HomeMy WebLinkAbout19681968 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS Advisory Committee Report and Town Warrant REPORT OF THE ADVISORY C0~ITTEE TOWN MEETING MARCH, 1968 FEL/~W CITIZENS OF NORTH AlxIXIv/]R: Your Advisory Board's message this year is little different in principle from those of recent years. In essence, it can be statsd silly that tb~ cost of maintaining and administering the functions of our Town has skyrocketed in recent years, and it should be recognized that North Andover no longer enjoys the same degree of distinction of having a better tax base and a mere attractive tax.rate than certain other towns of coraparable size and ne~ds. It should also be rec- ognized that such factors are prime in the establishment of a good business climate which is of extr~re importance in attracting and retaining business, industry and good citizens. This can be supported in part by the events of the last few years. Since 1960 the tax rate has increased by 50% and could go to 64%, conditional on the acceptar~e of the ~dvisory Board's reconm~ndations at the Town Meeting. The cost of mintaining our educative process has gone from $898,034, in 1964 to $1,560,897 in 1968. The respective budgets of the Town Departments have shown m~rked i~reases over these years minly due to increased labor costs and the purchase or repair of operational equitxaent. Moreover, in recent y~rs there has been a growing lmfactice to meet some of the e~penses of the Town through boN issues in order to minimize the effect at that time on the tax rate. It should be realized that this is a real expense to the Town which extends over a period of many years with accompanying significant interest charges. One ~ght raise the question at this time as to whether there has been a proportionate increase in new and int~roved services to the citizenry cormrensurate with the increase in cost to the Town. Only you, as citizens of the Town, can be the proper judge of this rotter. You will be given an opportunity to exercise your right of free opinion on March 16 at the Town Meeting. Please b~mr in mind that the recc~mnendation of the Advisory Board is directed toward a healthy fiscal status for North Andover, and your support of the Moard's recc~mnendations could be a step toward the realization of such objective. By soma standards we are on the threshold of being a Town with a continuous increase in the tax rate without an ~xvzx~pany~ in~rovement in its tax base. In other words, we are spending n~e money than we can recover frc~ taxes and other sources. In simple language, we are spending more than our incc~e urovides to maintain our Town. Respectfully su]~nitted, Roger Pelletier, Chairman John Burke, Jr. Donald W. Goan Stanwccd Evans Richard Graham Atty. Herve Noison Atty. Merrill Rosenberg John J. Sbaughnessey Robert E. Mascola, Secretary Article No. 10 11 17 18 19 2O 21 22 26 27 28 3O 31 32 34 37 38 39 4O 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 YON TALLY SHEET FOR ARTICLES REQUESTING FUN~S (To raise and appropriate about $28,000 m~ns an increase of $1.00 on the tax rate. ) Description Fourth of July Oelebration Christmas Decorations Greater Lawrence Guidance Center Topographical Surly For School Survey of Future High School needs Alterations at Franklin School Iand for new Fire Station ODnstruction of Fire Station T ard for Town ~rage Defraying ~TA deficits Completing and Equipping Police Station Purchase of Desk Type Calculator Purchase of New ~ding M~chi~e Two New Police Cars Establishing a ODnservati~ Fund Osgocct Street p~ing station New Equipment at pu~ping station Completing sewer extention - Autran Ave. Completing water main extention - Johnson St. Completing west side sewer extension Water m~in construction - Great Pond Renewing water services ~ergency water extensions playground imur ovem~nts Fieldhouse f~r Thor~s Playground Sewer extension - Peters Street Sewer extension - ~rtin Ave. Requested ~ded Voted $ 1,500 $ 800 1,696 7,500 7,500 11,500 20,000 790 330 4,400 5,000 200,000 11,800 2,000 7,000 3,000 45,000 2,000 1,000 2,300 5,500 19,000 14,000 1,500 8OO 1,696 7,500 7,500 11,500 0 0 0 0 20,000 0 0 4,400 0 0 11,800 2,000 7,000 3,000 1,500 2,000 1,000 2,300 0 570 450 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 7O 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 Sewer extension - Chestnut St. Sewer extension - Poor Ave. Sewer extension - Turnpike St. h~ter Extension - Poor Ave. Water main extention - Sal~ St. Water main extention - Longwocd Ave. Water main extention - Farnum St. Water main extention New Fire Dept. Ambulance FLre Dept. utility truck ~ergency electric power generator Seven new firefighters Street Construction- Chap. 90 M~intaining Streets - C~p. 90 Street signs Repairs to sidewalks Repairing old stone culverts Purchase of Highway Dept. Equip. C~ain link fence Rental of Roller and grader Waintenance of streets Replacing old catch basin ~rames E~ecting guard rails Hot top of side%~ulks at Village G~een New sidewalk along Waverly Rd. New sidewalk along Waverly Rd. Street Repairs - Prospect Rebuilding Adams Ave. Repairs to street e~cavations Surface drain - Gilbert St. Surface drains - Baldwin St. Surface drain - Longwood Ave. 22,000 660 6,000 180 18,000 550 3,000 0 56,000 0 4,000 0 32,000 0 1,400 0 15,000 15,000 4,500 4,500 5,000 5,000 27,000 14,000 10,000 10,000 2,000 2,000 600 600 5,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 56,500 13,300 1,500 0 7,000 0 55,000 30,000 5,000 2,000 10,000 1,000 8,000 8,000 2,000 0 5,000 5,000 10,000 0 14,300 0 40,000 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 1,000 14,000 0 88 96 97 98 99 100 102 103 Repairs to Longwood Ave. Amending Personnel By-Laws Amending Personnel By-Laws Amending Personnel By-Laws Amending Personnel By-Laws Stabilization Fund Reserve ~ 28,500 310 450 360 100 0 8,000 0 28,500 310 450 360 100 0 8,000 TRANS~'~S FROM RESERVE FU~D DURING 1967 Approved by your ~visory Cc~ittee under (~apter 40, Section 6, of the General Laws. Selectman Empenses Contingent Fur~ Election Expenses Planning Board Town Building Salaries & Wages . ,, E~iDeD~ses Police Salaries & Wages Dutch Elm Disease Expenses Dog Officer E~penses Health Salaries & Wages C~rbage Disposal (Contract) R~fuse Disposal Sal. & Wages Streets -Gen Maint. Sal. & Wages $ 1,033.84 560.00 2,000.00 210.00 260.00 300.00 448.80 500.00 71.00 400.00 1,345.00 450.00 900.00 Balance of Account returned to Treasury Amount of original appropriation $ 8,478.64 $ 1,521.36 $ 10,000.00 ESSEX SS: TO either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: In the ~ of the Conlronwealth of M~ssachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify a~ warn the inhabitants of the Tc~n of North A~dov~r who are ~lified to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School Auditori~n in Precinct One, the St. ~ic---~-~ School Aud- itorit~ in Precinct Two, the Thc~son School Auditorium in Precinct Three and the Kittredge School Auditorium in Precinct Four, all in said Nc~th At, over on For~ay, the Fourth D~y of M~rch 1968, at 7 o'clock A.M.', and there to act on the following Article: ARTICLE 1. TO elect a M~derator and Town Treasurer for one year, One. Selectn~n, One Member of the Board of Public ~lfare, OD~ M~mg~r of the Board of Assessors, One Member of the Board of Health, One ~nnb~r of the Board of Public Works, C~e M~mber of the School (l~mittee and Five Constables for t]~ee years. One Member of the Planning Board and One Member of the Housing Authority for five years, ard One Member of the Selectmen and Board of Public Welfare for one year -- u~-e~pired term. All to be %~ted upon one ballot, the polls shall be open at 7:00 A.M., and shall be closed at 7:00 P.M. After final action on the preceding Article 1, said tapering shall stand adjourned_, by __v__v__v__v__v__v__v__v__v~rtue of Section 4, Article 1 of the Town By-Laws to Saturday March i~ ~ ~-~8 ~-~ ~-2----~ty P.~., in the Veteran's A--u~i~----~of our North Andover High School, then ar~ there to act on hhe following arti- cles. ARIICIF 2. TO elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by ballot. Petition of the Selectman. It is recommended that the Town refer to the Selectmen the appointment of Town Officers not required by law or By-Law to be otherwise chosen. ARTICLE 3. TO see if the Town will vote to accept the report of receipts and exper~itures as pre- sented by the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmmn. It is recommended the report be accepted. ARTICL5 4. TO see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and compensation of all elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section 108 of Chapter 41 of the General laws. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to fix the following annual salaries of the elected officers of the Town effective from January 1, 1968. Board of Selectmen and Licensing Commission - each per annum $ 1,500.00 Board of Public Welfare - each per annum 200.00 (½ year)* Board of Assessors - each per annum 2,500.00 Board of Health -eacn per annum 300.00 Board of Public Works - each Der annum 300.00 Town Treasurer - per annum 8,700.00 Tax Collector - per annum 2,730.00 Tree Warden - per annum 1,500.00 Highway Surveyor - per annum 9,200.00 Moderator - per annum 50.00 *The responsibility for this Board is being assumed by the State of Massacnusetts as of July 1, 1968. ~TICLE 5. To see what action theTownwill take as to its unexpendedapproprlations. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote ro carrf forward to ~iscal 1968, the following articles and appropriations: Art. 38, 1963 - Town Garage Yard Survey $ 909.78 " 1, 1967 - (Spec.) New Police Station 216.97 " 1, 1963 - New Ladder Truck 26.50 " 62, 1964 - Town Fire ~ghters Accident 1,646.90 " 66, 67, 68, 1966 - Sewer Extensions 2,442.39 " 72, 1966 - West Side Sewer 5,331.18 " 5, 1967 - (Spec.) Extend Sewer Systems 2,144.07 " 41, 1966 - Ch. 90 - Salem, ]ale & Johnson Sts. 7,793.33 " 5, 1966 - New Motor - Reaair Street Grader 800.70 " 49, 1967 - Ch. 679 -Hignway Improvement 9,024.15 " 50, 1967 - Road & Retaining Wa I - ~'atts Bridge 5~966.50 " 51, 1967 - Sidewa k - Osgood Street 2,500.00 Art. 61, 19F~7 - Ch. 90 - Salem· Johnson & Foster Sts. U. S. Old Age Assistance (Assistance) U~ S. Old Age Assistance (Administration) " " Medical Assistance (Assistance) " " " " (Administration) " " Aid to Dependent Children (Aid) ,, " " " " " (Administration) " " Disability Assistance (Assistance) - , " " (Administration) School Expenses (Painting Contractor) " P.L. 864 " P.L. 874 " P.L. 88-210 " P.L. 89-10 North AndoveF School Lunch North Andover ^thletic Association State Aid for Libraries - Reserved for Approp. Parks & School Grounds Exp. (K. Bailey) Recreafional Council Expenses Land Damage Claims Art. 68A, 73, 75, 76, 1966 - Water Systems " 68, 1967 - Renew Water Services " 69, 1967 - Extend Water Main Systems " 70, 1967 - Develop Well Field " 6, 1967 - (Spec.) Extend Water Systems 7, 1967- (Spec.) 12" Water Main " 15, 1967 - (Spec.) Water Mains - Autran Ave. Accrued Interest (Equipment & Water Main Notes) 40,000.00 ,049.63 ,049.60 ,763.85 · 197.70 ,956.55 13.21 ,546.33 76.69 3,500.00 5,302.59 32,929.32 96.19 I ,26B.91 I, 000.88 3,152.87 2,727.00 623.16 689.02 5,436.60 2,633.37 2,895.95 I ,BOO .00 51,399.65 I ,485.96 38,945.36 520.00 80.30 Total $ 279,943.16 ARTICLE 6. To see what action the Town will take as ~o the b~get rec~,t~_~dations of the Adviso~ Board. Petition of the Select~n. It is recommended that such numbered items of the proposed bud§et as may be questioned RECOmMEnDeD BLDGET APPROPRIATES - 1968 GENS~AL ~ & ST~FF AGENCIES 1968 EXP~D~D Dept. A~V. 1966 1967 Request Recon~end. Selectmen Salaries and Wages $7,570 $8,253 $12,920 $ 9,920 Expenses 1,670 2,701 3,200 3,200 Salaries ar~ Wages 12,700 13,720 14,320 14,320 Expenses 2,753 2,997 3,979 3,979 Accountant Salaries and Wages 12,589 13,666 13,950 13,950 E~penses 1,169 1,484 2,787 2,787 Tax Collector Salaries and~ages 7,204 7,648 7,660 7,660 E~penses 3,228 3,714 4,550 4,550 Tow~Clerk Salaries and Wages 5,850 6,100 6,800 6,800 Expenses 620 752 775 775 by any voter be separately considered. Item Assessors Salaries and Wages Expenses 7 Election and Registrars Salaries and Wages Expenses 8 Town Council Annual RetaiD~r Expenses 9 Moderator 10 Advisory Committee Expenses 11 Capital Outlay Committee Empenses 12 Planning Board Salaries and Wages Expenses 13 5~rd of Appeals (Zoning) Salaries and Wages E~penses 14 Personnel Board Salaries ar~ Wages Expenses 15 Town Building Salaries and Wages Expenses 16 Annual Town Meeting Expenses TOTAL-GENEP~L~~&STAFFA~ENC~ EXPE~ED 1966 1967 1968 Dept. Adv. C~,~. Request Recomner~. $ 15,820 $ 16,470 $ 17,970 ,095 6,461 1,000 1,400 1,400 7,497 6,158 9,832 2,500 2,500 4,000 1,040 1,040 1,040 50 50 50 137 122 150 350 517 731 800 456 956 400 596 801 900 182 197 300 777 952 975 160 89 250 1,560 2,080 2,080 5,886 5,972 6,000 3,772 3,505 3,810 $ 17,970 6,461 1,400 9,832 4,000 1,040 50 150 350 8O0 400 900 300 975 250 2,080 6,000 3,810 $102,398 $104,058 $127,709 $124,709 PUBLIC SAFETY 17 Police Department Salaries and Wages Expenses 18 Fire Depar tn~nt Sa]aries and Wages Experises 19 Dog Officer · ~. %lDense $ 20 Civil Defense Expe~es $153,880 $178,649 $183,143 $183,143 15,129 16,091 19,006 19,006 163,039 17~,874 183,365 183,365 11,720 10,941 10,005 10,005 325 400 400 400 612 683 700 700 750 900 900 900 3,625 3,430 3,600 3,609 21 Building Inspector 22 Wiring Inspector Expenses 23 C~.~ Inspec~n~ Expenses 24 Sealer of Weights & Msasures E~penses TOTAL- PUBLIC SAFETY 25 Board of Health Salaries and Wages Expenses 26 Animal Inspector 27 Garbage Disposal Contract TOTAL - PL~LIC HEAL~ A~ SANIqlATIC~ 28 Board of Public Works Salaries 29 Sewer ~aintenance & Construction Salaries and Wages Expenses 30 Water Maintenance & Const~action Salaries ar~ Wages ) Expenses 31 Parks and School G~our~ls Salaries and Wages Expe~es 32 Tree Depar tz~_nt Salaries and ~lages E~penses 33 Dutch Elm Disease Labor ~ges 34 Insect Pest Control ~lary and ~ges Expenses EXPESDfD 1966 1967 $ 2,648 $ 3,229 330 394 1,200 1,200 370 396 500 500 101 97 750 900 150 200 $355,129 $400,376 1968 Dept. Adv. Cc~m. Request Rec~m~nd. $ 3,430 $ 3,430 500 425 1,200 1,200 400 400 500 500 100 100 900 900 200 200 $408,349 $408,274 $ 8,565 $ 13,336 $ 10,680 $ 10,680 7,380 3,505 6,275 6,275 325 325 12,662 14,081 $ 28,892 $ 31,247 $ 750 $ 900 14,273 18,320 9,500 10,943 55,494 67,321 52,306 51,043 15,140 15,232 6,145 6,115 15,274 21,108 4,492 5,613 6,745 7,192 1,098 1,600 10,806 11,641 2,306 2,685 325 325 15,879 15,879 $ 33,159 $ 33,159 $ 900 $ 900 20,000 20,000 12,000 12,000 70,000 70,000 51,000 51,000 18,500 18,500 7,000 7,000 21,547 21,547 5,615 5,615 7,269 7,269 1,600 1,600 11,938 11,938 3,185 3,185 35 Street Lighting Expe~es 36 Streets - General Maintenance Salaries and W~ges Ex~n~s 37 Snow Removal Expenses 38 - Refuse Disposal Salaries and Wages Expe~es TOTAL - PLBLIC WORKS 1968 EXPE~I)ED Dept. Adv. Cc~ln. 1966 1967 ~ec~uest ~nd. $ 46,065 $ 50,503 $ 52,200 $ 52,20.0 66,175 74,433 93,500 87,500 35,500 39,837 50,000 42,500 53,666 64,530 70,000 50,000 37,278 44,481 50,000 50,000 4,499 6,784 7,500 7,500 $437,512 $500,281 $553,754 $519,954 39 Board of Public Welfare Salaries 40 Welfare ~lministration Salaries and Expenses Rein~se~ents Net Cost to Town Amo~t to be Raised 41 Welfare Grants Total Spent Reimbursements Net Cost to Town Amo~t to be Raised 42 Veterans Benefits Salaries Expenses 43 G~aves Registration Salaries Expenses $ 1,200 $ 1,133 $ 600 $ 600 21,202 26,914 .......... 15,700 18,814 .......... 5,502 8,100 ......... ......... 7,000 7,000 201,097 136,100 .......... 185,587 128,000 .......... 15,510 8,100 ..... .......... 102,500 102,500 2,860 3,170 3,170 3,170 303 159 285 285 22,449 25,768 29,400 29,400 100 100 150 150 335 320 350 350 $ 48,259 $ 46,850 $143,455 $143,455 44 School Dept. Salaries ar~l Wages Less rein%burse~ent special funds (P.L. 864 and 874) Net Salaries and Wages to be ap~ropria%ed Expenses Less reimbu~semmnt special funds (P.L. 864 and 874) Net Expenses to be appropriated $867,185 $1,051,010 $1,266,393 $1,266,393 .......... 20,000 20,000 .......... 1,246,393 1,246,393 172,002 228,414 261,144 261,144 ..... 17,000 17,000 .......... 244,144 ~ 1968 EXPESD~D Dept. ~dv. Co~m. 1966 1967 Request ~. Item 45 Regional Vocational School Allocation of cost to N. Andover LIBRARY 46 Steven's Memorial T.~brary Salaries and W~ges Expenses TOTAL - LIBRARY RECREATION 47 Playgrour~s & Bathing Beaches Salaries and ~l~ges F~penses 48 Recreational Council Salaries and Wages m~eses TOTAL- RECREATION E~IDYEE ' S BENKFITS 49 ~roup Instance 50 Essex County Retirement Pensions TOTAL - ~I~PLOYEE ' S Bt~NEFITS 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 ~CLASSIFTRD Contingent Rental of Veterans F~quarters Patriotic & Civic Celebrations Insurance Industrial Conmission Expenses Lar~ D~ag~ Cls~r~s Ira r~rty Pension Out of State Travel Conservation C~L,,.~ssi~ Expenses Bond Issum ~Tenses $ 45,808 $ 58,647 $ 70,360 $ 70,360 $1,085,095 $1,279,424 $1,560,897 $1,560,897 $ 35,135 $ 39,241 $ 40,574 $ 40,547 9,950 10,196 9,373 9,373 $ 45,085 $ 49,437 $ 49,947 $ 49,947 $ 13,033 $ 13,366 $ 15,500 $ 15,500 4,697 4,700 5,000 5,000 3,580 4,215 4,990 4,990 2,500 2,709 3,000 2,300 $ 23,810 $ 24,990 $ 28,490 $ 27,790 $ 32,172 $ 38,955 $ 41,570 $ 41,570 86,328 91,474 83,777 83,777 $ 118,500 $ 130,429 $ 125,347 $ 125,347 $ 3,000 $ 3,507 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 811 797 1,150 1,150 32,500 33,484 43,061 43,061 15 -- 200 200 2,700 263 1,763 0 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 412 674 2,250 2,250 74 57 100 100 .... 1,682 1,682 $ 43,301 $ 42,482 $ 57,400 $ 55,643 Item 61 62 63 64 65 66 DEBT REDEM~TIC~ Highway Equipment School Bonds Welfare Bond W~ter Main Notes & Bonds Sewer Notes & Bonds Fire ~quipment Notes TOTAL - DEBT REDEMPTION 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 INT,/tEST ON DEBTS Highway Equitmnent School Bonds Welfare Bond ~ater Main Notes & Bonds Sewer Notes & Bonds Fire ~quitxnent Notes Short Term Borrowing Police Station TOTAL - INi'~EST ON DEBTS EXPENDEB 1966 1967 1968 Dept. ~v. Request Recc~end. $ ..... $ ..... $ 160,000 160,000 40,000 46,000 40,000 35,000 5,000 5,000 15,000 $ 15,000 200,000 200,000 35,000 35,000 77,500 77,500 35,000 35,000 5,000 5,000 $ 245,000 $ 246,000 $ 367,500 $ 367,500 $ ..... $ 1,050 $ 1,606 $ 1,606 56,030 51,500 75,992 75,992 ..... 1,033 1,033 6,990 6,996 19,616 19,616 5,450 11,595 11,278 11,278 345 230 115 115 11,250 22,500 32,257 32,257 .... 2,188 2,188 $ 80,065 $ 93,871 $ 144,085 $ 144,085 $2,580,083 $2,949,445 $3,607,298 $3,560,760 ARTICLE 7. ARTICLE 8. TO see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Tr~urer, with the approval of the Selectraen, to borrow money frc~ tir~ to time in anticipation of the re~_nue of the fi- nancial years beg~-~ January ~, 1968 ~--j~t~_ry 1, 1969, in accordance with provi- sions of c~neral Laws, Chapter 44, Section 4, and to renew any note or notes as my be given fc~ a period of less than one year, in accerdance with the l:rovisions of General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 17. Petition of the Selectmen. it is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article, To consider the reports of all S~ecial C~Lu'.~ttees. Petition of the Selectmen. 11 it is recommended that the reports of all Special Committees be heard. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of its members to the position of Board of Health Physician and to fix his compensation, a__s such, as provided by Section 4A of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of theBoardofHealth. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article and to fix the annual compen- sation of the Board of Health Physician at $1,100. ARTICLE 10. To see if tb~ Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sun of $1,500, to be used for a Town Fourth of July Celebration, any arzl all profits made at ~--~cele~ration to be returned to the T~n, said appropriation to be e~ by a committee of nine ~ bets to be appointed by the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 11. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~u of $800, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen, to match a like sum to be ra~ by the North Andover Board of Trade, for the purpose of providin~ decorative lightin9 during the ChrisbL~s Season. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. A~T ICLE 12. TO see if the Town will vote to appropriate for the ~se of Stevens Ms~crial Library the sum of $2,727 which the Town has received from1 the State ~zler the provisions of Chapter 672 of the Acts of 1963 and which is nc~ in an account entitled "State for Libraries -- Resezved f~r Appropriation." Petition of the Trustees of the Stevens Mealor{~l Library. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote to authc~ize the Trustees of the Stevens Memorial T.ihrar~ approval of the Selecting, as they may de~mine to be in futberar~e of the convenience and welfare of the inhabitants of the Town, expanded funds therefor from gifts made and to be n~de to them fc~ such purposes, all at r~ cost to the Town. Petition of the Trustees of the Stevens F~murial L/l~ary. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE lq. TO see if the Townwillvote to amendArticle 1 of its General By-Lawsby striking therefrom Section 2, and inserting in p%ace thereof the following: Section 2. The warrant for any town meeting shall be 81reefed to either of the con- stables, who shall serve the sar~ by posting a true and attes*~ copy thereof at the Town Office Building and at five or ~ore public places in each precinct of the Town, not less than seven days before tb~ stated time for holdin~ such meetir~. P~tition of the Town Clerk. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 15. TO see if the Town will vote to accept to change Article #1, Sectio~ #1 of the Town By-Laws to read: Tbe Annual Town M~eting (Election} shall be held on the first Tuesday in November of each year. After the election of town officers whose n~m~s appear on the official ballot shall take office on J~ 1 of the foll~in~ year. Upon the ac- ceptance of this article by the Town of Ncxth Andov~r as hsreinafter urovided, be~in- ARTICLE 16. ARTICLE 17. ARTICLE 18. ARTICLE 19. ARTICLE 20. ARTICLE 21. ning with the year nineteen-hundred and sixty eight, the regular town election of said town for the purpose of electing town officers in accordance with the provision of this article and for the submission of questions to the voters of the Town as r~quired to be submitted thereat shall be held annually on the first Tuesday in November and shall be considered ~art of the annual Tc~n Meeting, held the following year, the second Saturday in March at 1:30 P.M. in the afternoon. Petition of Philip Sutcliffe ar~ others. It is recommended that the Town vote to STRIKE the article from the warrant, To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Iaws by striking therefrom Article XI, an~ inSerting in place thereof the following: Article XI. No person shall deposit, or cause or allow to be deposited, any, garbage, waste, refuse, bottles, cans, ~ materials or an~ other ~bbl~_--~-~r litte~r~ of. whatever nature ~ ~[~-~ription, UpOn any public or private way within the Town, or upon any pri- vate property therein without the consent of its owner, or upon any Town owned property without the e~i~ress consent of t_he municipal officer er agency having jurisdiction therof. Any person found guilty of any violation of this Article shall be punished by the paymsnt of a fine of not mgre than fifty dollars for each such offense. Petition of Town Cot~el. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the stun of $1,696, to be expend- ed under the direction of the School Con, i tree for the purpose of ~-~-~ing payment for services rendered, er to be rendered, by the (~eater Lawrence Guidance Center, Inc., for or in behalf of sc~e of the children of the Town, all as t~----C~ may determine. Petition of the School Cu~,~.~ttee. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap[=ropriate the st~ of $7,500, to be expended under tb~ direction of the School Building Cc~nittee for the purpose o-~-~pographical s%~eys, boring, specification, cuL~lete plans, layouts, wc~kiD~3 drawings, ar~ estimate of costs, and such other disbursements as are preliminary to the oonstructien of an ad- dition to the Atkinson School. Petition of the School C~,~.~ ttee and the School Building C~,~ttee. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s%~ of $7,500, to be expended urger the ~reetion of the School Building C~%¥.~ttee fer the purpose of updatin~q the st~=y as to the future school educational and building needs of the Town wlth-~-~--~' ~cul~r emphasis as to future high school needs. Petition of the School Con~%ittee and the School Building Cc~mittea. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. To see if the Town will vote to raise ~ appropriate the sum of $11,500 to be e~pended under the d~rection of the School Buildi~ Cu~L~.ittee for the purpose-~making altera- ' tions at the Franklin Ele~ntary School to c~-~lete tb~ addition thereto. Petition of the School C~,,~ttee ar~ the School Building Cc~mittee. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. TO see if the Town will vote by a 2/3 majority, to raise and appropriate such st~ of moray as it may det~rmlne to be the necessary cost of ao~ring for the Town, by pur- chase, eminent domain ~-~di-~gs or otherwise, a parcel of land sui~mhle for the con- 13 struction thereon of a new fire station, and to authorize and d~rect the Selectmen in the name and behalf of the Town, to ta~e such steps as they my deem necessary or ad- visable to effect such acquisition. Petition of the Selectmen. No recommendation at this time as to this Article and the following three Articles (i.e. 22, 23 and 24) because of lack of information. ARTICLE 22. To see if the T~ will vote to raise and appropriate a sM of money sufficient for the purpose of constructing, equipping and furnishing a new fire station, and of landscapiDx~, grading an~ finishing its grounds. Petition of the Selec~z~_n. See Article 21. ARTICLE 23. In the event of the adoption of the prec~ling Article, to see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectman, c~ such other C~mHttee as they my vote to esemhlish, to act in its name ar~ behalf in all matters having to do with the empenditure of the funds provided urger said Article, including the execution of all contracts pertaining to the n~w fire station ar~ grounds. Petition of the Selectmen. See Article 21. ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning_ By-Law by inserting, after Section 4.06 thereof, tb~ following n~w section: Section 4.07. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this By-Law the buildings, facilities and grounds of a municipal fire station may be maintained ~pon any parcel of land acquired by the Town for such purposes. Petition of th~ Selectmen. See Article 21. ARTICLE 25. TO see if the Town will vote to instruct the Planning Board to take such steps as be proper and feasible to require petitioners for subdivisions of land to do all things necessary to cause all ways within their subdivisions to be constructed and mair~ne~ in proper condition for acceptance by the Town, to present to the Selectmen and to a Town Meeting all necessary petitions for th~ laying out of such ways and their es~mh- lishment as Town Ways, and until such estahlishemt, to plow sn~ frc~ all such ways. Petition of the Selectmen. No Recommendation. ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Select~n to acquire by purchase, by gift or by eminent dc~a/n, the parcel of land bounded by Osgocd Street, Wayne Street, land of the Boston and Ma/ne P~ilroad and ~ of the Village Land C~L~r~y, ~cw~=a by J. P. Stevens & Company, containing 9.16 acres, more or less, or any part thereof, for the purpose of est_~_blishing a site for a town garage ar~ yard and to raise ar~ appro- priate a sufficient s~a of money for~ purpose. Petition of th~ Selectmen. While your Committee is in favor of this Article, it presently lacks sufficient informa- tion to make a definite recommendation. ARTICL5 27. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sufficient s~ of money and to authorize the Select,an to enter into a ~ntract with t~ M~ssachuse~-~ Bay Transportation Author- ity to use said sun or any part thereof to defray deficits of the railroad resulting frcm providing c~L~,'~ter service from North Ar~o~_r to Boston. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 28. ARTICLE 29. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the stoa of $20,000, to be expend- ed under the direction of the Selectmen for c~pleting and equipping the ne~ Police Stat/on. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. To see if the Town will vote to authorize its Selectm.:n to e~ecute a release to the Con~Dnw~alth and to the Department of Public Works of all claims and demands arising frcm the taking of an easement in land described as Parcel No. D -- .8 in an C~der of Taking dated September 20, 1967, in return for the sum of $25.24, or for any larger sum. Petition of the Selectz~n. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 29-A. TO see if the Town will vote to instruct and direct the Selecl~en to request the State Department of Public Works to reconstruct Osgccd Street frc~ the intersection of Chickering Road Souttmesterly to the State Marker designating end of State Highway, in- clt, ling widening, drainage work, curbstones and sidewalks, all as ~ay be agreed to by said Department, the Selectmen and the Highway Surveyor, it being understood that, fol- lowing such reconstruction, the responsibility for the maintenance of said section will be asstl~ed by the Town. Petition of the Selec~=-n and the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE To See if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate t/~e sum of $790, to be expended under the direction of the ~1~ ~d---~he Town A~countant for the purpose of purchas- ing a desk type printing calculator to be used by all departments from a central point in the Town Office Building. Petition of the Selectme~ and the Town Accoumtant. it is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $33~, to be empended under the directic~ of tb~ Town Accoumtant and Selectmen for the purpose of replacing a 16 year old Allen-Wales adding machine. Petition of the Town Accountant. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4400, to be exgend~d under the direction of the Selectmen for the purchase of two new 1~-~, 12 volt system cars with necessary safety .equipment. Two 1966 cars to ~-~n~ad-~--, and all equipment to be changed over, such as police radios, sirens and other similar accessories. Petition of the Chief of Pelice and the Selectmen. It is recommend%d that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 33. TO see if the Town will vote by Resolution. To declare that there exists in the Town a need for low-income housing at rents within the m~u$ of families of low income, as defined in the thited States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, which need is not being adequately met by private enterprise; to approve an application of the North Andover Housing Authority to the Public Housing Administration, an agency.authorized by said Act to provide financial assistance to local public housing agencies for undertaking and carrying out preliminary planning of low-rent housing urojects, fo~ a preliminary loan in an amount not to emceed $8,000 fo~ surveys ar~ planning in connection with low rent housing projects of not to ex~e~d approximately 40 dwelling u~its and to authorize the Board of Selectman to e~ecute c~ behalf of the Town, a 'Corporation Agreement' be- tween the Town and the North Andover Housing Authority; substantially in the form of a proposed agreement of which copies are on file in the office of the Board of Selectman, the Town Clerk and the North Andover Housing Authority, providing for the local cu~pcr- ation as may be required by the Public Housing ~]ministration pursuar~ to the sa/d ~t. Petition of the North Andover Housing ~nthority. It is recommended that the Town vote ,o ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5000, said sum to be placed in a C0~v~ti0n F~nd, to be allowed to accumulate frcm year to year an~ to be e~pended by the Conservation OD~mission for the pre,orion development ar~ better util- ization of the natural resources of the town, for the protection of watershed resources of the town, for acquiring options for the purchase of real estate and for any other pur- pose authorized by Section 8-C of fhapter 40 of the General Iaws as amended, including the purchase of land. Petition of the Conservation fkm~ission. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJ£CT the article. ARTICLE 35. To see what action the Town will take, by a secret writte~ ballot to be taken at the M~eting upon the following questions: "Shall there be established a water pollution abatement district as rec~,t,e_oded by the Division of Water Pollution Control and approved by the Water Resources C~,~,~ssion, to include the City of Lawrence and the Towns of M~thuan, ~ndover, and N0~th A~dover and the construction, acquisition, extension, in~rovement, maintenance and operation of a system of water pollution abatement facilities by the said district in accordance with the ~rovisions of chapter twenty-one of the General Laws?" Petition of the Selectmen. No recommendation at this time pending the adoption of special legislation creating the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District. See Article No. 1 Of the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting called for March 16. ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to allow the ABC (A Better Omance) Program to come into the Town of North Andover, ~eby bringing ~ our Public ~tlgh School ten (10) stu- dents from othe~ states and areas of the Uaited States for the purpose of pr ~epm~ing th~ for college. Petition of M~rg~ret A. Wilson and others. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to raise and apl~opriate the s~n of $200,000, to be ex- pended urger the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of constructing the Osgood Street sewerage pu~ping station, a force r~d_n on Clark Street and on Suttc~ Street to the Sutton Street sewer and an extension of the sew~ system to a point about 2,000 feet northerly on O~ood Street from Great Pond Boad in accordance with the re- port on Sewerage Facilities for the Osgood Street -- Great Pond ~Dad area by Caap, Dresser and ~Kee Consulting Engineers, and to accept any contributions toward the cost of the project and to authc~ize the Board of Public Works to e~pend such contributions. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 38. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $11,800, to be expend- ed under the dLrectionoftheBoard of Public Works fc~ the purpose of i-~tallinga 16 chemical dry feeder at the South Pumping Station to replace the present 1944 feeder, to purchase a tractor and loader to replace the t~resent 1949 Ford Tractor ar~ loader and to purchase a trailer Model Sewer Roder. Petition of the Board of Public Werks. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the d/rection of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of c~leting the se~er c~nstruction on Autran Avenue and Ootuit Street voted under Article 5, Special Town b~etJ_ng, March 1967. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE ~0. To see if the Town will vote to raise and approt~iate the s~n of $7,000, to be empended t~der the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of ~letins;.. the water main construct/on on Johnson Street ~ated under Article 6, Special Town Meeting, Marc--~ 1967. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 41. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. To see if the Town will vote to raise ~ appropriate th~ sum of $3,000, to be e~pended under the direction of the Boar~ ~ ~11¢ Works for th~ ~s~ ~)f completi~ the West Side Sewer construction voted urger Article 72, 1966, Annual Town Meeting. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ~RTICLE 42. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. TO see if the T-uwn will vote to raise and apl~rop~iate the sum of $45,000, to be e~pend- ed under the direction of--t~ ~ of ~lio Works f~--~e purp~s~ O~talliD~ a 12- inch water m~in on Mmrbleridge Road from G~eat Pond Road to Salem Street. Petition of the Board of Public Works. Your Committee recommends that this Article be considered together with Articles 52, 54, 55 and 56, that the Town vote to ADOPT said Articles, that the appropriation called for be met by a proper municipal borrowing, and that Article 53 be rejected. ARTICLE 45. TO see if the Town will vote to raise an ~opriate the sum~ of $2,000, to be expended der the directio~ of the Board of Public Works for the purpose o--~-~---enewing water serv- ices to the property lines, placing gate valves on hydrant branches and raising manhole frames and covers on streets that are being reconstructed. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 44. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. To see if the Town will vot~ to raise and appropriate the man of $1,000, to be empended under the direction of ~Boar~ o~lic ~brks for the purpose o~--~ng such exten- sions of the water m~in system, subject to the standard regulations of said Board, on or before October 1, 1968 my consider most necessary, such extensions not having been petitioned for at this meeting. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town will vote to raise ar~ appropriate the sum of $2,300 to be expended 17 AP, T ICLE h6. ARTICLE 47, under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of shingling the roof of the Fieldhouse at G~ogans Field, of purchasing materials for a chain link fence on the Gilbert Street side of ~ogans field and purchasing materials to complete the chain link fence at the Chadwick Street Playc3round. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. . To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~n of $5,500, to be e~- ed urger the direction of the ~oar~ ~ ~lic. Works for the purpos~ ~-~ ~-uikting and equiping a cen~nt block fieldhouse at the Carl A. Thomas playground. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the stun of $19,000, to be ex- pended under the direction of the-~-~-~ Public Works for the purpose of extending Petition of Stew-rift P. Wilson and others. Your Committee recommends that this Article be considered together with Articles 48, 49, 50 and 51, that the Town vote to ADOPT said Articles, and that the appropriation called for ($79,500) be met by a proper municipal borrowing. ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $14,000, to be ex- pended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of exte~ing the sewer on FZLrtin Avenue from the existing r~unhole easterly to Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of Vencenzina Ferrara and others. ARTICLE 49. ARTICgE 50. ARTICLE 51. ARTICLE 52. See Article 47. To see if the To~n will vote to raise and appropriate the s~ of $22,000, to be ex- pended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the pu~Fgse of extending the se~er on Chestnut Street frc~ 169 Chestnut Street to Sutton Hill Road. Petition of Salvatore Guglielmino and others. See Article 47. To see if the Town will vote to raise an~ appropriate the ~ of $6,000, to be e~- ed un~er the direetion of the Boar-~ ~lic Works for the purpose of extending the sewer on Poor Avenue from Sutton Street. Petition of Harold E. Smith and others. See Article 47. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap~opriate the sum of $18,000, to be ex- pended under the direction of th~ Board of Public ~b~ks for the purpose ~f exter~in9 the West Side Sewer in an ease~aent frcm the rear of 209 TL~ike Street to Andover Street and southerly on At, over Street. Petition of Arthur F. Conn~ ar~ others. See AnTicle 47. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and ap~rouriate the su~ of $3,000, to be expend- ed under the direction of the Board of ~lic Works for the purpos~ ~ ~xtending the water system on Po~r Avenue from Sutton Street. Petition of Harold E. Smith ar~ others. 18 ART!CLE 53. ARTICLE 54. ARTICLE 55. ARTICLE 56. ART ICIE 57. ARTICLE 58. ARTICLE 59. See Article 42. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient su~ of money, to be expended urger the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extend- ing the water system on Salem Street, from its ~resent terminus at or about #1132 Salon Street, a d~istance of about 3500 feet up to, but not including, land of M~Donald. Petition of George Farr ar~ others. it is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,000, to be expend- ed under the direction of the Board ~ ~lic Works for the purpose o---~xtending the water system on Longwood Avenue to the present terminus on Rosedale Avenue. Petition of Fdward J. Fionte and others. See Article 42, To see if the Town will vote to raise ~ aplmfopriate the sum of $32,000, to be ex- pended under the direction of the ~-~ Public Works for the purpose ~f extending the water system on Farnham Street from Johnson Street southeasterly to 1300 feet frc~ Brooks Street and to accept from Benjamin C. Osgood of North Andover fifty per cent of the cost of the project. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgood and others. See Article 42. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,400, to be e~pend- ed under the direction of the Board of Public WQrks for the purpose of e~__~ the water system on Martin Avenu~ frem the present terminus 180 feet toward~ M~ssac~--tts Avenue. Petition of Mitchell P. Boo,man and others. See Article 42. To see if the Town will vote to amand Section 4.73 of the zonir~ By-Law ~y adding the Following paragraph: "When in a residential zone, the minimum lot area pe~ dwelling unit shall be the larger of 3,500 sq. ft. or 1/3 of the minimum lo% area required for a single family dwelling." Petition of Andros Hamori ar~ others. No recommendat ion. To see if the Town Will vote to amer~ Section 4.7 of the Zoning By-Law by changing the words "in any zoning district'' to "in General Business Districts." Petition of Norman E. Lentz ar~ others. No recommendation. To see if the Town will vote to an~nd its Zoning By-Iaw by changing from Rural Resi- dentail to General Business the following described pmrcel of land: NCRTHEAST~FJbY by the Southwesterly line of Salem Turnpike four hundred sixty-nine and 89/100 (469.89) feet; S~Y by lar~ now or formerly of Lillian B. ~verty two hundred eighty-two aDzl 14/100 (282.14) feet; and WEST~a~LY by land now or formerly of Charles E. Canty et al about two hundred sixty-niD~ (269) feet, said parcel containing 30,000 sq. ft. mc~e or less. Petition of Louis J. 19~iec, Jr. and others. No Recommendation. 19 ARTICLE 60. ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town willvote to am~nd the zoning by-laws to change frc~ODuntryResi- dential zone to Ir~ustrial Zone a certain parcel of land described as follows: A certain parcel of land situated on the Northerly side of the Sale~ Turnpike in said North Arnlover ar~ being appro~/n~tely Seventy fou~ (74) acres of the Southwesterly por- tion of the third parcel described in Lar~ Court decree dated August 8, 1951, recorded with North Essex Registry of Deeds o~ August 9, 1951, confirming the title of grantors to certain lands in said North Andover in land court case #22768, the pr~ises hereby conveyed being bounded as follows: Cc~m~ncing at a point on the N~rtherly side of the Sal~ ~k~ike at the en~ of a stone wall at land of William Dawson; thence the line runs N~rthwesterly by the Northeasterly side of said Turnpike eight hundred eighty two and 23/100 (882.23) feet to a corner of a wall at land of c~rdner R. Humphrey et al; thence the line runs northerly by s~d Humphrey land, by land of Valco~-t and land of oee Theriault as the stone wall stands, five hundred eighty seven and 64/100 (587.64) feet to a corner at land of Charles Mslan~d et al; thence the line rur~ N~rt~herly as the stone wall stands by said Melam~d land and land of one Arthur Frechette a distance of nineteen hundred twelve (1912) feet to the westerly corner of lot number (2) describ~ in said confirmation decree; thence the line turns and rt~s Southeasterly by said lot numbered two (2) seven hundred ninety seven and 95/100 (797.05) feet to a cc~ner of a wall at land of John B. Harrim~n ar~ contir~/es Southeasterly by said wall by said Harriman land four hundred sixteen and 64/100 (416.64) feet to a corner in said wall at the Southerly corner of said Harrin~un lar~t; Thence the line runs in a straight line in about the same course a distance of about eighteen hundred forty (1840) feet to the stone wall along Dawson's Boundary line at a point which is three hundred (300) feet southwesterly frc~ Hillside Road, as measured along s~_ld Dawson Wall; thence the line turns and runs sout~sterly by said Dawson wall to the turnpike at the point of beginning. Petition of Walter S. Green and others. No recommendation. To see if the Town will vote to rezone the following parcel of land frc~ residential to business: A certain parcel of land in North Andover, said Oounty of Essex, and bounded and described as follows: Beginnin~ at the corner of the fence at Second Street; easterly by ~ now or fozTa~rly of Henry Fmniston 28 feet; southerly by land nc~ or formerly owned by John p. Murphy 28 feet; westerly by lard now or fc~m~rly owned by John P. ~k=phy 15 feet; northly by Second Street 34 feet. Containing 500 square feet, mc~e or less, and being nun~ered #18 Second Street in said North Armorer. Being the sam~ pr~ises conveyed to John P. Murphy by deed of Art~mr O. Gile et ux dated July 23, 1934, and recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds book 580, page 175. Also another certain parcel of land, with the buildings thereon situated on th~ westerly side of Main Street in sa~d North Andover an~ bour~ed and described as follows: Begin- ning at a stake ar~ stones 8 rods distant southerly from the northerly post of a pair of bars on said M~in Street on land fc~m~rly of Moody Bridges; thence running southerly 4 rods to a stake an~ stones by said Main Street; t_hence south 81° west 15 rcds and 14 links to a stake and stones; thence north 2% west 3 rods ar~ 14 links to a stake and stones; thence north 80° east 15 rods and 8 links to the bound first mantioned. Also another oertain p~reel of ]ar~, adjoining the aforesaid described parcel, ar~ situated on the Southeasterly side of Second Street in said North Am~over a~ bounded and des- eribed as follows: Beginning at a point on said premises on the southeasterly line of said Seco~ Street at land n~w or formerly of one Daw; thence running northeasterly by the southeasterly line of said Second Street 12 feet to land now c~ f~ly of Henry I(~niston; thence running southeasterly 15 feet by ]and now or formerly of said Keniston to land now or formerly of John P. Murphy to a point 15 feet norheasterly, from said Daw's land; thence running southwesterly by said land now er formerly of John P. Murphy 15 feet to said Daw's land, now er fora~_rly; t~ n~rthwesterly 10 feet by said Daw's land as the fence stands to the point of begir~uing; and both parcels tegether being numbe_red #155 Main Street. 20 Petition of Stewart P. Wilson and others. ARTICLE 62. ARTICLE 63. ARTICLE 64. ARTICLE 65. No recommendation. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s%~n of $15,000, to be ex- pended under the direction of the~d-~ Fire Engineers for the purpose of using with the trade-in value of the present 1966 ambulance to purc~hase a new ambulance. Petitian of the Board of Fire Engineers. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. To see if th~ Town will vote ~o raise ~ appropriate the sum of $4,500, to be ex- per~ed under the direction of the Board of Fire Enginmers fc~ the purpose of using with the trade-in value of the present 1952 utility truck to purchase a new utility truck. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. To sec if the Town will vote to raise ar~ appropriate the s~m of $5,000, to be ex- pended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of replacing the emergency electric power genera~r serving the Fire Station, Police Station, Town Building, and Town Yard. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. To sec if ~he Town will vote to raise a~ appropriate the stma of $27,000, to be ex- pended under the direction of ~e ~-~ Fire Engineers for the purpose of appointing seven regular fire figh%ers who have passed the Civil Service physical and mental e~ra- inations, all in accc~dance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $14,000 for the purpose of appointing four regular firefighters. ARTICLE 66. TO see if the Town will vote to raise ~ appropriate, fc~ highway projects having the approval of the State Department of Pub~-~ Works, $9,008.05 fr~m the sa of $18,016.10 apportioned to tke Town by said Departmmnt urger Sec-~-~-~of Chapter 616 of the ~ts of 1967, e~_r~titures therefrcm to be made urger the direction of the Highway Survey, with the prior approval of the Selec~m~n. Petition of the Highway S%~vey~r. ARTICLE 67. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000, to be ~x- per~ed under tb~ direction of ~e~hway Surveyor for the purpose of meetirx3 thru Town's share of the costs of Chapter 90 high~ay construction of Salem Street, Johnson Strect and Foster Street and the stml of $30,000 be transferred from. ~unap~.o~riated . available fur~ls to meet the State and Coun---~es of such co, ts, the reimbursem~-nt from the State and County t~ be restored upon ~heir receipt to umap~ropriated available funds in the bown treasury. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 68. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. To sec if the Town will vote to raise and approtmfiate the sum of $2,000, to be expend- ed under the direction of the Highway St~veyor for the purpose of ~ni~ any street in the Town, ur~ler Chapter 90 of the General Iaws, and, in addition, that the s~n of $1,000 be transferred from ~approt~iated available funds to meet the Sta~e's share of 21 the cost of such work, the reimbursea~nt from tl~e State to be restored, upon receipt, to t~appropriated available funds in the Town treasury. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~ of $600, to be e~nded u~er the direction of the High~ay Surveyor for the purpose of makl~--and placing Street Siqns. Petition of the Highway Surveyc~. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the su~ of $5,000, to be expend- ed under the direction of the }~ghway Surveyor for th~ purpose of repairing concrete sidewalks. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000 for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to raise and approuriate the s~ of $1,000, to be ex- pended under the d~ection of the Highway Sum~y~r for the purpose of repairing old stone culverts. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town will v~te to raise a~t appropriate the sM of $56,500, to be e_~taerzl- ed urger the direction of the Highway Surveyor f~r the purpose of purchasing the fol- lowing equipment: One 4-{4heel Drive Pick-Up Truck, a 1962 Pick-Up to be traded $2,800. One Road G~ader, a Grader to be traded $27,000. Om~ P~ad }{)ller, a Roller to be traded $8,000. C~e Truc~ C~assis, One Sand S~r~mer, a 1954 Sar~er to be traded $8,200. One Loader $10,500. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $13,300 for the purchase of one 4-Wheel Drive Pick-up Truck, a 1962 Pick-Up to be traded, for $2,800, and one Loader for $10,500. ARTICLE 73. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~ of $1,500, to be e~pended under the direction of the Highway Surveyc~ for the purpose of ins~i~g chinOn-link fence where needed. Petition of the Highway Surve!~. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 74. To see if the Town will vote to raise and approuriate the s~ of $7,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of r~lng a road 9fader and street roller. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 75. To see if the Town will vote to raise ar~ appropriate the sum of $55,000, to be expend- ed under the direction of the High~ay ~ for the purpose of resurfaciDg, oiling, repairing and maintenance of any street. 22 Petition of the Highway Surveyor. it is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000 for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000, to be expend- ed under the direction of the High~ay Surveyor for the purpose of replacing existing catch basin frames and grates which are smaller than standard size. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000 for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 77. TO See if the Town will vote to raise and approuriate the sum of $10,000, to be empend- ed under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of ~----~-6~--ng and replacir~ ~ rails throughout the Town. Petition of the Highly Surveyor. It Is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 78. TO see if t/le Town will vote to raise ar~ ap~rouriate a sufficient sum of money to in- stall hot top on sidewalks installed by the State frc~ the Village Green' apartments to the intersection of Chickering ~Dad and M~ssachusetts Avenue. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000 for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 79. To see if the Town will ~Dte to raise and apuropriate the su~ of $2,000, to be exper~ed under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of cut%-~-~g down embanks_hr to make provision for drainage on Foster St., North Andover and repair sam~ to put street in goc~ condition. Petition of Catherine F. Clarke and others. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 80. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum o___f ?__n~, to be expended undmr the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of-~roviding a side%~lk along ~ Road from the Thomson School to M~ssachusetts Avenue and a point ~ 'so that our s~hoo--I--children will not be forced to walk in the roadway to and from school each day. Petition of Gloria M. Lidstone and others. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate $5,000 for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE 81. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money, to be e~pended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of ~ting a sidewalk alon~ the westerly side of Waverly Road between Halifax Street and Massachu- setts Avenue. Petition of Margaret V. Sutton and others. ARTICLE 82. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $14,300, to be e~per~- ed under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose ofr-~dingand sur- facings/nd putting in g~od condition, 600 feet Southerly on ProspectStreet from the 23 intersection of Chadwick Street. Petition of Ralph C. Bevin ancl others. it is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 85. TO See if the Town will vote to raise and ap~r~J~iate the sum of $40,000, to he e~perzt- ed ur~er the direction of the High~y Surve!K~ for the purpose of r---~ing Adams Ave. and installing surface drain from Massachusetts Avera~ to Wocd L~ne. Petition of Harold W. Ritter and others. It is recommended that the Town vote to STRIKE the article from the warrant since it is our understanding that the petitioner intends to move to strike this article from the warrant. ARTICLE 8~. To see if the Town will vote to raise an~ mp~iate f_he s~m of $5,000, to be ed under the direction of the Higb~ay Surveyor for the purpose of ~-~ling permanent pavement over rc~d e~avations made by other Town ager~ies. Petition of f_he Selecimnmn, th~ Board of Public Works and the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 85. it i~ recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. TO see if the Townwillvote teraiseandapprot~iate the sum of $5,000, tobe e~_ ed under the~reetio~oftheHighwmySurveyor for the purpose of ~lingsurface drain onGilbert Street Petition of the Nc~th Andover Housing Authority. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 86. To see if the Town will ~te to raise ar~ apuropriate the suma of $2,000, to be expen~- ed under the direction of th~ High~ay Surveyc~ f~r the purpose of ~ling tw~ sur- face drain clean-outs on Baldwin Street. Petition of the Nc~th An~over Housing Authority. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 87. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $14,000, to he expend- ed urzter the direction of the High~ay Surveyc~ for the purpose of r--~ing 688 lineal feet of ~n~wocd Avenue and installing s~face drain. Petition of Edward J. Fionte ar~ others. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 88. TO see if the Town will vote ~o raise ar~ appropriate a sufficient sum of mon~., %0 be expended under the direction of the High~y Surveyor bo' ~mke neeessar~ ~-~zrs to have Longw~ Avenue accepted. Petition of Edward J. Fionte and others. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 89. TO see if the Town will vote to accept as public way the way that is shc~n on the Plan of Land entitled "Plan of Hillside D~res" owned by John-Ar~lrew Cc~Ikany, Inc., dated Jum~ 20, 1966, Brasseur Associates, E~gir~=ers ~ recorded in th~ Nerth Essex Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 5516 which has been developed and cc~mpleted in accordar~e with the Planning Board's Specifications all as req,,ired under the Provisions of the North And- over Zoning law pertaining to ~sidential I4~mes and all laid out and aj~W~cat~d by The Board of Selectmmn and to name street so accepted ~brian Drive. Petition of John J. Burke and others. 24 ARTICLE 90. ARTICLE 91, ARTICLE 92. ARTICLE 93. ARTICLE 94. ARTICLE'95 No recommendation, TO sec if the TOwn will vote to accept as public ways those ways as are shown on the Plan of Iand entitled "Village Green" owned by R. and S Construction Company, dated December 1, 1964, Bradford Saivetz and Associates, Inc. Oonsulting Engineers, arft re- corded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 5213 which has been developed ar~ cu,~leted in accordance with the Planning Board's specifications all as re~H red under the provisions of the North Andover Zoning Law pertaining to apartn~_nt houses, and all as laid out and adjuicated by the Board of Selectmen and to name the streets so accepted village Green Drive, Leyden Street, Jefferson Street and Kingston Street. Petition of John J. willis and others. No recommendation. To see if the Town will vote to accept as public ways those ways as are sho~a~ on a p/an entitled "Subdivision Plan of Imnd in North Andover, M~ssachusetts dated October 7, 1959, Dana F. Perkins and Sons, Incc~pcrated, engineers, and recorded in the Nu~Lh Essec Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 4154 which has been de,loped and completed in ac- cordance with the Planning Board's specifications as required under the Subdivision Control Law ar~l all as laid out and adjudicated by the Selectn~n, and to ~ the street so accepted M~rk ~uad. Petition of Vincent E. Savukinos and others. No recommendation. To see if the Town will vote to accept as public ways as are shown on a plan entitled "Definitive Plan of Briarcliff" dated M~rch 26, 1962, Gec~ge E. Hayes, Engineer and recerded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 4705 which has been developed and completed in accordance with the Planning Boa~'s specifications as req~ed u~der the Subdivision Control Law and all as laid out and adjudicated by the Select~n and to nares the strects so accepted Lisa Lane, Sandra Lan~ and Kieran Boad. Petition of A. Courtney Longton and others. No recommendation. TO sec if the Town will vote to accept as public ways those ways as are shown on a plan entitled "EM Crest Estates" George E. Hayes, E~gin~er and dated January 31, 1959 and recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 3819 which have been developed and completed in accc~dance with tb~ Planning Board's specifications as required ~r~er the Subdivision Control Law and all as laid out and adjudicated by the ~1~, ~ to na~e the streets so accepted as El~crest Road and Magnolia Drive~ Petition of Gl~dys L. Hurley and othars. No recommendation. TO see if the Town will vote to accept as public ways those ways as are shown on a Plan of Tmnd entitled "Definitive Plan of Whittier Farm, North Andover, Massachusetts", dated Agril 12, 1966, Hayes Engineering, Inc. and recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 5483, which haw been developed ancl completed in accc~dance with plan- ning Board's specifications as required under the Subdivision Control Law a~ all as laid out and adjudicated by tb~ Selectmen, and to ~ the streets so accepted Fern- croft Circle, Meadowview Road and High~ocd Way. Specifically e~luding fr~ considera- tion hereur~er any portions of a way called on said Plan, Old Sessions Road as this way has never had any star,ting either as a private way c~ way to which the public had ac- cess · Petition of Fred D. ~9%ittir a~ others. No recommendat i on. · TO sec if the Town will vote to accept Sylvan Terrace for a distance of apl~roximatelY 25 1000 feet, f~c~ Massachusetts Avenue to its terminus at Linden Avenue. Petition of Jam~s E. FitzgeTald ar~ others. No recommendation. ARTICL5 96. To See if the Town will vote to raise ar~ appropriate the sum of $28,500, fc~ the p~- pose of amanding its Personnel By-Law by saa~ng a 4% increase to ali rates in each com- pensation grade of Section 7, Schedules B, C, and D, and Section 8 ar~ 9, effective January 1, 1968. Petition of the Personnel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 97. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the stun of $310 for the purpose of ame_nd~ng its Personnel By-~w, Schedule A, Dep~rtment Head and S~ervi~ Group, by dele---~ c~as-~--tit e-~ ~-upe~inter~ent and assigned cuLt~nsation grade S-12, and inserting in place thereof class title Superintendent of Insect Pest Control with ccm- pensation grade S-13, effective Jar~ary 1, 1968. Petition of th~ Personnel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. AltTICLE 98. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $450 for the purpose of ~ng its Personnel By-Law, Schedule A, Department Head ar~ ~erviscry Group, by striking cu,~_lisation grade S-16 frcm class title Town Accountant an~ inserting in its place compensation grade S-17, effective January 1, 1968. Petition of the Personnel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 99. To see if the Town will vote to raise and al~u~opriate th~ sum of $360 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By-Law, Schedule A, De~ei-h;ent He~_d and Su~s~ Group, by striking c~ensation grade -S---~ from class title T,-Yhrarian and. inserting in its place ¢~ensation grade S-16, effective January 1, 1968. Petition of the Personnel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 100. To see if the Town will vote to r-d/se and al4J~'opriate the s%~ of $100 for the purpose of a~_r~ing its Personr~l By-Law, Schedule A, Department H~ and Supervisory Group, ~brking Foreman S-10', by striking therefrom $100 per month and inserting in its place $125 p~r month, effective January 1,~ 1968. Petition of the Personnel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 101. To see if the Town will vote to aman~ its Personnel By-Law Section 19 - Bereavement L~ave, by deleting the present provision in its entirety and inserting in its place the following: Emergency leave up to three days n~y be allowed for death in an employee's ~.~diate family (wife, huabar~, child, parent of either spouse, brother ~r sister and person in the ~te household). Petition of the Personr~l Board. I~ Is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 102. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate such s~ as this meetin~ may 26 determine, to the Stabilization D/nd, as provided by Section 5-B of Chapter 40 of the General L~ws. Petition of the Assessors. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 105. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from the Overlay Reserve, the s~ of $ to the Reserve'Fund. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000 for the purpose of this article. ARTICLF 104. To see if the Town will vote to take the sm of $ frc~ Available Fur~s to reduce the tax rate. Petition of the Assessors. tt is recommended that the Town vote to transfer from available funds fhe sum of $185,000 for the purpose of this article. Ar~ you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true ar~ attested copies thereof, at the Town office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, ar~ make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to The Town Clerk, at the tiros ar~ place of said meeting. Given under our bands at North Andover, Massachusetts, the 15th day of January in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hur~lred and sixty-eight. WILLIAM A. FINNERAN FRED P. OAKES BOARD OF SELECTMEN. A true copy: North Andover, ~assachusetts, & A'ri~ST: Constable 1968 27 SPECIAL TOWN MEETING SATURDAY, THE 16TH DAY OF /,,lARCH 1968 AT 1:30 P.M. ARTICLE 1. ARTICLE 2. ARTICLE 3. To see what action the Town will take, by a secret written ballot to be taken at the Meeting, upon the following question: Shall there be established a Sanitary District to include the City of Lawrer~e ar~ the Towns of Annoyer, Methuen and North Armorer and the construction, acquisition, exten- sion, im~roven~nt, maintenance and operation of a system of water ~ollution abatement facilities by the said District in accordance with the provisions of a Special ~t to create the ~eater Lawrence Sanitary District? Petition of the Selectmen. A recommendation will be made at the time of the Town Meeting. To see if the Town will vote to accept as a Town way, Cotuit Street from its inter- section with Waverly Road to its terminus at the property owned by Donald B. Elliot et ux numbered 107 Cotuit Street. Petition of John J. Willis ar~ others. No recommendation. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient s~n of money to ac- quire approxin~tely 14 acres of ~ frc~n Anthony Rogers believed to be necessary to e~pand the Sanitary Fill area. Petition of the Highway Surveyor and the Selectmen. No recommendation. 28 ATTEND TOWN MEETING DATE: TIME: PLACE: Saturday, March 16, 1968 1:30 P.M. Veterans Memorial Auditorium North Andover High School Please bring this copy of Advisory Committee Report with you to Town Meeting. Advisory Committee Report Town of North Andover Massachusetts Non-Profit U. S. POSTAGE PAID No. Andover, Mass. Permit No. 191 NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 TOW~ OF NORTH ANDOVER MASSACHUSETTS Advisory Committee Report and Town Warrant. REPORT OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE · TOWN MEETING MARCH, 1968 FELLOW CITIZENS OF NOF~H ASDOVER: Your Advisory Board's msssage this year is little different in principle from those of recent years. In essence, it can be stated simply that the cost of maintaining and administering the functions of our Town has skyrocketed in recent years, and it should be recognized that North Andover no longer enjoys the same degree of distinction of havirg a better tax base and a more attractive tax rate than certain other towns of comparable size and needs. It should also be rec- ognized that such factors are urime in the establishment of a good business climate which is of extreme iat0ortance in attracting and retaining business, industry and good citizens. This can be supported in part by the events of the last few years, since 1960 the tax rate has increased by 50% and could go to 64%, conditional on the acceptance of the Advisory Board's recor~endations at the Town Meeting. The cost of mintaining our educative process has gone frc~ $898,034, in 1964 to $1,560,897 in 1968. The respective budgets of the Town Departments have shown marked increases over these years mainly due to increased labor costs and the purc~ or repair of operational equilanent. Moreover, in recent years there has been a growing practi~e to meet some of the expenses of the Town through bond issues in order to minimize the effect at that time onthe tax rate. It should be realized that this is a real expense to the Town which extends ou~r a period of many years with accor~panying significant interest charges. One ~ght raise the question at this tirae as to whether there has been a proportionate increase in new ard i~oved services to the cikizenry cc~x~nsurate with th~ increase in cost to the Town. Only you, as citizens of the Town, can be the proper judge of this matter. You will be given an opportunity to exercise your right of free opinion on M~rch 16 at the Town Maeting. Please bear in r~ that the recitation of the A~visory Board is directed toward a healthy fiscal status for North At, lover, ard your support of the Board's reccmm~_ndations could be a step toward the realization of such objective. By som~ sta~_ _~_~ds we are on the threshold of being a Town with a contirucus increase in the tax rate without an acccm~nying ],~'ove~-/~t in its tax base. In other words, we are spending more ms~ey than we can recover from taxes ard other sca/roes. In sir~ple language, we are spending more than our inccz~e provides to ma/ntain our Town. Respectfully suk~tted, ~oger Pelletier, Chair~n John Burke, Jr. Donald W. (ban Stand, cd Evans Richard Graham Atty. Herve ~bison Atty. Merrill Roser~g John J. Shaughnessey Robert E. Mascola, Secretal-y Article No. 10 11 17 18 19 2O 21 22 26 27 28 30 31 32 34 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 YOUR TALLY SHEET ARTICLES REQUESTING FUNDS (To raise and appropriate about $28,000 means an increase of $1.00 on the tax rate.) Description Fourth of July Celebration Christmas Decorations Greater Lawrence Guidance Center Topographical Survey For School Survey of Future High School needs Alterations at Franklin School Land for new Fire Station Construction of Fire Station Land for Town C~rage Defraying ~STA deficits Qompletin9 8nd Equipping Police Station Purchase of Desk Type Calculator Purchase of New Adding Fachine Two New Police Cars Establishing a Con~ervatien Fund Osgood Street pun~ing station New Equipment at pumping station Conpleting sewer extention - Autran Ave. Completing water n~in extention - John~o~ St. Completing west side sewer extension Rer~wing water services Emergency water extensiens Playground in~r~ts Fieldhouse for Thomas Playground Sewer extension- Peters Street Sewer extension - Martin Ave. Requested $ 1,500 8O0 1,696 7,500 7,500 11,500 20,000 790 330 4,400 5,000 200,000 11,800 2,000 7,000 3,000 45,000 2,000 1,000 2,300 5,500 19,000 14,000 $ 1,500 800 1,696 7,500 7,500 11,500 0 0 0 0 20,000 0 0 4,400 0 0 11,800 2,000 7,000 3,000 1,500 2,000 1,000 2,300 0 570 45O 49 5O 51 52 53 54 55 56 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 Sewer extension - Chestnut St. Sewer extension - Poor Ave. Sewer extension - Turnpike St. Water Extension - Poor Ave. Water main extention - Salem St. Water main extention - Longwood Ave. Water main extention - Farnum St. Water main extention New Fire Dept. Ambulance Fire Dept. utility truck ~aergency electric power generatc~ Seven new firefighters Street Construction - Chap. 90 M~intaining Streets - Chap. 90 Street signs Repairs to sidewalks Repairing old stone culverts Purchase of Highway Dept. Equip. Chain link fence Rental of Roller and grader Msintenance of streets ~placing old catch basin frames Erecting ~,~d rails Hot top of sidewalks at Village ~reen Drainage system- Roster St. New sidewalk along Waverly Rd. New sidewalk along Waverly Rd. Street Repairs - Prospect St. Rebuilding/~]ams Ave. Repairs to street e~mv~tions Surface drain - Gilbert St. Surface drains - Baldwin St. Surface drain - Longwood Ave. 22,000 6,000 18,000 3,000 56,000 4,000 32,000 1,400 15,000 4,500 5,000 27,000 10,000 2,000 600 5,000 1,000 56,500 1,500 7,000 55,000 5000 10000 8 000 2 000 5 000 10 000 14,300 40,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 14,000 660 180 55O 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 4,500 5,000 14,000 10,000 2,000 600 2,000 1,000 13,300 0 0 30,000 2,000 1,000 8,000 0 5,000 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 1,000 0 88 96 97 98 99 100 102 103 Reserve Fund 28,500 310 450 360 100 0 8,000 0 28,500 310 450 360 100 0 8,000 TRANS~'~S F~OM RF~S~KVE FUSD DURING 1967 Approvsd by your k]visory O~mittee under Chapter 40, Section 6, of the General Laws. Seleetm~n E~penses ~bnLingent Fur~ Election Expenses Town Building Salaries & Wages Police Salaries & Wages Dutch Elm Disease E~penses Dog Officer Expenses HealLh Salaries & Wages c~bage Disposal (Contract) Refuse Disposal Sal. & Wages Streets -Gen Maint. Sal. & Wages $ 1,033.84 560.00 2,000.00 210.00 260.00 300.00 448.80 500.00 71.00 400.00 1,345.00 450.00 900.00 $ 8,478.64 $ 1,521.36 Amount of original appropriation $ 10,000.00 ESSEX SS: TO eithe~ of the Constables of the Town of North At, lover: (~.