HomeMy WebLinkAbout1873 Annual Town Report THE AUDITOR'S REPORT OF THE OF THE Tow~ of FOR THE dover, YEAR ENDING, FEBRUARY 13, 1873. LAWRENCE: Printed at Level'enee Sentinel Offioe, ~4~ ~sex Street, 1878. AUDITOB'S 2EPOBT. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Amount pa~d for teaching since last report: HIGH SCI~OOL. Paid L. S. Hastings, $810 00 Eliza P. Hood, 466 25 P. J. Parris, 600 00 MERRIMAC SCHOOLS. Paid Alfred Smith, $970 00 Emma J. Cheney, 304 00 ' Sarah S. Barnes, ' 304 00 Maria F. Stevens, · 804 00 Hannah C. Carleton, 804 00 Mary F. Foye, 258 50 Agnes Elliot, Assistant, 88 00 CENTRE SCHOOLS. Paid Albert Poor, Sar~ Poor, Emily F. Csrleton~ Lucy J. KimbMl, Mabel E. Blake, Kate A. Carleton, Assistant, C. H. Berry, $154 00 91 00 225 00 250 00 84 50 45 60 8 00 $1,876 25 92,472 50 $858 10 Amount carried forward: $5,206 85 Amount brought forward, FARNHAM SCHOOL. Paid Lucy J. Kimb~ll, $11g 00 Lizzie Tarkington, 90 00 Mary A. Fo~ter, 13'2 00 KIMBALL sCHOOL. Paid Mabel E. Blake, 176 00 Anna M. Stoadley, 84 O0 RIVER SCHOOL. Paid Carrie P. Manning, POND SCHOOL. Paid Annie F. Foster, $5,g06 85 $884 00 $260 O0 $260 00 8247,00 $6,307 85 FUEL AND JANITORS' SERVICES. HIGH SCHOOL. Paid E. MeKone, for coal, $191 40 O. F. Spofford~ Janitor, 160 00 IgERRIMiC SCHOOLS. Paid Davis & Furber, for coal, $23 22 E MeKone, for coal, 210 25 " " wood, lg O0 A. P. Cheney, for wood, 17 49 Wm. Barrett, s~wing wood, 2 75 ~homas Murphy, Janitor, 24 80 Fred. L. Sargent, " 28 00 Amounts eaxried forward, $818 51 $851 4O $351 40 AUDITOR'S REPORT. 5 Amounts brought forward, $318 51 Eugene Joyc% Janitor, 40 00 J. Q Moulton, sweeping, 67 50 Ann Blanchard, cleaning, 5 00 CENTER SCHOOL. Pa~d E. McKone, for coal, $164 00 Hiram Berry, for wood~ ] 65 " " Janitor, 12 50 FARNHAM SCHOOL. Paid Albert Berry, for wood, $34 67 John J. Foster, Janitor, 5 50 POND SCHOOL. Paid J. P. Foster, for wood: $9 25 Geo. B. Fo~ter, Janitor, $ 00 RIVER SCHOOL. Paid J. A, Montgomery, for wood, 838 00 Belle Barker: sweeping, 4 55 Roswell Thornton, sweeping, 8 25 F. M. Greenwood, Janitor, 7 33 Jennie Greenwood~ 5 45 KIMBALL SCHOOL. Paid Willie Russell, Janitor, $851 40 $431 O1 $178 15 $40 17 $14 25 $53 58 $4 O0 $1:072 56 REI~AIRS, SCHOOL BOOKS, I~IXT0'I4ES, &C. ItIGH SCHOOL. Paid Hiram Berry, books and fixtures, $36 79 P. I. Parris~. " ' " 2 18 E. P. Hood, " 1 45 J. G. Brown, books and stationery: 14 19 J. Pillsbury, book case, 75 00 MERRIMAC SCHOOLS. Paid C. H. CMkins, repairing roof, $42 78 H. Keniston, repairing plastering, 8 50 Arthur W. Moore, r~pairs, fi O0 J. O. Brown, school books, 18 28 Geo. S. Merrill & Co., printing, 2 50 Ellis & Snow, tuning piano: '2 20 S. S. Hiekok, " " 1 50 Nash & Radcliff, lantern, I 00 J. W. Frost & Co., locks, 50 J. H. Sta~o~d, brushes, 1 80 L. Stratt~n, book, 40 $129 71 CENTRE SCHOOL. Paid Hiram Berry, repairs and fixtures, $19 96 J. G. Brown, books, 19 37 $80 41 FARNHAM SCHOOL.' Paid Hiram Berry, repairs, &c., $5 48 J. O. Brown, books, 2 55 $89 33 $8 08 Amount carried forward, $257 48 AUDITOI~L~ REPORT. Amount brought forward, POND SCHOOL. Paid J. P. Foster, repMrs, &c., I 65 Hiram Berry, clock: 2 80 J. G. Brown, book, 17 KIMBALL SCHOOL. Paid Hiram Berry, furniture, &c., $6 25 J. G. Brown, books, ~ 6 77 RIVER SCHOOL. Pica Hiram Berry, cleaning clock, 75 Whitford & Rice: clock, 4 50 J. G. Brown, books, 3 06 Whole amount of orders drawn in School De- partment, Viz: For Teaching, $6,807 85 Fuel and Jsaitor's services, 1,072 56 Repairs, fixtures a~d books, 282 88 $257 48 $4 12 $18 02 $8 31 $282 88 $7,663 24 --.$7,663 24 8 .alUDITOlt'~ REPORT. SELECTMEN'S REPORT. OFFICERS' SERVICES. Paid Linus Fish, services as school committee, Hiram Berry, .... Andrew Smith, services as constable, Francis Smith, " " James W. Holt, " " L. !~. Duchesney, .... 1871, Samuel F. Ho]h services as police officer, John V. Carl " truant M. S. Jenkins, " collecting taxes, Andrew Smith, " a~ Town Clerk, ,, ' ' " Treasurer, Charles F. Johnson, services as Selectman, Assessor, and Overseer of the Poor, James C. Carleton~ services as Selectman, Assessor, and Overseer of the Poor, Joseph F. Allen: services as Selectman, As- sossor, and Overseer of the Poor, 1871, $100 00 85 00 14 00 12 50 12 00 10 00 12 00 5 00 129 65 40 00 5O 00 llg 00 150 00 125 O0 $858 15 FIR~ DEPARTMENT. Paid J. F. Kirk, to pay members of company No. 1, F. R. Bishop, to pay membera of company 1%. 2~ 190 15 Joseph N. Taylor, services as engineer, 1871, 10 00 Samuel F. Holt, " " 1871, 10 00 F. P. Hanaford, services as engineer, 1870-71, 16 25 John Y. Carl '" " 1871, 10 00 $295 50 Amount carried forward, $531 90 .~UDITOR'S R~POI~T. 9 Amount brought forward, $581 90 Paid Jeffrey Kelly, steward of Company No. 1, 15 05 Wm. G. Kimball, steward of Company Ko. 2, 49 37 Wm. D. C. Ellis, dinners fl)r firemen~ 14 00 A. P. Cheney, supplies for firemen, 27 83 E. McKeon, " ,, 5 50 S. F. McQuestjon: refreshments for firemen, 5 00 J. N. Taylor, services and expenses buying · hose, 6 00 Davis & Furber~ oil, No. 1, 6 00 A. G. Rea, Jr., stock and labor, No. 1, 2 35 G. B. Ellingwood, labor on Engine house, 1%. 1~ 6 00 J. H. ~ish, labor on Engine house, No. 2, 4 00 Geo. W. Gould, painting Engine hoose: No. 2, 14 31 I. C. Sargent, ha~nging paper, Engine house, No. 2~ 4 80 John I. Farnham, drawing Engine No. 2, 1 50 Urias Urry, repairs on "~ " 8 53 C. R. M~son & Co., pulleys and rope, No. 2, 14 38 McDonald & Hanaford, varnishing buckets, 1%. 2~ I 50 Warren Stevens, supplies, No. 2, 4 45 Colbu~n Brothers, framep, Nos. I and 2, 2 50 J~mes Boyd & Sons, hose, 975 20 Eastern Railroad Co., freight, 50 $1,700 67 STEAMER EBEN SUTTON. Paid A.'Lummus, Jr., building ]~ngine House, .