HomeMy WebLinkAbout1954 ADVISORY BOARDADVISORY BOARD R£PORT Norl:h Andover, Massachuse'd:s Town of North Andover ADVISORY BOARD REPORT 1954 ATTEND TOWN MEETING MARCH 13. 19S4 Your vote is only good at TOWN MEETING PLEASE BRING THIS REPORT TO TOWN MEETING FOR USE IN FOLLOWING THE PROCEEDINGS. CONTENTS -- Introductory Remarks ..................... Page 1 Increasing To~vn Taxes .................... Page 1 Funds for School Building Program ........... Page 2 Salary Increase -- School Department .... Page 2 Salary Increases -- Other To~vn Employees .... Page 3 Real Estate Devel~pn~,ent Rules and Regulations Page 3 ?~ecomrnendations Con(~e~'ning Zoning Problems Page 4 The 1954 Tax Rate ..................... Page 5 Tally Sheet ............................ Pages 7-9 Articles and Recommendations ................. Page l0 Proposed Budget Items ............... Pages 12-17 Special To~vn Meeting -- W~arrant ............ Page 43 PLEASE PRESERVE THIS REPORT FOR USE AT THE TOWN MEETING. Report of the North Andover Advisory Board TO THE CITIZENS OF NORTH ANDOVER: After careful investigation or budget and special ap- propriation requests, your Advisory Board respectfully submits its annual report with recommendations on the Articles in the Warrant upon which action must be taken by the voters on March 13, 1954, at the Annual Town Meeting. In addition, there are recommendations for the special Town Meeting called for the same date. The conclusions of your Advisory Board have been reached after lengthy deliberation with a view to pro- viding funds to operate the Town's services efficiently and economically. Of course, each voter should realize that it is his vote at the Town Meeting which will determine, in large measure, the tax rate for the coming year. Each time the sum of $12,500 is appropriated it means that $l.O0 has been added to the tax rate. INCREASING TOWlg TAXES This year the Town faces heavier demands for money. An increase in population has resulted in the need for services greater than we have known in the past; and the advent of a new industry in the Town has implica- tions both for expenditures and tax receipts which are not yet fully apparent. It is your Advisory Board's opinion that we should exercise great care in balancing the speed with which we appropriate tax dollars against the speed with which new revenue is found. To anticipate that the Town is on the verge of receiving large amounts of money from ne~v construction of any type and therefore to ap- propriate without restraint to secure improvements in 1 the Toxvn (no matter how worthy) would be foolhardy, for while a slowly rising tax rate may be tolerated, it is certain that a marked advance would be a heavy burden to all taxpayers. FUNDS FOR SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM Last year's Advisory Board Report pointed out that the net cost to the Town in 1954 for the school building program would be $115,216.00, which represents $7.20 on the tax rate. In 1955 this will rise to $123,830.00, or $7.80 on the tax rate. This expenditure, which has been anticipated for several years, has serious impact on the manner in which other portions of the Town's tax dollar must be spent. SALARY INCREASE- SCHOOL DEPARTMENT On December 10, 1953, the School Committee voted unanimously to adjust salaries upward in accordance with a schedule to be found in the minutes of their meeting, subject, however, to the approval of the Annual Town Meeting. Subsequent to this vote, the School Committee voted, again unanimously, to adopt a budget including the amount of money necessary to finance the salary increases. It is your Advisory Board's opinion, based on the case of O'Brien vs Pittsfield (1944), that the action taken by the Sch(~ol Committee in adopting a budget including funds for salary increases is final. In the Pittsfield case the courts ruled that the power to elect and contract with the teachers of the public schools includes by im- plication the power to determine their salaries and that that power is vested solely and absolutely in the School Committee. That power is one that the committee cannot delegate lawfully -- any attempt by the committee to delegate this power would have been void. To deny a salary increase already approved by the School Committee in its budget might well result in a law suit against the Town with a court decision direct- ing the Town to raise and appropriate the required funds and possibly penalizing the Town for having failed to appropriate the amount requested in the first instance. The above expenditures have had a heavy bearing this year on the recommendations of your Advisory Board in other matters in the Warrant. 2 SALARY INCREASES m TOWN EMPLOYEES OTHER THAN THOSE IN THE SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Your Advisory Board has recommended an increase of $150.00 a year to each regular full~tim'e employee of the Town, other than employees of the School Department. This recommendation is a compromise bet~veen a recog- nized need for wage increases in view of the fact that town employees have had no increases since 1950, during which time cost-of-living indices have risen considerably, and an understanding of business conditions in the gen- eral area. SEWER ASSESSMENTS Your Advisory Board has recommended to the Board of Public Works that the 1906 Act under which assess- ments for installation of sewers are made, be changed by substituting the assessment provisions of Chapter 83 of the General Laws. Under the 1906 Act, an assessment is made against a house lot when a sewer is laid in the street. However, the Town collects no revenue from this lot until such time as a home is built and a server con- nection made. In many cases this may not be for many years, and as the years pass by without any building on the lot the Town loses the revenue represented by interest charges against the original sewer assess- ment. Under Chapter 83 of the General Laws the assess- ment is immediately due and payable. EVen if the lot owner requests and receives a deferrment of the entire payment (and this can be strictly controlled) he woukl be charged 4% interest per year on the money owed to the Town for this improvement. At the time the sewer connection was made the entire assessment would be collected. To rectify the condition which now exists, your Ad- visory Board recommends that the Board of Public Works sponsors in the State Legislature a bill which will permit the Town to use Chapter 83 of the General Laws in place of the Act of 1906. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT It is recommended by your Advisory Board that the Planning Board draw up rules and regulations requiring 3 sub-dividers and developers to install utilities, such as sewer, water, drainage and street surfacing, at their own expense and to submit a bond guaranteeing this action. In recent years the Town has been plagued by the problen~ of r~aking improvements which benefit a sub- divider or developer. Most progressive communities re- quire any sub-divider or developer to install his own utilities rather than ask that the public treasury sub- sidize his business venture. Until such a course is adopted in i~orth Andover, there will always be areas which will cause controversy. We can think of no more pressing need than a firm policy regarding the development of any new streets or areas in the Town. Inasmuch as the Planning Board has the authority and responsibility for this type of regulation, it is strongly recommended by your Advisory Board that the Planning Board be in- structed to study and submit recommendations, without delay, for regulations which will clear up the problem of new developments in the Town. R~-COMMENDATIONS ~ON~ERNING ~URRENT ZONING PROBLEMS In the regular Warrant and at the Special Town Meet- ing called for the same day as the Annual Town Meeting the voters are asked to consider several Articles dealing with re-zoning. Your Advisory Board has recommended unfavorable action on all re-zoning Articles because it is felt that an over-all zoning plan must be promulgated and adopted in order to bring order out of the zoning chaos which no~v exists and avoid the obvious evils which prevail when anything approaching "spot zoning" is allowed to dominate a growing township such as North Andover. Again, as in the case of real estate development, the Planning Board has the responsibility for producing equitable rules and regulations to govern these matters. 4 TH£ 1954 TAX RATE Voted Recommended Increase 1953 1954 (Decrease) Effect on Tax Rate Budget $838,119 $959,127 $121,008 $9.30 increase Articles 210,130 120,440 (89,690) 6.90 decrease Total $1,048,249 $1,079,567 $31,318 $2.40 increase From Free Cash $159,800 $116,220 $43,580 $3.35 increase To be Raised by Taxation $888,449 $963,347 $74,898 $5.75 increase TRANSFERS FROM RESERVE FUND DURING 1953 Approved by your Advisory Board under Chapter 40, Section 6, of the General Laws: Selectmen's Expenses .................... $ 50.00 Fire Expenses .......................... 600.00 Board of Appeals Expenses ............... 150.00 Forest Fires Expenses .................. 300.00 Expenses of Closing Old Perry Street Dump 500.00 Road Construction New Dump Site ...... 1,000.00 Excavating Trenches New Dump Site .... 1,200.00 Advisory Board Expenses .............. 150.00 Interest on High School Bond Issue -- Due December 1, 1953 ............. 700.00 Rent Control Board Expenses .............. 450.00 Bathing Beach Tags ..................... 150.00 Tree Dept. New Spraying Machine ....... 300.00 Balance of Account Returned to Treasury__ Amount of Original Appropriation ........ 5 $5,550.00 $1,450.00 $7,000.00 -- CONCLUSION -- Your Advisory Board has fully investigated and dis- cussed ail of the recommendations hereinafter made. It has visited and viewed ail of the areas mentioned in special Articles and has satisfied itself that its recommen- dations are justified by the information which it has gathered. The thanks of your Board are extended to the many Town Officers who have been called upon for assistance and information during the past two months. In every instance all of the officers and consultants have been most co-operative and helpful at ali times. Respectfully submitted, North Andover Advisory Board John E. Coughlin, Chairman Harvey J. Lebow Turner A. Bridges Thomas H. Wilkinson Hugh A. McClung James H. Dewhirst John E. Hanson YOUR TALLY SHEET -- for ARTICLES REQUESTING FUNDS REMEMBER: Each time thc Town votes to raise and appropriate approximately $12,500.00 means an increase of $4.00 in your tax rate (per 1,000.00 of assessed valuation). ticleNo. Dc-~cription of Article E ~ ,~re'~ 10 Decennial Census for 1955 $ 500. Yes ....... 11 Disposal of Center School 2,000. Yes ...... 12 Police Department Bill Con- tracted 1948 250. Yes ...... 13 Completion of Town History 13,000. Yes ...... 113 Removal of Stone Wall corner Middlesex and Greene Sts. 1t30. No ...... 18 Town Building Roof 1,000. Yes ...... 1D Policeman at Bathing Beach 400. Yes 20 Playground Instructor and Superintendent 1,250. Yes ...... 21 Playground Supplies 500. Yes ...... 22 Playground Equipment 250. 150 ....... 23 Castle Tower at Waverley Playground 225. Yes ...... 24 Banking and Flooding Skating Rinks 200. No ...... 25 Repairs at To~vn Infirmary 1,000. Yes ...... 26 Salary Increase Town Employees 18,000. 9,000 ....... 27 Moth Department Truck and Winch 3,500? Yes ...... 28 Power Chain Saw -- Moth Department 500. Yes ...... 29 Power Brush Cutter -- Moth Department 300. Yes 30 Increase in Po]ice Department Personnel 7,445? Yes 7 31 Two New Poli~e Cruisers 2,495? 32 Chapter 90 Highway Construction' 7,500.* 33 Chapter 90 Highway Maintenance 2,000? 34 One Thousand Feet Fire Hose 1,6407 35 Fire Department Hose Drier 700. 36 One Thousand Feet Forestry Hose 700? 42 Tractor and Loader ---Highway Department 3,500. 44 45 48 49 5O 51 52 Painting and Replacing Street Signs 200. Greene Street Storm Drain 9,4107 Sidewalk Project 2,000. Highway Department Dump Truck 5,8003 Disposal Site Ditches 1,000. Baldwin Street Surface Drain 7,355. Bulldozer Shelter at Disposal Site 500. Road Construction on Beacon Hill Boulevard 1,100. 55 Care of School Grounds 8,000. 56 Equipment Storage Building at New High School 7,0007 57 New Float at Bathing Beach 1,000. 58 Continuation of Fluoridation Program 1,000. 59 New Coupe -- Public Works 1,5007 60 Gang Mower, Tractor and Roller for Care of Grounds 4,200.* 61 Clean and Cement Water Mains 15,000. 63 Connection of Lincoln and Russell Streets Surface Drain 1,485. 64 Extend Drainage on West Brad- street Road 3,060.* 65 Extend Sewer on West Brad- street Road 2,500.~ 66 Extend Water on West Brad- street Road 2,0007 8 1,860 ....... Yes ...... Yes ...... Yes No ...... Yes ...... Yes ...... 4,200 ....... Yes ...... 5,000 ....... Yes ...... No ...... Yes Yes ...... Yes ...... Yes ...... Yes ...... Yes ...... Yes ...... 67 Extend Drainage on Wentworth Avenue 68 Extend Sewer System on Went- worth Avenue 69 Extend Water System on Went- worth Avenue 70 Extend Drainage and Construct Road on Douglas Road 71 Extend Sewer on Douglas Road 72 Extend Water on Douglas Road 73 Extend Drainage and Improve Road on Woodbridge Road 74 Extend Sewer System on Wood- bridge Road 75 Extend Drainage and Improve Road on Mifflin Drive 76 Extend Sewer on Mifflin Drive 77 Extend Water on Mifflin Drive 78 Extend Sewer on Linden Avenue 79 Extend Water on Linden Avenue 3,150. No ...... 1,700. No ...... 1,500. No ...... 1,285. No ...... 800. No ...... 560. No ...... 5,040.* Yes ...... 2,700? Yes ...... 14,090.* Yes ...... 4,000.* Yes ...... 2,600.* Yes ...... 750. No 800. No _ ..... 80 Extend Water from Dufton Court on Chickering Road 2,000. No 81 Extend Water on Wright Avenue 1,850. No ...... $2 Extend Water on Putnam Road 700.* Yes ...... 83 Extend Water on Cotuit Street 800. No 84 Amend Zoning By-Law No 85 Amend Zoning By-Law No ...... 86 Amend Zoning By-Law No ...... 87 Amend Zoning By-Law No ...... 88 Amend Zoning By-Law No ...... On these Articles your Advisory Board is recom- mending that the money be transfered from available funds in the Town Treasury. RECOMMENDATIONS AS TO ARTICLES IN TH£ TOWN MEETING WARRANT TI-I£ 1954 ANNUAL TOWN MKETING ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator, Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, Three Selectmen, three members of the Board of Public Welfare for one year; one Assessor of Taxes, two members of the School Committee, one member of the Board of Health, one member of the Board of Public Works for three years, a Highway Surveyor, a Collector of Taxes, a Tree Warden, five Constables for one year, a member of the Planning Board for five years, one member of the Planning Board for the unexpired term of three years, and one member of the Housing Authority for five years. QUESTION: Shall an Act passed by the General Court in the year nineteen hundred fifty-four en- titled "An Act increasing the powers and duties of the Board of Public Works of the Town of North Andover", be accepted? All to be voted upon one ballot. The polls shall open at nine o'clock A. M. and shall be closed at eight o'clock P.M. After final action on the preceding Article One, the said meeting shall stand adjourned by virtue of Section 4, Article One of the Town By-Laws, to Saturday, March 13, 1954, at one-thirty o'clock P. M. in the Town Hall, then and there to act on the fololwing articles:-- ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by ballot. Recommended that this be referred to the Selectmen for action. ARTICI,E 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of receipts and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen. Recommended that the report be accepted. 10 ARTICLE 4. To see what action the Town will take as to its unexpended appropriations. Recommended that all unexpended appropriations be returned to the Treasury.. with the exception of the fol- lowing amounts as of ~anuary 1, 1954, which were orig- inarly appropriated under the Articles 'indicated: Article 1, 1953 Special Town Meeting $ 18,000,00 Article 11, 1952 Sealer Weights and Measures (3 Wts.