~£INGS: In the name of the Cc~mon~=~lth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Ar~lover who are qualified to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School Au~itcri~m in Precir~t 0~e, the St. ~l%~---~i-~ School Aud- itorit~ in Precinct Two, the Thc~son School Auditorium in Precinct Three ar~ the Kittredge School Auditorium in Precinct Four, all in said North At, over on Mor~ay, the Fourth Day of M~rch 1960, at 7 o'clock A.M., and there to act on the follc~g Article: A~TICLE 1. To elect a ~oderator and Town Treasurer f~r one year, Or~ Selech,~n, On~ Me~be~ of the Board of Public Welfare, One Member of tb~ Board of Assessors, One Msmber of the Board of Health, One Member of the Board of Public Works, One Msmber of the School Ccm~aittee and Five Constables fc~ three y~mrs. One Member of the P/arming Board and One Member of %he Housing Authority for five years, and One Member of the Selectman ar~ Board of Public Welfare for one year -- ~-expired term. All to be voted upon one ballot, the polls shall be open at 7:00 A.M., and shall be closed at 7:00 P.M. After final action on the preceding Article 1, said n~etin~ shall stand ~djourned by virtue of Section 4, Article 1 of the Town By__-Laws to Saturday March 16, 19u8 at one-thirty P .M., i~-t/~ Veteran's A~i~ of our ~rth Andover High School, then ar~ there to act on the following arti- cles. ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law tobe elected by ballot. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town refer to the Selectmen the appointment of Town Officers net required by law or By-Law to be otherwise chosen. ARTICLE 3. ~RTICL5 4. To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of receipts and expenditures as pre- sent~d by the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended the report be accepted. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and compensation of all elected officers of the Town, as provided by S~ti-~ 108 of C~apter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to fix the following annual salaries of officers of the Town effective from January 1, 1968. Board of Selectmen and Licensing Commission - each per annum $ 1,500.00 Board of Public Welfare - each per annum 200.00 Board of Assessors - each per annum 2,500.00 Board of Health - each per annum 300.00 Board of Public Works - each per annum 300.00 Town Treasurer - per annum 8,700.00 Tax Collector - per annum 2,730.00 Tree Warden - per annum 1,500.00 Highway Surveyor - per annum 9,200.00 Moderator - per annum 50.00 *The responsibility for this Board is being assumed by the State of iVassachusetts as of Ju ARTICLE 5. To see what action the Town will take as to its unexpended appropriations, Petition of the Selectn~n. It is recommended that the Town vote to carry forward to fiscal 1968, the following articles and appropriations: Art. 38, 1963 - Town Garage Yard Survey $ 909.78 " 1, 1967 - (Spec.) New Police Station 216.97 " 1, 1963 - New Ladder Truck 26.50 " 62, 1964 - Town Fire Fighters Accident 1,646.90 " 66, 67, 68, 1966 - Sewer Extensions 2,442.39 " 72, 1966 - West Side Sewer 5,331.18 " 5, 1967 - (Spec.) Extend Sewer Systems 2,144.07 " 41, 1966 - Ch. 90 - Salem, Dale & Johnson Sts. 7,793.33 " 5, 1966 - New Motor - Repair Street Grader 800.70 " 49, 1967 - Ch. 679 - Highway Improvement 9,024.15 " 50, 1967 - Road & Retaining Wall - Flatts Bridge 5,966.50 " 51, 1967 - Sidewalk - Osgood Street 2,500.00 the elected (½ year)* ly 1, 1968. Art. 61, 19~7 - Ch. 90 - Salem, Johnson & Foster Sts. U. S. Old Age Assistance (Assistance) U. S. Old Age Assistance (Administration) " " Medical Assistance (Assistance) ,, ,, " " (Administration) " " Aid to Dependent Children (Aid) - ,, ,, - " " (Administration) " " Disability Assistance (Assistance) - ,, " " (Administration) School Expenses (Painting Contractor) " P.L. 864 " P. L. 874 " P. L. 88-210 " P. L. 89-10 North Andover School Lunch North Andover Athletic Association State Aid for Libraries - Reserved for Approp. Parks & School Grounds Exp. (K. Bailey) Recreational Council Expenses Land Damage Claims Art. 68A, 73, 75, 76, 1966 - Water Systems " 68, 1967 - Renew Water Services " 69, 1967 - Extend Water Main Systems " 70, 1967 - Develop Well Field " 6, 1967 - (Spec.) Extend Water Systems " 7, 1967 - (Spec.) 12" Water Main " 15, 1967 - (Spec.) Water Mains - Autran Ave. Accrued interest (Equipment & Water Main Notes) 40,000.00 7,049.63 1,049.60 1,763.85 1,197.70 1,956.55 I, 546.33 76.69 3,500.00 5,302.59 32,929.32 96.19 11,268.91 11,000.88 3,152.87 2,727.00 623.16 689.02 5,436.60 12,633.37 2,895.95 1,800.00 51,399.65 1,485.96 38,945.36 520.00 80.50 Total $ 279,943.16 ARTICLE 6. To see what action the Town will take as to the budget reccmm~J~a~ions of the ~dvisory Board. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that such numbered items of the proposed budget as may be questioned Selectmen Salaries and Wages $7,570 $8,253 $12,920 $ 9,920 Expenses 1,670 2,701 3,200 3,200 Salaries and Wagee 12,700 13,720 14,320 14,320 Expenses 2,753 2,997 3,979 3,979 3 Accountant Salaries and Wages 12,589 13,666 13,950 13,950 E~penses 1,169 1,484 2,787 2,787 4 Tax Collector Salaries and Wages 7,204 7,648 7,660 7,660 E~penses 3,228 3,714 4,550 4,550 1968 Item EXPENDED Dept. Adv. No. 1966 1967 Request GENERAL GOVERNMENT & STAFF AGENCIES Town Clerk Salaries and Wages 5,850 6,100 6,800 6,800 Expenses 620 752 775 775 by any voter be separately considered. ~EDBLDGETAPPROPRLAT~S - 1968 It~n Assessors Salaries and Wages Expenses Election and Registrars Salaries and Wages E~oe~ses 9 Moderator 10 Advisory Conmittee Expenses 11 Capital Outlay Committee Expenses 12 P Lmzning Board Salaries and Wages Expends 13 Board of Appeals (Zoning) Salaries and Wages Expenses 14 Personnel Board Salaries and Wages ExtDer~es 15 Town Building Salaries ar~t Wages ExpeI1se$ 16 Annual Town M~=eting Foq~nses TOTAL - GENERAL ~ & S~FF A(~IqCIES 1966 1967 1968 Dept. Adv. Cc~m. Request Reconmend. $ 15,820 $ 16,470 $ 17,970 $ 17,970 5,095 ..... 6,461 6,461 1,000 1,400 1,400 1,400 7,497 6,158 9,832 9,832 2,500 2,500 4,000 4,000 1,040 1,040 1,040 1,040 50 50 50 50 137 122 150 150 .... 350 350 517 731 800 800 456 956 400 400 596 801 900 900 182 197 300 300 777 952 975 975 160 89 250 250 1,560 2,080 2,080 2,080 5,886 5,972 6,000 6,000 3,772 3,505 3,810 3,810 $102,398 $104,058 $127,709 $124,709 17 19 20 PUBLIC SAFETY Police Department Salaries and Wages Expeilses Fire Departmmnt Sa]aries and Wages Expenses Dog Officer Expenses Civil Defense Salary Expenses $153,880 $178,649 $183,143 $183,143 15,129 16,091 19,006 19,006 163,039 177,874 183,365 183,365 11,720 10,941 10,005 10,005 325 400 400 400 612 683 700 700 750 900 900 900 3,625 3,430 3,600 3,600 Item 21 Building Inspector Expenses 22 wiring Inspector Salary Ex~e~es 23 Gas Inspector 24 TOTAL - PUBLIC SAFETY 25 Board of Health Salaries and Wages Expenses 26 Animal Inspector 27 Garbage Disposal Contract TOTAL - P~LIC HEALTH ~ SANITATICN 28 Board of Public W~rks Salaries 29 Sewer Maintenance & Cons~tion Salaries and Wages E~es 30 Water Maintenance & Construction Salaries and Wages 31 Parks and School Grounds Salaries and Wages E~r[~es 32 Tree Depar truant Salaries and Wages Z~rlses 33 Dutch Elm Disease Expenses 34 Insect Pest Control Salary and Wages E~nses 1968 EXPENDED Dept. A~v. C~,,. 1966 1967 R~qu~st Reuse. $ 2,648 $ 3,229 $ 3,430 $ 3,430 330 394 500 425 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 370 396 400 400 500 500 500 500 101 97 100 100 750 900 900 900 150 200 200 200 $355,129 $400,376 $408,349 $408,274 $ 8,565 $ 13,336 $ 10,680 $ 10,680 7,380 3,505 6,275 6,275 325 325 325 325 1~,662 14,081 15,879 15,879 $ 28,892 $ 31,247 $ 33,159 $ 33,159 $ 750 $ 900 $ 900 $ 900 14,273 18,320 20,000 20,000 9,500 10,943 12,000 12,000 55,494 67,321 70,000 70,000 52,306 51,043 51,000 51,000 15,140 15,232 18,500 18,500 6,145 6,115 7,000 7,000 15,274 21,108 21,547 21,547 4,492 5,613 5,615 5,615 6,745 7,192 7,269 7,269 1,098 1,600 1,600 1,600 10,806 11,641 11,938 11,938 2,306 2,685 3,185 3,185 Item 35 Street Lighting 36 Streets - General Maintenance Salaries and Wages E~penses 37 Snow Removal Expenses 38 Refuse Disposal Salaries and Wages Exper~e$ TfrE~L- P%BLIC WORKS 39 Board of Public Welfare Salaries 40 ~lfare Administration Salaries and Expenses Net Cost to Town Arno%mt to be Raised 41 Welfare G~ants Total Spent Reimbur sem~nts Net Cost to Town Amour to be Raised 42 Ve~mra~s Benefits Salaries Cash G~ants 43 G~aves Registration Sa ] aries Expenses 44 School Dept. Salaries and Wages Less reimb~sement special funds (P.L. 864 and 874) Net Salaries and Wages to be appropriated Expenses Less reimburse~ant special f~ds (P.L. 864 and 874) Net ~ to be appropriated ENPENDED 1966' 1967 1968 Dept. ~v. Cc~u. Reql~st Rec~L,~r~. $ 46,065 $ 50,503 $ 52,200 $ 52,200 66,175 74,433 93,500 87,500 35,500 39,837 50,000 42,500 53,666 64,530 70,000 50,000 37,278 44,481 50,000 50,000 4,499 6,784 7,500 7,500 $437,512 $500,281 $553,754 $519,954 $ 1,200 $ 1,133 21,202 26,914 15,700 18,814 5,502 8,100 6OO $ 60O 7,000 7,000 100 100 150 150 335 320 350 350 $ 48,259 $ 46,850 $143,455 $143,455 $867,185 $1,051,010 $1,266,393 $1,266,~393 .......... 20,000 20,000 ..... 1,246,393 1,246,393 172,002 228,414 261,144 261,144 .......... 17,000 17,000 .......... 24~,144 --~,144 2,860 3,170 3,170 3,170 303 159 285 285 22,449 25,768 29,400 29,400 201,097 136,100 .......... 185,587 128,000 ..... 15,510 8,100 .......... .......... 102,500 102,500 Ibem 45 Regional Vocational School Allocation of cost to N. Andover LIBRARY 46 Steven's Meaorial Library Salaries and W~g~s RECREATION 47 Playqrounds & Bathing Beaches Salaries and Wages 48 Recreational Council Salaries and Wages Ezpenses EA~LOYEE ' S BENEFITS 49 G~oup Insurance 50 Essex County Retire~-nt Pensions TOTAL - ~LOYEE'S BENEFITS 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 %IQCLASSIFTVn Contingent Fund Rental of Veterans Headquarters Patriotic & Civic Celebrations Insurance Industrial Cc~a~ission Expenses Ira Carty Pension Out of State Travel Conservation Cc~.~i$~ion E:q~enses Bond Issus E~penzes 1968 EEPE~D~D Dept. ~dv. Cc~u. 1966 1967 Request Recc~,~nd. $ 45,808 $ 58,647 $ 70,360 $ 70,360 $1,085,095 $1,279,424 $1,560,897 $1,560,897 $ 35,135 $ 39,241 $ 40,574 $ 40,547 9,950 10,196 9,373 9,373 $ 45,085 $ 49,437 $ 49,947 $ 49,947 $ 13,033 $ 13,366 $ 15,500 $ 15,500 4,697 4,700 5,000 5,000 3,580 4,215 4,990 4,990 2,500 2,709 3,000 2,300 $ 23,810 $ 24,990 $ 28,490 $ 27,790 $ 32,172 $ 38,955 $ 41,570 $ 41,570 86,328 91,474 83,777 83,777 $ 118,500 $ 130,429 $ 125,347 $ 125,347 $ 3,000 $ 3,507 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 811 797 1,150 1,150 32,500 33,484 43,061 43,061 15 -- 200 200 2,700 263 1,763 0 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 412 674 2,250 2,250 74 57 100 100 1,682 1,682 $ 43,301 $ 42,482 $ 57,400 $ 55,643 10 Item 61 62 63 64 65 66 DEBT REDES~K~ICN Highway Equipment School Bonds Welfare Bond Water ~ Notes & Ponds Sewer Notes & Bonds Fire Equitzmnt Notes TOTAL - DEBT R~D~PTION 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 IN'£P~tEST ON DEBTS Highway Equilx~ent School Bonds Welfare Bond Water M~in Notes & Bonds Sewer Notes & Borzts Fire Equipment Notes Short Term Borrowing Police Station TOTAL - /NrPatEST ON DEBTS 1968 EXPE~I~D Dept. Adv. C~un. 1966 1967 Request ~nd. ..... $ ..... $ 15,000 $ 15,000 160,000 160,000 200,000 200,000 .......... 35,000 35,000 40,000 46,000 77,500 77,500 40,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 $ 245,000 $ 246,000 $ 367,500 $ 367,500 ..... $ 1,050 $ 1,606 $ 1,606 56,030 51,500 75,992 75,992 .......... 1,033 1,033 6,990 6,996 19,616 19,616 5,450 11,595 11,278 11,278 345 230 115 115 11,250 22,500 32,257 32,257 ..... 2,188 2,188 $ 80,065 $ 93,871 $ 144,085 $ 144,085 $2,580,083 $2,949,445 $3,607,298 $3,560,760 ARTICLE 7. ARTICLE 8. To see if the Town will vote to authc~ize the Town Tr~murer, with the approval of the Selectn~n, to borrow n~ney frc~ time to tirae in antici~tion of the text_hue of the fi- nancial ~ beginning Jan~ 1~-~9~-~ ~--J~ua~ 1', 1969, in accordance with provi- sions of C~neral Laws, Chapter 44, Section 4, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year, in accordance with the provisions of General I~ws, C~apte~ 44, Section 17. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. To consider the reports of all Special C~,~tbees. Petition of the Selectmen. 11 It is recommended that the reports of all Special Committees be heard. ART ]CLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Health to appoint one of its m~b~s to the position of Board of Health Physician and to fix his cum~e~ation, as such, a__s provided by Section 4A o__f Cha?ter 41 of the ~al' Laws. Petition of the Board of H~I th. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article and to fix the annual compen- sation of the Board of Health Physician at $1,100. ARTICLE 10. TO see if the Town will vote to raise ar~ appropr/ate the sum of $1,500, to be used for a Town Fourth of July Celebration, any and all profits mede at sa----~[-celebration to be returned to the Town, sa~d appropriation to be expended by a committee of nine ~ bers to be appointed by the Selectmen. Petition of the Selectm~n. Pt is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ,ARTICLE 11. TO sec if the Town will ~te to raise and approuriate the st~ of $800, to be expended under the direction of the Selectman, to match a like sum to be ra~-~ by the North Ardover Board of Trade, for the purpose of providing decorative lighting during the Christmas Season. Petition of the Selectnen. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate for the use of Stevens Mamorial Library the sm of $2,727 which the Town has received fran the State urder the provisions of Chapter 672 of t~ Acts of 1963 and which is now in an accot~t entitled "State Aid for Libraries -- Reserved for Appropriation." Petition of the Trustees of the Stevens M~w~r~al. Library. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 13. TO see if the Town will vote to atfchorize the Trustees of the Stevens Memorial Libr approval of the Selectm~n, as they may determine to be in futherance of the convenience and welfare of the inhabitants of the Town, empanded funds therefor from gifts made and to be m~de to them fc~ such purposes, all at no cost to the Town. Petition of the Trustees of the Ste~=~ns F~c~ial T4brary. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 14. TO sec if the Town will vote to amend Article 1 of its General By-Laws by striking t_hszefrem Section 2, arzl inserting in place thereof the followinx~: Section 2. The we=rant for any town meeting shall be ~{rected to eithe~ of the con- se~bles, who shall serve the same by posting a true and attested copy thereof at the Town Office Building and at five or n~re public places in each precinct of the Town, not less than seven days before the stated time for holdir~ such meeting. Petition of th~ Town Clerk. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to aocept to change Article Sl, Section #1 of the Town By-Laws to read: The Anneal Town Meeting (Election) shall be held on the first Tuesday in November of each year. After the election of town officers whose Pintoes appear on the official ballot sb~ll take office on Ja~mry 1 of the following y~r. Upon the ac- ceptance of this article by the Town of North Andover as hereinafter provided, be~in- 12 ning with the year nineteen-hundred and sixty eight, the regular town election of said town for the purpose of electing town officers in accordance with the provision of this article and for the sut~ission of questions to the voters of the Town as required to be sul~itted thereat shall be held annually on the first Tuesday in November and shall be considered part of the annual Town Meeting, held the following year, the secor~ Saturday in M~rch at 1: 30 P.M. in the afternoon. Petition of Philip Sutcliffe ar~ others. It is recommended that the Town vote to STRIKE the article from the warrant. ARTICLE 16. To soo if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Iaws by striking therefrom Article XI, and inserting in place thereof the following: Article XI. No p~rson shall dep~si~, or cause or allow to be deposited, any garbage, waste, refuse, bottles, cans, ~ materials or any other ~b~-~itber of w-~ev~r ute or description, upon any public or private ~ay~n the Town, c~ upon any vate property therein without the consent of its owner, or upon ar~ Town owned property without the e~press consent of the municipal officer or agency having jurisdiction therof. Any person found guilty of any violation of this Article shall be punished by the payment of a fine of not ~ore than fifty dollars for each such offense. Petition of Town Co%msel. It ia recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 17. To soo if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,696, to be expend- ed under the direction of the School Con%~ittee for the purpose of ~ing payment for services rendered, or to be rendered, by the ~reater Lawrence ~uidance Center, Inc., for or in behalf of sc~e of the ckildren of the Town, all as the C~--~ttee may ~ne. Petition of the School Comuittee. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 18. TO see if the Town will vote to raise a~l appropriate the s~u of $7,500, to be expended under the direction of the School Building Committee f~r the purpose of topographical surveys, b~ring, specification, c~wplete plans, layouts, working drawings, and estiwate of costs, and such other disbursements as are preliminary to the construction of an ad- dition to the Atkinson School. Petition of the School Ccmamittee and the School Building CuL,~.ittee. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to raise ar~ appropriate the suau of $7,500, to be expended under the direction of the School Building Co~aittee f~r the purpose of ~ the survey as to the future school educational and building needs of the Town with particular e~basis as to future high s~hool needs. Petition of the School CommitteD and the School Building Cc~m~ttee. It is recommended that the Town votb to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~u of $11,500 to be expended under the direction of the School Building Oam~ittee for the purpose of making altera- ' tions at the Franklin Elementary School to cc~plete the addition thereto. Petition of the School C~Httee and the School Building C~,LL. ittee. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 21. TO Soo if the Town will vote by a 2/3 majority, to raise and appropriate such sum of money as it may determine to be the necessary cost of accDliring for the Town, by p~- chase, eminent do~ain proceedings or otherwise, a parcel of land suitable f~r the con- 13 22, ARTICLE 22. ARTICLE 23. struction thereon of a new fire station, ar~ to authorize and direct the Selectmen in the name and behalf of the Town, to Bake such st~ps as they may deem necessary c~ ad- visable to effect such acquisition. Petition of the Selectmen. No recommendation at this time as to this Article and the following three Articles (i.e. 23 and 24) because of lack of information. To see if the Town will vote to raise and approuriate a s~n of money sufficient for the p~rpose of constructing, equipping ar~ furnishing a new fire station, and of landscaping, grading and finishing its grounds. Petition of the Select. See Article 21. In tb~ event of the adoption of the p~ec~linx~ Article, to see if the Town will vot~ to authorize the Selectm~n, or such other Committee as they may vote to establish, to act in its name ar~ behalf in all matters having to do with the expenditure of the funds l~ovided under said Article, ir~l,Wing the ew~cution of all contracts pertaining to the na~ fire station and group, s. Petition of the Selectman. ARTICLE 24. See Article 21. To see if the T~n will vote %o amand its Zoning By-Law by inserting, after Section 4.06 thereof, the following n~w section: Section 4.07. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this By-Law the buildings, facilities and grour~s of a municipal fire station ~ay be maintained upon any parcel of land acquired by the Town for such purposes. Petition of the Selectmen. ARTICLE 25. ARTICLE 26. See Article 21. To see if the Town will vot~ to instruct the Planning Board to take such steps as may be proper and feasible to require petitioners for subdivisions of land to do all things necessary to cause all ways within their subdivisions to be constructed and m~intained in proper condition for acceptance by the Town, to present to the Selectman and to a Town Mmeting all necessary petitions for the laying out of such ways and their estab- lishment as Town kt%ys, ar~ ~til such estehlishemt, to plow snow from all such ways. Petition of the Selectm~n. No Recommendation. TO see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmmn to acquire by purchase, by gift or by eminent domain, the parcel of ~ bounded by Osgood Street, Wayne Street, land of the ~oston ar~ Maine Railroad and land of the Village Land Cc~p~ny, owned by J. P. Stevens & Cc~uany, containing 9.16 acres, more or less, or any part thereof, for the purpose of establishing a site for a town ~rage and yard 8]~d to raise ar~ appro- priate a sufficient st~ of moD~!; fo~ ~h~ purpose. Petition of the Selectmen. While your Committee is in favor of this Article, it presently lacks sufficient informa- tion to make a definite recommendation. ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sufficient s__~n_t~n of money and to authorize the Selectn~n to enter into a contract with ~]]e Mtssachusetts Bay Transportation Author- ity to use said stun er any part thereof to defray deficits of the railroad resulting frc~ providing cu,u~uter se~-~ice frc~ Nc~th ~'~ 14 Petit/on of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the su~n of $20,000, to be expend- ed urger the direction of the ~-~1~ ~ completing and equipping~new Police Stat/on. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to authorize its Selectmen to e~cute a release to the Con~onwealth and to the Department of Public Works of all claims and d~mands arising frc~ the taking of an easement in land described as Parcel No. D -- .8 in an Order of Taking dated September 20, 1967, in return for the s~ of $25.24, or for any larger s~. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 29-A. To see if the Town will vote to instruct and direct the Selectmen to request the State Department of Public Works to reconstruct Osgoed Street from the intersection of ~aickering Road Se~sterly to the State Marker designating end of State Highway, in- cl,~4ng widening, drainage work, curbstones and sidewalks, all as Kay be agreed to by said Departn~nt, the Selec~m~n and the Highway Surveyor, it being understood that, fol- lowing such reconstruction, the responsibility for the maintenance of said section will be ass%~ed by the Town. Petition of the Selectm~n and the High~ay Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 30. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $790, to be expended under the direction o-~h~l~tn~ ~nd~ Town Accountant for the purpose of purchas- ing a desk type printing calculator to be used by all de~ts ~rom a central point in the To~n Office Building. Petition of the Seleu~.~n and the Town A~countant. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ART ICU5 31. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~m of $330,, to be expended under the direction of the Town Acco~atant and Selectmen for the purpose of replacin~ a 16 year old D/len-Wales adding machine. Petition of the Town Accountant. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4400, to be expended under the direction of the Selectmen for the purchase of two new 1968, 12 volt system cars with necessary safety equipment. T~o 1966 cars to be--~-n trade, and all equipment to be changed over, such as police radios, sirens and other similar accessories. Petition of the Chief of Police and tb~ Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ART IC~E 33. To see if the Town will vote by Resolution. To declare that there exists in the Town a need for low-inccme housing at rents within the m~ans of families of low insc~e, as defined in the %hired States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, which need is r~t being adequately met by private enterprise; to approve an application of the North Andover ~ousing Authority to the Public Housing ~dministration, an agency autherized by said Act to provide financial assistance to local public housing agencies for undertaking and carrying out ~reliminary planning of low-rent housing projects, for a preliminary loan in an an~u~t not to ea~ee~ $8,000 for surveys and plannin~ in cc~nection with low rent housing projects of not to e~ueed approximately 40 dwelling units ar~ to authorize the Roard of Selectmen to execute c~ behalf of the Town, a 'Corporaticm A~3reemant' be- tween the Town and the North Andover Housing Authurity; substantially in the form of a uroposed agreement of which copies are on file in the office of the ~oard of Sel~, the Town Clerk and the Nc~th Andover Housing ~tth~rity, providing for the local cu~ar- ation as n~y be rec$1ired by the Public Housing Afmlinistration pursuant tm the said Act. Petition of the No~th Andove~ Housing Authority. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~n of $5000, said s~n TO be placed in a C0~v~n Fu~, to be ~l%owed to accumulate frcm y~ to year and to be expended by the Oonservation Commission for the prc~otion develolm~e~t and better util- ization of the natural resources of the town, for the protection of ~tersh~ resources of the town, fc~ acquirip~ options fc~ the purchase of real estate ar~ for any other pur- pose authorized by Section 8-C of f~apter 40 of the General Laws as amended, including the purchase of iar~. Petition of the Conservation Ccmmission. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 35. To see what action the Town will take, by a_ secret ~ritten ballot to be taken at the Meeting upon th~ follcwing questions: "Shall the~e be es~nhlishe~ a ~ater pollution abatement district as recommended by the Division of Water Pollution fbntrol and approved by the Water Resources C~,u.~ssion, to include the City of Lawrer~e and the Towns of Mathuen, Ar~lc~er, ar~ ~k~th At,over and the construction, acquisition, extension, improvement, maintenance and operation of a syste~ of ~ter pollution abat~nent facilities by the said district in accc~d~ce with the provisions of chapte~ twenty-one of the General Iaw~?" Petition of the Selectmen. No recommendation at this time pending the adoption of special legislation creating the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District. See Article No. 1 6f the Warrant for the Special Town Meeting called for March 16. ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to allow the ABC (A Better Chance) Program to c~me into the Town of Nc~th Ardover, thereby bringing into our Public High School ten (10) stu- dents from other states ar~ areas of the United States for the purpose of preparing tb~ma for college. Petition of Mmrgaret A. Wilson an~ others. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to raise and approluriate the sum of $200,000, to be ex- pended under the a~rection of the~-~ Public Works fc~ the purpose of constructing Street to the Sutton Street sewer a~t an extension of the s~ system to a point about 2,000 feet northerly on Osgood Street frc~ Great Pond Road in accc~nce with the re- pc~t on F~=werage Facilities for the Osgood Street -- Great Por~ Boad area by Caalo, Dresser and McKee Consulting Engineers, ar~ to accept any contributions toward the cost of the project and to authorize the Board of Public Wc~ks to e~ such contribut-~ons. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 38. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. To see if the ~ will v~oe to raise ~ a~opriate the ~ of ~, to be ex~_ud- ed under ~ a{v~tion of the ~ of ~lic W~rks for ~d~e p~-pose of installing a 16 chemical dry feeder at the South P~ping Sta%ion to replace the ~resent 1944 feeder, to purchase a tractor and loader to replace %he present 1949 Ford Tractor and loader ar~ to purchase a ~--~er Model Sewer Roder. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000, to be ezpended under the direction of %he Board of Public Works for %he purpose o~leting the sewer construction on Autran Avenue ar~ Cotuit Stree% voted under Article 5, Special Town-- Meeting, M~rch 1967. Petition of t_he Board of Public Wc~ks. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 40. To see iftheTownwill vote to raise ar~ap~ropriate the stoa of $7,000, to be e~er~ed under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose o~leting the wa%er main construction on Johnson Street voted under Article 6, Special T~wnMeeting, March 1967. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate tb~ sum of $3,000, to be expended urger the direction of the Board of ~b~ W~rks for the purpose of cc~pletin~ ~]~ West Side Sewer construction voted under Article 72, 1966, Annual Town M~eting. Petition of the Board of Public Works. if is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $45,000, to be expend- ed under tb~ direction of the ~-~ ~lic W~rks fc~--~' ~-ur~s~ o~tallim~ a 12- inch water main on M~rbleridge Road from Great Pond Road to Salem Street. Petition of th~Boardof Public W~rks. Your Committee recommends that this Article be considered together with Articles 52, 54, 55 and 56, that the Town vote to ADOPT said Articles, that the appropriation called for be met by a proper municipal borrowing, and that Article 53 be rejected. ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will vote to raise an appropriate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public ~rks fc~ the purpose of renewing water serv- ices to the property lines, placing gate valves on h~lrant brar~hes ar~ raising manhole framms and covers on streets that are being reconstructed. Petition of the Board of Public Works. it is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate tb~ sum of $1,000, to be e~pended under the direction of the Board of ~lic Works f~ the purpose o~--~zng such exten- sions of the water main system, s~bject to the standard regulations of said Board, on or befere October 1, 1968 may consider ny)st necessary, such extensions not having be~n petitioned for at this meeting. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~ of $2,300 tobe expended 17 t~Ader the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of shingling the roof of the Fieldhouse at Grogans Field, of purchasing materials for a chain link fence on the Gilbert Street side of G~ogans field and purchasing materials to ctm~lete the chain link fence at the C~ck Street Playground. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 46. · To see if the Town will ~ote to raise and appropriate the s~n of $5,500, to be e~pend- ed under the direction of--~ ~3oar~ ~lic Works for the purpose of building and equiping a cement block fieldhouse at the Carl A. Thomas playground. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 47. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $19,000, to be ex- pended under the direction of the Boar~-~ Public Work~ for the purpose of extending the sew~ system en Peters Street frc~ Turnpike Street to A~over Street. Petition of Stewart P. Wilson and others. Your Committee recommends that this Article be considered together with Articles 48, 49, 50 and 51, that the Town vote to ADOPT said Articles, and that the appropriation called for ($79,500) be met by a proper municipal borrowing. ARTICLE TO see if th~ Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sram of $14,000, to be ex- pended under the direction of the Board of Public Works fc~ f_he p~se of exter~ing the sa~er on Martin Avenue frc~ the existing manhole easterly to Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of Vencenzina Ferrara and others. See Article 47. /~T [CLE q-9, To see if the Town will uote to raise ~ appropriate the sum of $22,000, to be ex- pended un~er the direction of the Boar~-~ Public Works fer the purpose of extending the sewer on Chestnut Street frc~ 169 Chestntfc Street to Sutton Hill Road. Petition of Salvatore Guglielmino and othe~s. See Article 47. ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to raise and a~i~ouriate the sum of $6,000, to be expend- ed under the direction of the Board of Public Works f~r the purpose of extending the sewer on Poor Avenue from Sutton Street. Petition of Harold E. Smith and c~h~s. See Article 47. ARTICLE 51. TO see if the Town will vote %o raise ar~ appropriate the sum of $18,000, to be ex- penned unde~ the direction of the Bo~ Public Works fc~ the purpose of ~ the West Side Sewer in an eas~r~nt frc~ the rear of 209 Turnpike Street to Andove~ Street and southerly on Ar~over Street. Petition of Arthur F. Oor~%c~ and oth~rs. See Article 47. ARTICLE 52. To see if the Tc~n will vote to raise ar~ appropriate the sum of $3,000, to be expend- ed urger the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of exter~ing the water system on Poor Avenue from Sutton Street. Petition of Harold E. Smith and others. 18 See Article 42. ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient s~ of money, to be expended under tile direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extend- ing the w~ter system on Salem Street, from its present terminus at or about #1132 Salem Street, a d~istance of about 3500 feet up to, but not iD~luding, land of M~Donald. Petition of George Farr and others. it is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,000, to be exp~- ed under the direction of the Boar~ of Public ~brks for tb~ purpose o-~xte~ing the water system on Longwoed Avenue to the present %ern%inus on Rosedale Avenue. Petition of Edward J. Fionte and others. See Article 42. ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $32,000, to be pended under the direction of ~ Board of Public Works for the p~--~ ~f extendinq_ the water system on Farnham Street from Johnson Street southeasterly to 1300 ~-~ frem Brcoks Street and to accept from Benjamin C. Osgood of North Andover fifty per cent of the cost of the project. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgocd and others. See Article 42. ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the su~ of $1,400, to be expend- ed under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of e_~?__~_~ the water system on Martin Avenue frem the present terminus 180 feet towards ~assachusetts Avenue. Petition of Mitchell P. Bootman and others. See Article 42. A~TICL£ 57. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.73 of the Zonin~ By-Law by adding the Following paragraph: "When in a residential zone, the minimum lot area per dwelling unit shall be the larger of 3,500 sq. ft. or 1/3 of the minimum lot area re~ed f~r a single family dwelling." Petition of Art[roe Hamori and others. No recommendat ion. ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will ~Dte to aa~ Section 4.7 of the Zoning By-Law by changing the words "in any zoning district" to "in General Business Districts." Petition of Norman E. Lantz and others. ARTICLE 59. No recommendation. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning By-Law by changing from Rural Resi- dentail to Ger~ral Business the following described parcel of land: NCRTHEASTa~LY by the Southwesterly line of Salem Turnpike four hundred sixty-nine and 89/100 (469.89) feet; SOUTHERLY by land now or formarly of Lillian B. F~verty two hundred eighty-two and 14/100 (282.14) feet; and WES'I~LLY by land now or formerly of Charles E. Canty et al about two hundred sixty-nine (269) feet, said parcel containing 30,000 sq. ft. m~re or less. Petition of Louis J. ~mise, Jr. ar~ others. No Recommendation. 19 ,a~RTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to amand the zoning by-laws to change frc~ Country Resi- dential zone to Industrial Zone a certain parcel of land described as follows: A certain parcel of land situated on the Nc~therly side of the Salem Turnpike in said Nc~th Annoyer ard being apurox/mately Seventy four (74) acres of the Southwestmrly por- tion of the third parcel described in Tand Court decree datmd August 8, 1951, recorded with North Essex Regisl~y of Deeds on August 9, 1951, confirming the title of grant~rs to certain lands in said North A~over in land court case #22768, the premises hereby conveyed being bounded as follows: Cc~n~r~ing at a point on the Nor~erly side of the salon Turnpike at the end of a stone wall at lard of Will lam Dawson; thence the line runs No~sterly by the Northeasterly side of said Turnpike eight hundred eighty two ard 23/100 (882.23) feet to a corner of a wall at land of Gardner R. Htmphrey et al; tbmnce the line runs northerly by said Humphrey lar~, by ~ of Valcot~t and ]and of one Theriault as the stone ~11 star~s, five hundred eighty seven and 64/100 (587.64) feet to a corner at land of Charles Me~ et al; thence the line runs Northerly as the stone wall stands by ~d Melamed land and land of one Arthur Frechette a distance of nineteen hundred twelve (1912) feet to the westerly corner of lot nunber (2) described in ~d confirmation decree; t~ the lio~ turns and runs Southeasterly by said lot numbered two (2) seven hundred ninety seven and 95/100 (797.05) feet to a corner of a wall at land of John B. Harriman and c~ntinues Southeasterly by said wall by said Harrir~u% ~ four h~ed sixteen and 64/100 (416.64) feet to a corner in said wall at the Southerly cc~ner of said Harriman land; Thence the line runs in a straight line in about the same course a distano~ of about eighteen hundred forty (1840) feet to the stone wall along Dawson's Boundary line at a point which is t~ee hundred (300) feet southwesterly from Hillside Road, as measured along said Dawson Wall; ther~e the line turns and runs southwesterly by said Dawson wall to the turnpike at the point of beginning. Petition of Walter S. Green and others. No recommendation. ARTICLE 61. To see iftheTownwill vote torezone the following parcel of l~ndfrc~residential to busin~ss: A certain parcel of land in N~rth Andover, said COunty of Essex, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the cc~ner of the fence at Second Street; easterly by land now ~r formerly of Henry Keniston 28 feet; southerly by land now ~r formerly owned by John P. Murphy 28 feet; westerly by /and now ur fcrmarly owned by John P. ~phy 15 feet; nc~therly by Second Street 34 feet. Containin~ 500 square feet, more or less, and being numbered ~18 Second Street in said North Andov~r. Being the same premises conveyed to John P. Murphy by deed of Arthur O. Gile et ux dated July 23, 1934, an~ recorded in the Nc~th Essex ~gistry of Deeds book 580, page 175. Also another certain parcel of lar~, with the buildings thereon situated on the wssterly side of Main Street in said North Andover and bounded and described as follows: Begin- ning at a stake and stones 8 rods distant southerly frc~a the northerly post of a pair of bars on s~d Main Street on land f~rmerly of Moody Bridges; thence running southerly 4 rods to a stake and stones by s~{d Main Street; thence south 81° west 15 reds and 14 links to a stake and stones; thence north 2% west 3 rcds and 14 links to a stake ar~ stones; thence north 800 east 15 rods and 8 links to the bound first mentioned. Also another certain parcel of lar~, adjoining the aforesaid described parcel, and situated on the ~sterly side of Second Street in said North Andover and bounded and des- cribed as follows: Beginning at a point on said premises on the south~sterly line of said Second Street at land ncw or formerly of one Daw; thence running northeasterly by the southeasterly line of said Second Street 12 feet to land now or fc~merly of Henry Keniston; thence running southeasterly 15 feet by ]and now or formerly of said F~_niston to ~ nc~ or formerly of John P. Murphy to a point 15 feet norheasterly, from said Daw's land; thence running so~terly by said land now or fc~Ta~rly of John P. Murphy 15 feet to said Daw's land, now or form~ly; ther=e northwesterly 10 feet by said Daw's land as the fence stands to the point of beginni~x~; and both parcels tegether being numbered #155 Main Street. 20 Petition of Stewart P. Wilson and others. No recommendation. ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to raise and _appropriate the sum of $15,000, to be ex- pended u~der the direction of the~ Fire Engineers f~r the purpose of using with the trade-in valu~ of the present 1966 an~ulance to purchase a new ambulance. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 63. rib see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,500, to be ex- pended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers f~r the purpose of using with the trade-in value of the present 1952 utility truck to purchase a new utility truck. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. it is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will vote to raise and a~propriate the sun of $5,000, to be ex- pended urger the direction of the Board of Fire EngiD~ers for the purpose of replacing the en~_rgency electric p~wer generator serving the Fire Station, Police Station, Town Building, ar~ Town Yard. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $27,000, to be ex- pended under the direction of ~]e Board of Fire Enqineers for the D%~DoSe of appointing seven re~] ar fire fighters who have passed the civil Service physical and mental ~ in~tious, all in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $14,000 for the purpose of appointing four regular firefighters. ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, for highway projects having the approval of the State Department ~-~ ~-~ Works, $9,008.05 from the su~ of $18,016.10 apportioned to tke Town by said Department under Sec~ 5 of C~apter 616 of the Acts of 1967, exper~litures therefrc~ to be made under the ~irection of the Highway Surveyor, with the pric~ approval of the Selectmen. Petition of the Highway S~veyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sza~ of $10,000, to be ex- pende~ u~der the direction of the H-~--hwa-~-Surveyor for the purpose of meetim~ the Town's share of the costs of Chapter 90 highway construction of Salem Street, Johnson Street and Foster Street ar~ the sum of $30,000 be transferred from unappropriated available funds to ~a~et the State and Co~-~ ~ar-~s of such' cos~, the reimbursement from the State and County to be restored upon their receipt to unappropriated available funds in the town treasumy. Petition of the High~ay Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000, to be e~pend- ed u~er the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of ~nin~ any street in th~ Town, under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, and, in addition, that the sm of $1,000 be transferred from u~appro~riated available funds to Met the State's share of 21 the cost of such work, t_he reimbursemant from the State to be restored, ~pon receipt, to uaa~iatsd available funds in the Town treasury. Petition of the Higtr~ay Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 69, To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sm of $600, to be under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of makingS-and placing Street Signs. Petition of the Highway Sun-up]or. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will vote to raise ar~ appropriate the sum of $5,000, to be e~pend- ed under the direction of the Hig~may Surveyor for the purpose of r~ing concrete sidewalks. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. it is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum o4 $2,000 for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 71. TO see if the Tcwn will VOte to raise and appropriate the s~u of $1,000, to be ex- pended under the direction of the Highway Surveyc~ fc~ the purpose of repairing old Petition of the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 72. TO See if the Town will vote to raise ~ appropriate the s~nof $56,500, to be exper~- ed under the direction of theHigh~aySurveyor for the purpose of ~----c~ingthe fol- lowing equi~xrent: One 4-Wheel ~rive Pick-Up Truck, a 1962 Pick-Up to be traded $2,800. One Road G~ader, a f~adertobetraded $27,000. 0nel~ad t~ller, a Boller to be traded $8,000. (lqe Truck ~qassis, One Sand Spreader, a 1954 Sar~erto be traded $8,200. One Ioader $10,500. Petition of th e Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $13,300 for the purchase of one 4-Wheel Drive Pick-up Truck, a 1962 Pick-Up to be traded, for $2,800, and one Loader for $10,500. ARTICLE 73. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the ~ of $1,500, to be expended under the direct/on of the Highway Surveyc~ for the purpose of ins~ chain-link fence where needed. Petition of the High~ay Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 74. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~n of $7,000, to be expended under the direction of the High~ay Surveyor for the purpose of ren~----~ road ~rader and street roller. Petition of the Highway Surveyc~. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 75. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $55,000, to be expend- ed under the directic~ of the Higha~y Surveyor for the purpose of r~--~cing, oiling, repairing and rcaintenance of any street. 22 Petition of the Highway Surveyor. tt is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000 for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000, to be expend- ed under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of replacing existing catch basin frames and grates which are sm~ller than standard size. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000 for the purpose of this article] ARTICLE 77. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000, to be e~pend- ed under the direction of the High~ay Surveyor for the purpose of ~ng and replacing 9uard rails throughout the Town. Petition of the High~ay Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 78, TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of ~ney to in- stall hot top on sidewalks installed by the State frcm the Village G~e=~n apartments to the intersection of ChickeriD~ P~ad and Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000 for the purpose Of this article. ARTICLE 79. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of cut~g down embankment to make provision for drainage on Foster St., North Andover and repair same to put street in gocd condition. Petition of Catherine F. Clarke and others. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 80. To see if t]~e Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of moD~y, to be e~pended uDJer the direction of the Highway St~veyc~ for the purpose of ~-~-~g a side~lk alor~ Waverly Road from the Thomson School to M~ssachusetts Avenue and a point beyor~, so that our school children will not be forced to walk in the roadway to and from school each day. Petition of Gloria M. Lidstone and others. It is recommended that the Town voTe TO raise and appropriate $5,000 for the purpose of the article. ARTICLE 81. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a_ sufficient stm~ of money, to be e~pended under the direction of the High~ay Surveyor fc~ the purpose of constructing a sidewalk along the westerly side of ~verly 9~ad between Hal tfax Street and ~assachu- setts Avenue. Petition of ~rgaret V, Sutton ar~ others. It is recommended that the Town vote TO REJECT the article. ARTICLE 82. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the su~ of $14,300, to be e~pend- ed under the direction of the Hig~ay Surveyor for the purpose of r--~ding and sur- facing and putting in god condition, 600 feet Southerly on Prospect Street f~om the 23 intersection of (~u~dwick Street. Petition of Ralph C. Bevin and others. It is recom~ended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 83. TO see if the Tcx~n will vote to raise and appropriate the su~ of $40,000, to be expend- ed under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of ~ing Adams Aw. ar~ installing surface drain ~r~n Massachusetts Averm~ to Wood Lane. Petition of ~_rold W. }Litter and others. It is recommended that the Town vote to STRIKE the article from the warrant since it is our understanding fhat the petitioner intends to move to strike this article from the warrant. ARTICLE 8~. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and apUropriate the sum of $5,000, to be exper~ ed under the direction of the High%~y S~ for t_he purpose of ~-~ling pe~£c~nent pavement over road e~.avations made by other Town agencies. Petition of the Selectmen, the Board of Public Works amd the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 85. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~m of $5,000, to be expert- ed under the direction of the Hig~y Surveyor for the purpose of z~-~ling surface drain on Gilbert Street Petition of the ~th Andover Housing Authority. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 86. TO see if the Town will ~te to raise and appropriate the stw~ of $2,000, to be expend- ed under the direction of the Highway St=weyor for the purpose of ~ling two sur- face drain clean-outs on Baldwin Street. Petition of the North Ar~over Housing .Authority. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 87. To see if the Town will vote to raise ar~ appropriate the stun of $14,000, to be expend- ed under the direction of the Hig~m~y S~z~eyc~ for the purpose of r---~ing 688 lineal feet of Longwood Avenue and installing st=face drain. Petition of ~ward J. Fionte and others. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 88, To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a_ sufficient stun of mon~., to be e~per~ed under the direction of the Highway Surveyor to make neces~r~-~a/rs to havre Longwecd Avenue accepted. Petition of ~ktward J. Fionte ar~ others. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 89. To see if the Town will vote to accept as public way the way that is shown on the Plan of Land entitled "Plan of Hillside ~res" owned by John-Andrew C~,~any, Ino., dated June 20, 1966, Brasseur Associates, Enginsezs and recorded in the ~ Essex Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 5516 which has been developed and completed in accordance with the p]mnning Board's Specifications all as required under the Provisions of the North And- over Zoning Law pertaining to Residential Homes and ail laid out ~ ajudicated by The Board of Selectm~n and to nmm~ street so accepted ~rian Drive. Petition of John J. Burke ar~ others. 24 ARTICLE 90. ARTICLE 91. ARTICLE 92. ARTICLE 93. ARTICLE 94. ARTICLE g5. No recommendation. To see if the Town will vote to accept as public ways those ways as are shown on the Plan of Iand entitled "Village ~reen" owned by R. and S Construction Cc~, dated December 1, 1964, ~radford Saivetz and Associates, Inc. Oonsultinq ~gineers, ar~ re- corded in the North Essex Registry of Dc~s as Plan No. 5213 which has been developed and campleted in accordance with the Planning Board's specifications all as required under the grovisions of the North Andover Zoning Law pertaining to apartment houses, ~ all as laid out and adjnicated by the Board of Selectmen and to name the streets so accepted Village g~een Drive, Leyden Street, Jefferson Street and Kingston Street. Petition of John J. Willis and others. No recommendation. To see if the Town will vote to accept as public ~ays those ways as are shown on a plan entitled "Su~ivision Plan of Land in North Andover, Massac21usetts dated October 7, 1959, Dana F. Perkins and Sons, Incorporated, engineers, an~ retarded in the Narth Essec Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 4154 which has been developed and completed in ac- cordance with the Planning Board's specifications as required under the Subdivision Control Law and all as laid out and adjudicated by the Selectmen, ar~ to name the street so accepted Fark Road. Petition of Vincent E. Savukinos ~ others. No recommendatfon. To see if the Town will vote to accept as public ways as are shown on a plan entitled "Definitive Plan of Briarcliff" dated M~rch 26, 1962, Cec~ge E. Hayes, Engineer ar~ recc~ded in the North Essex ~=gistry of De~q.~ as Plan No. 4705 which has been developed and completed in accordance with the Planning Board's specifications as required urger the Subdivision Control Law an~ all as l~ out and adjt~licated by the Sele~b[~n and to name the streets so accepted T.~:-~ Lane, Sandra T~e ai3d Kiera~ l~oad. Petition of A. Courtney Longton and others. No recommendation. To see if the Town will vote to accept as public ways those ways as are shown on a plan entitled "Elm Crest Estates" George E. Hayes, Engineer ~ dated Ja~y 31, 1959 and recorded in the No~th Essex Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 3819 which have been developed and cc~pleted in accczodance with the planning Board's specifications as req~lired u~der the Subdivision Control Law and all as laid out and adj,_~cat~d by the Selectmen, and to name the streets so accepted as Elm~rest Road and Magnolia Drive. Petition of Gladys L. Hurley and others. No recommendation. To see if the Town will vote to accept as public ways those ways as are shown on a Plan of Land entitled "Definitive Plan of Whittier Farm, North Andover, Fassaohtlsetts", dated April 12, 1966, Hayes Engineering, Inc. anti recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 5483, ~ have been developed a~ conTpleted in accordance with Plan- ning Board's specifications as required under tb~ Subdivision Control Law and all as laid out and adjudicated by the Selectmen, and to name the streets so accepted Fern- croft C~cle, Ms~dowview Road and Highwood Way. Specifically e~luding fram considera- tion hereunder any partions of a way called on said Plan, old Sessions R~ad as this w~y has ne~er had any standing either as a private way or w~y to which the public had ac- Petition of Fred D. Whittir and others. No recommendation. To see if the Town will VOte to acoept Sylvan Terrace for a distance of apgroximately 25 1000 feet, from Massachusetts Avenue to its terminus at Lir~en Avenue. Petition of Janes E. Fitzgerald and others. No recommendation. ARTICLE 96. To see if th~ Town will vote to raise and apuropriate the s~m of $28,500, for the p~- pose of ame~xting its Personnel By-Law by adding a 4% increase to al r--~s in each com- pen-~a~-fon grade of Section 7, Schedules B, C, ar~ D, and Section 8 ard 9, effective Jar~y 1, 1968. Petition of tb~ Personnel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote fo ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 97. To see if the T~n will vote to raise ard appropriate the sum of $310 for the purpose of amercing its Personnel By-Law, Schedule A, Department Head a~t St~sc~y Gmoup, by dele--~la~ ~itle-~ S~ir~ter~ent and assigr~d cc~0ensation grade S-12, and i~ng in place thereof class title Superintendent of Ir~ect Pest Control with com- pensation grade S-13, effective Ja~y 1, 1968. Petition of the Personnel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 98. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $450 for the purpose of ~ng its Personnel By-Law, Schedule A, Department N~d and Supervisory G~oup, by striking ccm~pensation grade S-16 frcm class title Town A~countant a_nd inserting in its place con~oensa~n grade S-17, effective January 1, 1968. Petition of the Personnel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. .aRTICLE 99. To see if the Town will vote to raise ar~ appropriate the sum of $360 for the purpose of ~en~ing its ~ersonnel By-Law, Schedule A, Department H~d and Supervisc~y Group, by striking c~nsa~o~~-S--~ from class title Librarian and inserting in its place ~ensation grade S-16, effective Jantmry 1, 1968. Petition of the Personnel Board, It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 1DO. To see if tJ~e Tc~n will vote to raise and appropriate the s~ of $100 for the propose of amending its Personnel By-Law, Schedule A, Department Head and ~isory Group, W~rking F~re~an S-10*, by striking therefrom $100 per m~nth and inserting in its place $125 p~r month, effective January 1, .1968. Petition of the Personr~l Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 101. To sec if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-Law Section 19 - Bereavs~_nt Leave, by deletingthepresentprovision in its entirety and insertiD~ in its place the following: ~rgency leave ~ to three days may be allowed for death in an e~ploy~e's immediate family (wife, h,3~bar~, child, parent of either spouse, brother or sister and person in the ~te household). Petition of the Personnel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 102. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate such sum as this meetin~ may 26 determine, to the stabilization Fund, as ~rovid~d by Section 5-B of Chapter 40 of the General Iaws. Petition of the Assessors. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 103. To see if the Town will vo%e to raise and appropriate, Reserve, the su~ of $ to the Reserve Fu~d_. I Petition of the Selectmen. I It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and purpose of this article. ARTICLE lOq. To see if the Town will vote to hake the s~n of the tax rate. Petition of the Assessors. It is recommended that the Town vote to transfer f~om $I85,000 for the purpose of this article. , And you are directed to serve this w~rrant by post at the Town Office Buildinq ar~ at five or more public places to be posted not m~re than fifteen days nor less than ten days meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this war~ Town Clerk, at the ~ ar~ place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, ~assachuse year of Ou~ Lord one thousand nine hundred ard sixty-eight. WILLIAM A. FRED P. OAK BOARD OF SE A true copy: North Andover, Massachusetts, 27 or transfer from the Overlay ppropriate the sum of $8,000 for the from Available Funds to reduce available funds the sum of ~lg true and attested copies thereof, .n each voting precinct. Said copies before the ~ of holding said mt with your doings thereon to The hts, the 15th day of January in the F I NNEP~AN LECTMEN. Constable 1968 SPECIAL TOWN MEETING SATURDAY, THE 16TH DAY OF MARCH 1968 AT 1:30 P.M. ARTICLE 1. ARTICLE 2. ARTICLE 3. To see what action the Town will take, by a secret written ballot to be taken at the M~eting, upon the following question: Shall there be established a Sanitary District to inolu~e the City of Law~-nce and the Towns of An~o~, Methuen and North Andover an~ the construction, acquisition, exten- sion, ir~rovement, m~intenar~e and operation of a system of water poll,~on abatement facilities by the said District in accordance with the provisions of a Special Act to create the G~eater Lawrer~e Sanitary District? Petition of the Selectmen. A recommendation will be made at the time of the Town Meeting. To see if the Town will vote to accept as a Town way, Cotuit Street f~om its inter- section with Waverly Boad to its terminus at the property owned by Donald B. Elliot et ux numbered 107 Cotuit Street. Petition of John J. Willis and others. No recommendation, To see if the Town will vote to raise a~ appropriate a sufficient stoa of money to ac- quire approximately 14 acres of land frcm Anthony Rogers belie~ad to be necessary to expand the Sanitary Fill area. Petition of the Highway Su~veyc~ and the Selectmen. No recommendation, 28 ATTEND TOWN MEETING DATE: TIME: PLACE: Saturday, March 16, 1968 1:30 P.M. Veterans Memorial Auditorium North Andover High. School Please bring this copy of Advisory Committee Report with you to Town Meeting. Advisory Committee Report Town of North Andover Massachusetts Non-Profit U. S. POSTAGE PAID No. Andover, Mass. Permit No. 191 NORTH 7ER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 1968 MASSACHUSETTS AdVisory Committee Report and Town Warrant REPORT OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE TOWN MEETINC MARCH, ~968 CITIZENS OF NORTH AaIX)VER: Your Advisory Board's m~ssage this year is little different in principle from those of recent years. In essence, it can be stated simply that the cost of maintaining and administering the functions of our Town has skyrocketed in recent years, and it should be recognized that North Ar~over no longer enjoys the same degree of distinction of having a better tax base and a more attractive tax rate than certain other towns of comparable size and needs. It should also be rec- ognized that such factors are prime in the establishment of a good business climate which is of extr~ i~portance in attracting and retaining business, industry and good citizens. This can be supported in part by the events of the last few years. Since 1960 the tax rate has increased by 50% and could go to 64%, conditional on the acceptance of the Advisory Board's recoim~ndations at the Town ~4~eting. The cost of maintaining our educative process has gone frcm $898,034, in 1964 to $1,560,897 in 1968. The respective budgets of the Town Departments have shown n~rked increases over these ym~rs mainly due to increased labor costs and tile purchase or repair of operational equi~nent. M~reover, in recent years there has been a growing Uractice to meet some of the expenses of the Town through bend issues in order to minimize the effect at that time on the tax rate. It should be realized that this is a real expense to the Town which extends over a period of many years with accompanying significant interest charges. One might raise the question at this time as to whether there has been a proportionate increase in new a_nd iaproved services to the citizenry commensurate with the increase in cost to the Town. Only you, as citizens oflthe Town, can be th~ proper judge of this matter. You will be given an opportunity.to e~arcise your right of free opinion on ~arch 16 at the Town Meeting. Please bear in mind that the recommendation of the ~dvisory Board is directed toward a healthy fiscal status for North Andover, and your support of the Board's recc~endations could be a step toward the realization of such objective. By soma standards we are on the threshold of being a Town with a continuous increase in the tax rate without an accompanying ia~ovement in its tax base. In other words, we are spending more money than we can recover frc~ t~es and other sot%rces. In simple language, we are spending more than our income provides to maintain our Town. Respect fi~lly submitted, NORTH A~DOVER ADVISORY Roger Pelletier, Chairman John Burke, Jr. Donald W. Coan Stanwood Evans Richard Graham Atty. Herve Moison Atty. Merrill Rose2mberg John J. Shaughnessey Robert E. Mescola, Secretary Article No. 10 11 17 18 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 30 31 32 34 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 YOUR TALLY SHEET FOR ARTICLES REQUESTING FUNDS (TO raise a~ a~o~e a~o~c $28,000 a~ increase of $1.00 on ~e ~ ra~e.) Description Fourth of July Celehratic~ Christmas Decorations Grater lawrence Guidance Center Topographical Survey For School Survey of Future High School needs Alterations at Franklin School Land for new Fire Station Ounstruction of Fire Station Land for Town Garage Defraying ~ deficits Completing and Equipping Police Station Purchase of Desk Type Calculator Purchase of New 2~ding Machine T~ New Police Cars Establishing a Gonservation Fund Osgood Street pu~ping station New Equipment at pumping station Completing sewer extention - Autran Ave. Completing water m~in extention - Johnson St. Completing west side sewer extension Renewing water services ~_rgency water extensions Playground i~o~mnent s Fieldhouse for Tholes Playground Sewer extension - Peters Street Sewer e~xtension - Martin Ave. ~mount P~quested P~com~en~ Vo~ed 1,500 $ 1,500 800 800 1,696 1,696 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 11,500 11,500 0 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 790 0 330 0 4,400 4,400 5,000 0 200,000 0 11,800 11,800 2,000 2,000 7,000 7,000 3,000 3,000 45,000 1,500 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 2,300 2,300 5,500 0 19,000 570 14,000 450 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 7O 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 S5 86 87 Sewer extension - C~estnut St. Sewer extension - Po~r Ave. Sewer extension - Turnpike St. h~ter Extension - Poor Ave. ~ater ~ain extention - Salem St. Water ~ain extention - Longwo~d Ave. Water main extention - Farnum St. Water main extention New Fire Dept. Ambulance Fire Dept. utility truck ~aergency electric power generate Seven new firefighters Street Construction - Chap. 90 Maintaining Streets - C~ap. 90 Street signs Repairs to sidewalks Repairing old stone culverts Purchase of Highway Dept. tk]uip. C~ain link fence Rental of Roller ar~ grader Maintenance of streets Replacing old catch basin frames Erecting guard rails Hot top of sidewalks at Village ~reen Drainage syst~ - Foster St. New sidewalk along Waverly Rd. New sidewalk along Waverly ~. Street Repairs - Prospect St. Rebuilding ~dams Ave. Repairs to street e~-avations Surface dra~n - Gilber% St. Surface drains - Baldwin St. S~rfa~e drain - Longwood Ave. 22,000 6,000 18,000 3,000 56,000 4,000 32,000 1,400 15,000 4,500 5,000 27,000 10,000 2,000 600 5,000 1,000 56,500 1,500 7,000 55,000 5,000 10,000 8,000 2,000 5,000 10,000 14,300 40,000 5,000 5,000 2,000 14,000 660 180 550 0 0 0 0 0 15,000 4,500 5,000 14,000 10,000 2,000 600 2,000 1,000 13,300 0 0 30,000 2,000 1,000 8,000 0 5,000 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 1,000 0 88 96 97 98 99 100 102 103 Repairs to iongwced Ave. Amending Personnel By-Laws A~e~ding Personnel By-Laws AmerCing Personnel By-Laws Amending Personnel By-Laws Stabilization Fund 28,500 310 450 360 100 0 8,000 0 28,500 310 450 360 100 0 8,000 TRANS~'~S FROM RESERVE FU~D DURING 1967 Approved by your kivisory Committee unier Chapter 40, Section 6, of the C~neral Laws. Selectmen Expenses Contingent Fund Election Empenses Planning Board Town Building Salaries & Wages " " E}~penses Police Salaries & Wages Dutch Elm Disuse Expenses Dog Officer Expenses Health Sa]aries & Wages C~rbage Disposal (Contract) Refuse Disposal Sal. & Wages Streets -Gen M~int. Sal. & Wages $ 1,033.84 560.00 2,000.00 210.00 260.00 300.00 448.80 500.00 71.00 400.00 1,345.00 450.00 900.00 $ 8,478.64 Balance of Account returned to Tr~m~tLry Amount of original apuropriation $ 1,521.36 $ 10,000.00 ESSEX SS: TO eithe~ of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: ~','-NC~S: In the name of the Coamorm~lth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Aniover who are ~,alified to vote in elections and tc~n affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School Auditorium in Precinct ~%e, the St. ~41~ School Aud- itorium in Precinct Two, tb~ Thomson School Auditorium in Precinct Three and the Kittredge School Auditorium in Precinct Four, all in said North Ando~ar on Fmnday, the Fourth .Day of March 1968, at 7 o'clock A.M., ard there toact on the following Article: ARTICLE 1. To elect a M~deratcr ~ Town Treasurer for or~ year, O~e Selecb,~n, On~ Ms,her of the Board of Public Welfare, One M~mb~r of the Board of Assessors, One Member of the Board of Health, One Member of the Board of Public W~rks, One Member of the School Committee arzi Five ODnst_~bles for three years. One Member of the Planning Board and One M~mber of the Housing AUthority fa five years, and One Member of the Selectm~n and ~ard of Public Welfare for one year -- u~-expired term. All to be voted upon one ballot, the pOlls shall be open at 7:00 A.M., and shall be closed at 7:00 P.M. After final action on the preceding Article 1, said meeting shall stand adjourned by virtue of Section 4, Article 1 of the Town By-Laws to Saturday March 16-~-~968 at one-thirty P.M., in the ~ter~ Auditorium of o~ ~-~r~ Andover High School, then and there to act on the following arti- cles. ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not requJ red by law to be elected by ballot. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that the Town refer to the Selectmen the appointment of Town Officers not required by law or By-Law to be otherwise chosen. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept tb~ .report of receipts and expenditures as pre- sented by the Sel~ctmsn. ]Petition of the Select~=_n. It is recommended the report be accepted. ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and compensation of all elected officers of the Town, as ~rovided by Section 1~ o-~--~pter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of the Selectm~=n. It is recommended that the Town vote to fi× the following annual salaries of the elected officers of the Town effective from January 1, 1968. Board of Selectmen and Licensin9 Commission - each per annum $ 1,500.00 Board of Public Welfare - each per annum 200.00 Board of Assessors - each per annum 2,500.00 Board of Health - each per annum 300.00 Board of Public Works - each per annum 300.00 Town Treasurer - per annum 8,700.00 Tax Collector - per annum 2,730.00 Tree Warden - per annum 1,500.00 HighwayJSurveyor - per annum 9,200.00 Moderator - per annum 50.00 (½ year)* *The responsibility for this Board is being assumed by the State of Massachusetts as of July I, 1968. ARTICLE 5. To see what action the Town will take as to its uneNpended appropriations. Petition of the Selectm~n. it is recommended that the Town vote to carry forward to fiscal 1968, the following articles and appropriations: Art. 38, 1963 - Town Garage Yard Survey $ 909.78 " 1, 1967 - (Spec.) New Police Station 216.97 " 1, 1963 - New Ladder Truck 26.50 " 62, 1964 - Town Fire Fighters Accident 1,646.90 " 66, 67, 68, 1966 - SeWer Extensions 2~442.39 " 72, 1966 - West Side Sewer 5,331.18 " 5, 1967 - (Spec.) Extend Sewer Systems 2,144.07 " 41, 1966 - Ch. 90 - Salem, Dale & Johnson Sts. 7,793.33 " 5, 1966 - New Motor - Repair Street Grader 800.70 " 49, 1967 - Ch. 679 - Highway Improvement 9,024.15 " 50, 1967 - Road & Retaining Wall - Flatts Bridge 5~966..50 " 51, 1967 - Sidewalk - Osgood Street 2,500.00 Art. 61, 19~7 - Ch. 90 - Salem, Johnson & Foster Sts. U. S. Old Age Assistance (Assistance) U. S. Old Age Assistance (Administration) " Medical Assistance (Assistance) " " " (Administration) " Aid to Dependent Children (Aid) " " ~ " " [Administration) " Disability Assistance (Assistance) ,, " " (Administration) School Expenses (Painting Contractor) " P.L. 864 " P. L. 874 " P.L. 88 -210 " P.L. 89-10 North Andover School Lunch North Andover Athletic Association State Aid for Libraries - Reserved for Approp. Parks & School Grounds Exp. (K. Bailey) Recreational Council Expenses Land Damage Claims Art. 68A, 73, 75, 76, 1966 - Water Systems " 68, 1967 - Renew Water Services " 69, 1967 - Extend Water Main Systems " 70, 1967 - Develop Well Field 6, 1967 - (Spec.) Extend Water Systems " 7, 1967 - (Spec.) 12" Water Main " 15, 1967 - (Spec.) Water Mains - Autran Ave. Accrued Interest (Equipment & Water Main Notes) 40,000.00 7,049.63 i,049.60 1,763.85 1,197.70 1,956.55 13.21 1,546.33 76.69 3,500.00 5,302.59 32,929.32 96.19 11,268.91 11,000.88 3,152.87 2,727.00 623.16 689.02 5,436.60 12,633.37 2,895.95 1,800.00 51,399.65 1,485.96 38,945.36 520.00 80.30 Total $ 279,943.16 ARTICLE 6. TO see what action the Town will take as to the budget rec~t,,endations of the ~Qvisor~ Board. Petition of the Selectmen. It is recommended that Such numbered items of the proposed budget as may be questioned by any voter be separately considered. I~]3C~]I~)~) Bt~]~--'i'~Z~PROPPJ]~ - 1968 1968 Item EXPESD~D Dept. Adv. C~t~. No. 1966-- 1967 Request Recc~mer~. ~ GOVER~NT & S~%FF AGENCIES 1 Selectmen Salaries and Wages $7,570 $8,253 E~penses 1,670 2,701 2 Treasurer Salaries and Wages 12,700 13,720 Expenses 2,753 2,997 3 Accountant Salaries and Wages 12,589 13,666 Expenses 1,169 1,484 4 Tax Collector Salaries and Wages 7,204 7,648 F~penses 3,228 3,714 5 Town Clerk Salaries and Wages 5,850 6,100 Expenses 620 752 $12,920 $ 9,920 3,200 3,200 14,320 14,320 3,979 3,979 13,950 13,950 2,787 2,787 7,660 7,660 4,550 4,550 6,800 6,800 775 775 6 Item Assessors Salaries and Wages Expenses Election and Registrars Salaries am~ k~ges 10 Advisc~y Conmittee 11 Capital Outlay Committee E~penses 12 Planning Board Salaries and Wages 13 Board of Appeals (Zoning) Salaries and Wages Expenses 14 Personnel Board Salaries ar~ Wages Ex~z~s 15 Town Building Salaries ar~ Wages Expenses 16 Anr~al Town Meeting Expenses TOg!~L - GENERAL GO~ & STAFF AGENCTV. q 17 PUBLIC SAFETY Police Department Salaries and Wages Expenses 18 Fire Depa~ blent Salaries and Wages Expenses 19 Dog Officer 20 Civil Defense EXPEk~MD 1966 1967 1968 Dept. Adv. Request Recc~mer~t $ 15,820 $ 16,470 $ 17,970 $ 17,970 5,095 6,46i 6,46i 1,000 1,400 1,400 1,400 7,497 6,158 9,832 9,832 2,500 2,500 4,000 4,000 1,040 1,040 1,040 1,040 50 50 50 50 137 122 150 150 350 350 517 731 800' 800 456 956 400 400 596 801 900 900 182 197 300 300 777 952 975 975 160 89 250 250 1,560 2,080 2,080 2,080 5,886 5,972 6,000 6,000 3,772 3,505 3,810 3,810 $102,398 $104,058 $127,709 $124,709 $153,880 $178,649 15,129 16,091 163,039 177,874 11,720 10,941 325 400 612 683 750 3,625 3,430 $183,143 $183,143 19,006 19,006 183,365 183,365 l~u~ ~5- 400 400 7OO 7OO 9O0 900 3,600 3,600' Item 21 22 23 24 Building Inspector Expenses wiring Inspector Salary Z~nses Sealer of Weights & M~.~ures Expenses PUBLIC HEALTH AS~) SANITATION 25 Board of Health Salaries and Wages Expenses 26 Animal Inspector Salary 27 Garbage Disposal Contract TOTAL - P%~LIC HEALTH ~ SANITATION 28 Board of Public Works Sa]aries 29 Sewer Maintenance & Constructic~ Salaries ar~ Wages Expenses 30 Water Maintenance & Construction Salaries ar~ Wages 31 Parks and School Grounds Salaries and Wages Expenses 32 Tree Department Salaries and Wages E~penses 33 Dutch Elm Disease Iabor Wages Expenses 34 Insect Pest Control Salary and Wages ~. %13ense s 1968 EXPENDED Dept. Adv. Cc~m. 1966 1967 Request R~c~,,,~nd. $ 2,648 $ 3,229 $ 3,430 $ 3,430 330 394 500 425 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 370 396 400 400 500 500 500 500 101 97 100 100 750 900 900 900 150 200 200 200 $355,129 $400,376 $408,349 $408,274 325 325 325 325 12,662 14,081 15,879 15,879 $ 28,892 $ 31,247 $ 33,159 $ 33,159 $ 750 $ 900 $ 900 $ 900 14,273 18,320 20,000 20,000 9,500 10,943 12,000 12,000 55,494 67,321 70,000 70,000 52,306 51,043 51,000 51,000 15,140 15,232 18,500 18,500 6,145 6,115 7,000 7,000 15,274 21,108 21,547 21,547 4,492 5,613 5,615 5,615 6,745 7,192 7,269 7,269 1,098 1,600 1,600 1,600 10,806 11,641 11,938 11,938 2,306 2,685 3,185 3,185 $ 8,565 $ 13,336 $ 10,680 $ 10,680 7,380 3,505 6,275 6,275 Item 35 Street Lighting Expenses 36 Streets - General Maintenance Salaries a~i Wages Expenses 37 Snow Removal Expenses 38 Refuse Disposal Salaries and Wages Expenses TOTAL - PUBLIC WORKS 1968 EXPENDED Dept. ~dv. Cc~. 1966 1967 Request Recu,~,mr~. $ 46,065 $ 50,503 $ 52,200 $ 52,200 66,175 74,433 93,500 87~500 35,500 39,837 50~000 4~ 53,666 64,530 70,000 50,000 37,278 44,481 587,~0~ 50,000 4,499 6,784 7,500 7,500 $437,512 $500,281 $553,754 $519,954 39 Board of Public Welfare Salaries 40 Welfare ~dministration Salaries ani Expenses Reimb=sem~nts Net Cost to Town Amo~t to be Raised 41 42 Welfare Grants Total Spent Reimbursements Net Cost to Tow~ Amount to be Raised Veterans Benefits Expenses Cash Grants 43 Graves Registration ~ 1 ~ries Expenses $ 1,200 $ 1,133 $ 600 $ 600 21,202 26,914 .......... 15,700 18,814 .... 5,502 8,100 .......... ..... 7,000 7,000 201,097 136,100 .......... 185,587 128,000 .......... 15,510 8,100 .......... .......... 102,500 102,500 2,860 3,170 3,170 3,170 303 159 285 285 22,449 25,768 29,400 29,400 100 100 150 150 335 320 350 350 $ 48,259 $ 46,850 $143,455 $143,455 44 SCHOOLS School Dept. Salaries and Wages Less rei~Ersen~t special funds (P.L. 864 and 874) Net Salaries and Wages to be appropriated Expenses Less reimbursement special funds (P.L. 864 and 874) Net Expenses to be appropriated $867,185 $1,051,010 $1,266,393 $1,266,393 ..... 20,000 20,000 ......... 1,246,393 1,246,393 172,002 228,414 261,144 261,144 .......... 17,000 17,000 .......... 244,144 ~ Item 45 Regional Vocational School Allocation of cost to N. Andover LIBRARY 46 Steven's Memorial Library Salaries and Wages Expenses TOTAL - LIBRARY Pd~2REATION 47 Playgrounds & Bathing Beaches Salaries ar~ W~ges E~m~es 48 Recreational Council Salaries ar~ W~ges Expenses TOTAL- RECREATION E~LOYEE ' S BENEFITS 49 Group Instance 50 Essex County Re%irement Pensions TOTAL - ~b~LOYEE'S B~NEFITS tl~ASSIF Tm 51 Contingent Fund 52 Rental of Veterans Headqtmrters 53 Patriotic & Civic Celebratic~s 54 Insurance 55 Industrial Com~ssion Expenses 56 Land Damage Claims 57 Ira Carty Pensic~ 58 Out of State Travel 59 Conservation Cc~mission Em~enses 60 Band Issu~ Expenses TOTAL - Llk~LASSIF ~ p;~; EXPEhD~ 1966 1967 1968 Dept. ~tv. C~t~. Requsst Rec~L,,~nd. $ 45,808 $ 58,647 $ 70,360 $ 70,360 $1,085,095 $1,279,424 $1,560,897 $1,560,897 $ 35,135 $ 39,241 $ 40,574 $ 40,547 9,950 10,196 9,373 9,373 $ 45,085 $ 49,437 $ 49,947 $ 49,947 $ 13,033 $ 13,366 $ 15,500 $ 15,500 4,697 4,700 5,000 5,000 3,580 4,215 4,990 4,990 2,500 2,709 3,000 2,300 $ 23,810 $ 24,990 $ 28,490 $ 27,790 $ 32,172 $ 38,955 $ 41,570 $ 41,570 86,328 91,474 83,777 83,777 $ 118,500 $ 130,429 $ 125,347 $ 125,347 $ 3,000 $ 3,507 $ 3,500 $ 3,500 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 811 797 1,150 1,150 32,500 33,484 43,061 43,061 15 -- 200 200 2,700 263 1,763 0 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 412 674 2,250 2,250 74 57 100 100 1,682 1,682 $ 43.301 $ 42,482 $ 57,400 $ 55,643 1968 Item E~SPEN~ED Degt. Adv. Co~n. No. 1966 ~967 R~quast Recommard. DEBT REDE~PTI~N 61 Highmay Equipment $ ..... $ ..... $ 15,000 $ 15,000 62 School Bonds 160,000 160,000 200,000 200,000 63 Welfare Bond .......... 35,000 35,000 64 Water Main Notes & Boncls 40,000 46,000 77,500 77,500 65 Sewer Notes & Bonds 40,000 35,000 35,000 35,000 66 Fire ~uipmentNotes 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 TOTAL - DEBT P~D~TION $ 245,000 $ 246,000 $ 367,500 $ 367,500 IN'I'~EST ON DEBTS 67 Highw~yEquipment $ ..... $ 1,050 $ 1,606 $ 1,606 68 School Bonds 56,030 51,500 75,992 75,992 69 Welfare Bond ..... 1,033 1,033 70 Water Wain Notes & Bo~s 6,990 6,996 19,616 19,616 71 Sewer Notes & Bonds 5,450 11,595 11,278 11,278 72 FLre Equipment Notes 345 230 115 115 73 Short Term Borrowing 11,250 22,500 32,257 32,257 74 Police Station ..... 2,188 2,188 TOTAL- I~I'k~ESTON DEBTS $ 80,065 $ 93,871 $ 144,085 $ 144,085 $2,580,083 $2,949,445 $3,607,298 $3,560,760 ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money fron time to time in anticipation of the re~nue of the fi- nancial y~ ~--i-~ng JaD~vy 1, ~-9~ and January 1, 1969, in accordance with ~rovi- sions of C~_neral Laws, Chapter 44, Section 4, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one y~r, in accordance with the provisions of General Laws, Chapter 44, Section 17. Petition of ~ It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ~" ARTICLE 8. To consider the reports of all S_~ecial .CG~,t.~ttees. Petition of th~ Select~P~n. ~ ~ ll ARTICLE 9. Ih is recommended that the reports of all Special Committees be heard. TO see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of F~!th to appoint one of its m~mbers to the position of Board of Health Physician and to fix his c~Fl~-nsation, as such, as ~rovided by Section 4A of Cha~o~r 41 of the General Iaws. ~// o ~ ' ~ Petition of the Board of Health. ~ [~ It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article and to fi× the annual compen- sation of the Board of Health Physician at $1,100. ARTICLE 10. ARTICLE 11. ARTICLE 12. ARTICLE 13. ARTICLE 14. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote TO raise an~ appropriate the sum of $1,500, to be used for a Town Fourth of July Celmbration., any and all profits xede at ~a-fd--¢elehration to be returned to the Town, said appropriation% to be eMpended by a conmittee of nine msm-/ bets to be appointed by the Selectmen. / L Petition of the Selectmen. ~ /~ ~ It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. TO see if the Town will %Dte to raise and apt~opriate the su~n of $800, TO be expended under the direction of the Selectmen, to match a like stm~ to be ra~--~ by the North Andover Board of Trade, for the purpose of providing decorative lighting during the Christmas Season. Petition of the Selectm~n. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. TO see if the Town will vote to appropriate for the use of Stevens M~m~rial T.~brary the sum of $2,727 which the Town has received from the State under the provisions of Chapter 672 of the Acts of 1963 and which is now in an accot~t entitled "State Aid for Libraries -- Res~rwd for Appropriation." Petition of the Trustees of the Stevens F~m~r]a] T,iI"~a.ry. ~ ~/ It ie recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. TO see if the Town will vote to authorize the Trustees of the Stevens M~c~ial Library to make such changes in ar~ aaaitions to the Town~wned T.il*~-~_~'y-~l.l~ ~'-~~ approval of the Selectmen, as they may deterred, to be in fu~ of the convenience ar~ welfare of the inhabitants of the Town, e~ed fur~s therefor frc~a gifts made and to be r~de to th~n for such purposes, all at ne cost to the Town. Petition of the Trustees of the Ste~_ns Memorial Li~ra~y. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPt the article. '~ ~ To see if ~ Town will vote to amend Article 1 of its General By-Laws by striking tb~refrc~ Section 2, ~ inserting in place thereof the following: Section 2. The warrant for any town meeting shall be direcbsd to either of the con- sembles, who shall serve the same by posting a true and attes~ copy thereof at the Town Office Buildir~ and at five or ~Dre public places in each precinct of th~ Town, not less than seven days before the stated time for holding such meeting. Petition of the Town Cl~rk. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article, t ~0 ~'~ TO see if the Town will vote to accept to change Article %1, Section #1 of the Town By-Laws to read: The Annual Town Meeting (Election) shall be held on the first Tuesday in November of each year. After the election of to~n officers who~e n~res appear on the official ballot shall take office on Japery 1 of the followin~ y~mr. Upon the ac- ceptance of this article by the To~n of North Andover as h~rei~fter provided, be~in- ning with the year nineteen-hundred and sixty eight, the regular town election of said town for the purpose of electing town officers in accordance with the urovision of this article ~ for the sut~ission of questions to the wDters of the Town as required to be submitted thereat shall be held annually on the first Tuesday in November and shall be considered part of the annual Town Meeting, held the following year, the second Saturday in March at 1:30 P.M. in the afterncon. ARTICLE 16. Petition of Philip Sutcliffe and others. It is recommended that the Town vote ?o STRIKE the article from the warrant. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General By-Laws by striking therefrom Article XI, and inSerting in place thereof the following: Article XI. No person shall deposit, or cause or allow to be deposited, ~ garbage, nature or descrzption, upon any public or private way Within r_ne Town, or upon any pr - rate property therein without the consent of its owner, or upon any ?~wn owned property without the ext:ress consent of the municipal officer or agency having jurisdiction therof. Any person found guilty of any violation of this Article shall be punished~ by the paymeht of a fine of not more than fifty dollars for each such ~. Petition of Town Cot~sel. ~~ IT is recommended that The Town vote To ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 17. To See if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~n of $1,696, to be expend- ed uncler the ~Lirection of the School Ccmm~ttee for the purpose of ~-~-~ing payment for services rendered, or to be rendered, by the ~eater Lawrence ~!iM~nce Center, Inc., for or in behalf of acme of the children of the Town, all as the C~ r0ay ~l-~termine. Petition of the School Co~ittee. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $7,500, TO be exper~ted under the direction of the School BuildiD~ Cu~L~Htt~e for the purpose oTtopographical st~%~s, b~ring, specification, ccmplete plans, layouts, working drawings, and estin~te of costs, a/~ such other disburs~nents as are preliminary to the constrt~ction of an ad- dition to the Atkinson School. Petition of the School C~ittee and the School Buildir~l C~,,,ittee. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 19. TO see if the Town will vote to raise ar~ appropriate the sum of $7,500, to be emperded urger the d~rection of the School Building Con, nittee for the purpose of 'updating the survey as TO the future sohcol educational and building needs of the Town with ~cular ~is as to future high school needs. Petition of the School Committee and the School Building Omnnittee. It is recommended that The Town vote i-o ADOPT the article, ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote TO raise ~ appropriate the sum of $11,500 TO be expended under the direction of the School Building Committee for tb~ purpose of making altera- ' tions at th~ Franklin Elementary School to cc~,-~lete the addition thereto. Petition of the School Cx~uHttee ~ the School Building C~,~Httee. ~L__,O ~_/ It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT The article. ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote by a 2/3 majority, to raise and apluropriate such sum of money as it n~; determine to be _the necessary cost of acq~g for. the Town, by pur- chase, ~nen~ domain proceedings or otherwise, a parcel of land suitable for the con- 13 stru~tion there~Dn of a r~w fire station, ~uad to authc~ize a~ad direct the Selectn~n the name and k~_half of the Town, to take su~h stop as they my deem necess~ or ad- visable to effect such acquisit/on. Petition of the Selectmen. No recommendation at this time as to this Article and the following three Articles (i.e. 22, 23 and 24) because of lack of information. ARTICLE 22. T~ see if the ~ will v~fce to raise ar~ al~iate a s~ of m~y sufficient for the p~se of constructing, equil~pi~ ar~ f%~cnishlng a new fire station, and of lar~scapir~, grading and finishing its grounds. Pet/t~c~n of the Selectn~_n. - _-~.~~- See Article 2J. ARTICLE 23. In the event of the a~tion of t~ p~ Article, to see if t~ T~ ~ill vote authcrize the Selectman, or such ot~ C~,m.lttee as they may ~te to establish, to act in its ~ ~ t~lf in ~_ll ra~tt~=_rs ha~-]_ng to do with the e~pe~i~/re of the fu~s prodded %uader said ~ticle, incluSing the e~cution of all contracts l~=urtaining to t~ D~ fire station ar~ grour~s. Petitic~ of the Selectmen. -~ See Article 21. ARTICLE 24. ~b see if the~k~wnwillvote to amend its ZoninqBy-Lawby inserting, after Section 4.06 thereof, the followiD~ new section: Section 4.07. ~bt~-ithstanding a~ contraxy p~o~-ision of tb/s By-Iaw the facilities ~ gro%lnds of a rmmaicil~l fire station m~y t~ ~u~~__ar~ ~! of ~ acquired ky the Town fo~ s~h pur~x~ses~-----~ ~ -- /7~ ARTICLE 25. ~b see if th~ ~ will vote~ k~ pro~r ar~ feasible to req~ ' e petitioners for subdi~sions of land to do all things necessary to cause all ~rays %~thin their subdivisions to ~ construnt~d and ~n~n~ in pro~ conditic~ for acce~fcance ky the Tt~rn, to pre~t to t/me Select~=_n ~und to a / Town ~=eting all ~essazy petitio~ f~ t/ae layin~ out of s~h %rays a~ad their ~ta~/ lishment as ~k~wn Ways, and ~til s~c~h establishment, to p~l~ sr~w frown all such ways. titionSelec No Recommendation. .~TICLE 26. To s~ if the ~ will vote to authoriz~ the Selectmen to aCrlu.~e ky purch~e, gift o~ ky e~ir~_nt dc~n, the ~arcel of lnnd tx)u~ ky Osg~ Strut, Wayne Strut, land of the Boston ~md ~i~ Railroad ar~ ]a~ of tlae village I~ C~any, J. P. S~vens & C~y, c~ta!ni~ 9.16 ~res, ~re or less, or ~ p~rt t_h~_reof, for the p=pose of establishing a sit~ fc~ a ~-~__a~_to raise ar~ appr~ ia~a suffiei~3~or_--~_p~e. ~ ~7-~2~ ~ Petition of t~ Selectmen. ~/ / While your Committee is in favor of this Article, it p~esent]¥ lacks sufficient informa- tion to make a definite recommendation. ARTICLE 27. To s~ if the Town will vote to al~opriate a s%%fficient sum of moP, ay ~ to aut~ize the Selec~re~ to en~ into a contract with the ~ssa~husetts ~y ~ar~tation Aut~- ity to use s~d s~ or any part thereof to defray deficits of the railroad resulting from Pr°riding cc~anh~cer service fr°m N°rth ~=-~]°ver t° Boston' .~~~ ~ - ~ / Petition of the Selectn~n. ARTICLE 28. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT th6i article. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and approprkate the st~ of $20,000, to be e~pend- ed under the direction of the Selectmen f~r c~,~Ieting and equipping the new Police Station. Petition of the Selectmen. ~ ~'~ ~ It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to authorize its Selectm~n to e~scute a release to the Conmorm~mlth and to the Department of Public ~brks of all claims and demands arising frc~a the taking of an easement in land described as Parcel No. D -- $ in an Qrder of Taking dated September 20, 1967, in return for the stun of $25.24, or for any larger Petition of the Selectman. ~ 4/ It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 29-A. TO see if the Town will vote to instruct and direct the Selectmen to request the State Department of Public Works to reconstruct Osgood Street from the intersection of Chickering Road So~sterly to the State M~rker designating end of State Highway, in- cluding widening, drainage work, curbstones and sidewalks, all as m~y be agreed to by said Department, the Selectm~n and the Highway Surveyc~, it being understood that, fol- lowing such reconstruction, the responsibility f~r the maint~nauce of said section will be ass~rsd by the Town. Petition of the Selectmen and the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 30. TO see if the Town will vote to raise ao~ appropriate t]~ sum of $790, to be expended under the direction o-~h~--~l---ectm~ ~d~ Town Accountant for ~---~purpose of purchas- ing a desk type imfinting calculator to be used by all de--ts frc~ a central point in the Town Office Building. ARTICLE 31. Petition of the Selectmen and the Town Accountant. it is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the artic/~~~ To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~m of $33~, to be e~pended under the direction of the Town Accountant and Selectmen for the purpose of replacing. a 16 ~r old Allem-Wales addinq machine. ARTICLE 32. Petition of the Town Accountant. It is recommended that the Town vote to RE3ECT.~the~rticle.~'w~' To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~n of $4400, to be expended urger the direction of the Selectm~=n f~r the purchase of two new 1968, 12 volt system cars with necessary safety equitm~nt. Two 1966 cars to ~-~ trade, and all equipment to be changed over, such as police radios, sirens and other similar accessories. Petition of the Chief of Police a_nd the Selec~n. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 33. TO see if the Town will vote by Resolution. To declare that there exists in the Town a need for low-income housing at rents within the means of families of low incc~m, as defined in the Lhited States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, which need is not being adequately met by private enterprise; to approve an application of the North Andover Housing Authority to the Public Housing an authorized by said Act to provide Cinancial assistance to local for 15 and carrying out preliminary planning of low-rent housing projects, fc~ a preliminary loan in an amount not to e~ceed $8,000 for surveys ar~ planning in connection with low rent housing projects of not to e~ueed approximately 40 dwelling units and to authorize the Board of Selectmen to e~acute on behalf of the Town, a 'Corporation H/3ree~_nt' be- tween the Town ar~ the North Ar~over Housing Authority; substantially in the form of a proposed agreement of which copies are on file in the office of the Board of the Town Clerk and the North Andover Housing Authority, providing f~r the local cc~p~r- ation as my be required by the Public Housing kiministration pursuant to the said Act. Petition of the North Ar~over Housing Authority. ~ It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote to raise ar~ appropriate the s%~ of $5000, sa~d s~m to be placed in a C0~u~t~0~ F~, to be allowed to accumulate frcm year to year ar~ to be e~pended by the Oonservation [kmmission for the prc~otion develc~rent ar~ better util- ization of the natural resources of the town, for the protection of ~tershed resources of the town, for acquiring options fc~ the purchase of real estate al~ for any other p~r- pose authorized by Section 8-C of Chapter 40 of the General Laws as amended, including the purchase of land. Petition of the ODnservation ODr~nission. ~ / It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. ARTICLE 35. To see what action the Town will take, by~secretwrittenballotto be taken at the Mmetinguponthe follcwing questions: "Shall there be es~mblished a ~ter pollution abatement district as recommended by the Division of Water Pollution Control and a~4~oved by the Water Resources C~t,,.~ssion, to include the City of Lawrence and tb~ Towns of M~thuen, ~ndover, and Nc~th Andove~ and the construction, acquisition, extension, improv~ent, maintenance ar~ operation of a syste~ of water pollution abatement facilities by the said district in accor~a_nce with the provisions of chapter twenty-one of the General Laws?" Petition of the Selectmen. ~ No recommendation at this time pending the adoption of special legislation creating the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District. See Article No. ! ~f the Warrant ~or the Special Town Meeting called for March 16. ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to allow the ABC (A Better Chance) Progr~ to come into the Town of North Andover, thereby bringing into our Public High School ten (10) stu- dents from other states and ar~s of the U~ited States for the purpose of ~eDaring th~ for college. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to raise ~ appropriate the s~ of $200,000, to be ex- pended urger the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purp~ ~ constructing the Osgocd Street sewerage p~pi~ station, a force ~in on Clark Street and on Sutton Street to the Sutton Street sewer and an extension of the sew~ system to a point about 2,000 feet nobly on Osgood Street frcm Great Por.~ Road in accordance with the re- port on Sewerag~ Facilities for the Osgood Street -- Great Pond Road area by Camp, Dresser and M~Kee Consulting Engineers, and to accept any contributions toward the cost of the project and to authorize the Board of Public W~rks to empe~ such contributions. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. -- ~38. To see if the Town will vote to raise a~t app~-opriate the sum of $11,800, to be expend- ed under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpo~ o~talliD~ a 16 chemical dry feeder at the South Ptm~oing Station to rep/ace the ~resent 1944 feeder, to ptrchase a tractor ar~ loader to replace the present 1949 Ford Tractor and loader and to purchase a trailer Mndel Sewer Roder. ARTICLE 39. ARTICLE 40. ARTICLE 41. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. L.~]) [/ TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of cu~leting the sewer construction on Autran Avenue and Cotuit Street voted under Article 5, Special Town Meeting, March 19--~. Petition of the Board of Public Werks. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. To see if the Town will vote to raise ar~ appropriate the su~n of $7,000, to be e~per~ed under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of c-~-~e .t~.g _t/~_ water main construction on Johnson Street voted under Article 6, Special Town ~etlng, M~rch 1967. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. TO see if the Town will vote t__qo raise and appropriate the su~ of $3,000, t? be empe~.ed/ under the direction of the Board of ~i~ Works for the purpose of .c~p. leting the We~s~/ side Sewer construction voted under Article 72, 1966, Annual Town Meeting. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 42. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the .sm of $4~, to .be ae~12~_- ed under the direction of the ~Dard~ ~lic Works for the purpose of l~s~allln~ a - inch water main on M~rblerid~e Road from Great Pond Road to Salem Street. -- -- Petition of the Board of Public Works. Your Committee recommends that this Article be considered together with Articles 52, 54, 55 and 56, that the Town vote to AO0PT said Articles, that the appropriation cai led for be met by a proper municipal borrowing, and that Article 53 be rejected. ARTICLE 93. To see if the Town will vote to raise an appropriate th~ s~ of $2,000, to be expended under th~ direction of the Board of Public Works fer the purpose o-~ renewing water serv- ices to the property lines, placing gate ~lves on h~rant t~anches and raising manhole frames and covers on streets that are ~eing reconstructed. Petition of the Board of Pubic Works. ARTICLE 44. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. To see if the ~ will uote to raise ar~ appropriate tb~ s~m of $1,000, to be expended under the direction of the Board of ~lic Works for the purpose of ~ng such exten- sions of tb~ ~t~r main syste~n, subject to the standard reg~,Imti~as of said Board, on er before October 1, 1968 m~y consider most necessary, such extensions not having been petitioned for at this ~aeeting. Petition of the Board of Public Works. ~. C~ ARTICLE It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. To see if the To~aawillvote to raise and appropriate the s~of $2,300 tobe expended 17 under the direction of the Board of Public kbrks for the purpose of shingling the roof of the Fieldhouse at Grogans Field, of purchasing materials for a chain link fence on the Gilbert Street side of Grogans field and purchasing materials to complete the chain link fence at the Chadwick Street Playground. Petition of the Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 46. ARTICLE 47. . To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the su~ of $.5,500, to be e~pe~d- ed under the direction of--~ ~mard~ ~F~lic Works for the purl~building and equiping a cement block fieldhouse at the Carl A. Thomas playground. ~ Petition of the Board of Public ~brks. -' ~ .~.. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the su~ of $19,000, to be pended under the direction of the'~--~ Public Works fc~ the purpo----~f exter~ing- the sewer system on Peters Street fr~n Turnpik~ Street to Andov~r Street. Petition of Stewart P. Wilson and others. ~'~ /~' ~ Your Committee recommends that this Article be considered together with Articles 48, 49, 50 and 51, that the Town vote to ADOPT said Articles, and that the appropriation called for ($79,500) be met by a proper municipal borrowin9. ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will vote to raise and approuriate the su~ of $14,000, to be ex- pendsd under the direction of the Board of Public Works fc~ the purpose of extending the sewer on Martin Avenue from the existing manhole ~mterly to Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of Vencenzina Ferrara and others. .~ See Article 47. ARTICLE 49. ARTICLE 50. TO see if the Town will vote to raise ar~ appropriate the stun of $22,000, to be ex- pend~ under the direction of the Board of Public Works fer the purpose of exter~ing the sewer on f~estnut Street from 169 C~estnut Street to Sutton Hill Petition of Salvatore Guglielmino and others. See Article 47. ~ ;A!I~-~ TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,000, to be expert- ed under the direction of the Board of Public Works~fc~ ~he purpose of extending the sewer on Pour Avenue fr~ Sutton Street. /~ Petition of Harold E. Smith and others. ! See Article 47. --~ ARTICLE 51. · b see if the Town will %~te to raise and appropriate the sum% of $18,000, to be ex- per~ed under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of ~ the ~st Side Sewer in an easement from the rear of 209 Turnpike Street to Petition of Arthur F. Cor~c~ and others. ~._ ~ See Article 47. ~ ARTICLE 52. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and ap~ru~'iate the s~a of 83,000, to be expend- ed under the direction of the Board of ~lic Works for the puruose of extending the water system on Poor Avenue from Sutton Street. Petition of Harold E. Smith and others. 18 ARTICLE 53. ARTICLE 54. ARTICLE 55. ARTICLE 56. ARTICLE 57. ARTICLE 58. ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will vote to ~l~ s2-&l appro sum of money, to be expended urger the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extend- ing the water system on Salem Street, from its present terminus at or about #1132 Salem Street, a distance of about 3500 feet up to, but not including, land of M~Donald. Petition of George Farr and others. ~ ~z-f ~p ~/~ ~ ~ ~ It is recommended that the Town vote to REJECT the article. TO see if the Town will vote to raise ar~ appropriate tJ~e sum of $4,000, to be ex~end- ed under the direction of the Board ~ ~lic Works far the purpose--~xte~ding the water system on Longwood Avenue to the ~esent terminus on Rosedale Avenue. Petition of Edward J. Fionte and others. See Article 42. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~ of $32,000, to be ex- pended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the p~--S~ ~-f extending the water system on Farnham Street ~rom Johnson Street southeasterly to 1300 feet frem ~rooks Street and to accept from Benjamin C. Osgocd of North A~dcver fifty p~r cent_~o_f the cost of the ~roject. ~~~"~-~ Petition of Benjamin C. Osgocd and others. See Article 42. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,400, to be expend- ed under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose o---~xtendin9 the water system on M~rtin Avenue from the present terminus 180 feet towards Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of Mitchell P. Bootman and others. See Article 42. TO see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.73 of the Zoninq By-Law by adding the Following paragraph: "When in a residential zone, the minimtml lot area per dwelling unit sbal I be the larger of-3,500 sq. ft. ~r 1/3 of the ~ lot area race,ired fc~ a single family dwelling." Petition of Andros Hamorl an~ others. ' ~ ' No recommendat ion. Petition of Louis J. Kmiec, Jr. ar~ others. TO see if the Town will vote to amend its zoning By-Iaw by changing from Rural Resi- dentail to General Business the following described parcel of lar~: ~'z'~LY by the Southwesterly line of Salem Turnpike fo%~ hundred sixty-nine and 89/100 (469.89) feet; SOU~a~RLY by land now or formerly of Iillian B. Haverty two hundred eighty-tWO and 14/100 (282.14) feet; ~ WES'i'~a~LY by lar~ now or formerly of Charles E. Canty et al about two hundred sixty-nine (269) feet, said parcel containing 3~,00~0_.sq. ft. more ~r less. TO see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.7 of the Zoning By-Law by changing the words zn an zonnag dzstrlct to in General Buszness District . _ ~ ~ Petition of No~'~t~.a E. Lentz ar~ others, c-~9-~' ' ' .~,~ ~ NO recommendat ion. ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to ammr~ the zoning by-laws to change from Country Resi- dential zone to Industrial Zone a certain parcel of lard described as follows: A certain parcel of land situated on the Northerly side of the Sal~n Turr~ike in said North Andover and being approximately Seventy four (74) acres of the Southwesterly p~r- tion of the third parcel described in Lar~ Court decree dated August 8, 1951, recorded with North Essex Registry of Deeds on August 9, 1951, confirming the title of grantors to certain lands in said North Andover in land court case ~22768, the premises hereby conveyed being bounded as follows: Cc~m~ncing at a point on the N~rtherly side of the Salem Turnpike at the er~ of a stone wall at land of William Dawson; thence the line runs Northwesterly by the Northeasterly side of said Turnpike eight hundred eighty two and 23/100 (882.23) feet to a corner of a wall at ~ of Gardner R. Hunphrey et al; thence the line runs northerly by said Humphrey land, by ~ of Valcourt and land of one ~gneriault as the stone w~ll stands, five hundred eighty seven and 64/100 (587.64) feet to a corner at ~ of Charles Melamed et al; thence the line runs Northerly as the stone wall star~s by said M~lamsd land and ~ of one Arthur Frechette a distance of nineteen hurzlred twelve (1912) feet to the westerly corner of lot number (2) described in said confirmation decree; thence the line turns and runs Southeasterly by said lot numbered two (2) seven hundred ninety seven and 95/100 (797.05) feet to a corner of a wall at land of John B. Harriman and continues Southeasterly by said wall by sm4d Harriman ~ four hundred sixteen and 64/100 (416.64) feet to a corner in said ~mll at the Southerly cc~ner of s~d ~brriman land; Thence the line runs in a straight line in about the same co~se a distance of about eighteen hundred forty (1840) feet to the stone wall along Dewson's Bour~y line at a point which is three hundred (300) feet southwesterly from Hillside Road, as measured along said Dawson Wall; ~ the line turns ar~ runs southwesterly by said Dawson wall to the turnpike at the point of beginning. Petit/on of k~/ter S. Green and others. No recommendation. ARTICLE 61. To see if the Townwill vote to rezone the following parcel of ~ frcm residential to business: A certain parcel of ]and in North Andovar, sm~d County of Essex, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the corner of the fence at Second Street; easterly by ~ now or formerly of Henry Keniston 28 feet; southerly by ~ now cr formerly owned by John P. Murphy 28 feet; westerly by ~ D~w er fc~T~mrly owned by John P. ~phy 15 feet; northerly by Second Street 34 feet. Containing 500 sc~re feet, ms~e er less, and being nua~ered #18 Second Street in said North Andover. Being the same ~remises conveyed to John P. Murphy by deed of Arthur O. Gile et ux dated July 23, 1934, an~ recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds book 580, page 175. A/so another cer~n parcel of land, with the buildings tbe~een situated on the westerly side of Main Street in said North Andovar ar~ bounded and described as follows: Begin- ning at a stake and stones 8 rods distant southerly from the northerly post of a pair of bars on said Main Street on land fc~merly of F~dy Bridges; thence running southerly 4 rod~ to a stake and stones by said Main Street; thence south 81° west 15 rods and 14 links to a stake and stcr~s; thence nc~th 2% west 3 reds ar~ 14 links to a stake and stones; thence north 80° east 15 rods and 8 links to the bound first mentioned. Also another certain parcel of land, adjoining the aforesaid described parcel, an~ situated on the So~st~rly side of Second Street in said N~rth ADd_/7~_r and bounded and des- cribed as follows: Begirm/ng at a point on said premises on the south=msterly line of said Second Street at land now er formerly of one D~w; thence running nc~theasterly by the southeasterly line of said Second Street 12 feet to ~r~ now or fon~erly of Henry Keniston~ thence running southeasterly 15 feet by land now or formerly of said F~_niston to ~ now or formerly of John P. Murphy to a point 15 feet norheasterly, from said Daw's lar~; tb~_nce rLlnning sohWchwesterly by said land now or formerly of John P. Murphy 15 feet to said Daw's land, nc~ cr formerly; t_h~nce nc~t~sterly 10 feet by said Daw's land as the fence stands to the point of beginni~; and both parcels tegeth~_r being rmm~red %155 Main Street. 20 Petition of Stewart P. Wilson and others. ~ / ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s%mn of $15,000, to be ex- pended under the direction of the ~-~ Fire Engineers for the purpose of using with the trade-in value of the present 1966 ambulance %0 purchase a new ambulance. Petition of tb~ Board of Fire Engineers. <~, It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. /%RT ICLE 63. To see if tb~ Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,500, to be ex- pe~ed under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of using with the trade-in value of the present 1952 utility truck to purchase a new utility truck. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. ~ (...."/' it is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will vote to raise ar~ apuropriate the sun of $5,000, to be ex- pended under the direction of the Board~ Fire Engineers for the purpose of replacing the emergency electric power generato~ serving the Fire Station, Police Station, Town Building, ~ Town Yard. Petition of the Board of Fire ]~0cj~s. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate th~ sum of $27,00g, to be ex- pended under tb~ direction of tl%e ~o~ Fire Engineers for the D%~aose of appointing seven regular f/re fighters who have passed the Civil ~_rvice physical and mental e~m- inations, all in acccrH~nce with civil Service Rules and Regulatic~s. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. the purpose ARTICLE 66. it is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of~ for of appointing four regular firefighters. ~ (~J raise TO see if the Town will vote to __and appropriate, fcc hig~ay projects having the approval of the State Department of Publio Works, $9,008.05 fr0~ the sun of $18,016.10 apportioned to the Town by said Department under Se-~ 5 of Chapter 616 of the Acts of 1967, expenditures therefrcm to be made urger the direction of the Highway Surveyor, with the prior approval of the Seleetn~n. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 67. TO see if the Town will vote to raise a~ appropriate the sum of $10,000, to be ex- pended urger the a~rection of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of meeting the Town's share of the costs of Chapter 90 highway construction of Salem Street, Johnson Street and Foster Street and the sum of $30,000 be transferred from unapuro~riated available funds to meet the State and County ]~%ar-~s of such costs, the reimbursement fro~ the State and County to be restored upon their receipt to ~appropriat~d available funds in the tow~ treas,/ry. Petition of the High~ay Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 68. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and approl~iate the s~m of $2,000, to be expe~- ed under the direction of the Hig~--~ S%~veyor for the purpose of ~---~4 uim&$ any street in the Town, under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, and, in addition, that the sun of $1,000 be transferred frc~ %~lapprouriated available funds te Met the State's share of 21 the cost of such work, the reimbursement from the State to be restored, upon receipt, to unappropriated available funds in the Town treasury. Peri,on of the High,ray Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ,~,TICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to raise and approuriate the s~n of $600, to be e~pended ur~ler the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of make--and placing street Petition of ~2~e F~gh%ray Surve~a3~. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~n of $5,000, to be ex~- ed under the direction of the Highway Surveyer for the purpose of re?~ring concrete sidewalks. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000 for the purpose of this article. ~- ~ (~ ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to raise ar~ approuriate the su~ of $1,000, to be ex- per~ed urger the direction of the Highway Surveyor f~r the purpose of rep~ing old stone culverts. Petition of the Highway Surveyar. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~ of $56,500, to be expend- ed under the direction of the Highway Surveyc~ for the purpose of ~---~ the fol- lowing equipment: 0~e 4-Wheel Drive Pick-Up Tru~k, a 1962 Pick-Up to be traded $2,800. One Road Grader, a Grader to be traded $27,000. f~e Road Roller, a PDller to be traded $8,000. One Truc~ Chassis, One Sand Spreader, a 1954 Sander to be traded $8,200. Loader $10,500. Petition of the Highway Surveyo~. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1~%for the purchase of one 4-Wheel Drive Pick-up Truck, a 1962 Pick-Up to be traded, for $2,800, and one Loader for $10,500. .,~ f~-~ ARTICLE 73. To see if the Town will wte %o rai~ an~ appropriate the s~n of $1,500, to be expended under the direction of the High~ay Sur~yc~ f~r ~he purpose of ins~m--~i--ng chain-link fence where needed. ARTICLE 74. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote t~he article. ~ (~J To see if tb~ Town will ~te to raise and appropriate the s~ of $7,000, to be ex, ed under the direction of the High%~y Surveyor for the purpose of ~en~i-~g a road grader and street roller. ARTICLE 75. Petition of the Highw~y~c~. It is recommended that the Town vote t6EJ_~_~the article. ~ TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sumaof $55,000, to be expend- ed under the direction of the Highly Surveyc~ f~rthe purpose of reaurfaoing, oiling, repairing andmintenance of a~y street. 22 the purpose Petition of the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of~for of this article. ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000, to be expend- ed under the direction of the High~ay Surveyor for the purpose of rep-~--~-~ing existing catch basin frames and grates which are s~aller than standard size. the purpose Petition ofthe Hi~r~ay Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of~2,0OO~for of this article. ARTICLE 77. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000, to be expend- ed onder the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of ~ and ~ ~a-n-1 rails throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of($1,OOO~for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 78. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money to in- stall hot top on sidewalks installed by the State frcm the Village Gresen apartments TO the intersection of Cb_ickering Road ar~ M~ssachusetts Avenue. Petit~uon of the Selecta~n. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of($8,0OO)or the ,/ purpose of this article. ~ ~ ,aRTICLE 79. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~ of $2,000, to be expended under the direction of the Highway S~eyor for the propose of cutt--i-~g down embankment TO make provision for drainage on Foster St., North Andover and repair same to put street in good condition. Petition of Catherine F. Clarke and others. , It IS recommended that the Town vote ' ARTICLE 80, TO see if the Town will vote to raise and apt~opriate a sufficient sum of money, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyc~ for the purpose of ~ovi--~g a sidewalk along Waverly Road from the Thomson School to M~ssachueetts Avenue and a point beyond, so that our ~-ch~-children will not be forced to walk in the roadway to and from school each day. Petition of Gloria M. Lidstone and others, t,Ic~ ~ It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriat Or the purpose of the article. ARTICLE 81. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money, to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyc~ fox the purpose of ~-~--~ting a sidewalk alon9 the westerly side of waverly Road between Halifax Street ~ Massachu- setts Avenue. ARTICLE 82. Petit/on of Margaret V. Sutton and others. It is recommended that the Town vote to/REJECT>he article. TO see if the Town will VOte to raise and approt~iate the sum of $14,300, to be expend- ed under the direction of the Highway Surveyc~ for the purpose of r~--~-~ding and sur- facing and putting in good condition, 600 feet Southerly on Prospect Street from the 23 intersection of Chadwick Street. Petition of Ralph C. Bevin and others. It is recommended that the Town vote tc~%the article. ARTICLE 83. TO see if the Town will vote to raise a~ a~p~o~riate the s~ of $40,000, to be expend- ed Under the direction of the Highway Surveyc~ f~r the purpose of r~ing Adams Ave. and installing surface drain ~rom Massachusetts Avenue to Weed Lane. Petition of Harold W. Hitter and others. ~'~" ' It is recommeuded that the Tow~ vote to $1RIK~ the article ~rom the warraot since it is our uuderstandin§ that the petitioner iote~ds to move ±o strike this article ~rom the warrant. ARTICLE 84. To see if the Town will vote to raise ar~ appropriate the s%m~ of $5,000, to be expend- ed urger the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of l~-~ng permanent pavement over road e~avetions made by oth~r Town agencies. ARTICLE 85. ARTICLE 86. Petition of the Selectn~n, the Board of Public Works and the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the Town vote to A~O~the article. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appru~iate the sum of $5,000, to be exper,~- ed under the direction of the High,ay Surveyor for the purpose of i~-~ling surface drain on Gilbert Street Petition of the North Andover Housing Authority. It is recommended that the Town vote to~the article. To see if t. bm Town w-ill vote to raise and a~ropriate the sum of $2,000, to be e;q~end- ed under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of ~ling two sur- face drain clean-outs on Baldw-ln Street. Petition of the Nc~th Andover Housing .~nthority. It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of or the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 87. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~mof $14,000, to be expend- ed under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of r--~ing 688 lineal feet of Lon~ood Avenue and installing surfacedrain. ARTICLE 88. Petition of ~dward J. Fionte and others. It is recommended that the Town vote to~EJECT~he article. To see if the Town will vote to raise ar~ appropriate a sufficient sum of money, to be e_~per~ed urger the ai~eetion of the Highway Surveyor to ~ake necessary re, irs to have Longwocd aven~e accepted. ARTICLE 89. Petition of ~ward J. Fionte and others. It is recommended that the Town vote ±o~_EJEC_~T~;the article. To see if the Town will vote to accept as public w~y ~ ~ray that is Shown on the Plan of Tar~l entitled "Plan of Hillside Acres" owne~ by John-Az~lr~ Cc~pany, Inc., dated Ju~e 20, 1966, Brasseur Associates, Engineers and recorded in the North Essex P~gi~t~y of Deeds as Plan No. 5516 which has been developed ar~ c~L~leted in accordance with the Planning Board's Specifications all as required under the Provisions of the North And- over Zoning Law pertainiD~ to Residential Bom~s and ail laid out and aj,~icated by The Board of Selset~en and to name street so accepted ~rian Drive. Petition of John J. B%~ke ar~ others. ~ 24 No recommendation, ARTICLE 90. To see if the Town will vote to accept as public ways those ways as are shown on the Plan of Iand entitled "Village G~een" owned by R. and S Construction Comp~r~, dated December 1, 1964, Bradford Saivetz and Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers, and re- corded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 5213 which has been developed and c~leted in accordance with the Planning Board's specifications all as re~Hred under the provisions of the North Andover Zoning Iaw p~rtaining to apartment houses, and all as laid out and adjuicated by the Board of Selectmen and to name the streets so accepted Village G~een Drive, Leyden Street, Jefferson Street and Kingston Street. Petition of John J. Willis and others. No recommendation. ARTICLE 91. To see if the Town will vote to accept as public ways those ways as are shown on a plan entitled "Subdivision plan of Trend in North Andover, M~ssachusetts dated O=tobe~ 7, 1959, Dana F. Perkins an~ Sons, Incorporated, engineers, ard rccc~ded in the North Essec Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 4154 which has been developed and completed in ac- cordance with the planning Board's specifications as required under the Subdivision Control Iaw ar~ all as laid out and adjudicated by the Selectm~n, ar~ to P~qm~ the street so accepted M~rk R~ad. Petition of Vincent E. Savukinos and others. ARTICLE 92. No recommendation. "Definitive Plan of Briarcliff" dated M~rch 26, 1962, George E. HayeS, Engineer ar~ recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 4705 which has been developed and completed in accordance with the planning Board's specifications as rec~lired under the subdivision Control Iaw and all as laid out ~ adjudicated by the Selectm~n and to name the streets so accepted Lisa Iane, Sar~lra T~ne and Kieran B0ad, Petition of A. Courtney IDngton and others. No recommendat ion. ARTICLE 93. TO see if the Town will vote to accept as ptlblic ways tb~e ways as are shown on a plan entitled "Elm Crest Estates" George E. Hayes, Engineer and dated Jant~_ry 31, 1959 and recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 3819 which have been developed and completed in accc~dar~e with the Planning Board's specifications as re~,ired under the subdivision Control Law and all as laid out ar~ adjudicated by the Selectmen, and to name the streets so accepted as Elm~rest Rcad and Fagnolia Drive. Petition of Gladys L. Ht~ley and othars. No recommendation. ARTICLE 94. To see if the Town will vote to accept as public ~ys those ways as are shown on a Plan of Land entitled "Definitive Plan of Whittier Farm, North Andover, ~assachusetts", dated April 12, 1966, Hayes Engineering, Inc. and recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 5483, which have been developed and conpleted in accerdance with Plan- ning Board's specificatione as required under the Subdivision Control Law and all as laid out and adjudicated by the Selectm=-n, and to name the streets so accepted Fern- croft Circle, Meadowview Poad and Highwood Way. Specifically en~luding frc~ considera- t_ion hereur~ter any p~rtions of a way called on said Plan, Old Sessions Boad as this way has never had any sledding either as a ~rivate way or way to which tb~ public had ac- Petition of Fred D. Whittir and others. No recommendation. ARTICLE 95. TO see if the Town will vote to accept Sylvan Terrace for a distance of approximately 25 1000 feet, from M~ssachusetts Avenue to its terminus at Linden Avenue. Petition of James E. Fitzgerald and others. No recommendation. ARTICLE 96. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap~zopriate the s~ of $28,500, fc~ t_he pur- pose of ~g its Personnel By-Iaw by a~_~_ing a 4% increase to a~ rates in each ~ pensation grade of Se~ion 7, Schedules B, C, and D, and Section 8 an~ 9, effective Jan,~y 1, 1968. Petition of the Personnel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 97. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the s~ of $310 for the purpose of amercing its Personnel By-Iaw, Schedule A, Department Head and S%~p~rvisc~y G~oup, by dele---~----~asT~-~-~ ~ ~upe~intenx~ent and assigned o~-%~sation grade S-12, and inserting in place thereof class title Superintendent of Insect Pest Control with ccm- pensatlon grade S-13, effective January 1, 1968. Petition of the Persc~m~l ~. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ~.RTICLE 98. To see if the Tc~n will vote to raise and appropriate tb~ s~ of $450 for the purpose of amending its Personnel By-LAw, Schedule A, Depazhtent Head and ~xwisc~y Group, by striking c~;-~_nsation grade S-16 frc~ class title Town Accountant and inserting in its place coapensation grade S-17, effective January 1, 1968. Petition of the Persc~nel Board. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 99. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the su~of $360 for the purpose of amendin~its Personnel By-Law, Schedule A, Department Head ar~ Supervisory Group, by striking cc~p~nsa~d~-S--~f~mc]mms title Lib~arianand inserting in its p~e c~e~tion grade S-16, effective January 1, 1968. Petition of the Personnel]~k~za~. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 100. To see if the Town will of amending its Personnel Working Fore,an S-10*, by $125 p~r mDnth, effective vote to raise ar~ appro~ria~ th~ s~mof $100 for the purpose By-LAw, Schedule A, Department B~-~ an~ Supervisory G~oup, striking theref~c~ $100 per m~ntha/x] insertinginits place January 1,.1968. Petitienof the Persor~lBce_.-rd. It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 101. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel By-LAw Section 19 - Bereavement Leave, by deleting the ~resent provision in its ene~ety ar~ inserting in its place the following: ~ergency leave ~p to three days may be allowed for death in an e~ployee's ~iate family (wife, husband, child, parent of either spouse, brother or sister an~ person in the im~diate household). Petition of the Persca-L~_.~ It is recommended that the Town vote to ADOPT the article. ARTICLE 102. To see if the Town will vote to raise ar~ a~ouriate such s~m as this meeti~ may 26 determine, to the Stabilization Fund, as provided by Section 5-B of Chapter 40 of the General Laws. Petition of the Assessors. It is recommended that the Town vote t~) the article. ARTICLE 103. T~ see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from the Overlay Reserve, the sum of $~¢¢' to the Reserve Fund. Petition of the Selectmen. L~ ~J It is recommended that the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000 for the purpose of this article. ARTICLE 104. To see if the Town will ~0te to take the stoa of $/~ ~f~A Available Funds to reduce the tax rate. Petition of the AssessQrs. It Is recommended that the Town vote to transfer from available funds the sum of $185,000 for the purpose of this article. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office Building and at five or mDre public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to The Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at NQrth Andover, B~ssachusetts, the 15th day of January in the year of Our Lc~d one thousand nine hundred and sixty-eight. WILLIAM A. FINNERAN FRED P. OAKES BOARD OF SELECTMEN. A true copy: & A~-±'~ST: North Andover, Massachusetts, Constable 1968 27 SPECIAL TOWN MEETING SATURDAY, THE 16TH DAY OF MARCH 1968 AT 1:30 P.M. ARTICLE 1. ARTICLE 2. ARTICLE 3. To see what action the Town will take, by a secret written ballot to be taken at the Meeting, upon the following question: Shall there be established a Sanitary District to include the City of Lawrer~e ar~ the Towns of Ar~ov~r, Methuen and North Andover and the construction, acquisition, exten- sion, improvement, maintenance ar~ operation of a system of water pollution abatement facilities by the said District in accordance with the provisions of a Special Act_ tQ create the ~?eater Lawrence Sanitary District?a Petition of the Selectmen. A recommendation will be made at the time of the Town Meeting. To see if the Town will ~te to accept as a Town way, Cotuit Street ~rom its inter- section with Waverly Rc~d to its terminus at the property owned by Donald B. Elliot et ux ntm~ered 107 Cotuit Street. Petition of John J. Willis and others. ~ ~/~___~--- No recommendation. ~ To see if the Town will ~te to raise and appropriate a sufficient stm~ of money to ac- quire approximately 14 acres of ~ frc~ Anthony Rogers believed to be neces_sary to e~pand the Sanitary Fill area. Petition of the HighwaySt~v~ ~and the Se tmon. NO recommendation. ~, 28 ATTEND TOWN MEETING DATE: TIME: PLACE: Saturday, March 16, 1968 1:30 P.M. Veterans Memorial Auditorium North Andover High School Please bring this copy of Advisory Committee Report with you to Town Meeting. Advisory Committee Report Town of North Andover Massachusetts Non-Profit U. $. POSTAGE PAID No. Andover, Mass. Permit No. 19! NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 HOUSE. By Mr. Smith of Lawrence, petition of Lawrence P. Smith, Anthony R. DiFruscia, James P. tturrell, Gerard A. Guilmette, John C. Breenahan, Paul W. Cronin and Willlara Longworth for legislation to establish a greater Lawrence aanitary district. Social Welfare. In the Year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Sixty-Fight. -~N ACT ESTABLISHING A GREATER LAWRENCE SANITARY DISTttICT. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: 1 SECT~O~ 1. A water pollution abatement district, to ,be 2 known as the Greater Lawrence Sanitary District, herein 3 after called the district, is hereby created and shall include M1 4 the territories of the City of Lawrence and the towns of 5 Andover, Methuen and North Andover. 1 SECTION 2. (a) Within ninety days of thd effective date of 2 this act or any time prior thereto the city council of Lawrence 3 shall consider said act and indicate its approval or disap- 4 proval by voting yeas and nays upon a question in substan- 5 tially the following forrn:--"Shall there be established a 6 sanitary district to include the City of Lawrence, and the 7 towns of Andover, Methuen and North Andover and the 8 construction, acquisition, extension, improvement, mainte- 9 nance and operation of a system of water pollution abate- 10 ment facilities by the said district in accordance with the 11 provisions of a special act to create the Greater Lawrence 12 Sanitary District?" Within ninety days of the effective date 13 of this act or any time prior thereto', the selectmen of any 14 town included in such water pollution abatement district to 15 be established, shall cause to be presented for determination 16 by vote, with printed ballots at an annual town meeting or a 17 special town meeting called for the purpose, the question of HOUSE -- No. 3888. [Mar. 18 approving said act, which question shall be in substantially 19 the form set forth above. Whenever within said ninety days 20 or anytime prior thereto, each city and town proposed for 21 inclusion in said district shall have indicated its approval of 22 the proposed district by vote in the affirmative on said ques- 23 tion in the manner described in this subsection, the district 24 shall be deemed to be established. 25 (b) Once established this district may be dissolved only by 26 an act of the general court. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 3O Src?Io~ 3. The district shall be a body pohtic and corpo- rate and shall have a commission, an executive director and a treasurer. The district commission upon formation shall consist of three members from the city of Lawrence, two members fi'om the town of Methuen, one member from the town of andover and one member from thc town of North Andover. The original membership of the district commission shall be expanded beginning with the nineteen hundred and seventy Federal Census of Population and the nineteen hundred and seventy-five State Census of Population and every five years thereafter when the following conditions are recorded: 1. The city of Lawrence shah appoint one additional member when its population is recorded at eighty thousand persons. 2. The town of Methuen member when its population persons. 3. The town of Andover member when its population persons. shall appoint one additional is recorded at sixty thousand shall appoint one additional is recorded at forty thousand 4. The town of North Andover shall appoint one additional member when its population is recorded at forty thousand persons. Additional members from each town or city shall be appointed for each unit of population comprising twenty thousand persons in addition to the maximum populations hsted in items I through 4 above. Each member of the commission shall be sworn and shah serve for three years or until his successor is selected and 1968.] HOUSE -- No. 3888. 3 31 qualified. Such member shall be compensated for his services 32 at the rate of thirty dollars per diem, but in no event to 33 exceed three hundred and sixty dollars in any year, and shall 34 be reimbursed for expenses incurred. 35 The district cormnission shall employ a registered profes- 36 sional engineer who shall be the executive director of the 37 district, and, with the approval of the chairman of the water 38 resources commission, shall fix his salary. Said director shall 39 be thc executive and administrative head of the district. 40 The district commission shall employ a person with account- 41 ing and financial experience who shall be the treasurer of the 42 district, and shall fix his salary. Said treasurer shall give a 43 bond for the faithful performance of his duties in an amount 44 required by the director. 45 The executive director may, with the approval of the 46 district commission, employ such other persons as he shall 47 deem necessary, and such persons shall be subject to chapter 48 thirty-one of the General Laws. i SECTtO~ 4. The district commission (1) may act by a 2 majority vote on all matters with the exception of items (a) 3 through (d) below. On such special exceptions a two-thirds 4 majority vote shall be required and shall be comprised of at 5 least one vote from three of the four municipalities compris- 6 ing the district: 7 (a) The undertaking of any capital outlay project costing 8 more than one hundred thousand dollars, 9 (b) the incurrencc of debt, 10 (c) the removal of the executive director, 11° (d) the exercise of the power of eminent domain (2) shah 12 adopt by-laws and regulations for the conduct of its affairs, 13 (3) shall adopt a name and a corporate seal, (4) may sue and 14 be sued, (5) may enter into contracts, (6) may incur ex- 15 pcnses in order to carry out the purpose of this act, (7) may 16 issue bonds and notes as hereinafter provided, (8) may 17 acquire, dispose of and encumber real and personal property 18 for the purposes of the district, (9) may manage, control and 19 supervise abatement fkcilities, (10) may construct, acquire, 20 improve and maintain and operate abatement facilities, (11) 21 may exercise the power of eminent domain under chapter HOUSE~-- No. 3888. [Mar. 22 seventy-nine of the General Laws, (12) shall provide revenue 23 to carry out the purposes of t~he district, in accordance with 24 clauses 9 and 10 and (13) may apply for, accept and receive 25 financial assistance from the federal government and from 26 the commonwealth or any other source. (14) Shall make 27 regulations as to the quality and character of any sewage, 28 drainage, or other wastes discharged into the system. The 29 district shall connect its abatement facilities only to such 30 outfalls as exist at the time of the establishment of the 31 district. For the purposes of this act abatement facilities, 32 hereinafter termed facilities, shall include facilities for the 33 purpose of treating, neutralizing, or stabilizing sewage and 34 such industrial and other wastes as are disposed of by means 35 of the facilities, including treatment or disposal plants, 36 the necessary intercepting, outfall and outlet sewers, pump- 37 lng stations integral to such facilities and sewers, equipment 38 and furnishings thereof and their appurtenances. (15) May 39 enforce whether through the courts or otherwise any of its 40 duly adopted regulations including the right to seek injunc- 41 tive relief in cases considered appropriate by the district 42 commission. 1 Sz~rio~r 5. The district may apply to the division of water 2 pollution control, hereinafter cMled the division, for ~ plan- 3 ning grant by the commonwealth for the purpose of assisting 4 the district in developing a comprehensive water pollution 5 abatement plan for such district. Upon approval by said 6 division the division may grant for such purpose, a s-m not 7 to exceed fifteen thousand dollars. In no case shall a grant 8 exceed the reasonable and necessary cost of such planning, 9 after subtracting therefrom any federal grant made to such 10 district for the same purpose. The division may direct that 11 such planning be undertaken in such a manner as to maxi- 12 mize federal reimbursement, or to minimize the cost to the 13 commonwealth, including, in appropriate cases, metropolitan 14 wide comprehensive planning and progra~nming for coordi- 15 hating activities affecting the development of the area. Plan- 16 ning grants authorized under this section need not be repaid to 17 the commonwealth and shall be in addition to financial 18 assistance made available under chapter 21 of the General 19 Laws. 1968.] HOUSE -- No: 3888. 5 1 SECTm~ 6. A district shall present a plan for abatement of 2 water pollution to thc state division of water pollution 3 control within one year after its establishment or such greater 4 or lesser period as the division may prescribe. Such plan shall 5 include detail as to the sources of pollution within the 6 district, the means by which and the extent to which such 7 pollution is to be abated, a project or projects for the 8 construction, acquisition, extension or improvement of 9 facilities required by the plan, estimates of the capital 10 outlay costs thereof, the amount of federal grants ap- l1 plicable to such costs for which the district proposes to 12 apply. 13 The cost of the maintenance and operation of the district 14 and its facilities, exclusive of principal and interest on bonds 15 issued for capital outlay purposes, shall be apportioned 16 among the municipalities on thc basis of the metered flow of 17 sewage contributed by each municipality. Until such time as 18 the plant facilities are in operation or flows can be measured, 19 whichever occurs first, the cost of the maintenance and 20 operation of the district shah be apportioned 'among the 21 municipalities in the ratio of their current estimated popula- 22 tions served by sewers divided by the total estimated popula- 23 tion of the district served by sewers. 24 The cost of capital outlay, including principal payments 25 and interest shall be apportioned among the municipalities 26 according to the ratio of the estimated cost of separate 27 water pollution abatement facilities for each city and town 28 divided by the total estimated cost of the district's individual 29 facilities which will service all of the municipalities. 30 Any city or town aggrieved by the decision of the district 31 commission concerning apportionment of capital outlay costs 32 may appeal to the superior court which shah have jurisdic- 33 tion to fix the estimated cost for the purpose of determining 34 the proper apportionment to each city or town. The cost of 35 the court in arriving at such apportionment shall be paid by 36 the city or town requesting such court action. 