HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955 AUDITORS REPORTT tie
YEAg ENI)ING FEB. 18. 1870,
YEAR ENDING FEB. 18. 1870.
The Auditors chosen to audit the accounts of the Selectmen.
Overseers of the Pqor, and Town Treasurer of the town of
North Andover have examined the same for the year ending
Feb. 15. 1870, and report that they find the said accounts all
correctly east and voucl~ed for, representing fully the tlnanciM
condition of the town: which, considering the heavy ex~ra ex-
penses involved in building the new road to 'Boxford, and in as-
suming the control and ownership of the school house proper~y
in the town, is.certainly very flattering.
The Treasurer's account foots up to a good round sum in
consequence of'changing all the old town notes, and also the
notes against the Merrimac school district ~o new town notes,
which certainly seems to us to be the best plan: as many of the
old notes were of sraM1 amounts and of various dates, runmng
all through the year, making it inconvenient for the Treastu'er,
as he was obliged to be prepared ~o meet the interest on some
one of ~hcm almost every day.
The town now owes but seven notes, and the interest is M1
paid to Oc%l, 1869.
The Auditors were particularly s~ruck with the neat and
tidy appearance of the alms-house and its inmates Certain-
ly the matron. Mrs. Sargent, is deserving great credit for this.
There arc always in such places many unavoidable things tMt
are no; pleasant, but really the inmates of our alms-house ap-
pear to be contented and happy as possible.
The fo]lowing statement of accounts is submitted:
Whole amount raised by the town for the sup-
port of district schools,
Amount of State school fund,
Balance due schools Feb. 13: 1869,
$4,000 00
182 99
1,083 01
Whole amount of orders drawn for schools,
Balance due schools Feb. 18, 18707
85,266 00
8,688 87
81,582 68
Merrim~c school district~ $2,038 81
Centre " " 618 88
Far,Lam " " 295 63
Kimball . " " 269 10
Pond .... 197 10
River ,, ;, 264 40
Merrimac gchool district,
Farnham ;; "
$8,688 87
$222 O0
88 88
2 61
6 O0
2 55
9321 54
Amount appropriated by the town, '
BalanSe due Feb. 13, 1869:
Amount of orders drawn,
Balance due the school Feb. 18,. 1870,
.$1,800 00
254 82
$9~054 82
1,741 95
$319 87
Repor~ of the committee on the appraisal of the 'property
belonging to the several school districts:
Merrimac district, $25,083 33
Centre " 1.975 00
Farnham " 1,0'~5 00
Kimball ': 866 66
Pond " 808 88
Ri~cr " 1.891 66
$81,149 98
JOSEPH P. BLAKE. i Committee.
Paid Chas. C. Vinal; services as Scl/col Com-
B. F. Hamilton, services as School Corn-
· mittee, :
Hiram Berry, services as School Committee,
Daniel Fernandez, services as Truant Offi-
cer, 1868,
John Clark, services as Constable, 1868,
Edward Cooper, " ....
Oliver R. Gile, "
Andrew Smith, " " 1868-9,
Joseph S. Allen,
- ', " " collecting taxes,
Andrew Smith: " as Treasurer~
:, " " as Town Clerk,
Chas. F. Johnson " as Selectman, As-
sessoL and Overseer of the Pool
Wni. S. (~owdery, services as Selectman,
Assessor~ smd Overseer of the Poor,
Joseph P. Blake, services as Selectmsm~
'Assessor, and Overseer of the Poor,
Paid Geo. S. Merrill & Co., printing Auditor's
and School Reports, &c.,
A. Morrison~ printing check list~ &c, 1868,
Alanson Briggs~ paying witness fees, Bcd-
well case,
Andrew Smith, paying witness fees, Bcd-
well casc~'
Amount carried forward,
{~95 O0
75 00
50 00
· 8O0
12 00
12 50
8 5O
~4 00
10 00
194 50
50 00
40 00
156 00
183 00
142 00
$1,000 50
8105 00
8 00
18 89
71 70
S208 O9
Amount brought forward,
Paid J. A. Montgomery, paying witness 'fees,
~ Bodwell ease,
J. A. Montgomery, services in Bodwell
]~enj. P. Saunders, services in Bodwell
Wm. D. Lamb. professional services in
Bod~vell ease.
C. N. Chamberlain, professional services in
Bodwell case,
Daniel Carleton. ser¥ices in road case.
J. A. Montgomery,
Ephraim Lacy, witness fees
A. C. Hardy, Fsh Warden, 1868.
Thomas Groom & Co., collector's books.
John G. Brown. school books,
Asa H. Abbott, expressing in 1868,
Andrew Smith, cash paid for expressing,
A P. Fuller, buikting wM1 oa Main st., '
J. A. Treat, iron for fence in cemetery,
if. F. Allen, building fence ia cemetery,
', " hand cuffs,
R. O. ]Bridges, use of land for lock-up,
Andrew Smith, insurance on
John C. Dow, books and stationery,
Ch~. F. Joh~son, bound stone and se;-
Geo. W. Gould. guide boards and painting,
J. P. Blake, guide post,
Hiram Berry~ stationery~
J. F. Allen, returning ~wen;y-eight
~ 80
88 O0
6O O0
60 O0
15 O0
9 O0
8 75
50 O0
6 O0
43 60
5 85
5 30
56 87
50 68
82 66
I 75
6 O0
5 O0
7 23
9, 00
11 00
~ 75
I 51
Araoun~ carried forward, $709 39
Amount brought fo.rward, 8709 39
Paid Andrew Smith~ services paying State aid, 10 00
CMs. F. Johnson," " " 10 O0
Andrew Smith, recording births, deaths
and marriages: 30 80
Andrew Smith, stamps and stationery, 2 25
PMd Samuel S. McKenzie~ surveying: &c, $24 00
Nathan Foster: hauling ston% 11 00
Selectmen, services and cxpenses~ 52 00
$. W. Hazen," 10 00
A.D. Wait, " 500
S. Dockham & Co, building road: 7~000 00
$7,102 00
Paid Russell B. Jordan, district No. 1, $83 90
Ward Noyes, " " 2, 27 71
J. A. Montgomery~ " ': 4; 6 27
James Nayson, " " 6, 8 37
Chas. A. Butterfield, " " 8: 9 08
William Foster, " "10, 4 90
iq'. A. Bishop, :' "1.1, 95
Daniel Carleten, " "12, 35 68
Nathaaiel Peters, " "13, 13 81
Seth T. l*arnham~ " ': 14: 46 95
John It. Rea. " "15, 3 28
William H. Kimball, " "16, 16 38
Oliver riske, " "17: 10 82
A. C. Hardy;' .... 18, 68 58
$276 68
Paid Russell B. Jordan, surveyor dist. No. 1,
J A. Montgomery~ " " 4,
James 51ayson, " " 6,
Farnham Spofford," " 7,
William 'Foster, " " 107
~athaniel Peters, "
Seth T. Farnha~, " ': 14,
John H. ~a, " " 15,
WHliam H. Kimball:" " 16,
Oliver Fiske, " " 17,
$10 00
10 00
1 5O'
10 00
10 00
10 00
- 10 00
9 59
4 00
7 00
882 09
Paid R. B. Jordan, building bridge, district Iq o. 1. 828 90
C. P. Jaquith, hauling gravel, district No. 1. 286 65
C. A. Butterfield, repairing bridge, district
51o. 1, 8 00
Frederick Symonds, hauling gravel district
1~o. 1, 149 86
Urias Urry, account of gravel, 3 00
C. A. Butterficld, labor and material, district
No. 8, 38 50
J. A. Montgomery~ labor on pond road, district
Iqo. 4, 2 42
C.A. tlutterfield, repairing bridge, district
No. 12. 6 00
C. P. Jaquith~ labor on highway, district
5Io. 18, 2 00
Seth T. Farnham, graveling road, and plank-
lng bridges: district 51o. 14: 52 83
Amount carried forward 8578 16
Amount brought forward, $573 16
Paid William H. Kimball, labor on highway, dis-
trict No. 16, 12 50
E. McKon% widening Main strcch district
No. 18, 50 00
8635 66
Paid L. N. Duchcsney, to pay members o£
party No. 1~ $454 50
Samuel J. Allen~ to pay members of com-
pany No. 2, 298 65
Jona. H. Fish, steward of Co. No. 2~ 11 55
James L. Kimball,': " " 2, 1868, 6 80
Ebon Fish, " " ' 2, 22 35
Amos Bixby, " " ,' J, 23 10
A. P. Cheney, supplies and wood 1, 10 58
A. D. Carleton, " 1,. 3 76
Wm. A. Kimball, lock and keys~ 1, 7 50
Davis & rurber, iron, oil, &c., 7 10
E. McKon% drawing Engine No. 1 to fires, 2 25
. Edward Adams~ drawing Engine No.
fires, 3 50
T. J. McClary, services as engineer, 5 00
Samq F. Holt, " " 5 00
H. J. Newman, painting and graining house
lgo. 1, 12 00
Abbott Prescott, repasting lantern for No. 1, 4 65
S. G. Cheever, repairing hose, &c., 81 75
G. W. Gould, repairs on house, No.]2, 38
A'G. Rda, Jr., " " "1, 150
Amos Bixby:' " " "1, 85
$912 22
Paid Urius Un'y~ iron work,
Orrin F. Spofford. sundry articles,
:' " services as janitor,
' '; care of' clock,
P. W. Barnes, lamp~ brush, etc.,
Andrew Smith. insurane%
Warren Stevens, ink, paper, etc.,
D. N. & C. M. Martin, oil can,
C. It. Mason & Co., zinc and nails,
J. P. Blake, stock and labor,
Geo. w. Gould, stock and labor,
Haliday & Wooabury, oil,
Elbridge Gerry, labor.
Samuel Moore, labor,
H. Pluramer, lumber
Paid George E. Carleton. District No. 5.
I%thaniel Gage: " 6.
J'ames It. Reynolds, " 9.
Benj. F. Jenkins, " 10.
Charles S. Foster, "
Josepa Farnhara, 12.
Daniel CarleWn, . 12.
