HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949 ADVISORY BOARDPlease Preserve This Report Jot Use at the Town Meeting TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER Report of the Advisory Board MARCH 19, 1949 TO THE CITIZENS OF NORTH ANDOVER: In its 1948 report your Advisory Board stated that it had been forced to disapprove many articles of merit because of the large appropriations made necessary by increased costs of various town departments. We quote from that report, "We have no right to extend approval re any expenditure nnless we feel that you can pay for it, and we believe ~hat a tax ra~e o~ $fi0.00 comes very close to the maximum limit that you ¢,an or should pay". Because of special articles voted by thc ~own against the recommendations of your board, the final ra~e was se~ at $63.00. It now appears thai our whole economy with very few exceptions, is receding from its inflation peak. Prices gen- erally have experienced downward adjustments. ~'e have seen a s~eady iucrease iu unemploymen~ ]n this area and are told that our merchants are having more difficulty in mowng the goods ou their shelves, probably because of the high price of that merchandise. Ali t. hese sigus indicate a need for caution in plmming for future expenditures nt our town. They indicate possible difficulties in the collection of taxes because of downward adjusnnen~s in the purchasing power of our citizens. lt~ view of all these factors [og'e~her with the realization that-your t948 mx ra;e was the second highest in the entire stare, your board (.ominous'ed its deliber~¢ions tl~is year, determiued if possible. *o "hold thc line". Despite this policy, your board has recommended an increase in budget appropriations o~ .$52.000.00 over those of ]948 and an increase m "special articles" of $11.000.00 with the resnli -hat although it has tried to be conservative, your board ~s reeommeuding thai you spend in 1949 a total of $63.000.00 more than you voted ro spend in 1948 A eomparative smnmary ~ondcnsed for si~,~,,licity ro the nesr~sr thousand is as follows: 1947 Budget Appropriations .~581.000. Special Articles 47.000. 1948 1949 ~60~.000. ~65~000. 80,000 93.000, Total .~628.000. $fi86.000. $749.000. Tax Hate THE 1949 TAX RATE Your Advisory Board cannot forecast the 1949 tax rate with any accuracy, not only because it has recommended the use of "free cash" for certain of the "special articles", but also because the effect on the tax rate of the revaluation survey which has been completed, cannot now 'be estimated. You may be certain that the t.ax rate will be higher if you do not agree with your Board's recommendations than it will be if you do--by about $1.00 for each additional $7,500.00 in appropriations which you choose to vote. In 1940, which was the last pre-war budget year, $378,000.00 was appropriated for salaries and expenses, in other words, the cost of running the Town of North Andover. In 1948 those same appropriations totaled $606,000.00 an increase of better than 60~c. When we compare the amounts raised by taxes in those same base years, we find that the increase runs to 68% and yet the valuation of property in the town during this period increased by only 11% and this 11% includes an increase in motor vehicle valuation of 49%. It must be apparent that our expenditures, whether for salaries and expenses or for special articles, must be scru- tinized carefully by you at your Town Meeting, if you are to arrive at a tax rate which you can afford to pay. $3.00 PER WEEK PAY RAISE Your Board advised you at last year's Town Meeting that the employees of this town were entitled to some recog- nition in face of a rising wage scale despite the fact that the town employees had a somewhat greater degree of stability in their employment status than did employees in industry. As pointed out earlier in this report, our economic status seems to have reached a leveling point and industry generally is granting no wage raises at this time. You voted last year to give your regnl~ar full time town employees a cost of l~ving bo~us at thc ra~e of $3.00 per week. Your Advisory Board recommends that a $3.00 per week permanent raise be given to all full time employees, effective immediatel). SCIIOOLS The largest items to be placed before you this year are the School Department Budget and the cost of the School Building Program, a continuation of which you have favored for several years. The School Department Budget represents the largest single item in the cost of running your town. La total it represents more than one third of the total budget, require- ments of the town and in comparing the requirements of the School Committee for expenses and wages in 1940 with 1949 we find that the item has increased by "SCHOOL AID" Last year the Legislature made some changes in the method of apportioning the reimbursements from the Com- 2 monwealth for money collected by the State in taxes, to give slightly more to the towns having larger numbers of scJaool children in proportion to their assessed valuations. According to the "cherry sheet" figures, we will receive a net amount of $72,242.27 this year, which is $2,621.45 more than last year and makes the estimated amount to be raised by local taxes $598,000. The additional $2,600. which we are to receive this year is known as "school aid", because it helps towns like ours, which have small but expensive school systems to maintain. SCItOOL BUILDING PROGI~AM The School Building Committee has continued to carry out your wishes in the furtherance of the School Building Program and has made several requests for funds in special · articles in this year's warrant, to which your Advisory Board has recommended favorable consideration. For further in- formation you are referred to the current report of the School Building Committee. SEWER AND WATER EXTENSIONS Your Advisory Board has continued your clearly stated policy establish ed several years ago in connection with water and sewer extensions. These items represent a sizeable portion of ~he amount requested in special articles in the warrant each year and your board continues to favor a participation by petitioners in thi.