37 The division shall not approve a plan unless it finds that 38 the abatement of water pollution which the plan will effect 39 will be consistent with the standards of water quality, as 40 established by the commonwealth or by the United States 41 government for the waters affected by the facilities' operation. 6 HOU~3E -- No. 3888. [Mar. 1 SEc'r~o~r 7. After a plan has been approved by the division, 2 the division shall, in ~ccordance with criteria used by the 3 division in determining the priority of projects for federal 4 financial assistance, authorize and direct the district to apply 5 for a grant or grants by the United States government 6 applicable to the capital outlay costs of facilities included in 7 the project or projects contained in the district's approved 8 plan. 9 If a grant anticipated from the United States government 10 is conditioned on a matching grant by the commonwealth, 11 the commonwealth, in authorizing the district's application, 12 may undertake to provide a grant to the extent of funds 13 available or to be made available therefor as hereinafter 14 provided of whatever per cent of the capital outlay costs is 15 required to satisfy the condition that the anticipated federal 16 grant be matched. Irrespective of any such condition, to the 17 extent that a gra~nt anticipated from the United States 18 government in response to such application is less than sixty 19 per cent of the capital outlay costs of the facility, or if there 20 is no grant anticipated, the division may grant the district an 21 amount which shall insure the district that its share of the 22 said costs shall in no event exceed forty per cent. 23 In the event' that suftieient federal funds are not immedi- 24 ately available under the Federal Water Pollution Control 25 Act or otherwise for a federal grant to a district, the director 26 of the division may advance to the district, in addition to the 27 state grant, a sum of money not to exceed the amount of the 28 anticipated federal grant: provided, that the federal payment 29 made in reimbursement of funds so advanced and used in 30 such project shall be paid back to the commonwealth; ~nd, 31 provided further, that said payments shall be credited to the 32 account from which said sum of money had been advanced 33 and may be used for the purposes of this 'section without 34 further appropriation. 35 Prior to so advancing the federal share, the director of the 36 division of water pollution shall obtain a statement of eligi- 37 bility and approval from the proper federal authorities of the 38 project or projects and shall require the district to agree to do 39 all that is necessary to make the project approvable and 40 eligible for the federal grant. 1968.] HOUSE -- No. 3888. 7 41 Thc district shall assign the anticipated federal reimburse- 42 ment for such project or projects to the commonwealth. 43 If federal funds for contract plans and specifications for the 44 construction of a pollution abatement facility are not ayaH- 45 able to a district at the time of its scheduled planning, the 46 division may advance to the district, a sum up to seven per 47 cent of the estimated construction cost. The funds advanced 48 to the district shall be considered a part of the total aanount 49 of the state grant provided above. 50 In determining the amount of financial assistance to be 51 granted a district by the division, the costs of construction, 52 acquisition, extension or improvement of the facility shall be 53 the actual costs thereof as determined by the division, or the 54 estimated reasonable costs thereof as determined by the 55 divison, whichever is lower. 56 Payments of financial assistance by the commonwealth to 57 the district, including advancement of the anticipated federal 58 grant, shah be made in accordance with a payment schedule 59 approved by thc commissioner of administration. The dirt- 60 sion may require any information from the district commis- 61 sion necessary to ensure that the said commission is acting in 62 compliance with the plan, and may withdraw its approval of 63 the project if such information is not supplied or if said plan 64 is not being followed by said commission. In such a case the 65 division shall notify the commissioner of administration, and 66 payments shall cease forthwith, and shah not be resumed 67 until the division again certifies its approval. 1 Src'r~oN 8. The division shall supervise the operation and 2 maintenance of the facilities of the district, and the director 3 may require the district commission to take such remedial 4 action as may be necessary to maintain required standards. 1 SEC'rION 9. The district by vote of the commissioners is 2 authorized to issue, from time to time, general obligation serial 3 bonds or notes of the district to pay for its share of the costs 4 of capital outlay required in connection with the project or 5 projects contained in an approved pla,u, in such amount or 6 amounts as the district commissioners may determine and as 7 may be approved by the division, and may refund any such HOUSE --- No. 3888. [Mar. 8 serial bonds or notes. Such serial bonds or notes may be 9 callable with or without premium, shall contain such terms 10 and conditions, bear such rate or rates of interest, be sold in 11 such manner, as public or private sale, and mature at such 12 times and in such amounts as the commissioners shall deter- 13 mine; provided, however, that each issue of such bonds or 14 notes shall be payable in annual installments, the first of 15 which shall be payable not later than three years after its 16 date and the last of wliich shall be payable not later than 17 thirty years from said date. 18 If the district votes to issue serial bonds or notes, the 19 commissioners may authorize the issuance, in the nme of the 20 district, of general obligation temporary notes for a period of 21 not more than two years in anticipation of the money to be 22 received from the sale of such serial bonds or notes; but the 23 time within which such serial bonds or notes shall become 24 payable shall not be extended by reason of the making of 25 such temporary loans beyond the time fixed in the vote 26 authorizing such serial bonds or notes. 27 The district by vote of the commissioners is authorized to 28 issue, from time to time, general obhgation, temporary notes 29 of the district in anticipation of assessments and other 30 revenues of the district of the year in which such notes are 31 issued. Temporary notes in anticipation of assessments or 32 other revenues shall be payable not more than one year from 33 their dates. If at any time any principal or interest is due or 34 about to become due on any bond or note issued by a district 35 and funds to pay the same are not available, the district may 36 temporarily borrow money and issue temporary general obli- 37 gation notes of the district, payable not ,more than one year 38 from their dates, to pay such principal and interest. 39 Temporary notes issued under this section for a shorter 40 period than the maxkmum permitted may be renewed by the 41 issuance of other temporary notes maturing within the re- 42 quired period; provided~ that the period from the date of 43 issue of the original temporary note to the date of maturity 44 of the renewal note shall not exceed the maximum period for 45 which the original temporary note may have been issued. 46 Such temporary notes or renewal notes may be sold at 47 discount or with interest payable at or at and before 48 maturity. ~968.] ttOUSE -- No. 3888. 9 49 Notes or bonds authorized by this section shall be signed 50 by the treasurer and countersigned by the executive director 51 of the district and serial notes and bonds shall have the 52 district seal' affixed. Sections sixteen B and sixteen C of 53 chapter forty-four shall be applicable to such bonds and 54 notes. 55 "Capital outlay" as used in this section and in sections six 56 and seven shall mean the cost of construction, acquisition, 57 extension, or improvement .of facilities included in the project 58 or .projects contained in an approved plan, the cost of 59 acquisition of all the land, or interest therein of any nature or 60 description, for such construction, extension, acquisition or 61 improvement, and any legal appraisal or surveys, fees or 62 services with relation thereto, the cost of demolition or the 63 removal of any buildings or structures on land so acquired, 64 the cost of furnishings and equipment, financing charges, 65 insurance during construction, cost of architectural, engineer- 66 ing, legal or other expenses, plans, specifications, estimates 67 and costs and such other expense as may be necessary or 68 incidental to any construction, extension, acquisition or 69 improvement of such facilities, and the placing of such 70 facilities in operation. 71 "Improvement", as used in this section Shall include the 72 cost of acquiring more equipment, the cost of converting the 73 existing facility into a new condition of completeness or 74 efficiency from a worn, damaged, or deteriorated condition 75 whenever the plans for such improvement have been ap- 76 proved by the division. 77 Indebtedness, incurred under this section shall not be 78 included in computing the limit of indebtedness of any city or 79 town any portion of which is included in the district. 1 S~crro~r 10. The district commission shall annually deter- 2 mine the amounts required for the payment of principal and 3 interest on such bonds and notes issued or to be issued by the 4 district which will be due during the ensuing calendar year 5 and shall apportion the amounts so determined mnong the 6 municipalities in the district in accordance with the provi- 7 sions of the plan approved under section six. The district 8 commission shall also annually determine the amounts neces- 10 HOUSE -- No. 3888. [Mar. 9 sary to be raised to maintain and operate the district during 10 the said year, for capital outlay items the cost of which is not 11 to be funded, and for all other matters for which the district 12 is required to raise money, and if and to the extent said plan 13 so requires shall apportion among the municipalities the 14 amounts so determined in accordance with the provisions of 15 the said plan reduced by the amounts of revenues of funds 16 which are available or are to be received by the district 17 during said year and are applicable to costs of maintenance 18 and operations. Each amount so apportioned for each munici- 19 plity shall prior to December thirty-first, in each year, be 20 certified by the district commission to the assessors of each 21 ~nunieipality in the district. The assessors of each muniei- 22 pality shall without further vote include each aanount so 23 certified in those amounts to be annually raised by taxes 24 under section twenty-three of chapter fifty-nine. The respec- 25 tire city or town treasurers shall pay the amount so certified 26 to the treasurer of the district in four substantially equal 27 payments, to be made on or before the first day of March, 28 June, September, and December. 29 A city or town in the district may raise all or a portion of 30 the amounts certified annually by the district to the assessors 31 of such cities and towns as provided in the preceding para- 32 graph, through equitable and proportional charges against 33 inhabitants, corporations, and other users for the services 34 rendered by the district in each city or town. For the purpose 35 of establishing an equitable and proportional schedule or 36 reasonable charges, the property benefited by the services of 37 the district may be classified taking into consideration the 38 volume of water, including surface or drain waters, the 39 character of the sewerage or industrial or other wastes, and 40 the natm'e of the use made of the sewerage system, including 41 the facilities. The charges may include standby charges to 42 property not connected but for which the district's facilities 43 have been made available. 44 The schedule thus established may be modified in aceor- 45 dance with the plan and as may be necessary to raise the 46 amounts required by the district. The failure of such user 47 charges to raise the amounts required by the district in any 48 year shall not relieve any city or town from its obligation to 49 provide the amounts assessed by the district hereunder. 1968.] HOUSE -- No. 3888. 11 1 SECTION 11. The director of the district or their authorized 2 representatives may enter at reasonable times any property, 3 public or private, for the purpose of investigation or inspec- 4 tion of any condition relating to pollution or the possible 5 pollution of any waters and may make such tests as may be 6 necessary to determi,~e sources of pollution. 7 Said directors or such authorized representatives may 8 examine any records or papers pertaining to the operation of 9 a disposal system or treatment works. Nothing in this section 10 shall be deemed to authorize access to any confidential 11 information relative to secret processes or to economies of 12 operation. 1 SECT~0~ 12. This act shall take effect upon its passage. MFN and WOMEN Listed as Adult Inhabitants of the TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER aS of JANUARY 1, 1968 Precincts 1, 2, 3 and 4 As prepared by the Board of' Registrars of Voters in accordance with Sectiog;61 of Chapter 51, as amended by Section 4, of Chapter 440 of the AcYs of 1938. Board of Registrars FRED McCORMACK Chairman JOHN J. McDUFFIE WILLIAM C. LAFOND JOHN J. LYONS, Clerk STREET INDEX PRc~CtNCT 4 4 4 4 2&4 4 4 3 4 4 1 4 4 3 4 4 4 2 1 4 3 2 4 4 4 4 2 4 4 1 4 2 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 1 2 4 4 2 2 4 1 4 1 1 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 2 ABBOTT 725 Salem to 380 Johnson ....................... 4 ACADEMY ROAD - 155 Osgood to 1 Great Pond Road ................ 4 ADAMS AVENUE 553 Massachusetts Avenue - end, in field .............. 4 ADRIAN 85 Wesley to Innis ALLEN 45 Russell to 2 Park .......................... 2&4 ANDOVER - 1 Johnson to Andover Line ...................... 4 ANNIS 46 Union to 245 Middlesex Street ..................... 3 APPLETON - 330 Salem to 973 South Bradford ................... ASHLAND - 105 Sutton to 20 North Main ..................... 1 AUTRAN AVENUE - off Massachusetts Avenue ................... 4 BACON AVENUE 499 Massachusetts Avenue to 57 Martin Avenue ........... 4 BARKER - O~jood to Bradford .......................... 4 BAY STATE ROAD - 216 Osgood to Chickering Road - From BEACON HILL BOULEVARD - 238 Osgood to Chickering Road From Massachusetts Avenue to End ......................... 4 BEECH AVENUE - 19 Parker to 422 Massachusetts Avenue ............... 2 BELMONT 19 Hodgesto 14 Marblehead ...................... 1 BERRY - 1770 Turnpike to 2090 Turnpike ..................... 4 BEVERLY-- Danato End ............................ 3 BINGHAM WAY First Street to First Street .................... 2 BIXBY AVENUE - 165 Water Street to 64 Pleasant .................. 2 BOSTON HiLL ROAD - 39 Boston to 217 Stiles ................... 4 BOSTON - 1395 Turnpike to AndoYer Line 1#569~ .................. 4 BOXFORD- 1050 Salem to Boxford Line ...................... 4 BRADFORD 1769 Osgood to 1417 Great Pond ................... 4 BRADSTREET ROAD - 60 Greene to 25 Tavern Road ................. 2 BRENTWOOD CIRCLE - 715 Great Pond Road to Great Pond Road ........... 4 BREWSTER - 11 Peters to 72 Cotuit ........................ 4 BR IGHTWOOD AVRNUE - 22 Furber Avenue to 23 Chadwick ............. 1 BROOKS SCHOOL - 1160 Great Pond Road ..................... 4 BROWNS COURT - 59 Water to End (#20) ..................... 2 BUCKINGHAM ROAD - 180 Middfesex Street to 66 Lymst~ Road ............ 3 BUNKERHILL -- 195 Pleasant to 64 Wayne ..................... 4 CAMPBELL ROAD ............................... 4 CAMPION HALL - 1518 Great Pond Road ..................... 4 CHAOWICH 219 High te 842 Os~ood ....................... 1 CHARLES STREET -- Button Street to E~d ..................... CLAREN DON - 2 East Water to 80 Pleasant ..................... 2 CLARK - 536 Sutton to End (#388) ........................ 4 CLEVE LAND - 96 Main to 59 Saunders ...................... 1 COACHMAN'S LANE - Great Pond Road to End ................... 4 COLGATE DRIVE - Chickering Road to Chadwick .................. 1 COLUMBIA ROAD - 301 Sutton to 23 Perley Road .................. COMMONWEALTH AVENUE 31 Massachusetts Avenue to End (#26) .......... CONGORD - 356 Osgood to End {g94) ....................... COURT - 305 Osgood to 24 Academy Road ..................... DALE - 240 Salem to Boxford Line ($1019) .................... DANA - 213 Waverly Road to 166 Beverly Street ................... 4 4 3 4 2 STREET INDEX (Continued) PRECINCT PRECINCT 3 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 1 2 2 3 4 4 4 2 4 3 1 1 4 4 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 3 4 4 3 4 3 2&3 2 4 3 3 4 4 2 3 4 1 1 4 4 4 1 2 4 4 3 4 4 1 FREClNCT DEWEY - 235 Waverly Road to 196 Marblehead ................... 3 DOUGLAS ROAD - Greene to Mifflin Drive ..................... 2 DUDLEY 89 Maple Avenueto 155 Middlesex .................... 2 DUFTON COURT - 267 Andover to 93 Chickering Road ................ 4 EAST WATER - 1 Clarendon to 610 Chickering Road ................. 2 EDGELAWN AVENUE - Farrwood Avenue to Farrwood Avenue ............. 4 EDMANDS ROAD - 97 Herrick Road to 86 Lyman Road ................ 2 ELLIS COURT - From 52 Main to End ....................... 2 ELLIS STREET From Sutton to Dead End (Airport) ................. 1 ELM - 304 Main to 97 Water ........................... 2 ELMCREST ROAD - Davis Street to Elm Street ................... 2 E LMWOOD 131 Massachusetts Avenue to 100 Sahwsheen Avenue ............ 3 ESSEX STREET Great Pond Road to 88oxford Line ................. 4 FARNUM 861 Johnson Street to Intersection of Campbell Road and Ash Street ...... 4 FAR RWOOD AVENUE - 230 Chickering Road to Edgelawn Avenue ........... 4 FAULKNER ROAD- 114 Parker to 110 Greene ................... 2 FERNCROFT CIRCLE - South Bradford Street to End ................ 4 FE RNWOOD - 149 Massachusetts Avenue to 888 Shawsheen Avenue ............ 3 FERRY- From 30 North Main to End ....................... 1 FIRST 95 Main to 88 Waverly Road ....................... 1 FOREST - 1 Boxford to 88oxford Line ....................... 4 FOSTER 1036 Salem to Boxferd Line (#753} ................... 4 FOUNTAIN DRIVE - East Water to Davis Street ................... 2 FRANCIS - From Baldwin Street to Patriot Street .................. 1 FRONTAGE ROAD -- Middlesex Street to Perry Street ................. 3 FUR88ER AVENUE-- 139 High to 58 Moody Street .................. GARDEN -- 240 Main to 31 Merrimack ....................... 2 GILBERT - Baldwin Street to Patriot Street ..................... GLENCREST DRIVE From Winter (West) to Dale Street ............... 4 GLENWOOD - 187 Massachusetts Avenue to 71 Shawsheen Avenue ............ 3 GRAFTON - Off Ipswich Street to End ....................... 4 4 GRAY - 210 Boston to Andover Line (#288) .................... GREAT OAK - Terminus at Linden Avenue ..................... GREAT POND ROAD - 4 Johr~son to 1047 Osgood .................. 4 GREEN HI LL AVENUE - Linden Avenue to Woodstock ................ 3 GREENE - 319 Main to Shawsheen River (#356) ................... 2&3 HAMILTON ROAD - 271 Massachusetts Avenue to Putnam Road ............ 2 HARKWAY ROAD -- 409 Osgood to 161 Stevens ................... 4 3 HAROLD 195 Waverl¥ Road to 150 Beverly .................... 3 HARWOOD - 185 Massachusetts Avenue ta End ................... 4 HEATH Ci RCLE - Heath Road to End ....................... HEATH ROAD - Sutoon Hill Road to Milk ..................... 4 HEMLOCK - 454 Massachusetts Avenue to Parker ................... 2 H ERRICK ROAD -- 248 Massachusetts Avenue to 136 Middlesex ............. 3 HEWITT AVENUE - 57 Chestnut Street to 1 Rosedale Avenue .............. 4 1 HIGH - 96 Water to 315 Sutton Street ....................... HIGHLAND ViEW AVENUE - 38 Furber Avenue to 43 Chadwick ............ 4 HIGHLAND TERRACE - 426 Andover to 18 WiLson Road ............. 4 HIGHWOOD WAY Meadowview Road to End ................... HILLSIDE ROAD - 269 Chestnut to Andover Line (#356) ............... 4 1 HODGES -- lB May to 9 Sargent .......................... 2 HOLBROOK ROAD - 3088 Massachusetts Avenue to Putnam Road ............ 4 HOLT ROAD Osgood Street to Clark Street .................... 4 INGALLS - Salem to Forest .......................... 3 lNG LEWOOD - 211 Massachusetts Avenue to 31 Shawsheen Avenue ........... 4 INNIS - 10 Booth to End (#88) .......................... iPSWICH STREET- Cotuit to Kingston . ' ..................... 1 IRVING ROAD - 25 Troy to 39 Perley Road .................... STREET INDEX (Continued) 4 JAY ROAD - Rea Street to End ......................... 4 4 JEFFERSON STREET Kingston Street to Village Green Drive ............. 4 3 JETWOOD - Massachusetts Avenue to Shawsheen Avenue ................ 3 4 JOHNSON 2 Andover to 1240 Turnpike ...................... 4 4 KIERAN ROAD - Off Lisa Lane ......................... 4 4 KINGSTON STREET Leyden Street to Jefferson Street ................ 4 4 LACY - Forest to Boxford Line .......................... 4 4 LEXINGTON - 220 Pleasant to 52 Mayne ...................... 4 4 LEYDEN STREET - Village Green Drive to Kingston Street ............... 4 2 LINCOLN - 167 Pleasant to 20 Oxford ....................... 2 3 LINDEN AVENUE - 234 Greene to 32 Woodstock .................. 3 4 LISA LAN E Off Johnson Street ......................... 4 3 LITTLE ROAD - 31 Herrick Road to 32 Lyman Road ................. 3 4 LONGWOOD AVENUE 83 Chestnut to 86 Rosedale Avenue .............. 4 4 LORRAINE AVENUE - 186 Andover to End [#38) .................. 4 3 LYMAN ROAD - 258 Massachusetts Avenue to 88 Middlesex .............. 3 3 MABLIN AVENUE - From Beechwood Street to Trinity Court ............. S 2 MAGNOLIA DRIVE - Main Street to Elmcrest Road ................. 2 1,2&4 MAI N - 159 Sutton to 248 Oscjood ........................ 1,2&4 2 MAPLE AVENUE 88 Waverly Road to 41 Third ................... 2 3 MARBLEFIEAD - From Sutton Street in Massachusetts Avenue ............. 3 4 MARBLERI DGE ROAD - 301 Great Pond Road to 448 Johnson ............. 4 3 MARGATE - 467 Waverly Road to 14 Belfast .................... 3 4 MARIAN DRIVE 835 Chestnut Street to End .................... 4 MAR~: ROAD - Johnson Street to End ....................... 4 3 MARTIN AVENUE - Massachusetts Avenue Westerly ................. 3 3&4 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE Shawsheen River to 5 Andover ............. 3&4 1 MAY 33 Main to End (#70) ........................... 1 3 MEADOW LANE Massachusetts Avenueto Wood Lane ................ 3 4 MEADOWVIEW ROAD - So. Bradford Street to Morningside Lane ............ 4 2 MERRIMACK - 216 Main to 43 Water ....................... 2 4 MERRIMACK COLLEGE Peters Street ...................... 4 2&3 MIDDLESEX 29 Greene Street to Frontage Road .................. 2&3 2 MIFFLIN DRIVE - Middlesex Street to Massachusetts Avenue .............. 2 4 MILK - 63 Johnson to 62 Chestnut ........................ 4 4 MI LL ROAD - 720 Chestnut to 851 Johnson .................... 4 2 MILTON - 44 Third to 55 Middlesex ........................ 2 4 MINUTE AVENUE -- 44 Flewitt Avenue to 37 Maplewood Avenue ............ 4 1 MOODY - 500 Fifth South from Chadwick ..................... 1 4 MORNINGSIDE LANE - Winter Street to End .................... 4 2 MORRIS -- From Second Street to Middlesex Street .................. 2 I MORTON 1 Wavedy Road to 12 Hodge$ ...................... 1 3 NORMAN ROAD - 190 Waverly Road to Buckingham Road ............... 3 1 NORTH MAIN - 170 Sutton to Merrimack River (#61) ................. 1 4 OAK AVENUE - 74 Andover to End [#20) ..................... 4 4 OLD VI LLAGE LANE - Os~ood Street to End .................... 4 4 OSGOOD HILL Osgood Street ......................... 4 4 OSGOOD From Junction with Andover Street to Haverhill Line ............. 4 4 PARK STREET - 472 Main to 310 Osgood ..................... 4 2 PARK WAY - 381 Main to 28 Bradstreet Road .................... 2 2 PARKER STREET 142 Greene to 529 Main .................... 2 1 PATRIOT 99 Waverly Road to 54 Belmont ..................... 2 PEMBROOK ROAD - Lyman Road to Greene Street ................. 2 1 PERLEY ROAD - 16B High Street to End [#58) ................... 1 3 PER RY - 111 Beverly Street to Frontage Road ................... 3 4 PETE RS -- 347 Andover to 168 Turnpike ...................... 4 4 PHILLIPS BROOKS ROAD ........................... 4 4 PHI LLIPS COURT - 333 O~ood to 322 pleasant ................... 4 2 PI LGRIM - 275 Main to 77 Middlesex ....................... 2 2&4 PLEASANT - 55 Elm to 246 Great Pond Road .................... 2&4 4 POND - 1390 Great Pond Road to Bo×ford Line ................... 4 STREET INDEX (Continued) PRECINCT 3 1 4 2 4 2 1 3 4 2 4 4 3 4 1 1 4 2 ? 1 2 4 2 4 4 2 4 4 1 1 4 ! 3 2 2 4 4 3 1 4 2 3 1 4 1 2 1&2 1&3 1 4 2 3 4 4 4 RRECflVCT POPLAR STREET - Massachusetts Avenue to Greene Street ............... 3 PRESCOTT - 79 High to 714 Osgood ....................... PRINCETON - From 242 pleasant ~o End ...................... 4 PROSPECT - 72 Furber to B9 Chadwick ...................... PUTNAM ROAD - L/man Road to Greene Street ................... 2 REA - 564 Chestnu~ to 125 Summer ........................ 4 RICHARDSON AVENUE - 24 Third to Pilgrim ................... 2 RIVERVIEW -- 43 North Main to End (#73] ..................... 1 RORI NSON COURT - 322 Middlesex to End .................... 3 ROSEDALE AVENUE - 76 Hewitt Avenue to Lon§wood Avenue ............ 4 RUSSELL STREET - 418 Main to 1S3 Pleasant ................... RUSSET LANE Dale Street to Moming$ide Lane .................. 4 SALEM 37 Johnson to Middleton Line ...................... 4 SALTONSTALL ROAD - 220 Waverl¥ Road to 38 Herrick Road ............. 3 SANDRA LANE - Off Lisa Lane ......................... 4 SARGENT - 39 Hedges to End (#43) ....................... 1 SAUNDERS - 40 Main to End (#96} ........................ 1 SAVI L LE - B9B Turnpike Street to 32 Wesley ..................... SAWYER ROAD - From Pembrook Road to Middlesex Street .............. 2 SCHOOL - ? 27 Main to Er~J (~8) ........................ SECOND - 147 Main to 136 Waverly Road ..................... SILSBEE ROAD -- Herrick Road to 1(32 Lyman Road ................. 2 SOUTH BRADFORD -- Great Pond Road to 824 Salem Street .............. SPRUCE - From Massachusetts Avenue to Parker Street ................ STEVENS - 521 Osgood to 1S Salem ........................ 4 STI LES 161 Gray to Andover Line (#327} ..................... 4 STONINGTON -- 69 Maple Avenue to 1B3 Middlesex Street ............... 2 SULLIVAN STREET - Off Boston Street ...................... 4 SUMMER - 777 Salem to 74 Farnum ........................ 4 SUMMIT STREET - Prescott Street to End ...................... 1 SURREY DRIVE - Sutton Street to Chadwick Street ................. SUTTON HiLL ROAD - at 145 Johnson Street .................... 4 SUTTON-ShawsheenRiverto9540sgood ....... : ............. SYLVAN TE R RACE - Linden Avenue to Massachusetts Avenue ............. 3 TAVERN ROAD - 439 Main to Faulkner Road .................... 2 THI RD - 225 Main to 133 Middlesex ........................ 2 THORNDI KE ROAD - 257 Sutton to 49 Parley ................... 1 TIMBER LANE - Off Brentwood Circle ....................... 4 TOLLAND ROAD - 280 Turnpike to 1 Pinedale Terrace ................ 4 TRINITY COURT - 265 Greene to 287 Massachusetts Avenue .............. 3 TROY ROAD - lB Thorndike Road to 17 Columbia Road ............... 1 TURNPIKE - Lawrence Line to Middleton Line ................... 4 TYLER ROAD - From Pembreok Road to Woodbrid§e Street .............. 2 UNION - 137 Waverly Read to End ........................ 3 UPLAND - 26 Prescott to End (#52) ........................ 1 VILLAGE GREEN DRIVE - Chickering Road to Jefferson Street ............. 4 WALKER ROAD - Chickering Road to End ..................... 1 WALNUT AVENUE - 39 Parker to 442 Massachusetts Avenue .............. 2 WATER - 156 Main to 23 Clarendon ........................ 1&2 WAVERLY ROAD -- Main to Andover Line ..................... WENTWORTH AVENUE - 62 Furber Avenue to 69 Chadwick .............. 1 WESLEY - 456 Chestnut to 75 Innie ........................ 4 WEST BRADSTREET ROAD - Mifflin Drive to Greene Street .............. 2 WEST WOODBRIDGE - Mifflin Drive to Greene Street ................. 2 WI LEY COURT - Water Street to Pleasant ...................... 2 WILLIAM STREET - Waverly Road to Marblehead Street ................ 3 4 WILLOW - 845 Turnpike to 318 Hillside Road .......... , .......... WILSON ROAD - 260 Turnpike to 61 Farnum .................... 4 WINTER -- 761 Great Pond Road to 545 F~ster .................... 4 STREET INDEX (Continued) PRECINCT 3 1 3&4 2 4 3 1 WINTHROP AVENUE ............................. 3 WOOD AVENUE - 376 Sutton Street to Brentwood Avenue ............... 1 WOOD LANE - 175 Andover to 3'28 Waverly Road .................. 3&4 WOODBRIDGE ROAD - 80 Greene Street to 47 Tavern Road .............. 2 WOODCREST DRIVE - Nieadow~iew Road to Er~ .................. 4 WOODSTOCK STREET - MaSSachusetts Avenue to Wood Lane ............. 3 YOUNG ROAD - 51 Herrick to E2 Lyman ..................... 3 PRECINCT ONE YR OF -- NO [ NAME 0F PERSON L'STED I Bi~THI OCCUPATION * 4 Dineen, Catherine * 4 Dineen, Jeremiah 6 Murphy, Ruth 6 Mnrphy, Thomas 6 Whalen, Clifford 6 Whalen, Nancy A. 10 Dinsmore, Margaret 12 Whalen, Albina 12 Whalen. John 12 Whalen, Domld 12 Whalen, Francis 14 Cate~ Patricia 14 Cate, Richard P. 16 Marchessault, George L~ 16 Marchessault, Ruth W. * 22 Donovan, Cornelius E. * 22 Donovan, Madeline 24 Pellet[er, Carol A. 24 Pelletier, Wilfred A~ * 28 Phillips, John J. * 32 Dwyer, Charles L * 32 Dwyer, Wi~ifred 36 Bolster, Mary 36 Bolster, Richord * 36 Sharer, Richard E. * 36 Sipsey, Elizabeth M. * 36 Sipsey, Julian * 38 Hill, Gladys C. 38 Dill, Raymond A. * 40 Curley, Margaret K. * 40 Curley, James E. 42 Hamilton, Dorothy J. 42 Hamilton, Wayne P. * 44 Roe, Arthur * 44 Roe, Luise G. * 46 Dolan, Denriette L. * 46 Doian, William E. * 46 Zocco, Santo 46 Wilson, Rnth 50 Molloy, Eleanor 50 Molioy, Joseph A. 50 Molloy, Harold J. * 60 Nofrick, Afanasie * 60 Nofrick. Eva * 3 Macklin, James P. * 3 Macklin, Nora * 3 Macklin, Rosemary A. * 3 Mulchahey, Anne N. * 5 Faro, Cirino * 6 Shea~ John E. * 6 Shea, Mary E. * 7 Faro, Ann S. * 7 Faro, Joseph C. 7 Faro, Joan T. * 8 Leith, John G, * 13 Laurendeau, Leslie * 13 Laurendean, Sally A. * 16 Eorgetta, Joseph * 16 Forgetta, Rose G. * 16 Forgetta, Joseph M. 16 Forgetta, Margaret * 18 Sullivan, Andrew J. Jr., I RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY ASHLAND STREET 1899 At home 1932 Western Electric 1900 At home 1901 Operative 1932 Painter 1933 At home At home 1908 At home 1923 Painter 1932 1929 Shoe Worker Physical Director Driver At home 1892 Retired 1903 At home 1917 Metal Worker 1903 Retired 1899 At home 1920 Clerk U.S.C.G. 1945 D. & F. 1894 At home 1871 Retired 1892 Retired 1911 Machinist 1902 Operative 1904 Operator 1942 Tyer Rubber Co. 1924 Operative 1923 At home 1920 Pharmacist 1904 Tree Dept. 1916 Self-Employed 1923 At home 1913 Steven's Mill 1912 Reed Shop 1893 Retired 1897 Retired BELMONT STREET 1906 Operative 1908 At home 1932 Teacher 1907 Office Worker 1895 Retired 1915 Salesman 1916 At home 1917 Shoe Shop 1922 Machinist 1947 Secretary 1896 Retked 1931 Mach, Operator 1936 At home 1906 Operative 1913 At home 1942 Public Works Shoe Shop 1928 Method Engineer NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED PRECINCT ONE YR. OF BIRTH 0CCUPAT,0N [ RESIDENCE 1967 [ NA'T'TY BELMONT STREET - continued * 18 Sullivan, Virginia S. 1927 At home * 21 Morse, Agnes 1911 Waitress * 21 Morse, Melvin G. 1912 Driver 21 Morse, Donald A. U.S.A. 21 Morse, Roberta E. Student * 22 Carroll, Rita 1918 Fed. Employee * 22 Ca~roll, George L. 1925 Engineer * 23 Harvey, Violet M 1904 At home * 23 Harvey, William H. 1904 Pressman * 27 Kennedy, Barbara L. Western Electric * 27 Kennedy, John L lnslrument Rep. * 29 Casale. Helen M, 1918 Western Electric * 29 Casale. Patricia Ann 1941 Secretary * 29 Casale, Peter P. 1915 Foreman * 29 Casale. Carol H. Secretary * 30 Castricone, Jemfie F. At home * 30 Castricone, Marlo T. Roofer * 31 Pleau, D. Cora 1888 At home * 35 Smith, William J. 1936 Computer * 35 Smith, Marilyn R. 1937 Legal Secretary * 35 Dufton. Agnes 1901 At home * 36 McLaughlin, Catherine At home * 36 McLanghlin, James $. Manager * 40 Lawlor, Francis Michael 1914 Trnck Driver * 40 Lawlor, Margaret P. 1924 At home 66 Harwood, Francis E. 1921 Gen. Foreman * 66 Harwood, Ida E. 1917 At home 74 Fournier. Joseph G. 1941 Muller Oper. * 74 Fournier. Marilyn R. I933 At Hmne * 76 Crowe, Augusta M. 1912 Tap Examiner * 82 Hancock, Robert C. 1908 * 82 Hancock, Isadora C. 1909 At home * 84 Pierog, Paul 1944 Shipping Clerk 84 Pierog, Arlene D. 1947 BRIGHIWOOD AVENUE * 3 Cushman, Mary P. 1916 At home * 3 Cushman, Raymond J. 1917 Service Sra. Mang. * 4 Lyons, James F. 1916 Clerk * 4 Lyons. Hazel 1918 At home * 10 Curren, J. AIwilda Nurse. D. & F. 10 Sllne, Emerald, T. * 15 Cullen, George 1908 Reporter & Editor * 16 Walters, Lilllan B. 1888 At home * 22 Kopec, Lawrence F. 1914 Machinist * 23 Bodenrader, Josephine K. 1914 At home 23 Bodenrader, Henry L 1945 23 Bodenrader, Hazel 1947 R.N. * 29 Bell. Earl W. 1898 Steel Worker ~' 29 Bell, Rose V. At home * 38 Sachuk, Jafrin 1892 Retired 38 Sachuk, Martha 1892 Operative * 38 Sachuk, Mary 1920 Secretary * 39 Smith, Donald F. 1924 Attorney * 39 Smith, Mary E. 1923 At home * 43 Toomey. Herbert J. 1923 Laborer * 43 Toomey. Rita W. 1924 Winder 43 Toomey, John 1948 Student * 47 Finn, Louise At home * 47 Finn, Margaret M. Sales Clerk * 51 Cataudella, Connie J. 1920 Bookkeeper * 51 Cataudella, Corrado 1891 Presser * 51 Cataudella, Mary 1906 At home NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTEO * 54 Scheffel, Marie * 54 Seheffel, Richard F, * 55 Mealey, Lavinia E * 55 Mealey, Murray L. 55 Mealey, Douglas L. * 58 McMahon, Florence * 58 McMahon, Peter L. * 61 Howard, Anna * 61 Howard, Horace * 62 Nutter, Gertrude * 65 Connors~ Katherine S. * 66 Ramey, Austin E. * 66 Ramey, Esther M. 66 Ramey, Jean A. * 67 Connors, JohnW. * 67 Connors, Constance A. * 69 DeMauro, Marietta R. * 69 DeMauro, Mary Ann * 69 DeMauro. Santo J. 71 McCarty, James J. 71 McCarty, Sugan M. * 9 Burke, Helen * 19 Sapienza, Amaha G * 27 Walsh, Augustine J. * 27 Walsh, Veronica E. * 35 Hardaere, Florence M. * 35 Hardacre, William F. Jr,, * 41 Bootman, William L * 41 Bootman, Mary M. * 41 Bootman, William R. 41 Bootman, Helga V. * 53 Endelos, Helen * 53 Endelos, Josephine * 53 Endelos, Stella P. * 53 Enders, Julia T. * 56 Thomas, Charles P. 56 Tamoszauskas, August 1. 56 Tamoszauskas, Blanche M. * 61 Pinaud, Fred D. * 61 Hnaud, Shirley M. * 66 Kmiec, Frank J. * 66 Kmiec, Genia A. * 71 McNally, John T. * 71 McNally, Gertrude C. * 76 Sztuka, Helena * 76 Sztuka, John * 76 Czarnecki, Edward A. * 76 Czarnecki, Irene * 77 St, Pierre, Gertrude C. * 77 St. Pier, e. Roland L. * 81 Coppeta, Mary B. * 81 Coppeta, Orest A. * 91 Somerville, William M. * 109 Gravel, Robert J. * 109 Gravel, Mary L. * 111 O'Neil, John F. * 119 Golf, Fred * 119 Goff, Joan I. * 119 GofL Warren F. * 133 McCue, Edwin J. * 133 McCue, Shirley C. PRECINCT ONE YR. OF EiIF~T. OCCUPATION I RESIDENCE 1967 ] NA'T'TY BRIGHTWOOD AVENUE - continued 1887 At home 1885 Sale~nmn 1911 Nurse 1911 Operative 1892 At home 1915 Deputy Assr, Clerk 1906 At ho~ne 1906 Operative 1886 At home 1901 At home 1916 Truck Driver 1916 Clerk 1947 Secretary 1931 Western Electric 1933 Housewife 1904 At home 1929 Western Electric 1926 1945 Technician 1946 At home CHADWICK STREET 1924 N,E. Felephone 1911 Operative 1908 Operative 1912 At home 1912 Bank Teller 1910 Bus Driver 1910 Meat cutter 1909 Winder 1933 Service At home 1908 Operative 1916 Operative 1918 At home 1914 Beautician 1920 Carpenter 1894 Retired 1896 Retired 1920 Truck Driver 1928 Operative 1919 Operative 1922 Operative 1903 Teacher 1904 At home 1896 At hmne 1893 Retired 1912 Taxi Buslness 1916 Operative 1916 At home 1913 Mechanic 1913 At home 1911 Machinist 1917 Operative 1935 Western Electric 1939 At home 1907 Retired 1884 Retired 1928 At home 1911 Cost Accountant 1921 Private Pilot 1924 At home NO. PRECINCT ONE YR~ OF NAME OF PERSON LISTED B RTH OCCUPATION CHADWICK STREET - continued IRESIDENCE t967 NA'T'TY * 133 Colucci, Anthony M. 1890 Retired * 145 Moran, Blanche F. 1910 At home * 145 Moran, William F. 1908 Western Electric * 153 Daly. John R. 1910 Salesman * 153 Daly. Catherine A~ 1910 At home * 153 Daly, William J. 1943 Student * 159 Lomazzo, Salvatore N. 1919 Foreman * 159 Lomazzo. Sarah R. 1920 Stitcher * 165 O'Connor. Daniel J. Jr. 1922 Blue Print Reader * 165 O'Connor. Dorothy A. 1929 At home 177 Matasik. Aldona At home 177 Matasik, Michael L. 1948 Student 177 Matas~. David H. 1944 Custodian CLEVELAND STREET * 9 Sheridan, Katherine C. 1919 Teacher * 11 Hegarty, Cornelius F. 1898 Custodian * 11 Hegarty, H. Geraldine 1912 Clerk * II Hegarty, Cornelius F. Jr. 1946 Student * 13 Costello, Alexina R. 1898 At home * 16 Lyons, Annie G. 1882 Al home * 16 Lyons, John A. 1876 Retired * 21 Mazurenko, Walter W. 1924 Truck Driver * 21 Mazurenko, Ellzabeth A. Al home 22 Allen, James 1927 Color Matcher * 22 Aflen, Mary T. 1931 Secretary * 23 Armeen, Edward L. 1924 Laborer 23 Armeen, Geraldine 1924 At home 23 Armeen, Tina B. 1947 24 Spitalere, Philip A. 1938 Draftsman 24 Spitalere, Rosemary D. 1937 At home COLGATE DRIVE 90 Saunders 90 Saunders 64 Saunders 64 Saunders 73 Harold 73 Harold * 14 Shields, Margaret E. 1921 At home * 14 Shields, Charles A. 3r. 1931 Minister * 15 Fisichelli, Frank 1927 Baker * 15 Fisichelli, Muriel B. 1932 At home 15 Golden, Beatrice 1893 At home * 24 Langlois, Dorothy H. 1920 Pastry Cook * 24 Langlois, Roland 1916 Rest. Owner 24 Houston. Bruce Student * 25 McDonald, James 1933 Teacher * 25 McDonald, Lorena P. 1932 Clerk * 35 Witzgall, Edna E. 1912 Western Electric 36 Sifferlen, John J. 1928 Teacher 36 Sifferlen, Florence 1930 At home * 45 Scannell, Alice E. 1902 Shoe Worker 45 Foley, Florence H. * 48 Stevenson, Nancy A. 1935 At home * 48 Stevenson, Frederick 1. 1933 Avco Mfg. * 58 Bush, Ralph 1933 Illustrator * 58 Bush, M. Ann 1934 * 64 Keleher, Joseph C. 1929 Telephone Co. * 64 Keleher, Mary E. 1936 At home * 67 Kenneally, Francis * 67 Kenneally, Gertrude 67 Kenneally, Beatrice * 76 Donovan, Leo M. 1925 Telephone Co. 76 Donovan, Marguadte M. 1932 At home * 83 Pendak, Chester R. 1933 Machinist * 83 Pandak, Marilyn L 1932 Raytheon * 88 Torrisi, Angelo A. 1920 Avco * 88 Tort/si, Nelge M. 1924 At home NO I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 95 Pelliccione, A. Mary * 95 Pelliccione, Anthony R~ * 100 Fitzpatrick, George F. * 100 Fitzpatrick, Frances E. * 100 Fitzpatrick, Francis Ellis * 107 Sullivan, Raymond R. * 107 Sullivan, Dorothy R. * 112 Ri~zio, Constance M * 121 Hilton, Marilyn G. * 121 Hilton, Frank F. * 126 Weigel, Gustave A. * 126 Weigel, Mary Ann * 3 Gledhill, John B~ * 15 Graham, Margaret J. * 15 Graham. Paul E. * 18 Coffin, Andrew F, * 18 Coffin, Annie C. * 22 Baril, Marie A~ * 22 Poisson, Albert R. * 22 Poisson, Jane E. * 29 Watls, Alvin C. * 29 Watts, Persis * 33 Medici, Marianua R. * 33 Medici, Savedo * 33 Medici, Nalalie * 34 Howe, MarthaA. 35 Wade, Laurence * 35 Wade, Dorothy H. * 37 Harry, John J. Jr.i * 37 Harty, AnnP. * 38 Chadwick~ Francis H. * 38 Chadwick, Ida S. * 39 Macdaid~Charles W. * 39 Macdaid, Lillian 51 Hepburn, Alfred RJ. 51 Hepburn, Maureen * I Overend, 3ohn F. * 1 Overend, Frances M. 2 Lovett, James E. 2 Lovett, Patricia E. * 3 Hamilton, Walter E. 3 Hamilton, Sandra J. 4 Phair, Nora P. 5 Pavledakes, Kenneth J. * 6 Taylor , Martha S. 7 Ford, Dennis L. 7 Ford, Evelyn M. * 3 Murphy, Persis L. * 12 Palczar, Theodore * 16 Savoy, Aloice * 16 Savoy, Fred PRECLNCT ONE B RTH OCCUPATION F{ESIDENCE 1967 NA'T'IY COLGATE DRIVE - continued Western Electric Supervisor 1916 V.P. Merr. Nat. Bank 1913 At home 1946 Student Western Electric 1939 At home 1915 Shoe Wozker 1939 At home 1939 Truck Driver Clahns Adjustor 1933 At home COLUMBIA ROAD Clerk 1914 At home 1919 Machinist 1908 Realtor & Broker 1902 At home 19~7 At home 1930 Welder 193 1 Raytheon 1910 Welfare Agency 1913 At home 1916 At home 1910 Presser 1945 Student 1879 Retired 1913 1914 Officer Worker 1934 Undertaker At home 1901 Auditor 1901 At home 1897 Accountant 1909 Clerk 1932 Tool Maker 1942 At home ELLIS COURT 1908 Zabor Foods 86 Sutton 1900 Fancy Stitcher 86 Sutton 1934 Painter New Hampshire 1938 At home New Hampshire 1936 Track Driver 453 Stevens 1943 At home New Hampshire 1911 Inspector 1943 69 Highland View Ave. 1940 Clerk 1943 Truck Driver 1943 At home ELLIS STREET 1908 Nurse FERRY STREET 1921 Bobbin Shop 19t4 At home 1913 Operative NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 17 Perry. Agatha * 17 Laorenza, Geraldine T. * 17 Laorenza, Thomas S, 19 Whitehead, Clement 19 Whitehead, Genevieve 19 Whitehead, Joseph * 21 Wasmer, Henry M. 21 Wasmer, Ruth * 23 Foulds, Maurice S. Jr. * 25 Foulds. Geraldine E. * 25 Austin, Grace E. * 29 Hayes. Edith W * 29 Hayes, George C. * 37 Ouellette, EBsee * 37 Ouellette, Mary L, * 5 Corcoran, Lanrence W. 5 Corcoran, Loretta * 6 DiCarlo, Clara C. * 6 DiCarlo, Orlando C. * 6 DiCarlo, Leonard Charles 6 DiCarlo, Richard * I0 Breton. Exilda R * I0 Breton, James J. * l0 Nadean, Adelaide B. * 11 Tracy, Ella L. * 11 Tracy, Donald S. * 11 Tracy, Pearl K. * 19 Conway, Elizabeth M. * 19 Conway, Edward J. * 23 Conley, Thomas J. * 23 Conley, Jane F. * 23A Black, Leo W. * 23A Black, Rila M. * 24 Rottler, Earl S. * 24 Rottler, Earl S. Jr. * 24 Rottler, Mildred T. * 25 Emerick, Bruce B. * 25 Emerick, Eva M. 25A Long, David 25A Long, Patricia 27 Swanson, Maureen M. * 27 Swanson. Ronlad P. * 27A Smith, Shirley A. * 29 Noone, Elizabeth A * 29 Noone, Ronald L. * 29A Lacey, Arlene M. * 29A Lacey, William J. 31 Durand. Beatrice * 3lA Dion. Robert 3lA Dion, Anne * 32 lminski, Theodore C. * 32 lminski, Irene A. * 33 Foulda, Donald F. 33 Foulda, Virginia C * 46 Dane, Donald Joseph * 46 Dane, Gladys * 10 Angeloro, Fred A. * 10 Angeloro, Mary * 10 Angeloro. Patricia M. * 15 Finnochiaro, Alfio PERCINC[ ONE YR. OF ] B RTH OCCUPATION RESIDENCE 1967 FIRST STREET 1908 1940 At home 1939 Western Electric 1911 Laborer 1911 Western Electric 1944 Student 1939 Stockman 1942 At home 1938 IYestern Electric 1937 At home 1917 Clerk 1925 At home 1923 Plastic Engineer 1903 Operator 1903 At home FRANCIS STREET 1937 Computer 1937 At home 1917 At home 19~7 Supt. Student 1945 Student ]9DI Waitres,~ 1899 Retired 1898 Waitress 1888 At home 1913 Western Electric 1915 Western Electric 1935 At home 1928 U.S.M. 1941 Factory Worker 1943 At home 1932 Stock Clerk 1932 Western Electric 1897 Retired 1928 Tester 1897 At home Borden 1925 At home 1938 U.S.N. 1939 At home 1937 At home 1933 Western Electric 1940 At home 1937 At home 1937 State Police At home Restaurant Worker 1918 At home Albrite Cleaning At home 1918 Tree Dept. 1090 At home 1936 U.S.C.G. 1942 Nurse 1927 Printer 1930 Stitcher FURBER AVENUE 1911 Operative 1916 At home 1945 Teacher 1905 Operative Lawrence 2200 Turnpike 2200 Turnpike NA'T'TY NO. I NAN1E OF PERSON LISTED 15 Finnochiaro, Angela * 15 Finnochiaro, Ray * 15 Finnochiaro, IosephF. 15 Finnochiaro, Alfio, Jr. 19 Eaton. Edward F. 19 Eaton, Rita B. 21 Murphy, Thomas S. * 21 Murphy, Theresa P. * 21 Murphy, William F. 21 Murphy, Robert W. * 27 Giarrusso, Armand * 27 Giarrusso, Evelyn R. 27 Giarrusso, Armand M. * 32 Long, Daniel * 32 Long, Louise E. * 37 Holz, Thelma D. * 37 Holz, Henry * 37 Hnlz, Julia * 37 Kiryluk, Vera 37 Kiryluk, John * 39 Toth, Tibor * 39 Toth, Vivian * 44 Tetreau, Phoebe * 44 Murphy, John J. * 44 Murphy, Efizabeth T. * 49 Sjostrom, Bruce E. * 49 Stevens, Rose M. * 49 Stevens, Edwin R. S~. 49 Botsch~ Marguerite L. * 54 Noone, Elizabeth * 54 Yakawonis, Helen E, * 54 Yakawonis, John * 55 Smith, Ralph C. * 55 Smith, Pauline C. * 55 Douglas, Carrie M. * 55A Gaines, Mary V. * 57 Theriault, William A. * 70 Smith, Francis E. * 70 Smith, Christine M. * 73 Crittenden, Donald G. * 73 Crittenden, Rachel D. * 73 Crittenden, David N. * 8I St. Hi]aire, Emile J' * 12 Bruce, Lloyd D. * 12 Brace, Barbara E. * 22 Donovan, Ann Marie * 22 Donovan, CorneliusJ. * 85 Main, Margaret E. * 85 Main, James W. * 95 Robertson, Albert E. * 95 Robertson, Eileen M. * 95 Rohartson, Kathryn E. * 99 Coppeta, Leo * 99 Coppeta, Florence * 99 Puzniak, Jean A. * 99 Puzniak, Stanley J. Jr. * 104 MeQuesten, C. Lenora * 104 MeQuesten, Harriet W. * 105 Bernardini, James F. PRECINCT ONE YR. OF ~IRTH OCCUPATION FURBER AVENUE - continued 1914 At home 1941 Laborer 1942 Apprentice Plumber 1945 Shoe Shop 1915 At home 1941 U.S. Marines 1946 Student 1927 Comptroller 1928 At home 1947 Student 1932 Avco 1929 At home 1914 Government Worker 1910 Government Worker 1888 At home 1909 Operative 1918 Roofer Machinist 1902 Stitcher 1926 Maintenance 1925 1934 Librarian 1905 At home 1909- Retired 1903 Retired 1889 At home 1909 Operative 1906 Machinist 1903 Mechanic 1907 At home 188l At home 1913 Executive Secretary 1921 Mender 1914 Shear Operator 1944 Tool and Die Maker 1946 At home 1902 Restaurant Manager 1904 Hostess 1935 Teacher 1911 Custodian GILBERT STREET 1939 Student 1938 At home 1938 Housewife 1925 Bank Manager HIGH STREE1~ 1940 A1 home 1939 Fireman 1894 Salesman 1908 At home 1947 Studenl 1905 Blacksmith 1909 Twister 1940 At home 1941 Designer 1885 At home RESIDENCE 1967 ] NA'T'TY NO. NAME 0F PERSON LISTED 105 Bernardlni, Zuedo * 108 Gray, Robert C. * 108 Gray, Sarah E, * 109 Tabbi, Guy A. * 109 Tabbi. Helen S. 109 Armold, Richard P, 109 Arnold, Mary Ward * 110 Gray, Robert C. Jr.. * 110 Gray, Eileen P. * 113 Langtry, Augnstine F. * 116 Windle, Leonard * 116 Windle., Mary Alice * 118 Hawkins, Ehzabeth H. * 118 McComiskey, Edna M. * 119 WiMe, Ralph S. * 119 Wilde, Audre F. * 126 Throp, Harry S. * 126 Throp..I ulia * 126 Throp, Marry Anne * 127 Peterson. Martha * 127 Thomson, Mar5' Jane * 127 Thomson, Robert W * 127 Thomson. Rubina * 127 Thomson, William J. * 137 Ord, James D. Ir. * 137 Ord, Ruth 137 Ord, Richard 137 Ord, Jamed D. 3rd 137 Ord. Audrey L. * 138 Kershaw, George A. * 138 Kershaw, Elsie F. * 138 George A. E. Kershaw 138 Barker, Frances 138 Wipf, Diane P. 138 Wipf, Louis J. 146 Barker, George A. 146 Barker, Dorothy D. 146 Dizazzo. Pasquale 146 Dizazzo, M~ry F. * 147 Jukins, Mary A. * 147 Jukins, Walter A. * 147 Jukins. Paul F. * 148 Pierog, Adam * 148 Pierog, Gertrude * 153 Powers, Raymond J. * 153 Power. Catherine S. 153 Powers. Thomas R. * 154 :Frost, Edwin G. * 154 Frost, Etbel M. * 163 Lundquist, Norman D. * 163 Lundquist, Ellen M. * 163 Bryan. Robert T. * 163 Bryan, Sally A. * 166 Mahiney. Nancy B. 166 Heal $oyce D. 166 Zuccarello, 166 Zuccarello, Anthony 168 Mailhiux, Joseph N. * 16S Mailhiux. Carole * 169 Robertson, Mary A, * 177 Wilson, George P. * 177 Wilson, Jarjorie * 180 Battye, Josephine * 180 Michlun, Andrew F. * 181 Poor, James T. * 181 Poor, Mary N. PRECINCT ONE 8 RTH OCCUPATION HIGH STREET - continued 1908 At home 1887 Retired 1888 At home 1927 Machinist 1930 Home 1940 Service 1926 Dyer 1926 At home 1897 Retired 1918 Clerk 1921 At home 1906 Home 1914 Laborer 1925 Switchboard Oper. 1907 Machinist 1914 At home 1943 Secretary 1904 Home 1944 Home 1935 U.S. Army 1908 Bank Teller 1904 Custodian 1910 Machinist 1911 Clerk 1945 U.S.A.F. 1940 Accountant 1940 Operative 1918 Foreman 1918 Teacher'sAid 1943 Sheet Metal At home 1947 R.N. 1946 U. S, A 1926 Insurance Agent 1925 At home 1884 Retired 1931 Arco. 1910 Operative 1910 Operative 1942 Honeywell 1915 1919 1910 1917 W.E. 1946 U.S.N. 1890 Retired 1894 At home 1936 Ins. under United 1939 Home 1940 Underwriter 1942 Teacher 1935 R.N. 1940 Domestic Furnstyle Raytheon 1941 G.E. 1942 At home 1897 Clerk 1925 Welfare Agent 1926 Home 1904 Home 1898 Fireman 1915 Clerk Meadow Lane Colo. Lawrence PRECINCT ONE I RESIDENCE 1967 ] NA'T'TY NO I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 181 Poor, Susan C, * 182 Gemmeliaro, Luigi * 182 Getumeliaro, Rose * 182 Getumellaro, Vincent A. 182 Mieceli, Antonie * 189 Currier, H. Dana * 189 Currier, Helen F. * 192 Sullivan, Franklin R. * 192 Dill, May B. 192 Wedge, Harold E, 192 Wedge, Frances 1. * 197 Rodger, Arthur L. * 197 Rodger, Gladys * 198 Healey, Edna I. * 198 Heafey, John J. * 198 Healey, Margaxet A. * 202 Ta~diff, Virginia B. * 202 Tardiff, Calvin C. * 203 Greenwood, Norman K. 205 Greenwood, Donald K, 205 Greenwood, Sally E. 206 Sheppard, Grace E. * 208 McLellan, Gertrl~de F. * 208 McLellan, Robert F. * 213 Saunders, Mary C, * 217 Donahue, Iris P. 217 Donahue, John F. Jr., * 17 Ciarcia, Saivatore * I7 Ciarcia, Hazel * 39 Lawlor, Marie E. * 39 Lawlor, Martin J. Jr. * 42 Souza, JohnA. * 42 Souza, Dorothy B. * 45 Greco, Emerita ]. * 45 Greco, Joseph J. 45 McClellan, Guy B. 45 McClellan, Kathleen 49 Ca~rese, Leonard 49 Carrese, Andrea * 68 Harrington, Richard Hart * 68 Harrington, Rosemary B. * 69 Pavledakes, Demetrios E. * 69 Pavledakes, Wayne * 69 Pavledakes, Susan L, I O O , T,ON HIGH STREET - continued 1945 Student 1909 1912 1943 Student 1890 Retired Methuen 1882 1910 Clerk 1906 Baker 1909 Home 1935 Trucking Lawrence 1940 Waitress Lawrence 1903 Percher 1903 Home 1909 Home 1899 Machinist 1931 1925 Home 19~4 Floorman 1910 Foreman 203 High 1942 At home Florida 1874 At home 1921 Bookkeeper 1911 Contractor 1893 At hotue 1919 Home 1948 Student * Z0 Spicer, Frederick N.. * 20 Spicer, Dorothy E. * 24 Gini& James * 24 Gioia. Clmrlotte M. * 2 Hamilton, Donna L. * 2 Hamilton, Mabel 1. * 2 Hamilton, Walter L. * 5 Kress, Jeffrey B. * S Kress, Ernest W. HIGHLAND VIEW AVENUE 1920 Salesman 1926 At home 1921 At home 1912 Personnel Mgr. 1927 Machinist 1922 W, E. 1919 Home 1908 Tool and Dye Maker 1942 Eng. Draftsman 1945 Hairdresser Asst. Designer 1927 Greco Brothers 1936 C.P. A~ 1938 At Home 1896 1935 1. B. M 1939 At hotue HODGES STREET 1925 Raytheo~ 1921 Merrimack College 1941 Barber 1941 At home IRVING ROAD 1939 Nurse 1912 Home 1910 AutotuoBve 1943 Student 1915 Operative Andover NO, J NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 5 Kress, Pearl M, * 5 Keisling, Fred * 5 Cole, Elsie K. 16 Lunquist, Hannah * 16 Peterson, Hilda * 16 Peterson, Louis * 22 Roberts. Ernesl J. * 22 Roberts, Bertha * 7 Pappalardo, Fred * 7 Pappalardo, Zina * 7 Pappalardo, Grace M. * 7 Ratclfffe, Gertrude M. * 7 Ratcliffe, ]ohn A. 7 Crusel, Mary * 11 Olenio, Marie B. 11 Olenio, Daniel J. Jr., * 13 Aziz, Nora * 13 Aziz, Oscar * 13 Rizzo, Salvatore * 13 Rizzo, Nora * 13 Rose, Alice L. 13 Rose, George W. 17 Hopping, George F. * 17 Hopping, Donna M. * 22 Ela, Edith 22 Ela. Robert H. * 23 Bailey, Anna M. * 23 Bailey, Sidney E. * 24 Morency, Edward A, * 24 Morency, Barbara C. * 25 Widdop Thomas A. * 25 Widdop, Marjorie M. * 27 Knightly, Regina M. * 27 Donahue, Leonard P. * 30 Caron, R George * 30 Carom Dorothy M. * 34 Dawson. Hannah * 34 Calgurm Mary N. * 34 Colburm James E. * 36 Doyle. Rose E. * 45 Grande. ]o~.ph 45 Grande, Joseph G. * 47 Grande. Anthony G. * 47 Grande. Mary * 50 Black, Charles E. * 50 Black. Joan E. * 54 Jacobson, Harry L, 54 Jacobson. Lucia * 60 Cunningham, George F. * 60 Carey, George A. * 60 Carey, Dorothy * 60 Risacher, Jack L. 60 Risacher, Nancy * 60 Clark. Philip F. * 60 lsherwood, Benjamin * 60 Marsh, Arlene E. 60 Caron, William * 60 Caron. Lea * 61 Sawtell. Marion U. PRECINCT ONE YB, OF B RTH O£~UPATION IRVING ROAD 1903 Operative 1913 Twister 1891 Retired 1899 At home 1899 1919 Grid Control 1920 At home MAIN STREET 1895 Prop. 1904 At home 1937 Nurse Inspector Taxi Driver 1915 Home U. S. Marines At home Shoe Worker 1916 Operati'~e 1918 At home 1915 Western Ele¢. 1944 At home 1900 Home 1938 U.S. Marines 1929 Housewife 1932 W.E. Transportation Waitress 1907 Shoe Cntter 1903 Tel. Opel 1900 Retired 1935 Eng. 1915 Funeral Director 1916 At home 1917 Western Elec. 1907 Floor Hand 1909 Housewife 1907 Operative 1931 Operative 1920 Sheel Melal 1889 At home 1931 Laborer 1932 Home 1930 Empire Realty Trust At home 1916 Custodian 1898 Retired 1912 At home 1938 1945 1919 Mr. Taxi Co. 1898 1906 At home 1937 Truck Driver 1926 1924 W.E. RESIDENCE 1967 { NATTY 86 Beverly Lawrence 4 Ashland 36 Main Lawrence 10 * 71 * 71 * 73 * 73 * 73 * 73 * 75 * 75 * '75 * 75 * 84 * 84 * 85A * 85B * 85B * 86 * 86 * 88 88 * 89 * 89 * 90 * 90 * 90 * 90 ~ 91 * 91 * 91 91 * 92 * 92 * 93 * 93 * 93 * 93 * 93 91 * 94 * 94 * 94 * 94 95 95 * 98 * 98 * 98 100 100 * 106 106 * 106a * 106a * 128 * 128 * 130 * 130 * 136 * 136 * 138 138 PRFCINC~r C~NIF Y~. OF OCCUPATION I8,RTH I BESIDENCE 1967 ~ MAIN STREET- continued Houghton, Robert A. 1938 Mechanic Houghton. Joan B. At home Schofield, Carl 1907 Schofield, Muriel 1909 Operative Houde, Charles J. 1931 Fireman Houde, Yvonne Ursollo, Antonio 1888 Retired Ursollo, Antonetta 1903 Housewife Holland, William Holland, Georgette gnrler Whitehead, George E. 1937 Raytheon Whitei~ead, Joan M, 1939 At home Murphy, Emily 1914 At home Foss, Donald, B. Jr. 1943 T. and T. Foss, Rosemary A. 1944 Aide Wentworth, Philip B. 1932 Tabulator Wentworth, Mary Jane 1937 Home Curley, James A. 1932 Guard C~rley, Greta 1934 Home Grande, Beatrice 1926 Shoe Shop Grande, Richard C. 1945 Kellan, Fred 1912 Coob Kellan, Sally 1915 Clerk Kellan. Kenneth C. 1941 U.S. Army Kellan, Michael R. 1944 Student I-lards, John R, 1923 Harris, Jacqueline P. Clerk Walsh, William F. 1945 U.S.M. 155 Main Walsh, lane White, loseph A. 1924 Laborer White. Louise S. 1926 Housewife Grande~ George J, 1933 Truck driver Grande, Regina 1926 At home Hall, Fannie 1893 At home Ass/d, Leona M. 1920 Broderick, Peter V. 1946 Student Broderick, Judith Ann Andover Lefebvre, Florence 1896 Ellis, Delima H. 1893 Home Bauchman, Lloyd O. Operative Cahilt, Albino 1909 Nurse-Practical Gffford, John L. W.E. Gifford, Barbara A~ Cooney, Elizabeth 1898 At home Cooney, Leslie F. 1904 Operative Towler, Claire A. Home 75 Saunders Conti, A. lames 1922 Sales Mgr. Lynn Conti, Charlotte M. 1923 W.E. Lynn St. Cyr, Nancy S. At home 65 Water Blekicki, Burma A. 1944 Secretary Blekicki, Robert A. 1942 Salesman New Jersey Newman, Carl H. 1901 Pattern maker Newman, Winffred L. 1913 At home Manning, Leonard I. 1928 Self~mployed Manning, Joan S. 1931 Home Thesse, Adolph 1895 Machinist Thesse, Florence 1906 Hak Stylist Giguere, Armand C. 1925 Giguere, Edna A. At home Reynolds, Joseph P, 1899 Retired McNamary, Lorraine M, Hairdresser Magnolia 11 NO I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 9 Moynlhan, Daniel L. * 9 Smith, W. Richard * 9 Smith. Margaret E. * 13 Hargreave& Florence * 13 Read, Edgar 8. * 13 Read, Helen M. * 32 Cardello. Paul w. * 32 Cardello, William P. * 32 Cardello, Theresa N. * 34 Shola, Balbina * 36 Shola. John F. * 36 Shoia, Julia * 38 Lee, Hugh 'ff. * 38 Lee, Kathleen * 40 Kennedy. Ellen F. 40 Tripoli, Joseph 40 Tripoli, Arlene 40 Fiedler, Agnes * 46 Donnelly, Anna * 46 Demers, Kathleen M. * 46 Domers, Reno J. * 5l Faro, John J. * 51 Faro, Agnes * 52 Kondrat. Joseph W. * 52 Kondrat, Violet * 53 Quinlan, Emma * 53 Quinlan, Robert J. * 53 Deyermon& Marion * 53 Deyermond. William J. * 53 Deyermond, William M 54 Gingras, Henry * 58 Fontaine. Raymond G. * 58 Fontaine, Madeline A. * 60 Kollen, Edward H. * 60 Kollen, Virginia F. * 64 Mclntyre, John F. 64 Mclnlyre, Frances 64 McIntyre, Thomas Jr. * 66 Ranfnne, Marlo J. * 66 Ranfone, Mary * 70 Vernile, Joseph * 70 Vernile, Marian * 70 Fermis. Gilda * 6 Turton, James E. * 6 Turton, Maljorie L. * 16 O'Hearn, James E. * 16 O'Hearn, Eleanor R. * 28 Barllett, Charles R. * 28 Bartlett, LuciBe B, * 40 Tomzak, John J. * 40 Tomzag, Julia 40 Wojtak, Mary * 47 Moody. Alice H, * 47 Moody, George D. * 47 Hopkins, Muriel T. * 51 Magoon, Francis H. * 51 Magoon, Rnth * 55 Beeley, Floward * 55 Beeley, Dorothy * 55 Beeley, Roger Fl. * 55 Beeley, Nancy J. 60 Gillen, James B. 8RTH OCCUPATION I RESIDENCE 1987 [ NA'T'TY MAY STREEF 1907 Meter Man 1942 Prod, Control 1944 1895 Housewife 1898 1911 Chemist 1943 Peace Corps 1916 Clerk 1920 Operative 1919 At home 1912 Operative 1912 1943 W, E. 1946 At home 1886 Al home Malnt. man At home 1897 At home 1933 Lab Tech 1931 Wes. Elec. 1919 1919 At home 1918 Operative 1922 Operative 1890 At home 1928 Operative 1917 Mender 1917 Salesman U. S. Army Clerk 1936 Clerk 1936 At home 1918 Mettalnrgist 1925 At home 1942 Service At home 1941 Office Worker 1926 Bartender 1915 Home 1891 1893 At home 1926 At home MOOBY STREET 1916 Arco 1923 At home 1932 Truck Driver 1936 Office Work 1918 Post Office 1920 Bookkeeper 1914 Window Cleaner 1918 Cost Accountant 1890 Home 1912 At home 1910 Machinist 1886 Home 1914 Operator 1913 Nurse 1918 Machinist 1916 Home 1944 1946 Med. Tech. 1929 U. 8. A. Oklahoma NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED PRECINCT ONE YR. OF BRTH 0CCUPATION I RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY MOODY STREET - continued * 60 Gillen, Marilyn A. 1930 At home Oklahoma * 62 Stott, Jeannete W. 1918 Western Ele¢. * 76 Lanni, Jolln I. Policeman * 76 Lanni, Christina M. Home * 79 Gaxdiner. Alfred L. 1922 Engineer * 79 Gardiner, Dorothie M. 1922 Home * 84 Casale, Thomas J. 1924 Lt. Fire Dept, * 84 Casale. E. Arlene 1929 Clerk - Tax Office 89 Driscoll, Carol A. * 89 Driscoll, Michael L. Jr. 1935 * 92 Donnelly, Russell F. 1921 Sgt. N. A. P, D. * 92 Donnelly. Shirley M. 1925 Clerk * 95 Marfineau, Raymond P. 1922 Carpenter * 95 Martineau, Patricia 1926 Home * 100 Nickerson, Wallace A. 1923 * 100 Nickerson, Leona A. 1925 * 105 Cyr, Maryann 1933 Secretary * 105 Cyr, Raymond 1935 Arco * 108 Guillmette, George E. 1920 Roofer * 108 Guillmette. Cecile H. 1922 Home 113 Spaulding, Philip C. 1032 Eng. Georgia 113 Spaulding, Mary Agnes 1937 At home Georgia * 115 Grande, Frank 1911 Eng. * 115 Grande, Ruth L. 1917 At home * 126 Curren. Addison G 1902 Painter * 126 Curren. Alice M, 1905 Inspector * 129 Moison, Herve Attorney-at-Law * 129 Moison, Elinor L. Secretary * 130 Murphy, Madeline M. 1910 Office work * 130 Murphy, Timothy J. 1903 Operative * 130 Murphy, CarolAnn 1944 Typist * 135 DeCola, Albert 1914 Tailor * 135 DeCola, Melinda M. 1919 Hair Dresser MORTON STREET ~ 8 Voisine, Maureen E. * 8 Voisine, Peter G. * 9 Christensen, Margaret L. * 9 Cbristensen, Hans J. Jr. * 30 Frederick, Stella * 37 Lacey, Thomas * 37 Lacey~ Mary C. * 7 Casale, Antonia * 7 Casale, Carmine * 7 Szelest. Bruno A, 19 King, Marcia * 19 Currier, lanice M. * 19 Currier, Alan Bruce * 21 Zaccari, John J. * 21 Zaccari, Rosemary * 28 Torosian. Virglnia 28 Torosiam Kachradoor * 31 Buco, Carmen 1. * 31 Buco. Jennie M. 33 Spencer, Robert N. Jr. 33 Spencer, loan E. 1936 1921 At home 1921 Machinist NORTH MAIN STREET At home Plumber Housewife PATRIOT STREET 1895 Home 1894 Retired 1942 U.S.A.F. At home 1941 U.S.A. 1943 Draftsman 1945 Mgr. 1904 Operative 1890 Retired 1911 Truck Driver 1910 Al home 1943 Accountant 1942 At home New Jersey New Jersey PRECINCT ONE NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED B RTH OCCUPATION RESIOENCE 1967 NA'T'TY PATRIOT STREET ~ continued * 39 Holland, Thomas 1893 * 39 Holland, Axmie 1892 At home * 40 Greco. Mary D. 1888 At home * 41 Parker. Walter I. 1944 Prod. Co. Ord * 41 Parker. Patricia A. 1945 Secretary * 48 Cote, Doris M. 1936 At home * 48 Cote, Thomas E. 1937 Elec. Eng. * 49 Crudalc, Anlhony C. 1917 Raytheon * 49 Crudale, Angelina M. 1918 Home * 56 Deneu, Pauline A. 1935 At home * 56 Deneu, Francis W. 1935 Per. Administrator * 61 Wood, Stanley L. Paper Machine 61 Wood. Margaret R. W.E. * 64 Hilbert, Kenneth R 1931 Raytheon * 64 HilberL Lorraine R. 1'932 At home * 69 Brown, Lillian B, 1929 Western Elec, * 69 Brown, Manson 1922 Self~mployed 69 Borw, James M. 1946 Service * 72 Wonson, Myles P. Jr, 1929 U, S. M. C, * 72 Wonson, Thelma R. 1928 At home PERLEY ROAD * 16 Consoli, Frank J. 1890 Chef * 16 Consoli, Grazia 1901 Home * 24 Tarnnwski, Antoni 1887 Laborer * 24 K0per~ Janine 1917 Operative * 24 Koper, Zygmond 1910 24 Koper~ Lida A. 1946 W.E. * 33 Watson, Philip F. 1911 Maintenance * 33 Watson, Kathryn H. 1915 Inc. Co. * 36 Gallant, Stephen E. 1913 Machinist * 36 Gallant, Harriet 1918 Home * 36 Gallant. Donald S. 1941 Maintenance * 40 Windle, Wilfred 1912 J. P, Stevens * 40 Windle. Cora 1919 W.E. * 40 Windle, George 1942 Wholesale Drug. * 41 Scaiflon. Barbara A. 1935 Home * 41 Scanlon, Edward J. 1932 Plumber PRESCOTT STREET * 14 Enaire, Barbara L. 1935 Home * 14 Enaire. Leonard 1929 D. & F. * 24 Welch, Hannah E, 1887 Home * 34 Libby, Henry R. 1921 W.E. * 34 Libby, Viola G. 1925 W.E. * 34 Libby, Marylou 1946 Clerk-typist * 39 Connolly, Helen C. 1912 Waitress 39 Cardoza. Urban 1928 Carpenter * 39 Cardoza, Grace L. 1916 At home * 46 Jardine, Pauline F. 1894 Clerk * 47 Lawton, Edward W. 1879 Operative * 47 Macintosh, Frederick F. Machinist * 47 Stone, Rebecca Home * 52 Hughes, William L. Jr. 1932 * 52 Hughes, William L. 1907 * 52 Hughes, Mary A. 1909 Home 54 Boremi, Anthony W.E. 54 Boremi, Barbara W.E. * 55 Carse, Lydia G. 1905 Professor Washington, D. C. 14 I * 64 Leach, John G. * 64 Leach, Edna M, * 72 Rockwell, Ruth W. * 72 Rockwell, Robert S. * 75 Lund, Henry E. * 75 Rollins, Kenneth R. * 75 Rollins, Marion G, * 81 Chadwick, Raymond M. * 81 Chadwick, Carolyn R. *~ 92 Coie, Benjamin M. * 92 Cole, Dorothy * 93 Harvey, Frances * 93 Harvey, Wilbur J. * I01 Kennedy, Patrick J. * 108 Barrington, Freda * 108 liarrington, Eleanor * lll Currier, Pearl * 111 Chapman, Veva * 116 Anthony, lohn F. 116 Anthony, Dorothy L. * 117 Batchelder, Marion C. * 117 Batcl~elder, Warren R. * 126 Evangelos, Nichols J. * 126 Evangelos, Beverly A. * 127 Heron, JamesW. * 127 Heron, Mildred E. * 140 Guarini, Philip C. Dr., 140 Guarini, Claire M. * 140 Broadhead, Liilie 140 Hughes, Mary 140 Hughes, William * 140 Pastor, Hilda 140 Wilkinson, Herbert * 141 Howard, R. Jack * 141 Howard. MarianM. * 151 Wilkinson, Robert H. * 151 Wilkinson. Charlotte A. * 159 Wilkinson, William N. * 159 Wilkinson, Nellie 8. * 190 Palazznio, Josephine * 190 Palazzoin, Joseph * 190 Palazzolo, Joseph, Jr, * 22 Lambert, R. Alfred * 22 Lambert, Elsie S. * 22 Lambert, Wayne E * 30 Goddard, Ruth H. * 42 Graham, R. Alton * 42 Graham, Dorothy * 42 Graham, James E. * 48 Phelan, Frederick W, * 48 Pbelan, Mary E. * 48 Phelan, Margaret M. 48 Phelan, Florence * 52 Stewart, Donald B. * 52 Stewart, Mary J. * 52 Stewart, Frederick T. * 60 Melville, George E. * 60 Melville, Marie A. 60 Melville, Michael * 65 Rapacz, Helen T. * 67 MacDonald, Richard K. PRECINCT ONE YR. OF NAME OF PERSON LISTEO B RTH OCCUPATION PRESCOTt STREET - continued 1934 Production Schedular 1934 Home 1913 Clerk 1914 Mfg. 1894 Landscaper 1920 Landscaper 1926 Home 1938 Elec~ Tech. 1939 Home 1895 Retired 1893 Home 1913 Home 1906 Retired 1924 Depatcber 1894 Home 1923 Del Corp. 1901 Home 1892 Home 1912 Credit Mgr. 1912 Home 1919 Teacher 1921 Teacher 1929 Teacher 1930 At borne Retired Home Physician R.N. Home RESIDENCE 1967 1901 1901 Machinist 1926 Bank Teller 1923 Home 1929 Tech. Aide 1933 At home 1893 Retired 1895 Home 1913 At home J. P, Stevens 1942 PROSPECT STREET 1902 Plant Eng. 1907 Holne 1942 Electronics 1897 Retired 1912 Operative 1916 Home 1945 U.S.C.G. 1917 Tool Maker Home 1944 Teacher 1946 Clerk 1940 Paper maker 194l R.N. 1946 Student 1924 Color matcher 1922 Secretary 1946 Student 1906 Stitcher 1924 Elec. Helper JNA'T'TY NO, I NAME OF PERSON LISTED PRECINCT ONE B RTH OCCUPATION RESIDENCE 1967 NATTY PROSPECT STREET continued * 67 MacDonald, Rita C. * 68 Lumb, Marguerite A. * 68 Lumb, George B. * 69 Bevin, Ralph C. * 69 Bevin, BarBara L. * 74 Gordon, James P. * 74 Gordon, Rita M. * S0 McCann, Francls P. * S0 M¢Cann. Lillian B. 1927 W. E 1927 Home 1925 Post Office 1937 Raytheon 1940 Home 1934 Public Acct, 1938 R.N. 1919 Auditor 1919 W.E. RIVERVIEW STREET * 29 Dziadosz, Mary * 31 Brasseur, Donald R. * 31 Brassenr, Elaine * 33 Fredette, Henry G. * 33 Fredette, Lillian D. * 37 Montanaro, W. Virginia * 41 Ranfone, Mary * 47 Thomson, Donald M. Jr. 47 Thomson, Roberta G. * 49 Pappalardo, Frank F. * 49 Pappalardo, Antoinette * 67 Kandrut. gatherine * 67 Kandrut. Joseph * 71 ContL Domenic * 71 Conti, Angelina M. * 73 Griva, Katherine J. 1888 Home 1927 Engineer 1935 Housewife 1920 Machinist 1919 '*4. E. 1923 At home 1889 Retired 1933 Laborer 1919 Cabinet Maker 1922 Housewife 1895 [lame 1893 Retired 1904 1912 Home 1891 Home SARGENT STREET * 9 McComish, James M. * 9 McComish, Mary * 11 Cardoza, Gilbert U. * 11 Cardoza. Josephine C. * 11 Gargas. Rose * 14 Wax, Margaret P, * 14 Ward, Jean W, * 15 Melvidas, John Jr. * 15 Melvidas, Carolyn M, * 18 Pawlick. Irene G. * 18 Pawlick, Walter J, 18 Pawlick, Linda A. * 25 Witzgall, Roland * 25 Witzgall, Geraldine M. * 27 Feola, Anthony J. * 27 Feola, Adelinel. * 29 Turcotte, Marie I. * 29 Turcotte, Raymond J. * 29 Tureotte, Diane M * 30 Crudale, Anthony C. Jr. * 30 Cruflale, sendra A. * 31 Deveau~ Basile * 31 Deveau, Ida M. * 31 Deveau, Ronald J. * 31 Doiron, Mary Angeline * 34 Paris. Theresa Y. * 38 Allison, Marion * 38 ABison, John E. * 39 McGuire, James A. * 39 McGuire, Shirley * 42 Donovan, Cecilia B. * 42 Donovam glizabelh M. 1918 Chemist 1919 Home 1916 Operator 1917 Home 1887 At home 1891 Retired 1889 Retired Asst. Kettle Oper. Clerk 1924 Home 1918 Caq~enter 1948 Secretary 1935 Printer 1933 At home 1910 Retired 1910 Raytheon 1918 Home 1918 Laborer John Hancock 1943 Cement Mason 1946 At home 1913 Operative 1916 Home 1941 Truck Driver 1893 Home 1925 Bookkeeper 1904 Home 1905 Painter 1922 Raytheon 1926 Home 1890 Clerk 1886 Clerk 46 Saunders 46 Saunde~ 29 Sargent PRECINCT ONE I YR. OF NO. NAME OF pERSON L[STEO B RTH OCCU?AT[ON SARGENT STREET - continued * 42 Donovan, James 1896 Laborer * 42 Donovan, Evangeline E. 1907 Teacher SAUNDERS STREET 2 Fellows, Richard S. 1938 Programmer * 11 Mnlvey, Mae Ward 1895 Home 11 Mulvey, Joseph ¥,'. 1924 Chauffeur * 11 Mulvey, Nancy E. 1932 Prof, Model * 11 Ward, John T. 1893 Retired * 16 Kelley, Edgar R. 1916 Printer * 16 Kelley, Eleanor J. 1917 Home * 16 Kelley, Sheila M. R.N. * 18 Freeburn, James 1901 Cable Splicer * 18 Freeburn, Margaret M. 1907 Home * 22 Collins, Ann E. 1904 Domestic * 23 Earle y, Jane M. 1925 Law. Gas C- 24 Dow, Harold 1906 Ope[ati~e * 24 Dow, Louise M. 1918 Home * 24 Golf, Minnie 1879 Retired * 25 Wentworth, Margaret A. 1927 Typist * 25 Wentworth, Roger P. 1927 Credit Mgr. * 27 Law, Mbe~rt 1891 REtired * 27 Law, Helen 1894 Home * 28 Olenio, Daniel J. 1913 Boiler-Fireman * 29 Taylor, Alexander L. 1884 Retired * 29 Taylor, Dorothy 1919 Bookkeeper * 31 Richards, Wiley T. 1942 Student * 31 Richards, Mary R. 1934 Bookkeeper * 32 Buckley, James E. 1938 Teacher * 32 Buckley, Carol A. 1939 At home * 33 Asselin, Ronald O. 1943 Machinist * 33 Asselin, Patricia A. 1945 At home * 34 Cronin, Mary J. 1915 Clerk * 38 Taylor, Mary A. 1927 At home * 38 Taylor, Paul 1933 Research Chemist * 44 Cobbett, Barbara M. 1943 Tech. * 44 Cobbett, Robert V, 1943 Contractor * 44 McManis. George R. 1934 Milkman * 44 McManis. Valencia A. 1938 Assembler * 46 Dufresne, Richard A. 1944 N.A.T.B. * 46 Dufresne. Elizabeth Int. Rev. * 54 Wentworth, Charles H. Jr. 1929 * 54 Wentworlh, Arlene 1931 Home * 56 Turner, Anne R. 1924 Home * 58 Beaudoin, Robert R. 1933 Fire Dept. * 58 Beaudoin, Joan 1934 Home 60 Vernile. Thomas J. 1947 U.S. A * 60 VErnile, Dominic 1918 Custodian * 62 Vernile, Joseph D. 1929 Laborer * 62 Vernile, Ruth N. 1927 West Elec. * 66 Langlois, Jacqueline R. At home * 66 LansIois, Carl R. Milkman * 68 Has~y, Emil 1911 Contractor * 68 Hassey, Louise 1916 West. Elec. * 68 Hassey, Ronald A. 1945 W. E * 71 Whittaker, William D. 1920 Pipe Fitter * 71 Whittaker. Yvonae J. 1918 Merrimack College 71 Whittaker, Stephen J. 1947 Student * 73 Routhier. Eva R. 1888 Home * 82 Hurrell, Stanley 1907 Machinist * 82 Hurrell, Winifred M. 1914 Home * 82 Hurrell, James P. * 8Z Hm~ell, Claire M. 1946 Clerk * 90 Midgley, Herbert 1905 Operative RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY 28 Saunders 11 Main 69 A. Water 69 A Water 17 PRECINCT ONE YR, ~F ] NO NAME OF PERSON LISTED B RTH OCCUPAT'iON RESfOENCE f967 NA'T'W SAUNDERS SI'REEf continued 90 Midgley, Marguerite 1908 Home 90 Valliere, Rodney S 1945 N, A. H. D, 544 Foster 94 Samia, John 1920 Sa[esrnan 94 Samia, Katherine 1923 Home 96 Miller, Louis R. [906 Navy Yard 96 Miller, Matilda M. 1906 Clerk SCHOOL STREET * 18 Litlle, Roy R. 1938 Shoe Shop * 18 Little, Elizabeth A. 1941 At home * 20 Walsh, Mabel 1896 At home * 20 Walsh. John C. 1925 At home * 22 Dubois, Rose 1890 Home * 22 Talbot, Wilfred 1892 Laborer * 24 McCarty, Dai~y Ann 1926 Operative * 24 McCarty, Thomas F. 1921 Operative SECOND STREE1- 11 Richardson. Doris 1916 13 Freeman, Alfred P. 1916 Driver Lawrence 13 Freeman. Loretta D. 1921 Al home Lawrence * 14 Booth, Charlotte M. 1903 Raytheon 19 Murphy, Thomas 1941 19 Murphy. Geraldine 1946 At home * 21 Meservey, Leroy W. 1920 Supervisor 21 Meservey, Caroline M. 1925 Silk Presser 21 Meservey, Sheila R. 1948 Plastics * 23 Hamel, Alfred Laborer 23 Hamel, Katherine Home * 23 Hamel. Mary L. 1935 Home * 23 Hamel, Theresa $. 1936 Home 23 Hamel, Barbara A. 1936 At home * 25 Lynch, Arthur A. Operative * 25 Lynch, Ina B. Home 25 Lynch, John S. 1947 U.S.N. * 26 M3~rphy, Katherine J. 1884 Home * 26 Murphy, Elizabeth A. 1914 Clerk * 27 Houde. Roy R. 1932 Clerk * 27 Houde, Elaine F. 1937 At home * 28 McEvoy, Rose 1920 Asst. Treas. * 29 Mawson, Mary 1927 At home * 29 Mawson. Arthur W. 1924 Police Officer * 32 Daw,/ames F. 1885 Retired * 32 Roberts. Kalherine F. 1918 West. Elect. * 32 Roberts, Francis R. 1936 U.S.N. 32 Roberts, Mary * 34 DriscolL Barb ara E. 1939 Home * 34 Driscoll. Thomas P. Tel. Co. * 36 Foley, Alice S. Home 36A Allen. Vera C. 1904 Teacher Ipswich * 38 Cyr. John J. 1927 Contractor * 38 Cyr. Gloria E. 1927 Home * 40 Nicosia~ Anthony J. 1921 Operative * 40 Nicosia, Claire A, 1926 Wirer * 41 Newcomb, George L, Operative * 41 Newcomb, Florence G. Home * 42 Nicosia, Charles A. Police Officer 42 Nicosia, Frank 1888 Baker * 42 Nicosia, Natalie Operative * 42 Nicosia. Richard J. 1937 W.E. 42 NicosJa, Frank Jr. ] 939 * 45 Stewart, Robert G. 1913 Laborer 45 Stewart, Robert C. 1891 Foreman 18 NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED PRECINCT ONE YR. OF 8RTH OCCUPATION I RESIDENCE 1967 INA'T'TY SECOND STREET - continued * 45 Stewart, Florence Q. 1893 Home * 50 Cook, Irene E. Teacher * 50 Rhodes, Cecil 1906 Truck Driver * 50 Morris, Helen 1911 Clerk * 50A Marland, Helen A. lO01 Shoe Worker * 50A Marland, Roy W. 1901 Upholsterer * 50A Marland. Carol A. 1939 Raytheon * S0A Catty, Eva 1908 Assembler 14 Pleasant * 53 Coolidge. Grace C. 1919 Home * 55 Casserly, James T. 1916 Operative * 57 Giard, Roland A. 1923 Western Elec. * 57 Giard, Estelle M. 1928 * 64 Stair, MitchellT. 