E~ hraim Las'y,
A. C. Hardy~ 18.
Paid Daniel Carleton, over-tax,
James Maslin,
Amount carried f'orward.
S1 5O
5 90
9 00
13 00
3 63
200 00
1 64
6 00
4 91
20 60
2 50
]1 25
8 42
2 00
37 36
$82~o 71
10 80
15 30
3 20
7 80
.8 90
2 4O
5 O0
] 6O
6 O0
,961 O0
$5 75
20 52
$26 28
Amount brought forward, . 826
Paid M. T. Stevens, trustee: over-tax, 66
Rebecca O. :Bridges, "' 18
William Green~ " 11
E. McKone, " 11 50
Eben and William Sutton, trustees, over-tax, 80 93
Benj. F. Jenkins, "~ 8 81
A. G. Rea, Jr., " 5 91
Lefifia l~y, " 5 81
Jonas Cresley, " 2 58
$233 06
Paid Joseph F. Allen, CollectoL sundry taxes a~
sessed in 1868, $26 69
Joseph F. Alle% Co]lector, sundr~taxes as-
sessed in 1869, 88 19.
Joseph F. Allen~ amount remitted to tax-
payers on account of school ]aouses, 8~648 34
Paid' Joseph F. Allen~ discount on taxes collected
previous to :Nov. 1~ 1869,
Supplies furnished l~rs. John E. Young and family:
" " Mrs. Lew~
"· " Alfred Farmer and family,
" " M_rs. Bailey,
Amount carried forward,
$8,758 22
$2,749 48
$86 78 88 94
31 56
28 97
$226 20
Amount brought forward. $226 20
Supplies furnished Mrs. James Gilman, 28 28
.... Mrs. John Marten, 2 00
Paid the County for. board of Eliza Long, 1868, '25 71
Worcester Insane [{ospitaI. for bo~rd of
Charlotte Wallworth, 182 50.
County receptacle for the insane at Ipswich,
for board of Mary A. Holt, 156 48
Town of Danvers. for supplies furnished Mrs.
Caroline Goodhue and family, in 1868-9, 9,02 00
City of Boston for supplies to Lucy Brown
and Mary A. Stevens. 86 50
City of Salem. for supplies furnished A. A.
lqichols. 21 00
Town of Danvers. for supplies furnished Mrs.
Betsy Fish, 8 9,5
Town of Saugus. for supplies furnished Mrs.
John Marten and family, 5 00
Town of Andover, for supplies furnished Mrs.
John Marron and family, 77 00
Charged so Andover, for supplies furnished Mrs.
E. Kimball, 14 87
Due from the City of Lawrence, for supplies fur-
nished Isabel Gelding and t~amiiy~ 45 88
D~ue from the StaTe, for supplies furnished the
Hamlet family, 46 54
81,117 11
Paid Amos D. Carleton, boots, $4 9,5
Rodney Sargent, services as Superintendent. 466 66
Cobb & Co., goods: - 71 46
Samuel F. Holt~ stock and labor on milk room~ 58 10
Amount carried forward~
$600 47
Amount b3ought forward, 8600 47
Paid Louis Weft, clothing, '22 25
Boston & Maine railroad, freight, 63
John W. Faulkner, bill, 25 10
Warren Stevens, bill of goods, 229 88
R. R. Whittier, bill of goods, 25 60
H. W. Turtle, sewing, 19 22
A. W. Stearns' & Co., bill of goods, 28 09
Davis & Taylor, hill of flour, 32 O0
Henry Keniston, stock and labor on milk room, 27 00
Lawrence Lumbm' Co., lumber, 16 08
James A. Treat & Co., glass and putty, 2 74
Joseph P. Blake, stock and labor, 29 07
William A. Favor, dooh 1 50
It. O. Warren, & Co, coal, 72 00
Joseph F. Allen, wood bought at auction~ 46 00
/lodges, express, 1 25
91,173 88
Paid Hermon Abbott: coffin and shroud furnished
Mrs. White, in March, 1868, 6 50
For Coffin, shroud and cap fm'nished Mrs
Betsy'Nichols, in April, 1869, 7 o~0
Joseph F. Allen, as undeFmkcr~ at funeral of
John Bowman, Feb. 1870, 4 00
Herman Abbott, coffin ~nd shroud for John
' Bowman, 6 50
$24 50
Paid John Clark. for furnishing meals for travel-
ing paupers in 1868.
Edward Coopers. snpplies furnished traveling
Edward MeKone. moving paupers to alms-
house in '1867.
W. D. C. Ellis. keeping pauper~
3 O0
· 2 50
1 50
87 75
James H. Freeman. aged 76 years.
James Nichols, 75 "
Benjamin Farnham. 74
Barzill& Lew, " 68 "
Joseph Styles. " 46 "
Lydia Gray, " 80 "
Mary A. Wardwell,
Hannah E. Frye, " 38
Fidelia Fry, " 36 "
Sophia Freeman, " 3l
To cash p~d for supplies, to Feb. 15, 1570, 44 36
'; flour, 76 18
'; meat, 58 48
" medicine, ~ 05
" grain, 14~0 25
" clothing: 42 67
" seed, 28 76
Amount carried forward: $.394 70
Amount b~ought forward,
T6 cash p~id for stoek~
· ' labor,
': furnitur%
"- tools:
" rep~irs~
· ': incidentals,
To cash in my hands,
cash in my hands, Feb. 18, 1869,
" received for preduc%
' " board~
' ' ' stock,
' ' ' labor,
$394 70
93 00
155 80
9 55
45 00
10 22
21 78
32 25
18 71
$781 01
$62 74
548 76
4 75
70 86
53 90
40 50
$781 01
NoTr~.--Seventy-two m~veling paupers have been accommodated
at the alms-house the past year, at an estimated expense of $64: 80.
Interest on this fund to the amount of seven dollars and
twenty-two cents has been collected~ ~nd is now in the hgnds
of the Town Treasurer.
One yoke oxen,
One horse,
Six cows~
One pair steers,
Swine, ~
Twenty-three fowls,
$175 O0
75 O0
240 O0
80 O0
100 O0
23 O0
$49a oo
Twelve tons English hay,
Three tons run hay and straw:
Thirteen bushels oats~
Three bushels'peas and beans~
Four hundred bvzhels turnips~
Provisions in the housei
Tools on the farm,
Furniture in the house,
$240 O0
36 O0
9 O0
7 50
· 120 O0
$412 50
229 O0
· 400 O0
250 O0
19 '
1864. March 4. By cash on hand, 87'75
July, " of R. B. Jordan, for grass~ 7 87
July~ .... J. ¥. Allen, auctioneer,
n& proceeds from sale of grass, 9 25
July, " of. J. F. Allen. auctioneer,
ne~ proceeds from sale of grass. 14 00
July, ""~ of J. F. Allen, auctioneer,
net proceeds from sMe of grass, 21 50
July, :' of Geo. French, for grass, 1 00
.... of F. P. Hanaford, for grass, 7 00
July, " of J. F. Allen, auctioneer,
net proceeds from sale of grass. 6 00
Feb 19. by interest over and above expenses
of repairs of fence, &c., 3 50
877 87
" Cash on hand to balance.
· T. F. IGmball's bill for use of common, in 1868, $5 00
Cash on hand, 77 87
$82 87
/%res payable,
Balance due primary and grammar
BManee due Johnson high school,
831,490 80
1~582 68
312 87
833,886 30
Cash in Treasurer's hands: $6,010 52
'~ hands of Superintendent of the
Mms-house, 18 71
Due from the State, soldiers' aid: 948 00
" for rent of town hall, 50 00
"from collection of taxes~ 276 00
" " State, for State paupers: 50 74
'~ :' City of Lawrence, on pauper
acoount~ 45 33
"from Essex County, on Boxford new
road, ~1,750 00
Balance against the town last year,
School district debts assumed,
]Balance against the town this year~
Real reduction of town debt,
$9,149 30
$24,237 00
$18,899 99
22,100 00
$35,499 99
241237 O0 .
$11,252 99
~This sum has been awarded the town, ~nd the Selectmen
have good grounds for expecting it to be largely increased.
SU~AI~¥ O~ EX]~Ei~TSES 01~ TH~: TO~.
For support of primary and graanmar
schools, $3~688 87
Support of Johnson high sehool, 1,741 95
School house account~ 321 54
Total drawn per approval of School Com-
mittee, $5,746 86
Amount brought forwaxd~
For o~cer's services~ $1,000
Incidental expenses, ' 762
Building road, 7:102
Highway taxes worked and re-~s-
sessed, 276 68
Over-work by highway surveyors. 82 09
Special appropriations.for highways, 685 66
Fire department, 912 22
$5,746 86
Town house account,
Removing snow,
Abatemen~ of taxes,
Remittance of taxes,
I)iscoun~ on t~xes:
Total amount; of Seleotmeffs orders,
822 71
61 00
233 O6
8.758 22
2,749 48
-- $22,$96 O6
828,642 92
relief out of thc house, $1,117 11
General expenses 0f alms-house, 1,173 88
Funeral expenses, 24 50
Incidental expenses, 7 75
Total a~nount of Overseers' orders,
$2,828 24
State tax.
County t~x, 1,973 75
Less discount. 12 48
Discount at bank,
Interest to individuals,
State Sealer, adjusting ~eales,
Selectmen and Auditors,
Total expenses of the town,
$4,700 O0
1,961 27
216 62
'21842 7g
8 2O
18 00
$9,746 81
$40,712 97
Town~ihouse, fixtures~ ~nd land adjoining, $25,000 00
Engine houses, 1,800 00
Engines and apparatus, , 2~000 00
Lock-up, 500 00
Town farm and buildings, 8,050 00
Personal proporty at town farm, 1,984 50
School houses at appraisal of committee~ 81,149 98
Safe and furniture in Selectmen's office ' 50 00
$70,584 48
· he Cqmmittee recommend the £ollowing appropriations
the ensuing year~ viz:
For repairs on school houses, $400 00
Support of the primary and grammar schools~ 4,000 00
" " Johnson high school~ i 1,800 00
Repairs of roads and bridges~ 8~000 00
Support of the poor, 2,500 00
General e~/penses and reduction of town debt, 12,000 00
It is estimated that the above amounts would make a tax of
about thirteen dollaa's on the thousand~ and would be sufficient
to pay the usual expenses of the town, together with the inter-
est~ and some three or four thousand dollars of the principal
of the town debt.
