40,555 SCHOOLS 45 School Department Salaries and Wages Less reimbursement special funds (P.L. 864 and 874) Net Salaries and Wages to be appropriated Expenses Less reimbursement special funds (P.L. 864 and 874) Net Expenses to be appropriated 46 Regional Vocational School Allocation of coet to N. Andover TOTAL - SCHOOLS $1,051,010 $1,266,393 228,414 261,144 58,647 70,360 $1,279,424 $1,597,897 $1,545,177 $1,529,577 25,000 25,000 1,520,177 1,504,577 293,565 281,565 13,000 13,000 280,~65 268,565 68,519 68,519 $1,869,261 $1,841,661 LIBRARY 47 Steven's Memorial Library Salaries and Wages Expenses TOTAL - LIBRARY $ 39,241 $ 42,189 10,196 12,097 $ 49,437 $ 54,286 $ 45,746 $ 45,746 13,527 13,527 $ 59,273 $ 59,273 *Responsibility for Welfare has been assumed by the State. ]0 Item RECREATION 48 Playgrounds & Bathing Beaches Salaries and Wages Expenses 49 Recreational Council Salaries and Wages Expenses TOTAL - RECREATION EMPLOYEE'S BENEFITS 50 Group Insurance 51 Essex County Retirement Pensions TOTAL - EMPLOYEE'S BENEFITS 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 UNCLASSIFIED Contingent Fund Rental of Veterans Headquarters Patriotic & Civic Celebrations Industrial Co~ission Expenses Land Damage Claims Ira Catty Pension Out of State Travel (Not including school) Conservation Commission Expenses Senior Citizens' Council TOTAL UNCLASSIFIED 62 63 64 65 66 67 DEBT REDEMPTION Highway Equipment School Bonds Welfare Bond Water Main Notes & Bonds Sewer Notes & Bonds Fire Equipment Notes EXPENDED 1967 1968 $ 13,366 $ 15,207 4,700 5,000 4,215 4,990 2,709 2,498 $ 24,990 $ 27,695 $ 38,955 $ 41,570 91,474 83,777 $130,429 $125,347 $ 3,507 $ 3,500 1,200 1,200 886 1,066 33,484 51,775 15 23 263 750 2,500 2,500 674 864 57 86 $ 42,586 $ 61,764 $ -- $ 15,000 160,000 200,000 35,000 46,000 77,500 35,000 35,000 5,000 5,000 1969 Dept. Adv. Co~n. Request Recommend $ 17,000 $ 17,000 6,500 6,000 5,140 5,140 3,000 3,000 $ 31,640 $ 31,140 $ 50,273 $ 50,273 92,243 92,243 $142,516 $142,516 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 1,200 1,200 1,100 1,100 58,430 58,430 200 200 1,000 1,000 2,500 2,500 1,850 1,000 500 100 250 250 $ 70,530 $ 69,280 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 200,000 200,000 0 0 82,000 82,000 32,000 32,000 ]] Stem No. 68 Police Station TOTAL - DEBT REDEMPTION 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 INTEREST ON DEBTS Highway Equipment School Bonds Welfare Bond Water Main Notes & Bonds Sewer Notes & Bonds Fire Equipment Notes Short Term Borrowing Police Station TOTAL - INTEREST ON DEBTS 1969 EXPENDED Dept. 'Adv. 1967 1968 Request Reco~mnend $ --- $ --- $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $246,000 $367,500 $334,000 $334,000 $ $ 1,606 $ 1,168 $ ' 1,16~ 51,500 78,920 72,590 72,590 --- 1,033 0 0 6,996 20,853 21,035 21,035 11,595 11,278 10,906 10,906 230 115 0 0 11,570 18,558 30,000 30,000 --- 2,188 3,783 3,783 $ 93,871 $134,551 $139,482 $139,482 GRAND TOTAL $2,949,445 $3,539,094 $3,956,116 $3,907,397 ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial years begin- ning January 1, 1969 and January 1, 1970, in accordance with the provi- sions of General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 4, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year, in accordance w~th the prows~on of General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 17. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 8. To consider the reports of all Special Committees. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of its members to the position of Board of Health Physician and to fix his compensation, as such, as provided by Section 4A of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of the Board of Health. ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appre- priate the sum of $1,500, to be used for a Town 4th of July Celebrat/en, an~ and all profits made at said celebration to be returned to the Town, smd appropriation to be expended by a committee of nine members to be appointed by the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1,600, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of providing decorative lighting during the Christmas Season. Petition of the Selectmen at the request of John J. McLay. ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- print a sum of money sufficient for the purpose of this Article, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for organizational, con- sultant, and other necessary expenses by a Town Charter Study Com- mittee; said committee, not to exceed seven in number, is to be pointed by the Selectmen and shall contain at least two members Who are either Town department heads or full time employees of the Town; the committee is to make a study of the need, if any, for improving and up- dating the Town Government of North Andover, including but not limited to the need, if any, for the creation of an executive secretary position within the Town Government, and the need if a~y for enact- irlg a Town Charter; and said committee is to report to the Selectmen within one month of its formation an outline of the study it proposes to undertake, and the committee shall within five months thereafter, or such other period of time as may be fixed by the Selectmen, submit a detailed first report or reports with recommendations to the ~eleetmen. Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 12A of Article IV of its General By-Laws to read as follows: Section 12A: There is hereby established an unpaid Town Capital Outlay Committee consisting of five members, including the Town Accountant, one member of the Planning Board to be designated each year by the Planning Board, and three members at large appointed by the Selectmen, each for a term of throe years. This Committee shall present to each Annual Town Meeting, for its action, a proposed capital budget program for the Town. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 14. To see if The Town will pass a resolution calling for the c~eation of a Route 114 Study Committee, said conm~ittee to con- sist of three members to be appointed by the Board of Selectmen and two members to be appointed by the Planning Board, with no member of either Board serving on the connnittee: and luther, directing said cc~n- mittee to report to Board of Selectmen and Planning Board within six months of the formation of the committee with recommendations as to land use, and with status reports on proposed utility development and traffic control on said Route 114, with particular emphasis to be given to developing a comprehensive plan for dealing with the impact of both the new missile installation and Route 495 on the area. Petition of the Selectmen. 13 It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the reports of all special Committees be heard. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $800 for the purpose of this article. I! is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000. for the purpose of this article. No recommendation. No recommendation. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $6,500 to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of purchasing an emergency electric power generator for the new Police Station. Petition of the Selectmen upon recommendation of the Chief. ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $251.60 to.pay for material and equipment purchased from the National Cash Register Company. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 17. To see ff the Town will vote to raise and appro~ priate the sum of $7,800, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of installing traffic lights at the intersection of Sutton and Main Streets. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate such sum of money as it may determine to be the necessary cost of acquiring for the Town, by purchase, eminent domain proceedings or otherwise, one of the three parcels of land described below for the construction thereon of a new fire station, and to authorize and direct the Selectmen in the na~me and behalf of the Town, to take such steps as they may deem necessary or advisable to effect such acquisition: Parcel 1: Land at the junction of Salem and Johnson Streets. Parcel 2: Land at the junction of Marbleridge Road and Salem Strcet~ Parcel 3: Land at the junction of Marbleridge Road and Dale Street. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 19. In the event of the adoption of the preceding Article, to see if the Town will vote to discontinue ail public ways and private ways lying within the parcel of land in question. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 20, To see if the Town will vote to raise and app.ro- priate a sum of money sufficient for the purpose of constructing, eqmp- ping and furnishing a new fire station, and of landscaping, grading and finishing its grounds. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 21. In the event of the adoption of the preceding Article, Ao see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen, or such other Committee as they may vote to establish, to act in its name and behalf in all matters having to do with the expenditure of the fund~ provided under said Article, including the execution of all contracts per- raining to the new fire station and grounds. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by inserting, after Section 4.07 thereof, the following new sec- lion: Section 4.08: Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this By-Law the buildings, facilities and grounds of a municipal fire station may be maintained upon any parcel of land acquired by the Town for such purposes. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of panelling walls in hallways and in the stairwells, painting ceilings in hallways and in the stairwells, washing all woodwork and painting with two coats, wasidng all doors and apply- mg one coat of Polyurithane, clean and paint hamsters m beth of the stairwells, and to install all new lighting fixtures in the hallways and stairwells of the Town Office Building. Petition of the Town Clerk, Custodian of Town Buildings. 14 It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vole to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000. for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate $135,000. for the purpose of the article and that this appro- prlatlon be met by a proper municipal bor- rowing. It is recommended that the Town vole to ADOPT the article. No recommendation. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the artkle. ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,500, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of removing present 100 amp underground electrical service from present location and .replace with a 400 amp three phase four wire piped to a new forty circuit panel on present ser- vice board in passageway of Town Office Building, as the present sys- tem is proving inadequate and not sufficient power for building and town yards. Petition of the Town Clerk. ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,000 to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of new roof (tar & gravel) for Town garages also including the repairing of edges of roof of same. Petition of the Town Clerk. ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $520, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of giving a salary increase to the part-time Town Office Building janitor. Petition of the Town Clerk. ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the su~n of $500, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of printing in book form approximately 500 copies of all Town By-Laws and other pertinent Laws, Rules & Regula- tions (to date) approximately forty-five pages, and to authorize the selling of same for one-dollar per copy, with same reverting into Town Treasury. Petition of the Town Clerk. ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to accept from the R & S Construction Company, or its nominee, the sum of $19,500, to be e~pended by the Board of Public Works, for the purpose of extending the sewer system in Ipswich Street from Cotult Street to the Village Green Apartment House Property. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the exten- sion of the sewer system on Turnpike Street from 322 Turnpike Street a distance of 1750 feet to the south entrance to the Royal Crest Estates Apartment under the direction of the Board of Public Works, the total cost of the project to be without expense to the town. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $120,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of rep]acing the old 6 inch water main on Johnson Street from the Reservoir right of way to Mill Road with 12 inch cement lined cast iron pipe before Johnson Street is recon- structed. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1,700, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of purchasing a Turf-Sweeper for the Parks, Playgrounds and School Grounds. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $9,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of Purchasing trucks to replace a 1961 platform Ford truck, a 1962 Dodge pick-up truck and a 1963 Chevrolet pick-up ~uck. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 33. To see i( the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of making such extensions of the water main system, subject to the standard regulations of said Board, on or before October 1, 1969 may consider most necessary, such extensions not having been petitioned for at this meeting. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,200. for the purpose ef this article, provided that new roof shall net k,e constructed of tar and gravel It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended thai the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article and that the apprepria- tion called for be met by a proper munlci- pal borrowing. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,000 for the purchase of a pick-up truck, a 1962 Dodge pick-up truck to be traded. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. 15 ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote te raise and appro- priate the sum of $1,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of renewing water services to the property lines, placing gate valves on hydrant branches and raising manhole frames and covers on streets that are belng reconstructed. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 35. To sec if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $8,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system on Farnum Street fr~'n the present terminous of the new 8 inch water main to Raleigh Tavern Lane (South) and to accept from Benjamin C. Osgood of North Andover fifty per cent of the cost of the project. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgoed and others. ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appre- priate the sum of $2,200, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system in Great Oak Street 225 feet from Wood Lane. Petition of Edward M. McAloon and others. ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to raise and aI~pro- priate the sum of $3,800, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Great Oak Street 225 feet from Wood Lane. Petition of Edward M. McAloon and others. ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $6,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of PubBc Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Poor Avenue from Sutton Street. Petition of Harold E. Smith and others. ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $40,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system on Salem Street from its present terminous a distance of about 2800 feet up to, but not including land of Lynch. Petition of George H. Fart and others. ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $50,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Osgood Street from Phillips Brooks Road to Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of John W. Belyea and others. ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $18,000, to be expended nuder the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the West Side Sewer in an easement from the rear of 209 Turnpike Street to Andover Street and Southerly on Andover Street. Petition of Arthur F. O'Connor and others. ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $3,500, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system 450 feet westerly on Autran Avenue from the p resent terminous. Petition of Milo J. Owen and others. ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $28,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Turn- pike Street from the south entrance to the Royal Crest Apartments to the Advance Reproductions Building on Turnpike Strect. Petition of Charles S. Nigrelli and others. ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,700, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system 270 feet easterly on Abbott Street from Marbleridge Road. Petition of Richard A. Dufresne and others. 15 It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,000. for the purpose of the adicle and to ac- cept a similar sum from Benjamin C. good for said purpose. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT th~ article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vole te REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that ihe Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 45, To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $14,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Mart~n Avenue fram the existing manhole easterly to i~Iassachusetts Avenue. Petition of Vincenzina Ferrara and others. ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $14,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Autran Avenue from Wood Lane to Unity Avenue. Petition of Milo J. Owen and others. ARTICLE 47. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $9,016.10, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for highway projects having the approval of the State Department of Public Works, from the sum of $18,016.10 Appor- tioned to the Town by said Department under Section 5 of Chapter 616 of the Acts of 1967, expenditures therefrom to be made under the direc- tion of the Highway Surveyor, with the prior approval of the Select- Petition of the Highway Surveyor~ ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $11,500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of meeting ~he Town's share of the costs of Chapter 90 highway construction of Salem Street, Johnson St. and Foster St. and to transfer $34,500.00 from unappropriated available funds to meet the State and County shares of such costs, the reimburse- ment from the State and County to be restored upon their receipt to un- appropriated available funds in the town treasury. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appre- priate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of Maintaining any street in the Town, under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, and, in addition, to trans- fer $1,000, unappropriated available funds, to meet the State's share of the cost of such work, the reimbursement from the State to be restored, upon receipt, unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ^RTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appre- pr~ate the sum of $79,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of purchasing the following equip- ment: One Road Grader, a Grader to be traded $29,000. One Dump Truck GVW 30,000 lbs., a 1962 Model 850 Ford to be traded $11,000. One Road Roller, a 3 wheel Buffalo-Springfield Roiler to be traded $10,000. One Chassis and Sand Spreader, a 1954 Mack to be traded $9,300. One Refuse Disposal Truck, a 1958 Refuse Truck to be traded $15,000. One Rodding Machine 4,700. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of replacing Head Wall and Pipe on outlet end of culvert which has been undermined on Holt Road. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of cleaning brooks in order to keep water flowing in order to prevent flooding. Petition of the Highway Surveyer. ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $10,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of erecting and replacing g u a r d rails throughout the Town. Petitioi~ of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of overhauling Bulldozer as it is customary to rebuild the undercarriage of this type of machine once every two years. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. 17 It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,300. for the purchase of one chassis and sand spreader, a 1959 Mack to be traded, it is also recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum $29,000 for the purchase of one Road Grader, a Grader to be traded and that this appro- priation be met by a proper municipal rowing. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000. for the purpose of the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000. for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the so~n of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of replacing existing catch basin frames and grates which are smaller than s~andard size. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $75,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of reSurfacing, oiling, repairing and maintenance of any streeL Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro* priate the sum of $1,500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing chain-llnk fence to en- close areas Of disposal site where needed. Petition of ~he Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of repairing old stone culvert. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of repairing concrete sidewalks. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of making and placing street signs. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $13,800, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor and the Selectmen for the purpose of purchasing 9.2 acres of land adjacent, to the present Disposal Site area in order to expand the same. Petition of the Selectmen, Board of Health and Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $16,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of piping brook so that land may be used for the Disposal Site. Petition of the Selectmen, Board of Health and Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appre- priate the sum of $7,250, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyorfor the purpose of installing a combination Surface Drain and Side Drain on Chestnut Street, starting at Turnpike Street and running 500 feet towards Marian Drive. Petition of Edward W. Phelan and others. ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will vo~e to raise and appro- priate a sufficient surn of money, to be expended under the direction of the Higbway Surveyor for the purpose of hot-topping Barker Street from the intersection of Osgcod Street to Bradford Street. Petition of Richard Bell and others. ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $10,750, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing a combination Surface Drain and Side Drain on Hark Road, North Andover. Petition of Vincent E. Sawakinas and others. ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate a sufficient sum of money to widen and pave Farnum Street from the corner of Summer, a distance of approximately 3600 feet to Brook Street. Petition of Ralph D. Powell and others. 18 It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000. for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000. for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the adicle. It is recommended that the Town vole to raise and appropriate the sum of $400. for the purpose of the article. It is recommended that the Town voto fo ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriale the sum of $5,000 for the purpose of the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate a sufficient sum of money to repair Harwood Street from its intersection with Mablin Avenue to the end of the stree. Petition of Joan E. Koebrick and others. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $22,500 and to transfer from the unexpended balance of Article 18 of the 1968 Town Meeting, (Atkinson Addition) the sum of $7,500 to be expended under the direction of the School Building Committee for educational consulting services in connection with the selection of a site and the planning of a new 1500-1600 pupil high school building in order to insure that the layout and construction will provide adequately for the educational and community needs at the lowest cost to the Town. Petition of the School Conm~ittee and the School Building Committee. It is recommended tho! the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the stun of $25,000 to be expended under the direction of the School Build- ing Committee for preliminary plans, specifications, topographic sur- veys, borings, estimates of costs and such other data aS the said commit- tee may deem necessary in order that it may properly advise the Town concerning the construction and maintenance of a new 1500-1600 pupil high school building and grounds. Petition of the School Committee and the School Building Commitee It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will authorize the School Build- lng Committee to enter into any and all contracts necessary for the pur- pose of carrying out the votes passed in the preceding two articles rein- tire to consulting services and Preliminary plans and specifications for a new high school. Petition of the School Committee and the Schoo1 Building Committee It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $16,500 to remove snow and ice from and otherwise maintain in safe and usable condition (including sanding) the grounds of the several public school houses, including the driveways and parking areas existing thereon, and to direct which department shall exPend the same and be responsible for the said snow removal and sanding. Petition of the School Committee. It is recommended that the Town vote to* REJECT the article. ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from Village Res/dential and/or Industrial to Gen- eral Business the following described parcels of land or any portions thereof: First Parcel: Starting at a point on Chickering Road at land now or formerly of Haffner Realty Trust thence running in a westerly direction by land of Haffner Realty Trust 190.84 feet to a point thence turning and running in a northerly direction by land now or formerly of Lynch & Willis, 249.13 feet to a point; thence turning and running in an easterly direction by land now or formerly of Polizotti 41.52 feet to a point; thence turning and running still by ]and of Poli- zotti, in S .northwesterly direction 120 feet to a point on the southerly boundary of Davis Street; thence turning and running in an easterly direction by the southerly boundary of Davis Street, 422.58 feet to a point on the westerly Boundary of East Water Street; thence turning and running in a southerly direction by the westerly boundary of East Water Street, 105.61 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of Chi- kering Road; thence turning and running in a southwesterly direction by the northerly boundary of Chickering Road, 347.99 feet to the point of beginning. Second Parcel: Starting at a point on. the easterly bound- ary of East Water Street in a northerly direction 586.99 feet to a point at land now or formerly of the Douglas Development Company, Inc.; thence turning and running in two courses in a northeasterly direction by land of the Douglas Development Company, Inc., 50 feet and 215.75 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a northerly direction in two courses 189.06 feet and 249 feet to a point at land now or formerly of the Davis & Furber Machine Co.; thence turning and running in a northeasterly direction by land of Davis & Furber Machine Co., 155.58 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a southerly direction by land now or formerly of Walker Realty Association in two courses, 306.38 feet and 603.38 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of Chickering Road; thence turning and running in a southwesterly direc- tion by the northerly boundary of Chickoring Road, . 601.48 feet to the point of beginning. Petition of ~ohn J. Willis and others. No recommendation. 19 ARTICLE 73. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from Rural Residential to General Business the following described parcel of land: Beginning at a stone bound on the southeasterly side of Osgend Street at the termination of the existing General Business Zone thence running northeasterly by said Osgood Street 105.8 feet to a stone bound at the intersection of Osgend and Stanleyville Avenue, a proposed street shown on a plan owned by Stefanowicz, North Andover, Massachusetts, Charles E. Cyr, C. E., dated April, 1947; thence turning and running by said Stanleyville Avenue, 330 feet to a point; thence turning and running southerly 382 feet to a point on the northerly side of Great Pond Road; thence turning and running westerly by said Great Pond Road, 213 feet to a point; thence turning and running northeasterly by the existing General Business Zone, 316 feet, more or less to a point thence turning and running in a northwesterly direction, 203.36 feet to the point of beginning. Petition of John J. Wills and others. ARTICLE 74. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 8.1 of its Zoning By-Law by adding thereto - "Multi Dwelling Distrlgts", and by adding to said By-Law the following sections. Section 3.9 MULTI DWELLING DISTRICTS ~ectlon 8.91 (1) A certain parcel Df land situated on the Northerly side of the Salem Turnpike in said'North Andover, and being approximately seventy-four (74) acres of the Southwesterly portion of the Third parcel described in Land Court Decree dated August 8, 1951, recorded with North Essex Registry of Deeds on August 9, 1951, con- firming the title of the Grantors to certain Iands in said North Andover, in Land Court Case No. 22768, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point on the Northerly side of the Salem Turnpike at the end of a stone wall at land of William Dawson; thence the line runs northwesterly by the northeasterly side of said Turnpike,eighteen hundred eighty-two and 23/100 (1882.23) feet to a corner of a wall at land of Gardner R. Humphreys et al; thence the line runs Northerly by said Humphreys land, by land of one Valcourt and land of one Thetiault as the stone wall stands, five hundred eighty-seven and 64/100 (587.64) feet to a corner at land of Charles Melamed et al; thence the line runs Northerly as the stone wall stands by said Melamed land and by land of one Arthur Frechette a distance of nineteen hundred twelve (1912) feet to the Westerly corner of Lot numbered two (2) described in said confirmation decree; thence the line turns and runs Southeaster- ly by said Lot numbered two (2), seven hundred ninety-seven and 05/100 (797.05) feet to a corner of a wall at land of John B. Harriman and continues Southeasterly by said wall by said Harriman land four hundred sixteen and 64/100 (416.64) feet to a corner in said wall at the Southerly corner of said Harriman land; thence the line runs in a straight line in about the same course a distance of about eighteen hun- dred forty (1840) feet to the stone wail along said Dawson's boundary line at a point which is three hundred (300) feet Southwesterly from Hillside Road, as measured along said Dawson wall; thence the line turns and runs Southwesterly by said Dawson wall to the Turnpike at the point of beginning. (2) R & S Land off Chickering Road. (3) Three parcels of land owned by Walker Realty Trust situated in North Andover and bounded and described as follows: PARCEL NO. 1. A certain parcel of land as shown on Plan No. 4442 and recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds more particularly hounded and described as follows: Easterly by a wall at land of New England Industries, Inc. as shown on said plan, six hundred and 15/100 (600.15) feet; Southerly by a lot shown on said plan as "HENRY E. LUND', two hundred ninety (290) feet, more or less, as so shown; Again Easterly or Southeasterly by a curved line at land of said Lurid a distance of fifty-nine and 87/100 (59.87) feet as so shown; Again Easterly or Northeasterly by said "LUND" lot three hundred ninety-five (395) feet as so shown; Again Northerly by a curved line at land of said Lund a distance of fifty-nine and 81/100 (59.81) feet; Again Easteriy or Southeasterly by Chickering Road ninety-six and 62/100 (96.62) feet, as so shown: Westerly or Southwesterly by land of Boston and Maine Railroad a distance of one thousand eleven and 38/100 (1011.38) feet, more or less, as so shown: Norhterly at a wall at land now or formerly of Colgate four hun- dred forty and 40/100 (440.40) feet, as so shown; and Again Northerly by a wall at land now or formerly of Ida N. Cur -rier one hundred sixty-seven and 60/100 (167.60) feet. No recommendation. No recommendation. 2O PARCEL NO. 2. Commencing at the northeast corner thereof on the southerly side of Prescott Street; thence running southwesterly by land of A. P. Cur- rier, six hundred and eighty-five (685) feet to an angle; thence south- easterly one hundred twenty-eight (128) feet to land of Mrs. James Davis; thence southwesterly by land of Mrs. James Davis four hundred forty-two (442) feet to land of the Boston and Maine Railroad; thence northwesterly by land of said Railroad, three hundred twenty-three and one half (323~) feet to land of Davis & Furber; thence northeasterly by land of Davis and Furber and land of one Marsten eight hundred four (804) feet to Prescott Street. thence easterly by Prescott Street~ four hundred fifty (450) feet to ~he point of beginning. Containing about nine and 2/10 (9.2) acres. Excepting therefrom so much of the above described premises as have been already conveyed, as follows: To Coleman H. Lee by two deeds, one dated June 3, 1915, recorded with North Essex Registry of Deeds, Book 354, Page 195, and the second dated August 17, 1921, recorded with said Regisgry of Deeds, Book 44?, Page 526; to Judson W. Harvey, dated August 2, 1921, recorded with said Registry, Book 444, Page 595; to Henry E. Lund, dated November 7, 1922, recorded with said Registry, Book 468, Page 192; to Joseph M. Freeman, dated March 6. 1923, recorded with said Registry, Book 473, Page 487. Also excepting therefrom so much of the above described premises as have been taken by the Citl~ of Lawrence, the Town of North An- dover, or other duly constituted geve~nmental authority, as appears of record. PARCEL NO. 3. NORTHERLY by land new or forn~erly of Currier, 387 feet; EASTERLY by land now or formerly of James W. Heron and of William Sutton; SOUTHEASTERLY by land now or formerly of Eben Sutton and by land now or formerly of Walker Realty Trust 450 feet; SOUTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly of Walker Realty Trust, 127 feet. and NORTHW~]STERLY by land now or formerly of Walker Realty Trust 263.5 feet. The land in North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts, being shown as Parcel B. and Parcel C. on plan entitled "Walker Realty Trust and John J. Willis et ux", North Andover, Mass., dated March 1967, Braeseur Associates, 60~A Bailey Street, Haverhill, Massachusetts, re- corded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds, bounded and described as follows: EASTERLY by Main Street, by two courses, 40.95 feet and 97.75 respectively; SOUTHERLY by Parcel A, as shown on said plan, 140.00 feet; EASTERLY again by Parcel A, as shown on said plan, 82.21 feet; SOUTHERLY again by land of Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, as shown on saidplan, 107.51 feet; WESTERLY by landef owners, unnmned, and by land of Catherine Murphy and Rose McEvoy, as shown on said plan, by two courses, 87./i feet and 138.00 feet. NORTHERLY by land of Edith G. Haley as shown on said plan 259.29 feet. (4) The land in North Andover, Massachusetts, bounded and des- cribed as follows: Beg~nmng at the northeasterly corner of the premises at the in tersection of Chickering Road and Massachusetts Avenue, fol~merly known as the Air Line Road; thence running westerly by land now or formerly of Edward Adams 1877 feet, more or less, to an angle in the wall; thence rut, hint southwesterly by land of owners unknown and by an old road known as Wood Lane, 748 feet, more or less, to a stone bound: thence running southeasterly by said old road known as Wood Lane 84.25 feet to a stone bound; thence running south 51°08'58'' East 347.96 feet to a stone bound; thence running south 60~56'1q'' East 117.8.4 2eet to a point; thence running northerly 2.99 feet to a point; thence running easterly 713 feet to a point; thence running northerly 2.99 feet to a point; thence runing easterly 713 feet to a point: thenee running northerly 160 feet to a point; thence running easterly 421.46 feet to a point; thence by a curved line with a radius of 20 feet, 39.96 feet to Chickermg Road; thence by sa~d Road northerly 24 28 25 E.ast 1001.77 feet to a point; thence northerly by a curved hne with a radius, of 125 feet, 76 feet more or less to a point of beginning along sain Chickering Road. Being the same premises conveyed to Roy R. Fart by deed of David Rennie, Jr., and Dorothy J. Rennie dated December 13, 1955, and record- ed in the Essex Registry of Deeds for the Northern District in Book 826, Page 34. (5) The land in North Andover all as shown on Plan No. 5385 recorded with the North Essex Registry of Deeds, bounded and des- cribed as follows: A certain parcel of land situated on the westerly side of Main Street in said North Andover, bounded and described aa follows; Beginning at a point at the southeasterly corner of said premises and at land of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston. thence run- ning westerly by said land of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Bos- ton, 227.87 feet; thence northerly by land of said Roman Catholic Arch- bishop of Boston, 87.50 feet; thence easterly by [a~d now or formerly of the heirs of Eliza Ryan, 245.0 feet; thence southerly by said Mai Street, 79 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Being the same premises conveyed to Annie Laurie Stevens Gile and Arthur O. Gile by deed of Arthur O. Gile dated December 15, 1933, and recorded with the Northern Essex Registry of Deeds, Book 579, Page 194. (6) Shield's Land on Sutton Street. Section 4.7 MULTI DWELLING DISTRICTS: The Board of Appeals shall grant a Special Permit for a Multi Dwelling Develop- ,.ment in a Multi Dwelling District but only if it be satisfied that such a development will conform to the permitted uses and specific regulations set forth in Sections 4.71 and 4.72. 4.71 PERMITTED USES (a) Multiple or group dwellings provided that they shall not contain more than twelve dwelling units per structure. (b) Such accessory uses as are customary in cormection with the permitted principal uses, including the provision for the build- lng of a separate residence for the rental office or managers quarters, except that professional offices and home occupations are specifically excluded. 4.72 SPECIFIC REGULATIONS: (a) No structure shall exceed two and one-half stories or 35 feet in height, measured from the top of the foundations. (b) No structures except one story garages or carports, or un- pierced walls of residential structures shall be nearer to each that the sum of the heights of their two opposing exterior walls measured above the top of the foundations. (c) There shall be a lot area of at least 3500 square feet for each dwelling unit in Multiple Dwelling Structure, in addition to the lot area, if any, required for other permitted uses. (d) The gross usable floor area of all principal and accessory structures shall not exceed thirty percent of the gross area of the lot. (e) No structure shall be built within thirty feet of the sideline of any public street or way and no structure or parking space shall be built or maintained within fifty feet of any other exterior property llne, where the development abuts residentially zoned property, and within twenty feet, where the development abuts any other land not residentially zoned. Where the development abuts residential land there shall be maintained, in said fifty foot buffer zone, adequate screening in the nature of natural growth, as to be deterrained by the Board of Appeals. (f) There shall be provided at least one paved off street parking space or space in a garage or carport, for each dwelling unit, said space to be no more than 200 feet from the outside entrance to each unit. No space shall be considered available for parking which reduces the effective width of a driveway providing access to more than one dwelling unit to less than 12 feet. (g) There shall be a paved driveway or paved walk, ade- quate to accomodate emergency vehicles, within fifty feet of the outside entrance to each dwelling unit. (h) Any road or driveway providing principal access to six or more dwelling units or eight or more parking spaces shall con- form to appropriate provisions of the Sub-Division Control Regulations as established by the Planning Board. Before issuing any permits the Board of Appeals shall request a report from the Planning Board on the extent of such conformity. 6.7 IN MULTI DWELLING DISTRICTS 6.71 The lot area and lot width shall be determined in accord with the specific regulations as set forth in Section 4.72 of this By-Law. 7;6 In Multi Dwelling Districts the yard spaces shall be determined in accord with the specific regulations as set forth in Sec- tion 4.72 of this By-Law. 8.6 In Multi Dwelling Districts the building heights per- mitred for all structures shall be determined in accord with the specific regulations as set forth in Section 4.72 of this By-Law. 2.13 MULTIPLE DWELLINGS A free standing building or group of buildings, intended and de- signed to be occupied and used exclusively for residential purposes by each or more than two families. Petition of John J. Lynch and others. ARTICLE 75. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing the classification from country residential district to multi dwelling district the following described land: t~eginning at a point in the southerly street line of Andover Street at the westerly side ~of the Town of North Andover school property line and proceeding in a southwesterly direction along the southerly s~a'eet line of Andover Street a distance of three hundred and twenty nine and 00]00, more or ]ess (329'±) feet to a point; thence southeasterly along the property of Edward Melamed a distance of One Hundred and 00/100 more or less (100'4-) feet to a point; thence southwesterly along the property of same F~ward Melamed a distance of One Hundred Twenty Eight and 24/100 (128.24') feet to a point; thence southerly along the property of Thomas D. l?lahoney a distance of two hundred fifty and 00/00 more or less (250'___) feet to a point: thence southeasterly along the property of Thomas J. Driscoll a distance of two hundred sixty nine and 75/100 (269.75') feet to a point; thence westerly along the sou- thern property line of said Thomas Driscoll a distance of three hundred one and 60/100 (301.60') feet to a point; thence westerly along the pro- perty of Dorothy M. Hammond a distance of one hundred fourteen and 75/100 (114.75') feet to a point; thence continuing in a westerly direc- tion along the southerly proper~y line of From George a distance of six hundred twenty eight and 931100 (628.93') feat to a point on the easter- ly street line of Auburn Street; thence southerly along said street line a distance of seventy and 00/100 more or less (70'___) feet to a point; thence easterly down the centeriine of Su .remit Avenue, said street being a paper street, a d/stance of one hundred fourteen and 07/100 (114.07') feet to a point; thence southerly along the property of Emily L. Parker ~ distance of one hundred twenty and ~0/100, more or less (120'4-) feet to a point; thence easterly along the property of Mable S. Sarcione, a distance of one hundred twenty and 10/100 (120.10') feet to a point; thence southerly along the easterly property line of said Sarcione a dis- tance of one hundred twenty and 00/100, more or less (120'+) feet to a point in the center of Prospect Terrace, said Prospect Terrace being a paper street; thence easterly down the eenteriine of Prospect Terrace a distance of two hundred six and 03/100 (206.03') feet to a point in the northerly street line of Wilson Road; thence along the easterly street line of Wilson Road a distance of forty and 00/100 (40.00')feet to a point in the southerly street line of Wilson Road; thence in a south easterly direction along the property of Walter A. Wilson a distance of one hundred and 00/100, more or less (100'___) feet to a point: thence in a southerly direction along the property of said Wilson a distance of one hundred seventy five and 00/100, more or less (175'__+) feet to a point; thence in a southeasterly direction along the property of Hollis A. Cur- tis a distance of one hundred twenty and 00/100, more or less (120'--+ feet to a point in the center of Tolland Road; thence southwesterly along the centerline of said Tolland Road a distance of fifty and 00/100, more or less (50'___) feet to a point; thence southeasterly along the property line of Tolland Road a d/stance of twenty and 00/100, more or less (20'-4-) feet to a point in the street line of said Tolland Road; thence sout~asterly along the property of Russell C. Lodge a distance of one hundred and 00/100, more or less (100'±) feet; and continuing in the stone direction along the property of Elizabeth Elliot a distance of one hundred and 00/100, more or less (100'±); feet thence in the same direc- tion along the street line of Berkeley Road a distance of forty and 00/100, more or less (40'-+) feet; said Berkeley Road lying entirely to the south and west; thence continuing in the same direction along the property of Elizabeth Elliot a distance of one hunch, ed seven and 00/100, more or less (107'4-) feet to a point in the street line of Bevin Road; thence in the san~e~dUtheasterly direction along the street line of Bevin Road a distance of forty three, and 00/100, more or less (43'___) feet; Bevin Road lying entirely to the south and west of said street line, to a point; thence in a northeasterly direction along the property of Gene- veive Puccio a distance of one thousand two hundred and fifty and 00/ltl0 more.or less (1~254'4-) feet to a point; thence turning and pro- eeeding in a northwesterly ~rection along the property of the Town of North Andover a distance of six hundred and thirty and 00/100 more or less (680'-+) feet to a point; thence tu~ming and running in a north- easterly direction along said property of the Town of North Andover a distance of two hundred and fifty six and 00/100, more or less (256'--+) feet to a point; thence turning and running in a northwesterly direction along the property of said Town of North Andover, a distance of five hundred eighty five and 04/100 (585.4') feet to a point in the street line of Andover Street; said point being the point of beginning. The above described parcel contains thirty thre~ and 71/100 (83.71) acres. Petition of Harold Morley, Jr. and others. NO reconlmencl-~f|on. ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from Rural Residential to General Business t.,he following described parcel of land: NORTHEASTERLY by the Sou~n- westerly line of Salem Turnpike four hundred sixty-nine and 89/100 (469.89) feet; SOUTHERLY by land now or formerly of EdwardS~ch- wart~ and John McDowell two hundred eighty-two and 14/100 (282.14) feet; and WESTERLY by land now or formerly Charles R. Annaloro about two hundred sixty-nine (269) feet, said parcel containing 30,000 sq. ft. more or less. Petition of Louis J. Kmiec, Jr. and others. recommendation. ARTICLE 77. To see if the Town will vote to rezone a piece of land on Winthrop Avenue, North Andover described below from Resi- dential to Business: Starting from a point on Waverley Read and running in a Southerly direction for 480 ft. more or less, then turning North West along Win- throp Avenue for 973 ft. more or less, then turning North East and running for 596 ft. more or less, then turning South and rnnning for 300 ft. more or less, then turning East and running 100 feet more or less, then turning South and running 315 ft. more or less, then turning East and running 100 ft. more or less, back to the point of origin, total parcel consisting of 6gl0 acres more or less. Petition of Stewart P. Wilson, and others. No recommendation. ARTICLE 78. TO see if the Town will vote to change its Zoning By Law by changing from Rural Residence District to Business District, the following deseribed parcel of land on Turnpike Street: On the Easterly side of Turnpike Street 1204 feet, by Mill Road 200 feet, then on a straight line Northeasterly 1200 feet to a wall to land of Gilbert Rea, thence westerly by the wall to the point of beginning. Said land owned by Charlotte P. and George P. Rea. Petition of George A. Rea and others. No r.ecommendation. ARTICLE 79. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from rural residence zone to industrial, the follow- ing parcel of land: Starting at a point on Turnpike St. at the Northwesterly junction of the abandon way of Willow St. running parallel to the Salem Turn- pike a distance of 860'~__, then turning and running Southerly 490'±, then turning and running Westerly 1550'___, then turning and running Southeasterly 850'--~, then turning and running V4esteriy 100'~-, then turning and running Southerly 185'±, then turning and running South- easterly 160'±, then turning and running Southerly 265'±, then turning and running Westerly 445'___, then turning and running Northwesterly 410'~__, then turning and running Westerly 175'±, then turning Grid running Northwesterly 170'_____, then turning and running Westerly 250'~- to the Andover North Andover town llne, then Northwesterly 150'± along the town line, then turning and running Northerly 410'±, turning and running Northwesterly 460'± to the Andover North Andover town line. Then turning and running in a Northerly direction 1200'~___ along the town line to the Andover By Pass. Then turning and running North 910'± along the Andover By Pass, then turning and running Easterly 662'-% then turning and running Northerly 835'~__, then turning and running Northeasterly 44'±, then turning and running Northwesterly 628'±, then turning and running Northeasterly 155'± along Hillside Road, then turning and running Southeasterly 190'~___, then turning and running Northeasterly 125'~, then turning and running Southeasterly 200'±, then turning and running Northeasterly 75'±, then turning and running Southeasterly 100'±, then turning and running l~'ortheasteriy 130'-~-, then turning and running Southeasterly 130'±, then turning and running Northeasterly 175'~- to Salem Turnpike, then turning and run- ning Southeasterly 50'?_~ a~-ng Salem Turnpike, then turning and runt ning Southwesterly 175'±, then turning and running Southeasterly 125'±, then turning and running Southwesterly 125'±, then turning and running Southeasterly 150'±, then turning and rurming northeast 300'~- to Salem Turnpike, then turning and running Southeasterly 100' along Salem Turnpike, then turning andrnnning Southerly 1450'-~, then turmng and running Easterly 575'~- to Salem Turnpike, then turning and running Southeasterly 600'± along Saloon Turnpike to point of be- ginning. An area containing 176 acres more or less. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgood and others. No recommendation. ARTICLE 80. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from Industrial use to General Business use, the following parcel of land: Property of Agnes & George Farkas, situated at 1615 O s go o d Street, North Andover, Mass. bounded and described as follows: No recommGnd~fion. 24 Westerly by Osgood Street, one-hundred eighty-two (182.81) feet more or less; Northerly by land formerly of E.J. & B.F. Dudley, now Local 1365 C.W.A.-A.F.L.-C.I.O., three-hundred-fifty (350.92) feet more or less; Easterly by land Coppola, ninety (90) feet more or less; South- erly by land formerly D & M.R Olenio, now by Chris Adams, Three- hundred-sixty-three (363.16) feet more or less. Petition of Nm'man E. Lentz and others. ARTICLE 81. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law so as to change from Rural Residential to Industrial use the following described parcel of real estate: The land on the easterly side of Osgood Street bounded and des- cribed as follows: NortherlY by an easement for a water main held by the Town of North Andover and by land now or formerly of George R. Barker, eight hundred seventy (870) feet more or less; Easterly by land now or formerly of Frank Paparella, nine hundred fifty-five (955) feer more or ]ess; Southerly hy land now or formerly of George R. Barker, Jr., two hundred thirty-five (235) feet more or less; Westerly by land now or formerly of George R. Barker, Jr., one hundred thirteen (113) feet more or less; Southerly again by land now or formerly of George R. Barker, Jr. and land now or formerly of Una G. Arlit, six hundred ninety-four (694) feet more or less; and Westerly again by the presently existing Industrial Zone. Petition of Frank Paparella and others. ARTICLE 82. To see if the Town will vote ~o change from Rural Residence and Country Residence to General Business the following described parcel of land. The land in North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts, with the buildings thereon, shown on a Plan of Land in North Andover, Mass., as surveyed for Charles Donovan, dated October 23, 1957, drawn by Ralp_h B. Brasseur, C.E., recorded Essex N.D. Deeds and more particular~ly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe at the northeasterly corner of said pre- raises at the intersection of the southwesterly line of the Salem Turn- pike and the northwesterly line of Hillside Road and thence running South 34o 28' 50" West 467.79 feet by said Hillside Road to an iron pipe; Thence turning and running South 47° 26' 20" West 383.52 feet by said Hillside Road to an iron pipe in the northeasterly line of the An dover By-Pass; Thence turning and running North 8° 13' 20" West 620.13 feet by said Andover By-Pass to an iron pipe at land now or formerly of Dutch- land Farms Corp.; Thence turning and running North 43c 51' 1O" East 465.56 feet by said land now or formerly of Dutchland Farms Corp. to an iron pipe in the southwesterly line of the said Salem Turnpike; and Thence turning and running South 45° 49' 50" East 437 feet by said Salem Turnpike to the point of beginning. Said premises are hereby conveyed subject to the highway taking recorded with the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book 826, Page 140. Petition of Emil J. Camuso and others. No recommendation. No recommendation. ARTICLE 83. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by inserting therin a new part known as cluster zoning. 1. The Planning Board may approve for a parcel of land more than 7 (seven) acres, according to the regular procedure for the approval of subdivisions, lots which do not conform speciflcally to the area, and frontage requirements of the standard Zoning By-Law provided that: A. The total number of lots does not exceed the number of lot~ which would be obtained by using the standard Zoning By Laws, and that in no case will a~y lot have less than 2/3 of the area required by the standard By-Law. B. The minimum street set back shall be 50' on culdesacs and 40' on all other lots. Rear and side offsets shall be a minimum of 20'. C. Street frontages of all lots on a culdesac may not be any less than 50' and no less than 75' at the set back line. All other lots must have at least 2/3 of the frontage required by the standard Zoning By-Law and have a minimum of 100' at the set back line. All set back lines must be shown on the difini- tive plan. No recommendation. 25 D. All areas designated as greenbelt areas or common land area shall be deeded to the Town Conservation Commission for conservation and recreation purposes. The Town will honor all utility easements (water, sewer, powers, phone, etc.) The owner of the development will have the right to trespass upon all green areas while carting on the functions of constructing the subdivision. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgood and others. ARTICLE 84. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $48,500 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 7, Schedules B, C and D, and Sections 8 and 9, by adding a 5%. increase to all rates in each compensation grade, effective January 1, 1969; and apply an additional 2%% increase to said rates on July 1, 1969. Petition of the Personnel Board ARTICLE 85. To see if the Tovrn will mote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2520 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 7, Schedule A, Department Head and Supervisory Group, by addin~ an "asterisk" provision to compensation grade S-21 assigned t~ class ~itle Superintendent of Public Works designating: A personal rate of $15,000 per year payable only to Mr. William B. Dully, guperin- tendent of Public Works. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 86. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law, Section 7, Schedule A, by adding, class title "Water Station Operator" to Department Head and Superwsory Group, and by assign- lng compensation grade S-8 to said class title. Petition of the Personnel Board. Article 87. To see if the Town will vote to raiSe and appropriate the sum of $1,300 for the purpose of amending its personnel By-Law, Section 12 - Longevity Increments, by adding $25. to each amount of increment set forth in para~'aph (Al. Petition of the Personnel Beard. ARTICLE $8. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $6500 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 17 -- Vacation Leave, by inserting the following in place of the existing provisions of paragraphs A-3 and (3) An e enxployee who has completed five years of service shall be granted three weeks of vacation with pay. (4) An employee who has completed ten years of service shall be granted four weeks of vacation with pay. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 89. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Person- nel By-Law Section 18 -- Sick Leave, by changing the wording of paragraph (B) to read: (B) An employee' shall be credited with the unused portion of leave granted under sub-section (4). Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 90. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $275 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 7, Schedule A, by adding class title "Board of Health Secretary" to Clerical Group, and by assigning compensation grade S-6 to said class title. Petition of the Persennel Board. ARTICLE 91. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law, Section 7, Schedule A, by adding class title "Assistant Super- visor of Pumping Stations" to De~partment Head and Supervisory Group, and by assigning compensation grade S-9 to said class title. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 92. To see if the Town will vote to raiso, and appro- priate the sum of $1000 for the purp0so of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 7, Schedule E, by assigning $3500 per year compensation to class title "Building Inspector" in place of the existing $2500 per year. Petition of the Personnel Beard. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the artic¼. it is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. it is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. 26 ARTICLE 93. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law, Section 7, Schedule E, by assigning $24.00 per day compensa- tion to class title "Reserve Patrolman'' in plaCe of the existing rate of $21 per day. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 94. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $700 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 7, Schedule Ei by assigning $1200 per year te class title "Fire Engineer and Deputy Chief" in place of the existing rate of $850 per year. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 95. To see if the ToWn will vote to raise and appro- priate or take from available funds or from the stabilization fund the sum of $46,000 to be expended under the direction of the Assessors for a complete revaluation of real estate property in North Andover. Petition of the Assessors. ARTICLE 96. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $25,137 to be expended under the direction o~ the Selectmen for the purposes of G.L. ch.32B, s. 7A, if said statute shall have been accepted by the Town at the annual 1969 Town election. Petition of John J. Lanni and others. ARTICLE 97. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate for the use of Stevens Memorial Library the sum of $5,454 wlqich the Town has received from the State under the provisions of Chapter 78, Section 19 A and which is now in an account entitled "State Aid for Libruries-- Reserved for Appropriation." Petition of the Trustees of the Stevens Memorial Library. ARTICLE 98. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $7,500, to be expended under the direction of the Tree Warden for the purpose of purchasing a new % Ton Pick-Up Truck and a new two Ton Stake Body Dump Truck with necessary equiPment for the Tree Department. A 1963 % Ton Pick-Up Truck and a 1963 two Ton Stake Body Dump Truck to be turned in, in trade. Petition of the Tree Warden. ARTICLE 99. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priata the sum of $750, to be expended under the direction of the ~.oI- lector of Taxes for the purposes of purchasing a postage-meter mailing machine. Petition of the Collector of Taxes. ARTICLE 100. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $12,918, ~o be expended under the direction of the Selectznen for the purpose of the appointment of three regular patrol- men, fully qualified, who have passed the Civil Service Physical and Mental examination all in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Petition of the Chief of Police. ARTICLE 101. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5000, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the l~urchase of two new 1969, 12 volt system cars with neceessary safety equiPment. One 1967 car to be turned in trade, and all equipment to be changed over, such as police radios, sirens and other similar accessories. Petition of the Chief of Police. ARTICLE 102. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $14,000, to be expended under the direction of the Fire Engineers for the purpose of appointing three regular fire fighters who have passed the Civil Service physical and mental examinations, all in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Petition of the Fire Engineers. ARTICLE 103. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2500, to be expended under the direction of the Fire Engineers for the purpose of use with the trade:in value of the pre- sent Chief's car to purchase a new car for the Chief's use. Petition of the Fire Engineers. 27 It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate for the purpose of this article such sums that have been re- ceived from the state. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,612. for the appointment of 2 patrolmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. it is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 104. To see if the Town will accept as a public way that part of Mablin Avenue extending from Waverley Road to Jetwood St, feet. Petition of Carl W. Lindfors. ARTICLE 105. To see if the Town will vote to accept as a public way the way that is shown on the Plan of Land entitled "Plan of Hill- side Acres" owned by John-Andrew Company, Inc., dated June 20, 1966, Brasseur Associates, Engineers and recorded in the North Essex Regis- try of Deeds as Plan No. 5516 which has been developed and completed in accordance with the Planning Board's Specifications all as required under the Provisions of the North Andover Zoning Law pertaining to Residential Homes and all laid out and adjudicated by The Board of Selectmen and to name street so accepted Marian Drive. Plan on record with North Andover Planning Board. Petition of Charles P. Johnson and others. ARTICLE 106. To see if the Town will vote to establish Old Vil- lage Lane, Russett Lane, Morningside Lane, Woodcrest Drive, Meadow- view Road and Coachman's Lane, for a distance of 2100 feet, as Town ways, by accepting the Selectmen's laying-out of the same, as hereto- fore filed with the Town Clerk. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgood and others. ARTICLE 107. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1000, to be expended under the direction of the Con- servation Commission for the purpose of obtaining proper engineering maps needed and in connection with a proposed floodplain zoning by-law. Petition of the Conservation Commission. ARTICLE 108. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5000 or any other sum to be added to the "Conserva- tion Fund" established by the vote of the Tow~ upon Article 34 of the Warrant for the 1968 Annual Town Meeting. Petition of the Conservation Commission. ARTICLE 109. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding the following: When an Article submitted for a Town Meeting Warrant is con- sidereal by Town Counsel to be illegal because of working, he shall, when practicable, attempt to submit an amendment to the A r t i c I e which would make the same legal while accomplishing the basic intent of the petitioner. Petition of Norman E. Lentz and others. ARTICLE 110. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding the following: "The Town Counsel shall pass on the legality of all Articles pro- perly submitted for any Town Warrant." Petition of Norman E. Lentz and others. ARTICLE 111. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding the following: "The Moderator shall not overrule the Town Counsel on determin- ing the legality of Articles and shall allow the Town Meeting to vot~ on all Articles of the Warrant declared legal by Town Counsel." Petition of Norman E. Lentz and others. ARTICLE 112. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding the following: "When an article for any Town Warrant is considered by Town Counsel to be illegal because of its intent a brief reason for this deter- minatien shall be written in the Town Warrant." Petition of Robert A. Banks and others. ARTICLE 113. To see if the Town will vote as follows: No funds appropriated for use by the Water Department or by any other department of the Town shall be used for the purpose of fluorid- ating the whole or any part of the public water supply, nor shall any funds be accepted from any source for the purpose of fluoridating the town water supply or any part thereof. Petition of Howard M. Thcmson. No recon.~endation. No recommendation. No recommendation. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to P. gJGCI t~ article. No recommendation. No recommendation. No recommendation. No recommendation. No recommendation. 28 ARTICLE 114. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $450 to be expended under the direction of the Re- creational Council for the purpose of purchasing six (6) Bucking Broncos (Spring Riders) to be installed at the playgrounds. Petition of the Recreational Council. ARTICLE 115. To see if the Town will VOte to raise and appro- priate the sum of $300 to be expended under the direction of the Recrea- tlonal Council for the purpose of purchasing Basketball Standards for the Playgrounds. Petition of the Recreational Council. ARTICLE 116. To see if the Town will vote to prohibit any per- son from owning or keeping, outside of the confines of hisproperty, any dog which is not held firmly on a leash not exceeding six feet in length. Petition of Veronica Perkins and others. ARTICLE 117. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate sufficient funds for the salary of a dog officer, in conjunction with the passage of the North Andover Leash Law, for purposes of eh- forcement. The dog officer is the enforcing officer of this By-Law, and he shall enter and prosecute a non-criminal complaint against owner or keeper of any dog if such owner or keeper violates the provisions of this By-Law or any part thereof. Petition of Anita D. Raymond and ethers. ARTICLE 118. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate, or transfer from the Overlay Reserve the sum of $ to the Reserve Fund. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 119. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate such sum as this meeting may determine, to the stabilization fund, as provided by Section 5B of Chapter 40 of the General Laws. Petition of the Assessors. ARTICLE 120. To see if the Town will vote to take the sum of from available funds to reduce the tax rate. Petition of the Assessors. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and at- tested copies thereof, at the To~-n Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies to be post- ed not {note than seven days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the To~m Clerk at the time and place of said meet- ing. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachuset~, the 25th day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine. Arthur P. Kirk William A. Finneran William B. Duffy, Jr. Boav'd of Selectmen. A true copy: Constable. North Andover, Massachusetts 1969 It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. No recommendation. It is recommended that the Town vole to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000. for the purpose of the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to transfer from avaliable funds the sum of $ for the purpose of this article. 29 ATFEND TOWN MEETING DATE: TIME: PLACE: Saturday, March 15, 1969 1:30 P.M. Veterans Memorial Auditorium North Andover High School Please .~ring this cop~ of Advisory CommEttee Report wEth you to Town Meeting. Advisory Committee Report Town of North Andover Massachusetts U. S. POSTAGE PAID No. Andover, Mass. Permit No. 191 NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 1969 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS Advisory Committee Report and Town Warrant REPORT OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TOWN MEETING MARCH, 1969 FELLOW CITIZENS OF NORTH ANDOVER: On the following pages of this report you will find the recommendations of the Advisory Committee. If these recommendations are followed it would appear that the tax rate would increase approximately $8.00. This is based on an optimistic extimate of the State reimbursements to the Town. We should also bear in mind that additional Special Town Meetings during the remainder of the year could raise this figure substantially. A case in point is the anticipated expansion of facilities at the Regional Vocational School The favorable recommendations we have made include a Town Budget amounting to $3,907,397.00, which is an increase of about 10% over last year. This year we are asking the Town to raise and appropriate $269,628.00 through articles which is also a sizable increase. At one point in our deliberations of the Budget and articles the projected tax increase was over $13.00 which we felt to be unreasonable. This is where the task of your Advisory Committee becomes rather frustrating. We fully realize that some of the requests upon which we have acted unfavorably are meritorious. But in fairness to the tax payers these items must be weighed in relation to what the town can afford. It is our best judgement that the recommendations we have made represent a sound fiscaI policy for the town to follow. We hope that all citizens will exercise their right of free opinion on March 15, at the Town Meeting. Respectfully submitted, NORTH ANDOVER ADVISORY COMMITTEE John J. Burke, Chairman Robert E. Mascola, Secretary Mrs. Daniel F. Cahill Donald W. Coan George F. FitzPatrick Richard A. Graham Atty. Merrill Rosenberg Cornelius J. Twomey Article No. 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 2O 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 *Bonded YOUR TALLY SHEET FOR ARTIOLES REQUESTING FUA/B$ (To raise and appropriate $30,000.00 means an increase of $1.00 on the tax rate.) An~unt Description Fourth of July Celebration Christmas Lighting Town Charter Study Police Station Emergency Generator National Cash Register Material Traffic Lights - Sutton & Main Streets Fire Station Landtaking *Construction, Equipment; New Fire Station Paint Interior Town Office Building Rewiring Town Office Building Roof Town Garage Pay Increase Town Office Building Janitor Print 500 copies Town Laws *Replace Water Main on Johnson Street Turf Sweeper - Board of Public Works Equipment Board of Public Works Extensions of Water Main Systems Maintenance Water Services & Sewers Extension Water System Farnum Street Extend Water System Wood Lane Extend Sewer System Wood Lane Extend Sewer Poor Avenue Extend Water System Salem Street Extend Sewer System Osgood Street Extend West Side Sewer Requested $ 1,500 1,600 5,000 6,500 252 7,800 135,000 5,000 2,500 2,000 520 500 120,000 1,700 9,000 2,000 1,O00 4,000 2,200 3,800 6,00Q 40,000 50,000 18~000 An~unt Recommended $ 1,500 800 1,000 6,500 252 0 10,000 4,050 5,000 2,500 1,200 520 500 0 1,700 3,000 2,000 1,O00 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Voted Article No. 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 71 84 85 87 Description Extend Water System Autran Avenue Extend Sewer System Turnpike Street Extend Water System Abbott Street Extend Sewer System Martin Avenue Extend Sewer System Autran Avenue, Chapter 90 - Salem, Johnson, Foster Streets Maintenance of Streets - Chapter 90 Highway Equipment Replace Head Wall & Pipe Holt Road Cleaning Brooks Erection & Replacement of Guard Rails Overhaul Bulldozer Replace Catch Basins & Grates Repair of Streets Fence at Disposal Site Repair Old Stone Culverts Repair Concrete Sidewalks Street Signs Land Purchase Disposal Site Piping Brook at Disposal Site Drain Installation Chestnut Street Hot-top Barker Street Installation of Drains Mark Road Widen & Pave Farnum Street Repair Harwood Street Educational Consultant Plans & Surveys New High School Snow Removal on School Grounds Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Amount Amount Requested Recommended $ 3,5oo $ o 28,000 0 2,700 0 14,000 0 14,000 0 ll,500 ll,500 2,000 2,000 79,000 9,300 5,000 0 5.000 2,000 lO,O00 1,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 1,000 75,000 30,000 1,500 0 2,000 1.O00 5,000 0 500 400 13,800 13,800 16,000 5,000 7,250 7,250 ? 0 10,750 0 ? 0 ? 0 22,500 22,500 25,000 25,000 16,500 0 48,500 48,500 2,520 2,520 1,300 1,300 Voted Article No. 87 88 90 92 94 95 96 98 99 100 101 102 103 107 108 114 115 ll7 118 ll9 Descriptio~ Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law An~nding Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Re-evaluation of Real Estate G. L. Chaper 32B, S.7A Tree Department Pick-up Truck Postage-meter Mailing Machine 3 Additional Regular Patrolmen 2 New Police Cars 3 Additional Regular Firemen Fire Chief's Car Maps for Floodplain Zoning By-Law Conservation Fund Playground Equipment Playground Equipment Leash Law Expenses Reserve Fund Stabilization Fund Amount Amount Requested Recommended $ 1,300 $ 1,300 6,500 6,500 275 275 1,O00 1,O00 700 700 46,000 0 25,137 0 7,500 0 750 750 12,918 8,612 5,000 5,000 14,000 0 2,500 0 1,O00 0 5,000 0 450 450 300 300 ? 0 8,000 8,000 0 $ 269,628 Voted TPJkNSFERS FROM RESERVE FUND DURING 1968 Approved by your Advisory Committee under Chapter 40, Section 6, of the General Laws Animal Inspector Salary Wiring Inspector Salary Gas Inspector Salary Captial Outlay Expenses Forest Fire Expenses Board of Health Expenses Accountant Expenses Accountant Expenses Election Expenses Garbage ~isposal Contract Election Expenses Police Wages Refuse Disposal Expenses Tax Collector Wages 75.00 250.00 100.00 16.13 800.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 72.00 1,250.00 200.00 1,800.00 112.81 Tax Collector Expenses Board of Appeals Expenses Building Inspector Expenses Advisory Committee Expenses Refuse Disposal Expenses Veterans Benefits Cash Grants 388.00 150.00 75.00 5.81 500.00 950.00 $ 7,944.75 55.25 $ 8,000.00 Balance of Account returned to Treasury Amount of original appropriation TOWN WARRANT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX SS: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are quali,fied to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School Auditorium in Precinct One, St. Michael's School Auditor- ium in Precinct Two, the Thomson School Auditorium in Precinct Three and. the Kittredge School Aud- itorium in Precinct Four, all in said North Andover on Monday, the Third Day of March 1969 at 7 o'clock A.M., and there to Act on the following Article: ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator and Town Treasurer for one year, one Select, one Member of the Board of Assessors, one Member of the Board of Health, one Member of the Board of Public Works, one Member of the Greater Lawrence Region- al Vocational Technical High School Com~ittee and two Mem- bers of the School Committee for three years, one Member of the Planning Board for five years, and one Member of the Planning Board for un-expired four year term, and one Mem- ber of the Housing Authority for five years. And to vote upon the following question: "Shall the Town, in addition to the payment of fifty per cent of a premium for contributory group life and health insurance for employees in the service of the Town and their dependents, pay a subsidiary or additional rate?" YES NO All to be voted upon one ballot. The polls shall be open at 7:00 A.M., and shall be closed at 7:00 P.M. After final action on the preceeding Article 1, said meeting shall stand adjourned by virtue of Section 4, Article 1 of the Town By-Laws to Saturday March 15, 1969 at one-thirty P.M., i~ tb~ Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover High School, then and there to act on the follow- ing articles: ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers net required by law to be elected by ballot. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recomended that the Town refer to the Selectmen the ap- pointment of Town Officers not required by law or By-Law to be otherwise chosen. AKTICLE 3. TO see if the Town will vote to accept the re- port of receipts and expenditures as presented by the Se- lectmen. It is recommended the report be accepted. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and compensation of all elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section 108 of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to fix the following annual salaries of the elected officers of the Town effective from Janu- ary 1, 1969: Board of Selectmen and Licensing Commission - each per annum Board of Assessors - each per annum Board of Health - ~ach per annum Board of Public Works - each per annum Town Treasurer - per annum Tax Collector - per annum Tree Warden - per annum Highway Surveyor - per annum Moderator - per annum $ 2,000.00 2,500.00 400.00 400.00 9,700.00 2,900.00 1,500.00 11,400.00 50.00 ARTICLE 5. To see what action the Town will take as to its u_nexpended appropriations. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to carry forward to fiscal 1969, the following articles and appropriations: Article 27, 1968 Article l, 1968 Article 2, 1968 Article 10, 1968 Article 38, 1963 Police Expenses - Article 1, 1967 Article 1, 1968 Article 1, 1963 Article 62, 1964 MBTA - Rail Service MBTA - Rail Service MBTA - Bus Service Planning Board Consultant Town Garage - Yard Survey Radio Equipment Service New Police Station Complete & Equip Police Station New Ladder Truck Town Fire Fighter Accident Article 66, 67, 68, 1966 Sewer Extension Article 72, 1966 West Side Sewer Article 39, 1968 Sewer Construction - Autran Avenue Article 41, 1968 Complete West Side Sewer Article 47, 1968 Extend Sewer Article 51, 1967 Highway - Sidewalks Article 61, 1967 Chapdsr 90 - Salem Street Article 3, 1967 Highway Equipment Article 67, 1968 Chapter 90 - Salem Street Article 69, 1968 Street Signs Article 78, 1968 Hot Top Sidewalks Article 84, 1968 Permanent Pavem~ut Excavations Elmcrest Estates Trust Settlement U. S. Old Age Assistance (Administration) U. S. Aid to Dependent Children (Administration) U. S. Disability Assistance (~m~nistration) U.'s. Medical Assistance Grants U. S. Medical Assistance (Administration) School Department Expenses School P. L. 864 School P. L. 874 School P. L. 88-210 School P. L. 89-10 (Title I) School P. L. 89-10 (Title VI-A) Article 19, 1967 Franklin School Article 18, 1968 Addition Atkinson School Article 19, 1968 Updating Survey of Schools North Andover School Lunch North Andover Athletic Association State Aid for Libraries - Reserved for Appropriation Playgrounds Expenses (K. BaiIey) Parks & School Grounds Expenses (K. Bailey) Land Da~cage Claims $ 233.58 500.00 5,740.35 2,500.00 122.78 375.00 169.97 62,428.23 26.50 2,445.86 2,442.39 1,946.78 1,719.69 2,488.35 5,327.38 2,500.00 38,764.84 2,673.00 40,000.00 109.60 8,000.00 3,447.76 500.00 14.28 22.27 131.00 2,501.85 1,013.17 886.65 13,208.88 20,025.31 60.99 ~24.55 863.27 57,009.65 7,50O.OO 1,110.00 10,039.92 4,926.02 2,727.00 300.00 345.00 4,686.60 Water Maintenance & Construction Expenses (E. A. Pomerleau) Article 68, 1967 Renew Water Services Article 70, 1967 Develop Well Field Article 7, 1967 12" Water Main Article 40, 1968 Water Main Article 42, 55, 1968 Extend Water System Article 43, 1968 Water Services Article 44, 1968 Water Extensions Article 53, 1968 Extend Water System - Salem Street $ 650.00 1,110.46 187,558.33 11,370.31 250.19 9,722.90 2,000.00 1,000.00 2,298.91 $527,919.57 ARTICLE 6. To see what action the Town will take as to the budget recommendations of the Advisory Committee. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that such num- bered items of the proposed bud- get as may be questioned by any voter be separately considered. RECOMMENDED BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS - 1969 Item No. GENERAL GOVERNMENT & STAFF AGENCIES EXPENDED 1967 1968 1969 Dept. Adv. Comm. Request Recommend Selectmen Salaries and Wages Expenses 8,253 $ 9,575 2,801 2,960 $ 11,637 $ 11,637 3,252 3,252 Treasurer Salaries Expenses and Wages 13,720 14,320 2,997 3,963 15,837 15,537 5,964 5,964 Accountant Salaries Expenses and Wages 13,666 14,968 1,484 3,402 14,968 14,968 6,040 6,040 Tax Collector Salaries Expenses and Wages 7,648 7,733 3,714 4,820 8,291 8,291 4,925 4,925 Town Clerk Salaries Expenses and Wages 6,100 6,800 752 813 7,500 7,500 1,935 1,935 Assessors Salaries Expenses and Wages 16,470 18,389 5,957 5,963 18,389 18,389 6,586 6,586 Election and Registrars Salaries and Wages Expenses 1,400 1,400 6,158 10,986 1,400 1,400 6,738 6,738 Town Counsel Annual Retainer Expenses 2,500 4,000 1,040 1,040 4,000 4,000 1,040 1,040 Moderator Salary 5O 50 50 5O 10 Advisory Committee Expenses 122 160 150 150 11 Capital Outlay Committee Expenses 313 366 450 450 Item No. GENERAL GOVERNMENT EXPENDED 1967 1968 & STAFF AGENCIES (CONTINUED) 12 Planning Board Salaries and Wages Expenses 13 Board of Appeals (Zoning) Salaries and Wages Expenses 14 Personnel Board Salaries and Wages Expenses 15 Town Building Salaries and Wages Expenses 16 Annual Town Meeting Expenses TOTAL - GENERAL GOVERNMENT & STAFF AGENCIES $ 731 $ 994 956 164 801 1,089 197 192 952 1,053 89 186 2,080 2,080 5,972 5,942 3,505 3,019 $104,058 $126,427 1969 Dept. Adv. Comm. ReQuest Reco~mend $ 1,000 $ 1,000 500 200 1,000 1,000 500 200 1,200 1,200 250 250 2,080 2,080 6,400 6,400 3,795 3,795 $135,877 $134,977 PUBLIC SAFETY 17 Police Department (Includes School Crossing Guards) Salaries and Wages Expenses 18 Fire Department (Includes Forest Fires & Forest Fire Warden) Salaries and Wages Expenses 19 Dog Officer Salary Bxpenses 20 Civil Defense Salary Expenses 21 Building Inspector Salary Expenses 22 wiring Inspector Salary Expenses 23 Gas Inspector Salary Expenses 24 Sealer of Weights & Measures Salary Expenses TOTAL - PUBLIC SAFETY $178,649 16,091 177,874 10,941 400 683 900 3,430 3,229 394 1,200 396 5OO 97 900 153 $400,376 $189,604 18,470 199,652 9,843 400 697 900 3,513 3,480 448 1,450 398 6OO 56 9OO 185 $430,596 $195,142 $195,142 21,731 21,731 220,307 220,307 11,630 11,630 450 450 747 747 900 900 3,600 3,600 3,500 3,500 600 600 1,750 1,750 400 400 600 600 100 100 900 900 250 250 $462,607 $462,607 Item No. 25 26 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SANITATION Board of Health Salaries and Wages Expenses Greater Lawrence Sanitary District 27 28 Animal Inspector Salary Garbage Disposal Contract TOTAL - PUBLIC HEALTH AND SANITATION PUBLIC WORKS 29 Board of Public Works Salaries 30 Sewer Maintenance & Construction Salaries and Wages Expenses 31 Water Maintenance & Construction Salaries and Wages Expenses 32 Parks and School Grounds Salaries and Wages Expenses 33 Tree Department Salaries and Wages Expenses 34 Dutch Elm Disease Labor Wages Expenses 35 Insect Pest Control Salary and Wages Expenses 36 Street Lighting Expenses 37 Streets - General Maintenance Salaries and Wages Expenses 38 Snow Removal Expenses 39 Refuse Disposal Salaries and Wages Expenses TOTAL - PUBLIC WORKS EXPENDED 1967 1968 $ 13,336 $ 10,677 3,505 6,191 325 400 14,081 15,951 $ 31,247 $ 33,219 $ 9OO $ 9OO 18,320 19,964 10,943 12,000 67,419 70,722 51,043 50,985 15,232 17,872 6,115 6,991 21,108 22,741 5,613 5,586 7,192 7,261 1,600 1,599 1~,641 11,682 2,685 3,182 50,503 52,366 79,588 91,048 39,837 49,908 64,530 54,549 44,481 56,471 6,784 9,800 $500,281 $545,627 9 1969 Dept. Adv. Con~%. Request Recom~nend $ 11,332 $ 11,032 6,910 6,910 2,066 2,066 400 400 17,599 17,599 $ 38,307 $ 38,007 $ i,500 $ 1,200 22,000 22,000 13,000 13,000 77,000 77,000 53,000 53,000 19,500 19,500 8,000 8,000 22,790 22,790 6,915 6,915 7,269 7,269 1,600 1,600 12,540 12,540 3,185 3,185 56,269 54,500 97,500 96,400 65,000 55,000 90,000 90,000 60,000 60,000 15,000 10,000 $632,068 $613,899 Item No. WELFARE 40 *Board of Public Welfare Salaries 41 *Welfare Administration Salaries and Expenses Reimbursements Net Cost to Town Amount to be raised 42 *Welfare Grants Total Spent Reimbursements Net Cost to Town Amount to be raised 43 Veterans Benefits Salaries Expenses Cash Grants 44 Graves Registration Salaries Expenses TOTAL - WELFARE EXPENDED 1967 1968 $ 1,133 26,915 18,814 8,100 136,100 128,000 8,100 3,170 $ 3,170 159 239 25,768 30,278 1969 Dept. Adv. Request Recommend $ 3,170 $ 3,170 285 285 36,600 36,600 100 124 175 175 320 374 325 325 $ 46,850 $ 34,185 $ 40,555 $ 40,555 SCHOOLS 45 School Department Salaries and Wages Less reimbursement special funds (P.L. 864 and 874) Net Salaries and Wages to be appropriated Expenses Less reimbursement special funds (P.L. 864 and 874) Net Expenses to be appropriated 46 Regional Vocational School Allocation of cost to N. Andover TOTAL - SCHOOLS $1,051,010 $1,266,393 228,414 261,144 58,647 70,360 $1,279,424 $1,597,897 $1,545,177 $1,529,577 25,000 25,000 1,520,177 1,504,577 293,565 281,565 13,000 13,000 280,565 268,565 68,519 68,519 $1,869,261 $1,841,661 LIBRARY 47 Steven's Memorial Library Salaries and Wages Expenses TOTAL - LIBRARY $ 39,241 $ 42,189 10,196 12,097 $ 49,437 $ 54,286 $ 45,746 $ 45,746 13,527 13,527 $ 59,273 $ 59,273 *Responsibility for Welfare has been assumed by the State. ]0 Item RECREATION 48 Playgrounds &Bathing Beaches Salaries and Wages Expenses 49 Recreational Council Salaries and Wages Expenses TOTAL - RECREATION EMPLOYEE'S BENEFITS 50 Group Insurance 51 Essex County Retirement Pensions TOTAL - EMPLOYEE'S BENEFITS 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 UNCLASSIFIED Contingent Fund Rental of Veterans Headquarters Patriotic& Civic Celebrations Insurance Industrial Commission Expenses Land Damage Claims Ira Carty Pension Out of State Travel (Not including School) Conservation Commission Expenses Senior Citizens' Council TOTAL UNCLASSIFIED 62 63 64 65 66 67 DEBT REDEMPTION Highway Equipment School Bonds Welfare Bond Water F, ain Notes & Bonds Sewer Notes & Bonds Fire Equipment Notes EXPENDED 1967 1968 $ 13,366 $ 15,207 4,700 5,000 4,215 4,990 2,709 2,498 $ 24,990 $ 27,695 $ 38,955 $ 41,570 91,474 83,777 $130,429 $125,347 $ 3,507 $ 3,500 1,200 1,200 886 1,066 33,484 51,775 15 23 263 750 2,500 2,500 674 864 57 86 $ 42,586 $ 61,764 $ -- $ 15,000 160,000 200,000 35,000 46,000 77,500 35,000 35,000 5,000 5,000 1969 Dept. Adv. Comm. Request Re¢oz~end $ 17,000 $ 17,000 6,500 6,000 5,140 5,140 3,000 3,000 $ 31,640 $ 31,140 $ 50,273 $ 50,273 92,243 92,243 $142,516 $142,516 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 1,200 1,200 1,100 1,100 58,430 58,430 200 200 1,000 1,000 2,500 2,500 1,850 1,000 500 100 250 250 $ 70,530 $ 69,280 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 200,000 200,000 0 0 82,000 82,000 32,000 32,000 ]] Item NO. 68 Police Station TOTAL - DEBT REDEMPTION 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 INTEl{EST ON DEBTS Highway Equipment School Bonds Welfare Bond Water Main Notes ~ Bonds Sewer Notes & Bonds Fire Equipment Notes Short Term Borrowing Police Station TOTAL - INTEREST ON DEBTS GRAND TOTAL EXPENDED 1967 1968 $246,000 $367,500 $ $ 1,606 51,500 78,920 --- 1,033 6,996 20,853 11,595 11,278 230 115 11,570 18,558 --- 2,188 $ 93,871 $134,551 $2,949,445 $3,539,094 1969 Dept. Adv. Com~. Request Recommend $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $334,000 $334,000 $ 1,168 $ 1,16~ 72,590 72,590 0 0 21,035 21,035 10,906 10,906 0 0 30,000 30,000 3,783 3,783 $139,482 $139,482 $3,956,116 $3,907,397 ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial years begin- ning Sanuary 1, 1969 and January 1, 1970, in accordance with the provi- stone of General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 4, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year, in accordance with the provision of General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 17. Petition of the Selectmen. AR~TICLE 8. To consider the reports of all Special Committees. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of its members to the position of Board of Health Physician and to fix his compensation, as such, as provided by Section 4A of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of the Board of Health. ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1,500, to be used for a Town 4th of July Celebration, any and all profits made at said celebration to be returned to the Town, said appropriation to be expended by a committee of nine members to be appointed by the Selec~nen. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1,600, to be expended under the direction of the S~lectmen for the purpose of providing decorative lighting during the Christmas Season. Petition of the Selectmen at the request of John J. McLay. ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priat a sum of money sufficient for the purpose of this Article, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for organizational, con- sultant, and other necessary expenses by a Town Charter Study Com- mlttee; said committee, not to exceed seven in number, is to be ap- pointed by the Selectmen and shall contain at least two members ~vho are either Town department heads or full time employees of the Town; the committee is to make a study of the need, if any, for improving and up- dating the Town Government of North Andover, including but not limited to the need, if any, for the creation of an executive secretary position within the Town Government, and the need if any for enact- iflg a Town Charter; and said committee is to report to the Selectmen within one month of its formation an outline of the study it proposes to undertake, and the committee shall within five months thereafter, or such other period of time as may be fixed by the Selcetmen, submit a detailed first report or reports with recommendations to the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote tn amend Section 12A of Article IV of its General By-Laws to read as follows: Section 12A: There is hereby established an unpaid Town Capital Outlay Committee consisting of five members, including the Town Accountant, one member of the Planning Board to be designated each year by the Planning Board, and three members at large appointed by the Selectmen, each for a term of three years. This Committee shall present to each Annual Town Meeting, for its action, a proposed capital budget progu, am for the Town. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 14. To see if The Town will pass a resolution calling for the creation of a Route J. 14 Study Committee, said committee to con- sist of three members to be appointed by the Board of Selectmen and two members to be appointed by the Planning Board, with no member of either Board serving on the committee: and luther, directing said cam- mittee to report to Board of Selectmen and Planning Board within six months of the formation of the committee with recommendations as to land use, and with status reports on proposed utility development and traffic control on said Route 114, with particular emphasis to be given to developing a comprehensive plan for dealing with the impact of beth the new missile installation and Route 495 on the area. Petition of the Selectmen. 13 It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the reports of all special Committees be heard. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $800 for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000. for the purpose of this article. No recommendation. No recommendation. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $6,500 to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of purchasing an emergency electric power generator for the new Police Station. Petition of the Selectmen upon recommendation of the Chief. ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise aud appro- priate the sum of $251.60 to pay for material and equipment purchased from the National Cash Register Company. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $7,800, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of installing traffic lights at the intersection of Sutton and Main Streets. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate such sum of money as it may dete~nine to be the necessary cost of acquiring for the Town, by purchase, eminent domain proceedings or otherwise, one of the three parcels of land described below for the construction thereon of a new fire station, and to authorize and direct the Selectmen in the na~ne and behalf of the Town, to take such steps as they may deem necessary or advisable to effect such acquisition: Parcel 1: Land at the junction of Salem and Johnson Streets. Parcel 2: Land at the junction of Marbleric~ge Road and Salem Street; Parcel 3: Land at the junction of Marbleridge Road and Dale fi~eet. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 19. In the event of the adoption of the preceding Article, to see if the Town will vote to discontinue all public ways and private ways lying within the parcel of land in question. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 20, To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate a sum of money sufficient for the purpose of constructing, equip- ping and furnishing a new fire station, and of landscaping, grading and finishing its grounds. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 21. In the event of the adoption of the preceding Article, ~to see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen, or such other Committee as they may vote to establish, to act in its name and behalf in all matters having to do with the expenditure of the funds provided under said Article, including the execution of all contracts per- taining to the new fire station and grounds. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by inserting, after Section 4.07 thereof, the following new sec- tion: Section 4.08: Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this By-Law the buildings, facilities and grounds of a municipal fire station may be maintained upon any parcel of land acquired by the Town for such purposes. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the s~u~n of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of panelling walls in hallways and in the stairwells, painting ceilings in hallways and in the stairwells, washing all woodwork and painting with two coats, washing,all doors and apply- ing one coat of Po~yurithane, c~,ean and paint hamsters in both of the stairwells, and to install all new lighting fixtures in the hallways and stairwells of the Town Office Building. Petition of the Town Clerk, Custedian of Town Buildings. 14 It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the adh:iL It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000. for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate $155,000. for the purpose of the article and that this appro- priation be met by a proper municipal bor- rowing. Il is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. No recommendation. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT tho article. ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,500, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of removing present 100 amp underground electrical service from present location and-replace with a 400 amp three phase four.wire piped to a new forty circuit panel on present ser- vice board in passageway of Town Office Building, as the present sys- tem is proving inadequate and not sufficient power for building and town yards. Petition of the Town Clerk. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,000 to be expended under the direction of the Selectnnen for the purpose of new roof (tar & gravel) for Town garages also including the repairing of edges of roof of same. Petition of the Town Clerk. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,200. for the purpose of this article, provided that new roof shall not be constructed of tar and gravel ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $520, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of giving a salary increase to the part-time Town Office Building janitor. Petition of the Town Clerk. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the su,m of $500, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of printing in book form approximately 500 copies of all Town By-Laws and other pertinent Laws, Rules & Regula- tions (to date) approximately forty-five pages, and to authorize the selling of same for one-dollar per copy, with same reverting into Town Treasury. Petition of the Town Clerk. it is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to accept from the R~& S Construction Company, or its nominee, the sum of $19,500, to be expended by the Board of Public Works, for the purpose of sxtending the sewer system in Ipswich Street from Cotuit Street to the Village Green Apartment House Property. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the exten- sion of the sewer system on Turnpike Street from 322 Turnpike Street a distance of 1750 feet to the south entrance to the Royal Crest Estates Apartment under the direction of the Board of Public Works, the total cost of the project to be without expense to the town. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $120,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of replacing the old 6 inch water main on Johnson Street from the Reservoir right of way to Mill Road with 12 inch cement lined cast iron pipe before Johnson Street is recon- structed. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article and that the appropria- tion called for be met by a proper munici- pal borrowing. ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1,700, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of purchasing a Turf-Sweeper for the Parks, Playgrounds and School Grounds. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $9,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of Purchasing trucks to replace a 1961 platform Ford truck, a 1962 Dodge pick-up truck and a 1963 Chevrolet pick-up truck. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,000 for the purchase of a pick-up truck, a 1962 Dodge pick-up truck to be traded. ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of making such extensions of the water main system, subject to the standard regulations of said Board, on or before October 1, 1969 may consider most necessary, such extensions not having been petitioned for at this meeting. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. 15 ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of renewing water services to the property lines, placing gate valves on hydrant branches and raising manhole frames and covers on streets that are being reconstructed. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $8,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of ex~ending the water system on Farnum Street frc~ the present terminous of the new 8 inch water main to Raleigh Tavern Lane (South) and to accept from Benjamin C. Osgood of North Andover fifty per cent of the cost of the,project. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgood and others. ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,200, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system in Great Oak Street 225 feet from Wood Lane. Petition of Edward M. McAloon and others. ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $3,800, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Great Oak Street 225 feet from Wood Lane. Petition of Edward M. McAloon and others. ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $6,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Poor Avenue from Su~on Street. Petition of Harold E. Smith and others. ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $40,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system on Salem Street from its present terminous a distance of about 2800 feet up to, but not including land of Lynch. Petition of George Il. Fart and others. ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $50,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Osgood Street from Phillips Brooks Road to Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of John W. Belyea and others. ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $18,000, to be expended nuder the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the West Side Sewer in an easement from the rear of 209 Turnpike Street to Andover Street and Southerly on Andover Street. Petition of Arthur F. O'Connor and others. ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $3,500, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system 450 feet westerly on Autran Avenue from the p resent terminous. Petition of Milo J. Owen and others. ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appre- priate the sum of $28,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Turn- pike Street from the south entrance to the Royal Crest Apartments to the Advance Reproductions Building on Turnpike Street. Petition of Charles S. Nigrelli and others. ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,700, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system 270 feet easterly on Abbott Street from I~larbleridge Road. Petition of Richard A. Dufresne and others. It is recommended that the Town vote to' ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,000. for the purpose of the article and to ac- cept a similar sum from Benjamin C. Os- good for said purpose. It is recommended Ihat the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT Ih~ article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article, It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. 16 ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appre- priate the stun of $14,000, to be expended under thc direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Martin Avenue frc~ the existing manhole easterly to Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of Vincenzina Ferrara and others. ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $14,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Autran Avenue from Wood Lane to Unity Avenue. Petition of Milo J. Owen and others. ARTICLE 47. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $9,016.10, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for highway projects having the approval of the State Department of Public Works, from the sum of $18,016.10 Appor- tioned to the Town by said Departxneut under Section 5 of Chapter 616 of the Acts of 1967, expenditures therefrom to be made under the direc- tlon of the Highway Surveyor, with the prior approval of the Select- Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $11,500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of meeting the Town's share of the costs of Chapter 90 highway construction of Salem Street, Johnson St. and Foster St. and to transfer $34,500.00 from unappropriated available funds to meet the State and County shares of such costs, the reimburse- merit from the State and County to be restored upon their receipt to un- appropriated available funds Jn the town treasury. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of Maintaining any street in the Town, under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, and, in addition, to trans- fer $1,000, unappropriated available funds, to meet the State's share of the cost of such work, the reimbursement from the State to be restored, upon receipt, unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $79,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of purchasing the following equip- ment: One Road Grader, a Grader to be traded $29,000. One Dump Truck GVW 30,000 lbs., a 1962 Model 850 Ford to be traded $11,000. One Road Roller, a 3 wheel Buffalo-Springfield Roller to be traded $10,000. One Chassis and Sand Spreader, a 1954 Mack to be traded $9,300. One Refuse Disposal Truck, a 1958 Refuse Track to be traded $15,000. One Rodding Machine 4,700. Petition of the Highway Surveym.. ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of replacing Head Wall and Pipe on outlet end of culvert which has been undermined on Holt Road. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of cleaning brooks in order to keep water flowing in order to prevent flooding. Petition of the Highway Surveyer. ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $10,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of erecting and replacing g u a r d rails throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of overhauling Bulldozer as it is customary to rebuild the undercarriage of this type of machine once every two years. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. 17 It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,300. for the purchase of one chassis and sand spreader, a 1959 Mack to be traded. It is a/so recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum $29,000 for the purchase of one Road Grader, a Grader to be traded and that this appro- priation be met by a proper municipal bor- rowing. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000. for the purpose of the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000. for the purpose of thb article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of replacing existing catch basiu frames and grates which are smaller than standard size. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $75,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of resurfacing, oiling, repairing and maintenance of any street~ Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- prlate the sum of $1,500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing chain-link fence to en- close areas of disposal site where needed. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vo~e to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of repairing old stone culverts. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of repairing concrete sidewalks. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of making and placing street signs. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $13,800, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor and the Selectmen for the pu_r]~ose of purchasing 9.2 acres of land adjacent, to the present Disposal S~te area in order to expand the same. Petition of the Selectmen, Board of Health and Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 62, To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $16,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of piping brook so that land may he used for the Disposal Site. Petition of the Selectmen, Board of Health and Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $7,250, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyorfor the purpose of installing a combination Surface Drain and Side Drain on Chestnut Street, starting at Turnpike Street and running 500 feet towards Marian Drive. Petition of Edward W. Phelan and others. ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- prlate a sufficient su~m of money, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of hot-topping Barker Street from the intersection of Osgood Street to Bradford Street. Petition of Richard Bell and others. ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $10,750, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing a combination Surface Drain and Side Drain on Mark Road, North Andover. Petition of Vincent E. Savukinas and others. ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate a sufficient sum of money to widen and pave Farnum Street from the corner of Summer, a distance of approximately 3600 feet to Brook Street. Petition of Ralph I). Powell and others. 18 It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000. for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000. for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for the purpose of thEs article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $400. for the purpose of the article. It is recommended that tho Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate ihe sum of $5,000 for the purpose of the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote lo REJECT the article. ARTICLE 67. To see if the To~m will vote to raise and appro- priate a sufficient sam of money to repair Harwood Street from its intersection with Mablin Avenue to the end of the stree. Petition of Joan E. Keebrick and others. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $22,500 and to transfer from the unexpended balance of Article 18 of the 1968 Town Meeting, (Atkinson Addition) the sum of $7,500 to be expended under the direction of the SchoM Building Committee for educational consulting sexvices in connection with the selection of a site and the planning of a new 1500-1600 pupil high school building in order to insure that the layout and construction will provide adequately for the educational and community needs at the lowest cost to the Town. Petition of the School Committee and the School Building Committee. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $25,000 to be expended under the direction of the School Build- ing Committee for preliminary plans, specifications, topographic sur- veys, borings, estimates of costs and such ether data as the said commit- tee may deem necessary in order that it may properly advise the ToWn concerning the construction and maintenance of a new 1500-1600 pupil high school building and grounds. Petition of the School Committee and the School Building Conunitee It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will authorize the School Build- ing Committee to enter into any and all contracts necessary for the pur- pose of carrying out the votes passed in the preceding two articles rela- tive to consulting services and preliminary plans and specifications for a new high school. Petition of the School Committee and the School Building Committee It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $16~500 to remove snow and ice frem and otixerwise maintain in safe and usable condition (including sanding) the grounds of the several public school houses, including the driveways and parking areas existing thereon, and to direct which department shall expend the same and be responsible for the said snow removal and sanding. Petition of the School Committee. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from Village Residential and/or Industrial to Gen- eral Business the following described parcels of land or any portions thereof: First Parcel: Starting at a point on Chickering Road at land now or formerly of Haffner Realty Trust thence running in a westerly direction by land of Haffner Realty Trust 190.84 feet to a point thence turning and running in a northerly direction by land now or formerly of Lynch & Willis, 249.13 feet to a point; thence turning and running in an easterly direction by land now or formerly of Polizotti 41.52 feet to a point; thence turning and running still by land of Poli- zotti, in ~ northwesterly direction 120 feet to a point on the southerly boundary of Davis Street; thence turning and running in an easterly direction by the southerly boundary of Davis Street, 422.53 feet ~o a point on the westerly boundary of East Water Street; thence turning and running in a southerly direction by the westerly boundary of East Water Street, 105.61 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of Chi- kering Road; thence turning and running in a~ southwesterly direction by the northerly boundary of Chickering Road, 347.99 feet to the point of beginning. Second Parcel: Starting at a point on the easterly bound- any of East Water Street in a northerly direction 686.99 feet to a point at land now or formerly of the Douglas Development Company, Inc.; thence turning and running in two courses in a northeasterly direction by land of the Douglas Development Company, Inc., 50 feet and 215.75 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a northerly direction in two courses 189.06 feet and 249 feet to a point at land now or formerly of the Davis & Furber Machine Co.; thence turning and running in a northeasterly direction by land of Davis & Furber Machine Co., 155.§8 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a southerly direction by land now or formerly of Walker Realty Association in two courses, 306.38 feet and 603.,~8 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of Chickerlng Road; thence turning and running in a southwesterly diree- tion by the northerly boundary of Chickering Road,.601.43 feet to the point of beginning. Petition of John J. Willis and others. No recommendation. 19 ARTICLE 73. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing £rom Rural Residential to General Business the following described parcel of land: Beginning at a stone bound on the southeasterly side of Osgood Street at the termination of the existing General Business Zone thence running northsaster]y by said Osgood Street 105.8 feet to a stone bound at the intersection of Osgoed and Stan]eyvi]le Avenue, a proposed street shown on a plan owned by Stefanowicz, North Andover, Massachusetts, Charles E. Cyr, C. E., dated April, 1947; thence turning and running by said Stanleyville Avenue, 830 feet to a point; thence turning and running southerly 382 feet to a point on the northerly side of Great Pond Road; thence turning and running westerly by said Great Pond Road, 213 feet to a point; thence turning and running northeasterly by the existing General Business Zone, 316 feet, more or ]ess to a point thence turning and running in a northwesterly direction, 20336 feet to the point of beginning. Petition of John J. Wills and others. ARTICLE 74. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 3.1 of its Zoning By-Law by adding thereto - "Multi Dwelling Districts", and by adding to said By-Law the following sections. Section 3.9 MULTI DWELLING DISTRICTS Section 3.91 (1) A certain parcel of land situated on the Northerly side of the Salem Turnpike in said ~North Andover, and being approximately seventy-four (74) acres of the Southwesterly portion of the Third parcel described in Land Court Decree dated August 8, 1951, recorded with North Essex Registry of Deeds on August 9, 1951, con- fi~ning the title of the Grantors to certain lands in said North Andover, in Land Court Case No. 22768, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point on the Northerly side of the Salem Turnpike at the end of a stone wall at land of William Dawson; thence the line runs northwesterly by the northeasterly side of said Turnpike,eighteen hundred eighty-two and 23/100 (1882.23) feet to a corner of a wall at land of Gardner R. Humphreys et al; thence the line runs Northerly by 'said Humphreys land, by land of one Valcourt and land of one Theriault as the stone wall stands, five hundred eighty-seven and 64/100 (587.64) feet to a corner at land of Charles Melamed et al; thence the line runs Northerly as the stone wall stands by said Melamed land and by land of one Arthur Frechette a distance of nineteen hundred twelve (1912) feet to the Westerly corner of Lot numbered two (2) described in said confirmation decree; thence the line turns and runs Southeaster- ly by said Lot numbered two (2), seven hundred ninety-seven and 05/100 (797.05) feet to a corner of a wall at land of John B. Harriman and continues Southeasterly by said wall by said Harriman land four hundred sixteen and 64/100 (416.64) feet to a corner in said wall at the Southerly corner of said Harriman land: thence the line runs in a straight line in about the same course a distance of about eighteen hun- dred forty (1840) feet to the stone wall along said Dawson's boundary line at a point which is three hundred (300) feet Southwesterly from Hillside Road, as measured along said Dawson wall; thence the line turns and runs Southwesterly by said Dawson wall to the Turnpike at the point of beginning. (2) R & S Land on Chickering Road. (8) Three parcels of land owned by Walker Realty Trust situated in North Andover and bounded and described as follows: PARCEL NO. 1. A certain parcel of land as shown on Plan No. 4442 and recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds more particularly bounded and described as follows: Easterly by a wall at land of New England Industries, Inc. as shown on said plan, six hundred and 15/100 (600.15) feet; Southerly by a lot shown on said plan as "HENRY E. LUND', two hundred ninety (290) feet, more or less, as so shown; Again Easterly or Southeasterly by a curved line at land of said Lurid a distance of fifty-nine and 87/100 (59.87) feet as so shown; Again Easterly or Northeasterly by said "LUND" lot three hundred ninety-five (395) feet as so shown; Again Northerly by a curved line at land of said Lund a distance of fifty-nine and 81/100 (59.81) feet; Again Easterly or Southeasterly by Chickering Road ninety-six and 62/100 (96.62) feet, as so shown; Westerly or Southwesterly by land of Boston and Maine Railroad a distance of one thousand eleven and 38/100 (1011.38) feet, more or less, as $o shown: Norhterly at a wall at land now or formerly of Colgate four hun- dred forty and 40/100 (440.40) feet, as so shown; and Again Northerly by a wall at land now or formerly of Ida N. Cur -tier one hundred sixty-seven and 60/100 (167.60) feet. No recommendation. No recommendation. 2O PARCEL NO. 2. Commencing at the northeast corner thereof on the southerly side of Prescott Street; thence running southwesterly by land of A. P. Car- rier, six hundred and eighty-five (685) feet to an angle; thence south- easterly one hundr~ twenty-eight (128) feet to land of Mrs. James Davis; thence southwesterly by land of Mrs. James Davis four hundred forty-two (442) feet to land of the Boston and Maine Railroad; thence northwesterly by land of said Railroad, three hundred twenty-three and one half (323%) feet to land of Davis & Furber; thence northeasterly by land of Davis and Furber and land of one Mars;on eight hundred four (804) feet to Prescott Street; thence easterly by Prescott Street-four hundred fifty (450) feet to the point of beginning. Containing about nine and 2/10 (9.2) acres. Excepting therefrc~n so much of the above described premises as have been already conveyed, as follows: To Coleman H. Lee by two deeds, one dated June 3, 1915, recorded with North Essex Registry of Deeds, Book 354, Page 195, and the second dated August 17, 1921, recorded with said Registry of Deeds, Book 447, Page 526; to Judson W. Harvey, dated August 2, 1921, recorded with said Registry, Book 444, Page 595; to Henry E. Lund, dated November 7, 1922, recorded with said Registry, Book 468, Page 192; to Joseph M. Freeman, dated March 6. 