1937 Elee. Tester * 64 Stair, Shirley A. 1938 At home * 65 Doherty, Joanne M. 1926 Home * 65 Doherty, Stephen R. 1926 Salesman * 75 Licciardi, Lucy A. 1935 Asst. Mgr. * 75 Licciardi, John R. Jr., 1933 Tab. Operator * 75 Gucalardi, Antonia 1904 Stitcher 86 Fitzgerald, Roberl S. Lawrence 86 Fitzgerald, Sheila A. At home Lawrence 88 Sequin, Russell A. 1947 Printer Lawrence 88 Sequin, Judith F. 1947 At home Lawrence * 90 Scannell, Anna C. 1907 Tel. Ope~ato~ * 90 Scanncll, Augusline M. Eng. * 91 MacDonald, Thomas G. I896 Bank Teller * 91 Chapman, Alice 1885 Home * 93 Raskow, Anna 1914 Operative * 93 Raskow, Joseph A. 1912 Gen. Ele¢. * 95 Gesing, Mary A. 1921 Home * 95 Gesing, Roland F. 1918 Salesman * 96 Summers, Ernest 1924 Fireman * 96 Summers, Bernice 1926 Home * 97 Kryzynski, Alan R. 1939 Western Elec. * 97 Kryzynski, Joanne F. 1942 At home * 99 Crowe, Laurence S. 1908 Engineer * 99 Crowe, Doris R. 1913 Home * 101 Fichera, Charles 1914 Salesman 101 Fichera, Stephanie 1917 Housewife * 102 Faro, Charles J. 1942 Craftsman 59 Water * 102 Faro, Charlene F. 1946 At home 59 Water i03 Constantineau, George C. 1936 Pattern Maker Brockton, Mass, 103 Constantineau, Beverly N. 1938 At home * 104 Higgins, Louise M. 1930 R,N. * 105 Brown, Leonard W. Jr. 1940 Interior Decorator 86 Second * 10S Brown, Kathleen M. 1944 At home 86 Second * 106 Helfrich, Philip J. 1900 Retired * 106 Hell¥ieh, Caroline D 1899 At home * 107 Ballantyne, John M.C. 1903 Wollsorter 52 Beverly * 107 Ballantyne, Christina C. 1893 At home 52 Beverly * 109 Giusti, Ethel 1900 Operative * 109 Giustl. Paris 1901 Textile * 113 McNiff, Borothe 1910 At home * 114 Watkins, Edith M. 1883 At home * 114 Taylor, William 1918 Milkman * 118 Scire, Zerita M. 1923 At home * 118 Scire, Joseph S. 192g Carpenter 118 Smith, James W. 118 Barnby, Minnie S. * 118 Baker, Helen B. 1927 Telephone Co. * 120 Scire, Angela M. * 120 Scire. Salvatore Operative 120 Ventrillo, Richard A. 1943 lech. 120 Ventrillo, Berniece L. 1948 At home 19 * 70 * 70 * 72 * 72 * 74 * 74 * 76 * 76 * 78 * 78 * 157 * 172 * 213 * 213 215 215 * 221 221 * 232 * 232 * 234 * 234 * 234 234 234 234 * 238 * 238 * 242 * 242 * 249 * 249 * 249 250 * 250 " 251 * 251 * 253 * 255 * 255 * 258 * 258 * 265 * 265 * 267 * 267 * 269 * 269 * 271 271 * 271 * 271 * 272 * 272 * 279 * 279 * 281 * 281 * 281 NO [ NAME DF PERSON LISTED 4 Marson. John G. 4 Marson, Dorothy L. Calder, Mary E. Calder, William F. Parker, Alice Parker, Herbert J, Mclntosh, Mary Mclntosh, Samuel A. Andrews. Anthony S. Andrews. Margaret S Leupold, $osephine MelvitL Frances Anderson, Linda M. Parady. Rex D. McE'ar ty, Anna McCarty, James J. Siudut, Diane C. Siudut, John Salois, Eugene lq. Salois, Mildred T. Moss. Arthur H, Mo85. Mildred V. Casale, Eva S. Casale, John Casale, William M. Casale, Ronald Casale. Arthur Casale~ Margaret M, Long, Philip Long. Alma K. Marshall, Gordon A. Marshall. Mildred E. Clark, Alice Clark. Evelyn Clark, Thomas Hickey, Dennis J. Jr., Hickey. Margaret M. Waddington, Annice Stewart, Gerald S. Roy~ John J. McLellan, Robert F. Jr., McLellan~ Ann P. DeLaney, Richard E. DeLaney, Catherine J. Gagne, Albert L. Gagne, Leona Sullivan, Rena L Sullivan, Joseph W., Jr. Chaisson. John F~ Chaisson, Kathleen A. Tyning, Bertha E, Tynlng, Harold W. Faucher, Robert L. Fancher, Barbara Janet Noone, James J, Noone, Marie L, Robinson, Bruce R. Robinson, Maryann C. Vilcauskas, Stasys Kurgan, Mary A. Kurgan. Peter Sr. PRECINCT ONE YR.0~ [tRTH [ OCCUPAT,0N I RESIOENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY SURREY DRIVE 1929 Eng. 1926 At home SUTTON STREET 1932 Home 1931 Truck Driver 1902 Home 1902 Electrician 1894 Home Bar Tender 1908 Brooks School 1913 Tester 1892 Home 1912 Operative 1942 Al home 1916 Librarian 1917 Home 1918 Coremaker Al home 1942 Mechanic 1917 Mechanic 1920 Housewife 1894 Retired 1905 Shoe Stitcher 1904 Operative 1900 Raytheon 1944 Installer 1933 U. S, Navy 1926 U, S. A. F. Home 1928 Machinist 1929 Home 1931 N E. Tel. & Tel. 1930 Home 1883 Home 1922 Secretary 1887 Retired 1931 Truck Driver 1929 Home 1910 Athome 1904 Milkman 1916 Engineer 1943 John Hancock Ins, 1945 At home Salesman Teacher 1916 Mechanic 1921 Operative 1942 Potter 1938 W.E. 1921 1923 Bookkeeper 1905 Home 1905 Laborer 1940 ,~c¢ountant 1942 Inspector 1911 Operative 1910 Operative 1935 Mechtmk' 1940 Tax Examiner 1884 Retired 1911 West. Elec. 1906 94 Main Hew Hampshire Methuen 2O * 283 Donahue, RuthT. * 283 'faylor, Ella M. * 285 Boutin, Leo J.Jr., * 285 Boutin, Doris J. * 287 Chiara, Antonio 287 Chiara, Angelina * 287 Chiara~ Stephen A. * 287 Chiara, Filippo J. * 287 Chiara, Carmela M. * 287 Chinon, Mary A. * 288 Mathews, Florence A. * 288 Mathews, John J. * 28§ Mathews, JohnT. 289 Pierce, Frank W. 289 Pierce, Patricia N. * 290 Haphey, Norton D. * 29l Rogers, Frederick W. Sr. * 291 Rogers, Margaret B. * 296 Lynch, RaymondC. * 296 Lynch, Shirley M. * 298 Broadhead, Tom. A. * 298 Broadhead, Barbara A. 300 Leo, Irene B. 300 Leo, Edward A, 302 Locke, Richard * 302 Locke, GailM. * 303 Wilcox, Raymond W. * 303 Wilcox, Jane * 305 Choquette, Annette * 305 Choquette, William * 308 Pettine, Amalia B. * 308 Pettine, Elvino A. * 310 Pettine, Claire V. * 310 Pettine, JamesA. * 313 McRobhie, Fred D. * 313 McRobbie, M. Phyllis * 313 McRobbie, Daniel R. * 313 Bake~,Arthur H. * 313 Baker, Katherine 313 Adams, Florence * 315 Provencher, Lucy * 316 Daly, Philipl. * 316 Daly, Stalin P. * 318 Martin, Craig A. * 318 Martin, Alicia C. * 320 Senbert, Ann * 320 Seubert, Roy C. * 330 Gauthler, Robert R. * 330 Gautl~ter, A~neM. * 346 Smith, Harold E. * 346 Smith, MabeIB. * 355 Kerim. Thomas 2[. * 355 Kerins, Sarah M * 355 Kerins, Thomas J. 3rd. * 355 Hardacre, Robert R. * 355 Berlin, Phyllis A. * 358 Sullivan, Joseph W. * 358 Sullivan, Marion L * 364 PIourde, Bernadette A. * 364 PIourde, Kennelh 364 Plourde, Joyce A. * 365 Griffin, Reginald J. * 365 Griffin, Florence E, * 370 Torpey, John T. PRECINCT ONE YR. OF 8 RTH OCCUPATION SUTTON STREET - continued 1895 Rome 1890 Retired 1939 Draftsman 1941 At home 1893 Retired 1899 Home 1930 Operative 1929 Unemployed 1935 Bookkeeper 1932 Clerical Home Borden Chem, Printer's Helper Eng, R.N. Home Custodian Home Western Elec. Raytheon Raytheon Security Guard Mechanic Lawrence Maid Inspector Home At home Tech, Home Retired Secretary G.E. Operative Operative Asst. Supervisor Latter Home At home Auto Mech. Housewife Raytheon At home Home Carpenter Ins. At home Retired Student Bolta Tel. Sup. Operative Assembler Raytheon Engineer Machinist 1925 1919 1947 1925 1915 1903 1908 1933 1934 1935 1940 1945 1947 1945 1902 1904 1937 1935 1898 1885 19[5 1916 1942 1935 1923 1925 1943 1944 1929 1924 1931 1913 1912 1941 1920 1944 1913 1915 1927 1924 1947 1901 1897 1891 298 Sutton 298 Sutton 242Main 242Main 122 Stevens 122 Stevens PRECINCT ONE INA'T'TY NO. ~A~E OF PEF~SOh LISTED * 370 Torpey, Mary L, * 370 Torpey, Claire T. * 379 Nelson, CarlE. * 379 Nelson. Agnes L 379 Nelson, Carl E. Jr. 379 Nelson, Barbara * 385 Fleming, Norman M. * 385 Fleming, Frances A. * 385 Fleming, Catherine F. * 386 DeMarlo, Gaspar J. * 386 DeMario. Elizabeth G. * 389 Karolisyn, Joseph G, ~ 389 Karolisyn, Antoinette * 394 Morkeski, Joseph J, * 394 Morkeski, Frances M. 394 Morkeski, James A. * 402 Bemlett, Eleanor J. * 410 Torrey, Joan A. * 410 Torrey, JohnF. 479 Fingold, Robert M. 479 Fingold, Phyllis A. * 6 Butler, Frederick W. * 11 Heinze. Norman H. * 11 Heinze, Martha E. * 13 Usher, Dennis C. 13 Usher, Karea L. 13 Leaeock, Agnes B, * 15 Gurka. Robert S. * 15 Gurka. Judith A. * 24 Dionne, Ernest T. * 24 Dionne, Charlene A. * 25 Seuvageot, Gabrielle * 25 Bamford. Evelyn * 25 Bamford, William Jr. * 27 Spears, lames 27 Spears, Evelyn * 32 Allen, Marion L. * 32 Al/em Robert V. * 32 Kimball, Beatrice A. * 32 Khnball, Carl H. * 33 Bottleberghe, Julian 35 Belanger, James 35 BelangeL Shirley * 41 Mahar, Jennie * 41 Mahar, Maxwell E. * 46 Malandrino, ConceRa P. * 46 Malandrino, Joseph A. 46 Medolo, Rosins * 51 May, Esther M. * 51 May, Richard M. * 56 Botlomley, Wilfred * 56 Bottomley, Blanche * 63 Kandmt, Stanley J. * 63 Kandmt, Gladys M. 63 Kandmt, Ralph S. 63 Rudis, Mary * 66 Wilcox, Hubert * 30 Benullo, FelLx YR. OF B RTH OCCUPATIDN SUTTON STREET - continued 1890 Home 1917 Teacher 1901 Retired 1901 1930 U, S. A. F, 1929 At home 1918 Wes. Elec. 1892 Home 1914 Mg. Lunber Co. 1918 Secretary 1912 Electrician 1919 At home 1921 Gas Co. 1922 Home 1947 U.S.M. 1900 Executive 1932 At home 1931 Etec. Eng, 1941 Trouble Shooter 1941 Al home THORNDIKE ROAD Retired 1938 Student 1942 Secretary 1944 Equip. Oper. 1948 At home 1909 Secretary 1938 Wes. Elec. At home 1934 Cable Foreman At home 1891 Home 1921 Hairdreg'~er 1916 Salesman Carpenter 1924 Home 1923 1903 Housewife 1905 Boatman 1887 Retired 1946 Hairdresser 1903 Home 1905 Leather Wrk. 1933 At home 1923 Barber Home 1939 Accountant 1898 Electrician 1892 Home 1920 Molder 1918 Little Fawn Service 1895 Home 1884 Retired F~ESIDENCE 1967 235 Middlesex 235 Middlesex Florida Florida 33 Johnson 33 Johnson TROY ROAD 1914 Pipe Fitter 22 PRECINCT ONE I RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY NO, [ NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 30 Benullo, Ida G. 30 Benullo, Ethel K. * 39 McDuffie, Angela M. * 39 McDuffie, Dennis D. * 39 Smith, John H, * 39 Smith, Mary L. * 41 Beanland. Florence * 41 Beanland, Wilbur H. * 11 Currier, Ann 11 Currier, Clifford A. 11 Cormier, IohnT. 11 Cormier, Mary Ann * 12 Wood, Violet 12 Wood. Linda F. * 12 Russo, Caspariono S. * 12 Russo, Josephine M. * 19 Mayer, Myrtle h * 19 Mayer, Douglas * 22 Coppeta, ldo 22 Coppeta, Ernestine 22 Coppeta. Frederick * 30 Spedding, Fred crick W. Jr. * 30 Spedding, Irene * 30 Spedding, Thomas F. * 33 Dnnham, Geo~e R. * 33 Tusker, George H. * 39 goulanger, Helen R, * 39 Boulanger, EmilO. * 43 KimmeL Milton J. * 49 Dow, Irving G. * 49 Dow, Beverly A. * 49 D~w. Genevieve * Dobson, Florence A. * McGarry, John F. * McGarry Patrlcia A. * Minihan, loan L. * Shellnntt, Richard A. * Shellnutt, Marion h * Sullivan, Walter M. * Sullivan, Elizabeth B. * 6 McCabe, James D. * 6 McCabe, Anna E. * 6 lVlcCabe, Bette Anne S Anderson, Arthur 8 Anderson, loan * 12 Martin, Johnl. * 12 Martin, Maureen * 14 Ramsden, John Ir * 14 Ramsden, Irene * 16 O'Brien, Edward * 16 O'Brien, Frances * 16 Walker, Roland * 18 Walsh, Harold C * 18 Walsh, Cecile 18 Walsh, John F~ YR. OF 81RTH OCCUPATION TROY ROAD - continued 1919 At home 1905 Mender 1904 W.E. 1920 Chef 1923 Store Mgr. 1897 Operative 1894 Manager UPLAND STREET 1908 Clerk 1946 Meat Packing Methuen 1946 Reed and Meredith Methuen 1902 Operative 1947 Hairdresser 1908 Presser 1913 Stitcher 1908 Exec. Clerk 1941 Student 1904 Molder 1925 At home 1933 Western Elec. 1903 Raytheon 1908 Home 1934 18BI Mechanic 1910 1914 Home 1915 Leather Worker 1930 Band Director N. A. H. S, 1910 Operative Clerk 1917 Clerk WALKER ROAD 1920 Cashier 396 Andover 1944 Student No. Hampton 1943 Teacher No. Hampton 1944 Cashier 27 Farrwood 1905 PUL Agt. D & F 114 So. Bradford Home 114 So. Bradt~rd 1899 Textiles 11 Putnam Rd. 1900 At home ll Putnam Rd. WATER STREET 1910 Maintenance 1915 Hmne 1946 Reg. Nurse 1928 W.E. 1936 h R. S. 1943 Mechanic 1944 Clerk 1918 Operative 1919 Clerk 1900 Operative 1910 Home 1910 Operative 1908 W.E. 1906 At home 23 NO I NAME OF PEF~§0N LISTED PR ECINC~ ONE YR OFT BRTH, OCCUPATION I .ESIOENCE 1967 1 NA'T'T¥ WATER STREE 1- continued * 22 Wilson, lessie A. 1908 Home 24 Dushame. Frank H. 3rd. 1942 Raytheon 247 Osgood 24 Dushame, Mavis V. 1944 At home 247 Osgood * 26 Laurette, Charles N. [926 Operative 26 Lauretle. Judith 1932 * 28 Awley, Margaret 1904 Home * 32 Dawson, Frederick 1907 Operative * 32 Dawson~ Elizabeth 1920 Home * 34 Heimann, John R. 1921 Machinist * 34 Heimann, Barbara 1926 Housewife * 36 Hay, Stephen C. 1913 Operative * 36 Hay, J, ean M. 1908 Home * 38 Scione, Mary R. 1924 School cafeteria * 3~ Scione, William 1. 1921 * 40 Bryan, Margaret C. 1919 Home 40 Bryan, Richard L. * 42 Quinlan, Dorothy F. 1923 Home * 42 Quinlan, Joseph F. 1924 Machine Operator * 46 Windle, Harold 1916 Operative * 46 Windle, Balerie M. 1927 Packer * 50 Sheehy. Helen L. 1911 Operative 50 Grass, Emily At home * 52A Chamberlain, Eva A. Home * 53 Gilligan, Thomas J. 1937 Mach, Oper. * 53 Gilligan, Judilh A, 1942 Housewife * 54 Donnelly, Adeline Operative * 55 Tan'ell. Edwin J, 1931 Oxford Paper * 55 Farrell, Dorothy M. 1936 Home * 57 Delaney, James E. 1917 Knitting Fixer * 57 Delaney. Ruth B, 1921 At home 59 Brouillard, George 1948 Painter 59 Brouillard, Karln L. 1948 At home * 65 Gilmore, Kathryn V. 1893 Maid * 65 Arsenault. Thomas M. 1945 Builder 65 Arsenault, Gail A. At home * 65 Luby, Mary E. 1907 Home 65 Mason, Florence 1902 At home Lawrence * 69 McCarthy, Edward 1898 Operative * 69 McCarthy, Wilhelmine 1898 Home * 69 Jorgensen. James 1920 U.S.A. * 69 lorgensen, Clara B. 1923 Home * 69 Northup, Robert B, 1904 Leather * 69 Northup, Eva R. 1903 Home WAVERLY ROAD * 3 CaMo, Mary E. 1915 Clerk * 3 Cunio, Elizabeth A. 1890 Home * I1 McGee, Katherine A. 1932 W.E. 11 Faro. Salvatore 13 Ficbera, Sandrina 1900 Home * 15 Nadeau. Wilfred J. 1918 Tender * 15 Nadeau. Etla M. Finish tender * 15 Nadeau. Pauline 1940 Secretary * 19 Bauchman, Marion Home 19 Tong, George 1914 Barlender 19 Fong, Ollle 1914 * 21 Doueette, Shirley M. 1929 Housewife * 21 Doucette, WiBiam 1928 Stage Hand * 24 Cfm,e, JamesN. 1914 Hardware Prop. * 24 Crane, Marjorie M. 1920 Home * 28 Haselton, Barbara K. 1919 Home 28 Haselton, Peter 1948 Sales Rep. * 29 Todd, Ed~m L. 1892 Home * 29 BLxby,Edna r. DentalAsst. 24 PRECINCT ONE I RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY YR. OF NO, NAME OF PERSON LISTED BIRTH OCCUPATION WAVERLY ROAD - continued * 37 McGee, Mary 1891 Home * 38 Morris, M. Alice 1889 Chiropodist * 45 Wright, FrancisH. 1927 Sausage Maker * 45 Wright, Elizabeth T. 1927 Home * 48 Boeghn, Alfred R. 1925 Engineer * 48 Boeglin, Mary 1929 Home * 53 LaLibeTte, Leo. 191S ¥I. E. * 53 LaLiberte, Rose M. 1918 * 56 LeBel, Cathryn 1909 Home * 56 LeBel, Joseph P. 1909 Heating Engr. * 59 McCormack, Fred 1889 Retired * 59 McCormack, Adelaide 1891 Home * 59 McCormack, Ella M. 1887 Mender * 60 Scanlon, John P. Textiles * 60 Scanlon, Mary E. Operative * 61 Zahn, Raymond B. 1908 Piper Georgetown * 61 Zahn, Winifred 1911 Home Georgetown * 63 Montanaro, Guido L. 1918 Section Hand * 63 Montanaro, Shirley M. 1928 Home * 65 Noone, Jospeh C. 1924 Operative * 65 Noone, Mary S. 1929 Home * 66 Lavin, Catherine M. 1912 Bookkeeper * 66 Proctor, Laura E. 1914 Cashier 66 Dyer, SamuelH. Eng. Melhuen 66 Dyer, Gloria I.R.S. Methnen * 7l Finn, David A. 1897 Retired * 71 Finn, Kathryn Ward 1898 Home * ? 1 Finn. Robert W. 1930 Clerk ,* 71 Finn, Joan M. 1928 Bank clerk 72 Ahern, Dorothy 1890 Home * 72 Shea, Melinda 1888 Home * 72 McMenamin, Mary M. 1881 Home * 75 Willis, John J, 1922 Lawyer * 75 ~/illis, Loretta L. 1923 Home * 75 Willis, John J. Jr, 1947 Student * 91 Pelletier, Rene J. 1910 Foreman * 91 Pelletier. Eva 1914 Stitcher * ~8 Ayer, Veronica F 1891 At home * 98 Campione, Vincenza 1916 Home * 98 Campione, Saverio 1915 Machinist * 98 Campione, Carole-Jean 1943 Teacher 98 Danahy, Catherine * 102 Larson, Raymond C 1914 Office Work * 102 Larson, Margaret 1920 * 106 Skinner, EIlsworth 1905 Operative * 106 Skinner. Helen V. 1903 Mender * 107 Lawlor, Frances 1917 Home * 107 Lawlor, Edward 1920 N.A. IE D. * 110 LeClair, Elizabeth A. 1935 * 110 LeClair. Francis R. 1935 Avco * 114 Gagnon, MauriceP. 1936 Machinist Lawrence * 114 Gagnon, Elaine 1942 Typesetter Lawrence * 116 Tn~ne~,Charles B. 1905 T~uc~ Driver * ll6 Turner, Ruth E. Operative * 121 Finneran, Joseph M. i892 Druggist * 121 Finneran, Eleanor A. Home * 121 Finneran, fohn L. 1926 Teacher WENTWORTH AVENUE .~ Lanen, John E. Jr. Arco Lawrence 5 Lanen, Marylyn At home Lawrence * 1 $ Sammataro, Alphonse A. 1928 Control Inspector * 15 Sammataro. Rira E. 1932 At home PRECINCT ONE YR. OF NAME OF PERSON LISTEB B RTH OCEUPATION WENTWORTH AVENUE - continued * 24 Longo, Augustine S. 1919 Manager * 24 Longo. Rose M 1918 1. B. M. * 24 Longo, Augustine S. Jr., 1942 U S. A. F. * 26 Finocchiaro, Alfio 1930 Eng. * 25 Finocehiaro. Antonetta 1933 Regst. Nurse * 33 Curt in, Margaret A. 1925 Traffic Eng. 40 Packer. Russell 1932 Sup. Universal 40 Packer, Hazel 1938 At home * 48 Frazer, Margaret A. 1903 Secretary * 48 Mahoney, Mary A. 1901 Clerk * 49 Willan. Helen M 1916 Al home * 49 Willam Joseph P. 1913 Chemical Eng. * 61 Melnikas, Andrew J. 1919 Fixer ~ 61 Melnikas, Elizabeth A. 1920 Raytheon 61 Malnikas, Bruce C. Student * 63 Melnikas, Barbara L. 1928 Utility Operator * 63 Melnikas. Vito J. Gear Cutter * 73 Sirois. Leona Home * 73 Sirois, Louis F, Retired WOOD AVENUE * 8 Iownc, Wallace A. Jr. 1931 Printer * 8 Towne, Theresa A. 1933 At home * 14 Ventrillo, Nicholas R. 1911 Shoe Cutler * 14 Ventrillo, Adeline B. 1913 Shoe Shop * 15 Ventrillo~ John 1921 Opeative * 15 Ventrillo. Rose M. 1921 R.N. * 15 Adams, George B. 1942 Tree Man * 15 Adams, Barbara J. Secretary WRIGHT AVENUE * 15 Michaud, Gioia L. 1934 Home * 15 Michaud, Reine E. 1925 MechalfiC * 23 Forzese, Marilyn 1934 At home * 23 Forzese, Anthony J. 1932 Chemist 30 Nitro, Esther Clerk 30 Nitro. Louis J. Tile Mechanic * 35 Doerr, John J. 1936 Painter 35 Doerr. Lncille'l. At home 26 NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 4 LaFrance, Theodore E. Ir. * 4 LaFrance, Bertha M. * 9 DeBurro, Helen M, * 9 DeBurro, Rosfldo 14 Devine, Robert T. * 14 Devine, Marie * 15 Olms, Ernest * 15 Olms, Em0y * 15 Olms, Frank Jr. 15 Olms. Charlotte * 20 Stevenson, Kent D. * 20 Stevenson, Nancy * 23 Cox, Marie * 23 Cox, Francis * 23 Bosse, Katherine B. * 30 Smith. Roger * 30 Smith, Barbara M. * 33 Clamp, Melvin * 33 Clamp, Joyce * 1 Dural, Lilllan B. * 2 Michelmore, Evelyn 3 DiZazzo, Angeline * 4 Berry, Annle L. 5 Baldwin, Ellen * 5A Crompton, Mary ~ 6 Haltmaier, Klara * 6A Riette, Elizabeth * 7 Hogan, Helena * 7A Duncan, Sarah Ann * 8 Lamprey, Antoinette * 8 Lamprey, Paul S. * 8A Ritchie, Henrietta * 9 Moran, Frank * 9 Moran, Linda * 9A Bamford,Marion P. * 10 McKnight, E0zabeth * 10A Hurteau, Beatrice ** 11 Hayes, Mabel * llA White, Alice 12 Swithenbank, Mabel * 12A White, KatherineM. * 13 Horan, William 13 Horan, Gladys M * 14 Taylor, Ronald * 14 Taylor, Helen S. * 15 Shaw, Helen P. * 16 Wilkinson, Lily * 17 Harris, Ena E. * 17 Harris, John L. * 18 Henry, Marie L, * 19 Lewis, Myron B. * 19 Lewis, Myron B. Jr. * 19 Lewis, Yvonne * 19A KreusehEvaN. 20 Belanger, Ora ~ 20A Fraize, Elizah T, PRECINCT TWO YR. OF BFiTH OCCUPATION [ RESIOENCE '967 [ NA'T'TY ,ALLEN STREET 1904 Pai~t Department 1904 Retired BEECH AVENUE 1916 At borne 1915 Salesman 1934 Proprietor Lawrence 1938 Teacher Lawrence 1881 Retired 1881 At home 1944 Mechanic I946 At home 1940 Engineer 1944 At home 1903 Clerk 1903 Meat Cutter 1878 At home 1928 Engineer 1929 At home 1926 Researcher 1926 Clerk BINGHAM WAY 1893 1888 At home 1888 At home 1892 At home 1887 At home 1896 At home 1896 At honae At home 1900 At home 1895 At home At home Retired 1901 At home 1892 At home 1906 At home At home 1878 At home ! 900 At home At home 1899 At home 1887 At home 1899 At home 1901 Retired 1902 At home 1902 Retired 1901 At home 1897 At home 1889 At home 1914 At home 1900 Retired 1900 At home 1890 Retired 1926 Plumber 1895 At home 1895 At home 1893 At home 1898 Watchman Ingalls Road BIXBY AVENUE 27 NO. [ NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 3 Brennan, William * 3 Brennan, Dorothy G. * 4 Arsenanlt. Wilfred * 4 Arsenault, Anna * 5 Roberts, Josephine * $ Hoyl, Gwendolyn R. * 6 Riedeh Ethel 8 Medici, Joseph 8 bledlci, Virginia * 11 Stephenson, John * 11 Stephenson, Ruth E. 14 Barto~e, John 14 Bartose. Ann * 15 Fountain, Albert J * 15 Founraln, Lillian C. * 15 Fountain, Scan J * 15 Callaham John * 16 Schoflald. Albert * 16 Sehofield. Orpah E. * 17 Fieldhouse, Minnie C. 17 Kelly, Louis A. 17 Kelly, Leona F. * 18 Brightman. Victor * 18 Brightman, Shirley E. * 20 Beauchesne. Joseph 22 Hasty, David A. 22 Hasty, Beverly * 26 Lundquist. Gilbert * 26 Lundquist, Gloria * 35 Fielding, George H. * 35 Fielding, Gladys A. * 9 Warehol. Michael * g Warchol, Julia * 9 Warchoh Charles M. * 9 Warchol, Richard J. * 15 Lyons, Dr. Arthur W. * 15 Lyons, Claire W. ~* 15 Lyons. Arthur W. 11 15 Lyons, Elaine A. 1S Lyons, John W. 15 Lyons. Gerald B. * 27 Donahue, Paul F, Dr. * 27 Donahue, Carole A, * 28 Dunn. Thomas F. * 28 Dunn, Ann B. 2g McAuliffe. Justine M. * 37 Allan, Douglas B. * 37 Allan, Elizabeth 37 Allan. Margaret E. '~ 38 Teichman, Arthur J. * 38 Teichman, Ann A. * 43 McCarthy, Barbara * 43 McCarthy. Daniel J. * 44 CosJcxen, John J. * 44 Coskren, Sheila M. * 50 Kaveckas, Benedict * 50 Kaveckas, Doffs L. * $0 Kaveckas, John M. 50 Granda, Lucy PRECINCT TWO  OCCUPATtON BIXBY AVENUE 1931 Raytheon 1931 At home 1914 1903 Prop. Cleaner 1938 Attorney 1892 At home 1925 Secretary 1904 Office Worker 1937 Draft smart 1939 At home 1919 Operative 1927 At home 1944 Elec. helper 1945 At home 1915 Crane Operator 1915 Western Electric 1945 Student 1886 Relired Retired D&F ISg0 At home 1907 Sheet Melal Worker 1912 Checker 1927 Shipper 1937 At home 1892 Retired 1937 Tech. 1939 At home 1930 Tech. 1930 At home 1911 Operative 1905 Operative B RADSTREET ROAD 1913 E[ec. Engineer 1918 At home 1941 Peace Corps 1945 Student Physician At home 1940 Service 1942 At home 1942 Service 1944 Service 1931 Physician 1933 At home 1923 Reporter 1922 At home 1947 Secretary 1910 Manager 1910 Librarian 1947 Student 1923 Tel. Co. 1928 At home 1924 At home 1924 Principal 1933 Program Planner 1938 At home 1918 Engineer 1914 At home 1946 Student At home IRESIOENCE lsd7 I NA'T'T¥ 103 Second Street 103 Second Street 103 Second Street New Hampshire New Hampshire 73 Riverview Street 73 Riverview Streel Saugus Saugus 138 Main Street 138 Main Street 84 Second Street 84 Second Street 28 PRIEINCT TWO BRADSTREET ROAD-continued * 54 Phelan, James P. Proprietor * 54 Phelan, Margaret M~ At home * 55 Lee, Frank W~ 1916 Radio Teeh. * 55 Lee, Pauline H. At home * 60 Stallard, Burrell Engineer * 60 Stallard, Loula May At home * 66 Sullivarl, Joseph Retired * 66 Sullivan, Vera M. At home * 66 Sullivan, Roberl J. Teacher 66 Hession, Thomxs F. Retired * 73 Munsom Keitb C. Rev. 1922 Minister * 73 Munson, Marguerite H. 1923 At home BROhqqs COURT * 16 DugmL Francis X. 1944 N.A.P.W. 16 Dugan, Judith M. 1944 At home * 18 Jackson, Margaret 1899 At home 20 Keen, Kenneth 1943 Mechanic 20 Keen, Ruth 1946 At home CHAPIN ROAD * 3 Saunders, Blain A, 1911 Photographer * 3 Saunders~ Elsbeth Campbell 1914 l'eacher 3 Sannders, Peter 1945 Service 3 Saunders, Mary Ann 1946 Teacher 13 Dristan, Bryan 1044 Salesman 13 Dristan, Doreen R, 1945 Hairdresser * 13 Wedge, Helen 1912 At home * 13 Wedge, Ronald J. 1944 Barber * 21 Knightly, Carl W. Jr, 1935 Teacber * 21 Knightly, Sonja H. 1943 At home * 26 Robinson, John R. 1933 Teacher 26 Robinson, Irene A. 1899 At home * 26 Wagenbach, Veronica M, 1896 Retired * 27 Kimhalh Alfred i. Chauffeur * 27 Kimball, Lillian At home * 36 Smith, Thomas F, 1893 Retired * 36 Smith, Jean C. 1933 At home * 36 Smith, Robert A. 1928 Podiatrist CIIURCH STREET * 27 Glennie, Eliza B. 1874 At home * 27 CarvelL Clinton W, 1895 Clergyman * 27 Carvell, Marjoric G, 1903 At home * 30 McKee, Margaret S. At home * 32 Massicotte, Richard 1910 Sylvania * 32 Massicotte. Eloise C. 1914 At home * 32 King, Gertrude It. Men der * 34 Campbell Elizabeth 1888 Weaver * 34 May, Alice Retired * 34 Battle, Timothy 1946 U.S.A. * 34 Battle, Cynthia A. 1946 At home * 42 Vynorius, Francis T. 1942 Assr, Eng. * 42 Vynorius, Patricia I. 1943 Western Electric * 44 Walsh, Arthur J' Jr, 1939 Milkman * 44 Walsb, Judith M. 1940 At home * 48 Thornton. Ralph 1914 Elagineer * 48 Thornton, Priscilla 1917 At home * 54 Driscolh Daniel L, 1901 Retired * 54 DriscolL Daniel L. Jr. 1931 At home New Hampshire 152 Waverly Rd. 152 Waverly Rd 29 NO NAME OF PERSON LISTED ~ 54 Oriscolh Madele/ne E. * 56 Phihnan. Herman * 58 ZecchinL Allan M * 58 Zecchiai, Norms I. * 59 Massey, Cecile * 59 Massey. George * 61 Camasso. Judith * 61 Camasso, Louis A. * 64 She& Joseph F, * 64 Shes. Elizsbeth 64 Shes, kinds M * 1 Lewis. Leon * 3 Roberts. Rend * 3 Hooper. Avis * 5 Martin, Richard * 5 Martin. 5 Martin, Janet I. * 7 DriscolL Margaret C. * 7 DriscolL Charles M * 7 KenymL Anna * 10 Hadley, Roger * 12 Martin, P. Henry * 12 Martin. Frances * 14 Donovan. Katherine 14 Donovan, Cornelius J. * 25 Hansen. Monies * 25 Hansen, Robert M. * 26 Reilly, Helena M, * 26 Sullivan. Dolores * 26 Sullivan, Henry * 27 Roberts, David R~ * 27 Roberts. Kathleen S. * 32 Sullivan, Edward T. * 32 Sullivan. Winifred * 47 Carpenter, Ivan S. Ir. * 47 Carpenter. Eileen B, * 52 FarragheL Margaret * 14 Gallensteim Marjorie * 14 Gallenstein, Robert W. 14 Gallenstein. Barbara * 21 Lambert, Maurice * 21 Lambert, Yvonne * 21 Marlin, leannette M. * 22 Valentino, James R. * 22 Valcntino, Dorothy * 27 Drummey, Michael F. * 27 Drummey, Margaret P. * 30 Torrisi. Salvatore F. * 30 TorrisL Mildred R. 30 Torrisi, Frederick J. * 33 Champion, Elijah W. * 33 Champion. Henrietta L. 33 Champion, Dorothy * 38 Zorn, Donald J. * 38 Zorn, Lorraine PRFCINCT TWO YR.0F B RTH OCCUPATION CHURCII STREET - continued At home 1907 Assembler Engineer At home 1924 Cafeteria Work 1923 Custodian 1935 At home 1934 Machinist Erector Avco At hon~e 1946 Stewardess CLARENDON STREET 1908 Operative Retired 1895 At home 1920 D & F 1922 Western Electric 1947 Secretary, Retired Operative At home D&F 1918 Fireman 1916 At home 1916 Secretary 1947 US.A. 1924 Nurse 1945 U.S.N. 1904 Teacher At home Laborer 1944 Shipper 1946 At home 1900 Milk Dealer 1899 Clerk 1921 EG. Waxman Co. 1922 Salesman 1889 Retired DAVIS STREET 1924 At home 1924 En~neer 1947 Student 1906 lruek Driver 1910 Nurse 1946 Int. Revenue Foreman At home 1904 Salesman 1905 leacher 1912 Inspector 1911 Secretary 1945 Clerk 1886 Retired 1889 At home 1921 At home 1929 Engineer 1930 At flom¢ RESIOENCE 1967 [ NA'T'TY 30 NO I NAME OF P6RSON LISTED * 39 Clements, William * 39 Rovinski, Katherine H, * 39 Rovinski, Pete~ P, * 45 Walshe, Victor A. * 45 Walshe, Sarah P. * 46 McLay, Margaret * 51 Pimpis, Jerome * 5l Pimpis, DorotEy R. * 54 LoBosco, James G. * 54 LoBosco, Helen S. * 55 Winning, John * 55 Winning, Margaret * .57 Mahoney, John J. * 57 Mahoney, Mary * 62 Ritter, Robert E. * 62 Ritter, Arlene 62 Ritter, Marion * 69 Roberts, Katherine * 69 Roberts, Arline * 73 Bohne, George * 73 Bohne, Elizabeth 75 Fould~, Jean * 83 Philbri ck, Arnold * 83 Philbrick, Barbara P. * 90 Williams, Robert A. * 90 Williams, Ma~y Ellen * 92 Arcidiacono, Frank R. * 92 Arcidiacono, Florence E. * 15 Mascola, Robert E. * 15 Mascola, Mary L. * 9 Woodhouse, Everett R. * 9 Woodhouse, Ruth 9 Woodhoum, William H. * 19 Ratcliffe, Harold * 19 Ratclfffe, Ruth * 19 Ratcliffe, Rodney L, * 21 McDuffie, Joan * 21 McDuffie, John * 21 McDuffie, Catherine * 25 Lynch, Joseph F, * 25 Lynch, Claire * 31 Brigbtney, James J, * 31 grightney, Patricia M. 37 Steinbrecher, Charles * 2 Marshall, Walter * 2 Marshall. Evelyn 6 Pineau, Clifford 6 Pineau, Marilyn * 8 Kandrut, Vito J. * 8 Kandrut, Phyllis A. PRECINCT TWO YR, OF B RTH OCCUPATION DAVIS STREEY-continued 1904 Inspector 1913 At home 1919 Printer Textiles Bookkeeper At home 1932 Electrician 1930 At home 1912 Engineer 1916 At home 1885 Spinner 1885 At home 1909 Contractor 1907 At home 193l Engineer 1934 At home 1889 Retired At home Bookkeeper 1906 Plumber 1913 At home 1937 Typist Truck Driver Librarian 1937 Real Estate 1941 At home 1943 Engineer 1943 At home I RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY IJOUGLAS ROAD 1934 Mathematician 1934 At home DUDLEY STREET 1919 Adjustor 1918 Al home 1946 U. KAl, 1911 Maintenance 1908 At home 1941 Western Electric 1939 'leacher 1903 Steam Fitter At home 1926 lcacher 1927 Int. Revenue 1928 Maint. I¢ch, 1931 At home EAST WATER STREET 1921 Operative 1923 Al home 1928 Dye Mixer 1932 Clerk 1930 Moulder 1932 Cafeteria 18 Second Street 18 Second Street 31 PRECINCT TWO N0. ~ ~I OCCUPATION [ RESLDENC~ 1967 I NA'T'TY NAME OF PERSON LISTE0 EAST WATER STREET-continued * 10 Ellsey. Edward J D & F * 10 Ellsey, Alice At home 10 Ellsey, Paul * 12 CasteNano, Vincent Jaines 1916 Operative * 12 Castellano. Joseph 1941 Student * 12 Castellano. James V. 1945 Teacher * 16 Dubois, William A. 1913 D & F 16 Dubois, Robert 1940 Larwood Products 16 Dubois, William A' Jr. 1945 Converse Rubber * 18 Newman, Henry 1. 1909 D & F * 18 Newman. Laura E. 1918 Nurse * 18 Newman, Iohn R. 1944 U.S.A. * 19 Frechetle, Arthur 1895 Maintenance * 19 Frechette, Alicd 1897 At home * 21 Dawson, Margaret C. 1906 At home 22 Hulub. Katherine At home * 22 Kelly, Mary At home * 23 Craven, Irvin 1897 Retired * 23 Craven. Vera 1916 Shoe Shop * 24 Hallsworth, Mary 1905 At home * 25 Bevin, Florence 1901 Al home * 25 Bevin. Joyce 1929 Aide * 27 Donovan, Cornelius J. 1910 D & F * 29 Gulanowski. Henry 1919 At home 29 Gulanowski, Mary 1895 At home 31 Croteau, James 1943 Inspector 31 Croteau, Earleen 1945 Office Worker * 33 Michalovich, Nicholas 1893 Retired 33 Michalovich, Rose Ret[red * 34 ~loward, Margaret Sarah Operative * 36 Simpson, George 1904 F & F * 37 Heywood, Robert V, 1939 D & F 37 Heywood. Arthena L. 1946 At hume * 38 Green, Nelly 1889 At home 38 Green, Ernest 1919 Office * 39 Michalovich, John 1917 Western Electric * 40 George, Yvonne M 1942 At home * 40 George, Dennis J. 1942 SteelWOrker * 41 Britton. Layton 1921 Inspector * 41 Britto , Gladys 1917 Wirer 41 Vynorius, Theodore F. 1942 Inspector * 42 Carlson. Rosa 1911 Phillips Academy * 44 Bobek, Mary 1906 Operative EDMANDS ROAD * 8 Mitchell, Alexander 1904 Operative * 8 Mitchell, Dorahea 1909 At home * 11 Noble, Priscilla 1939 At home * 11 Noble. James D. Jr. 1938 Engineer * 14 Russell, Roland Manager * 14 Russell, Margaret G. At home * 14 Russell, Bruce D. Professor * 17 Summers, Ellen At home * 18 Wilkinson, Viola 1926 At home * 18 Wilkinson, William N' Jr. 1927 Telephone Co. * 21 LeaD', John 1912 Engineer * 21 Leafy, Elizabeth K. I920 At home 21 Leafy, Patricia L. 1947 Student * 24 Caffrey. John I. 1918 Salesman * 24 Caffrey, Margaret M. 1919 At home * 25 Bacon, Viola M. 1886 At home * 28 Cart, Margaret A, 1896 At home * 28 Bradbury, Janet 1897 Retired Methuen PR_ECINCT TWO I RESIDENCE 1987 I NA'T'TY NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 29 Brown, .lames E. * 29 Brown, MarleneF. * 33 Binns, Han'y * 33 Binns, Ida M. * 33 Binns, Hilda * 34 Maxwell, Thomas J. * 34 Maxwell, Catherine E. 34 Maxwell, Thomas * 1 Thoren, Daniel A. * 1 Thoren, Sally * 9 Souey, Affred A. * 9 Soucy, Florence * 10 Farley, George * 19 Bonaccorsi, Anna * 19 Bonaccorsi. James J. * 28 Donovan, Effie O. * 30 Jewett, George E. * 30 Jewett, Harriet R. * 30 Swain, Ida S. * 30 Dodge, Amy F. * 33 Stansel, Frank R, * 33 Stansel, Adelaide H. 33 HoBister, Cora Louise * 34 Maholley, John * 34 Mahoney. Elizabeth 34 Mahoney, John * 34 St, Hilaire, James J. * 34 St, Hilaire. Mary * 44 Wilcox, Harry N, * 44 Wilcox, Hazel C. * 45 Cahill, John J. * 45 Cahill, Philip A, * 46 Burroughs, James H. 46 Kitenhafer, William H' Jr. 46 Ditenhafer. Joan E. 54 Mahoney, Frances L. 54 Batehelder. Marion F. 55 Page, Harold A. 55 Page, Mary C. 56 Crane, Rita A, 56 Crane, John R. 56 Kendall, Donald 56 FarrelL Rose F. 59 Fullis, Alexander C. 59 rullis, Emma A. 62 Kent, Charles R, Jr. 62 Stewart, Mary 62 Stewart, Hugh 62 Rei& Jessie 65 Dill, Shirley V. 69 Torrey, William E. 66 Torrey, Angeta A. 71 Laily, Bertha F. 71 Lally, Donald B. 73 Neal, Alice M, 73 Neal, Annie M. 73 Riette, Frank A. 73 Riette, Margaret C. 77 Sullivan, William F. Jr. 77 Sullivan, Elizabeth 88 Redman, Frederick C. EDMANDS ROAD-continued 1934 Analyst 1937 At home 1892 Retired 1892 At home 1922 Secretary Director Iht, Revenue 1947 Student ELM STREET 1932 Engineer 1934 At home 1909 Operative 1914 At home 1922 At home 1914 Raytheon At home Retired At home House Mother Retired 1904 Engineer 1907 Housewife 1871 At home 1900 Retired 1905 Retired 1937 At home 1940 Operator 1941 At home 1910 Operative 1913 At home 1900 Income Tax Dept. 1945 Mass. Elco, Co. 1881 Retired Bank clerk Teacher At home Retired 1900 Retired 1906 Teacher 1929 Student 1928 Police Officer 1925 Glennie's Milk 1897 At home 1921 Retired 1914 At home Bus Driver At home Retired At home 1919 Nurse 1905 Guard 1906 &t home Textile Worker 1943 Studenl Retired At home 1908 Clerk 1915 Laundry Worker 1927 Attorney 1930 At home 1895 Manufacturer 30 Church Street 33 NO. ~ NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 88 Redmam Ruth H. * 93 Lee, Charles * 93 Lee, Ruth * 93 Lee, Joyce Ruth * 93 Lee. Charles F * 94 Towne, Warren E. * 94 Town& Pro,line C. * 96 Schlegel, Walter A. * 96 Schegel, Lillian V. * 100 Donnelly, Maureen A. * 100 Donnelly, John J. * 18 Laudani. Elvira * 18 Laudani, Salvatore J. * 25 Legate, Romeo * 25 Legate. Helen L. * 26 Kooistra. Ida G. * 26, Kooistra, John * 32 Amiliam Michael 32 Amilian, Mary * 33 Johnson, Harold * 33 Johnson. Eloanor T. * 39 Matasso. Matthew * 39 Matasso, Ro~ N. * 39 Matasso, Mildred * 40 Romano. Salvatore * 40 Romano, Marie 47 Cataldi, Antonio * 47 CataldL Marie * 52 DeParts, Augustine * 52 DeParis, Grace * 55 H~rley, John J. Jr. * 55 Hurley, Gladys * 63 Donovan, Paul * 63 Donovan, Virginia * 71 Koenig, Edwin F. * 71 Koenig, Elsie * 71 Koenig, Evelyn * 74 MacNei0, Hugh * 77 Coughlim Clara * 17 Coughlin, Kenneth 84 O'Connor, Francis H, 84 O'Connor, Geraldine * 85 Pangione, Robert * 85 Pangione, Vlvian * '91 Frank, Jean * 91 Frank, Arnold L. * 101 D'Urso, Carmen J. 101 D'Urso, Carol * 1 Ethan, John K. * 1 Ethan, Najla * 16 BJngham, Bernard W. * 16 Bingham, Ruth * 16 Keating, Arthur * 17 Ransehou~en, Doris * 17 Ransehousen, Allan PRECINC'[ TWO YR. OF B RTH OCCUPATION ELM STREET-continued 1893 At home 1914 Foreman At home 1944 Receptionist Physician 1930 Western Electric 1928 Operator 1893 Retired At home 1938 At home 1931 Western Electric ELMCRESI ROAD 1907 Al home 1911 Contractor Garden Center 1911 At home 1903 At home 1901 Engineer 1894 Retired 1910 At home 1932 Tel. Co. 1932 Bookkeeper 1913 Machinist 1913 Seamstress 1942 Teacher 1927 Contractor 1928 At home 1924 Sexton 1933 Operator Auditor 1923 Int. Revenue 1917 Serv/ce Dept, At home 1929 Self-employed 1928 Self-employed Retired At home Manager 1928 Secretary 1925 Engineer 1923 At home 1921 Engineer 1925 Salesman 1925 At home 1935 Broker 1937 At home 1931 At home 1931 Minister 1920 Contractor At home FAULKNER ROAD 1927 Engineer 1926 At home 1910 Contractor 1914 At home 1916 Agent At home Retired Clerk Service I RESIOENCE 1987 [ NA'T'TY 34 NO, I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 21 Knowles, John M. Jr. * 21 Knowles, Anita * 24 Coughlin, Hazel 24 Coughlin, Joanne * 29 Detora, Anthony * 29 Detora, Barbara 29 Detora, Susan * 30 McDonald, Liflian ,30 McDonald, Suzanne * 37 Crane, Francis * 37 Crane, Madelyn * I Dillon, Myrtle * 2 McKinnon, Alexander S. * 2 McKinnon, Amelia * 3 Richardson, Annie * 4 Walsh, Theresa J. * 4 Walsb, Arthur 4 Walsh, Marianne * 5 Spencer, Frank * 5 Spencer, Gladys * 6 Fountain, Raymond * 7 Wood, Gertrude * 8 Nightingale, Wilfred * 8 Nightingale, Annie M. * 9 Remick, Corinne L * ! 1 Wainmfight, Edith * llA Hay, Susan * IS Brown, John * 15 Brown, Ruth * 17 Tardiff, George * 19 Farnum, lda * 21 Sanborn, Florence * 23 Towler, Ida May * 25 Robinson, Amy * Z7 Gerotte, Monde * 28 Morse, Mary * 29 Morin, Elizabeth * 30 Cunningham, William * 31 Finck, Addle * 32 Stead, Ida * 33 Dunlap, Ma~3aret ~ 34 Mawson, lohnW, 34 Mawson, Lois * 05 Morrell, Bertha * 36 McGee, Ann * 37 Martin, Bertha * 38 Dryden, Rose * 39 Everson, George * 39 Everson, Ethol * 41 Allen, James * 4l Allen~ hrene * 43 Bergeron, Bertha * 43 Bergeron, Josephine L. * 45 Ward. Charles A. * 47 Keougb, Grace * 49 Towne, Lillian * 51 Ferrin, Rebecca * 53 Worsman, Emily * 55 Reider, Richard * 55 Heider, Elsa * 57 McGhee, James PRECINCT TWO YR. OF OCCUPATION t RES~DEN(;E ~967 8 RTH FAULKNER ROAD<ontinued 1922 Machinist [ 926 At home Secretary 1947 Student 1919 Accountant 1919 At home 1946 Student Secretary 1946 Student Sales Manager Clerk FOUNTAIN DRJYE 1899 At home 1894 Retired At home 1887 1890 At home 1927 IJ.S.A. At home 1896 Retired 1898 1886 Retired 1885 At home 1885 Retired 1890 At home 1895 At home At home 1888 At home 1901 Machinist 1903 At home 1891 Retired At home At home At home At home 1 $85 At home 1896 At home 1889 At horae 1894 Retired 1889 At home At holne At home 1887 Retired 1884 At home 1888 At home At home At home 1890 At home 1899 Custodian 1901 At home 1888 Retired At home 1892 At home 1895 At home 1897 Retired Barber 1897 At borne 1889 At home 1895 At home 1889 Retired 1889 At ixome 1884 Retired At home 130A Main Street 130A Main Street 15 Maple Avenue 15 Maple Avenue NA'T'TY 38 PRECINCT TWO NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED 8 R'FH I DCCUPATION RESIDENCE 1967 NA'T'TY FOUNTAIN DRIVE-continued * 57 McGhee, Jane M, 1888 At home * 59 Taylor, Clara 1896 Al home GARDEN STREET GREENE STREET * I Kent. ¥/iliiam B. Jr. 1923 Manager * I Kent, Frances 1921 Secretary * 37 Freije, Fred 1919 Druggist * 37 Freije, Dorothy 1917 At home * 49 Thomson, Arthur 1904 Lawyer * 49 Thomson, Murlel 1905 At home * 64 Fera, Pasquale 1899 Retired * 64 Romano, Ernest 1923 Agent * 64 Romano, Antoinetta 1927 At home * 65 Gallagher, Mary 1890 At home * 75 Joyce, Mary J. 1917 Clerk 75 .{oyce~ William 1947 Student * 75 Glides, Alice 1884 At home * 76 Duffy, Willimn Supt. * 76 Duffy, Gertrude At home * 88 Costello, John J. Reg. of Probate * 95 McAloon, WOfiam 19 ] 2 Prop. * 95 McAloon, Anna 1913 At home * 95 McAloon, Cornelius ]g43~ Clerk * 95 McAloon Mary Raytheon * 98 Smith, {}avid 1893 Office Worker * 98 Smith, Mae 1899 At home 98 8mith~ Kate 1887 At home * 104 Valpey, Daniel 1923 Salesman * 104 Calpey, Esther 1925 At home * 104 Valpey, Janna L Student 104 Valpey, Jane 1947 Secretary * 105 Harrington, John Foreman * 105 Harrington, Alice At home * 105 Harrington, Patriots A. 1942 Teacher * 113 Norwood, Patricia At honre * 113 Norwood, Merrill F. * 120 Barry, James 1909 Prop. * 120 Barry. Made 1919 At home * 120 Barry, Patrick 1944 U.S.M. 120 Barry, James A. Jr, 1946 U.S.M. * 123 Caruso, Harold 1920 Realtor * 123 Caruso, Pauline 1921 At home * 123 Nicora, John 1912 Cloth Cutter 123 Nicora, Clara 1892 At home * 123 Nicora, Adeline 1925 * 132 Corey, Joseph A. Jr. Western Electric * 132 Corey, Made At home * 133 Tabaceo, Joseph V. 1918 Meat Cutter * 133 Tabaceo, Rose 1919 At home * 139 Nu tter, Ernest Telephone Co. * 13 Morton, William I. 1917 Navy Yard * 13 Morton, Mary 1925 Chemist * 22 Paradis, Raymond 1910 Mechanic * 22 Paradis, Gertrude 1914 Clerk * 22 Paradis. Priscilla 1946 Secretary * 23 Creaser, Virginia 1914 Secretary * 23 Heckman, Laura 1882 At home 23 Davis, Bessie At home * 25 Maxwell, Ed'~ard 1917 Printer 25 Maxwell, Mollie 1894 At home NQ NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 139 Nutter, Elsie * 152 Nery, Raymond * 152 Nery, Mary * 157 Reilly, .1 ohn 1. 111 157 Reilly, Mary Ruth * 162 Northam, Ernest L. Jr, * 162 No,tEam, Mary * 165 Markey, Joseph * 165 Markey, Rita 168 McNally, Stephen F. Jr. 168 MeNally. C~rol E. * 171 Hertrich, Robert N. * 171 Hertrich, Mildred h * 174 Boardman, Herbert E, * 174 Boardman, Mildred L * 183 Adams, Charles J. * 183 Adams, JacqueFme * 193 Hyder, Charles A. * 193 Hyder, Gladys * 201 Kereage, Robert * 201 Kereage, Dorothy * 209 Griffin, Margaret 209 Scanlom Thomas * 209 Scanlon, Macy M. * 11 Mangano~ Gaetano * 11 Mangano, Laura 11 Mangano, Domenic J. * 12 Holllns, David * 12 Hollins, Leona * 21 Faro, Joseph * 21 Faro, Angelina R. 22 Melanson, Joseph D, 22 Melanson, Patricia * 29 Wolfenden, John H. * 29 Wolfenden, Marjorie * 30 Keefe, Florence * 30 Keefe, Dorothy * 37 Hope, Eric * 37 Hope, Harriet A. * 8 Tamagnine, Jennie * 8 Harvey, Arthur * 8 Harvey. Thelma * 20 McEvoy, William * 20 McEvoy, Jeannine I. * 26 Treadwell, Douglas h * 26 TreadwelL Barbara Ann * 34 Girgenti, Salvatore 1. * 34 Girgenti, Samuel * 44 Kruschwitz, William J. * 44 Kruschwitz, Elaine * 52 Carroll, Georgianna L. * 52 Carroll Charles * 60 Connor, Annie * 4 Mangano, Carmelo * 4 Mangano, 1 osephine PRECINCT TWO YR. OF B RT~i OCCUPAT,ON I RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'I'IY GREENE STREET-continued At home 1895 Retired 1899 Retired 1944 Student 1946 Student 1918 Custodian 1921 Clerk 1906 Retired 1910 At hmne 1933 l'eacher 1936 At home 1918 Metal Worker 1918 At home R~tked Operative Plumber 1931 1907 Supervisor 1007 At home 1933 Manager 1933 Teacher 1906 At Home 1041 Operator 1943 Teacher HAMILTON ROAD 1921 Plumber 1921 Bookkeeper 1947 Plumber 1931 Prop. 1934 At home 1909 Prop. 1911 Hairdresser Truck Driver Tel. Co. 1931 Wdte~ 1933 At home 1900 Hairdresser 1923 At home 1920 Salesman 1919 At home HEMLOCK STREET At home Western Electric Winder 1927 Fireman 1941 At home 1932 Western Electric 1936 At home 1913 Mechanic 1943 Student 1945 Laundry 1945 At home 1925 Office Worker 1908 Moulder At home HOLBROOK ROAD 1928 Plumber 1931 B~kkeeper 1011 Great Pond Rd. Lawrence Lawrence Wakefield Wakefield 37 PRECIN ~]35[~ NO NAME OF PERSON LISTED BII~TH OCCUPATION RESIDENCE 1967 NA'T'TY HOLBROOK ROAD - conBnued * 12 Vernile. Ralph, .Ir 1936 Adm. at N Eastern Univ, ~ 12 Vernile, Barbara A. 1938 Nurse * 15 Annaloro, CBarles R 191 I Prop 15 Annaloro, Leonard J. 1938 Analyst * 15 Annaloro, Lucille J 1941 At home * 20 Robinson. William E, 1923 Salesman * 20 Robinson, Dorolhy A. 1923 1. R. S. * 20 Robinson. William N. 1946 Dasa Corp 20 Robinson, Richard T. 1947 Prof. Baseball player * 23 Hayes, Alvah 1899 Retired ~ 23 Hayes. Frances 1899 Home * 28 AIbis, Leonard B 1924 Bank Mgr * 28 Albis, Betty A. 1929 Home * 31 Lanni, Americ 1922 Tool and Dye Maker * 31 LannL ?~inifred B. Home 31 Lanni, Nancy F 1946 R.N. * 36 Pickles. John J. 1915 Utility Man * 36 Pickles. John l.. Jr. 1941 D and F * 41 Grieco Pina O. 1935 Home * 41 Grieco, Michael 1933 MfS LINCOLN STREET * 4 Wrigley. Hattie Home * 9 Love. Angelina 1908 At home * 9 Love. Wi/fred C. 1906 Truck Driver * 12 MacCannell. Mary E, Home * 12 MacCannell. John L. 1931 Printer 16 Elizabeth 1938 Secrelary Illinois * 17 Mahoney, Johl! J. Jr. 1941 Construction 114 Marblehead * 17 Mahoney, Dorothy K. 1942 Secretary 114 Marblehead * 18 Rheaume, Joseph N. 1931 Supervisor * 18 Rheaume, Claire C. 1932 tlome 19 LaGrassc. Gasper I 1945 Salesman-Mechanic * 19 LaGrasse, Anne R. 1943 At home * 20 Middlemiss, Henry J. 1933 Foreman * 20 Middlemiss, Thea Frida 1936 I. R S. * 21 Belluardo, John B. 1911 G. L Shoe Fix * 21 BeBuardo, Antoinette 1911 L.P.N. * 21 Belluardo, Dennis 1944 Assl. Chef. * 24 Gesing, Louise Home * 24 Gesing, Roland 1895 Salesman * 25 Marshall. Samuel S. 1889 Engineer * 25 Marshall. Lillian 1900 Housekeeper * 26 Williams, Arthur N. 1909 Milkman * 26 Williams. Anna 1. Home 26 Williams, Arthur J, 1939 Ilome * 26 Williams, Dasid P. 1946 lechnician 26 Lukas~ John 1882 Retired * 27 Smlth, Isabel 1904 Matron * 27 Smith. Paul F. Jr 1945 Plumber's helper * 28 LaGasse. Walter E. 1939 Untied Parcel * 28 LaGa~seCMarflyn M. 1938 At home * 30 Routhier, Omerine 1891 At home * 30 Dunn, Mildred E. 1918 Electronics * 31 Vaillancourt, lherese 1925 Home * 31 VaJilancourt, Joseph A, 1924 Prop. Restaurant 32 Charest. Eugene I. 1914 Green Keeper 19 Union 32 Charest, Lorraine H. 1929 At home 19 Union * 33 Borys, Kathleen A. 1942 Teacher * 33 Borys, W. Slephet~ 1942 EJeclrician * 34 Bonanno, DomenicJ. 1915 Machinist * 34 Bonanno, Violet R. 1915 * 35 Chaput, Wilfred 1932 Electronics Tech. NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED 35 Chaput, Rita * 37 Grillo, Anthony 3. * 37 Grillo, Janet L. * 39 Kochanczyk, A. William * 39 Kochanczyk, Phyllis A. * 40 Rabbito, Stephen J. * 40 RabbJto, AgnesC. * 40 Rabbito, Stephen 1. Jr., 40 Rabbito, Edward J. * 42 Nugsbanm, Charlotte L. * 42 Nussbaum, Hollis * 42 Nussb~um, Leonard H. Jr. * 43 Earley~ LoisA. * 43 Earley, James T. Jr. * 44 Stewart. Mary A. * 44 Stewart, Robert F, * 46 Balzitkq., David J. * 46 Balzius, Elizabeth A. * 46 Balzius, Tafila A. * 48 Nusshaum, George E. 48 Nussbaum, Clara A. * 50 Dufresne, Ann * 50 Dufresne, Thomas M. * 51 Driscoll, Patrick * 51 Driscoll, Mary E. * 52 BarceBona, Lucy M. 52 Barcellona, Rosario L * 54 Adkins, Jean L. 54 Adkias, Samuel E. * 55 Hoiby ,Hans * 55 Hoiby. Al. icc * 57 Cottone, Vincent S. * 57 Cottone, Patricia J. * 59 Sable. Robert L. * 59 Sable, Anna L. * $ Graham. John W. * 5 Graham, Frances M. * 15 Dickerson, Nell O. * 15 Dickerson, Lucille K. * I6 Connor, Francis W. * 16 Connor, Dorothy J. * 21 Friel, AnnaT. * 21 Frle I. Helen M. 24 Child, Frederick * 24 Austin. Margaret F. * 29 Reilly, Vincent R, * 29 Reilly, Helen B. * 32 Bevins, Madellne L * 32 Bevins, James R, * 32 Loontjens, Madeline * 35 Labelle, Charles A. Jr. * 35 Labelle, Elizal/eth M, * 40 Bazarian, Charles G. * 40 Bazariam Carol A. * 43 Signorclli, Felix J. * 43 Signorelli, E~ther J. 46 Ciofolo, Angelo 46 Ciofolo, Marianna S, * 56 Curtin, Lorraine T. PRECINCT TWO YR. OF BRTH OC£UPATION [ RES'DENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY LINCOLN STREET - continued 1939 At home 1934 Ins. Rep. 1940 At home 1938 Asst. Prof. 1941 Home 1916 Salesman 1921 Home 1943 Raytheon 1947 U.S.A. 1915 Home 1914 Coater Operator 1942 Defiance Printed 1925 I, R. S. 1926 Bartender Retired 1898 Retired 1932 Paper Mill 1933 Office 1897 At home 1945 Machh~ist 1947 Hairdresser 1940 D. & F. 1939 Trnck Driver 1898 Retired 1925 At home 192l Journeyman l~lumber 1931 At home 1940 Laborer 1896 Retired 1899 Retired 1941 Mathematician 1943 At home 1924 Elec, Eng. 1925 home MAGNOLIA DRIVE 1932 Engineer 1929 At borne 1930 Engineer 1923 At home 1924 Postal Clerk 1926 At home Retired Teacher Priest 1905 Clerk 1911 Redman Card Tel Operator 1920 Home 1923 Gem Mgr 1897 Operative 1933 Teacher 1940 Home 1939 Eng. 1940 At home 1919 Broker Ratheon 1925 Self-employed 1928 At home 1926 Terminal Mgr, 1927 At home 39 NO¸ NAME gE PERSON LISTED * 155 Lambert, Harold * 155 Lambert. Melda * I55 Windle, George * 185 WindJe, Joan 155 Windle. Frank * 155 Roddem Shirley G * 159 Barnes. Thomas H. * 159 Barnes. Rose M. 159 Barnes. Thomas A. 159 Ditommaso, Anna 159 Anctil, Mary * 161 Gaudetie, Ernest * 161 Murphy, Harry M. * 161 Murphy, Calherilte M. * 163 Reynolds, Helen * 173 Acciard, Lillian * 173 McNally, James R, * 173 McNally, Rose E. 173 Bale, Fred M. 173 Bale, Luzie J. 173 Gustafson 173 Collins, Donald 173 Roberts, Nell 173 8uchecki, Wayne 173 Keohand, Alice V. 173 Keohand, Joseph M. 173 Bev elaqua, Anne 173 Bevelaqua, R. Burke 173 McNamara, Anna R. 173 McNamara, Francis B. 175 CaldwelL James Jr. 175 Caldwell, Barbara * 178 Kelley, Angelina * 175 Lachance . J. Affred * 175 Pevine, Anna * 175 Bnssell, Rira J. * 175 gnsmlL Forrest I. * 175 Kapelson, Benjamin * 173 Ka~elson. Sarah 175 I/rennall. Helen 175 Doncette, Raymond PRECINCT TWO OCCUPATION J RESIDENCE 1967 MAIN STREET 1925 Western Elec, 1926 Home 1914 Truck Driver 1919 W.E. 1943 Serx'ice 1927 At hume 1914 Paper Mill 1924 School Caf. 1947 U S. A. 1889 Home 1888 Home 1908 Mechanic 1893 Watchman 1903 Home 1908 R. N 1900 At home 1897 Acct. 1895 Home 1904 Retired-Army 1915 At home 1908 Waitress 1946 Sludent 1946 Student 1946 Student 1901 At home 1901 Retired 1940 At home 1931 Insurance 1902 At home 1904 Retired 1926 Personnel Manager 1928 Raytheon At home 1930 Part Time Mgr. 1900 ltome 1908 Sales lady 1912 Flight Inst. 1888 Retired At borne 1913 W, E. 1915 Steel worker 1945 Teacher 1944 Eng. 1941 Adm. M~. 1887 ttome 1883 Home 1933 1. R. 8. 1897 At home 1934 At home 1934 Printer 1924 Brewery Worker 1933 At home 1881 Retired At home Eagle-Tribune At home 1887 At home Priest 1937 Priest Priest Priest 1913 Quality Control 1913 Clerk Cali£ Revere Needham Woburn Arlington Arlington Boston GroveJand Missouri 114 Union Andover Methuen Lawrence Lawrence Florida Florida Vietnam Jamaica Plain NA'T'TY 40 PRECINCT FWO NO, NAME 0F PERSON LISTED |BlaTH I OCCUPATION RESIDENCE 1967 NA'T'TY * 205 parker, Agnes J. 205 Parker, Robert S. * 206 Burke, Hubert T, * 206 Burke, Monico 206 Burke, James C. 207 Ta~rter, Ann 1. 207 Tarter, James L. * 208 McDowelL Eileen * 219 WaBwork. David W. Dr. * 219 Wallwork, Lousie B. * 219 Bonney, Clara L, * 222 Pbenenf, Jean P. * 222 Phaneuf, Elizabeth J. * 225 Carom John D. * 225 Caron, Margherita P. * 227 Crane, 3ames N. Jr. * 227 Crane, Gall A. * 233 Rigoli, Doris N. * 233 Rigoli. James * 233 Markery, Donald L. * 233 Markey, Carol A. 233 l'akesian, Daniel 233 Takesian, Joan Ellen * 242 Wilson, Frederick W. * 242 Wilson, June * 242 Wild, Beatrice W. * 242 Wild, Wilfred * 244 Fokey,Ma~y L. * 244 Licciardi, Bartholemew J. 244 Licciardi, Carol * 24? EBiott, Martha * 247 lfosking, Christina M. * 247 Hosking, Christina Mary 247 l-losking, Margaret M. 250 Shumm, Herbert 1, Rev., 250 Schumm, Priscilla R. * 257 Atkinson, Eva * 257 Delaney, Elizabeth * 7.66 Field, Sarah M. 269 Giannarakos, George P 269 Giannarakos, Viola R. 281 Zappala, Angelo * 281 Zappala, El~nor C. C, * 281 Zappala. Cynthia A. 281 Zappala. Rosario J. * 295 DeNuccio, Adolph A. Dr * 295 DeNuc~io, Rosalie E. * 295 DcNuccio, Joanoe E. * 299 Crouch. Leonard H * 299 CrouO~,loan E. * 299 'l~rton, Rose Ethel * 299 1tall, Hilda F. * 318 Burke, Dorothy M. * 318 Burke, Edmund I. * 328 Beliveau, Doris [. * 328 Beliveau, Eugene A. Dr. * 344 Holland, Raymond M * 344 Holland, Clara 344 Holland, Mary 1. 354 Carroll. Charles A. Jr. 354 Carroll, Cam/A. * 364 DahameL Helena D. * 372 Foley. John E. Jr. * 372 Foley, Claire A MAIN SI'REET - continued 1885 At home 1946 Student 1909 Avco 1910 At borne 1947 Student 1943 Teacher Alabama 1941 Lt, U. S, A. Alabama 1915 Home 1905 Physician 1903 Home 1877 Home 1920 Senior Scientist 1922 At home 1940 Funeral Director 1940 Teacher 1942 Ins. Underwriler 1942 Teacher 1922 Secretary 1922 Mechanic 1943 Office Mgr. 165 Greene 1946 Teacher 1943 Store Mgr. Lawrence 1942 Teacher Andover 1936 Draftsman 18 Harbaway Rd. 1936 Wirer 1S Haxbaway Rd, Home 1905 Asst. Foreman Home 1942 Student 49 Fernwood St. 1945 Secretary Stoneham Home Music leacher 1943 Feaeher 1944 Teacher 1928 Clergyman Derry, N. H, 1936 At home Derry, N H. Home 189g Retired 1924 Self-employed Dracut 1925 At home Dracut Owner Tripoli Bakery 1918 Al home 1945 Teacher 1947 Student 1911 Phy. 1917 At home 1945 Teacher Steam Fitter Practical Nurse Clerk 1907 At home 1908 'leacher 1936 1Joule 1930 Dentist 1923 Personllel Mgr. 1922 At borne 1946 Secretary 1940 Iht Rev, Agt. Lawrence 1941 At home Lawrence 1924 Field Quality Inspector 1925 Home 41 NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTEO PRECINCT_ TWO MAIN STREET - conlinued * 372 McGlinn. Nellie M 1917 Clerk 372 Fisirer~ Mary 1892 Relired * 372 Lambert. Eugenic 1880 Itome * 380 Dailey, Patricia I' 1938 teacher * 380 Dailey. Francis I 1931 Supervisor 380 ~alluu, Stephett A. 1947 Lab. Tecb. Reading 380 Ballou. Joanne 1948 At home Reading 382 Marcks, Joseph M. 1914 U S.A. Lawrence d82 Marcks, Judith C. 1922 Secrelary Andover 382 Smith, Laurence 1946 Studenl Andover 382 Dowell, Beatrice A. 1922 W~ E. N.H. * 393 Brig_Cs. Raymond J. 1900 Retired * 393 Briggs, Mary C 1901 Borne 393 Briggs, Donald F. 1939 Home * 396 twombly. Alexander S. Rev 1907 blhilster * 396 Iwombly, Barbara 1906 Home 396 Iwombly. William N. 1946 Student * 399 Lee, Helen 2. Home * 405 DriscolL Muriel E. 1925 At home * 405 DriscolL Edward 1. 1923 MIT * 41 I Farrelh Eleanor C, Home * 411 FarrelL John H. Reporter Eagle Tribune * 411 Farrell, Mary Louise Home * 412 SiderL Ercole L. Jr.. 1936 Barber * 412 SiderL Angela M 1937 At home * 415 Bell, Phyllis R. Office * 415 Bell Clarence 1915 Moving Picture Operator * 431 Kay. Julius Dr. 1909 Physician * 431 Kay, Julia 1911 Home 431 Ladenl~eim. Roberta 1940 At home MAPLE AVENUE * 4 Kennedy, Edythe M. 1896 At home 5 Hayes, Edward J. 1942 Loader 5 Itayes, Mary Jo 1947 At home * 5 Frazier, Arlene 1927 Box Operator * 6 Hamilton. Thomson 1893 Retired * 6 Hamilton, Margaret 1885 At home ~ 7 Demers, George L. 1929 Truck Driver 7 Demers. Carol A. 1939 At home * 8 Eaton. Ida May 1893 At home * 8A Farrow, Edm~nd 1899 Retired * 10 Todd, James Glen 1888 Retired * 10 Iodd, Margaret G. 1896 At home * 10A Lafrance, Rachel A 1899 At home 12 Ribas, Albino 1901 Retired * 12 Ribas, Rose 1903 Al home * 12A /arrell, Ida K. Al home * 13 Murphy, Francis L. 1900 Retired * 13 Murphy. Thomas C. 1897 Retired * 13 Murphy, Anna 1898 Home * 14 Dawson. Georgo 1899 Retired * 14 Dawson. Amelia E. 1902 At home * 14A Wilcox, George H. 1891 Retired * 15 Keefe. Helena 1887 Teacher 15 Mead. John D. 1944 Student Woburn * 15 Mead. Paula S. 1945 Teacher 31 Bradford * 16 Campbell, Elizabeth 1895 At home 26 Pembrook * 17 Costello~ Frances K, 1922 Bank Teller * 17 Costello, Vincent 1915 Analyst 17 Costello, Michael I. 1946 Raytheon * 18 Gardner, Margaret F. 1901 At Home 42 PRECINCT TWO IIYR OF p NA'~E OF PERSON LISTED [ Bii~THi OCCU ATION MAPLE AVENUE continued * 21 Donovan, Edward J. 1908 Laborer * 2l Donovan, Madeliae 1913 Home * 21 Donovan, DavidT. 1941 Electrical Engineer * 22 Midgley, Katherine 1909 ffiiirdresser * 22 Midgley, Philip 1910 Operative * 23 Herhily, Florence 1909 At home * 25 Christie. Frederick R. 1912 Dcpt. P, W. * 25 Christie, Frederick R. Jr. 194l Engineer * 25 Christie, Mary 1912 Operative * 25 Christie, ~illiam F. 1945 U.S.A. * 27 Gi0espie, Jmnes W. 1911 Operative * 27 Gillespie, Florence V. Clerk * 29 Daw, James P. 1918 Chief N. A. F. D. * 29 Daw, Mary C. 1918 Home * 29 Daw, Marie C. 1945 Clerk * 30 Mellian, Avedis 1898 Janitor * 30 Mellian, Satanig 1908 Shoe Shop * 30 Mellian, Elizabeth 1929 Shoe Shop * 31 DeSimone, Anthony 1911 Mechanic * 31 DeSimoue, Helen M. 1918 Clerk * 31 DeSimone, Leonard 1936 Teacher * 33 Mackie, William F. 1924 Machinist * 33 Zaccari. Anna L. 1923 Home * 33 Zaccari, John S. 1916 Carpenter * 49 Barrington, Beatrice 1887 Home * 49 TromMy, Joseph L. 1901 Retired * 49 Trombly, Catherine M. 1909 Ins. Agent * 51 Adams, Christopher V. 1934 Rest. Owner * 51 Adams, Elaine M. 1931 At home * SS Maynard, Raymond N 1909 Reporter * 55 Maynard, Margaret E. 1910 At home 57 Currier, Albert 1. 1941 Welder 57 Currier, M. Jean 1944 At home * 58 Motla, Charles F. 1930 Painter * 58 Motta, Laura R. 1931 Home * 58 Soucy, Henry W. 1902 Machinist * 58 Soucy, Mary M, 1914 Clerk * 59 Pinaud, ArthurJ. 1914 Raytheon * 59 Pinaud, Rose 1914 Home * 65 Kennedy, Dorothy L 1912 Home * 65 Kennedy, Edward L 1913 lruck Driver 66 Hanson, Richard A 1934 Sales Mgr. 66 Hanson, Jean M. 1936 Office Mgr. * 67 Stewart, Adelaide G. 1935 Itome * 67 Stewart, Gerald S. 1933 Office Worker * 70 Cavallaro, Alice A. 1905 Home * 72 Coxmier, John F. 1942 Pharmacist * 72 Cormior, Louise A. 1943 Ins. Clerk * 72 Whittaker~ Richard D. 1945 Steamfitter 72 Whittaker, Virginia F. 1945 At home * 77 Panori, Philip C. 1931 Meat Cutter * 77 Panori, Daphne D. 1927 At home * 79 McEvoy, JohnT, 1925 Drafts~nan * 79 McEvoy, Mary C. 1924 R. N 85 Connolly, Robert C. 1927 Micro-Wave Corp. * §~ Connol!y, Eleanor E. 1927 I.R. S 87 Dufresne. Arthur J. Jr. 1937 Mechanic * 87 Dufresne, Donna ?n. 1939 Nurse * 88 Routhier, Joseph O. 1920 Signal Maintenance * 88 Routhier~ Mary 1921 At home * 88 Detora, Esther 1909 Clerk * 90 Earley, Martin L. Jr. 1930 Avco * 90 Earley, Dorothy A, 1933 At home * 92 Bodenrader, Frank 1943 Accountant 27 Belmont 522 Chickering Rd. 71Saunders Brad[ord 39 Stonington 39 Stoninglon 75 Saunders 20Pcmbrook Rd 43 ND. I NAME OF PERSON LtSTE~] * 92 Bodcnrader, Frank 92 Bodenradet. Eheresa C. * 97 Sullivan, Charles F. * 97 S,Illvam Mary A 97 SuBivan. Jobn T. * 99 Lafond. Marguerite A. * 99 Lafond, William C. * 9 Maker~ James J. * 9 Maker, Gladys * 15 Oakes, Fred P. * 15 Oakes, Barbara L. * 17 (3esing, Allen L. * 17 Gesing, Barbara 19 Evelyn, John A. * 21 Cronin, Teresa A. * 21 Cronin. AnnT. 21 Cronim David A, * 23 Cronim Constance L. * 23 Cronin, John A. Jr. * 30 Brunette, Rita 30 Chisholm, iVlary 30 Connors. Kathleen E. 30 Eacobacci, Rosemary * 30 Fitzgerald, Rita C, * 30 HaBoran, Aun M. * 30 Harrington, Mary J. * 30 Healey, Mary E. * 30 Higgins, Mary J 30 Holland, Catherine * 30 Joyce. Mary T. 30 MacDonald, Rita A. * 30 Magnet. Helen B. * 30 McCarthy, Patri¢ia A. * 30 McColgan, Grace M. * 30 McDonald, Margaret R. * 30 Rogers, Catherine F. * 35 Breem Charles M. Sr. * 35 Breen, Justine A. ~ 7 Kasparian, Kaspar * 7 Kasparian, Arevaloi~ * 7 Kasparian, Meline ~ 7 Kasparian, Janice 7 Kasparian, Kasper Jr. * 12 Hintom Velma * 15 CosreBo, iohn W. * 15 Costello, Mary E, * 20 Prescott, Lenna H. * 23 Trovato. Mario L * 23 Trovato, Mary D. * 28 Gulian, Aram * 28 Gulian, Rose 28 Varjabedian, Araxie * 31 Strobel, George L, * 31 StrobeI, John E. * 31 Strobel, Shirley A.  FI~uPATION MAPLE AVENUE - continued 1943 Accountan! 1947 Bookkeeper 1908 ¥~ arehouse-Man Office Mgr, Marist Brother 1922 Secretary 1922 Custodian MERRIMACK STREET 1904 Town lreasurer 1912 Al home Secretary 1926 Car Salesman 1929 At home 1922 Salesman 1926 At home 1938 Highway Department 1943 At home 1900 At home 1935 Registered Nurse 1941 Salesman 1936 Registered Nurse 1936 Banker Teacher Teacher Teacher leacher Teacher Teacher Teacher School Principal Retired Housekeeper 1941 Teacher Teacher Teacher Teacher 1935 Teacher 1922 Teacher Retired 1914 Funeral Director 1917 At home MIDDLESEX STREET 190~ Shoe Machinery 1908 Al home 1939 Student 1944 Teacher 1947 Student At home Retired 1896 Retired At home Retired 1914 Storekeeper 1916 Cafeteria Worker 1902 Druggist 1907 At home 1879 At home 1898 Watchman 1942 Teacher 1942 At home I RESJDENCE 1887 } NA'T'T¥ 20 Pembrook Rd. Methuen Lynn New York New York 44 PRECINCT TWO YR. OF NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED BIRTH OCCUPATION MIDDLESEX STREEE-continued * 43 Taylor, Margaret 1912 Office * 43 Bower, Jennie W, 1888 At home * 53 Battmgarten, Ressiv L. 1902 At home * 60 Ganmond, Beatrice L 1907 At home * 60 Ganmond, Joseph A. 1900 Retired * 90 Massey, Edith M. 1896 At home * 98 Hainsworth, Anna M. 1880 At home * 98 Johnson, Albert 1905 Bank Teller * 98 Johnson, Ruth A.W. 1906 At home * 99 Tromhly, Charles W, 1915 Lawyer * 99 Trombly, Margaret R. 1915 At home * 99 Trombly, CharlesW. Jr. 1941 Lawyer * 99 TromMy, Joseph S. 1942 Teacher * 99 Trombly, Robert M. 1945 U.S. Marines 99 Trombly, Susan M. At home 99 Trombly, Kevin L. 1947 Student 99 O'Neil, Pet~ 1947 Student * 104 Pierog, Julius R. 1924 Western Electric * 104 Pierog, Mary N. At borne * 105 McCloy, James Jr. 1934 Minister * 105 McCloy, June A. 193S At home * 111 Burnham, Augusta N. 1885 At home * 111 Burnhmn, EstherY. 1887 Athome * 113 Towne, Wallace A. Dresser * 113 Towne, Sadie F, At home * 114 Card, Earle M. 1910 Analyst * 114 Card, Evelyn 1915 Secretary I 14 Card, Richard E. I944 Service * 122 Casey, Patrick J. 1904 Druggist * 122 Casey, Marion J. 1907 At home * 122 Casey, Patricia C. 1946 Student * 124 Dearden. Alfred 1897 Retired * 124 Dearden. Lena H. 1898 Retired * 149 Stillwell, Annie G. 1909 Nurse * 149 Slillwell, Charles A. 1912 D & F * 172 Reid, Evelyn M, 1902 Secretary * 176 Lafon& Leo 1924 Tree Warden * 176 Lafond, Rulh 1929 Clerk * 178 McCarthy, Frederick W. 1904 Shipper * 178 McCarthy, Bertha R. 1903 At home * /82 Fenton, Hulda A. At home * 184 Griffiths. Ruth Teacher * 185 Coco, Salvatore 1926 Mason * 185 Coco, Mary 1918 At home MIFFLIN DRIVE * 12 Compagnone, Arthur T. 1932 Western Electric * 12 Compagnone, Kathleen M, 1933 At home 15 Musumeci, Joseph A. 1941 Teacher 15 Musumeci, Roberta 1941 At home * 22 Smith, Charles W. 1918 Clerk * 22 Smith, Rita 1920 At home 22 Smith, Charles W. Jr. 1945 Student 23 Belrne. Robert M. Supervisor 23 Beirne, Florence K At home * 30 Steward, Paul L. 1904 Desiguer * 37 Sergi, Domenic A. Plasterer 37 Sergi, Joseph M. 1946 At home 37 Sergi, Salvatore J. 1946 Draftsman * 41 Sergi, Frances R. 1920 Hand Sewiug * 41 Sergi, Maurice J. 1918 Raytheon * 41 Ste0a,Geo~ge A. 1938 Asst. Atty. Gen. * 41 Stella, JosephineT. 1940 At home RESIDENCE 1987 I NA'T"T¥ 24 Richardson Avenue 24 Richardson Avenue Andover Andover NO. F~ESIOENCE 1967 I NA'T'T¥ PRECINCT EWO NAME OF PERSON LISTED 81RTH ] OCCUPATION MIFFLIN DRIVE. continued 52 Caponette, Anne M, * 52 Caponette, Simon L * 55 Demi. Alessandro * 55 Demi. Anna L. * 63 D'Agata~ Joseph * 63 D'Again, Lena 63 D'Agata. Charles 1 * 72 lsherwood. Benjamin T. * 72 lsherwood, Esther * 75 Kingsley, Roberl A * 75 Kingsley~ Grace * 82 MinardL Josephine * 82 Minardi, Raymond S * 83 Gioia~ Stephen J. * 83 Gioia, Sally * 88 Troia, Joseph l~ * 88 Troia~ Virginia M 88 Troia, Anthony J. * 97 Matthews. Alfred 1 * 97 Matthews, Mamie * 98 Bonelli, Conred 1. * 98 Bonelli, Elena M, * 106 Nicetta, Nicholas F. * 106 Nicetta, Palma M. * 106 Nicetta, D Robert 107 Lozzi. Leonida * 114 Occhipinti. Salvatore F. * 114 Occhipinti, Clara R. * 114 Occhipinti, Samuel F * 124 Glynn, James A, Jr. * 124 Glynn, lane B. * 125 Maker, loseph A, * 125 Maker, Ruth M. * 12 Drew, Letitia * ! 9 Terrallova, Antonio P. * 19 lerranova. Ramona M, * 26 Wainwright, Karl * 26 Wainwright, Florence * 28 Cnstello, Francis J. * 28 Costello. Helen M. * 29 DeAdder, lamesW. * 29 DeAdder, James W. Jr, * 29 DeAdder, Alice 29 Barry, Nancy Ann 34 Taylor. lames L. 34 Taylor, Evelyn * 35 Church, Georg~ F. * 35 Church, Mary M. * 35 Church. M. Elizabeth * 36 Furness, Sam E. * 36 Furness, Mildred S. 36 Furness. Nancy J. * 38 Pitkin, Fred E. * 38 Pitkin, Gertrude * 39 McCarthy, Daniel J. * 39 McCarthy, Helen M. 39 McCarthy, John C. * 40 Ceplikas, Thomas A. * 40 Ceplikas, Alison P. * 41 St. Louis, Richard A * 41 St. Louis. Ursula 1. 1930 At home 1915 Hah' Stylist 1922 Inspector 1919 tland Sewer 1912 Laborer 1913 Packer 1934 Press Helper 1921 Avco 1915 At home 1926 Superintendent 1926 At home 1912 Floor Lady 1911 Western Electric 1919 Na~y Yard 1919 I, R. S. 1910 Bartender 1920 At home 1947 Student 1918 Mechanic 1921 Wire Assembler 1938 Sales Representative 1943 At home 1906 Surveyor 1906 At home 1929 Foreman Clothing Designer 1920 Restaurant Owner 1920 Restaurant Worker 1946 Student 1938 Lawyer 1938 At home 1919 Dentist 1923 At home MILTON STREEI 1885 At home 1931 Engineer 1930 At home 1903 Retired 1908 At home 1906 Mason 1908 At home 1893 Retired 1927 Priest 1902 Retired 1942 Registered Nurse 1897 Retired Supervisor-C&W. 1906 Gas Station 190? Registered Nurse 1878 Retired 1915 Machine Erector 1915 At home 1947 Student 1886 Retired 1891 At home 1944 Telephone Company At home 1946 Service 1917 Physician 1918 At home 1940 Assistant Manager 1942 At home Lawrence Lawrence 27 Bradstreet Road 27 Bradstreet Road 27 Bradstreel Road NO. [ NAME DF PERSON LISTED * 47 Eaton, Marion W. * 48 Cranston, Olive B, * 48 Westbrooke, Ethel 49 Garnett, Doris R. 49 Garnett, Ralph E. * 54 Robinton, Alexander B. * 54 Robinton, Jocelyn S. * 54 Robin/on, Helen J. S4 French, Rebecca * 62 Griffin, Daniel J. * 62 Griffin, Marion F. * 62 Weldon. Marion ¥. * 13 Longo, Anthony * 13 Longo. Blanche M. * 18 Ritchie, David W. Sr. * 18 Ritchie, Barbara E. * 28 Pappalardo, S. E{lward * 28 Pappalardo, Rose M. * 2 O'Brien, John S. * 2 O'Briem Ellenora D. * 2 O'Brien, John S. Jr. 2 O'Brien, Patrese E. * 14 Canflin. Marion * 7 Bernhardt, Frank * 7 Bernhardt, F~ieda * 20 Haynes, Clarence * 20 Haynes~ Mary A. * 21 Smelter, Samuel * 21 Smelter, Alice M. * 27 Ryder, Katie * 30 Ackroyd, Beatrice 30 Ackroyd, Charles W. * 33 Lemay, Alfred R 33 Lemay, Thomas F. * 36 Dudley, Donald R. * 36 Dudley, Y~ette H. * 42 Driscoll, John J. * 42 Driscoll, Mary R. * 49 Minihan, John I. * 49 Min[han, Margaret M. * 49 Minihan. John F. * 50 lVlacArthur, Robert L. 50 MacArthur, Barbara D. * 51 Garvey, Edward C. * 51 Garvey, H. Elaine $1 Cvarvey, Mary patricia * 51 Garvey, Edward C. Jr. * 62 Lord, Frank * 62 Lord, Louise * 70 Cyr, Anna * 3 Zappala, Alfred J. * 3 Zappala, Fortunata A. PRECINCT YR. OF OIRTH OCCUPATION I RESIDENCE 1967 [ NA'T'TY MILTON STREET-continued Retired 1897 At home 1891 At home 1936 At home Connecticnt 1936 J.P. Slevens Connecticut 1909 Self-employed 1908 At home 1947 Secretary 1 S73 At home 1917 Freighl Sales Rep. 1920 At home 1901 Buyer MORRIS STREET 1927 Plumber 1930 At home 1920 Salesman 1922 At home 1921 Baker 1922 Western Electric PARK W AY 1908 Trans-East-Airlines At home I941 Woodworth Motors Teacher At home PARKER STREET 1898 Retired 1901 Retired 1898 Superintendent 1900 At home 1S93 Retired 1897 At home 1888 At home 1916 Clerk 1947 U.S.A. 1911 Mechanic 1945 U.S. Marine 1920 Design Analyst At home 1935 Electrmfic Technician 1935 At home SoBer-Fireman At home 1940 Teacher 1937 DAF 1947 Secretary Dracut L.P.O. 1945 Dancer 1947 Student 1912 Machinist At home ),t home PEMBROOK ROAB 1917 Self-Employed 1919 At home 47 NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 4 Devan, Jo~ph F, * 4 Devon, Alice C * 4 Devsn, Francis J. * 11 Lacolla, Dorod~y J. * 12 Knowles, Cyril R. * 12 Knowles, Helen M. * 20 Wilson, Charles A. * 20 Wilson, Eleanor M * 20 Bodenrader, Donna M. * 21 Redman, Richard A. * 21 Redman, Gloria E, 26 McElhiney, Anne E. * 26 McElhiney, John A. * 29 Stewart, Frank * 29 Stewart, Claire D. * 37 Duffy, GIoria R. * 40 Delaney, Elizabeth L * 40 McLay, John J. * 40 McLay, Mary K. * 45 Boutilier, Marie * 45 Boutilier, Arfimr W. * 45 Boutilier, Mary C. * 45 Boutilier, Janice D. * 70 AIvlno, Aline * 70 AIvino, Andrew.Ir. * 71 Silvestro, James A. * 71 Silvestro, Josephine * 80 Brien, Alphonse R. * 80 Brien, Jeanne C. 80 Morin, Nancy * 85 Fournier, E. Haffner * 85 Fournier, Jo Anne E. * 90 Mylott, John L. * 90 Mylott, Sally * 95 Galvagna, Carmelina F. * 95 Galvagna, Anthony L. * 103 Olpp, Stanley A. * 110 Caron, Gilbert * 110 Caron, Evelyn R. 110 Carom Thomas G. * 111 Conti, Michael * 111 ContL Louise * 111 Detora, Albert * 111 Detora, Jennie * 26 Arraj, Frederick A. * 26 Arraj, Rose M. * 32 Regan, James J. * 32 Regan, Olive M * 33 Houston, George * 33 Houston, Margaret C. 33 Cowperthwaite, Emily J. * 36 Curry. George ti. * 36 Curry, Abbie L. * 50 Finegan, Frances T. * 9 Foster, Charles H. * 9 Foster, Mary M. PRECINCT TWO YR. OF BIRTH OCCUPATION PEMBROOK ROAD-continued Teacher At home 1939 Technician 1923 Athl. Reconditioning 1923 At home Cabinet Maker Hairdresser 1911 Mailman 1922 At home 1945 Secretary 1938 Card Setter 1933 Western Electric 1932 Nurse 1935 Proprietor 1924 Salesman 1927 Teacher 1928 Raytheon 1887 Retired Owner-Nursery At home 1911 Office 1908 Foreman Retired 1941 Clerk 1931 At home 1931 Contractor Laborer Seamer 1924 Proprietor 1925 At home 1. R.S. 1937 Manager 1938 At home 1904 Manager 1913 Secrelary 1933 At home 1934 Western Electric 1908 Supervisor 1913 Registered Nurse 1923 Store Manager 1924 Secretary 1947 Western Electric 1919 State 1923 At home 1901 Salesman 1903 At home PILGRIM STREET 1926 Office Manager 1925 At home 1908 Investments Office Retired At home At home 1891 Retired 1900 At home Retired PLEASANT STREET 1921 Carpenter 1921 At home RESIOENCE 1967 [ NA'T'TY 48 NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED 9 Foster, Brendan P. * 14 Hargreaves, Louise * 14 McDonald, George E * 14 Sheen, Anna C. * 14 Dawson, James F. 14 Dawson, Gladys Gaf * 14 Hodgson, Donald * 14 Hodgson, Phyllis W. * 14 Cbarest, Evelyn D. * 15 Lahelle, William J. Sr. * 15 LaBelle, Janet * 19 Girihaldi, PeteT * 19 Giribaldi. Jessie L. * 20 Howard, Milton F. * 20 Howard, Mildred E, * 21 Bergslrora, Eric P. * 21 Bergstmm, ludith L. * 22 Armstrong, Barbara * 26 Snell, Calvin * 27 Kane, Alice 28 Bernard, John A~ 28 Bernard, Amy F. * 31 Ormsby, Irving R, * 31 Ormsby, Hazel * 32 Thomson, H. Leslie * 32 Yhomson, Ruth M. * 33 Roche. Richard A. * 33 Roche, RitaF. 34 Hunt, Edward F. * 34 Hunt, Helen C. * 34 Hunt, Walter J. * 34 Hunt, Walter J. Jr, * 37 Peterson, Bertha E. * 38 Michalski, Walter J, * 38 Michalski, Gertrude M. * 39 Page, Emily * 39 Page, George lc. 40 Kathan, Dora * 43 Gignac, Carl R. * 43 Gignac, Stephanie 43 Gignac, Charles * 44 Crosdale, Frederick I. * 44 Crosdale, Emma * 45 Rogers, lohn * 45 Rogers, Alice M. 46 Soboll, Zenon 46 Soboll, Ruth E. * 49 Wilkinson, Arthur S, * 49 Wllkin~r~, Viola M. * 51 Anderson, Peter J. 51 Anderson, A. Beverly * 52 Kirk, Arthur P. * 52 Kirk, Mildred * 52 Kirk, Mary O~ * 55 Moran, John J. * 55 Moran, Eugenie H. 55 Moran, lohn T. * 57 Bumyea, Harvey * 57 Bumyea, Mary * 60 Manning, Dorothy M. * 60 Manning, James E. * 61 Holder, Margaret * 62 Manning, Edward A. * 62 Manning, leannette PRECINCT TWO YR, OF 8R,H QCCUPATION I RESIDENCE 19"7 I NA'T'TY PLEASANT STREET-continued 1947 Student t896 At home 1898 Retired 1887 At home 1943 Honeywell 1945 At home 1926 Driver 1938 Clerk 1921 D&F 1916 Engineer 1918 tiairdresser Machinist At home 1900 Retired 1899 At home 1941 D & F 1942 A1 home 1895 At home Tinsmith Inspector 1933 Machinist Andover 1944 At home Andover Foreman At home Machinist Stenographer t906 Tinsmith Stevens Mill 1939 U.S.A.F. 1915 At home 1903 Operative 1942 Accountant 1893 At home 1917 Painter 1901 At home 1927 At home 1921 D&F At home Frame Erector At home 1947 U.S.A. 1898 Retired 1897 At home 1909 Machinist 1908 Machine Worker 1933 Mech. Inspector Lawrence 1943 Secretary 70 Pleasant Street Raytheon At home 1938 Clerk 1939 At home D&F Craig System [946 Secretary 1916 Machinist 1913 Office Manager 1945 Service Retired At home 1907 At home 1903 Custodian Secretary 1929 Police Officer 1930 At home NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 63 * 63 * 67 * 67 * 69 * 69 70 70 71 71 * 72 * 72 * 72 * 73 * 73 * 77 * 77 * 79 * 79 * 84 * 84 * 86 * 86 * 87 * 87 * 88 * 88 * 88A * 88A * 89 * 90 * 90 * 90A * 90A 93 * 93 * 95 * 95 98 * 98 98 * 102 * 102 * 105 10S * 106 * 106 * 106 * 106 * 107 * 107 107 107 * 114 * 114 114 * 115 * 115 * 115 * 117 * 117 * 122 * 122 130 Stamp, Carol E. Stamp~ W. Rober! Magee. John A. Magee. Harriet B. Curten, Robert Curren, Anne L. Blomquist, Marilyn B. Culpon, Ada M. Bird. Roy Bird. Dorothy A. McKinnon, Margaret Little, Thelma L. DiVincenzo, Emi liD R. DiVincenzo, Angelina M. Kirk, Helena Kirk, Allison I. Polichnowski, Anna Poliehnowski, Lilllan Cbenery, Robert P. Chenery, Frances M. Mylott, Esther M. Mylott. Margaret A. Nad~au, Wilfred J. Jr. Nadeau. Margaret L Kondry, John R. Kondry, Joyce R. Hanson, Bel,erly A. Hanson,/oho E. Jr. Wilson, Maureen E. Joyce, William B. Joyce, Harriet A. Goebel, Kathieen B. Goebel, Albert A, Seliwarzenberg, Arthur G. Jr. Schwarzenberg, Laura D. Sullivan, John S. Sullivan, Loretta A. Sheehan, James J. Sbeehan. Cecilia M. Sheehan, James I, Jr. Rand, George C. Rand, Hilda Hamilton, Malcolm Burnett, Maryann L. Hall, Sarah Fielding, John B. Fielding, Gertrude Levesque, Elinor M. Knipe, George Knipe, Florence M, Iluarfl, Robert J. Huard, Joan L Martin, J. Stephen Martin, Helen L. Martin, Nancy L Galloni, Delfina Galloni, EMa Galloni, Margaret Phair, Alice B. Phair, Donald I. C. Crescimano, Sebastian $. Agey, Stephen PRECINCT TWO PLEASANT STREEl contitmed 1937 At home 1938 Supervisor 1905 DAF 1908 Clerk 1934 Draftsman 1938 At home 1938 At home 1893 Rethred 1936 Superintendent 1939 At home At home Phillips Academy Western El~tric 1929 D & F 1931 At At home Relied 1888 At home 1922 Office Worker 1921 Sales Manager 1920 At home 1903 Me~imaek College 1947 Studelt{ 1941 Accoun~nt 1942 Al home 1936 Oiler, Paper Company 1941 ~c~tary 1939 Clerk 1937 Cost Accoun~nt 1938 At home 1888 Re/~ed 1887 At home At home 1900 Steamfitter 1935 Optkal %chnician 1939 Clerk 1941 DAF 1938 At home 1919 Marl Ca~Jer Accountant 1945 U.S.A. Retked At home 1884 Retired 1936 Western Electric At home Painter Drawer In Numing Home 1899 Optative Retired 1943 MachiMst 1944 Ar home 1916 Clerk 1918 Al home 1947 Student 1909 At home 1912 Opelative 1911 OperatNe 1937 At home 1928 O~rative 1918 Ca,enter 1919 At home Retlr~ I RESIDENCE 1967 NA'T'TY Ohio Newburyport 35 East Water 35 East Water 2 East Water 2 East Water 54 Main 54 Main 30 Wiley Court Pennsylvania 50 NO, I NAME OF EERSON LISTED * 130 Agey, Peter * 130 Agey, Sophie * 130 Agey, Barhara A. * 132 Polizzotti, Michael * 132 Polizzotti, Josephine M. * 133 McGibhon, Doris * 133 McGibbon, Robert 133 Pollard, Ethel * 143 Cotter, Katherine * 157 Ellsey, Walter J. 157 EBsey, Margaret V. * 171 Cegelis, Anthony J. * 171 Cegelis, Joyce J, * 173 LangeviR, Edward * 173 Langevin, Jeannette F. * IS1 Buco, Margaret G. * 181 Buco, Andrew L. * 183 Curran. Joseph E. Jr. * 183 Curran, Ann M. * 11 Midgiey, Albert R. * 11 Midgley, M. Roherta * 16 Warwick, David E. * 16 Warwick, Elaine C. * 16 Gram, Robert E. * 16 Gram, CarmelN. 