HomeMy WebLinkAbout1953ADVISORY BOARD
Your vote is only good at TOWN I~IEETING
Introductory Remarks ............... Page
Chapter 83 -- Explanation _ __ Page 2
The 1953 Tax Rate ........ Page 4
Tally Sheet ......................... Pages
Map of Mifflin Drive Drainage Area __ Page 9
Articles and Recommendations Page l0
Proposed Budget Items _ _. Pages 12-15
Special Town Meeting Warrant Page 42
Report of the North Andover
Advisory Board
Your Advisory Board respectfully submits its annual
report, with recommendations on the Articles in the War-
rant, upon which action m~ust be taken by the voters on
March 14, 1953, at the Town Meeting and for the Special
Town Meeting called for the same date.
It is to your advantage to read this report together
with the statistical data contained herein and to be pre-
sent at the Town Meeting prepared to vote for the best
interests of the Town and the taxpayers. Your tax levy
is determined on March 14 at the Town Meeting.
For your convenience in keeping a record and totaling
the sum of money to be raised by taxation, as voted by
the Town Meeting, your Advisory Board has prepared a
tally sheet (Page 6) so that you can comprehend clearly
the effect on the tax rate of the action of the Meeting.
Remember, each $12.500 of appropriations voted to be
raised by taxation is reflected immediately in your tax
rate to the extent of One Dollar!
The Cost of government continues to increase, and
since the Town is required to pay its share of the in-
creased cost of State and County governmental activities,
economy must be exercised in the appropriating of funds
for local administration.
A great many of the Articles in the Warrant have
merit; and, therefore, because it is necessary to exercise
great caution in keeping down expenses, your Advisory
Board has recommended only those Articles which seemed
most urgent and which would provide the greater benefit
to the Tb~vn.
Construction of the new high school, voted under
Article 19 at the 1952 Town Meeting, will begin this
spring. The bulk of the bonds will be issued this year.
Next year the Town will start paying off on the principal
as well as paying on the bonds. This, coupled with the
fact that the Town will not start receiving State Aid
on the new high school until 1955, means that the effect
on the tax rate this year will be very small and in 1954
and 1955, will be greater than in the following years.
In order to help cushion the effect of the tremendous
increase shown £or the years 1954 and 1955, your Advisory
Board recommends that the Town put aside this year
from Free Cash, $50,000.00, to be added to the Stabilization
Fund under Article 32, the money to be used in 1954 and
1955 to offset the added costs in those t~vo years. The
net estimated effect of this proposal is shown in the table
below, provided by the School Buiding Committee.
Net Coat Effect on Reviaed Effec~
Yeac to Town Tax Rate on Tax Rate
~953 $ 26,837.00 $2.25 $6.25
1954 $115,216.00 $9.20 $7.20
!955 $123,830.00 $9.80 $7.80
Last year your Advisory Board recommended and the
Town adopted the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General
La~vs which provide for the assessment of betterments
to people whose property benefited from improvements
when certain streets and necessary drainage work was
completed for acceptance by the Town.
This year, your Advisory Board is recommending the
application of Chapter 83 of the General Laws in connec-
tion with sidewalk improvements requested in Articles
38 and 39. Assessment for benefits received as a result
of sidewalk construction has been commonly used in com-
munities throughout the Commonwealth for improvements
of this kind. The law requires that the property owners
on the street will be assessed a reasonable amount, not
exceeding one half the cost of the sidewalk project.
Your Advisory Board recommended in Article 36 of the
1952 report that a study be made of the drainage problem
covering the area to the east of Mifflin Drive. At the
request of the Planning Board, the Town Engineer bas
laid out a drainage plan for this area. He has outlined
a plan for a storm drain on Mifflin Drive to handle all
drainage from the streets and land on the east side. This
storm drain is proposed to run down Mifflin Drive (Art-
icle 69) from Bradstreet Road to Massachusetts Avenue.
Since no extra capacity is available in the State drain
in Massachusetts Avenue, the Town Engineer's overall
plan calls for tying in the Mifflin Drive drain with a
trunk drain proposed for Greene. Street (Article 43) which
will carry the water down to an existing trunk drain at
Waverley Road leading to the Shawsheen River. Unless
the proposed trunk drain in Greene Street is approved
first, then the drain on Mifflin Drive second, the overall
plan for drainage east of Mifflin Drive will be impractical.
Your Advisory Board is recomm.ending favorable action
on this overall project as a means of improving drainage
in this area. See map, Page 9.
It should be noted that in Articles 66, 70, 74 and 75
relative to water installations, and in Articles 67, 71 and
76 relative to sewer installations, your Advisory Board
recommends a course of action not requiring the posting
of a bond by the petitioners because these articles are
supported by other Articles (~69, ~72, ~77) guarantee-
ing the assessment of betterments under Chapter 80 to
the abuttors to provide for the proper drainage and re-
surfacing of roads affected by such installations.
In the case of Articles 73 and 80 for water installa-
tions and Articles 78 and 79 for sewer installations, how-
ever, there is no such provision, by way of Chapter 80,
that the roads affected would be put back into such
shape as to meet the requirements of the Highway Sur-
It has been necessary, therefore, for your Advisory
Board to recommend in the case of Articles 73, 78, 79
and 80 the posting of a bond with the Selectmen, a cus-
tomary procedure in the town, "to assure the town that
six months affer the completion of the project, the road
and sidewalks affected by the project shall have been
so reconstructed and repaired, including the installation
of ali necessary drainage systems therein, as to meet
such requirements as the Highway Surveyor shall have
prescribed as the conditions precedent to his certification
of such ways under the Selectmen's regulations for the
Laying Out of Streets".
Of course, if Articles 69, 72 and 77 should be disap-
proved by vote of the Town Meeting, such water and
server Articles affected thereby would similarly require
the petitioners of same to post a bond with the Select-
men in the customary manner, as described.
NOTE: In order to clarify the apparent misunderstanding as
to what constitutes the starting of "the building of a house or
houses", your Advisory Board recommends that on Sewer and Water
Articles in the Warrant this provision be interpreted to mean:
The excavating of a cellar hole and/or the construction of a
complete foundation of musonry er some-such building material
whereon the superstructure of the house will be erected.
No sewer and water installation should be started by the Town,
with respect to petitions in the Warrant, until such conditions shall
have been met.
The 1953 Tax Rate
Voted Recommended Increase Effect on
1952 1953 (Decrease) Tax Rate
Salaries $414,151
Expenses 385,251
Total $799,402
From taxes $ 33,975
"Free Cash" 178,084
To be
raised by
taxation $833,377
$424,538 $10,387 $ .831 increase
403,529 18,278 1.462 increase
$828,067 $28,665 $2.293 increase
$ 51,597 $17,622 $1.409 increase
160,210 (17,874) none
$879,664 $46,287 $3.702 increase
Approved by your Advisory Board under Chapter 40,
Section 6, of the General Laws:
Fire Department -- New Doors ........... $ 625.00
Veterans' Benefits ....................... 2,750.00
Election Expenses ..................... 500.00
Town Accountant -- File Cabinet ......... 130.00
Library -- Wiring and New Lighting ...... 245.97
Balance of Account Returned to Treasury__
Amount of Original Appropriation ........ $5,000.00
Your Advisory Board has fully investigated and discus-
sed all of the recommendations hereinafter made. It has
visited and viewed all of the areas mentioned in special
Articles and has satisfied itself that its recommendations
are justified by the information which it has gathered.
'The thanks of your Board are extended to the many
Town Officers who have been called upon for assistance and
information during the past two months. In every instance
all of the officers and consultants have been most co-
operative and helpful at all times.
Respectfully submitted,
North Andover Advisory Board
Robert Saltonstall, Chairn4an
Harvey J. Lebow
Leonard Windle
Turner A. Bridges
John E. Coughlin
Thomas H. Wilkinson
John F. Gaudet
REMEMBER: Each time the Town votes to raise and appropriate
approximately $12,500.00 means an increase of $1.00
in your tax rate (per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation).
ticle o ·
No. Description of Article ~= ~
11 Group Insurance, Town
Employees $2,000.00
13 Continuance of Town History 2,540.00
14 Town Infirmary Repairs 500.00
18 Authorization for Town
Dump Site 8,000.00
19 Policemen at Bathing Beach 500.00
20 Playground Instructor and
Superintendent 1,250.00
21 Playground Supplies 500.00
22 Banking and Flooding Skating
Rinks 200.00
23 Play Equipment and Benches at
Kittredge School 900.00
24 Fluoridation of Water Supply 2,500.00
25 Fire Alarm Box at Ward Hill 1,500.00
26 Fire Alarm Box at Great Pond and
Bradford 1,500.00
27 New Police car (replacement) 650.00
28 Police Department Bill
Contracted 1948 250.00
29 Stevens Memorial Library
Repairs (outside) 2,000.00
30 Stevens Memorial Library
Repairs (inside) 600.00
31 Uniforms for North Andover
School Band 1,750.00
35 New High School--additional
8,000 sq. ft. of land 800.00
36 Purchase of (0.26 acres) Lake
Cochickewick and Great
Pond Road 1,000.00
37 Resurface left side Maple Avenue
(2nd-lst Street) 200.00
38 Hot Top Sidewalk, Waverley Rd.
(Middlesex to Union) 480.00
Yes ......
Yes ......
Yes ......
5,000.00 .....
Yes ......
Yes ......
Yes ......
Yes ......
3,037.00 .....
Yes ......
Yes ......
Yes ......
Yes ......
Yes ......
Yes ......
Yes ......
Yes ......
Yes ......
39 Hot Top Sidewalk (Waverley-
Maple to Second Street) 800.00 Yes
41 Chapter 90, Highway Con-
struction 3,750.00 Yes
42 Chapter 90, Highway Maintenance 2,000.00 Yes ......
43 Storm Drain, Greene St. (Waver-
ley Rd. toward Mass. Ave.)
44 Drainage for New High School
45 Bulldozer Blade for Cletrac
Tractor (dump)
46 New Sidewalk Tractor
47 Drain and 2 Catchbasins, Waver-
ley Rd. (Trinity to Greene)
48 Sidewalk Project
49 Painting and Replacing Street
52 New Refuse Collection Truck
60 Tractor with Back Hoe
61 Excess Water Dept. Receipts
to Stabilization Fund
62 Extension of Water Mains
63 New Truck for Water and Sewer
Dept. (replacement)
64 Clean and Cement-Line Water
65 Reduction of Tax Rate from
Available Funds 35,000.00# Yes ......
66 Extend Water System from
Middlesex on Mifflin Dr. 2,600.00# Yes ......
67 Extend Sewer on Mifflin Drive,
Douglass Rd. to Bradstreet 4,000.00# Yes ......
68 Extend Drainage and Construct
Douglass Rd., Chapter 80 1,285.00# Yes .....
69 Extend Drainage and improve Rd.
on Mifflin Drive, Chapter 80 14,090.00 Yes ......
70 Extend Water System on West
Bradstreet Rd. to Mifflin Dr. 2,000.00# Yes ......
71 Extend Sewer System West
Bradstreet Rd., Mifflin to
Greene 2,500.00# Yes
72 Extend Drainage and Improve
West Bradstreet Road
(Chapter 80) 3,060.00# Yes ......
9,410.00# Yes ......
5,445.00# 4,000.00 ....
2,700.00# Yes ......
2,800.00# Yes ......
500.00 Yes ......
2,000.00 Yes ......
200.00 Yes
8,700.00# Ye~
4,300.00 No
2,355.49# Yes
1,200.00 900.00
1,600.00 Yes ......
9,000.00* Yes ......
73 Extend Water System, Adams
from. Unity Avenue ......
74 Extend Water System, Putnam
Rd. from Mifflin Drive
75 Extend Water System, Putnam
Rd. from Greene Street
76 Extend Sewer System, Putnam
Rd. from Greene Street ......
77 Drainage System and Improve
Putnam (Chapter 80) 3,250.00# Yes ......
78 Extend Sewer System, Woodbridge
Rd. from Mifflin to Tyler 2,700.00# Yes ......
79 Extend Sewer System Spruce St.
from Mass. Ave. to Hemlock 2,250.00# Yes
80 Extend Water System from John- son St. to Sutton Hill Rd. 6,000.00# Yes ......
1,200.00# Yes
650.00# Yes
800.00# Yes
1,700.00# Yes
# On these Articles your Advisory Board is recommend-
ing that the money be transfered from available
funds in the Town Treasury.