~4,596 55 Amoskeag Manufacturing Co, S. F. Engine: 4,250 00 ': .... hose carriage, 500 O0 Jaines B & Sons, hose, 1,674 00 " ': harnesses, 300 O0 " " pole straps, 15 00 " " hose and couplings,' 62 75 Bishop Brothers, furnace, 141 45 Hunt, Twitchell & Co., rubber drilling, &c., 65 00 A. S. Bunker, rubber hose, &c., 18 78 Louis Weil, army coats, 80 00 Andrew Smith, Treas., insurance, 129 00 CMs. T. Emerson, plan of Engine House, 40 Davis & Furber, stock and labor, Engine House, 59 " " oil, 4 00 95 80 Samuel Moore~ stock and labor, 5 75 L. N. Duohesney, stock and labor, 18 50 E. A. Fiske, curtains, fixtures and paper, 27 85 " ': bracket lamps, 9 00 E. Sutton S. F. Engine Co., six settees, 25 00 Geo. Wilton, painting sign, 25 00 Davis i Purber, lumber: 7 99 " " waste and oil~ 8 83 John V. Carr, iron work, 6 25 R. B. & G. W. Bancroft, labor and drain pipe, 156 00 A. S. Bnnker~ hose, coupling% &c., 9 15 J. Stowell, boot for steamer, 4 00 Stephen tIuse, watching steamer, 6 00 E. McKone, chamois skins, &c., 11 65 M. B. Hinds, set brushes, 1 75 Boston & Maine Railroad, freighting steamer, 8 94 Amount carried forward~ $12,268 94 ]1 Amount brought forward, $12,268 9~, Eastern Railroad Co., freigh~ting hose, , 2 80 I. C. Sargent, trucking hos% I 00 Geo. S. Merrill & Co., printing by-laws and cards, 14 00 E. McKone, coal, &c., 97 25 George Smith? sawing wood, 2 00 S. F. McQuestion7 engineer of steamer Eben Sutton, 94 60 Jeffrey Kelley, steward, 49 60 $!2,525 09 AMOUNT PAID TO HIGHWAY SURVEYORS. Pa~d Enos E Homart7 district No. 1, $300 00 George French, " " 2, 135 00 Wm. B. Reynolds, " ~' 3, 300 00 J. A. Montgomery, " " 4, 70 00 John P. Foster: " " 5, 45 00 Nathan Barker, " " 6, 80 00 Daniel B. Rugg, " '~ 7, 50 00 Samuel B. Itill7 " " 87 · ~50 00 Rodney Sarg,nt, " " 9, 40 00 William Foster~ " "10, 55 00 Nathan Foster, " "11: 70 00 Daniel Carleton, " "12, ~100 00 l~ath'l Peters, " "18, 50 00 Albert Berry, " "14, 200 00 T. C. Shattuek, " "i5, 50 00 Azel M. Lacy, " "167 50 00 S. William Ingalls, " "17, 25 00 Wm. B. Chadwick, " "187 1,180 O0 $2,850 o0 *Districts lqo. 8 and 12 having drawn but one-half their appro- priations, a balance of $50 is now due district ]No. 8, and $100 to distrfc~ ]No. 12. S~IC~'AL AP~PRO¥1~IATIONS FOR ROADS AND BRIDGEs. Paid Joseph F. Allen, railing road near Shawsheen bridge, district i%. 1, George French, labor on highway~ ~istrict Edward Ad~ms, drawing gravel, district No. 2, Wm. B. Reynolds, labor on highway, district No. 8, S. M. Greenwood, grading road, district No. 3, J. A. Montgomery, labor on highway, dis- trict No. 4, S. M. Greenwood, labor on highway, district No. 5, Wm. Long, labor on highway, district/%. 10, Wm. B. ChMwiok, labor and material, dis- trict No. 18, ])avis & Farber, lumber for bridge, &c., dis- trict No. 18, PATHING SNOW. Paid J. G. CtmAwick, district No. 4, John P. Foster, " " 5, George E. Car]e~n, " " 5, Da~el B. Rugg, ~' " 7 William F~r, " "10, Nathan Fos~r~ " "11, Newell E. A~kins, " "15, Joseph Ave~ll, Jr., '~ "16, $29 86 7 00 24 82 64 03 91 85 2 6O 10 80 3 00 26 74 72 10 $331 80 $6 2O 2 O0 2 22 1 7O 5 O0 5 O0 4 O0 4 O0 $80 12 ~vmvo~,s ervom,. 13 OVERWOI~K BY HIGHWAY SURVEYORS. Paid Enos E. ttoma~, Surveyor district No. 1, · $10 O0 George French~ " " " 2, 10 00 Wm~ B. Reynolds, " " 8, 10 00 g. A. Montgomery, ': " " 4, 10 00 Nathan Foster, " " "11, 10 00 Nath'l Peters, " " "13, 9 80, T. C. Shattuck, " " "15, l0 00 Wm. B. Chadwick, " " "18, 10 00 $79 80 ABATEMENT OF TAXES. Paid H. B. Dennett, over-tax, 1871, $4 20 Joseph W. Roberts, over-tax, 1867-68-69-70: 8 69 Peter McGovern, " 7 25 George E. Brown, " 1 45 Allen Berry, " 46 Nath'l Gage, " 11 17 George L. Barker, " 11 60 $44 82 INCIDENTAL EXPENSES. Paid A. Morrison, printing Auditor's Reports, &c., $40 50 Geo. S. Merrill & Co., printing School Re- port~, 9.8 00 Geo. S. Merrill & Co., printing report of streets, warrants, check lists, bills, &c., 43 O0 Benj. P. Saunders, services in Bod~weI1 case, 9.1 50 J. A. Montgomery, " " " 11 00 Whitford & Rice, books, &o., 4 '20 J. C. (~arloton, ink and paper, 65 Thomas Dawe, use oi land for lock-up, 12 00 Andrew Smith, Treas., insurance, lock-up, 7 50 $174 85 Amount carried forward, aUnlTOR'$ REPORt. Amount brought forward, $174 35 Geo. W. Gould, guide-boards, posts: and setting, 7 00 A. C. Hardy, Fish Warden, 12 50 Andrew Sm'th, paying State Aid, 10 00 Chas. F. Johnson, services, State Aid, 10 00 John F. Kimball, surveying, &e., 8 00 Samuel F Holt~ building pound, 50 00 J. C. Carleton, rails for " 5 00 " " car {~re, 6 g0 C. F. Johnson, " 4 80 J. F. Allen, returning 9.3 deaths, 2 30 Andrew Smith, recording births, marriages, and deaths, 85 45 Andrew Smith, stamps, telegrams, stationery~ and express, 9 78 $334 88 NEW' SCHOOL HOUSE. Paid Flanders & Severance, building, $9~750 00 " " setting up desks~ &c., 47 08 Bishop Brothers, furnaces, &c., 516 00 Wm. H. Hase, printing specifications, 7 00 Rufus Sargent, pla.ns and services, 150 00 P. T. Watson, painting ann sanding columns, 12 00 American Tablet Mann~acturing Co., black- bc~ards. 56 40 L. Huntoon, Jr.:'clocks and bells, 16 50 A. E. Rowe & Co, gong bells, &c., 24 05 Wm. O. Haskell & Son, furniture, 529 94 Boston & Maine R. R,. freighting desks, &e, 9 39 Joseph lg. Taylor, insurance, 25 00 Andrew Smith, Treasarer~ insurance, 405 00 Amount carried forward: $ll,648 81 Amount brought forward, $11,548 31 Henry L. Hill, cedar posts, 51 00 Samuel F. Holt building fete, 293 05 G. W. ChandleL gutter stones~ 25 00 Hiram Berry, car fares and supplies, 20 94 " " cleaning floors and windows, 7 00 Chas. A. Butterfield, laying stone, 36 50 Edward Adams, hauling ~avel~ 125 05 Joseph F. Allen, catting trees~ 8 00 " " grading around school house, 48 00 Moses T. Stevens, " " " 