~s type of expenditure. FIRE DEPARTMENT EQUIPMENT The appointmen~ of a committee has been recommended to study in close co-operation with the Board of Fire Engineers, the problem of equipment in the Fire Department. The board believes that a definite program should be outlined for this de- partmeni so that future Town Meetings may have a clear pic- ture of the ~inancia~ needs of the depar~mcn~ during the years to come. and so that fire protection can be maintained at its usual high standard. We wish to express our sincere thanks to ali of the offi- cials o£ ~he ~own who have given us so much co-operation during our lengthy de]iberation~ m preparation for the annual Town 5~ecting. All ef the officials and individuals appearing b~fore us have been most co-operative and have g~ven freely o£ their time and energy· Respectfully submitted, ARTHUR E. SUNDERLAND, Chairman S. FORBES ROCKWELL JOHN J. FITZGERALD KENNETH M CRAWFORD ARNOLD H. SALISBURY WALDO H. HOLCOMBE HARVEY LEBOW ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by law to be elected by ballot. Recommended that this be referred to the Selectmen for action. ARTICLE 3. To see if the Town will vote to accept the report Of receipts and expenditures as presented by the Selectmen. Recommended t]~at the report be accepted. ARTICLE 4. To see what action the Town will take as to its unexpended appropriations. Recommended that all unexpended appropriations be returned to the Treasury, with the exception of the following amounts, which were originally appropriated under the Ar- ticles indicated: Amount $482.73 273.68 594.54 229.38 1440.6] 211.67 1,351.88 239.96 1,346.58 -l-,O00.O0 36,979.12 89,696.12 Article Year 18 t946 24 1948 45 1948 46 1948 47 1948 52 1.48 53 1948 54 1948 55 !948 ~;] 1948 52 1947 57 1948 58 1948 ARTICLE 5. To see what acqon the Town will take as to the recommendations of the Advisory Board. R~commend~cl that each item of the proposed budget be considered separately. See page 12. The salary fig'uces recommended by your Advisory Board include an allowance for a pay raise in the amount of $3.00 per week for all regular full-time employees. Further detail is set forth in the first part of this report . ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of the revenue of the financial year beginning January 1, 1950 and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one year, and to renew any note or notes as may be given for a period of less than one year in accordance with Section 17, Chapter 44, General Laws. Favorable ~ctio~a recommended. ARTICLE 7. To consider the ~'eport of all special eom- mi;;ees. Recommended that the reports of all special committees be heard. ARTICLE 8. To see wha~ action the Town will take in regard to appointing a committee zo take care of the public parks, triangles, and playgrounds of the Town. By its action at the 1947 Towa Meeting, the Town con- stituted the Board of Public Works as a Permanent Committee to care for public parks, triangles, and playgrounds. There- fcre. it is recommended that this Article be stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Health to appoini one of their members to the position of Board of Health Physician and to fix his compen- sation, in accordance with Section 4A. Chapter 41. General Favorable action recommended on the basis of compen- sation in the amoun~ of $750.00 for the year 1949. This amount has been included in the Board of Health appropriation as recommended by your Advisory Board. ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the School Committee to appoint one of its members ~o the position of School Physician and to fix his compensation in accordance with Section dA. Chapter 41, General Laws. Favorable action recommended on the basis of compensa- tions in the amount of $750.00 for the year 1949. This amount has been included in the School Department appropriation as recommended by your Advisory Board. A~TICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate sufficient funds to erect on Drummond Play- ground one open-type shelter and three-benches. Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational Coun¢il. It is recommended that the sum of $600.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works. ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate sufficient funds to purchase and plant one twenty- five (25) foot Chinese Elm Tree and to furnish three concrete seats at Grogan's Playground. Petition of thu Board of Selectmen on recommendation of thc t~ecreational Council. It is recommended that the sum of $200.00 be raised and ~ppropriated for the purposes of this Article, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works. It is further recommended that the services of a reliable tree 5 nursery be procured to assist in the choosing and planting of a suitable tree, not necessarily a Chinese Elm. ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Six Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($6,200) to furnish and install an eight (8) foot high chain link fence, with two ten (10) foot truck gates and two ~edes- trian gates, around the present Orogan's baseball field. Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the Recreational Council. Unfavorable action recommended. In line with the cur- rent policy of your Board, as previously outlined, .it is felt that this is an expenditure which should be postponed to a later date. ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars ($800) -- the sum of six hundred dollars ($600) to be used for salaries of our Playground Instructors and one Supervisor for the six- week schedule in the summer of 1949; the sum of Two IIundred Dollars ($200) to be used for Playground handicraft supplies.. Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of the I~ccreational Council. Favorable action recommended. These expenditures are a continuation of the policy established under Article 22 and 23 of the Warrant .at the 1945 Town Meeting. It is recom- mended that the sum of $600.00 be raised and appropriated to be expended under the direction of the Recreational Council for the instruction and supervision of children upon the play- grounds of the Town, and that an additional sum of $200.00 be raised and appropriated to be so expended for the purchase of supplies, including handicraft and other expendable items, for the use of children, instructors and supervisors on said' playgrounds. ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to repeal aH the existing by-laws of the Town and substitute therefor for "Revised By-Laws of the Town of North Andover' recom- mended by the By-Laws Committee and made a part of its final report appearing in the Town Report for 1948, or to take some other action relative to said report. Petition of the By-Law Committee. Favorable action recommended. The proposed "Revised 'By-Laws", as printed in the Town Report for 1948, have been carefully studied by your Board in conjunction with' the By-Law Committee, and it is felt that they are a definite and needed improvement over our present by-laws. It is further recommended that the sum of $350.00 be raised and appro- priated for the purpose of printing copies of the Revised By-Laws, when approved by the Attorney General, for dis- tribution to the citizens of the Town. AI~TICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectman to enter into a lease with Charles Perry, upon such terms and conditions as the Selectmen may deem advisable, with respect to premises kno;vn as '"Town Dump" at the end of Union Street. Petition of the Board of Selectmen. Favorable action recommended. ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to accept, in behalf of the Town, a gift of a certain portion of land on Hillside Road, all as oat- lined o~ plan of proposed widening of Hillside Road, North Andover, Massachusetts, drawn by Ralph B. Brasseur, Feb- ruary, 1948, from H. W. Clark. Un/avorable action recommended, since the proposed gift is expressly conditioned upon certain expenditures by the Town which have been estimated at $3,000, as set forth in Article 36. It is your Board's belief that such an amount can be better spent for other purposes at this time, and it has therefore also recommended unfavorable action on Article 36. However, your Board also feels that the thanks of the Town should be given Mr.. Clark for his generous offer, and that further consideration should be given the project at some later date if the offer remains open. ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Selectmen to sell, convey or otherwise dispose of, Lot No. 27 located on Upland Street, deeded to the In- habitants of North Andover, for such price as may appear suitable; such lot described and bounded as follows: Westerly by Upland Street, forty-five (45) feet, southerly by lot 26, one hundred (100) feet, easterly by lot 30, forty-five (45) feet and northerly by lot 28, one hundred (100) feet containing forty-five hundred (4500) square feet more or less. Petition of ~he Board of Selectmen. Favorable action recommended, ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will vote to sell the tract of land with buildings thercor~, situated on Beverly Street, North Andover, Massachusetts, and known as the Union School property; and to empower the Board of Select, men re arrange and execute such sale on terms most advan- tageous to the Town, and to make and delivery good and sufficien~ deed or deeds for thc same; provided, however, that the authority granted under this article shall become effective only after the School Committee has certified to the Board of Selectmen that the Union School has been vacated and is no longer needed for pnrposes of the School Depart- ment. Petition of the Board, of Selectmen. Favorable action recommended. ARTICLE 20. To see ii the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the stun of One Thousand Fora' Hundred Dollars ($1~400) for the purchase of one half-ton pick-up truck. Petition o£ John J. Connors, Tree Warden. It is recommended that the sum of $1,300.00 be taken from unappropriated available funds in the Treasury, to be used by the Tree Warden, together with his present pick-up truck, for the purposes of this Article. ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of FiYe ]:~undred Fifty Dollars ($550) for the purchase of a powered chain saw. Petition of John J. Connors, Tree Warden. It is recommended that the sum of $550.00 be taken from unappropriated available funds in the Treasury, to be ex- pended by the Tree Warden for the purposes o~ th~s Article. ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Sixty-Five Dollars and Thirty-four Cents ($165.34) to take care of the unpaid bills for thc Tower Infirmary ~or the year 1948. Petition o~ the Board of Public Welfare. Favorable action recommended. However, your Advisory Board wishes to call to the attention of the Town, and the heads of the various Town Departments, the provisions of General Laws, Chapter ~4, Section 31, which forbid town departments to incur any liability in excess of their appro- priations except in cases of extreme emergency involving the health or safety of persons, and then only by a vote of two- thirds of the Selectmen. Section 64 of the same Chapter requires a four-fifths vote of the Town Meeting for adoption of such an Article as this. ARTICLE 23. To see if thc Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Hundred Sixty-six Dollars ($166) to take care of' unpaid bills for thc year 1948 for the Police Department. Petition of Alfred ti. Mci<ce. Favorable action recommended. ~omments made under the preceding Article are equally applicable here. ARTICLE 24. To see i~ the Town will vote to raise anel appropriate a sufficient sum of money for the salaries and wages in each Town Department, except the School Depart- ment, to grant a Three Hundred Dollar ($300} increase to ali full-time town employees. Petition of Edward Melamed and others. Inasmuch as a general increase in wages has been pr.o- posed by your Advisory Board and provided for in approprm- tions recommended for each town department, it is recom- mended that this Article be stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to raise anti appropriate the sum of Si× Hundred Dollars ($600)to be used wi. th the present Chevrolet caL to purehasea new police (~ar. Petition of Alfred H. ~cKee and others. It is recommended that the sum of $600.00 be taken from unappropriated funds in the Treasury, to be used by the E~hief of Police, together with the present Chevrolet car, for ~e purposes of this. Article. ' ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to raise' and appropriate the sum of Eight Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($8,400) to be added to the Police Department Appropriation, to provide for the appointment of three competent and quali- fied men. under Civil Service Rules, to be regular patrolmen. Petition of Alfred lqI. 5feI~ee and others. Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board believes that the Town can be adequately policed and pro- tected by the present police personnel, and that no permanent increase in the Police Department budget should be voted at this time. ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote ;o raise and appropriate the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1,500) to purchase new ladders for the Ladder Truck. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. U..nfavorable action recommended, in view of the recom- mendation of your Board unde~ ArticIe 30. ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($1,200 to purchase six air masks as required by State Laws. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. It is recommended that. the sum of $1,200 be taken from unappropriated available funds in the Treasury, to be ex- pended under the direction of the Fire Engineers to purchase si:; "gas masks", as required by General Laws, Chapter 48, Section 5lA. ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will vote ;o raise and appropriate the sum of One Thousa.nd Eight Hundred Dollars ($1,800) to purchase an automobile for use of Fire and Forest Fire Departments. Petition of Board of Fire Engineers and Forest Warden. Unfavorable action, recommended. This ac.~io.n is with the policy of the Town as established at the Annual Town Meeting las~t year. There ~$ no apparent need for ad~- tiona~ tra~lsporti~o~ fa~i!~i.e~ in the Fiye ~el~ar~e~t time. ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will vote to instruct the Moderator to appoint a committee to investigate the ad- visability of procuring a new Ladder Truck for the Fire Department. Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers. It is recommended that a committee of five citizens of the Town, none of whom shall be a paid municipal officer or employee, be appointed forthwith by the Moderator, to study the needs of the Fire Department, with reference to the procuring of such new equipment as may be necessary to make the department an efficient fire fighting unit, and to report its findings and recommendations to the next annual tow,~ meeting. ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will raise and appro- priate the sum of Six Huudred Dollars ($600) for the pur- chase of snow equipment for a Highway Department truck. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. With the approval of the Highway Surveyor, it is re- commended that this Article be stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town will raise and appro- priate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) to be used for a sidewalk project;ithe Town to pay one-half of the ex- pense and the applicant to pay the other half of the cost. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the sum of $2,000.00 be taken from unappropriated available funds in the Treasury, to be used for the purposes of this Article, under the direction of the Highway Surveyor. ARTICLE 33. To ~ee if the Town will raise and appro- priate the sum of S~x Th~a,q~]d lVive Hundred Dollars ($6.500) for the purchase of a two and one-half to three ton heavy-duty Dump Truck chassis and cab with nine yard enclosed rubbish body. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board believes that this is another of those large expenditures which should not be undertaken at this time: It is felt that rubbish collections in this Town can be adequately made with the use of present equipment and 'personnel. ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will raise and appro- priate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) for main- tenance on any street in Town under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, said money to be used in conjunction with any money which may be allotted by the State or County, or both, for this purpose; or take any other action in relation thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. 10 It is recommended that the sum of $2,000 be taken from unappropriated available funds in the Treasury for the pur- poses of this Article, to be expended by the Highway Surveyor, under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, together with any money which may be allotted for such purposes by the State or County or both, but in no greater proportion than $2.00 of Town money to each $1.00 of such allotted funds. · ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will raise and appro- priate the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) for the continuation of the rebuilding of Main Street under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, said money to be used in conjunction with any money which may be allotted by the State or County or both, for this purpose; or take any other action in relation thereto. Petition of the Highway Surveyor. It is recommended that the sum of $5,000.00 be taken from unappropriated available funds in Treasury for the pur- poses of this Article, to be e~pended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor, under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, together with any money which may be allotted for such purposes by the State or County or both, but in no greater proportion than $2.00 of Town money to each $1.00 of such allotted funds. ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide from available funds, the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3,000) for the purpose of widening Hillside Road in accordance with the plan of proposed widen- ing of Hillside l~oad, North Andover. Massachusetts, drawn by Ralph B. Brasseur, February, 1945. Petition o~ the Highway Surveyor. Unfavorable action recommended. See comment under Article 17. ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, provide by bond issue or transfer from available funds, Seven Thousand Five ttundred Dollars ($7,500) to be used to purchase and install an electric motor, centrifugal pump, and appurtenances to replace the 1906 pump and engine at the pumping station. Petition of Board of Public Works. The purpose of this and the following three Articles is to further the established policy of the Board of Public Works to maintain an efficient water system in the Town. Your Advisory Board has been advised that if an additional $1,000.00 is made available for the purposes of this Article, equipment can now be purchased which will facilitate the future install~ tion of a fully automatic water system, at a considerable saving to the Town. It is therefore recommended that the sum of $8,500.00 be taken from unappropriated available 11 funds in the Treasury, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purposes of this Article. ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to transfer from the 1948 Stabilization Fund Four Thousand One Hundred Seventeen Dollars and Eighty-eight Cents ($4,117.88) to be used to purchase and install an electric motor, centrifugal pump and appurtenances to replace the 1906 pump and engine at the pumping station." Petition of Board of Public Works. Favorable action recovnmended, the money to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purposes of this Article. ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town wilt vote to appropriate from available funds the sum of Two Thousand Two t{undred Twenty-Six Dollars and Twenty-seven Cents ($2,226.27) being the amount of water department receipts in excess of water department operating expenses for 1948 for the purchase and installation of an electric motor, centrifugal pump and ap-, purtenances at the pumping station. Petition of Board of Public Works. It is recommended that the sum of $2,226.27 be taken from unappropriated available funds in the Treasury, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purposes of tiffs Article . ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Board of Pnblic Works to dispose of the 1.5 million gallon a day pump and engine installed at the pumping station in 1906 and used as stand-by equipment since 1930. Petition of Board of Public Works. Favorable action recommended, with the understa~i,~g that the proceeds from the sale of this equipment Be returned to the Treasury. ARTICLE 4]. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) to place hydrants at the new houses of Edward Welch, Dale Street, Francis Cashman, AVinter Street, Christian Stoehr, Salem Street and other necessary locations. Petition of Board of .Pnbllc Works. It is recommended that the sum of $2,000 be taken from unappropriated available funds in the Treasury, to be ex- pended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purposes of this Article. ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will raise and appro- priate, provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) to clean and cement line water mains in the ~vater works system. Petition of Board of Public Works. 14 Ur.favorable action recommended. After some discussion with the Superintendent of the Board of Public Works, it is believed that this expenditure can be postponed for some time, without detriment to the Town's interests. ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will raise and appro- priate, provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, Four Thousand Five lIundred Dollars ($4.500) to extend the sewer system on Main Street from 281 Main Street to Davis Street before Main Street is reconstructed. Petition of Board of Public Works. Unfavorable action recommended, since it appears that the proposed sewer extensions would serve no present pur- poses, and may never become necessary. ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will vote to accept the provisions of Chapter 586' of the Acts of 1948. "An Act authorizing increases of the amount of pensions payable to eertai,n former public employees who have been retired and ;o beneficiaries of certain retired public employees. Petition of James J. Maker and others, Favorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board 'has been g~ven to understand that this article does not call for any increased contributions by the Town to the present retirement system. ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town will vote to accept School Street according to the layout approved by the Plan, ning Board and as adjudicated by the Board of Selectmen. Petition of James Farrell and others. Favorable action recommended. ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will vote to accept ?'aulkner Road, from Parker Street to Greene Street, accord- lng to the layout approved by the Planning Board and as adjudicated by the Board of Selectmen. Petition of Louis H. McAloon and others. Favorable action recommended. ARTICLE 47. To see if the To.wn will vote to extend the street lights from the present location at the corner of Salem Street To Mosquito Brook on Foster Street for safety protection. Petition of Loring N. Foster: and others. Favorable action recommended. The proposed street lig]~ting appropriation has bee~ increased to cover the cost of the additional light~. ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient sum to install a fire alarm box at tha junction of Salem. Boxford. and Foster Streets. Petition of John J. Wilcox and others. 15 Unfavorable action reco,umended. The cost of this pre° ject ha~ l~en estim~te.d at $1,500.09. Your Board believes that the cost of such an installation is too high to warrant affirmative action at thi~ time. AI~TICLE 49. To see if the Town ~vill vote to raise and appropriate a sufficient amount of money to install a surface di~ain on Moody Street from Chadwick Street for a distance of F~ve IIundre~l (500) t'eet. Petition of Paul G. Dyer aud others. Unfavorable action recommended. The petitioners did not appear before your Advisory Board at its Public hearings, and no evidence of the need for, or the cost of, such an installation has been made available. However, since Moody Street is not an accepted way, your Board's established policies would require a negative recommendation in any event. ARTICLE 50. To see if the To~vn will vote To raise and appropriate, provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money so extend the water system on Boxford Street to Forest Street and then a distance of On~ Thousand Seven Hundred ((1,700) feet on Forest Street for fire protection in accordance with Article 9 of the Town Meeting of March 7, ]898. Petition of Fred Rabs and others. The initial cost of this installation, which would serve only four small houses, has been estimated at approximately $12,000.00. Moreover, in response to a request for ce~ment~ the New England Fire Insurance ltating Association has re. plied, in part, as follows: "Therefore, if the Kimball district is to be furnished with fire protection it appears that it will be necessary to go back with the line to the reservoir, probably at least 12" in diameter, in order that a reasonable ~.monnt of water may be available for the section under consideratiom~ If this additional 12" line to the reservoir were installed, it is estimated that it would cost $115,000.00. The possibility elevated storage instead of the 12" line for the district was considered and an estimate of $25,000.00 secured for a gallon tank, Approval of this Article would commit the Town to a program calling for the eventual extension of the water system into outlying parts of the Town which, while desirable in many ways, would cost so much that your Advisory Board believes that the Town would not be able to pay for it. The petitioners have advised that any cost guarantee or percentage sharing of the cost is unacceptable to them. The Town, upon a similar recommendation, voted overwhelmingly against the same Article at the 1948 Town Meeting. In view of all these factors, your Advisory B~ard recommends unfavorable action. ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient amount of money ~o install water service on Summit Street for a distance of Two Hun(h'ed [200) feet £rom Prescott Street. Petition of Harriet C. Brightman and o~hers. The cost of this project is estimated at $900.00. It is recommended, that the sum of $225.00 be taken from unappro- l~riated available funds in the Treasury, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purposes of this Article, upon the following conditions, which are im- lmsed in conformity with the established policy of the town: (1) That. on or before July 1, 1949, the petitioners and/or owners deposit with the Town Treasurer, for the use of the Town, the sum of $675.00 to cover the balance of the · ost of the project. (2) That, on oc before said July 1, 1949, the petitioners and/or owners give to the Selectmen such assurance as they may require that. veithin such time after the installation of water service under this Article as the selectmen may set, the roads and sidewalks a~fected thereby, and the drainage ef the same, will be put into a condition satisfactory to the Highway Surveyor, in accordance with the Selectmen's "Reg- ulations for Laying Out Streets". (3) That, on or before said July 1, 1949, the Planning Board shall have approved the layout and plan of the sta-eet involved. ARTICLE 52. To '.~ee if the Town will vote r.o raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer £rom avail able funds, a sufficient sum of money to ex~end the water system on Lorraine Avenue Three Hundred Twenty (320) feet from Andover Szreet. Petition of ),laleolm G. Norwood and others. The cost of this project is estimated at $1,400.00. It is reeommeuded that the sum of $350.00 be taken from unappro- priated available funds in the Treasury, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purposes of this Article, upon the following conditions, which are im- posed in conformity with the established policy of the Town: (1) That, or or before July 1, 1949, the petitioners and]or owners deposit with the Town Treasurer, for the use of the Town, the sum of $1,050.00 to cover the balance of the cost of the project. (2) That, on or before said July 1, 1949, the petitioners and]or owners give to the Selectmen such assurance as they may require that, within such time after the installation of water service under this Article as the selectmen may set, the roads and sidewalks affected thereby, and the drainage of the same, will be put into a condition satisfactory to the Highway Sm'veyor, in accordance with the Selectmen's "Reg- ulations for Laying Out Streets". 17 (3) That, on or before said July 1, 1949, the Plan~ng Board shall have approved the layout and plan 'of the street involved. ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from avail- able funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the sewer system on Pleasant Street from Camden Street, Three Hundred (300) feet toward Stevens Corner. Petition of Mitchell P. Bootman and others. Favorable action recommended. The cost of this project is estimated at $1,500. It is recommended that this amount be taken from unappropriated available funds in the Trea~ ury, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purposes of this Article upon condition that a two cent assessment rate be made applicable to this project, under Acts of 1906, Chapter 380, section 6, as amended. ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sum of money sufficient to extend the sewer system from Park Street, by way of Chickering R(~ad, to Main Street, and on Main Street as far as the site proposed for the new Center-Merrimack School. Petition of School Building Committee. It is recommended that the sum of $3,000.00 be taken from unappropriated available funds in the Treasury to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purposes of this Article. This expenditure is necessary to provide for the proposed new Merrimack-Center School. ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from avail- able funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the sewer system on Putnam Road from I{olbrook Road to Mifflin Drive. Petition of Simon Caponette and others. The cost of this project is estimated at $1,000.00. It is recommended that this amount be taken from unappropriated available funds in the Treasury, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purposes of this Article, upon the following conditions, which are imposed in conformity with the established policy of the Town: (1) That the construction of homes to be serviced by the proposed installation shall ha~e been started by July 1, 1949. (2) That a' two-cent assessment rate be made applicable to the project, under Acts of 1906, Chapter 380, Sc~ction 6, as amended. (3) That, on or before said July 1, 1949, the petitioners and/or owners give to the Selectmen such assurance as they may require that, within such time after the installation of a sewer system under this Article as the Selectmen may set, 18 the roads and sidewalks affected thereby, and the drainage of the same, will be put into a condition satisfactory to the Highway Surveyor, in accordance with the Selectmen's "Reg- ulations for Laying Out Streets". (4) That, on or before said July 1, 1949, the Planning Board shall have approved the layout and plan of the street involved. ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from avail- able funds, s sufficicnt sum of money to extend the water system on Putnam Road from l:[olbrook Road to the residence of Simon Caponette. Petition of Simon Caponette and others. The cost of this project is estimated at $700.00. It is recommended that the sum of $175.00 be taken from unappro- priated available funds iu the Treasury, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purposes of this Article, upon the following conditions, which are im- posed in conformity with the established policy of the Town: (1) That, on or before July 1, 1949, the petitioners and/or owners deposit with the Town Treasurer, for the use of the Town, the sum of $525.00 to cover the balance of the cost of the project. (2) That, on or before said July 1, 1949, the petitioners and/or owners give to the Selectmen such assurance as they may require that, within such time after the installation of water service under this Article as the Selectmen may set, the roads and sidewalks affected thereby, and the drainage of the same, will be put into a condition satisfactory to the Highway Surveyor, in accordance with the Selectmen's "Regulations for Laying Out Streets". (3) That, on or before said July 1, 1949, the Planning Board shall have approved the layout and plan of the street involved. ARTICLE 57: To see if the Town will vote ~o raise and appropriate, provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the sewer system on Putnam Road from Greene Street co Mifflin Drive. Petition of Leon Beauehesne and others. The cost of this project is estimated at $3,000.00. It is recommended that this amount be taken from unappropriated available funds in the Treasury, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purposes of this Article. upon the following conditions, which are imposed in conformity with the established policy of the Town: (1) That the construction of homes to be serviced by the proposed installation shall have been started by July 1, 1949. 19 (2) That a two-cent a~sessment rate he made~ applicable to the project, under Acts of 1906, Chapter 380, Section 6, as amended. (3) That, on or before said July 1, 1949, the petitioners and/er owners give to the Selectmen such assurance as they may require that, within such time after the instanatien of a sewer system under this Article as the Selectmen may set, the reads and sidewalks affected thereby, and the drainage of the same, win be put into a condition satisfactory to the Highway Surveyor, in accordance with the Selectmen's "Reg- ulations for Laying Out Streets". (4) That, on or before said July 1, 1949, the Planning Board shall have approved the layout and plan of the street involved. ARTICLE 58. To. see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or provide by bond issue, or transfer from avail- able funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the wate~ system on Putnam Ro~d from Greene Street to Mifflin Drive Petition of Leon Bcauchcsne and others. The cost of this project is estimated at $3,200.00. It is recommended that the sum of $800.00 be taken from unappro- priated available funds in the Treasury, te be expended under the direction of the Board'of Public Works for the purposes of this Article, upon the following conditions, which are posed in conformity with the established policy of the tow-n: (1) That, on or before July 1, 1949, the petitioners and/or owners deposit with the Town Treasurer, for the use of the Town, the sum of $2,400 to cover the balance of the cost of the project. (2) That, on or before said July 1, 1949, the petitioners and/or owners give to the Selectmen such assurance as they may require that, within such time after the installation of water service under this Article as the Selectmen may set, the roads and sidewalks affected thereby, and the drainage of the same, will be put into a condition satisfactory to the High- way Surveyor, in accordance with the Selectmen's "Regula- tions for Laying Out Streets". (3) That, on or before said July 1, 1949, the Planning Board shall have approved the layout and plan of the street involved. ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town ~vill vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from avail- able funds, a sufficient sum of money to install a sewer system on Sawyer Read for a distance of Two Hundred Forty (240). feet beginning at Pembrook Road. Petition of Joseph J. Sarnbataro and others. Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board believes that while other streets in which installations have been made at the request of this petitioner remain in as poor a condition as they now are, no further consideration should be given to Articles for sewer and water extensions sponsored by him. ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate or provide by bond issue, or transfer from avail- able funds, a sufficient sum of money to install a water system on Sawyer Road for a distance of Two Hundred Forty (240) feet beginning at Pembrook Road. Petition of Joseph J. Sambataro and others. Unfavorable action recommended: See comments under the preceding Article. ARTICLE 6L, To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, provide by bond issue, or transfer from available funds, a ~uffieient sum of money to install a sewer system ou Mifflin Drive Two Hundred Thirty (230) feet from Massa- chusetts Avenue. Petition of Anthony J. Ventura and others. Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board is of tbs opinion that un,il Mifflin Drive is properly con- strutted and provided with an adequate drainage system, the ~'own should not spend any of its funds to provide it with extensicns of sewer and water services. ARTICLE 62. To see if th}~ Town will vote to raise and appropriate, or provide by boud issue, or transfer from avail- able funds, a sufficient sum o5 money to install a water system on 5i-;f~iin Drive Two Hundred Thirty (230) feet from Massa- chusetts Avenue. Petition of Anthony d. Venmra and others. Unfavorable action recommended, See comments under the preceding Article. ARTICLE 63. To see if the Toum will vote to raise and appropriate, or transfer from available fnnds, the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($(i,000) for the use of the Public Works Department in brh'~ging water and sewer lines to su[tabte ponnts ad.~aeent to the Veterans' Housing Development prop- erty, and to impr'ove approaches to the property as may be necessary t,') ensure passable ways to parking lot and for u ilities at all thae:. The Veterans' Housing Development, to be built in the area bounded by Francis Street, Baldwin Street and G:lbert Street. will provide dwelling units for twenty-four (24) Veterans and their families. Petition of the North An(lover Housing Authority. It is recommended that the sum of $6,000.00 be taken from unappropriated available funds in the Treasury, to be expended under the direction of the Board of Public Works for the purposes of this Article. 