On this Article your Advisory Board recommends
that this money be transfered from the Stabilization
Fund accumulated from Water Department receipts.
Numerals with prefix of number sign (~:) refer to
Articles in the 1953 Warrant.
ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator, Town Clerk, Town
Treasurer, three Selectmen, three members of the Board of
Public Welfare for one year; one Assessor of Taxes, one
member of the School Committee, one member of the Board
of Health, one member of the Board of Public Works for
three years, a Highway Surveyor, a Collector of Taxes, a
Tree Warden, five Constables for one year, a member of the
Planning Board for five years, one member of the Planning
Board for the unexpired term of two years, one member of
the Housing Authority for five years, and one member of
the Housing Authority for the unexpired term of one year.
All to be voted upon one ballot. The polls shall open at
nine o'clock A.M. and shall be closed at eight o'clock P.M.
After final action on the preceding Article One, the said
meeting shall stand adjourned by virtue of Section 4, Article
One of the Town By-Laws, to Saturday, March 14, 1953 at
one-thirty o'clock P.M. in the Town Hall, then and there to
act on the following articles:--
(Article I of the Warrant is the call for the 1953 Town
Election, held March 2, 1953; under the Warrant the 1953
Annual Town Meeting then stands adjourned, under the
by-laws, until Saturday March 14, 1953 at 1:30 P.M.; when
it reconvenes at the Town Hall to take action upon the
following Articles;)
ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by
law to be elected by ballot.
Recommended that this be referred to the Selectmen for
ARTICLE 3. To see if the town will vote to accept the
report of receipts and expenditures as presented by the
Recommended that the report be accepted. 10
ARTICLE 4. To see what action the town will take as
to its unexpended appropriations.
Recommended that all unexpended appropriations be re-
turned to the Treasury, with the exception of the follow-
ing amounts as of January 1. 1953, which were originally
appropriated under the Articles indicated:
Article I1, 1952 Sealer of Weights & Measures:
(Graduates not Received) $
Article 32, 1952 Chapt. 90 G. L. Highway
Construction 7,895.54
Article 72, 1950 Kittredge School
Construction etc. 268.83
Article 19, 1952 New High School 88.157.77
Article 18, 1951 Civil Defense 939.49
Article 84, 195(] To Replace Water Services 785,45
Article 51, 1952 Water Mains 260.25
ARTICLE 5. To see what action the town will take as
to the recommendations of the Advisory Board.
Recommended that each item of the proposed budget be
considered separately (See page 12)
~oo~o~oo~ ~o~o~
000 O0 000 0 O0 .
ARTICLE 6. To see if the Town will vote to authorize
the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen,
to borrow money from~ time to time in anticipation of the
revenue of the financial year beginning January 1, 1954
and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one
year, and to renew any note or notes as may be given
for a period of less than one year in accordance with
Section 17, Chapter 44, General Laws.
Favorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 7. To consider the report of all gpecial
Recommended that the reports of all special committees
be heard.
ARTICLE 8. To see if the Town will vote to au-
thorize the Board of Health to appoint one of their
members to the position of Board of Health Physician
and to fix his compensation in accordance with Section
4A, Chapter 41 of the General Laws.
Favorable action recommended on the basis of com-
pensation in the amount of $750.00 for the year 1953.
This amount has been included in the Board of Health
Budget recommended by your Advisory Beard.
ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town ~vill vote to authorize
the School Committee to appoint one of its members to
the position of School Physician and to fix his compen-
sation, in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter 41, Gen-
eral Laws.
Favorable action recommended on the basis of com-
pensation in the amount of $900.00 for the year of 1953.
This amount has been included in the School Department
AI{TICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to accept
the provisions of Chapter 624, "Acts of 1952: An act pro-
viding for an increase in the annual amounts of certain
pensions, retirement allowances, annuities and other bene-
fits, payable by the Commonwealth and its subdivisions,
to certain former employees and persons claiming under
Petition of the Board of Selectmen
Favorable action recommended. Acceptance of the pro-
visions of the Act named in the Article makes certain
former pensioned employees of the Town eligible for cer~
tarn benefits under the County Retirement Program.
North Andover will be assessed its share of the costs of
this program whether or not it accepts the benefits as
described to your board in a letter from the Essex County
Retirement Board.
ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate or transfer from available funds the sum of
Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for the purpose of
providing Group Insurance for permanent employees of
the Town, in accordance with proposals submitted to
the Board of Selectmen, the Town to pay part (50%) of
the premiums.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
$2.000 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this
Article. This type of employee benefit is customarily af-
forded in private industry and is now authorized for public
empoyees under the provisions of Chapter 40, Section 5
(44) of the General Laws.
ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to author-
ize the Board of Selectmen to dispose of and cause to be
removed from the land upon which it is located, the
building known as the Center School, upon such terms
and conditions as the said Board of Selectmen may deter-
mine and to authorize the said Board of Selectmen to
execute any and all necessary legal instruments and to
do all things necessary to convey title to said building.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen
Favorable action recommended under the conditions
prescribed by the Article. This school has not been in
use since the completion of the Kittredge School.
ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by transfer from available
funds, the sum of Twenty-five Hundred, Forty Dollars
($2,540.00) to be expended by the Board of Selectmen for
the continuance of the preparation, writing and publica-
tion of the history of the Town of North Andover.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$2,540.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of
this article. The year 1955 will mark the 100th anniversary
of the incorporation of the Town of l~orth /~ndover. The
historical records of the town have not been assembled
and published since the year 1880. Last year the town voted
1t11,500.00 toward the preparation of this history. A com-
mittee of townspeople has been appointed to guide this
ARTICLE 14. To see if the Town ~vill raise and ap-
propriate or transfer from available funds the sum of
Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to repair the sill on the
ell, build two new sills from the office to the main house
and to the ell and repair the walls in the cellar of the
Town Infirmary.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$500.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose des-
cribed in the Article, this work to be performed under
the direction of the Board of Public Welfare.
ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town ~vill vote to accept
as a public way, Pembrook Road from Lyman Road to
Mifflin Park Drive, as indicated on plan now filed with
the Board of Public Works.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen
Favorable action recommended. The acceptance of this
road as a public way was adjudicated by the Selectmen
January 26: 1953.'
ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to accept
as a public way, Sawyer Road, as indicated on plan no~v
filed with the Board of Public Works. Petition of the Board of Selectmen
Favorable action recommended. The acceptance of this
road as a public way was adjudicated by the Selectmen
January 26, 1953.
ARTICLE 17. To see if the To~vn will vote to accept
as a public way, Woodbridge Road from Greene Street to
Tyler Road for a distance of two hundred (200) feet, as
indicated on plan now filed with the Board of Public
Works. Woodbridge Road adjudicated January 5, 1953.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen
Favorable action recommended. The acceptance of
this road as a public way was adjudicated by the Select-
men January 5, 1953.
ARTICI.I~I. 18. To see if the To~vn will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by transfer from available
funds, the sum of Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00) the
whole or any part thereof, to be used by the Committee
hereinafter named, for the lease or purchase of a suitable
dump site for the Town, and its inhabitants, to replace
the Perry Dump, upon the understanding that the so-
called sanitary land-fill method shall be employed in the
use of said dump site. Said Committee shall be composed
of the Board of Health, the Board of Selectmen, the High-
way Surveyor and the chairman of the Advisory Board,
and shall investigate and determine 'the feasibility of
acquiring, by lease or purchase; for the use mentioned,
any site within the town limits including the so-called
Steinberg site, Burke site, Rea site, Rogers site --. The
said Board of Selectmen, upon majority vote of said Com-
mittee, shall be and hereby is authorized to negotiate and
complete the lease or purchase of the so recommended
site and to do all things necessary, in behalf of the Town,
to make said majority recommendation effective.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $5,fl00.00 be raised and appropriated to be
used as provided in this Article. In order to avoid the
possibility of a deadlock vote among the members of the
committee proposed in this Article~ it is recommended that
the membership of the committee be ex_manded by adding
one additional representative from the Advisory Board.
ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for
the services of a policeman at the Bathing Beach, three
hours daily, eight bouts Saturdays and Sundays for a
ten-week period, to enforce parking limited to Nortl~
Andover residents; this figure to include the cost of car
stickers to be issued by said policeman, and tags, issued
at the Town Building, for North'Andover bathers only.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation
of the Recreational Council.
Favorable action recommended~ It is recommended that
$500.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this
Article in order to assure that North Andover residents
may receive proper protection and the full benefits of
this bathing beach.
ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of Twelve Hundred Fifty Dollars
($1,250.00) for six playground instructors and a supervisor
for an eight-week period; one of these instructors to act
in the capacity of assistant supervisor and to conduct
pre-playground workshops.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation
of the Recreational Council
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
SI,250.0D be raised and appropriated for the purpose of
this Article.
ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for
playground supplies; this amount to include expenses of
pre-playground workshops and special trips for the play-
ground children.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation
of the Recreational Council
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$500.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this
ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for
banking and flooding skating rinks.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation
of the Recreational Council
Un.~avorable action recommended. It is the opinion of
this Board that the maintenance of ice is at best a lab-
orious and costly venture, made more hazardous by the
uncertainties of this climate. A skating rink must be care-
fully policed and supervised, and the labor required for the
removal of snow and scraping a~ter hard use is more than
most people realize. Taking all factors into consideration,
your Board considers this project impractical.
ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Nine Hundred Dollars ($900.00) to furnish
and install play equipment and benches in the Kittredge
SchooI grounds; equipment to consist of two sets of six
s~vings and one set of six see-s~.ws and four park-type
benches, all in locations to be approved by the Superinten-
dent of Schools. Use of the Kittredge School grounds for
this purpose has been voted upon favorably by the School
Committee, as of December il, 1952.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation
of the Recreational Council
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$900.fl0 be raised and appropriated for the purposes of this
Article with responsibility for maintainenance and con-
trol of this equipment to rest with the Board of Public
ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate or other~vise provide Two Thousand Five Hundred
Dollars ($2,500.00) to install and operate equipment to apply
fluoride to the water supply.
Petition of the Board of Health.
Latest available information from outside consultants re-
veals that the figure given in this Article should be revised
to $3~037.00 in order to install and operate properly the
fluoridation equipment. Since the subject of this Article
involves medical questions, your Board quotes below the
recommendations of the North Andover Board of Public
"Your local Board of Health has studied the fluoride pro-
9ram for the past two years. The following is a summary
of this Board's findings-' Fluoridation ot our local water
supply is a procedure that portends a tremendous advance
in the dental health of our community. It means the ulti-
mate disappearance of most tooth decay and dental disease.
It means stronger and healthier teeth in our children. This
program has been recommended and endorsed by the United
States Public Health Service, the American Dental Associa-
tign, the American Medical Association. and the Massachu-
setts Medical and Dental Societies. It has the approval of
all our local dentists and physicians. If accepted by the
Town, the Board of Public Works is ready to put this pro-
gram into operation".
ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate or transfer from available funds, a sum of mo-
ney to install a Fire Alarm Box on Osgood Street, close to
Ward Hill Line to serve residents of that vicinity.
Petition of John J. Roche and others.
Favorable action recommended. This fire alarm box will
serve approximately twenty families whose total re~l estate
assessments amount to approximately $8[,Ol)0.00. It is re-
commended that $1,500.00 be raised and appropriated for
the purpose of this Article with the understanding that the
fire alarm box be located at approximately eight-tenths of
a mile north of Fire Box Number 31 on Osgood street.
ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate or take from available funds in the treasury, a
sufficient sum of money to install a Fire Alarm Box at the
corner of Great Pond Rd., Pond Street and Bradford Street.
At present, this box is only a "phantom box." It is at the
intersectiOn of the Crockett Sanitarium, Campion Hall and
the Brooks School and is with the recommendation of the
Fire Chief.
Petition of Walter W. Mazurenko and others.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $1,500.00 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose el this Article.
ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of
Six Hundred Fifty Dollars ($650.00) to be used with the
present Police Car, to purchase a new Police Car.
Petition of Alfred H. McKee, Chief of Police.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$650.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this
Article. Your Board recommends advertising for bids.
ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00)
for the payment of a bill contracted in 1948 by the Police
Petition of Alfred H. McKee, Chief of Police.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $250.00 be raised and appropriated for the pur-
poses of this Article.
ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate a sufficient amount of money to repair the metal
flashings, gutters and downspouts on the Stevens Memorial
Petition of the Board of Trustees of Stevens Memorial
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$2,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purposes of this
ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate a sufficient amount of money to replace worn cork
runners in the main lobby of the Stevens Memorial Library
and to install rubber treads to protect the stairs leading to
the Children's Room at the Library.
Petition of the Board of Trustees of Stevens Memorial
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that $600.00 be raised and appropriated for the purposes
of this Article.
ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of One
Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,750.00) for the
use of the School Committee in buying uniforms or other
equipment for the North Andover School Band.
Petition of the School Committee.
Favorable action recommended._ It is recommended that
the sum of $1,750.00 be raised and appropriated for the pur-
pose of providing uniforms for the use of the North Andover
School Band in connection with school functions and ac-
tivities, this equipment to remain in custody of the School
AI~TICLE 32. To see if the Town will raise and appro,
priate, or transfer from available funds, a sum of money to
be added to the Stabilization l~h. lnd, authorized under
Chapter 124, Acts of 1945, and established, under Article 36
of the Warrant, by the vote of the Annual Town Meeting
held March 16, 1946.
Petition of the School Building Committee.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$50,000.00 be taken from availnble funds in the Town
Treasury to be added to the Stabilization Fund. (For ex-
planation see Page 2 of this report).
ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town will authorize and
direct the Board of Selectmen to execute, in the name and
in behalf of the Town, a quitclaim deed and such other legal
documents as may be necessary or advisable, to effect, on or
before May 1, 1953, the following transaction: The sale and
conveyance to John J. and Anna Cyr, for an agreed con-
sideration of ten cents per square foot, of a parcel of land
now owned by the Town of North Andover and not needed
for inclusion in the site of the new high school; which par-
cel contains 10,000 square feet (more or less), fronting on
Parker Street one hundred feet and adjacent to land now
or to be, owned by Frank Lord.
Petition of the School Building Committee.
Favorable action recommended for the transfer of the
parcel of land described in this Article.
Thor the Selectmen be, ond they hereby ore, outhorized ond direct-
ed to execute, in the nome end in beholf of the Town, o quitcloim deed
ond such other legol documents os moy be necessory or odvisable, to
effect the following transaction.
The sole ond conveyonce to the John J. ond Anno Cyr of North
Andover, or to their nominee, for on ogreed considerotion of ten cents
(10c) per square foot, of a parcel of land bounded and described as
A certain parcel of land in North Andover, Mass., on the northerly
side of Parkes Street, Bounded and described as follows; Beginning at
the southeasterly corner of the land herein described, at a point in the
northerly line of Parker Street, said point being 216.02 feet westerly
from the easterly terminus of said northerly line of Parker Street;
thence, by the northerly line of Parker Street, N ?0~-18'-1ff' W,
100.00 feet to an iron pipe at the southeasterly corner of the land
of Frank Lord; thence, by land of said Lord, and other land
of the grantors, N19°-41'-50"E, 100.00 feet to a point; thence, by
other land of the grantors, S70°-18'-10'E, 100.00 feet to a point;
thence, still by other land of the grantors, S19°-41'-50"W, 100.00
feet to the point of beginning. Containing 10,000 square feet, more
or less.
ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will authorize and
direct the Board o£ Selectmen to execute, in the name and
in behalf of the Town, a quitclaim deed and such other le-
gal documents as may be necessary or advisable, to effect,
on or before May 1, 1953, the following transaction: The
sale and conveyance to Frank and Louise Lord, for an
agreed consideration of ten cents per square foot, of a par-
cel of land now owned by the Town of North Andover and
not needed for inclusion in the site of the new high school;
which parcel is that segment of land in the rear of, and con-
tiguous to, other land of said Lords, containing 2,000 square
feet (more or less).
Petition of the School Building Committee.
Favorable action recommended for the transfer of the
parcel of land described in this/~rticle.
That the Selectmen be, and they hereby are, authorized and direct-
ed to execute in the name and in behalf of the Town, a quitclaim
deed and such other legal documents as may be necessary or advisable,
to effect the following transaction.
The sale and conveyance to Frank Lord of North Andover, or to his
nominee, for an agreed consideration of ten cents {10c) per square
foot, of a parcel of land bounded and described as follows:
A certain triangular shaped parcel of land in the Town of North
Andover, Mass., on the easterly side of Faulkner Road, bounded and
described as follows; Beginning at an iron pipe in the easterly line of
Faulkner Road, said iron pipe being at the north-westerly corner of
land of Frank Lord and aJso marks the southerly end of a curve in the
street line of 116.09 feet radius; thence, by other land of the Town,
S70°-18'-10"E, 114.25 feet to a point; thence, by other land of the
Town, $19°-41'-50"W, 31.03 feet to an iron pipe at the northeast
corner of land of Frank Lord; thence by land of said Lord; N55°-
05'W, 118.40 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1,773 square
feet, more or less.
ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate, or transfer from available funds, a sum not
to exceed Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00) for the purchase
oi approximately 8,000 square feet of land needed for in-
clusion in the site of the new High School, this being the
easterly portion of the property of John J. and Anna Cyr,
bounded by Parker Street, Parker Place, and other land of
said Cyrs.
Petition of the School Building Committee.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $800.00 be raised and appropriated for the pur-
chase of land described in this Article.
To raise and appropriate the sum of $800.00 for the purchase of
a parcel of land needed for the site of the new High School
from John J. and Anna Cyr, of North Andover or their successors in
title; and the Selectmen are hereby authorized, empowered and directed
to expend the same, and to execute in the name and behalf of the
town, such agreements or other legal documents as may be necessary
or advisable for said purposes.
The land is bounded and described as follows:
A certain parcel of land in North Andover, Mass., on the southerly
side of Parker Street, bounded and described as follows; Beginning at a
point in the southerly line of Parker Street, said point being the easterly
terminus of said street line and is at its intersection with the northerly
line of a private way called Parker Place; thence, by the northerly
line of said Parker Place, N 88°-09'-10'' W, 239.99 feet to a point;
thence, by other land of the grantors, N 19~-41'-50'' E, 73.56 feet to
a point in the southerly line of Parker Street; thence, by the southerly
line of Parker Street, S 70°-18'-10'' E, 228.44 feet to the point of be-
ginning. Containing 8,404 square feet, more or less.
The said grantors John J. and Anna Cyr release, remise and grant
to the Town of North Andover all right, title and interest in anti
to the full length of Parker Place, from Grassmere Street, so-called, to
Parker Street. Containing 8,404 square feet, more or less.
ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to authorize
the Board of Public Works to purchase for the sum of One
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) the so-called Wharfage Lot
containing Twenty-six hundredths (0.26) acres, situated on
the northerly side of Lake Cochickewick and bounded on
the north by Great Pond Road and on the east and west by
]and of the Town of North Andover.
Petition of Stanley Stefanowicz and others.
Unfavorable action recommended. It is not deemed
advisable to purchase this land at this time for the price in-
ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town of North Andover will
raise and appropriate a reasonable sum of money to re-
survey and hot top the left side of Maple Avenue from cor-
ne~ of Second Street to the corner of First Street.
Petition of Katherine Midgley and others.
Unfavorable action recommended. The Article impro-
perly describes the location of the work to be done, and
since the voters were not warned in the warrant of the
correct location and nature of the project it is your Board's
opinion that favorable action cannot be taken on this Arti-
cle at this time.
ARTICI.I~. 38. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate a sufficient sum of money to install a hot top
sidewalk on the west side of Waverley Road from Middle-
]sex Street to Union Street.
Petition of Hubert Burke and others.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
$480.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this
Article, the work to be done under the provisions of Chapter
83 of the General Laws.
ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00) to install
a hot top sidewalk on the easterly side of Waverley Road
from Maple Avenue to Second Street, a distance of approxi-
mately Five Hundred Fifty (550) Feet.
Petition of Saverio Campione and others.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
$800.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this
Article, the work to be done under the provisions of Chapter
83 of ~he General Laws.
ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate a sufficient sum of money to straighten the
road and eliminate a very dangerous curve on Great Pond
Road between the residence of Fritz Ostherr and the town
pumping station, upon condition that E. F. Leland, or re-
corded owner of such land, convey such land as is necessary
for the widening of this road.
Petition of Victor G. Brightman and others.
Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board
has been informed that the straightening of this road will
involve considerable expense. To determine the practicabi-
lity and cost of th~s project, it is recommended that a sur-
vey be made by the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate, or transfer from unappropriated available
funds in the treasury, a sum of money for Chapter 90 High-
way Construction, or take any action in relation thereto.
Petition of James Maker, Town Treasurer.
It is recommended that the sum of $3,750.00 be raised
and appropriated to meet the Town's share of the cost of
Chapter 90. Highway Construction, and that in addition, the
sum of $11.250.00 be transferred from unappropriated avail-
able funds in the treasury to meet the State and County
shares of the cost of the work~ the reimbursement from the
State and County to be restored, upon their receipt, to un-
appropriated available funds in the treasury.
ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate, or transfer from unappropriated available
funds in the treasury, a sum of money for Chapter 90 High-
way Maintenance, or take any action in relation thereto.
Petition of James Maker, Town Treasurer.
It is recommended that the sum of $2~000.00 be raised
and appropriated for the purpose of this Article, to be ex-
pended by the Highway Surveyor, under Chapter 90 of the
General Laws. together with any money which may be al-
lotted for such purposes by the State or County, or both.
ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Nine Thousand Four Hundred Ten
Dollars ($9,410.00) to extend the 30" storm drain in Greene
Street from Waverley Road toward Massachusetts Avenue.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$9,410.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Trea-
sury for the purpose of this Article. Article 56 of the 1952
warrant, which was approved by the Town Meeting, provid-
ed for a study of the overall drainage problem in the area
containing this drain. The Town Engineer has made this
study, and this Article is covered by his recommendation.
This drain is essential to take care of a large area bo~tnded
by Mifflin Drive, Bradstreet Road, Greene Street (and the
immediate area to the east) and Massachusetts Avenue.
Your Advisory Board has recommended favorable action for
a trunk drain on Mifflin Drive (Article 69) which will tie in
directly with this Greene Street drain at Massachusetts
Avenue. Unless favorable action is taken on this Article.
there will not be adequate facilities to handle the drainage
recommended in Articles 68. $9 and 79..
ARTICI,E 44. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Five Thousand Four Hundred Forty-five
Dollars ($5,445.00) to extend and improve existing drainage
structures necessary to serve the proposed new high school.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $4,000.00 be taken from available funds in
the Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article. The
difference between $4,00D.00 and $5,445.00 represents work
which will be performed as part of the new High School
ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Twenty-seven Hundred Dollars ($2,700.00)
for the purchase of a bulldozer blade for Cletrac Tractor.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Provided that a new town dump site is procured, it is re,
commended that the sum of $2:700.00 be taken from un.
appropriated available funds in the Town Treasury for
the purpose of this Article.
Your Advisory Board recommends advertising for bids.
ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Twenty-eight Hundred Dollars ($2,800.00)
for the purchase of a sidewalk tractor. Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $9.,800.00 be taken from unappropriated available
Funds in the Town Treasury for the purpose of this Art-
icle with the understanding that one of the present side-
walk tractors be traded in toward the purchase price of
the new tractor. Your Board recommends advertising for
There is reasonable doubt as to whether a caterpillar
type specialized sidewalk tractor should be acquired or
whether a rubber-tired tractor will better meet the varied
needs of the Town at all times of the year. It is recommend-
ed that the committee to be appointed under Article 52
assist nnd advise the Highway Surveyor in the purchase of
the above-mentioned equipment,
ARTICLE 47. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to install
a surface drain of 350 feet, build two catchbasins on Waver-
ley Road from Trinity Court to Greene Street. This drain
to take care of new development of that district. Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$500.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this
Article to be expended under the direction of the High-
way Surveyor.
ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Two Thousand Do]lars ($2,000.00) to be
used for a sidewalk project; the Town to pay one-half the
cost and the applicant to pay the other half. Petition of the Highway Surveyor
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $2.000.00 be raised and appropriated for the
purpose of this Article. the appropriation, to be expended
under the direction of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for the
purpose of painting and replacing street signs.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $200.00 be raised and appropriated for the pur-
pose of this Article, the appropriation to be expended under
the direction of the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00)
for maintenance of any street in Town under Chapter 90
of the General Laws, said money to be used in conjunc-
tion with money which may be allotted by the State or
County, or both, for this purpose; or take any other action
in relation thereto.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor
Recommended to be stricken from Warrant. Duplicate
of Article 42.
ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of Seventy-five Hundred Dollars
($7,500.00) for the further rebuilding of Great Pond Road
under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, said money to be
used with any money allotted by the State or County,
or both, for this purpose; or take any other action in
relation thereto.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor
Recommended to be stricken from Warrant. Duplicate
of Article 41.
ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of Eighty-seven Hundred Dollars
($8,700.00) for the purchase of a Refuse Collection truck
fully equipped. This price includes trade-in of l)resent
Diamond T dump truck now being used. Petition of the Highway Surveyor
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $8,700.00 be transferred from available funds
in the Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article and
under conditions outlined in this Article, and that a com-
mittee of three be appointed by the Moderator to assist
and advise the Highway Surveyor in the purchase of this
modern piece of equipment. Your board recommends ad-
vertising for bids.
ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will vote to amend
Article II, Section 5, Paragraph (i) of the North Andover
Zoning By-Law by striking therefrom the words: "Rail-
road Avenue at Middlesex Street".
Petition of John Wolfenden and others
Since your Advisory Board is legally dependent upon
a decision by the Planning Board prior to making a re-
commendation on Articles of this nature, no recommenda-
tion can be made by your Advisory Board, up to the time
when this report was ready for publications, no action had
been taken on this question by the Planning Board.
ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will vote to amend
existing Zoning By-Laws by changing from a general resi-
dential to business classification the following described
parcel of land: A certain area in the Town of North
Andover at Wilson's Corner on the westerly side of And-
over Street, bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of
Turnpike Street with the western line of Andover Street,
sometimes called Ehn Street; thence running north-
westerly along Turnpike Street 350 feet to a point; thence
turning and running southwesterly on a line parallel with
said Andover Street 250 feet by land of Sarah E. Loftus
to a point; thence turning and running southeasterly by
other ]and of said Loftus on a line parallel with said
Turnpike Street 350 feet to said Andover Street; thence
running northeasterly and again northeasterly by said
Andover Street to a point of beginning.
Petition of John R. Mahoney and others
Unfavorabe action recommended. The Planning Board
has denied this amendment to existing Zoning By-Laws.
ARTICLE 55. To see ff the Town will vote to amend
existing Zoning By-Laws by changing from a general resio
dential to agricultural classification the £ollowing des-
cribed parcel of land. This property is located on the
westerly side of Chickering Road northerly of the Boston
and Maine Railroad crossing and is bounded and described
as follows:
Beginning at a point in the intersection of the westerly
line of Chickering Road with the northerly line of the
Boston and Maine Railroad; thence northwesterly by the
northerly line of the Boston and Maine Railroad 236 feet to
a point; thence northerly by a line parallel to and 200 feet
westerly from the westerly line of Chickering Rd. 236 feet
to a point; thence southeasterly by a line parallel to and 200
feet northeasterly from the northerly line of the Boston
and Maine Railroad 236 feet to a point in the westerly
line of Chickering Road; thence southerly by the westerly
line of Chickering Road 236 feet to the point of beginning.
Petition of Henry Lund and others
Favorable action recommended. The Planning Board
has approved this amendment to existing Zoning By-Laws.
ARTICLE 56. 'To see if the Town will amend the
Zoning By-Law and the Zoning Map of the Town to make
the following parcel of land, now zoned as a general resi-
dence district, a business zone:
Lots 159, 160, 161 and 162 as shown on Plan No. 463, on
file at the North Essex Registry of Deeds. Said lots are
contiguous, and together constitute a parcel of land on
the westerly side of Jetwood Avenue, 100 feet south of
Massachusetts Avenue, and having a £rontage on Jetwood
Avenue of 200 feet.
Petition of Domenick Mangano and others
Unfavorable action recommended. The Planning Board
has denied this amendment to existing Zoning By-Laws.
ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will vote to amend
the Zoning By-Laws by changing the classification of a
piece of. property owned by Edward W. Saul froml an
agricultural to a business district:
Said property is located on the westerly side of Salem
Turnpike and is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at an iron pipe in the westerly line of the
Salem Turnpike at State Highway Station 151 ~ 42 thence
south~esterly by other land of the said Saul, 85.67 feet
· to an iron pipe in the center line of an ~old abandoned
way, thence northwesterly by the centerline of said old
abandoned way, 363.46 feet to an iron pipe; thence north-
easterly 29.48 feet to an iron pipe in westerly line of the
Salem Turnpike; thence southeasterly by westerly line
of the Salem Turnpike, 364.38 feet to the point of begin-
Petition of Edward W. Saul and others
Favorable action recommended. The Planning Boaxd
has approved this amendment to existing Zoning By-Laws.
ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to amend
the Zoning By-Law by changing from Restricted Resi-
dential to Business, the following described parcel of land:
A parcel of land on the easterly side of Chickering
Road, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the
intersection of the southerly line of Dufton Court with the
easterly line of Chickering Road; thence southeasterly,
by the southerly line of D~ffton Court, 219.25 feet to a
point; thence southwesterly 45.6 feet to a point; thence
southerly 209.0 feet to a point; thence southwesterly 39.0
feet to a point; thence northwesterly 135.4 feet to a point
in the easterly line of Chickering Road; thence north-
erly, by the easterly line of Chickering Road, 325 feet to
the pc~int of beginning.
Petition of George H. Schruender and others
Favorable action recommended. The Planning Board
has approved this amendment to existing Zoning By-Laws.
ARTICI.F. 59. To see if the Town will vote to amend
the Zoning By-Law by changing from Restricted Residen-
tial to Educational, the following described parcel of land:
A parcel of land on the easterly side of Osgood Street
bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Osgood
Street at land of Robert Saltonstall; thence, by the east-
erly line of Osgood Street, northwesterly, northeasterly,
northerly and northeasterly, 3553.41 feet to land now or
formerly of Greenwood; thence southeasterly 395 feet, by
a stone wall, to a point; thence easterly, by a stone wall,
440 feet to a point; thence southeasterly, by a stone wall,
by several courses 540 feet to a point in the southerly
shore of Lake Cochichewick; thence easterly, southeast-
erly, northeasterly and southeasterly, by various courses,
by the southerly shore of Lake Cochichewick, 3,400 feet
to land of Caroline S. Rogers; thence southwesterly 1,879.38
feet to a point; thence again southwesterly 600 feet to a
point; thence southeasterly 160 feet to a point; thence
southwesterly, by a stone wall, 311.90 feet to a point;
thence northwesterly 42.75 feet to a point; thence south-
westerly 60 feet to a point; thence southeasterly 45.45 feet
to a point; thence southwesterly 117.75 feet to the poin~
of beginning. ·
Petition of Abbot Stevens and others
Favorable action recommended. The Planning BOard
has approved ~his amendment to existing Zoning By-Laws.
Ai~TICLE 60. To see if the Town will raise and 'ap~
propriate the sum of Four Thousand Three Hundred
Dollars ($4,300.00) to purchase a tractor with back hoe~
Petition of Board of Public Works
Unfavorable action recommended at this time. This
type of equipment is now available on a rental basis. It
is felt that further study should be made to determine
whether the type of attachment mentioned above can be
adapted for use on one of the present pieces of Town
equipment or whether a separate tractor is required for
this specialized purpose.
ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town will appropriate
from available funds, the sum of Two Thousand Three
Hundred Fifty - five Dollars and Forty - nine Cents
($2,355.49) being the amount of water department receipts;
in excess of water department operating expenses for 1952
to a Stabilization Fund as provided for by Chapter 124
of the Acts of 1945, with the understanding that it is to
be used by the Town for capital improvements in the
water works system under the provisions of the above act.
Petition of Board of Public Works
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $2,355.49 be appropriated from available funds
in the Town Treasury and applied to a Stabilization Fund.
ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate or otherwise provide Twelve Hundred Dollars
($1,200.00) to be added to the unexpended appropriation
made under Article 51, 1952, to make such extensions of
the water main system, under the regulations voted at
the annual Town Meeting, as the Board of Public Works,
on October first, considers most necessary, such extent
sions not having been petitioned for at the annual meeting.
Petition of Board of Public Works
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$9(]0.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this
Article, to be expended under the direction of the Board
of Public Works.
ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of One Thousand Six Hundred Dollars
($1,600.00) to be used with the present Chevrolet ton and
a half truck to purchase a new truck for the Water and
Sewer Department.
Petition of Board of Public Works
Fovorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $1,600.00 be raised and appropriated and applied
for the purpose of this Article. Your Board recommends
advertising for bids.
ARTICLE 64. To see of the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000.00) to
clean and cement line water mains in the water works
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the funds for this capital improvement in the Town water
system be taken from accumulated excess water receipts
available in the Stabilization Fund. The amount now held
in this fund is more than sufficient to meet the needs of
this Article, and in Your Advisory Board's opinion should
not be left idle in the Town Treasury. In accordance with
the provisions of Chapter 40, Section 5B, of the General
Laws, these funds may be voted to be taken from the
Stabilization Fund for such purposes by action of the
Town Meeting.
ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to instruct,
authorize and require the Board of Assessors to deduct
from the amount required to be assessed under Section 23
of Chapter 59 of the General Laws, as amended, the sum
of Thirty-five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00) or some part
thereof, from available funds, which sum is herewith ap-
propriated from available funds under Section 7 of Chapter
798 of the Acts of 1951 for the purpose of this authorized
Petition of John M. Pillion and others
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $35,000.00 be taken from available funds in the
Town Treasury for the purpose of this authorized deduc-
ARTICLE 66. To see ff the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the
water system on Mifflin Drive Five Hundred Thirty (530)
feet from Middlesex Street.
Petition of Ralph F. Duffy and others
Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted
favorably on Article 69, which should be ,considered prior.
to Article 66 to insure correct drainage and resurfacing
of this street, favorable action is recommended.
The petitioner advises that he ~lans to construct two
additional houses once water is a~'ailable, and your Ad~
visory Board has been informed that two more houses
are planned for the immediate future by other property
owners on Mifflin Drive.
The sum of $2,600.00 is to be taken from available
funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board
of Public Works for the purpose of this Article. on the
following conditions:
1. That on or before June 1,1953, the petitioners and
or owners make a guarantee, acceptable to the Board of
Public Works, of six percent of the actual cost of con-
struction, as water rates, for a period of 14 years.
2. That on or before June I, 1953, the construction
of at least two additional houses shall have been started.
ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the sewer system on Mifflin Drive from Douglass Road
to Bradstreet Road.
Petition of Ralph F. Dully and others
Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted
favorably on Article 69, which should be considered prior
to Article $7, to insure correct drainage and resurfacin~
of this street, favorable action is recommended.
The sum of $4,000,00 is to be taken from available
funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of this Article subject to
assessments or betterment charges under the conditions
of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906. and with the [urther'
provision that construction of at least four houses shall
have been started on or before June 1, 1953.
ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum. of money to extend
the drainage system and construct a road on Douglass
Road from Mifflin Drive to Greene Street, under Chapter
80 of the General Laws providing for the assessment of
betterments upon the property owners.
Petition of Ralph F. Duffy and others
Favorable action recommended. The cost of this pro-
ject is estimated at $1,285.00, and it is recommended that
this sum be taken from available funds in the Town
Treasury for the purpose of this Article to be expended
Under the direction of the Highway Surveyor under the
provisions of Chapter 8(] of the General Laws, as amended:
and the Selectmen are hereby authorized, empowered and
directed to take such steps as provide for the assessment
of betterments therefor under said Chapter 80, as amended.
ARTICLE 69. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the drainage system and improve the road on Mifflin Drive
under Chapter 80 of the General Laws providing for the
assessment of betterments upon the property owners.
Petition of Ralph F. Duffy and others
Favorable action is recommended, providing that the
Town has voted to approve Article 43 relating to a storm
drain on Greene Street. The cost of this project is esti-
mated at $14,090.00, and it is recommended that this sum
be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article
to be expended under the direction of the Highway Sur-
veyor under the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General
Laws, as amended -- the assessment of betterments to
be applied for the purpose of this Article as set forth in
your Advisory Board's recommendation on Article 68 of
this Warrant.
: ARTICLE 70. To see of the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of rnoney to extend
the water system on West Bradstreet Road from the pre-
Sent terminus Five Hundred Fifty (550) feet to Mifflin
Petition of John J. Donovan and others
Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted
favorably on Article 72, which should be considered prior
to Article 70 to insure correct drainage and resurfacing
of this street, favorable action is recommended.