22 Holeombe, Ann * 22 Stockford, Mary E. * 27 Ca[lard, Ernest Jr. * 27 Ca[lard, Dorothy M. * 30 Arold, Alsdon H. * 30 Arold, Frances K. * 35 Salemme, William N. * 35 Salemme, JoAnn T. * 38 Riemitis, Edward J. * 38 IU~emitis, Antina B. * 46 U~sauskas, Mary * 46 Lisanskas, Albin * 46 Lisauskas, James A, * 76 Subach, Anthony.Ir. * 76 Snbech, Bernice R. * 84 Fleischmann, Alfred J. * $4 Fleischmann, Louise 84 Fleischmann, John D~ * 85 Miller, Edwin W, * 85 Miller, Margaret M. 90 Pidgeon, Alfr ed * 92 CristaldL Michael * 92 Cristaldi, Mary * 103 Steila. Michael T. * 103 Stella, Mary Ann * 106 Mclntyre, John * 106 Mclntyre, Amy A. * 11 Keis[lng, Edward Jr. * l 1 Keisling, Bernice M. 11 KeisBng, Edward J. * 12 Johnson, JohnB. * 12 Johnson, Frieda C. * · 15 MeMann, Rita C, PRECINCT TWO YR. OF BRTH OCCUPAT(DN { RES'OENCE 1967 I NA'T'T¥ PLEASANT STREET.continued 1918 Operative I917 At home 1946 Student 1912 F.R.S. 1917 Al home 1924 Waitress Truck Driver 1914 Raytheon 1905 Bookkeeper 1918 D & F 1912 Nurse 1940 Kettle Operator 1941 Office Worker 1915 Supervisor 1916 At home 1917 Cutter 1916 Office Manager 1943 Driver 1944 Registered Nurse PUTNAM ROAD 1932 Western Electric 1934 Waitress 1940 Claim Adjustor 1942 At home 1937 Claim Adjustor 1'940 At home 1946 Credit Bureau Clerk 1920 Foreman 1926 I.B.M. Operator 1919 Engineer 1920 Office 1937 Western Electric 1941 At home 1920 l'echnician 1920 Bookkeeper 1913 I.R.S. 1913 Foreman 1943 N.E. Airlines 1920 Electrical Engineer 1919 At home 1924 Engineer 1924 Al home 1947 U.S.C.G. 1914 Salesman 1918 Teacher 1898 Retired Retired A1 home 1915 Attorney 1916 Al home 1907 Inspector 1913 Teletype Operator RICHARDSON AVENUE 1923 Salesman 1924 At home 1947 Student 1~79 Retired At home 1901 Stenographer Lynn Lynn 102 Second 102 Second 51 PRECINCT TWO I YR, OF NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED B RTH OCCUPATION RICHARDSON STREET-continued * 23 Sinsheimer, Walter J. 1921 Western Electric * 23 Sinsheimer, Dorothy M. 1922 At home 23 Rabi~ovitz, Stephen G, 1944 Student * 24 Roebuck, Ernest W. 1900 Bank President * 24 Roebuck, Elin 1899 At home 24 Roebuck, Karin L. 1940 Research Work * 28 Garneau, Ida M. At home * 28 Peel. Tom 1896 Retired * 29 Peel, Bessie L 1897 At home * 29 Clarenbach~ Frederick W. 1913 Sales Manager * 29 Clarenbach, Jane g. 1914 1%stern Electric * 34 Wilde, Susan G. 1888 At home * 34 Wilde, Lee B, Design Engineer * 34 Wilde, Ann J. Western Electric * 36 DLMauro, Mildred L Nurse * 36 DiMauro, Josephine L. Teacher * 39 Mozeen, Gertrude Retired * 49 Coan, Donald W. 1897 Retired * 49 Coan, Margaret M. 1892 At home RUSSELLSTREET * 6 Lucas, Peter W. 1915 Salesman * 6 Lucas, Mary A. At home * 16 Fitzgerald, Mary Al home * 26 Marfino, Alviro J. 1926 Service Manager * 26 Martino, Theresa 1926 Secretary 26 Martino, Joyce M. 1947 Card Punch Operator * 29 Gallagher, Barbara ]. 1935 At home * 29 Gallagher, James M. 1933 Engineex * 38 Tomarchio, Salvatore 19Il Maintenanc~ Man * 38 Tomarchio, Grace 1915 Seamstress * 39 Tomarchio, Sally A. 1944 Western Electric * 39 Richards, Hazel G, 1913 Secretary * 39 Richards, William C. 1917 Truck Driver * 44 Haphey, William D. * 44 Torla, Margaret 1919 * 44 Torla, Catherine J. 19,12 Teacher * 52 Grusheck, Michael 1922 Navy * 52 Gmsheck, Carol 1926 Registered Nurse * 56 Gacioch, Alexander S. Postal Worker * 56 Gaeioch, Lydia 1922 At home * 58 Kolanik, Nora 1898 At home * 60 Pruneau, Georgette D. 1929 At home * 60 Pruneau, Robert E. 1930 Driver-Salesman * 62 HaseRon, Whitman C. 1942 Sales Representative * 62 Haselton, Suzanne E. 1945 At home * 64 McEvoy, Frank 1917 Rayti~eon * 64 McEvoy, Marguerite 1917 Office Worker * 65 Korycki, Tekla 1879 At home * 65 Korycki, Julius J. 1920 Operative * 65 Korycki, Stanley T. 1920 Operative * 66 Taylor, Albert H 1927 Office * 66 Taylor, Patricia K. 1930 Realtor * 68 Bulauk, Dominiek 1890 Retired * 68 Bulauk, Lena 1897 Retired * 70 Carion, Catherine R. 1900 Bookkeeper * 72 Curren, Mabel L. 1907 Industrial Nurse * 74 Brown, Margaret E. 1908 Teacher * 74 Brown, Richard F. 1907 Western Electric RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY 1518 Great Pond Road 1518 Great Pond Road 1518 Great Pond Road 52 ND NAME OF F~RSON LI§TED * 12 Petralito, John * 15 Diminico, Arthur J. * 15 Diminico, Jes~te M * 20 Oldfield, Eugene G. * 20 Oldfield, Evelyn E. * 21 Cohen, Julius B. * 2l Cohen, Mkiam 21 Cohen, Ellen H. * 27 Martone, John R, * 27 Martone~ Aida P. * 2g Cummings, lohn A. Jr, * 28 Cummings, Evelyn A. * 35 Wariug, Joseph 36 Riley, Thomas J. 36 Riley, Mary P. 36 Riley, Phyllis A. * 44 Galeazzi, Leo * 44 Galeazzi, Rita * 44 Galeazzi. Nancy M. * 45 Thomson, Phyllis D, 45 Ehomson, John D. * 11 Gurka, John J. * 11 Gurka. Mary * 21 Peel, Thomas H. * 21 Peel, Lily G. 22 Norris, Mary R. * 26 Vincent. Albert G. * 26 Vincent, Jennie L. * 27 Mullins, Ida * 31 Jackson, Charles F. * 31 Jackson, Irene R. * 32 Eoffey, Philip * 32 Coffey, Barbara * 36 Riley, Nelson * 36 Riley, Alice * 11 Cantone, Domenico * 11 Cantone, America * 11 Cantone, Concettina M. * 12 Cormier, Edmund * 12 Cormier, Leona R. * 20 Lulls, Joseph J. * 20 Jails, Ami A. 20 Zaracki, Augustina * 21 Warshaw, Thayer S. * 21 Warshaw, Miriam S. * 30 Richardson, Charles W. Jr. * 30 Richardson, Marjorie M. * 31 Rouleau. Alclde A. * 31 Rouleau, Mabel F. * 11 Morley, Ruth * 12 Doian, Paul V, * 12 Dolan, Rosalie Ig Dolan, Paul V. Ir. * 13 McGuke, Arline PRECINCT TWO YR.06 B RTH OCCUPATION RESIDENC[ 1967 SAWYER ROAD 1922 Teacher 1928 Office 1927 Salesman 1929 At home 1922 Western Electric 1927 Registered Nurse 1917 Automotive Dealer 191g At home 1947 Secretary 1919 Tester 1919 Audilor 1938 Draftsman 1939 At hume 1895 Retired 1910 Engineer 1913 Teller 1945 Statistician 1920 Cost Accountant 1922 At home 1946 Teacher At home 1946 U, S, Army SILSBEE ROAD 1926 Western Electric 1926 At home 1896 Retired 1903 Retired 1901 Retired 1898 Retired 1900 At home At home Draughtsman At home 1914 Foundry Worker 1922 Store Clerk 1898 1899 At home SPRUCE STREET 1910 Salesman 1914 Seamstres~ 1942 Nurse Instructor 1902 Engineer Western Electric Techniclml 1914 At home At home 1916 Mauager 1924 At home 1929 Financial Executive 1930 At home Estimator At home STON1NGTON STREET 1919 At home 1907 Machinist Office 1947 Student 1935 Registered Nurse Maryland Maxyland Maryland NA'T'TY 53 PRECINCT TWO STON1NGTON STREET-continued * 13 McGnlre, Francis J. Jr. 1930 Machine Operator * 14 Yerian, Charles W. 1919 Electrician * 14 Yerian, Margarel A. 1924 Western Electric * 18 Shine, Daniel J. 1910 Salesman * 18 Shine, Catherine T. 1913 Bookkeeper * 18 Shine, Daniel J. Jr. Student * 18 Shine, James D. 1946 Student * 19 McGuire, John J. 1894 Carpenter * 19 McGuire~ Florence A. 1903 Registered Nurse * 19 Soucy, Marguerite 1900 Assessor * 24 Myhaver, Ruth 1903 Nurse Supervisor * 24 Smith, Joyce H. 1939 Registered Nurse * 24 Finn, Margaret 1897 Retired * 24 Finn, William 1894 Retired * 24 Finn, Agnes E. 1887 Retired * 25 Sybert, Claire 1928 At home * 25 Sybert, Norman L. 1924 Engineer 26 Lepage, Anne R. 1940 At home 26 Lepage, George E, 1938 Ins. Underwriler * 29 KenneaRy, Francis J. Jr. 1941 General Electric Methuen * 29 Kenneally, Patricia A. 1945 Office Worker Methuen * 31 MailhoL George 1921 Department Chief * 31 MaiIhot, Ethel 1924 At home * 32 Lanrendeau, Charles A. 1901 Retired * 32 Laurendeau, Dorothy M, 1902 Retired * 32 Murphy, Mary E. 1897 At home * 32 Murphy, Thomas F. 1922 Meat Cutter 33 Debitetto, Nicholas M, 1934 State Tax Officer Haverhill 33 Debitetto, Eileen T. 1931 At home Haverhill * 34 Lonergan, Augustine J. 1926 Madman * 34 Lonergan, Therese A. 1926 Telephone Operator * 34 Lonergan. Mary A. 1897 At home * 35 Luciano, Armand 1916 Operator * 35 Luciano. Mary 1926 At home * 37 Connors, Marguerite 1902 Bookkeeper * 37 Page, William J. 1946 Telephone Company 55 Elm Street 37 Page, Kathryn M. 1947 Secretary 133 Pleasant 39 Woodhouse, Robert R. 1942 Engineer New Hampshire 39 Woodhouse, Janice E. 1945 Waitress New Hampshire * 40 Mackay. Carol Jean 1939 Secretary * 40 Mackay, Robert D. 1929 Engineer * 46 Coppeta, Leonard T. 1935 Chemist * 46 Coppeta~ Lillian C. 1935 At home * 47 Waimsley, L~w~ence 1901 Retired * 47 Walmsley, Helen 1897 At home TAVERN ROAD 4 Roberts, Rita M. At home * 16 Verville, Rerve R. 1926 Raytheon 206 Boxford * 16 Verville, Mildred M. 1930 Western Electric 206 Boxford THIRD STREEF * 11 McGoverm Barbara E. A, 1936 Feacher II McGoverm John K 1931 U.S.A.F. I 1 MeGovern, Joseph 1929 Shoe Worker * 11 McGovern, Katherine F~ 1901 Typist * 13 Morocco, John R. 1933 Manager * 13 Marocco, MaD' Alice 1935 A1 home * 15 Dewhirst, James H. 1924 Accountant * 15 Dewhirst, Frances P. 1927 At home * 20 McCarthy, Elizabeth Teacher NA'T'TY NO. I NA~E QF PERSON LISTEQ * 20 Hill, Mary C. * 23 Downing, Mason K. * 23 Downing, Louisa A. * 24 McClung, Agnes M. * 24 McClung, Agnes T. * 24 Sm[th, Anna R. * 32 Cunningham, Frank M. 32 Cunningham, Mary G. * 33 Connor, Harold A. * 33 Connor, Grace F, * 35 Fitzpatrick, Evelyn C, * 35 Fitzpatrick, Alfred J. 35 Fitzpatrick, Bruce 35 Fitzpatrick, Phyllis M. * 40 Rokes~ Gordon * 40 Rokes. Joan * 45 AbbotL Ernest G. * 45 Abbott, Edna * 45 Abbott, Robert B. * 45 Abbott, Virginia E. 45 Branson, Billy M. * 45 Branson, Judith E. * .54 Mooradkanian, Agnes * 54 Mooradkanian, Edward H. * 54 Mooradkanian, Florence ~ 54 Mooradkanian, Gregory 54 Mooradkanian, Helen $. * 54 Mooradkanian, Lonise E. * 54 Mooredkanian, Mesrop * 54 Mooradkanian, Richard * 54 Mooradkanian, Ruth Ann * 54 Mooradkanian, Sybil * 57 Dargan, Edward M. * 57 Dargan, Mildred E. * 57 Poloiam Ethel May * 65 Hathorne, Alice M. * 65 Knowles, Sarah H. * 4 Dimmock, Agnes G, * 11 Cnrcio, Mary C. * 11 Curcio, Vincent C. * 11 Curcio, Christopher C. * 11 Curcio, Mary-Gael * 19 Haigh, Donald C, * 19 Haigh, M. Jean * 24 Armano, Mary * 24 Armano, Mariano J. 24 Armano, John I. * 27 Perreanlt, Genevieve * 27 Perreault, He~y A. * 27 Guis, Rose M, * 34 Lamontagne, .M'mand J. 34 Lamontagne, Nora * 14 Korb, Roland * 14 Korb, Margaret * 14 Korb, Emil 14 Korb, Janet L. * 15 Varnum, Clifton A. * 15 Varnum, Margaret G. PRECINCT TWO YR. OF BRTH OC£U?AT,ON ] BES,D~,C~ 19~7 ] NA'T'TY THIRD STREET-continued Retired 1890 Artist 1897 At home Registered Nurse At home 1894 At home 1921 Supervisor 1886 At borne Teacher At home 1911 Lab. 1910 Office 1948 Laboratory Technician 1947 At home 1923 Fireman 1928 At home Clerk At home U. S. A. F. At borne 1946 U.S. Army 1946 Nurse At home Government-Taxation At home Attorney Assistant Editor Editor Dentist Dentist At home At borne 1924 State Police Officer 1924 At home 1889 At home At home 1890 Retired TYLER ROAD At home Teacher 1912 Attorney 1882 Retired 1946 Student 1924 Bell Telephone 1974 At home 1913 At home 1907 Business Agent 1947 Raytheon 1917 l, R. S. 1915 Machinist 1889 At home Western Electric At home WALNUT AVENUE 1919 Internal Revenue 1924 Internal Revenue 1887 Retired 1947 Student 1918 Post Office Worker 1927 At home 25 Pleasant 25 Pleasant 55 * 20 Bowden, Harry V. * 20 Bowden, Elizabeth * 21 McEvoy, Irene * 21 McEvoy, Thomas J. * 30 Farrow, William * 30 Farrow, Lillian M. * 30 Wagenhach, John * 30 Wagenbach. Helen M. * 31 Taylor, Francis M. Jr. * 31 Taylor, Audrey W, * 35 Lange, Harry H. * 35 Lunge, Freda A. * 36 Oskar, Augustine L. * 36 Oskar, Mary J, * 125 Aspinall, William * 125 Aspinall, Georgette E. * 13! Wilson, I. Ernest * 131 Wilson, Loretta 131 Wilson, Charles E. * 140 Belanger, Agnes * 140 Fournier, Genevieve M. * 141 Garneau, Alfred E. * 141 Garneau, Arthur * 142 Eidridge, Waiter E. * 142 Eldridge, Mildred H. * 142 Eldridge, Barbara J, 148 Curtis, Roger 148 Curtis, Sandra H, 150 Petrow, 3ohn J. * 150 Petrow, Ethel S. * 154 Boyle, Constance M. 154 Boyle, Joseph G * 154 O'Brlen, Elizabeth * 155 Bauchman, Irene M. * 155 Bauchrnan, Lloyd D. Jr. * 156 Scott, George E. * 156 Scott. George W. * 156 Scott, Phoebe * 157 Clermont, Lu¢ien R. * 157 Clermont, Theresa J. 157 Clermont, Priscilla T. * 160 VanBuskirk, Carleton B. Sr. * 160 Vanl~uskirk, Carleton B. Jr. * 160 Vanguskirk, Shirley * 162 DeVebre, Bridget T. 163 Addison, Elizabeth A. 166 Ellsworth, Barbara C. * 166 Ellsv/orth, Kenneth L * 168 Chamberlain, Edna M. * 168 Bamford, William * 168 Bamford, Myra * 172 Swa~y~ Kenneth A. * 172 Swasey, Eleanor R. * 174 Zuill, Charles F. * 178 Enaire, Henry A. * 178 Enaire, Yvonne * 180 Stone, Chfton G. Jr. * 180 Stone, Mary E. 180 Stone, Clifton G 111 PRECINCT TWO YB, OF B RTH OCCUPATION WALNET AVENUE-continued 1900 Retired IgOl Retired 1926 At home 1922 U.S. Government 1926 Driver 1928 At home 1906 Fixer 1904 At home 1931 Quality Control 1927 At home 1907 Tool Maker 1898 Office Worker 1910 Engineer 1910 Registered Nurse WATER STREET 1918 1919 Western Electric Manager Clerk 1946 Student 1909 Nurse 1907 Nurse 1900 Retired 1904 Retired 1893 At home 1893 At home 1921 Teacher 1944 D & F 1947 Machine Operator 1915 Fixer 1918 Spinner 1939 D & F 1915 Western Electric 1946 Service 1890 Retired 1929 Westen~ Electric 1927 Dispatcher 1932 Foundry Worker 1899 Chauffeur 1899 At home 1924 Machinist 1925 Western Electric 1947 L R. S. 1895 Operative 1930 Raytheon 1930 Western Electric 1908 Diet Aide 1893 At home 1933 At home 1926 D & E 1912 Salesgirl 1888 Machinist 1892 At home Tool Maker 1916 At home 1914 At home 1899 Guard 1902 Retired 1906 At home 1923 Millwright 1924 Clerk 1947 Student 56 NO. I NAglE OF PERSON LISTED * 11 Sullivan, Joseph J. * 11 Sullivan, Verginia * 21 Schiavone, Rocco * 21 Schiavone, Gussie * 24 Miett, Joseph L. * 24 Miett, Olive 1. * 24 Kenney, Mary M. * 26 McClung, James M. * 26 McClung, Ruth A. 26 McClung, Elizabeth F, * 27 Putnam, Walter T. * 27 Putnam, Ruth M. * 27 Putnam, Ruth F. 27 Bowers, Ardis * 32 Emmons, Thomas A. * 32 Eramons, Dorothy Il. * 40 Livesey, Helen B. 40 Livesey, David B. * 43 Stiebitz. Walter P. * 43 Stiebitz, Bernice E. 43 Mallett, Johnny L. 43 Mallett, Heidi M, 43 Gaudet, Schari L. 50 Canonico, Alfonso 50 Canonico, Anne E. * 5 Bonelli, John J. * 5 Bonelli, Josephine * 5 BonellL Mary Ann 5 DiPietro. Assunta * 5 DiPietro. Salvatore * 18 Grossman, Harry F. * 33 Piantidosi, Lena A. * 33 PiantidosL Peter A. * 33 PiantidosL Augustiue P. * 34 Ora, Ayako * 34 Ota, H. Harold * 34 Otc, Carol Y. * 41 Pybus, Dorothy M. * 41 Pybus. Vincent I. * 41 Pybus, David 1. * 42 Kattar, Karam * 42 Kattar, Louise * 50 Orlando, Eileen M. * 50 Orlando, Reno I. * 51 Beauchesne, Leon J. * 51 Beauchesne, Edmee D. 51 Beauchesne, Charles L. 10 Moreschi, Louise l0 Moreschi, Anthony T. Jr. 15 Nice, William H. 15 Nice, Constance J. 18 Fellows, Ida 25 Espinola, Enzelino J. 25 Seuss, Matgarite B. 27 Smith, Ruth Ann 27 Smith, William L 30 Berube, Arthur L 30 Beruhe, Marie P. PRECINCT TWO YR. OF fl RIH OCCUPATION WEST BRADSTREET ROAD 1938 Supervisor 1941 At home 1920 Shoe Designer 1919 At home 1925 Western Electric 1892 At home 1900 At home 1915 Engineer 1915 At home 1947 Bank Teller 1880 Retired 1911 At home 1881 At home 1904 Retired 1904 Sales Representative 1903 At home 1914 At home 1942 Sales Representative 1918 Engineer 1918 At home 1948 Army Security Agency illinois 1946 Registered Nurse At home 1916 Designer 1916 At home WEST WOODBR1DGE ROAD Proprietor Operative : Store-Owner 1892 Retired 1891 Retired Dentist William Barry's Western Electric 1934 Engineer 1920 Secretary 1920 Chicken Sexer 1945 Laboratory Technician 1924 Stop & Shop 1921 Electrical Technician 1946 U. S, N, 1892 Retired 1893 At home 1927 At home 1921 Attorney 1910 Internal Revenue 1908 Western Electric 1946 Student RESIDENCE 1§67 } NA'T'TY WILEY COURT 1918 Western Electric 1945 Student 1924 Construction 1928 Nurse At home 1902 Utility Oiler Inspector 1939 Secretary 1903 Retired 1935 Sidewaller 1939 At home 36 Bunkerhill Street 36 Bunkerhill Street Amesbury Amcsbury 57 NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED 32 Desharnais, Raymond 32 Desharnais. Mary M * 10 Casey, Richard A. * 11 CahilL Eleanor * 18 Corrigan, ]ohn B. * 18 Corrigan. Barbara E. * 18 Eagle, [~abella 21 Batlerbury. James J 21 Batterbury, Alice W. * 21 Batterbury, Janet H 21 Batterbury. James J Jr * 26 Barwell, Herbert * 26 Barwell. Barbara E. * 31 Reader, Kenneth W. * 31 Reader. Addle M. 31 Reader, Kenneth R. * 40 Slipp~ Donald J. * 40 Slipp, Helen Marie * 43 McAloon, Louis H Jr. * 48 Rock, William F. * 48 Rock. Alice B. * 48 Rock, William F. Jr. * 48 Rock. Timothy S. 48 Rock, Stephen B. PRECINCt TWO YR OF BRTH OCCUPATION I RESIDEN£E 1967 7NA'T'TY WILEY COURT-continued 1946 U.S.N. 1946 Stapler WOODBRIDGE ROAI) 1910 Sales Manager 1907 At home 1909 Postmaster 1919 At home 1911 Post Office 1918 At home At home 1911 Corp. Executive 1914 At home 1945 leacher 1947 Student 1919 Salesman 1920 At home 1919 Insurance Broker 1921 At home 1947 Student 1942 Physician 1938 At home Contractor 1916 Wholesaler 1918 At home 1943 Student 1945 Trailer Driver 1947 Student 58 ND. PRECINCT THREE RESIDENCE 1967 NA'T'TY ANNIS STREET * I 0 Lovejoy, Stephen A. 1908 Bank Teller * l0 Lovejoy,Tbelma 1908 At home * 13 Fountain, Donald J, 1928 Fireman * 13 Fountain, Barbara E. 1927 At home * 14 Little, Gardner C. 1911 Salesman * 14 Little, G. Sylvia 1912 At home 17 Scionti, Joseph E. Raytbeon Lawrence 17 Scionti, Marilyn Grant's Lawreuce * 19 Calder, James 1934 Tree Departmet~t * 19 Calder, William H. 1898 Retired * 21 Fredrickson, Carl D. 1926 Operator * 21 Fredrickson, Ruth B. 1927 At home * 22 Robinson, William 1905 Salesman * 22 Robinson, Kathryn 1903 Secretary * 25 McDowell, John 1907 I.B.M. Checker * 25 McDowelL Millic 1905 At home * 26 Hasapis, Alex A. 1932 Engineer * 26 Hasapis, June L. 1934 At home * 27 Smith, David W. 1909 Blue Print Specialist * 27 Smith, Sarah 1883 At home * 27 Smith, Rita E, 1911 At home * 30 McDowell, John W. 1937 Salesman * 30 McDowell, Nancy A, 1939 At home BALDWIN STREET * 6 Crompton, Jessie 1895 At borne * 14 Gilman, Howard L. 1903 Plumber * 14 Gilman, Beatrice S. 1903 Waitress * 16 Bague, George L 1928 Bell Laboratory 21 Gallant, Robert 1935 Shoe Shop 21 Gallant, Margaret A. 1932 At borne 2lA Fountain, Elizabeth Louise 1936 At home 21A Fouutain, Ronald 1937 Fireman * 23 Brightman, Mildred V. 1942 At home * 23 Brightman, Burgess M, Jr. 1938 Cook * 23A Dewhurst, William A. 1932 Avco * 23A Dewhurst, Christine 1934 Merrimac Valley Dist. Co. * 25 Dngan, Peter E. 1940 Borden Chemical 50 Water * 25 Dugan, Joan M. 1944 At home 50 Water * 25A Fountain, Geraldine M. 1921 At home * 27 Robinson, Mavis 1930 At home * 27 Robinson, Tom Jr. 1927 Trucking * 29 Waldrup. Clifton O. U.S.C.G. * 29 Waldrup, Ann E. Secretary * 29A Long, Jackson 1940 Avco 29A Long, Sandra 1947 At home * 31 Danahy, Tbuothy J. 1942 Steam Fitter App. * 31 Danahy, Theresa M 1943 At home * 3lA Gillan, Cm'inne 1919 Snpecrisor BEVERLY STREET 50 Silva, John J. 1945 Cutter 50 Silva, Marie 1946 At home 52 Silva, Blanche At home 52 Silva, Louis Retired 52 Sil~ a, Robert 1944 Barber * 56 Smith, Charles 1924 Foreman * 56 Smith, Yolanda 1920 At home * 56 Smith, Karieen 1946 Teacher * 58 Albrecht, Robert D. 1936 Machinist * 58 Albrecht, Simone 1940 At home 63 Landers, Ihomas 1945 Oxford Mill Middleton 59 NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED 65 Rallo, Salvatore 65 Rallo, Betty Lois * 68 Lydick, George A. * 68 Lydick, Julia M * 83 O'Neill, James E * 83 O'Neill, Annie E. * 84 Duxbury. John R. * 84 Duxbury. Marguerite M. * 8S Reilly, Ann E. * 85 Rei0y, Henry P. 85 Reilly, Ann Marie * 86 Dugan, Edward Peter * 86 Dugan, Irene * 89 Berwick, Bertha * 89 Hall, Esther * 91 Balsamo, Angels * 91 DiSalvo, Sebastian C. * 91 Diselvo, Carmelina M, 92 Coco~ Rita 92 Coco, Peter * 97 Zieba, Louis F. * 97 Zieha. Monica * 98 Aspeslagh, Bertha M. * 98 Aspeslagh, Maarice C. * 99 Kulpinskk Mary J. * 108 Malo, Eva 106 Samaha. Donald R 106 Samaha. Rita M. * 114 Dunlap, William C. * 114 Dunlap, Sally L. * 116 Stewart, Harriet * 118 Whittaker, Li0ian * 118 Whittaker. Frederick S. * 118 McGuire, James F. * 118 McGuire. Carol A. * 123 Parker, Edith * 139 Cochran, Gladys * 139 Cochran, Robert D. * 148 Marino, Carmeto 14S Marino, Jusapina * 149 Sharp, Hildred * 149 Sharp, Eva G. * 162 Marsh, Agnes R. * 162 Marsh, George S. 162 Fingleton, Susan * 10 Maranto Elsie M. * 10 Maranto Richard S. * 10 lncollin ;o, Emil L * 10 ]nco0in :o, Maureen L. * lg Wilson. Malcolm C, Jr, * 18 Wilson. Nellie R, * 22 Coram Frederick * 22 Coram Bernice * 29 Killen Harold * 29 Killen Ruth * 30 Harrin ton,$ames I. * 33 Stack Catherine * 33 Stack Barbara * 41 Bridges, Matthias V. * 41 Bridges, Dorothy B. * 42 Hilton, Iredell PRECINCF THREE B RTH OCCUPATION BEVERLY STREET-continued 1933 Chef 1939 Western Electric 1909 Furrier 1907 Shoe Shop 1894 Retired 1892 At home 1937 D & F At home 1924 At home 1923 Cable Splicer 1947 Telephone Operator 1906 Overseer 1910 At home 1897 Retired 1894 Retired 1906 Stitcher 1927 Engineer 1930 At home 1934 At home 1934 Leather Splitter 1913 Construction 1913 Twister 1900 At home 1900 1908 Floor Girl 1899 At home 1929 Engineer 1929 Stitcher 1923 Bank Teller 1929 Library Assistant 1892 At home 1916 At home 1915 Foreman 1939 Barber 1940 Secretary 1889 At home 1924 At home 1923 Foreman 1895 Re t/red 1896 At home 1900 Machinist 1900 At home 1921 At home 1917 Contractor 1880 At home BUCKINGHAM ROAD 1935 At home 1935 Salesman 1942 Conslrucfion 1946 Secretary 1932 Engineer 1929 At home 1920 Accountant 1919 Teacher 1903 Salesman 1903 At home 1875 Retried 1905 At home 1932 Office Work 1887 Osteopath 1908 At home At home 6O RESIOENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY Andover Andover 22 PhiBip Court 22 Phillip Court ND. I NAME QF PERSON LISTED * 45 Mack[in~ James P. 45 Macklin, Paula L. * 51 Bolton, Katherine * 52 Porters, George R. * 52 Portors, Mae B. * 64 Iacono, Salvalore J. 64 lacono, Rose 64 Iacono, Sebastian * 70 Hilse, Irma * 70 H'dse~ Charles * 73 Richards, Alfred * 73 Richards, Ann 73 Howard, Joan * 73 Howard, Kenneth * 74 Sutcliffe, Philip * 74 Sutcliffe, Clara * 74 Lustenherger, James * 74 Lustenberger, Dorothy * 76 Fonlds, Thomas L. * 76 Foulds, Annis * 83 Hermann, Joseph * 83 Hermann, Claire M. * 87 Houghton, George * 87 Houghton, Gledys 87 Houghton, Donna * 92 Belyea, David S. * 92 Belyea, PrisciUa F, * 9 Andruss, Edward L. * 9 Andruss, Dorothy M. * 10 Sendey, Amy * 15 Soucy, Frederick C. * 15 Soucy, Helen M. * 17 McCann, Bernard * 17 McCann, Shirley * 1S ltollins, Elizabeth M. * 20 Niziak, Walter * 20 Niziak, Virginia * 28 Powers, Thomas F. * 28 Powers, Dorothy * 32 Fixth, Alvin * 32 Firth, Ella * 7 Bourqnin, Vernon J. * 7 Bourquin, Lois M. * 7 ltigglnbotham, George * 7 Higginbotham, Charlotte * 9 Young, Robert C. 9 Young, Patricia * 11 Sullivan, Andrew A. * 11 Sullivan, Joyce A. * 12 Baines, Ernest * 12 Bathes, Pdta M. * 14 Wasiejko, Michael J. * 14 Wasiejko,Teresa C. 15 DiCarlo, Richard 15 DiCarlo, Patricia * 16 Bentley, Arthur W. * 16 Bentley, Ma~y C. * 16 Beaulieu, Elizabeth R. PRECINCI THREE YR. OF B RTH O££UPAT~ON BUCKINGHAM ROAD-continued 1942 D~aftsman 1893 Operative 1907 Elec. Welder At home 1918 Barber 1920 Seamstress 1945 Student 1909 Raytheon 1905 Phillips Academy 1909 Clerk 1914 Nurse 1933 At home 1930 U.S. Navy 1900 Retired 1910 At home 1932 N.A.P.D. 1936 At home 1908 Baker 1911 At home 1923 Appraiser 1925 At home 1914 State Trooper 1914 Clerk 1947 Student 1906 Optometrist 1906 At home CABOT ROAD 1926 State Police ~926 At home 1904 Clerk 1930 N.E. Telephone Co. 1930 At home 1927 Inspector 1927 Nurse 1910 At home 1917 Tech. Writer 1926 Nurse 1919 Teache~r 1921 At home 1925 Engineer 1926 At home COMMONWEALTH AVENUE 1938 Spray-O-Matte 1944 At home 1888 Retired 1891 At home 1936 Maintenance 1942 Reid & Merideth 1931 Truck Driver At home 1920 Expeditor 1921 At home 1915 Moulder 1916 Inspector t930 Foreman 1931 At home 1902 Retired 1902 At home At home I RESIDENE 19~7 I NA'T'TY 61 PRECINCT THREE I YR. OF NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED B RTH OCCUPATION COMMONWEALTH AVENUE-continued * 16 Beaulieu, David A. 1940 * 19 Stewart, Frank P. 1899 * 19 StewarL Hannah 1892 * 20 Callard, Edith 1892 * 22 Lidstone, William 1904 * 22 Lidstone, Elhel M. 1898 * 22'A Federico. John C. 1944 * 22!6 Federico, Jeanne M 1946 * 23 Waites, Charles V. 1911 * 23 Waites~ Marion A. 1912 * 24 McMahon, M Lorraine 1933 * 24 McMahon. Willianr J. 1933 I RESIDENCE 1967 NA'T'TY Electrician Manager At home ,At home Western Electric At home Trnck Driver Methuen Al home Western Electric At home At home N.A.P D. DANA STREET * 1 Fragala. RJta I. 1933 At home * 1 Fragala, John J. 1933 Engineer * 11 Bastian, Fred G. 1923 Laboratory Technician * 11 Bastian, Ruth E. 1918 At home * !2 Kaye, Marion E. 1900 Secretary * 16 Clark, Johu H. 18g$ Retired * 16 Clark, Margaret J. 1889 At home * 17 Redly, Arthur H. 1907 Salesman * 17 Reilly, Evelyn A. 1910 Home * 22 Vanderbilt, Gladys Clerk * 22 Vanderbilt, Clara 1887 Home * 23 Cushing, Walter J. 1903 Fruck Driver * 23 Cushing, Frances 1902 Home 26 Faro. Joseph A. 1933 Ins. Salesman 26 Faro, Shirley A. 1936 Avco * 31 Dufresne, Wilfred D. 1913 Brest Buick * 31 Dufresne, Alice M. 1917 Office Worker * 31 Dufresne, John A. 1947 Student * 31 Mortimer, Alberta 1888 At home 45 Pinede. Andre C. * 55 Fine, John D. 1922 Maintenance * $.5 Tine, Carmelia L. 1925 E B. M. Oper. DEWEY STREET * I0 Buturlia, Joseph 1919 Operative * I0 Buturlia, ElLzabeth 1919 Teacher * I 1 Ness, Alexander 1907 D & F * Il Ness, Mary 1905 Internal Revenue * 15 Keegan, James J. 1932 Elec. Technician * 15 Keegan, Shirley M. 1933 At home * 16 Slipp, Joseph P. 1906 Salesman * 16 SlJpp, Dorothy R. 1909 At home * 19 Peterson, Joan T. 1935 At home * 19 Peterson, Frederick D. 1930 Professor 20 Caliri, Francesca 1888 At hume 20 Caliri, Giuseppe 1883 Jeweler * 24 Trainor, Joyce M. 1923 At home * 27 MacKenzie, George R. 1919 Operative * 27 MacKenzie, Eleanor 1919 At home * 27 Wright. Lillian E. 1893 At home * 27 Wright, Wellman F. 1893 Caretaker * 28 Manseau, Edward F, 1909 Gas & Electric Co. * 28 Manseau, Edna 1916 At home ELMWOOD STREET 12 Anderson, Paul 1938 12 Anderson, Joanne 1942 At home 62 NO, I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 13 Chenard, Nellie * 13 Chenard, Ann M. * 13 Chenard, Kenneth F. * 20 Finocchiaro. Concertina * 20 Finocchiaro, Santo H. * 20 Finocchiaro, Alfred A. * 23 DiFalco, Domenico * 23 DiFalco, Angeline 29 Messina, Angellna * 29 Silva, Ann J, * 29 Silva, Frank L. * 32 Napolitano, Anna * 32 Napolitano, Dominie * 43 Tabacco. John L. * 43 Tabacco. losephine ?. * 43 Tabacco, Margaret R. * 43 Fahacco, Sebastiano * 49 Hennessy, Maurice A, * 49 Hennessy, Marguerite * 10 Boyle, William 10 Boyle, Mary L * 12 Lane, Joseph M. * 12 Carbonneau. Gene'~ie~e A. * 17 Walker, Walter J. * 17 Walker, Elaine M. * 19 Ackroyd, Adele C. * 19 Ackroyd, David J. 19 Ackrnyd, James F. * 24 Lovette, Barbara E. * 24 Lovette, John J. Jr. 26 Kilton, Lyman 26 Kflton, Carol * 34 Lafond, Albert G. * 34 Lafond, Bertha L. * 36 Fazio, James L. * 36 Fazio, Angelina J. * 49 Licciardi, Lu¢o * 49 Licciardi, AIbertha * 58 Zangri, Rosario * 58 Zangri, Helen T. * 12 Laudani, Josephine G. * 12 Laudani, Salvatore J. * 13 Guceiardi, Leonardo * 13 Gucclardi, Frances 18 Sorbello, Alfia * 23 Lauretani, Donfinica * 23 Lauretani, Silvano * 25 Ferrara, Grace A. * 25 Ferrara, Gius~ppe * 29 DiDonato, Rico * 29 DiDonato. Angelina M. * 43 Licciardello, Sarah R. * 43 Licciardello, Antonio J. 54 Brennan, WiBiam F. 54 Brennan, Veronica * 5S Mainville, Cecilia E. 57 Wengrzyn, Walter J. 57 Wengrzyn, Carol PRECINCY THREE YR. OF ] B RTH ] OCCUPATION I RESIDENCE '967 [ NA'T'TY ELMWOOD STREET-continued 1905 Filing & checking 1944 At home 1942 Mechanic 1916 At home 1917 Operator 1944 U.S. Army 1915 Truck Driver 1914 Majestic Shoe Shop 1900 At home 1941 Sears 1938 Embossing Helper 1926 Grieco Bros. 1921 Grieco Bros. 1937 Western Electric 1936 Western Electric 1907 At home t891 Retired 1925 Operative 1930 At home FERNWOOD STREET 1904 Foreman 1906 Teacher Retired 1911 At home 1915 Owner-Gas Station 1925 Clerk 1916 Western Electric 1916 Western Electric Atlto Sales 1939 Bookkeeper 1937 ~imper 1936 Elco. Technician 1938 office Work 1898 Salesman 1896 At home 1922 Store Clerk 1925 Stitcher 1916 Mill Worker 1918 Operative 1905 Barber 1922 Nurse GLENWOOD STREET 1936 L B. M. Operator 1922 Spec. Writer 1902 Operative 1910 Operative 1897 At home 1921 Melamite Corp. 1920 Bricklayer 1939 Secretary 1939 Grieeo Bros. 1923 Operator 1921 National T~ansist or 1915 Stitcher 1915 Foreman 1940 ~[eacber 1941 At home I. R. S. Western Electric Western Electric Methuen Methuen Wilmington Wilmington Haverhill Ipswich Ipswich N0. I PRECINCT THREE YR. OF NAME OF PERSON L,STED I BIRTHI GLENWOOD STREET-continued OCEUPATION { RESIDENCE 19~7 I NA'T'TY 58 Faucher, Cecile 1917 At home 58 Fionte, Julia 1927 At home GREAT OAK STREET 24 MacKenzie, Richard C. 1939 Insurance Agent 24 MacKenzie, Emily M. 1941 At home 26 Coen. ]ames F, 1929 U.S.C.G. 26 Coen. Marie E. 1925 At home * 40 Greenwood, Theresa J. 1929 At home * 4-0 Greenwood, John 1926 Draftsman GREEN HILL AVENUE * 5 Owens, Marion J. 1920 At home * 5 Owens, Robert A. 1920 Salesman * 6 Fenton, Cecelia C. 1899 Clerk * 6 Fenton, Joseph W. 1897 Dentist * I I Dickson, James 1896 Salesman * I 1 Dickson, Josephine R. 1907 At home * 16 Nastasia, Anna 1936 Secretary * 16 Nastasla, Robert 1936 State Mutual Life Ins. * 25 Casselh Helen A. 1924 Of Dce Worker * 25 Cassell, ]ames A. 1917 Truck Driver * 26 St,. Hilaire, Anna 1926 * 26 St. Hilaire, Leo 1923 Operative * 33 Buya, Aurora 1921 Tester * 33 Bnya, Genjamin J. 1913 PostalTransport 38 Hatem~ Josephine 1929 At home * 38 Harem, Louis J. 1919 Stock Man * 47 Spraggon, William L. 1903 Retired * 47 Spraggon, Kathleen L 1923 At home Pantano, Salvatore * 48 Reynolds, Claribel H. At home * 57 Mansrwld, MadelJne A. 1917 At home * 57 Mansfield, ]ames T. 1917 D & F * 58 AntonellL Shirley M. 1930 At home * 58 AntonellL Nicholas G. 1928 Computer Operator * 67 Pollano, Elizabeth M. 19IS Bench Girl * 67 Pollano. Arehna 1917 Wiring Operator * 70 Spero, Mary 1913 Western Electric GREENE STREET * 226 Shackleton, George 1900 Operative * 226 Shackleton, Celina I. 1907 Operative * 247 Assaf, Louise 1928 At home * 248 Stackelbeck, Diedrich E. 1919 Avco * 248 Stackelbeck, Florence S. 1923 At home * 254 Albrecht. Alice T. 1890 At home * 254 Roberge, Antoine 1885 Retired 254 Roberge, Desneige 1880 At home * 284 Roberge, Charles 1883 Retired * 254 Roberge, William 1893 Operative 264 Schwarz, Wilfred J. Jr. 1942 Engineer 264 Schwarz, Susan 1942 At home 266 Prugh, Duane E. 1935 Western Electric 266 Prugh, Jean C. 1939 At home * 270 Killen, Elizabeth 1914 Secretary 270 Killen, Willialrl A. 1941 U.S.N. 273 Corradino, C, era[d N. U.S.M.C. * 273 Corradino, Theresa M. 1909 At home 273 Corradino, Michael J. 1910 Proprietor * 278 McKenna, Irene A. 1914 Clerk 64 NO¸ NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 307 Moro, Patrick * 307 Moro, Jacqueilne J. * 310 Hayes, Raymond * 310 Hayes, Florence * 310 Hayes, Herbert * 315 Tomaselli, Alfia A. * 2 Warwick, Royle B. * 2 Warwick, Gladys * 2 Warwick, Claire N, * 7 Frye, J. Newton * 7 Flye, Martha 10 Holdsworth, Elizabeth * 10 Holdsworth, George A. * 12 Allen, Sarah Ann * 12 Kress, Verena B. H. * 19 Cailri, Elsie * 19 CaltrL Affred * 20 Bastian, Arthur B. * 20 Bastian, Rita S. * 20 Bastion, Joyce A. * 28 Torrey, Gertrude 1. * 28 Torrey, GraceE. * 33 Gidley, Frederick J. * 33 Gidley, Margaret B. 38 Bolitsky, Peter 38 Bulitsky, Nancy 40 Riordan, Daniel 40 Riordon, Loretta * 39 Ruem, Eugene M. * 39 Raess, Ethel * 39 Sheehan, Leonard * 41 McGregor, Alexander J. * 41 McGregor, Christina 8. * 47 Guilmet, Philip * 47 Guilmet. Pauline * 48 Detora, Dorothy H. * 48 Detora, Adeilne * 48 Detora. Shirley A * 49 McCarthy, Clifford * 49 McCarthy, Gladys * S3 Ward, Grace R, * 53 Ward, Stanley R. * 56 Gill, Fannie M, * 64 Bartol, Marshall C. * 64 Bartol, William F. 64 Bar tul, Phillip * 70 Wefers, James F. * 70 Wefers, Mary I. 72 Dane, Yvonne * 73 Davey, Jeremiah P. * 73 Davey, Joan M. * 75 Dunne, Sadie E. * 75 Dunne, Eugene A. * Il Perrone, Josephine * 11 Perrone, Benedict * 12 Li¢ciardello, Mary L. * 12 Licciardello, Jo~ph L. 13 Lomazzo, Sara PRECINCTTHREE YR, OF B RTH OCCUPATION [ RESIDENCE 1967 ] NA'T'TY GREENE STREET-continued 1930 Draftsman 1934 At home 1905 Milkman 1903 At home 1932 Western Electric 1920 Shoe Dyer HAROLD STREET 1898 Retired 1902 At home 1928 Entertainer 1896 D & F 1896 At home 1920 Hood's Inc. 1915 Clerk 1895 At home 1910 Raytheon 1912 At home 1919 Jeweler 1915 Post Office 1914 At home 1945 Student 1900 Teacher 1910 Teacher 1908 Proprietor 1912 Secretary 1909 Welder 1918 Stitcher 1937 Saamfitter 1943 Key Punch 1899 Retired 1900 At home 1934 Chef 1943 Sweeney-Fence 1946 At home 1919 Milkman 1923 At home 1934 Western Electric 1900 At home 1939 Office Worker 1912 Western Electric 1912 At home 1920 At home 1919 Dentist 1886 At home 1909 Mechanic 1943 Rod Man 1946 Student 1937 N. E, Telephone Co. 1942 At home 1898 At home 1930 Plastic Technician 1934 Cafeteria Helper 1932 At home 1928 Electrician HARWOOD STREET 1921 Seamstress 1921 Unit Man 1912 Stitcher 1908 Electrician 1897 At home Ayer Ayer 65 ri0. 15 Tridenti. Frank 15 TridentL Irene * 16 Cavallaro, Michael * 16 Cavallaro, Mary N. * 22 Ippolito, Alexander * 22 Ippolito, Vincenza * 25 Grasso~ Michael 25 Grasso. Orazia 25 Grasso, Maria * 26 Alaimo, Salvatore * 26 Alaimo. lulia * 32 Kamal, Thomas T. * 32 Kamal, Mary * 34 Castor. Ruth P. * 34 Castor, Earl R. * 45 Koebrick, Robert K. * 45 Koebrick, Joan E. * 52 Timony, Paul * 52 Timony, Mary E. 55 Wajda, Adolph A. 55 Wajda, Vera * 3 Busineau, William E. * 3 Busineau, Louise A. * 11 Morris, Agnes N. * 12 McDonough, Joseph * 12 McDonough, Mary * 18 Temple. Arthur J. * 18 Temple~ Jane A. * 25 Smith, Isabella * 26 Schubert, Arvola IL * 26 Schubert, Richard A. * 32 Miller. George R. * 32 Miller, Dorathea L. * 33 McGregor, Alexa~der * 33 McGregor. Simonne C. * 41 D'Agata, Egilda 45 Bellino, Gilda * 45 Bellino, John J. 45 8tanganelli, Joyce A. * 53 Mastin, George J. * 53 Mastin, Valentine * 53 Masfin, George J. Jr. * 59 Schorman. Irene C. * 60 Cain, Richard D. Jr. * 60 Cain. Patricia E. * 63 Larochelle, William * 63 Laroche[lc. Virginia * 66 Sullivan, Marie W. * 66 Sullivan, Edward D. * 69 Schofield, James H. * 69 Schofield. Pearl E. * 74 Wild, Herbert * 74 Wild, Barbara E. * 83 Fletcher, Everett E. * 83 Fletcher, Bertha E. * 88 Fraser, Alastaix * 88 Fraser, Rita * 89 Wenzel, Adolph G. * 89 Wenzel, Olive * 90 Kelley, Nicholas J. Jr. PRECINCT THREE YR, OF B RTH OCCUPATION HARWOOD STREET-continued 1938 Secretary 1908 Barber 1910 Garment Worker 1944 1887 Retired 1894 At home 1889 Retired 1889 At home 1943 Secretary 1896 Operative 1896 At home 1913 Mcat Cutter 1920 At home 1923 At home 1922 Clerk 1928 Mail Man 1933 Western Electric 1919 Raytheon 1921 Western Electric 1944 Essem Packiag Co. 1942 At home HERRICK ROAD 1936 Computer 1941 Teacher 1911 At home Retired At home 1926 (3'aig System 1927 Secretary 1899 Al home 1911 Office Worker 1940 Clerk 1925 Raytheon 1926 Receptionist 1906 Tinsmith 1912 At home 1900 At home 1917 At home 1913 Railroad 1943 Secretary 1902 Loomfixer 1905 At home 1941 U.S.A.F. 1922 At home 1937 U.S. Government 1941 Model 1927 Athletic Director 1927 At home 1931 At home 1932 Attorney 1892 Retired 1897 At home 1897 Carpenter 1897 At home 1913 Bank Teller 1887 At home 1925 Employer Texaco 1927 At home 1892 Retired 1893 At home 1932 Draftsman 66 NO I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 90 Kelley, Anne R. 101 Cannella, Joseph 101 Cannella, Helen * 109 Donovan, John V. * 109 Donovan, E'deen * 121 Stewart, James * 121 Stewart, Mildred * 121 Stewart, David J. * 121 Stewart, Sandra A. * 11 Spinney, lohn E. 11 Spinney, Lillian A. * 14 Geremia, Rosario C. * 14 Geremia, William A. * 15 Pecci, Dorothy J. * 15 Pecci, Raymond P~ * 18 Mistretta, Albert * 18 Mistretta, Grace * 20 Spadaro, John * 20 Spadaro, Rose * 22 Mistretta, Vincenzo * 31 Mammino, Salvatore * 31 Mammino, Franca * 31 Mammino, Venerina S. * 40 Kobos, Julius * 40 Kobos, Viola * 40 Savoy, Ann * 51 Dilendik, Roman 52 Napoli, Louis 52 Napoli, Lucille E, 52 Cooke, Robert 52 Cooke, Ella * 61 Dilendik, Lillian A. * 61 Dilendik, John R. 61 Dllendik, John R. Jr. * 61 Dilendik, Marlene * 43 Routhier, John P. * 43 Routhier, Eleanor A. 43 Ronthier, Linda * 3 Rose, Theodore F. * 3 Rose, Teresa * 11 Hill, Clarence * 11 Hill, Phyllis * 14 Fortin, Florence G. * 14 Fortin, Ernest J. * 21 Gilhck, Juliette L. 21 Gillick, Julia M. * 22 Fortin, Bertha W. * 22 Fortin, Arthur E. * 29 Cleary, Doris A. * 29 Cleary, Harold E. * 30 Androski, Frank J. 30 Androski, D. Ann * 36 Seymour. Lillian A. * 36 Seymour, Ernest C. Jr. * 36 Seymour, Rosemary K. PRECINCT THREE YR. OF B RTH OCCUPATION HERR1CK ROAD-continued 1930 Teacher 1912 Tailor 1932 1904 Teacher 1907 Teacher 1920 Oxford Paper 1922 At home 1946 U. S. A. 1945 Dental Assistant INGLEWOOD STREET 1927 Supervisor 1930 At home 1923 At home 1923 Plumber 1929 At home 1931 Chemist 1926 Mason 1925 At home 1922 Mason 1922 At home 1890 Retired 1891 Retired 1906 Mill Worker 1934 Secretary 1911 Linotype Operator At home 1907 Operative 1894 Retired 1925 Self-employed 1931 At home 1948 Inspector 1943 At home 1922 Operative 1920 Upholsterer 1943 1945 Hairdresser JETWOOD STREET 1924 Western Electric 1926 Western Electric 1947 Raytheon LINDEN AVENUE 1934 N.E. Telephone Co. 1940 At home 1904 Clerk 1909 Oerk 1896 At home 1894 Retired 1902 At home 1936 Teacher 1913 Coil Maker 1945 Reconditioner 1918 At home 1924 Percher 1935 Bell Laboratory 1937 At home 1909 Florist 1929 Engineer 1926 At home 67 RESIDENCE 1967 I NATTY 9 Dudley Street 48 Meadow Lane 48 Meadow Lane North Reading North Reading NO I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 37 Fournier, Barbara J. * 37 Fournier~ Robert R. * 43 McDowelL William * 43 McDowell. Antoinette 43 Ca~y, Walter 48 McCarthy. Robert P. * 48 McCarthy, Catherine R. * 55 Gaudet, Irene * 58 Oates. Leonard * 58 Oates. Dorothy M. * 58 Oates, Sarah E. * 65 Stephenson, Fred R. * 65 Stephenson, Isabel * 65 Whittaker, James R. 65 Whittaker. Janet Lee 65 Taylor, Arthur H. 68 Faro, Dominick 68 Faro, Ann * 72 Dobsom Harry W. * 72 Dobson. Kenneth H. * 73 McKallagat, Richard A. * 73 McGrath, Helen J. * 81 Sapienza, Alfio A. * 81 Sapienza, Mary M. * 82 Arakelian, Harry * 82 Arakelian, Harriet * 82 Bellinger, Diana A. * 82 Bellinger, Boyd C, * 88 Simpson, John C. * 88 Simpson, Eleanor * 89 Gilboard, Paul D. * 89 Gilboard, Marilyn B. * 8 Erie, Christena * 8 Erle, Jack * 9 Stone. Clifton G. Sr. * 9 Stone, Emma M. * 11 Smith. Alfred H. 11 Smith, Blancbe G. * 12 WitzgaB, Hazel E. 19 Petrella, Alexander A. 19 Petrella. Esther * 20 Robinson, Anna B. * 10 MacKillop, Duncan S. * 10 MacKillop, Shirley I. 15 Kulpinski. Richard J. 15 Kulpinski, Sandra A. * I8 Lyon, LonisE. * 23 Balsamo, Gaspar J. * 23 Balmmo, Raffaela G. * 31 Lee, George F. * 31 Lee. Julia 31 Lee. Joanne * 41 Bishop. Walter A. * 41 Bishop, Sadie C, * 41 Bishop, Edward W. 54 Saalfrank, Anne * 55 Mueger, Marienne PRECINCT THREE YR. OF 8RTH OCCUPATION I RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY LINDEN AVENUE-continued 1929 Clerk 1917 Truck Driver I902 Printer 1905 Dietician 1928 U.S.M. 1933 Self-employed 1933 At home At home 1899 Florist 1916 At home 1897 At home 1916 Overseer 1917 Western Electric Service 1943 1892 1939 Barber 1940 Hairdresser 1893 Retired 1919 396 Andover 1885 Retired 1919 Nurse 1899 Retired 1904 At home 1899 Salesman 1904 Stitcher At home John Hancock, Ins, 1919 Self-employed 1928 At home 1931 Supervisor 1941 At home LITTLE ROAD 1925 Al home 1924 Avco 1903 Mechanic 1904 J.P. Stevens 1895 1902 Salesgirl 1920 Die Maker 1922 At home 1912 Geaeral Mechanic Lawrence 1912 Western Electric Lawrence 1894 Retired LYMAN ROAD 1927 Cashier 1927 At home 1938 Lawrence i943 Student Lawrence 1907 Printer 1927 SeIEernployed 1 920 Western Electric 1906 Teacher 1907 Teacher 1945 Telephone Company 1902 Maintenance 1907 Cable Maker 1944 Truck Driver Al home 1896 At home 68 NO NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 60 Sherlock, William F. * 60 Sherlock. Ann M. * 61 Beninato, Philip P, * 61 Beninato, Elvira R. * 69 Barclay, James G. * 69 Barclay, Stella * 69 Barclay, Bruce J. * 94 Ashworth, Clxarles S. * 94 Ashworth, Gertrude * 94 Ashworth, Richard C. * 98 Hutchins, Charles K. * 98 Hulchins, Frances D. * 98 Murphy, Emily M. * 98 Murphy, John D. 98 Mallory, Stanley * 98 Mallory, Mariona E. * 103 Ryam John E * 103 Ryam Joyce M * 109 Robinson, Kenneth * 109 Robinson, Theresa * 112 McCall, Sabina C. * 112 McCall, Helena F. * 117 Winning, John R. * 117 Winning, Lillian S. * 125 Aponovich, Anelia * 14 Lindfors, Carl W. * 14 Lindfors, Grace V. * 14 Lindofrs, Carl D. * 17 Pirrotla, Grace * 17 Pirrotta, Joseph * 30 Bellia,Anthony * 30 Bellia, Fortunata * 35 Maniace, Charles P. * 35 Maniace, Annette R. * 128 Mercier, Flora E. 134 Muller, Christopher L Jr. 134 Muller, Nancy * 17 Smilh, EarlD. * 17 Smilh, Geraldine E. * 17 8milh, Helen M. * 19 Slopes, Louis T. * 19 Siopes, Eleanor B. * 22 Coupal, Napoleon * 22 Coupal, Grace * 22 Wood, George L. * 54 Medol~, ~oseph G. * 24 Medolo, Irene H. * 25 Medolo, FrancesM. * 25 Medolo, Joseph Sr, * 27 Littlefield. Annie * 27 Littlefield, Edwin * 27 Wilson, Alice G. * 30 White, Leonard PRECINCT TIIREE YR. OF [ B RTH OCCUPATION RESIDENCE i907 LYMAN ROAD-continued 1919 Telephone Company 1920 At home 1929 Land Court Officer 1929 At home 1913 Carpenter 1906 At home 1942 Teacher 1909 Manager 1907 Laundry Worker 1936 Salesman 1938 Engineering Aid 1938 At home 1907 Supervisor 1945 U, S. A, F. 1937 U.S.N. 1941 Secretary 1930 Engineer 1930 At home 1924 Dispatcher 1925 Waitress 1918 Councilor 1920 Secretary 1920 Taxi Driver 1925 Housekeeper 1895 At home MABLIN AVENUE 1921 Tech. Writer 1923 At hmne 1945 Western Electric 1926 At home 1927 Manager 1907 1914 Stitcher 1930 Manager 1928 Wireman 1899 At home 1940 Truck Dfi-~er Ando~er 1942 Clerk-TypiM Lawrence MARBLEHEAD STREET 1917 Supervisor 1919 At honle 1886 At home 1935 Draftsman 1935 At home 1909 Foreman 1919 At home 1894 Retired 1932 Tech. Writer 1934 At home 1900 Bronzelti's 1893 Retired 1894 At home 1927 Laborer 1904 Catering 1918 Stock Taker 69 NA'T'TY NO. PRECINCT THREE YE. OF NAME OF PERSON LISTED BETH OCCUPATION MARBLEHEAD STREET-continued * 30 White, Margaret At home 30 White, Leonard W. 1947 D & F * 31 Alter, John F, 1882 Retired * 31 Aller, Margaret 1887 At home * 32 Haddow. Mary At home * 32 Haddow, Wilton Clerk 36 Eldredge, Thomas 1932 Self - employed 36 Eldredge, Gladys 1931 At home * 37 Holland, Robert 1919 Electronics * 37 Holland, Carolyn 1918 Secrelary 37 Holland, Jane 1945 * 38 Ackroyd, Harold 1907 Supervisor * 38 Ackroyd, Mildred E. 1908 Operative * 38 Ackroyd, Nancy J. 1944 Secretary * 38 Ackroyd, Joan E. 1946 Clerk * 40 Lovejoy~ Ralph C. 1921 Clerk * 40 Lovejoy, Alice M. 1925 At home * 41 Yule, JamesG. H. Jr. 1921 Western Electric * 41 Yule, Janet 1921 At home 41 Yule, Jay 1947 Western Electric * 42 Hargreaves, Marjorie 1911 At home * 42 Hargreaves, Richard Jr. 1931 Laborer * 42 Wright. Lila 1881 At home * 43 Jtaight, Charles A. Jr. 1917 Mechanic * 43 Raight, Ruth E. 1912 At Home * 44 Curren. William H. 1940 Claim Adjnstor * 44 Curren, Nancy K. 1940 Technician * 46 King, Elwyn A. 1896 Lawyer * 46 King, Louisa M. 1904 Librarian * 47 Gourley. Archie M. 1915 D & F * 47 Gourley, Frances 1920 L.P.N. * 47 Gourley, Bruce 1941 By-Rite Company * 47 Gourley, Allan T. 1946 Technician * 50 Stoessel, Irene M. 1925 At home * 50 Stoessel, Francis A 1928 Laboratory Technician 50 Potvin, Mary C. 1874 At home 51 HarL Norman Electrician 51 Hart, Beverly Secretary 52 Zaill, John J. 1932 Electrician 52 ZoilL Paula 1940 At home * 53 Milton. Alden H. 1930 Guard * 53 Milton, Rita T, [928 At home * 55 O'Melia. Luther S. 1906 Fireman * 55 O'Melia, Cora 1907 Operator * 56 Giarrusso, Frederick J. 1926 Operative * 56 Glarrusso. Thelma 1927 At home * 57 Magowan, William 1902 Machinist 57 Magowan. Roberl D. Cook * 57 Tucker, Miriam 1899 Office Worker * 58 Giarrusso, Jo~ph 1920 Laborer * 58 Giarrur. so, Concertina M. 1925 Belock Company 59 Pike, Raymond 1939 United Postal Service 59 Pike. Carol 1944 At home 59 Pike. Marion 1893 Retired * 60 Glarrusso, Romaine 1924 Raytheon * 60 Glarrusso, Antolfio 1896 Retired * 65 Mistretta, John J. 1930 Mason * 65 Mistretta, Dorothy M, 1924 At home * 68 Crawford, Bruce M. 1940 Sell- employed * 68 Crawford, Esther M. 1906 At home * 70 Bellorado, Mary A, 1922 Tax Examiner 70 Dolbier, James 1937 U.S.A. 70 Dolbier, Anne 1938 At home * 71 Kenney, Bernice I. 1925 Western Electric Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 7O NO. * 72 * 72 * 72 * 72B 72B * 79 * 79 * 97 * 97 * 98 * 98 * 106 * 106 * 106 * 106 107A * 108 * 108 * 109 * I10A * 112 * 113 l13A 119 * 119 * 122 * 122 * 122 * 122 * 122 * 123 * 125 * 125 125 * 125 * 129 * 129 131 * 165 * 165 * 176 * 224 224 PRECINCT THREE YR. OF NAME OF PERSON LISTED 8 RTR OCCUPAFION MARRLEREAD STREET-continued Fentom Marguerite A. 1890 Operative Lannan. Mary E. I880 At home Richardson, Clara H. 1900 At home Eaton, Lillian H. 1889 Retired Snfith, Florence H. 1879 Retired *areeks, Marion 1891 At home Morse, Mabel G. 1893 At home 85 Water Legal, Dorothy 1927 Western Electric Fox. Gertrude K. 1889 At home Ventura, Paul 1910 Plumber Ventura, Joan 1917 At home Bailey, Kenneth C. 1919 Contractor Bailey, Hanoah 1917 At home Heider, Richard L. 1913 Manager Heider, Marjorie 1915 At home Heider,Caroline 3. 1942 Secretary Heider, Richard L. Jr. 1943 Bordens Bevin, Ann Claire 1925 Supervisor White, Albert 1924 ~[ruck Driver White, Eleanor 1924 At home Anderson, David 1894 Retired Cinqnegrana, Richard 1939 Lawrence Maid Co, Lawrence Cinquegrana. Madeline 1941 Technician Lawrence Meseth, Charles J 1921 Manager 37 Saunders Meseth, Yvonne 1897 At home 37 Saunders Davidson. David A. 1937 Coco Cola Company Davidson, Alice A. 1938 At home Crawford, Gordon K. 1914 Raytheon 61 Waverley Road Crawford, Mary M. 1919 61 Waverley Road McGuire, John J. Jr. 1936 Clerk McGuir¢, J ustine A. 1942 Secretary Stanwood, Warren C. IT. 1940 1. P. Stevens Stanwood, Warren C. 1911 Salesman $tanwood, Helen 1913 At home Ramsden, Douglas L. 1946 Town of North Andover 14 Water Ramsden, Sheila Lawrence Camire, Barbara M. 1927 At home Camire, J. Raymond 1915 Set-up Man Greenwood, Arthur 1901 Retired Greenwood. Ada 1890 At home Sntcliffe, Harold 1895 Retired Clark. Robert 1908 Raytheon Clark, Eveline 1907 At home Joweth Fannie 1884 At home Clark, George F. 1915 Operative Clark, Gene';icrc M. 1917 At home Clark, Carolyn A. 1943 Western Electric Clark, George F. Jr. 1946 Electrician Bingham, M. Genevieve 1888 At home Erickson, Lucille T. 1926 Western Electric Carroll, Francis P. 1914 Carroll, Olive E. 1913 W~tern Electric Carroll, Francis C. 1941 Carroll, Robert J. 1943 Air Force Newman, Richard W. 1942 Operator Newman, Rosalee A. 1935 At home Chute, William Oxford Paper Lowell Chute, Gladys 1925 At home Lowell Bennett. Augusta 1904 Willder Bennett, Richard 1899 gus Driver Lovejoy, Ilerman E. 1904 Foreman Lovejoy, Sarah A. 1909 At home Searies, Mary C. 1909 Clerk Butler, Mary R. 1894 Retired 71 NO. PRECINCT THREE YR OF I NAME OF PERSON LISTED Ii~i~TH1 OCCUPATION MARBLEHEAD STREET-continued * 224 Nardi, Anna K. 1905 I.P. Stevens * 224 Cruickshank, Donald T. 1941 Buyer * 224 Cruickshank. Christine D, 1941 Teacher * 224 Bolster, Raymond R. 19Il Manager * 224 Bolster, Elsie Secretary MARGATE STREE'f * 11 Kelsey, ]ohn A. 1927 Engineer * II Kelsey, Henrietta 1. 1926 At home * 16 Donahue, Robert 1925 Truck Driver * 16 Donahue. Anna 1924 Secretary * 18 Long, Kenneth E. 1936 N, A. F. D. * 18 Long, Corinne J. 1937 At home * 19 Bntterfield, William A. Jr. 1917 Tester * 19 Butterfield, Mary R. 1917 At home MARTIN AVENUE 25 Ferrara, Milo * 25 Ferrara, Salvatore 1937 Dye Works * 25 Ferrara~ Vincenzina 1918 Grieco Bros. * 53 Dubols, Louis Fixer * 53 Dubois, Bernadette Sorter * 93 Miller, Nancy A. 1936 At home * 93 Miller, Stuart L, 1936 Insurance Company * 104 Morin, Jomph G. 1927 Engineer * 104 Morin, Theresa H. 1928 At home * 105 Lidslone, Arthur I. 1929 Supervisor * 105 Lidstone, Gloria M. 1925 Nurse * 112 Keegan, Joseph F. 1929 Manager * 112 Keegan. Joan E. 1930 At home 119 Logue, James 1939 Clerk 119 Logne, Carina 1940 At home * 120 Sullivan, Thomas H. 1920 U. S, Government * 120 Sullivan. Rita B. 1921 At home ~ 128 Higgins, George R. 1925 Shipper * 128 Higgins, Dorothy 1930 At home MASSACIIUSETTS AVENUE * 25 McMurray, lames R 1934 R C. A. * 25 McMurray, Claudette 1936 At home * 29 Manzi. Charles Ye. 1919 Postal Clerk * 29 Manzi, Marie E. 1931 Al home * 35 Luzzio, Alfio 1902 Shoe Shop * 35 Luzzio, Mary G. 1906 Operative 35 DeStefano, Anthony 1907 Deleclive 35 DeStefano, Josephine At home * 35 DeStefano, Robert F. 1939 Presser * 35 DeStefano, Paul A. 1944 * 115 O'Brien. Warren J. 1932 Cook * IlS O'Brien, Eileen M. 1935 At home * 115 Mawn, Florence L 1897 Nurse * 116 Lawlor, John J. 1931 N.E. Telephone Co. * 116 Lawlor, Margaret P. 1931 At home 119 Ursillo, Claire F. 1934 At home 119 Ursiilo, Anthony S. 1930 Electrician * 121 Glynn. Ellen M. 1902 At home * 121 Glynn, Daniel F. Sr. 1891 Plumber * 123 Cook, Roland G. 1917 Guard * 123 Cook, Louise E. 1920 Western Electric 125 Arndt, Erich Buy Rite 125 Ar/ldt, Ellen At home RESIDENCE 1967 [ NATTY 15 Beech 15 Beech 15 Beech New lersey New Jersey 72 N0~ PRECINCT THREE YR. OF NAME OF PERSON LISTED B RTH OCCUPATION MASSACIIUSETTS AVENUE continued * 127 Swarbrick, Evelyn M. 1914 At home Y 127 S~aYbfick, $arn~ ]. 1913 Fixer * 129 Barton, Mary T. 1923 Western Electric * 129 Barton, Helen A. 1946 Clerk * 129 Waters, Margaret F. 1912 Laundry Worker * 135 Hyland, Bartholomew F. 1900 Operative * 135 Hyland, Bernard A. 1934 Farm Hand * 135 Hyland, Robert P. 1936 Service 139 Coco, Peter 1891 Retired 139 Coco. Mary 1898 At home * 139 Coco. Joseph 1917 Clerk * 143 Torrisi, Victoria 1914 Western Electric * 143 Torrisi. Joseph 1893 Barber * 147 Young, Carolyn M. 1940 At home * 153 Roberts ,Bertha 1880 Athome * 183 Roberts. Joseph Barber 161 Cristaldi. Giuseppe 1904 Contractor * 164 Coco, Salvatore A. 1923 Clerk * 164 Coco, Charles J. 1912 Laborer * 164 Coco, Irene I892 At home * 165 Koralishn, Connie M. 1916 Stitcher * 163 Koralishn, Andrew 1913 Shoe Worker * 173 Vanderkerkove, Henry 1895 Retired * i77 Campione, Frank 1883 Retired * 177 Campione. Anita D. 1920 Bookkeeper 177 Wire frey, Gerald 1940 Avco 177 Wimfrey, Joan 1937 At home * 183 Brlguglio, Alfred 1893 Retired * 183 Brigu$1io, Mary 1903 Al home * 183 Mangano, Frances 1907 Half Stylist * 185 Perrone. Anthony 1884 Shoe Repairer * 188 Perrone. Ursula 1899 At home * 185 Perrone, Antoinette M. 1923 Teacher * 197 McCracken. Mary C. 1896 At home * ~97 McCrackcn. Estiler Pearl 1889 A1 home * 197 Hill. Wesley 1917 Office Worker * 197 Hill. Beatrice 1926 Office Worker * 20{) Palanjlan. Vaughn S. 1897 Retired * 200 Palanjlan, Dorothy i906 At home * 200 Palanjian. Angel N. i930 Clerk * 200 Palanjian. Marion 1927 Clerk * 200 Kater, Elizabeth M. 1916 * 205 Mangano. Mary 1900 At home * 210 Piper, Irving 1908 Truck Driver * 210 Piper, llelen 1911 Western Electric * 213 Galvagna, Orazio 1906 Operative * 213 Galvagna, Anna 1910 Operative * 213 Galvagna, Mary 1908 Clerk * 218 Donnelly, Joseph A. 1925 Lineman * 218 Donnelly, Edith 1926 At home * 222 Pellerin, Vincent 1914 Prop. Auto Body Shop * 222 Pvllerin. Edna 1915 At home * 223 Legate, HenW 1907 Store Proprietor * 223 Legate, Pat:line 1910 At home * 232 Currier, Dennis L. 1938 Oxford Paper * 232 Currier, Dorothy R. 1939 At home * 233 Jeffery. John C. 1912 Welder * 233 lcffcry, Vernice K. 1913 Inspector * 241 Musumarra, John P. 1914 M.I.T. * 241 Musumarra, Anna L 1916 At home * 241 Musumarra, Joseph J. 1943 Student * 255 Dempsey, William A. 1896 Retired * 255 Demp~y. Gertrude E. 1897 At home * 255 Dempsey. Claire M. 1919 Chiropodist 73 ,0. ] PRECINCF FHREE YR OF NAME OF PERSON LISTED B RTH OCCUPATION MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE-continued * 255 Dempsey, Barbara A, 1938 Telephone Company * 256 Gagnon. Leo 1903 Retired * 256 Gagnon. Mary 1909 At home * 263 Jacques, Nellie 1915 At home * 267 Donlan, Margaret M. At home * 267 Donlan. Mary A. At home * 268 Messina, Santo Proprietor Market * 268 Mes~ina, Anne M. At home * 271 Connors, John J. Retired * 271 Connors, Rita At home * 272 Holmes, Irwin F. U.S. Government * 272 Holmes, Gertrude R. Clerk * 272 Holmes, Steven D. Herdsman * 276 Spavento, Humbert Real Estate * 276 Spavento, Carmella At home * 287 Glendinning, Sarah At home * 287 Glendinning, Florence At home * 287 Glendinning, William Pipe Fitter * 291 Mumo, Jeanie At home * 293 Wilson, John B. Retired * 293 Wilson, Ellen At home * 293 Wilson. John E. Store Proprietor * 293 Wilson, Elizabeth Clerk * 295 Klehm, William L. Jr. Western Electric 295 Klehm, Virginia At home * 308 Choquette, Gladys Mender * 308 Choquette, Romeo Retired * 314 Saalfrank, Eva H * 314 Saalfrank. Herman G. * 315 Doran, Edward 315 Doran, Margaret * 315 Doran, Elizabeth F. * 320 McGrail, Rita * 347 Lordan, Francis A. * 347 Lordan, Dorothy R. * 357 DiAngelo, Sarah * 357 DiAngelo, Augustine A. * 362 ConcemL Fred S. * 362 Coneemi, Esther * 365 Earley, Marilyn T. * 365 Earley, George T. * 372 Sc. annell, Arthur * 372 Scannell, Sadie D. 372 Scannell, Arthur M. 372 ScannelL Beverly D, * 381 Stemke, Robert C. * 381 Stemke, Carol E. * 382 Gioco. Emily 382 Gioco. Frank * 387 Lemieux. Peter E. * 387 Lemieux, Georgianna J. * 392 Zagorski, Stanley * 392 Zagorski, Dorolhy 395 Pearson. Helen M. 395 Pearson, Ralph W. * 395 Sullivan, Fhomas E. * 395 Sullivan, James W, * 401 Somers, Leonard * 401 Somers, Ethel * 407 McDermott, Francis J. * 407 McDermott, Mary C. * 410 Lueeri, Nicholas * 410 Lueeri, Angelina 1925 1931 1893 1916 1918 1946 1916 1892 1887 1916 1914 1895 1890 1894 1922 1923 1942 1942 1910 1898 1909 1909 1900 1900 1924 1924 1927 1935 1931 1922 1929 1931 1929 1916 1916 1942 1944 1928 1931 1909 1936 1942 1944 1925 1927 1909 1899 1940 1942 1921 1923 1912 1908 1929 RESIDENCE 1967 Retired Al home At home Manager At home At home Raytheon Teacher Secretary At home Salesman Operative L. P. N. Student Student Engineer At home Winder Machinist So:retary Supervisor At home At home Retired Student Student Fngineer At home Operative At home Auto Dealer At home Teacher 20 Hodges 114 Waverley Road 114 Waverley Road NA'T'TY 74 PRECINCT THREE NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED 8 RTN OCCUPATION RESIDENCE 1967 NA'T'TY MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE-continued * 412 Licare, Janice A. 1935 At home * 415 Houston, George A, 1916 Oxford Paper Co. * 415 Houston, Dorothy B. 1916 At home * 415 Bee, Sarah H. 1893 At home * 418 Broughton, Emma 1885 Retired * 418 Lyons, Muriel 1917 Fur Operator * 418 Lyons, Wilbur I. 1914 Paper Mill * 418 Lyons, Donald W. 1945 U.S. A, 421 Murphy, William Pierce 1937 Ventron Company Watertown 421 Murphy, Shells 1942 At home Watertown * 429 Lord, Irene E. ! 932 Internal Revenue * 429 Lord, Bernard E. 1933 1. B. M~ * 436 Stone, Claire M. 1932 At home * 436 Stone, Peter F. 1927 Supetwi~or. * 437 Carney, Daniel J. 1940 Western Electric 437 Carney, Rose 1941 Teacher * 447 Stewart, Ernest 1894 Retired MEADOW LANE * 1 Andrews, Frank L. 1914 Shipper-Receiver * 1 Andrews, Valeska M. 1914 Clerk * 16 Caliento, Samuel P. 1916 Painter * 16 Caliento, Merluda A. 1922 Western Electric * 19 Mitelli, Thomas 1915 Foreman * 19 Mitelli, Lillian M. 1922 At home * 27 Hourihan, lohn J. 1907 Bus Operator * 27 Hourihan, Helen D. 1913 At home * 32 Compegnone, Silvlu J. 1922 Manager * 32 Compagnone, Josephine R. 1924 At home * 32 Com!oagnone, Paula 1. 1946 9ecretary * 35 MacCannell. A. William 1930 Acct. Analyst * 35 McCannell, Jean L. 1932 Teacher * 40 O'Keefe, George 1910 Druggist * 40 O'Keefe, Florence S. 1908 At home * 43 Boyd, Ann M. 1932 Nurse * 43 Boyd, Gerald F. Telephone Company 48 Doyle, John 1920 U, S. Government New York 48 Doyle, Mary 1919 At home New York * 49 Finn, Mary C. Chemist * 49 Finn, John T. Clerk * 56 Wiesner, Arthur G. Superintendent * 56 Wiesner, Mae F. Bakery Helper * 59 Scire, Santo S. 1925 Supervisor * 59 Scire, Grace M. 1928 At home * 64 Medolo, Gaitano E. 1930 Plumber * 64 Medolo, Laura 1920 At home 67 Alll~ee, Edward H. 1924 Construction * 67 AIIbee, Doris C. 1924 Key Punch Operator * 74 Lyons, losegh M. 1934 Engineer * 74 Lyons, Mary A. 1938 At home * 75 Connelly, Robert W. 1933 Insurance A4gent * 75 Connelly, Margaret M. 1938 At home * 81 Aitkins, Reginald C. 1924 Technician * 81 Aitkins, RoxieElizabeth 1921 At home * 91 Charow, John W. 1919 Tech. Aide * 91 Charow, lrene L, 1928 At home * 92 Labbe, Leo P. 1933 Engineer 92 Labbe, Priscilla A. 1935 99 Serreti, Francis F. 1934 Avco 99 Setreti, Roberta 1939 At home * 104 Muldoon, Thomas W. 1936 Proj. Adm. * 104 Muldoon, Carol M 1938 At home 75 NO. PRECINCT THREE 'eFt. 0F MIDDLESEX STREET * 190 Talmadge, Raymond 1910 Caretaker * 190 Talmadge, Marjori¢ L. 1910 Cross Coal Company * 192 Gillespie, Joseph V. 1912 Operative * 192 Gillespie. Bertha 1914 Nurses Aide * 192 Gillespie, Harriett E. 1882 At home * 193 Hillner, Robert C. Sr. 1897 Retired * 193 Rtl/ncr, Julia E. 1898 At home * 195 Hillner. Robert C. Jr. 1924 Buyer * 195 ttillner. Theresa M. 1925 Nurse * 196 Gi0esple, Gerlrude M. 1896 At home * 200 McLay, Esther 1894 Retired 203 Bnchonis, Raymond 1924 * 203 Buchonis, Violet P, 1924 Raytheon * 204 Sweeney, Benjanfin C. 1907 Fence Erector * 204 Sweeney, Grace B. 1918 At home * 205 Augeri, Elaine F. 1939 At home * 205 Augeri, Richard 1938 Pharmacist * 206 Ratcliffe, John 1919 Fireman * 206 Ratcliffe, Clah'e 1924 Western Electric * 207 Roy, Ann M. 1935 At home * 207 Roy, Emile J. Jr~ 1939 Raytheon * 207 Roy, Mary 1904 Domestic * 207 Roy, Emile J. 1898 Cook * 208 Carlson, Roll A. 1935 Self-employed * 208 Carlson, Louise M. 1936 At home * 212 Guthrie. Lois 1933 At home * 212 Guthrie, Joseph A. 1929 Western Electric * 224 Giglio, Antonio 1897 Barber * 224 Giglio, Irene M. 1909 Hairdresser * 231 Martinoli, Silvio L. 1909 Contractor * 231 Martinoli, losephine 1915 At home * 233 Lefebvre, Hector 1899 Fireman * 233 Lefebvre, Agnes 1900 At home * 233 Lefebvre, Robert 1936 Western Electric * 234 O'Connell, Daniel 1913 Pharmacist * 234 O'Connell, Mary T. 1914 At home * 234 O'ConnelL Kathleen P. 1947 Secretary * 235 Ayer, R. Seott Ill 1945 Draftsman 235 Ayer, Linda J. 1947 At home * 236 Glnyrek, Paul J. Jr. 1937 Salesman * 236 Gmyrek, Gall S. 1937 Nurse * 238 Gosselin, Thomas 1888 Rethred * 241 Barnett, Parker 1907 Janitor * 241 Barnett, Olga 1908 Nurse 241 Lange. Helena 1882 At home * 247 Howarlh, Antoinette M. 1923 At home * 250 Dowe, Nancy M 1934 At home * 250 Dowe, biichael F. 1937 Teacher * 255 Costello, Mary-Louise 1942 At home * 255 Costello, John J. 1940 Pr inter * 256 McGuire, Francis 3. 1899 Supervisor * 256 McGuire, Irene 1905 At home * 257 Wilson, Priscilla A. 1935 At home * 257 Wilson. John R. 1935 Technician * 258 Proctor, Barbara A. 1921 At home * 258 Proctor. Robert H~ 1918 Accountant * 261 LeClair, Roy D, 1938 Ins. Underwriter * 261 LeClair, Pauline G. 1939 At hmne * 263 LeClair, Rudolph 1895 Retired * 263 LeClair, Annie 1903 At home * 265 Lafond, Paul 1923 N. A, P, D. * 265 Lafond, Rita 1927 At home * 266 Homer, John A. 1918 Plumber 22 Saunders 22 Saunders 76 * 266 Homer, Ruth S. 266 Gallagher, James J. 266 Gallagher, Elizabeth A. * 274 Payne, Dorothy 274 Payne, Linda M. * 280 Mason. Lerm L. * 280 Mason, Florence L. * 280 Mason, Alice L. * 280 Mason, Barbara S. * 281 Tromhly, Harold lq. * 281 Trombly, Naomi E. * 281 Trumbly, Harold W. Jr. * 283 Chesel, Robert A. * 283 Chesel, Joseph F. * 283 Chesel, Ruth ¥. * 284 Hiltom Margaret * 284 Hilton, Fred * 285 Richardson, Arthur * 285 Richardson, Arthur J. * 285 Richardsom Helen * 286 Sweeaey, Mildred R * 286 Sweeney, Catherine * 286 Drls¢oll, Anna M. * 288 Howard, Elizabeth D. * 288 Howard, John I. * 291 Dean, John& * 291 Dean. Pauline M. * 291 Jacques, Yvonne * 291 Jacques, Aurele J. * 296 Gallant, Claire * 296 Gallant, John A. 297 Polizzoti, Charles 297 Polizzori, Alice * 299 Cain, John * 300 Dineen, Annie M. * 301 Ricbards, Janet * 301 Richards~ Clara * 308 ltannay, Francis * 308 Hannay, Barbara 316 Bolan, Frank I. 316 Bolan, Marion 317 Farrow, Donald E. 317 Farrow, Grace * 322 Lee,William * 322 Lee. Alice 322 Lee~ Douglas * 323 Patterson. Raymond E. Jr. * 323 Patterson, Phyllis J. * 323 Curran, Theresa C. * 327 Bamford, Edith * 327 Bamford, Joseph * 328 Smith, Erna * 328 Smith, James F. * 328 Smith, Forrest * 329 McCabe, John W. * 329 McCabe, lanet E. 332 Richardson, Howard 332 Richardson, Joyce * I I Cote, Francis L. * 11 Miller, Minnie * 20 Vose, Charles R. PRECINCT THREE YFLOF B RTH OCCU?AT'ON I RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY MIDDLESEX STREET-continued 1923 At ho~ne 1941 D&F 1941 American Junior Shoe 1884 At home 1942 Savings Bank 1882 At home 1909 Manager 1906 Teacher 1919 Chemist 1905 Prop. Gas Station 1913 At home 1945 Oil Business 1937 Student 1903 Shipper 1908 At home 1902 At horae 1907 Oilman 1907 Avco 1938 Avco 1909 Clerk 1900 Mender 1896 At home 1892 At hmne 1917 Librarian 1944 Studenl 1931 N.E. Telephone Co. 1934 At home 1907 At home 1906 Salesman 1906 Stitcher 1940 Engineer 1932 Postal Clerk 1940 At home 1904 Taxi Driver 1892 At home 1873 At home 1904 Clerk 1924 N.A.P.D. 1923 At home 1918 Mailman 1922 At home 1931 Plumber 1931 At home I92 [ Elect riciaa 1924 At home 1945 U, S. A. F. 1929 Pressman 1929 At home 1894 At home 1905 At home 1899 Milkman t912 Mender 1912 Self-employed 1934 Laborer 1937 Sales 1939 At home 1946 At home 1947 At home NORMAN ROAD 1908 Foreman 1881 At home 1906 N.E. Telephone Co. Lawrence 297 Middlesex 27-A Francis Second Street Methuen 77 NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 20 Vo~, Evelyn * 20 Vose, Charles R. 3rd * 21 Trickett, Emma * 21 Trickelt, Joseph S. * 21 Sheridan, Vera M. * 24 Hickey, William F. * 24 Hickey, Margaret D. * 29 Boeglin. Aurore * 29 Boeglin, Pauline E. * 30 Rochon, Richard R. * 30 Rochon, Mary E. * 2 Banks, Alden * 2 Banks, Gladys * 2 Banks, Robert A. * 5 Andrew, Charles * 5 Andrew, Elizabeth * 6 Hutchins, Ralph E. * 6 Hutehins, Marion H. * 9 Hayman, Jessie M. * 13 Cassidy, James M. * 13 Cassidy, Lo~xaine V. * 14 Orr, John c * 14 Orr, Hazel G. 18 Eldred, Hugh Jr. * 18 Eldred, Constance J. 21 Hamel, Marcelle * 23 Smith, Alice B. * 23 Smilh, J. Wallace * Brooks, James O. * Brooks, Joan * 10 Cilcus, Alphonse M. * 10 Cilcus, Margaret E. 10 Farquharson, Helen * 11 Murphy. John M. 14 Rizza, Anthony 14 Rizza, Maria * 19 Pappalardo. Ernesl S. * 19 Pappalardo, Jennie 19 Pappalardo, Joseph * 19 Wilson, Jane * 20 Milne, Mabel 22 Andrew, George 22 Andrew, Joy£e * 14 Dushame, Harold A. * 14 Dushame, Carrie * 14 Dushame, Harold A. Jr. * 24 Hollins, Evelyn B. * 28 Adam. Charles S. PRECINCT THREE YE. OF BRTH 0CCUPATION I RESIDENCE 1967 ¢ NA'I'TY NORMAN ROAD-continued 1907 At home 1945 Student 1903 At home 1935 Lithographer 1899 At home 1929 Banker 1930 At home 1901 At home 1933 I.B.M. 1929 l~surance Agenl 1928 Al home PERRY STREET 1906 Operative 1908 At home 1933 Teacher 1916 Western Electric 1921 At home 1905 Welder 1907 At home 1889 At home 1926 Inspector 1924 At home 1887 Retired 1896 At home 1929 Craig gystem 1938 At home 1931 At home 1927 Machinist 1919 At home 1915 Millwright POPLAR STREET 1930 Engitteer 1933 Mathematician ROBINSON COURT 1914 Sheet Metal Worker 1915 At home 1893 At home 1913 Truck Driver 1918 Tester 1933 Barber 1944 Grieco Bros. 1914 Engineer 1916 At home Student 1905 Machinist Helper 1905 At home 1887 At home 1945 Honeywell 1946 At home SALTONSTALL ROAD 1894 Retired 1901 At home 1929 U.S.A.F. 1 g99 Retired 1900 At home 1895 Attendant Lawrence PRECINCT THREE SALTONSTALL ROAD-continued * 28 Adam, Agnes R. 1897 At home SYLVAN TERRACE * 1 I Janco, Armando 1923 Operator * 11 Janco, Anne M. 1923 Western Electric * 44 Fitzgerald, James E 1929 Fireman 125 Boston * 44 Fitzgerald, Louise T. 1929 At home 125 Boston TRINITY COURT * 3 Forgetta. Arthur H. 1932 Teacher * 3 Forgetta, Mildred J. 1934 At home * 12 Anderson, Donald E. 1903 Bank Treasurer * 12 Anderson, Ruth E. 1899 At hmne * 19 Massy, Ethel 1899 At home * 26 LaScola, lda M. 1911 Stitcher * 26 LaScola, Philip 1908 Manager * 26 LaScola, Matthew F. 1941 U.S.A. * 26 LaScola, Theresa 1942 At home * 34 Quinlan, Daniel 1929 N.E. Telephone Co. * 34 Qinnlan, Joan M. 1931 At bome * 40 Gander, Henry N. 1915 Operative * 40 Gaudet, Isabelle G. 1914 At home UNION STREET * 4 Hennessy, Irene V. At home * 5 Allen~ Percival A. 1916 Inspector * 5 Allen, Ilelen C. 1919 At home * 5 Steele, George 1920 Foreman * 5 Sleele~ Lillian 1~20 At home 5 Sloele, Patricia 1947 Studeut * 6 Gagnon, Albert 1901 Maintenance * 6 Gagnon, Ethel A. 1902 At home 6 Gagnon, Raymond 1942 U.S.A. * 8 Thompkins, Catherine T. 1920 At home * 8 Thompkins, Donald E. 1908 Cook * 8 Stanin. John J. 1927 Welder 8 Stainn, Natalie J. 1930 At home * 10 Higginbottom. David A. 1940 Avco * 10 Higginbottom, Lorna J. 1942 Avco * 10 O'Melia, Muriel E 1902 Shoe Worker * 13 Strazdus, Theodore 1894 Retired * 13 Strazdus, Mary 1895 At home * 15 Mottos, Anthony 1906 Mead Company * 15 Mattos, Violet M. 1908 At home * 15 Mottos, James F. 1933 * 15 Mattos, John A. 1929 Mill Worker 15 Mooney, John 1930 Tyer Rubber * 15 Mooney, Bridget H. At home * 17 Seablom, Robert D, 1943 Borden Chemical * 17 Seabloom, Carol A. 1945 At home * 17 Waters, Harold L. 1943 J. P, Stevens * 17 Waters, Janet L. 1944 At home 19 Kotee, Stanley J. 1930 Prop. Nursing Home 19 Kotce. Freda 1931 At home * 23 Friel. Charles M. 1912 Foreman * 23 Friel~ Katherine E. 1917 At home 23 Friel, John 1941 U. S, Army 23 Friel, Mary Ellen Asst. Librarian 23 FrieL Charles M. Jr. 1946 Student 25 Harvey, Dawn M. 1936 At home 25 Harvey. Ernest G. 1936 Maintenance 30 Callahan, Joseph 1916 Smith Motors 15 Commonwealth 15 Commonwealth - NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 30 Callahan, Catherine * 32 BlancBette, Peter R. * 32 Blanchelte, Joyce A. * 33 Higgins, lames D. * 33 Higgins, Ruth P. * 34 Carney, John J. Jr. * 34 Carney, Mary l * 34 Carney, Constance M. 37 Donahue, Kenneth F. 37 Oonahue, Rosemarie A. 37 Lavery, Patricia R. 37 Lavery, James J. * 39 Wentworth. Virginia * 42 McDuffie. Daniel B. * 43 Glynn. Daniel F. * 43 Glynn, Patricia A~ * 44 Collins, Paul S. * 44 Collins, Florence K, * 45 Tullis, Beatrice * 45 Tullis, William * 50 Marinelli, ~,{aryanna R. * 50 Marinelli, Donald A. * 50 MarineOi, Degmerita M. * 52 Steeb. Pamela N. * 52 Steeb, George B. * 58 Dehu0u, Itele n E, * 58 Dehullu, Antoinette D. * 61 Dehullu, Roger * 61 Dehullu, Erna M. * 66 Roy, Joseph W. * 66 Roy, Natalie J. * 68 Pillion, Mary E. * 69 Schmottlach. Alfred * 69 Sehmottlach. Lillian * 78 Fenton, John E. * 78 Eenton, Rita L. 78 Fenton, Richard * 80 Foulds, Maurice S Sr. * 80 Foulds, Agnes * 80 Foulds, David W. * 84 Marsh, Elizabeth * 84 Marsh, Stanley R. Jr. * 86 Snell, Edward R. * 86 Snell, Florence 1. * 87 Barrett, Agnes * 87 Barrett, Edmund * 87 Morse, David J. * 87 Morse, Beverly J. * 89 Eaton, George F. * 89 Eaton, Helen G. * 89 Elander, Frank E. * 89 Elander, Nora * 89 Elander, Frank E. Jr. * 92 Mikols. Hel~y * 92 Mikols, Concerto M. 93 Babscock, Wallis 93 Babscock, Diane * 93 Emmett, Jean N. * 95 Reusch, lohn F. * 95 Reusch, Lorraine N. * 100 Mortison, Daniel T. * 100 Morrison, Margaret A. PRECINCT THREE UNION STREET-continued 1916 At home 1941 Salesman 1942 Western Electric 1929 Accountant I933 At home 1918 Druggist 1917 At home 1942 Teacher 1939 Avco 1941 At home 1942 At home 1939 Avco 1924 Western Electric 1903 Operator 1942 N.A.F, D. 1940 At home 1930 Telephone Company 1933 At home 1913 At home 1912 Foreman 1937 At home 1937 Draftsman 1898 .At home 1943 Weslern Electric 1942 Western Electric 1919 Watchmaker 1916 1946 Student 191 I Storekeeper 1911 Clerk 1921 Molder 1928 Nurse 1886 At home 1903 Mehmite 1910 Bookkeeper Technician Clerk 1942 1911 Baker 1917 At home 1944 Accountant 1930 At home 1927 Engineer 1938 N.A.F.D. 1940 At home 1901 At home 1890 Retired 1941 D&F 1943 At home 1922 Florist 1928 Hairdresser 1908 Custodian 1909 At home 1942 Oxford Paper Mill 1925 Carpenter 1929 At home 1935 92 Union 1939 At home 92 Union 1928 U.S.A.F. 1927 At home 1939 Supervisor 102 Union 1940 At home 102 Union 1923 Newspaper Man 1924 At home JNA'T'TY 8O NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 101 Myers, George * 101 Myers, Dorothea 102 Noweil, Peter * 103 Hayes, Monica C, * 103 Hayes, Francis * 104 Beaudoin, Wiffred * 104 Beaudnin, Rita 114 Aubery, Thmnas 114 Satoko, Thomas * 116 Perruccio, Michael N. * 116 Pe~ruccio, Angela D. * 116 Perruecio, Ann Marie * 122 Cardegna, Dominic * 122 Cardegna, Rose * 122 Billmau, Gerald A. * 122 Dillman, Rim fi. * 124 D'Elia, Joseph * 124 D'Elia, Florence C. * 144 Mytych, John J. * 146 Heafey, John J, Jr, * 146 Healey, Joan F. * 147 Hanover, James J. * 147 Hanover, Mary E. * 148 Hardacre, Julia P. * 148 Hardacre, JamesB. * 148 Hardacre, Noreen E. 150 Longo, Joseph * 150 Longo, Dominic * 150 Longo, Anne C. 152 Tomkiewicz, William 152 Tomkicwiez, Connie * 154 Campione, Dorothy R. * 154 Campione, Joseph * 156 Mank, Stella M. * 156 Mank. Edward 3. * 157 Carney, William J. * 157 Carney, Deanna E. * 158 DiGIoria, Rocco A. * 158 DiGloria, Jean M. * 159 Hughes, Francis L * 159 Hughes, Ann Marie * 160 MeLaehlan, James D. * 160 MeLachlan, Nancy A. * 162 Poutenis, Alvan H. * 162 PoRt,his, Jennie A. * 165 Lemieux. Rose * 165 Lemieux, Cyril * 165 Lemieux, Beatrice * 184 MeDuffie, Marguerite M. * 184 Lane, Mary E. * 186 Thomson, Esther C. 196 Johnson, Robert 196 loht~sou, Olga * 200 Mattheson, George D. Jr. 200 Mattbeson, Gisele * 206 Cairns, Andrew 206 Cairns, Margaret 212 Phelan, Wilham * 212 Phelan, Anna * 212 Phelan, William L. 216 Beirne, John S. PRECINCT THREE YR. OF BRTH OCCUPATION [ RESIDENCE 1967 [ NA'T'TY UNION STREET-continued 1925 Brewery Work 1926 At home 1917 At home 1933 Bartender 1908 Welder 1913 At home 1933 Asst. Professor Durham, N. H. 1930 Library Assistant Durham, N' H' 1914 Machinist Helper 1911 Al home 1942 Nurse 1887 Retired 1894 At home 1935 Grossman 1930 At home 1916 Courier Citizen 1923 WAVERLEY ROAD 1942 Truck Body Builder Malden, Mass. 1932 Asst. E~ginee~ 1934 At home 1920 Maintenance 1921 At home 1917 Western Electric 1914 Bus Driver 1948 Secretary 1886 Retired 1928 At home 1927 Western Electric At home Lawrence At home Lawrence 1925 At home 1915 Proprietor 1921 At home 1920 Foreman 1937 Electrician 255 Forest 1938 At home 255 Forest 1924 Carpenter 45 Dana 1929 Turnstyle 45 Dana 1936 Honeywell 1939 At home 1939 Brick Layer 1937 Al home 1927 Machinist 1929 At home /909 Office Clerk 1905 Overseer 1910 Saleslady 1916 At home 1881 At home 1909 Clerk Engineer Kentucky At home Ker~tucky 1922 Manager 33A Francis 1918 At home 33A Francis 1904 Handy-Man 1910 Stenographer 1909 Dresser 1909 Buyer 1947 Student 1932 Tel. & Tel. Lawrence 81 NO ~ NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 216 Beirne, Mary L. * 217 Lane, Joseph * 217 Lane. Dorothy * 231 Dexter, Henry W. * 231 Dexter, Phyllis M, * 231 Smith, Gertrude A. * 231 D'Agata. Salvatore * 231 D'Agata, Carmelina * 241 Longo, Johu A. * 241 Longo, Sharon L. * 245 Belben, Clifford P. * 245 BelDen, Lucy M. * 261 Hutton, Albert D. * 261 Hutton, lmelda O. * 267 Gallagher, John J. Jr, * 267 Gallagher, Margaret A. * 267 Gallagher, John S. * 274 Champion, Ethel * 274 Chalnpion, Thelma E. * 275 Davis, John L. * 275 Davis, Anile E, 278 Quintal, Robert * 278 Quintal, Priscilla A. * 281 Whittaker, Rita K. * 281 Whittaker, John B. 281 Whittaker, David * 282 Wilson. Patricia M. * 282 Wilson, Robert E. * 287 Johnstone, James G. * 287 Johnstone, Dorothy C, * 293 Babb, Thomas B. * 293 Babb, Lena B, * 330 Mendes, Frank A, * 330 Mendes, Mary * 330 Mendes, G. Thomas * 330 Mendes, Calherine L. * 333 Furneaux, Jessie R. * 333 Furneaux, James R. * 334 Bishop, Joseph * 334 Bishop, Dorothy A. 334 Bishop, Donna * 339 Crossman, Milton R. * 339 Crossman, Evelyu * 340 Sanford, Marie K. * 342 Winward, Alexander Jr. * 342 Winward. Mary T. * 344 Himber, Harry * 344 }limber, Belmira * 346 Himber, Albert * 346 Himber. Helen * 346 HJmber. Jill D. 346 Himber, Susan * 349 Roberts, Annie * 349 Roberts, Viola * 349 Roberts, David R. * 354 Gennaro, Benedetto * 354 Gennaro, Mary G. * 360 Zajac~ Fred S, * 360 Zajac, Viola * 361 Sarson, Lawrence * 361 Sar$on, Marguerite J. * 361 Sarson, Joan M. * 368 Hoyt, Carleton A. * 368 Hoyt, Helen M PRECINCT THREE YR. OF 1 6 F~TH OCCUPATION RESIDENCE 1967 NA'T'TY WAVERLEY ROAD-coufinued 1932 At home Lawrence 1904 Milkman 1907 Quality Control 1916 Manager 1916 At home 1891 At home 1917 Manager 1920 At home 1944 Salesman 230 Chickering Road 1943 Teacher 230 Chickering Road 1913 Superintendent 1915 At home 1896 Retired 1899 At home 1919 Inspector 1915 At home 1946 St/~dent Housekeeper Clerk 1924 Electrician 1922 At home 1933 Self~mployed 1933 At home 1921 At home 1913 Pharmacist 1947 Student 1930 At home 1929 Mechanic 1925 Pressman 1909 At home 1885 Retired 1898 At home 1901 Foreman 1904 Operative 1937 Salesman 429 Waverley Road 1939 Clerk 429 Waverley Road 1918 At home 1914 Welder 1920 Internal Revenue 1918 At home 1946 Student 1910 Machinist 1906 At home 1901 At home 238 Sutton 1923 1926 At home 1901 Custodian 1907 Raytheon 1914 Operative 1917 Operative 1944 Avco 1947 Student 1911 Clerk 1912 Clerk 1914 Clerk 1910 Barber 1916 Clerk 1925 Supervisor 1924 At home 1916 Computor Analyst 1916 At home 1944 Student 1904 Steam Fitter 1921 Nickel Plater 82 NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTEO 369 Moro, Lucy 369 Scuderi, Joseph S, 369 Scuderi, Elaine M. * 392 Ducker, Melvin * 392 Ducker, Miriam P~ * 400 Doherty~ Mary G. * 400 Doherty, John P~ * 408 Hunter, James D. * 408 Ilunter, Marjorie * 415 Brien, Patricia C. * 415 Brien, Marcel J. * 416 Tracy, William H. * 416 Tracy, Evye D. * 417 Brogan, Hilda M. * 417 Brogan, Edwin A. * 422 Corcoran, Mary * 425 Arcari, Gerard * 425 Arcari, Frances P. * 427 Aaronian, Lawrence * 427 Aaronian, Ilazel 429 Brien, Alfred P. 429 Brien, Clara O, * 429 Willett, William A. * 429 tqillett. Theresa A. 429 Ko bbc, Agnes I. 429 Pavlenkov, Maria S. * 429 Ioy, Lloyd C. * 429 loy, Exilda I. * 429 [ally, leanne E. * 429 Lally, Michael A. * 429 Meader, Edythe B. 429 Morency, Steven * 432 Nardozza, Jennie * 432 Nardozza, Louis J. * 446 Marcotte, William F. Jr. * 446 Mareotte, Janet L. 452 Tasca, Domenic J. 452 Tasca, Mary L. * 453 Kaslow, Charles M. * 453 K~low, ltelen V. * 458 Clamp~ Doris * 459 Sanford, Barbara * 459 Sanford, George It. * 459 Sanford, Gerald A. * 469 Evaugelos, Anligoni * 469 Evangelos, Dennis * 474 Pruneau Arthur L. * 474 Pruneau. Mary E. * 476 O'Loughlin, Francis E. * 476 O'Loughlin, Dorothy A. * 478 Pohl, Mary F. * 478 McNally, Gertrude E. * 497 Sutttm, John R. * 487 Sutton, Margaret Ann * 509 Fournier, Arthur L. * 509 Fournier, Irene 509 Foumier, Arthur 633 Berube, Ilemy G. 633 Berube, Edna * 633 Berube, Joyce C. * 647 Laird, George H * 647 Laird, Catherine R. * 655 Beattie, James E. Jr. 655 Beattle, Rosemary PRECINCT THREE YR. OF J B RTH 0CCUPATf0N RESIDENCE 1967 NATTY WAVERLEY ROAD-continued 1907 At home 1941 Barber 1944 Beautician 1913 Mail Carrier 1914 Raytheon 1928 At home 1927 Lithographer 1927 Salesman 1927 At home 1928 At home 1926 Proprietor 1909 Paper-Maker 1916 At home 1908 3.t home 1906 Clerk 1907 Clerk 1912 Foreman 1919 At home 1911 Clerk 1910 At home 1892 Retired 1896 At home 1928 W.A. Kraft Company 1928 Honeywell 1917 Editor 1920 Hygenist 1922 Disabled Veteran 1911 Shoe Worker 1944 At home 1941 Engineer 1913 Supervisor 1946 Salesman Lawrence Cable Maker 1924 Dye Maker 1927 Loyal Insurance Co. 1939 At home 1923 Pattern Maker 1918 Assembler 1907 Engineer 1907 At home 1898 Retired 1909 At home 1907 N A.P.W. 1944 Teacher 1890 At home 1886 Retired 1920 Manager 1923 At home 1921 Elec. Service 1923 Nurae 1893 Retired 1906 Retired 1941 Engineer 429 Waverley Roast 194I Clerk 429 Waverley Road 1916 Service Man 1920 At home 1947 U.S.N. 1919 blechanic 1920 At home 1944 Student 1915 Paper Mill 1917 Wirer 1937 Mail Carrier 1936 Nurse NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 659 Comparone, Frank A. * 659 Comparone, Edytbe M. * 667 Hoar, Robert T. * 667 Hoar. Katherine F. * 667 Pillsbury, Ellen * 691 Correlle, Anthony * 691 Correlle, Carmella * 697 Dewhurst, William H. * 697 Dewhurst, Eileen 697 Dewhurst. Eva * 701 Bingham. James N. Jr. * 701 Binghaln, Mary L. * 707 Buchanan, Helen C. * 738 DiStefano. Alfred J * 738 DiStefano, Lynda F. * 742 Hilton, Kenneth * 742 Hilton, Georgianna * 768 Gidley, John R. * 768 Gidley, Margaret A. * 782 Martin, John A. * 782 Martin, Shirley E. * 792 Mathison. Helen M * 792 Mathison, James g. * 802 Perron, Marie E. * 802 Perron. George H. 814 Stabile, Dante L. 814 Stabile, Pauline T. * I Fessenden, Charles A. * 1 Fessenden, Pauline L. * 9 Wray, Donald V. * 12 Frosch, Wiliiam K * 12 Frosch, Augusta I. * 12 Frosch, Marie L. * 15 Bishop, Margaret 15 Paine, Joseph K. * 18 Jackson, Elmer E. * 18 Jackson, Phyllis * 18 Jackson, Everett M. * 18 Jackson, Angelina F. * 23 Gal{agher, Joseph * 23 Gallagher, Grace * 23 Gallagher, Gerard J. * 420 Shay, Myrtle * 420 Shay, Kastant * 432 Shay, John * 432 Shay, Josephine * 340 Donohue. Andrew J. * 340 Donohae, Helene R. * 347 Lodge, Warren D. * 347 Lodge, Doris W. * 355 Walmsley, Mary Jane * 355 Walmsley, Robert J. * 363 Wlison, Stewart E * 363 Wilson, Eva M. PRECINCI' THREE YR, OF B RTH 0CCUFATION WAVERLEY ROAD-continued 1903 Lustre Cleaners 1908 At home 1923 Operator 1924 Nurse 1889 At home 1921 Oxford Paper 1919 Marum Mills 1917 Engineer 1917 At home 1895 At home 1910 Post Office 1917 At home 1910 1920 Sales Representative 1940 At home 1893 Retired 1896 Teacher 1937 Truck Driver 1937 At home 1925 Paymaster 1926 At home 1920 At home 1921 Salesman 1925 Telephone Operator 1920 Foreman 1921 Sheet Metal Worker 1923 Western Electric WILLIAM STREET 1902 Retired 1904 At home 1921 Com. Artist 1920 At home 1917 Internal Revenue 1892 At home 1921 Interviewer 1890 At home 1923 Post Office 1909 Compositor 1911 At home 1927 U.S.A. 1929 At home 1920 Manager 1920 At home 1940 Service WINTHROP AVENUE 1918 At home 1907 Co-Proprietor Den 1904 Co-Proprietor Den 1908 At home WOOD LANE 1919 Asst. Superintendent 1918 Hairdresser 1923 Superintendent 1924 At home 1939 At home 1936 Teacher 1903 Printer 1902 At home RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 369 Wilson, Stewart P. * 369 Wilson, Shirley A. * 376 Keegan, Annie * 376 Roche, James * 376 Roche, Mary A. 376 Roche, Maureen * 395 Mangano, Eileen F. * 395 Mangano, Santo * 407 Pulverenti, Anthony * 407 Pulverenti. Antoinette 407 Pulverenti, Nancy * 427 Aspeslagh, Gilbert * 427 Aspeslagh, Margaret * 435 Wertz, Anthony T. * 435 Wertz, Gilda M, * 455 Giuffrida, Philip * 455 Giuffrida. Elizabeth M. 455 Thibault, Carol * 465 Merrill, Esther * 465 Bourbeau. Lucy * 468 Turner, Marie T. * 468 Turner, William T. * 475 Rapisarda, Salvatore J. * 475 Rapisarda, Irene C. * 478 Dineen, Joseph A. * 478 Dineen, H. Marie * 478 Dineen, Joseph A..Ir. * 485 Hyde, Claire E. * 485 Hyde, Philip L. * 486 Lombardi, John B. * 486 Lombardi, Anna L * 497 Jewell, Henry * 497 Jewell, Janet 497 Jewell, Ronald B. * 23 Emmett. Thelma M. * 23 Emmett, Thomas * 31 DeMarco, Philip J. * 31 DeMarco~ Frances I. * 39 Cianci, Antonia * 39 Cianci, Guido 39 Saiacca,Regina * 45 Proctor, Howard M. * 45 Proctor, Mary E. * 46 Nicolosi, Samuel J. * 46 Nicolosi, Rose * 46 Nicolosi, Robert J. 46 Nicolosi, Janet * 53 Shelley, Henry C. * 53 Shelley, Jane W. * 56 Pierro, Adele B. * 56 Pierro, Michael * 63 Pierro, Joan M. * 63 Pierro, Jo~ph H. * 64 Deyo, Elizabeth W. * 64 Deyo, James A. 73 Zahn, Mary Jeanne 73 Zahn, Raymond B. Jr. 74 Barlow, Nelson E 74 Barlow, Leona 1. 