20 00 Michael Burke, " " " 54 O0 John I. Farnham, " " " 44 00 Simeon Foster, " '-~ " 80 00 (:has. A. Butterfleld, ''~ " " 24 00 Daniel Mahoney, ': " " 22 00 $12,354 85 TOWN HOUSE ACCOUNT. Paid Andrew Smith, insurance on Town House, $125 00 Bishop Brothers, air grate and labor, 16 00 Orin F. Spofford, oil, &c., 8 81 Joseph P. Blake, stock and labor, 9 45 American Tablet ]4anuP~cturing Co., black- hoards, 8 70 D. S. Swan & Son, insurance, 231 25 Bishop Brothers, new furnace,' 289 00 Orin F. Spofford~ supplies'for Town Hall, 18 08 " " services as Janitor, Town Hall, 50 00 $751 29 AUDITORI$ REPORT'. I~EMITTANCE OF TAX.ES. Paid Joseph F. AHen, Collector, sundry taxes, assessed in 1871,, $82 86 Milon S. Jenkins, Collector, sundry taxes, assessed in 1872~ 242 59 DISCOUN'P ON T~tXES. Paid Milon S. Jenki~s~ discount on taxes: col- lectea previous to 1%v. lsd, 18727 $325 45 $1,656 36 17 OgrERSEERS' ACCOUNT. Whole amount of orders drawn by the Overseers of the Poor for supplies furnished out of the house. Paid Mrs] James B. Fuller, and charged to Boston, City of :Boston, for support of Mrs. Lucy Brown, Mary A. Stevens: and Abhie E. Tyler, Lunatic Hospital at Worcester, for beaird of Charlotte Wallwark, Receptacle for instme at Ipswich, for board of Henry Elvey, Receptacle for insane at Ipswich~ for board of Mary Ann Holt, Insane Asylum at Concord, N. ti., for board and expenses of Joseph Stiles~ City of Salem, for aid to A. A~ Nichols, City of Lawrence, for supplies furnished Mrs. John :E. Young, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, for hoard of Wm. H. Town, in the Lunatic Hospital at Taunton, in 1869, County of Essex, for board of George Morton, Town of Middleton, for supplies furnished the family of Daniel Kimball, Town of Ipswich, for supplies fnr~ished Mrs. Caroline Goodhue, Town of Saugus, for supplies furnished the Barrows family, Town of Andover, on account of Mrs. Matron~ Amount carried forward, 479 97 174 25 186 30 105 43' 45 72 72 38 15 00 ~ 36 34 29 00 4 14 30 00 16 00 38 00 6 50 $257 48 18 ~UDITOR~$ REPORT. Amount brought forw~d, $889 03 Charles L. Carter, for supplies furuiahed Geo. MeLaughlin, 38 75 ¥. Da~forth, for supplies furnished Mrs. John E. Young~ 12 00 Andrew Smith, for expenses removing Henry Elvey to Ipswich, 8 00 Francis Smiths fbr expenses in returning Henry Elvey to Ipswich~ 11 O0 Doctors Carleton and Chase, for examination of Henry Bawdett: an insane man, 10 00 Estate of Herman Abbott, for coffin for Att- gusta Long, 8 00 Charles P. Morrill,for attendance upon Eliza Long, 4 50 Edward MeKone, for catholic acid for cleans- ing purposes in case of small pox, 75 Andrew Smith, on a~count of an insane man, 2 00 Abijah P. Fuller, for care of Benj. Swan, I 00 $935 03 Whole amount of orders drawn by the Overseers of the Poor for supplies furnished at the house. ?aid Rodney Sargent, as Superintendent of the Town Farm, $500 00 Rodney Sargent, for supplies furnished the house, 190 O0 K. S. Porter, for coffin for Lydia Gray, 12 00 Joseph F. Allen, as undertaker, 4 00 $706 00 ~I'OWN OF NORTH ANDOvIgR IN ACCOUN~P WIq~t ROI)NEY SARGENT. DR. To cash paid for supplies, to February 13, 1873, $382 19 " mcat, ~ 89 92 " medicine, 3 25 " grain, 809 10 " clothing, 58 09 " seed, 7 40 " stock, 52 00 " standing grass, 40 00 · " labor, 80 00 " tools, 31 25 " blacksmithing, 28 88 " harness, 35 00 " incidentals, 24 64 $1,091 17 ell. By cash in my hands, February 14, 1872, $10 47 " received for produce, 828 95 " stock, 86 75 " labor, 25 O0 " from Treasurer, 190 00 ~$1,091 17 NoTr~.--One hundred and twelve traveling paupers have been accom- modated at the Alms-house the past year, at an estimated expense of $112, RODNEY SARGENT, SuF'r- INMArI'ES OF r~Hl~. ALMIS-ttOIJI$~E. James Fi. Freemaa~ a~? 79 ~ James Leighton, age, 79 Hannah Frye, 36 Jmeph A. Hadley, " 9 Benjamin Far~a,m " 78 ~ George McLaughlin, " Barzi[la Leto, " 66{ Dorc~ ~'r~man, " AffDITOR~$ REPORT. STOCK ON HAND AT TOWN ~ARM. Horse, $75 00 Oxen~ 165 00 Steers, 200 00 Three heifers, 90 00 Eight cows, 820 00 One calf, 8 00 Four swine, 20 00 Thffty fowls, , 80 00 $908 oo SUPPLIES ON ~AND AT TOWN FA.RM. Provisions, pork, l~rd, beans, cider, tea, &c., $850 00 Fifteen tens English hay., 875 00 Five'tons ran hay, 100 00 Tools on farm, 400 00 Fttrniture~ 250 00 $1,475 00 Total, $2,883 00 22 z[I]D~TOR~$ REPO/~2v. i~INANGIAL CONDITION O1~ 'I'tt~E ?OWN. LIABII.JTIES l%tes payable, ASSETS. Cash in Treasurer's hands, Due from State, for soldiers~ aid, - " Collector, balance of ~axes, $32,700 00 83,482 91 651 50 400 00 City of Boston, pauper acc't, 35 58 committee on common~ 125 6~ $3,695 6l Balance against the town, $28,004 39 '~AYLOR REiPRESENTATIVE FUND ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. 1869, Interest received, $7 22 1870, ': " 6 60 1871~ " " 6 58 1872, " " 0 80 $27 20 SUMMARY OF iEXFENSES OF TIlE ~'OWN. ORDERS DRAWN BY THE SELECTMEN, PER APPROYA. L OF TIlE SCHOOL COMMITTEE. For teaching~ $6~807 85 fuel and Janitors' services, 1~072 56 repairs, fixtures and books, 282 83 ,97,663 24 SELECTMEN'S GENERAL ORDERS. For officers' services, $858 15 Fire department, 1,700 67 Amounts carried forv~ard, $2~558 82 $7~663 24 Amounts brought forward, $2,558 82 $7,663 For Steamer Eben Sutton, 12,525 09 Paid to Highway Surveyors~ 2,850 00 Special appropriations for reads and bridges, 331 80 For pathing snow: 80 12 Overwork by Highway Surveyors, 79 80 Abatement of taxes, 44 82 Incidental expenses, 834 88 New school house, 12,354 85 Town house account, 751 29 Remittance of taxes, 325 45 Discount on taxes, 1,656 86 $33,848 28 Total amount of Selectmen's orders, OVERSEERS' ORDERS. For relief out of the house, ~935 03 General expenses of alms