JOSEPH P. BLAKE, ~ Finance
AMOS D. CARLETON, ~ Committee.
ESSEX SS. To ANDREW SMITH, o~e of the Con, tables of
the Town of 1VORTH A1VDOVER, Gi~EET12iG :
In the name of the Commonwealth of ,Massachusetts, you
are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the
town Of North Andover, qualified by law to vote in elections'
· and town aflMrs, to meet at the Town Hall, in said town, on
Monday, the seventh day of March next, at 12 o'clock, noon,
then and there to act on the following articles, viz.:
A~. I. .To choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting.
Aa~. II. To choose a Town Clerk for the year ensuing.
Ag~. III. To see if the town will accept the Auditors' re-
Aa~. IV. To choose $eleetmen. Assesso~, Overseers of
the Poor. Town Treasurer, one School Commi;tee-ma~a for
three years~ Constables, and all ether necessary Town Officers
for the ~'eax ensuing,
A~. V. To see what method the town will adopt to repair
their highways the ensuing year.
A~. VI. To see what money the town will raise to repair
the highways and bridges the ensuing year.
Aa~. VII. To determine what compensation the ;own will
pay~ per hour, for laborers on the highways.
A,~. VIII. To see what sum of money the town will raise
ibr the support of schools in the town the ensuing year.
Aa~. IX. To se.e what sum of money the town will raise
f'o~' the repair and improvemer[t of the school property.
ART. X. To see if the towu will raise fwd hundred dolIars
to aSsist in procuring a musical' instrument suitable for the
High Sckool, and apparatus for philosophioM and other expla-
nations in the above named school.
AaT. XI. To see what sum of money the town will raise
toward reducing tho town debt, and for defraying the other
necessary expenses arising in said town.
Aam. XII. To see what method the town will take to col-
lect their public taxes the ensuing year
A~. XIII. To see if the town wiil authorize tho Treas-
. urer of the town to hire money in anticipation of taxes~ under
the direction of the Selectmen.
AaT. XIV. To determine what compensation the town will
· pay to members of engine eqmpanies for their services the
yea~ ensuing.
AaT. XV. To see if the town will accept of the list of 3 u-
rors, as prepared and posted by the Selectmen.
AR~r. XVI. To act on any other business that may legally
come before said meeting.
AR~. XVII. ' To see if' the town will authorize their Engi-
neers to malre all necessary repairs on their engine houses.
And you axe directed to serve this Warrant by posting true
amd attested copies thereof at each of the churches in ~dd town,
two Sundays at least before thc time of holding said meeting.
Hereof fail not~ and make due return of this Warrant with
your doings thereon~ to the Town Clerk, at the time and place
of holding said meeting.
Given under our hands~ at North Andover, this nineteenth
day of l%bruary~ in the year one thousand eight hundred and
CHAS. F. JOHNSON, ) Seleemen
WM. S. CbWDERY, ~ of
JOSEPH P. BLAKE, ~ North Andover..
North Andover, Massachusetts
Town of North Andover,
Your vote is only good at TOWN MEETING
Introductory Remarks ........................ Page 1
Funds for School Building Program ............ Page 1
Zoning ..................................... Pages 1-2
Real Estate Development .................... Page 2
Sewer Assessments ........................... Page 3
The 1955 Tax Rate ........................ Page 4
Transfers from Reserve Fund During 1954 ...... Page 4
Conclusion .................................. Page 5
Your Tally Sheet ........................... Pages 6-8
Town Warrant--Articles and Recommendations Page 9
Recommended Appropriations for Regular To~vn
Departments ............................. Page 12
Special Town Meeting -- Warrant ............. Page 39
Report of the North Andover
Advisory Board
After careful investigation of the budgets and special
appropriation requests, your Advisory Board respectfully
submits its annual report with recommendations on the
Articles in the Warrant upon which action must be taken
by the voters on March 19, 1955 at the Annual Town Meet-
The decisions of your Advisory Board have been arrived
at after careful consideration in order to provide funds to
operate the Town's services competently and economically.
It is to your advantage to read this report together with
the statistical data contained herein and to be present at
the Town Meeting prepared to vote for the best interests of
the Town and the taxpayers. Your tax levy is determined
on March 19 at the Town Meeting.
This year each voter should realize that each $13,000
voted is $1.00 added to the tax rate.
Last year's Advisory Board Report showed that the net
cost to the Town in 1955 for the school building program
would be $123,830.00 or $7.80 on the tax rate. In 1956 this
will decrease to $98,337.67 or $7.56 on the tax rate.
At the 1954 Annual Town Meeting, your Advisory Board
recommended unfavorable action on all Articles concerned
with re-zoning, because the members felt that an overall
zoning survey should take place. Since that time, the
Planning Board has hired the services of a professional
town planner, namely John Blackwell, and a survey is now
being conducted.
This year, we are again faced with a number of Articles
on re-zoning. Your Advisory Board is of the opinion that
the Planning Board, an elected group, working with Mr.
Blackwell, have progressed far enough in their overall
plan to recornn~end action on these articles at this time.
Mr. Blackwell has advised that the survey, although not
completed, need not and should not stand in the way of
progress even at this time.
Since the P]anning Board has held numerous hearings
on the proposed zoning changes and its members are well
acquainted with the problems involved, the recommenda-
tions of that board should be concurred with by your Ad-
visory Board.
It was the recommendation of your Advisory Board in
their 1954 Report that the Planning Board draw up rules
and regulations for Sub-dividers.
In early 1954, the General Court of the Commonwealth
passed Sections 81-K to 81-GG inclusive, Chapter 41, of the
General Laws, these sections now being referred to as the
Subdivision Control Law. This la~v was enacted for the
purpose of protecting the safety, convenience and welfare
of the inhabitants of the town, by regulating the laying
out and the construction of ways in subdivisions providing
access to the several lots therein, but which have not be-
come public ways, and insuring sanitary conditions in
these subdivisions.
The Powers of a Planning Board and of a Plannin~l
Board o! Appeals under the subdivision control la~v shall
be exercised with due regard for insuring compliance with
applicable zoning ordinances or by-laws; for securing ade-
quate provisions for water, sewerage, drainage and other
requirements where necessary in a subdivision; and for co-
ordinating the ways in a subdivision with each other and
with the public ways in the town and with the ways in
neighboring subdivisions.
The law makes provision that the subdivider bear the
costs of all improvements, such as streets, utilities, side-
walks, monuments, and all other improvements deemed
advisable by the Planning Board.
Under the authority vested in it by this act, the Plan-
ning Board has adopted a set of rules and regulations re-
lating to subdivisions, these rules became effective on
January 10, 1955.
Your Advisory Board recommended to the Board of
Public Works in its 1954 Report that the 1906 Act under
which assessments for installation of sewers are made be
changed by substituting the assessment provisions of
Cb'apter 83 of the General Laws.
However the Board of Public Works felt that the con-
dition which now exists could be rectified by amending the
1906 Act, and the following piece of legislation is before
the General Court of the Commonwealth at the present
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-
tives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of
the same, as follows: Section I, Chapter 380 of the Acts of
1906 is hereby amended by inserting after section 8 the fol-
lowing sections:
Section 8A - The said board may extend the time for the
payment of such assessments upon land
xvhich is not built upon until it is built upon
or for a fixed time; but interest at the rate
of four per cent per annum shall be paid
annually to the treasurer upon the assess-
ment from the time it was made, and the
assessment shall be paid before the land is
built upon or at the expiration of such fixed
Section 8B Assessments made under this chapter shall
bear interest at the rate of four per cent
per annum instead of six per cent per
Voted Recommended Increase Effect on
1954 1955 (Decrease) Tax Rate
Budget $ 955,776 $1,050,862 $ 95,086 $7.31 increase
Articles 178,235 99,484 (78,751) $6.06 decrease
$1,134,011 $1,150,346 $ 16,335 $1.25 increase
Free Cash $121,290 $ 76,655 $ 44,635 $3.43 increase
To be
Raised by
Taxation $1,012,721
$1,073,691 $ 60,970 $4.68 increase
Approved by your Advisory Board under Chapter 40,
Section 6, of the General Laws:
Public Parks, Triangles and Burying
Grounds Expenses .................. $ 500.00
Itemized Annual Town Reports .......... 113.88
Advisory Board Expenses ................ 625.00
Forest Fire Expenses .................... 727.00
Rent Control Board Expenses ............ 485.00
Dog Warrant Expenses .................. 100.00
Article 19, 1954 Police at Bathing Beach ___ 50.00
Playground and Bathing Beach Salaries __ 350.00
Board of Appeals Expenses .............. 100.00
Second Hand Truck Tree Department
Emergency ......................... 1,100.00
Veterans Benefits ....................... 1,000.00
Police Expenses ......................... 288.99
Police Reserve and Special Wages ........ 100.00
Insurance .............................. 396.40
Planning Board Expenses ................ 275.00
Maintenance Town Building Expenses .... 300.00
Fire Expenses .......................... 200.00
Article 10, 1954 Decennial Census for 1955 __ 225.00
$ 6,936.27
Balance of Account Returned to Treasury __$ 3,063.73
Amount of Original Appropriation ........ $ 10,000.00
Your Advisory Board has fully investigated and dis-
cussed all of the recommendations hereinafter made. It
has visited and viewed all of the areas mentioned in
special Articles and has satisfied itself that its recommen-
dations are justified by the information which it has
The thanks of your Board are extended to the many
Town Officers who have been called upon for assistance
and information during the past two months. In every
instance al/of the officers and consultants lmve been most
co-operative and helpful at all times.
Respectfully submitted,
North Andover Advisory Board
Turner A. Bridges, Chairman
Hugh A. McClung
James H. Dewhirst
John E. Hanson, Clerk.