& Glass Containers) 35.12 Article 41, 1953 Chapter 90 G. L. Highway Construction 3,823.99 Article 72, 1950 Kittredge School--Fence, etc. 268.83 Article 19, 1952 New High School 811,399.71 Article 29, 1953 Stevens Memorial Library Repairs Outside 2,000.00 Article 30, 1953 Stevens Memorial Library Repairs Inside 335.70 Article 18, 1951 Civil Defense 866.70 Article 13, 1953 Continuance of Town History 620.51 /(rticle 62, 1953 Extension of Water Mains 745.70 Article 64, 1953 Reserve for Appropriation from Stabilization Fund Excavating Trenches at New Dump Site 9,000.00 748.70 TOTAL $847,844,96 ARTICLE 5. To see what action the Town will take as to the recommendations of the Advisory Board. Recommended that each item of the proposed budget be considered separately. (See following page) 11 0 u O0 oo L~ l'-- ~q o o o o LU ~ ~ o o oo L~ ["- 0 ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vote to author- ize the Town Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning January 1, 1955, and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter 44, General Laws. Favorable action recommended. ARTICLE 7. To consider the report of all special committees. Recommended that the reports of ali special committees be heard. ARTICLE 8. To see of the Town will vote to author- ize the Board of Health to appoint one of their members to the position of Board of Health physician and to fix his compensation in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Favorable action recommended on the basis of com- pensation in the omount of $750.00 for the year 1954. This amount has been included in the Board of Health Budget recommended by your Advisory Board. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to author- ize the School Com~nittee to appoint one of its members to the position of School physician and to fix bis compen- sation in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter 41, Gen- eral Laws. Favorable action recommended on the basis of com- pensation in the amount of $1.000.00 for the year of 1954. This amount has been included in the School Department Budget. ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for the purpose of taking the Decennial Census for 1955 as required by law. Petition of the Board of Selectmen Favorable action that the sum of Five and appropriated for recommended~ It is recommended Hundred Dollars ($500.00) be raised the purpose,of this Article. ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) to pay for the cost of disposing and removing from the land upon which it is located, ~the building known as the Center School, upon such terms and con- ditions as the Board of Selectmelq may determine. Petition of the Board of Selectmen Favorable action recommended. It is recommended Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) be raised and appro- priated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 12. To see if the To~vn will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) for the purpose of paying a bill deemed to be due, after investigation, to the Harvey Radio Corporation ~or materials and services provided to the Police De- partment in 1948, the Board of Selectmen being of the unanimous conclusion that non-payment of this bill in the year in which the services and materials were pro- vided was due to a confugion existing between the Harvey Radio Corporation and the Police Depm~tment, due to a notation on the Harvey Radio Corporation statement as "final bill". Petition of the Board of Selectmen Favorable action recomme,nded. It is recommended that the sum ot $250.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town Will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) to be expended by the Board of Selectmen in fhe completion of.writing and publishing the history of the Town of North Andover. Petition of the Board of Selectmen Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $6,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. AI~TICLE 14. To see if the Town will vote to accept Phillips Court as a public way from Osgood Street to 19 Pleasant Street as shown on the plan approved by the Planning Board under date of December 7, 1953, and filed in the office of the Town Clerk. Petition of the Board of Selectmen Favorable action recommended. The acceptance of this road as a public way was adjudicated by the Board of Selectmen on January 18, 1954. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to accept a strip of land, at the request of Kasper Kasperian, at the corner of Middlesex and Greene Streets to eliminate a very dangerous corner, with the provision that the Town will remove the section of stone wall bordering said land, said land described as follows: Beginning at a bound marking the intersection of the westerly line of Greene Street with the northerly line of Middlesex Street; thence northwesterly, by the northerly line of Middlesex Street, 18 feet to a point; thence southm erly, easterly and northerly, by a curve of 10.42 feet radius, 21.43 feet to a point in the westerly line of Greene Street; thence southerly, by the westerly line of Greene Street, 18 feet to the point of beginning, containing 74 square feet, m~re or less. Petition of the Board of Selectmen Favorable action recommended. ARTICLE 1.6. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Sixty Dollars ($160.00) to pay for the cost of removing stonewall re- ferred to in Article 15. Petition of the Board of Selectmen Unfavorable action recommended. It is felt by your Advisory Board that the work of removing this small wall can be taken care of by the Highway Surveyor within his regular budget. ARTICLE ]7. To see if the Town will vote to accept the extension of Heath Road running west and north from Johnson Street to its intersection with Sutton HilI Road 475 feet; thence Sutton Hill Road westerly and southerly 1,200 feet to the southerly boundary of land now or formerly owned by Frances S. Barrows, as shown, on the plan filed 20 in the Town Clerk's Office; the whole said distance to be known as Sutton Hill Road. Petition of the Board of Selectmen Favorable action recommended. The acceptance of this road as a public way was adjudicated by the Board of Selectmen on February 8, 1954. ARTICLE 18. To see if the T(~wn will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of One 'Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for the purpose of putting a new roof on the Town Building and recaulking certain ~vindows in the building to correct a condition caused by leaks under the windows. Petition of Lillian B. Dearden and others Favorable action recommended. It is recommended $10000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) for the services of a policeman at the Bathing Beach four hours daily, eight hours Saturdays and Sundays for a ten- week period, to enforce the parking iim~ted to North Andover residents; this figure to include the cost of car stickers to be issued by said policeman. Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational Council. Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $400.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article in order to assure that North Andover residents may receive proper protection and the full benefits of this bathing beach, ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Twelve Hundred Fifty Dollarg ($1,250.00) for six playground instructors and a supervi- sor for an eight-week period. Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational Council. Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that 21 $1,250.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for playground supplies, this amount to include expenses of pre-playground ~vorkshops and special trips for the play- ground children. Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational Council. Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $500.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) for the purpose of building boxes for horseshoe courts, building an additional sand box and furnishing one new extra heavy duty work table for various playgrounds. Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational Council. It is recommended that the sum o~ $15O.~]fl',be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this ~'excluding the building of boxes for horseshoe courts. ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Two Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars ($225.00) to furnish and install Castle Tower (junglegym) American No. DCT 7' 9" high, 13' overall diameter at Waverly Playground. Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational Council. Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $225.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for banking and flooding skating rinks. 22 Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational Council Unfavorable action recommended. It is the opinion of your Advisory Board that the maintenance of ice is at best a laborious and costly venture, made more hazardous by the uncertainties of this climate. A skating rink must be carefully policed and supervised, and the labor required for the removal of. snow and scraping after hard use is more than most people realize. Taking all factors into consideration, your Advisory Board considers this project impractical. ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town ~vill vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to make necessary repairs at the Town Infirmary. Petition of the Board of Public Welfare Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $1,080.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ~ ARTICLE 26. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money for the sal- aries and wages in each Town Department, to grant a Three Hundred I)o]lar ($300.00) increase to all full-time employees. Petition of George A. Carey and others It is recommended that the sum of $9,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of granting a $150.00 increase in the salaries or wages of all full-time employees of the Town, exclusive of school personnel. (For explana- tion see preamble section of this report.) ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of Thirty-Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500.00) to be used with the present ]946 truck, to purchase a new two- ton truck with a winch attached, all equipped. Petition of John J. Connors, Moth Supt. Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $3,580.00 be taken from available funds in the, 23 Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article. This equip- ment is needed to help cope with the heavy incidence of Dutch Elm disease. ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for the purpose of a power chain saw. Petition of John J. Connors, Moth Supt. Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $500.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for the purchase of a Power Brush Cutter. Petition of John J. Connors, Moth Supt. Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $300.00 be raised and appropriated for the pur- pose of this Article. ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Seven Thousand Four Hun- dred Forty-Five Dollars ($7,445.00) to be added to the Police Department appropriation to provide for the ap- pointment of three competent and qualified men, under Civil Service Rules, to be regular patrolmen. Petition of Alfred H. McKee It is recommended that the sum of S7,445.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to provide for the appointment of three regular patrolmen. ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of Twenty-Four Hundred Ninety-Five Dollars ($2,495.00) for the purchase of two new police cruisers, $635.00 to be used with the present police car and $1,860.00 to be used for the purchase of the other car, and that the Chief call for bids. Petition of Alfred H. McKee t ~' ~.-~.~' "; 24 It is recommended that the sum of $1,860.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury for the pur- chase of one new police cruiser. Your Advisory Board feels that the present one.year.old police car can be retained for use as the spare cruiser. ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from unappropriated avail- able funds in the Town Treasury, a sum of money for Chapter 90 Highway Construction, or take any action in relation thereto. Petition of James J. Maker, Treasurer It is recommended that the sum of $7.500.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to meet the Town's share of the cost of Chapter 90 Highway Con- struction, and that in addition, the sum of $22,5fl0.00 be transferred from unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury to meet the State and County shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursement from. the State and County to be restored upon their receipt to unappro- priated available funds in the Treasury. ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from unappropriated avail- ab]e funds in the Town Treasury, a sum~ of money for Chapter 90 Highway Maintenance, or take any action in relation thereto. Petition of James J. Maker, Treasurer It is recommended that the sum of $2°000.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury for the pur- pose of this Article. to be expended by the Highway Surveyor under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, together with any money which may be allotted for such put- posses by the State or County or both. ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Sixteen Hundred Forty Dol- lars ($1,640.00) to purchase One Thousand (1,000) feet of 2½ inch hose for the Fire Department. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $1,640.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars ($700.00) to purchase a (Circul Air) Hose Dryer for the Fire Department. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board 'feels that the need for this equipment has not been de- monstrated. ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars ($700.00) to purchase One Thousand (1,000) feet of for- estry hose. Petition of the Forest Warden Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $700.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article. '/f_ ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to allow /the Assessors to close their office on Saturday mornings f and keep.open on Wednesday afternoons instead. Chapter 265, Acts of 1947. Petition of the Board of Assessors Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board feels that this matter could be more properly arranged if a uniform schedule of office hours for all town offices were to be pzesented. ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to use Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) of available ~unds for the reduction of the 1954 tax rate. Petition of the Board of Assessors Favorable action recommended. ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will vote to adopt as revised by-laws of the Town of North Andover, the proposed by-laws as printed in the Annual Town Report' of 1948, as prepared by a committee appointed under authority of the vote of the town meeting on Article 14 of the Annual Town Meeting of 1947. 26 Petition of R. George Caron and others Unfavorable action recommended. The proposed revised by-laws are now six years old and may not meet our present needs, particularly in the case of zoning regula- tions included in the by-laws. It is the further opinion of your Advisory Board that there is inadequate information on hand at this time for the voters to consider this Article. Additional study by a competent committee should be undertaken before the revised by-la~vs should be presented to the Town for adoption. ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Laws of the Town of North Andover by adding the words "or mote]" to Item B of Section 1, of Article II of said by-laws so that Item B, Section 1, Article II will read as follows: The taking of boarders, or the ]easing of rooms by a family residing on the pre- mises, providing there is no sign or display to advertise such use, but it is not permissible to construct or operate overnight camps or motels. Petition of Robert P. Dulude and others Favorable action recommended. ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Chapter 488 of the Acts of 1952, the following Section III-H notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the contrary, any police officer of a city or toxvn who is required to perform any service beyond his regular established hours of service -- Primary Day, Election Day or at any parade or race or at any public celebration or while police listing, shall be compensated for such additional hours of service at the rate per hour of his regular compensation. This section shall take effect in the Town by a majority vote at an Annual Town Meeting. Petition of Philip Sutcliffe and others ~'~! Unfavorable action recommended. It is the opinion of your Advisory Board that this added expenditure of funds is unwarranted at this time, in view of the previous recom- mendations for an increase in salary of all full-time employees. ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dol- 27 lars ($3,500.00) for the purchase of an Oliver Wheel Trac- tor and Loader for the use of the Highway Department. Petition of the Highway Surveyor Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board feels that the need for this equipment has not been de- monstrated, ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Nine Thousand Four Hundred Ten Dollars ($9,410.00) to extend the 30" storm drain in Greene Street from Waverley Road toward Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of the Highway Surveyor Favorable action recommended. It is recommended by your Advisory Board that a 30-inch drain be installed from the present terminus of the 311.inch drain at the inter- section of Greene Street and Waverley Road up Greene Street toward Massachusetts Avenue for a distance of approximately 390 feet to connect with the existing 18-inch drain in Greene Street. For the purposes of this Article it is recommended that the sum of $4,200.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury, Note: It is recognized that the 18-inch drain existing in Greene Street may not be sufficient to carry all peak leads when the entire area is developed and drained, but it is felt by your Advisory Board that in view of the heavy demand for funds this year, the above recommen~ dation offers the best solution for the current year and will make it possible to build a completely adequate drain- age system over a p~riod of years if the need for greater capacity is demonstrated. ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for the purpose of painting and replacing street signs. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ~'avorable action recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $200.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. the appropriation to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) 28 to be used for a sidewalk project; the Town to pay one- half the cost and the applicant to pay the other half. Petition of the Highway Surveyor Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $2,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the pvrpose of this Article, the appropriation to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for n~aintenance of any streets in Town under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, said money to be used in conjunc- tion with money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both, for this purpose; or take any other action in relation thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor ~lecommended to be stricken from Warrant. Duplicate of Article 33. ARTICLE 47. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Seventy-Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500.00) for the further rebuilding of Great Pond Road under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, said money to be used with any money allotted by the State or County, or both, for this purpose; or take any other action in relation thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor Recommended to be stricken from Warrant. Duplicate of Article 32. ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Five Thousand Eight Hundred Dol- lars ($5,800) for the purchase of a three-ton heavy duty Mack Dump Truck for the use of the Highway Depart- ment. Petition of the Highway Surveyor Favorable action recommended. It is the recommen. dation of your Advisory Board that the sum of $5,000.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be used with whatever allowance can be obtained for a 29 1947 dump truck for the purchase of a three-ton heavy duty dumP truck. Attention is called to the provisions of Chapter 40, Section 4-B which require calling for bids on purchases of this type. ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town ~vill raise and ap- propriate the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to dig ditches necessary to operate the Disposal Site. Petition of the Highway Surveyor Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $1,000.00 be raised ond appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 50. Te see if the Town Will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Seven Thousand Three Hundred Fifty-Five Dollars ($7,355) to install a surface drain on Baldwin Street, from Union to Belmont to Marblehead Street. Petition of the Highway Surveyor Unfavorable action recommended. No evidence has been presented to your Advisory Board of the need for this project at this time. ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for a building at the Disposal Site for the bulldozer operator, which ~vill also serve as a shelter for the bulldozer when not in use. This has been a suggestion from the Lumber- mens Mutual Casualty Co. Petition of the Highway Surveyor Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $500.00 be raised and appropriated for the put- poses of this Article. ARTICLE 52. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to con- struct a road on Beacon Hill Boulevard from Osgood Street to Chickering Road under Chapter 80 of the General Laws providing for the assessment of betterments upon the pro- perty owners. 3O Petition,of Arthur R. Murphy and others Unfavorable actiOn recommended. The portion of this street that would benefit most by this improvement has no homes built upon it and no evidence has been pre- sented to your Advisory Board that any building is con, templated in the inunediate future. ' ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) to create a stabilization fund under Chapter 124, Acts of 1945, for the purpose of extending the east side trunk sewer from its present terminus at Harkaway Road and Stevens Street to Phillips Square. Petition of Ernest A. Brown, Jr., and others Unfavorable action recommended. There is at present in a stabilization fund a sum greater than the amount asked by this Article. It is felt by your Advisory Board that this appropriation should not be made this year. ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will instruct the moderator to appoint a committee to investigate, and report on at the Town Meeting of 1955, the advisability and legal method of changing the name of the Town to Old Andover; this action to be taken in view of the 100th anniversary in 1955 of the incorporation of the Town under its present name, which would be an appropriate time to make this change which would clarify the status of this community as having been the centre of the original Andover, incorporated in 1646, and eliminate the disadvantages of the present name which has created and continues to create the impression that the Town is merely the northward extension of a community that originated to the south, instead of indicating as it should that North Andover represents the old, original village of Andover. Petition of Buchanan Charles and others Unfavorable action recormnended. Your Advisory Board feels that the prestige to be gained by renaming the Town would not be commensurate with the confusion which would result from such a change. ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate t~ight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00) for labor 31 and expenses in taking care of the School Grounds. Petition of the Board of Public Works Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $8,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000.00) to build a storage building at North Andover High School for gang mowers, tractors, etc. Petition of the Board of Public Works Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $7,000.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to provide a new float for the American Legion Bathing Beach. Petition of the Board of Public Works Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $1,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 58. To se~ if the Town will raise and ap- propriate One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to continue the Fluoridation of the water supply. Petition of the Board of Public Works Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $1,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) to be used with the present Dodge coupe to purchase a new auto- mobile. Petition of the Board of Public Works Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $1.500.00 be taken from available funds in the Town 32 Treasury for the purpose of this Article. AI~TICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate Four Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($4,200.00) to purchase a gang mower, tractor with loader, leaf mill and roller for use in the Parks, Playgrounds and School Grounds. Petition of the Board of Public Works Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that 1t14,200,00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, provide by bond issue or transfer from available funds, Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) to clean and cement line water mains in the water works system. Petition of the Board of Public Works Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board is of the opinion that despite the merit attached to this t~,pe of improvement, it should be postponed at this time due to the necessity of providing funds for numerous more immediately ur~lent expenditures, ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will appropriate from- available funds, the sum of Seventy-Three Hundred and Seventeen Dollars and Thirty-Three Cents ($7,317.33) being the amount of water department receipts in excess of water department operating expenses for 1953 to a stabilization fund as provided for by Chapter 124 of the Acts of 1945, ~vith the understariding that it is to be used by the Town for capital improvements in the water works system under the provisions of the above act. Petition of Board of Public Works Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board is of the opinion that any use of existing available funds this year should be applied to projects which are im- mediately needed. ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money to tie the, 33 Lincoln Street surface drain into the Russell Street sur- face drain by way of Pleasant Street. Petition of John J. Slipkowsky and others Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board feels that this expenditure is not warranted at this time. ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of m,oney to e×tend the drainage system and improve the road on West Brad- street Road under Chapter 80 of the General Laws pro- viding for the assessment of betterments upon the pro- perty owners. Petition of Andrew E. Alvino and others. Provided favorable action has been taken on Article 75, which should be considered prior to this Article, fav- orable action is recommended. The cost of this project is estimated at $3,060.00. It is recommended that this sum be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor. under the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws, as amended, and the Selectmen are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to take such steps as provide for the assessment of better- ments therefor under Chapter 80, as amended. ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or provide by bond issue or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the sewer system on West Bradstreet Road from Mifflin Drive to Greene Street. Petition of Andrew F~. Alvino and others Provided that the Town l~eeting has already acted favorably on Article 76, which provides for a sewer in Mifflin Drive, and provided that the Town Meeting has already acted favorably on Article 64. which provides for correct drainage and resurfacing of Bradstreet Road, fav- orable action is recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $2,500.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this Article subject to the con- ditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 190~. and with the further provision that construction of at least two addi- 34 tional houses shall have been started on or before June 1, 1954. (For interpretation of '~the starting of houses" see Advisory Board Report of 1953, Pa~[e 4.) ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the water system on West Bradstreet Road from the present terminus Five Hundred Fifty (550) feet to Mifflin Drive. Petition of Andrew E~ Alvino and others Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted favorably on Article 64 to insure correct drainage and re- surfacing of this street, favorable action is recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $2,00(].00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this Article, on the following conditions: 1. That on or before June 1, 1954, the petitioners and/or owners make a guarantee, acceptable to the Board of Public Works. of six percent of the actual cost of construction, as water rates, for a period of 14 years. 2. That on or before ~une 1, 1954, the construction of at ]east two additional houses shall have been started. ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the drainage system on Wentworth Avenue Three Hun- dred Fifty (350) feet from Chadwick Street. Petition of Louis F. Sirois and others Unfavorable action recommended. No justification for this expenditure has been made apparent to your Advi- sory Board. ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will vote .to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the sewer system on Wentworth Avenue Three Hundred Fifty (350) feet from Chadwick Street. Petition of Louis F. Sirois and others Unfavorable action recommended. No justification for this expenditure has been made apparent to your Advi- sory Board. ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the water system on Wentworth Avenue Three Hundred Fifty (350) feet from Chadwick Street. Petition of Louis F. Sirois and others Unfavorable action recommended. No justification for this expenditure has been made apparent to your Advi- sory Board. ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the drainage system and construct a road on Douglas Road from Mifflin Drive to Greene Street, under Chapter 80 of the General Laws providing for the assessment of ~-betterments upon the property owners. Petition of Ralph F. Dully and others Unfavorable action recommended. It is the opinion of your Advisory Board that there is no evidence of ade- quate contemplated construction in this specific area to justify this expenditure. ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ~end the sewer system on Douglas t~oad from Mifflin Drive One Hundred Twenty~Five (125) feet. Petition of Ralph F. Duffy and others Unfavorable action recommended. It is the opinion of your Advisory Board that there is no evidence of ade- quate contemplated construction in this specific area to justify this expenditure. ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available .funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- 36 tend the water system on Douglas Road from Mifflin Drive One Hundred Twenty-Five (125) feet. Petition of Ralph F. Duffy and others Unfavorable action recommended. It is the opinion of your Advisory Board that there is no evidence of ade- quate contemplated construction in this specific area to justify this expenditure. ARTICLE 73. To See if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the drainage system and improve the road on Wood- bridge Road from Mifflin Drive to Tyler Road, under Chapter 80 of the General Laws providing for the assess- ment of betterments upon the property owners. ~ ~Petition o'f Edwin C. Murphy and others Provided favorable action has been taken on Article 75, which should be considered prior to this Article, fav~ orable action is recommended. It is recommended thai the sum of $5,040.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor, under the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws, as amended, and the Selectmen are hereby authorized~ empowered and directed to take such steps as provide fo~ the assessment of betterments therefor under Chapter 80~ as amended, ARTICLE 74. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex~ tend the sewer system on Woodbridge Road from Mifflir Drive to Tyler Road. ' Petition of Edwin C. Murphy and others Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted favorably on Article 76. which provides for a sewer in Mifflin Drive, and provided that the Town Meeting has already acted favorably on Article 73, which provides for correct drainage and resurfacing of Woodbridge Road, favorable action is recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $2,700.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this Article subject to the 37 assesments or bettern~ent charges under the conditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 19~6. ARTICLE 75. To see if the Town will vote to .raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the drainage system and improve the road on Mifflin Drive under Chapter 80 of the General Laws providing for the assessment of betterments upon the property owners. Petition of Benedict Perrone and others Favorable action recommended. The cost of this project is estimated at $14,090,00, to install drainage which will Connect with the existing drain in Greene Street and to improve the road on Mifflin Drive~ and it is recommended that this sum be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article to~ be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor under the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws as amended, and the Selectmen are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to take such steps as provided for the assessment of betterments therefor under said Chapter 80, as amended. ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the sewer system on Mifflin Drive from Douglas Road to Bradstreet Road. Petition of Benedict Perrone and others Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted fav- orably on Article 75. which will insure correct drainage and resurfacing of this street, favorable action is recom. mended. It is recommended that the sum of $40[~00.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this Article subject to assessments or betterment charges under the conditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906, and with the further provision that construction of at least one m~re house shall have been started on or before ~une 1, 1954. ARTICLE 77. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the water system on Mifflin Drive Five Hundred 38 Thirty (530) feet from Middlesex Street. Petition of Gaspar J. DeMario and others Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted fav- orably on Article 75 to insure correct drainage and re- surfacing of this street, favorable action is recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $2,600.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this Article on the following conditions: 1. That on or before June 10 1954, the petitioners and/or owners make a guarantee, acceptable to the Board of Public Works, of six percent of the actual cost of con- struction, as water rates, for a period of 14 years. 2. That on or before June 1, 1954, the construction of at least one additional house shall have been started. ARTICLE 78. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate~ or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the sewer system on Linden Avenue from Sylvan Terrace One Hundred and Seventy (170) feet. Petition of John J. Bone]li and others Unfavorable action recommended. No evidence has been presented to your Advisory Board indicating the need for this expenditure at this time. ARTICLE 79. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the water system on Linden Avenue Two Hundred and Fifty (250) feet from the previous terminus. Petition of John J. Bone]li and others I~nfavorable action recommended. No evidence has ~b~en presented to your Advisory Board indicating the need for this expenditure at this time. ARTICLE 80. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the water system Four Hundred (400) feet from Dufton Court towards Andover Street on Chickering Road. Petition of Charles Melamed and others 39 Unfavorable action recommended. No evidence has been presented to your Advisory Board indicating the need for this expenditure. ARTICLE $1. To see of the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the water system on Wright Avenue Four Hundred and Fifty (450) feet from Sutton Street. Petition of Victoria Torrisi and others Unfavorable action recommended. No justification for this expenditure has been made apparent to your Advisory Board. ARTICLE $2. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the water system from the previous terminus on Putnam Road Two Hundred (200) feet toward Mifflin Drive. Petition of Alsdon H. Arold and others Favorable action is recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $700.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this Article on the fol- lowing conditions: 1. That on or before June 1. 1954, the petitioners and or owners make a guarantee, acceptable to the Board o~ Public Works, of six percent of the actual cost of con- struction, as water rates, for a period at 14 years. 2, That on or before June 1. 1954, the petitioners and or owners shall post a bond with the Selectmen in such form and amount as the latter may require to assure the town that si× months after the completion of the project the road and sidewalks affected by the project shall have been so reconstructed and repaired, including the instal- lation of all necessary drainage systems therein, as to meet such requirements as the Highway Surveyor shall have prescribed as the conditions precedent to his certi- fication of such ways under the Selectmen's ~'Regulations for the Laying Out of Streets". ARTICLE 83. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer 40 from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the water system on Cotuit Street One Hundred Sixty (160) feet from Waverly Road. Petition of Benjamin Hollins and others Unfavorable action recommended. I~lo justification for this expenditure has been made apparent to your/[dvisorY Board, ARTICLE 84. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law to change the fol- lowing described parcel of land from General Residential to Business. A parcel of land on the westerly side of Chiekering Road, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the westerly line of Chicker- lng Road, said point being at land of Robert J. Burke and about 600 feet northerly from Peters Street; thence west- erly, by a stone wall and by land of said Burke, about 210 feet to a corner in the wall'; thence northerly, by the wall about 22 feet to a point; thence westerly, by a fence and land of Burke, about 520 feet to an angle in the fence; thence again ~vesteriy about 175 feet to a stone wall; thence northerly, by a stone wall, about 175 feet to an angle in the wall; thence northeasterly, by the wall about 155 feet to land of Helen S. Coolidge; thence southeast- erly, by the wall and land of Helen S. Coolidge, about 325 feet to a corner in the wall at land of Beatrice Gaumond; thence again southeasterly, by land of said Gaumond, 218.3 feet to Chickering Road; thence south- erly, by Chickering Road, about 552 feet to the point of beg. inning. Petition of Charles Melamed and others Unfavorable action recommended. ARTICLE 85. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from Agricultural to Business, the following described parcel of land. A parcel of land on the easterly side of Osgood Street bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly side of Osgood Street at land of George R. Barker known as the "Gage Woodland"; thence northerly, by the easterly line of Os- good Street, 218 feet to a State Highway bound at the southerly end of a curve of 1,669.98 feet radius; thence again northerly, by the above mentioned curve, 57 feet; thence easterly 148 feet; thence southerly 241 feet, by a line which is 150 feet easterly from and parallel to the first described course; thence westerly 161 feet, by land of said Barker, to the point of beginning. Petition of Daniel Olenio and others Unfavorable action recommended. ARTICLE 86. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from General Residential to Business the following described parcel of land. A parcel of land on the easterly side of Chickering Road bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly side line of Chicker- ing Rd., said point being 98.47 feet northerly from Pleasant Street; thence northerly, by the easterly line of Chickering Road, 440 feet to land of the Village Land Co.; thence northeasterly, by land of the Village Land Co., 35 feet to the southerly line of Concord Street; thence southeasterly, by the southerly line of Concord Street, 263.9 feet to land of Subatch; thence southwesterly by ]and of Subatch and ]and of Helbick, by a line which is 80 feet westerly from and parallel to the westerly line of Bunker Hill Street, 375 feet to Chickering Road and the point of beginning. Petition of Sam DiMauro and others Unfavorable action recommended. ARTICLE 87. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from Agricultural to Business, the following described parcel of land. A parcel of land on the westerly side of Osgood Street and on the southerly side of Sutton Street, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the westerly line of Osgood Street at its intersection with the southerly line of Sutton Street; thence southerly, by the westerly line of Osgood Street, Five Hundred (500) feet; thence westerly Two Hun- dred (200) feet; thence northerly Five Hundred (500) feet; to the southerly line of Sutton Street; thence easterly, by the southerly line of Sutton Street, Two Hundred (200) feet to the point of beginning. Petition of Sam DiMauro and others 42 Unfavorable action recommended. ARTICLE 88. To see if the Town of North Andover Will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law to change the classification of the following described parcel of land from Agricultural to Business. A parcel of land on the easterly side of Osgood Street, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Osgood Street about 2,350 feet southerly from the Haverhill line; said point being the corner of ]and of George R. Barker known as "Gage Woodland"; thence easterly, by land of Olenio and land of Coppo]a, 420 feet to a point; thence southerly, by other land of said Barker, 290 feet to land of Paparella; thence westerly, by land of said Paparella, 400 feet to Osgood Street; thence northerly, by the east- erly line of Osgood Street, 200 feet to the point of be- ginning. Petition of George 1% Barker and others Unfavorable action recommended. WARRANT Commonwealth of Massachusetts Essex ss: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETING: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabi- tants of North Andover, qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Town Hall directly following the adjourn- ment of the Adjourned Annual Town Meeting on March 13, 1954, then and there to act on the following business: ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law to change the classification of the fo]lowing described parcel of ]and from Restricted Residential to Business: A parcel of land on the easterly side of Barker Street near its junction with Osgood Street, bounded and des- cribed as follows: "Beginning at a Massachusetts Highway bound in the easterly line of Osgood Street, said bound being at the northwesterly corner of land of Stefanowicz; thence northeasterly, by the easterly line of Barker Street, 737.7 feet to a corner in the wall; thence southeasterly and easterly, by the wall, 850 feet to a corner in the wall; thence northerly, by the wall, 49 feet to a corner in the wall; thence northeasterly, by the wall, 640 feet to a point; thence southerly, by a straight line, 1,003 feet to an iron pipe near a large rock; thence southwesterly, by other land of Steinberg, 754.5 feet to an iron pipe; thence westerly 320 feet to an iron pipe; thence northwesterly 522.8 feet to an iron pipe; thence westerly 322.72 feet to an iron pipe; thence southerly 50 feet to an iron pipe; thence northwesterly 190 feet to the point of beginning, all as shown on the plan submitted to the Planning Board for approval. Petition of Albert A. Steinberg and others Unfavorable action recommended. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to amend the Zoning By-La~v by changing the classification of a parcel of land owned by Albert A. Stein- berg, from Restricted Residential and Agricultural to Business: The parcel in question is located on the northerly side of Osgood Street and the westerly side of Clark Street and is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stone bound in the northerly line of Osgood Street, said bound marks the westerly terminus of a curve at the junction of Osgood and Clark Streets; thence southwest- erly and westerly, by the northerly line of Osgood Street, 853 feet to a stone wall; thence northerly, by the stone wall, 365 feet to a point; thence northeasterly 721 feet to a point in the westerly line of Clark Street; thence south- easterly, by the westerly line of Clark Street, 242 feet to a stone bound; thence southerly and southwesterly, by a curve of 25 feet radius, 33.20 feet to the point of be- ginning. Petition of Albert A. Steinberg and others Unfavorable action recommended. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town xvill vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of Eighteen Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($1,875.00) to be expended by the Moth Superintendent for spraying Gypsy Moth infested areas, which will not be covered by aeroplane spraying under State supervision. Petition of John J. Connors Favorable action recommended. And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Hall and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before tbe time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachu- setts, the fifteenth day of February in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty-Four. JOHN J. WILLIS ARTHUR A. THOMPSON ARTHUR P. KIRK Board of Selectmen A true copy, Attest: ............................ Constable North Andover, Massachusetts, February ........... 1954 45 THE MAC PRES8 -- Printers Lithographers 65 Salem Street Lawre~tce, Ma.~ ADVISORY BOARD REPORT North ^nclo¥~r, ~assachuset-ts 1954 Town of North Andover ADVISORY BOARD REPORT 1954 ATTEND TOWN MEETING MARCH 13, 1954 Your vote is only good at TOWN MEETING PLEASE BRING THIS REPORT TO TOWN MEETING FOR USE IN FOLLOWING THE PROCEEDINGS. CONTENTS Introductory Remarks .................. Page 1 Increasing Town Taxes ........................ Page 1 Funds for School Building Program .......... Page 2 Salary Increase -- School Department ........ Page 2 Salary Increases -- Other Town Employees .... Page 3 Real Estate Development Rules and Regulations Page 3 Recommendations Concerning Zoning Problems Page 4 The 1954 Tax Rate ......................... Page 5 Tally Sheet ............................ Pages 7-9 Articles and Reconlmendations ............. Page 10 Proposed Budget Items .................... Pages 12-17 Special Town Meeting -- Warrant ............ Page 43 PEEASE PRESERVE THIS REPORT FOR USE AT THE TOWN MEETING. Report of the North Andover Advisory Board TO THE CITIZENS OF NORTH ANDOVER: After careful investigation of budget and special ap- propriation requests, your Advisory Board respectfully submits its annual report with recommendations on the Articles in the Warrant dpon which action must be taken by the voters on March 13, 1954, at the Annual Town Meeting. In addition, there are recommendations for the special Town Meeting called for the same date. The conclusions of your Advisory Board have been reached after lengthy deliberation with a view to pro- viding funds t~ operate the Town's services efficiently and economically. Of course, each voter should realize that it is his vote at the Town Meeting which will determine, in large measure, the tax rate for the coming year. ~-ach time the sum of $12,500 is appropriated it means that $1.00 has been added to the tax rate. INCREASING TOWN TAXES This year the Town faces heavier demands for money. An increase in population has resulted in the need for services greater than we have known in the past; and the advent of a new industry in the Town has implica- tions both for expenditures and tax receipts which are not yet fully apparent. It is your Advisory Board's opinion that we should exercise great care in balancing the speed with which we appropriate tax dollars against the speed with which new revenue is found. To anticipate that the Town is on the verge of receiving large amounts of money from new construction of any type and therefore to ap- propriate without restraint to secure improvements in 1 the Town (no matter how worthy) would be foolhardy, for while a slowly rising tax rate may be tolerated, it is certain that a marked advance would be a heavy burden to all taxpayers. FUNDS FOR SCHOOL BUILDING PROGRAM Last year's Advisory Board Report pointed out that the net cost to the Town in 1954 for the school building program would be $115,216.00, which represents $7.20 on the tax rate. In 1955 this will rise to $123,830.00, or $7.80 on the tax rate. This expenditure, which has been anticipated for several years, has serious impact on the manner in which other portions of the Town's tax dollar must be spent. SALARY INCREASE- SCHOOL DEPARTMENT On December 10, 1953, the School Committee voted unanimously to adjust salaries upward in accordance with a schedule to be found in the minutes of their meeting, subject, however, to the approval of the Annual Town Meeting. Subsequent to this vote, the School Committee voted, again unanimously, to adopt a budget including the amount of money necessary to finance the salary increases. It is your Advisory Board's opinion, based on the case of O'Brien vs Pittsfield (1944), that the action taken by the School Committee in adopting a budget including funds for salary increases is final. In the Pittsfield case the courts ruled that the power to elect and contract with the teachers of the public schools includes by im- plication the power to determine their salaries and that that p5wer is vested solely and absolutely in the School Committee. 'l~hat power is one that the committee cannot delegate lawfully -- any attempt by the committee to delegate this power would have been void. To deny a salary increase already approved by the School Committee in its budget might well result in a law suit against the Town with a court decision direct- ing the Town to raise and appropriate the required funds and possibly penalizing the Town for having failed to appropriate the amount requested in the first instance. The above expenditures have had a heavy bearing this year on the recommendations of your Advisory Board in other matters in the Warrant. 2 SALARY INCREASES -- TOWN EMPLOYEES OTHER THAN THOSE IN THE SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Your Advisory Board has recommended an increase of $150.00 a year to each regular full-time employee of the Town, other than employees of the School Department. This recommendation is a compromise bet~veen a recog- nized need for wage increases in view of the fact that town employees have had no increases since 1950, during which time cost-of-living indices have risen considerably, and an understanding of business conditions in the gen- eral area. SEWER ASSESSMENTS Your Advisory Board has recommended to the Board of Public Works that the 1906 Act under which assess- ments for installation of sewers are made, be changed by substituting the assessment provisions of Chapter 83 of the General Laws. Under the 1906 Act, an assessment is made against a house lot when a sewer is laid in the street. However, the Town collects no revenue from this lot until such time as a hmne is built and a sewer con- nection made. In many cases this may not be for many years~ and as the years pass by without any building on the lot the Town loses the revenue represented by interest charges against the original sewer assess- merit. Under Chapter 83 of the General Laws the assess- ment is immediately due and payable. EVen if the lot owner requests and receives a deferrment, of the entire payment (and this can be strictly controlled) he would be charged 4% interest per year on the money owed to the Town for this improvement. At the time the sewer connection was made the entire assessment would be collected. To rectify the condition which now exists, your Ad- visory Board recommends that the Board of Public Works sponsors in the State Legislature a bill which will permit the Town to use Chapter 83 of the General Laws in place of the Act of 1906. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT It is recommended by your Advisory Board that the Planning Board draw up rules and regulations requiring 3 sub-dividers and developers to install utilities, such as sewer, water, drainage and street surfacing, at their own expense and to submit a bond guaranteeing this action. In recent years the Town has been plagued by the problem of n~aking improvements which benefit a sub- divider or developer. Most progressive communities quire any sub-divider or developer to install his own utilities rather than ask that the public treasury sub- sidize his business venture. Until such a course is adopted in North Andover, there will always be areas which will cause controversy. We can think of no more pressing need than a firm policy regarding the development of any new streets or areas in the Town. Inasmuch as the Planning Board has the authority and responsibility for this type of regulation, it is strongly recommended by your Advisory Board that the Planning Board be in- structed to study and submit recommendations, without delay, for regulations which will clear up the problem of new developments in the Town. I:IECOMMEI~/DATIONS CONCERNING CURRENT ZONING PROBLEMS In the regular Warrant and at the Special Town Meet- ing called for the same day as the Annual Town Meeting the voters are asked to consider several Articles dealing with re-zoning. Your Advisory Board has recommended unfavorable action on a]l re-zoning Articles because it is felt that an over-all zoning plan must be promulgated and adopted in order to bring order out of the zoning chaos which now exists and avoid the obvious evils which prevail when anything approaching "spot zoning" is allo~ved to dominate a growing township such as North Andover. Again, as in the case of real estate development, the Planning Board has the responsibility for producing equitable rules and regulations to govern these matters. Tt-IE 1954 'TAX RATE Voted Recommended Increase 1953 1954 (Decrease) Effect on Tax Rate Budget Articles Total From Free Cash To be Raised by Taxation $838,119 $959,127 $121,008 $9.30 increase 210,130 120,440 (89,690) 6.90 decrease $1,048,249 $1,079,567 $31,318 $2.40 increase $159,800 $116,220 $43,580 $3.35 increase $888,449 $963,347 $74,898 $5.75 increase TRANSFIx-RS FI~OM R~--SERV~'- FUND DURING 1953 Approved by your Advisory Board under Chapter 40, Section 6, of the General Laws: Selectmen's Expenses .................. $ 50.00 Fire Expenses ........................ 600.00 Board of Appeals Expenses ............... 150.00 Forest Fires Expenses ................... 300.00 Expenses of Closing Old Perry Street Dump 500.00 ?load Construction New Dump Site ...... 1,000.00 Excavaling Trenches New Dump Site .... 1,200.00 Advisory Board Expenses ........ 150.00 Interest on High School Bond Issue -- Due December 1, 1953 .............. 700.00 Rent Control Board Expenses ............. 450.00 Bathing Beach Tags ..................... 150.00 Tree Dept. New Spraying Machine ........ 300.00 $5,550.00 $1,450.00 Balance of Account Returned to Treasury _ Amount of Original Appropriation ........ $7,000.00 5 -- CONCLUSION -- Your Advisory Board has fully investigated and dis- cussed all of the recommendations hereinafter made. It has visited and viewed all of the areas mentioned in special Articles and has satisfied itself that its recommen- dations are justified by the information which it has gathered. The thanks of your Board are extended to the many Town Officers who have been called upon for assistance and information during the past two months. In every instance all of the officers and consultants have been most co-operative and helpful at all times. Respectfully submitted, North Andover Advisory Board John E. Coughlin, Chairman Harvey J. Lebow Turner A. Bridges Thomas H. Wilkinson Hugh A. McClung James II. Dewhirst John E. IIanson title ~0 13 ~6 20 2~ 22 23 25 26 28 29 3O YOUR TALLY SHEET for,, ARTICLES REQUESTING FUNDS REMEMBER: Each time the Town votes to raiee and appropriate approximately $12,500.00 means an increase of $i.00 in your tax rate (per 1,000.00 of assessed valuation). Description of Article Decennial Census for 1955 Disposal of Center School Police Department Bill Con- tracted 1948 250. Completion of Town History 6,000. Removal of Stone Wall corner Middlesex and Greene Sts. 160. Town Building Roof 1,000. Policeman at Bathing Beach 400. Playground Instructor and Superintendent 1,250. Playground Supplies 500. Playground Equipment 250. Castle Tower at Waverley Playground Banking and Flooding Skating Rinks 200. Repairs at Town Infirmary 1,000. $ 500. Yes ...... 2,000. Yes ...... Salary Increase Town Employees 18,000. Moth Department Truck and Winch Power Chain Saw -- Moth Department Power Brush Cutter -- Moth Department Increase in Police Department Personnel 7 Yes ...... Yes ...... Yes ...... Yes ...... Yes ...... 150 ....... 225. Yes ...... Yes ...... 9,000 ....... 3,500? Yes ...... 500. Yes ...... 300. Yes ...... 7,445? Yes ..... 31 Two New Police Cruisers 2,495.'~ 32 Chapter 90 Highway Construction 7,500? 33 Chapter 90 Highway Maintenance 2,000? 34 One Thousand Feet Fire Hose 1,6407 35 Fire Department Hose Drier 700. 36 One Thousand Feet Forestry Hose 700? 42 Tractor and Loader --Highway Department 3,500. 44 Painting and Replacing Street Signs 200. 43 Greene Street Storm Drain 9,4107 45 Sidewalk Project 2,000. 48 Highway Department Dump Truck 5,800? 49 Disposal Site Ditches 1,000. 50 Baldwin Street Surface Drain 7,355. 51 Bulldozer Shelter at Disposal Site 500. 52 Road Construction on Beacon Hill Boulevard 1,100. 55 Care of School Grounds 8,000. 56 Equipment Storage Building at New High School 7,000? 57 New Float at Bathing Beach 1,000. 58 Continuation of Fluoridation Program 1,000. 59 New Coupe -- Public Works 1,5007 60 Gang Mower, Tractor and Roller for Care of Grounds 4,200? 61 Clean and Cement Water l~Iains 15,000. 63 Connection of Lincoln and Russell Streets Surface Drain 1,485. 64 Extend Drainage on West Brad- street Road 3,0607 65 Extend Sewer on West Brad- street Road 2,500? 66 Extend Water on West Brad- street Road 2,0007 8 1,860 Yes ...... Yes ...... Yes ...... Yes ...... Yes ...... 4,200 ....... Yes ...... 5,000 ....... Yes ...... Yes ...... Yes ...... Yes ...... Yes ...... Yes ___ Yes ...... No ...... Yes ...... Yes ...... 67 Extend Drainage on Wentworth Avenue 68 Extend Sewer System on Went- worth Avenue 69 Extend Water System on Went- worth Avenue 70 Extend Drainage and Construct Road on Douglas Road 71 Extend Sewer on Douglas Road 72 Extend Water on Douglas Road 73 Extend Drainage and Improve Road on Woodbridge Road 74 Extend Sewer System on Wood- bridge Road 75 Extend Drainage and Improve Road on Mifflin Drive 76 Extend Sewer on Mifflin Drive 77 Extend Water on Mifflin Drive 78 Extend Sewer on Linden Avenue 79 Extend Water on Linden Avenue 3,150. No ...... 1,700. No 1,500. No ...... 1,285. No ...... 800. No ...... 560. No 5,040.~ Yes ...... 2,700? Yes ...... 14,0907 Yes ...... 4,000? Yes ...... 2,600? Yes ...... 750. No g00. No ...... 80 Extend Water from Dufton Court on Chickering Road 2,000. No ...... 81 Extend Water on Wright Avenue 1,850. No ...... 82 Extend Water on Putnam Road 700.~ Yes ...... 83 Extend Water on Cotuit Street 800. No ...... 84 Amend Zoning By-Law No ...... 85 Amend Zoning By-Law No ...... 86 Amend Zoning By-Law No ...... 87 Amend Zoning By-Law No ...... 88 Amend Zoning By-Law No ...... On these Articles your Advisory Board is recom- mending that the money be transfered from available funds in the Town Treasury. RECOMMENDATIONS AS TO ARTICLES IN THE TOWN MEETING WARRANT 1954 ANNUAL TOWN M~ETING ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator, Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, Three Selectmen, three members of the Board of Public Welfare for one year; one Assessor of Taxes, two members of the School Committee, one member of the Board of Health, one member of the Board of Public Works for three years, a Highway Surveyor, a Collector of Taxes, a Tree Warden, five Constables for one year, a member of the Planning Board for five years, one member of the Planning Board for the unexpired term of three years, and one member of the Housing Authority for five years. QUESTION: Shall an Act passed by the General Court in the year nineteen hundred fifty-four en- titled "An Act increasing the powers and duties of the Board of Public Works of the Town of North-Andover", be accepted? All to be voted upon one ballot. The polls shall open at nine o'clock A. M. and shall be closed at eight o'clock P.M. After final action on the preceding Article One, the said meeting shall stand adjourned by virtue of Section 4, Article One of the Town By-Laws, to Saturday, March 13, 1954, at one-thirty o'clock P. M. in the Town Hall, then and there to act on the fololwing articles:-- ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by ballot. Recommended that this be referred to the Selectmen for action. /~ ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the report of receipts and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen. Recommended that the report be accepted. 10 Article 1, 1953 Article 11, 1952 Article 41, 1953 Article 72, 1950 Article 19, 1952 Article 29, 1953 Article 30, 1953 Article 18. 1951 Article 13, 1953 Article 62, 1953 Article 64, 1953 ARTICLE 4. To see what action the Town will take as to its unexpended appropriations. Recommended that all unexpended oppropriations be returned to the Treasury~ with the exception of the fol- lowing amounts as of January 1. 