84 Skinner, Nellie S. 84 Skinner, Robert E. PRF£INCT THREE YR. OFT BRTHr OCCUPATION [RES'DENCE1967[NA'T'TY WOOD LANE-continued 1925 Insurance - Realtor 1930 Clerk 1893 At home 1912 1921 1947 Student 1931 Bookkeeper 1924 Plumber 1916 Druggist 1922 Hairdresser 1947 Strident 1924 Maintenance Man 1927 Wirer 1918 Raytheon 1929 Avco 1905 Engineer 1913 At home 1945 Air Line Stewardess 1915 Comm. of Massachusetts 1920 Raytheon 1926 Teacher 1924 Laborer 1926 Teacher 1927 Al home 1901 Retired 1908 1942 Studenl 1929 At home 1928 Dentist 1916 Electrician 1920 At home 1913 Operative 1920 At home 1941 Student WOODSTOCK STREET 1934 At home 1931 1928 Tech. Assistant 1930 At home 1926 1915 1901 1922 N.E. Telephone Co. 1927 At home 1918 Avco 1916 Office Worker 1943 Student 1945 Student 1923 Teacher 1927 At home 1904 Raytheon 1899 Laborer 1934 At home 1927 Foreman 1931 At home 1926 Engineer 1936 Clerk 1930 Operative 1909 Accountant 1907 At home 1931 At home 1929 Western Electric 85 NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 89 Win~, Richard A. * 89 Wing, M. Sylvia * 89 Wing~ Richard J. * 90 Linnehan, Robert M 90 Linneham Mary M. * 91 Kypriofis, Clara A. * 91 Hilse, Gustave A. * 11 Guertera~ Atfio * 11 Malone, Josephine M. 11 Malone, Santo * 11 Sgarlata, Nunzio * 11 Sgarlata. Frances * 12 Livesey, Ernest * 12 LJvemy, Beatrice * 15 Scott, Donald F. * 15 Scott, Helene O. * 19 Vernile. Ralph T. * 19 Vernile. Elizabeth D. * 22 Salemme, Vita * 22 Salemme, Pellegrino * 22 Salemme, Robert J. * 26 Himber, Robert L * 26 Himber, Alma 26 Cignoni, Katherine 26 Cignoni, Kenneth * 27 Daley, Anna O. * 27 Daley, Eugene A. PRECINCT THREE YR. OF g RTH OCCUPATION WOODSTOCK STREET-continued 1914 Engineer 1913 Nurse 1947 Draftsman 1932 Production Analysis 1936 1916 Office Worker 1881 Retired YOUNG ROAD 1897 Tailor 1927 Chiropodist 1898 1903 1882 Retired 1884 At home 1925 Lineman 1928 At home 1914 Insurance Agenl 1916 At home 1910 Heelcoverer 1909 Musician 1943 Plumber 1905 Retired 1910 Packer 1938 1934 Engineer 1905 At home 1909 RESIDENCE 1967 NA'T'TY 14 Village Green Drive 14 Village Green Drive 14 Village Green Drive 86 * 8 Crawley, John J~ * 8 Crawley, Shirley E. * 51 DainowskL Lucy M. * 51 DalnowskL Stanley J. * 90 Dims, Frank * 90 Dims, Virginia * 90 Newman, Judith E. 175 Koroskys, Ilelen * 213 Bixby, Emily S. * 225 Frost. Carlelon * 225 Frost, Alice 225 Frost, Carleton * 356 Owem Milo J. * 386 Owen, Edith * 356 Stott, John S. 356 Stott, Marjorie * 386 Stott, David * 383 Averka, Joseph J. * 383 Averka, Faye L. Grotkowski, Edwin Grorkow~i, Magdalena * 32 Friis, Robert W. * 32 Friis, Harriet lt. * 56 Kittredge, Francis B. * 56 Kittredge, Mary P. * 56 Shellnalt, John H. * 56 Shelhmtt. Barbara J, * 83 Stevens, Caroline R. * 83 Stevens, llorace N. Jr. * 83 Stevens, Kathy C. * 83 Stevens, Horace N. Ill 83 Kildune, Ann 83 Kildune, James P. 83 Kildune, Lawrence * 114 Dow, Harry R. Jr. * 135 Schwarz, Herbert B. * 135 Schwarz. Janet M. 135 McKallagat, John * 140 Charles, Bucbanan * 140 Charles, Mary F. * 153 Ryan, Frances C. * 153 Ryan, Raymond F. * 10 Gruden, Joseph J. * 10 Gmden, Gladys E. * 12 Devine, Ahce * 12 Devine, Colin J. PRECINCT FOUR ABBOTT STREET 1927 Accountant 1926 At home 1919 Lawrence General Hosp. 1920 Storeman 1919 Insurance 1921 Secretary 1943 At home 1916 Teacher Retired Operalive Office Machinist 1936 Lineman 1939 At home Paymaster At home 1942 Student 1914 Gas Service 1913 At home At home ACADEMY ROAD 1907 En$ineer 1905 Al home 1898 Retired 1896 At home 1931 Draftsman 1930 At home 1919 At home 1914 Manufacturing 1943 Student 1946 Student 1902 Housekeeper 1901 Retired 1946 U.S. Navy 1896 Merchant 1922 Engineer 1920 At home 1947 Student 1898 Antiquarian 1895 At home 1912 Payroll Clerk 1898 Cuslodian ADAMS AVENUE 1916 Tool Maker 1919 Western Electric 1904 At home 1942 Chef 1915 Shoe Worker 1908 Inspector 1945 At hmne 1908 Clerk 1904 At home 1918 Draftsman 1923 At home 1901 Contractor 1901 At home 1923 Leather Worker 1930 Mender 1928 Chemist RESIDENCE 1967 NA'T'TY 417 Marbk~idge Road 417 MarMcridge Road 548aundem 54 Saundem 54 Saundem PRECINCT FOUR RESIDENCE 1957 I NA'T'TY NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 59 Ritter, Joanne E, * 62 Caparco, Frank D, * 62 Caparco, Carol A. * 62 Arcifa, Carol M. * 62 Arcifa, Rita M. * 71 Bilodeau, Hervey V. * 71 Bilodcau. Elizabeth M. * 74 AlakeL George S. * 74 Alakel, Jennie H. * 81 Tomkicwicz, Warren C. * 81 Tomkiewicz, Viola * 88 Gryniewicz, Walter * 88 Gryniewicz, Nina * 88 Gryniewicz, John * 98 Pyterof, Anna * 98 Pyterof, Joseph 99 Siuda, Carol 99 Siuda. Louis * 2 Pickard, Ilelen * 2 Pickard. Herbert Jr. * 26 Arsenault, Dorothy M. * 26 Arsenault, William H. 26 ArsenauR, Peter D. * Gallant, Paul * Gallant, Winifred T. * Margolis, Liltian P. * MargoEs, Morton * 302 Taylor, Barbara E. * 302 Taylor, James A. * 302 Thomson, Annie * 580 Ground. Yvonne 580 O'Brien. Patrici a * 580 Burns, John J. * Burns, Mary D. 26 Hooper. Margaret * 36 Avrett, Eugene H. * 36 A~rett, Judith B. * 44 Whitehall. Walter M. * 44 Whitehill. Jane * 86 Hanlon, Rita J. * 86 Hanlon. Vincent 86 Hanlon, Barbara A. * 115 Bradley, Arthur D. * 115 Bradley, Mary J, * 169 Hammond, Roland B. Jr. * 169 Hammond. Joan D. 169 Kittredge, Joan Lee 179 Simpson. Robert C. 179 Shnpson, Rita M. * 186 Smith, Philip G. * 186 Smith, Dianne K. YR. 0P 8 RTH 0DCUPATION ADAMS AVENUE-continued 1932 Al home 1945 Operator 1945 At home 1946 Student 1924 At home 1919 Accountant 1930 Secretary 1904 Weaver 1909 Shoe Worker 1916 Operator 1920 Secretary 1921 Cabinet Maker 1923 Packer 1926 Meat Packer 1923 Meat Packer 1911 At home 1913 Avco ADRIAN STREET 1914 At home 1912 Herdsman ALLEN STREET 1909 At home 1894 Proprietor 1944 R.C.A. 1947 Attendant ANDOVER BY-PASS 1923 Truck Driver 1922 Clerk 1933 At home 1917 Professor 1915 Bank TeUer 1915 Superintendent 1586 At home 1919 Professor 1931 Accountant Analyst 1924 Telephone Operator ANDOVER STREET 1889 At home 1933 Physicist 1937 At home 1905 Director 1902 At home 1916 Nurse 1911 Guard 1947 Student 1907 Chauffeur 1908 At home 1919 Antiques At home 1946 Student 1940 Self-employed 1941 At home 1942 Inspector 1942 At home Arlington, Mass. Arlington, Mass. 88 NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 193 Woodbury, Madelin¢ H. * 196 Burns, Robert A. * 196 Burns, Ueah * 201 McDonald, Helen D. * 201 McDonald, Augustine J. * 207 Murphy, Margerel * 210 Schwenke, Louis F. * 210 Schwenke, Evelyn L. * 210 Schwenk, Paul L. * 212 Dowe, Robert M. * 212 Dowe, Marie E. * 230 Robertson, William K. * 230 Robertson, Helen S. * 240 Cahoon, Benjamin B. * 240 Cahoon, Myrtle A. * 240 Cahoon, Elizabeth I. * 250 DiFm~io, Rocco L. * 250 DiFruscio, Josephine T. * 250 DiFruscio, Louis * 272 Melamed, Maurice E. * 272 Melamed, Edward I 272 Melamed, Betty * 281 Nelb, Frances G. * 281 Nelb, Robert H. 289 Beletsky, Dorothy M. * 289 Beletsky, John * 289 Beletsky, Vera * 290 Bourque. Willimn J. Jr. * 290 Bourque, Anna E. * 290 Gilles'pie. Catherine F. 297 Crittenden, Richard 297 Critt enden, Mary Anne * 300 Mahoney, Thomas D. * 300 Mahoney, Theresa E. 309 Colburn, Monde * 309 Kellstrand, Blanche D. * 309 Kellstrand, Gunner E. 312 DriscoB, Thomas J. * 322 Hammond, Dorothy M. * 330 Fretwell, Eleanor F. * 330 Fretwell, Thomas K. 330A Perkins, Bertha L. * 350 Burke. Raymond J. * 350 Burke. Kathleen T. * 360 George, Raseeba * 360 George, Tbeodora * 360 George, Eleanor * 397 Freeman, Ethel M. * 412 Parker. Emily L. * 419 Freeman, Gordon L. * 419 Freeman, E~hel G * 419 Freeman, Martha * 426 Sercione. Mabel S, * 435 l~ompson, Elsie * 451 Rockwell, William P. * 451 Rockwell, Mabel A, 451 Cross, Margareta 471 Moulthrop, Ralph R. 471 Monlthrop, Marion M. 477 Donahue, Edward J. 477 Donahue. Ruth M. O'Connor, Arthur F. O'Connor, Irene C. Murray, Janet E. PRECINCT FOUR rs. bE a RTH OCCUPATION ANDOVER STREET-continued 1903 Hostess 1919 Operator 1924 At home Teacher 1899 Operative 1894 At home 1916 Letter Carrier Nurse 1942 U.S. Navy 1898 Restanrant At home Sports Cartoonist At borne 1906 Engineer At home 1935 Teacber 1942 1918 At home 1914 Bricklayer 1912 Clerk 1907 Farmer At home 1900 At home 1897 Contractor 1944 Student 1911 Clexk 1907 At home 1912 Carpenter 1908 Clerk Retired 1929 U. S, Navy 1928 At home 1925 Western Electric 1929 Telephone Operator 1871 At home 1908 Clerk 1910 Salesman Boss High Voltage At hume 1909 At home 1907 Linoieum Installer 1880 Retired 1916 Mail Carder 1913 At home 1901 At home 1920 Secretary 1931 Teacher 1894 At home Retired 1919 Proprietor 1918 At home 1943 Sales 1899 At home Hostess D&F At home 1888 Veterinarian 1893 At home 1910 Manager 1917 At home C. P. A. Secretary 1944 At home I RESIDENCE 1967 [ NA'T'TY 37 Stonin§ton 37 Stonington Andover 114 Academy Road 89 NO. 1 NAME OF PERSON LISTED * $ Dolan, George R. * 5 Dolan, Margarel T. 11 Charest, Anna 11 Charest, Lorraine M. 11 Charest, Alcide * I 1 Allen. Richard W. Jr. * 14 Cristaldi, Josephine T. * 28 Enaire, Dorothy A * 28 Enaire, Francis D. * 41 Dyer, PaulG * 43 McClellan, George O. * 43 McClellan, Eleanor B. * 44 Brucato, David 1. * 44 Brueato, Doris L. 58 Anthony, Mikel 58 Anthony, William H, 58 Anthony, William H. Jr. * 58 Lambert, Clementine * 59 Broughton. William hr. * 59 Brough/on. ,Ann A. * 59 Broughton, Renee M * 97 Ritter, Cecile P. * 100 Hay, Robert B. * I00 Hay, Eleanor M. * I00 Hay, Robert M. * 106 LeClair. Verna * 113 LicciardeBo. Salvat ore * 113 Liceiardello, Doris E. * 130 Giard. Antoinette M. * 130 Giard, Emile * 140 Thompson, John J. * 140 Thompson, Edith S. * 140 Thompson, John P. * 140 Thompson, Joseph W. 140 Thompson, James 140 Garry, Thelma 1, * 141 Thompson. Ann M. * 197 Patnaude, Nell C~ * 197 Patnaude. Margaret M. * 464 Tymvakiewiz~ Anna C~ 464 Moysenko, Elizabeth * 21 English, Patricia M. 23 Savage, Robert W. 23 Savage, Elizabeth Ellen * 18 Fichera, John J. * 18 Ficbera, Fred J. * 23 Carabello~ James W. * 23 CarabeBo, Ruth A~ * 24 Nigrelli, Helen V. * 36 Coco, Salvatore S. * 36 Coco, Josephine M. * 36 Coco, Richard H. PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF 1 B RTH OCCUPATION RESIDENCE 1967 APPLETON STREET 1933 State police 1933 At home 1888 At home 1927 At home 1898 Retired 1935 Engineer 1936 At home 1946 Borden Chemical 1929 Manager 1926 At home 1933 Clerk 1931 Carpenter 1926 Police Officer 1929 Athome Operative At home 1932 Engineer 1935 At home 1919 Teacher U. S, Army Student Clerk 19008 Engineer 1906 At home 1942 Student 1930 At home 1921 Engineer 1922 At home 1945 U.S.A. 1911 At home 1923 Adjuster 1918 At home 1922 At home 1926 Trucker 1911 Electrician 1915 At home 1944 Service 1946 Electrician 1946 Student 1942 Teacher At home 1935 Tester 1933 At home 1916 At home 1913 At home ASH STREET 1927 1. R. S. 1937 Foreman 1943 At home AUTRAN AVENUE 1945 Carpenter 1910 Builder 1935 N, A.P.D. 1935 At home 1917 Manager 1919 At home 1911 Baker 1915 Stitcher Engineer 18 Bixby Avenue 70 Fan-wood 70Fa~wood Lawrence 90 NA'T'TY PRECINCT FOUR I YR. OF NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED B RTH OCCUPATION BACON AVENUE 16 Ducker, Grace Mill Worker * 27 Carlson, Axel 1888 Paper-maker * 27 Carlson, I~flhan 1925 Secretary 43 Giard, Nazaire 1891 Retired * 43 Giard, Yvorme 1895 At home BARKERSTREET BEACON HILL BOULEVARD * 5 DiPaolo, Salvatore J. 1914 Salesman * 5 DiPaolo, Rose M. 1913 At home * 5 DiPaolo, Jean A. 1941 Teacher 5 DiPaolo, Eleanor 1945 Student 9 Andrews, Mirimn E. 1922 At home 9 Andrews, Wilham E. 1919 Salesman 9 Andrews, Carolyn 1944 Student * I 0 Casamasina, Dominic J. 1922 HaLtdresser * 10 Casamasina, Doris E. 1925 At home 15 Schaefer, Gertrude H. 1897 At home 15 Schaefer, O. Walter 1886 Retired 19 Finneran, Robert E. 1933 Journalist RESIDENCE 1967 T NAq"TY * 254 Terroux, Kenneth A, 1922 Salesman * 254 Terroux, Mary L. Stenographer * 266 Brown. James T. 1919 Designer * 266 Brown, Priscilla M. 1914 At home * 271 Culver, Elmira 1915 Director * 271 Culver, Donald 1914 Mechanic * 278 AtriSm Doris C. 1916 At home 278 Arrigo, Philip M. 1917 Engineer 278 Arrigo, Philip M. Jr. 1940 Student * 278 Arrigm 1ohn F. 1945 U.S. Navy * 290 Bell, Patricia A. * 290 Bell, Richard L. 1941 Mechatfic BAY STATE ROAD * 11 Dawkins, Frank 1893 Shoe Worker * 22 Stott, Helen 1916 At home * 22 Stott, Harold 1913 Florist * 25 Brightman, Victor G, 1885 Retired * 2S Bfightman, Myrtle 1905 At home * 25 Brightman, Herbert H. 1928 Painter * 35 Valliere, Ar thur J, 1910 Foreman * 35 Valliere, Loui~ M. 1910 At home 35 Smith, Sylvia Secretary * 36 Hibbits, Henry E. 1911 Electrician * 36 Hibbits, Stacia G. 1910 * 42 Tamagnide, Marie J. 1931 At home * 42 Tamagnine, James E. 1930 Fireman * 44 GaBoni, Raymond 1906 Operative * 44 Galloni, Mary At home * 47 Laycock, Edward J. 1930 Self-employed * 47 Lay¢ock, Beatrice A. 1931 At home * 48 Kane, David G. 1937 Meehaide * 48 Kane, Gladys At home * 121 Gingers, Peter 1915 Machinist * 129 SulBvan, John F. Fireman * 129 Sullivan, Claim R. At home * 130 Bazid, Emery J. 1913 YardMaster * 130 Bazid, Isabel R. 1917 Nurse * 137 Wilson, WiIBam S. 1902 Carpenter * 137 Wilson, Mildred 1902 Chocolate Dipper NO. PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF NAME OF PERSON LISTED B RTH OCCUPATION BEACON tII/L BOULEVARD~continued * 19 Finneran, Carole A. 1937 Teacher * 22 Murphy, Arthur R. 1923 Engh~eer * 22 Murphy, Mary R. 1923 At home * 27 Lafreniere, Richard R. 1941 Serf-employed * 27 Lafreniere, Phyllis A. 1941 At home * 28 Melvin, John B, 1926 Western Electric * 28 Melvin, Nancy yr. 1933 At home * 35 Zahoruiko, Frances L, 1926 Dairy Queen 35 Zahoruiko, Peter 1914 Manager * 45 Farley, Anne P. At home * 45 F3rley, James J. Inspector * 48 lppolito, Dante L 1922 Teacher * 48 lppolito, Eleanor M. 1921 At home * 135 Subaich, Adolph 1909 Custodian * 145 Bush, Silence E. 1871 At home * 145 Bush, Curtis 1908 Machinist * 145 Bush, Florence 1911 Shoe Shop Worker * 155 Pasternak, John W. 1917 Shipper * 155 Pasternak, Nellie S. 1924 At home BERRY STREET 16 Fiore, Frank 1933 Proprietor 16 Fiote, Louis 1943 Draftsman 16 Fiore, Margaret J. 1935 At home * 142 Houghton, Raymond 1911 Farmer * 142 Houghton, Rita 1914 At home 142 Houghton, leanette R. 1936 Bookkeeper 142 Houghton, Nancy 1945 Secretary * Michaud, Joseph Edward 1903 Operator * Michaud, Eugenie 1916 At home * Griffin, Archibald E. 1923 Leather Worker * Griffin, Marilyn F. 1934 Factory Worker Casey, Joseph M. 1916 Leather Worker Casey, Edith N. 1923 Laundry Worker Casey, Robert Leather Worker Cote, Lester 1941 Rubber Company Cote, Marion 1943 At home BOSTON HILL ROAD * 68 Stewart, John R. 1925 Engineer * 68 Stewart, Christine M. 1925 At home BOSTON STREET * 10 Salois, Eugene H, Jr. 1939 Western Electric 10 Salois, Mary L. 1941 At home * 45 Letizia, Michael J. 1913 Western Electric * 45 Letizia, Dorothy A. 1915 Western Electric * 64 Hearty, Arthur L. 1907 Maintenance * 64 Hearty, Elizabeth J. 1938 Payroll Clerk * 64 Hearty, Florence D. 1907 Artist * 75 Clough, Do,mid A. 1928 Draftsman * 75 Clough, Virginia Nancy 1929 At home * 80 Hoyt, Lililan 1915 Western Electric * 80 Hoyt, Waiter P. 1916 Maintenance Man * 91 Goodhue, Frances O. 1898 At home 111 Nolan, Lily 1923 Western Electric 111 Andrews, Paul L. * 124 Vaughan, Robert E. 1935 Western Electric * 124 Vaughan, Alice L. 1913 Waitress * 125 DeAdder, Robert A. 1931 Western Electric * 125 DeAdder, Doris A. 1936 At home 25 phiBips Court 25 Phillips Court 92 NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED PRECINCT FOUR  YR. DF I 0CCUPATIDN BOSTON STREET-continued RESIDENCE 1967 ~NA'T'TY * 135 Loranger, Daniel D. * 135 Loranger, Shefla F. * 142 Cinalli, Joseph P, * 142 Cinaili, Lydia * 145 Morgano, Gaetano * 145 Morgano, Louisa K. * 155 Carney, Walter A. * 155 Carney, Ruth * 155 Wormald, Wilbur * 160 Hazarvartian, Michael I. * 160 Hazarvartian, Esther * 165 Chase, Frederick M~ * 165 Chase, Marilyn D. * 185 Simpson, Thomas H. 185 Simpson, Hazel 186 Seabu~, Karl * 186 Seaburg, Marilyn E. * 194 Cornea u, Gustave J. Jr. * 194 Corneau, Nora Anne M. * 208 Solomon, Doris H. * 208 Solomon, Sam G. * 271 Guglielmino, Domenic P. * 271 Guglielmino, Eleanor M. * 274 Whitcomb, William S. * 274 Whitcomb, Phyllis P. * 305 Houghton, Joseph * 305 Honghtom Annie B. * 422 Morse, Ida M~ * 440 Jackson, Horace E. * 440 Jackson, Evelyn S. * 457 Atwood, Roberl E. * 457 ht-~o~, Alberfme L * 469 Murphy, Joseph E * 469 Murphy, Sophie A. 1939 I.B.M. Operator 1942 Al home 1924 Engineer 1927 At home 1926 Mechanic 1930 At home 1916 Stevens Mill 1915 At home 1910 Operative 1924 Mechanic 1929 At home 1923 Ogerator 1926 Nurse 1913 Self~mployed 1916 Al home 1929 General Electric Secretary Teacher 1933 Teacher 1913 At hmne 1919 Supervisor 1917 1918 Supervisor 1929 Mechanic 1931 At home 1907 * Mechanic 1909 At home At home 1914 Carpenler 1914 At home 1935 Veternarian 1938 At home 1930 Internal Revenue 1936 Nurse BOXFORD STREET 20 Kinsston 20 Kingston * 22 Fickenworth, Ernest A. * 22 Fickenworth. Ruth * 22 Fickenworth, Sharyn L. * 22 Rice, Rose * 27 Hamel, Charlotte A. * 27 Hame1, Joseph G. * 27 ttarnel, Gera~d J. * 35 Blackwell, Claire A. * 35 Blackwell, John E. * 57 Prusaman, Doris L. * 57 Prussman, Henry A. Jr. * 89 Pitman. Marion F. 89 Pitman, Harold 89 Pitman, Jacob H. * 89 Diekson, Loui~ W. * 89 Diekson, Grace C. * 89 Dickson, William E. 94 Pitman, llenry E. 94 Pitman, Pauline * 94 Carter, Helen M. 94 Carter, lrvin J. 169 Sze!est, Nellie 193 Szelest, Antoni J. Jr. Szelesl, Frances Gable, Catherine Murphy, John J. Murphy, Sarah M. 1898 D & F 1904 At home 1945 Internal Revenue At home 1923 At home 1919 Contractor 1944 Student 1933 At home 1931 9~estern Electric 1919 Electronic Worker 1914 Technician 1910 At home 1941 U.S.N. 1911 Teacher 1918 Maintenance 1915 Key Punch Operator 1946 Student 1939 Meat Cutter 1942 At home 1904 Secretary 1903 Clerk 1899 At home Dairy Farmer At home 1934 At home 1933 Teacher 1939 At home 471 Johnson 471 Johnson 183 Pleasant 183 Pleasant 93 NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED 330 Lavlgne. Joseph K. 460 Sztucinski, Eugene 460 Sztucinski. Winona 501 Thomas, Gladys 501 Thomas, Harry K. Hopping, Chadotte L. 602 Gorton, William 602 Gorton, Anne Tcel, Robert L. T~eL Marjode R. Morin, John * 11 Kozaczka, Stanley * 11 Kozaezka, Blanche * 11 Kozaczka, Stanley ]. * 15 Mackor, Michael G. * 1S Mackor, Sarah H. * 19 Morreal, John A. 19 Morreal, Rlaa * 21 Slade, Phila S, * 21 Slada, Richard P. * 23 Verreccbia, Frank A. * 23 Verrecchia, Eve * 27 Stapleton, Margaret A * 27 Stapleton. Dorothy B. * 29 Poirier, Elizabeth A. * 29 Pokier, Leo B. * 31 Uliano. Emma L. * 55 Rowe, Robert E. * 55 Rowe, Arlene S. * 63 Lentz, Norman E. * 63 Lentz, Frances L. * 81 Swithenbank, Ruby J. * 81 Swithenbank, ThomasE. * 81 Switbenbank, Brenda I. * 103 Paparella, Fra~tk * 103 Paparella. Marie * 189 Maxcbem, Salvatore M. * 189 Marcbese, Angela B. * 232 Donovan, Augustine * 232 Donovan, Mauda 232 Donovan, Donald 324 Green, John H. 324 Green. Ruth E. * 381 Blaisdell, Robert L. * 381 Bla/sdell, Marjofie L. 657 Mazurenko, William 657 Mazurenko, Nellie 97 Snfith, Arthur 108 Sonnier, Robert R. * 9 Field, Donald E. PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF BRTH OCCUPATION I RESIDENCE 1967 [ NA'T'TY BOXFORD STREEDcontinued 1900 Painter Ge~eral Electric 1916 At home 1910 At home 1932 Engineer 1927 Office 1916 Papermill 1920 At home 1917 Turkey Farm 1916 Al home BRADFORD STREET 1906 Factory Worker At home 1945 Draftsman 1920 Supervisor 1920 At home 1926 Engineer 1926 At home 1933 At home 1933 Engineer 1919 Insurance Agent 1921 At home 1896 At home 1918 Western Electric 1935 At home 1934 Western Electric 1916 Salesman 1916 Cashier 1933 Engineer 1933 At home 1926 Engineer 1928 At home Bookkeeper 1944 Student 1947 Computer Programmer 1887 Retired 1895 A1 home 1937 Chemist 1939 At home 1906 Machinist 1905 At home 1935 Air Force 1943 Engineer 1944 At home 1942 Farmer 1942 At honle 1895 Farmer 1892 At home BRENTWOOD CIRCLE C. B. S. Engineer BREWSTER STREET 1932 Correctional Officer MicMgan * 9 * 11 * I1 * 14 * 14 * 14 * 14 PRECINCT FOUR TYR. OF NAME OF PERSON LISIEE} / 8 RTH BCi;UPATION BREWSTER S l'REET-continued Field, May E. 1932 Western Electric Field, Donald S. 1907 Electric Welder Field, Gladys I. 1907 At home Kort, Joseph P. 1918 Electrician Kort, Charlotte L Western Elcx:lric Kort. Francis J. 1946 Worker Kort, Richard L. 1946 Student BROOKS SCHOOL Ashburn, Frank D. Headmaster Ashburn, Jean 1909 At home Baade, Eric C. 1928 Baade, Isabel At home Black, Catherine M, At home Black, David H TeacBer Bonan, Fredric P. Teacher Bonan, Alice At home Colby, John K. Teacher Colby, Elizabeth H. At home Dunnell, William W. 1933 Teacher Dunnell, Patricia C. At home Flint, Edward W. Teacher Flinl, Eugenia N. At home Gifford, Alice M. At home Gifford, Nathaniel H Teacher Hamilton, David E, Holcombe, Thomas W. Teacher Holcombe, Martha Al home Holmes, Richard F. Instructor lackson, Francis G. 1915 Instructor lackson~ Jane M. 1920 At home Jackson, Jane J. 1940 At home Keaney, Paul J. King, William V 1933 Teacher King. Sally B. 1933 At home King, Michael B, 1934 King, Rebecca D. 1940 McVey, Jean At home McVey, John M. Teacher Nortbup, Isaac N 1905 Clergyman Northup, Josephine G. 1919 At home Perkins, Leonard S. 1937 Teacher Perkins, Maurccn Peters, Robeson Teacher Reynolds. Anna P. Director Root, Oscar M. Instructor Selden, George Teacher Smith, Belinda P. 1941 At home Smith, Morgan K, Jr. 1935 Teacher Spader, Jean Spader, SIoddard G Teacher Walker, Robert S. 1934 Instrnctor Walker, Jean C. 1938 At borne Wilder, F. Fessenden Master Wilder, Merrill B. At home Wright, Florence M. Maid BUNKERHILL ffl REET Corcoran, Robert E. 1926 Assistant Manager Corcoran, Geraldine R. 1926 At home Burdett, Charles 1917 Supervisor Patterson. George B. 1924 Engineer 85 Farrwood 85 Farrwood 95 PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF OCCUPATION RESIOENOE 1967 [ NA'T'TY B RTH NO NAME OF PERSON LISTED 27 Patterson, Margret 34 Marino. Charles R 34 Marino. Arlene * 35 Guy. Cecile M, * 35 Guy, Edward J. 35 Guy, Edward J. Jr. * 11 Detora, Oswald * 11 Detora. Doris 14 LeClerc, Beverly 14 LeClerc. Paul J. * 15 Shaboo, Wadea T. * 20 Kasheta, Cecilia M. * 22 Kasheta, Edward 25 Tmnaski, Amelia * 33 Bradley, Claire F. * 33 Bradley, JamesC. * 34 CharesC Alfred J. * 34 Charest, Edith F. 36 Pellerin. Joseph E. * 36 Pellerin, Theresa F. * 48 Slipkowsky. John J. * 48 Slipkowsky, Germaine E. * 48 Slipkowsky, Richard D. * 48 Slipkowsky, Robert G. 1 Tomliuson, Edward B 1 Tomlinson~ Dorothy E, * 83 Bassiere, Kirk * 83 Bussiere, M. Eleanor 95 Chase~ Philip J. * 95 Chase~ Carole M. I I I Bnrrell~ Thomas D. * 326 Hodgdon, Arthur J. * 326 Hodgdon, Violet 326 Hodgdon, Eugene I. * Phalen, Robert P. * Sullivan, Edward M * Keleher, William L Murphy, William J. * Mnlclmy, John J. * Winsper, Edward V. * Senia. Joseph J. * Senia, Margaret * Senia~ Grace R. * Lyons, John J, * Lyons, Earline B. * Lyons, John S~ * 19 hledihy, Michael A. * 19 Rerlihy, Gertrude C. * 20 Pomerleau, Earl A. * 20 Pomerleau, Marietta M. BUNKERHILL STREET-continued 1933 At home 1931 Engineer 1933 Waitress 1919 At home 1924 Machinist 1944 U. S, N. CAMDEN STREET 1922 Adjuster 1925 Bookkeeper 1931 At home 1927 Welder 1914 At home Receplionist 1908 Operative 191 I Operative 1890 At home 1939 Teacher 1935 Teacher Printer At home 1917 Raytheon 1919 At home 1911 Machinist 1911 Stitcher 1943 Student 1944 Sludenl CAMPBELL ROAD 1923 Post Office 1918 At home 1930 Engineer 1925 At home 1937 Engineer 1938 At home 1941 Teacher 1945 1913 1922 At home 1945 U, S. Navy CAMPION HALL Priest 1894 Priest Preist Priest 1909 Priest 1909 Priest 1918 Maintenance Man 1918 At home Technician 1910 Secretary At home 1945 Student CARTY CIRCLE 1904 Comptroller 1911 Realtor 1917 Painter 1920 At home 96 NO, NAME OF PERSON LISTED 20 Pomerleau, Dennis 20 Pomerleau, Allen 20 Pomerleau, Harriet * 30 Lennon, Mice A. * 30 Lennon, John H. * 31 Gerraughty, William B. * 31 Gerraughty, Marguerite M. 40 Gotham, George V. * 40 Gotham, Margaret M. * 41 Bushnell, William B, * 41 Bushnell, Ruth Mary * 13 Haltmaier, Margaret C. * 13 Haltmaier, Richard G, * 41 Blanchard, David M. * 41 Blanchard, Joan * 53 Hennelly, Thomas P. * 53 Hennelly, Marie H. * 60 LaBeile, Alfred W. * 60 LaBelle, Alice E. 60 LaBelle, William V. * 67 Lyon. John L. * 67 Lyon, Florence A. * 75 Hollins, Joyce D. * 75 Hollins, Benjamin E. * 80 DeLoge, Beatrice * 80 DeLoge, Rene * 87 Savage, Laurence A. * 87 Savage, Mary L. * 96 Campbell, John H. * 96 Campbell, Louise M. * Il2 Andrew, ~[. Edwin Jr. * 112 Andrew, Leola P. * 112 Andrew, Carol Lee * l 12 Andrew, Thomas E. Ill * 122 Helms, RuthS. * 122 Helms, William P. * 132 Barcaclough, Lillian A. * 132 Barraclough, Thomas * 146 King, Harry H. * 146 King, Elsie G. * 147 Weaver, Ruth C. * 156 Reeves, Mildred B. * 156 Reeves, Arthur A. * 156 Davies, Henry * 156 Davies, Josephine E. * 156 Billings, Lyman 156 Jobnson. Margaret * 169 Hanson, Kurtz M. * 169 Hanson, Helen L. * 172 Haddock, Laura R 172 Sutton, Evelyn 172 Sutton, Thomas 172 Johnson, Robert 172 Johnson~ Shirley * 172 Morrison, Clarence E Jr. * 172 Morrisom Barbara D. * 172 Damon, Alice C, * 172 Scott, Roy A. * 172 Bolton, Ethel B. * 176 Quinn~Barbara A. * 176 Quinn, Edmund P. PRECINCT FOUR YR.RTHOF [ _B OCCUPATION RESIDENCE 1967 NA'T'TY CARTY CIRCLE-continued 1946 Student 1944 U.S. Army At home 1927 At home 1927 Electrician 1933 Research 1931 At home 1933 Manager 1936 At home 1928 Chemist 1927 At home CHESTNUT STREET 1923 At home 1922 Engineer 1932 Minister 1932 At home 1917 Pbysician 1927 At home 1906 Engineer 1907 At home 1945 U. S, Army Accountant At home 1926 Nurse 1926 Chiropodisl 1917 At home 1914 Mechanic 1909 Egg Dealer 1909 Bookkeeper 1915 Department Head 1913 At home 1914 Insurance 1913 At home 1943 Student 1944 Studenl 1898 At home 1896 Promotional Worker At home Broker 1888 Retired At home 1898 At home 1893 At home 1888 Retired 1898 1903 1903 1913 1913 1904 1906 1924 1924 1903 1910 1940 1890 1928 1919 At home Executive At home Cl~ristian Scientist Telephone Company At home Manager Secretary At home Bank Taller At home At home Physician 97 NO. * 231 Downs, Alice W. * 231 Harriman, John B. * 231 Harriman, Elizabeth W. 231 Harriman, Martha B. 250 Salemi, Joseph * 250 Guglielmino, Ida M. * 250 Guglielmino, Salvatore * 252 Forzese, Bart S. * 252 Forzese, Josephine M. * 254 Giuffrida, Ida M. * 254 Giuffrida, Anthony L * 257 Carey, John M. * 257 Carey, Patricia L. * 274 McDonald. Augustine J. * 274 McDonald, A. Marie * 275 Winters, Robert I. * 275 Winters, Mary A. * 285 Burgess, Frank J. * 285 Burgess, Florence M. * 294 Gould, Arthur C. * 294 Gould. Hazel E. 300 Greenwood, Edward R. 300 Greenwood, Brigilta 300 Forest, Eloise 300 Forest, Francis * 303 Busby, Philip A. * 303 Busby, Marie W. * 671 Rea, Charlotte P. * 671 Rea, George A. 710 Bredbury~ Josie * 710 Deltwas, Julius A. * 710 Deltwas, Rhoda M. * 731 Dandeaeau. Loyola J. * 731 Dandeneau. Ovila C. * 731 Dandeneau, Mary C. * 835 Moore, William * 835 Moore, Ethel * 835 Moore. David W. 835 Moore, Mary * 846 Fiori, Louis C * 846 Fiori. Edith M. * 857 Crabtree, Thomas * 857 Crabtree, Mary * 873 Henry, Ralph J. * 873 Heswy, Sara E. * 873 Henry, R. Christopher * 14 Burke, Robert $. * 14 Burke, Mary C. * 14 Burke, Nancy M. * 41 Mar~n. Edward I. * 41 Marsan, Elsie F. 41 Marsan, Patricia E. * 47 Johnson, Edwin E. * 47 Johnson, Helen M. * 47 Johnson, Axlene L 57 Carbonaro, Concet ta * 200 Rennie, David Jr, * 200 Rennie, Dorothy R. * 202 Boyle, Dorm J. * 202 Boyle, loyce R. PRECINCIFOUR YR, 0F OCCUPATION I RESIOENCE 1967 B RTH CHESTNUT STREET-continued 1887 Athome 1912 Banker 1916 Athome 1943 Teacher 1888 Retired 1925 Clerk 1919 Warehoum Man 1931 lnsuraace Agent 1931 Athome 1929 At home 1927 Chemist 1926 Insurance 1928 Alhome 1940 Avco At home Engineer Se~emry 1909 Druggist 1909 At home 1923 E~ctronics 1926 At home 1901 Wool Broker 1929 Athome Athnme Ret~ed 1915 Tree Surgeon 1918 Athome 1891 Athome 1887 Famaer 1902 Athome 1935 1937 Athome 1892 Athome 1891 Farmer 1922 Teacher 1904 Guard 1917 Belock Sheet Worker 1946 Student 1916 Manager 1922 Athome 1926 Engineer 1926 Athome 1906 Salesman 1945 Student 1946 U.S.A. CHICKERING ROAD 1907 Realtor 1908 Realtor 1936 Mathematician 1922 Operato~ At home 1946 Technician 19IS Loomfixer 1914 Nurse 1945 Student At h nme 1917 U.S. N 1919 Western Electric 1944 Western Eleclri¢ 1942 At home NATTY 98 rio. NAME OF PEF~SON LISTE9 * 209 Filetti, Rose * 209 Filetti, Joseph 223 Arcidiacono, Michael J. * 223 Arcidiacono, Rose Marie * 230 Baer, Doris W. * 230 Gardner, Walter A. * 230 Gardner, Mary D. 230 Goguen, Karen A. 230 Greet, William 230 Greet, Juliette * 230 Henry. Mark O. * 230 Henry, Kathleen F. 230 Samway~ Kathryn 230 Samway, Terrence * 247 Bulger, Edward C. * 247 Bulger, Winifred A. * 247 Bulger, Michael F. * 267 Langlois, Eugene * 267 Langlois, Frances A, * 267 Langlois, Gerard E. * 287 Messina, Domenic * 287 Messina, Josephine 287 Leoi~e, Agata * 361 Pendak, Walter J. * 361 Pendak, Elizabeth V. * 332 Randone, Charles S. * 532 Randone, Anne L. * 534 Fay, James E. * 534 Fay, Eileen L. * 535 McAloon, Edward M. * 535 McAloon, Josephine E. * 335 Cunningham, Peter B. * 535 Cunningham, Helen G. * 841 Griffin, J. Elaine * 864 Curlin, John W. * 864 Curtim Ethel A. * 311 Rogers, Anthony * 311 Rogers, Margaret M. No Residence * 13 Peabody, Christine 1. * 13 Peabody. James H. * 67 McCarthy, Frederick A * 67 McCarthy. Patricia C. * 10 Crawford, William V. Jr. 10 Crawford. Mary B, 10 Kimball, Ralph A. * 14 Hmurciak, Albert * 14 Hmurciak, Safina * 18 Bogle, Charles B. * 107 Elliot, Donald B. * 107 Elliot, Geraldine M. PRECINCT FOUR I YR OF BIRTH OCCUPA'TION J RESIDENCE 1967 CIiICKERING ROAD-continued 1898 Merchant 1897 Barber 1922 Proprietor Office Work 1937 Broker 1940 At home Raytheon U. S. Marines 1941 At home 1942 Student 1943 At home Student Student 1914 Veterinarian 1918 At hnme 1944 Banker 1904 At home 1912 1922 Operator 1920 Clerk 1883 At home 1920 Welder 1922 Switchboard Operator 1941 Raytheon 1943 Teacher 1928 Salesnmn 1926 Nurse 1938 Fire Department 1937 Nurse Western Electric 1945 Western Electric At home 1918 Driver 1922 At home CLARK STREET 1883 Farmer 1883 At home COACHMAN's LANE Lawrence 5 Wentworth 5 Wentworth CONCORD STREET 1934 Hairdresser 1934 Self-employed 1894 At home 1925 Chemist 1927 Al home COTU1T STREET 1908 Superintendenl 1912 Teacher 1920 Manager 1914 Raytheon 1914 At home 1900 Salesman 1938 Telephone Company 1940 At home NA'T'TY 99 NO NAME OF PERSON lIST60 * 117 Detora. Louis A. * 129 Partridge, E~elyn T. * 129 Partridge~ George E. * 134 Smith, Catherine P. * 134 Smith, Robert J. * 139 Hughes. Stanley * 139 Hughes, Jessie 139 Hughes, Graham A. * 146 Kenney, William P. * 146 Kenney, Margaret M. * 149 Croteau, Russell A * 149 Croteau. Pauline E. * 154 Spinelli. Loais S. * 154 Spinelli. Erna M. * 161 Marchand. Joseph D. * 161 Marchand, Barbara A. 171 Deacon. Robert R. 171 Deacon. Betty J. * 183 Campbell, Barbara T. * 183 Campbell. Norman * 184 Foley, Waiter R. * 184 Foley, Janice L. * 193 Alexander. William D. * 193 Alexander, Barbara S. * 193 Lyons, Robert J. * 193 Lyons. Patdcia M * 203 Bouchard. George C. * 203 Bouchard, Vivienne F. * 15 Letarte, AliceM. * 15 Letarte. Richard W. 15 Letarte, Stephen G. * 16 Dulude, Robert P. * 16 Dulude, Phylli~ I * 31 Bartlett, Vernon Y. * 31 Bartlett, Ruth C. * 37 Maurer, Robert E. * 40 Landers, Sheila M. * 40 Landers, Vincent B. * 49 Willis, Joseph * 49 Willis, Joan R. * 49 Kennedy. Rose M~ 49 Kennedy. Katherine * 59 Hayes, Thomas B. * 59 Hayes. Loretta 60 Arcidi, Affred L. * 77 Barman, James M. * 77 Bannan. Rita M. * 100 Knapp. Edward C. * 100 Knapp, Robena E. 100 Potter, John R. 120 AIvino. Marion * 120 AIvino. Andrew E. * 100 Cadogan, Larry J. * 100 Cadogan, Janet S. * 115 Lynch. Harold A. * 115 Lynch, Lee G * 115 Lynch, Richard M. PRECINCT FOUR YS. DF [3RTH OCCU?A~,ON I R[SIDENCE 1§67 I NA'T'TY COTUIT STREET-continued 1939 Telephone Company 170 Marbleridge Road 1932 At home 1932 Track Driver 1932 At home 1927 Boys Scout Executive 1911 Inspector 191g Clerk 1943 Engineer 1926 Accountant 1927 At home 1908 Mechanic 1926 A1 home 1924 Maintenance Man 1929 At home 1935 Manager 1930 At home 1933 Teacher 1934 At home 1900 Glennie's Dairy 1897 Glennie's Dairy 1928 Engineer 1936 At home 1933 Insurance 1931 At home 1936 Asst. Engineer Methuen 1938 At home Methuen 1915 1912 Waitress COURT STREET Secretary 1942 U.S.N. 1947 Sludenl 1923 Accountant 1924 At home 1914 Self-employed 1914 At home 1937 Engineer 1933 At home 1930 Contractor 1923 Accountant 1927 At home 1900 Teacher 1922 Physician 1922 At home Dentist Retired Clerk 1895 Retired 1913 Insurance Agent Attorney New York At home Contractor DALE STREEI 1916 Teacher At home 1910 Sales Representative 1910 At home 1945 Student 100 NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 125 Anderson, James A. * 125 Anderson, Isabel D. * I28 Hillner, Dmmld C. * 128 Hillner, Angela M. * 133 Stewart, Frank W. * 133 Stewart, Janice E. * 141 Moynihan, Mary * 153 Underwood, Ridgeley B. * 153 Underwood. Fannie R. * 158 Smith. Ashton * 158 Smith, Gwendelyn * 158 Smith, Stephen H. * 158 Smith, Geoffrey P. * 185 Salvetti, Augustine J. * 185 Salvetti, Grace R. * 190 Mastapeter, Rose * 198 Kirkham, Alfred R. 198 Kirkham, Richard I. * 201 Peters, Theodore * 201 Peters, Virginia M. * 203 Timmons, Ruth E. * 203 Timmons, James Gordon * 206 Rothschild, Bertlm * 206 Rolhschild, Kurt 218 Ford, Peter 218 Ford. Jane 220 Knoohuizen, Ray 220 Knoohnizen, Loaim 220 Knoohuizen, Nancy * 228 Sanborn, Robert L. * 228 Sanborn, M. Lila * 234 Wingfield, Mary * 240 White, Frederick J. * 240 White. Elizabeth A. * 242 White, Frederick R 242 White, Rose M. * 244 Miller, Rosemary * 244 Miller, Phillip T. * 256 Morley~ Harold Jr. * 256 Morley, Julia C. * 268 Sangern~ano, John P. * 268 Sangermano, Cecelia E. * 280 Rand, David C. * 280 Rm~d, Frances J. * 300 Bryant, Philip A. * 300 Bryant, Mary W. * 357 Welch, Edward J. * 357 Welch, Eileen * 357 Welch, Edward J. lt. * 400 Danahy, John J. * 400 Danahy, Rita D. * 400 Danahy, Richard H. * 400 Danahy. James W. * 428 Giaquinta, Thomas D. * 428 Giaquinta, Barbara 490 Olszewski, Arum * 503 Smolak, Theodore M. 503 Smolak. Helen 776 Brau, Cbarles A. 776 Bran, Jean S. 4- 790 Wilson, George G. Il * 790 Wilson, Priscilla P. * 802 Franks, Lewis E. * 802 Franks, Mary H. PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF BRTH 0CCUPATIDN I RESIE)ENCE 1967 [ NA'T'TY DALE STREET-continned 1907 Mechanic 1915 Western Electric 1931 Printer 1927 Hairdresser 1937 Analyst 1938 At home 1916 At home 1915 Engineer 1910 At home 1914 Administrator 1915 At home 1943 Organ Builder 1946 Student 1915 Real Estate Insurance 1916 At home 1892 At home 1914 Production Control 1942 U.S.A. F' 1917 Self-employed 1919 At home At home 1945 Operator 1904 At home 1904 Teacher 1934 Teacher 1937 At home 1917 Professor 1920 At home 1946 Student 1918 Sargent N. A. F. D. 1921 At home 1908 Housekeeper 1896 Relired At home 1928 Laboratory Technician 1927 Shoe Shop 1922 At home 1922 F~reman 1924 Attorney 1925 At home 1928 Teacher 1930 At home 1931 Police Officer 1933 At home 1924 Western Electric 1927 At home Plumbing Inspector At home 1943 Plumber 1913 Salesman 1914 At home 1940 Oxford Paper 1946 Student 1927 N.A.P.D. 27 Main 1927 At home At home 1914 Farmer 1915 At home 1938 Scientist 1942 At home 1926 Teacher 1928 At home 1931 Engineer 1932 At home 101 NO. I NAME OF PEF~SON LISTED * 826 Rhys, Barry S. * 826 Rhys, Mary Margaret * 838 Stoddard, Janet A. * 838 Stoddard, William H. Jr. * 838 Breg, Theodore * 838 Breg, Marflyn * 866 Bergman, Royall * 866 Bergman, Loretta B. * 878 Swanson. Charles B. * 878 Swanson, Norma J. * 890 Williams, Carl * 890 W~lliams, Barbara L. * 907 Cashman, O. Francis * 907 Cashman~loan J. * 910 Sears, Allyn B. * 910 Sears, Florence 1. * 922 [ ~a, Adah L * 922 Rea. Sidney C. * 997 Eldred, Frederick G. * 997 Eldred, Elhel A. 997 Foster~ Guy E. * 997 Lewis, Charles M. * 997 Lewis, Ruth Foster 997 Lewis. Pearl *1000 Leonhard, Thomas M. *1000 Leonhard. Sarah B. * 18 Bore, Margaret E. * 18 Bove, Richard P. * 8 Crompton, Ralph * S Crompton, kene K. * 16 Lawson. Roger 0. * 16 Reed, Stanley D. * 16 Reed, Dorothy M. * 16 Reed, Donna L. * 26 Lynch, lohn J. * 26 Lynch, Eileen * 32 McMurray, William I. * 32 McMurray, Ethel * 50 Murray, Mae * 50 Smith, Frederick E. * $0 Smith, Dorothy D. * 54 Schruender. George 11. * 54 Schruender, Marguerite S. * 54 Sehruender, Mary R. * 54 Schruender, George H. Jr. * 54 Schruender, Joan E. * 14 Tangney, John T. * 23 Casey, James D. * 23 Casey. Mary E. * 25 Kent, Raymond L. * 38 MacDonald, John R. * 38 MacDonald. Irene R. * 38 Epstein. lerald M. * 40 Steinberg, Robert M. * 40 Steinberg. Carolyn PRECINCT FOUR B RTH~ OCCUPATION DALE STREET-continued 1920 Manager 1925 At home 1926 At home 1930 General Electric 1932 Salesman 1936 At home 1925 Paper Maker 1926 At home 1920 Office 1924 1921 Assistant Man~ger 1920 At home 1917 Manager 1926 At home 1912 Supervisor 1916 At home At home 1890 Farmer 1921 Self-employed 1923 Hairdresser 1892 Farmer 1896 Fainter 1889 At home 1895 Domestic 1916 Farmer 192I At home DARTMOUTH STREET 1929 At home 1930 Knapp Shoe Sales DUFION COURT 1921 Salesman 1923 At home 1936 N.A.H.D. 1919 Manager 1920 Office 1944 Secretary 1922 Lawyer At home 1898 Operative 1897 At home 1932 Clerk 1914 Spinner 1921 At home 1909 Realtor 1908 Realtor 1942 Teacher 1943 Student 1945 Student EDGELAWN AVENUE 1940 Salesman 1908 Engineer 1906 At home 1940 Contractor 1931 Accountant 1905 At home 1943 Engineer 1942 1942 Teacher RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'T'T¥ 117 Cotuit 117 Cotuit 113 Andover 113 Andover 124 Mifflin Drive 124 Mifflin Drive 102 NO NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 122 Twomey, Cornelius J. * 122 Twomey, Cathleen R. 122 Cane, George A. 122 Cane. Pauline S. 122 Cane, Jeffrey 122 Cane, Stepl~en M. * Ward, Donald E. * Ward, Janet M. * 24 McKay, William L * 24 McKay, Catherine E. 38 Mildruta, Charles J. * 38 Gray, Derhert W. Jr. * 50 Gray. Janet * 55 Locke, Edward V. * 55 Locke, Joan A. * 62 Good. John J. * 62 Good. CaroIG. 73 DiMilla. Rose E. * 91 Anderson, Phyllis W. * 91 Anderson, Victor H. * 96 Hillner. Richard J * 105 Nolet, Joseph M. 105 Nulet, llelen 110 O'Connor, John R. I I 0 O'Connor, Theresa I I 0 DiPierro, Al * 121 Powell, Ralph D. * 122 Silverman, Lyleen B. * 134 Schapker, Richard L * 145 Pelletier, Roger H. * 145 Pelletier, Dorothy M * 146 Stevens, William F. * 146 Stevens, Theresa C, * 163 Andersou, Louella C, * 163 Anderson, Robert E. * 181 Burgess, Alfred W * 181 Burgess, Irene M. * 1:51 Gourlay, Catherine L. * 247 Coleman, Sid~ey R * 247 Coleman, Adele L. * 250 Brodie, Martha A. * 277 Thomson, Howard M. * 277 Thomson, Alvina B. * 397 Farnum, B. Alden * 397 Farnum, Benjamin G. * 397 Farnum, C. Maud * 426 Farnum, Dorothy S. * 426 Farnum, lohn C. 25 Crosby, Barbara 25 Crosby, lames * 25 Gottfried, Salomon * 25 Go~tfried, Pearl PRECINCT FOUR YR, OF B RTH OCCUPATION EDGELAWN AVENUE continued 1908 Parole Board 1906 At home 1918 Raytheon 1919 At home 1945 Student 1947 Student ESSEX STREET Salesman At home FARNUM STREET 1934 Chemist 1939 At home 1921 Savings Bank 192:5 At home 1936 Physicist 1937 At Dome 1930 Insurance Underwriter 1934 1926 Manager 1934 At home 1934 At home 1931 Technical Assistant 1935 Teacher 1937 At borne 1931 Western Electric Western Electric 1930 Insurance 1935 At home Retired 1930 Elco:tronic Technician 1935 At home 1934 At home 1934 Engineer Wool Buyer 1916 At home 1927 Manager 1929 At home Teacher 1919 Engineer 1905 Salesman 1909 Bookkeeper 1910 Cook 1902 Engineer 1904 At home 1898 At home 1908 Engineer 1908 At home 1900 Mechanic 1938 Engineer 1902 Al home 1896 Al home 1903 Farmer FARRWOOD AVENUE At home Salesman 1909 Salesman 1912 At home I RESIDENCE 1967 [ NA'T'TY Arabia Arabia 103 * 25 Gray, Guy M. Jr. * 25 Gray, Ruth L 25 Minahan, Joan * 25 Vargas. William E. * 25 Va~gas~ Anne U. 27 Anderson. Lawrence 27 Anderson. Mary * 27 Church, Edwin N, 27 Church, Suzanne 27 Dion, Keith 27 Dion, Pauline 27 Levy, Harry 27 Levy, Anita * 27 Reilly, lohn J. Ir. * 27 Redly, Irene C. 27 Whisant. $ohn 27 Whisant. Palricia 39 Cardwell, Anthony 39 CardwelL Pat rieia 39 Munro, Gladys 39 Munro, Everett * 39 Nice, Richard W. * 39 Nice. E. Seretha 41 Bianchino, Elizabeth 41 Dennen, Gerard E. 41 Mahdi. Hooshang 41 Mahdi, Mahin D. 41 McMahon, Pa tricia 41 Swenson, Jon 41 Swenson, Janice * 50 Davis, Lila A. * 50 David, Harold E. * 50 DeWolf, George O. 50 Howard, Kathryn * 50 McCann, Frank J. * 50 McCann, Helena M. * 50 Murphy, Mary E. * 50 Mm'phy, Howardl. 52 Aaronian, Robert 52 Bluestein, Irving 52 Bluestein, Deborah 52 Hoegan, Edward 52 Lynch, Artimr 52 Nelsom Robert 52 Nelson, Susan 52 Reen, lane * 52 Taylor, George R. 52 Taylor, Beverly * 52 Viola, Josephine * 59 Kaplan, Ronald E. * 59 Kaplan, Pamela N. 59 Kenny, Alice * 59 Savoy, Jerry * 59 Savoy, Nancy 59 Maclison, Howard 59 Machson, Patricia 59 Phinney, Robert * 61 Aldrich, Nathan G. * 61 Aldrich, Joyce M. * 61 Boardman, loseph A. * 61 Boardman, Evelyn 61 Coakley, Sandra PRECINC~ FOUR I YR'OFI OCCUPATION NAME OF PEF~SOFI LISTED BIRTH FARRWOOD AVENUEacontinued Retired At home At home 1929 Social Worker 1935 Social Worker Banker At home 1938 Textile Instructor 1922 Raytheon 1923 Al home 1935 Manager 1937 At home 1932 Professor 1936 Professor Claims Adjuster Office Work 1892 At home 1889 Retired 1929 Life Insurance 1896 Retired 1890 Retlxed Teacher Teacher Office Worker 1943 Foreman 1943 Teacher 1920 Office 1011 Great Pond Road 1011 Great Pond Road I04 NO RESIDENCE 1967 J NA'T'TY 61 * 61 * 61 61 * 70 * 70 * 70 * 70 * 70 * 70 * 70 * 70 * 72 72 72 * 72 * 72 * 70 * 72 72 72 72 * 85 * 85 * 85 85 85 * 85 * 85 87 * 87 * 87 87 87 87 gg 88 88 88 88 88 88 * 88 * 88 88 88 * 90 * 90 90 90 * 90 * 90 90 90 90 9O "'- 102 '~ 103 · 403 103 103 * 105 * 105 105 PRECINCT FOUR NAME OF PERSON LISTED BIFITH OCCUPATION FARRWOOD AVENUE-continued Felteau. Marion Office Worker Forrest, Katherine C. 1905 Teacher Forrest, Paula M. Teacher Sullivan, William Salesman Appleby, Nancy M. 1945 At home Appleby, Bruce W. 1944 Engineer Gardner, David B. 1938 Gardner, Claire V. 1941 At home Goodwln, Harry D. 1936 Goodwin. Dolores A. 1937 At home Zabawa, Lydia H, 1913 ~estem Electric Zabawa, Aldona S. 1922 Western Electric Chandler, Kathryn 1905 Retired Foresta, Anthony J. Hamel, Gerald McDonough, Arthur F. 1918 Boston & Maine Railroad McDonough, Margaret V, 1915 Hairdresser Pikora, Theodore S. 1939 Instructor Spaulding, Miriam W. 1891 At home Stone. Elizabeth Waim~ss Swanton, Stanley Proprietor Swanton~ Winifred At home Garman, Charles C. 1942 M. 1. T. Shea, Joseph D. 1935 Engineer 70 Farrwood Shea. Mary Lou 1931 Teacher Skelton. John Skelton, Carolyn Wuerdemann, Hermarm J. 1935 Engineer Wuerdemann, Nilda O. 1940 At home Boudreau, Dorothy Reporter Carey, Edward I. 1886 Retired Carey. Edna B, 1898 At home Pierce, Jonathan Salesman Tung, Rose Tung, James Engineer Burbridge, Leo 1916 Raytheon Burbridge, Carolyn 1919 At home Kennett, Sylvia Kennett, James Nowicki, Richard Engineer Pikora, Theodore Teacher Pudelko, Richard Engineer Stekert, James J. 1930 Avco Company Stekert, Marleen L. 1934 At home Visconti, Rudolf Salesman Visconli, Elaine At liome Hunt, Stanley M. 1905 Superintendent 127 Glenncrest Hunt. Amy 1904 At home 127 Glenncrest Larson, Elizabeth At home l. arson, Henry Law, Donn B. 1924 Insurance Law, Helen M. 1924 Secretary Lewis, Harry Retired Lewis, Dorothea At home Wentworth, Shirley Retired Wentworth, Eleanor At home Amante, Aurelie Amante, Joseph Finelli, Thomas Avco Company Mann, David Real Estate Yee, Richard 1933 Proprietor Callahan, Daniel E. 1891 Retired Callalian, Brenda A, 1916 Writer Cave, Kenneth Avco 105 PRECINCT FOUR I RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY NO. [ NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 105 Conron, Richard W. * 105 Contort, Marilyn F. * 105 Pronlx, Eileen 1 Smith, Robert H. * 1 Smith, Mary E. * 15 Porochniak. Myron * 15 Porochniak. Anne * 23 Glennie, Mildred * 23 Glennle, William D. * 23 Brierly. Alice * 33 Cole, Priscilla J. * 33 Cole, Robert E. * 45 Chappell, Lona J. * 45 ChappelL Charles M. * 64 Flynn, John P. 64 MacCormack, Sarah * 66 Flynn, Joseph J. * 66 Flynn, Pauline F. * 141 Robinson, Charles J. * 158 Janusz, Edward * 158 Janusz, Amy * 175 Abeyta, Jose P. * 175 Abeyta, Margaret A. * 183 Uzalhiski, Edward R * 183 Uzalinski, Ethel Michaek Wallace * 206 Janusz, Clare A. * 206 Janusz, Robert J. 223 Piotte, Joseph C. * 231 Savard, Robert J. * 231 Savard, Roselline L. * 231 DiStefano. Antoinette C. * 247 Cote, Raymond R. * 247 Cote, Jeanne D. * 263 Perkins, Douglas M. * 263 Perkins, Judith A. 306 Miller, Ida A. * 306 Miller, Edward A. * 409 Vqood, Paul * 409 Wood, Shirley 409 Wood, Paul D. * 657 Robs, Ruby * 657 Robs, Morris Fred * 701 Gilbert, Roscoe A. * 701 Gilbert, Anna 805 Belair, Robert G. 805 Belair, Gayl C. * 876 Wysocki, Sophia * 876 Watson, Jane S. 876 Watson, Robert A. Hawes, John A. * Hawes, Corinne N. * llawes. Robert E. Hawes. Petronella M. * 34 Muccini. Richard E, * 34 MuccinL Jean E. * 42 D'Antonio~ Philip ~f. 42 D'Antonio, Joyce FARRWOOD AVENUE-continued 1942 Supervisor 1943 At home Raytheon FOREST STREET 1938 Mechanic 1933 At home 1913 Leather Business 1913 At home 1911 Sales 1910 Maintenance 1889 At home 1935 At home 1934 Western Electric 1917 Clerk 192l Sales Representative 1903 Driver 1905 At home 1913 Contractor 1907 At home 1885 Tool Maker 1907 N.E.M.P.A. 1907 At home 1932 Engineer 1939 At home 1924 Electrician 1922 Secretary Artist 1939 Narse 1937 Accountant Sales Connecticu ! 1932 Technician 1940 At home 1914 Weslern Electric 1930 Chauffeur 1931 Al home 1935 Engineer 1937 At home 1909 Merchant 1921 Machinist 1927 Proprietor 1946 U.S.A.F. 1895 At home 1894 F~reman 1918 Operative 1928 Western Electric 1923 Builder 1927 A ! home 1896 At home 1918 Tool Designer 1921 Farmer 1917 Dentist 1917 At home 1942 Consultant 1943 At home FOSTER STREET 1941 Salesman 1941 At home 1939 Hairdresser At hume 106 PRECINCT FOUR RESIDENCE 1967 NAME OF PERSON DSTEO * 46 Baldwin, Richard W. * 46 Baldwin, Barbara S. * 67 Rivet, Francis E. * 67 Rivet, Mary A. * 72 Smith, Donald J. * 72 Smith, Pauline A. * 75 Dean, James J. * 75 Dean, Catherine M. * 87 Gihnore, Harold L * 87 Gilmore, Mary F. * 100 Paul, Muriel H. * lOO Paul, Joseph R. * 101 Bielevich, Alphonse J * 101 Bielevieh, Mary S. * 122 Foster, LorJng B. * 122 Foster, Ethel * 135 Foster. Beatrice N * 135 Foster, Earl L. * 160 Bridges, Turner * 160 Bridges, PrudenceA. * 160 Bridges, Frances P. * 193 Foster, Charlotte M. * 500 Camasso, Anthony 520 Carom Noeraie P. * 535 Pas, Mary L. * 535 Pas, Stanley F. * 544 Valliere, Emile I. 544 Valliere, Adrienne 546 Furnari. Authony * 546 Furnari, Cynthia P. * 550 Parisi, Andrew R. * 554 Andrnkaitis, Joseph F. * 554 Andrukaitis, Elizabeth V. * 595 Theberge, John J. * 595 Theberge, Ann A. * 597 Parisi, Catherine M. 597 Parisi, Joseph I. * 597 Houde, Anita J. * 597 Houde, Richard C. * 600 Valliere, Leonard P. * 600 Valliere, Rosalie 606 Pas, Mary 606 Pas. Walenty * Clarke, Catherine F. * 14 DeRonde, Marilyn * 14 HeRoade~ Paul G. * 30 Buckley, Catherine G. * 30 Buckley, Agues F. * 30 Buckley, Francis J. * 37 Messina, Carmello J. * 37 Messina, Catherine Mary 37 Tardie, Josephine * 50 Plant, James A. * 50 Plant, Mlllicent G. 53 Gordon, Bernard 53 Gordon, Edith B. L. Watkinson, Henry T. Watkinson, Veronica T. Doherty, lustine H. Doher ty, James FOSTER STREET-cotttinued 1930 Banker 1930 At home 1932 Felephone Company 1935 At home 1926 Manager 1934 At home 1920 N.F. Telephone Company 1920 At home 1931 Engineer 1931 At home At home 1905 Supervisor 1921 Merchant 1916 Sporting Goods 1904 Mechanic 1904 At home 1915 At home 1911 Farmer Proprietor At home At home At home 1908 Mechanic 1897 At home 1928 At home 1918 Operative 1907 Painter 1913 Waitress Carpenter 1931 At home 1943 Cook 1919 Operator 1927 Hairdresser 1921 Self-employed 1930 At home 1910 At home 1906 Chemicals 1945 At home 1945 Truck Driver 1932 Shipper 1929 Internal Revenue 1872 At home 1890 Farmer 1939 Teacher GLENNCREST DRIVE 1927 At home 1926 Consultant Stenographer Bookkeeper Business 1923 Caterer 1922 At home At hume 1927 Engineer 1924 At home 1928 Engineer 1930 At home 1909 Bell Laboratory 1913 At home 1928 At home 1927 Contractor 1945 Student 22 Cleveland NA'T'TY 107 NO I IIAME OF PERSON LISTEO * 79 Zar, Jacob L. * 79 Zar. Winifred * 87 ltarnisch, Frederick M. * 87 Harnisch, Mary G. * 100 Gammie, Emily S. 100 Gammle, James * I 11 Leonard, Jeanne A. * 111 Leonard, Donald 3. * 114 Holman, Olga O. * 114 Holman, Arthur C. * 127 Follmer. Fred H. * 136 Rockwood, Albert E. Jr. * 136 Rockwood~ PhyilisM. * 16 Burke, John J, * 16 Burke, Elaine M. * 1 Rullo, Frank J. * I Rullo, Barbara M. * 17 Horgan, Mary C. * 17 Horgan, Thomas J. * 30 Cushing, Joseph B. * 30 Cushing. Lois B. * 31 Nelson, Cbarles G. * 31 Nelson, Jane A. * 56 Gelinas, Frank C. * 56 Gelinas, Marilyn D. * 72 Adico~fis, Marie A. 72 Adiconis, Robert J. * 103 Goodhue, Ira Jr. * 103 Kwel, Emily G. 103 Goodbue, William 103 Goodhue, Joan * 162 Travers, Michael * 169 Boush, Alfred * 169 Boush, Albina B. * 169 Boush, Alfred Jr. * 56 Goodson, Linwood W. * 56 Goodson, Letty L. * 72 Stevens, Ames * 72 Stevens, Phyllis Brooks * 100 Endicott, William * 100 Endicott, Helen M. 100 Endicott, Abigail * 121 Weston, Melville * 134 Murphy, Edwin C. * 134 Murphy, E. Elizabeth * 134 Murphy~ John R. * 150 Fisher, Dana N. * 150 Fisher, Lois P. * 150 Fisher, Barbara D. * 170 Murphy, Daniel J. Jr. s, 170 Murphy, Evelyn E. 170 Murphy, Gall * 254 Leland, Edmund F. 1II * 254 Lelend, Allis H. * 326 Ostherr, Edith PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF B RTH OCCUPATION GLEN NCREST DRiVE-continued 1917 Engineer 1918 At home 1916 Retired U. $. A. 1919 At home 1926 At home 1924 Engineer 1935 At home 1933 Engineer 1913 At home 1913 Engineer 1916 Engineer 1925 Engineer 1927 At home GRAFTON STREET 1941 Student 1943 Teacher GRAY STREET 1933 Inspector 1934 At home 1918 At home 1918 Supervisor 1935 Teacher 1936 At home 1925 Teacher 1927 Teacher 1937 Engineer 1940 At home 1936 At home 1914 Odd Jobber At home 1927 Cormruction 1933 At home 1901 Farmer 1914 Operative 1918 At home U.S.A. GREAT POND ROAD 1903 Caretaker 1907 At home Manufacturer At home 1910 Textiles 1908 At home 1946 Secretary 1890 Retired 1916 Vice President 1919 At home 1944 Student 1919 Manager 1918 At home 1946 Student 19H: Bank President 1907 At home 1944 Student 1924 Dry Cleaning 1927 At home 1893 At home 108 RESIDENCE 1967 524 Main 524 Main jNA'T'TY NO. 326 * 350 * 350 * 369 * 369 369 * 400 * 400 40O 4OO * 405 * 405 * 420 * 420 * 420 * 440 * 440 * 465 * 465 * 475 * 475 * 505 * 505 * 505 * 666 * 666 * 666 * 666 * 666 666 666 * 675 * 675 * 680 * 680 * 680 68O * 680 * 681 * 691 * 691 * 722 * 747 * 747 * 747 * 759 * 759 766 766 * 766 * 766 * 767 * 777 * 777 * 777 [..,,~ * 777 808 808 808 8O8 * 858 * 858 * 865 PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF NAME OF PERSON LISTEO 8 RTH OCEUPATI0['I GREAT POND ROAD-continued )stherr, Fritz Jr. 1936 Engineer lrown, Barbara Z. 1914 ~opriethr lrown, William A. 1911 2handler, Douglas A. 1910 2handler, Alise N, 1914 At home qukas, Teklae 1888 At home ~otter, Brooks Lawyer Dotter, Priscilla E, At home dcAllister, Margaret G. 1911 At home dcAllister, Samuel Jr. 1941 Mechanic urner, Harry W. Jr. 1923 Western Electric urner, Mary Rose 1926 At home Godin, Louis J. 1901 Engineer Godin, John L. 1928 3odin, Kathryn A. At home ilanzi, Albert P. 1917 Engineer danzi, Anna L. 1921 At home >eterson, Vance 1895 Retired ?eterson, Helen P. 1902 At home lurton, Charles J. 1916 Avco Company ~urton, Dorothy S. 1915 At home $aker, Charles G. 1902 Druggist rellefsen, Bells Y. 1920 At home rellefsen, Teller G. 1910 Supervisor labs, Kenneth 1920 Machinist tabs, Dorothy A. 1924 At home rleinze, Elsie ~1. 1910 At home [teinze, Herbert M. 1907 Baker Kruschwitz, Enid M. 1914 Kooker, Demaris At home Kooker, Franklin Clergyman Burns, Thomas D. 1921 Lawyer tlurns, Sylvia L, 1924 At home ~arnick, Philip 1917 Proprietor Garnick, Ruth R. 1921 At home Garnick, Gerald S. 1944 Student Garnick, Mark Student Sodnowsky, Pauline 1896 At home Buekley, Mary A. Teacher McKusick, Kenneth A. 1931 Physician McKusick, Rosalie L. 1932 At home Elias, Marilyn S. 1929 At home Ehaa, William S. 1923 Physician Yeutter, Christians At home Yeutter, James C. 1941 Student Yeutter, Janet E. 1944 Teacher Demers. Walter V. Jr. 1928 Glass Company Demers, Lois H. 1928 At home Sherman, Roland H. 1911 Lawyer Sherman, Olive F. 1914 At home Ward, Maria C, 1933 Al home Ward, Edgar G. 1935 Teacher B~ennan, Nora A. At home Brennan, Stephen H..Ir. 1919 Merchant Brennan, Dorothy M. 1917 At home Brennan, Susan A. 1942 Student Brennan, Martha E. 1945 Technician Worthen, Frederick P. Manufactmer Worthen, Frederick P. Jr. Technician t4orthen, Helen 1922 At home Northen, Peter T. Sales Smith, Charles D. 1919 Metallurgist i Smith, Catherine N. 1923 At home Randazzo. llah B. 1920 At home I RESIDENCE 1967 ] NA'T'TY New York New york Andover Andov~ 109 NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED PRECINCT FOUR YR. DF B RTH DCCUPAT,ON I RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY GREAT POND ROAD~continued * 865 Randazzo, A~thony J. 1922 Attorney * 891 Leslie, Dorothy D. 1931 At home * 891 Leslie, Frank H. 1925 Secretary * 894 Gould, Eunice E. At home * 894 Gould, Charles W. 1903 Sales * 905 Tattag0one, Louis C, 1934 Engineer * 905 Tartaglione, Dorothy N. 1935 At home * 919 Mitchell, John S. 1930 Engineer * 919 Mitchell, Arlene L 1925 At home * 933 Whittier, Edilh K. At home * 933 Whittier, Fred D, 1883 Retired * 933 WhUfier, Ruth E. 1926 Technician * 947 Dill, Raymond C. 1909 N.A.T.D. * 947 Dill, Robert S, 1908 N.A.W.D. * 947 Kleiner, Gladys 1904 Office * 947 Long, Lena M. Office '1001 Hart, Andrew J. 1918 Banker *1001 Hart, Jane L 1920 L.G.H. *1011 Desmond, Daniel L. 1925 Principal Westford *1011 Desmond. Joan M. 1930 At home Wesfford '1027 Fuger ton, William J, 1920 Staff Head '1027 Fuilerton, Alice G. 1922 At home '1046 Pro, ere, Nanine 1899 At home '1046 Adler, Theodore 1902 Caretaker *1046 Adler, Christina 3. 190S At home *1193 Stevens, Brooks Ill 1926 Textiles *1193 Stevens, Patri¢ia K. 1929 At home '1367 Laudani, William P. 1943 Tabulator '1367 Laudani, Rosemary J. 1942 At home '1439 Kingsbury, Howard T. 1904 Teacher '1439 Kingsbury, El]eh Wales 1906 At home '1439 Kingsbtlry, Nathaniel W. 1940 U.S. Navy 1439 Kingsbury, Sylvia At home 1535 Brown, Roy 1917 Foreman 1535 Brown, Ste0a 1918 At home 1535 Brown, Robert A. 1942 Self-employed 1535 Brown, Richard D. 1944 U.S.A. 1665 El-He fni, lbeahim 1927 Engineer 1665 EI-Hef~i, Weosley 1926 At home '1689 Sobel, Joseph S. 1941 Floris! 1689 SobeL Jennifer 1939 At home '1779 Arehambault, Walter E. Proprietor *1779 Archambault, Paul W. Broker *1779 Archambault, Dorothy At home '1785 Kennedy, John J. 1920 Bartender '1785 Kennedy, Claire Ann 1933 At home '1815 Drisco]l, Helen 1924 Teacher '1815 Driscoll, William 1. 1921 Engineer '1857 Averka, William T. 1911 Inspector '1857 Averka, Wanda J. 1919 Tester '1857 Averka, Charlolte C. 1946 Student 1939 Hoaglend, David 1940 Truck Driver 1939 Hoaglend, Barbara 1945 Western Electric HARKAWAY ROAD * 10 Minzer. Fred 1885 Retired 12 Adams, Robert Mill 12 Adams, Bernice 1931 At home 12 White, Margaret 1890 At home 16 Parah, Joyce A. * 16 Parah, Vivian 1916 Shoe Shop 18 Doran, Daniel M. 1942 Turkey Farm 27A Baldwin 18 Doran, Mary E. At home 27A Baldwin 110 NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 20 Higson, John A. * 20 Higson, Margaret * 22 McEvoy, Jomph P. * 22 McEvoy, James A. * 26 Kopeika, Rose * 28 Lawlor, Richard J. * 28 Lawlor, Esther B. * 32 Beaudoin, Archie * 32 Beaudoin, ShirLey * 34 Giil, Johanna C. * 34 Gill, Noreen A. * 9 Farnari. Anthony S. * 9 Furnari, Barbara * 10 Dixon, Edmund E. * 10 Dixon, Esther R. * 20 Gaffny, John J. Jr. * 20 Gaffny, Marian S. * 4 DeLeilis, Anna M. * 4 DeLellis, Dante E. * 7 Gricco, Daniel J, * 7 Gtieco, Natalie * 21 Griffiths, Herbert D. * 21 Griffiths, Marie N. L. * 29 Snook, Harry N. * 29 Snook, Alva B. * 30 Bain~ Helen S. * 30 Bain, William J. 30 Bffm, John W. * 54 Shanghnessy, John J. * 54 Shaughnessy, Margaret A, * 54 Shaughne~y, Richard T. * 55 Kostandin, Eleanor A. * 55 Kostandin, John * 74 Kates, Sara * 74 Kates, Harold A. * 88 Finneran, William A. * 88 Finneran, Patricia A. * 91 Didell, Sophie * 91 Didell, Alphonse * 125 Sunderland, Arthur E. * 125 Sunderland, Harriet F. * 130 Rosenberg, Merrill S. * 130 Rosenberg, Selma R. * Marchisio, Alida L * Marchisio. Robert G. * 21 Sullivan, William J. * 21 Sullivan, Barbara M. * 24 Hilton, Mary E 27 Gauthicr, Albert Gauthier. Philomena M. Rokes, M, Norma okes, Wilbur Peter PRECINCT FOUR YR, OF BRTH OCCUFAT'ON r RESIDENCE 19§7 I NA'T'TY HARKAWAY ROAD-continued 1896 Retired 1900 At home 1887 Retired 1930 Salesman 1881 At home 1910 Cloth Wrapper 1914 Wire Girl 1922 N.A.P.W. 1925 Western Electric 1909 Shoe Shop 1945 Manager HEATH CIRCLE 1927 Hairdresser 1927 At home 1923 Supervisor 1924 At home I927 Self employed 1927 At home HEATH ROAD 1925 Western Electric 1928 Western Electric 1923 Draftsman 1919 At home 1920 Engineer 1922 At home 1912 Western Electric 1912 At home 1911 At home 1908 Physician 1945 Sludent Western Electric At home 1946 Assistant Manager 1935 At borne Self-emcloyed 1910 At home 1908 Wood-Worker Druggist At home 1918 Social Worker 1914 Engineer Banker At home 1909 Lawyer 1912 Proprietor 1929 At home 1917 Engineer HEW1TT AVENUE 1929 Western Electric 1931 At home 1921 At home 1912 Stevens Mill Operative 1903 Operative 1909 &t home 1929 At home 1925 Attendant 1881 Retired 111 N0. NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 42 Pauwels, Marie 1. * 52 BettencourE Joseph * 52 Betlencourt, Antoinette 52 Betlencourt, John J. 52 Beltencourt, Carol 57 Wau§h, Frank M. 57 Waugh, Irma P. 57 Wangh, Frank A. * 58 Foulds, Leonard Jr. * 58 Foulds, June M. * 66 Giarruso, Dominic 66 Giarruso, Clemintine * 67 Slauter, Andrew R. * 67 Slauter. D. Claire * 74 Chamberlin. Doris F. * 74 Chamberlin. F. Joseph * 79 Chamberlin, Gordon 83 Donnelly, Edwin T. 83 Donnelly, Claire L * 14 Lewis, Frank G. * 14 Lewis, Dorothy E. * 14 Lewis, Cheryl N. * 24 Lynch, Maurice F. Jr. * 24 Lynch, Joan J. No Residence * 5 Howe, Margaret Clarke * 75 Coughlam Peter R. * 75 Coughlan, Cecily B. * 76 Contarino, Angelo R. * 76 Contarino, Jeanne M. * 85 Steam, George B. * 85 Stern, Wendy W. * 88 Bardsley, Edward A. * 88 Bardsley, Ruth M. * 95 Manning, Paul E. PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF~ BIRTH~ OCC[JPATION ] RESIOENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY HEWITT AVENUE-continued 1879 At home 1914 Machinist 1916 At home 1944 U.S.A. F, Technician 1916 Foreman 1920 Clerk 1944 U.S.A.F. 1928 Baker 1928 At home 1880 Retired At home 1935 Western Electric 1934 At home 1907 Operative 1903 Public Works 1907 Adjustments At home HIGHLAND TERRACE 1911 Maintenance Man 1917 At home 1944 Student {939 Western Electric 1939 At home HIGHWOOD WAY Andover HILLSIDE ROAD 1900 At home 1931 Banker 1936 At home 1924 Dentist At home 1941 Insurance 1942 At home 1927 Self-employed 1933 At home 1933 Physicist 1936 At home 1935 Contlactor 1931 At home 1935 Draftsman 1935 At home 1925 Lawyer 1929 At home 1936 Mechanic 1936 Nurse 1904 At home 1905 Mover 1929 Dentist 1928 At home 1929 Truck Driver At home 1935 Electrician 1935 At home 1933 Truck Driver 1933 At hmne 1925 Bookkeeper 112 * 293 * 293 * 303 * 303 * 324 * 324 NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED 224 Beaudoin, Lorraine C. 226- Beaudoin, Raymond 234 Callahan, Jeanne G, 234 CaHahan, William P. Jr. 240 Pomerleau, Blanche 250 Seric, Frank Jr. 250 Seric LiOian 274 Cole Leland B. 2?4 Cole Beatrice H, 274 Cole James W. 274 Cole Linda E. 274 Cole Leetrice F. 274 Cole Robert L. 293 Florin Charles J. 293 Florin Marie L. Fink, Henry A. Fink, Bernice LaPlante, Mary £, LaPlante, Joseph E. Shalhoup, Victoria M. Slmlhoup, Francis F, White, G2rtmde B. No Residence Fmize, Harold F. * Fraize, Evelyn J. * Dunn, Winifred F. * Dunn, James J. * 30 Tomarchio, Cora * 30 Tomarchio, Mariano * 45 Sciuto, Louise A. * 45 Sciuto, Santo S. 76 Sawtell, David 76 Sawtell, Helen * 84 Aziz, Louise Lucy * 84 Aziz, Peter * McKinnon, Joseph B. * McKinnon, Ida M. 64 Gnrciullo, Corrado 64 Gurciu0o, Margaret * 66 Poor, Ruth P. * 68A Bashaw, Catherine 68B Tapper, Philip A. 68C Miller, Louise M, 68D Jorgenson, Alice B. 70 Freedman, Cecile * 72 Real, Louis * 72 Real, Rose H. 73 AgarwaL Krisna K. 73 AgarwaL Elisabe th 74 Strong, Donald S. PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF 8 RTH OCUUPATION RESIDENCE 1967 HILLSIDE ROAD-continued 1928 At home 1920 Operative 1933 At home 1934 Switchboard Operator 1901 At home 1929 Accountant 1930 At home 1911 Real Estate 1917 At home 1941 U.S. A, F. At home 1940 Student U. S.N. 1904 Self-employed 1912 Operative 1935 Serf-employed 1939 Bell Laboratory Mender 1907 1917 At home 191Z Manager 1896 Retired HOLT ROAD INGALLS STREET Laborer Western Eleetric 1938 Athome 1933 Self-employed INNIS STREET 1906 W~ Maker 1901 Hospital Attendant 1909 Electronics 1904 Janitor Text~es At home 1932 At home 1929 IPSWICH STREET 1907 Proprietor 1907 Secretary 3EFFERSON STREET At home 1920 At home 1909 At home Internal Revenue Supervisor At home 1909 Manager 1909 Internal Revenue 11 Commonwealth NA'T'TY 113 N0. 