John Barrington
Richard G. Whipple
John Carse
Description of A~ticle
Each time the Town votes to raise and appropriate
approximately $13,000.00 means an increase of $1.00
in yoUr tax rate (per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation).
10 Centennial Celebration
11 Added Insurance -- Town
14 Repair Town Infirmary
15 Car -- Welfare Department
$14,600.00 $7,500 .........
2,306.34 Yes ........
6,500.00 Yes ........
2,050.00~ Yes ........
16 Study of School Building Needs $800 .........
17 Playground Instructors and
18 Playground Equipment
19 Policeman at Bathing Beach
20 Safe for Town Treasurer's
21 Filing Cabinet for Town
Treasurer's Office
22 Power Chain Saw -- Moth Dept.
23 Police Cruiser
24 Revolvers for Police Dept.
28 Five Hundred Feet 1~" Hose
for Fire Department
29 Five Hundred Feet 2½" Hose
for Fire Department
30 Radio for Ambulance
31 One Additional Fire Fighter
for Fire Department
32 Radio for Forest Fire Truck
1,488.00 Yes ........
625.00 $550 .........
500.00 Yes ........
729.00 Yes ........
57.00 Yes ........
325.00 Yes ........
1,670.00 Yes ........
585.00 Yes ........
625.00~ Yes ........
825.00~ Yes ........
500.00 No ........
2,775.96 Yes ........
450.00 No ........
33 Garbage Truck
34 Wages and Maintenance --
Garbage Truck
35 Motor Grader Highway Dept.
36 Sidewalk Project
37 Repairs to Side~valks
38 Painting and Replacing Street
39 Disposal Site Ditches
40 Chapter 90 Highway Con-
41 Chapter 90 Highway Con-
42 Pick-Up Truck for Highway
43 Hydraulic Sand Spreader for
Highway Department
44 Extend Drain on Prescott St.
45 Extend Drain on Linden Ave.
46 Extend Drain on Green St.
47 Install Drain on Waverly Road
48 Emergency Generator -- Civil
Defense Director
49 Radio Equipment -- Civil
Defense Director
50 Radio-Activity Monitoring Sys-
tem Civil Defense Director
52 Install Drain on Chickering
53 Extend Drain on Moody St.
54 Extend Drain on Wentworth
3,700.00 No ........
5,300.00 No ........
5,800.00~ Yes ........
2,000.00 Yes ........
1,000.00 Yes ........
200.00 Yes ........
1,000.00 Yes ........
2,000.00* Yes ........
7,500.00* Yes ........
1,600.00' Yes ........
600.00' Yes ........
2,214.54' Yes ........
2,451.37* Yes ........
6,545.50 No ........
6,589.30* Yes ........
3,000.00* Yes ........
3,500.00 No ........
2,000,00 No ........
16,735.00 No ........
5,583.00 Yes ........
1,900.00 Yes ........
55 Install Drain under Academy Rd. No ........
56 Well Casing and Screen Tests
-- Board of Public Works 4,000.00 Yes ........
57 Chlorinator at Pumping Station 1,200.00~ Yes ........
58 Pick-Up Truck -- Board of
Public Works 1,409.00~ Yes ........
59 Extension of Water Mains 700.00 Yes ........
60 Backstop at Drummond Field 500.00 Yes ........
61 Repair and Gunite Sides of
of Reservoir 6,000.00 Yes ........
62-1 Extend Sewer on Pembrook
Road 2,400.00~ Yes ........
62-2 Extend Sewer on Massach-
usetts Avenue 4,400.00' Yes
62-3 Extend Sewer on Mount Ver-
non Street 1,600.00 No
62-4 Extend Sewer on Main St. 570.00 Yes ........
62-5 Extend Sewer on Osgood St. 6,600.00 No ........
62-6 Extend Server on Parker St. 850.00 Yes
63-1 Extend Water on Pembrook Rd. 400.00 Yes ........
63~2 Extend Water on Parker St. 600.00 Yes
63-3 Extend Water on Wentworth
Avenue 800.00 Yes .........
63-4 Extend Water on Chickering
Road 2,000.00~ Yes .......
63-5 Extend Water on Mount Ver-
non Street 1,400.00 No ........
63-6 Extend Water on Moody St. 940.00 Yes .......
67 Extend East Side Trunk
Sewer 100,000.00 No ........
~ On these Articles your Advisory Board is recommend-
ing that the money be transferred from available funds
in the Town Treasury.
commonwealth of Massachusetts
Essex ss:
To either of the Constables of the Town of
In the name of the Commonwealth of MasSaChusetts,
you are hereby directed to notifY and warn the inhabitants
of North Andover, qualified to vote in elections and town
affairs, to meet in the Bradstreet School in Precinct One;
the Engine house in Precinct Two; the Thomson SchOol in
Precinct Three and the Kittredge School in Precinct Four,.
in said North Andover on Monday, the seventh day of'
March, 1955 at nine o~clock in the forenoon, then and there
to act upon the following article:
ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator, Town Clerk, Town
Treasurer, Highway Surveyor, Collector of Taxes, Tree
Warden, Three Selectmen, Three members of the Board of
Public Welfare and Five Constables for one year; One As-
sessor of Taxes, Two members of the School Committee,
One member of the Board of Health, One member of the
Board of Public Works for Three Years, One member of the
Planning Board for Five Years, One member of the Plan-
ning Board for the unexpired term. of Four Years and one
member of the Housing Authority for Five Years.
All to be voted upon one ballot. The polls shall open at
nine o'clock A. M. and shall be closed at eight o'clock P. M.
After final action on the proceeding Article One, the
said meeting shall stand adjourned by virtue of Section 4,
Article One of the Town By-laws, to Saturday March 19,
1955, at one-thirty o'clock P. M, in the North Andover High
SchOOl Auditorium then and there to act on the following
articles: ·
And you are directed to serve this warrant by posti
true and attested copies thereof, at the ToWn Building' and
at five or more public Places in each Voting precinct. Said
copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less than
ten days before the time of holding said meeting,
Hereof fail not, and make due return of this warrant
with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time
and place of said meeting.
Given under our hands at North Ando~er, Massachu-
setts, the twenty-fourth day of January in the year of our
Lord one thousand nine hundred fifty-five.
Board of Selectmen
ARTICI.~ 2. To elect all other officers not required by
]a~v to be elected by ballot.
Recommended that this be referred to the Selectmen
for action.
ARTICLE 3. To see if the town will vote to accept the
report of receipts and expenditures as presented by the
Recommended that the report be accepted.
ARTICLE 4. To see what action the Town will take
as to its unexpended appropriations.
Recommended that all unexpended appropriations be
returned to the Treasury, with the exception of the fol-
lowing amounts as of January 1, 1955, which were orig-
inally appropriated under the Articles indicated:
Article 10, 1954 -- Decennial Census for 1955 $ 725.00
Article 3, October 18, 1954 -- Planning Board.
Revision of Town By. Laws, Zoning
Maps, etc. 4,400.00
Hurricane Emergency "Carol" Section 31,
Chapter 44, G. I, 15,064.07
Hurricane Emergency ~'Edna" Section 31
Chapter 44, G.L. 128.03
Article $2, 1954 -- To meet County and State
and Town share Highway Construc-
tion, Chapter 90, G.L. 26,971.68
Article 75. 1954 -- Drainage and improve road
on Mifflin Drive. 783.04
Article 3, April 14, 1954 ~ Putnam Road ~
Drainage and improve road. 172.57
Article 25, 1954 -- Repairs at Town Infirmary 774.55
U.S. Old Age Assistance -- Assistance 2,502.85
U.S. Old Age Assistance ~ Administration 715.87
U, S. Aid to Dependent Children -- Aid 4,573.95
U. S. Aid to Dependent Children--Administration 141.31
U.S. Disability Assistance ~ Assistance 917.34
U. S. Disability Assistance ~ Administration 87.36
School Lunch Account 3,540.86
Johnson High School Athletic Account 99.10
Article 72, 1950 Kittredge School Construction,
Fence, etc.
Article 19, 1952 New High School
Article 29, 19,54 Stevens Memorial Library
Repairs Outside 163.08
Article 18, 1951 Civil Defense 1,672.58
Article 13, 1954 Publishing History of Town 4,592.37
Article 1, July 15, 1954 -- "Western Electric
Company Escrow Account"
Article 62, 1953 Extension of Water Mains
Article 2, July 15, 1954 -- Locate and Develope
a new source of Water Supply 559.63
Article 3, July 15, 1954 -- Lining Water Mains 20,832.08
Reserve for Appropriation from Stabilization
Fund, Article 64, 1953
ARTICLE 5. To see what action the Town will take
as to the recommendations of the Advisory Board.
Recommended that each item of the proposed budget be
considered separately. (See following page)
0 0
O0 0 0 0
(DO L~ 0 L~
0 L~ 0 L~.
~'0 0 O0 0 0 0 (.(D '"qt
ARTICI.E 6. To see if the Town will vote to author-
ize the Town Treasurer with the approval of the Selectmen,
to borrow money from time to time in anticipation of
the revenue of the financial year beginning January 1,
1956, and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within
one year, and to renew any note or notes as may be
given for a period of less than one year in accordance
with Section 17, Chapter 44, General Laws.
Favorable action recommended.
~.~o.~'~ '-:~RTICI.~ consider the report of all special
Recommended that the reports of all special committees
be heard.
ARTICLE 8. To see if the Town will vote to author-
ize the Board of Health to appoint one of their members
to the position of Board of Health physician and to fix
his compensation in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter
41 of the General Laws.
Favorable action recommended on the basis of com-
pensation in the amount of $750.00 for the year
This amount has been included in the Board of Health~
Budget recommended by your Advisory Board.
ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to author-
ize the School Committee to appoint one of its members
to the position of School Physician and to fix his compen-
sation in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter 41, General
Favorable action recommended on the basis of com-
pensation in the amount of $1,~]00.~]0 for the year of 19~,
This amount has been included in the School Departm
ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of
Fourteen Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($14,600) to be
used for the Centennial Celebration.
'Petition of the Board of Selectmen.