1954. which were orig- inally appropriated under the Articles indicated: Special Town Meeting $ 18,000,00 Sealer Weights and Measures (3 Wts. ~ Glass Containers) 35.12 Chapter 90 G. L. Highway Construction 3,823,99 Kittredge School--Fence, etc. 268.83 New High School 811.399.71 Stevens Memorial Library Repairs Outside 2,000.00 Stevens Memorial Library Repairs Inside 335.70 Civil Defense 866.70 Continuance of Town History 620.51 Extension of Water Mains 745.70 Reserve for Appropriation from Stabilization Fund Excavating Trenches at New Dump Site TOTAL 9.000.00 748.70 $847,844,96 ARTICLE 5. To see what action the Town will take as to the recommendations of the Advisory Board. Recommended that each item of the proposed budget be considered separately. (See following page) 11 000000 0 0o o o. m 0 0 O0 O0 ~- oo o o L o.o. oo o o ~..o. o ~ o o o o~o ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vote to author- ize the Town Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning January 1, 1955, and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter 44, General Laws. Favorable action recommended. ~L.:--,----'~' / ARTICLE 7. To consider the report of all special committees. Recommended that the reports of all special committees be heard. ~r ARTICLE 8. To see of the Town will vote to author- ize the Board ol Health to appoint one of their members to the position of Board o£ Health physician and to fix his compensation in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter 41 of the General Laws. Favorable action recommended on the basis of com- pensation in the amount of $750,00 for the year 1954. This amount has been included in the Board of I-I~alth Budget recommended by your Advisory Board. ~/ ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to author- ize the School Co~,~ittee to appoint one of its members to the position of School physician and to fix his compen- sation in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter 41, Gen- eral Laws. Favorable action recommended on the basis of com- pensation in. the amount of $1,000.00 for the year of 1954. This amou}rk has been included in the School Department Budget. ~/ ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for the purpose of taking the Decennial Census for 1955 as required by law. Petition of the Board of Selectmen Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) be rai~ed and appropriated for the pUrpose of this Article. ~// ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) to pay for the cost of disposing and removing from the land upon which it is located, the building known as the Center School, upon such terms and con- ditions as the Board of Selectmen may determine. Petition of the Board of Selectmen Favorable action recommended. It is Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) be ra~ed and priated for the purpose of this Article. L/ ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to rais and appropriate the sum of Two Hundred Fifty ($250.00) for the purpose of paying a bill deemed to b( due, after investigation, to the Harvey Radio Corporatior for materials and services provided to the Police partment in 1948, the Board of Selectmen being of unanimous conclusion that non-payment of this bill the year in which the services and materials were vided was due to a confusion existing between the Harvey Radio Corporation and the Police Department, due to a notation on the Harvey Radio Corporation statement as "final bill". Petition of the Board of Selectmen Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $250.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 13. TO see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or~:~ .... .~ L~~I~ f"--'s~ the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.~O'0~nded by the Board of Selectmen in the completion of writing and publishing the history of the Town of North AndOver. Petition of the Board of Selectmen Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $6,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose o! this Article. ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town ~vill vote to accept Phillips Court as a public way from Osgood Street to 19 Pleasant Street as shown on the plan approved by the Planning Board under date of December 7, 1953, and filed in the office of the Town Clerk. Petition of the Board of Selectmen Favorable action recommended. The acceptance of this road as a public way was adjudicated by the Board of Selectmen on January 18, 1954. ~ ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to accept a strip of land, at the request of Kasper Kasperian, at the corner of Middlesex and Greene Streets to eliminate a very dangerous corner, with the provision that the Town will remove the section of stone wall bordering said land, said land described as follows: Beginning at a bound marking the intersection of the westerly line of Greene Street with the northerly line of Middlesex Street; thence northwesterly, by the northerly line of Middlesex Street, 18 feet to a point; thence south- erly, easterly and northerly, by a curve of 10.42 feet radius, 21.43 feet to a point in the westerly line of Greene Street; thence southerly, by the westerly line of Greene Street, 18 feet to the point of beginning, containing 74 square feet, mare or less. Petition of the Board of Selectmen Favorable action recommended. /~RTICLF~{~' To see if the Town will vote to raise and ~l~propri,az~+~~ ~the sum of One Hundred Sixty Dollars /($160.00)~ to pay for the cost of removing stonewall re- /~/~ ~o~in Article 15. ~~etition of the Board of Selectmen Unfavorable action reco~ended, It is felt by Advisory B~rd that the work of removing this small wall can be taken care of by the Highway Surveyor within his regular budget. ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to accept the extension of Heath Road running west and north from Johnson Street to its intersection with Sutton Hill Road 475 feet; thence Sutton Hill Road westerly and southerly 1,200 feet to the southerly boundary of land now or formerly owned by Frances S. Barrows, as shown, on the iplan filed 20 in the Town Clerk's Office; the whole said distance to be known as Sutton Hill Road. Petition of the Board of Selectmen Favorable action recommended. The acceptance of this road as a public way was adjudicated by the Board of Selectmen on February 8, 1954. ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for the purpose of putting a new roof on the Town Building and recaulking certain windows in the building to correct a condition caused by leaks under the windows. Petition of Lillian B. Dearden and others Favorable action recommended. It is recommended $1,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Four Hundred Dollars ($400.00) for the services of a policeman at the Bathing Beach four hours daily, eight hours Saturdays and Sundays for a ten- week period, to enforce the parking limited to North Andover residents; this figure to include the cost of car stickers to be issued by said policeman. Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational Council. Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $400.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article in order to assure that North Andover residents may receive proper protection and the full benefits of this bathing beach. ~ - ~ ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Twelve Hundred Fifty Dollarg ($1,250.00) for six playground instructors and a supervi- sor for an eight-week period. Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational Council. Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that 21 $1.250.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for playground supplies, this amount to include expenses of pre-playground workshops and special trips for the play- ground children. Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational Council. Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $500.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. o ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) for the purpose of building boxes for horseshoe courts, building an additional sand box and furnishing one new extra heavy duty work table for various playgrounds. Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational Council. It is recommended that the sum of $150.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article excluding the buildin~l of boxes for horseshoe courts. ARTICI,F~ 23. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of T~vo Hundred Twenty-Five Dollars ($225.00) to furnish and install Castle Tower (junglegym) American No. DCT 7' 9" high, 13' overall diameter at Waverly Playground. - ' Petition of the ~a~:d of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational Council. Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $225.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for banking and flooding skating rinks. 22 Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational Council. Unfavorable action recommended. It is the opinion of your Advisory Board that the maintenance of ice is at best a laborious and costly venture, made more hazardous by the uncertainties of this climate. A skating rink must be carefully policed and supervised, and the labor required for the removal of snow and scraping after hard use is more than most people realize. Taking all factors into consideration, your Advisory Board considers this project impractical. ARTICLE 25. To see if the To~vn will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to make necessary repairs at the Town Infirmary. Petition of the Board of Public Welfare Favorable action recommended. Ii is recommended that $1,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 26. To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money for the sal- aries and wages in each Town Department, to grant a Three Hundred Dollar ($300.00) increase to all full-time employees. Petition of George A. Carey and others It is recommended thai the sum of $9,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of granting a $150.00 increase in the salaries or wages of all full-time employees of the Town, exclusive of school personnel. (For explana- tion see preamble section of this report.) ARTICLE 27. To see if the To~vn will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of Thirty-Five Hundred DolJars ($3,500.00) to be used with the present 1946 truck, to purchase a new two- ton truck with a winch attached, all equipped. Petition of John J. Connors, Moth Supt. Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $3,500.00 be taken from available funds in the 23 Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article. This equip- ment is needed to help cope with the heavy incidence of Dutch Elm disease. ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds, the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for the purpose of a power chain saw. Petition of John J. Connors, Moth Supt. Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $500.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available 'funds the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for the purchase of a Power Brush Cutter. Petition of John J. Connors, Moth Supt. Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $300.00 be raised and appropriated for the pur- pose of this Article. ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Seven Thousand Four Hun- dred Forty-Five Dollars ($7,445.00) to be added to the Police Department appropriation to provide for the ap- pointment of three competent and qualified men, under Civil Service Rules, to be regular patrolmen. Petition of Alfred H. McKee It is recommended ihat the sum of $7.445.00 be.~-~ the appointment of three regular patrolmen. ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of Twenty-Four Hundred Ninety-Five Dollars ($2,495.00) for the purchase of two new police cruisers, $635.00 to be used with the present police car and $1,860.00 to be used for the purchase of the other car, and that the Chief call for bids. Petition of Alfred H. McKee 24 It Js recommended that the sum of $1,860,00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury for the pur- chase of one new police cruiser. Your Advisory Board feels that the present one-year-old police car can be retained for use as the spare cruiser. ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from unappropriated avail- able funds in the Town Treasury, a sum of money for Chapter 90 Highway Construction, or take any action in relation thereto. Petition of James J. Maker, Treasurer It is recommended that the sum of $7,500.0l] be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to meet the Town's share of the cost of Chapter 90 Highway Con- struction, and that in addition, the sum of $22,500.00 be transferred from unappropriated available funds in the Town Treasury to meet the State and County shares of the cost of the work, the reimbursement from, the State and County to be restored upon their receipt to unappro- priated available funds in the Treasury. ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from unappropriated avail- able funds in the Town Treasury, a sum, of money for Chapter 90 Highway Maintenance, or take any action in relation thereto. Petition of James J. Maker, Treasurer It is recommended that the sum of $2,000.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury for the pur- pose of this Article, to be expended by the Highway Surveyor under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, together with any money which may be allotted for such put. posses by the State or County or both. ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Sixteen Hundred Forty Dol- lars ($1,640.00) to purchase One Thousand (1,000) feet of 2¥{z inch hose for the Fire Department. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $1,640.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars ($700.00) to purchase a (Ci~'cul Air) Hose Dryer for the Fire Department. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory 'Board feels that the need for this equipment has not been de- monstrated. ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town wiI1 vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Seven Hundred Dollars ($700.00) to purchase One Thousand (1,000) feet of for- estry hose; Petition of the Forest Warden Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $70fl.00 be taken from available tunds in the Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to allow the Assessors to close their office on Saturday mornings and keep open on Wednesday afternoons instead. Chapter 265, Acts of 1947. Petition of the Board of Assessors Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board feels that this matter could be more properly arranged if a uniform schedule of office hours for all town offices were to be presented~ ARTICLI~ 38. To see if the Town will vote to use Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00) of available funds for the reduction of the 1954 tax rate. Petition of the Board of Assessors Favorable action recommended. ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will vote to adopt as revised by-laws of the Town of North Andover, the proposed by-laws as printed in the Annual Town Report of 1948, as prepared by a committee appointed under authority of the vote of the town meeting on Article 14 of the Annual To~vn Meeting of 1947. 26 Petition of R. George Caron and others Unfavorable action recommended. The proposed revised by-laws are now six years old and may not meet our present needs~ particularly in the case of zoning regula- tions included in the by-laws. It is the further opinion of your Advisory Board that there is inadequate info~ation on hand at this time for the voters to consider this Article. Additional study by a competent committee should be undertaken before the revised by-laws should be presented to the Town for adoption. ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Laws of the Town of North Andover by adding the words "or motel" to Item B of Section 1, of Article II of said by-laws so that Item B, Section 1, Article II will read as follows: The taking of boarders, or the leasing of rooms by a family residing on the pre- mises, providing there is no sign or display to advertise such use, but it is not perrrfissible to construct or. operate overnight camps or motels. Petition of Robert P. Dulude and others Favorable action recommended. ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Chapter 488 of the Acts of 1952, the following Section III-H not~vithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the contrary, any police officer of a city or town who is required to perform any service beyond his regular established hours of service -- Primary Day, Election Day or at any parade or race or at any public celebration or while police listing, shall be compensated for such additional hours of service at the rate per hour of his regular compensation. This section shall take effect in the Town by a majority vote at an Annual Town Meeting. Petition of Philip Sutcliffe and others Unfavorable action recommeaded. It is the opinion of your Advisory Board that this added expenditure of funds is unwarranted at this time, in view of the previous recom- mendations lot an increase in salary of all tull-time employees. ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dol- 27 lars ($3,500.00) for the purchase of an Oliver Wheel Trac- tor and Loader for the use of the Highway Department. Petition of the Highway Surveyor Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board feels that the need for this equipment has not been de- monstrated. ARTICI.E 43. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Nine Thousand Four Hundred Ten Dollars ($9,410.00) to extend the 30" storm drain in Greene Street from Waverley Road toward Massachusetts Avenue. Petition of the Highway Surveyor Favorable action recommended. It is recommended by your Advisory Board that a 3(I-inch drain be installed from the present terminus of the 30-inch drain at the inter- section of Greene Streel and Waverley Road up Greene Street toward Massachusetts Avenue for a distance of approximately 390 feet to connect with the existing 18-inch drain in Greene Street. For the purposes of this Article it is recommended that the sum of $4,200.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury. Note:~t is recog~n~ ~h~ the 18-inch drain existing in Greene Street may not be s~afficie~ to carry all peak loads when the entire area is developed and drained, but it is felt by your Advisory Board that in view of the heavy demand for funds this year, the above recommen- dation offers the best solution for the current year and will make it possible to build a completely adequate drain- age system over a period of years if the need for greater capacity is demonstrated. ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for the purpose of painting and replacing street signs. Petition of the Highway Surveyor Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $20(].00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article, the appropriation to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICI,F, 45. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of T~vo Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) 28 to be used for a sidewalk project; the Town to pay one- half the cost and the applicant to pay the other half. Petition of the Highway Surveyor Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $2,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article, the appropriation to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for rg~intenance of any streets in Town under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, said money to be used in conjunc- tion with money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both, for this purpose; or take any other action in relation thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor l~ecommended to be stricken from Warrant. Duplicate of Article 33. ARTICLE 47. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Seventy-Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500.00) for the further rebuilding of Great Pond Road under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, said money to be used with any money allotted by the State or County, or both, for this purpose; or take any other action in relation thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor Recommended to be stricken from Warrant. Duplicate of Article 32. ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Five Thousand Eight Hundred Dol- lars ($5,800) for the purchase of a three-ton heavy duty Mack Dump Truck for the use of the Highway Depart- ment. Petition of the Highway Surveyor Favorable action recommended. It is the recommen. dation of your Advisory Board that the sum of $5°000.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be used with whatever allowance can be obtoined for a 29 1947 dump truck for the purchase of a three-ton heavy duty dump truck. Attention is called to the provisions of Chapter 40, Section 4-B which require calling for bids on purchases of this type. ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to dig ditches necessary to operate the Disposal Site. Petition of the Highway Surveyor Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $10000.00 be raised and appropriat~a~ed for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 50. Te see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Seven Thousand Three Hundred Fifty-Five Dollars ($7,355) to install a surface drain on Baldwin Street, from Union to Belmont to Marblehead Street. Petition of the Highway Surveyor Unfavorable action recommended. No evidence has been presented to your Advisory Board of the need for this project at this time. ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for a building at the Disposal Site for the bulldozer operator, which will also serve as a shelter for the bulldozer when not in use. This has been a suggestion from the Lumber- mens Mutual Casualty Co. Petition of the Highway Surveyor Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $$00.00 be raised and appropriated for the pur- poses of this Article. nd appropriate, or providJ by bond issue, or transfer from ~vailable funds, a~fffficient sum of money to con- struct a road on Bea~i~Hill Boulevard from Osgood Street to Chickering Road(under Chapter $0 of the Genera] Laws providing for the assessment of betterments upon the pro- perty owners. 3O Petition of Arthur R. Murphy and others :.-~ Unfavorable action recommended. Th~ portion °f~ this street that would benefit most by this improvement _has no homes built upon it and no evidence has been Pre. sented to your AdvisOry Board that any building~ iS' ~on~ re.uttered info_thee i~m. mediat~e~f~uture~~.'~,~' ..... f,~y A~TICLE 53. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate or transfer frOm available funds, the sum of TwentY-Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) to create a stabilization fund under Chapter 124, Acts of 1945, for th~ purpose of extending the east side trunk sewer from its~ pres~f ~minus at Harkaway Road and Stevens Street to P~)l[ip~ ~~f Eme~ A. Brown, Jr., and others ~' Unfavorable action recommended. There is al present in a stabilization lurid ~ sum 9roarer than tho amount asked by this Article. It is felt by your Advisory Board t this appropriation should not be made this yea~. ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will instruct t~e moderator to appoint a committee to investigate, and report on at the Town Meeting of 1955, the advisability and legal method of changing the name o~ the Town to O~d ~ndover; this action to be taken in view of the 100th anniversary in 1955 o~ the incorporation o~ the Town under its present na~e, which would be an appropriate time to make this chaflge which would clarify the status o~ this community as having been the centre of the or~gin~ ~ndover, incorporated in 1646, and eliminate the disadvantages of the present name which has created and continues to create the impression that the Town is merely ~he northward extension o~ a community that originated to the south, instead of indicating as it should that NO~h Andover represents the old, original village of Andover. Petition o~ Buchanan Charles and others Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board feels that the prestige to be gained by renaming the Town would not be commensurate with the confusion which would result from such a change. ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00) for labor 31 and expenses in taking care of the School Grounds. Petition of the Board of Public Works Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $8,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate Seven Thousand Dollars ($7,000.00) to build a storage building at North Andover High School for gang mowers, tractors, etc. Petition of the Board of Public Works Favorable $7,000.00 be Treasury for action recommended. It is recommended that taken from available funds in the Town the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to provide a new float for the American Legion Bathing Beach. Petition of the Board of Public Works Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $1,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) to continue the Fluoridation of the water supply. Petition of the Board of Public Works Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $1,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will raise and ap- propriate Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1,500.00) to be used with the present Dodge coupe to purchase a new auto- mobile. Petition of the Board of Public Works Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $1,500.00 be taken from available funds in the Town 32 Treasury for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate Four Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($4,200.00) to purchase a gang mower, tractor with loader, leaf mill and roller for use in the Parks, Playgrounds and School Grounds. Petition of the Board of Public Works Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that $4,200.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article. ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, provide by bond issue or transfer from available funds, Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000.00) to clean and cement line water mains in the water works system. Petition of the Board of Public Works Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board is of the opinion that despite the merit attached to this type of improvement, it should be postponed at this time due to the necessity of providing funds for numerous more immediately urgent expenditures. ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town xvill appropriate from available funds, the sum of Seventy-Three Hundred and Seventeen Dollars and Thirty-Three Cents ($7,317.33) being the amount of water department receipts in excess of water department operating expenses for 1953 to a stabilization fund as provided for by Chapter 124 of the Acts of 1945, with the understanding that it is to be used by the Town for capital improvements in the water works system under the provisions of the above act. Petition of Board of Public Works Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board is of the opinion that any use of existing available funds this year should be applied to projects which are im- mediately needed. ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum of money to tie the 33 Lincoln Street surface drain into the Russell Street sur- face drain by way of Pleasant Street. Petition of John J. Slipkowsky and others X Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board ~feels that this expenditure is not warranted at this time. ~-.~-~'~'-~' \ ARTICLE 64 To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate~ or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of m,oney to extend the drainage system and improve the road on West Brad- street Road under Chapter 80 of the General Laws pro- viding for the assessment of betterments upon the pro- perry owners. Petition of Andrew E. Alvino and others. -~-~'~rovided favorable action has been taken on Article 75° which should be considered prior to this Article, fav- orable action is recommended. The cost of this project is estimated at $3,060.00. It is recommended that this sum be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor, under the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws, as amended, and the Selectmen are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to take such steps as provide for the assessment of better. merits therefor under Chapter 80, as amended. ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or provide by bond issue or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the sewer system on West Bradstreet Road from Mifflin Drive to Greene Street. Petition of Andrew F~ Alvino and others [ ~rovided that the Town Meeting has already acted I~r~orably on Article 76, which provides for a sewer in Mifflin Drive, and provided that the Town Meeting has already acted favorably on Article 64, which provides for correct drainage and resurfacing of Bradstreet Road, fav- orable action is recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $2,$00.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this Article subject to the con- ditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906, and with the further provision that constrnction of at least two addi. 34 tional hous~hall have been started on or before ~une I, ~l.~5~/~F0~'interpretation o! "the starting o! houses" see (~Advisory Board Report of 1953, Page 4.) ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town ~vill vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the water system' on West Bradstreet Road from the present terminus Five Hundred Fifty (550) feet to Mifflin Drive. /~n of Andrew E, Alvino and others J l~rovided that the Town Meeting has already acted ~'~favorably on Article 64 to insure correct drainage and re- surfacing of this street, favorable action is recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $2,000J]0 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this Article, on the following conditions: I. That on or before ~une 1, 1954, the petitioners and/or owners make a guarantee, acceptable to the Board of Public Works, of six percent of the actual cost of construction, as water rates, for a period of 14 years. 2. That on or before June 1, 1954, the construction of at least two additional houses shall have been started. ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend ~,th~e.'~rainage system on Wentworth Avenue Three Hun- rom ~l~etition~!¥~"~of Louis F. Sirois and others Unfavorable action recommended. No justification for this expenditure has been made apparent to your Advi- sory Board. ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer /~ws~ewer_~vavailable funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend stem on Wentworth Avenue Three Hundred ~~) feet from Chadwick Street. ~ Petition of Louis F. Sirois and others Unfavorable action recommended. No justification for 35 this expenditure has been made apparent to your Advi- sory Board. //~RTICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to raise /~n ~el~apj)ir-~priate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer f_ro_~ilable funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend t~t~t~;~rwater system on Wentworth Avenue Three Hundred ~ ~ :'"-~Fifty_,(350) feet from Chadwick Street. Petition of Louis F. Sirois and others Unfavorable action recommended. No justification for this expenditure has been made apparent to your Advi- sory Board. ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate,/or provide by bond issue, or transfer from,available/funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- ~d the {lrain/age system and construct a road on Douglas i~--'~Rd~trd'n~ifflin Drive to Greene Street, under Chapter ~, ,.of the~General Laws providing for the assessment of bett~r~ents upon the property owners. ~.' Petition of Ralph F. Dully and others Unfavorable action recommended. It is the opinion of your Advisory Board that there is no evidence of ade. quate contemplated construction in this specific area to justify this expenditure. ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ..appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer fro. m- available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- ~ the s.~er s~ _on Douglas t~oad from Mifflin Drive ~.~x-~'D-"~etition~__ of Ralph F. Duffy and others Unfavorable action recommended. It is the opinion of your Advisory Board that there is no evidence of ade- quate contemplated construction in this specific area to justify this expenditure. ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town will vote to raise  r provide by bond issue, or transfer ds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the water system on Douglas Road from Mifflin Drive One Hundred Twenty-Five (125) feet. Petition of Ralph F. Duffy and others Unfavorable action recommended. It is the opinion of your Advisory Board that there is no evidence of ade- quate contemplated construction in this specific area to ~~ify this expenditure. -~//~ARTICLE 73. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from ~available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the drainage system and improve the road on Wood- bridge Road from Mifflin Drive to Tyler Road, under Chapter 80 of the General Laws providing for the assess- ment of betterments upon the property owners. ,;Petition of Edwin C. Murphy and others ? ~ Provided favorable action has been taken on Article 75~ which should be considered prior to this Article, fay, orable action is recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $5°040.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury ~or the purpose of this Article to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor, under the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws, as amended, and the Selectmen are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to take such steps as provide for the assessment of betterments therefor under Chapter 80, ~s amended. ARTICLE 74. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the sewer system on Woodbridge Road from Mifflin Dz'ive to ~Yy~er l<oa~. Petition of Edwin C. Murphy and others · .~ Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted ~favorably on Article 76, which provides for a sewer in Mifflin Drive, and provided that the Town Meeting has already acted favorably on Article 73, which provides for correct drainage and resurfacing of Woodbridge Road, favorable action is recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $2,700.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this Article subject to the 37 assesments ~or betterment charges under the conditions _~ ~f Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906, ~/ ARTICLE 7o. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer .from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the drainage system and improve the road on Mifflin Drive under Chapter 80 of the General Laws providing for the assessment of betterments upon the property owners. Pqtition of Benedict Perrone and others £j~'~ Favorable action recommended. The cost of this project is estimated at $14,090.00 to install drainage which will connect with the existing drain in Greene Street and to improve the road on Mifflin Drive~ and it is recommended that this sum be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article to be expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor under the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws as amended, and the Selectmen are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to take such steps as provided for the assessment of betterments therefor under said Chapter 80, as amended. ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town ~vill vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the sewer system on Mifflin Drive from Douglas Road to Bradstreet Road. Petition of Benedict Perrone and others / Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted fav- orably on Article 75, which will insure correct drainage and resurfacing of this street, favorable action is recom- mended. It is recommended that the sum of $4~000.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this A~ticle subject to assessments or betterment charges under the conditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1905~ and with the further provision that construction of at least one more house shall have been started on o~ before 3'une 1. 1954. ~'~/~ ARTICL~ 77. otto ~Sre~lif the Town will vote to raise and approp late, p v'de by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the water system on Mifflin Drive Five Hundred 35 Thirty ~530) feet from Middlesex Street. Pe{ition of' Gaspar J. DeMario and others ........ Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted fav- ~Jorably on Article 75 to insure correct drainage and surfacing of this street, favorable action is recommended. It is recommended that the sum of $2,600.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this Article on the following conditions.' 1. That on or before June 1, 1954, the petitioners and/or owners make a guarantee, acceptable to the Board of Public Works, of six percent of the actual cost of con- struction, as water rates, for a period of 14 years. 2. That on or before June 1, 1954, the construction of at least one additional hotlse shall have been started. ARTICLE 78. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate~ or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- renal ~1~. s~.~ system on Linden Avenue from Sylvan ~rrace i~-~red and Seventy (170) feet. .~../.21~tition/eff John J. Bonelli and others ~ Un~o~able action recommended. No evidence has been~presented to your Advisory Board indicating the need for this expenditure at this time. ARTICLE 79.. T0~5~-~if the Town will Vote to raise and appr~l~ri~e, or pr~ide by bond issue or transfer from~.~il~b?~funds;~a sufficient sum of money to ex- ~~...system on Linden Avenue Two Hundred ;~n~l--l~y~(~0) feet from the previous terminus. / Petitib'{~ of John J Bonelli and others bjee~lnfavorable action recommended. No evidence has n presented to your Advisory Board indicating the need tot this expenditure at this time. ARTICLE $0. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appr2p{.iate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from ,.a~aflable funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- t,~,~d*~ ~vat~ system Four Hundred (400) feet from ~~wards Andover Street on Chickering Road. ?~etition of Charles Melamed and others 39 Unfavorable action recommended. No evidence has been presented to your Advisory Board indicating the need for this expenditure. ARTICLE 81.- To see of the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or p'~ovide by bond issue, or transfer from avail~abl_~unfis, a sufficient sum of monev to ex- tend ~r~stem on Wright Avenue Four ~Hundred .~n~..d~ ~.~v (450~) feet from Sutton Street. · · etition' of Victoria Torrisi and others U~favorable action recommended. No justification for t~r~ expenditure has been made apparent to your Advisory F~38oard. ARTICLE 82. To see if the To~vn will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the, water system from the previous terminus on Putnara/Road Two Hundred (200) feet toward Mifflin Drive./' P~Stition of Alsdon H. Arold and others b e act'on is rec ~mended, It is recommended that the sum of $700.00 be ~aken Irom available funds in the Town ~reasury to be expended by the Board o~ Public Works for ~he purpose of this Article on the fol~ lowing conditions: L That on or before June L 1954, the petitioners and or owner~ ma~e a guarantee, acceptable to the Board ol Public Works~ ol six percent of the actual cost of con- structiom ~s water rates, for a peri~ o~ 14 years. 2. That on or before June 1. 1954, the petitioners and or owners shall post a bond with the Selectmen ia such form and amount a~ the latter may r~uire to assure the town that s~x months after the completion of the project the road and s~dewalks affected by the project shall have been So reconstructed and re~ired, including the instal- ]ation of all necessary drainage systems therein, as to meet such requirements as the Highway Surveyor shah have prescribed as the conditions precedent to his certi- fication of such ways under the Selectmen's '~Regulations for the Laying Out of Streets", ARTICLE 83. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer 4O from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex- tend the water system on Cotuit Street One Hundred Sixty (160) feet from Waverly Road. Petition of Benjamin Hollins and others Unfavorable action recommended. No justification for this expenditure has been made apparent to your Advisory Board. ~ ~ ARTICLE 84. To see if the 'Town of North Andover will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law to change the fol- lowing described parcel of land froln General Residential to Business. A parcel of ]and od the westerly side of Chickering Road, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the westerly line of Chicker- lng Road, said P_gJ~ being at land of Robert J. Burke and about ~ f~l~t~rtherly from Peters Street; thence west- er~y~ by~one wall and by land of said Burke, about 210 k~f4~b~/~ corner in the wall; thence northerly, by the wall a~t 22 feet to a point; thence westerly, by a fence and /~+~nd of Burke, about 520 feet to an angle in the fence; thence again westerly about 175 feet to a stone wall; thence northerly, by a stone wall, about 175 feet to an angle in the wall; thence northeasterly, by the wall about 155 feet to land of Helen S. Coolidge; thence southeast- erly, by the wall and land of Helen S. Coolidge, about 325 feet to a corner in the wall at land of Beatrice Gaumond; thence again southeasterly, by land of said Gaumond, 218.3 feet to Chickering Road; thence south- erly, by Chickering Road, about 552 feet to the point of beginning. Petition of Charles Melamed and others Unfavorable action recommended, ARTICLE 85. To see .i~L-t+he Town of North Andover will vote to amend th~e~,~g6~ir}{ By-Law by changing from Agrisultural t~ B~B,~r~ess, ~;he following described parcel of l~r~d. 1,~ A ~arcel o~land on ;the easterly side of Osgood Street boun.~eq~aa~escribe~le as follows: ~e'~in~ at a ~f~int in the easterly side of Osgood St)feet at ,1,and of ~eorge R. Barker known as the "Gage Woodland ; ther~e northerly, by the easterly line of Os- good Street, ~4] feet to a State Highway bound at the southerly er)zI of a curve of 1,669.98 feet radius; thence again northerly, by the above mentioned curve, 57 feet; thence easterly 148 feet; thence southerly 241 feet, by a line which is 150 feet easterly from and parallel to the first described course; thence westerly 161 feet, by land of said Barker, to the point of beginning. Petition of Daniel Olenio and others Unfavorable action recommended. will Vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from General Residential to Business the following described parcel of land. A parcel of land on the easterly side of Chickering Road bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the easterly side line o~ Chicker- lng Rd., said point being 98.47 feet northerly from Pleasant Street;et th.~th~, ce northerly, by the easterly line of Chickering Road';~4g feet to land of the Village Land Co.; thence r~pr~q~erly, by land of the Village Land Co., 35 feet to ~ soJ4therly line of Concord Street; thence southeasterly, b~ th/e southerly line of Concord Street, 263.9 feet to land ~ ~{~batch; thence southwesterly by land of Subatch and ~¢'~a~-~f-iteibick, by a line which is 80 feet ~vesterly from 96_d parallel to the westerly line of Bunker Hill Street, //375 feet to Chickering Road and the point of beginning. Petition of Sam DiMauro and others Unfavorable action recommended. ARTICLE 87. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from Agricultural to Business, the following described parcel of lar~d. ~ A pa~-cel of land on the westerly side of Osgood Street and or, the soutl~rly side of Sutton Street, bounded and O c e , ddllZws: \ ]B~'g at a point in the westerly line of Osgood '; S~dt~J atits intersection with the southerly line of Sutton .~tre-~t; thence southerly, by the westerly line of Osgood ".~$treet, Five Hundred (500) feet; thence westerly Two Hun- '~red (200) feet; thence northerly Five Hundred (500) feet; to the southerly line of Sutton Street; thence easterly, by the southerly line of Sutton Street, Two Hundred (200) feet to the point of beginning. Petition of Sam DiMauro and others 42 Unfavorable action recommended. ARTICLE 88. To see, if the Town of North Andover will vote to ar~end the Zoning By-Law to change the classification .of the fOllowing described parcel of land from AgricUltural to Business. A parcel of land on the easterly side of Osgood Street, bounded anc],, described as follows: B'~gi~ at a point in the easterly line of Osgood c¥Stree~a-'bout 2,350 feet southerly from the Haverhill line; \)~_q4-6 point being the 'corner of land of George R. Barker e ~:~ ~now-n as "Gage Woodland" thence easterly, by land of './~oni~i OleniO and land of Coppola, 420 feet to a point; thence southerly, by other land of said Barker, 290 feet to land of Paparella; thence westerly, by land of said Paparella, :t00 feet to Osgood Street; thence northerly, by the east- erly line of Osgood Street, 200 feet to the Point of be- ginning. Petition of George 1% Barker and others Unfavorable action recommended. WARRANT Commonwealth of Massachusetts Essex ss: To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover: GREETING: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabi- tants of North Andover, qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet in the Town Hall directly following the adjourn- ment of the Adjourned Annual Town Meeting on March 13, 1954, then and there to act on the following business: ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law to change the classification of the following described parcel of land from Restricted Residential to Business: A parcel of ]and on the easterly side of Barker Street 43 near its junction with Osgood Street, bounded and des- cribed as follows: "Beginning at a Massachusetts Highway bound in the easterly line of Osgood Street, said bound being at the northwesterly corner of land of Stefanowicz; thence northeasterly, by the easterly line of Barker Street, 737.7 feet to a corner in the wall; thence southeasterly and easterly, by the wall, 850 feet to a corner in the wall; thence northerly, by the wall, 49 feet to a corner in the wall; thence northeasterly, by the wall, 640 feet to a point; thence southerly, by a straight line, 1,003 feet to an iron pipe near a large rock; thence southwesterly, by other land of Steinberg, 754.5 feet to an iron pipe; thence westerly 320 feet to an iron pipe; thence northwesterly 522.8 feet to an iron pipe; thence westerly 322.72 feet to an iron pipe; thence southerly 50 feet to an iron pipe; thence northwesterly 190 feet to the point of beginning, all as shown on the plan submitted to the Planning Board for approval. Petition of Albert A. Steinberg and others Unfavorable action recommended. ARTICLE 2. To see if the Town of North Andover will vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by changing the classification of a parcel of land owned by Albert A. Stein- berg, from Restricted Residential and Agricultural to Business: The parcel in question is located on the northerly side of Osgood Street and the westerly side of Clark Street an.d is bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a stone bound in the northerly line of Osgood Street, said bound marks the westerly terminus of a curve at the junction of Osgood and Clark Streets; thence southwest- erly and westerly, by the northerly line of Osgood Street, 853 feet to a stone wall; thence northerly, by the stone wall, 365 feet to a point; thence northeasterly 721 feet to a point in the westerly line of Clark Street; thence sourly- easterly, by the westerly line of Clark Street, 242 feet to a stone bound; thence southerly and southwesterly, by a curve of 25 feet radius, 33.20 feet to the point of be- ginning. Petition of Albert A. Steinberg and others Unfavorable action recommended. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of Eighteen Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($1,875.00) to be expended by the Moth Superintendent' for spraying Gypsy Moth infested areas, which will not be covered by aeroplane spraying under State supervision. Petition of John J. Connors Favorable action recommended. And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Hall and at five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of said meeting. Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachu- setts, the fifteenth day of February in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Fifty-Four. JOHN J. WILLIS ARTHUR A. THOMPSON ARTHUR P. KIRK Board of Selectmen A true copy, Attest: ............................ Constable North Andover, Massachusetts, February ........... 1954 45 THE MAC PRESS -- Printers Lithographer=- 65 Salem Street Lawrence, Ma~.