house, 706 00 Total amount of Overseers' orders, $41,506 52 $1,641 03 PAID BY THE TREASURER. State tax: County tax, Interest and discount on notes, For decorating soldiers~ graves, Selectmen and Auditors, $3:060 00 2,102 10 2,258 18 100 00 20 00 $7,585 23 Total expense o~ the town, $50,682 78 Town house, fixtures and land adjoining, $25,000 00 $88,308 00 The Auditors chosen to audit the accounts of the Selectmen, Overseers of the Poor, and Town Treasurer~ respectfully sub- mit that they have examined the above accounts and find them correctly and carefully kept, and vouched for in every particu- AMOS D. CARL]]TON, LOUIS WEIL, Auditors. WM. FOSTER, North Andover, Feb. ]3, ]873. REPORT OF FINA1VC~. COMMITTEE. The committee recommend thc following appropriations for the ensuing yeaL viz: For school department, $6,800 00 Repairs of roads and bridges, 4,000 00 Support of poor, 2,500 00 General expenses and reduction of debt, 15,000 00 CHARLES F. JOHNSON, JAMES C. CARLETON, JOSEPH F. ALLEN, Finance AMOS D. CARLETON, Com~ittee. LOUIS WEIL, WILLIAM FOSTER~ Two engine houees~ 1,250 00 Steamer house, 47000 00 ~teamer 4,000 00 Two hand engines aad apparatus, 1,000 00 Lock-up, 500 00 Town f~rm and buildings, 7,000 00 Personal property, at town f~rm, 2,888 00 Safe and furniture in Selectmen's office, 25 00 Weights and measures: 150 00 School house property, 43,000 00 9,5 VITAL STATISTICS O1~ THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER i~OR THE YEAR 1872. ]Number of births registered, 81 Males, 47 Females, 84 Number born of American parents, 24 .... Irish " 21 .... English " 12 " " German " 2 The others are those where the father and mother are of dif- ferent nations. The number of deaths registered in 1872 was 48 Males, 21 Females. 22 Of this number there were of American birth, 81 " " " :Foreign " 12 Number under 10 yeara, 11 " between 10 and S0, " " 20" 80, 6 .... 80 " 40, 4 .... 40 " 50, 4 " " 50 " 60, 1 .... 60 " 70, 5 .... 70 " 80, 4 " " 80" 90, 8 " over 90, 8 The oldest person was 97 years, 4 months, and 29 days. Number of marriages registered, 20 The oldest couple--groom 717 bride The youngest couple groom 20, bride 18. :Five grooms and two brides have been married before. TOWN WARRA. NT. EssEx, ss. To ANDREW SMITH, ONE OF THE CONSTABLES or TU~ TOWN Or N0~'~H A~ovs~, GREETING: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn. the inhabitants of the town of North Andover, qualified by law to vote in elections and in town affairs, to meet at the Town ftall~ in said town, on Monday: the third day of March next, at 12 o'clock, noon, then and there to act on the following articles~ viz.: AnT. I. To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting. ArtT. II. To choose a Town Clerk for the year ensuing. ART. III. To see if the town will accept the Auditor's re- port. ART. IV. To choose Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of the Poor~ Town Treasurer, one School Committee for three years, Constables, and all necessary town officers for the year ensuing. ART. V. To see if the town will accept the 158~;h chap~r of the Acts of 1871. ART. VI. To determine what method the town will adopt to repair their highways the ensuing year. A~T. VII. To see what sum of' money the town will raise to repair their highways and bridges the ensuing year. AnT. VIII. To see what sum of' money the town will raise for the support of schools in the town the ensuing year. AliT. IX. To see what sum of money the town will raise for the support of the poor the ensuing year. ART. X. To see what sum of money the town will raise to reduce the town debt and to defray the necessary expenses arising in said town. ART. XI. To see what method the town will take to col- lect their public t~xes for the year ensuing. A~T. XIL To see if the town will authorize the Treasurer of the town to hire money in anticipation of taxes, under the direction of. the Selectmen. AgT. XHI. To determihe what compensation the town will pay to members of engine companies for their services the year ensuing. ART. XI¥. TO see if the town will accept of the list of jurors as posted by the Selectmen. AI~T. XV. To see if the town will a~uthorize their Selectmen to sell the fence which now encloses the Merrimac school house and grounds, and to erect a new and suitable one in its place-- on petition of lB. C. Smith and others. ARq?. X¥I. To see if. the town will vote to build reservoirs ac ali necessary points~ suitable for the usc of the town in case of fire--on petition of Jacob C. Rea and others. A~. X¥II. To see if' the town will accept of the road as laid out by the Selectmen--on petition of' J. M. Stone and others. ART. XVIIL To see what action the town will take in re- gard to selling the original lot of' land and the old school house in the Centre District. ART. XIX. To see if the town will' vote to accept the bet- terment laws passed by the Legislature, chapter 382, Acts of 1871. A~. XX. To see if the town will vote to give the use of the Merrimac engine house, for a public library~ provide~l a sufficient sum be raised by subscription for that purpose. And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and arrested copies thereof, at each of the churches in said town, two Sundays at least before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof' fail not~ and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon~ to the Town Clerk at the time and place of ~ho]ding said meeting.. Given under our hands at North Andover, this nineteenth day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. CHAS. F. JOHNSON, ~ Selcctmen J. C. CARLETON,t of JOSEPH F. ALLEN, North Andover. A true copy. Attest, ANDREW SMITH~ Constable of North Andover. THE AUDITOR'S REPORT THE OF 'FHE Tow~ of ~o~th FOR THE ,eloVe~5, .YEAR ENDING, FEBRUARY 13, 1873. LAWRENCE: Printed at Lawrence Sentinel Office, ~4B E~$ex Street. AUDITOR'S I{.EPORT. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Amount paid for teaching since last report: IIIGH SCI~OOL. Paid L. S. Hastings, 8810 O0 Eliza P. Hood, 466 25 P. J. Parris, 600 00 MEP~RIMAC SCHOOLS. Paid Alfred Smith, Emma J. Cheney, Sarah S. Barnes, Maria F. Stevens, Hannah C. Carleton, Mary F. Foye, Agnes Elliot, Assistant, $970 00 304 00 304 00 304 00 304 00 253 50 33 00 CENTRE SCHOOLS. Paid Albert Poor, Sara Poor, Emily F. Carleton: Lucy J. Kimball: Mabel E. Blake, Kate A. Carleton, Assistant, C. H. Berry, " $154 00 91 00 225 00- 250 00 84 50 t5 60 8 00 Amount carried forward~ $1,876 25 $2,472 50 8858 $5,206 85 ~4UDITOR~$ REPORT, Amount brought forward, FARNHAM SCHOOL. Paid Lucy J. Kimball~ $112 00 Lizzie Turkin~on, 90 00 Mary A. Fo~ter, 132 00 KIMBALL SCHOOL. P~id Mabel E. Blake, 176 00 Anna M. Stoadley, 84 00 RIVER SCHOOL. Pa~d Carrie P. Manning, POND SCHOOL. Paid Annie F. Foster, $5,206 85 $334 00 $260 O0 $260 O0 8247 O0 $6 307.85 FUEL A_ND JANITORS' SERVICES. HIGH SCHOOL. Paid E. McKone, for coal, $191 40 O. F. 8pofford, JanitoL 160 00 MERRIMAC SCHOOLS. Paid Davis & Furber, for coal, $23 22 E McKone, for coal, 210 25 " " wood, 12 00 A. P. Cheney, for wood, 17 49 Wm. Barrett, sawing wood, 9. 75 Thoma~ Murphy, J~nitor, 24 80 Fred. L. Sargent, " 28 00 Amounts carried forward, $818 51 $351 40 $351 40 AUDITOR'S REPORT. Amounts brought forward, $$18 51 Eugene Joyee, Janitor, 40 00 J. Q Moulton, sweeping, 67 50 Ann Blanchard, cleaning, 5 00 CENTER SCHOOL. Paid E. McKene, for coal, $164 00 Hiram Bdrry, for wood, I 65 " " Janitor, 12 50 FARNHAM SCHOOL. Paid Albert Berry, for wood, $84 67 John J. Foster, Janitor, 5 50 POND SCHOOL. Paid J. P. Foster.~ for wood, $9 25 Geo. B. Fo~ter, Janitor, 5 O0 RIVER SCHOOl.. Paid J. A. Montgomery, for wood, $33 00 Belle Barker: sweeping, 4 55 Roswell Thornton, sweeping~ 8 25 F. M. Greenwood, Janitor, 7 88 Jennie Greenwood, 5 45 KIMBALL. SCHOOL. Paid Willie Russell, Janitor, $851 ~0 $481 01 $178 15 $40 17 $14 25 $58 58 $4 oo $1,072 56 REPAIRS, SCHOOL BOOKS, FIXTUP~ES, &C. HIGH SCHOOL. Paid Hiram Berry, books and fixtures, $36 79 P. I. Parris: " " ~ 18 E. P. Hood, " I 45 J. G. Brown, books and stationery, 14 19 J. Pillsbury, book case, 75 00 $729 71 MERRIMAC SC[IOOLS. Paid C. H. Calkins, repairing roof, $42 78 H. Keniston, repairing plastering, 8 50 Arthur W. Moore., repairs, 6 00 J. G. Brown, school books, 18 28 Geo. S. Merrill & Co., printing, 2 50 Ellis & Snow: tuning piano~ '2 20 S. S. Hickok, " " I 50 N~sh & Radcliff, lantern, 1 00 J. W. Frost & Co., locks, ,50 J. H. Stafford: brushes, 1 80 L. Stratton, book, 40 CENTRE SCHOOL. Paid Hiram Berry, repairs and fixtures~ $19 96 J. G. Brown, books, 19 37 FARNHAM SCHOOL. Paid Hiram Berry, repairs, &c., $5 48 J. G. Brown, books, 2 55 $80 41 $89 38 Amount carried forward, $8 03 $257 48 ~O'DITOR~$ REPORT. Amount brought forward, POND SC~IOOL. Paid J. P. Foster, repairs, &c.; 1 65 Hiram Berry, clock, 2 80 J. G. BroWn, book, 17 KIMBALL SCHOOL. Paid Hiram Berry, £urniture~ &c., $6 25 J. G. Brown, books, 6 77 RIVER SCtIOOL. Piad Hiram Berry, cleaning clock, 75 Whitford & Rice, clock, 4 50 J. G. Brown, books, 3 06 Whole amount of orders d~wn in School p~rtment, Viz: For Teaching, $6,$07 85 Fuel and J~nitor's services: 1,072 56 Repairs, fixtures and books, 282 83 9257 48 $4 12 $18 O2 $8 31 $282 83 $7,663 24 --$7,663 24 8 AUDITOR'S REPORT. SELECTMEN'S REPORT. OFFICERS' SERVICES. Paid Linus Fish, services as school committee, $100 00 Hiram Berry, " " :' ' 85 00 Andrew Smith~ services as constable, 14 00 Francis Smith, " " 12 50 .~ James W. Holt, " " 12 00 L. N. Duchasney," " 1871: 10 00 Samuel F. Holt~ services as police officer: ~ 2 00 John V. Carr, " truant " 1871~ 5 00 M. S. Jenkins~ ;' collecting taxes~ 1'29 65 Andrew Smith, ;' a~ Town Clerk: 40 00 " '" " Treasurer, ,50 00 -- Charles F. Johnson, services as Selectman, , Assessor, and Overseer of the Poor, 113 00 James C. Carleton, services as Selectman, ~' Assessor, and Overseer of the Poor, 1,50 00 Joseph F. Alien, services as Selectman, As- sessor, and Overseer of the Poor, 125 00 $858 15 FIRE DEFAR~I'MEN?, Paid J. F. Kirk, to pay members o£ company No. 1, $295 50 F. I~. Bishop, to pay members of company No. 2, 190 15 Joseph 1~. Taylor, services as engineer, 1871, 10 00 Samuel F. Hol~, " " 1871, 10 00 F. P. Hanaford, services as engineer, 1870-71, 16 25 John ¥. Carl " " 18717 10 00 Amount c~rried forward, $531 90 2UDITOR'$ REPORT. 9 Amount brought forward, $581 90 Paid Jeffre2 Kelly, steward of 0ompany No. 1, 15 05 Wm. G. Kimball, steward of Company No. ~, 49 87 Wm. D. C. Ellis, dinners for flremen~ 14 00 A. P. Cheney, supplies for firemen: 27 83 E. McKeon, :' " 5 50 S. F. MoQuestion, refreshments for firemen: 5 00 J. lq. Taylor, services ~nd expenses buying hose, 6 00 Davis & Barber, oil, lq'o. 1, 6 00 A. G. Rea, Jr., stock and labor, No. 1, 2 85 G. B. Ellingwood, labor ou Engine house, No. 1, 6 00 J. H. Fish, labor on Engine hoUSe, No. 2, 4 00 Geo. W. Gould, l~inting Engine house, No. 2, 14 31 I. C. Sargent, hanging paper, Engine house, No. 2, '- 4 80 John L Farnham, drawing Engine lq'o. 2, I 50 Urils Urry, repairs ou " " 8 58 C. R. Mason & Co., pulleys and rope, No. 2, 14 38 McDonald & H~n~ford, varnishing buckets, No. 2, 1 50 Warren Stevens, supplies, No. 2, 4 45 Colburn Brothers, £rames, Nos. I and 2, 2 50 James Boyd & Sons, hose: 975 20 Eastern P, ailroad Co., freight, 50 $1,700 67 0 ~UDITORI$ REPORT. STEAMER EBEN SUTTON. Paid A. Lummus, Jr., building Engine House, .