Favorable a~ended. It is recommended
that the sum o~7,500.00_~e raised and O~r~r, ia~ed to
be used for the~~elebration;~?~-~ ~
ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of
Two Thousand Three Hundred Six Dollars and Thirty-four
Cents ($2306.34) for the purpose of adding extended cover-
age endorsement to the fire insurance, covering town pro-
Petition of the Board of Selectmen.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $2306.34 be raised and appropriated for the pur-
pose of this Article.
ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to accept
Beacon Hill Boulevard as a public way from Osgood Street
to Chickering Road as shown on plan on file in the Town
Clerk's Office.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen.
Favorable action recommended. The acceptance of this
road as a public way was adjudicated by the Board of
Selectmen on February 14, 1955.
ARTICLE 13. To see what action the Town will take to
close the Town Infirmary.
Petition of the Board of Public Welfare
It is the recommendation of your Advisory Board that
the Town Infirmary ~. At present it appears
that the Town would~'a~t~-~6ifie~ money by closing the
Infirmary and having the patients cared for elsewhere.
However there is a moral obligation involved and if an
emergency arises it is conceivable that the Town could save
a sum of money. Perhaps in time most of the older people
will be eligible for Social Security benefits and this would
then warrant closing the Infirmary.
ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of Six
Thousand Five ttundred Dollars ($6,500) to repair and
place the Town Infirmary in acceptable condition to receive
a license to operate, from the Massachusetts State Bpard
of Health.
Petition of the Board of Public Welfare. e/q~~
Favorable action is recommended if Article 13 is accept-
ed. It is recommended that $6,500 be raised anil'~i~~- ....
~'~i~t~ for the purpose of this Article. .
ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate or transfer from available funds, the sum of
Two Thousand Fifty Dollars ($2,050) for the purchase of
an automobile to be used by the Welfare Department to
make the visits to recipients as required by law.
Petition of the Board of Public Welfare.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $2.050 be taken from available funds in the Town
Treasury for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum to be determined by the Advisory Board, to
be expended by the School Building Cormmittee, for a study
of the immediate school-building needs of the Town.
Petition of the School Building Committee and of the
School Committee.
Favorable action recommended, It is recommended
that the sum of $800. be raised and appropriated and to be
expended by the School Building Committee for a study
of the immediate school-building needs of the Town.
ARTICLE 17. To sec if the Toxvn will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Fourteen Hundred Eighty-eight Dollars
($1488) for six playground instructors and a supervisor, a
six hour day for an eight week period.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation of
the Recreational Council.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$14~. be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this
ARTICLE 18. To See if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the suni of Six Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($625)
to purchase two Regulation Plywood Ping-Pong tables, one
each for Waverly and Drummond Playgrounds. Build two
Shuffle-board courts, one each for Waverly and Drummond
Playgrounds. Enlarge a storage closet at Drummond Play-
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation
of the Recreational Council.
Favorab~.~et~on recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of ~$50. ~ raised and appropriated for the purpose
of this Article, excluding the purchase of two regulation
plywood ping-pong tables.
ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) for the ser.
vices of a Police Officer at the Bathing Beach four hours
daily, eight hours on Saturdays and Sundays for a ten week
period, to enforce car parking limited to North Andover re-
sidents; this figure to include the cost of car stickers.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation
of the Recreational Council.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$500.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this
Article in order to assure that l~orth Andover residents
~na¥ receive proper protection and the full benefits of this
bathing beach.
ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of
Seven Hundred Twenty-nine Dollars ($729) for the pur-
chase of a safe for the use of the Town Treasurer's Office.
Petition of James J. Maker.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $729.00 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of
Fifty-seven Dollars ($57.00) for the purchase of a filing
cabinet for use in the Town Treasurer's Office.
Petition of James J. Maker.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $57.00 be raised and appropriated for the put.
pose of this Article.
ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of
Three Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($325) to be used with
the present power chain saw (purchased in 1948) to pur-
chase a power chain saw.
Petition of John J. Connors.
Favorable action r~commended. It is recommended that
$325.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this
appropriate or transfer from available funds, the sum of
Sixteen Hundred Seventy Dollars ($1670) to be used with
the 1953 police car, to purchase a new police cruiser.
Petition of Alfred H. McKee, Chief.
Favorable action ~ecommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $1,670.00 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose of this Article. /r.~
ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate or transfer from available funds, the sum of
Five Hundred Eighty-five Dollars ($585) to purchase twelve
(12) Colt "Marshal" revolvers for all regular members of
the Police Department.
Petition of Alfred H. McKee, Chief.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $585.00 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 25. To see if the Toxvn will vote that all full
time employees of the Town, other than those appointed by
the School Committee, be granted sick leave, with pay, of
~ days during each year of service. Such leave, if not
used during the >'ear, or remaining.portion thereof, be
allowed to accumulate to a total ofksi.~Working days. For
absence of .a_period of more than fi~vec~lays the appointi_n~
authority3ffiaCrequire evidence in the form of a physician s
:statemen{~Y~ the necessitY of such absence.
i.-Petition of Robert L. Sanborn and others.
It ~s recommended that rock leave of {en w~kmg days
per year be granted, cumulative to a total o! ~ working
ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town ~vill vote to authorize
the heads of the Departments in the Town of North
Andover to grant to all regular full time Town employees
in their respective Departments, a txvo weeks annual vaca-
tion with pay.
Petition of George A. Carey and others.
Favorable action recommended, with the provision that
each employee receiving two weeks vacation shall have
been employed by the town for at least one year.
To see if the Town will vote to raise~/and
ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to use the
sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) from available
funds to reduce the 1955 tax rate.
Petition of the Board of Assessors.
Favorable action recommended.
ARTICLF~ 28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate the sum of Six Hundred and Twenty-five
Dollars ($625) to purchase 500 feet of new 1~" hose for
the Fire Department.
Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $625.01) be taken from available funds in the
Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLF. 29. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate the sum of Eight Hundred Twenty-five Dollars
($825) to purchase 500 feet of new 2~" hose for the Fire
Petiton of the Board of Fire Engineers.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $825.00 be taken from available funds in the
Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) to pur-
chase a two-way radio to install in the am~~~ ~
Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers.~__~.
Unfavorable action recommended. The need for this
equipment has not been sufficiently justified.
ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Seven Hundred
Seventy-five Dollars and Ninety-six cents ($2775.96) to be
added to the Fire Department Appropriation to provide for
the appointment of one (1) competent and qualified man
under Civil Service Rules to be a regular firefighter.
Petition of the Board of Fire Engineers.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
sum of $2~775.96 be raised and appropriated for the pur-
pose of this Article.
ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
aPpropriate the sum of Four Hundred Fifty Dollars ($450)
to purchase a two-way radio to be installed in the Forest
Fi~ truck.
Petition of Forest Fire Warden, James P. Daw.
Unfavorable action recommended. It is felt that the
radio in the Fire Chief's car is adequate.
ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate or transfer from available funds the sum of Thirty
Seven Hundred Dollars ($3700) for the purchase of a gar-
bage truck fully equipped.
Petition of the Board of Health.
Recommended that this Article be stricken from the
ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate or transfer from available funds the sum of Fifty-
three Hundred Dollars ($5300) for salaries, wages and
maintenance to operate and maintain the truck in the
above article.
Petition of the Board of' Health.
Recommended that this Article be stricken from the
ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Five Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars
($5,800) for the purchase of a Motor Grader for the use
of the Highway Department.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended ~at
the sum of $5,800 be taken from available funds in the
Tov~n Treasury for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) to be used
for a sidewalk project; the Town to pay one-half the cost
and the applicant to pay the other half.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $2~fl00,09 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose of this Article, the appropriation to be expended
under the direction of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town ~vill raise and appro-
priate the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) for the
repairing of sidewalks damaged during the hurricanes.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $1,000 be raised and appropriated for the pur-
pose of this Article. to be expended under the direction of
the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200) for the pur-
pose of painting and replacing street signs.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended, It is recommended that
the sum of $200.00 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose of this Article, the appropriation to be expended
under the direction of the Highway Surveyor,
ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town ~vill raise and appro-
priate the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) to dig
ditches necessary to operate the Disposal Site.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$I,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this
ARTICLE 40. To see if th~ Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000) for main-
tenance of any streets in Town under Chapter 90 of the
General Laws, said money to be used in conjunction with
money which may be allotted by the State or County or
both for this purpose; or take any other action in relation
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
It is recommended that the sum o! $2,000.00 be taken
from available funds in the Town Treasury 'for the pur-
pose of this Article, to be expended by the Highway
Surveyor under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, together
with any money which maybe allotted for such pur-
poses by the State or County or both.
ARTiCI.F. 41. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Seventy-five Hundred Dollars ($7,500) for
the further rebuilding of Great Pond Road under Chapter
90 of the General Laws, said money to be used with any
money allotted by the State or County or both for this
purpose; or take any other action in relation thereto.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
It is recommended that the sum of $7,500.00 be taken
from available funds in the Town Treasury to meet the
Town's share of the cost of Chapter 90 Highway Con-
struction, and that in addition, the sum of $22,500.00 be
transferred from unappropriated available funds in the
Town Treasury to meet the State and County shares of
the cost of the work, the reimbursement from the State
and County to be restored upon their receipt to unappro-
priated available funds in the Treasury.
ARTICT.I~, 42. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Sixteen Hundred Dollars ($1,600) for the
purchase of a one-half ton Pick-up truck for the use of the
Highway Department. A 1947 Pick-up truck (Chevrolet) to
be turned in, in trade.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$1,600.00 be taken from available funds in the Town
Treasury for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICT,I~, 43. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Six Hundred Dollars ($600) for the pur-
chase of a Hydraulic Sand Spreader for the use of the
Highway Department. The total cost of the spreader is
Eleven Hundred Dollars ($1100) but Five Hundred Dollars
($500) will be paid for rental on the spreader which will
reduce the cost to Six Hundred Dollars ($600).
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$600.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury
for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Two Thousand Two Hundred Fourteen
Dollars Fifty-four Cents ($2,214.54) to extend the present
drain on Prescott Street from Summit Avenue to Moody
Street. Three hundred twenty feet (320) of fifteen inch and
eight inch pipe and four catch basins will be required to
complete this project.