The petitioner advises that he plans to construct two
houses once water is available.
The sum of $2.000.00 is to be taken from available
funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board
of Public Works for the purpose of this Article, on the
following conditions:
1. That on or before June 1, 1953, the petitioners and
or owners make a guarantee, acceptable to the Board of
Public Works, of six percent of the actual cost of con-
struction, as water rates, for a period of 14 years.
2. That on or before June 1, 1953, the construction of
at least two additional houses shall have been started,
ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate or provide by bond issue or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the sewer system on West Bradstreet Road from Mifflin
Drive to Greene Street.
Petition of John J. Donovan and others
Provided that the Town l~eeting has already acted
favorably on Article 72. which should be considered prior
to Article 71 to insure correct drainage and resurfacing
of this street, favorable action is recommended.
The sum of $2,500.00 is to be taken from available
funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board
of Public Works for the purpose of this Article subject
to the conditions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906. and
with the further provision that construction of at least
two additional houses shall have been started on or before
June 1, 1953.
ARTICLE 72. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the drainage system, and improve the road on West Brad-
street Road under Chapter 80 of the General Laws pro-
viding for the assessment of betterments upon the pro.
perry owners.
Petition of Santo A. DiMauro and others
Provided favorable action has been taken on Articles
43 and $9, which refer to key links in draining the Mifflin
Drive area, favorable action recommended. The cost of
this project is estimated at $3:050.00. It is recommended
that this sum be taken from available funds in the Town
Treasury for the purpose of this Article to be expended
under the direction of the Highway Surveyor, under the
provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws, as amended
-- the assessment of betterments to be applied for the
purpose of this Article as set forth in your Advisory
Board's recommendation on Article 68 of this Warrant.
ARTICLE 73. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the water system on Adams Avenue Three Hundre~
Twenty (320) feet from Unity Avenue.
Petition of Santo A. DiMauro and others
Favorable action is recommended. One house' to be
serviced by this installation is near completion. The sum
of $1,200.00 is to be taken from available funds in the
Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of Public
Works for the purpose of this Article upon the following
1. That on or before June 1, 1953, the petitioners and
or owners make a guarantee, acceptable to the Board of
Public Works, of six percent of the actual cost of con-
struction, as water rates, for a period of 14 years.
2. That on or before June 1, 1953. the petitioners and
or owners shall post a bond with the Selectmen in such
form and amount as the latter may require to assure the
town that six months after the completion of the project
the road and sidewalks affected by the project shall have
been so reconstructed and repaired~ including the instal-
lation of all necessary drainage systems therein, as to
meet such requirements as the Highway Surveyor shall
have prescribed as the conditions precedent to his certi-
fication of such ways under the Selectmen's "R~gulations
for ~he Laying Out of Streets".
ARTICLE 74. To see if the Town ~Till vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the water system on Putnam Road One Hundred Sixty
(160) feet from the present terminus near Mifflin Drive.
Petition of Blanche Adams and others
Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted fav-
orably on Article 77, which should be considered prior
to Article 74 to insure correct drainage and resurfacing
of this street, favorable action is recommended.
The petitioner advises that he plans to construct one
house once water is available.
The sum of $650.00 is to be taken from available funds
in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of this Article, on the fol-
lowing conditions:
1. That on or before June I, 1953, the petitioners and
(~r owners make a guarantee, acceptable to the Board of
Public Works, of six percent of the actual cost of con.
struction, as water rates, for a period of 14 years.
2. That on or before June 1, 1953, construction of one
l~ouse shall have been started.
ARTICLE 75. To see if the To~vn will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the water system on Putnam Road One Hundred Ninety
(190) feet from Greene Street.
Petition of Rodosildo DeBurro and others
Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted
favorably on Article 77, which should be considered prior
to Article 75 to insure correct drainage and resurfacing
of this street, favorable action is recommended,
The petitioner advises that he plans to construct one
house once water is available.
The sum of $800.00 is to be taken from available funds
in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of this Article, on the fol-
lowing conditions:
I. That on or before June l, 1953, the petitioners and
or owners make a guarantee, acceptable to the Board of
Public Works, of six percent of the actual cost of con-
struction, as water rates, for a period of 14 years.
2~ That on or before June 1o 1953. construction of one
additional honse shall have been started.
ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
e~vai~able funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the
sewer system on Putnam Road Three Hundred, Seventy-
five (375) feet from Greene Street.
Petition of Rodosildo DeBurro and others
Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted
favorably on Article 77, which should be considered prior
to Article 76 to insure correct drainage and resurfacing
of this street, favorable action is recommended.
The sum of $1,700.00 is to be taken from uvuilable
funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board
of Public Works for the purpose of this Article subject
to assessments or betterment charges under the condi-
tions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906, and with the
further provision that construction of at least one addi-
tional house shall have been started on or before ~une 1,
ARTICLE 77. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the drainage system and improve the road on Putnam
l~oad from Greene Street to Mifflin Drive, under Chapter
80 of the General Laws providing for the assessment of
betterments upon the property owners.
Petition of Rodosildo DeBurro and others
Provided favorable action has been taken on Articles
43 and 69, favorable action recommended. The cost of
this project is estimated at $3.250.00° and it is recom-
mended that this sum be taken from avaiable funds in
the Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article to be
expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor,
under the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws. as
amended -- the assessn~ent of betterments to be applied
for the purpose of this Article as set forth in your Ad-
visory Board's recommendation on Article 68 of this War-
ARTICLE 78. To see if the To~vn will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the sewer system on Woodbridge Road from Mifflin Drive
to Tyler Road.
Petition of Philip T. Miller and others
Favorable action recommended. There are two houses
to be served now by this sewer, and one additional house
is planned for construction at an early date.
It is recommended that the sum of $2.700.00 be taken
from available funds in the Town Treasur_v to be expended
by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this
Article on the following conditions:
1. That on or before June 10 1953. the construction
of one additional house shall have been started.
2. That on or before June 1, 1953, the petitioners and
or owners shall post a bond with the Selectmen in such
form and amount as the latter may require to assure the
Town that six monlhs after the corr~pletion of the project,
the road and sidewalks affected by the project shall have
been so reconstructed and repaired, including the instal-
lation of all necessary drainage systems therein, as to
meet such requirements as the Highway Surveyor shall
have prescribed as the conditions precedent to his certi-
fication of such ways under the Selectmen's "Regulations
for the Laying Out of Streets".
ARTICLE 79. To see if the To~vn will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the sewer system on Spruce Street from Massachusetts
Avenue to Hemlock Street.
Petition of Ernest Connor and others
Favorable action recommended. There is one house
nearing completion to be served by this sewer, and more
construction is planned.
It is recommended that the sum of $2,250.00 be taken
from available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended
by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this
Article on the following, conditions:
1. That on or before June 1, 1953, the construction
of one additional house shall~have been started.
2. That on or before June 1, 1953, the petitioners and
or owners shall post a bond with the Selectmen in such
form and amount as the latter may require to assure the
Town th~,t six months after the completion of the project,
the road and sidewalks affected by the project shall have
been so reconstructed and repaired, including the instal-
lation of all necessary drainage systems therein, as to
meet such requirements as the Highway Surveyor shall
have nrescribed as the conditions precedent to his certi-
fication of such ways under the Selectmen's "Regulations
for the Laying Out of Streets".
ARTICLE 80. To see of the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
fr~:¢m available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the water system from Johnson Street, westerly and north-
erly on Heath Road Extension to its intersection with
Sutton Hill Road, and thence west_erly by Sutton Hill Road,
a total distance of approximately 1,600 feet to a point
opposite property now owned by Frances S. Barrows.
Petition by Harry Sutton, Jr., and others
Favorable action recommended. At present there are
four houses being supplied by the Town Water System
in this area. However, your Advisory Board has been ad-
vised that the present water line has reached the limit
of its capacity to provide adequate water service, and an
extension of the water system would be required to serve
any new houses in the area. The sum of $6,000.00 is to
be taken from available funds in the Town Treasury to
be ex~ended by the Board of Public Works for the pur-
pose ~f this Article upon the following conditions:
1. That on or before June 1, 1953, the construction
of two additional houses shall have been started.
2. That on or before June 1, 1953~ the petitioners
and or owners make a guarantee acceptable to the Board
of Public Works of six percent of the actual cost of con-
struction, as water rates, for a period of 14 years,
3. That on or before June 1, 1953, the petitioners and
or owners shall post a bond with the Selectmen in such
form and amount as the latter may require to assure the
Town that six months after the completion of the project,
the road and sidewalks affected by the project shall have
been so reconstructed' and repaired, including the instal~
lation of all necessary drainage systems therein, as to
meet such requirements as the Highway Surveyor shall
have prescribed as the conditions precedent to his certi-
fication of such ways under the Selectmen's "Regulations
for the Laying Out of Streets".
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
]~$sex ss;
To either of the ~onst~bles of the Town of ~orth
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabi-
tants of North Andover, qualified to vote in Town Affairs,
to meet in the Town Hall directly following the adjourn-
ment of the Adjourned Annual Town Meeting on March 14,
1953, then and there to act on the following business:
ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to amend
the Zoning By-Law by changing from Agricultural to
Business, the following described parcel of land:
A parcel of land on the easterly side of the Salem Turn-
pike and on the northerly siae of Berry Street, bounded
and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of
the easterly line of the Salem Turnpike with the northerly
line of Berry Street; thence northwesterly, by the easterly
line of the Salem Turnpike, Ninety (90) feet to a point;
thence northeasterly Two Hundred, Fifty (250) feet to a
point which is Two Hundred, Forty (240) feet from the
northerly line of Berry Street; thence southeasterly Six
Hundred, Thirty (630) feet to a point; thence southwest-
erly Three Hundred, Fifty (350) feet to a point in the
northerly line of Berry Street; thence northwesterly to
the northerly line of Berry Street, Six Hundred, Sixty
(660) feet to the point of beginning.
Petition of Joseph M. Finneran and others
And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting
true and attested copies thereof, at the Town Hall and at
five or more public places in each voting precinct. Said
copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less
than ten days before the time of holding said meetin~
Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant
with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time
and place of said meeting.
Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachu-
setts, the nineteenth day of January in the year of our
Lord One Thousand, Nine Hundred and Fifty-three.
Arthur A. Thomson
Joseph M. Finneran
Andrew F. Coffin
Board of Selectmen
A true copy,
..................... Constable
North Andover, Massachusetts, January ............. 1953
Unfavorable action recommended. The Planning Board
has denied this amendment to the existing 7.oning By-Laws.
-- Printers - Lithographers
65 Salem Street Lawrence, Mass,
Your vote is only good at TOWN I~EETING
Introductory Remarks .................... Page 1
Chapter 83 -- Explanation ................ Page 2
The 1953 Tax Rate ........................ Page 4
Tally Sheet ............................ Pages
Map of Mifflin Drive Drainage Area ...... Page 9
Articles and Recommendations ............ Page 10
Proposed Budget Items ............. Pages 12-15
Special Toxvn Meeting -- Warrant ........ Page 42
Report of the North Andover
Advisory Board
Your Advisory Board respectfully submits its annual
report, with recommendations on the Articles in the War-
rant, upon which action n';ust be taken by the voters on
March 14, 1953, at the Town Meeting and for the Special
To~vn Meeting called for the same date.
It is to your advantage to read this report together
with the statistical data contained herein and to be pre-
sent at the Town Meeting prepared to vote for the best
interests of the Town and the taxpayers. Your tax levy
is determined on March 14 at the Town Meeting.
For your eonvenien,ce in keeping a record and totaling
the sum of money to be raised by taxation, as voted by
the Town Meeting, your Advisory Board has prepared a
tally sheet (Page 6) so that you can comprehend clearly
the effect on the tax rate of the action of the Meeting.
Remember, each $12,500 of appropriations voted to be
raised by taxation is reflected immediately in your tax
rate to the extent of One Dollar!
The Cost of government continues to increase, and
since the Town is required to pay its share of the in-
creased cost of State and County governmental activities,
economy must be exercised in the appropriating of funds
for local administration.
A great many of the Articles in the Warrant have
merit; and, therefore, because it is necessary to exercise
great caution in keeping down expenses, your Advisory
Board has recommended only those Articles which seemed
most urgent and which would provide the greater benefit
to the Town.