$4,596 55 Amoskeag Manufacturing Co., S. F. Engine, 4,250 00 ...... hose carriage, 500 00 James B & Sons, hose, 1~674 00 " " harnesses, 800 00 " '~ pole straps~ 15 00 .... hose and couplings,': 62 75 Bishop Brothers, furnace~ 141 45 Hunt, Twitchell & Co., rubber drilling, &c., 65 00 A. S. Bunker~ rubber hose, &c., 18 78 Louis Weik army coats, 80 00 Andrew Smith, Treas., insurance, 129 00 Chas. T. Emerson, plan of Engine House, 40 00 Davis & Furber, stock and labor, Engine House, 59 95 .... oil~ 4 ~0 Samuel Moore. stock and labor, 5 75 L. N. Duchesney, stock and labor, 18 50 E. A, Fiske, curtains, fixtures ~nd paper, 27 85 " " bracket lamps, 9 00 E. Sutton S. F. Engine Co., six settees, 25 00 Geo. Wilton, painting sign, 25 00 Davis & Furber, lumber: 7 99 " " waste a~d oil, 8 83 John V. Carr, iron work, 6 25 R. B. & G. W. Bancroft, labor and drain pipe, 156 00 A. S. Bunker, hose, couplings, &c, 9 15 J. Stowell~ boot for steamer, 4 00 Stephen Huse, watching steamer~ 6 00 E. MoKone, chamois skins~ &o.: 11 65 M. B. Hinds, set brushes, I 75 Boston & Maine Railroad, freighting steamer~ 8 94 Amount carried forward~ $12,268 94 Amount brought forward, $12~268 91 Eastern Railroad Co., freighting hose, 2 80 I. C. Sargent~ trucking hose, I 00 Geo. 8. Merrill & Co., printiflg by-laws and cards, 14 00 E. McKone, coal, &c., 97 25 George Smith, sawing wood, 2 00 S. F. McQuestion, engineer of' steamer Eben Sutton, 94 50 Jeffrey Kelley, steward, 49~60 $12;525 09 AMOUNT PAID TO HIG~tWrAY SURV~.YORS, Paid Enos E. tIoman, district No. 1, $300 00 George French, " " 2, 185 00 Wm. B. Reynolds, " " 3, 300 00 J. A. Montgomery, " " 4~ 70 00 John P. Foster, " " 5, 45 00 Nathan Barker, " ~' 6, 80 00 Daniel B. Rugg, " " 7, 50 00 Samuel B. Hill, " " 8, ~50 00 Rodney Sargent, " " 9, 40 00 William Foster, " "10, 55 00 Iqathan Foster, " "11, 70 00 Daniel Carleton, " '; 12, ~100 00 Nath'l Peters, " '; 13, ,50 00 Albert Berry, " "14, 200 00 T. C. Shattuck, " "15, 50 00 Azel M. Lacy, " "16, 50 00 S. William Ingalls, ': "17, 25 00 Wm. B. Chadwick, " "18~ 1,180 00 $2,850 00 *Districts No. 8 and 12 having drawn but one-half thair appro- priations, a balance of $50 is now due district No. 8, and $100 to district lifo. 12. SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS i~OR ROADS AND BRIDGES. Paid Joseph F. Alien, railing road near Shawsheen bridge, district 5Th. 1, $29 86 George French, labor on highway, district 1%. 2; 7 O0 ]~dwa~d Adams, drawing gravel, district No. 2, 24 82 Wm. B. Reynolds~ labor on highway, district No. 8, 64 03 · S.M. Greenwood, grading road: district No. 8, 91 85 J. A. Montgomery, labor oa highway, dis- trict No. 4, 2 60 S. M. Greenwood, labor on highway, district No. 5, 10 80 Wm. Long: labor on highways district :No. 10, 3 00 Wm. B. Chadwick, labor and material, dis- trict No. 18, 26 74 Davis & Furber, lumber for bridge, &c., dis- trict Iqo. 18, 72 10 $881 80 PATHINO SNOW. Paid J. G. Chadwick, district No. 4, $6 20 John P. Foster, " " 5, 2 00 George E. Carleton, ': " 5, 2 22 Daniel B. Rugg, " " 7 1 70 William Foster, " :' 10, 5 00 l~athan Foster, ,c "11, 5 00 Newell E. Atkins, " "15, 4 00 Joseph Averill, Jr., " "16, 4 00 $30 12 A ,,TOR'S 13 OVERWORK :BY HIGHWAY SURVEYORS. Paid Enos E. Homart, Surveyor district 1%. 1~ $10 00 George French, " " " 2, 10 00 Wm. B. Reynolds, :' " 3, 10 00 J. A. Montgomery, " " " 4, 10 00 Nathan Foster, " " "11, 10 00 Nathq Peters, " ~" "18, 9 80 T. C. Shattuck, " " "15, 10 00 Wm. B. Chadwick~ " " "18, 10 00 $79 80 ABA?EMEN!P OF Paid II. B. Dennetb over-tax, 157L ~4 20 Joseph W. Roberts, over-tax, 1867~68-69-70, 8 69 Peter McGovern, " 7 25 George E. Brown, " I 45 Allen Berry, " 46 Nathq Gage: " 11 17 George L. Barker, " 11 60 Paid INCIDEN!rAL EXPENSES. A. Morrison, printing Auditor's Reports, &c, $46 50 Geo. S. Merrill & Co., printing School l~e- ports, 28 O0 Geo. S. Merrill & Co., printing report of streets, warrants, cheok lis~s, bills~ &c., 48 00 Benj. P. Saunders, services in Bodwell case, 21 50 J. A. Montgomery, " " " 11 00 Whitford & l~ice, books, &c., 4 20 J. C. Carleton, ink and paper, 65 Thomas Dawe: use of land for lock-up, 12 00 Andrew Smith, Treas., insurance, lock-up: 7 50 Amount carried forward, $174 35 ~ 4 ~IUDITORI$ REPORT. Amount breught forward, 8174 35 Geo. W. Gould, guide-boards, posts, and setting~ 7 00 A. C. Hardy, Fish Warden: 12 .50 Andrew Smith, paying Sta;e Aid, 10 00 Chas. F. Johnson, services, State Aid, 10 00 John F. Kimball, surveying, &c., 8 00 Samuel F Holk building pound: 50 00 J. C. Carleton, rails for " 5 00 " " car fare, 6 20 C. F. Johnson, "~ 4 80 J. F. Allen, returning 23 deaths, 2 30 Andrew Smith, recording births, marriages, and deaths, 35 45 Andrew Smith~ stamps, telegrams, stationery, and express, 9 78 $334 88 i~'EW SOHOOL HOUSE. Paid Flanders & Severanc% building~ $9,750 00 " " setting up desks, &c., 47 03 Bishop Brothers, furnaces, &e, 516 00 Wm. H. Huse, printing specifications, 7 00 Rufus S~rgent, plans and services, 150 00 P. T. Watson, painting and sanding colnmns~ III 0O American Tablet Manufacturing Co., black- boards. 56 '40 L. Huntoon, Jr., clocks and bells: 16 50 A. E. Rowe & Co, gong bells, &c., 24 05 Wm. O. Haskell & Son, furniture, 529 94 Boston & Maine R. R,. freighting desks; &c., 9 89 Joseph N. Taylor, insurance, 25 00 Andrew Smith, Treasurer: insurance, 405 00 Amount carried forward, $11,548 31 15 Amount brought forward, Henry L. Hill: cedar posts, Samuel F. Holt building fence, G. W. (]handler, gutter stones, Hiram Berry, car fares and supplies, " " cleaning floors and windows, CMs. A. Butterfield, laying stone, l;dw~d Adams, hduling gravel, · Joseph F. Allen, cutting trees, " " grading around school house, Moses T. Stevens, Michael Burke, Jot, n I. Farnham, Simeon Fester, " Chas. A. Butterfield, Daniel Mahoney, $11,548 31 51 O0 298 05 28 O0 20 94 7 O0 36 50 125 05 8 O0 48 00 Paid 20 O0 54 O0 44 O0 " 80 O0 24 O0 22 O0 $12,854 85 TOWN HOUSE ACCOUN~P. Andrew Smith, insurance on Town House, $125 00 Bishop Brothers, air grate and labor, 16 00 Orin F. Spofford, dil, &c., 8 81 Joseph P. Blake, stock and labor, 9 45 American Tablet Manufacturing Co., black- boards, ' 8 70 D. S. Swan & Son, insurance, 231 25 Bishop Brothers, new furnace, 289 00 Orin F. Spofford, supplies for Town Hall, 18 08 ,, " services as Janitor, Town Hall, 50 00 $751 29 .