Petiton of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $2,214.54 be taken from available funds in the
Treasury for the purpose of this Article to be expended
under the direction of the Highway Surveyor under the
provisions o! Chapter 80 of the General Laws as amended.
ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town will raise and appro.
priate the sum of Twenty-four Hundred Fifty-one Dollars
and Thirty-seven Cents ($2451.37) to extend the existing
storrn drain on Linden Avenue to Woodstock Street. Abou$
524 feet of 10" and 8" pipe and four catch basins needed for
this project.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $20451.37 be taken from available funds in the
Treasury for the purpose of this Article to be expended
under the direction of the Highway Surveyor under the
provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws as amended.
ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Sixty-five Hundred Forty-five Dollars and
Fifty Cents ($6545.50) to extend the present drain on Green
Street from Trinity Court to Linden Avenue. About 462 feet
of 30" pipe and 60 feet of 8" pipe with five catch basins will
be needed to complete this project.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Unfavorable action recommended. It is felt by your
Advisory Board that the existing drain on Green Street is
adequate to take cure of present requirements.
ARTICLE 47. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Sixty-five Hundred Eighty-nine Dollars
and Thirty Cents ($6589.30) to install a drain on Waverley
Road. This drain will begin at a point about 240' northerly
from Margate Road and flow southerly along Waverly
Road to a 2' x 3' stone box culvert. This culvert crosses
Waverley Road at a point about 100' southerly at Marengo
Street and needs cleaning at its inlet. About 920 feet of
15", 12" and 8!' pipe and 8 catch basins will be needed for
this project.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $6,589.30 be taken from available funds in the
Treasury for the purpose of this Article to be expended
under the direction of the Highway Surveyor under the
provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws as amended.
ARTICI.~ 48. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate the sum of Three Thousand Dollars ($3000) to
be expended at the direction of the Director of Civil De-
fense to be used for the purchase and installation of an
emergency generator power unit to provide power for the
Town Building, Fire Department, Police Department and
town yard in the event of emergency power failure.
Petition of Civil Defense Director and Fire Chief.
Favorable action recommended, It is recommended that
the sum of $3,000.00 be taken from available funds in the
Town Treasury to be expended under the direction of the
Director of Civil Defense, with the approval of the Board of
Selectmen, for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred
Dollars ($3500) to be expended at the direction of the Di-
rector of Civil Defense for the purchase of radio communi-
cation equipment for use by the fire department and the
office of Civil Defense.
Petition of Civil Defense Director and Fire Chief.
.~nfav~orable ac~ecommended. It is the opinion of
your~t~zSi~¥"B~ard-that the available equipment in the
Fire and Police deportments are adequate to take care of
present requirements.
,~RTICLE 50. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2000) to be
expended at the direction of the Director of Civil Defense
for the purchase of radio-activity monitoring system and
such other operational costs as may arise in conjunction
with proper and efficient conduct of the Office of Civil De-
fense Activities.
Petition of the Civil Defense Director.
~Unfavorable~actio~ recommended. The sdm of $722.58 is
car~ec( iOrwara trom~Article 18 of the 1951 warrant. Your
Advisory Board feels that this sum is more than sufficient
for the purchase of a radio-activity monitoring system and
ARTICLE 51. To.~s~k~f the Town will vote to accept the ~.~
provisions of Sectio/(54 i)f Chapter 33 of the General Laws/;,
that any person in th~'~rvice of the Town shall be entitled("
during his annual tour of duty of not exceeding fifteen days
as a member of the Organized Reserve of the Army of th~/"'~lk~
United States, or of the United States Naval Reserve Forcc~z~
to receive pay therefor, without loss of his ordinary remu-
neration as an employee or official of the Town, and shall
also be entitled to the same leaves of absence or vacation
with pay given to other like employees or officials.
Petition of Edward C. Garvey, 182 Middlesex Street and
Favorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
a~ailable funds, a sufficient sum of money to install a sur-
face water drain at a point on Chickering Road where the
drainage water passes under said road near the intersection
of Pleasant Street, and to carry said drainage by pipes to
Cochichewick Brook.
Petition of Steve Helbrick, 206 Pleasant Street and
others. ,
Unfavorable action i
ject is estimated a~_~
Board that the p~esent/
water in this a/~. /
ARTICLE ~. To ~ee
appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds the sum of Five Thousand Five Hundred
Eighty-three Dollars ($5,583) to extend the drainage sys-
tem from the present terminus on Prescott Street north-
erly about 1342 feet to the southerly end of that portion of
Moody Street as accepted in 1938. This will require about
1080 feet of 15", 10" and 8" pipe and eight catch basins. The
above mentioned work to be done under Chapter 80 of the
General Laws providing for the assessment of betterments
upon the property owners.
~9~m~ended. The cost of thts pro-
~nd it is felt by your Advisory
open ~n adequately handles the
if the Town ~vill vote to raise and
Petition of Howard Beeley, 55 Moody Street; and others.
~ Favorable action recommended, provided that Article
44 has been approved and accepted by this Town Meeting.
It is recommended that the sum of $5,583.00 be raised and
appropriated for the purpose of this Article to be expended
under the direction of the Highway Surveyor under the
Provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws as amended.
ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town ~vill vote to raise and
appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the
drainage system underground on Wentworth Avenue One
Hundred Forty Feet (140) from Chadwick Street.
' Petition of Louis F. Sirois, 92 Beverly Street and others.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of S1900.03 be raised and appropriated for the pur-
pose of this Article to be expended under the direction of
the Highway Surveyor under the provisions of Chapter 80
~ of the General Laws as i~~['
priate or transfer'~fro~]Yaf]a~ f~s, _a sufficient sum of
money to px' ;~.~e an a~ect;u~ffe d/r.~n under Academy Road.
Petition o~.9/O~sgood Street, and others.
Unfavorable action re.retarded. The cost of this pro-
ject is estimated at /~ ~?, ~and it is felt by your Ad-
visory Board that the present drain is adequate to take care
of all normal conditions.
ARTICLE 56. To see if the To~vn ~vill raise and appro-
priate or transfer from available funds Four Thousand
Dollars ($4000) to enable the Board of Public Works to con-
duct well casing and screen tests to determine the dependa-
ble yield of water in accordance with the Massachusetts
Department of Public Health directives.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $4,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the par-
pose of this Article.
ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate or transfer from available funds Twelve Hundred
Dollars ($1200) to replace the 1927 Chlorinator at the
Pumping Station with a new and larger chlorinator.
Petition of the Board of Public Works,
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
th~.~ of $1,200.00 be taken f~om available funds in the
~T~wn Treasury for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate or transfer from available funds Fourteen Hundred
Dollars ($1400) to be used with the present Dodge Pickup
truck to purchase a new pickup truck.
Petition of the Board of Public YVorks.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $1,400.00 be taken from available funds in the
Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate or otherwise provide Seven Hundred Dollars ($700)
to be added to the unexpended appropriation made under
Article 62, 1953 to make such extensions of the water main
system, under the regulations voted at the annual town
meeting, as the Board of Public Works, on October first,
considers most necessary, such extensions not having been
petitioned for at the annual meeting.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $705.00 be raised and appropriated for the pur-
pose of this Article, to be expended under the direction of
the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 60. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate or transfer from available funds Five Hundred Dol-
lars ($500) to replace the old backstop at Drummond Field
with a new' woven wire backstop.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
Favorable action recommended, It is recommended that
the sum of $500.00 be raised and appropriated for the put.
pose of this Article, to be expended under the direction of
the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate or transfer from available funds Six Thousand Dol-
lars ($6000) to repair and Gunite the paved slopes of the
1,500,000 gallon reservoir constructed in 1936.
Petition of the Board of Public Works.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $6,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the pur-
pose of this Articler to be expended under the direction of
the Board of Public Works.
ARTICLE 62. To see if the Toxvn ~vill vote to raise and
appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the
server system on the following streets on petition of the
persons named, and others:
(1) Pembrook Road, 500 feet from Mifflin Drive towards
Tyler Road, (Alphonse R. Brien, Woodbridge Road).
(2) Massachusetts Avenue, Seven Hundred Sixty Feet
(760) easterly from Chickering Road, (Alfred E. McEvoy,
681 Massachusetts Avenue).
(3) Mount Vernon Street, Three Hundred Fifteen Feet
(315) from Prescott Street, (Nora A. Smith, 84 Main
(4) Main Street from the present terminus to a distance
of seventy-five (75) feet easterly toward Osgood Street,
(Daniel A. Greco, 111 Main Street).
(5) Court Street, Thin'teen Hundred Feet (1300) from
Osgood Street towards Academy Road, (Francis
Kittredge, 56 Academy Road).
(6) Parker Street, One Hundred Fifty (150) feet easter-
ly from Faulkner Road, (John J. Cyr, 535 Chickering Road).
(1) Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $2,400.00 be taken from available funds in
the Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works
for the purpose of this Article subject to the assessments or
betterments charges under the conditions of Chapter 380
of the Acts of 1906 as amended.
(2) Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $4,400.00 be taken from available funds in
the Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public Works
for the purpose of this Article subject to the assessments or
betterments charges under the conditions of Chapter 380
of the Acts of 1906 as amended.
(3) Recommended to be stricken from the Warrant.
(4) Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $570.00 be raised and appropriated to be
expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of
this Article subject to the assessments or betterments
charges under the conditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of
1906 as amended.
(5) Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory
Board feels that until an overall survey is made for this
area to determine the location of the East Side sewer ex-
tension, the sewer asked for in this article should not be
(6) Favorable action recommended, It is recommended
that the sum of $850.00 be raised and appropriated to be
expended by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of
this Article subject to the assessments or betterments
charges under the conditions of Chapter 38~] of the Acts of
1906 as amended.
ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the
water system on the following streets on petition of the
persons named and others:
(1) Pembrook Road from the present terminus One
Hundred Feet (100) towards Mifflin Drive, (Alphonse R.
Brien, Woodbridge Road.