Construction of the new high school, voted under
Article 19 at the 1952 Town Meeting, will begin this
spring. The bulk of the bonds will be issued this year.
Next year the Town will start paying off on the principal
as well as paying on the bonds. This, coupled with the
fact that the Town will not start receiving State Aid
on the new high school until 1955, means that the effect
on the tax rate this year will be very small and in 1954
and 1955, will be greater than in the following years.
In order to help cushion the effect of the tremendous
increase shown for the years 1954 and 1955, your Advisory
Board recommends that the Town put aside this year
from Free Cash, $50,000.00, to be added to the Stabilization
Fund under Article 32, the money to be used in 1954 and
1955 to offset the added costs in those two years. The
net estimated effect of this proposal is shown in the table
below, provided by the School Buiding Committee.
Net Cost Effect on Revised Effect
Ye~, to Town Tax Rate on Tax Rate
~.953 $ 26,837.00 $2.25 $6.25
1954 $115,216.00 $9.20 $7.20
1955 $123,830.00 $9.80 $7.80
Last year your Advisory Board recommended and the
Town adopted the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General
Laws which provide for the assessment of betterments
to people whose property benefited from improvements
when certain streets and necessary drainage work was
completed for acceptance by the Town.
This year, your Advisory Board is recommending the
application of Chapter 83 of the General Laws in connec-
tion with sidewalk improvements requested in Articles
38 and 39. Assessment for benefits received as a result
of sidewalk construction has been commonly used in com-
munities throughout the Commonwealth for improvements
of this kind. The law requires that the property owners
on the street will be assessed a reasonable amount, not
exceeding one half the cost of the sidewalk project.
Your Advisory Board recommended in Article 36 of the
1952 report that a study be made of the drainage problem
covering the area to the east of Mifflin Drive. At the
request of the Planning Board, the Town Engineer has
laid out a drainage plan for this area. He has outlined
a plan for a storm drain on Mifflin Drive to handle all
drainage from the streets and land on the east side. This
storm drain is proposed to run down Mifflin Drive (Art-
icle 69) from Bradstreet Road to Massachusetts Avenue.
Since no extra capacity is available in the State drain
in Massachusetts Avenue, the Town Engineer's overall
plan calls for tying in the Mifflin Drive drain with a
trunk drain proposed for Greene Street (Article 43) which
will carry the water down to an existing trunk drain at
Waverley Road leading to the Shawshe~n River. Unless
the proposed trunk drain in Greene Street is approved
first, then the drain on Mifflin Drive second, the overall
plan for drainage east of Mifflin Drive will be impractical.
Your Advisory Board is recommending favorable action
on this overall project as a means of improving drainage
in this area. See map, Page 9.
It should be noted that in Articles 66, 70, 74 and 75
relative to water installations, and in Articles 67, 71 and
76 relative to sewer installations, your Advisory Board
recommends a course of action not requiring the posting
of a bond by the petitioners because these articles are
supported by other Articles (~:69, ~:72, ~:77) guarantee-
ing the assessment of betterments under Chapter 80 to
the abuttors to provide for the proper drainage and re-
surfacing of roads affected by such installations.
In the case of Articles 73 and 80 roi' water installa-
tions and Articles 78 a'nd 79 for sewer installations, how-
ever, there is no such provision, by way of Chapter 80,
that the roads affected would be put back into such
shape as to meet the requirements of the Highway Sur-
It has been necessary, therefore, for your Advisory
Board to recommend in the case of Articles 73, 78, 79
and 80 the posting of a bond with the Selectmen, a cus-
tomary procedure in the town, "to assure the town that
six months after the completion of the project, the road
and sidewalks affected by the project shall have been
so reconstructed and repaired, including the installation
of all necessary drainage systems therein, as to meet
such requirements as the Highway Surveyor shall have
prescribed as the conditions precedent to his certification
of such ways under the Se]ectmen's regulations for the
Laying Out of Streets".
Of course, if Articles 69, 72 and 77 should be disap-
proved by vote of the Town Meeting, such water and
sewer Articles affected thereby would similarly require
the petitioners of same. to post a bond with the Select-
men in the customary manner, as described.
NOTE: In order to clarify the apparent misunderstanding as
to what constitutes the starting of "the building of a house or
houses", your Advisory Board recommends that on Sewer and Water
Articles in the Warrant this provision be interpreted to mean:
The excavating of a cellar hole and/or the construction of a
complete foundation of masonry or some-such building material
whereon the superstructure of the house will be erected.
No sewer and water installation should be started by the Town,
with respect to petitions in the Warrant, until such conditions shall
hove been met.
The 1953 Tax Rate
Voted Recommended Increase Effect on
1952 1953 (Decrease) Tax Rate
$414,151 $424,538 $10,387 $ .831 increase
385,251 403,529 18,278 1.462 increase
$799,402 $828,067 $28,665 $2.293 increase
From taxes $ 33,975
"Free Cash" 178,084
$ 51,597 $17,622 $1.409 increase
160,210 (17,874) none
To be
raised by
taxation $833,377
$879,664 $46,287
$3.702 increase
Approved by your Advisory Board under Chapter 40,
Section 6, of the General Laws:
Fire Department -- New Doors ........... $ 625.00
Veterans' Benefits ....................... 2,750.00
Election Expenses ........................ 500.00
Town Accountant -- File Cabinet ......... 130.00
Library -- Wiring and New Lighting ...... 245.97
Balance of Account Returned to Treasury__
Amount of Original Appropriation ....... $5,000.00
Your Advisory Board has fully investigated and discus-
sed all of the recommendations hereinafter made. It has
visited and viewed all of the areas mentioned in special
Articles and has satisfied itself that its recommendations
are justified by the info~unation which it has gathered.
The thanks of your Board are extended to the many
Town Officers who have been called upon for assistance and
information during the past two months. In every instance
all of the officers and consultants have been most co-
operative and helpful at all times.
Respectfully submitted,
North Andover Advisory Board
Robert Saltonstall, Chairman
Harvey J. Lebow
Leonard Wind]e
Turner A. Bridges
John E. Coughlin
Thomas II. Wilkinson
John F. Gaudet
REMEMBER: Each time thc Town votes to raise and appropriate
approximately $12,500.00 means an increase of $1.00
in your tax rate (per $1,000.00 of assessed valuation).
Ar- '~
ticle o ·
No. Description of Article E ~
11 Group Insurance, Town
Employees $2,000.00
13 Continuance of Town History 2,540.00
14 Town Infirmary Repairs 500.00
18 Authorization for Town
Dump Site 8,000.00
19 Policemen at Bathing Beach 500.00
20 Playground Instructor and
Superintendent 1,250.00
21 Playground Supplies 500.00
22 Banking and Flooding Skating
Rinks 200.00
23 Play Equipment and Benches at
Kittredge School 900.00
24 Fluoridation of Water Supply 2,500.00
25 Fire Alarm. Box at Ward Hill 1,500.00
26 Fire Alarm Box at Great Pond and
Bradford 1,500.00
27 New Police car (replacement) 650.00
28 Police Department BH1
Contracted 1948 250.00
29 Stevens Memorial Library
Repairs (outside) 2,000.00
30 Stevens Memorial Library
Repairs (inside) 600.00
31 Uniforms for North Andover
School Band 1,750.00
35 New High School--additional
8,000 sq. ft. of land 800.00
36 Purchase of (0.26 acres) Lake
Cochickewick and Great
Pond Road 1,000.00
37 Resurface left side Maple Avenue
(2nd-lst Street) 200.00
38 Hot Top Sidewalk, Waverley Rd.
(Middlesex to Union) 480.00
Yes ___~_
Yes ......
Yes ____ti__
Yes __-t'~_ _
No ___"2_']
Yes ......
Yes ......
Yes ......
Yes ......
No ......
Yes ......
39 Hot Top Sidewalk (Waverley-
Maple to Second Street) 800.00 Yes ......
41 Chapter 90, Highway Con-
struction 3,750.00 Yes ......
42 Chapter 90, Highway Maintenance 2,000.00 Yes ......
43 Storm Drain, Greene St. (Waver-
ley Rd. toward Mass. Ave.) 9,410.00# Yes
44 Drainage for New High School 5,445.00# 4,000.00 ....
45 Bulldozer Blade for Cletrac
Tractor (dump)
46 New Sidewalk Tractor
47 Drain and 2 Catchbasins, Waver-
ley Rd. (Trinity to Greene)
48 Sidewalk Project
49 Painting and Replacing Street
52 New Refuse Collection Truck
60 Tractor with Back Hoe
61 Excess Water Dept. Receipts
to Stabilization Fund
62 Extension of Water Mains
63 New Truck for Water and Sewer
Dept. (replacement)
64 Clean and Cement-Line Water
65 Reduction of Tax Rate from
Available Funds 35,000.00# Yes ......
66 Extend Water System from
Middlesex on Mifflin Dr. 2,600.00# Yes ......
67 Extend Sewer on Mifflin Drive,
Douglass Rd. to Bradstreet 4,000.00# Yes ......
68 Extend Drainage and Construct
Douglass Rd., Chapter 80 1,285.00# Yes ......
69 Extend Drainage and improve Rd.
on Mifflin Drive, Chapter 80 14,090.00 Yes ......
70 Extend Water System on West
Bradstreet Rd. to Mifflin Dr. 2,000.00# Yes ......
71 Extend Sewer System West
Bradstreet Rd., Mifflin to
Greene 2,500.00# Yes ......
72 Extend Drainage and Improve
West Bradstreet Road
(Chapter 80) 3,060.00# Yes ......
2,700.00# Yes ......
2,800.00# Yes ......
500.00 Yes ......
2,000.00 Yes
200.00 Yes ......
8,700.00# Yes ......
4,300.00 No ......
2,355.49# Yes
1,200.00 900.00 ......
1,600.00 Yes ......
9,000.00~ Yes ......
73 Extend Water System, Adams
from Unity Avenue ......
74 Extend Water System, Putnam
Rd. from Mifflin Drive ......
75 Extend Water System, Putnam
Rd. from Greene Street ......
76 Extend Sewer System, Putnam
Rd. from Greene Street ......
77 Drainage System and Improve
Putnam (Chapter 80) 3,250.00# Yes ......
78 Extend Sewer System, Woodbridge
Rd. from Mifflin to Tyler 2,700.00# Yes ......
79 Extend Sewer System Spruce St.
from Mass. Ave. to Hemlock 2,250.00# Yes ......
80 Extend Water System from John- son St. to Sutton Hill Rd. 6,000.00# Yes ......
1,200.00# Yes
650.00# Yes
800.00# Yes
1,700.00# Yes
# On these Articles your Advisory Board is recommend-
ing that the money be transfered 'from available
funds in the Town Treasury.
On this Article your Advisory Board recommends
that this money be transfered from the Stabilization
Fund accumulated from Water Department receipts.
Numerals with prefix of number sign (~) refer to
Articles in the 1953 Warrant.
ARTICLE 1. To elect a Moderator, Town Clerk, Town
Treasurer, three Selectmen, three members of the Board of
Public Welfare for one year; one Assessor of Taxes, one
member of the School Committee, one member of the Board
of Health, one member of the Board of Public Works for
three years, a Highway Surveyor, a Collector of Taxes, a
Tree Warden, five Constables for one year, a member of the
Planning Board for five years, one member of the Planning
Board for the unexpired term of two years, one member of
the Housing Authority for five years, and one member of
the Housing Authority for the unexpired t~erm of one year.
All to be voted upon one ballot. The polls shall open at
nine o'clock A.M. and shall be closed at eight o'clock P.M.
After final action on the preceding Article One, the said
meeting shall stand adjourned by virtue of Section 4, Article
One of the Town By-Laws, to Saturday, March 14, 1953 at
one-thirty o'clock P.M. in the Town Hall, then and there to
act on the following articles:--
(Article I of the Warrant is the call for the 1953 Town
Election, held March 2, 1953; under the Warrant the 1953
Annual Town Meeting then stands adjourned, under the
by-laws, until Saturday March 14, 1953 at 1:30 P.M.; when
it reconvenes at the Town Hall to take action upon the
following Articles;)
ARTICLE 2. To elect all other officers not required by
law to be elected by ballot.
Recommended that this be referred to the Selectmen for
ARTICLE 3. To see if the to~vn will vote to accept the
report of receipts and expenditures as presented by the
Recommended that the report be accepted. 10
ARTICLE 4. To see what action the town will take as
to its unexpended appropriations.