1923, recorded with said Registry, Book 473j Page 487. Also excepting therefrom so much of the above described premises as have been taken by the City of Lawrence, the Town of North An- dover, or other duly consiituted geverumental authority, as appears of record. PARCEL NO. 3. NORTHERLY by land now or formerly of Currier, 287 feet; EASTERLY by land now or formerly of James W. Heron and of William Sutton; SOUTHEASTERLY by land now or formerly of Eben Sutton and by land now or formerly of Walker Realty Trust 450 feet; SOUTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly of Walker Realty Trust, 127 feet: and NORTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly of Walker Realty Trust 263.5 feet. The land in North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts, being shown as Parcel B. and Parcel C. on plan entitled "Walker Realty Trust and John J. Willis et ux", North Andover, Mass., dated March 1967, BrasseUr Associates, 60% Bailey Street, Haverhill, Massachusetts, re- corded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds, bounded and described as follows: EASTERLY by Main Street, by two courses, 40.95 feet and 97.q5 respectively; SOUTHERLY by Parcel A, as shown on said plan, 140.00 feet; EASTERLY again by Parcel A, as shown on said plan, 82.21 feet; SOUTHERLY again by land of Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, as shown on said plan, 107.51 feet; WESTERLY by land of owners, unnamed, and by land of Catherine Murphy and Rose McEvoy, as shown on said plan, by two courses, 87.5 feet and 138.00 feet. NORTHERLY by land of Edith G. Haley as shown on said plan 259.29 fee~. (4) The land in North Andover, Massachusetts, bounded and des- cribed as follows: "Beginning at the northeasterly corner of the premises at the in tersection of Chickering Read and Massachusetts Avenue, formerly known as the Ail' Line Road; thence running westerly by land now or formerly of Edward Adams 1877 feet, more or less, to an angle in the wall; thence running southwesterly by land of oWners unknown and by an old road known as Wood Lane, 748 feet, more or less, to a stone bound: thence running southeasterly by said old road known as Wood Lane 84.25 feet to a stone bound; thence running south 51008'58" East 347.96 feet to a stone bound; thence running south 60°56'17" East 11q.84 feet to a point; thence running northerly 2.99 feet to a point; thence running easterly 718 feet to a point; thence running northerly 2.99 feet to a point; thence tuning easterly q13 feet to a point _. thence running northerly 160 feet to a point; thence running easterly 421.46 feet to a point; thence by a curved line with a radius of 20 feet, 39.96 feet to Chickering Road; thence by said Road northerly 24028'25'' East 1001.77 feet to a point; thence northerly by a curved line with a radius o~ 125 feet, 76 feet more or less to a point of beginning along said Chickering Road. Being the same premises conveyed to Roy R. Far~r by deed of David Rennie, Jr., and Dorothy J. Rennie dated December 13, 1955, and record- ed in the Essex Registry of Deeds for the Northern District in Book 826, Page 34. (5) The land in North Andover all as shown on Plan No. 5385 reeerded with the North Essex Registry of Deeds, bounded and des- cribed as follows: A certain parcel of land situated on the westerly side of Main Street in said North Andover, bounded and described as follows; Beginning at a point at the southeasterly corner of said premises and at land ef the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston. thence run- ning westerly by said land of the Roman Catholic ArchbiShop of Bos- ton, 227.87 feet; thence northerly by land of said Roman Catholic Arch- bishop of Boston, 87.50 feet; thence easterly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Eliza Ryan, 245.0 feet; thence southerly by said Mai Street, 79 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Being the same premises conveyed to Annie Laurie Stevens Gile and Arthur O. Gile by deed of Arthur O. Gile dated December 15, 1933, and recorded with the Northern Essex Registry of Deeds, Book 579, Page 194. (6) Shield's Land on Sutton Street. Section 4.7 MULTI DWELLING DISTRICTS: The Board of Appeals shall grant a Special Permit for a Multi Dwelling Develop- merit in a Multi Dwelling District but only if it be satisfied that such a development will conform to the permitted uses and specific regulations set forth in Sections 4.71 and 4.72. 4.71 PERMITTED USES (a) Multiple or group dwellings provided that they shall not contain more than twelve dwelling units per structure. (b) Such accessory uses as are customary in connection with the permitted principal uses, including the provision for the bnild- lng of a eepar~te residence for the rental office or ra~-~agers quarter~, except that professional offices and home occupations are specifically excluded. 4.72 SPECIFIC REGULATIONS: (a) No structure shall exceed two and one-half stories or 35 feet in height, measured from the top of the foundations. (b) No structures except one story garages or carports, or un- pierced walls of residential structures shall be nearer to each that the sum of the heights of their two opposing exterior walls measured above the top of the foundations. (c) There shall be a lot area of at least 3500 square feet for each dwelling unit in Multiple Dwelling Structure, in addition to the lot area, if any, required for other permitted uses. (d) The gross usable floor area of all principal and accessory structures shall not exceed thirty percent of the gross area of the lot. (e) No structure shall be built within thirty feet of the sideline of any public street or way and no structure or parking space shall be built or maintained within fifty feet of any other exterior property line, where the development abuts residentially zoned property, and w/thin twenty feet, where the development abuts any other land not residentially zoned. Where the development abuts residential land there shall be maintained, in said fifty foot buffer zone, adequate screening in the nature of natural growth, as to be determined by the Board of Appeals. (f) There shall be provided at least one paved off street parking space or space in a garage or carport, for each dwelling unit, said space to be no more than 200 feet from the outside entrance to each unit. No space shall he considered available for parking which reduces the effective width of a driveway providing access to more than one dwelling unit to less than 12 feet. (g) There shall be a paved driveway or paved walk, ade- quate to accomodate emergency vehicles, within fifty feet of the outside entrance to each dwelling unit. (h) Any road or driveway providing principal access to six or more dwelling units or eight or more parking spaces shall con- form to appropriate provisions of the Sub-Division Control Regulations as established by the Planning Board. Before issuing any permits the Board of Appeals shall request a report from the Planning Board on the extent of such conformity. 6.7 IN MULTI DWELLING DISTRICTS 6.71 The lot area and lot width shall be determined in accord with the specific regulations as set forth in Section 4.72 of this By-Law. 7.6 In Multi Dwelling Districts the yard spaces shall be determined in accord with the specific regulations as set forth in Sec- tion 4.72 of this By-Law. 8.6 In Multi Dwelling Districts the building heights per- mitred for all structures shall be determined in accord with the specific regulations as set forth in Section 4.72 of this By-Law. 2.13 MULTIPLE DWELLINGS A free standing building or group of buildings, intended and de- signed to be occupied and used exclusively for residential purposes by each or more than two families. Petition of John J. Lynch and others. 22 ARTICLE 75. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing the classification frown country residential district to multi dwelling district the fo/lowing described land: Beginning at a point in the southerly street line of Andover Street at the westerly side .of the Town of North Andover school property line and proceeding in a southwesterly direction along the southerly street line of Andover Street a distance of three hundred and twenty nine and 00/00, more or less (329'±) feet to a point; thence southeasterly along the property of Edward Melamed a distance of One Hundred and 00/100 more or less (100'~-) feet to a point; thence southwesterly along the property of same Edward Melamed a distance of One Hundred Twenty Eight and 24/100 (128.24') feet to a point; thence southerly along the property of Thomas D. Mahoney a distance of two hundred fifty and 00/00 more or less (250'±) feet to a point: thence southeasterly along the property of Thomas J. Driscoll a distance of two hundred sixty nine and 75/100 (269.75') feet .to a point; thence westerly along the sou- them property line of said Thomas Driscoll a distance of three hundred one and 60/100 (301.60') feet to a point; thence westerly along the pro- perry of Dorothy M. Hammond a distance of one hundred fourteen and 75/100 (114.~5') feet to a point; thence continuing in a westerly direc- tion along the southerly property line of Prom George a distance of six hundred twenty eight and 93/100 (628.93') fe~t to a point on the easter- ly street line of Auburn Street; thence southerly along said street line a distance of seventy and 00/100 more or less (70'~-) feet to a point; thence easterly down the centerline of Summit Avenue, said street being a paper street, a distance of one hundred fourteen and 07/100 (114.07') feet to a point; thence southerly along the property of Emily L. Parker a distance of one hundred twenty and ~0/100, more or less (120'7) feet to a point; thence easterly along the property of Mable S. Sarcio~, a distance of one hundred twenty and 10/100 (120.10') feet to a point; thence southerly along the easterly property llne of said Sarclone a dis- tance of one hundred twenty and 00/100, more or less (120'±) feet to a point in the center of Prospect Terrace, said Prospect Terrace being a paper street; thence easterly down the centerline of Prospect Terrace a distance of two hundred six and 03/100 (206.03') feet to a point in the northerly street line of Wilson Road; thence along the easterly street line of Wilson Road a distance of forty and 00/100 (40.00')feet to a point in the southerly street line of Wilson Road; thence in a south easterly direction along the property of Walter A. Wilson a distance of one hundred and 00/100, more or less (100'~-) feet to a point: thence in a southerly direction along the property of ~'~id Wilson a distance of one hundred seventy five and 00/100, more or less (175'~-) feet to a point; thence in a southeasterly direction along the propert~ of Hollis A. Cur- tis a distance of one hundred twenty and 00/100, more or less (120'~- feet to a point in the center of Tolland Road; thence southwesterly along the centeriine of said Toliand Road a distance of fifty and 00/100, more or less (50'±) feet to a point; thence soutJ~easterly along the property line of To]land Road a distance of twenty and 00/100, r~Ore or less (20'___) feet to a point in the street line of said Tolland Road; thence southeasterly along the property of Russell C. Lodge a distance of one hundred and 00/100, more or less (100'~) feet; and continuing in the same direction along the property of Elizabeth Elliot a distance of one hundred and 00/100, more or less (100'~-); feet thence in the same direc- tion along the street line of Berkeley Road a distance of forty and 00/100, more or less (40'~) feet; said Berkeley Road lying entirely to the south and west; thence continuing in the same direction along the property of Elizabeth Elliot a distance of one hundred seven and 00/100 more or less (107'±) feet to a point in the street line of Bevin Road; thence in the same southeasterly direction along the street line of Bevin Road a distance of, forty three, and 00/100, more or less (43'±) feet; Bevin Road lying entirely to the south and west of said street line, to a point; thence in a northeasterly direction along the property of Gene- veive Puccio a distance of one thousand two hundred and fifty and 00]100 more or less (1~254'±) feet to a point; thence turning and pro- ceeding in a northwesterly direction along the property of the Town of North Andover a distance of six hundred and thirty and 00/100 more or less (630'±) feet to a point; thence turning and running in a north- easterly direction along said property of the Town of North Andover a distance of two hundred and fifty six and 00/100, more or less (256'±) feet to a point; thence turning and running in a northwesterly direction along the property of said Town of North Andover, a distance of five hundred eighty five and 04/100 (585.4') feet to a point in the st~'eet line of Andover Street; said point being the point of beginning. The above described parcel contains thirty three and 71/100 (33.71) acres. Petition of Harold Morley, Jr. and others. No recommendation. 23 ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from Rural Residential to General Business the following described parcel of land: NORTHEASTERLY by the South- westerly line of Salem Turnpike four hundred sixty-nine and 89/100 (469.89) feet; SOUTHERLY by land now or formerly of Edward Sch- wartz and John i~cDowell two hundred eighty-two and 14/100 (282.14) feet; and WESTERLY by land now or formerly Charles R. Anualoro about two hundred sixty-nine (269) feet, said parcel containing 30,000 sq. ft. more or less. Petition of Louis J. Kmiec, Jr. and others. No recommendation. ARTICLE 77. To see if the Town will vote to rezone a piece of land on Winthrop Avenue, North Andover described below from Resi- dential to Business: Starting from a point on Waverley Road and running in a Southerly direction for 480 ft. more or less, then turning North West along Win- throp Avenue for 973 ft. more or less, then turning North East and running for 596 ft. more or less, then turning South and running for 300 ft. more or less, then turning East and running 100 feet more or less, then turning South and running 315 ft. more or less, then turning East and running 100 ft. more or less, back to the point of origin, total parcel consisting of 8.810 acres more or less. Petition of Stewart P. Wilson, and others. bio recommendation. ARTICLE 78. TO see if the Town will vote to change its Zoning Ry Law by changing from Rural Residence District to Business District, the following described parcel of land on Turnpike Street: On the Easterly side of Turnpike Street 1204 feet, by Mill Road 200 feet, then on a straight line Northeasterly 1200 feet to a wall to land of Gilbert Rea, thence westerly by the wall to the point of beginning. Said land owned by Charlotto P. and George P. Rea. Petition of George A. Rea and others. bio recommendation. ARTICLE 79. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from rural residence zone to industrial, the follow- lng parcel of land: Starting at a point on Turnpike St, at the Northwesterly junction of the abandon way of Willow St. running parallel to the Salem Turn- pike a distance of 860'-~, then turning and running Southerly 490'±, then turning and running Westerly 1550'±, then turning and running Southeasterly 850'_____, then turning and running Westerly 100'±r then turning and running Southerly 185'±, then turning and running South- easterly 160'~-, then turning and running Southerly 265'.~, then taming and running Westerly 445'±, then turning and running Northwesterly 410'±, then turning and running Westerly 175'___~, then turning and rnnning Northwesterly 170'±, then turning and running Westerly 250'± to the Andover North Andover town line, then Northwesterly 150'+ along the town line, then turning and running Northerly 410'±, turn~ and running Northwesterly 460'± to the Andover North Andovex town line. Then turning and running in a Northerly direction 1200'± along the town line to the Andover By Pass. Then turning and running North 910'~- along the Andover By Pass, then turning and running Easterly 662'~, then turning and running Northerly 835'±, then turning and running Northeasterly 44'±, then turning and running Northwesterly 628'___, then turning and running Northeasterly 155'± along Hillside Road, then turning and running Southeasterly 190'±, then turning and running Northeasterly 125'±, then turning and running Southeasterly 200'±, then turning and running Northeasterly 75'___, then turning and running Southeasterly 100'±, then turning and running J.N~'ortheasterly 130'±, then turning and running Southeasterly 130'±, then turning and running Northeasterly 175'~- to Salem Turnpike, then turning and run- nlng Southeasterly 50'± a~'ng Salem Turnpike, then turning and run- ning Southwesterly 175'±, then turning and running Southeasterly 12~'±, then turning and running Southwesterly 125'~___, then turning and running Southeasterly 150'±, then turning and running no~J~east 300'~- to Salem Turnpike, then turning and running Southeasterly 100' alon~-Salem Turnpike, then turning and running Southerly 1450'-~, then turning and running Easterly 575'± to Salem Turn]p. ike, then ~-u~ning ' and running Southeasterly 600'± along Salem Turnpike to point of be- ginning. An area containing 176 acres more or less. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgeod and others. Ho recommendation. ARTICLE 80. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from Industrial use to General Business use, the following parcel of land: Property of Agnes & George Farkas, situated at 1615 O s go o d Street, North Andover, Mass. bounded and described as follows: No recommendation. 24 Westerly by Osgeod Street, one-hundred eighty-two (182.81) feet more or less; Northerly by land formerly of E.J. & B.F. Dudley, now Local 1365 C.W.A.-A.F.L.-C.I.O., three-hundred-fifty (350.92) feet more or ]ess; Easterly by ]and Coppola, ninety (90) feet more or less; South- erly by land formerly D & M.R Olenio, now by Chris Adams, Three- hundred-sixty-three (363.16) feet more or less. Petition of Non,nan E. Lentz and others. ARTICLE 81. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law so as to change from Rural l~esidential to Industrial use the following described parcel of real estate: The land on the easterly side of Osgood Street bounded and des- cribed as follows: Northerly by an easement for a water main held by the Town of North Andover and by land now or formerly of George R. Barker, eight hundred seventy (870) feet more or ]ess; Easterly by land now or formerly of Frank Paparella, nine hundred fifty-five (955) leer more or less; Southerly by land now or formerly of George R. Barker, Jr., two hundred thirty-five (235) feet more or less; Westerly by land now or formerly of George R. Barker, Jr., one hundred thirteen (113) feet more or less; Southerly again by land now or formerly of George R. Barker, Jr. and land now or formerly of Una G. Arlit, six hundred ninety-four (694) feet mm'e or less; and Westerly again by the presently existing Industrial Zone. Petition of Frank Paparella and others. No recommendation. ARTICLE 82. To see if the Town will vote to change from Rural Residence and Country Residence to General Business the following described parcel of land. The land in North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts, with the buildings thereon, shown on a Plan of Land in North Andover, Mass., as surveyed for Charles Donovan, dated October 23, 1957, drawn by Ralph B. Brasseur, C.E., recorded Essex N.D. Deeds and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe at the northeasterly corner ot' said pre- mises at the intersection of the southwesterly line of the Salem Turn- pike and the northwesterly line of Hillside Road and thence running South 34° 28' 50" West 467.79 feet by said Hillside Road to an iron pipe; Thence turning and running South 47° 26' 20" West 883.52 feet by said Hillside Road to an iron pipe in the northeasterly line of the An dover By-Pass; Thence turning and running North 8° 13' 20" West 620.13 feet by said Andover By-Pass to an iron pipe at land now or formerly of Dutch- land Farms Corp.; Thence turning and running North 43° 51' 10" East 465.56 feet by said land now or formerly of Dutchland Farms Corp. to an iron pipe in the southwesterly line of the said Salem Turnpike; and Thence turning and running South 45° 49' 50" East 437 feet by said Salem Turnpike to the point of beginning. Said premises are hereby conveyed subject to the highway taking recorded with the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book 826, Page 140. Petition of Emll J. Camuso and others. No recommendation. ARTICLE 83. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by inserting therin a new part known as clustm' zoning. 1. The Planning Board may approve for a parcel of land more than 7 (seven) acres, according to the regular procedure for the approval of subdivisions, lots which do not. conform specifically to the area, and frontage requirements of the standard Zoning By-Law provided that: A. The total number of lots does not exceed the nmnber of lots which would be obtained by using the standard Zoning By La;rs, and that in no case will any lot have less than 2/3 of the area required by the standard By-Law. B. The minimum street set back shall be 50' on culdesacs and 40' on all other lots. Rear and side offsets shall be a minimum of 20'. C. Street frontages of all lot~ on a culdesac may not be any less than 50' and no less than 75' at the set back fine. All other lots must have at least 2/3 of the frontage required by the standard Zoning By-Law and have a minimum of 100' at the set back line. All set back lines must be shown on the difini- tire plan. No recommendation, D. All areas designated as greenbelt areas or common land area shall be deeded to the Town Conservation Commission for conservation and recreation purposes. The Town will honor all utility easements (water, sewer, powers, phone, etc.) The owner of the development will have the right to trespass upon all green areas while earring on the functions of constructing the subdivision. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgood and others. ARTICLE 84. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $48,500 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 7, Schedules B, C and D, and Sections 8 and 9, by adding a 5% increase to ali rates in each compensation grade, effective January 1, 1969; and apply an additional 2t&% increase to said rates on July 1, 1969. Petition of the Personnel Board ARTICLE 85. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2520 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 7, Schedule A, Department Head and Supervisory Group, by adding an "asterisk" provision to compensation grade S-21 asmgned to class title Superintendent of Public Works designating: A personal rate of $15,000 per year payable only to Mr. William B. Duffy, Superin- tendent of Public Works. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 86. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law, Section 7, Schedule A, by adding class title "Water Station .Operator" to Department Head and Supervisory Group, and by assign- mg compensation grade S-8 to said class title. Petition of the Personnel Board. Article 87. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,300 for the purpose of amending its personnel By-Law, Section 12 - Longevity Increments, by adding $25. to each amount of increment set forth in paragraph (A). Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 88. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- pri.a, te the sum of $6500 for the purpose of amending its Personnel Law, Section 17 -- Vacation Leave, by inserting the following in place of the existing provisions of paragraphs A-3 and A-4: (~) An e employee who has completed ftve years of service shall be granted three weeks of vacation with pay. (4) An employee who has completed ten years of service shall be granted four weeks of vacation with pay. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 89. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Person- nel By-Law Section 18 -- Sick Leave, by changing the wording of paragraph (B) to read: (B) An employee' shall be credited with the unused portion of leave granted under sub-s~ction (4). Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 90. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the Sum of $275 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 7, Schedule A, by adding class title "Board of Health Secretary" to Clerical Group, and by assigning compensation grade S-6 to said class title. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 91. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law, Section 7, Schedule A, by adding class title "Assistant Super- visor of Pumping Stations" to De~)artment Head and Supervisory Group, and by assigning compensation grade S-9 to said class title. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 92. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1000 for the purp6se of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 7, Schedule E, by assigning $3500 per year compensation to class title "Building Inspector" in place of the existing $2500 per year. Petition of the Personnel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the artkle. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. 26 ARTICLE 93. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law, Section 7, Schedule E, by assigning $24.00 per day compensa- tion to class title "Reserve Patrolman" in pla~e of the existing rate of $21 per day. Petition of the Personnel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 94. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $700 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 7, Schedule Ei by assigning $1200 per year to class title "Fire Engineer and Deputy Chief" in place of the existing rate of $850 per year. Petition of the Personnel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 95. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate or take from available funds or frmn the stabilization fund the sum of $46,000 to be expended under the direction of the Assessors for a complete revaluation of real estate property in North Andover. Petition of the Assessors. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 96. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $25,137 to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purposes of G.L. ch.32B, s. 7A, if said statute shall have been accepted by the Town at the annual 1969 Town election. Petition of John J. Lanni and others. ARTICLE 97. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate for the use of Stevens Memorial Library the sum of $5,454 which the Town has received from the State under the provisions of Chapter 78, Section 19 A and which is now in an account entitled "State Aid for Libraries-- Reserved for Appropriation." Petition of the Trustees of the Stevens Memorial Library. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate for the purpose of this article such sums that have been re- ceived from the state. ARTICLE 98. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $7,500, to be expended under the direction of the Tree Warden for the purpose of purchasing a new Yz Ton Pick-Up Truck and a new two Ton Stake Body Dump Truck with necessary equipment for the Tree Department. A 1963 % Ton Pick-Up Truck and a 1963 two Ton S~ake Body Dump Truck to be turned in, in trade. Petition of the Tree Warden. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 99. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the stun of $750, to be expended under the direction of the ~.ol- lector of Taxes for the. purposes of purchasing a postage-meter mailing machine. Petition of the Collector of Taxes. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 100. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $12,918, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose ot~ +J~e appointment of three regular patrol- men, fully qualified, who have passed the Civil Service Physical and Mental 'examination all in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Petition of the Chief of Police. It is recommended that the Town vote to robe and appropriate the sum of $8,612. for the appointment of 2 patrolmen. ARTICLE 101. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5000, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purchase of two new 1969, 12 volt system cars with neccessary safety equipment. One 1967 car to be turned in trade, and all equipment to be changed over, such as police radios sirens and other similar accessories. Petition of the Chief of Police. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 102. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $14,000, to be expended under the direction of the Fire Engineers for the purpose of appointing three regular fire fighters who have passed the Civil Service physical and mental examinations, all in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Petition of the Fire Engineers. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 103. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2590, to be expended under the direction of the Fire Engineers for the purpose of use with the trade:in value of the pre- sent Chief's car te purchase a new car for the Chief's use. Petition of the Fire Engineers. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. 27 ARTICLE 104. To see if the Town will accept as a public wa~' that part of Mablin Avenue extending from Waverley Road to Jetwood Street. Petition of Carl W. Lindfore. ARTICLE 105. To see if the Town will vote to accept as a public way the way that is shown on the Plan of Land entitled "Plan of Hill- side Acres" owned by John-Andrew Company, Inc., dated June 20, 1966, Brasseur Associates, Engineers and recorded in the North Essex Regis- ~ry of Deeds as Plan No. 5516 which has been developed and completed in accordance with the Planning Board's Specifications all as required under the Provisions of the l%rth Andover Zoning Law pertaining to Residential Homes and all laid out and adjudicated by The Board og Selectmen and to name street so accepted Marian Drive. Plan on record with North Andover Planning Board. Petition of Charles P. Johnson and others. ARTICLE 106. To see if the Town will vote to establish Old Vil- lage Lane, Russett Lane, Morningside Lane, Woodcrest Drive, Meadow- view Road and Coachman's Lane, for a distance of 2100 feet, as Town ways, by accepting the Selectmen's laying-out of the same, as hereto- fore filed with the Town Clerk. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgood and others. ARTICLE 107. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1000, to be expended under the direction of the Con- servation Commission for the purpose of obtaining proper engineering maps needed and in connection with a proposed floodplain zoning by-law. Petition of the Conservation Commission. ARTICLE 108. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5000 or any other sam to be added to the 'Censerva- tion Fund" established by the vote of the Town upon Article 34 of the Warrant for the 1968 Annual Town Meeting. Petition of the Conservation Commission. ARTICLE 109. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General Ry-Laws by adding the follewing: When an Article submitted for a Town Meeting Warrant is con- sidered by Town Counsel to be illegal because of working, he shall, when practicable, attempt to submit an amendment to the Article which would make the same legal while accomplishing the basic intent of the petitioner. Petition of Norman E. Lents and others. ARTICLE 110. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding the following: "The Town Counsel shall pass on the legality of all Articles pro- perly submitted for any Town Warrant." Petition of Norman E. Lentz and others. ARTICLE 111. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding the following: "The Moderator shall not overrule the Town Counsel on determin- ing the legality of Articles and shall allow the Town Meeting to vote on all Articles of the Warrant declared legal by Town Counsel." Petition of Norman E. Lents and others. ARTICLE 112. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding the following: "When an article for any Town Warrant is considered by Town Counsel to be illegal because of its intent a brief reason for this deter- mination shall be written in the Town Warrant." Petition of Robert A. Banks and others. ARTICLE 113. To see if the Town will vote as follows: No funds appropriated for use by the Water Department or by any other department of the Town shall be used for the purpose of fluorid- ating the whole or any part of the public water supply, nor shall any funds be accepted from any source for the purpose of fluoridating the town water supply or any part thereof. Petition of Howard M. Thomson. No recommendation. No recommendation. No recommendation. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. it is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. No recommendation. No recommendation. No recommendation. No recommendation. No recommendation. 28 ARTICLE 114. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $450 to be expended under the direction of the Re- creational Council for the purpose of purchasing six (6) l~ucking Broncos (Spring Riders) to be installed at the playgrounds. Petition of the Recreational Council. ARTICLE 115, To see if the Town will Vo~e to raise and appro- priate ~he sum of $300 to be expended under the direction of the Recrea- tional Council for the purpose of purchasing Basketball Standards for the Playgrounds. Petition of the Recreational Council. ARTICLE 116. To see if the Town will vote to prohibit any per- son from owning or keeping, outside of the confines of his property, any dog which is not held firmly on a leash not exceeding six feet in length. Petition of Veronica Perkins and others. ARTICLE 117. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate sufficient funds for the salary of a dog officer, in conjunction with the passage of the North Andover Leash Law, for purposes of en- forcement. The dog officer is the enforcing officer of this By-Law, and he shall enter and prosecute a non-criminal complaint against owner or keeper of any dog if such owner or keeper violates the provisions of this By-Law or any part thereof. Petition of Anita D. Raymond and others. ARTICLE 118. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate, or transfer from the Overlay Reserve the sum of $ to the Reserve Fund. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 119. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate such sum as this meeting may determine, to the stabilization fund, as provided by Section 5B of Chapter 40 of the General Laws. Petition of the Assessors. ARTICLE 120. To see if the Town will vote to take the sum of from available funds to reduce the tax rate. Petition of the Assessors. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and at- tested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies to be post- ed not more than seven days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meet- lng. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 25th day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine. Arthur P. Kirk William A. Finneran William B. Duffy, Jr. Board of Selectmen. A true copy: Constable. North Andover, Massachusetts 1969 It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. II is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. No recommendation. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vole raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000. for the purpose of the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to transfer from available funds the sum of $ for the purpose of this article. 29 ATI'END TOWN MEETING DATE: TIME: PLACE: Saturday, March 15, 1969 1:30 P.M. Veterans Memorial Auditorium North Andover High School Please bring this copy o! Advisory Committee Report with you to Town Meeting. Advisory Committee Report Town of North Andover Massachusetts U. $. PC~TAGE PAID No. Andover, Mass. Permit No. 191 NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 1969 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS Advisory Committee, Report and Town Warrant REPORT OF THE ADWSORY COMMITTEE TOWN MEETING MARCH, 1969 FELLOW CITIZENS OF NORTH ANDOVER: On the following pages of this report you will find the recommendations of the Advisory Committee. If these recommendations are followed it would appear that the tax rate would increase approximately $8.00. This is based on an optimistic extimate of the State reimbursements to the Town. We should also bear in mind that additional Special Town Meetings during the remainder of the year could raise this figure substantially. A case in point is the anticipated expansion of facilities at the Regional Vocational School The favorable recommendations we have made include a Town Budget amounting to $3,907,397.00, which is an increase of about 10% over last year. This year we are asking the Town to raise and appropriate $269,628.00 through articles which is also a sizable increase. At one point in our deliberations of the Budget and articles the projected tax increase was over $13.00 which we felt to be unreasonable. This is where the task of your Advisory Committee becomes rather frustrating. We fully realize that some of the requests upon which we have acted unfavorably are meritorious. But in fairness to the tax payers these items must be weighed in relation to what the town can afford. It is our best judgement that the recommendations we have made represent a sound fiscaI policy for the town to follow. We hope that all citizens will exercise their right of free opinion on March 15, at the Town Meeting. Respectfully submitted, NORTH ANDOVER ADVISORY COMMITTEE John J. Burke, Chaixman Robert E. Mascola, Secretary Mrs. Daniel F. Cahill Donald W. Coan George F. FitzPatrick Richard A. Graham Atty. Merrill Rosenberg Cornelius J. Twomey Arti cl e No. 10 ll 12 15 16 17 18 20 23 24 25 26 27 3O 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 *Bonded YOUR TALLY SHEET FOR ARTICLES REQUESTING FUNDS (To raise and appropriate $30,000.00 means an increase of $1.00 on the tax rate.) Amount Description Fourth of July Celebration Christmas Lighting Town Charter Study Police Station Emergency Generator National Cash Register Material Traffic Lights - Sutton & Main Streets Fire Station Landtaking *Construction, Equipment; New Fire Station Paint Interior Town Office Building Rewiring Town Office Building Roof Town Garage Pay Increase Town Office Building Janitor Print 500 copies Town Laws *Replace Water Main on Johnson Street Turf Sweeper - Board of Public Works Equipment Board of Public Works Extensions of Water Main Systems Maintenance Water Services & Sewers Extension Water System Farnum Street Extend Water System Wood Lane Extend Sewer System Wood Lane Extend Sewer Poor Avenue Extend Water System Salem Street Extend Sewer System Osgood Street Extend West Side Sewer Requested $ 1,5oo 1,600 5,000 6,500 252 7,800 135,000 5,000 2,500 2,000 52O 500 120,000 1,700 9,000 2,000 1,O00 4,000 2,200 3,800 6,000 40,000 50,000 18,0DO Amount Recommended $ 1,500 8OO 1,000 6,500 252 0 10,000 4,050 5,000 2,500 1,200 520 50O 0 1,700 3,000 2,000 1,000 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 Voted Arti cl e No. 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 71 84 85 87 Description Extend Water System Autran Avenue Extend Sewer System Turnpike Street Extend Water System Abbott Street Extend Sewer System Martin Avenue Extend Sewer System Autran Avenue. Chapter 90 - Salem, Johnson~ Foster Streets Maintenance of Streets ~ Chapter 90 Nighway Equipment Replace Head Wall & Pipe Holt Road Cleaning Brooks Erection & Replacement of Guard Rails Overhaul Bulldozer Replace Catch Basins & Grates Repair of Streets Fence at Disposal Site Repair Old Stone Culverts Repair Concrete Sidewalks Street Signs Land Purchase Disposal Site Piping Brook at Disposal Site Drain Installation Chestnut Street Hot-top Barker Street Installation of Drains Mark Road Widen & Pave Farnum Street Repair Harwood Street Educational Consultant Plans & Surveys New High School Snow Removal on School Grounds Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Amount Amount Requested Recommended $ 3,500 $ o 28,000 0 2,700 0 1A,O00 0 14,000 0 11,500 11~500 2,000 2,000 79,000 9,300 5,000 0 5,000 2,000 10,000 1,O00 5,000 5,000 2,000 1,000 75,000 30,000 1,500 0 2,000 1,O00 5,000 0 500 400 13,800 13,800 16,000 5,000 7,250 7,250 ? 0 10,750 0 ? 0 ? 0 22,500 22,500 25,000 25,000 16,500 0 48,500 48,500 2,520 2,520 1,300 1,300 Voted Arti cl e No. 87 88 90 92 94 95 g6 98 gg 100 101 102 103 107 108 114 115 117 118 119 Description Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Amending Personnel By-Law Re-evaluation of Real Estate G. L. Chaper 328, S.7A Tree Department Pick-up Truck Postage-meter Mailing Machine 3 Additional Regular Patrolmen 2 New Police Cars 3 Additional Regular Firemen Fire Chief's Car Maps for Floodplain Zoning By-Law Conservation Fund Playground Equipment Playground Equipment Leash Law Expenses Reserve Fund Stabilization Fund Amount Amount Requested Recommended $ 1,300 $ 1,300 6,500 6,500 275 275 1,000 1,000 700 700 46,000 0 25,137 0 7,500 0 750 750 12,gl8 8,612 5,000 5,000 14,000 0 2,500 0 1,000 0 5,000 0 450 450 300 300 ? 0 8,DO0 8,000 0 $ 269,628 Voted TRANSFERS FROM RESERVE FUND DURING 1968 Approved by your Advisory Committee under Chapter 40, Section 6, of the General Laws Animal Inspector Salary Wiring Inspector Salary Gas Inspector Salary Captial Outlay Expenses Forest Fire Expenses Board of Health Expenses Accountant Expenses Accountant Expenses Election Expenses Garbage ~isposal Contract Election Expenses Police Wages Refuse Disposal Expenses Tax Collector Wages 75.00 250.00 lO0.O0 16.13 800.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 72.00 1,250.00 200.00 1,800.00 112.81 Tax Collector Expenses Board of Appeals Expenses Building InspectOr Expenses Advisory Committee Expenses Refuse Disposal Expenses Veterans Benefits Cash Grants Balance of Account returned to Treasury Amount of original appropriation TOWN WARRANT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS $ 388.00 150.00 75.00 5.81 500.00 gBo.o0 $ 7,944.75 55.25 $ 8,000.00 ESSEX SS: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are quali$ied to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the Bradst~eet School Auditorium in Precinct One, St. Michael's School Auditor- ium in Precinct Two, the Thomson School Auditorium in Precinct Three and the Kittredge School Aud- itorium in Precinct Four, all in said North Andover on Monday, the Third Day of March 1969 at 7 o'clock A.M., and there to Act on the following Article: ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator and Town Treasurer for one year, one Selectman, one Member of the Board of Assessors, one Me~lber of the Board of Health, one Member of the Board of Public Works, one Member of the Greater Lawrence Region- al Vocational Technical High School Committee and two Mem- bers of the School Co~nittse for three years, one Member of the Planning Board for five years, and one Member of the Planning Board for u~-expired four year term, and one Mem- ber of the Housing Authority for five years. And to vote upon the following question: "Shall the Town, in addition to the payment of fifty per cent of a premium for contributory group life and health insurance for employees in the service of the Town and their dependents, pay a subsidiary or additional rate?" YES NO All to be voted upon one ballot. The polls shall be open at 7:00 A.M., and shall be closed at 7:00 P.M. After final action on the preceeding Article 1, said meeting shall stand adjourned by virtue of Section 4, Article 1 of the Town By-Laws to Saturday March 15, 1969 at one-thirty P.M., i~ t~u~ Veteran's Auditorium of our North Andover High School, then and there to act on the follow- ing articles: ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by ballot. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the re- port of receipts and expenditures as presented by the Se- lectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town refer to the Selectmen the ap- pointment of Town officers not required by law or By-Law to be otherwise chosen~ It is recommended the report be accepted. ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and Compensation of all elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section 108 of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to fix the following annual salaries of the elected officers of the Town effective from Janu- ary 1, 1969: Board of Selectmen and Licensing Commission - each per annum Board of Assessors - each per annum Board of Health - ~ach per annum Board of Public Works - each per annum Town Treasurer - per annum Tax Collector - per annum Tree Warden - per annum Highway Surveyor - per annum Moderator - per annum $ 2,000.00 2,500.00 400.00 400.00 9,700.00 2,900.00 1,500.00 11,400.00 50.00 ARTICLE 5. TO see what action the Town will take as to its unexpended appropriations. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to carry forward to fiscal 1969, the following articles and appropriations: Article 27, 1968 Article 1, 1968 Article 2, 1968 Article 10, 1968 Article 38, 1963. Police Expenses - Article 1, 1967 Article 1, 1968 Article 1, 1963 Article 62, 1964 MBTA - Rail Service MBTA - Rail Service MBTA - Bus Service Planning Board Consultant Town Garage - Yard Survey Radio Equipment Service New Police Station Complete & Equip Police Station New Ladder Truck Town Fire Fighter Accident Article 66, 67, 68, 1966 Sewer Extension Article 72, 1966 West Side Sewer Article 39, 1968 Sewer Construction - Autran Avenue Article 41, 1968 Complete West Side Sewer Article 47, 1968 Extend Sewer Article 51, 1967 Highway - Sidewalks Article 61, 1967 Chapder 90 - Salem Street Article 3, 1967 Highway Equipment Article 67, 1968 Chapter 90 - Salem Street Article 69, 1968 Street Signs Article 78, 1968 Hot Top Sidewalks Article 84, 1968 Permanent Pavement Excavations Elmcrest Estates Trust Settlement U. S. Old Age Assistance (Administration) U. S. Aid to Dependent Children (Administration) U. S. Disability Assistance (Administration) U.'S. Medical Assistance Grants U. S. Medical Assistance (Administration) School Department Expenses School P. L. 864 School P. L. 874 School P. L. 88-210 school P. L. 89-10 (Title I) School P. L. 89-10 (Title VI-A) Article 19, 1967 Franklin School Article 18, 1968 Addition Atkinson School Article 19, 1968 Updating S~rvey of Schools North Andover School Lunch North Andover Athletic Association State Aid for Libraries - Reserved for Appropriation Playgrounds Expenses (K. BaiIey) Parks & School Grounds Expenses (K. Bailey) Land Damage Claims $ 233.58 500.00 5,740.35 2,500.00 122.78 375.00 169.97 62,428.23 26.50 2,445.86 2,442.39 1,946.78 1,719.69 2,488.35 5,327.38 2,500.00 38,764.84 2,673.00 40,000.00 109.60 8,000.00 3,447.76 500.00 14.28 22.27 131.00 2,501.85 1,013.17 886.65 13,208.88 20,025.31 60.99 i24.55 863.27 57,009.65 7,500.00 1,110.00 10,039.92 4,926.02 2,727.00 300.00 345.00 4,686.60 Water Maintenance & Construction Expenses (E. A. Pomerleau) Article 68, 1967 Renew Water Services Article 70, 1967 Develop Well Field Article 7, 1967 12" Water Main Article 40, 1968 Water Main Article 42, 55, 1968 Extend Water System Article 43, 1968 Water Services Article 44, 1968 Water Extensions Article 53, 1968 Extend Water System - Salem Street ARTICLE 6. To see what action the Town will take as to the budget reco~m%endations of the Advisory Committee. Item No. $ 650.00 1,110.46 187,558.33 11,370.31 250.19 9,722.90 2,000.00 1,000.00 2,298.91 $527,919.57 Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that such num- bered items of the proposed bud- get as may be questioned by any voter be separately considered. RECOMMENDED BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS - 1969 GENERAL GOVERNMENT & STAFF AGENCIES EXPENDED 1967 1968 1969 Dept. Adv. Comm. Request Recommend Selectmen Salaries Expenses and Wages 8,253 $ 9,575 2,801 2,960 $ 11,637 $ 11,637 3,252 3,252 Treasurer Salaries and Wages Expenses Accountant Salaries and Wages Expenses Tax Collector Salaries and Wages Expenses Town Clerk Salaries and Wages Expenses 13,720 14,320 2,997 3,963 13,666 14,968 1,484 3,402 7,648 7,733 3,714 4,820 6,100 6,800 752 813 15,837 15,537 5,964 5,964 14,968 14,968 6,040 6,040 8,291 8,291 4,925 4,925 7,500 7,500 1,935 1,935 9 10 11 Assessors Salaries and Wages Expenses Election and Registrars Salaries and Wages Expenses Town Counsel ;Lnnual Retainer Expenses Moderator Salary Advisory Committee Expenses Capital Outlay Committee Expenses 16,470 18,389 5,957 5,963 1,400 1,400 6,158 10,986 2,500 4,000 1,040 1,040 50 50 122 160 313 366 18,389 18,389 6,586 6,586 1,400 1,400 6,738 6,738 4,000 4,000 1,040 1,040 50 50 150 150 450 450 Item No. EXPENDED 1967 1968 GENERAL GOVERNMENT & STAFF AGENCIES (CONTINUED) 12 Planning Board Salaries and Wages $ 731 $ 994 Expenses 956 164 13 Board of Appeals (Zoning) Salaries and Wages 801 1,089 Expenses 197 192 14 Personnel Board Salaries and Wages 952 1,053 Expenses 89 186 15 Town Building Salaries and Wages 2,080 2,080 Expenses 5,972 5,942 16 Annual Town Meeting Expenses 3,505 3,019 TOTAL - GENERAL GOVERNMENT & STAFF AGENCIES $104,058 $126,427 1969 Dept. Adv. Conml. Request Recommend $ 1,000 $ 1,000 500 200 1,000 1,000 500 200 1,200 1,200 250 25O 2,080 2,080 6,400 6,400 3,795 3,795 $135,877 $134,977 PUBLIC SAFETY 17 Police Department (Includes school Crossing Guards) Salaries and Wages Expenses 18 Fire Department (Includes Forest Fir~s & Forest Fire Warden) Salaries and Wages Expenses 19 Dog Officer Salary Expenses 20 Civil Defense Salary Expenses 21 Building Inspector Salary Expenses 22 Wiring Inspector Salary Expenses 23 Gas Inspector Salary Expenses 24 Sealer of Weights & Measures Salary Expenses TOTAL - PUBLIC SAFETY $178,649 $189,604 16,091 18,470 177,874 199,652 10,941 9,843 400 400 683 697 900 900 3,430 3,513 3,229 3,480 394 448 1,200 1,450 396 398 500 600 97 56 900 900 153 185 $400,376 $430,596 $195,142 $195,142 21,731 21,731 220,307 220,307 11,630 11,630 450 450 747 747 900 900 3,600 3,600 3,500 3,500 600 600 1,750 1,750 400 400 600 600 100 100 900 900 250 250 $462,607 $462,607 Item 25 26 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SANITATION Board of Health Salaries and Wages Expenses Greater Lawrence Sanitary District 27 Animal Inspector Salary 28 Garbage Disposal Contract TOTAL - PUBLIC HEALTH AND SANITATION PUBLIC WORKS 29 Board of Public Works Salaries 3O Sewer Maintenance & Construction salaries and Wages Expenses 31 Water Maintenance & Construction Salaries and Wages Expenses 32 Parks and School Grounds Salaries and Wages Expenses 33 Tree Department salaries and Wages Expenses 34 Dutch Elm Disease Labor Wages Expenses 35 Insect Pest Control Salary and Wages Expenses 36 Street Lighting Expenses 37 Streets - General Maintenance Salaries and Wages Expenses 38 Snow Removal Expenses 39 Refuse Disposal Salaries and Wages Expenses TOTAL - PUBLIC WORKS EXPENDED 1967 1968 $ 13,336 $ 10,677 3,505 6,191 325 400 14,081 15,951 $ 31,247 $ 33,219 $ 900 $ 900 18,320 19,964 10,943 12,000 67,419 70,722 51,043 50,985 15,232 17,872 6,115 6,991 21,108 22,741 5,613 5,586 7,192 7,261 1,600 t,599 11,641 11,682 2,685 3,182 50,503 52,366 79,588 91,048 39,837 49,908 64,530 54,549 44,481 56,471 6,784 9,800 $500,281 $545,627 9 1969 Dept. Adv. CoM. Request Reco~mend $ 11,332 $ 11,032 6,910 6,910 2,066 2,066 400 400 17,599 17,599 $ 38,307 $ 38,007 $ 1,500 $ 1,200 22,000 22,000 13,000 13,000 77,000 77,000 53,000 53,000 19,500 19,500 8,000 8,000 22,790 22,790 6,915 6,915 7,269 7,269 1,600 1,600 12,540 12,540 3,185 3,185 56,269 54,500 97,500 96,400 65,000 55,000 90,000 90,000 60,800 60,000 15,000 10,000 $632,068 $613,899 Ite~ No. WELFARE 40 *Board of Public Welfare Salaries 41 *Welfare Administration Salaries and Expenses Reimbursements Net Cost to Town Amount to be raised 42 *Welfare Grants Total Spent Reimbursements Net Cost to Town Amount to be raised 43 Veterans Benefits Salaries Expenses Cash Grants 44 Graves Registration Salaries Expenses TOTAL - WELFARE EXPENDED 1967 1968 $ 1,133 26,915 18,814 8,100 136,100 128,000 8,100 3,170 $ 3,170 159 239 25,768 30,278 1969 Dept. Adv. Com. Request Recomznend $ 3,170 $ 3,170 285 285 36,600 36,600 100 124 175 175 320 374 325 325 $ 46,850 $ 34,185 $ 40,555 $ 40,555 SCHOOLS 45 School Department Salaries and Wages Less reimbursement special funds (P.L. 864 and 874) Net Salaries and Wages to be appropriated Expenses Less reimbursement special funds (P.L. 864 and 874) Net Expenses to be appropriated 46 Regional Vocational School Allocation of cost to N. Andover TOTAL - SCHOOLS $1,051,010 $1,266,393 228,414 261,144 58,647 70,360 $1,279,424 $1,597,897 $1,545,177 $1,529,577 25,000 25,000 1,520,177 1,504,577 293,565 281,565 13,000 13,000 280,~65 26'8,565 68,519 68,519 $1,869,261 $1,841,661 LIBRARY 47 Stereo's Mer0~rial Library Salaries and Wages Expenses TOTAL -LIBRARY $ 39,241 $ 42,189 10,196 12,097 $ 49,437 $ 54,286 $ 45,746 $ 45,746 13,527 13,527 $ 59,273 $ 59,273 *Responsibility for Welfare has been assumed by the State. ]0 Item NO. RECREATION 48 Playgrounds & Bathing Beaches Salaries and Wages Expenses 49 Recreational Council Salaries and Wages Expenses TOTAL - RECREATION EMPLOYEE'S BENEFITS 50 Group Insurance 51 Essex County Retirement Pensions TOTAL - EMPLOYEE'S BENEFITS 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 UNCLASSIFIED Contingent Fund Rental of Veterans Headquarters Patriotic & Civic Celebrations Insurance Industrial Commission Expenses Land Damage Claims Ira CartyPension Out of State Travel (Not including School) Conservation Commission Expenses Senior Citizens' Council TOTAL UNCLASSIFIED 62 63 64 65 66 67 DEBT REDEMPTION Highway Equipment School Bonds Welfare Bond Water Main Notes & Bonds Sewer Notes & Bonds Fire Equipment Notes EXPENDED 1967 1968 $ 13,366 $ 15,207 4,700 5,000 4,215 4,990 2,709 2,498 $ 24,990 $ 27,695 $ 38,955 $ 41,570 91,474 83,777 $130,429 $125,347 $ 3,507 $ 3,500 1,200 1,200 886 1,066 33,484 51,775 15 23 263 750 2,500 2,500 674 864 57 86 $ 42,586 $ 61,764 $ -- $ 15,000 160,000 200,000 35,000 46,000 77,500 35,000 35,000 5,000 5,000 1969 Dept. Adv. Com~n. ReQuest Recommend $ 17,000 $ 17,000 6,500 6,000 5,140 5,140 3,000 3,000 $ 31,640 $ 31,140 $ 50,273 $ 50,273 92,243 92,243 $142,516 $142,516 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 1,200 1,200 1,100 1,100 58,430 58,430 200 200 1,000 1,000 2,500 2,500 1,850 1,000 500 100 25O 250 $ 70,530 $ 69,280 $ 10,000 $ 10,000 200,000 200,000 0 0 82,000 82,000 32,000 32,000 ]] Item No. 68 Police Station TOTAL - DEBT REDEMPTION 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 INTEREST ON DEBTS Highway Equipment School Bonds Welfare Bond Water Main Notes & Bonds Sewer Notes & Bonds Fire Equipment Notes Short Term Borrowing Police Station TOTAL - INTEREST ON DEBTS 1969 EXPENDED Dept. Adv. Co~. 1967 1968 Request Reco~end $ --- $ --- $ 10,000 $ 10,000 $246,000 $367,500 $334,000 $334,000 $ $ 1,606 $ 1,168 $ 1,168 51,500 78,920 72,590 72,590 --- 1,033 0 0 6,996 20,853 21,035 21,035 11,595 11,278 10,906 10,906 230 115 0 0 11,570 18,558 30,000 30,000 --- 2,188 3,783 3,783 $ 93,871 $134,551 $139,482 $139,482 GRAND TOTAL $2,949,445 $3,539,094 $3,956,116 $3,907,397 ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selechuen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial years begin- ning January 1, 1969 and January 1, 1970, in accordance with the provi- sions of General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 4, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year, in accordance with the provision of General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 17. Petition of the Selectmen. AR~TICLE 8. To consider the reports of all Special Committees. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of i~s members to the position of Board of Health Physician and to fix his compensation, as such, as provided by Section 4A of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of the Board of Health. ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will Vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1,500, to be used for a Town 4th of July Cel. ebr~ation, any and all profits made at said celebration to be returned to me 'z'own, said appropriation to be expended by a committee of nine members to be appointed by the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 11..To see if thc Town will vote to raise and ap!0ro- l~riate the sum of $1,600, to be expended under the direction of the electmen for the purpose of providing decorative lighting during the Christmas Season. Petition of the Se[ec~0aen at the request of John J. McLay. ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priat a sum of money sufficient for the puz~pose of this Artlcle, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for organizational, con- suitant, and other necessary expenses by a Town Charter Study Com- mittee; said committee, not to exceed seven in number, is to. be pointed by the Selectmen and shall contain at least two members who are either Town department heads or full time employees of the. Town[ the committee is to make a study of the need, if any, for improving .and. up~ dating the Town Government of North Andover, including out no lin~ited to the need, if any, for the creation of an executive secreta..tr~. position within the Town Government, and the need if gny for enac - ~fig a Town Charter; and said committee is to report to the Selectmen within one month of its formation an outline of the study it proposes to undertake, and the committee ~shall within five months thereafter, or such other period of time as may be fixed by the Selectmen, submit a detailed first report or reports with recommendations to the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 12A of Article IV of its General By-Laws to read as follows: Section 12A: There is hereby established an unpaid Town Capital Outlay Committee consisting of five members, including the Town Accountant, one member of the Planning Board to be designated each year by the Planning Board, and three members at large appointed by the Selectmen, each for a term of three years. This Conunittee shall present to each Annual Town Meeting, for its action, a proposed capital budget program for the Town. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 14. To see if The Town will pass a resolution calling for the creation of a Route 114 Study Committee, said committee to con- sist of three members to be appointed by the Board of Selectmen and two members to be appointed by the Planning Board, with no member of either Board serving on the committee: and luther, directing said cam- mittee to report to Board of Selectmen and Planning Board ..within s~ months of the formation of the committee with recommenaa~ions as land use, and with status reports on proposed utility development and traffic control on said Route 114, with particular emphasis to be given to developing a comprehensive plan for dealing with the impact of both the new missile installs%ion and Route zt95 on the area. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the reports of all special Committees be heard. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. it is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $800 for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000. for the purpose of this article. No recommendation. No recommendation. 13 ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $6,500 to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of purchasing an emergency electric power generator for the new Police Station. Petition of the Selectmen upon recommendation of the Chief. ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $251.60 to pay for material and equipment purchased from the National Cash Register Company. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appre- priate the sum of $7,800, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of installing traffic lights at the interscetion of Sutton and Main Streets. Petit/on of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate such sum of money as it may determine to be the necessary cost of acquiring for the Town, by purchase, eminent domain proceedings or otherwise, one of the three parcels of land described below for the construction thereon of a new fire station, and to authorize and direct the Selectmen in the ua,me and behalf of the Town, to take such steps as they may deem necessary or advisable to effect such acquisition: Parcel 1: Land at the junction of Salem and Johnson Streets. Parcel 2: Land at the junction of Marbleridge Road and Salem Street. Parcel 3: Land at the junction of Marbleridge Road and Dale Street. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 19. In the event of the adoption of the preceding Article, to see if the Town will vote to discontinue all public ways and private ways lying within the parcel of land in question. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 20, To see if the Town will vote to raise and appre- priato a sum of money sufficient for the purpose of constructing, equip- ping and furnishing a new ~re station, and of landscaping, grad/rig and finishing its grounds. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 21. In the event of the adoption of the preceding Article, ,to see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen, or such other Cotmmittee as they may vote to establish, to act in its name and behalf in all matters having to do with the expenditure of the funds provided under said Art/cie, including the execution of all contracts per- taining to the new fire station and grounds. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town w/Il vote to amend its Zon/ng By-Law by inserting, after Section 4.07 thereof, the following new sec- tion: Section 4.08: Notwithstanding any centrary provision of this By-Law the buildings, facilitie~ and grounds of a municipal fire station may be maintained upon any parcel of land acquired by the Town for such purposes. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appre- priate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of panelling walls in hallways and in the stairwells, painting ceilings in hallways and in the stairwells, washing ail woodwork and painting with two coats, washing,all doors and apply- ing one coat of Polyurithane, clean and paint bamsters in both of the stairwells, and to install all new lighting fixtures in the hallways and stairwells of the Town Office Building. Petition of the Town Clerk, Custodian of Town Buildings. 14 It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000. for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate $135,000. for the purpose of the article and that this appro- priation be met by a proper municipal bor- rowing. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. No recommendation. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 24. To See if' the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,500, to be exp. ended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of removing present 100 amp underground electrical service from present location and-replace with a 400 amp three phase four wire piped to a new forty circuit pane] on present ser- vice board in passageway of Town Office Building, as the present sys- tern is proving inadequate and not sufficient power for building and town yards. Petition of the Town Clerk. ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,000 to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of new roof (tar & gravel) for Town garages also including the repairing of edges of roof of same. Petition of the Town Clerk. ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $520, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purpose of giving a salary increase to the part-time Town Office Building janitor. Petition of the Town Clerk. ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the su~n of $500, to be expended under the direction of the electmen for the purpose of printing in hook form approximately 500 copies of all Town By-Laws and other pertinent Laws, Rules & Regula- tions (to date) approximately forty-five pages, and to authorize the selling of same for one-dollar per copy, with same reverting into Town Treasury. Petition of the Town Clerk. ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to accept from the R~& S Construction Company, or its nominee, the sum of $19,500, to be expended by the Board of Public Works, for the purpose of extending the sewer system in Ipswich Street from Cotuit Street to the Village Green Apartment House Property.· · . ks Petition of the Board of Pumic wot . ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the exten- sion of the sewer system on Turnpike Street from ~22 Turnpike Street a distance of 1750 feet to the south entrance to the Royal Crest Estates Apartment under the direction of the Board of Public Works, the total cost of the project to be without expense to the town. Petition of the Beard of Public Works. ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appre- priate the sum of $120,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of replacing the old 6 inch water main on Johnson Street from the Reservoir right of way to i~Iill Road with 12 inch cement lined cast iron pipe before Johnson Street is recon- structed. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 31. To see it the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1,700, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of purchasing a Turf-Sweeper for the Parks, Playgrounds and School Grounds. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $9,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of Purchasing trucks to replace a 1961 platform Ford truck, a 1962 Dodge pick-up truck and a 1963 Chevrolet pick-up truck. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of making such extensions of the water main system, subject to the standard regulations of said Board, on or before October 1, 1969 may consider most necessary, such extensions not having been petitioned for at this meeting. Petition of the Board of Public Works. 15 It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of .$1,200. for the purpose of this article, provided that new roof shall not be constructed of tar and gravel It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article and that the appropria- tion called for be met by a proper munici- pal borrowing. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,000 for the purchase of a pick-up truck, a 1962 Dodge pick-up truck to be traded. It is recommen~led that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of renewing water services to the property lines, placing gate valves on hydrant branches and raising manhole frames and covers on streets that are being reconstructed. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $8,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system on Farnum Street frozen the present terminous of the new 8 ~nch water main to Raleigh Tavern Lane (South) and to accept from Benjamin C. Osgood of North Andover fifty per cent of the cost of the project. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgood and others. ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,200, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Publte Works for the purpose of extending the water system in Gr~at Oak Street 225 feet from Wood Lane. Petition of Edward M. McAloon and others. ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $3,800, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Great Oak Street 225 feet from Wood Lane. Petition of Edward M. McAloon and others. ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $6,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Poor Avenue from Sutton Street. Petition of Harold E. Smith and others. ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $40,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system on Salem Street from its present terminous a distance of about 2800 feet up to, but not including land of Lynch. Petition of George H. Fart and others. ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $50,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Osgood Street from Phillips Brooks Road to Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of John W. Belyea and others. ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $18,000, to be expended nuder the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the West Side Sewer in an easement from the regr of 209 Turnpike Street to Andover Street and Southerly on Andover Street. Petition of Arthur F. O'Connor and others. ARTICLE 42. To sec if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $3,500, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system 450 feet westerly on Autran Avenue from the p resent terminous. Petition of Milo J. Owen and others. ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $28,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Turn- pike Street from the south entrance to the Royal Crest Apartments to the Advance Reproductions Building on Turnpike Street. Petition of Charles S. Nig-relli and others. ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,700, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the water system 270 feet easterly on Abbott Street from Marbleridge Road. Petition of Richard A. Dufresne and others. 16 It is recommended that the Town vote ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,000. for the purpose of the article and to ac- cept a similar sum from Benjamin C. good for said purpose. It is recommended that the Town vote lo REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $14,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Martin Avenue frcea the existing manhole easterly to Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of Vincenzina Ferrara and others. ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1~,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer system on Autran Avenue from Wood Lane to Unity Avenue. Petition of Milo J. Owen and others. ARTICLE 47. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $9,016.10, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for highway projects having the approval of the State Department of Public Works, from the sum of $18,016.10 Appor- tioned to the Town by said Department under Section 5 of Chapter 616 of the Act~ of 1967, expenditures therefrom to be made under the direc- tion of the Highway Surveyor, with the prior approval of the Select- Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $11,500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of meeting the Town's share of the costs of Chapter 90 highway construction of Salem Street, Johnson St. and Foster St. and to transfer $24,500.00 from unappropriated available funds to meet the State and County shares of such costs, the reimburse- ment from the State and County to be restored upon their receipt to un- appropriated available funds in the town treasury. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will vote te raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of Maintaining any street in the Town, under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, and, in addition, to trans- fer $1,000, unappropriated available funds, to meet the State's share ef the cost of such work, the reimbursement from the State to be restored, upon receipt, unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $79,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of purchasing the following equip- ment: One Road Grader, a Grader to be traded $29,000. One Dump Truck GVW 30,000 lbs., a 1962 Model 850 Ford to be traded $11,000. One Road Roller, a 2 wheel Buffalo-Springfield Roller to be traded $10,000. One Chassis and Sand Spreader, a 1954 Mack to be traded $9,300. One Refuse Disposal Truck, a 1958 Refuse Truck to be traded $15,000. One Rodding Machine 4,700. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of replacing Head Wall and Pipe on outlet end of culvert ~vhich has been undermined on Holt Road. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of cleaning brooks in order to keep water flowing in order to prevent flooding. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $10,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of erecting and replacing g u a r d rails throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of overhauling Bulldozer as it is customary to rebuild the undercarriage of this type of machine once every two years. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $9,300. for the purchase of one chassis and sand spreader, a 1959 Mack to be traded. It is also recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate Ihe sum $29,000 for the purchase of one Road Grader, a Grader to be traded and that this appro- priation be met by a proper municipal bor- rowing. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000. for the purpose of the a~tlcie. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriale the sum of $1,000. for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. 17 ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the stun of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of replacing existing catch basin frames and grates which are smaller than standard size. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $75,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose ofresurfacing, oiling, repairing and maintenance of any street. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appre- priate the sum of $1,500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing chain-link fence to en- close areas of disposal site where needed. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of repairing old stone culverts. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro~ priate the sum of $5,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of repairing concrete sidewalks. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appre- priate the sum of $500, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of making and placing street signs. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the stun of $13,800, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor and the Selectmen for the purpose of purchasing 9.2 acres of land adjacent, to the present Disposal Site area in order to expand the same. Petition of the Selectmen, Board of Health and Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $16,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of piping brook so that land may be used for the Disposal Site. Petition of the Selectmen, Board of Health and Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appre- priate the sum of $7,250, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyorfor the purpose of installing a combination Surface Drain and Side Drain on Chestnut Street, starting at Turnpike Street and running 500 feet towards Marian Drive. Petition of Edward W. Phelan and others. ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will Vote to raise and appro- priate a sufficient su:.n of money, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of hot-topping Barker Street from the intersection of Osgood Street to Bradford Street. Petition of Richard Bell and others. ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appre- priate the sum of $10,750, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing a combination Surface Drain and Side Drain on Mark Road, North Andover. Petition of Vincent E. Savukinas and others. ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate a sufficient sum of money to widen and pave Farnum Street from the corner of Summer, a distance of approximately 3600 feet to Brook Street. Petition of Ralph D. Powell and others. 18 It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000. for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000. for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise,and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for the purpose of this article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $400. for the purpose of the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000 for the purpose of the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate a sufficient sum of money to repair Harwood Street from its intersection with Mabliu Avenue to the end of the stree. Petition of Joan E. Koebrick and others. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $22,500 and to transfer from the unexpended balance of Article 18 of the 1968 Town Meeting, (Atkinson Addition) the sum of $7,500 tO be expended under the direction of the School Building Committee for educational consulting services in connection with the selection of a site and the planning of a new 1500-1600 pupil high school building in order to insure that the layout and construction will provide adequately for the educational and community needs at the lowest cost to the Town. Petition of the School Committee and the School Building Committee. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of $25,000 to be expended under the direction of the School Build- ing Committee for preliminary plans, specifications, topographic sur- veys, borings, estimates of costs and such other data as the said commit- tee may deem necessary in order that it may properly advise the Tov~ concerning the construction and maintenance of a new 1500-1600 pupil high school building and grounds. Petition of the School Committee and the School Building Conmmitee It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will authorize the School B~{ild- lng Committee to enter into any and all contracts necessary for the put- pose of carrying out the votes passed in the preceding two articles rela- tire to consulting services and preliminary plans and specifications for a new high school. Petition of the School Committee and the School Building Committee It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $16~500 to remove snow and ice from and otherwise maintain in safe and usable condition (including sanding) the grounds of the several public school houses, including the driveways and parking areas existing thereon, and to direct which department shall expend the same and be responsible for the said snow removal and sanding. Petition of the School Committee. ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from Village Residential and/or Industrial to Gen- eral Business the following described parcels of land or any portions thereof: First Parcel: Starting at a point on Chickering Road at land now or formerly of Haffner Realty Trust thence running in a westerly direction by land of Haffner Realty Trust 190.84 feet to a point thence turning and running in a northerly direction by land now or formerly of Lynch & Willis, 249.13 feet to a point; thence turning and running in an easterly direction by land now or formerly of Polizotti 41.52 feet to a point; thence turning and running still by land of Poli- zotti, in g northwesterly direction 120 feet to a point on the southerly boundary of Davis Street; thence turning and running in an easterly direction by the southerly boundary of Davis Street, 422.53 feet to a point on the westerly boundary of East Water Street; thence turning and running in a southerly direction by the westerly boundary of East Water Street, 105.61 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of Chi- kerlng Road; thence turning and running in a~southwesterly direction by the northerly boundary of Chickerlng Road, 347.99 feet to the point of beginning. Second Parcel: Starting at a point on-the easterly bound- ary of East Water Street in a northerly direction 686.99 feet to a point at land now or formerly of the Douglas Development Company, Inc.; thence turning and running in two courses in a northeasterly direction by land of the Douglas Development Compan. y, Inc., 50 feet and 215.75 feet to a point; thence turning and running ~n a northerly direction in two courses 189.06 feet and 249 feet to a point at land now or formerly of the Davis & Furber Machine Co.; thence turning and running in a northeasterly direction by land of Davis & Furber Machine Co., 155.58 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a southerly direction by land now or formerly of Walker Realty Association in two courses, 306.38 feet end 603.88 feet to a point on the northerly boundary of Chickerlng Road; tbence turning and running in a southwesterly direc- tion by the northerly boundary of Chickering Road,.601.43 feet to the point of beginning. Petition of John J. Willis and others. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. No recommendation, 19 ARTICLE 73. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from Rural Residential to General Business the following described parcel of land: Beginning at a stone bound on the southeasterly side of Osgoed Street at the termination of the existing General Business Zone thence running northeasterly by said Osgood Street 105.8 feet ~o a stone bound at the intersection of Osgood and Stanleyville Avenue, a proposed street shown on a plan owned by Stefanowicz, North Andover, Massachusetts, Charles E. Cyr, C. E., dated April, 1947; thence turning and running by said Stanleyville Avenue, 330 feet to a point; thence turning and running southerly 382 feet to a point on the northerly side of Great Pond Road; thence turning and running westerly by said Great Pond Road, 213 feet to a point; thence turning and running northeasterly by the existing General Business Zone, 316 feet, more or less to a point thence turning and running in a northwesterly direction, 203.36 feet to the point of beginning. Petition of John J. Wills and others. No recommendation. ARTICLE 74. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 3.1 of its Zoning By-Law by adding thereto - "Multi Dwelling Districts", and by adding to said By-Law the following sections. Section 3.9 MULTI DWELLING DISTRICTS Section 3.91 (1) A certain parcel of land situated on the Northerly side of the Salem Turnpike in said~North Andover, and being approximately seventy-four (74) acres of the Southwesterly portion of the Third parcel described in Land Court Decree dated August 8, 1951, recorded with North Essex Registry of Deeds on August 9, 1951, con- firming the title of the Grantors to certain lands in said North Andover, in Land Court Case No. 22768, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point on the Northerly side of the Salem Turnpike at the end of a stone wall at land of William Dawson; thence the line runs northwesterly by the northeasterly side of said Turnpike,eighteen hundred eighty-two and 23/100 (1882.23) feet to a corner of a wall at land of Gardner R. Humphreys et al; thence the line runs Northerly by 'said Humphreys land, by land of one Valcou~t and land of one Theriault as the stone wall stands, five hundred eighty-seven and 64/100 (587.64) feet to a corner at land of Charles Melamed et al; thence the line runs Northerly as the stone wall stands by said Melamed land and by land of one Arthur Frechette a distance of nineteen hundred twelve (1912) feet to the Westerly corner of Lot numbered two (2) described in said confirmation decree; thence the line turns and runs Southeaster- ly by said Lot numbered two (2), seven hundred ninety-seven and 05/100 (797.05) feet to a corner of a wall at land of John B. Harriman and continues Southeasterly by said wall by said Harriman land four hundred sixteen and 64/100 (416.64) feet to a corner in said wall at the Southerly corner of said Harriman land; thence the line runs in a straight line in about the same course a distance of about eighteen hun- dred forty (1840) feet to the stone wall along said Dawson's boundary line at a point which is three hundred (300) feet Southwesterly from Hillside Road, as measured along said Dawson wall; thence the llne turns and runs Southwesterly by said Dawson wall to the Turnpike at the point of beginning. (2) R & S Land o~ Chickerlng Road. (3) Three parcels of [and owned by Walker Realty Trust situated in North Andover and bounded and described as follows: PARCEL NO. 1. A certain parcel of land as shown on Plan No. 4442 and recorded in the North Essex l~egistry of Deeds more particularly bounded and described as follows: Easterly by a wall at land of New England Industries, Inc. as shown on said plan, six hundred and 15/100 (600.15) feet; Southerly by a lot shown on said plan as "HENRY E. LUND", two hundred ninety (290) feet, more or less, as so shown; Again Easterly or Southeasterly by a curved line at land of said Lurid a distance of fifty-nine and 87/100 (59.87) feet as so shown; Again Easterly or Northeasterly by said "LUND" lot three hundred ninety-five (395) feet as so shown; Again Northerly by a curved line at land of said Lund a distance of fifty-nine and 81/100 (59.81) feet; Again Easterly or Southeasterly by Chickering Road ninety-six and 62/100 (96.62) feet, as so shown: Westerly or Southwesterly by land of Boston and Maine l~ilread a distance of one thousand eleven and 38/100 (1011.38) feet, more or less, Norhter]y at a wail at land now or formerly of Colgate four hun- dred forty and 40/100 (440.40) feet, as so shown; and Again Northerly by a wall at land now or formerly of Ida N. Cur -rier one hundred sixty-seven and 60/100 (167.60) feet. No recommendation. 2O PARCEL NO. 2. Commencing at the northeast corner thereof on the southerly side of Prescott Street; thence running southwesterly by land of A. P. Cur- rier, six hundred and eighty-five (685) feet to an angle; thence south- easterly one hundred twenty-eight (128) feet to land of Mrs. James Davis; thence southwesterly by land of Mrs. James Davis four hundred forty-two (442) feet to land of the Boston and Maine Railroad; thence, northwesterly by land of said R~ilroad, three hundred twenty-th.r~ a.nu one half (323%) feet to land of Davis & Furber; thence northeasterly oy land of Davis and Furber and land of one Marston eight hundred four (804) feet to Prescott Street. thence easterly by Prescott Street' four hundred fifty (450) feet to t~he point of beginning. Containing about nine and 2/10 (9.2) acres. Excepting therefrom so much of the above described premises as have been already conveyeA, as follows: To Coleman H. Lee by two deeds, one dated June 3, 1915, recorded with North Essex Registry of Deeds, Book 354, Page 195, and the second dated August 17, 1921, recorded with said Registry of Deeds, Book 447, Page 526; to Judson W. Harvey, dated August 2, 1921, recorded with said Registry, Book 444, Page 595; to Henry E. Lurid, dated Novemeer 7, 1922, recorded with said Registry, Book 468, Page 192; to JoSeph M. Freeman, dated March 6. 1923, recorded with said Registry, Book Page 487. Also excepting therefrom so much of the above described promises as have been taken by the City of Lawrence, the Town of North An- dover, or other duly constituted governmental authority, as appears of PARCEL NO. 3. NORTHERLY by land now or formerly of Currier, 387 feet; , EASTERLY by land now or formerly of James W. Heron aha of William Sutton; SOUTHEASTERLY by land now or formerly of Eben Sutton and by land now or formerly of Walker Realty Trust 450 feet; SOUTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly of Walker Realty Trust, 127 feet; and NORTHWESTERLY by land now or formerly of Walker Realty Trust 263.5 feet. The land in North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts, being shown as Parcel B. and Parcel C. on plan entitled "Walker Realty Trust and John J. Willis et ux", North Andover, Mass., dated March 1967, Brasseur Associates, 60% Bailey Street, Haverhill, Massachusetts, re- corded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds, bounded and described as ~ollows: EASTERLY by Main Street, by two courses, 40.95 feet and 97.75 respectively; SOUTHERLY by Parcel A, as shown on said plan, 140,00 feet; EASTERLY agnin by Parcel A, as shown on..sa!d pi.an,.8.2..2.1 feet;~ SOUTHERLY again by land of Roman Ca~no~ic ~rcnmsnop ox Boston, as shown on said plan, 107.51 feet; . WESTERLY by land of owners, unnam~.d, ,and ,by 1.and of Cathe~r~n~ ~e Murphy and Rose McEvoy, as shown on saia plan, oy ~o courses, o't.o feet and 138.00 feet. NORTHERLY by land of Edith G. Haley as shown on sa~d plan 259.29 feet. (4) The land in North Andover, Massachusetts, bounded and des- cribed as follows: "Beginning at the northeasterly corner of the premises at the in tersectio~ of Chickering Road and Massachusetts Avenue, formerly known as the Air Line Road; thence running westerly by land ri.ow or formerly of Edward Ad .a~, s 18.777~t, ,more ? less, to..a_,n._a~g~leanmdt~ wall; thence rurming southwesterly Dy Lane ox owners u,,~,~uw~ an old road known as Wood Lane, 748 feet, more or less, to a stone bound' hence runnin southeasterly by said old road known as Wood Lane ~4!~5 feet to a ftone bound; thence running south 51°08'58'' East 347.96 feet to a stone bound; thence running south 60°56'17'' East 117.84 feet to a point; thence running northerly 2.99 feet to a point; thence running easterly 713 feet to a point; thence running northerly 2.99 feet to a point; thence tuning easterly 713 feet to a point: thence running northerly 160 feet to a point; thence running easterly 421.46 feet to a point; thence by a curved line with a radius of 20 feet, 39.96 feet to Chickering Road; thence by said Road northerly 24028'25" E. ast 1001.77 feet to a point; thence northerly by a curved line with a radius of 125 feet, 76 feet more or less to a point of beginning along said Chickerlng Road. Being the same premises conveyed to Roy R. Fart by deed of David Rennie, Jr., and Dorothy J. Rennie dated December 13, 1955, and record- ed in the Essex Registry of Deeds for the Northern Distxict in Book 826. Page 34. 21 r(d5e)d The land in North Andover all as shown on Plan No. 5385 reco with the North Essex Registry of Deeds, bounded and des- cribed as follows: A certain parcel of land situated on the westerly side of Main Street in said North Andover, bounded and described as follows; Beginning at a point at the southeasterly corner of said premises and at land of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston: thence run- ning westerly by said land of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boa- ton, 227.87 feet; thence northerly by land of said Roman Catholic Arch- bishop of Boston, 87.50 feet; thence easterly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Eliza Ryan, 245.0 feet; thence southerly by said Mai Street, 79 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Being the same premises conveyed to Annie Laurie Stevens Gile and Arthur 0. Gile by deed of Arthur O. Gile dated December 15, 1933, and recorded with the Northern Essex Registry of Deeds, Book 579, Page 194. (6) Shield's Land on Sutton Street. Section 4.7 MULTI DWELLING DISTRICTS: The Board of Appeals shall grant a Special Permit for a Multi Dwelling Develop- ment in a Multi Dwelling District but only if it be satisfied that such a development will conform to the permitted uses and specific regulations set forth in Sections 4.71 and 4.72. 4.71 PERMITTED USES (a) Multiple or group dwellings provided that they shall not contain more than twelve dwelling units per structure. (b) Such accessory uses as are customary in connection with the permitted principal uses, including the provision for the build- lng of a separate residence for the rental office or managers quarters, except that professional offices and home occupations are specifically excluded. 