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Town of North Andover Massachusetts 1:30 Recommendations of the Advisory Board are included in this booklet. It is your guide to the Town Meeting. Please bring it with you. .\ Town of North Andover Massachusetts WARRANT REPORT for the ANNUAL TOWN MEETING Sat.?ds.y, April 27, 1985 This booklet contains the warrant for the Ann~s.1 Town Meeting to be held in the Veterans Auditorium of North Andover Middle School on Satun~s.y, April 27, 1985 at 1:30 p.m. It also contains the recornmendations of your Advisory Committee. At the Annt, a.1 Town Meeting, decisions will be made on how much money and for what purposes Town Departments, Officers, Boards and Connnittees w111 have to spend. Proposed c~es to the Town's Zoning and other bylaws will be considered as well as other matters relative to how the Town should be governed. If you are a registered voter in the Town of No~th Andover, your vote is important and it will be counted at thia meeting to amend, adopt or reject articles contained in the Town Warrant. This is your opportunity to have a direct say in how our Town shouldbe governed. Municipal Te logy The following terms are frequently used in this report and at town meeting. In order to provide everyone with a better understanding of their meaning, the following definitions are provided: RAISE: To raise is to tax. The tax rate is dependent, to a large extent, on the amount '~spenff at town meeting. It is set by the Board of Assessors after the meeting. APP~~~: To appropriate is to authorize spending. Once an appropriation for a budget or an article has been made by town meeting, the appropriation can only be changed by another town meeting vote. There is one exception, a transfer from the Reserve Fund. RESERVE FUND: This fund is established by the voters at an annual town meeting only. It is an omnibus appropriation made to provide flixibility to meet extraordinary or unforeseen expenditures by town departments. It may not exceed 5% of the tax levy of the predeeding year and is within the exclusive control of the Advisory Board. SURI~U~ REVENUE: Often referred to as ~'Excess and Deficiency~, this fund represents the amount by which the Cash, Accounts Receivable and other floating assets exceed the liabilities and reserves. AVAILABT,~, FUll8: Often referred to as 'F~e C~h", it is an amount certified annually by the State Bureau of Accounts bydeducting from surplus revenue all uncollected taxes for prior years. These funds serve as the town's daily operating account and they may be used by a vote of the town meeting. People lucky enough to have money in the bank can and usuallydo spend it. A towm cannot spend its savings until the total sum has been certified by the State. STABIT,T~&TION FU17D: This is a fund created to provide a rese~ze, % savings account~, for capital projects. Appropriations from the Stabilization Fund may be made at an annual town meeting by a two-thirds vote for any purpose the town is authorized to borrow money under Sections 7 or 8 of Chapter dd. OUER~',&Y: The overlay is the amount raised by ~he Assessors in excess of appropriations and other charges for the purpose of creating a fund to cover tax abatements granted and to avoid fractions. OVERLAY RESERVE: This is the accumulated amount of the Overlay for various years not used or required to be held in the specific Overlay account for a given year, and may be used by vote of the town for extraordinary or unforeseen purposes or voted into the Reserve Fund. T,~,G_A_L T,~ I,TMIT: The legal levy limit is the maximum annual increase allowed by the State Department of Revenue. It is calculated by multiplying the legal levy limit from the prior year by 1.025 t~hen adding local new growth. This limit on the growth of the levy never changes except for an override vo~e or by the addition of new growth to the taxable base. NEW GROWTI-I: Any new construction or the lots of a subdivision which are taxed as separate parcels for the first time are considered new growth in the year they are added to the tax rolls. RTewgrowth also includes anypreperEv whose valnation increases by 50% or more in any one calendar year because of renovations or additions. In the ease of commercial or industrial propemyit is any increase m valuation over $100,000 which occurs in one year due to new construction or renovation. Utilization of new growth in accordance with Mass. General Laws Chapt. 59, Sec. 21 c, Paragraph f allows a town to increase its levy limit to accommodate the increased demands for services that comes CI-IERRY SI-FEET: Named for the cherry colored paper the State Dept. of Revenue uses to print it on, it shows the break down of State aid, lottery distributions and school aid as well as County and State charges against the Town. These figures must be used by the Assessors in determining the balance to be raised by taxation. Report of the Advisory Committee Town Meet~-~, April 27, 1985 To the Voters of North ~~r As a general policy, the Advisory Board has attempted to address what it feels are the most pressing needs of the Town. Our first objective has been to capture all available revenue sources. The result is a more reasonable financial approach to our budgetary process. In recognition of the Town's growing water needs, the most significant recommendation is for a new water filtration plant at Lake Cochichewick as well as a comprehensive study of the Lake. The increased pressure on the Conservation Commission to enforce the wetlands protection laws necessitates the addition of a Conservation Commission Assistant. In conjunction, we are reaffirming our commitment to a long term Capital Budget Plan by recommending the reestablishment of a "stabilization fund". Another problem facing the Town is the student to teacher ratio in the school system. We are recommending the addition of 7 new full-time and 2 half-time posisitons. In total we are recommending that the voters approve $1,517,630 in articles, and the amount of $11,100,000 in new bond issues. The Advisory Committee wishes to thank the Selectmen and their Administrative Assistant, Keith Bergman, and all Department Heads and their staff for their co-operation during the year. Respectfully Submitted, North Andover Advisory Committee Lynette Pisani, Chairman Linda Gagnon, Secretary Francia Lindon, Vice-Chairman Daniel Griffin Bob Ercolini Paul Kochis Mike Leary Peter Shaheen Curt Wakeman John Whipple Reserve Fund Transfers -- July 1, 1984 to April 1, 1985 Appropriation at Town Meeting -- April 28, 1984 Transfers: Special Legal Seiectman's Expenses Council on Aging Snow Removal Fire Expense Planning Board Expense $40,011.10 1,524.00 1,034.41 15,000.00 1,150.00 343.65. $59,063.16 Balance $109,000.00 $ 49,936.84 Request for Transfers Tabled School Expense Snow Removal Council on Aging Expense Selectman Expense Planning Board Expense Balance $ 2,890 2,800 8OO 10,000 3,5OO $19 , 990 $ 29,946.84 ii Article 4. COMPENSATION OF ELECTED OFFICIALS. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and compensation of the elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section 108 of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of the Selectmen RECO[~R~ATION: elected officers of the Town effective from July 1, 1985. Board of Selectmen Licensing Commission each per annum $ 2,000 Chairman of the Board of Selectmen 300 Board of Assessors each per annum 3,000 Chairman of the Board of Assessors 1,000 The present Chairman of the Board of Assessors provided that he devotes all of his working hours to the performance of his duties as Assessor 17,C2~ Board of Health each per annum 700 Board of Public Works each per annum 600 Town Treasurer 32,744 Highway Surveyor 30,549 Moderator For Regular Town Meeting 100 For each Special Town Meeting 50 Town Clerk That the Town vote to fix the following salaries of the 20,162 iii Article 5. GENERAL APPROPRIATION ARTICr.~ FOR FISCAL YEAR 1986. To see what action the Town will take as to the budget recommendations of the Advisory Board for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1985, and ending June 3(, 1986. Petition of the Selectmen Recommended Budget Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1986 Item No. General Government me e Selectmen Salaries & Wages Expenses Treasurer Salaries & Wages Expenses Tax Collector Salaries & Wages Expenses Assessors Salaries & Wages Expenses Accountant Salaries & Wages Expenses Town Clerk Salaries & Wages Expenses Election & P~3istrars Salaries & Wages Expenses Advisory Department Committee Budget Requests Recomme~s 84-85 85-86 85-86 $ 66,816 $ 62,854 $ 62,854 10,755 12,400 11,900 57,118 60,717 58,217 5,400 6,000 6,000 27,603 43,728 ~ 21,800 24,950 24,950 53,563 57,900 ~,94~. ' 17,630 20,480 18,780 52,964 56,127 56,127 5,950 6,000 6,000 32,068 34,753 34,484 1,300 1,850 1,550 2,220 2,220 2,220 22,100 18,385 18,385 iv Town Counsel Annual Retainer Budget 84-85 $ 10 , 000 Department Requests 85-86 $ 10,000 Adv i sot y Committee Recommends 85-86 $ 10,000 9. Moc]erator Salary I0. Advisory Committee Salaries & Wages Expenses 11. Capital Budget Com~{ttee Expenses 12. Planning Board Salaries Expenses 13. Boar4 of Appeals Salaries Expenses 14. Personnel Board Salaries & Wages Expenses 15. Council on Aging Salaries & Wages Expenses 16. Conservation Commission Salaries & Wages Expenses 17. North Andover Historical Com~ssion Expenses 200 2,254 300 100 32,068 3,850 3,532 450 6,266 4,525 13,200 9,110 3,969 1,270 600 2O0 2,554 15,500 100 43,953 5,065 3,728 57O 11,647 5,895 18,865 16,190 5,500 6,045 6OO 2OO 2,554 15,500 100 42,562 4,215 3,745 570 11,647 5,895 18,865 4,575 V 18. Town Hall & Garage Building Salaries & Wages Expenses 1SA. Comm~mity Center Expenses 19. Annual Town Meeting Expenses TOTAL: G~IF~-d%T.,GOV~ S"I'AFFAGI~CIL'~ 20. Police Department Salaries & Wages Expenses 20A. School Crossing Guards Salaries & Wages Expenses 21. Fire Department Salaries & Wages Expenses 22. [k}cJ Officer Salaries & Wages Expenses Budget 84-85 $ 12,219 34,775 4,500 9,900 $ 533,575 $873,160 89,000 28,497 1,950 1,128,615 64,950 9,542 6,000 Department Requests 85-86 $ 12,863 37,750 4,500 11,100 $620,989 1,073,683 95,700 30,207 1,950 1,456,690 89,985 9,542 6,O0O Advisory Co~ittee Recommends 85-86 $ 12,219 37,750 4,434 11,100 ~2 1,016,419 90,500 30,207 1,950 1,408,400 82,425 9,542 6,OO0 vi 23. Civil Defense Salaries & Wages Expenses 24. Building, Electric & Gas Salaries & Wages Expenses 25. Sealer of Weights & Measures Salaries Budget 84-85 $ 2,714 4,000 61,174 11,175 2,050 Department Requests 85-86 Advisory Committee Recommends 85-86 2,788 $ 2,788 4,635 4,270 72,110 16,075 2,819 2,862,184 72,110 16,075 2,573 2,743,259 TOTAL tq)BLIC 8AF~"E 2,259,227 Public Health & Sani tion 26. Board of Health Salaries & Wages $ Expenses 27. Greater Lawrence Sanitary District Per Share Capital Per Share Operation 28. Animal Inspector Salary 29. Garbage Disposal Contract 47,505 5,650 36,028 293,875 420 3,500 $50,171 5,350 329,903 1,200 4,000 $ 50,171 5,350 Jl 3~3 600 O TOTAL PUBLIC HEALTH & SANTATION $386,978 $390,624 vii Public Works Budget 84-85 Advisory Departments Committee Requests Recommends 85-86 85-86 30. Board of Public Works Salaries 31. Sewer Maintenance & Construction Salaries Expenses Water Maintenance & Construction Salaries & Wages Expenses 33. Parks & School Grounds Salaries & Wages Expenses 34. Tree Department Salaries & Wages Expenses 35. Dutch Elm Disease Salaries Expenses 36. Insect Pest Control 37. 38. Street Lighting Street Gen'l Maintenance Salaries & Wages Expenses 1,800 $ 1,800 $ 1,800 67,800 71,190 71,190 45,475 52,672 48,500 220,669 271,064 256,709 267,500 314,450 314,450 69,655 89,138 69,655 14,575 17,500 15,500 74,625 87,658 79,409 17,865 21,651 18,226 10,484 11,780 11,113 2,544 2,798 2,798 27,392 34,992 33,323 7,950 8,774 7,950 103,000 150,000 103,000 297,888 102,600 334,289 ~9~0 122,600 110,000 viii Budget 84-85 Department Requests 85-86 Advisory Committee Recommends 85-86 39. Snow Removal Expenses $ 66,861 40. Refuse Disposal Salaries & Wages 180,378 Expenses 100,000 $ 160,000 204,238 244,550 120,000 204,238 244,550 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $1,679,061 $2,201,144 $~ / .2 o q6 7~o We't4 n.**e 41. Veteran's Benefits Expenses $15,500 $ 18,500 $ 18,500 42. Graves Registration Salaries 3OO $16,700 1,300 $ 19,800 1,300 TOTAL: WELFARE 19,800 Schools 43. N. A. School Department Salaries & Wages $6,449,000 Expenses 1,558,000 Total Salary & Expenses $8,007,000 $7,286,659 1,918,981 9,205,640 $~7,15 l ,-4g17 ix Regional Vocational School Allocation of Costs to N.A. TTITALSCHOOLS Budget 84-85 60,000 $7,977,000 Library Stevens Memorial Library Salaries & Wages Expenses TOTAL LIBI~RY $161,594 54,536 $216,130 Recreation 46. Playgrounds & Bathing Beaches Salaries & Wages Expenses 47. Recreation Council Salaries & Wages Expenses TOTAL: RECP. EA?IO~ $ 70,700 ~0,500 22,690 10,040 $113,930 Department Requests 85-86 59,000 $9,264,640 $ 168,808 75,600 $244,408 $ 74,235 12,610 25,120 12,500 $124,465 Advisory Committee Recommends 85-86 ~7 $ 168,808 72,400 $241~ 208 $ 74,235 11,610 23,240 I1,000 $120,085 Employee Benefits 49. TOTAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS Group Insurance $418,000 Essex County Retirement 626,890 $1,044,890 $464,000 640,000 $4,104,000 $464,000 640,000 $1,104,000 Unclassified 55. TOTAL: Budget 84-85 50. Rental of Veteran's Headquarters $ 1,200 51. Patriotic & Civil Celebrations 750 52. Fourth of July 7,500 53. Insurance, General 206,850 54. Industrial Commission Expenses 100 Special Legal Services 10,000 UNCLASSIFIED $226,400 Department Requests 85-86 Advisory Committee Recommends 85-86 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 8OO 8,000 206,850 100 25,000 $241,950 800 7,500 206,850 100 25,000 $241,450 Debt Redemption 56. Miscellaneous $ 10,000 57. School Bonds 405,000 58. Water Main Notes & Bonds 35,000 59. Sewer Notes & Bonds 150,000 60. Police -0- TOTAL DEBT REDEMPTION $600,000 --0-- 485,000 115,000 145,000 30,000 $775,000 $ --0-- 485,000 115,000 145,000 30,000 $775,000 / Interest on Debts 61. Police 62. School Bonds 63. Water Main Notes & Bonds 64. Sewer Notes & Bonds 65. Bond Issue Expense 66. Short Term Borrowing TOTAL INTEREST ON DEBTS -0- 127,902 6,773 40,060 30,000 45,000 $250,040 xi 12,350 143,935 59,615 26,220 50,000 --0-- $292,120 12,350 143,935 59~615 26~220 50,000 General Government Public Safety Public Health & Public Works Welfare Schools Library Recreation Employee Benefits Unclassified Debt Redemption Interest on Debts Sanitation Budget 84-85 533,575 2,259,227 386,998 1,679,061 16,700 8,007,000 216,130 113,930 1,044,890 213,061 600,000 250,040 Department Requests 85-86 $ 620,989 2,862,184 390,624 2,201,144 19,800 9,264,640 244,408 124,465 1,104,000 241,950 775,000 292,120 Advisory Commit2ee Recommends 85-86 2,743,259 ~7~3 ~-~ 39o~.~4 3~4 330 19,8o° 8,924,617 ~40 V~'~ 241,208 fl.,~[~V'~ 120,085 /2OCl~ z, zo4,ooo / 10~ ~o~' 241,450 )~/~J~ 775,000 292,120 3~2 /~o TOTAL $15,393,931 $18,141,.324 $17,463,106 · , ..~-3~-' xii TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER 1985 ANNUAL TOWN I~TING WARRANT COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX, SS: TO either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and in compliance with Chapter 39 of the General Laws, and as recently amended by Chapter 8, Section 9A of the Acts of 1974 and our North Andover Town Bylaws, Chapter 2, Section 2.4, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to vote in Town affairs to meet in the Veterans Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School on Saturday, April 27, 1985, at 1:30 p.m.. then and there to act upon the following articles: ANNUAL TOWN ELECTIONS (1-2) Article 1. ANNUAL TOWN ELECTION. The election of Town Officers appearing on the ballot have already been acted upon at the Annual Town Election on March 4, 1985. Petition of the Selectmen Article 2. ~.RCTION OF OFFICERS NOT ON BAYW~T. To elect all Town Officers not required by law to be elected by ballot. Petition of the Selectmen TOWN FINANCES (3-10) Article 3. REPORTS OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. To see if the Town will vote to accept the reports of receipts and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen (in the 1984 Annual Town Report). Petition of the Selectmen Article 4. COMPENSATION OF ELECTED OFFICIALS. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and. compensation of the elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section 108 of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of the Selectmen Article 5. GENEI~%L APPROP~tIATION ARTICLE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1986. To see what action the Town will take as to the budget recommendations of the Advisory Board for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1985, and ending June 30, 1986. Petition of the Selectmen Article 6. ?AX A~TICIPATION]~OTES AI~P~O~/~ATIONo To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow in anticipation of the revenue for the next fiscal year, all as provided by Chapter 44 of the General Laws. Petition of the Selectmen Article 7. SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORTS. To consider the reports of 11 special committees. Petition of the Selectmen Article 8. F.Y. 1985 BOI~ET TI~SFERS? To see what sums the Town will vote to transfer into various line items of the Fiscal Year 1985 operating budget from other line items of said budget and from other available funds. Petition of the Selectmen RECCE~(ENDATION: That the Town vote to take from Available Funds the sum of $119,776 for the purpose of paying unpaid bills from the Fiscal Year 1985 in the following departments: Fire Dept. Salaries~ Building Dept. Salaries Water Dept. Expense Snow Removal $55,645 10,446 30,000 23,685 Article 9. ~jNpAID BII/~q. To see if the Town will vote to take from available funds the sum of $__,__ for the payment, pursuant to Section 64 of Chapter 44 of the General Laws, of unpaid bills from previous fiscal years, including any bills now on overdraft. Petition of the Selectmen RELATION: To be made at Town Meeting Article 10. I~PLEMENTI~ COLLECTIVE BARGAINII~G AGREEMENTS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of ~__,~,~ to be expended under the direction of the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of implementing collective bargaining agreements reached with Town contractual employees. Petition of the Selectmen RECOMMENDATION: To be made at Town Meeting WATERSHED DISTRICT PRESERVATION ARTICLES (11-15) Article 11. COMPREHENSIV~ PLANNING STUDIES FOR WATERSHED DISTRICT. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or take from available funds the sum of $ 75,438 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of undertaking certain comprehensive planning studies in connection with the preservation of Lake Cochichewick and the public drinking water supply of the Town of North Andover. Petition of the Selectmen RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE Article 12. WATERSHED DISTRICT TEMPORARY GROWTH LIMITATION. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.133, Watershed District, of the Zoning Bylaw, by adding a paragraph (4), as follows: "(4) Lake Cochichewick Preservation Amendment a) Notwithstanding anything contained in this bylaw to the contrary, no permits shall be issued for the construction of any new building, structure, road, or driveway or for earth removal, except for the proposed municipal water filtration plant, within the Watershed District for a period of three (3) years from the effective date of this amendment. b) This amendment shall not apply to any renovation, alteration, or addition to an existing building, structure, road, driveway, or any structure in agricultural or horticultural use. c) A use variance may be granted by the Board of Appeals for the issuance of a building permit within this three-year period but not for a use not otherwise allowed by the district regulations. Petition of the Selectmen EXPLANATION: This amendment provides for a three-year prohibition on the issuance of building permits and special permits in the Watershed District, to provide controlled development in the Watershed District while the appropriate Town boards, commissions, and officers conduct and implement a comprehensive planning study, pursuant to the terms of the previous warrant article, relative to the preservation of Lake Cochichewick, our source of water supply; recognizing that a proposed water filtration plant for the Town's public drinking water supply is not expected to be completed until 1988. Exempted by General Laws from the provisions of this amendment are all lots shown in a definitive subdivision plan, or a preliminary plan followed by a definitive plan within seven (7) months, submitted to the Planning Board and written notice of which is given to the Town Clerk prior to the date on which this amendment is voted upon at Town Meeting. Also exempt by the General Laws from the provisions of this amendment are lots shown on definitive subdivision plans endorsed by the Planning Board within eight (8) years prior to the date of the vote of Town Meeting on this amendment; and lots shown on Form A plans, so-called, so endorsed within three (3) years prior to the date of said vote." NO RECOMMENDATION Article 13. PROHIBITING UNDERGROUND FUR~. STORAGE IN WATERSHED DISTRICT. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.133 Watershed District of the Zoning Bylaw by: inserting the following in subsection (2) Prohibited Uses 'underground steel storage tanks for petroleum products' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: As recommended by the Fire Department, this will prohibit the installation of steel storage tanks in the Watershed District and require fiberglass or corrosive resistant tanks. NO RECOMMRNDATION Article 14. PROHIBITING CONSTRUCTION WITHIN CERTAIN DISTANCES I~ WATERSHED DISTRICT. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.133 v/~atershed District by deleting the following from subsection (d) of aragraph (3): 'except by Special Permit' and add the following in its place: The intent herein is dimensional and the North Andover Board of Appeals shall grant variances upon a showing of substantial hardship owing to the soil, shape or t6pography of the land, including the right to cross such tributaries. Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: The purpose of this article is to eliminate construction within 250 feet of Lake Cochichewick and 100 feet of a tributary in the Watershed District by Special Permit. The North Andover Board of appeals shall have the jurisdiction and is to be treated as a variance application not a Special Permit. NO RE~ATION Article 15. ZONIN(~ BOARD OF APPEALS AS WATERSHED DISTRICT SPECIAL PERMIT GI~%NTING AUTHORITY. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 2.65 Special Permit Granting Authority of the Zoning Bylaw by deleting the following words: 'the Watershed District' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: As a result of eliminating construction by Special Permit as specified in Article 14, the Board of Appeals will become the governing body. NO I~ECOMMENDA?ION ~/~S ?OTg_E ZONING BYLAW (16-27) Article 16. FI~ONTAGE ~X¢~ION/L~(~ERA~Y~ LOTS. To see if the Town will vote,to amend Section 7.2.1) Street Frontage in the Zoning Bylaw by adding subsection e.: 'no such lot as described above on which a dwelling is located, shall be hereafter reduced in area below the minimum area required in Section 7.2.1).' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: This section was inadvertently deleted a~ the 1984 Annual Town Meeting. This article addresses the curr~nt zoning permitting a lot to have a minimum of 50 feet of 'frontage and a minimum of 3 times the area required. Once a dwelling is placed on such a lot it must maintain the minimum area requirement. NO REC~ATION Article 17. SI~E PI~%~ I{EVI~ BY S[~]~CIAL ~RMI?. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 8, Paragraph 12 Site Plan Review of the Zoning Bylaw by establishing a separate Section 8.3 for Site Plan Review to be administered through the Special Permit process under the Planning Board. The following text shall be added: 8.3 Site Plan Review '1. Pur~0ose The site plan review provisions are for the purpose of administering the provisions of this bylaw, to ensure the most advantageous use of all properties, and for the reasonable protection of the legitimate interests of adjoining property owners and occupants. · In a Business or Industrial District, no building permit shall be issued for the Construction of any new building or structure, or for renovation or expansion purposes requiring more than ten (10) parking spaces, until the Planning Board has issued a Special Permit in accordance with Section 10.3 as specified herein. · Said plan shall be prepared by a registered architect, registered engineer or landscape architect, and bearing an endorsement of approval by the'Planning Board. Plan to be recorded with decision at the Registry of Deeds. 2. Procedure The applieant shall submit nine (9) copies of the site plan to the Planning Board for distribution to each appropriate Town board and department for their review and recommendations. The Planning Board shall not make a finding and determination upon an application until a public hearing has been held and has received board and department recommendations. 3. Plan Requirements a) compliance with the requirements for parking and loading spaces for lot size, frontage, yards and heights and coverage of buildings, and all other provisions of this Bylaw; b) convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement on the site, and for the location of driveway openings in relation to street traffic: c) adequacy as to the arrangement and where not herein specified, the number of parking and loading spaces in relation to the proposed uses of the premises; d) arrangement, design and appearance of proposed building, structures, free-standing or ground signs, screening and principle landscaping; such as lighting and planting areas showing size and kind of plants to be used; e) adequacy of the methods of the site for waste disposal, surface and sub-surface drainage: f) location of wetland areas and existing and proposed topography.' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: The intent of this article is to continue the current process of Site Plan Review. However, in order to effectively plan and review commercial and industrial development in Town, the Planning Board recommends that this be achieved by 'Special Permit' (public hearing process and abutters notification). NO [{ECO[~WENDATION Article 18. SITE PLAN REVIEW. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 2.65 Special Permit Granting Authority by adding the following in the paragraph after the word "driveways": 'site plan review' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: This article is associated with Article 17, placing the Special Permit Granting Authority in the jurisdiction of the Planning Board. NO P~ECOMMENDATION vote to amend Section 10.31, 2 Permit by adding the following n 'f. Utilities and drainage F~UI~S. To see if the Town will mdi~4ons for Approval of .~pecial agraph: the vicinity shall be adequately provided; / g. Lighting shall not sh/e [irectly on adjoining properties.' / ~tition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: In order /to add,ess specific aspects of.a development under site plan review, these 2 elements will become part of the review process. NO RECO~ATION Article 20. LIMITED A~ESS. /To see if the Town will vot. e to amend Section 4.11(5)General Prov~sio~ by inserting the following. /~: ~or public' V /'/~ t?the paragraph will thenen/~dad a~as foltaws: No private or public ~y g~ving ~ccess to a building or use not permitted in a resid~t~is~rlct shall be laid out or constructed so as t~ t~ugh a residential street. Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: The purpose of this article is to minimize the amount of non-residential traffic through residential streets. NO RECOMMF. NDATION ~Article 21. DAY CARE CE~ER. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 2 Definitions by inserting the following: '2.29.1 Day Care Center Any facility operated on a regular basis whether known as a day nursery, nursery school, kindergarten, child play school, progressive school, child development center, or pre-school, or known under any other name, which received children not of common parentage under seven (7) years of age, or under sixteen (16) years of age if such children have special needs, or non-residential custody and care during part or all of the day separate from their parents or the elderly 60 years of age or older. Day Care Center shall not include any part of a public school system; any part of a private organized educational system, unless the services of such system are primarily limited to kindergarten, nursery or related pre-school services; a Sunday school conducted by a religious organization where children are cared for during short periods of time while persons responsible for such children are attending religious services; a family day care home; an informal cooperative arrangement among neighbors or relatives; or the occassional care of children with or without compensation therefor.' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: The purpose of this article is to define what a Day Care Center is. At present North Andover does not have a specific definition. NO RECO~KNDATION Article 22. DAY CARE CENTER. To see if the Town will vote to amend Table I (p. 39a.) by inserting the following: 'Day Care Center R1,2,3,4,5 SP Bus.l,2,3,4, SP Gen.Bus. SP Ind.l,2,3,S SP' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: This article explains that a Day Care Center is permitted in all zoning districts by Special Permit Process (public hearing and due notice to abutters). NO ItECfk~W~ENDATION Article 23. DAY CARE CENTER. To see if the Town will vote to amend the following sections of the Zoning Bylaw by adding 'Day Care Center by Special Permit 4.121 (19) 4.127 (15) 4.122 (20) 4.128 (9) 4.123 (22) 4.129 (17) 4.124 (13) 4.130 (23) 4.125 (22) 4.131 (7) 4.126 (22) 4.132 (14)' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: This article references each Day Care Center in each zoning district. NO IIECOM~ENDATION j Article 24. LOT WIDTH REQUI{. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 7 Dimensional Requirements by adding the following: '7.4.1 Lot Width The Width on any lot created shall have a minimum lot width of fifty (50) feet between the legal frontage and building Set back to the front building line.' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: The intent of this article is to require newly created lots to have a minimum lot width of 50 feet as specified in the article. This should enable usable access into the lot without going onto abutting properties. NO IIECOMMENDATION Article 25. DRIVEWAYS. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaw by moving Section 2.75 Dr___ive___w_ays to a new Section '2.30.1' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: The purpose of this article is to place the defini, tion of 'driveway' in alphabetical order. NO RECOMMENDATION Article 26. PERMITTED USES BY SPECIAL PERMIT. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.11 (p. 15) General Provisions by adding the following: 9 'except uses which are similar in character to the permitted uses shall be treated as requiring a Special Permit.' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: The purpose of this article is to allow similar uses ~y 'Special Permit' to the Board of Appeals. N%RECOMMRNDATION Article 27. ZONING DISTRICT DESIGNATION. Te see if the Town will v®te to amend the Zoning Bylaw Section 3.2 Zoning Map (p. 13) by inserting after the phrase: and as it may hereafter be amended ...... 'Where zening ~istricts are divided by a street, the zoning boundary shall be the centerline of the street; notwithstanding any other description of said property.' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: The purpose of this article is to eliminate discrepancies on the zoning map where zoning districts are divided by a street. NO RECOM~m~DA?ION AMENDMENTS TO THE PErSONNEl. BYLAW (28-52) Article 28. ANRNDING "LONG]~;IT¥". To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,200 for the purpose of amending Section 12, Longevity Increments, Paragraph (A), of its Personnel Bylaw increasing all of the amounts by $300 to read: (A) An employee of the Town who has been in continuous full,time employment in a position subject to the Classification and Compensation Plans shall be paid, in addition to the compensation received under the present plan, annual increments determined as follows: Length of Service Amount Over 10 but not over 15 years Over 15 but not over 20 years Over 20 but not over 25 years Over 25 years $525 575 625 675 (Each increase in such increment, once attained, being limited to $50 under these conditions of eligibility.) Petition of the Personnel Board RECOM~RNDATION: UNFAVOF. ABLE 10 ~'/l- Article 29. AMENDING "PAID HOLIDAYS". To see if the Town will vote to amend the Personnel Bylaw, Section 16, Paid Holidays, Paragraph B to read: A full-time employee or a continuous part-time employee in a permanent position as defined in Section 2 shall be entitled to these designated holidays on the following terms: (1) If paid on an hourly basis, the employee shall receive one day's pay at this regular rate based on the number of hours regularly worked on the day on which the designated holiday occurs. <2) If paid on a weekly, semi-monthly or annual basis, the employee shall be granted each designated holiday without loss in pay. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE Article 30. AMR. NDING "VACATION LEAVE". To see if the Town will vote to amend the Personnel Bylaw, Section 17, Vacation Leave, Paragraph .A to read: A full-time employee or a continuous part-time employee shall be granted vacation with pay on the following terms: One year of service Five years of service Ten years of service two weeks three weeks four weeks An employee, after six months of continuous service, may request one week of his/her vacation in advance. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: FAVOPABLE . Article 31. AMENDIN(} "VACATION LEAVE'. To see if the Town will %/9otc to amend the Personnel Bylaw, Section 17, Vacation Leave, Paragraph (C) to read: Employees who are eligible for vacation under these rules and whose services are terminated by dismissal through no fault or delinquency of their own, or by retirement, or by entrance into the armed forces, or who is on leave as a result of an injury sustained while on the job, shall be paid an amount equal to the vacation allowance as earned, and not granted nor used, in the vacation year prior to such dismissal, retirement, entrance into the armed forces, or injury leave. In addition, payment shall be made for that portion of the vacation allowance earned in the vacation year 11 during which such dismissal, retirement or entrance into the armed forces occurred up the the time of the employee's separation from the payroll, but no such payment shall be made to those persons on injury leave who have not been separated from the payroll. Petition of the Personnel Board REC~ATION: FAVORABLE / Article 32. AMENDING "SICK LEA~E". To see if the Town will vote to amend the Personnel Bylaw, Section 18, Sick Leave, Paragraph A, to read: A full-time employee or a continuous part-time employee who has completed six months of service shall be allowed six days leave with pay and thereafter shall be allowed leave of one and one-quarter days for each month of service, provided such leave is caused by sickness or injury or by exposure to contagious disease. Petition of the Personnel Board RE~NDATION: FAVOP~%BLE Article 33. ADDING "EMERGENCY POSITIONS". To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 2 of the Personnel Bylaw to add: "Emergency Position", a temporary position created for a duration of not more than one fiscal year for the purpose of meeting an unforseen problem in the delivery of Town service. Petition of the Personnel Board RECO~9~]DATION: FA'4IH~J%BLE Article 34. ADDING "EMERGENCY POSITIONS". To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $ 4~_~0 for the purpose of amending the Personnel Bylaw by adding the following Section: Section 26 EMERGENCY POSITIONS An emergency position may be created with the approval of the Personnel Board and the Advisory Board in the event that a documented emergency exists within any department of the Town. If such emergency position is needed in the fiscal year following initial approval of said position by the Personnel Board and the Advisory Board, said position shall be included as an amendment to 12 the Personnel Bylaw for a vote of the Town at either the next regular or special town meeting, in accordance with the provision of Section 6 of the Personnel Bylaw. RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE Petition of the Personnel Board Article 35. COST-OF-LIVING RAISES FOR NON-UNION EMPLOYEES. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $20,532 for the purpose of amending Schedule 8 included in Section 7 of its Personnel Bylaw by increasing all of its salary rates listed therein by 6% excluding, however, the compensation of those Town employees whose remuneration is established by the collective bargaining process. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: To be made at Town Meeting Article 36. COST-OF-LXVING RAISES: NON-UNION CLERICAL PART-TIME. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $889 for the purpose of amending Section 8 of its Personnel Bylaw (part-time positions classified in the clerical group) by increasing the salary therein by 6% excluding, however, the compensation of those employees whose remuneration is established by the collective bargaining process. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: To be made at Town Meeting Article 37. COST-OF~LIVIN~ RAISES: MISC~.;m~EO~S SALARY SCHEDULE. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum $8,074 to amend Section 7, Schedule E, of the Personnel Bylaw (Miscellaneous Schedule) by increasing the compensation listed herein by 6% for the positions of Animal Inspector, Assistant Building Inspector, Assistant Supervisor Bathing Beach, Call Firefighter, Civil Defense Director, Dog Officer, Fire Engineer and Deputy Chief, Gas Inspector, Lifeguard Bathing Beach Attendant, Registrar of Voters, Reserve Patrolman, School Crossing Guards, Sealer of Weights and Measures, Supervisor Bathing Beach, Veterans' Graves Officer, Wiring Inspector, excluding however, those Town employees whose remuneration is established by the collective bargaining process. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: To be made at Town Meeting 13 Article 38. BUILDING INSPECTOR. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,001 to change the grade of Inspector of Buildings from S-19 to S-20 in Section 7, Schedule A, of the Personnel Bylaw. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDTION: To be made at Town Meeting Article 39. LIBPARY DIRECTOR. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,001 to change the grade of the Library Director from S-19 to S-20 in Section 7, Schedule A, of the Personnel Bylaw. Petition of the Personnel Board RECO~IENDA?ION: To be made at Town Meeting Article 40. SUPERINTENDENT OF INSECT PEST CONTROL/TREE WARDE~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,146 for the purpose of amending Schedule A of its Personnel Bylaw, Section 7, Department and Supervisory Group, the compensation grade of Superintendent of Insect Pest Control/Tree Warden rom S-13 to S-19. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE Article 41. PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERIN~ AIDE. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Personnel Bylaw, Section 7, Schedule A, Department Head and Supervisory Group, by adding the position of Engineering Aide to the Public Works Department, with a compensation grade of S-9 and to raise and appropriate the sum of $14,803 for his/her compensation. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOI~ENDATION: FAVORAB~ Article 42. CONSERVATION COMMIS$IONASSlSTANT. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Personnel Bylaw, Section 7, Schedule A, Department Head & Supervisory Group, by adding the position of Conservation Assistant with a compensation grade of S-15 and to raise and appropriate the sum of $19,283 for his/her compensation. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: FAVOltABI~ 14 Article 43. COUNCIL ON AGING SENIOR CLERK. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Personnel Bylaw, Section 7, Clerical Group, Schedule A, by adding the position of Senior Clerk at the Council on Aging, with a compensation grade of S-4 and to raise and appropriate the sum of $11,590 for his/her compensation. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4800 for the purpose of adding the position of part-time clerk with the compensation grade of S-4, Min. Article 44. PLANNING BOARD SECRETARY. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $7,441 to increase the hours of the secretarial position in the Planning Office, entitled Senior Clerk/Secretary from 3 hours per day to 7.5 hours per day with a compensation grade of S-6, Personnel Bylaw, Section B. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: To be made at Town Meeting Article 45. POLICE DEPARTMENT SENIOR CLERK. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,231 to increase the grade and hours of the Clerk at the Police Department from Junior Clerk, S-i, part-time to Senior Clerk, S-4, full-time in Section 7, Schedule B. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: UNFAVORABLE Article 46. BOARD OF REGISTRARS. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel Bylaw, Section 7, Schedule E, Miscellaneous Compensation Schedule for Part-Time Positions, by striking "Registrar of Voters - $445 per year" and substituting therefore "Registrar of Voters $540 per year, Registrar of Voters - Town Clerk $600 per year". Additional compensation shall be given to the Town Clerk in accordance with Mass. General Laws, Chapter 41, Sections 19G & 19H. Petition of the Personnel Board RECO~]DATION: FAVORABLE 15 Article 47. POLICE CHIEF AND FIRE CHIEF. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provision of Chapter 48, Section 57G of the General Laws and to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,319, to provide that the annual base rate of compensation for the fire and police chiefs shall not be less that the following ratios of the highest annual rate of compensation of a permanent full-time firefighter, or a permanent full-time police officer, as the case may be: In departments having less than twelve permanent, full-time police officers or fireflghters, the ratio shall be 1.5. In departments having not less than twelve nor more than twenty-nine permanent full-time police officers or firefighters, the ratio shall be 1.8. In departments having thirty or more permanent, full-time police officers or firefighters, the ratio shall be 2.0. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE Article 48. SgNIOR LIBI~A1/¥ ASSISTANT. TO see if the Town will vote to amend the Personnel Bylaw, Section 7; Schedule A,"Library Group" by adding the position of Sr. Library Assistant, part time, at Stevens Memorial Library with a comensation grade of S-4 and to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,531. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: UNFAVORABLE Article 49. DOG OFFICER. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 7, Schedule E, of the Personnel Bylaw to insert the compensation of the Dog Officer at $9,542. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE Article 50. DOG OFFICER. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000 to amend the Personnel Bylaw, Section 7, Schedule E, by removing the Dog Officer class title from the Miscellaneous Schedule as part-time position and placing the Dog Officer as a full-time position, Section 7, Schedule A, Public Safety Goup S-13. Petition of Richard J. Kulpinski and others RECOMMENDATION: UNFAVORABLE 16 Article 51. SUPERINTENDENT O1~ PUBLIC WORKS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $561.00 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of amending the Personnel Bylaw Schedule A, Section 7, by changing the classification from S-21 to S-22 of the Superintendent of Public Works and to amend Schedule B, Section 7, by adding a new compensation grade S-22 which will be a 16% increase to the S-21 grade. Petition of the Board of Public Works RECOMMENDATION: UNFAVORABLE Article 52. ASSISTANT PUBLIC WORKS CLERK. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $416.00 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of amending the Personnel Bylaw Clerical Group, Schedule A, Section 7, by adding the classification "Senior Clerk - Public Works" to be compensated at the S-5 level. Petition of the Board of Public Works RECOI~ENDATION: UNFAVORABLE AMENDES TO THE TOWN BYLAWS (53-59) Article 53. ADOPTION OF A FIRE LANE BYLAW. To see if the Town will roue to add to the Town Bylaw a new section under Public Safety: Fire Lanes Upon determination by the Fire Chief that fire lanes are necessary for the protection of the lives or property of the public in an area to which the public has access, the owner, or the person having control of such premises, shall provide, install, and maintain "No Parking-Fire Lanes" signs and striping in the location designated by the Fire Chief. It shall be unlawful to obstruct or block a private way to an area to which the public has access so as to prevent fire apparatus or other emergency equipment from gaining access to any building thereon. It shall be unlawful to obstruct or park any vehicle in any fire lane, such fire lane to be designated by the Chief of the North Andover Fire Department. These fire lanes to be posted and marked as such. Said fire lanes shall include a distance of twelve (12) feet from the curb at a sidewalk or in the absence of sidewalks and curbings, the distance shall be eighteen (18) feet from the building. The properties involved shall be shopping centers, apartment complexes, hospitals, nursing homes, theaters and schools or other areas to which the public has access. 17 These traffic regulations are enforced by the Police Department of the Town of North Andover carrying a fine of ten dollars per ticket. If vehicles are impeding access of emergency vehicles, the Police Department shall have the authority to tow such vehicles to a storage facility designated by the North Andover Police Department. Such towing charge to become the responsibility of the owner of towed vehicle. Petition of the Fire Chief and Police Chief NO I~ECOMMENDATXON "~ Article 54. AMENDIN~ THE BUILDIN~ PERMIT FEE SCHED~3LE. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General Bylaws, Section 3.12 to read as follows: "BUILDING PERMIT FEES: The estimated construction costs of new construction shall be based upon a cost factor of twenty-five dollars ($25) per square foot. Estimated construction cost of additions, alterations and remodeling shall be the actual contract price. The permit fees shall be five dollars ($5) per thousand based on the estimated costs of construction. There shall be a minimum fee of ten dollars ($10) per permit. Building permit fees shall not be required for municipally-owned buildings or structures." Petition of the Building Inspector RECOMMENDATION: FAN~)P~%BLE Article 55. GAS INSPECTOR BYLAW. To see if the Town will vote to Strike Section 3.9 of the Town Bylaws, entitled "Gas Inspector," and substitute therefore the following: "The Selectmen shall fix and shall from time to time by their order amend a schedule of fees to be charged for gas inspections." This amendment would bring this Bylaw into compliance with state statute, which provides that appointment of a gas inspector be made by the Building Inspector. Petition of the selectmen NO~ECO[~4ENDATION Article 56. ASSES~RNTOF TAXES BYLAW. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General Bylaws by a Bew Section 4.9, as follows: "Section 4.9 Assessment of Ta~e~/- The assessment of taxes shall b~,completed and the tax list and warrant shall be delivered /o~the Collector of Taxes on or before the fifteenth day of August~ and the tax bills shall be distributed on or before the ~econd~,day of September in each year. An exception to this~ay be 'made in a year when the Town is undergoing re-evaluation. In this case only, the Board of Assessors, at its discretion, may submit estimates of the actual assesments to the Collector of Taxes on or before the fifteenth day of September. Petition of ~he Selectmen RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE Article 57. APPOINTI~I~T OF ADVISORY BOARD BY S~.ECTt~RN. To see if the Town will vote to strike Section 3.2(A) of the North Andover Bylaws and substitute therefore the following: There shall exist an Advisory Committee consisting of seven citizens of the Town, other than Town officers, annually appointed as hereinafter provided. The Board of Selectmen commencing in May of 1985 shall appoint two members of the Advisory Committee initially appointed for the term of one year and thereafter for the term of three years, two members initially appointed for the term of two years and thereafter for the term of three years, and three members appointed for the term of three years and every three years thereafter. The terms of all Advisory Committee members shall commence on July 1st following the date of appointment. The terms of the present Advisory Committee shall expire on June 30, 1985, or as otherwise provided for by the Bylaws of the Town of North Andover. The said committee shall choose its own officers and members shall serve without salary. The Advisory Committee may employ, subject to an appropriation therefore, a secretary. In the event of any vacancy in the membership of the Advisory Committee, said vacancy shall be filled as otherwise provided for by the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Petition of Frank H. Dushame,III and others RECO~4ENDATXON: UNFAVORABLE Article 58. COUNCIL ON AGING BYLAWS- To see if the Town will vote to amend its General Bylaws in the following manner: Amend Section 3.4(A) and 3.4(B) by deleting the existing language so that Section 3.4(A) and 3.4(B) shall now read: Section 3.4 Council on Aging (A) Organization There is hereby established a local Council on Aging, consisting of not less than seven nor more than eleven voting members. Council members shall be appointed by the Selectmen from interested and representative groups in the community upon consideration of recommendations by the existing Council. 19 (B) Duties The Council shall be responsible to the Selectmen, and its members shall serve without compensation, and within the limits of available funds it may appoint such employees as it may require. It shall be the duty of the Council to oversee the operation of the Senior Center and to carry out programs and services designed to meet the needs of the elderly in coordination with appropriate local, state and federal agencies. Petition of John J. Lyons and others NO RECOMMENDATION Article 59. AMENDIN(~ S~.~-SERVICE CAS b~TATION BYLAN. To see if the Town will vote to amend 6.6 of the Town Bylaw so that said section will read: "6.6 Self-service gas stations. No person owning or operating a gasoline filling station shall allow the pumping of gasoline for retail sale without an attendant employed by the station present to hold the gas nozzle while gasoline is being pumped into the tank of the vehicle unless said owner has complied with the Fire Marshall regulations: 527 CMR 5.04(16) regarding fire safety." EXPLANATION: TWe proposed amendment would allow the operation of a self-service gas station if the owner has complied with the regulations of the state Fire Marshall governing the operation of self-service gasoline stations. The present regulations provide as follows: 527 CMR (16). The dispensing of motor fuel by means of self-service automated dispensing systems shall be permitted, provided that the applicant for such a system has submitted . complete plans and specifications of the proposed installation to the Marshal accompanied by the required examination fee as authorized in Section 3B of Chapter 7, MGL, inserted by Chapter 684 of the Acts of 1975, and has obtained approval of said plans, and further provided that there is compliance with the following: Full self-service facility may be allowed provided that: (a) The service station is under the control of the owner, operator, or duly authorized employee who shall be on duty at all times while motor fuel is being sold or dispensed. (b) The motor fuel shall be dispensed only by a competent licensed motor vehicle operator or by the service station attendent. (c) In addition to 527 CMR 5.04 (5) and (8), approved signs bearing the wording "Extinguish All Smoking Materials: and "Stop Motor While Refueling" shall be conspicuously posted at both ends of the pump dispensing island visible to approaching vehicles. All approved signs required by these regulations shall consist of block letters not less than two (2) inches tn height and be either red letters on a white background or white letters on a red background. (d) The controlling mechanism console providing power to the pump motor is in constant attendance by the owner, operator of duly authorized employee at all times while motor fuel is being dispensed and is properly protected against physical damage form motor vehicles. Constant attendance shall mean that the console operator must be at the console during its operation. (e) There is constant contact between the controlling mechanism console operator and the pump island by means of an intercommunication system which shall be maintained in proper operating condition at all times while motor fuel is being dispensed. (f) A means is provided for the controlling mechanism console operator to observe the filling operation at each vehicle, and the dispensing of motor fuel shall be continuously observed by the console operator during the time that any of the pumps have been activated to dispense motor fuel. (g) The controlling mechanism console includes a disconnet switch which will instantly cut off all pumping power to all motor fuel pumps at the service station. (h) The controlling mechanism console, switches, and related equipment are of a design and type approved by the Marshal. (i) Any person, firm, or corporation constructing a self-service facility or making changes of alterations in the method of dispensing motor fuel shall notify the head of the fire department, in writing, prior to submitting plans to the Marshal. (j) Self-service automated motor fuel dispensing systems for which plans have been submitted subsequent to June 20, 1975, shall be equipped with a fire extinguishing system of a type approved by the Marshal, details of which shall be included with plans submitted to the Marshal for approval. (k) Motor fuel shall be dispensed only by means of an approved automatic shut-off nozzle which shall be held open manually. Hold-open clips shall not be allowed on self-service nozzles. Split-island facility may be allowed provided that: (l) There shall be installed on the full service islands an additional switch which will activate the overhead fire suppression system on, and deactivate the power to the self-service island. 21 (m) The station operator shall be within 25 feet of one of the switches as defined in (2)(a) whenever the self-service island dispensing mechanism is in operation. (n) Whenever the self-service dispensing mechanism is in operation, the service station operator shall be within visual range of the filling operation, complying with 527 CMR 5.04(16)(a), 5.04(16)(b), 5.04 (16)(c), 5.04(16)(g), 5.04(16)(h), 5.04 (16)(i), 5.04(16)(j), and 5.04(16)(k). Petition of E. Haffner Fournier and others NO REC~ATION BOARD OF S~.RCTMENARTICLES (60-67) Article 60. STP~T LIGHTING REACTIVATIONS AND ADDITIONS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $22,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of reactivating certain of the street lights which were deactivated in 1982, and for adding new street lighting to certain public roads in Town, including but not limited to intersections of new subdivision roads with public roads, and other dangerous or hazardous locations which are not now adequately illuminated. Petition of the Selectmen RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE Article 61. CHARTER CO~ISSIONAPPROPRIATION. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $25,045 to be expended under the direction of the Charter Commission for the purpose of employing such legal, research, clerical, and other employees or consultants as such commission may require to assist it with its duties as outlined in Chapter 43B of the General Laws, such sum to be in addition to the five thousand dollars already credited to the Commission's account pursuant to Section 8 of said Chapter 43B. Petition of the Selectmen RECO~9~-~DATION: FA%K)~%BLE Article 62. P~EPARATION OF CONSOLIDATED INSURANCE SPECIFICATIONS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $7,500 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of hiring an insurance consultant for the preparation of consolidated competitive insurance specifications for the Town's property and liability insurance coverages. Petition of the Selectmen RECOMMR~DATION: FAVORABLE . 22 Article 63. AM~]DING PRIOR TAKING VOTE AND VOTING TO TAKE CERTAIN LAND FOR A PUBLIC PARKING FACILITY. To see if the Town will vote to ratify and confirm the action taken on Article 84 of the Warrant for the 1984 Annual Town Meeting for the purpose of acquiring the property described therein and below in order to widen a pulic way known as Johnson Street and for providing off street parking facilities. A certain lot of land with the buildings thereon situated on said North Andover on the westerly side of the road (Johnson Street) leading from the Unitarian Meeting House by the house of John H. Sutton and bounded and described as follows: (meaning and intending the parcel'of land known as the Ira Carty property) Beginning at a stake and stones by said road and the second parcel hereinafter described, thence running south seventy-two and one-half degrees west, twelve rods and seventeen links to a stake and stones by land of the heirs of Thomas H. Kimball; thence northwesterly by said land of Kimball heirs four rods and fourteen links to a stake; thence north seventy-two and one-half degrees easterly eleven rods and nineteen links to said road; thence southerly by said road four rods and fourteen links to the first mentioned bound; excepting from said parcel, however, a strip ten feet in width on the northerly side thereof which was conveyed to the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover by John O. Loring by deed dated January 30, 1906, and recorded with the North Essex District Registry of Deeds, Book 229, Page 80. Also a certain parcel of other land adjoining the above described parcel bounded easterly by said road; southerly by land now or formerly of the Town of North Andover and by land formerly of Daniel stevens, deceased, westerly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Thomas H. Kimball and northerly by the first described lot. Petition of the Selectmen NO RECOMMENDATION Article 64. OLD CENTER PARKING LOT. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $__, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of a design and construction of a public parking lot in the old center on Town owned property taken by Article 84 of the 1984 Annual Town Meeting. Petition of the Selectmen RECOMMRNDATION: To be made at Town Meeting 23 Article 65. LR[~%ND PROPERTY PURCHASE. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $982,788 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of acquiring by purchase, gift, grant or otherwise, a parcel of land together with all improvements thereon, located in North Andover, MA, and shown as lots 1 to 34 inclusive, on a plan of land entitled "Preliminary Subdivision Plan of Marbleridge East in North Andover, MA., dated March 12, 1985 and filed with the Town Clerk and Planning Board on March 13, 1985, Owner QDF Trust, Christiansen Engineering, Inc., Engineer, containing approximately 45 acres more or less. Also the fee in Carriage Chase, a private way shown on said plan, between Bridle path and that portion of Carriage Chase laid out on a previous subdivision plan - there above referenced. Petition of the Selectmen RECOMMRNDATION: To be made at Town Meeting Article 66. ACCEPTANCE OF CERTAIN STREETS AS PgBLIC ~AYS. To see if the Town will vote to accept the following streets as public ways: Penni Lane, Duncan Drive, Sharpeners Pond Road, Gilman Lane. Petition of the Selectmen NO RECO~DATION ~/ Article 67. TOWN BUILDING RENOVATIONS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $20,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of undertaking necessary repairs and renovations to the Town Office Building and the offices therein. Petition of the Selectmen RECO~.NDATION: FAVORAB~ 24 PUBLIC WORKS ARTICr.~ (68-76) ~/ Article 68. NEW WATER FILTRATION PLANT AT LAKE COCHICHEWICK. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,500,000, or any other sum, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of constructing a new water filtration plant at Lake Cochichewick, and including related intake structures, water mains and pumping stations, and original pumping station equipment, to determine whether this sum shall be raised by borrowing or otherwise; or to take any other action relative thereto. Petition of the Board of Public Works RECOMMENDATION: That $10,500,000 be appropriated for construction of a new water filtration plant at Lake Cochichewick, including related intake structures, water mains and pumpiing stations, and original pumping station equipment; that to meet this appropriation the Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen is autorized to borrow $10,500,000 undre G.L.c.44, S.8; and that the Selectmen are authorized to contract for and expend any federal or state aid available for the project, provided that the total authorized borrowing shall be reduced by the amount of any such aid received prior to the issue of bonds or notes hereunder. Article 69. PUBLIC WORKS EQUIP~T PURCHASES. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $40,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of purchasing the following equipment: 1 - one ton utility body pick-up - 1 - 3/4 ton flare side pick-up, 1 - 4 WD pick-up with plow. 1 - four inch gasoline driven centrifucal pump. 1 - 1978 Ford utility body pick-up, 1- 1979 Dodge 4 WD pick-up with plow and 1 - 1979 Ford 3/4 ton flare side pick-up to b~ traded. Petition of the Board of Public Works RECO~4ENDATION: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $19,800 for the purpose of purchasing the following equipment: 1 - one ton utility pick-up - 1978 Ford utility pick-up to be traded 1 - four inch gasoline driven centrifical pump $13,800 6,000 25 Article 70. ATKINSON SCHOOLGROUNDS IMPROVEI~R~TS. To see if the To~ will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of paving the roadway parking and playground area at the Atkinson School and making necessary drainage improvements in this area. Petition of the Board of Public Works RE~ATXON: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000 for the purpose of this article. V Article 71. NEW RAFT FOR AMERICAN r.RGION BEACH. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of purchasing a new raft for American Legion Beach. Petition of the Board of Public Works RECO~ENDATXON: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000 for the purpose of this article. ~/ Article 72. SEWER EXTENSION ALONG ~ STREET. To see if the Town will vote to raise~an~ appropriate the sum of $100,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the ~ewer from the intersection of Marbleridge and Salem Street northwester~along Salem Street 500 feet and continuing across the Ridgewood Cem~teky property 1200 feet to Johnson Circle and removing the existing sewer pump station. ~0]~ ~' Petition of the Board of Public Works RECOMMENDATION: ~NFA~K)[~ABLE / u-~u~..l..leArtiele 73. SEWER EXTENSION ON JOHNSON STREET. To see if the Town 1 vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $75,000.00 to be expended r the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of e~t~nding the sewer northerly on Johnson Street, a distance of 1000 feet f,~om'the Calzetta Right of Way to house ~250. Petition of the Board of Public Works RECO~RNDATION: IFNFAVOP. A~LE 26 L Article 74. CHESTNUT STREET & MILL ROAD WATER MAIN REPLACEMENTS. see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum ef $400,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of replacing the old six inch pipe on Chestnut Street from Blueberry Hill Lane to Turnpike Street 529~ feet with a new eight inch cement lined ductile iron pipe and to replace the old six inch pipe on Mill Road from Johnson Street to Turnpike Street with 3200 feet ef twelve inch cement lined ductile iran pipe. [;etition of the Board of Public Works RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE e~ Article 75. BEACON HILL BLVD. WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT. To see if e Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $18,500 to be pended under the direction of the Board of Public Wor~s for the purpose of replacing the old six inch cast iron water main on Beacon Hill Blvd. with a new eight inch ductile iron cement-lined water main from Osgood Street 260 feet towards Chickering Road. Petition of Rose DiPaolo and others RECOMMENDATION: UNFAVORABLE Article 76. WATER MAIN ON HALIFAX STREET. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of installing ~ 6" (six inch) water main, 250 feet along Halifax Street from its intersection at Waverly Road. RECO~94ENDATION: ,~AVORABLE Petition of Kenneth E. Long and others HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT ARTICLES (77-90) ~ Article 77. STREET MAINTENANCE. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $115,000 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of resurfacing, oiling and repairing and maintaining streets in the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor RECOMMR. NDATION: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100,000 for the purpose of this article. 27 Article 78. DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing drainage in problem areas throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor RECO~R~DA?ION: FAVOIIABLE / Article 79. $IDEWALK~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ~ppropriate the sum of $7,500 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing new and repairing existing sidewalks throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor RECOMMENDATION: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $6000 for the purpose of this article. ~ Article 80. GUARD ~AIL~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of erecting and replacing guard rails throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor RF~~ATION: FAVORABL~ Article 81. RE~UI~TORY SIGNS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of replacing and erecting new regulatory signs throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor RECOMMRNDATION: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1500 for the purpose of this article. ~ Article 82. STREET SIGNS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of making and replacing street signs throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor RECOMMENDATXON: FAVORABLE V' Article 83. REPLACING CATCH BASIN FRAMES AND GRATES. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 to be e~pended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of replacing existing catch basin frames and grates which are smaller than standard size. Petition of the Highway Surveyor RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE Article 84. CHAPTER 234 ROADWORK. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $74,329 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of matching state funds under Chapter 234 Acts of 1984 Chapter 90, said amount to be reimbursed, upon receipt, to be restored to unappropriate available funds. Petition of the Highway Surveyor RECO~qI)ATION: FAVORABLE Article 85. CHAPTER 289 ROAD WORK. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $87,527 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of matching state funds under Chapter 289 Acts of 1983 Chapter 90, said amount to be reimbursed, upon receipt, to be restored to unappropriated available funds. Petition of the Highway Surveyor RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE Article 86. ~NTAL OF EQUIP~T FOR SHARPNERS POND LANDFILL. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of hiring specialized equipment for Sharpners Pond Landfill. Petition of the Highway Surveyor 29 Article 87. HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT P[]RCHASES. To see if the /Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $155,000 to be V expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of purchasing the following equipment: Wood Chipper - $16,0~0 u/ .~Dump Truck (Ca~ & Chassis) 5-7 Yd. Body - $50,000 Refuse Disposal Truck, Cab & Chassis (20 Yd. Packer) - $80,000 Leaf Vaccumn - $9,000 Petition of the Highway Surveyor ,RELATION: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of z .,U00 $~,4~90 for the purpose of purchasing one Refuse Disposal Truck, Cab and Chassis (20 yd. Packer). Article U. SID~FALK & C~BLN~ RE(~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate t~um of $ ~? to be expended under the direction of the Town of North Andover--Highway Department for the purpose of having the Town of N~h Andover install curbing and repair sidewalks, which have not been ~rfaced for the past twenty-five years and are very hazardous. Many accidents have occurred as a result of the disrepair of these sidewalks. Petition of Athan Retjes and others ~ECOMMENDATION: [~FAVO~%BLE ru!Article 89. TRASH PICK-U~ FOR %}~Z~GE GREEN. , To see if the Town 1 vote to raise and approprlate'~e sum of $ ~ to be expended er the direction of the Town of ~orth AndoVer--//-Tr~-h Pick-Up for the pose of having the Town of Nor~Andover either pick up our trash m our dumpsters or reimburse ~h% Village Green East condominium ers a sum of money for private~removal of trash. Petition of Athan Retjos and others RECOMMENDATION: %rNFAVOHABLE Article CATCH BASINS ON MARBLERI~E ROAD. To see if the Town ill vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000 to be expended nder the direction of the Highway E~F~e~O~ for the purpose of onstructing 3 catch basins on Marbleridge Road to correct a drainage /problem. Petition of George Galley and others RECOMMENDATION: UNFA%K)HABLE 3O ARD OF ~I~ ~GI~E~ ARTICLES (91-97) ~ticle 01. ~I ~R {4) ~I?IOg ~IIt~I~?~RS. To see if the Town will vote to ~e and appropriate the sum of $109,700 to be expended under the dire tion of the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of appointing fo~ ~ew firefighters to the Fire Department who have passed the qualifying ~ivil Service and physical examinations all in accordance with Civi~ S ~vice Rules and Regulations. $105,700 of which to be assigned ~ ti ~ salary budget and $4,000 of which to be assigned to the expense budget for required equipment. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers RECOF~4ENDATION: UNFAVORABLE Article 92. FUNDING OF ONE (1) ADDITIONAL FIRE LIEUTENANT. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $35,800 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of appointing a new fire lieutenant who has passed the necessary civil service and physical examinations all in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. The duties of this position shall be primarily fire prevention and inspections and shall bring consistency to the code enforcement and inspection process. $34,400 of which to be assigned to the salary budget and $1,400 of which to be assigned to the expense budget, for required equipment. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers RECO~ENDATION: UNFAVORABLE Article 93. EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR FIRE DEPARTi~RNT PERSONNEL. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of entering into an agreement with a suitable provider for the coverage of all Fire Department personnel in an Employee Assistance program for reducing employee lost time and effectiveness from preventable health and related problems. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers RECOMMENDATION: FAVOP. ABLE 31 Article 94. REPLACEMENT OF FIRE ENGINE ONE. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or to provide by borrowing the sum of $200,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of purchasing a new fully equipped vehicle to present Engine 1 to be traded in. _ Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers RECOM~RNDA?ION: That the Town vote to borrow the sum of $200,000 for the purpose of this article. Article 95. NEW CLA~S I AMBULANCE. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or to provide by borrowing the sum of $50,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of purchasing a new Class 1 ambulance, which will meet state and federal ambulance requirements for emergency transport. The present ambulance to be maintained as a reserve for the new ambulance. RECOI~-NDATION: ~]FAVORABLE Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers eTO Article 96. FII~E DEPARTMENT COMPUTER EQUIPME~?. To see if the wn will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,500 to be xpended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of purchasing computer equipment for Fire Department dispatch and response, as well as, office automation and record keeping. Equipment specifications are available for review at the secretary's office, 2nd floor, Main Street fire station. RECOMMENDATION: Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers To be made at Town Meeting Article 97. SURVEYS FOR PROPOSED FIRE STATION SITE. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,500 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of conducting a land survey and septic test on the land of Mr. Eugene Bodge, Salem Street, for the site of the proposed fire station. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers RECOM~.NDATION: UNFAVORABLE 32 POLICE DEPARTN~NT A~TICL~.S (98-1~}~) Article 98. FOUR NEW POLICE CRUISERS. Te see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $37,364 to be expended under the direction of the Police Chief for the purpose of purchasing four (4) new police cars and four (4) cars to be turned in, in trade, and all equipment to be changed over such as police radios, sirens and similar accessories. Petition of the Pelice Chief REC~_.~ATION: FAVORABLE Article 99. ONE (1) ADDITIONAL POLICE T.TE'I3T'J~II~TT. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $25,923.52 to be expended under the direction of the Police Chief for the purpose of hiring one (1) additional Police Lieutenant. Petition of the Police Chief RECOMMENDATION: ~,~FAVORABLE Article 100. ONE (1) ADDITIONAL POLICE OFFICER. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $17,485.86 to be expended under the direction of the Police Chief for the purpose of hiring one (1) additional Patrolman. Petition of the Police Chief RECOmmENDATION: UNFAVOI~BLE SCHOOL DEPARTMENT ARTICLES (101-106) ~'/~ill Article 101. SCHOOL BUILDING NEEDS STUDY. To see if the Town _ vote to raise and appropriate, to take from available funds, or to provide by borrowing the sum of $10,000 to be expended under the direction of the School Committee for the purpose of a School Building Needs Study. Work will include professional consulting with architects, engineers, and other specialists. Based upon enrollment projections and educational specifications, needs will be developed. Working in conjunction with the School Building Assistance Bureau, needs will be confirmed. Alternatives will be considered and upon selection of alternative by the School Committee, preliminary plans, costs, and sketches will be prepared. Petition of the School Committee RECOMMENDATION: ~AVORABLE 33 Article 102. NE~ ROOF FOR F~/~J~IN SCHOOL. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, to take from available funds, or to provide by borrowing the sum of $70,000 to be expended under the direction of the School Committee for the purpose of installing a new roof at the Franklin School. Funds are to cover both construction and necessary engineering. Petition of the School Committee RECOmmenDATION: FA%KH~%BLE Article 103. NEW STADI[~4 T[~ACK & ~3[{BISHED TENNIS CO~RTS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, to take from available funds, or to provide by borrowing the sum of $114,000 to be expended under the direction of the School Committee for the purpose of a new track at the Almah Hayes Stadium and for refurbishing of the tennis courts at the High School. Work will include necessary surveying and engineering. - Petition of the School Committee RECO~9~]DATION: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100,000 for the purpose of this article. Article 104 . SCHOOL P. EPAIRS AND EQUIPMENT ~RCHASES. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, to take from available funds, or to provide by borrowing the sum of $150,000 to be expended under the direction of the School Committee for the purpose of remodeling, reconstruction, or making extraordinary repairs at all North Andover Public Schools and for additional department equipment, or to take any other action relative thereto. Petition of the School Committee RECO~/gDATION: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $110,000 for the purpose of remodeling, reconstruction or making extraordinary repairs at all North Andover Public Schools. Article 105. ~.IMINATION OF HIGH SCHOOL SPORTS USER FEES. Tm see if the Town will vote to eliminate the current "User Fees" for students participating in North Andover High School Athletic Programs. Effective July 1, 1985. Petition of Francis P. McCann an~ ethers RECO~M]%%]DATION: To be made at Town Meeting 34 Article 106. UNIFORMS AND CAMP FOR HIGH SCHOOL BAND. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $12,500 to be expended under the direction of the North Andover School-C-0~mittee for the purpose of purchasing new band uniforms and instruments for the High School Band and providing band camp memberships for band members. Petition of John Markuns and others RECOMMENDATION: Te be made at Town Meeting LIBRARY ARTICLES (107-108) Article 107. LIBRARY ANTI-THEFT SECURITY SYSTEM. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $ 6,500 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Trustees Stevens Memorial Library for the purpose of purchasing and installing an anti-theft security system. Petition of the Trustees of Stevens Memorial Library RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE Article 108. USE OF CHAPTER 78 FUNDS FOR LIBRARY. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate for the use of the Stevens Memorial Library the sum of $10,064 which the Town has received from the State under the provisions of Chapter 78, Section 19A of the General Laws. Petition of the Trustees of Stevens Memorial Library RECOMMENDATION= FAVORABLE MISC~JJ~NEOUS PETITIONS (109-111) Article 109. THREE-YEAR TERM FOR TOWN CLERK. To see if the Town ill vote that, beginning with the Annual Town Election in 1986, the term of office of the Town Clerk shall be three years instead of one year. .~ /~/~ Petition of Dennis L. Currier ~ and others NO RECO~]DATION 35 Article 110. LIMIT ON BUILDING PERMITS. To see if the Town will e to limit the number of residential building permits to one hundred per year. ~etition of John P. Th®ml~son and others HO P~~ATION Article 111. SEASONAL DO~ DECORATIONS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of seasonal decorations in the Central Business District. Petition of the North Andover Board of Trade and the North Andover Merchants Association (John J. Lyons and others) RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE REZONINGAMENDMENTS (112-129) Article 112. REZON~NG AT TURNPIKE ~ PETERS STREETS. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning Bylaw by changing the Zoning Map of the Town to include the parcel of land hereinafter described within the Business 4 District. The land is currently zoned R-4. A certain tract of land as shown on a plan of land recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 2789, bounded and described as shown on said plan as follows: Beginning at a point in an iron pipe in the Westerly bound of Salem Turnpike at land now or formerly of Daniel J. and Katherine B. Connelly: thence running along said Westerly bound of Salem Turnpike, a distance of 104.80 feet to a stone bound; thence on a curve of radius, 30.00 feet, a distance of 61.17 feet to an Essex County stone bound on the Northerly llne of Peters Street; thence along said Northerly line of Peters Street, 121.25 feet to an iron pipe at land now or formerly of the Augustinian College of the Merrimack Valley; thence a distance of 95.07 feet to an iron pipe; thence turning and running 150.70 feet by land now or formerly of Daniel J. and Katherine B. Connelly to the iron pipe at the bound first mentioned. Containing in total, 18,220 sq. ft. Also, a certain tract of land located betwee~ the present Zoning boundaries and the above-described parcel which lie within the public ways of Peters Street and Salem Turnpike. Petition of Francis A. Holmes and others NO RECOMM3~DATION Article 113. P~ZONII/GAT TURNPIIr~ AIID SULLIVAI/ STREETS. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaws and Zoning Map by changing to Business 2 the zoning on the following described parcel of land which is presently zoned in part Residence 2 and in part Business 4. The land presently owned by Mary Gowans located intersections of Turnpike Street and Sullivan Street containing acres, more or less, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point at the boundary of land now or formerlyl of Buthmann and running in a southwesterly direction seventy-five (75.00) feet by the stone wall to a point; thence turning and running by other land of Buthmann in a westerly direction by the stone wall four hundred fifty (450.00) feet to a point: thence turning and running by land now or formerly of Hoyt and other land now or formerly of Quinn by the stone wall in a generally northerly direction four hundred thirty-five and 85/100 (435.85) feet to a point in the line of Turnpike Street; thence turning and running in a southeasterly direction by Turnpike Street six hundred ten (610) feet to the point of the beginning. near the Also included in this rezoning is that portion of Turnpike Strel lying in front of the parcel from the property line to the center of Turnpike Street. Petition of Mary Agnes Gowans and others NO RECOMMENDATION Articl~ llA. REZONING ALONG ROUTE 114. To see if the Town will vote to change the zoning of the hereinafter described property from Residence 2 District (R2) to Industrial 1 District (I-l), Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Rte. 114. Running Northeasterly by land of Pierog 326.39': thence ~outheasterly by land of Forbes Realty Trust 887.00': thence /Southwesterly by Forbes Realty Trust 124.83: thence \/ Southeasterly by Forbes Realty Trust 110.89; thence Northeasterly in five courses by Forbes Realty Trust /~ 494.41';thence Southeasterly by land of Benchmark Realty ~ Trust and Farnum Realty Trust 548.92'; thence by land of Schroeder in two courses 589.60'; thence by Rte. 114 to the point of beginning 1370.04' Petition of Thomas D. Laudani and James J. Phi!bin and others NO RECOMMENDATION 37 Article 115. REZONING AT OSGOOD AND BRADFORD STREETS. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning Bylaws and Zoning Map to change a strip of existing Residential R-2 Zoned land to Industrial Zone I-l, providing for the contiguous expansion in depth of the existing Industrial Zoned I-1 land owned by George R. Barker, Jr., located on the easterly side of Osgood Street and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the easterly-most angle point of the existing Industrial Zone I-1 land, said angle point being shown on the existing zoning map as 1150 feet easterly of the centerline of Osgood Street and 1000 feet southerly of the centerline of a 30-foot-wide utility easement to the Town of North Andover that extends from Osgood Street to Bradford Street; thence from said angle point southeasterly 318 feet more or less through land of George R. Barker, Jr. to a point; thence turning southerly and parallel to and 225 feet easterly from the existing Industrial Zoned I-1 boundary all on land of the aforesaid George R. Barker, Jr. a distance of 1100 feet more or less to a point; thence turning southwesterly intersecting the aforesaid current Industrial Zoned line which is 1150 feet easterly of the center line of Osgood Street. Said parcel contains 6.7 acres more or less. Petition of George R. Barker, Jr. and others NO~ECOMMENDATION Article 116. ~EZONI~ OF 35 PETERS ST[~EET. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning Bylaw by changing the zoning map of the Town to include a parcel of land hereinafter described within the B-4 district from its present designation of R-4 on said zoning map, land and buildings commonly known as and located at 35 Peters Street, being lots numbered 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 on a plan entitled, "North Andover Hillside North Andover, Essex County, Mass.", owned by A.J. Landry, formerly owned by Sarah E. Farnham dated December 1, 1924, Ernest W. Branch, Civil Engineer recorded with Essex North District Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 597 and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly side of Acushnet street, at the intersection of Peters Street, thence turning and running at right angles with Acushnet Street by Peters Street as shown on said Plan 100.02 feet to a stone wall at land now or formerly of one Driscoll: thence northerly by the wall and land of Driscoll 307 feet; thence turning and running easterly 100 feet by lot 7 as shown on said plan; then turning and running by the westerly line of Acushnet Street 305.48 feet to the point of beginning. Said lot containing 30,000 square feet more or less. ~ ~ lf /~/?Petition of Eileen Donovan and Article 117. REZONI~G HII,I~IDE ROM) AT SALEN ~URNPIKE. To see if the Town will vote to amend the zoning bylaws and zoning map to change the zoning on the hereinafter described parcel from R-3 to I-1. A certain parcel of land with the buildings thereon situated in North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Hillside Road at the Northwesterly corner of land conveyed by Charles E. Canty et ux on May 3, 1955, to Leopold Pomerleau et ux, said deed being recorded in North Essex Registry of Deeds in Book 812, Page 437: thence running in a southwesterly direction by the southerly line of Hillside Road, one hundred eighty-one and 98/100 (181.98) feet more or less to land previously conveyed to one Leland B. Cole by said Canty by deed recorded in said Registry in Book 791, Page 3; thence turning and running in a southeasterly direction six hundred twenty-eight and 15./100 (628.15) feet by said Cole land to an iron pipe; thence turning at an angle 90 and running forty-four and 0/10 (44.0) feet by said Cole land to a drill hole; thence turning and running in a southwesterly direction, three hundred twelve (312) feet by land now or once of Delmar McNeil to land now or formerly of Marino; thence turning and running in a northeasterly direction a total of seven hundred twenty-three and 65/100 (723.65) feet to a point; thence turning and running in a northerly and northeasterly direction four hundred twenty-two and 4./10 (422.4) feet more or less to an iron pipe in the southwest line of Salem Turnpike, so-called: thence turning and running in a northwesterly direction by said Salem Turnpike, seventy and 34./100 (70.34) feet to land now or formerly of one Barbagallo, as shown on Plan No. 3564 in said Registryl thence turning and running in a southwesterly direction three hundred (300) feet by said Barbagallo land to an iron pipe; thence turning and running in a northwesterly direction still by said Barbagallo land one hundred fifty (150) feet to an iron pipe: thence turning and running in a northeasterly direction one hundred twenty-five (125) feet still by said Barbagallo land to land conveyed by said Canty to one DeBenedetto, said deed being recorded with said Registry in Book 834, Page 13; thence turning and running in a northwesterly direction one hundred twenty-five (125) feet by said DeBenedetto land to a point; thence turning and running in a northeasterly direction by said DeBenedetto land one hundred fifty-five (155) feet to a point; thence turning and running in a curved line thirty-one and 42/100 (31.42) feet to said Salem Turnpike; thence turning and running along said Salem Turnpike sixty (60) feet more or less to land now or formerly of Finochiaro, shown on Plan No. 3036 in said Registry; thence running in a southwesterly direction one hundred seventy-five (175) feet more or less by said Finochiaro land; thence turning and running in a northwesterly direction one hundred twenty-five (125) feet by said Finoehiaro land to land now or formerly of one Kohl: thence turning and running in a southwesterly direction one hundred twenty-five (125) feet by said Kohl land; thence 39 turning and running by said Kohl land, ninety-five and 88/100 (95.88) feet to land now or formerly of Pomerleau; thence turning and running in a southwesterly direction fifty-two and 70/100 (52.70) feet by said Pomerleau land to an iron pipe: thence turning and running in a northwesterly direction two hundred (200) feet to an iron pipe at the southeasterly corner of land previously conveyed by said Canty to said Pomerleau by deed recorded in said Registry in Book 812, Page 437, and mentioned above; thence turning and running in a southwesterly direction one hundred twenty (120) feet more or less by said Pomerleau land to an iron pipe; thence turning and running in a northwesterly directio~ one hundred sixty-two and 28/100 (162.28) feet by said Pomerleau land to a point~ thence turning and running in a curved line thirty-five and 99/100 (35.99) feet to Hillside Road and the · point of beginning. Included in this rezoning are those portions of Hillside Road, Willow Street and Salem Turnpike upon which the property fronts to the center line of said streets. Petition of Leonard J. Annaloro and others NO RECO~DATION Article 118. ~EZONIN(~ PROP~RTYALONG T~RNPIKE STREET TO I-1. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaw by changing the zoning of the hereinafter described property from Residence Two (R-2) to Industrial One (I-l) located on Turnpike Street, North Andover Massachusetts bounded as follows: A certain parcel of land situated in North Andover, Essex North County, Massachusetts containing 63.2 acres of land, more or less, and it is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a Massachusetts highway bound Station 206+74.66 of Turnpike Street as lald out on the State Highway Maps of 1946; and running along a curve to the right, having a radius of 4760 feet; and an arc length of 86.45 feet; thence turning and running South 37°51'21" west, a distance of 693.89 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 52°08'39'' east, a distance of 349.93 feet to a point; thence turning and running North 37o51'21'' east, a distance of 693.89 feet to a point: thence turning and running along a radius of 4760 feet and an arc length of 31.34 feet to a Mass. Highway Bound along Turnpike Street; thence turning and running south 49039'38'' east a distance of 675.29 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 8o45'00'' east, a distance of 37.40 feet to a point; thence turning and running South l°50'00" east, a distance of 391.69 feet to a drill hole; thence running South l°32'30" east, a distance of 280.40 feet to another drill hole in a stone wall; thence turning and running South 2003'00'' east, a distance of 142.73 feet to another drill hole in a 4O stone wall; thence continuing South 03o35'00'' east, a distance of 250.20 feet to another drill hole at a corner of stone walls; thence turning and running South 48°18'40'west, a distance of 112.63 feet to a point: thence turning and running South 32o18'00'' west, a distance of 42.52 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 38°53'20'' west, a distance of 86.82 feet to a drill hole in the stone wall; thence following the stone wall and running South 72o19'20'' west, a distance of 251.22 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence running along the stone wall North 31°48'50'' west, a distance of 432.56 feet; thence continuing along the stone wall North 30007'30'' west, a distance of 375.25 feet; thence continuing along the stone wall North 30o09'00'' west, a distance of 269.95 feet; thence continuing along the stone wall North 30°45'30'' west, a distance of 155.01 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence turning and running along a stone wall South 77o46'40'' west, a distance of 85.77 feet; thence turning and continuing North 88o10'10'' west, a distance of 62.57 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence turning and running North 18°47'20'' west, a distance of 378.55 feet to a point in a stone wall; thence continuing North 02o28'20'' west, a distance of 52.64 feet to a point: thence continuing North 24°43'20" west, a distance of 108.75 feet to a point on a stone wall; thence continuing North 32°44'10'' west, a distance of 52.76 feet to a corner of a stone wall; thence turning and running South 59°32'40" west, a distance of 253.29 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence continuing South 60033'00" west, a distance of 143.36 feet to another drill hole in a stone wall; thence turning and running South 77°19'00'' west, a distance of 55.28 feet to another drill hole in a wall; thence continuing South 73025'00'' west, a distance of 264.77 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence continuing South 76°41'00'' west, a distance of 81.65 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence continuing South 73o39'40'' west, a distance of 236.48 feet to a drill hole in corner of two stone walls; thence turnlng and running north 09o46'00'' west, a distance of 350.72 feet to a point: thence turning and running north 48o58'00'' west, a distance of 8.30 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 08021'30'' west, a distance of 75.26 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 30042'30'' east, a distance of 8.11 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 09o33'00'' west, a distance of 238.39 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 02°39'40'' east, a distance of 422.42 feet to a point: thence turning and running north 08o12'20'' west, a distance of 96.34 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 06°10'20" east, a distance of 65.01 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 38040'02'' east, a distance of 540.98 feet to a point; thence turning and running south 51o59'45'' east, a distance of 500.57 feet to a Massachusetts highway bound; thence turning and running south 55°17'29'' east, a distance of 520.00 feet to a point; thence tUrning and running south 28°29'00" west, a distance of 99.81 feet to a point along a stone wall; thence turning and running south 09o26'30'' east, a distance of 10.31 feet to a point: thence turning and running south 34o42'30'' west, a distance of 125 feet to a point; thence turning and running south 55o17'29'' east, a distance of 202.38 feet to a point along a stone wall; thence running along a stone wall south 27°28'30'' east, a distance of 117.65 feet to a corner of 41 a stone wall: thence turning and running north 78o23'20'' east, a distance of 34.98 feet; thence turning and running north 45o13'00'' east, a distance of 7.52 feet; thence turning and running north 23o08'30'' east, a distance of 5.16 feet; thence turning and running south 78o56'30'' east, a distance of 162.75 feet; thence turning and running south 85o45'30'' east, a distance of 43.40 feet: thence turning and running north 84o01'10" east, a distance of 36.17 feet; thence turning and running north 74o23'40'' east, a distance of 9.03 feet; thence turning and running north 63o40'50'' east, a distance of 149.25 feet to a point on Turnpike Street; (The last 8 courses have been along a stone wall.) thence turning and running south 55o17'29'' east, a distance of 63.55 feet to a Mass. Highway bound which is the point of beginning. Petition of Edward W. Phelan and others NO HECOMMENDATION Article 119. I~EZONI~ P~OPERTYALON~ T~RNPIKE ST~R~T TO I-2. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaw by changing the zoning of the hereinafter described property from Residence Two (R-2) to Industrial Two (I-2) located on Turnpike Street, North Andover, Massachusetts bounded as follows: A certain parcel of land situated in North Andover, Essex North County, Massachusetts containing 63.2 acres of land, more or less, and it is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a Massachusetts highway bound Station 206+74.66 of Turnpike Street as laid out on the State Highway Maps of 1946: and running along a curve to the right, having a radius of 4760 feet; and an arc length of 86.45 feet; thence turning and running South 37°51'21" west, a distance of 693.89 feet to a point: thence turning and running South 52°08'39'' east, a distance of 349.93 feet to a point; thence turning and running North 37°51'21" east, a distance of 693.89 feet to a point; thence turning and running along a radius of 4760 feet and an arc length of 31.34 feet to a Mass. Highway Bound along Turnpike Street; thence turning and running south 49°39'38'' east a distance of 675.29 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 8°45'00" east, a distance of 37.40 feet to a point; thence turning and running South l°50'00'' east, a distance of 391.69 feet to a drill hole; thence running South lO32'30'' east, a distance of 280.40 feet to another drill hole in a stone wall: thence turning and running South 2o03'00" east, a distance of 142.73 feet to another drill hole in a stone wall; thence continuing South 03°35'00'' east, a distance of 250.20 feet to another drill hole at a corner of stone walls; thence turning and running South 48°lS'40'west, a distance of 112.63 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 32o18'00'' west, a distance of 42.52 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 38053'20'' west, a distance of 86.82 feet to a drill hole in the stone wall; thence following 42 the stone wall and running South 72o19'20'' west, a distance of 251.22 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence running along the stone wall North 31o48'50'' west, a distance of 432.56 feet; thence continuing along the stone wall North 30o07'30'' west, a distance of 375.25 feet; thence continuing along the stone wall North 30009'00'' west, a distance of 269.95 feet; thence continuing along the stone wall North 30045'30'' west, a distance of 155.01 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence turning and running along a stone wall South 77°46'40" west, a distance of 85.77 feet; thence turning and continuing North 88o10'10" west, a distance of 62.57 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence turning and running North 18o47 20" west, a distance of 378.55 feet to a point in a stone wall; thence continuing North 02o28'20'' west, a distance of 52.64 feet to a point; thence continuing North 24043'20" west, a distance of 108.75 feet to a point on a stone wall; thence continuing North 32°44'10'' west, a distance of 52.76 feet to a corner of a stone wall; thence turning and running South 59o32'40" west, a distance of 253.29 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall~ thence continuing South 60o33'00'' west, a distance of 143.36 feet to another drill hole in a stone wall; thence turning and running South 77o19'00'' west, a distance of 55.28 feet to another drill hole in a wall: thence continuing South 73o25'00'' west, a distance of 264.77 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence continuing South 76o41'Q0" west, a distance of 81.65 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall~ thence continuing South 73o39'40'' west, a distance of 236.48 feet to a drill hole in corner of two stone walls; thence turning and running north 09046'00" west, a distance of 350.72 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 48o58'00'' west, a distance of 8.30 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 08°21'30'' west, a distance of 75.26 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 30o42'30'' east, a distance of 8.ll feet to a point; thence turning and running north 09o33'00'' west, a distance of 238.39 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 02039'40'' east, a distance of 422.42 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 08°12'20'' west, a distance of 96.34 feet to a point~ thence turning and running north 06o10'20" east, a distance of 65.01 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 38°40'02'' east, a distance of 540.98 feet to a point; thence turning and running south 51o59'45'' east, a distance of 200.57 feet to a Massachusetts highway bound; thence turning and running south 55°17'29" east, a distance of 520.00 feet to a point; thence turning and running south 28029'00'' west, a distance of 99.81 feet to a point along a stone wall; thence turning and running south 09o26'30'' east, a distance of 10.31 feet to a point; thence turning and running south 34°42'30" west, a distance of 125 feet to a point; thence turning and running south 55o17'29" east, a distance of 202.38 feet to a point along a stone wall; thence running along a stone wall south 27o28'30'' east, a distance of 117.65 feet to a corner of a stone wall; thence turning and running north 78o23'20'' east, a distance of 34.98 feet; thence turning and running north 45o13'00'' east, a distance of 7.52 feet; thence turning and running north 23o08°30" east, a distance of 5.16 feet; thence turning and running south 78o56'30'' east, a distance of 162.75 43 feet; thence turning and running south 85o45'30'' east, a distance of 43.40 feet; thence turning and running north 84°01'10" east, a distance of 36.17 feet; thence turning and running north 74o23'40'' east, a distance of 9.03 feet; thence turning and running north 63o40'50'' east, a distance of 149.25 feet to a point on Turnpike Street; (The last 8 courses have been along a stone wall.) thence turning and running south 55o17'29" east, a distance of 63.55 feet to a Mass. Highway bound which is the point of beginning. Petition of Edward W. Phelan and others NO P. ECOMMENDATION Article 120. ~EZONING 1803 ?UP.I~PIH ~'~'~. To see if the Town will vote to change the zoning on the below described land from Residential 2 (R2) to Industrial S. (I.S.). A certain parcel of land with the buildings thereon shown as Lot B-2 on a plan entitled "Plan of Land located in North Andover, Mass. prepared for Guy N. Richards, April 20, 1983, Scale 1"=80'", Cyr Engineering Services, Inc., recorded herewith and bounded and described as follows: (Plan #9138) NORTHEASTERLY: GENERALLY SOUTHERLY: GENERALLY SOUTHWESTERLY: GENERALLY WESTERLY and NORTHWESTERLY: by Salem Turnpike by two courses, one hundred forty-five and 66/100 (145.66) feet and seventy-four and 34.100 (74.34) feet, respectively; by remaining land of Richards, five hundred forty and 98/100 (540.98) feet; by two courses by land now or formerly of Carlton, one hundred forty-six and 63/100 (146.63) feet and ninety-nine and 34/100 (99.34) feet, respectively; by four courses, twenty-five and 95.100 (25.95) feet, twenty-six and 91.100 (26.91) feet, two hundred ninety-two and 15/100 (292.15) feet and eighty (80.00) feet, respectively. Said Lot contains 2.356 acres, more or less, according to said plan. Property address: 1803 Turnpike Street (Rte. 114). Petition of Peter G. Shaheen and others NO~ECO~ATION 44 Article 121. ~EZSNING SSi TURNPIKE ST~T. Ta see i~ the Tewn will vote to include as Business 2 z®ne the residential 3 zoned l®t with ouse th®teen l~cate~] at ~82 Turnl~ik~ St. Rte. 114 an~] beun~]e~ as ®llows: Starting at the south westerly corner of property at an iron pipe thence runnin~ westerly by State Highway Rte. 114, Turnpike St. 78.31 feet to a Massachusetts Highway Bound thence still running north westerly by said Highway 240 feet to Hillside Rd.; thence turning and running by Hillside Rd. along a wall north easterly 325 feet; thence turning and running easterly by land N/F of Aziz 36.00 feet to a wall; thence turning and running south easterly along the wall by land N/F of Town of North Andover, by land N/F of Aziz, by land N/F of Houde 449 feet; thence turning and running southwesterly by land of N/F Gordon, Harrington, Osborn 161.28 feet to the point of beginning. Total of 75,~$~ s.f. of land. Petiti®n ®f L®uis J. Kmiec, Jr. an~ others NO ]{ECOMMENDATI~N Article 122. REZONING TURNPIKE AVEI~3E. To see if the Town will vote to amend the zoning bylaws and zoning map to change the zone of the hereinafter described parcel from R2 to Business ~:g The land together with the buildings thereon located in North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts beginning at a point in the westerly line of Turnpike Avenue, so-called, as laid out by Plan No. 1638 in the North Essex Registry of Deeds at the land, now or formerly, of John J. Callahan and thence running in a Southeasterly direction by the westerly bound of Turnpike Avenue three hundred (300.00) feet to a point; thence turning ninety (90.00') degrees and running Southwesterly two hundred sixty (260.00) feet to a point; thence turning ninety (90.00') degrees and running Northwesterly a distance to the stone wall at the land of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; thence turning and running by the stone wall in several courses to the rear lot line of land, now or formerly, owned by the Cyr Oil Company, thence turning and running Southwesterly by the rear lot lines of the Cyr Oil Company and the land of John J. Callahan first mentioned to the corner of said Callahan lot; thence by the side line of the said Callahan lot to the point of beginning. Included in this change of zoning is that portion of Turnpike Avenue so-called lying immediately in front of the parcel to the center line of Turnpike Avenue. Petition of John J. Brodbine and others NO ~ECOMMENDATION 45 vArticle 123. REZONING q~JRNPIKE STREET. TO see if the Town will te to amend the zoning bylaws and zoning map to change the zone of the hereinafter described parcel of land from R2 to Industrial 1: A certain parcel of land situated in North Andover, in the County of Essex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, on the Westerly side of the Salem Turnpike, being a small garden plot situated and lying between the so-called Salem Turnpike and an old road Southerly of the dwelling house once owned by the late Peter Town, and containing about 1/8 of an acre, more or less, and enclosed by a stone wall. The old road above mentioned runs along land owned by A. H. Farnham, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the grantee. A certain tract of Pasture and orchard land, situated in North Andover, in said County of Essex, known as the "South Field" and containing four 13.16 (4 13/16) acres more or less and is enclosed by a stone wall, bounded: On the north by land belonging to Samuel E. Berry, now or formerly, and on the other three sides by land of George A. Rea, now or formerly. A certain parcel of land with the buildings thereon, situated in North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts on the easterly side of the Old Salem Turnpike, BOUNDED and described as follows: Northerly by land now or late of Holt Farnham; Easterly and Southerly by land now or late of William Beck; Westerly by the said Turnpike; containing about two acres more or less, and Also a tract of woodland containing about forty-two acres, more or less, situated on the Westerly side of the Salem Turnpike, bounded, Northerly by a wall by common land; Westerly by land now or late of Samuel D. Berry, Charles A. Berry, and Mary A. Berry and others; Southerly and Southeasterly by land of Abbott Town and said Samuel D. Berry, Charles A. Berry, and Mary A. Berry Included in this parcel are those portions of Towne Road, so-called, contained within the perimeter of the described parcel and that portion of Turnpike Avenue upon which the parcel fronts to the center line of Turnpike Avenue. Excluded in this rezoning is the property described in Article 122, of the 1985 Town Warrant published herewith, and also that property described in a deed from Abseb Realty Trust, John J. Brodbine, Trustee dated February 6, 1970, and recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds, Book 1148, Page 568, lying on the easterly side of Turnpike Avenue. Petition of John J. Brodbine and others ~ 46 ~t Article 124. REZONI~ 424 A~DO%~ER S?REET. Te see if the Tewn will e to amend the zoning ~ylaws and zoning map t® change the z,ne of the hereinafter describe~ parcel f~rm R-4 to ~-1. NORTHWESTERLY: SOUTHWESTERLY: SOUTHEASTERLY: NORTHEASTERLY: by said Andover Street, 102.08 feet; by Highland Terrace as shown on said plan 89.95 feet; by Lot $11 a shown on said plan 100 feet; and by part of lot numbered 19 and by lot numbered 20 as shown on said plan 110 feet, more or less. Sai~ parc61 further described as 424 Andover Street. Petition of Benjamin C. ~sgood and others N~ ~ECOMMEmq)ATION Article 125. [~EZONING FI~? S?RE~T. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaws and zoning map, rezoning the within described parcel from R-4 district to a general business district. Also included in this change of zone is that portion of the street lying immediately in front of the within described parcel to the center line of the way. A certain parcel of land situated on the northwesterly side of First Street, bounded and described as follows: The land with the buildings thereon on the street laid out westerly from the road leading from the house formerly of George Hodges, deceased, now called First Street, to the Merrimack River bounded and described: Commencing on said street at the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Horatio B. Ellis; thence by said street south 60° west 61 feet more or less to a corner at land now or formerly of M. Phalen; thence by said Phalen's land north 30° west 149 feet to a corner at land now or formerly of John Town; thence by said Town's land north 71°east 78 feet to the northeasterly corner of said lot and thence by said land now or formerly of Horatio B. Ellis south 24° east 137 1/2 feet to the first named corner. Containing in all 9,948 square feet more or less. Being the same premises conveyed to Thomas F. McCarty, Jr. and Patricia A. McCarty by deed of Thomas S. Laorenza and Geraldine T. Laorenza and Agatha Perry dated September 18, 1980, and recorded at North Essex Registry of Deeds at Book 1455, Page 165. Petition of Thomas F. McCarty, Jr., Patricia A. McCarty and others NO]~ECOMMENDATION 47 Axti¢le 126. REZONING CHICKERING ROAD AT Ill]SSRLL STREET. To see f the Town will change the zoning on a parcel of land owned by William ",,Connery located at the intersection of Chickering Road and Russell Street from Residential 4 (R-4) to Business 4 (B-4). Said parcel is bounded by Russell Street 103.55 feet, Chickering Road 159.4 feet by land now or formerly of Kurychi 20.51 feet and 100.47 feet and consists of 6,100 square feet. Said parcel is more particularly described as follows .' A certain tract of land with the buildings thereon situated in North Andover, Essex County, MA. being lots numbered sixty (60) and sixty-one (61) as shown on plan of lots owned by George Russell, Esq., dated July 1900, and recorded with Essex North District Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 0262. Reference is also hereby more specifically made to a more recent Plan recorded at said Registry of Deeds and known as Plan #5515 entitled "Plan showing land of Samuel J. Durso, North Andover, Mass., March 1964", said lots begin more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point marked IP on said Plan No. 5515, thence running in an Easterly direction along land now or formerly of one Kurychi to Chickering Road 20.51 feet; thence turning and running along said Chickering Road in a Northerly direction 159.14 feet more or less; thence turning and running in a Westerly direction along Russell Street 103.55 feet more or less: and thence turning and running in a Southerly direction along other land of said Kurychi 100.47 feet to the point of beginning. All of the boundaries herein described are as shown on said Plan No. 5515. Address of 532-534 Chickering Road. Petition of Giana M. Lauretani and others NO I~E~O[~DATION Article 127. ~EZO~(~ANDON~R BYPASS. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning Bylaw by changing the zoning map of the Town from R-2 to I-1 for the hereinafter described parcel of land. That portion of parcel 33 on the current North Andover Assessors Map 25 which is Southerly of the present zoning line. Said parcel in its entirety is shown to contain 10.71 acres according to said Assessors map and is generally bounded and described according to said Assessors map as follows: EASTERLY and SOUTHERLY by land now or formerly of Commador Corporation; WESTERLY by land now or. formerly of Trustees of Reservations; NORTHERLY by land now or formerly of 114 Associates Realty Trust; 48 See Deed recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds BOok 1523, Page 96. Petition of Robert Webster and others NO~ECOMMENDATION Article 128. REZONING ANDOVER BYPASS. To.see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning Bylaw by changing the zoning map of the Town from R-2 to I-1 for the hereinafter described parcel of land. That portion of parcel 54 on the current North Andover Assessors Map 25 which is Southerly of the present zoning line. Said parcel in its entirety is shown to contain 15.43 acres according to said Assessors Map and is generally bounded and described according to said Assessors Map as follows: EASTERLY by land now or formerly of Capricorn Corporation and Trustees of Reservations; SOUTHERLY by land now or formerly of Trustees of Reservations; WESTERLY by land now or formerly of Trustees of Reservations and Citation Realty Trust; and NORTHERLY by land now or formerly of 114 Associates Realty Trust: See Deed recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds Book 1520, Page 200. Petition of Robert Webster and others NO RECO~ENDATION Article 129. REZONING FLAGSHIP DRIVE - LOT U. To see if the ~ Town will vote to amend its Zoning Bylaw by changing the zoning map of \>the Town from R-2 to I-1 for the hereinafter described parcel of land. That portion of parcel 84 on the current North Andover Assessors Map 107C which is Southerly of the present zoning line. Said parcel in its entirety is shown to contain 4.80 acres according to said Assessors Map and is generally bounded and described according to said Assessors Map as follows: EASTERLY by land now or formerly of ARC Corporation; SOUTHERLY by land now or formerly of the Trustees of Reservations; WESTERLY by land now or formerly of Commador Corporation; and 49 NORTHERLY by Lot U on said Assessors Map; See deed recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds Book 1509, Page 143. Petition of Robert Webster and others NO~ECO~94ENDATION TOM FINAN~ (130-133) ARTICLE 130. P~SERVE FUND. T~ SEE IF THE TOWN WILL VOTE TO RAISE And appropriate the sum of $250,000 to establish a Reserve Fund in accordance with Section 6 of Chapter 40 of the General Laws, to provide for extraordinary or unforeseen expenditures which may arise during Fiscal Year 1986. ~lqTO~,~ ~ F/~FZ ~ ~m~ Petition of the Selectmen RECOMMENDATION: To be made at Town Meeting Article 131 . STABILIZATION FUND. To see if the Town will vote to raise an~ appropriate the sum of $2~004~00 for the Stabilization Fund, in accordance with Section 5B of Chapter 40 of the General Laws, from which appropriations may be made by a two-thirds vote of an annual town meeting ~or any purpose for which a municipality may borrow money or for any other municipal purpose approved by the Sate Emergency Finance Board. Petition of the Selectmen RELATION: To be made at Town Meeting Article 132. FUNDS TO HEIN3CE THE TAX ]~ATE. To see if the Town will vot~to take the sum of $]~5% from available funds for the purpose Of reducing the property ta~--~-ate. Petition of the Selectmen RECO~ENDI~TION: That the Town vote to take the sum of $ , from Available Funds for the purpose of reducing the tax rate. 5O Article 133. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $330,000 from federal revenue sharing funds for the purpose of reducing the amount of funds to be raised for the following budgets: (1) Fire Department Salaries, $165,000; and (2) Police Department Salaries, $165,000. Petition of the Selectmen RECOMMENDATION: That the Town vote to appropriate from Revenue Sharing Funds the sum of $330,000 for the purpose of this article and to reduce the amount of funds raised for the following budgets: Fire Dept. Salaries $165,000 Police Dept. Salaries $165,000 And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct in the Town. Said copies to be posted not less than seven days before the time of said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, this Eighteenth day of March, Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-five. CHRISTINE M. SMITH JOHN W. GRAHAM CHARLES A. SALISBURY KENNETH C. CROUCH RAMSEYA. BAHRAWY Selectmen of North Andover ATTEST ............................................. CONSTABLE North Andover, MA April 3, 1985 ATTEST: A true copy DANIEL LONG: Town Clerk 51 Town of North Andover Massachusetts 1:30 Recommendations of the Advisory Board are included in tb~s booklet. It is your guide to the Town Meeting. Please bring it with you. Town of North Andover Massachusetts REPORT for the ANNUAL TOWN MtlETING Saturday, April 27, 1985 This booklet contains the warrant for the Annual Town Meeting to be held in the Veterans Auditorium of North Andover Middle School on Satu~_s.y, April 27, 1985 at 1:30 p.m. It also contains the recommendations of your Advisory Committee. At the Arln112.1 Town Meeting, decisions will be made on how much money and for what purposes Town Departments, Officers, Boards and Committees v~11 have to spend. Proposed changes to the Town's Zoning and other bylaws will be considered as well as other matters relative to how the Town should be governed. If you are a registered voter in the Town of North Andover, your vote is important and it will be counted at t~ ~ meeting to amend, adopt or reject articles contained in the Town Warrant. Thi~ is your opportunity to have a ~t~ect say in how our Town shouldbe governed. The following terms are frequently used in this report and at town meeting. In order to provide everyone with a bettor understanding of their meaning, the following deFmitions are provided: RAISE: To raise is to tax. The tax rate is dependent, to a large extent, on the amount %pent~' at town meeting. It is set by the Board of Assessors after the mee~g. APPI~PRIATE: To appropriate is to authorize spending. Once an appropriation for a budget or an article has been made bytown meeting, the appropriation can only be changed by another town meeUing vote. There is one exception, a transfer from the Reserve Fund. RESERVE FUND: This fund is established by the voters at an azmual town meeting only. It is an omnibus appropriation made to provide flixibflity to meet extraordinary or unforeseen expenditures by town departments. It may not exceed 5% of the tax levy of the predeeding year and is within the exclusive control of the Advisory Board. ~IF~ REVENUE: Often referred to as '~Excess and Deficiency~, this fund represents the amount by which the Cash, Acco~mts Receivable and other floating assets exceed the liabilities and reserves. AVAILABI~ FUNDS: Often referred to as "Free Cash", it is an amount cemified annually by the State Bureau of Accounts by deducting from surplus revenue all uncollected taxes for prior years. These funds serve as the town's daily operating account and they may be used by a vote of the town meeting. People lucky enough to have moneyin the bank can and usually do spend it. A town cannot spend its savings until the total sum has been certified by the State. BTABILIZATION FUND: This is a fund creatod to provide a reserve, % savings accounff, for capita] projects. Appropriations from the Stabilization Fund may be made at an annual town meeting by a two-thirds vote for any purpose the town is authorized to borrow money under Sections 7 or 8 of Chapter d4. OVERLAY: The overlay is the amount raised by the Assessors in excess of appropriations and other charges for the purpose of creating a fund to cover tax abatements granted and to avoid fractions. 0VEI~,T,&Y RESERVE: This is the accumulated amount of the Overlay for various years not used or required to be held in the specific Overlay account for a given year, and may be used by vote of the town for extraordinary/or unforeseen puu~poses or voted into the Reserve Fund. T,~,G_AT, T,EVY LIi~IT: The legal levy limit is the maximtnn annual increase allowed by the State Department of Revenue. It is calculated by multiplying the legal levy limit from the prior year by 1.025 then adding local new growth. This limit on the growth of the levy never changes except for an override vote or by the addition of new growth to the taxable base. NEW GROWTI-I: Any new constrmction or the lots of a subdivision which are taxed as separate parcels for the first time are considered new growth in the year they are added to the tax rolls, lqew growth also includes anyproperty whose valt~ation increases by 50% or more in any one calendar year because of renovations or additions. In the case of commercial or industrial propemyit is any increase in valuation over $100,000 which occurs in one year due to new construction or renovation. Utilization of new growth in accordance with Mass. General Laws Chapt. 59, Sec. 21 c, Paragraph f allows a town to increase its levy limit to accommodate the increased demands for services that comes with growth. CI-IEI~-RY SHEET: Named for the cherry colored paper the State Dept. of Revenue uses to print it on~ it shows the break down of State aid, lottery distributions and school aid as well as County and State charges against the Town. These F~gures must be used by the Assessors m determining the balance to be raised by taxation. Report of the Advisory Commit~ee Town Meeting, April 27, 1985 To the Voters of North Andover As a general policy, the Advisory Board has attempted to address what it feels are the most pressing needs of the Town. Our first objective has been to capture all available revenue sources. The result is a more reasonable financial approach to our budgetary process. In recognition of the Town's growing water needs, the most significant recommendation is for a new water filtration plant at Lake Cochichewiek as well as a comprehensive study of the Lake. The increased pressure on the Conservation Commission to enforce the wetlands protection laws necessitates the addition of a Conservation Commission Assistant. In conjunction, we are reaffirming our commitment to a long term Capital Budget Plan by recommending the reestablishment of a "stabilization fund". Another problem facing the Town is the student to teacher ratio in the school system. We are recommending the addition of 7 new full-time and 2 half-time posisitons. In total we are recommending that the voters approve $1,517,630 in articles, and the amount of $11,100,000 in new bond issues. The Advisory Committee wishes to thank the Selectmen and their Administrative Assistant, Keith Bergman, and all Department Heads and their staff for their co-operation during the year. Respectfully Submitted, North Andover Advisory Committee Lynette Pisani, Chairman Linda Gagnon, Secretary Francia Lindon, Vice-Chairman Daniel Griffin Bob Ercolini Paul Kochis Mike Leary Peter Shaheen Curt Wakeman John Whipple Reserve Reserve Fund Transfers -- July 1, 1984 to April 1, 1985 Appropriation at Town Meeting -- April 28, 1984 Transfers: Special Legal Selectman's Expenses Council on Aging Snow Removal Fire Expense Planning Board Expense $40,011.10 1,524.00 1,034.41 15,000.00 1,150.00 343.65 $~9,063.16 Balance $109,000.00 49,936.84 Request for Transfers Tabled School Expense Snow Removal Council on Aging Expense Selectman Expense Planning Board Expense Balance $ 2,890 2,800 800 10,000 3,500 419,990 $ 29,946.84 ii Article 4. COMPENSATION OF~.F~TED OFFICIALS. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and compensation of the elected officers of. the Town, as provided by Section 108 of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Petition of the Selectmen RECOMMRI~DATION: elected officers of the Town effective from July 1, 1985. Board of Selectmen Licensing Commission each per annum $ 2,000 Chairman of the Board of Selectmen 300 Board of Assessors each per annum 3,000 Chairman of the Board of Assessors 1,000 The present Chairman of the Board of Assessors provided that he devotes all of his working hours to the performance of his duties as Assessor Board of Health each per annum 700 Board of Public Works each per annum 600 Town Treasurer 32,744 Highway Surveyor 30,549 Moderator For Regular Town Meeting 100 For each Special Town Meeting 50 Town Clerk That the Town vote to fix the following salaries of the 20,162 iii Article 5. GENERAL APPROPRIATION ARTICLR FOR FISCAL YEAR 1986. To see what action the Town will take as to the budget recommendations of the Advisory Board for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1985, and ending June 3(, 1986. Petition of the Selectmen Recommended Budget Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1986 Stem No. General Government Selectmen Salaries & Wages Expenses Treasurer Salaries & Wages Expenses Tax Collector Salaries & Wages Expenses ~ssessors Salaries & Wages Expenses Accountant Salaries & Wages Expenses Town Clerk Salaries & Wages Expenses Election & Registrars Salaries & Wages Expenses Advisory Department Committee Budget Requests Reco~ends 84-85 85-86 85-86 $ 66,816 $ 62,854 $ 62,854 10,755 12,400 11,900 57,118 60,717 58,217 5,400 6,000 6,000 27,603 43,728 40,960 21,800 24,950 24,950 53,563 57,900 $6~ /' 17,630 20,480 18,780 52,964 56,127 56,127 5,950 6,000 6,000 32,068 34,753 34,484 1,300 1,850 1,550 2,220 2,220 2,220 22,100 18,385 18,385 ?own Counsel Annual Retainer Budget 84-85 10,000 Department Requests 85-86 $ 10,000 Advisory Committee Recommends 85-86 $ 10,000 9. Moderator Salary 10. Advisory Committee Salaries & Wages Expenses 11. Capital Budget Committee Expenses 12. Planning Board Salaries Expenses 13. Board of Appeals Salaries Expenses 14. Personnel Board Salaries & Wages Expenses 15. Council on Aging Salaries ~ Wages Expenses 16. Conservation Commission Salaries & Wages Expenses l?~North Andover Historical Commission Expenses 200 2,254 3OO 100 32,068 3,850 3,532 45O 6,266 4,525 13,200 9,110 3,969 1,270 6OO 200 2,554 15,500 100 43,953 5,065 3,728 57O !1,647 5,895 18,865 16,190 5,500 6,045 600 2O0 2,554 15,500 100 42,562 4,215 3,745 570 11,647 5,895 18,865 4,575 600 V 18. Town Hall & ~arage Buildin~ Salaries & Wages Expenses 1SA. Community Center Expenses 19. Annual Town Meeting Expenses Budget 84-85 $ 12,219 34,775 4,500 9,900 $ 533,575 Department Requests 85-86 $ 12,863 37,750 4,500 11,100 $620,989 Advisory Comeittee Recommends 85-86 $ 12,219 37,750 4,434 11,100 20. Police Department Salaries & Wages Expenses 20A. School Crossing Guards Salaries & Wages Expenses 21. Fire Department Salaries & Wages Expenses 22. Dog Officer Salaries & Wages Expenses $873,160 89,000 28,497 1,950 1,128,615 64,950 9,542 6,000 1,073,683 95,700 30,207 1,950 1,456,690 89,985 9,542 6,000 1,016,419 90,500 30,207 1,950 1,408,400 82,425 9,542 6,000 vi 2~. Civil Defense Salaries & Wages Expenses 24. Building, Electric & Gas Salaries & Wages Expenses 25. Sealer of Weights & Measures Salaries Budget 84-85 $ 2,714 4,000 61,174 11,1~75 2,050 Department Requests 85-86 Advisory Committee Recommends 85-86 $ 2,788 $ 2,788 4,635 4,270 72,110 16,075 2,819 2,862,184 72,110 16,075 2,573 2,743,259 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY 2,259,227 Public Health & Sanitation 26. Board of Health Salaries & Wages $ Expenses 27. Greater Lawrence Sanitary District Per Share Capital Per Share Operation 28. Animal Inspector Salary 29. Garbage Disposal Contract TOTAL PUBLIC HEALTH & SANTATION 47,505 5,650 36,028 293,875 420 3,500 $386,978 $50,171 5,350 1,200 4,000 $390,624 $ 50,171 5,350 600 $390,024 vii Public Works Budget 84-85 Advisory Departments Co--ittee Requests Recommends 85-86 85-86 30. Board of Public Works Salaries 31. Sewer Maintenance & Construction Salaries Expenses 32. Water Maintenance & Construction Salaries & Wages Expenses 33. Parks & School Grounds Salaries & Wages Expenses 34. Tree Department Salaries & Wages Expenses 35. Dutch Elm Disease Salaries Expenses 36. Insect Pest Control 37. Street Lighting 38. Street Gen'l Maintenance Salaries & Wages Expenses $ 1,800 $ 1,800 $ 1,800 67,800 71,190 71,190 45,475 52,672 48,500 220,669 271,064 256,709 267,500 314,450 314,450 69,655 89,138 69,655 14,575 17,500 15,500 74,625 87,658 79,409 17,865 21,651 18,226 10,484 11,780 11,113 2,544 2,798 2,798 27,392 34,992 33,323 7,950 8,774 7,950 103,000 150,000 103,000 297,888 334,289 ~9~0 102,600 122,600 110,000 viii Advisory Department Committee Budget Requests Recommends 84-85 85-86 85-86 39. Snow Removal Expenses 40. Refuse Disposal Salaries & Wages Expenses $ 66,861 $ 160,000 $ 120,000 180,378 204,238 204,238 100,000 244,550 244,550 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS $1,679,061 $2,201,144 $2,009,741 Welfare 41. Veteran's Benefits Expenses $15,500 $ 18,500 $ 18,500 42. Graves Registration Salaries 300 1,300 1,300 TOTAL: WELFARE $16,700 $ 19,800 $ 19,800 Schools 43. N. A. School Department Salaries & Wages $6,449,000 Expenses 1,558,000 Total Salary & Expenses $8,007,000 $7,286,659 $7,151,817 1,918,981 1,713,800 9,205,640 / iX 44. Regional Vocational School Allocation Costs to M.A. TOTAL SCHOOLS L ra y Budget 84-85 60,000 $7,977,000 Department Requests 85-86 Advisory Committee Recommends 85-86 59,000 $9,264,640 $8,924,617 45. Stevens Memorial Library Salaries & Wages Expenses TOTAL nTBRARY $161,594 54,536 $216,130 $ 168,808 75,600 $244,408 $ 168,808 72,400 $241,208 Reo eati0n 46. Playgrounds & ~athiw Beaches Salaries & Wages Expenses 47. Recreation Council Salaries & Wages Expenses TOTAL~ REC~RATION $ 70,700 10,500 22,690 10,040 $113,930 $ 74,235 12,610 25,120 12,500 $124,465 $ 74,235 11,610 23,240 11,000 $120,085 Er ployea Benefits 48. Group Insurance 49. Essex County Retirement TOTAL~MPLOYEE BENEFITS $418,000 626,890 $1,044,890 $464,000 640,000 $4,104,000 $464,000 640,000 $1,104,000 x Unclassified 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. TOTAL Rental of Veteran's Headquarters Patriotic & Civil Celebrations Fourth of July Insurance, General Industrial Commission Expenses Special Legal Services UNCLASSIFIED Budget 84-85 Advisory Department Committee Requests Recommends 85-86 85-86 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 $ 1,200 750 800 800 7,500 8,000 7,500 206,850 206,850 206,850 100 100 100 10,000 25,000 25,000 $226,400 $241,950 $241,450 Debt Redemption 56. Miscellaneous 57. School Bonds 58. Water Main Notes & Bonds 59. Sewer Notes & Bonds 60. Police TOTAL DEBT REDEMPTION 10,000 $ -0- $ -0- 405,000 485,000 485,000 35,000 115,000 115,000 150,000 145,000 145,000 -0- 30,000 30,000 $600,000 $775,000 $775,000 Interest on Debts 61. Police -0- 12,350 12,350 62. School Bonds I27,902 143,935 143,935 63. Water Main Notes & Bonds 6,773 59,615 59,615 64. Sewer Notes & Bon~s 40,060 26,220 26,220 65. Bond Issue Expense 30,000 50,000 50,000 66. Short Term Borrowing 45,000 -0- -0- TOTAL INtErEST ON DEBTS .$250,040 $292,120 $2~ xi General Government Public Safety Public Health & Sanitation Public Works Welfare Schools Library Recreation Employee Benefits Unclassified Debt Redemption Interest on Debts TOTAL Budget 84-85 $ 533 575 2,259,227 386,998 1,679,061 16 700 8,007,000 216,130 113,930 1,044,890 213,061 6OO,000 250,040 $15,393,931 Department Requests 85-86 $ 620,989 2,862,184 390,624 2,201,144 19,800 9,264,640 244,408 124,465 1,104,000' 241,950 775,000 292,120 $18,141,324 Advisory Committee Recommen(]s 85-86 $ .601,202 2,009,741 ~O~&7~ 19,8oo /9 8,924,617 ~.0 ~'.).; 241,208 12o,o85 1,1o4,o0o 241,450 775.000 292,120 xii '1'0I~ OF NORTH AI~DOVER 1985 AI~IUAI., '1'0~1 NF_,I~II~G ~ COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS ESSEX, SS: TO either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETINGS: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and in compliance with Chapter 39 of the General Laws, and as recently amended by Chapter 8, Section. 9A of the Acts of 1974 and our North Andover Town Bylaws, Chapter 2, Section 2.4, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover who are qualified to vote 'in Town affairs to meet in the Veterans Auditorium of our North Andover Middle School on Saturday, April 27, 1985, at 1:30 p.m.. then and there to act upon the following articles: ANNUAL TOWN ~.ECTIONS (1-2) Article 1. ANNUAL TOWN Rr.R~ION. The election of Town Officers appearing on the ballot have already been acted upon at the Annual Town Election on March 4, 1985. Petition of the Selectmen Article 2. ELECTION OF OFFICERS NOT ON BAIJ.OT. To elect all Town Officers not required by law to be elected by ballot. Petition of the Selectmen TOWN FINANCES (3-10) Article 3. REPORTS OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. To see if the Town will vote to accept the reports of receipts and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen (in the 1984 Annual Town Report). Petition of the Selectmen Article 4. COMPENSATION OF ~.ECTED OFFICIALS. To see if the Town will vote to fix the salary and compensation of the elected officers of the Town, as provided by Section 108 of Chapter 41 of the General Laws. P~titlon of the Selectmen Article 5. GENERAL APPROPRIATION ARTICLE FOR FISCAL YEAR 1986. To see what action the Town will take as to the budget recommendations of the Advisory Board for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1985, and ending June 30, 1986. Petition of the Selectmen Article 6. TAX ANTICIPATION ~OTNS AUT~OI~IZATION. To see if the Town will. vote to authorize the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow in anticipation of the revenue for the next fiscal year, all as provided by Chapter 44 of the General Laws. Petition of the Selectmen Article 7. SPECIAL CO~4ITTEE REPORTS. To consider the reports of all special committees. Petition of the Selectmen Article 8. F.Y. 1985 BI]DGET ?RANSFERS. To see what sums the Town will vote to transfer into various line items of the Fiscal Year 1985 operating budget from other line items of said budget and from other available funds. Petition of the Selectmen RECO~4ENDATION: from the Fiscal Year 1985 departments: That the Town vote to take from Available Funds the sum of ~ for the purpose of paying unpaid bills in the following Fire Dept. Salaries Building Dept. Salaries Water Dept. Expense Snow Removal $55,645 10,446 30,000 23,685' Article 9. UNPA/D BITW~. TO see if the Town will vote to take from available funds the sum of $ , for the payment, pursuant to Section 64 of Chapter 44 of the General Laws, of unpaid bills from previous fiscal years, including any bills now on overdraft. /~ \ // Petition of the Selectme/~ RECOMMENDATION: To be made at Town Meeting Article 10. IMP~IN~ cor.LRCTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENTS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $~ to be expended under the direction of the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of implementing collective bargaining agreements reached with Town contractual employees. Petition of the Selectmen RECOMMENDATION: To be made at Town Meeting WATERSHED DISTRICT PRESERVATION ARTICLES (11-15) Article 11. COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING STUDIES FOR ~ATERSHED DISTRICT. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or take from available funds the sum of $ 75,438 to be expended under the direction of khe Board of Selectmen for the purpose of undertaking certain comprehensive planning studies in connection with the preservation of Lake Cochichewick and the public drinking water supply of the Town of North Andover. Petition of the Selectmen RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE Article 12. WATERSHED DISTRICT TEMPORARY GROWTH LIMITATION. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.133, Watershed District, of the Zoning Bylaw, by adding a paragraph (4), as follows: "(4) Lake Cochichewick Preservation Amendment a) b) c) Notwithstanding anything contained in this bylaw to the contrary, no permits shall be issued for the construction of any new building, structure, road, or driveway or for earth removal, except for the proposed municipal water filtration plant, within the Watershed District for a period of three (3) years from the effective date of this amendment. This amendment shall not apply to any renovation, alteration, or addition to an existing building, structure, road, driveway, or any structure in agricultural or horticultural use. A use variance may be granted by the Board of Appeals for the issuance of a building permit within this three-year period but not for a use not otherwise allowed by the district regulations. Petition of the Selectmen EXPLANATION: This amendment provides for a three-year prohibition on the issuance of building permits and special permits in the Watershed District, to provide controlled development in the Watershed District while the appropriate Town boards, commissions, and officers conduct and implement a comprehensive planning study, pursuant to the terms of the previous warrant article, relative to the preservation of Lake Cochichewick, our source of water supply; recognizing that a proposed water filtration plant for the Town's public drinking water supply is not expected to be completed until 1988. Exempted by General Laws from the provisions of this amendment are all lots shown in a definitive subdivision plan, or a preliminary plan followed by a definitive plan within seven (7) months, submitted to the Planning Board and written notice of which is given to the Town Clerk prior to the date on which this amendment is voted upon at Town Meeting. Also exempt by the General Laws from the provisions of this amendment are lots shown on definitive subdivision plans endorsed by the Planning Board within eight (8) years prior to the date of the vote of Town Meeting on this amendment; and lots shown on Form A plans, so-called, so endorsed within three (3) years prior to the date of said vote." NO RECO~H~ENDATION Article 13. PROHIBITIN{~ UNDERGR(N~IqD FUEL STOI~AGE IN ~6ATERSHED DISTRICT. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.133 Watershed District of the Zoning Bylaw by: inserting the following in subsection (2) Prohibited Uses 'underground steel storage tanks for petroleum products' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: As recommended by the Fire Department, this will prohibit the installation of steel storage tanks in the Watershed District and require fiberglass or corrosive resistant tanks. NO RECO~9~)ATION Article 14. PROHIBITIN~ CONSTRUCTION WITHIN CERTAIN DISTANCES IN WATERSHED DISTRICT. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.133 Watershed District by deleting the following from subsection (d) of paragraph (3): 'except by Special Permit' and add the following in its place: The intent herein is dimensional and the North Andover Board of Appeals shall grant variances upon a showing of substantial hardship owing to the soil, shape or topography of the land, including the right to cross such tributaries. Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: The purpose of this article is to eliminate construction within 250 feet of Lake Cochichewick and 100 feet of a tributary in the Watershed District by Special Permit. The North Andover Board of appeals shall have the jurisdiction and is to be treated as a variance application not a Special Permit. NO ~ECOMMENDATION Article 15. ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS AS WATERSHED DISTRICT SPECIAL PERMIT GRANTING AUTHORITY. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 2.65 Special Permit Granting Authority of the Zoning Bylaw by deleting the following words: 'the Watershed District' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: As a result of eliminating construction by Special Permit as specified in Article 14, the Board of Appeals will become the governing body. NO RECOMMENDATION AMENDMENTS TO THE ZONING BYLAW (16-27) Article 16. F~ONTAGE EXCEPTION/LARGERARF2% LOTS. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 7.2.1) Street Frontage in the Zoning Bylaw by adding subsection e.: 'no such lot as described above on which a dwelling is located, shall be hereafter reduced in area below the minimum area required in Section 7.2.1).' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: This section was inadvertently deleted at the 1984 Annual Town Meeting. This article addresses the current zoning permitting a lot to have a minimum of 50 feet of frontage and a minimum of 3 times the area required. Once a dwelling is placed on such a lot it must maintain the minimum area requirement. NO RECOMMENDATION Article 17. SITE PLAN REVIEW BY SPECIAL PERMIT. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 8, Paragraph 12 Site Plan Review of the Zoning Bylaw by establishing a separate Section 8.3 for Site Plan Review to be administered through the Special Permit process under the Planning Board. The following text shall be added: 8.3 Site Plan Review '1. Purpose The site plan review provisions are for the purpose of administering the provisions of this bylaw, to ensure the most advantageous use of all properties, and for the reasonable protection of the legitimate interests of adjoining property owners and occupants. . In a Business or Industrial District, no building permit shall be issued for the construction of any new building or structure, or for renovation or expansion purposes requiring more than ten (10) parking spaces, until the Planning Board has issued a Special Permit in accordance with Section 10.3 as specified herein. · Said plan shall be prepared by a registered architect, registered engineer or landscape architect, and bearing an endorsement of approval by the Planning Board. Plan to be recorded with decision at the Registry of Deeds. 2. Procedure The applicant shall submit nine (9) copies of the site plan to the Planning Board for distribution to each appropriate Town board and department for their review and recommendations. The Planning Board shall not make a finding and determination upon an application until a public hearing has been held and has received board and department recommendations. 3. Plan Requirements a) compliance with the requirements for parking and loading spaces for lot size, frontage, yards and heights and coverage of buildings, and all other provisions of this Bylaw; b) convenience and safety of vehicular and pedestrian movement on the site, and for the location of driveway openings in relation to street traffic: c) adequacy as to the arrangement and where not herein specified, the number of parking and loading spaces in relation to the proposed uses of the premises; d) arrangement, design and appearance of proposed building, structures, free-standing or ground signs, screening and principle landscaping; such as lighting and planting areas showing size and kind of plants to be used: e) adequacy of the methods of the site for waste disposal, surface and sub-surface drainage; f) location of wetland areas and existing and proposed topography.' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: The intent of this article is to continue the current process of Site Plan Review. However, in order to effectively plan and review commercial and industrial development in Town, the Planning Board recommends that this be achieved by 'Special Permit' (public hearing process and abutters notification). NO,rECOMMENDATION Article 18. SITE PLAN REVIEW. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 2.65 Special Permit Granting Authority by adding the following in the paragraph after the word "driveways"- 'site plan review' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: This article is associated with Article 17, placing the Special Permit Granting Authority in the jurisdiction of the Planning Board. NO ~ECOMMENDATION Article 19. SPECIAL PERMIT REQUI~S. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 10~31, 2 Conditions for Approval of Special Permi~ by adding the foll~ing n~aragraph: f. Utilities and drainage ~ the vicinity shall be adequately provided; g. Lighting shall not sh/n~rectly on adjoining properties. / Pe~on of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: In order/ to address ~s~pecific aspects of a development under site plan review, ~hese 2 elements will become part of the review process. NO P. ECOMMENDATION Article 20. LIMITED ACCESS. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.11(5) General Provisions by inserting the following: 'or public' the paragraph will then read as follows: No private or public way giving access to a building or use not permitted in a residential district shall be laid out or constructed so as to pass through a residential street. Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: The purpose of this article is to minimize the amount of non-residential traffic through residential streets. NO~EC~ATION Article 21. DAY CARE CENTER. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 2 Definitions by inserting the following: '2.29.1 Day Care Center Any facility operated on a regular basis whether known as a day nursery, nursery school, kindergarten, child play school, progressive school, child development center, or pre-school, or known under any other name, which received children not of common parentage under seven (7) years of age, or under sixteen (16) years of age if such children have special needs, or non-residential custody and care during part or all of the day separate from their parents or the elderly 60 years of age or older. Day Care Center shall not include any part of a public school system; any part of a private organized educational system, unless the services of such system are primarily limited to kindergarten, nursery or related pre-school services; a Sunday school conducted by a religious organization where children are cared for during short periods of time while persons responsible for such children are attending religious services; a family day care home: an informal cooperative arrangement among neighbors or relatives; or the occassional care of children with or without compensation therefor.' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: The purpose of this article is to define what a Day Care Center is. At present North Andover does not have a specific definition. NO~ECOMMRNDATXON Article 22. DAY CARE CENTER. To see if the Town will vote to amend Table I (p. 39a.) by inserting the following: 'Day Care Center R1,2,3,4,5 SP Bus.l,2,3,4, SP Gen.Bus. SP Ind.l,2,3,S SP' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: This article explains that a Day Care Center is permitted in all zoning districts by ~pecial Permit Process (public hearing and due notice to abutters). NO REC0~9~DATION 8 Article 23. DAY CARE CENTER. To see if the Town will vote to amend the following sections of the Zoning Bylaw by adding 'Day Care Center by Special Permit 4.121 (19) 4.127 (15) 4.122 (20) 4.128 (9) 4.123 (22) 4.129 (17) 4.124 (13) 4.130 (23) 4.125 (22) 4.131 (7) 4.126 (22) 4.132 (14)' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: This article references each Day Care Center in each zoning district. NO RECOMMENDATION Article 24. LOT WIDTH REQUIREMENT. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 7 Dimensional Requirements by adding the following: '7.4.1 Lot Width The width on any lot created shall have a minimum lot width of fifty (50) feet between the legal frontage and building set back to the front building line.' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: The intent of this article is to require newly created lots to have a minimum lot width of 50 feet as specified in the article. This should enable usable access into the lot without going onto abutting properties. NO RECOMMENDATION Article 25. DRIVEWAYS. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaw by moving Section 2.75 Driveways to a new Section '2.30.1' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: The purpose of this article is to place the defin].tion of 'driveway' in alphabetical order. NO RECOMMENDATION Article 26. PERMITTED USES BY SPECIAL PERMIT° To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 4.11 (p. 15) General Provisions by adding the following: 'except uses which are similar in character to the permitted uses shall be treated as requiring a Special Permit.' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: The purpose of this article is to allow similar uses by 'Special Permit' to the Board of Appeals. NO HECOMMENDATION Article 27. ZONING DIS~RIC? DESIGNATION. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaw Section 3.2 Zoning Map (p. 13) by inserting after the phrase: and as it may hereafter be amended ...... 'Where zoning districts are divided by a street, the zoning boundary shall be the centerline of the street; notwithstanding any other description of said property.' Petition of the Planning Board EXPLANATION: The purpose of this article is to eliminate discrepancies on the zoning map where zoning districts are divided by a street. NO P. ECO~ENDATION S TO THE PERSONBEL BTLAW (28-52) ticle 28. AMENDIN(~ "LONGEVITY". To see if the Town will vote to aisc and appropriate the sum of $1,200 for the purpose of amending Section 12, Longevity Increments, Paragraph (A), of its Personnel Bylaw increasing all of the amounts by $300 to read: (A) An employee of the Town who has been in continuous full-time employment in a position subject to the Classification and Compensation Plans shall be paid, in addition to the compensation received under the present plan, annual increments determined as follows: Length of Service Amount Over 10 but not over 15 years Over 15 but not over 20 years Over 20 but not over 25 years Over 25 years $525 575 625 675 (Each increase in such increment, once attained, being limited to $50 under these conditions of eligibility.) Petition of the Personnel Board RECOM~gDATION: UNFAVOKABLE 10 Article 29. AMENDING "PAID HOLIDAYS". To see if the Town will vote to amend the Personnel Bylaw, Section 16, Paid Holidays, Paragraph B to read: A full-time employee or a continuous part-time employee in a permanent position as defined in Section 2 shall be entitled to these designated holidays on the following terms: (1) If paid on an hourly basis, the employee shall receive one day's pay at this regular rate based on the number of hours regularly worked on the day on which the designated holiday occurs. If paid on a weekly, semi-monthly or annual basis, the employee shall be granted each designated holiday without loss in pay. RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE Petition of the Personnel Board Article 30. AMENDING "VACATION LEAVE". To see if the Town will '/v" vote to amend the Personnel Bylaw, Section 17, Vacation Leave, Paragraph A to read: A full-time employee or a continuous part-time employee shall be granted vacation with pay on the following terms: One year of service Five years of service Ten years of service two weeks three weeks four weeks An employee, after six months of continuous service, may request one week of his/her vacation in advance. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMRNDATION: FAVORABLE Article 31. AMENDING "VACATION LEAVE". To see if the Town will vote to amend the Personnel Bylaw, Section 17, Vacation Leave, Paragraph (C) to read: Employees who are eligible for vacation under these rules and whose services are terminated by dismissal through no fault or delinquency of their own, or by retirement, or by entrance into the armed forces, or who is on leave as a result of an injury sustained while on the job, shall be paid an amount equal to the vacation allowance as earned, and not granted nor used, in the vacation year prior to such dismissal, retirement, entrance into the armed forces, or injury leave. In addition, payment shall be made for that portion of the vacation allowance earned in the vacation year 11 during which such dismissal, retirement or entrance into the armed forces occurred up the the time of the employee's separation from the payroll, but no such payment shall be made ko those persons on injury leave who have not been separated from the payroll. Pekltion of the Personnel Board RECOI~4ENDATION: FAVORAB~ Article 32. AMENDING "SICK LEAFE#. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Personnel Bylaw, Section 18, Sick Leave, Paragraph A, to read: A full-time employee or a continuous park-time employee who has completed six months of service shall be allowed six days leave with pay and thereafter shall be allowed leave of one and one-quarter days for each month of service, provided such leave is caused by sickness or injury or by exposure to contagious disease. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMRNDATION: FAVOP. ABLE Article 33. ADDING "EMERGENCY POSITIONS'. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 2 of the Personnel Bylaw to add: "Emergency Position", a temporary position created for a duration of not more than one fiscal year for the purpose of meeting an unforseen problem in the delivery of Town service. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOI~RNDATION= FAVORABLE Article 34. ADDING "EMERGENCY POSITIONS". To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $ 4,000 for the purpose of amending the Personnel Bylaw by adding the following Section: Section 26 - EMERGENCY POSITIONS An emergency position may be created with the approval of the Personnel Board and the Advisory Board in the event that a documented emergency exists within any department of the Town. If such emergency position is needed in the fiscal year following initial approval of said position by the Personnel Board and the Advisory Board, said position shall be included as an amendment to 12 the Personnel Bylaw for a vote of the Town at either the next regular or special town meeting, in accordance with the provision of Section 6 of the Personnel Bylaw. RECO~NDATION: FAVORABLE Petition of the Personnel Board / Article 35. COST-OF-LIVING RAISES FOR NON-UNION EMPLOYEES. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $~0,5~2 for the purpose of amending Schedule B included in Section 7 of its Personnel Bylaw by increasing all of its salary rates listed therein by 6% excluding, however, the compensation of those Town employees whose remuneration is established by the collective bargaining process. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: To be made at Town Meeting Article 36. COST-OF-LIVING RAISES: NON-UNION CLERICAL PART-TIME. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8~89 for the purpose of amending Section 8 of its Personnel Bylaw (part-time positions classified in the clerical group) by increasing the salary therein by 6% excluding, however, the compensation of those employees whose remuneration is established by the collective bargaining process. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: To be made at Town Meeting Article 37. COST-OF-LIVING RAISES: MISC~KNEOUS SALARY SCHEDULE. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum $8,074 to amend Section 7, Schedule E, of the Personnel Bylaw (Miscellaneous Schedule) by increasing the compensation listed herein by 6% for the positions of Animal Inspector, Assistant Building Inspector, Assistant Supervisor Bathing Beach, Call Firefighter, Civil Defense Director, Dog Officer, Fire Engineer and Deputy Chief, Gas .In~ector, Lif~ard Bathing Beach Attendant, Registrar of Voters, ~ve Patrolman, ~hool Crossing Guards, Sealer of Weights and Measures, Supervisor Bathing Beach~'~Veterans' Graves Officer, Wiring Inspector, excluding however, those Town employees whose remuneration is established by the collective bargaining process. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION= To be made at Town Meeting 13 Article 38. BUILDING INSPECTOR. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,001 to change the grade of Inspector of Buildings from S-19 to S-20 in Section 7, Schedule A, of the Personnel Bylaw. Petition of the Personnel Board RECO~RNDTION: To be made at Town Meeting Article 39. LIB~%%RY DIRECTOR. To see if the Town will.vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,001 to change the grade of the Library Director from S-19 to S-20 in Section 7, ~chedule A, of the Personnel Bylaw. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: To be made at Town Meeting Article 40. SUPRRINT~NDENTOF INSECT PEST CONTROL/TREE WARDE~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,146 for the purpose of amending Schedule A of its Personnel Bylaw, Section 7, Department and Supervisory Group, the compensation grade of Superintendent of Insect Pest Control/Tree Warden fom S-13 to S-19. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE Article 41. PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING AIDE. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Personnel Bylaw, Section 7, Schedule A, Department Head and Supervisory Group, by adding the position of Engineering Aide to the Public Works Department, with a compensation grade of S-9 and to raise and appropriate the sum of $14,803 for his/her compensation. ~Petit[on of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE Article 42. CONSERVATION C OMMISSIONASSISTANT. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Personnel Bylaw, Section 7, Schedule A, Department Head & Supervisory Group, by adding the position of Conservation Assistant with a compensation grade of S-15 and to raise and appropriate the sum of $19,283 for his/her compensation. Petition of the Personnel Board REC~ATION: FAVORABLE 14 OFFICE OF THE . oa,d of ' J ssesso,, P.O. BOX 133, NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 TELEPHONE 682-5137 Hay 1, 1985 Article 130 To amend: To see if the Town will vote to transfer from the fiscal 1981 over- lay surplus, $64,137.65 and from t~e' ~iscal 1982 overlay surplus, $146,565.61 lot ~ total of $210,~03.26 to establish ~ Reserve Board oi Assessors Edward W. P?elan, Chai ,'-insure Article 43. COUNCIL ON AGING SENIOR CLERK. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Personnel Bylaw, Section 7, Clerical Group, Schedule A, by adding the position of Senior Clerk at the Council on Aging, with a compensation grade of S-4 and to raise and appropriate the sum of $11,590 for his/her compensation. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $4800 for the purpose of adding the position of part-time clerk with the compensation grade of S-4, Min. Article 44. PLANNING BOARD\S~TARY. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the ~ of $7,441 to increase the hours of the secretarial position in the ~lannin9 Office, entitled Senior Clerk/Secretary from 3 hours per//~ay to 7.5 hours per day with a compensation grade of S-6, Pers9~ne~ Bylaw, Section B. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: To be made at Town Meeting w Article 45. POLICE DEPARTI~ENT SENIOR CLERK. To see if the Town ill vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,231 to increase the grade and hours of the Clerk at the Police Department from Junior Clerk, S-l, part-time to Senior Clerk, S-4, full-time in Section 7, Schedule B. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOI~4ENDATION: UNFAVORABLE Article 46. BOARD OF REGISTRARS. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Personnel Bylaw, Section 7, Schedule E, Miscellaneous Compensation Schedule for Part-Time Positions, by striking "Registrar of Voters - $445 per year" and substituting therefore "Registrar of Voters $540 per year, Registrar of Voters - Town clerk $600 per year". Additional compensation shall be given to the Town Clerk in accordance with Mass. General Laws, Chapter 41, Sections 19G & 19H. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE 15 Article 47. POLICE CHIEF AND FIRE CHIEF. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provision of Chapter 48, Section 57G of the General Laws and to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,319, to provide that the annual base rate of compensation for the fire and police chiefs shall not be less that the following ratios of the highest annual rate of compensation of a permanent full-time firefighter, or a permanent full-time police officer, as the case may be: In departments having less than twelve permanent, full-time police officers or firefighters, the ratio shall be 1.5. In departments having not less than twelve nor more than twenty-nine permanent full-time police officers or firefighters, the ratio shall be 1.8. In departments having thirty or more permanent, full-time police officers or firefighters, the ratio shall be 2.0. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOt~RNDATION: FAVORABLE Article 48. S~NIOR LIBRARY ASSISTANT. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Personnel Bylaw, Section 7, Schedule A,"Library Group" by adding the position of Sr. Library Assistant, part time, at Stevens Memorial Library with a comensation grade of S-4 and to raise and appropriate the sum of $4,531. Petition of the Personnel Board RE~NDATION: UNFAVORABLE / Article 49. I)O6 OFFICER. To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 7, Schedule E, of the Personnel Bylaw to insert the compensation of the Dog Officer at $9,542. Petition of the Personnel Board RECOMMRNDATION: FAVORABLE Article 50. DOG OFFICER. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000 to amend the Personnel Bylaw, Section 7, Schedule E, by removing the Dog Officer class title from the Miscellaneous Schedule as part-time position and placing the Dog Officer as a full-time position, Section 7, Schedule A, Public Safety Goup S-13. Petition of Richard J. Kulpinski and others RECO~IENDATION: UNFA¥ORABLE 16 w Article 51. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC #O~/(S. To see if the Town 11 vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $56~1._00 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of amending the Personnel Bylaw Schedule A, Section 7, by changing the classification from S-21 to S-22 of the Superintendent of Public Works and to amend Schedule B, Section 7, by adding a new compensation grade S-22 which will be a 16% increase to the S-21 grade. /~ ~.ECOMMENDATION: AVORABLE Petition af the Board of Public Wmrks ~/ Article 52. ASSISTANT PUBLIC WOP, KS CLERK. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $416.00 to expended be under the direction of the Board of Public Works~-i~ the purpose of amending the Personnel Bylaw Clerical Group, Schedule A, Section 7, by adding the classification "Senior Clerk - Public Works" to be compensated at the S-5 level. Petition of the Board of Public Works RECOMMENDATION: ~AVORABLE A~ENDMENTS TO THE TOWN BYLA~6S (53-59) b/ Article 53. ADOPTION OF A FIRE LANE BYLAW. To see if the Town will vote to add to the Town Bylaw a new section under Public Safety: Fire Lanes Upon determination by the Fire Chief that fire lanes are necessary for the protection of the lives or property of the public in an area to which the public has access, the owner, or the person having control of such premises, shall provide, install, and maintain "No Parking-Fire Lanes" signs and striping in the location designated by the Fire Chief. It shall be unlawful to obstruct or block a private way to an area to which the public has access so as to prevent fire apparatus or other emergency equipment from gaining access to any building thereon. It shall be unlawful to obstruct or park any vehicle in any fire lane, such fire lane to be designated by the Chief of the North Andover Fire Department. These fire lanes to be posted and marked as such. Said fire lanes shall include a distance of twelve (12) feet from the curb at a sidewalk or in the absence of sidewalks and curbings, the distance shall be eighteen (18) feet from the building. The properties involved shall be shopping centers, apartment complexes, hospitals, nursing homes, theaters and schools or other areas to which the public has access. 17 These traffic regulations are enforced by the Police Department of the Town of North Andover carrying a fine of ten dollars per ticket. If vehicles are impeding access of emergency vehicles, the Police Department shall have the authority to tow such vehicles to a storage facility designated by the North Andover Police Department. Such towing charge to become the responsibility of the owner of towed vehicle. Petition of the Fire Chief and Police Chief NO P. ECO~-NDATION Article 54. AMENDING T~E BUILDING PERMIT ~;~ SCHEDUr~. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General Bylaws, Section 3.12 to read as follows: "BUILDING PERMIT FEES: The estimated construction costs of new construction shall be based upon a cost factor of twenty-five dollars ($25) per square foot· Estimated construction cost of additions, alterations and remodeling shall be the .actual contract price. The permit fees shall be five dollars ($5) per thousand based on the estimated costs of construction. There shall be a minimum fee of ten dollars ($10) per permit. Building permit fees shall not be required for municipally-owned buildings or structures." Petition of the Building Inspector RECOMMENDATION: FAVOP~BLE Article 55. GAS INSPECTOR BYLAW. To see if the Town will vote to strike Section 3.9 of the Town Bylaws, entitled "Gas Inspector," and substitute therefore the following: "The Selectmen shall fix and shall from time to time by their order amend a schedule of fees to be charged for gas inspections·" This amendment would bring this Bylaw into compliance with state statute, which provides that appointment of a gas inspector be made by the Building Inspector· Petition of the Selectmen NO RECOMMENDATION Article 56. ASSESSMENT OF T~XES BY~W. To see if the Town.will vote to amend its General Bylaws b~y a ne~ Section 4.9, as follows. "Section 4.9 ASsessment of ~ The assessment of taxes shall b/ ~mpleted and the tax list and warrant shall be delivered/to t~ Collector of Taxes on or before the fifteenth day of A~gust, Rd the tax bills shall be distributed on or before the .~econd d~ of September in each year. An exception to this may be made in a year when the 18 Town is undergoing re-evaluation. In this case only, the Board of Assessors, at its discretion, may submit estimates of the actual assesments to the Collector of Taxes on or before the fifteenth day of September. Petition of the Selectmen RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE t'"/" Article 57. APPOINTNENT OF ADVISORY BOARD BY SELECTM~EN. To see if the Town will vote to strike Section 3.2(A) of the North Andover Bylaws and substitute therefore the following: There shall exist an Advisory Committee consisting of seven citizens of the Town, other than Town officers, annually appointed as hereinafter provided. The Board of Selectmen commencing in May of 1985 shall appoint two members of the Advisory Committee initially appointed for the term of one year and thereafter for the term of three years, two members initially appointed for the term of two years and thereafter for the term of three years, and three members appointed for the term of three years and every three years thereafter. The terms of all Advisory Committee members shall commence on July 1st following the date of appointment. The terms of the present Advisory Committee shall expire on June 30, 1985, or as otherwise provided for by the Bylaws of the Town of North Andover. The said committee shall choose its own officers and members shall serve without salary. The Advisory Committee may employ, subject to an appropriation therefore, a secretary. In the event of any vacancy in the membership of the Advisory Committee, said vacancy shall be filled as otherwise provided for by the General Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Petition of Frank H. Dushame, III and others RECOMMENDATION: UNFAVORABLE Article 58. COUNCIL ON AGING BYLAW ~. To see if the Town will vote to amend its General Bylaws in the following manner: Amend Section 3.4(A) and 3.4(B) by deleting the existing language so that Section 3.4(A) and 3.4(B) shall now read: Section 3.4 Council on Aging (A) Organization There is hereby established a local Council on Aging, consisting of not less than seven nor more than eleven voting members. Council members shall be appointed by the Selectmen from interested and representative groups in the community upon consideration of recommendations by the existing Council. 19 (B) Duties The Council shall be responsible to the Selectmen,. and its members shall serve without compensation, and within the limits of available funds it may appoint such employees as it may require. It shall be the duty of the Council to oversee the operation of the Senior Center and to carry out programs and services designed to meet the needs of the elderly in coordination with appropriate local, state and federal agencies. Petition of John J. Lyons and others NO P~CO~'DATION Articl. e 59. AME~DIN(~ S~.~-~ERVI~C. AS STATION B¥IA#. To 'see if the Town will vote to amend 6.6 ~f tb~ Town Bylaw so that said section will read: "6.6 Self-service gas stati~hs. No person owning or operating a gasoline filling /~tation shall allow the pumping of gasoline for retail sale ~i~hout an attendant employed by the station present to hold/th~gas nozzle while gasoline is being pumped into the tank ~f t~ vehicle unles~s, said owner has complied with the Fir~ Marshall regulations. 527 CMR 5.04(16) regarding fire safety." / EXPLANATION: The propos_~d amendment would allow, the operation of a self-service gas station if the owner has complied with the regulations of the state Fire Marshall governing the operation of self-service gasoline stations. The present regulations provide as follows: 527 CMR (16). The dispensing of motor fuel by means of self-service automated dispensing systems shall be permitted, provided that the applicant for such a system has submitted complete plans and specifications of the proposed installation to the Marshal accompanied by the required examination fee as authorized in Section 3B of Chapter 7, MGL, inserted by Chapter 684 of the Acts of 1975, and has obtained approval of said plans, and further provided that there is compliance with the following: Full self-service facility may be allowed provided that: (a) The service station is under the control of the owner, operator, or duly authorized employee who shall be on duty at all times while motor fuel is being sold or dispensed. (b) The motor fuel shall be dispensed only by a competent licensed motor vehicle operator or by the service station attendent. (c) In addition to 527 CMR 5.04 (5) and (8), approved signs bearing the wording "Extinguish All Smoking Materials: and "Stop Motor While Refueling" shall be conspicuously posted at both ends of the pump dispensing island visible to approaching vehicles. All approved signs required by these regulations shall consist of block letters not less than two (2) inches in height and be either red letters on a white background or white letters on a red background. (d) The controlling mechanism console providing power to the pump motor is in constant attendance by the owner, operator of duly authorized employee at all times while motor fuel is being dispensed and is properly protected against physical damage form motor vehicles. Constant attendance shall mean that the console operator must be at the console during its operation. (e) There is constant contact between the controlling mechanism console operator and the pump island by means of an intercommunication system which shall be maintained in proper operating condition at all times while motor fuel is being dispensed. (f) A means is provided for the controlling mechanism console operator to observe the filling operation at each vehicle, and the dispensing of motor fuel shall be continuously observed by the console operator during the time that any of the pumps have been activated to dispense motor fuel. (g) The controlling mechanism console includes a disconnet switch which will instantly cut off all pumping power to all motor fuel pumps at the service station. (h) The controlling mechanism console, switches, and related equipment are of a design and type approved by the Marshal. (i) Any person, firm, or corporation constructing a self-service facility or making changes of alterations in the method of dispensing motor fuel shall notify the head of the fire department, in writing, prior to submitting plans to the Marshal. (j) Self-service automated motor fuel dispensing systems for which plans have been submitted subsequent to June 20, 1975, shall be equipped with a fire extinguishing system of a type approved by the Marshal, details of which shall be included with plans submitted to the Marshal for approval. (k) Motor fuel shall be dispensed only by means of an approved automatic shut-off nozzle which shall be held open manually. Hold-open clips shall not be allowed on self-service nozzles. Split-island facility may be allowed provided that: (1) There shall be installed on the full service islands an additional switch which will activate the overhead fire suppression system on, and deactivate the power to the self-service island. 21 (m) The station operator shall be within 25 feet of one of the switches as defined in (2)(a) whenever the self-service island dispensing mechanism is in operation. (n) Whenever the self-service dispensing mechanism is in operation, the service station operator shall be within visual range of the filling operation, complying with 527 CMR 5.04(16)(a), 5.04(16)(b), 5.04 (16)(c), 5.04(16)(g), 5.04(16)(h), 5.04 (16)(i), 5.04(16)(j), and 5.04(16)(k). Petition of E. Haffner Fournier and others NO RECOMMENDATION [K)ARDOF SEI~CT[~]A~TICI,R$ (60-67) '~/ Article 60. STREET LIGHTIN~RF~CTIVATIONS ~ ADDITIONS. To see if the Town will vote to raise a~d appropriate the sum of $22_,~ to be expended under the direction of/the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of reactivating certain of the/street lights which were deactivated in 1982, and for adding new street lighting to certain public roads in Town, including but not limited to intersections of new subdivision roads with public roads, and other dangerous or hazardous locations which are not now adequately illuminated. . Petition of the Selectmen RECtA?ION: FAVORABLE Article 61. CHARTER CO~ISSIONAPPROPRIATION. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $25,045 to be expended under the direction of the Charter Commission for the purpose 0f employing such legal, research, clerical, and other employees 9r · consultants as such commission may require to assist it with its duties as outlined in Chapter 43B of the General Laws, such sum to be in addition to the five thousand dollars already credited to the Commission's account pursuant to Section B of said Chapter 43B. Petition of the Selectmen RECOI~IDA?ION: FAVOI~LE Article 6~TIOI~/CCONSOL][DATE~ INSIII~CE SPF~IFICATIONS. · o Own consolidated ~0m~et3tiv/ ipsura%ce sp~ications for the Town's property and ~ Peri, on o~he Selectmen ~O~ATION: FAVO~ , 22 Art]cie 63. AMENDING PRIOR TAKING VOTEANDVOTING TO TAKE CERTAIN LAND FOR A PUBLIC PARKING FACILITY. To see if the Town will vote to ratify and confirm the action taken on Article 84 of the Warrant for the 1984 Annual Town Meeting for the purpose of acquiring the property described therein and below in order to widen a pulic way known as Johnson Street and for providing off street parking facilities. A certain lot of land with the buildings thereon situated on said North Andover on the westerly side of the road (Johnson Street) leading from the Unitarian Meeting House by the house of John H. Sutton and bounded and described as follows: (meaning and intending the parcel of land known as the Ira Carty property) Beginning at a stake and stones by said road and the second parcel hereinafter described, thence running south seventy-two and one-half degrees west, twelve rods and seventeen links to a stake and stones by land of the heirs of Thomas H. Kimball; thence northwesterly by said land of Kimball heirs four rods and fourteen links to a stakel thence north seventy-two and one-half degrees easterly eleven rods and nineteen links to said road; thence southerly by said road four rods and fourteen links to the first mentioned bound; excepting from said parcel, however, a strip ten feet in width on the northerly side thereof which was conveyed to the inhabitants of the Town of North Andover by John O. Loring by deed dated January 30, 1906, and recorded with the North Essex District Registry of Deeds, Book 229, Page 80. Also a certain parcel of other land adjoining the above described parcel bounded easterly by said road; southerly by land now or formerly of the Town of North Andover and by land formerly of Daniel Stevens, deceased, westerly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Thoma~ H. Kimball and northerly by the first described lot. Petition of the Selectmen NO IIECOMMENDA?ION ~ Article 64. OLD CENTER PARKING LOT. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $ ~'6~ to be expended under the direction of the Board of Selectmen~ the purpose of a design and construction of a public parking lot in the old center on Town owned property taken by Article 84 of the 1984 Annual Town Meeting. Petition of the Selectmen RECO~S~ENDATION: To be made at Town Meeting 23 Article 65. ~ PROPERTY PURCHASE. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $982,788 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of acquiring by purchase, gift, grant or otherwise, a parcel of land together with all improvements thereon, located in North Andover, MA, and shown as lots 1 to 34 inclusive, on a plan of land entitled "Preliminary Subdivision Plan of Marbleridge East in North Andover, MA., dated March 12, 1985 and filed with the Town Clerk and Planning Board on March 13, 1985, Owner QDF Trust, Christiansen Engineering, Inc., Engineer, containing approximately 45 acres more or less. Also the fee in Carriage Chase, a private way shown on said plan, between Bridle path and that portion of Carriage Chase laid out on a previous subdivision plan - there above referenced. Petition of the Selectmen RECOMMENDATION: TO be made at Town Meeting b/ Article 66. ACCEPTANCE OF CERTAIN ST[{EETS AS PUBLIC WA~S. To see if the Town will vote to accept the following streets as public ways: Penni Lane, Duncan Drive, Sh~ P~l--Read, Gilman Lane. Petition of the Selectmen NO BECOMMENDATION / Article 67. TOWN BUILDI~ RENO%fA?IONS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $20,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of undertaking necessary repairs and renovations to the Town Office Building and the offices therein. Petition of the Selectmen RECOMMENDATION: FAVORAB;.R 24 /P~UBLIC WORKS ARTICLES (68-76) Article 68. NEW WATER FILTRATION PLANT AT LAKE COCHICH~WICK. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,500,000, or any other sum, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of constructing a new water filtration plant at Lake Cochichewick, and including related intake structures, water mains and pumping stations, and original pumping station equipment, to determine whether this sum shall be raised by borrowing or otherwise; or to take any other action relative thereto. /30-)% ~ Petition of the Board of Public Works RECOMMENDATION: That $10,500,000 be appropriated for construction of a new water filtration plant at Lake Cochichewick, including related intake structures, water mains and pumpiing stations, and original pumping station equipment; that to meet this appropriation the Treasurer with the approvaL-of the Selectmen is autorized to borrow $10,500,000 undre G.L.c.44, S.8~ and that the Selectmen are authorized to contract for and expend any federal or state aid available for the project, provided that the total authorized borrowing shall be reduced by the amount of any such aid received prior to the issue of bonds or notes hereunder. Article 69. PUBLIC WORKS EQUIPMENT P~3RCHASES. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $40,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of purchasing the following equipment: 1 - one ton utility body pick-up - 1 - 3/4 ton flare side pick-up, 1 4 WD pick-up with plow. 1 - four inch gasoline driven centrifucal pump. 1 - 1978 Ford utility body pick-up, 1- 1979 Dodge 4 WD pick-up with plow and 1 - 1979 Ford 3/4 ton flare side pick-up to b~ traded. Petition of the Board of Public Works RECOMMENDATION: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $19,800 for the purpose of purchasing the following equipment: 1 - one ton utility pick-uA - 1978 Ford utility pick-up to be traded 1 - four inch gasoline driven centrlfical pump $13,800 25 Article 70. ATKINSON SCHOOLGRO[~]DS IMPROVEMENTS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of paving the roadway parking and playground area at the Atkinson School and making necessary drainage improvements in this area. Petition of the Board of Public Works RECOMMENDATIOn: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000 for the purpose of this article. Article 71. NE~ RAFT FOR AMERICAN L~ION BEACH. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of purchasing a new raft for American Legion Beach. Petition of the Board of Public Works RECOMMENDATION: That the Town voteto raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000 for the purpose of this article. Article 72. SEWER EXTENSION ALONG SALEM STA~EET. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer from the intersection of Marbleridge and Salem Street northwesterly along Salem Street 500 feet and continuing across the Ridgewood Cemetery property 1200 feet to Johnson Circle and removing the existing sewer pump station. Petition of the Board of Public Works RECOMMENDATION: %~]FAVOP~%BLE Article 73. SEWER EXTENSION ON JOHNSON STIfF. ET. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $75,000.00 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of extending the sewer northerly on Johnson Street, a distance of 1000 feet from the Calzetta Right of Way to house ~250. Petition of the Board of Public Works RECOM~ZNDATION: UNFA~OP~%BLE 26 Article 74. CHESTNUT STREET & MILL ROAD WATER MAIN REPLACEMENTS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $400,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of replacing the old six inch pipe on Chestnut Street from Blueberry Hill Lane to Turnpike Street 5200 feet with a new eight inch cement lined ductile iron pipe and to replace the old six inch pipe on Mill Road from Johnson Street to Turnpike Street with 3200 feet of twelve inch cement lined ductile iron pipe. Petition of the Board of Public Works RECO~ENDATION: FAVORABLE Article 75. BEACON HlrZ. BLVD. WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $18,500 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of replacing the old six inch cast iron water main on Beacon Hill Blvd. with a new eight inch ductile iron cement-lined water main from Osgood Street 260 feet towards Chickering Road. Petition of Rose DiPaolo and others RECOMMRNDATION: UNFAVOP~%BLE Article 76. WATER MAIN ON HALIFAX STREET. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $6,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purpose of installing a 6" (six inch) water main, 250 feet along Halifax Street from its intersection at Waverly Road. Petition of Kenneth E. Long and others RECOMMENDATION: UNFAVORABLE HIGHWAY DEPART~R~ARTICLE$ (77-90) Article 77. STREET MAINTENANCE. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $115,000 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of resurfacing, oiling and repairing and maintaining streets in the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor RECOMMRNDATION: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100,000 for the purpose of this article. 27 Article 78. DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $15,000 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing drainage in problem areas throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor REC(A~RNDATION: FAVOP~BLE Article 79. SIDEWALKS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $7,500 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of installing new and repairing existing sidewalks throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor RECOMMENDATION: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $6000 for the purpose of this article. Article 80. GUARD P~ILS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $10,000 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of erecting and replacing guard rails throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor RECOMMRNDATION: FAVOP~%BLE Article 81. REGULATORY SIGNS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,000 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of replacing and erecting new regulatory signs throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor RECOMMENDATION: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1500 for the purpose of this article. Article 82. STREET SIGNS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,500 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of making and replacing street signs throughout the Town. Petition of the Highway Surveyor RECOM~RNDATION: FAVOP~%BLE 28 Article 83. REPLACING CATCH BASIN FP3~MES AND GRATES. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $1,000 to be e~pended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of replacing existing catch basin frames and grates which are smaller than standard size. Petition of the Highway Surveyor RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE Article 84. CHAPTER 234 ROADWORK. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $74,329 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of matching state funds under Chapter 234 Acts of 1984 Chapter 90, said amount to be reimbursed, upon receipt, to be restored to unappropriate available funds. Petition of the Highway Surveyor RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE Article 85. CHAPTER 289 ROAD WORK. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $87,527 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of matching state funds under Chapter 289 Acts of 1983 Chapter 90, said amount to be reimbursed, upon receipt, to be restored to unappropriated available funds. Petition of the Highway Surveyor RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE Article 86. RENTAL OF EQUIPMENT FOR SHARPNERS POND LANDFIT~. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $5,000 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of hiring specialized equipment for Sharpners Pond Landfill. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ~ENDATION: UNFAVORABLE 29 Article 87. HIGHWAY DEPART~EOUIP~ PURCHASES. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $155,000 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of purchasing the following equipment= Wood Chipper - $16,000 Dump Truck (Cab & Chassis) 5-7 Yd. Body - $50,000 Refuse Disposal Truck, Cab & Chassis (20 Yd. Packer) - $80,000 Leaf Vaccumn - $9,000 Petition of the Highway Surveyor RECOMMENDATION: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $80,000 for the purpose of purchasing one Refuse Disposal Truck, Cab and Chassis (20 yd. Packer). Article 88. SIDENALK & CURBING REQUESTS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $ , to be expended under the direction of the Town of North Andover--Highway Department for the purpose of having the Town of North Andover install curbing and.repair sidewalks, which have not been resurfaced for the past twenty-five years and are very hazardous. Many accidents have occurred as a result of the disrepair of these sidewalks. Petition of Athan Retjos and others RECOMMENDATION: UNFAVORABLE Article 89. TRASH PICK-UP FOR VIIJ~AGE GREEN. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $ , to be expended under the direction of the Town of North Andover--Trash Pick-Up for the purpose of having the Town of North Andover either pick up our trash from our dumpsters or reimburse the Village Green East condominium owners a sum of money for private removal of trash. Petition of Athan Retjos and others RECOMME~ATION: U/~FAVOI~LE Article 90. CATCH BASINS ON MARBLERIDGE ROAD. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000 to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor for the purpose of constructing 3 catch basins on Marbleridge Road to correct a drainage problem. Petition of George Galley and others RECO~4ENDATION: UNFAVORABLE 3O BOARD OF FIRE ENGINEERS ARTICLES (91-97) Article 91. FUNDING OF FOUR (4) ADDITIONAL FIREFIGHTERS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $109,700 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of appointing four new firefighters to the Fire Department who have passed the qualifying Civil Service and physical examinations all in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. $105,700 of which to be assigned to the salary budget and $4,000 of which to be assigned to the expense budget for required equipment. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers RECOMMRNDATION: UNFAVORABLE Article 92. FUNDING OF ONE (1) ADDITIONAL FIRE LIEUTENANT. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $35,800 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of appointing a new fire lieutenant who has passed the necessary civil service and physical examinations ail in accordance with Civil Service Rules and Regulations. The duties of this position shall be primarily fire prevention and inspections and shall bring consistency to the code enforcement and inspection process. $34,400 of which to be assigned to the salary budget and $1,400 of which to be assigned to the expense budget, for required equipment. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers RECOM}6RNDATION= UNFAVORABLE Article 93. EMPLOYE.~ ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of entering into an agreement with a suitable provider for the coverage of all Fire Department personnel in an Employee Assistance program for reducing employee lost time and effectiveness from preventable health and related problems. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers RECOMMENDATION: FAVORABLE 31 Article 94. REPLACE~ OF FIRE ENGINE ONE. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or to provide by borrowing the sum of $200,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of purchasing a new fully equipped vehicle to present Engine 1 to be traded in. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers RECO~WENDA?ION: That the Town vote to borrow the sum of $200,000 for the purpose of this article. Article 95. NEW CLASS I AMBULANCE. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or to provide by borrowing the sum of $50,000 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of purchasing a new Class 1 ambulance, which will meet state and federal ambulance requirements for emergency transport. The present ambulance to be maintained as a reserve for the new ambulance. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers RECOMMENDATION: UNFAVORABLE Article 96. FIRE DEPARTmEnT CO~4PUTER EQ~3IPMENT. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $30,500 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of purchasing computer equipment for Fire Department dispatch and response, as well as, office automation and record keeping. Equipment specifications are available for review at the secretary's office, 2nd floor, Main Street fire station. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers RECOMM~DATION= To be made at Town Meeting Article 97. SURVEY~ FOR PI~OPOSED FIRE STATION SITE. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $3,500 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Fire Engineers for the purpose of conducting a land survey and septic test on the land of Mr. Eugene Bodge, Salem Street, for the site of the proposed fire station. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers RECOt~4ENDATION: UNFAVORABLE 32 POLICE DEPARTME~PARTICLES (98-100) Article 98. FOUR NE~ POLXCE CRUISERS. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate 'the sum of $37,364 to be expended under the direction of the Police Chief for the purpose of purchasing four (4) new police cars and four (4) cars to be turned in, in trade, and all equipment to be changed over such as police radios, sirens and similar accessories. Petition of the Police Chief RECOI~NDATION: FAVORABLE Article 99. ONE (1) ADDITIONAL POLICE LIEUTENAI/T. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $25,923.52 to be expended under the direction of the Police Chief for the purpose of hiring one (1) additional Police Lieutenant. Petition of the Police Chief RECO~-DATION: UNFAVORABLE Article 100. ONE (1) ADDITIONAL POLICE OFFICER. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $17,485.86 to be expended under the direction of the Police Chief for the purpose of hiring one (1) additional Patrolman. Petition of the Police Chief RECOMMENDATION: UNFAVORABLE SCHOOL DEPARTMENT ARTICLES (101-106) Article 101. SCHOOL BUILDING NEEDS STUDY. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, to take from available funds, or to provide by borrowing the sum of $10,000 to be expended under the direction of the School Committee for the purpose of a School Building Needs Study. Work will include professional consulting with architects, engineers, and other specialists. Based upon enrollment projections and educational specifications, needs will be developed. Working in conjunction with the School Building Assistance Bureau, needs will be confirmed. Alternatives will be considered and upon selection of alternative by the School Committee, preliminary plans, costs, and sketches will be prepared. Petition of the School Committee RECOMMENDATION= ~FAVORABLE 33 Article 102. NEW ROOF FOR FRANKLIN SCHOOL. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, to take from available funds, or to provide by borrowing the sum of $70,000 to be expended under the direction of the School Committee for the purpose of installing a new roof at the Franklin School. Funds are to cover both construction and necessary engineering. Petition of the School Committee RECO~ENDATION: FAVO]~ABr.R Article 103. NEW STADIUM TRACK & ~k~3RBISHED TENNIS COURTS. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, to take from available funds, or to provide by borrowing the sum of $114,000 to be expended under the direction of the School Committee for the purpose of a new track at the Alvah Hayes Stadium and for refurbishing of the tennis courts at the High School. Work will include necessary surveying and engineering. Petition of the School Committee RECO}~4]u~DATION: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $100,000 for the purpose of this article. Article 104 SCHOOL REPAIRS AND EQUIP{~NT PURCHASES. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, to take from available funds, or to provide by borrowing the sum of $150,000 to be expended under the direction of the School Committee for the purpose of remodeling, reconstruction, or making extraordinary repairs at all North Andover Public Schools and for additional department equipment, or to take any other action relative thereto. Petition of the School Committee RECO[~4ENDATION: That the Town vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $110,000 for the purpose of remodeling, reconstruction or making extraordinary repairs at all North Andover Public Schools. Article 105. ELXMIHATION OF ~rGH SCHOOL SPORTS USER FEES. To see if the Town will vote to eliminate the current "User Fees" for students participating in North Andover High School Athletic Programs. Effective July 1, 1985. Petition of Francis P. McCann and others RECOMMENDATION= To be made at Town Meeting 34 Article 106. UNIFO~/~S AND CAMP DR HIGH SCHOOL BAND. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $12,500 to be expended under the direction of the North Andover School Committee for the purpose of purchasing new band uniforms and instruments for the High School Band and providing band camp memberships for band members. Petition of John Markuns and others RECOMMENDATION: To be made at Town Meeting LIBP~RYARTICLES (107-1{)8) Article 107. LIBRARY ANTI-T~RFT SEC~3RITY SYSTEM. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $ 6,500 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Trustees Stevens Memorial Library for the purpose of purchasing and installing an anti-theft security system. Petition of the Trustees of Stevens Memorial Library RECO~ENDATION= FAVORABLE Article 108. USE OF CHAPTER 78 FUNDS FOR LXBRARY. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate for the use of the Stevens Memorial Library the sum of $10,064 which the Town has received' from the State under the provisions of Chapter 78, Section 19A of the General Laws. Petition of the Trustees of Stevens Memorial Library RECOM~K~DATION: FAVORABLE MISC~m~]EO~S PETITIONS (109-111) Article 109. TH~F.R-YEAR TERM FOR TOWN CLERK. To see if the Town will vote that, beginning with the Annual Town Election in 1986, the term of office of the Town Clerk shall be three years instead of one year. Petition of Dennis L. Currier and others NO RECO~94ENDATION 35 Article 110. LIMIT ON BUILDING PERMITS. To see if the Town will vote to limit the number of residential building permits.to one hundred per year. Petition of John P. Thompson and others NOR EC~ATION Article 111. SEASONAL DOWNTOWN DECO~ATIONS. To aee if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $2,500 to be expended under the direction of the Board of Selectmen for the purpose of seasonal decorations in the Central Business District. Petition of the North Andover Board of Trade and the North Andover Merchants Association (JOhn J. Lyons and others) RECOI~4ENDATION: FAVOI~ABLE REZONING AMENDMENTS (112-129) Article 112. P. EZONIN~ AT TURNPIKE AND PETERS STREETS. To see if - the Town will vote to amend its Zoning Bylaw by changing the Zoning Map of the Town to include the parcel of land hereinafter described within the Business 4 District. The land is currently zoned R-4. A certain tract of land as shown on a plan of land recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 2789, bounded and described as shown on said plan as follows: Beginning at a point in an iron pipe in the Westerly bound of Salem Turnpike at land now or formerly of'Daniel J. and Katherine B. Connelly; thence running along said Westerly bound of Salem Turnpike, a distance of 104.80 feet to a stone bound: thence on a curve of radius, 30.00 feet, a distance of 61.17 feet to an Essex County stone bound on the Northerly line of Peters Street: thence along said Northerly line of Peters Street, 121.25 feet to an iron pipe at land now or formerly of the Augustinian College of the Merrimack Valley; thence a distance of 95.07 feet to an iron pipe; thence tur~ing and running 150.70 feet by land now or formerly of Daniel J. and Katherine B. Connelly to the iron pipe at the bound first mentioned. Containing in total, 18,220 sq. ft. Also, a certain tract of land located between the present Zoning boundaries and the above-described parcel which lie within the public ways of Peters Street and Salem Turnpike. Petition of Francis A. Holmes and others NO I~ECOI~IENDATION 36 Article 113. REZONING AT TURNPIKE ~ SU~IV~.~ ST~S. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaws and Zoning Map by changing to Business 2 the zoning on the following described parcel of land which is presently zoned in part Residence 2 and in part Business 4. The land presently owned by Mary Gowans located near the intersections of Turnpike Street and Sullivan Street containing 2.5 acres, more or less, and bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point at the boundary of land now or formerly of Buthmann and running in a southwesterly direction seventy-five (75.00) feet by the stone wall to a point: thence turning and running by other land of Buthmann in a westerly direction by the stone wall four hundred fifty (450.00) feet to a point: thence turning and running by land now or formerly of Hoyt and other land now or formerly of Quinn by the stone wall in a generally northerly direction four hundred thirty-five and 85/100 (435.85) feet to a point in the line of Turnpike Street; thence turning and running in a southeasterly direction by Turnpike Street six hundred ten (610) feet to the point of the beginning. Also included in this rezoning is that portion of Turnpike Street lying in frorrt of the parcel from the property line to the center line of Turnpike Street. Petition of Mary Agnes Gowans and others NO RECOMMENDATION Article 114. REZONING ALONG RO[]TE 114. To see if the Town will vote to change the zoning of the hereinafter described property from Residence 2 District (R2) to Industrial 1 District (I-l). Beginning at a point on the easterly side of Rte. 114. Running Northeasterly by land of Pierog 326.39'; thence Southeasterly by land of Forbes Realty Trust 887.00'; thence Southwesterly by Forbes Realty Trust 124.83; thence Southeasterly by Forbes Realty Trust 110.89; thence Northeasterly in five courses by Forbes Realty Trust 494.41';thence Southeasterly by land of Benchmark Realty Trust and Farnum Realty Trust 548.92'; thence by land of Schroeder in two courses 589.60'; thence by Rte. 114 to the point of beginning 1370.04'. Petition of Thomas D. Laudani and James J. Phi!bin and others NO RECOMMENDATION 37 Article 115. REZONING AT OSC~3ODAND BI~ADFORDSTREETS. To see if the Town will vote to amend the North Andover Zoning Bylaws and Zoning Map to change a strip of existing Residential R-2 Zoned land to Industrial Zone I-l, providing for the contiguous expansion in depth of the existing Industrial Zoned I-1 land owned by George R. Barker, Jr., located on the easterly side of Osgood Street and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the easterly-most angle point of the existing Industrial Zone I-1 land, said angle point being shown on the existing zoning map as 1150 feet easterly of the centerline of Osgood Street and 1000 feet southerly of the centerline of a 30-foot-wide utility easement to the Town of North Andover that extends from Osgood Street to Bradford Street; thence from said angle point southeasterly 318 feet more or less through land of George R. Barker, Jr. to a point; thence turning southerly and parallel to and 225 feet easterly from the existing Industrial Zoned I-1 boundary all on land of the aforesaid George R. Barker, Jr. a distance of 1100 feet more or less to a point; thence turning southwesterly intersecting the aforesaid current Industrial Zoned line which is 1150 feet easterly of the center line of Osgood Street. Said parcel contains 6.7 acres more or less. Petition of George R. Barker, Jr. and others NO P~CO~6~qDATION Article 116. I~EZONI~G OF 35 PETERS STREET. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning Bylaw by changing the zoning map of the Town to include a parcel of land hereinafter described within the B-4 district from its present designation of R-4 on said zoning map, land and buildings commonly known as and located at 35 Peters Street, being lots numbered 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 on a plan entitled, "North Andover Hillside North Andover, Essex County, Mass.", owned by A.J. Landry, formerly owned by Sarah E. Farnham dated December 1, 1924, Ernest W. Branch, Civil Engineer recorded with Essex North District Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 597 and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly side of Acushnet street, at the intersection of Peters Street, thence turning and running at right angles with Acushnet Street by Peters Street as shown on said Plan 100.02 feet to a stone wall at land now or formerly of one Driscoll; thence northerly by the wall and land of Driscoll 307 feet; thence turning and running easterly 100 feet by lot 7 as shown on said plan; then turning and running by the westerly line of Acushnet Street 305.48 feet to the point of beginning. Said lot containing 30,000 square feet more or less. Petition of Eileen Donovan and others 1~O RECOMMENDATION 38 Article 117. REZONING HILLSIDE ROAD AT S~ T~RNPI[~. To see if the Town will vote to amend the zoning bylaws and zoning map to change the zoning on the hereinafter described parcel from R-3 to I-1. A certain parcel of land with the buildings thereon situated in North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts and being more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly side of Hillside Road at the Northwesterly corner of land conveyed by Charles E. Canty et ux on May 3, 1955, to Leopold Pomerleau et ux, said deed being recorded in North Essex Registry of Deeds in Book 812, Page 437: thence running in a southwesterly direction by the southerly line of Hillside Road, one hundred eighty-one and 98/100 (181.98) feet more or less to land previously conveyed to one Leland B. Cole by said Canty by deed recorded in said Registry in Book 791, Page 3; thence turning and running in a southeasterly direction six hundred twenty-eight and 15/100 (628.15) feet by said Cole land to an iron pipe; thence turning at an angle 90 and running forty-four and 0/10 (44.0) feet by said Cole land to a drill hole; thence turning and running in a southwesterly direction, three hundred twelve (312) feet by land now or once of Delmar McNeil to land now or formerly of Marino: thence turning and running in a northeasterly direction a total of seven hundred twenty-three and 65/100 (723.65) feet to a point; thence turning and running in a northerly and northeasterly direction four hundred twenty-two and 4/10 (422.4) feet more or less to an iron pipe in the southwest line of Salem Turnpike, so-called; thence turning and running in a' northwesterly direction by said Salem Turnpike, seventy and 34./100 (70.34) feet to land now or formerly of one Barbagallo, as shown on Plan No. 3564 in said Registry; thence turning and running in a southwesterly direction three hundred (300) feet by said Barbagallo land to an iron pipe; thence turning and running in a northwesterly direction still by said Barbagallo land one hundred fifty (150) feet to an iron pipe; thence turning and running in a northeasterly direction one hundred twenty-five (125) feet still by said Barbagallo land to land conveyed by said Canty to one DeBenedetto, said deed being recorded with said Registry in Book 834, Page 13; thence turning and running in a northwesterly direction one hundred twenty-five (125) feet by said DeBenedetto land to a point; thence turning and running in a northeasterly direction by said DeBenedetto land one hundred fifty-five (155) feet to a point; thence turning and running in a curved line thirty-one and 42/100 (31.42) feet to said Salem Turnpike; thence turning and running along said Salem Turnpike sixty (60) feet more or less to land now or formerly of Finochiaro, shown on Plan No. 3036 in said Registry; thence running in a southwesterly direction one hundred seventy-five (175) feet more or less by said Finochiaro land; thence turning and running in a northwesterly direction one hundred twenty-five (125) feet by said Finochiaro land to land now or formerly of one Kohl~ thence turning and running in a southwesterly direction one hundred twenty-five (125) feet by said Kohl land; thence 39 turning and running by said Kohl land, ninety-five and 88/100 (95.88) feet to land now or formerly of Pomerleau; thence turning and running in a southwesterly direction fifty-two and 70/100 (52.70) feet by said Pomerleau land to an iron pipe; thence turning and running in a northwesterly direction two hundred (200) feet to an iron pipe at the southeasterly corner of land previously conveyed by said Canty to said Pomerleau by deed recorded in said Registry in Book 812, Page 437, and mentioned above; thence turning and running in a southwesterly direction one hundred twenty (120) feet more or less by said Pomerleau land to an iron pipe; thence turning and running in a northwesterly direction one hundred sixty-two and 28/100 (162.28) feet by said Pomerleau land to a point; thence turning and running in a curved line thirty-five and 99/100 (35.99) feet to Hillside Road and the point .of beginning. Included in this rezoning are those portions of Hillside Road, Willow Street and Salem Turnpike upon which the property fronts to the center line of said streets. Petition of Leonard J. Annaloro and bthers NO I~EC~ATION Article 118. I~EZONI]~ PROPERTY ALON~ TURNPIKE STR~T TO I-1. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaw by changing the zoning of the hereinafter described property from Residence Two (R-2) to Industrial One (I-l) located on Turnpike Street, North Andover Massachusetts bounded as follows: A certain parcel of land situated in North Andover, Essex North County, Massachusetts containing 63.2 acres of land, more or less, and it is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a Massachusetts highway bound Station 206+74.66 of Turnpike Street as laid out on the State Highway Maps of 1946; and running along a curve to the right, having a radius of 4760 feet: and an arc length of 86.45 feet; thence turning and running South 37o51'21'' west, a distance of 693.89 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 52o08'39" east, a distance of 349.93 feet to a point; thence turning and running North 37o51'21" east, a distance of 693.89 feet to a point; thence turning and running along a radius of 4760 feet and an arc length of 31.34 feet to a M~ss. Highway Bound along Turnpike Street; thence turning and running south 49039'38'' east a distance of 675.29 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 8o45'00'' east, a distance of 37.40 feet to a point; thence turning and running South l°50'00'' east, a distance of 391.69 feet to a drill hole; thence running South l°32'30'' east, a distance of 280.40 feet to another drill hole in a stone wall; thence turning and running South 2o03'00'' east, a distance of 142.73 feet to another drill hole in a 4O stone wall; thence continuing South 03o35'00'' east, a distance of 250.20 feet to another drill hole at a corner of stone walls; thence turning and running South 48°18'40'west, a distance of 112.63 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 32o18'00'' west, a distance of 42.52 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 38o53'20'' west, a distance of 86.82 feet to a drill hole in the stone wall; thence following the stone wall and running South 72o19'20'' west, a distance of 251.22 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence running along the stone wall North 31o48'50'' west, a distance of 432.56 feet; thence continuing along the stone wall North 30o07'30'' west, a distance of 375.25 feet; thence continuing along the stone wall North 30o09'00'' west, a distance of 269.95 feet; thence continuing along the stone wall North 30o45'30'' west, a distance of 155.01 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence turning and running along a stone wall South 77o46'40'' west, a distance of 85.77 feet; thence turning and continuing North 88o10'10'' west, a distance of 62.57 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence turning and running North 18o47'20'' west, a distance of 378.55 feet to a point in a stone wall; thence continuing North 02o28'20'' west, a distance of 52.64 feet to a point: thence continuing North 24°43~20'' west, a distance of 108.75 feet to a point on a stone wall; thence continuing North 32°44'10" west, a distance of 52.76 feet to a corner of a stone wall; thence turning and running South 59°32'40" west, a distance of 253.29 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence continuing South 60o33'00'' west, a distance of 143.36 feet to another drill hole ia a stone wall; thence turning and running South 77o19'00'' west, a distance of 55.28 feet to another drill hole in a wall: thence continuing South 73025'00'' west, a distance of 264.77 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence continuing South 76°41'00'' west, a distance of 81.65 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence continuing South 73o39'40'' west, a distance of 236.48 feet to a drill hole in corner of two stone walls; thence turning and running north 09o46'00'' west, a distance of 350.72 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 48o58'00'' west, a distance of 8.30 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 08o21'30'' west, a distance of 75.26 feet to a point: thence turning and running north 30o42'30'' east, a distance of 8.ll feet to a point~ thence turning and running north 09o33'00'' west, a distance of 238.39 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 02o39'40'' east, a distance of 422.42 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 08°12'20" west, a distance of 96.34 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 06010'20'' east, a distance of 65.01 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 38o40'02'' east, a distance of 540.98 feet to a point; thence turning and running south 51o59'45'' east, a distance of 200.57 feet to a Massachusetts highway bound; thence turning and running south 55017'29'' east, a distance of 520.00 feet to a point; thence turning and running south 28o29'00'' west, a distance of 99.81 feet to a point along a stone wall; thence turning and running south 09o26'30'' east, a distance of 10.31 feet to a point; thence turning and running south 34°42'30'' west, a distance of ~25 feet to a point; thence turning and running south 55°17'29" east, a distance of 202.38 feet to a point along a stone wall; thence running along a stone wall south 27o28'30'' east, a distance of 117.65 feet to a corner of 41 a ston~ wall; thence turning and running north 78o23'20'' east, a distance of 34.98 feet; thence turning and running north 45°13'00" east, a distance of 7.52 feet; thence turning and running north 23008'30'' east, a distance of 5.16 feet; thence turning and running south 78°56'30'' east, a distance of 162.75 feet; thence turning and running south 85°45'30'' east, a distance of 43.40 feet; thence turning and running north 84°01'10" east, a distance of 36.17 feet; thence turning and running north 74023'40'' east, a distance of 9.03 feet; thence turning and running north 63o40'50'' east, a distance of 149.25 feet to a point on Turnpike Street; (The last 8 courses have been along a stone wall.) thence turning and running south 55017'29'' east, a distance of 63.55 feet to a Mass. Highway bound which is the point of beginning. Petition of Edward W. Phelan and others NO~ECO~9~/~DATION Article 119. REZONI~PP~)PERTYALON~ T[JI~NPIKE ~TBRRT TO I-2. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaw by changing the zoning of the hereinafter described property from Residence Two (R-2) to Industrial Two (I-2) located on Turnpike Street, North Andover, Massachusetts bounded as follows: A certain parcel of land situated in North Andover, Essex North County, Massachusetts containing 63.2 acres of land, more or less, and it is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a Massachusetts highway bound Station 206+74.66 of Turnpike Street as laid out on the State Highway Maps of 1946: and running along a curve to the right, having a radius of 4760 feet; and an arc length of 86.45 feet; thence turning and running South 37o51'21'' west, a distance of 693.89 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 52°08'39'' east, a distance of 349.93 feet to a point: thence turning and running North 37o51'21'' east, a distance of 693.89 feet to a point; thence turning and running along a radius of 4760 feet and an arc length of 31.34 feet to a Mass. Highway Bound along Turnpike Street; thence turning and running south 49o39'38" east a distance of 675.29 feet to a point: thence turning and running South 8o45'00'' east, a distance of 37.40 feet to a point; thence turning and running South lO50'00'' east, a distance of 391.69 feet to a drill hole: thence running South l°32'30" east, a distance of 280.40 feet to another drill hole in a stone wall; thence turning and running South 2o03"00'' east, a distance of 142.73 feet to another drill hole in a stone wall; thence continuing South 03o35'00'' east, a distance of 250.20 feet to another drill hole at a corner of stone walls; thence turning and running South 48°18'40'west, a distance of 112.63 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 32°18'00" west, a distance of 42.52 feet to a point; thence turning and running South 38°53'20'' west, a distance of 86.82 feet to a drill hole in the stone wall; thence following 42 the stone wall and running South 72o19'20" west, a distance of 251.22 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence running along the stone wall North 31o48'50'' west, a distance of 432.56 feet; thence continuing along the stone wall North 30o07'30'' west, a distance of 375.25 feet; thence continuing along the stone wall North 30o09'00'' west, a distance of 269.95 feet; thence continuing along the stone wall North 30o45'30'' west, a distance of 155.01 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence turning and running along a stone wall South 77o46'40'' west, a distance of 85.77 feet; thence turning and continuing North 88o10'10'' west, a distance of 62.57 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence turning and running North 18o47'20'' west, a distance of 378.55 feet to a point in a stone wall: thence continuing North 02o28'20'' west, a distance of 52.64 feet to a point; thence continuing North 24o43'20'' west, a distance of 108.75 feet to a point on a stone wall: thence continuing North 32°44'10'' west, a distance of 52.76 feet to a corner of a stone wall; thence turning and running South 59032'40'' west, a distance of 253.29 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence continuing South 60o33'00'' west, a distance of 143.36 feet to another drill hole in a stone wall; thence turning and running South 77o19'00'' west, a distance of 55.28 feet to another drill hole in a wall; thence continuing South 73o25'00'' west, a distance of 264.77 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence continuing South 76o41'Q0" west, a distance of 81.65 feet to a drill hole in a stone wall; thence continuing South 73039'40" west, a distance of 236.48 feet to a drill hole in corner of two stone walls; thence turning and running north 09o46'00" west, a distance of 350.72 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 48o58'00'' west, a distance of 8.30 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 0~°21'30'' west, a distance of 75.26 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 30°42'30" east, a distance of 8.ll feet to a point; thence turning and running north 09o33'00'' west, a distance of 238.39 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 02°39'40'' east, a distance of 422.42 feet to a point: thence turning and running north 08o12'20'' west, a distance of 96.34 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 06010'20'' east, a distance of 65.01 feet to a point; thence turning and running north 38o40'02'' east, a distance of 540.98 feet to a point; thence turning and running south 51o59'45'' east, a distance of 200.57 feet to a Massachusetts highway bound; thence turning and running south 55°17'29'' east, a distance of 520.00 feet to a point: thence turning and running south 28o29'00'' west, a distance of 99.81 feet to a point along a stone wall; thence turning and running south 09°26'30" east, a distance of 10.31 feet to a point; thence turning and running south 34°42'30'' west, a distance of 125 feet to a point; thence turning and running south 55°17'29'' east, a distance of 202.38 feet to a point along a stone wall; thence running along a stone wall south 27°28'30" east, a distance of 117.65 feet to a corner of a stone wall; thence turning and running north 78o23'20'' east, a distance of 34.98 feet~ thence turning and running north 45o13'00'' east, a distance of 7.52 feet; thence turning and running north 23o08'30'' east, a distance of 5.16 feet; thence turning and running south 78°56'30" east, a distance of 162.75 43 feet; thence turning and running south 85o45'30'' east, a distance of 43.40 feet; thence turning and running north 84°01'10" east, a distance of 36.17 feet; thence turning and running north 74023'40'' east, a distance of 9.03 feet; thence turning and running north 63o40'50'' east, a distance of 149.25 feet to a point on Turnpike Street: (The last 8 courses have been along a stone wall.) thence turning and running south 55o17'29'' east, a distance of 63.55 feet to a Mass. Highway bound which is the point of beginning. Petition of Edward W. Phelan and others NO P~ECO~DATION Article 120. REZONING 1803 TURNPIKE STREET. To see if the Town will vote to change the zoning on the below described land from Residential 2 (R2) to Industrial S. (I.S.). A certain parcel of land with the buildings thereon shown as Lot B-2 on a plan entitled "Plan of Land located in North Andover, Mass. prepared for Guy N. Richards, .April 20, 1983, Scale 1"=80'", Cyr Engineering Services, Inc., recorded herewith and bounded and described as follows: (Plan #9138) NORTHEASTERLY: GENERALLY SOUTHERLY: GENERALLY SOUTHWESTERLY: GENERALLY WESTERLY and NORTHWESTERLY: by Salem Turnpike by two courses, one hundred forty-five and 66/100 (145.66) feet and seventy-four and 34.100 (74.34) feet, respectively; by remaining land of Richards, five hundred forty and 98/100 (540.98) feet; by two courses by land now or formerly of Carlton, one hundred forty-six and 63/100 (146.63) feet and ninety-nine and 34/100 (99.34) feet, respectively; by four courses, twenty-five and 95.100 (25.95} feet, twenty-six and 91.100 (26.91) feet, two hundred ninety-two and 15/100 (292.15) feet and eighty (80.00) feet, respectively. Said Lot contains 2.356 acres, more or less, according to said plan. Property address: 1803 Turnpike Street (Rte. 114). Petition of Peter G. Shaheen and others NO~ECOMM~NDATION 44 Article 121. REZONING 582 T~3RNPIKE STREET. To see if the Town will vote to include as Business 2 zone the residential 3 zoned lot with house thereon located at 582 Turnpike St, Rte. 114 and bounded as follows: Starting at the south westerly corner of property at an iron pipe thence running westerly by State Highway Rte. 114, Turnpike St. 78.31 feet to a Massachusetts Highway Bound thence still running north westerly by said Highway 240 feet to Hillside Rd.: thence turning and running by Hillside Rd. along a wall north easterly 325 feet; thence turning and running easterly by land N/F of Aziz 36.00 feet to a wall; thence turning and running south easterly along the wall by land N/F of Town of North Andover, by land N/F of Aziz, by land N/F of Houde 449 feet; thence turning and running southwesterly by land of N/F Gordon, Harrington, Osborn 161.28 feet to the point of beginning. Total of 75,554 s.f. of land. Petition of Louis J. Kmiec, Jr. and others NO RECO~DATION Article 122. REZONING TURNPIKE AFENUE. To see if the Town will vote to amend the zoning bylaws and zoning map to change the zone of the hereinafter described parcel from R2 to Business 2: The land together with the buildings thereon located in North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts beginning at a point in the westerly line of Turnpike Avenue, so-called, as laid out by Plan No. 1638 in the North Essex Registry of Deeds at the land, now or formerly, of John J. Callahan and thence running in a Southeasterly direction by the westerly bound of Turnpike Avenue three hundred (300.00) feet to a point; thence turning ninety (90.00') degrees and running Southwesterly two hundred sixty (260.00) feet to a point; thence turning ninety (90.00') degrees and running Northwesterly a distance to the stone wall at the land of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; thence turning and running by the stone wall in several courses to the rear lot line of land, now or formerly, owned by the Cyr Oil Company, thence turning and running Southwesterly by the rear lot lines of the Cyr Oil Company and the land of John J. Callahan first mentioned to the corner of said Callahan lot; thence by the side line of the said Callahan lot to the point of beginning. Included in this change of zoning is that portion of Turnpike Avenue so-called lying immediately in front of the parcel to the center line of Turnpike Avenue. Petition of John J. Brodbine and others NO I~ECOM~k~DA?ION 45 Article 123. REZONING TURNPIKE S?REET. To see if the Town will vote to amend the zoning bylaws and zoning map to change the zone of the hereinafter described parcel of land from R2 to Industrial 1: A certain Parcel of land situated in North Andover, in the County of Essex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, on the Westerly side of the Salem Turnpike, being a small garden plot situated and lying between the so-called Salem Turnpike and an old road Southerly of the dwelling house once owned by the late Peter Town, and containing about 1/8 of an acre, more or less, and enclosed by a stone wall. The old road above mentioned runs along land owned by A. H. Farnham, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the grantee. A certain tract of Pasture and orchard land, situated in North Andover, in said County of Essex, known as the "South Field" and containing four 13.16 (4 13/16) acres more or less and is enclosed by a stone wall, bounded: On the north by land belonging to Samuel E. Berry, now or formerly, and on the other three sides by land of George A. Rea, now or formerly. A certain parcel of land with the buildings thereon, situated in North Andover, Essex County, Massachusetts on the easterly side of the Old Salem Turnpike, BOUNDED and described as follows: Northerly by land now or late of Holt Farnham: Easterly and Southerly by land now or late of William Beck; Westerly by the said Turnpike; containing about two acres more or less, and Also a tract of woodland containing about forty-two acres, more or less, situated on the Westerly side of the Salem Turnpike, bounded, Northerly by a wall by common land: Westerly by land now or late of Samuel D. Berry, Charles A. Berry, and Mary A. Berry and others; Southerly and Southeasterly by land of Abbott Town and said Samuel D. Berry, Charles A. Berry, and Mary A. Berry Included in this parcel are those portions of Towne Road, so-called, contained within the perimeter of the described parcel and that portion of Turnpike Avenue upon which the parcel fronts to the center line of Turnpike Avenue. Excluded in this rezoning is the property described in Article 122, of the 1985 Town Warrant published herewith, and also that property described in a deed from Abseb Realty Trust, John J. Brodbine, Trustee dated February 6, 1970, and recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds, Book 1148, Page 568, lying on the easterly side of Turnpike Avenue. Petition of John J. Brodbine and others NO HECO~ATION 46 Article 124. REZONING 424 ANDOVER $?REET. To see if the Town will vote to amend the zoning bylaws and zoning map to change the zone of the hereinafter described parcel form R-4 to B-1. NORTHWESTERLY: SOUTHWESTERLY: SOUTHEASTERLY: NORTHEASTERLY: by said Andover'Street, 102.08 feet; by Highland Terrace as shown on said plan 89.95 feet; by Lot ~11 a shown on said plan 100 feet; and by part of lot numbered 19 and by lot numbered 20 as shown on said plan 110 feet, more or less. Said parcel further described as 424 Andover Street. Petition of Benjamin C. Osgood and others NO RECOMMENDATION Article 125. [{EZONING FIRST STREET. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning Bylaws and zoning map, rezoning the within described parcel from R-4 district to a general business district. Also included in this change of zone is that portion of the street lying immediately in front of the within described parcel to the center line of the way. A certain parcel of land situated on the northwesterly side of First Street, bounded and described as follows: The land with the buildings thereon on the street laid out westerly from the road leading from the house formerly of George Hodges, deceased, now called First Street, to the Merrimack River bounded and described: Commencing on said street at the southeasterly corner of land now or formerly of Horatio B. Ellis; thence by said street south 60© west 61 feet more or less to a corner at land now or formerly of M. Phalen; thence by said Phalen's land north 30° west 149 feet to a corner at land now or formerly of John Town; thence by said Town's land north 71°east 78 feet to the northeasterly corner of said lot and thence by said land now or formerly of Horatio B. Ellis south 24© east 137 1/2 feet to the first named corner. Containing in all 9,948 square feet more or less. Being the same premises conveyed to Thomas F. McCarty, Jr. and Patricia A. McCarty by deed of Thomas S. Laorenza and Geraldine T. Laorenza and Agatha Perry dated September 18, 1980, and recorded at North Essex Registry of Deeds at Book 1455, Page 165. Petition of Thomas F. McCarty, Jr., Patricia A. McCarty and others NO RECOMMENDATION 47 Article 126. ~EZONING CHICKERING ROAD AT R~SSELL STREET. To see if the Town will change the zoning on a parcel of land owned by William Connery located at the intersection of Chickering Road and Russell Street from Residential 4 (R-4) to Business 4 (B-4). Said parcel is bounded by Russell Street 103.55 feet, Chickering Road 159.4 feet by land now or formerly of Kurychi 20.51 feet and 100.47 feet and consists of 6,100 square feet. Said parcel is more particularly described as fol lows: A certain tract of land with the buildings thereon situated in North Andover, Essex County, MA. being lots numbered sixty (60) and sixty-one (61) as shown on plan of lots owned by George Russell, Esq., dated July 1900, and recorded with Essex North District Registry of Deeds as Plan No. 0262. Reference is also hereby more specifically made to a more recent Plan recorded at said Registry of Deeds and known as Plan %5515 entitled "Plan showing land of Samuel J. Durso, North Andover, Mass., March 1964", said lots begin more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point marked IP on said Plan No. 5515, thence running in an Easterly direction along land now or formerly of one Kurychi to Chickering Road 20.51 feet; thence turning and running along said Chickering Road in a Northerly direction 159.14 feet more or less; thence turning and running in a Westerly direction along Russell Street 103.55 feet more or less; and thence turning and running in a Southerly direction along other land of said Kurychi 100.47 feet to the point of beginning. All of the boundaries herein described are as shown on said Plan No. 5515. Address of 532-534 Chickering Road. Petition of Giana M. Lauretani and others NO HECOMMENDATION Article 127. ~EZONING ANDOV~R BYPASS. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning Bylaw by changing the zoning map of the Town from R-2 to I-1 for the hereinafter described parcel of land. That portion of parcel 33 on the current North Andover Assessors Map 25 which is Southerly of the present zoning line. Said parcel in its entirety is shown to contain 10.71 acres according to said Assessors map and is generally bounded and described according to said Assessors map as follows: EASTERLY and SOUTHERLY by land now or formerly of Commador COrporation; WESTERLY by land now or formerly of Trustees of Reservations; NORTHERLY by land now or formerly of 114 Associates Realty Trust; 48 See Deed recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds Book 1523, Page 96. Petition of Robert Webster and others NO P. ECOMMENDA?ION Article 128. REZONING ANDOVER BYPASS. To-see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning Bylaw by changing the zoning map of the Town from R-2 to I-1 for the hereinafter described parcel of land. That portion of parcel 54 on the current North Andover Assessors Map 25 which is Southerly of the present zoning line. Said parcel in its entirety is shown to contain 15.43 acres according to said Assessors Map and is generally bounded and described according to said Assessors Map as follows: EASTERLY by land now or formerly of Capricorn Corporation and Trustees of Reservations; SOUTHERLY by land now or formerly of Trustees of Reservations; WESTERLY by land now or formerly of Trustees of Reservations and Citation Realty Trust; and NORTHERLY by land now or formerly of 114 Associates Realty Trust; See Deed recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds Book 1520, Page 200. Petition of Robert Webster and others NO RECOMMENDATION Article 129. REZONING FLAGSHIP DRIVE - LOT U. To see if the Town will vote to amend its Zoning Bylaw by changing the zoning map of the Town from R-2 to I-1 for the hereinafter described parcel of land. That portion of parcel 84 on the current North Andover Assessors Map 107C which is Southerly of the present zoning line. Said parcel in its entirety is shown to contain 4.80 acres according to said Assessors Map and is generally bounded and described according to said Assessors Map as follows: EASTERLY by land now or formerly of ARC Corporation; SOUTHERLY by land now or formerly of the Trustees of Reservations; WESTERLY by land now or formerly of Commador Corporation; and 49 NORTHERLY by Lot U on said Assessors Map; See deed recorded in the North Essex Registry of Deeds Book 1509, Page 143. Petition of Robert Webster and others ~O~ECO~ENDATION TOWN FINANCES (130-133) ARTICLE 130. RESERVE FUND. TO SEE IF THE TOWN WILL VOTE TO RAISE And appropriate the sum of $250,000 to establish a Reserve Fund in accordance with Section 6 of Chapter ~ of the General Laws, to provide for extraordinary or unforeseen expenditures which may arise during ~ Petition of the Selectmen ,~ RECOMMRNDATION: To be made at Town Meeti ~9 ~*' ~ ~ Article 131 STABILIZATION FUND. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $200,000 for the Stabilization Fund, in accordance with Section 5B of Chapter 40 of the General Laws, from which appropriations may be made by a two-thirds vote of an annual town meeting for any purpose for which a municipality may borrow money or for any other municipal purpose approved by the Sate Emergency Finance Board. ?: Petition of the Selectmen RELATION: To be made at Town Meeting Axbicle 132. FUNDS TO ~ED~3CE THE TAX RATE. To see if the Town will vote to take the sum of $~¢,~',~U from available funds for the purpose of reducing the property tax rate. Petition of the Selectmen RECO~r.~DATION: That the Town vote to take the sum of $ ~,~ from Available Funds for the purpose of reducing the tax rate. 50¸ Article 133. FEDERAL I~EV~NUE SHARIN(~. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $330,000 from federal revenue sharing funds fo~ the purpose of reducing the amount of funds to be raised for the following budgets: (1) Fire Department Salaries, $165,000: and (2) Police Department Salaries, $165,000. Petition of the Selectmen RECOMMENDATION: That the Town vote to appropriate from Revenue Sharing Funds the sum of $330,000 for the purpose of this article and to reduce the amount of funds raised for the following budgets: Fire Dept. Salaries $165,000 Police Dept. Salaries $165,000 And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at the Town Office Building and at five or more public places in each voting precinct in the Town. Said copies to be posted not less than seven days before the time of said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachusetts, this Eighteenth day of March, Nineteen Hundred and Eighty-five. CHRISTINE M. SMITH JOHN W. GRAHAM CHARLES A. SALISBURY KENNETH C. CROUCH RAMSE¥ A. BAHRAWY Selectmen of North Andover ATTEST ............................................. CONSTABLE North Andover, MA April 3, 1985 ATTEST: A true copy DANIEL LONG: Town Clerk 51