(2) Parker Street, One Hundred Fifty (150) east-
erly from Faulkner Road). (John J. Cyr, 535 Chickering
(3) Wentworth Avenue One Hundred Sixty-five (165)
feet from Chadwick Street, (Louis F. Sirois, 92 Beverly
(4) Chickering Road, Four Hundred (400) feet from Duf-
ton Court towards Andover Street, (Edward Melamed, 276
Andover Street).
(5) Mount Vernon Street, Three Hundred Fifteen feet
(315) from Prescott Street (Nora A. Smith, 84 Main Street).
(6) Moody Street, Two Hundred (200) feet from Chad-
wick Street, (Ralph F. P~obinson, 202 High Street).
Favorable action recommended on Article 63, Items I, 2,
3, 4, and 6. It is recommended that the amounts designated
for Items 1, 2, 3, and 6 be raised and appropriated, and
that the amount of Item 4 be taken from available funds,
to be expended by the Board of Public works for the pur-
pose of these Items, subject to the following conditions:
1. That on or before Sune I, 1955, the petitioners and/or
owners make a guarantee, acceptable to the Board of
Public Works, of six percent of the actual cost of
construction, as water rates, for a period of 14 years.
That on or before June 1, 1955, the construction of at
least one house shall have been started.
Item 1 $400
Item 2 600
Item 3 800
Item 4 2,000
Item ~6 940
Pembrook road
Parker Street
Wentworth Avenue
Chickering Road
Moody Street
The petitioner for Item 5 has requested that Item 5 be
stricken from the warrant.
ARTICLE 64. To see if the Tmvn ~viIl vote to amend its
By-Laws by inserting after Article XII thereof the following
new article: .... tv /
Article XIIA. Where shall be a Planning Board of Appeals,
which shall have the powers and duties prescribed by, and
which shall be subject to, the provisions of the subdivision
control law of the Commonwealth. Said board shah con-
sist of five regular members, to be appointed by the Select-
men for terms of such length, and so arranged, that the
term of one appointee will expire in January of each year.
The Selectmen shall also appoint two associate members of
said board, for terms of such length, and so arranged, that
the term of one such appointee will also expire in January
of each year. The chairman of the Planning Board of Ap-
peals shall, ~vhen necessary, designate one of the associate
members thereof to serve in the place of a regular member
who is absent or is for any reason disqualified or unable to
act in a particular case, and, when so designated, such as-
sociate member shall have the powers and pe~orm the
duties of such regular member during ibc latter's absence
or disqualification. A regular or associate member of the
Zoning Board of Appeals may be appointed as a regular or
associate member of said Planning Board of Appeal.
Petition of James M. McClung and others.
~Favorable action ~ecommended. ~ ~/~
ARTICLE 65. To see if the To~vn will vote to amend its
Zoning By-Law by adding at the end of Section 2 of A~icle
I the following sentence:
All parts of the Town not shown upon the Zoning Map
above referred to shall be deemed to be in the Argricultural
District as hereinafter defined.
Petition of James M. McClung and others.
. ~.~ .. ~ .... :-~.~ i ...... ~.
Your Advisory Board recommends that the added sen-
/~ence read as follows:
.~/// All parts of the Town not shown upon the Zoning Map
above. . referred to, shall, be .deemed to be in the Agricultural
District as herei~'~fter defined ~x--~-~ ............
ARTfCLI~, ~. To see if the ~own will vote to accept Sec-
fion $ of Chapter 40A of the ~enera] Laws, which provides
~s follows:
Section $. After acceptance of this section or corres-
ponding provisi(~n~ o5 earlier laws as provi~lea in section
four of chapter four, ~ordinance or_~aw, mak-
ing a change in any existing zoning ordinance or~y-law,
which has been unfavorably acted upon by a Ci{~.go~. n,ci.l
'~'~ town meeting, shall~be consicl~rerl on
cffy co~ to~-ff meeang wlt'hin two years after~
date of such unYavorabie ac~ig'tl unless' ~he adoption of
such proposed ordinance or by-law is recommended in the
final report of the planning board or selectmen required by
section six.
Petition of James M. McClung and others.
Favorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 67. To see if the town will raise and appro-
priate, provide by bond issue, or transfer from available
funds, One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) for the
purpose off extending the east side trunk sewer from its
present terminus at Harkaway Road and Stevens StrecgI_~
Phillips Square.
Petition of Ernest A. Brown, Jr. and other
Unfavorable action recommended.
A sum ol $2.300.00 has been added under Item 36A of thee
budget to provide for a survey to determine the best pos-
sible route for an East Side sewer and the cost of such
proposed construction. To be expended by the Board of
Pnblic Works.
AI~TICLE 68. To see if the Town will vote to amend
Zoning By-Laws by changing from General Residential to
Business the following described parcel of land:
A parcel of land on the southwesterly side of Massachu-
setts Avenue beginning at a point at the Southwesterly
corner of land now or formerly of one Longbottom; said
point being 100 feet southwesterly from the southwesterly
line of Massachusetts Avenue and 160 feet southeasterly
from the southeasterly line of Commonwealth Avenue;
thence southeasterly 249 feet more or less by land now or
formerly of Longbottom, Desrosiers, Hennessy, Calabrese,
Kamal and Hennessy, said line being 100 feet from and pa-
rallel to the southwesterly line of Massachusetts Avenue;
to a point 113 feet from westerly side of Beechwood Street;
thence southwesterly with an interior angle of 90 degrees,
300 feet more or less to the Shawsheen River; thence north-
westerly by the Shawsheen River 280 feet more or less to
land now or formerly of Turner; thence northeasterly by
land now or formerly of Turner, Williams, Towne, Fogarty
and McDonough 250 feet more or less to the point of be-
ginning containing 74,000 square feet more or less.
Petition of Mary C. Bantley and others.
Favorable action recommended. The I~lanning Board
has unanimously approved this amendment to existing
Zoning By-Laws.
ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town of North Andover ~vill
vote to amend the Zoning By-Law by changing from Single
Residence District to Business District, the following de-
scribed parcel of land:
A parcel of land on the westerly side of Osgood Street
bounded and described as £ollows: Beginning at a stone
bound in the westerly line of Osgood Street at land now or
formerly of Steinberg, thence southerly one hundred feet
by said Osgood Street to a stone bound; thence northxvest-
erly two hundred twenty-five feet more or less by lot num-
l~ered four on plan of land of Richard J. and Sophie F.
Haphey, dated September 1945, Charles E. Cyr, C. E. to a
stone bound; thence northeasterly one hundred feet by
land of said Steinberg to a stone bound; and thence south-
easterly two hundred feet along a wall to the point of be-
Petiton of Mary C. Bentley and others.
Unfavorable action recommended: The Planning Board
has voted unanimously to deny the approval of the pe.
tion for a proposed amendment of the Zoning By-Laws of
the Town of North Andover.
ARTICLE 70. To see if the Town will vote to amend the
zoning laws by changing from general residential to bu-
siness the following described parcel of land located on the
easterly side of Chickering Road and being bounded and
described as follows: Westerly by Chickering Road four
hundred forty feet (440), more or less; southeasterly by
general residential area as shown on said plan three hun-
dred seventy-five feet (375); northeasterly by Concord
Street as shown on said plan two hundred sixty-three and
9/10 feet (263.9) and northwesterly by stone wall as shown
on said plan thirty-five feet (35) more or less.
Petition of Santo DiMauro and others.
Favorable action recommended. The Planning Board
has unanimously approved this amendment to existing
Zoning By-Laws.
ARTICLE 71. To see if the town will vote to amend the
Zoning By-Law by changing from Agricultural to Business,
the following described parcel of land:
A parcel of land on the easterly side of Osgood Street,
bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in
the easterly side of Osgood Street at ]and of George R.~/~-f
Barker; thence norther]y, by the easterly line of Osgood ~d~(- [~
Street, 218.8 feet to a state highway bound at the souther-~
]y end of a curve of 1669.98 feet radius; thence again north-
erly, by the above mentioned curve, 56.2 feet; thence east-f)
erly 358 feet; thence southerly 206.8 feet thence westerly ._~__~-
369 feet to the point of beginning. ~!
Petition of Daniel Olenio and others.
Unfavorable action recommended, The Planning Board ~
has voted unanimously to deny the approval o! the
tition for a proprosed amendment of the Zoning By. Laws
of the Town of North Andover.
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Essex SSl
To either of the Constables off the Town of North
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants
of North Andover, qUalified to vote in Town Affairs to meet
in the North Andover High School directly following the
adjournment of the adjourned Annual Town Meeting on
March 19, 1955, then and there to act on the following
ARTIC~.~ 1. To see if the town will vote to raise and
appropriate, or transfer from available funds, a sufficient
sum of money to extend the drainage system and improve
the road on Adams Avenue from Massachusetts Avenue
for a distance of 1620 feet, under Chapted $0 of the General
Laws providing for the assessment of betterments upon
the property owners.
Petition of Alfio A. Coppola and others.
Unfavorable action recommended. The cost of the pro-
ject covered by this article is estimated at $23,002,00. It is
the opinion o! your Advisory Board that the number of
houses that would be benefited by this construction does
not justify so large an investment by the town at this time.
And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by
posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office
Building, and at five or more public places in each voting
precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen
days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said
Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant
with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time
and place of said meeting.
Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachu-
setts, the t~venty-eighth day of February in the year of our
Lord one thousand nine hundred and fifty-five.
A true copy,
Board of Selectmen
............................ Constable
North Andover, Massachusetts, March ............... 1955
-- Printers - Lithographers --
65 Salem Street Lawrence, Mas~
North andover, Massachusetts
Town of North Andover,
Your vote is only good at TOWN MEETING
Report of the North Andover
Advisory Board
To the Voters of North Andover:
A special Town Meeting will be held on April 27, 1955 at
8:00 P.M. in the Veterans Memorial Auditorium.
You are urged to attend this meeting. The twelve
Articles in the warrant are important--Rent Control--Re-
zoning for School--Industry and Lot Size.
A large representation of North Andover Voters should
be present on April 27 to express an opinion and vote.