~UDITOR~$ REPORT, REMI'I~TANCE O1~ TAX.ES. Paid Joseph F. Al]eh, Collector, sundry taxes, assessed in 1871, Mi]on S. Jenkins, Collector, sundry taxes, assessed in 1872~ DISCOUNT ON ~AX~..S. Paid Milon S. Jenkins, discount on taxes, col- lected previous to Nov. lst~ 1872~ $82 86 242 59 $325 45 $1,656 36 ~mvoa's ~rvoRv. 17 OVERSEERS' ACCOUNT. Whole amount of orders drawn by the Overseers of the Poor for supplies furnished out of the house. Paid Mrs. James B. Fuller: and charged to Boston, $79 97 City of Boston, for support of Mrs. Lucy Brown, l~Iary A. S~evens~ and Abbie E. Tyler, 174 25 Lunatic Hospital at Worcester, for board of Charlotte Wallwork, 186 $0 Receptacle for insane at Ipswich, for hoard of Henry Elvey, 105 43 Receptacle for insane at Ipswioh, for board of Mary Ann Holt, 45 72 Insane Asylum at Coneerd~ N. H., for board and expenses of Joseph Stiles: 72 38 City of Salem, for ~d to A. A. l~iehols, 15 00 City of Lawrence, for supplies furnished Mrs. John E. Young, 86 34 Commonwealth of Mass~huset~s, for board of Wm. H. ~own, in the Lunate Hospital at Taunton, in 1869, 29 00 County of Essex, for board of George Morton, 4 14 Town of ~Vliddleton, for supplies furnished the family of Daniel Kimball, 30 00 Town of Ipswich, for supplies furnished Mrs. C~roline Goodhue, 16 00 Town of Saugus, for supplies furnished the Barrows family, ~8 00 Town of Andov'er, on acoount of Mrs. Matron, 6 50 $257 48 Amount carried forward, REPORT. Amount brought forward, $839 08 Charles L. Carter, for supphes furnished Geo. MoLaughlin, 88 75 V. Danforth, for supplies furnished Mrs. John E. Young, 12 00 Andrew Smith, for expenses removing Henry Elvey to Ipswich, 8 00 Francis Smith~ for expenses in returning Henry Elvey to Ipswich, 11 00 ,. Doctors Carleton and Chase, for examination of Henry Bawdett, an insane man, 10 00 Estate of Herman Abbott, for coffin for Au- gusts Long, 8 00 Charles P. Morrill, for attendance upon Eliza Long, 4 50 Edward McKone, for carbolic ~ia for cleans- ~' ing purposes in case of small pox, 75~ Andrew Smith, on account of an insane man, 2 00 ~ Abijah P. Fuller, for care of Benj. Swan, I 00 ~ $985 03 Whole amount of orders drawn by the Overseers of the Poor for supplies furnished at the house. Paid Rodney Sargent, as Superintendent of the Town Farm, $500 00 Rodney Sargent, for supplies furnished the house, 190 00 K. S. Porter, for coffin for Lydia Gray, 12 00 Joseph F. Allen, as undertaker, 4 00 $706 00 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER IN ACCOUNT wiTB~ RODNEY SARGENT. To cash paid for supplies, to February 13, ]873, $382 19 " meat, 89 92 " medicine, 3 25 " grain, 309 10 " clothing, 58 09 " seed, 7 40 " stock, 52 00 " standing grass, 40 00 " labor, ° 80 00 " tools, 31 25 " blacksmithing, 28 3g " harness, 85 00 " inciden~ls, 24 64 $1,091 17 cash jn my hands, Fe' ~arv 14, 1872, $10 47 " received for prod~ ~, 828 95 " stock, 86 75 " labor, 25 00 " from. Treasurer, 190 00 ~$1,091 17 ~OTr,.--One hundred and twelve traveling paupers have been accom- modated at the Alms-house the past year, at an estimated expense of $11~. RODNEY SARGENT, SUP'T. INMATES OF T~. ALMS-HOUS]~. James H. Freeman~ age~ 7~ James Leighton, Hannah Frye, ', 36 Joseph A. itadley, Benjamin Farnham, " 78 George McLaughlin, Barziila Let% " 66 Dorcas Yreeman, age, 73 '~ 9 STOCK ON HAND AT TOWN FARM. Horse, $75 00 Oxen, 165 00 S~eers, 200 00 Three heifers, 90 00 Eight cows, 820 00 One calf, 8 00 Four swine, 20 00 Thirty fowls, 30 00 $908 00 StJx~PLLES ON HA~D AT 'IYO~'N FARM. Previsions, pork, lard, beans~ cider, &c., $850 00 Fifteen tons English hay, 875 00 Five tons run hay, 100 00 Tools on farm~ 400 00 Furniture, 250 00 ~1,475 00 Total, $2,388 00 FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE TOWN. LIABILITIES Notes payable, ~ ASSETS. Cash in Treasurer's baals, Due from State~ for soldiers' aid, & " " Collector, balance of taxes, " " Ci~;y of Boston, pauper acc't, " " committee on eommon~ Balance against the town~ $32,700 00 $3~482 91 651 50 400 O0 35 58 125 62 $1,695 61 928,004 89 TAYLOR REPRESENTATIVE FUND ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. 1869, Interest received, $7 22 1870, " " 6 60 1871, " " 6 58 1872, " " 6 80 $27 20 SUMMARY OF EXPENSES OF THE ~OWN. ORDERS DRAWN BY THE SELECTMEN, PER APPROVAL OF THE SCHOOL COMMITTEE. For teaching, $6,307 85 fuel and Janitors' services, 1,072 56 repairs, fixtures and books, 282 83 SELECTMEN'S GENERAL ORDERS. For officers' services~ $858 15 Fire department, 1~700 67 Amounts carried forward, $7,663 24 ~2,558 82 $7,663 24 Amounts brought forward, $2,558 For Steamer Eben Sutton, 12,525 Paid to Highway Surveyors, 2,850 Special appropriations for roads and bridges, 331 80 For pathing snow, 30 12 Overwork by Highway Surveyors~ 79 80 AbaSement of taxes, 44 82 Incidental expeuses, 884 88 New school house: 12,354 85 Town house account, 751.29 Remittance of taxes, 325 45 Discount on taxes, 1,656 86 Total amount of Selectmen's orders, OVERSEERS' ORDERS. For relief out of the house, $935 08 General expenses of alms house, 706 00 Total amount of Overseers' ordors, PAID BY THE TREASURER. State tax, $8,060 00 County' tax; 2:102 10 Interest and discount on notes, 2:253 13 For decorating soldie~' graves, 100 00 Selectmen and Auditors, 20 00 Total expense of the town, 82 97,668 24 09 O0 $33,848 28 $41,506 52 $1,641 03 $7,535 23 $50,682 78 AO'DITOR~$ RE~ORTPo SCHEDU?.