21 ARTICLE 64. To see if the Town will vote to amend the Zoning By-Laws by changing the classification of a piece of property owned by Ethel Freeman from a residential to a business district. Said property is located at Andover and Salem Turnpike (Turnpike Street) and bounded and described as follows: "Beginning at a point in the northerly line of the Salem Turnpike said point being 280 feet northerly from a stone bound marking the westerly end of a curve at the junc- tion of the Salem Turnpike and Andover Street, thence north- westerly by the easterly line of Turnpike 111.44 feet to a point, thence northeasterly 391.72 feet to a point, thence south- easterly 172.03 feet to a point on the westerly line of Andover Street, thence southerly by the westerly line of Andover Street 207.95 feet to a point, said point being 187.50 feet northerly from a stone bound marking the easterly end of a curve at the junction of Andover Street and the Salem Turnpike, thence westerly 295.53 feet to the point of beginning." Petition of Ethel M. Freeman and others. Your Advisory Board wiahes to place itself on r~cord aa being opposed to any gradual repeal of the Zoning By-Law by "Spot Zoning" amendments to the Zoning Map. However, no one appeared before your Board at its public hearings either in favor of or in opposition to this Article, and for this reason, as well as because the Planning Board is required by law to make recommendations to the Town Meeting relative to proposed zoning changes, your Advisory Board makes no recommendation as to this Article. ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to establish a Reserve Police Force of from two (2) to four (4) men from those who have fully qualified and passed the State Civil Service Physical and mental examinations; all in accordance with Civil Service Rules anal Regulations; to become effective immediately. Petition of David F. Roche and others. This Article is similar to one in the 1948 Warrant, con- cerning which your Advisory Board said: "The Police Depart- ment is under jurisdiction of the Board of Selectmen. The Advisory Board feels that all matters pertaining to the duties, personnel and administration of police department affairs should be sponsored by or carry a written approval of the Board of Selectmen, the Chief of Police or both. Unfavorable action is recommended." Since the present Article is not so sponsored or approved, your Board feels bound by the vote of the Town in 1948 to reaffirm its position on this question. Unfavorable action re- commended. ARTICLE 66. To see i~ the Town will raise and appro- priate the sum of Three Hundred Fifty Dollars ($350) for 22 the maintenance and expe~ses of Post 2104, V.F.W. for the year 1949. Petition of Martin J. Lawlor, Jr., and others. Since the proposed budget includes the item requested by the petitioner it is recommended that this Article be stricken from the Warrant. ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will raise and appro- priate the sum of Eighteen Thousand Sixty Dollars ($18,060) to be added to the Stabilization Fund under Chapter 124, Acts of 1945, as created under Article 36 of the Warrant for the Annual Meeting held March 16, ]946, and as recommended in the Reeves' School Survey . Petition of the School Building Committee. Favorable action recommended. This is a continuation Of the policy established by the Town in 1946 and ratified,at each Town Meeting since that time, of regularly setting aside each year a proportionate share of tax money for the financing ef the long range school building program of the Town. ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will raise and appro- priate the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) to be used by the School Building Committee to obtain plans and/or specifications for a new high school or any other school build- ing, and to authorize the School Building Committee. if poss- ible. ;o borrow funds for the plans for new school buildings nnder title 5. Public Works. Acts of 1944 or take any other action relative thereto. Petition of School Building Committee. The building of a new high school is of necessity, a project for the future, which it is not contemplated the Town will undertake for some years, and it is felt by your Advisory Board that any appropriation for plans and specifications can very well be postponed. Unfavorable action recommended. ARTICLE 69. T~ see if thc Town w~ll make an ~dditional appropriatio~ of noz exeeedi~g O~e Hundred and Two Thou- salad Dollars ($102.000 for the purpose of constructing and originally cq~ripping and furnishing an addition ~o the Brad- stree[ School and a grammar school z(> serve all areas other ths~ ~he Tl~omson a~d Brads~ree[ districts, and will raise the saint by borrowing or t~thcrwisc, and will provide for different dates and maturities of the unissued boards auzhorized m~der Article 1 of the special Token Meeting held May 24, 1948. Petition of School Building Committee. For a detailed explanation of the proposal made by this Article, the Town is referred to the report of the School Building Committee, which is being mailed out separately. It is recommended that the following vote be passed: That the sum of One Hundred and Two Thousand ($102,000) Dollars be appropriated, in addition to the appro- priation already made, for the purpose of constructing and 23 originally equipping and furnishing an addition to the Brad- street School and a grammar school to serve all areas other than the Thomson and Brads~reet districts,, and to meet said additional appropriation the sum of $2,000.00 shall be raise~l in the tax levy of the current year, the sum of $30,000.00 to be transferred from unappropriated available funds, and the Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, is authorized to borrow the sum of $70,000.00 and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor, said bonds or notes, and the unissued $180,000.00 of the bond or notes authorized under Article 1 of the special Town Meeting held May 24, 1948, to be issued from time to tffne, each issue to constitute a separate loan, and the bonds or notes to be payable in accordance with Chapter 44 of the General Laws in not more than 20 years from their respective dates, or at such earlier time as the Treasurer and Selectmen may determine. ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will authorize the School B~ilding Committee created under Article 34 of the Warrant of the Annual Town Meeting held March 16, 1946, to enter into any contracts necessary £or the purpose of carrying out the vote passed un¢ter Article 69, relative to "constructiug and originally eq~fipping the addition to the Bradstreet Elementary School and the starting of a school te serve all areas other than the Thomson and Bradstreet Districts." Petition of School Building Committee. Favorable action recommended.