Attached are recommendations on each Article:
Respectfully submitted,
North Andover Advisory Board
Hugh A. McClung
John E. Hanson
Ralph G. Whipple
John Carse
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
~ssex SS:
To either of the Constables of the Town of North Andover:
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you
are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of
North Andover, qualified to vote in Town Affairs, to meet
in the North Andover High School, in said North Andover
on Wednesday evening, the twenty-seventh day of April,
]955, at eight o'clock P. M. and there to act on the fol-
lowing business:
ARTICLE 1. To see if the town will vote to accept
Chapter 225, Acts of 1955, to continue Rent Control in the
Town of North Andover until December 31, 1955.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen
If a substantial shortage of housing exsists in North
Andover, your Advisory Board recommends favorable
ARTICLE 2. To see if the town wil~ vote to raise and
appropriate or transffer from available funds, the sum of
Three Hundred Dollars ($300) for Rent Control expenses
for the remainder of this year.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $300.00 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose of this A~-~c~, provided that Article I is acted
upon favorably.
ARTICLE 3. To see if the town will vote to raise and
appropriate or transfer from available funds, the sum of
Two Hundred Ninety-five ($295) Dollars to be used with
the Thirteen Hundred Seventy-five ($1375) Dollars ap-
propriated under Article 23 of the warrant for the Annual
Town Meeting of March 19, 1955, to purchase a new police
cruiser, with the present 1953 police car to be used as a
Petition of the Board of Selectmen
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $2~S~b~.e. raised and appropriat~e~l~ for the pur-
pose of this Article.
ARTICLE 4. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate or transfer from available funds the sum of Three
j~% . Hundred Dollars ($300.00) for the salary of a Health In-
,---~-~ PetRlon of the Board off Health
~ ~ ' Favorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 5. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1200.00) to
give twenty-four (24) call-firefighters of the Town of
North Andover a fifty dollar ($50.00) raise in pay per
man per year.
~i Petition of Donald B. Foss and others
· ~-~ Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
'~ a 10% increase be given 24 call.firefighters and that
S1,088.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of~
ARTICI,F, 6. To see if the Town will vote to accept
Section 111B of Chapter 41 of the General Laws, as a-
mended, relating to sick leave for certain municipal em-
Petition of James P. Daw
Favorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 7. To see if the Town will vote to y_a.ise and
appropriate or transfer from available funds, the sh-~-of
T~h]r~-een--5~undred and Fifty Dollars ($1350.00) for the pur-
~,, ? (~, pose of conducting a Fireman's Muster in conjunction with
the North Andover Centennial Celebration during the
week of June 6, 1955. Money to be expended by To~vn's
Centennial Committee.
Petition of Lee MacArthur and others
Unfavorable action recommended. At the Annual Town
Meeting of March 19, 1955, the sum of $7,500.00 was ap-
propriated for the Centennial Celebration: therefore your
Advisory Board feels that this Article should be referred
to the Centennial Committee.
ARTICLE $. To see if the Town will vote to accept
the provisions of Section 59, Chapter 33, of the General
Laws that any person in the Service of the Commonwealth,
or of a County, City or Town which, by vote of its County
Commissioners, or City Council or of its inhabitants at a
Town Meeting, accepts this section, or has accepted sim-
ilar provisions of earlier laws, shall be entitled, during
the time of his services in the Armed Forces of the Com-
monwealth, during his annual tour of duty of not exceed-
ing fifteen days as a member of a reserve component of
the Armed Forces of the United States, to receive pay
therefor, without loss of his ordinary remuneration as an
employee or official of the Commonwealth, or of such
County, City or Town, and shall also be entitled to the
same leaves of absence or vacation with pay given to
other like employees.
Petition of Edward C. Garvey and others
Favorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the
sewer system on Hemlock Street, a distance of approxi-
mately Two Hundred and Ten feet (210') southeast from
Walnut Avenue, and a sufficient sum of money to extend
the water system on Spruce Street from the present term.
inus to Hemlock Street, a distance of approximately One
Hundred and Five feet (105') and thence a distance of
O~e Hundred feet (100') southeast on Hemlock Street.
..... ~/~et~t~on of La~wrence H. Stahley, Jr., .and others
[~.j~un:avorame ac::on recommenaed. It ,s ~ recommen.
~dation of your Advisory Board that Articles of this nature
should be brought up at the Annual Town Meeting.
ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to amend
the zoning By-Laws for the Town of North Andover by
changing from a restricted residential to an educational
district a certain parcel of land located in the general
area between Main St., Second St., Maple Ave. and Third
St., being more pm~ticularly bounded and described as
Beginning at a point on the Easterly line of Maple Ave.,
said point being a distance of 327 feet more or less from
the intersection of the easterly line of Maple Ave., and
the southerly line of Second Street; thence turning at
right angles and running in an easterly direction a dis-
tance of 125 feet to a point; thence turning at right angles
and running a distance of 80 feet in a northwesterly dir-
ection to a point; thence turning and running in a north-
easterly direction a distance of 339 feet to a point; thence
turning and running in a southerly direction a distance of
271 feet to a point; thence turning and running in a south-
westerly direction a distance of 344 feet to a point on the
easterly line of Maple Ave., said point being approximately
300 feet from the intersection of the northerly line of Third
Street and the easterly line of Maple Ave.; thence turning
and running in a northwesterly direction along the easterly
line of said Maple Ave., 120 feet to the point of beginning.
Petition of John J. Lynch and others
Since the Planning Board has held numerous hearings
on the proposed zoning changes and its members are well
acquainted with the problems involved, the recommenda-
tion of that board should be concurred with by your Ad-
visory Board.
ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will vote to amend
Section 1. of Article IV of the North Andover Zoning By-
Law by striking it out and inserting in place thereof the
Section 1. Size of Lots in all Zoning Districts
In determining the area and frontage of any lot in any
zoning district, there shall not be included any land within
the limits of a street upon which such lot abuts, even if
the fee to such street is in the owner of the lot, except that
if a corner lot has its corner bounded by a curved line con-
necting other bounding lines which~ if extended, would in-
tersect, the lot area and lot frontage shall be computed as
if such bounding lines were so extended.
No lot, upon which is then located any building or with
respect to which a permit has been issued and is then out-
standing for the erection of any building, shall then be
sub-divided or reduced in area in any manner unless said
lot shall thereafter be of sufficient area and width to meet
the requirements of this By-Law and unless such lot so
altered, and any building thereon, shall meet all the other
requirements of this By-Law. If land be sub-divided, con-
veyed, devised or otherwise transferred in violation hereof,
no building permit or other permit shall be issued with
reference to any of the land so transferred or with refer-
ence to the lot (s) retained until all of such land and lots
meets the requirements of this By-Law. Any land taken by
eminent domain or conveyed for a public purpose for which
the land could have been or was taken by eminent domain
shall not be deemed to be transferred in violation of the
provisions hereof.
When a lot in one ownership is situated in part in the
Town of North Andover and in part in an adjacent town or
city, the provisions, regulations and restrictions of this
By-Law shall be applied to that portion of such lot as lies
in the Town of North Andover in the same manner as if the
entire lot were situated therein.
Except as hereinafter provided, in single residence, gen-
eral residence, educational, industrial and agricultural dis-
tricts there shall be provided for each dwelling or other
permitted principal building erected after the adoption of
this amendment to this By-Law, a lot containing an area
of not less than twenty thousand (20,000) square feet and
a frontage of not less than one hundred and twenty-five
(125) feet upon the frontage street.
The lot size and lot frontage requirements above speci-
fied shall not apply to any lot containing less than twenty
thousand (20,000) square feet area and having less tha~i'-~r~
one hundred and twenty-five (125) feet width upon the
frontage street il~ such lot wasJawfully laid out and duly
recorded by plan b~"}i~e~' ~ior to ~he ~ff~ctive date of this
lot, provided that on any such lot there shall not hereafter
be built any duplex or 2-family residence and provided that
there may be built on any such lot only one singl~e family
residence or one permitted non-resid~fitF~i structure ful-
filling ihe yard space requirements of this By-Law.
Petition of the Planning Board
Since the Planning Board has held numerous hearings
on the proposed zoning changes and its members are well
acquainted with the problems involved, the recommenda-
tion of that board should be concurred with b~ your Ad-
visory Board.
ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town of North Andover will
vote to amend the Zoning By-Law to change the following
described parcel of land from Agricultural to Industrial.
A parcel of land on the northerly side of Clark Street,
bounded and described as follows:
Starting at a stone bound on the northeasterly side of
Clark Street one hundred seventy-five (175') feet westerly
of the corner of Clark Street and Osgood Street, North
Andover, Massachusetts; thence running in a northwesterly
direction by Clark Street seven hundred sixty and 3/100
(760.03') feet to a stake; thence running in a more westerly
direction by Clark Street two hundred seventy (270') feet
more or less to a stake; thence turning and running in a
northeasterly direction four hundred fifty-five (455') feet
more or less to a stake; thence turning and running in an
east southeasterly direction in two courses four hundred
seventy (470') feet more or less to a stone wall, then along
a stone wall five hundred forty (540') feet more or ]ess to
a stone bound; thence turning and running in a southerly
direction four hundred fifty-six and 50/100 (456.50') feet
more or less to the point of beginning. Said tract of land
contains ten acres, more or less. Said bounds are shown on
a plan of land entitled Plan of Part of Land of Albert A.
Steinberg in North Andover, Massachusetts, dated March
1955, drawn by Ralph B. Brasseur, C. E., Haverhill, Massa-
Petition of Flora F. McCubbin and others
Since the Planning Board has held numerous hearings
on the proposed zoning changes and its members are well
acquainted with the problems involved, the recommenda-
tion of that board should be concurred with by your Ad-
visory Board.
And you are hereby directed to serve this warrant by
posting true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Office
]Building, and at five or more public places in each voting
precinct. Said copies to be posted not more than fifteen
days nor less than ten days before the time of holding said
Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this warrant
with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time
and place of said meeting.
Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachu-
setts, the fourth day of April in the year of our Lord one
thousand nine hundred fifty-five.
Board of Selectmen
A true copy,
Attest: ............................ Constable
North Andover, Massachusetts, April ............... 1955
-- Printers- Lithographers --
65 Salem Street Lawrence, Mass.