I~ecommended that all unexpended appropriations be re-
turned to the Treasury, with the exception of the follow-
ing amounts as of ]'anuary Io 1953, which were originally
appropriated under the Articles indicated-.
Article 11. 1952 Sealer of Weights & Measures:
(Graduates not Received) $
Article 32, 1952 Chapt. 90 G. L. Highway
Construction 7,895.54
Article 72, 1950 Kittredge School
Construction etc, 268.83
Article 19, 1952 New High School 88,157.77
Article 18, 1951 Civil Defense 939.49
Article 64, 1950 To Replace Water Services 785,45
Article 51. 1952 Water Mains 260.25
ARTICLE 5. To see what action the town will take as
to the recommendations of the Advisory Board.
Recommended that each item of the proposed budget be
considered separately (See page 12)
00~ O0 00.0. 0
~ 000~0~0 0 0000000 0
~ ooo~oo~ooo~o
." oooooo8~
ARTICL~ 6. To see if the Town will vote to authorize
the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen,
to borrow money from/time to time in anticipation of the
revenue of the financial year beginning January 1, 1954
and to issue a note or notes therefor, payable within one
year, and to renew any note or notes as may be given
for a period of less than one year in accordance with
Section 17, Chapter 44, General Laws.
~ Favorable action recommended.
ARTICLE 7. To consider the report of all special
~ Recommended that the reports of all special committees
be heard.
ARTICLE 8. To see if the Town will vote to au-
thorize the Board of Health to appoint one of their
members to the position of Board of Health Physician
and to fix his compensation in accordance with Section
4A, Chapter 41 of the General Laws.
Favorable action recommended on the basis of com.
pensation in the amount of $750.00 for the year 19S3.
This amount has been included in the Board of Health
Budget recommended by your Advisory Board.
ARTICLE 9. To see if the Town will vote to authorize
the School Committee to appoint one of its members to
the position of School Physician and to fix his compen-
sation, in accordance with Section 4A, Chapter 41, Gen-
eral Laws.
Favorable action recommended on the basis of com-
pensation in the amount of $900.00 for the year of 1953.
This amount has been included in the School Department
ARTICLE 10. To see if the Town will vote to accept
the provisions of Chapter 624, "Acts of 1952: An act pro-
viding for an increase in the annual amounts of certain
pensions, retirement allowances, annuities and other bene-
fits, payable by the Commonwealth and its subdivisions,
to certain former employees and persons c.laiming under
Petition of the Board of Selectmen
Favorable action recommended. Acceptance of the pro-
visions of the Act named in the Article makes certain
former pensioned employees of the Town eligible for cer-
tain benefits under the County Retirement Program.
~orth Andover will be assessed its share of the costs of
this program whether or not it accepts the benefits as
described to your board in a letter from the Essex County
Retirement Board.
ARTICLE 11. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate or transfer from available funds 'the sum of
Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) for the purpose of
providing Group Insurance for permanent employees of
the Town, in accordance with proposals submitted to
the Board of Selectmen, the Town to pay part (50%) of
the premiums.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen
~ recommended. It is recommended
$2,000 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this
Article. This type of employee benefit is customarily af-
forded in private industry and is now authorized for public
empoyees under the provisions of Chapter 40, Section 5
(44) of the General Laws.
ARTICLE 12. To see if the Town will vote to author-
ize the Board of Selectmen to dispose of and cause to be
removed from the land upon which it is located, the
building known as the Center School, upon such terms
and conditions as the said Board of Selectmen may deter-
mine and to authorize the said Board of Selectmen to
execute any and all necessary legal instruments and to
do all things necessary to convey title to said building.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen
Favorable action recommended under the conditions
prescribed by the Article. This school has not been in
use since the completion of the Kittredge School.
ARTICLE 13. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by transfer from available
funds, the sum of Twenty-five Hundred, Forty Dollars
($2,540.00) to be expended by the Board of Selectmen for
the continuance of the preparation, writing and publica-
tion of the history of the Town of North Andover.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
~$2,540.00 be raised_~nd app_r~oj~riated for the purpose of
this article. Th-~ear ~ffSS-w~r ~n~a-~the 100th anniversary
of the incorporation of the Town of North Andover. The
historical records of the town have not been assembled
and published since the year 1880. Last year the town voted
S1,500.00 toward the preparation of this history. A com-
mittee of townspeople has been appointed to guide this
ARTICI,F, 14. To see if the Town xvill raise and ap-
propriate or transfer from available funds the sum of
Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to repair the sill on the
ell, build two new sills from the office to the main house
and to the 'ell and repair the walls in the cellar of the
Town Infirmary.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$500.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose des-
cribed in the ArtiCle, thi~-~r°~k to be performed under
the direction of the Board of Public Welfare.
ARTICLE 15. To see if the Town will vote to accept
as a public way, Pembrook Road from Lyman Road to
Mifflin Park Drive, as indicated on plan now filed with
the Board of Public Works.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen
Favorable action recommended. The acceptance of this
road as a oublic way was adjudicated by the Selectmen
January 26~- 1953.
ARTICLE 16. To see if the Town will vote to accept
as a public way, Sawyer Road, as indicated on plan now
filed with the Board of Public Works.
j-'Petition of the Board of Selectmen
,,.i Favorable action recommended. The acceptance of this
road as a public way was adjudicated by the Selectmen
January 26~ 1953.
ARTICLE 17. To see if the Town will vote to accept
as a public way, Woodbridge Road from Greene Sh'eet to
Tyler Road for a distance of two hundred (200) feet, as
indicated on plan now filed with the Board of Public
Works. Woodbridge Road adjudicated January 5, 1953.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen
Favorable action recommended. The acceptance of
this road as a public way was adjudicated by the Select-
men January 5, 1953.
ARTICLE 18. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by transfer from available
funds, the sum of Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00) the
whole or any part thereof, to be used by the Committee
hereinafter named, for the lease or purchase of a suitable
dump site for the To~vn, and its inhabitants, to replace
the Perry' Dump, upon the understanding that the so-
called sanitary ]and-fi]] method shah be employed in the
use of said dump site. Said Committee shall be composed
of the Board of Health, the Board of Selectmen, the High-
way Surveyor and the chairman of the Advisory Board,'}
and shah investigate and determine the feasibility of
acquiring, by ]ease or purchase, for the use mentioned,
any site within the town limits including the so-called
Steinberg site, Burke site, Rea site, Rogers site --. The
said Board of Selectmen, upon majority vote of said Com-
mittee, shall be and hereby is authorized to negotiate and
complete the ]ease or purchase of the so recommended
site and to do all things necessary, in behalf of the Town,
to make said majority recommendation effective.
Petition'of the Board of Selectmen
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $5,000.00 be raised and appr_oj~riat~ed to be
. ~ · /used a~ provided in this-~rti'cle,~n ~t~ ~' ~id the
' / possibility of a deadlock vote amon~ the members of the
,~/ ~committee proposed in this Article~ it is recommended that
the membership of the committee be expanded by adding
one additional representative from the Advisory Board.
ARTICLE 19. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for
the services of a policeman at the Bathing Beach, three
hours daily, eight hours Saturdays and Sundays for a
ten-week period, to enforce parking limited to Nortl~
Andover residents; this figure to include the cost of car
stickers to be issued by said po]iceman, and tags, issued
at the Town Building, for North Andover ba~hers only.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation
of the Recreational Council
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$500.00 be raised and _apt~oJ~iated~for the purpose of this
Article in o}~[e~ t~-~Ssure that North Andover residents
may receive proper protection and the full benefits of
this bathing beach.
ARTICLE 20. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of Twelve Hundred Fifty Dollars
($1,250.00) for six playground instructors and a supervisor
for an eight-week period; one of these instructors to act
in the capacity of assistant supervisor and to conduct
pre-playground workshops.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation
of the Recreational Council
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$10250.00 be rai~/~alld_~lpr, oprj~ted for the purpose of
this Article,
ARTICLE 21. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) for
playground supplies; this amount to include expenses of
pre-playground workshops and special trips for the play-
ground children.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation
of the Recreational Council
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$$00.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this
ARTICLE 22. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for
banking and flooding skating rinks.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation
of the Recreational Council
Unfavorable action recommended. It is the opinion of
this Board that the maintenance of ice is at best a lab-
orious and costly venture, made more hazardous by the
uncertainties of this climate._ A skating rink must be care-
fully policed and supervised, and the labor required for the
removal of snow and scraping after hard use is more than
most people realize. Taking all factors into consideration,
your Board considers this project impractical.
ARTICLE 23. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum o£ Nine Hundred Dollars ($900.00) to furnish
and install play equipment and benches in the Kittredge
SchooI grounds; equipment to consist of two sets of six
swings and one set of six see-saws and four park-type
benches, all in locations to be approved by the Superinten-
dent of Schools. Use of the Kittredge School grounds for
this purpose has been voted upon favorably by the School
Committee, as of December 11, 1952.
Petition of the Board of Selectmen on recommendation
of the Recreational Council
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$900.00 be ra~i~e~d a.~_~d_apl~p~r~i~ted for the purposes of this
Article with responsibility for main'tainenance and con-
trol of this equipment to rest with the B~n-d-of-'PQb'lid
ARTICLE 24. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate or otherwise provide Two Thousand Five Hundred
Dollars ($2,500.00) to install and operate equipment to apply
fluoride to the water supply.
Petition of the Board of Health.
Latest available information from outside consultants re-
veals that the figure given in this Article should be revised
to $3:037.00 in order to install and operate properly the
fluoridation equipment. Since the subject of this Article
involves medical questions, your Board quotes below the
recommendations of the North Andover Board of Public
"Your local Board of Health has studied the fluoride pro-
gram for the hast two years. The following is a summary
of this Board's findings: Fluoridation o! our local water
supply is a procedure that portends a tremendous advance
in the dental health of our community. It means the ulti-
mate disappearance of most tooth decay and dental disease.
It means stronger and healthier teeth in our children, This
program has been recommended and endorsed by the United
States Public Health Service~ the American Dental Associa-
tion, the American Medical Association. and the Massachu-
se'~ts Medical and Dental Societies, It has the approval of
all our local dentists and physicians. If accepted by the
Town, the Board of Public Works is ready to put this pro-
gram into operation".
ARTICLE 25. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate or transfer from available funds, a sum of mo-
ney to install a Fire Alarm Box on Osgood Street, close to
Ward Hill Line to serve residents of that vicinity.
Petition of John J. Roche and others.
Favorable action recommended. This fire alarm box will
serve approximately twenty families whose total real estate
assessments amount to approximately $80,000.00. It is re-
commended that $1.500.00 be raise ro ri for
the purpose of this A~h~ understan ~ that the
fire alarm box be located at approximately eight-tenths of
a mile north of Fire Box Number 31 on Osgood street.
ARTICLE 26. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate or take from available funds in the treasury, a
sufficient sum of money to install a Fire Alarm Box at the
corner of Great Pond Rd., Pond Street and Bradford Street.
At present, this box is only a "phantom box." It is at the
intersection of the Crockett Sanitarium, Ca~p_' .~n~:~_. Hall and
the Brooks School and is with the recommehdatlon of the
Fire Chief~
Petition of Walter W. Mazurenko and others.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $1,500,00 be raised and ap]~ro~riated for the
purpose of this Article.
ARTICLE 27. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate or transfer from available funds the sum of
Six Hundred Fifty Dollars ($650.00) to be used with the
present Police Car, to purchase a new Police Car.
Petition of Alfred H. McKee, Chief of Police.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$650.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this
Article. Your BOard recommends advertising for bids.
ARTICLE 28. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00)
for the payment of a bill contracted in 1948 by the Police
Petition of Alfred H. McKee, Chief of Police.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $250.00 be raised and appropriated for the pur-
poses of this Article.
ARTICLE 29. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate a sufficient amount of money to repair the metal
flashings, gutters and downspouts on the Stevens Memorial
Petition of the Board of Trustees of Stevens Memorial
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$2,000.00 be raised and appropriated for the purposes of this
Article. -
ARTICLE 30. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate a sufficient amount of money to replace worn cork
runners in the main lobby of the Stevens Memorial Library
and to install rubber treads to protect the staiYs leading to
the Children's Room at the Library.