74 75 75 76 76 78A 78B 78B 78C 78D 78D 80 8(I * 82 82 * 6 * 6 * 7 * 7 * 8 * 8 * 10 * 10 * 12 * 12 * 18 * 1SA * 20 * 20 * 20A * 20A * 23 * 23 * 23 * 23 * 32 * 32 34 * 38 * 38 * ,18 * 79 * 79 * 79 * 79 88 88 * 89 * 93 * 93 * 95 * 95 * 95 * 95 * 95 * 128 * 145 * 145 145 * 154 * 164 Strong, Marie Anne Junker, Egan Junker, Rosalind Freedman, Wi0iam L. Freedman. Maryann Abrahamson, Eldon A. Tsalsios, Christos Tsatsios. Rose Fawcett, George P. Dempsey. William I. Dempsey. Eileen VerVoort, Paul R. VerVoort, Gizina P. Grenda, Emil F. Grenda. Atma Marie Greene. Edward A, Greene. Irene Enright. William F. Enright, Elizabeth M, DeAdder, Donald A. DeAdder, Bernadette M. Donovan, Mary Donovan, Francis M. Cotter, Helen Cotter, Margaret S. Roberts, Helen Mclntyre, Grace Cotter, Thomas J. Cotter. Adeline Dufresne, Robert H, Catty. Ira D. Smith. Eliza Boardman, Wayne J. Boar&nan, Beth Raymond, David E. Raymond, Anita D. Glennom Michael C. Drummond, Arthur R. Drummond, Ruth Drummond, Arthur R. Jr. Pybus, M. Eileen Pybus, Raymond F. Pybus. Robert B. Pyhus. Karen R. Burbank, Allan A. Burbank, Judith F. Sutton, Harry GuptilL Phyllis S. Sullivan, Marion E. Sullivan. William A, Sullivan. William A, Jr. Sullivan. M. Joan Sullivan, Michael J. Walen, Blanche Zimny, 1-baddeus P. Zimny, C arole A. Dow. Marion D. Howes, Irving C. PRECINCT FOUR YR. ~2F -- (BIRTHt O~CUPATION JEFFERSON STREET-continued Executive At home SaIesman Cutter At home Salesman At home Engineer At home Engineer Nurse JOHNSON STREET 1907 Printer At home 1905 Grocer 1924 1934 Western Electric 1942 Clerk 1904 Operative 1916 Operative 1909 Cafeteria 1947 Student At home 1922 Al home 1940 Paper Mill 1939 At home 1941 Molder 1944 Secrelary 1874 Retired 1886 At home 1945 Student 1947 Clerk 1941 Assistant Professor 1940 At home Textile Museum 1897 Operative At home 1928 Operative 1917 Nurse 1917 Manager 1941 Student Student Physician Edilor 1869 Executive 1925 Manager 1925 Secretary 1906 At home 1897 Business 1938 Business 1943 At borne 1943 Student 1892 At home 1918 At home 1916 Dentist 1944 Student At home 1894 Engineer 61 Farrwood Aventle 26 Woodbridge Road Connecticut Acton Acton 114 NO. J NAME OF PEF~SON LISTED * 164 Howes, Ruth Towne * 173 Locke, Sherman S. * 173 Locke, Barbara P. * 209 Bacigalupo, Joseph F. * 209 Bacigalupo, Anne D. * 230 Beckwith, Irving H. * 230 Beckwitb, Florence S. 264 Malloy. Paul D. 264 Malloy, Virginia B. * 280 Sullivan, Arthur M. * 290 Packard, Mary * 301 Salisbury, Elsie H. * 301 Salisbury, Arnold H, * 301 Salisbury, Stephen H. * 316 Ogden. Warren G. Jr. * 316 Ogden, Mary B. * 316 Ogden, Warren G. 111 316 Ogden. Cynthia * 364 Mahoney, Edward A. * 364 Mahoney, Albertine M. * 383 Hoag, Elhan D. * 383 Itoag, Mary S. * 390 Stanton, John F. * 390 Stanton, Betty A. 390 Stanton, Margnrite * 393 Vau8han, Patrick E. * 393 Vaughan, Barbara 3~ * 402 Damon, John C. * 402 Damon. Ann * 405 Henshaw, Lenley M. * 405 Henshaw, Mary E. 405 Henshaw, Mary * 417 Marquis, Philip J. * 417 Marquis, Alice F. * 419 Giard, Jo~ph E. E. * 419 Giard, Dorothy N. * 425 Szczesny, Stanley * 425 Szczesny, Lillian * 425 Gregorowicz, Stalla A. * 428 Perocchi, C'harl~ * 428 Perocchi, AngeliJm * 428 Ricci, Ralph F. * 431 Riess, Paul A. * 431 Riess, Ellen Joy * 432 Greco, Angelo * 432 Greco, Marie M. * 432 Greco, Pauline * 437 GaskeB, 3ames * 437 Gaskell, Emily L. 437 Gaskell, James Jr. * 445 Howard, Claude G. * 445 Howard, Edith G. * 453 Morrison, David * 458 Eaton, John J. * 458 Eaton, Mary H. 463 Cole, John H. Sr. 463 Cole, John H. Jr. Cole, William H, Calzett& Rosina Dattore, Concetta John L. Lois G. Concetta Carmine PRECINCT FOUR I YR, OF BIRTH I OCCUPATION I RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY JOHNSON STREET-continued 1892 At home 1917 Contractor 1922 At home Attorney 5 Sandra Lane 1907 At home 5 Sandra Lane 1918 Attorney Boston 1918 At home Sports Broker At home 1906 Merchant Secretary 1912 At home 1912 Attorney 1946 Military 1906 Engineer Al Borne 1944 Student 1946 Student 1932 State Trooper 1939 Secretary 1930 Engineer Watertown 1936 At home Watertown 1925 Social Worker 1925 Nurse At home 1933 Electronics 1936 Tester 1922 Hand Sewer 1921 Clerical 1923 Insurance 1921 At home Lawrence General Hosp. 1916 Builder 1919 Packer 1925 Self-employed 1924 Office Bus Driver Internal Revenue 1919 Analyst 1917 Self-employed 1917 Stitcher 1913 Bartender 1937 Contractor 1939 At home 1894 At home 1927 Clerk 1902 At home 1917 ~ost Office 1917 Internal Revenue 1944 1911 Welder 1915 At home 1895 Retired 1930 Broker 1931 At home Machinist Wonder Bread Foundry 1891 At home 1890 At home 1931 Geologist Georgetown 1937 At home Georgetown 1925 Self-employed 1921 Farmer 115 NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 483 Zoceo, Thomas S. * 483 Zocco, Ethel R. * 495 Thompsom Elizabeth H. * 495 Thompson, lames E. * 507 Cipolla, Gloria B. * 507 Cipolla, James * 507 Paolino, Mary * 517 Annis, Charles W. 517 Annis, Irma C. 517 Jenkins, Marlin 517 Jenkins, Sadiemay R. * 531 Kennedy, Andrew 1. 531 Kennedy, Dorothy 531 Kennedy, Andrew J. * 544 O'Brien, James 545 Peluso, Frank 545 Peluso, Virginia * 559 Caiaetta, John 1. * 559 Calzetta, Made[ina N. * 637 Reynolds, Fanny G. * 671 Martin, bar C. * 671 Martin, Mary J. * 693 Shields, John J. Jr. * 693 Shields, Ann M. 695 Coco, John J. 695 Coco, Evelyn J. * 707 [iailey, Walter L. * 707 Bailey, Irma V. 707 Bailey, Darrell 719 Rumore, Daniel A. 719 Rumore, Joyce M. * 731 Patterson, Wesley C. * 731 Patterson, M, Lorraine * 743 Quinn, Eugene Jr. * 743 Quinn, Marlene A. * 755 Moodie, Augusta F. * 755 Moodia, Duncan M. Jr. * 764 Hathaway, Arthur * 764 Carter, Lucy * 767 Tarbox, Richard A. * 767 Tarbox, Margaret E, * 777 Gundal, Robert K. * 777 Gundal, Joan * 795 Clouse. Mary H. * 795 Clouse, Kenneth L. * 795 Clouse, Kenneth A. * 805 Uttley, Wiffred B. Jr. * 805 Uttley, Theresa J. * 815 Fart, George H. * 815 Farr, Wanda H. * $25 Richman, John C. * 825 Richman, Jo-Anne P. * 826 Landry, Cecilia A. * 826 Landry, Reginald R. * 843 Sapienza, Guy B. * 843 Sapienza, Angela M. * 850 Kent, Arthur F. * 850 Kent, Helen G. 850 Kent, Sandra J. * 851 Downes, Pauline D. * 851 Dowries, Donald V. * 858 Holt, John B. * 858 Holt. Alice K. * 865 Resca, Arthur PRECINCT FOUR JOHNSON STREET-continued 1930 Banker 1931 At home 1922 Al home 1921 Western Electric 1926 Al home 1925 Hairdresser 1986 At home 1905 Supervisor 1910 At home Shipper Haverhill At home 1920 Technician 1921 Nurse 1946 Student 1885 Manufacturer 127 Turnpike 1919 Farmer 1921 Serf-empinyed 1886 At home 1934 Serf-employed 1935 At home 1941 Builder 1942 At home Engineer At home 1921 Accountant 1924 At home 1945 Student Order Detailer Lawrence Secretary Lawrence 1926 New England Mutual 1926 Nurse 1935 Engineer 1940 At home 1938 Nurse 1937 Engineer 1903 Mechanic 1907 At home 1935 Engineer 1941 At home 1938 Engineer 1938 At home Sub-Teacher Executive 1944 Student 1933 Raytheon At home 1931 Contractor 1934 At home 1932 Underwriter 1934 At home 1929 At home 1930 Self-employed 1926 Seff~employed 1927 At home 1903 Ca~pentar 1908 At home 1947 Western Electric 1926 Clerk 1927 Engineer 1911 Operative 1913 At home 1934 Draftsman 211 Mill Road 116 PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF NAME OF PERSON LISTED B RTH OCCUPATION JOHNSON STREET-continued * 865 Resca, Carole R. 890 Ball, Maxwell S. 890 Ball, Ruth E. 1030 Souey, ]ohn N. 1030 Souey, Margaret L 1030 Soucy, Maxgaret A. 1030 Soucy, Joseph A. '1044 Dube, Henry H. * 1044 Dube, Martha M. '1058 Dube, Remy G. '1058 Duhe, Jean M. '1072 Soucy, Bertha *1072 Soucy, Romeo ]. * 1072 Soucy, Elaine M. * 1084 DeLisle, John J. '1084 DeU~sI¢, T. Yvonne '1084 DeLisle, Diana J. 1935 Secretary Engineer At home Machinist At home Teacher Layout Man 1903 Retired 1903 At home General Electric 1931 At home 1921 Western Electric 1915 Operator 1946 Western Electric 1927 Raytheon 1925 At home 1946 Student KIERAN ROAD 211 Mill Road Gloucester Gloucester Lynn Lynn Lynn Lynn 5 Heenan, Robert J. 1923 Manager 5 Heenan, Margaret V. 1921 At home 5 Heenan, Robert N. 1947 U.S.A.F. 17 Caruso, Michael G. 1931 Chemist * 17 Caruso, Nancy M. 1930 At home * 24 Murphy, John F~ 1933 Therapist * 24 Murphy, Ann M. 1934 At home * 24 Hickey, Margaret M. 1899 Retired 142 Greene * 27 Mclnids, James J. 1935 C.P.A. * 27 McInids, Carol J. 1937 At home * 36 Carragber, John M. 1927 Engineer * 36 Carragber, Merle M. 1932 At home Walter, Dieter W. Walter, Claudia * 2 Oschmann, Carl P. * 2 Oschmarm, Mae A. 3 Walsh, Richard S. * 4 Mueller, William B. 5 Evans, Arthur 1. 5 Evans, Mary * 5 Evans, Barbara A. 6A Guerin, Ernest P. * 6A Cmerin, Loretta * 60 Roche, David F. * 60 Roche, Barbara L. 6C Blamiini, Vincent J. 6C Blamiidi, Cynthia * 6D McGregor, Carmen A. 7 Martin, Douglas W. 8 Kierstead, Joseph P. 8 Kiarstead, Shirley , * 9 Hodgkins, Richard A. 9 Hodgins, Fannie M. ~ 0 Clappe~, Martin J. 10 Clapper, Rosamond 11 Selvin, Maurice 11 Selvin, Grace Elisabeth 12 Turner, Wmiam 12 Turner, Mildred M. 13 Court, David D. 13 Court, Maureen M. KINGSTON STREET 1895 Retired 1897 Retired Pilot 1906 At home Printer Proof Reader 1934 Teacher Loom Fixer 1918 Shoe Shop 1914 Accountant 1932 Secretary 1909 Nurse Retired 1927 Athome 117 14 Chen, Yung Sen 14 Chen, Wen Lin 15 Gagnon, Daniel P. 15 Gagnon, Donna * 16A Walsh, Joseph F. * 16A Walsh, Pauline R. 16B McMane, David N. 16C Plaga, Irene K. 16D ttoulihan, John 16D Houlihan, Linda 18 Kao, Chih-yen 18 Kao~ Yen-yen 19 Hill, Thomas R. 19 HRL Susan Diane 20 Lehman, Edward 20 Libutti. Joseph * 21 Shaffer, Frederick A. * 21 Shaffer, Ellen J. 23 Gernish, Charles C. 23 Gernish, Diane E, * 25 Niehaus, Else * 25 Hillers, Else 29 Camuso, Emil J. 29 Camuso, Mary P. 31 Hogan, Leo Roheri 31 Hogan, Barbara A. * 33 Wood, Gordon E. * 33 Wood, Dorothy Jane 35 Waldman, John R, * 35 Waldman, Ruth E. 37 Dollovan, John M. * 37 Donovan, Angela L. * 39 RosMter, Peter V, * 39 Rossiter, Nancy L. 41 Cutrona, Vincent S. * 43 MacKellar, George M. * 43 MacKeBar, Jane L. * 45 Leone, Louis R. * 45 Leone, Virginia T. 47 O'Connor. Patrick B. * 47 O'Connor, Anne K. 49 Per occhi, Charles 49 Perocehi, Victoria Kittredge, Marjorie V. Carbin, Edward * Simmers, Richard C. 22 Burgess, Harry James 22 Burgess, Annie * 24 SmRh, Josephine E. 18 Doone, Arlington E. 18 Doone, loyce A. * 24 Garon, James P. * 24 Garon, Anna 24 Garon, Judith A. 24 Garon, Ralph A, PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF 8 RTH OCCUPATION KINGSTON STREET-continued Group Representative At home 1942 Teacher 1943 Teacher 1939 Engineer 1945 Teacher 1881 At home 1905 Clerk 1938 Teacher 1938 At home 1928 At home Consultant 1935 At home 1941 Admhfistrator At home 1927 Supervisor 1926 At home 1928 Manager 1933 At home 1931 Teacher LACY STREET At home 1931 Horse Trainer 1922 Real Estate LEYDEN STREET Maintenance Rental Agent 1916 Internal Revenue LEXINGTON STREET Machinist At home 1913 1913 Shoe Shop 1944 Shoe Shop 1942 U.S.M.C. Dorchester 118 PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF NO. NAME OF PERSON USTEB BIRTH OCCUPATION LEXINGTON STREET-continued 24 Ventrillo, Kathrine 1884 At home 25 Prestosz, Walter W. Technician * 25 Prestosz, Doris K. 1926 Office LISA LANE * 20 Young, Waldo B. Jr. 1929 Western Electric * 20 Young, Billye T. 1933 At home 27 Donahue, Daniel R. hindrance 27 Donahue, Joan V. At home * 32 Walton, Donald C. Jr. 1934 Physician * 32 Walton, Mary J. 1937 At home * 43 Kingsley. Dana W. 1931 Banker * 43 Kingsley, Margaret J. 1933 Nurse * 44 Otis, Herbert C. 1931 Librarian * 44 Otis, Eleanor M. 1934 Teacher * 52 Fyfe, William A. 1931 Engineer * 52 Fyfe, Geraldine E. I932 At home * 62 flermann, WiBiam L. ~939 Group Ins. * 62 Hermann, Christine C. 1938 At home * 72 Longton, A, Courtney 1932 Engineer * 72 Longton, Claire 1935 At home * 82 Mangano, Domenick Jr. 1935 Plumber * 82 Mangano, Marilyn J. 1939 At borne * 130 Wilson, Douglas E. 1918 Planning Dept. * 130 Wilson, Ruth A. 1922 Clerk * 130 Wilson, Douglas E. Jr. 1943 National Guard 130 Wilson, Ronald J. 1945 N.E. Telephone LONGWOOD AVENUE 5 Kilcourse, Florence E, 1906 At home * 5 Kilcourse, Martin P, 1938 Western Electric * 16 Nelson, William 1920 Fireman * 16 Nelson, Winifred 1920 At home * 16 Nelson, Barbara 1945 Staple Girl * 24 Sullivan, Edward T. Jr. 1925 Police Officer * 24 Sullivan, C. Theresa 1928 Clerk * 31 Gartside, Robert H. 1928 N.E. Telephone Co. * 31 Gartside, Agnes 1929 At home * 31 Doherty~ Agnes 1899 At home * 39 Doherty, Edith 1933 At home * 39 Doherty, Joseph 1931 Printer 40 Lativiere, Roy Cabinet Maker 40 Lariviere, Carol At home * 49 Dawe, Betty Jane 1921 At home * 49 Dawe, Robert G. 1925 Engineer * 50 Hennessy, Mary M. 1893 At home * 66 Broadhead, Jack 1907 Machinist * ~66 Broadhead, Rosemaxy 1914 Alhome * 67 Hopping, Marilyn Betty 1923 Nurse * 68 Broadhead, Katherine A. 1938 At home * 6g Broadhead, Jack A. 1939 Machinist * 82 Fionte, Anita C. 1924 Operative * 82 Finnte, Edward J. 1939 Raytheon LORRAINE AVENUE * 10 Breen, Daniel 1923 Tax Research * 10 Breen, Louise N. 1922 At home * 10 Breen, Daniel B. 1946 Electronics * 14 Norwood, M. George 1914 Foreman 14 Norwood, Regina A. Clerk * 15 Barbette, John 19~¢ Operative RESIDENCE la67 NA'T'TY California California 11 Inglewood Strvet 11 Inglewood Stn~et 383 Johnson 383 Johnson 383 Johnson 383 Johnson Lawrence 119 NO / NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 15 Barbette, Yera * 430 Middleton, Roland C. * 430 Middleton, Helen 430 Middleton, Susan * 440 Bates, Richard K. * 440 Bates, Rulh T. * 450 McGauley, Rose M. * 450 McGauley, Herman A. * 455 Pbilbin, James * 455 Philbin, Lorraine * 460 Peters, James * 460 Peters, Mildred C. * 470 Black, James H, * 470 Black, Patricia J. * 490 VentriBo, Anthony * 490 Ventrillo, Elena 508 Lauretti, Josephine * 522 Minicucci, Louis P. 522 Minicucck Rita * 524 Cushing, John J. * 524 Cushing, Delia * 524 Cushing, Maureen M, 524 Cushing, John S. * 530 Randone, Charles M. * 530 Randone. Carmela * 530 Randone, John D. * 11 Leland, Edmund F. * 11 Leland, Lueille C. * 55 Siskind, Roland R. * 55 Siskind, LiBian H. * 85 Hyde. Robert J. * 85 Hyde~ Marion J, * 85 Hyde, Lanson l, 11 * 85 Joyce, Julia * 96 Ingrain, Tom * 96 Ingrain. Caroline Moody * 96 Ingrain, John F. 100 Brown, J. Richard * 100 Brown, Jean I. * 116 Vielgolaski, B. Thomas * 116 Vielgolaski, Thomas R, 125 Atilt. Adeline 125 Ariit, William * 130 Shaman, Harry * 130 Shaman, Shelly 130 Spigler. Frida * 200 Bourquin, Harry 200 Bourquin, Rita 200 Bourquin, John 200 Lattin, Shirley * 202 Jastermsky, Amelia * 202 Fugere. Mary H * 202 Fugere. Rene L. * 240 Keller, Philip * 240 Keller, Rosalie K. * 249 Robinson, Barrett F. PRECINCI' FOUR YR. 0F B RTH OCCUPATION LORRAINE AVENUE-continued 1914 At home MAIN SFREEI 1923 Manager 1926 At home Westem Electric 1922 Engineer 1922 Co-Ordinator Student 1929 At home Engineer 1918 Pilot 1918 At home 1914 Traffic Manager 1917 At home 1930 Engineer 1930 1908 Proprietor 1913 At home 1934 Western Electric 1920 Self-employed 1925 At home 1906 Janitor 1908 Operative 1937 Nurse 1929 At home 1916 Presser 1913 Stitcher 1944 Western Electric MARBLERIDGE ROAD 1898 Retired 1891 At home 1903 Real Estate At home 1917 Dentist 1922 At home 1943 Student 1891 At home 1901 Clerk Alt home 1944 Salesman 1934 1935 Teacher 1896 Retired I $98 At home 1920 Silk Screener 1937 Western Electric 1938 Mechanic 1909 Executive 1925 Assistant Chemist 1894 At home Operative Western Electric 1945 U.S. Navy At home 1904 At home 1925 At home 1924 Supervisor 1917 Manufacturing 1931 At home Truck Driver 120 RESIOENCE 1967 NA'T'TY NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 249 Robinson, Emily M. * 249 Robinson, Tom * 260 McKee, Dolores * 260 McKee, Alfred S. * 270 Detora, Louis * 270 Detora, Jennie R. * 270 Detora, Mary Anne * 306 Warwick, Earle B. * 306 Warwick, Vera $. * 306 Olenio, Anthony * 306 Olenio, Ann F. * 362 Giard, Joseph H. 362 Giard, Katherine M. * 386 Galley, George * 386 Galley, Eleanor L. 386 Galley, George H. Jr. * 389 MacLean, Rachel I. * 389 MacLean, Raymond D. * 407 Mitchell, Allen R. * 407 Mitchell, Charles R. 407 Mitchell, Violet * 417 Dearman, Alan C. * 417 Dearman, Louise * 420 Carroll, Nora T. * 420 Carroll, Richard J. * 429 Bernal, Leslie C. * 429 Bernal, Concetta L. * 433 Gognen, Berthol L. * 433 Goguen, Bernadette M. * 53 Mottola, Ella A. * 53 Mottola, Mary S. Westphalen, Heinz Weslphalen, Eva Maria * 66 ]annazzi, Joseph L. * 66 lannazzi, Gertrude A. 89 Schlenke, B. Michael 89 Schlenke, Carole 98 Winning, John S, 98 Winning, Gail A. 111 Nahil, Joseph C. 111 Nahill, Ann Marie 114 O'Connell, Joseph B. 114 O'Conneil, Carol I. 123 Jenniaon, David M. 123 Jenaison, Patri¢ia J. 141 Johnson, Charles P. 141 loh~son, Barbara * 15 Querci, Rose M. * 15 QuercL Joseph Jr. * 29 Hamori, Andras * 29 Hamori, Hanneinre H. * 30 Aboud, Elizabeth G. * 30 Aboud, William E. * 41 Savakinas, Mary D. * 41 Savukinas, Vincent E. * 44 Kaufmann, Emelene E. * 44 Kaufmann, Frederick H. PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF BRTH OCCUPATION I RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY MARBLERIDGE ROAD-continued 1941 At home 1896 Retired 1929 Clerk 1928 N.E. Telephone Co, 1911 Foreman 1912 Western Electric 1936 Secretary 1903 Operative At home 1903 Carpenter 1910 At home 1921 Truck Driver At home 1923 Machinist 1924 At home 1946 U.S. Navy 1940 At home 1939 Fire Department 1936 Operative Truck Driver 1904 At home 1936 Computer 1942 At home 1933 At home 1932 Carpenter 1932 Principal 1935 Clerk 1923 Contractor 1926 At home MARION DRIVE 1933 Engineer 49 Village Gre~; Drive 1931 At home 49 Village Greez Drive Engineer 43 Village Gree~ Drive At home 32 Village Gree~ Drive 1927 Engineer Lawrence 1927 At home Lawrence Ins. Georgia At home Georgia Banker At home Public Relations Lawrence At home Lawrence Salesman Danvers At home Danvers Sales New Hampshixe At home New Hampshire Manager New York At home New York MARK ROAD At home 1935 Chef 1932 Engineer 1931 At home 1932 At home 1928 Asqistant Engineer 1928 At home 1925 Physician 1930 At home 1926 Ins. 121 NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 452 Crabtree, Percy * 452 Crabtree, Ruby * 454 Saliba, Alice F. * 455 Olds, Lucy * 455 Hontte, Dorothy A. * 466 Chow, AIvine H. * 466 Chow, Michael J. * 472 Lipomi, Louis * 472 Lipomi, Jennie * 475 Maccarone, Gennaro * 475 Maccarone, Marie E. 482 Nastasia, Matthew 482 Nastasia, Patricia * 483 Mele, Anthony 3. * 483 Mele, Lucy M. * 483 Gareri, Joanna M. 493 Baker, Maureen 493 Baker, Roland 505 Cardello, Albino * 505 Cardello. lda M. * 512 Lane, John * 512 Lane, Hazel * 512 Lane, Edward B~ * 514 lppulito, Thomas D. * 514 Ippolito, Barbara M. * 515 Eldridge, Marion * 543 Degnan, Margaret A. * 543 Degnan, Leonard J. * 547 Dufresne, Arthur J. * 547 Dufresne, Donald ]. * 561 Goebel, Albert A. Jr. 561 Goebel, Catherine M. 573 Jam~s, Mary A. * 579 Carom Joseph A. Jr. * 579 Eat'on, Eleanor * 579 Caron, Eva * 586 Giragosian, George 586 Giragoslan, Seran * 591 Cunen, Murray P. * 591 Curren, Doris * 595 Muller, Bertrand T. * 595 Muller, Dorothy K. * 615 Sergi, Louis * 615 Sergi, CarmeBna M. * 615 SergL Rose * 671 Fnrnari, Frank J. * 671 Furnari, Theresa * 672 Kawash, Edward D. * 672 Kawash, Nina * 672 Kawash, Robert E. 672 Gnatchuk, Anna * 678 Dupont, George R. * 681 McEvoy, Florence * 681 McEvoy, Ella * 684 Scott, Fred B. * 684 Scott, Dorothy C * 687 Dow, Harry R. III * 687 Dow, Marie G, * 695 Olenio, Amelia M. * 695 Olenio, Mildred E. * 730 Scgah Mitchell M. * 730 Segal, Florence E. PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF BRTH OCCUPATION I RESIDENCE l§67 [ NA'T'TY MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE 1903 Truck Driver 1905 At home 1910 Western Electric 1903 Proprierro 1924 At home 1920 At home 1921 Accountant 1923 Laborer 1926 Operator 1930 Engineer 1939 At home Laboratory At home 1913 3. tN. Bolton 1909 Finisher 1938 At home 1938 At home 1932 At home 1898 Operative 1920 Operative 1902 Carpenter 1902 At home 1940 At home 1936 Writer 1935 At home 1901 At home 1938 At home 1934 Ink Maker 1912 Molder 1944 U.S.A. 1938 Teacher 1941 At home 1919 Operative 1911 Floor Lady 1904 Retired 1896 Retired 1895 At home 1900 Dentist 1906 At home 1907 Executive 1910 Secretary 1906 Plastering At home 1922 Hairdresser 1926 Hairdresser 1918 Proprietor 1918 At home 1945 Bank 1877 At home 1911 Foreman 1907 Attendant 1899 Retired 1897 Asst. Post-Master 1899 At home 1929 Manager 1931 At home Secretary Secretary 1902 Manufaclurer 1902 At home Methuen 122 NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED 56 Higginbottom, Robert J. 56 Higginbottom, Emily J. Aherne, John R. Arconada, Mariano * Berg, James E. Berra, Dominic * Burns, Edward J. * Dwyer, Kevin F. Erdlen, Harry J. * Fenton, Ezra J. Flaherty, Joseph A. * Francis, Gerald A. Garland, William Howland, John Jaskowiak, John * Kamide, Paul T. Kemme, Joseph W. Kenny, Thomas C. Kinsella, Charles R. * Lanen, Stephen F. Levi, Joseph * Mahady, William P. * Maxwell, Arthur B. McCarty, Joseph McGettigan, Nell J. * MeLaughlin, George J. * McQuade, Vincent A. Medina, Albert Monahan, William * Murray, William J. Retera, Christian Springer, Charles Stagliano, John * Thabaulf, Paul C, * Wal~, Thomas F. Weeks, Henry F. * Wesson, Robert M. * 34 Guerrera, Frank A. * 34 Guerrera, W. Ott0ie * 40 Gielbunt, Alfred * 40 Gielbunt, Virginia B. * 45 Gaiaher, Charlotte * 54 Perkins, Leonard F. * 54 Perkins, Veronica * 55 Galahe~ Margory * 56 Markey, Lawrence F. * 56 Markey, Mary K. * 56 Kenyon, Mary Ann * 58 Marino, Jennie * 58 Marino, Jennie C. * 58 Marino, Carmelina * 59 Gillen, Madeline * 69 Whittaker, Charles I. * 69 Whittaker, K. Edna * 69 LaBelle, George F. 69 LaBelle, Vera K, * 89 Adams, Doris W. * 89 Adams, George E. PRECIN CT FOUR YR. OF BRTH OCCUPATION I RESIDENCE 19'7 ) NA'T'TY MEADOWVIEW ROAD 1940 Engineer Lawrence 1940 At home Lawrence MERRIMACK COLLEGE Priest Priest Brother Priest Priest Priest Priest Priest Priest Pennsylvania Brother Priest Brother Brother 1935 Priest Priest Priest Priest Priest Brother Priest Priest Brother 1914 Priest Priest Priest Priest Priest Priest Brother Brother Priest Priest Priesl Priest MILK STREET 1925 Mathematician 1923 At home 1918 Engineer 1917 At home 1884 At home 1911 Engineer 1910 At home 1911 Clerk 1921 Self-employed 1923 Nurse 1896 At home 1901 Retired 1927 Teacher 1931 Teacher Director 1906 Bus Driver 1906 Operative Machinist At home Winthrop Western Electric Operative 123 NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 89 Adams, Frances * 104 Davis, Gertrude 104 Leonard, Ruth F. * 117 Galaber, Abbott * 117 Galaher. Charlotte W. 120 St. Jean, Barbara M. 120 St. Jeam Robert R. * 134 Smilh, Marion R. * 134 Smith, C. Richard * 140 Thornton, Charles E. * 140 Thornton, Rachel M. * 140 Thornton, Charles E. Jr, * 190 Driscoll, Paul F. * 190 Driscoll. Patricia A. * 204 Wilson, C arleton D. * 204 Wilson, Margaret A. * 11 Lombardi~ Guido I. * 11 Lomhardi, Ramona M. * 12 Janusz, Matthew F. * 12 Janusz, Sopilie A. * 25 Godden, William T. * 25 Godden, Patricia F, * 1 Wilson, Evelyn M. * 3 Kennedy, Marion * 3 Kennedy~ Kathleen P. * 4 Boyle, Iohn W. * 4 Boyle, Priscilla 4 Boyle, Helmi H. * 4 Boyle, John * 5 Richards, Horace C. * 34 McCarthy, Charles T. * 34 McCarthy. Marilyn R. * 37 Dillon, Irene R. * 37 Dillon, Barbara 44 Henderson, George F. 44 Henderson, Dorothy B. * 49 Nigrelli, Charles S. * 49 Nigrelli, Santa L. * 54 Filnn, Mary F. * 69 Osgood, Benjamin C. * 69 Osgood, Harriett G. * 76 Hamhlet, G. Warren Jr. * 76 l-Ialnblet, Germilla P. * 89 Pierro, Richard A. * 89 Pierro, Barbexa A. * 103 Keirstead, Donald N. * 103 Keirstead, Elizabeth A. PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF 8 RTH OCCUPATION MILK STREET-continued RESIDENCE 1967 ] NA'T'TY 1896 At home 1912 Engineer 1920 At home At home Maine Designer Maine 1918 At home 1914 D&F MILL ROAD 1899 Engineer 1906 At home 1925 1932 Brick Layer 1935 At home 1928 Tech. Aide 1934 At home MINUTE AVENUE Foreman 1928 Clerk 1910 Operative 1916 Operative MORNINGSIDE LANE 1940 Assistant Engineer 382 Main 1940 Teacher 382 Main OAK AVENUE 1916 Eagle-Tribune At home 1946 Bookkeeper 1902 Foreman 1913 At home 1937 At home 1936 Service 1891 Retired OLD VILLAGE LANE 1927 Buyer 1931 At home 1896 Engineer 1896 At home 1921 Teacher At home 1923 Self-employed 1924 At home 1930 Specialist 1930 At home 1941 1904 Proprietor 1907 At home 1936 Engineer Billeriea 1932 At home BiHerica 1933 Distributor 1930 At home 124 NO. NA~IE OF PERSON LISTED * 114 Kapelson. Richard A. * 114 Kapelson, Judith A. 125 Champion. Donald L. 125 Champion, Joyce A. 136 Romano, Peter A. 136 Romano, Rosalie 136 Romano, Rose No Residence * 38 Osgood, Gayton * 38 Osgood, Katherine C. * 46 Osgood, Samuel * 46 Osgood, Obeline McRae 46 Osgood, Peter * 58 Wilkinson, Helen * 58 Wilkinson, Ernest L. * 80 Reardon, Cornelius * 80 Reardon, Margaret * 80 Reardon, Nora * 80 Reardon. Mary V. * 100 Jolly, Barbara A. * 110 Siergiej, Frank V. * 110 Siergiej, Ann L. * 110 Siergiej, Roxmld F. * 110 Burek, Anlela Ann 117 Segal, Michael * 117 Segal, Nancy S. * 120 Kostandin, Effie E. * 120 Kostandin, A. Ctmrles * 120 Kostandin, Nicholas A. * 129 Mead, Reginald * 129 Mead, Veronica C. * 129 Murphy, Sylvester * 131 Long, Vera E * 139 Garofoii, Peter V. * 168 Thomas, Jocelya P. * 168 Thomas, C. Lloyd * 168 Tetreault, Bernadette M. * 179 Belyea, John W. * 179 Belyea, Judith C. * 200 Berthel, Warren * 200 Berthel, Elfrlede * 200 Klier, Margaret * 201 Sherlock, Mary J. * 206 Blood, Pauline * 206 Blood, Frank * 210 Morin, William J. * 210 Morin, Carol M. * 214 Shea, Michael * 214 Shea, Hilda 214 Shea, Patricia C. 220 Woodhurn, Walter R. 220 Woodburn, Marjorie * 220 Smith, Colburn 220 Blodgett, Margaret * 227 Huminick~ Alice L. * 227 Huminick, Edward PRECINCT FOUR YI:L OF B RTR OCCUPAIION I RESIDENCE 1,,~7 I NA'T'TY OLD VILLAGE LANE-continued 1934 Self-employed 1936 At home Salesman At home OSGOOD HILL 195 Sutton Hill R ~,ad 195 Sutton Hill R ~ad Lynn Lynn At home OSGOOD STREET 1937 Western Electric 1904 Manager 1912 Jeweler 1914 At home U.S.A. 1903 At home 1902 Insurance 1894 Retired 1892 At home 1899 Teacher 1896 Principal 1924 Chemist 1927 At home 1910 Meat Dist. 1915 At home 1946 Designer 1896 At home Executive 1935 At home At home Proprietor 1943 Sludeat 1897 Retired 1900 At home 1904 Watchman At home 1922 Superintendent Al home 1900 1897 Retired 1893 At borne 1934 Probation Officer 1937 At home 1915 Pipe-fitter 1920 Hairdresser 1897 At home 1898 At home 1904 Realtor 1895 Retired 1934 Western Electric 1942 At home 1910 Mechanic 1909 At home Nurse 1934 Operative 1934 At home 1884 Retired 1919 A1 home 1924 Spray Man Topsfield Tops field Hull Hull 125 NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 230 Sullivan, Pauline * 230 Sullivan, Arnold W. Jr. 230 Sulli~am Brian P. * 232 Billa, Edna J. * 232 Billa, Edward J. * 233 Maguire, Mae * 245 Clements. Rose M. * 245 Steen, Joseph 245 Huberich. Lolly O. 245 Booth, Ella 245 McDonald. Vella 245 Smith, Florence * 245 Dore. Hattie M. * 245 Tracy. DeLoss K. * 247 Dushame, Elizabeth * 247 Dashame, Frank H. Jr. 247 Dushame, John * 259 Boynton, Harold R. * 259 Boynton, Annie * 267 Boynton, Harold R. Jr. * 267 Boynton, Dorothy * 273 Ronan, William A. * 273 Ronan, Evelyn M, * 273 Stone, Evelyn * 279 Finck, Kathleen * 279 Finck, Ralph E. * 290 Dillon. James J. Jr. * 290 Dillon, Mildred * 321 Lafond, Richard * 321 Lafond, Lillian * 321 Bell, Deirdre M. * 326 Aleksa, John * 326 Aleksa, Ann 326 Zurles. Tafilia * 329 Balawicz, Albina * 329 Balawicz, Joseph * 334 Haggerty, Carole F. * 334 Haggerty, Philip J. * 339 Goff, George * 339 GofL Elva * 345 Amshey. Peter * 345 Amshey. Anne * 345 Brucato. Paul T. * 345 Brucato, Mildred * 350 Roche, John * 350 Roche. Nora * 351 Nerney. Katherine D. * 351 Mushy, Margaret F. 355 McGuire, Terrence J. * 355 McGuire, Jacqueline H. * 357 Shepley, William J. Jr. * 357 Shepley, Margaret A. * 358 Morse, Marion E. * 362 Hargreaves, James * 362 Hargreaves, Mande * 440 Howe, A. Murray * 440 Howe, Margaret Allen * 523 Hippen, James C. * 523 Hippen, Elaine M. * 547 FolletL Woodrow 547 Follett, Stephanle * 547 Follett, Virginia L. 549 Wilhams, Frank H. PRECIN£q' FOUR YFL OF ] 8 RTH OCCUPATION F~ESIOENCE 1§67 NA'T'I¥ OSGOOD STREETmonlinued 1920 At home 1944 Draftsman U. S. A.F. 1921 At home 1920 Manager Student 1895 Bookkeeper 1909 1888 Retired 1889 Retired 1888 Retired 1920 At home 1920 Police Officer U. S. A. 1896 Printer 1893 At home 1920 Printer 1923 At home 1935 Telephone Company 1934 Nurse 1897 At home 1923 At home 1923 Lawyer 1913 Inspector 1925 At home 1926 Insurance 1928 Secretary 1944 Secretary 1904 Maintenance 1910 Supervisor 1884 Retired 1888 At home 1885 Retired 1931 At home 1926 Salesman 1902 Designer 1903 At home 1894 Retired 1892 At home 1927 Manager 1926 At home 1891 Office At home At home 1902 Stenographer 1931 1940 At home 1939 Western Electric L938 At home 1915 Cafeteria 1889 Retired 1889 At home 1892 Retired 1895 At home 1937 Curator 1938 At home 1914 Foreman 1916 At home 1946 Secretary 1915 Farmer 28 Pleasant 188 Salem 126 PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF BRTH 0CCUPATION I RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED 549 Williams, Doris M. * 549 McCarthy, Joanne E. 549 McCarfl~y, Daniel 549 Shepard, Robert E. 549 Shepard, Marieile T. 549 Ellis, Albert E. 549 Ellis, Rosemarie W. 549 Williams, Ellen J. * 580 Rogers, Horatio * 580 Rogers, Caroline S. * 586 Bombaci, Elizabeth G. 586 Erickson, Anne L. 592 Tagg, Thoma~ G. 592 Tagg, Nora F, * 605 Bolton, Archer L. Jr~ * 605 Bolton, Sara B. * 605 BoRon, Wenily E. 605 Bolton, Darla 605 Bolton, Pamela 605 Rowland, Daniel B. * 623 Stevens, Dorothy H. * 623 Boutiette, Warren E. * 623 Boutiette, Ruth A. * 665 SaltonstalL Robert * 665 Saltonstail, Hannah A. * 665 Saltonstail, James A. 668 Good, Leona B. a 676 Rockwell, Samuel F. * 676 RoekweB, Marion F. * 676 RockweB, Thomas P. 709 Donovan, Frederick H. * 709 Donovan, Eileen F. * 790 McAIoon. Vincent J. * 790 McAloott, Mar), A. * 790 McAIoon, Maureen A, * 790 McAIoon, Eileen M. 790 McAIoon, Louis 790 McAIoon, Vincent J. * 800 Moured. C. Cary * 800 Moured, Joan A. * 800 Moured, Emile G, * 800 Moured, Carole A. 814 Larson, Arthur D.' 814 Larson, Martha J, * 826 Puopolo, John E. * 826 Puopolo, Mary C. * 838 Sullivan, Wally L. * 838 Sullivan, Daniel J. * 850 Ryan, Edward J, Jr. * 850 Ryan, Ann M. 1003 Berube, Albert R, 1003 Berube. Jacqueline '1018 Chepniis, William Jr. '1018 Chepulis, Olga E. '1018 Chepulis, Carol D. '1145 Moynihan, Andrew F. * 1145 Moynilmn. Laurel M. '1159 Steinberg, Albert A. *1159 Steinserg, Sylvia G. * 1159 Steinberg, Michael N. 1159 Steinberg, Richard K. '1159 Stefansky, Stanley '1159 Stefansky, Mary * 1159 Miller, Fern L. OSGOOD STREET<ontinued At home 1934 At home 1932 Tech. Writer 1925 Farmer 1924 At home Gardner Beverly At home Beverly Clerk 1897 Doctor 1894 At home 1938 Teacher Teacher At home 1917 1910 At home 1943 Secretary Student Student 1942 Student At home 1919 Caretaker 1914 At home 1911 Banker 1912 At home 1945 Student At home Medford 1878 Retired 1879 Al home 1918 Bookkeeper Maintananee New Hampshire 1903 Secretary 193 Andover 1914 Contractor 1917 At home 1942 Typist 1943 Nurse 1944 U.S. Navy 1946 U.S. Army 1917 Physician At home 1926 Consultant 1942 Nurse Consultant Amherst At ho~ne Amherst 1927 Designer 1928 At home 1927 At home 1923 Executive 1924 Assistant Manager 1930 At home Manager Methuen Office Methuen 1919 Engineer 1919 Internal Revenue 1946 Student 1942 Electronics 105 Second 1945 At home 105 Second 1913 Livestock Dealer 1917 A1 home 1942 Student Studenl and Teacher Farmer At home 1914 At home 127 NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED *1159 Miller, E Inathan }E '1159 Maiorana. Charles h '1159 Maiorana. Christine M. 1159 SoheL Edward 1159 Sobel, Rnth '1210 Forgetta, Antoaio '1210 Forgetta, Antonio Jr. '1210 Forgetta, Pasqualina '1210 Forgetta, Natalie '1210 Forgetta, Esther '1210 Forgetta, Ellglo '1267 Barker. George R, * 1267 Barker, Carrie M. * 1284 Forgetta, Daniel A. '1284 Forgetta. Joanne E. 1284 Herrick~ Robert A. Jr. 1284 Herrick. Heidc Marie * 1320 Forgetta, Bartholomew '1320 Forgetta, Mary '1341 Barker. George R. Jr. *1341 Barker. Dorothea C. '1451 Aziz, Albert '1451 Aziz, Marie 1451 Azlz, Mary * 1451 Aziz, Vivian 1. Marie '1503 Atilt, Herman '1503 Atilt, Una '1503 Enrlght, Jean L. '1503 Enrlght, John J. '1505 Berry, Eleanor F. '1615 Farkas~ Agnes '1615 Farkas, George '1615 Kerekgyarto, lulius 1615 Kerekgyarto, Maria '1659 Roche, Phillip E. * 1659 Roche, Mary W. 1659 Roche, Rosemary '1679 Moschetto. Grace '1679 Mo~hetto, Russell J. 1679 Moscbetto, Ann F * 1679 Moschetto. Samuel J. '1679 Moschetto, Patricia '1719 Roche, John '1719 Roche, Marguerite A. '1721 Alaimo, Rita '1721 Alaimo. Anthony J. 39 Powers, Robert 39 Powers, Patricia * 41 Kelley. Warren F. * 41 Kelley, Josephine * 47 McKinnon. Charles * 55 Reddy, Beatrice R. * 55 Reddy, William A. Jr. * 58 Hayes, Angelus R. * 59 Doran, lamesJ. * 59 Doran. Anna * 60 Layeock, George E. * 60 Laycock, Olive B. * 60 Laycock, Priscilla R, * 61 Birtles, Ira C. * 61 Birtles, Dorothy M. PRECINCT FOUR BIRTR OCCUPATION ] "ESIDENCE 1967 I NATTY O8GOOD STREFT-eontinued 1912 Foreman 1921 Western Electric 1923 At holne Florist Florist 1888 Farmer 1930 Teacher 1897 At home 1919 Office 1923 Clerk 1926 Farmer 1891 Farmer 1892 Al home Farmer 1940 Avco 1942 1924 Farm Rand 1932 At home 1925 Farmer 1930 At home 1925 Operative 1904 At home 1928 At home 1942 At home 1905 Carpenter 1904 At home 1933 At home Chemist 1914 Clerk 1918 At home 1921 Proprietor 1933 Salesman 1937 Bench Work 1910 Operative At home 1914 At home Florist 1940 1940 At home 1913 Highway Department At home 1929 At home 1928 Western Electric PARK STREET M. 1. T. Lawrence At home Lawrence 1930 Painter 1927 At home 1896 Retired 1904 At home 1905 Watchman 1913 Shoe Shop 1897 Operative 1900 At home 1912 Carpenter 1888 At home 1913 Secretary 1922 Plumber 1923 Al home 128 ri~e,~sNCT FOUR NO, NA~E OF PERSON LISTED BRTH OCCUPATION RESIDENCE lg67 NA'T'T¥ 61 Bit tics, William * 1 DeRoche, George J. * 1 DeRoche, Rita M. 1 Uzdavinis, Stanley * 7 Barsamian, Robert P. * 7 Barsamian, Gloria G. * 19 Mese~ve, F. Clayton * 19 Meserve, Vivian P. * 25 Donovan, Ethel 25 Donovan, Dianne * 25 Sullivan. Lena * 35 Donovan, DanielG. Jr. * 35 Donovan, Eileen P. * 47 Fisher, Neal F. * 47 Fisher, lla A. * 94 McManus, Joseph M. * 94 McManus, Eileen M. * 102 Montgomery, Alfred * 102 Montgomery, Eleanor * 102 Montgomery, James D. * 125 Beck, Walter * 15 Henry,Frances H. * 17 Lamprey, PaulR. * 17 Lamprey, Madeline J. * 22 Ketlinger, George E. * 22 Kettlnger, Isabel * 22 Keltiager, Robert R. * 22 Kettinger, Charles W. * 22 Kettinger, Arthur P. * 23 Donovan, John * 23 Donovan, Gladys * 23 Donovan, John D. 23 Donovan, Gall * 24 McNab, lean * 24 Gatwin, John F. * 24 Garvin. Agnes ~ 24 Garvin, lohn E. Jr. * 26 Tucci. Albert J. * 26 Tuc¢i, Dorothy M, * 28 Bisson, Robert J. * 28 Bisson, Priscilla * 31 DriscolL Robert l, * 33 Latourelle. William R. * 33 Latourelle, Kathryn L, * 38 Blackstock, William D. * 38 Blackstock. Gilda A. * 40 Blackstock, Frederick 40 Bhckstock, Eva * 41 Twombly, Theresa M. * 41 Twombly, Stanley B. 41 Twombly, ludith M. * 41 Twombly, Stanley A. * 42 Elliot. Dorothy R. 42 Elliot, Colin C. PARK STREET-continued 1942 Navy PETERS STREET 1920 Operator 1924 At home Retired 1930 Self-employed 1932 At home 1901 Salesman 1903 Secretary Self-employed 1945 Self-employed 1892 At home 1928 Salesman 1928 At home 1936 Minister 1935 At home 1926 Bookkeeper 1925 At home 1911 Mechanic 1916 At home 1945 Student PHILLIPS BROOKS ROAD 1891 Carpenter PHILLIPS COURT 1917 Teacher 1935 Tedmician 1936 At home 1935 Electrician 1912 Nursery 1942 Accountant 1937 Banker 1940 D&F 1909 Overseer 1917 Office 1943 Student Western Electric 1593 At home 1921 Town Worker 1922 Secretary Student 1929 1928 1933 Truck Driver 1934 At home 1931 At home 1930 Telephone Company 1933 Mailman 1936 Clerk 1940 Printer 1938 At home 1907 Supervisor 1910 Operator 1919 Cook 1921 Salesman 1943 Student 1946 Student 1924 Saunders Studio 1922 Machinist 40 Third 40 Third 12 Wiley Court 12 Wiley Court ,12 Wiley Court 12 Wiley Court 12 Wiley Court 129 NO. NAME OF FERSON LISTED * 43 Gosselin. ?tis¢ilh * 44 McKinnon. William * 44 McKinnon, Florence 46 Canty, Raymond 46 Canty, Beatrice * 48 Hanover, James A. * 48 Hanover, Constance * 50 Caiman. Mary * 52 Kluehe~. Kent D. * 52 Klaeber, Mary O * 54 DelleChiaie~ Amy R. * 54 DelleChiaie, Frederick L. * 56 Coates, Albert G * 56 Coates, Ruth S. * 59 Broderick, Arthur * 59 Broderick, Rose * 59 Broderick, Michael E. 59 Broderick, Stephen A. * 6l Lord. Robert P. * 61 Lord. Mary * 61 Lord, Robert P. * 206 Hclbick, Anna * 220 Ardito, Michael A. * 220 Ardito. Angelina M, * 222 Caldwell, John B. * 222 Caldwell. Roscmarie * 227 Hoekqler, Max * 227 Hoessler, Ann * 228 Rudis. Frank J. * 228 Rudis. Maria R, * 235 Bootman. Mitchell P. 235 Bootman, Donald * 241 Sullivan, Daniel I. * 241 Sullivan, Joan M. * 242 McDonough, Clyde * 242 McDonough, lames * 246 LaFrance, Sarah S. * 251 McHale, David * 251 McHale, Annette * 254 Bulmer, Maud * 262 Burns. Helen * 262 Burns, Helen C, * 288 Fiorino, Charles J. * 288 Fiorino, Joan M. * 294 Day. Dorothy G. * 294 Day, Osborne F. 294 Day, Daniel O. * 300 Pellegrino, 1ohn * 300 Pellegrino, Marie F, * 310 Darveau, Anita * 310 Darveau. Francis J. * 426 Cunningham. Rita E. * 426 Cunningham, Robert B. * 428 Bardsley, Kathryn * 428 Bard$1ey, Samuel * 430 Dimery Russell * 430 Dimery, Irene * 430 McMorrow, Ruth D. PRECINC1' FOUR YFL DF B RTH OCCUPATION PHILLIPS COURT-continued 1928 At home 1900 Retired 1906 RESIDENCE 1967 [ NA'T'TY 130 NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 14 Crockett, Anella A. 14 Allain, Victoria 14 Amexo, Elsie * 14 Bulterworlh, lheodora M. 14 Cote, Fedara 14 Dmytrow, Michael 14 Frazee, Mabel 14 Gregorowicz, Kastanty * 14 Harris, Clifton 14 Hollings. Victor 14 Karlonas, Nellie * 14 Knuepfer, Nora 14 Loc, Harrict * 14 Loon0ens, Jules H. J. 14 Nemerowski, John * 14 O'Connor, Timothy * 14 Peterof, Stanislaw * 14 Scanlon, Edward J. 14 Summon, Christopber 14 Symonowlcz, Anna * 9 Kelly, Christopher F. 9 Kelly, Lydia F. * 34 Rea, Charlotte S. * 44 Rea, Gilbert * 44 Rea, Helen * 111 Madden, Robert F. * 111 Madden. Lorraine M. * 114 Young, Dorothy B. * 114 Young, Lester E. * 114 Young, James W. * 125 Scott, Claire V. * 125 Scott, Donald J. * 130 Woodcock, William P. * 130 Woodcock, Mary Jane * 141 Summers, Mildred * 141 Summers, Stuart 141 Summers , Janice * 142 Natali, Vittoria * 154 Barretl, John J. Jr. * 154 Barrett, Marcia G. * 155 Shields, Alyce M. * 155 Shields, John J. * 166 Corello. Loretta E. * 166 Corello, Thomas J. 166 Corello, Mary E. * 11 Stankatis, John * 11 Stankatis, Sarah * 11 StankaBs, Donald A. 11 lndelas, Katherine * 11 lndelas, John * 12 Paquette, David F. * 12 Paquette, Lena C. * 24 Long, Palmer * 24 Long, Ruth C. * 28 Hart, Hazel D. PRECINCT FOUR YR, OF BRTH OCCUPATION [ RESIDENCE 19§7 I NA'T'TY POND STREET 1916 Superintendent 1876 At home 1897 Operative 1919 At home 1891 Al home 1890 Retired 1906 Retired 1895 Operative 27 Thorndike PRINCETON STREET 1913 Supexvisor Office REA STREET 1913 At home 1919 Service Man 1913 At home 1934 Plumber 1936 At home 1921 At homo 1918 Engineer 1944 Student 1928 At home 1920 Government 1929 Engineer 1932 At home At home Fireman 1946 Banh 1897 Retired 1942 Teacher 1943 At home 1912 At home 1909 Home Builder 1922 Western Electric 1921 Western Electric Secretary ROSEDALE AVENUE 1914 Operative 1914 At home 1943 Student 1893 At home 1892 Storekeeper 1909 Operative 1913 At home 1903 Operative 1908 At home 1936 Self-employed Wakefield Wakefield 131 NO. PRECINCT FOUR LleTE~ YR OF i NAME OF PERSON o u BIRTH I DCCUPATION ROSEDALE AVENUE-Continued * 28 Hart, HazelH. * 29 Long, Patricia A. * 29 Long, Milton E, * 32 Palmieri, Eleanor I, * 32 Palmieri, Joseph R, * 39 Comstock, Avis * 39 Harris, Martba R. * 10 Tanana, Emil J, * 10 Tanana, Ramona C. * 24 Russell, John E. * 24 Russell, Joan L, * 58 Winic, Samuel * 58 Winic, Edna * 84 Pariock, John R. * 84 Pariock, Rose L. * 10 Cruikshank, Albert E. Sr. * 10 Doherty, Minnie * 24 Chase, Russell Lloyd * 24 Chase, Althea C. 24 Chase, Mary C. * 88 Pearson, John A. * 88 Pearson, Ruth J. * 70 Pearson, John 70 Pearson, Carl E. 70 Pearson, Renette A. * 120 Marston, Edward R, * 120 Marston. Suzunne S. * 121 Donovan, Henry L. * 121 Donovan, Lucy D. * 125 Battles, Hayford * 125 Battles, Harold 128 Battles, Edith 136 Kurlh. Isabel S. 137 Whipple, Richard G. 137 Whipple, Bessie L. 137 Whipple, James A. 11 166 Robinson. Dudley 166 Robinson. Louise 166 Robinson, Katherine L. * 166 Robinson, Mark C. * 175 McAndrew, Constance * 175 McAndrew, William 175 McAndrew, William W. 175 McAndrew, Priscilla J. * 178 Etchells, Beatrice A. 188 Tilus, Edward G. 18;S Titus. Darlene * 222 Stork, ArnoLd * 222 Stork. Margaret 222 Stork. Mary E. * 226 Stork, Mary * 226 Stork. Hannah * 226 Stork, Ethel * 244 Adam, James S. * 244 Adam, Ethel G. * 275 Wilcox, Charles E. Jr. * 275 Wilcox, Olive * 292 Olemo, Robert A. Nurse 1937 At home 1935 Machinist 1920 At home 1915 Stevens 1915 Electro-plater 1893 Operative RUSSET LANE 1921 Engineer 1927 Athome 1920 Engineer 1921 Athome 1922 Engineer 1923 Engineer SALEM STREET 1883 Caretaker 1888 1908 Operative 1911 Clerk 1887 At home 1931 gales Administrator 1934 At home 1877 Retired 1911 Clerk 1910 At home 1923 Banker 1928 At home 1943 Stock Broker 1937 At home 1891 Accountant 1924 Indus. Relations 1895 At home At home 1904 Insurance 1903 At home 1939 Banker 1910 Executive At home 1944 Student 1946 Student 1910 At home 1907 Dealer 1937 Teacher 1942 Teacher 1881 At home Professor 1945 Student Farming At home 1946 Student At home At home At home 1899 Retired 1894 At home Farmer At home 1926 Engineer I RESIDENCE 1967 ] NA'T'T¥ Georgia Georgia 87 Farrwood Avenue 87 Fan'wood Avenue 85 Farrwood Avenue 85 Fan'wood Avenue Boston 2051 Salem 132 NO. J NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 292 Olenio, Kathleen T. * 318 Giarruso, Dominic Jr. * 318 Giarruso, Ruth * 318 Pickles, Theresa M. * 327 McLoughlin, John * 327 McLoughlin, Caroline E. * 327 Kaminsky, Arnold D. * 327 Kaminsky, Patricia A. 338 Sheppard, Joseph K. 338 Sheppard, Olga F. * 343 DeFusco, Amelia * 343 Mallory, Eleanor M. * 343 Mallory, F. xlward R. * 346 Butnrlia, Stanley * 346 Buturlia, Mildred 346 Buturlia, Richard 346 lluturlia, Russell D. 370 Knuepfer, Albert F, 370 Knuepfer, Gloria E. * 373 Kalinowski, Benjamin A. * 373 Kalinowski, Helen B. * 373 Szuflicki, Rose * 378 Keating, Arthur * 378 Keating, Beatrice A. 393 Roberts, James * 393 R~l~rts, Florence E, * 412 MacLeish, William T. * 412 MacLeish. Irene R. * 415 Harris. Rita E. * 415 Harris. Derman G. * 415 Harris, Ellen D. * 437 Uszynski. Josephine A. * 437 Uszynski, Alexander J. * 444 Lundgren. Fred W, * 444 Lundgren, Muriel E * 445 Kane, Fred W. 445 Kane, Barbara * 459 Bernardin, Robert E. * 459 Bernardin, Grace M, * 492 Peterson, Charles * 521 Sargent, Warren H. * 521 Sargent, Ethel * 521 Duggan, Margaret M. * 521 Duggan, Gertrude H. * 535 Winning, Richard * 535 Winning, Barbara Jean * 547 Winning, James G. * 547 Winning, Edith V * 555 Wood, Stuart R. * 555 Wood, Ethel T. * 573 Jackson, Jennie A. * 573 Kenny, James * 573 Kenny, Priscilla * 575 Jackson, Harvey * 575 Jackson, Helen * 595 Jackson, John W. * 595 Jackson, Shirley 612 Smith, Edwin N. * 629 DainowskL Victoria * 629 DainowskL Adela * 634 Coon, Arlene R. * 634 Coon, Howard A. Jr. * 643 Aubry, Miriam l. * 643 Aubry, Everett T. PRECINCT FOUR YR, OF [I RTH O£C[JPATION SALEM STREET-continued 1928 At home 1921 Chauffeur 1925 Western Electric 1894 At home 1926 Salesman 1931 At home 1943 Student 1943 Teacher Western Electric At home 1899 At home 1919 At home 1919 Toledo Scale Company 1920 Machinist 1921 At home 1945 Cook Dept. Agriculture 1927 Self-employed 1930 At home 1907 Carpenter At home 1892 At home 1912 Laborer 1913 Manager 1897 Secretary 1931 Chemist 1931 At home 1911 At home 1911 Machinist 1946 Student 1936 Secretary 1935 Engineer 1925 Manager 1928 At home 1935 United Airlines 1932 Salesman 1934 At home 1896 Farmer 1913 Western Electric 1909 At home 1909 Clerk 1911 Bookkeeper 1923 Watchman 1927 At home 1921 Mechanic 1919 At home 1926 Clerk 1928 At home 1888 At home 1928 General Electric 1927 Hairdresser 1923 Salesman 1927 At home 1921 Western Electric 1926 Cafeteria 1911 Western Electric At home Teacher 1930 At home 1930 Chemical Worker 1920 Teacher 1925 Technician RESIDENCE 1~7 I NA'T'TY 44 Bradstreet Road 44 Bradstreet Road 133 NO I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 644 Baril, Catherine E. * 644 Baril, .lames W. * 654 Fenton, Claire A. * 654 Fenton, Kenneth R. * 657 Brightmam Burgess M. * 657 Brightman, Giadys 664 Galvagna, Samuel A. 664 Galvagna, Marguerite Y. * 667 Roche, Richard J. * 667 Roche, Mary C. * 674 eye, Alice * 677 Marshall, Barbara C. * 677 Marshall, Kenneth S. * 684 Fiacehino, John * 684 Fiacchino, Christina M. * 695 Boulanger, Leo J. * 695 Boulanger, Dorothy R. * 700 Letoumeau, Elizabeth A. * 700 Letourneau, Raymond F. * 701 Norris, Edward M. * 701 Norris, Stelia * 771 Foss, Violet * 805 Kozdras, Frank * 805 Kozdras, Bextha * 805 Kozdras, Francis Richard * 812 St. Cyr, Helen $. * 812 Flynm Nancy G. * 842 Westbrook, Herbert * 842 Westbrook, Mildred M. 842 Westbrook, Herbert 842 Westbrook, Robert * 871 Meikle, Irene * 895 Cyr, William A. * 895 Cyr, Stacla * 971 Stoehr, Catherine * 971 Stoehr. CItristian E. * 998 Artimovleh, Nicholas * 998 Artimovieh, Janet 998 Ar timovich. Andrew N. * 1004 Abate, Thomas M. * 1004 Abate, Elizabeth A. '1028 Slang, Richard '1028 Stang, Elva '1049 Holleran, Robert S. '1049 Holleran, Helen M. * 1053 Shea, Robert L. 1053 Shea, Charlene *1060 Bouchard, Richard L. '1060 Bouchard, pah'icia A. 1062 Cantone, Patricia 1062 Cantone, Vincent '1063 Bodge, Eugene R. '1063 Bodge, Loretta 1063 Bodge, Sandra '1063 Gallant, Stephen A. 1063 Britton, James H. 1063 Britton, Judith A. '1070 Roche, Francis C. *1070 Roche, Kathleen '1070 Mullen, Sarah '1094 Stringer, Joseph '1094 S~inger, Lorraine M. '1099 Green, Wailer S. * 1099 Green, Jane M. PRECINCT FOUR YR, OF BRTH OCCUPATION ] RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY SALEM STREET-continued 1935 At home 1933 Mechanic At home 1915 Electrician 1913 Engineer 1914 At home Tech. Writer Methuen At home Methuen 1938 Accountant 1938 At home 1904 At home 1927 At home 1924 Cable Splicer 1916 Self-employed Stitcher 1913 Insurance Agent 1916 Adjuster 1935 At home 1929 Mechanic 1906 Self-employed 1909 At home Western Electric 1917 Mechanic 1918 At home 1943 Tool Maker 1921 Supervisor 1942 Secretary 1913 Driver 1916 At home Service 1923 At home 1928 Bricklayer 1934 At home 1906 At home 1904 Waiter 1919 Printer 1920 At home Printer 1934 Operator 1938 At home 1909 Clerk 1908 At home 1937 Truck Driver 1911 Telephone Operator 1944 Western Electric 6 Belnlont 1945 Western Electric 1939 Western Electric 1942 At home At home 1916 Farmer 1914 At home 1947 Clerk 1888 Retised U. S. A.F. California At home California 1911 Operative 1913 At home 1881 At home 1904 Clergyman 1931 Bank 1927 Real Estate 1929 At home 134 NO NAME OF PERSON LISTED * I 100 Devlin, Daniel J. * I 100 Devlin. Margaret L. *1110 Monteiro, John J. Jr. * I 110 Montelro, Veronica M. * 1116 Low, Chester '1116 Low, Lilly * 1132 Flanders. Norman P. '1132 Flanders. Eleanor 1132 Adams, Richard D. *1440 McDonald. Mary K * 1440 McDonald. William 1 *1444 Horlon, Chauncey M. * 1444 Horton, Helen M. 1444 Horton, Robert M. * 1468 Norwood, Malcolm G. Jr. * 1468 Norwood. Diane M. * 1469 Phelau, Edward J. '1469 Phelan, M. Jayne * 1483 CavaBaro, Fred J. * 1483 CavaBaro, Joyce h 1500 Hooper, Ralph 1500 Hooper, Joan '1514 Dolam John T. '1514 Dolan, EBen '1514 Dolan. John T. Jr. '1514 McCarthy, Alice D '1538 Eonnors, Daniel E. '1577 Wilt, George A. '1577 Wilt, Vkginia T. *1850 Cohen. Jacob '1850 Cohen. Evelyn 1850 Cohen. Gary *1905 Lachapelle, Wilbrod L. *1905 LachapeBe, Mary V. * 1907 Hamilton, Bruce A. * [907 Hamilton. Nancy E. * 1925 Tomlinson, Mary Louise *1925 Tomlinson, David C. *2009 Richards, Guy N. Jr. 2009 Richards. Carol *2050 Torla, John J. 2051 Richards. Cleon '2051 Richards. Ruth * 5 Austin~ Michael F. * 5 Austin, Nancy * 10 Kennicker, Richard A. * 10 Kcnnicker. Dorothy 1. * 15 Stanley, C. Richard * 15 Stanley, Rita 1. * 32 Joyce, Paul 1. * 32 Joyce, Jean M. 54 Parrillo, Giavanni * 29 Ayer, Robert S. * 29 Ayer, A. Pauline * 52 Roberts. Eleanor PRECINCT FOUR YR.0F I B RTH OCCUPATION RESIDENCE 1967 SALEM S'I REET-continued 1925 Technician 1929 At home 1923 Salesman At home 1915 Textile Operator 1915 At home 1921 Engineer 1920 At home 1944 Mechanic 1937 At home 1934 Production Control 1920 Western Electric 1922 At home 1944 Student 1943 Barber 1945 At home 1942 Regrigeration 1944 Clerk 1922 N.E. Eelephone Co. 39 Farrwood 1925 Secretary 39 Farrwood 1941 Radio Technician 1939 At home 1902 Superintendent 1903 At home 1930 U.S.A. 193~ Bookkeeper 1919 Rubber Worker 1939 Purchasing Supt. 1939 Clerk-Secretary 1915 Dog Kennel 1918 At home Student 1920 Draftsman 1921 At home 1937 Computer Programmer 1939 At home 1938 At home 1938 Lawyer 1942 Proprietor At home 1912 Chef 1926 Laborer 1927 At home SANDRA LANE 1939 Salesman 17 Lincoln 1940 At home 17 Lincoln 1930 Insurance 41 Fa~rwood 1934 At home 41 Farrwood 1928 Manager 1929 At home 1932 Salesman 1934 At home SAVILLE STREET Laborer SOUTH BRADFORD STREET 1921 Engineer 1921 At home 1921 At home NATTY 135 PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF NAME OF PERSON LISTED B RTH OCCUPATION SOUTH BRADFORD STREET-continued * 52 Roberts, William * 52 Roberts, Katherine A. * 69 Naruszewicz, Mary * 86 Dufrcs~ae, Rict~ard H. * 86 Dufresne, Theresa 95 Walth, George R. 95 Walsh, Mary D. * 102 Spencer, Clarence W. * 102 Spencer, Carlotta * 114 Munro, Robin C. 114 Munroe, Sandra * 134 Knowles. John M. * 135 Langlois, Joseph * 135 Langlois, Irene B. * 145 Brightman, Lloyd L. * 145 Brightman, Eleanor * 159 GenzabeDa, Carmen F. * 159 Genzabe0a, Angeliki * 187 Hurley, William W, * 187 Hurley, Dorothea M. * 262 Zahoruiko, Jean T. * 262 Zahoruiko, John F. * 315 Smolak, Martin * 315 Smolak, Henry * 315 Smolak, Helen R. * 18 Paise. Alice E. * 20 Waterston, George C. 20 Waterston. Ahce 20 Waterston. Ellen B. * 120 Helfrich, Evelyn * 120 Heffrich, Vincent P. * 122 Long, Carl H. * 132 Ronayne, John J, 132 Ronayne, Charlotte R. * 216 Kirk, Oliver J. * 216 Kirk, Geraldine G. * 226 Taey, John H. Jr. * 226 Tacy, Helen F. * ~ Beaumont, George W. * 240 Beaumont. Carla A. * 271 Melvin, William E. 271 Melvin. Marilyn M. * 290 Lawlor, Joseph W. * 290 Lawlor, Shirley * 316 Blevins, Jack O. * 316 Blevins, Rita M * 447 Burnham, Mary * 450 Lewis, Raymond * 450 Lewis, Irene * 451 Niziak, James J. * 451 Niziak, Catherine C. * 453 Hanfilton, Ruth * 454 Smilh, William M. * 454 Smilh, Geraldine * 455 Dunn, Morris F. * 458 Dunn, Ruth * 455 Dunn, Michael R. * 459 McAvoy, Wilfred H. * 459 McAvoy. Ruth A. 459 McAvoy, Gait * 460 Porter, Carl 1918 Truck Driver 1943 Teacher 1887 At home 1925 Route Man 1924 At home State Police Lawrence At home Lawrence 1927 Engineer Associate Nurse 1940 State Trooper 242 Main At home 1890 Retired 1907 Bookkeeper 1912 General Electric 1915 Machinist 1927 At home 1936 Engineer 1941 Al home 1926 Draftsman 1930 At home 1927 At home 1922 Engineer 1894 Retired 1918 Farmer 1924 At home STEVENS STREET 1902 At home 1904 Teacher 31 Gray 1905 Teacher 31 Gray 1946 Student 31 Gray 1929 At home 1926 Self-employed 1900 ~'eaver Engineer 66 Turnpike Secretary Reading 1924 Accountant 1925 At home 1925 Draftsman At home 1922 Elco. Sup. 1923 At home 1927 Engineer 1930 At home 1917 N.A. Chief of Police 1924 At home 1931 Foreman 1930 At home 1895 Housekeeper 1902 Retired 1902 At home Truck Driver 66 May 1946 Typist 1901 At home 1920 Highway Department 1918 Waitres~ 1907 Water Department 1913 At home 1945 Paper Mill 1921 Tester 1923 Supervisor Animal Tender 1912 Clerk 136 ND. NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 460 Porter. Kathleen * 461 Dill, Philomena L. * 461 Dill, Edwin W. Jr. * 465 Trank, Affred G. * 465 Trank, Marie J. * 469 Kannbeiser. George W. * 469 Kannbeiser, Geraldine C. * 470 Thomson, Mabel F * 470 Midgley, Alfrc, d * 4?0 Midgley, Mary E, 470 Smith, Douald N. * 470 Smith, Frank W. I1 * 474 VanHeukelom, Henry * 474 VanHeukelom, Doris V * 475 Furnari, Salvalore J. 475 FurnarL Angela 477 EIlsey, Daniel 477 EIlscy, Josephine * 479 Burns, Enid M. 479 Burns, Enid * 481 Bodge. Richard M. * 481 Bodge, Mardyn E. * Hoehn, Frederick A. * Hoehn, Marjorie I. * 105 Shea, John E. Jr. * 105 Sbea, Beverly A. * 125 Giacalone, Pauline B. * 125 Giacalone, Josepli J. * 144 Cusson. Thomas M. * 144 Cusson, Janet M. * 175 Rossi, Andrew A. Jr. * 175 Rossi, Lucille N. * 59 Kozdras, John * 59 Kozdra~q, Sophie * 130 Kozdras, Walter * 130 Kozdras, Emily * 130 Kozdras, Lorraine M. * 133 Lowell, Allan * 133 Lowell, Dorothy * 163 Pay, Frank * 163 Fay, Barbara R. * 168 Mandry, Mary * 168 Mandry, Louise C. * 171 Arsenault, Nellie H. * 171 Sevigny, John T. * 171 Sevigny, Joan M. 213 Mandry, Mary Ann * 213 Mandry, Peter * 213 Mandry, Stanley * 213 Mandry, Veronica A. * 213 Mandry. Edward * 220 Tymvakiewiz, Dorothy V. 220 Tymvakiewiz, John * 370 Rockwell. Abigail F. * 370 Rockwell, Carolyn K. PRECINCT FOUR YR OF ~ I BiF~TH I OC£UPATIDN I RES,DENCE 1967 NA'T'TY STEVENS STREET-continued 1918 At home 1896 Nursery 1926 Mechanic 1923 Carpeuter 1926 Nurse 1927 Manager 1926 Western Electric 1901 Cook 1908 Custodian 1919 At home 1947 Student 1946 U.S. Coast Guard 1908 Postal Cl~rk 1918 Operative 1943 Contracting 1946 At home 1946 Operative 1931 Nurse 1915 Teacher 1945 Student 1941 Truck Driver 1944 At home STILES STREET 1931 Manager 1928 At home SULLIVAN STREET 1940 Distributor 1944 At home 1932 At home 1929 Teacher 1943 Programmer 1942 Western Electric 1935 Draftsman · 1933 At home SUMMER STREET 1920 Farmer 1922 At home 1912 Farmer 1911 At home 1936 Clerk 1929 Shipper 1926 Bookkeeper 1938 Western Electric 1938 At home At home 1940 Western Electric 1916 At home 1934 Supervisor 1937 At home 1916 At home Maehinisl Machinist 1914 Clerk Operative 1921 Nurse 1922 Nurse Attendant 1938 Technician 1943 546 Foster 546 Foster 137 r NAME OF PERSON LISTED PRECINCT FOUR YB, OF I ] B{RTH OCCUPATION RESIDENCE 1967 [ NA'T'TY SUMMER STREET-continued * 370 Rockwell, Samuel F. Jr. 1911 Superintendent * 370 Rockwell, Ursula 1914 At home * 370 Rockwell, Eleanor G. 1940 Nurse * 404 Wood, C. Arthur 1938 Salesman * 404 Wood, Sandra J. 1941 At home 410 Fiori, Joseph Salesman Groveland 410 Fiori, Lillian M. Clerk Groveland 4[0 Fiori, James M. U.S.N. Groveland * 411 Livesey, John R. 1937 Manager * 411 Livesey, Judith M. 1942 At home * 414 Quintal, Joseph T. 1929 Insurance 417 Quintal, Rita At home * 426 Edwards, David H. 1931 Engineer * 426 Edwards, Anne U. 1931 At home * 437 Szabat, Nicholas M. 1929 Engineer 47 Boxford * 437 Szabat, Jean A. 1931 At home 47 Boxford * 438 Leighton, Elizabeth F. 1938 At home * 438 Leighton, Homer C. 1928 Engineer * 449 Barrett, Lawrence C. 1938 Insurance 449 Barrett, Lucy P. 1939 At home 456 Eimlin, John 1904 lech. Writer 456 Timlin, Charlotte 1925 At home * 461 Crabb, Freddie G. 1934 Supervisor 461 Crabb, Eileen E, At home SUTION HILL ROAD * 12 Armitage, Henry G. 1919 Surgeon * 12 Armitage, Mary Louise 1922 * 44 Cairni, Joseph D. 1912 Manufacturing * 4-4 Caimi, Nancy S. 1912 Al home * 47 Saeche, Sherman 1918 Retired * 47 Seeche, Eunice At home * 47 Seeche. Sharon Lee 1945 Student * 49 Berg, Carl J. 1908 Retired * 49 Berg, Dorothy A. 1913 At home * 49 Larson. Louise 1901 Secretary * 49 Leland. Lillian M. 1893 At home 138 NO. NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 185 Torrisi, Edith M. * 194 Lostlmolo, Angelo L. * 194 Lostimolo, Natalie C. * 194 Lostiraolo, Lorraine N. 195 Levy, William C. 195 Levy, Dorothy M. * 204 Quartarone, Joseph D. * 204 Quartarone. Irene E, * 204 Crane, Daniel P, Jr. * 204 Crane. Irene * 211 Pula, Edmund W * 211 Pula, E~a * 214 Turner, Charles R. * 214 Turner, Jndith A. * 224 Chooljiaa, Anthonette * 224 Chooljiam gram E. * 240 Murphy, James A. * 240 Murphy~ Margaret M. * 240 O'Riordon, Joseph P. 255 Trusiani, Paul 255 Trusiani, Anna Marie 6 Viedler, John F. 6 Viedler, Lucy H. 6 Abelsma, Cornelius B. * 22 Duffy, William B. Jr. * 22 Duffy, JoAnne B. * 30 King, F. William 30 King, Barbara * 11 Palmer, Lucy 11 McAllister, Cornelia * 19 Lodge, Russell C. * 19 Lodge, June S. * 19 Lodge, Andrea J. * 26 Curtis, Hollis, A, * 26 Curtis, Rollis, A. Jr. * 26 Curtis, Marion F. * 49 Nicora, William * 49 Nicora, Gertrude R. * 49 Gorham, J. Laurence * 49 Gotham, Michael J, * 50 Elliot, Elizabeth T. 50 Elliot. Bruce C. 50 Rmurciak, William S. * 2 Northam, Gene A. * 2 Northam, Clara Sue * 4 Nor thom, Albert * 4 Northam, Mary * 8 Wildes, Nellie * 21 Kennedy, Joseph A. * 21 Kennedy, M. Constance * 28 Reardon, Mary R. * 28 Reardon, Arthur J. * 29 Kendall Lorraine * 32 LeGendre. Shirley E, * 32 LeGendre, Robert A. * 35 Kilcoyne, Mary Louise PRECINCT FOUR YR OF B RTH OCCUPATION RESIDENCE 1967 ] NA'T'TY SUTTON RILL ROAD-continued 1940 At home 1917 Machinist 1917 Seamstress 1946 Teacher Engineer At home 1921 Engineer 1921 l, R. S. 1944 Banker 1946 Teacher 1910 Chief Engineer 1917 Nurse 1935 Banker 1938 At home At home 1927 Western Electric 1926 Teacher 1932 At home 1888 Maintenance Proprietor At home TIMBER LANE Engineer At home Student 1934 Attorney At home 1935 Engineer At home TOLLAND ROAD 1910 At home Office 1914 Salesman 1915 gr horae 1943 Teacher 1916 Machinist 1940 Sheet Metal Worker 1917 Operator 1915 Foreman 1912 At horae 1940 Bank TeBer Student 1905 At home 1940 Student Western Electric TURNPIKE STREET 194 l Western Electric 1942 At home 1904 Maintenance 1905 At home 1890 At home 1909 Manager 1912 Western Electric 1923 At home 1915 Post Office 1933 Western Electric 1927 Factory 1932 Steel Worker 1936 At home Virginia Virginia 60 Moody 20 Beech Avenue 20 Beech Avenue West Peabody West Peabody West Peabody Boston Peabody Peabody 139 ND. I NAME OF PERS0N LISTED * 35 Kilcoyne, William A. * 38 DeFusco, John S. * 38 DeFu~o, Beatrice R. * 41 Oneail~ lohn J. * 41 Oneail, Donna M. * 47 Long, James F. * 47 Long, Ruth M. * 48 Lennon, Anthony W. * 48 Lennon, Eleanor G. * 56 Maloney, Thomas F. * 56 Maloney, Adchne M. * 57 Clifford, Michael 1. * 57 Clifford, Ma~y H. * 57 Clifford, Marilyn H. * 66 Yerris, William J. * 66 DriscoH, Beatrice * 72 Crowley, Mary B. * 72 Crowley, DanielF. * 78 Dris~oll, Francis G. * 78 Driscoll, Helen H. * 78 Hicks, Herbert F. * 78 Crabtree, Florence * 78 Crabtree~ William * 89 Connelly, Daniel * 89 Coady,John F. * 89 Coady, Margaret E. * 127 Connelly, Dennis F. * 127 Connelly, Gloria L. * 163 Holmes, Francis * 163 Holmes. Katherine E. * 187 Nolin, Richard 187 Nolin, Dorothy * 201 DeMarco, Theresa * 201 DeFusco, Lucy 201 DeMareo, Emil V * 201 DeCesare, Eleanor G. * 203 Santore. Saverio * 203 Santore, Marjorie L. * 209 Lotz, W. Albert * 209 Lotz. Lettie * 256 Patterson, William I. * 256 Patterson, Diane K, * 274 Mulfigan, Claire 274 Clarke, Patrick 274 Cicio, Maryann 312 Leyland, Robert C. Jr. * 312 Leyland, Virginia G. * 318 Detora, John * 318 Detora, Mary A, * 318 Detora, Leighton C. * 322 Humphreys, Gardner R. * 322 Humphreys, Nettle A. H. * 322 Humphreys, Linda A. * 578 Sawyer, John * 582 Laser, Carl * 582 Lager, Mildred * 591 Hamel, Edward E. * 591 HameL lacquelinc * 599 Beaudoin, Marie 607 DeNuccio, Armand 607 DeNuccio, Claire M. * 623 VaBiere. Eva * 623 Carrier, Mary C, PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF B RTH OCCUPATION TURNPIKE STREET-~ontinued 1931 Accountant 1925 Engineer 1927 At horae 1936 1937 At home 1908 Manager 1909 At home 1932 Tech. Writer 1937 At home 1927 Economist 1898 At home 1916 Lawyer Supervisor 1940 Asst. Ed. 1935 Teacher 1936 At home At home At home 1897 Contractor 1903 Plumber At home 1916 At home 1893 Dresser 1887 Coal Dealer 1927 Assessor 1927 At home 1926 Broker 1933 At home Serf-employed Agent 1938 Engineer 1909 Raytheon Raytheon 1905 1903 Purity Cleaners 1906 At home 1892 Retired 1890 At home 1939 Denlist 1941 Dental Assislant 1923 At home Profess, or 1945 Student 1927 Merchant Mariue 1929 At home 1915 Self-employed 1915 At home 1944 Student 1912 Electrician 1920 Typist 1946 Student 1895 Carpent er 1895 Retired 1901 At home 1927 Operator 1930 Waitre~ 1914 Operative 1901 Retired 1899 At home 140 I RESIDENCE 1967 I NA'T'TY Methuen Methuen I RESIOENCE ~967 T NA'T'TY NO¸ PRECINCT FOUR NAME OF P[RSON LISTED BIF~TH OCCUPATION ~l URNPIKE STREET-continued * 623 Turgeon, Peter A. 623 Tnrgeon, Cordelia * 625 Kohl, Emma * 625 Kohl, Mary J. * 625 Kohl, Walter O. * 633 Finochiaro, Catherine 642 Schmottlach, Jenett W. * 643 DeBenedetto, John M. 643 DeBenedetto, Rose 651 Martin, Warren L. 651 Martin, Marie B. * 674 Somma, Ralph * 674 Somma, Edith * 920 Kellner, Helen M. * 920 Kellner, Bernard 1. * 931 Phelan, Edward * 931 Phelan, Claire 931 Phelan, Pamela * 962 Hannem, James C. * 962 Hannem, Bernice V. 962 Hannem, Rita * 972 Copeland, Helen M. * 972 Copeland, Paul C. * 984 Spinelli, Anthony 984 Spinelli, Margaret *1000 King, Lily E. *1000 King, John E. '1000 King, John E. III '1000 Donahue, Bonnie G. *1001 Kmiec, Louis 1, '1001 Kmiec, Agnes * 1001 Kmiec, Louis J. Jr. * 1001 Kmiec, Linda A. '1049 Al[icon, Florence B. '1072 Karra, Veikko D. '1072 Kan'a, Delia E. '1208 Alien, Milton 1208 Alien, EQeen 1208 Sabin, David L. '1370 Woodward, Melvin D. '1370 Beaulieu. Yvette F. '1370 Robertson, George * 1370 Rober tson, Lorraine 3. 1459 Manchini, Anthony C. 1459 Manchini, Mary J. '1474 Schroeder, Norman 1474 Schroeder, Mamie '1475 Freeman, Russef E. '1475 Freeman, Bette A. 1491 Power, Bernard 1515 Cady, George 1515 Strobel, Richard 1537 Gauthier, Ernest 1537 Gauthier, Nancy '1538 Gurley, Richard F. *1538 Ring, Margaret '1579 DeNault, Sophia *162S Buthmann, Fred A. '1625 Buthmann, Edna E. '1717 Saul, Edward W. 1717 Saul, Kenneth A. *1737 Kelly, Donald C. '1737 Kelly, Laura A. '1803 Richards, Guy 1893 Retired 1891 At home 1898 At home 1933 At home 1930 Traffic Department 1910 At home 1889 At home 1913 Salesman 1912 At home Meat Cutter At home 1915 Self-employed 1918 Self-employed At home 1920 Salesman 1915 Guard 1917 At home Student 1923 Western Electric 1924 At home 1945 At home 1918 At home 1915 Tool Maker 1917 General Electric 1920 At home 1924 At home 1920 En§ineer 1943 Student 1944 At home 1907 Operative 1913 At home 1939 Realtor 1945 Secretary 1900 Operative 1908 Steamfitter Clerk 1926 Truck Driver 1927 At home Mechanic 1876 Farmer 1920 At home 1915 Physician 1929 At home Truck Driver At home Operative At home 1919 Truck Ddver 1929 At home Carpenter Manager Malinger Carpenter At home 1893 Retired 1895 Retired At home 1909 Administrative Assistant 1923 At home 1910 Teacher 1944 U.S.A.F. 1928 Truck Driver 1932 At home 1921 Foreman Methuen t41 NAME OF PERSON LISTED '1803 Richards, Emeroy '1812 Protdx, Jean Paul R 1812 Proulx. Rosita L. * 1874 Bettenconrt, Anthony L. '1874 BcttencourE Angelina M. 1874 Bettencourl. Enranuel 1874 Bettencourt, Maureen 2198 Ahem, John R 2198 Abern, Andrea E. *2200 Pinaud, Mirianl F. *2200 Pinaud, Edward F. Jr. 2214 Rowell, Herbert E 2214 Rowelh Anna G. *2237 Whipple~ tlarold A. *2237 Whipple, Beverly J. 2251 Lee, Shee H. 2251 Lee, Lana C. 2302 Knowlton, Phillip. Jr. 2302 Knowlton, Vkginia 2303 Wilkins, Charlotte *2324 Doyle. Adena M. *2324 Doyle, John M. *2350 Day, Albert C. *2357 Meadows. Florence M, *2357 Meadows, Theodore J. l Stachura. Michael D. 1 Stachura~ Leta G. 2 Meehan, John * 3 Crosby, Paul B * 3 Crosby, Ethel L * 4 Scott, William E. * 4 Scott, Ethel M. 5 Doucette, Robert M. 5 Doucelle, Irene * 6A Lacourse, Louis 6B Skidmore, Roy 6B Skidmore, Dorothy S. * 6C Nazzaro, John 6D llame, Martha ? Johnson, Blanche L. 8 Harris, Belle B. 9 O'Connelh George B. 9 O'Connell. Ann M, 10 McLennan. Adolph R. 11 Giammusso~ Michael R. 11 Giammusso, Martha * 12 italey,Waller M. Jr, 12 Haley, Anna Marie * 13 Atchison, John H. Jr. * 13 Atchison. Deanna B. * 14 Menard, Johnl. * 14 Menard, Alice I. * 15 MacKay, Malcolm A. * 15 MacKay, Marilyn 3, * 16 Fera, Geraldine A. 17 Ormsby, Jay L. 17 Ormsby, Kathleen A. 18 Magloine. Janet * 19 Donaghy, Berrie T. * 19 Donaghy, Joan I. PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF 8 RTH OCCUPATION TURNPIKE STREET-continued 1928 At home 1933 Proprietor At home 1911 Painter 1911 At home Secretary Manager At home 1922 At home 1919 Machinist Contractor Nurse 1928 Barber 1935 At home Engineer At home Leathers At home 1925 Banker 1928 At home 1938 At home 1935 Leather Worker 1912 Proprietor At home Greyhound Racing VILLAGE GREEN DRIVE Analyst At home 1900 Retired 1899 Clerk 1881 Retired Buyer 1917 Professor Funeral Director 1917 Western Electric 1937 Engineer 1939 Teacher 1919 J, P. Stevens 1921 Raytheon 1945 Technician 1946 At home 1930 Secretary Engineer At home Receptionist Retired 1929 Claims Representative RESIDENCE 1967 Andover Virginia Middleton 6A Village Green Drive 6A Village Green Drive 508 Main 296 Sutton 296 Sutton 142 NATTY NO. I NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 19 Whitraore, Alice 20 Papa~ella, lames * 20 Paparelia, Amelia M. 21 Ligar, Andrew P. 21 Ligar, O. Judith * 22 Manno, Louis l, * 22 Manno, Irene H. 23 Koffman, David W. 23 Koffman, Arlene * 24 Witt, Martin A. * 24 Witt, Janiee G. 25 Rooks, Gerald A. 25 Rooks, Mary Jane 26 Currier. Malcolm L 26 Currier. Deborah 27 Gilieran Robert 27 Gilleran Gloria 28 Baldor Carlos 28 Baldor Lianna * 29 EBiott JohnW. * 29 EIliott Barbara J. 30 Kline. Leonard 31 McCabe Norma M. 32 Rashleigh, Clayton 32 Rashleigh, Veronica * 33 Cohill, Susan J. * 33 Wasiuk, Joseph S. * 33 Wasiuk. Lois I. 34 Wenzel, Paul 1. 34 /¥enzel, Alice M. 35 Boyle, lohn E. 36 Whelan, John A, 36 Whelan, Lucille 37 Bobo, Wilton C. Jr. 37 Bobo, Doris A. 38 Daham, Mohamed M 38 Daham, Assna * 39 Katz, Alan H. * 39 Katz, Deborah R. 40 McMahan, Martin J. 40 McMahan, Jeanette 41 Thayer, Stereo E. 41 Thayer, Katherine 42 Shohan, Carol 43 Myszewski, Matthew 43 Myszewski, Beth 44 Stewart, Robert B. 44 Stewart, Patricia * 45 Parr, William A. * 45 Parr, CarolA. 46 Cathn, James A. 46 Catlin, Susan W. * 47 Pajunen, David W. * 47 Pajunen, Barbara L. * 48 Kidd, David A. 48 Kidd, Helen G. 49 Oleson, John R. 49 Oleson, Janet 50 Suchareski, Adolph A. 50 Suchareski, Walda 51 TurmeBe, Paul E. 51 lurmelle, Frances PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF B RTH OCCUPATION VILLAGE GREEN DRIVE-continued 1920 Insurance Agent 1897 Men's Clothing Tech. Aide At home 1921 Realtor 1919 At home Salesman Office Worker 1941 Engineer 194I Tax Examiner RESIDENCE 196N Engineer 1929 Ins. Underwriter 1936 At home Engineer 1946 Clerk 1914 Photographer 1923 Stylist Insurance Adjuster Teacher U. S.N. Teacher 1941 Scientist 1943 At home Engineer At home Secretary 1936 Avco 1938 At home 1936 General Electric 1936 At home 1943 Western Electric 1946 Nurse 66 Waverley Road 66 Waverley Road 143 NAME OF PERSON LISTED 52 Constantineau, Joseph J. 52 Constantineau, Mar fha 53 Lemek, Raymond E. 53 Lemek, Mary E. 54 Donne[lan, P. Kirby 54 Donne[lan, Michele 55 Piccewicz, Alan R. 55 Piccewicz, Nancy 56 Comsudes. Thomas 56 Comsudes, Margaret 57 Cart, Ogden M. * 57 Cam Lorraine S. 58 Marecki, John M~ 59 Nathanson, Leonard * 59 Nathanson, Carol A. 60 Zinn. Allen N. 60 Zinn, Ava C. 61 Tedesco, Arthur 61 Tedesco, Linda 62 Yeomans, Nancy * 63 Deincs, Johann P. * 63 Deines, Margaret M, * 34 Marchese, Michael * 70 Balsamo, Giuseppe 70 Balsamo, Concet~a * 70 Balsamo, Grazia * 81 Abbott, Joseph H. * 81 Abbott, Irene * Stamp, Walter R. Jr. * Stamp, Mabel L, * 3 Rose, Donald A. * 3 Rose, Shirley A. * 13 SzcTapa, Alexander J. * 13 Szczapa, Sophie E. * 21 O'Leary, DanielT. * 21 O'Leary, Isabella * 27 Wilson, Jane M. * 27 Wilson, Walter A. * 120 Morgan, Edward J. * 120 Morgan, Mary C. * 177 Antonewicz, Alexander * 177 Anlonewicz, Sophie * 192 Constantineau, Leo * 192 Constantineau, Patricla * 210 Cataude[la, Santo S. * 210 Cataudella, Barbara C. * 230 Aliquo, Joseph F. * 230 Aliquo, Joanne C, * 237 Milne, A. Donald * 237 Milne. Helen E. * 252 Miele, Victor A. * 252 Miele, Helen D. PRECINCT FOUR YR. OF B RTH OCCUPATION VILLAGE GREEN DRIVE-continued Oil Representative Secretary Salesman At home Chemist At home Manager At home 1935 At home Writer 1934 At home At home Director 1939 Underwriter 1938 Designer WESLEY STREET 1912 Manager 1897 Farmer 1879 At home 1906 At home 1907 Foreman 1906 At home WILLOW STREET 1914 Foreman 1917 At home WILSON ROAD Engineer 1935 School Cafeteria 1913 Spec. Writer 1914 At home 1910 1910 At home 1907 At home 1942 U, S. C. G. WINTER STREET 1928 Flooring 1928 Raytheon 1915 Shipper 1916 Loader 1925 Teacher 1925 Al home 1929 Dentist 1934 At home 1933 Teacher 1936 Nurse 1922 Clerk 1925 At home 1923 Supervisor 1933 At home 144 I RESIDENCE 1987 I NA'T'TY Salisbury Salisbury T NO [ NAME OF PERSON LISTED * 257 McCubbin, Charles R, * 257 McCubbin, Genevieve A. * 270 O'Sullivan, John H. * 270 O'SulNvan, Claire S. * 279 Angell, Eric H * 279 Angell~ Susan C. 288 Katsikas, George C. 288 Katsikas, Helen * 291 Morgan, Alice E. * 305 Messiim, Joseph J. * 305 Messina, Grace C. * 305 Petralia, Frances B. * 310 Gemmell, Annie Helene * Evans, Eliese M, * Evans, Stanwood D. * 400 Roberts, Ernest * 400 Roberts, Edna M. * 444 Auer, Douglass B. * 444 Auer. Hildreth * 444 Auer, Marjorie B. * 500 Chase, James * 500 Chase, Gladys * 545 Marcinuk, Adam * 545 Marcinuk, Rose M. * 545 Marcinuk. Robert J. * N55 Green, lienry N. * 855 Green, Sonja D. * 980 Pa~% John * 980 Pas, Stella $. 4 Deighan, Margaret 5 Black, Oral 5 Black. Chxisfina * 15 Busby, George * 15 Busby, Helena 99 Hodsdoa, George M. 99 Hodsdon, Evelyn H. PRECINCT FOUR OCCUPATION ~ RES,DEN£E 1967 ] NA'T'TY WINTER STREET-continued I924 Sargeant N. A. P. D. 1923 At home 1928 Supervisor 1927 At home 1942 Engineer 1942 Teacher Carpenter At home 1904 At home ! 925 Caterer 1927 At home 1906 At home 1905 Nurse 1918 At home 1909 Banker 1922 Police Officer 1926 At home 1938 U. S, A. 1904 Banker 1908 At home 1919 Mink Rancher 1924 At home 1919 Shoe Worker 1917 Operator 1946 Student 1928 Construction 1930 1917 Weaver 1918 Finisher WOOD LANE 1902 At home 1906 Farnler 1907 Spinner 1886 Retired 1895 At home WOODCREST DRIVE Manufactar~ Sto~eham At home 145