~. OF TOWN I~ROPERTx. Town house~ fixtures and ]and adjoining~ $25,000 Two engine houses, Steamer house, ~teamer, Two hand engines and apparatus, Lock-up,. Town farm and buildings, Personal property~ at town farm, Safe and furniture in Selectmen~s Weights and measures, School house property, 00 1,250 00 4,000 00 4,000 00 1,000 00 500 00 7,000 00 2,~88 00 25 00 150 O0 48,000 O0 $88,308 O0 The Auditors chosen to audit the accounts of the Selectmen, Overseers of the Poor, and Town Treasurer, respectfully sub- mit that they have examined the above account~ and find them correctly and carefully kepi, and Vouched for in every particu- lar. AMOS D. CARLETON, ) LOUIS WEIL, ~ Auditors. WM. FOSTER, ~ North Andover, Feb. 13, 1873. REPORT O1~ Ii'INA1VO]E CO'M'MITTEE. The committee recommend the following appropriations for the ensuing year, viz: For school departmant, $6,800 00 Repairs of roads and bridge~, 4,000 00 Support of poor, 2,500 00 General expenses and reduction of debt, 15,000 00 CHARLES F. JOHNSON, JAMES C. CARLETON, JOSEPH F. ALLEN, Finance AMOS D. CARLETON, Committea LOUIS WEIL, WILLIAM FOSTER, VITAL STATISTICS OF THE TOWN OF i~ORTft ANDOVER FOR THE YEAR 187S. Number of births reg]stered~ 81 Males, 47 Females, 84 Number born of American parents, 24 ,, i, Irish " 21 .... English " ' ~ Germ an The others are those where the father and mother are of dif- ferent nations. The number of deaths registered in 1872 was Males, Females, Of this number there were of American birth, ,, " " Foreign " Number under 10 years, " between 10 and 20, " " 20 ': 80, " " 80 " 40, " "" 40 " 50, " " 50 " 60, " " 60 " 70: " " 70 " 80~ " " 80 " 90, " over 90, The oldest person was 97 years, 4 months, and 29 days. Number of marriages registered, The oldest couple---groom 71, bride 71. The youngest couple--groom 20, briae 18. Five grooms and two brides have been married before. 43 21 31 19. 11 2 6 4 4 1 5 4 3 3 20 TOWN WARRANT. ESSEX, SS. TO ~NI)REW SMITH, ONE OF THE 00NSTABLgS OF TttE TOWN OF NO2TH ANI)0VER~ (~REETIN6~: In the name of the Commonwealth of M~aehusctts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhahitant~ of the town of North Andover, qualified by law to vote in elections and in town affairs, to meet at the Town Hall, in said town, on Monday, the third day of March next, at 12 o'c!ock, noon, then and there to act on the following articles, viz.: ART. I. To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting. AaT. II. To choose a Town Clerk for the year ensuing. ARL III. To see if the town will accept the Auditor's re- port. ART. IV. To choose Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of the Poor, Town Treasurer, one School Committee for three years, Consiab]es, and all necessary town ofllcers~for the year ensuing. ART. V. To see if the town will accept the 158th chapter of the Acts of 1871. ~ AR.T. VI. To determine what method the town will adopt to repair their highways the ensuing year. Aa~. VII. To see what sum of money the town will raise to repair their highways and bridges the ensuing year. AaT. ¥III. To see what sum of money the town will raise for the support of schools in the town the ensuing year. Aa~. IX. To see what sum of money the town will raise for the support of the poor the ensuing year. ART. X. ~o see what sum of money the town will raise to reduce the town debt and to defray the necessary expenses arising in said town. ART. XI. To see what method the town will take to col- lect their public taxes for the year ensuing. ART. XII. TO see if the town will authorize the Treasurer of the town to hire money in ,anticipation of taxes~ under the direction of the Selectmen. AliT. X[II. To determine what compensation the town will pay to members of engine companies for their services the year ensuing. ART. XIV. To see if the town will accept of the list of jurors as posted by the Selectmen. ART. XV. To see if the town willauthorize their Selectmen to sell the fence which now encloses the Merrimac school house and grounds, and to erect a new and suitable one in its place-- on petition of B. C. Smith and others. ART. X¥I. To see if the town will vote to build reservoirs at all necessary points, suitable for the use of the town in case of fire--on petition of Jacob C. Rea and others. A~T. XYII. To see if the town will accept of the road as 1Md out by the Selectmen--on petition of J. M. Stone and others. ART. XVII]~. To see what action the town will take in re- gard to selling the original lot of land and the old school house in the Centre District. At~T. XIX. To see if the town will vote to accept the bet- terment laws passed by the Legislature, chapter 382, Acts of 1871. ART. XX. To se~ if the town will vote to give the use of' the Merrimac engine house for a public library: provided a sufticient sum be raised by subscription for that purpose. And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at each of the churches in said town, two Sundays at least before the time of holding s~id meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon: to the Town Clerk at the time and p]ace of holding said meeting. Given under our hands at lfforth Andover, this nineteenth day of February in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. CHAS. F. JOHNS051~ ) Selcctmen J. C. CARLETON,I of JOSEPH F. ALLEN~ North Andover. A true copy. Attest, AI~DREW SMITH, Constable of North Audover.