4.72 SPECIFIC REGULATIONS: (a) No structure shall exceed two and one-half stories or 35 feet in height, measured from the top of the foundations. (b) No structures except one story garages or earports, or un- pierced walls of residential structures shall be nearer to each that the sum of the heights of their two opposing exterior walls measured above the top of the foundations. (c) There shall be a lot area of at least 3500 square feet for each dwelling unit in Multiple Dwelling Structure, in addition to the lot area, if any, required for other permitted uses. (d) The gross usable floor area of all principal and accessory structures shall not exceed thirty percent of the gross area of the lot. (e) No structure shall be built within thirty feet of the sideline of any public street or way and no structure or parking space shall be built or maintained within fifty feet of any other exterior property line, where the development abuts residentially zoned property, and within twenty feet, where the development abuts any other land not residentially zoned. Where the development abuts residential land there shall be maintained, in said fifty foot buffer zone, adequate screening in the nature of natural growth, as to be determined by the Board of Appeals. (f) There shall be provided at least one paved off street parking space or space in a garage or carport, for each dwelling unit, said space to be no more than 200 feet from the outside entrance to each unit. No space shall be considered available for parking which reduces the effective width of a driveway providing access to more than one dwelling unit to less than 12 feet. (g) There shall be a paved driveway or paved walk, adc- quate to accomodate emergency vehicles, within fifty feet of the outside entrance to each dwelling unit. (h) Any road or driveway providing principal access to six or more dwelling units or eight or more parking spaces shall con- form to appropriate provisions of the Sub-Division Control Regulations as established by the Planning Board. Before issuing any permits the Beard of Appeals shall request a report from the Planning Board on the extent of such conformity. 6.7 IN MULTI DWELLING DISTRICTS 6.71 The lot area and lot width shall be determined in accord with the specific regulations as set forth in Section 4.72 of this By-Law. 7.6 In Multi Dwelling Districts the yard spaces shall be determined in aecgrd with the specific regulations as set forth in Sec- tion 4.72 of thip.B~r-Law. 8.6' In Multi Dwelling Districts the building heights per- mitred for al]~ structures shall be determined in accord with the specific regulations as set forth in Section 4.72 of this By-Law. 2.13 MULTIPLE DWELLINGS A free standing building Or group of buildings, intended and de- signed~;to be occupied and used exclusively for residential purposes by each :b~!~nore than two families. Petition of John J. Lynch and others. 22 ARTICLE 75. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing the classification frown country, residential district to multi dwelling district the following described land: Beginning at a point in the southerly street line of Andover Street at the westerly side ~of the Town of North Andover school propo~y line and proceeding in a southwesterly direction along the southerly street llne of Andover Street a distance of three hundred and twenty nine and 00/00, more or less (329'-+) feet to a point; thence southeasterly along the property of Edward ~elamed a distance of One Hundred and 00/100 more or less (100'±) feet to a point; thence southwesterly along the property of same Edward Melamed a distance of One Hundred Twenty Eight and 24/100 (128.24') feet to a point; thence southerly along the property of Thomas D. Mahoney a distance of two hundred fifty and 00/00 more or less (250'___) feet to a point: thence southeasterly along the property of Thomas J. DriscolI a distance of two hundred sixty nine and 75/100 (269.75') feet to a point; thence westerly along the sou- them property line of said Thomas Driseoll a distance of three hundred one and 60/100 (301.60') feet to a point; thence westerly along the pro- perry of Dorothy M. Hammond a distance of one hundred fourteen and 75/100 (114.75') feet to a point; thence continuing in a westerly direr- tion along the southerly property line of From George a distance of six hundred twenty eight and 92/100 (628.93') feet to a point on the easter- ]y street line of Auburn Street; thence southerly along said street line a distance of seventy and 00/100 more or less (70'__+) feet to a point; thence easterly down the centerline of Summit Avenue, said street being a paper street, a distance of one hundred fourteen and 07/100 (114.07') feet to a point; thence southerly along the property of Emily L. Parker a distance of one hundred twenty and $0/100, more or less (120'-+-) feet to a point; thence easterly along the property of Mable S. Sarci~, a distance of one hundred twenty and 10/100 (120.10') feet to a point; thence southerly along the easterly property llne of said Sarc~one a dis- tance of one hundred twenty and 00/100, more or less (120'.~) feet to a point in the center of Prospect Terrace, said Prospect Terrace being a paper street; thence easterly down the centerline of Prospect Terrace a distance of two hundred six and 03/100 (206.03') feet to a point in the northerly street line of Wilson Road; thence along the easterly street line of Wilson Road a distance of forty and 00/100 (40.00')feet to a point in the southerly street line of Wilson Road; thence in a south easterly direction along the property of Walter A. Wilson a distance of one hundred and 00/100, more or less (100'_) feet to a point: thence in a southerly direction along the property of said Wilson a distance of one hundred seventy five and 00/100, more or less (175'___) feet to a point; thence in a southeasterly direction along the property of Hollis A. Cur- tls a d~stance of one hundred twenty and 00/100, more or less (120 feet to a point in the center of Tolland Road; thence southwesterly alo~ the centerline of said Tolland Road a distance of fifty and 00/100, more or less (50'-+-) feet to a point; thence southeasterly along the property line of Tolland Road a distance of twenty and 00/100, more or less (20'±) feet to a point in the street line of said Tolland Road; thence southeasterly along the property of Russell C. Lodge a distance of one hundred and 00/100, more or less (100'-~-) feet; and continuing in the same direction along the property of Elisabeth Elliot a distance of one hundred and 00/100, more or less (100'±); feet thence in the same direc- tion along the street line of Berkeley Road a distance of forty and 00/100, more or less (40'±) feet; said Berkeley Road lying entirely to the south and west; thence continuing in the same direction along the property of Elizabeth Elliot a distance of one hundred seven and 00/100, more or less (107'±) feet to a point in the street line of Bevin Road; thence in the same southeasterly direction along the street line of Bevin Road a distance of. forty three, and 00/100, more or less (43'±) feet; Bevin Road lying entirely to the south and west of said street line, to a point; thence in a northeasterly direction along the property of Gene- veive Puccio a distance of one thousand two hundred and fifty and O0/1O0 more.or less (1-~254'±) feet to a point; thence turning and pro- ceeding in a northwesterly direction along the property of the Town of North Andover a distance of six hundred and thirty and 001100 more or less (630'___) feet to a point; thence turning and running in a north- easterly direction along said property of the Town of North Andover a distance of two hundred and fifty six and 00/100, more or less (256'±) feet to a point; thence turning and running in a northwestor]y direction along the property of said Town of North Andover, a distance of five hundred eighty five and 04/100 (585.4') feet to a point in the street line of Andover Street; said point being the point of beginning. The above described parcel contains thirty three and 71/100 (33.71) acres. Petition of Harold Morley, Jr. and others. 23 No recommendation. ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town will vete to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from Rural Residential to General Business the following described parcel of land: NORTHEASTERLY by the South- westerly llne of Salem Turnpike four hundred sixty-nine and 89/109 (469.89) feet; SOUTHERLY by land now or formerly of Edward Sch- _wartz and John McDowell two hundred eighty-two and 14/100 (282.14) ~t'eet; and WESTERLY by land now er formerly Charles R. Annaloro about two hundred sixty-nine (269) feet, said parcel containing 30,000 sq. ft. more or less. Petition of Louis J. Kmiec, Jr. and others. rio recommendation. ARTICLE 77. To see if the Town will vote to rezone a piece of land on Winthrop Avenue, North Andover described below from Resi- dential to Business: Starting from a point on Waverley Road and running in a Southerly direction for 480 ft. mere or less, then taming North West a]eng Win- throp Avenue for 973 ft. more or less, then turning North East and running for 596 ft. more or less, then turning South and running for 300 ft. more or less, then turning. East and running 100 feet more or less, then turning South and running 315 ft~ more or less, then turning East and running 100 ft. more or less, back to the point of origin, total parcel consisting of 8.810 acres more or less. Petition of Stewart P. Wilson, and others. Ho recommendation. ARTICLE 78. TO see ii' the Town will vote to chan~e its Zoning By Law by changing from Rural Residence District to Business District, the following described parcel of land on Turnpike Street: On the Easterly side of Turnpike Street 1204 feet, by Mill Road 200 feet, then on a straight line Northeasterly 1200 feet to a wall to land of Gilbert Rea, thence westerly by the wall to the point of beginning. Said land owned by Charlotte P. and George P. Rea. Petition of George A. Rea and others. No r~commencLation. ARTICLE 79. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning ]~y-Law by changing from rural residence zone to industrial, the follow- ing parcel of land: Starting at a point on Turnpike St. at the Northwesterly junction of the abandon way of Willow St. running parallel to the Salem Turn- pike a distance of 860'_, then turning and running Southerly 490'±, then turning and running Westerly 1550'___~, then turning and running Southeasterly 850'__+, then turning and running V~esterly 100'+, then turning and running Southerly 185'-+-, then turning and runnin~-South- easterly 160'±,then turning and run~g Southerly 265'±, then turning and running Westerly 445'___+, then turning and running Northwesterly 410'±, then turning and running Westerly 175'___~, then turning and running Northwesterly 170'~___, then turuing and running Westerly 250'+ to the Andover North Andover town line, then Northwesterly 150'-~- along the town line, then turning and running Northerly 410'+ tUrn~ and running Northwesterly 460'__+ to the AndoVer North A~d-~er tow~ llne. Then turning and running in a Northerly direction 1200'~- along the town line to the Andover By Pass. Then turninff and runni~ North 910'-+ along the Andover By Pass, then turning and running Easterly 662'-+, then turning and running Northerly 835'~-, then turning and running Northeasterly 44'-+, then turning and ~ming Northwesterly 628'±, then turning and running Northeasterly 155'--+ along Hillside Road., then turning and running Southeasterly 190'-+, then turning and rnnmng Northeasterly 125'+, then turning and running Southeasterly 200'+, then turning and running Northeasterly 75'-% then turning and run~-{g Southeasterly 100'+, then turning and ru~n~ing Northeasterly 130'___+, then turning and ruling Southeasterly 130'~__, then turning and running Northeasterly 175'± to Sa]em Turnpike, then turning and run- ning Southeasterly 50'-+ along Salem Turnpike, then turning and rtm- ning Southwesterly 175'___, then turning and running Southeasterly 125'±, then turning and running Southwesterly 125'±, then turning and running Southeasterly 150'±, then turning and running nor~east 300'+ to Salem Turnpike, then turning and running Southeasterly 100' aIon~-Salem Turnpike, then turning and running SoutherI~ 14~0'+ then turmng and runmng Easterly 575 + to Salem Turnpike, then turning and running Southeasterly 600'___ a]'~ng Salem Turnpike to point of be- ginning. An area containing 176 acres more or less. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgood and others. No recommendation. ARTICLE 80. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from Industrial use to General Business use, the following parcel of land: Property of Agnes & George Farkas, situated at 1615 O s g o o d Street, North Andover, Mass. bounded and described as follows: NO recommendalJon. 24 Westerly by Osgood Street, one-hundred eighty-two (182.81) feet more or less; Northerly by land formerly of E.J. & B.F. Dudley, now Local 1365 C.W.A.-A.F.L.-C.I.O., three-hundred-fifty (350.92) feet more or less; Easterly by land Coppola, ninety (99) feet more or less; South- erly by land formerly D & M.R Olenio, now by Chris Adams, Three- hundred-sixty-three (363.16) feet more or less. Petition of Norman E. Lentz and others. ARTICLE 81. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law so as to change from Rural Residential to Industrial use the following described parcel of real estate: The land on the easterly side of Osgood Street bounded and des- cribed as follows: Northerly by an easement for a water main held by the Town of North Andover and by land now or formerly of George R. Barker, eight hundred seventy (870) feet more or less; Easterly by land now or formerly of Frank Paparella, nine hundred fifty-five (955) feet more or ]ess; Southerly by land now or formerly of George R. Barker, Jr., two hundred thirty-five (235) feet more or less; Westerly by land now or formerly of George R. Barker, Jr., one hundred thirteen (113) feet more or less; Southerly again by land now or formerly of George R. Barker, Jr. and land now or formerly of Una G. Arlit, six hundred ninety-four (694) feet more or less; and Westerly again by the presently existing Industrial Zone. Petition of Frank Paparella and others. ARTICLE 82. To see if the Town will vote to change from Rural Residence and Country Residence to General Business the following described parcel of land. The land in North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts,.with the buildings thereon, shown on a Plan of Land in North Andover, lwass., as surveyed for Charles Donovan, dated October 23, 1957, drawn by Ralph B. Brasseur, C.E., recorded Essex N.D. Deeds and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron pipe at the northeasterly corner of said pre- mises at the intersection of the southwesterly line of the Salem Turn- pike and the northwesterly line of Hillside Read and thence running South 34e 25' 5~3" West 467.79 feet by said Hillside Road to an iron pipe; Thence turning and running South 47o 26' 20" West 383.52 feet by said Hillside Road to an iron pipe in the northeasterly line of the An dover By-Pass; Thence turning and running North 8° 13' 20" West 620.13 feet by said Andover By-Pass to an iron pipe at land now or formerly of Dutch- land Farms Corp.; Thence turning and running North 43° 51' 10" East 465.56 feet by said land now or formerly of Dutchland Farms Corp. to an iron pipe in the southwesterly line of the said Salem Turnpike; and Thence turning and running South 45° 49' 50" East 437 feet by said Salem Turnpike to the point of beginning. Said premises are hereby conveyed subject to the highway taking recorded with the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book 826, Page 140. Petition of Emil J. Camuse and others. ARTICLE 83. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by inserting therin a new part known as cluster zoning. 1. The Planning Board may approve for a parcel of land more than 7 (seven) acres, according to the regular procedure for the approval of subdivisions, lots which do not~ conform specifically to the area, and frontage requirements of the standard Zoning By-Law provided that: A. The total number of lots does not exceed the number of lots which would be obtained by using the standard Zoning By Laws, and that in no case will any lot have less than 2/3 of the area required by the standard By-Law. B. The minimum street set back shall be 50' on culdesacs and 40' on all other lots. Rear and side offsets shall be a minimum of 20'. C. Street frontages of all lots on a culdesac may not be any less than 50' and no less than 75' at the set back line. All other lots must have at least 2/3 of the frontage required by the standard Zoning By-Law and have a mm~num of 100 a the set back line. All set back lines must be shown on the difini- tire plan. 25 No recommendalion. No recommendation. No recommendation. D. All areas designated as greenbelt areas or common land area shall be deeded to the Town Conservation Commission for conservation and recreation purposes. The Town will honor all utility easements (water, sewer, powers, phone, etc.) The owner of the development will have the right to trespass upon all green areas while carting on the functions of constructing the subdivision. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgood and others. ARTICLE 84. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $48,500 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 7, Schedules B, C and D, and Sections 8 and 9, by adding a 5% increase to all rates in each compensation grade, effective January 1, 1969; and apply an additional 2%% increase to said rates on July 1, 1969. Petition of the Personnel Board ARTICLE 85. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $2520 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 7, Schedule A, Department Head and Supervisory Group, by adding an "asterisk" provision to compensation grade S-21 assigned to class title Superintendent of Public Works designating: A personal rate of $15,000 per year payable only to Mr. William B. Duffy, Superin- tendent of Public Works. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 86. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law, Section 7, Schedule A, by adding class title "Water Station Operator" to Department Head and Supervisory Group, and by assign- ing compensation grade S-8 to said class title. Petition of the Personnel Board. Article 87. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,300 for the purpose of amending its personnel By-Law, Sec'tion 12 - Longevity Increments, by adding $25. to each amount of increment set forth in paragraph (A). Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 88. To see if the Town will vote to raise and aopro- priate the sum of $6500 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 17 -- Vacation Leave, by inserting the following in place of the existing provisions of paragraphs A-~ and A-4: (3) An e employee who has completed five years of service shall be granted three weeks of vacation with pa}'. (4) An employee who has completedten years of service shall be granted four weeks of vacation with pay. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 89. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Person- nel By-Law Section 18 -- Sick Leave, by changing the wording of paragraph (B) to read: (B) An employee' shah be credited with tile unused portion of leave granted under sub-section (4). Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 90. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $275 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By- Lan', Section 7, Schedule A, by adding class title "Board of Health Secretary" to Clerical Group, and by assigning compensation grade to said class title. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 91. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law, Section 7, Schedule A by adding class title "Assistant Super- visor of Pumping Stations" to Department Head and Supervisory Group, and by assigning compensation grade S-9 to said class title. Petition of the Personnel Board. ARTICLE 92. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sura of $1000 for the purp/~se of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 7, Schedule E, by assigning $3500 per yeax compensation to class title "Building Inspector" in place of the existing $2500 per year. Petition of the Personnel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the ,article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vole to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 93. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law, Section 7, Schedule E, by assigning $24.00 per day compensa- tion to class title "Reserve Patrolman''` in plaee of the existing rate of $21 per day. Petition of the Personnel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the artich~. ARTICLE 94. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $700 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By- Law, Section 7, Schedule E~ by assigning $1200 per year to class title "Fire Engineer and Deputy Chief" in place of the existing rate of $850 per year. Petition of the Personnel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 95. To see if the ToWn will vote to raise and appro- priate or take frem available funds or from the stabilization fund the sum of $46,000 to be expended under the direction of the Assessors for a complete revaluation of real estate property in North Andover. Petition of the Assessors. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 96. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $25,137 to be expended under the direction o~ the Select,hen for the purposes of G.L. ch.32B, s. 7A, if said statute shall have been accepted by the Town at the annual 1969 Town election. Petition of John J. Lanni and others. ARTICLE 97. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate for the use of Stevens Memorial Library the sum of $5,454 which the Town has received from the State under the provisions of Chapter 78, Section 19 A and which is now in an account entitled "State Aid for Libraries~ Reserved for Appropriation." PetitiOn of the Trustees of the Stevens Memorial Library. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate for the purpose of this article such sums that have been re- ceived from the date. ARTICLE 98. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $7,500, to be expended under the direction of the Tree Warden for the purpose of purchasing a new ~;~ Ton Pick-Up Truck and a new two Ton Stake Body Dump Truck with necessary equipment for the Tree Depart~nent. A 1963 % Ton Pick-Up Truck and a 1963 two Ton Stake Body Dump Truck to be turned in, in trade. Petition of the Tree Warden. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the erticle. ARTICLE 99. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $750, to be expended under the direction of the lector of Taxes for the purposes of purchasing a postage-meter mailing machine. Petition of the Collector of Taxes. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 100. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $12,918, ~ be expended under the direct~ion of, ~e Selectmen for the purpose o~*~he appointment of three regmar patrm- men, fully qualified, who have passed the Civil Service Physical and Mental examination all in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Petition of the Chief of police. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,612. for the appointment of 2 patrolmen. ARTICLE 101. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the suni of $5000, to be expended un'let the direction of the Selectmen for the pUrchase of two new 1969, 12 volt system cars with neccessary safety equipment. One 1967 car to be turned in trade, and all equipment to be changed over, such as police radios, sirens and other similar accessories. Petition of the Chief of Polio3. ARTICLE 102. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $14,000, to be expended under the direction of the Fire Engineers for the purpose of appointing three regular fire fighters who have passed the Civil Service physical and mental examinatiens, all in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Petition of the Fire Engineers. ARTICLE 103. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the smn of $2500, to be expended under the direction of the Fire Engineers for the purpose of use with the trade-'in value of the pre- sent Chief's car to purchase a new car for the Chief's use. Petition of the Fire Engineers. It is recommended that the Town vote lo ADOPT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. 27 ARTICLE 104. To see if the Town will accept as a public wag that part of Mablin Avenue extending from Waverley Read to Jetwend Street. Petition of Carl W. Lindfors. ARTICLE 105. To see if the Town will vote to accept as a public way the way that is shown on the Plan of Land entitled "Plan of Hill- side Acres" owned by John-Andrew Company, Inc., dated June 20, 1966, Brasseur Associates, Engineers and recorded in the North Essex Regis- try of Deeds as Plan No. 5516 which has been developed and completed in accordance with the Planning Board's Specifications all as required under the Provisions of the North Andover Zoning Law pertaining to Residential Homes and all laid out and adjudicated by The Board of Selectmen and to name street so accepted Marian Drive. Plan on record with North Andover Planning Board. Petition of Charles P. Johnson and others. ARTICLE 106. To see if the Town will vote to establish Old Vil- lage Lane, Russett Lane, Morningside Lane, Woodcrest Drive, Meadow- view Road and Coachman's Lane, for a distance of 2100 feet, as Town ways, by accepting the Selectmen's laying-out of the same, as hereto- fore filed with the Town Clerk. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgood and others. ARTICLE 107. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $1000, to be expended under the direction of the Con- servation Commission for the purpose of obtaining proper engineering maps needed and in connection with a proposed floodplain zoning by-law. Petition of the Conservation Commission. ARTICLE 108. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appre- priate the sum of $5000 or any other sam to be added to the "Conserva- tion Fund" established by the vote of the Town upon Article 34 of the Warrant for the 1968 Annual Town Meeting. Petition of the Conservation Commission. ARTICLE 109. To see if 'the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding the following: When an Art/cie submitted for a Town Meeting Warrant is con- sidered by Town Counsel to be illegal because of working, he shall, when practicable, attempt to submit an amendment to the A rtl c l e which would 'make the same legal while accomplishing the basic intent of the petitioner. Petition of Norman E. Lentz and others. ARTICLE 110. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-LaWs by adding the following: "The Town Counsel shall pass on the legality of all Articles pro- perly submitted for any Town Warrant." Petition of Norman E. Lent~ and others. ARTICLE 111. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding the following: "The Moderator shall not overrule the Town Counsel on determin- lng the legality of Articles and shall allow the Town Meeting to vote on all Articles of the Warrant declared legal by Town Counsel." Petition of Norman E. Lentz and others. ARTICLE 112. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by adding the following: "When an article for any Town Warrant is considered by Town Counsel to be illegal because of its intent a brief reason for this deter- mination shall be written in the Town Warrant." Petition of Robert A. Banks and others. ARTICLE 113. To see if the Town will vote as follows: No funds appropriated for use by the Water Department or by any other department of the Town shall be used for the purpose of fluorid- ating the whole or any part of the public water supply, nor shall any funds be accepted from any source for the purpose of fluoridating the town water supply or any part thereof. Petition of Howard M. Thc~nson. 28 No recommendation. No recommendation. No recommenclation. If is recommended that the Town vole to REJECT the article. It is mcommendnd that Ihe Town vote to REJECT the article. No recommendation. No recommendation. bio recommendation. No recommendation. No recommendation. ARTICLE 114. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $450 to be expended under the direction of the Re- creational Council for the purpose of purchasing six (6) Bucking Breneos (Spring Riders) to be installed at the playgrounds. Petition of the Recreational Council. ARTICLE 115. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of $300 to be expended under the direction of the Recrea- tional Council for the purpose of purchasing Basketball Standards for the Playgrounds. Petition of the Recreational Council. ARTICLE 116. To see if the Town will vote to prohibit any per- son from owning or keeping, outside of the confines of hisproper~, any dog which is not held firmly on a leash not exceeding six feet in length. Petition of Veronica Perkins and others. ARTICLE 117. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate sufficient funds for the salary of a dog officer, in conjunction with the passage of the North Andover Leash Law, for purposes of en- forcement. The dog officer is the enforcing officer of this By-Law, and he shall enter and prosecute a non-criminal complaint against owner or keeper of any dog if such owner or keeper violates the provisions of this By-Law or any part thereof. Petition of Anita D. Raymond and others. ARTICLE 118. To see if the Town will vote to raise and app~o- priate, or transfer from the Overlay Reserve the sum of $ to the Reserve Fund. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 119. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate such sum as this meeting may determine, to the stabilization fund, as provided by Section 5B of Chapter 40 of the General Laws. Petition of the Assessors. ARTICLE 120. To see if the Town will vote to take the sum of from available funds to reduce the tax rate. Petition of the Assessors. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and at- tested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct of the Town. Said copies to be post- ed not more than seven days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meet- lng. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 25th day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixty-nine. Arthur P: Kirk William A. Finneran William B. Duffy, Jr. Boa~'d o/Selectmen. A true copy: Constable. North Andover, Massachusetts 1969 It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. It is recommended ihat the Town vote to ADOPT the article, No recommendation. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000. for the purpose of the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. It is recommended that the Town vote to transfer from available funds the sum of $ for the purpose of this article. 29 A'I-rEND TOWN MEETING DATE: TIME: PLACE: Saturday, March 15, 1969 1:30 P.M. Veterans Memorial Auditorium North Andover High School Please bring this copy of Advisory Committee Report with you to Town Meeting. Advisory Committee Report Town of North Andover Massachusetts U. ,5. POSTAGE PAID No. Andover, Mass. Permit No. 191 NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845