Petition of the Board of Trustees of Stevens Memorial
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that $600.00 be raised and a~)propriated for the purposes
of this Article~ ----- -
ARTICLE 31. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate, or transfer from available funds, the sum of One
Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,750.00) for the
use of the School Committee in bnying uniforms or other
equipment for the North Andover School Band. Petition of the School Committee.
Favorable action recommended._ It is recommended that
the sum of $1,750.00 be raised and .,apprgprialed for the pur-
pose of providing uniforni~-toYtH~fi~e'~ ti~ North Andover
School Band in connection with school functions and ac-
tivities, this equipment to remain in custody of the School
ARTICLE 32. To see if the Town w Iraise and ~ppro-
priate, or transfer from available funds, [~ sum of mo/~ey to
be added to the Stabilization Fun( ~a~thoriz~ed/under
Chapter 124, Acts of 1945, and establish ]~ ~n~ler Article 36:
of the Warrant, by the vote of the Ant ~ w]*~eeting
held March 16, 1946.
Petition of the School Building Comm ~e~.
' Favorable action recommended. It i/s re~o~r~ended that
$50.000.00 be taken from available f3~nds i~ \the Town
Treasury to be added to the Stabilizat~gn Fun~.\ (For ex-
planation see Page 2 of this report).
ARTICLE 33. To see if the Town willX~uthorize and
direct the Board of Selectmen to execute, in the name and
in behalf of the Town, a quitclaim deed and such other legal
documents as may be necessary or advisable, to effect, on or
before May 1, 1953, the following transaction: The sale and
conveyance to John J. and Anna Cyr, for an agreed con-
sideration of ten cents per square foot, of a parcel of land
now oWned by the ~rown of North Andover and not needed
for inclusion in the site of the new high school; which par-
cel contains 10,000 square feet (more or less), fronting on
Parker Street one hundred feet and adjacent to land now
or to be, owned by Frank Lord.
Petition of the School Building Committee.
Favorable'action recommended for the transfer of the
parcel of land described in this Article,
That the Selectmen be, and they hereby are, authorized and direct-
ed to execute, in the name and in behalf of the Town, a quitclaim deed
and such other legal documents as may be necessary or advisable, to
effect the following transaction.
The sale and conveyance to the John J. and Anna Cyr of North
Andover, or to their nominee, for an agreed consideration of ten cents
(10c) per square fool of a parcel of land bounded and described as
A certain parcel of land in North Andover, Mass., on the northerly
side of Parkes Street, Bounded and described as follows; Beginning at
the southeasterly corner of the land herein described, at a point in the
northerly line of Parker Street, said point being 216.02 feet westerly
from the easterly terminus of said northerly line of Parker Street;
thence, by the northerly line of Parker Street, N ?0°-18'-10'' W,
100.00 feet to an iron pipe at the southeasterly corner of the land
of Frank Lord; thence, by land of said Lord, and other land
of the grantors, NIg°~41'-50"E, 100.00 feet to a point; thence, by
other land of the grantors, S70°-18'-10"E, 100.00 feet to a point;
thence, still by other land of the grantors, SIC)°-~-1'-50'W, 100.00
feet to the point of beginning. Containing 10,000 square feet, more
or less.
ARTICLE 34. To see if the Town will authorize and
direct the Board of Selectmen to execute, in the name and
in behalf of the Town, a quitclaim deed and such other le-
gal documents as may be necessary or advisable, to effect,
on or before May 1, 1953, the following transaction: The
sale and conveyance to Frank and Louise Lord, for an
agreed consideration of ten cents per square foot, of a par-
cel of land now owned by the Town of North Andover and
not needed for inclusion in the site of the new high school;
which parcel is that segment of land in the rear of, and con-
tiguous to, other land of said Lords, containing 2,000 square
feet (more or less).
Petition of the School Building Committee.
Favorable action recommended for the transfer of the
parcel of land described in this Article.
That the Selectmen be, and they hereby are, authorized and direct-
ed to execute in the name and in behalf of the Town, a quitclaim
deed and such other legal documents as may be necessary or advisable,
to effect the following transaction.
The sale and conveyance to Frank Lord of North Andover, or to his
nominee, for an agreed consideration of ten cents (10c) per square
foot, of a parcel of land bounded and described as follows:
A certain .triangular shaped parcel of land in the Town of North
Andever, Mass., on the easterly side of Faulkner Road, bounded and
described as follows; Beginning at an iron pipe in the easterly line of
Faulkner Road, said iron pipe being at the north-westerly corner of
land of Frank Lord and also marks the southerly end of a curve in the
street line of 116.09 feet radius; thence, by other land of the Town,
S70°-18'-10"E, 114.25 feet to a point; thence, by other land of the
Town, S19°-41'-50'5V, 31.0:~ feet to an iron pipe at the northeast
corner of land of Frank Lord; thence by land of said Lord; NSS°-
055V, 118.40 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 1,773 square
feet. more or less.
ARTICLE 35. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate, or transfer from available funds, a sum not
to exceed Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00) for the purchase
of approximately 8,000 square feet of land needed for in-
clusion in the site of the new High School, this being the.
easterly portion of the property of John J. and Anna Cyr,
bounded by Parker Street, Parker Place, and other land of
said Cyrs.
Petition of the School Building Committee.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of ~00.00 be.~ for the pur-
chase of land described in '
To raise anti appropriate the sum of $800.00 far the purchase of
a parcel of land needed for the site of the new High School
from John J. and Anna Cyr, of North Andover or their successors in
title; and the Selectmen are hereby authorized, empowered and directed
to expend the same, and to execute in the name and behalf of the
town, such agreements or other legal documents as may be necessary
.or advisable for said purposes.
The land is bounded and described as follows:
A certain parcel of land in North Andover, Mass., on the southerly
side of Parker Street, bounded and described as follows; Beginning at a
point in the southerly line of Parker Street, said point being the easterly
terminus of said street line and is at its intersection with the northerly
line of a private way called Parker Place; thence~ by the northerly
line of said Parker Place, N 88°-0g'-10'' W~ Z39.c~ feet to a point;
thence, by other land of the grantors, N 19°-41'-50'' E, 73.56 feet to
o point in the southerly line of Parker Street; thence, by the southerly
line of Parker Street, S 70°-18'-10'' E, Z28.4~- feet. to the point of be-
ginning. Containing 8,404 square feet, more or less.
The said grantors John J. and Anna Cyr release, remise and grant
to the Town of North Andover all right, title and interest in and
to the full length of Parker Place, from Grossmere Street, so-called, to
Parker Street. Containing 8,404 square feet, more or less.
ARTICLE 36. To see if the Town will vote to authorize
the Board of Public Works to purchase for the sum of One
Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) the so-called Wharfage Lot
containing Twenty-six hundredths (0.26) acres, situated on
the northerly side of Lake Cochickewick and bounded on
.the north by Great Pond Road and on the east and west by
land of the Town of North Andover.
~' '~//' Petition of Stanley Stefanowicz and others.
· · Unfavorable action recommended. It is not deemed
z .advisable to purchase this land at this time for the price in.
ARTICLE 37. To see if the Town of North Andover will
raise and appropriate a reasonable sum of money to
survey and hot top the left side of Maple Avenue from cor-
ner of Second Street to the corner of First Street.
Petition of Katherine Midgley and others.
Unfavorable action recommended. The Article impro-
..perly describes the location of the work to be done, and
since the voters were not warned in the warrant of the
correct location and nature of the project it is your Board's
opinion that favorable action cannot be taken on this Arti-
cle at this time.
· ARTICLE 38. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate a sufficient sum of money to install a hot top
.sidewalk on the west side of Waverley Road from Middle-
'sex Street to Union Street.
z~i Petition of Hubert Burke and others.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
$480.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this
Article, the work to be done under the provisions of Chapter
83 of the General Laws.
ARTICLE 39. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Eight Hundred Dollars ($800.00) to install
a hot top sidewalk on the easterly side of Waverley Road
i'from Maple Avenue to Second Street, a distance of approxi-
.merely Five Hundred Fifty (550) Feet.
Petition of Saverio Campione and others.
Favorable action recommended, It is recommended
$800.00 be raised and appr?.p~Ied for the purpose of this
:Article, the~ork to be~-~-~ under the provisions of Chapter
i83 of the General Laws.
ARTICLE 40. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate a sufficient sum of money to straighten the
road and eliminate a very dangerous curve on Great Pond
Road between the residence of Fritz Ostherr and the town
pumping station, upon condition that E. F. Leland, or re-
.corded owner of such land, convey such land as is necessary
.for the widening of this road.
Petition of Victor G. Brightman and others.
Unfavorable action recommended. Your Advisory Board
has been informed that the straightening of this road will
involve considerable expense. To determine the practicabi-
lity and cost of this project, it is recommended that a sur-
vey be made by the Highway Surveyor.
ARTICLE 41. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate, or transfer from unappropriated available
funds in the treasury, a sum of money for Chapter 90 High-
way Construction, or take any action in relation thereto.
Petition of James Maker, Town Treasurer.
' It is recommended that the sum of $3,750.00 b~e~
, cost
and appropriated to meet the Town's share of thc. ,.of
Cl~a~0~llW~y Construction, and that in addition, ~ne
sum of $~1~:~2~50.00 be transferred from unal~PrOp~iated avail,
able fund~-~n the tre~f~"t~'~et ~tI~'~tate and COunty
shares of the cost of the worl~ the reimbursement from the
State and County to be restored, upon their receipt, to un.
appropriated available funds in the treasury.
ARTICLE 42. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
appropriate, or transfer from unappropriated available
funds in the treasury, a sum of money for Chapter 90 High-
way Maintenance, or take any action in relation thereto.
Petition of James Maker, Town Treasurer.
It is recommended that the sum of $fi,000.00 be raised
and appropriated for the purpose of this ~'t]~t~-~e ~x.
~p~iided b~ the Highway Surveyor, under Chapter 90 of the
General Laws, together with any money which may be al-
lotted for such purposes by the State or County, or both.
ARTICLE 43. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Nine Thousand Four Hundred Ten
Dollars ($9,410.00) to extend the 30" storm drain in Greene
Street from Waverley Road toward Massachusetts Avenue.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$9,410.00 be taken from available funds in the Town Trea~
sury for the purpose of this Article. Article 56 of the 1959.
warrant, which was approved by the Town Meeting, provid-
ed for a study of the overall drainage problem in the area
containing this drain. The Town Engineer has made this
study, and this Article is covered by his recommendation.
This drain is essential to take care of a large area bounded
by Mifflin Drive, Bradstreet Road, Greene Street (and the
immediate area to the east) and Massachusetts Avenue.
Your Advisory Board has recommended favorable action for
a trunk drain on Mifflin Drive (Article 69) which will tie in
directly with this Greene Street drain at Massachusetts
Avenue. Unless favorable action is taken on this Article.
there will not be adequate facilities to handle the drainage
recommended in Articles 68. 69 and 72.
ARTICI.I<. 44. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Five Thousand Four Hundred Forty-five
Dollars ($5,445.00) to extend and improve existing drainage
structures necessary to serve the proposed new higl~ school.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended
that the sum of $4,000.00 be taken from available funds in
the Town Treasury for the purpose of
difference between $4.000.00 and $5,445.00 represents work
which will be performed as part of the new High School
ARTICLE 45. To see if the To~vn will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Twenty-seven Hundred Dollars ($2,700.00)
for the purchase of a bulldozer blade for Cletrac Tractor.
:Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Provided that a new town dump site is procured, it is re.
commended that the sum of $2~700.00 be taken from un-
appropriated available funds in the Town Treasu~--~-~
Tff~ ~wrpo~ ~f ~-thi~ Ar~ici~
Your Advisory Board recommends advertising for bids.
ARTICLE 46. To see if the To~vn will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Twenty-eight Hundred Dollars ($2,800.00)
for the purchase of a sidewalk tractor. Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $2,800.00 be taken from unappropriated ~Iy~ilable
Funds in the Town Treasury for tfi6 purpose of ~his '~Art-
icle with the understanding that one of the present side-
walk tractors be traded in toward the purchase price of
the new tractor. Your Board recommends advertising for
There is reasonable doubt as to whether a caterpillar
type specialized sidewalk tractor should be acquired or
whether a rubber-tired tractor will better meet the varied
needs of the Town at all times of the year. It is recommend.
ed that the committee to be appointed under Article 52
assist and advise the Highway Surveyor in the purchase of
the above-mentioned equipment.
ARTICLE 47. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to install
a surface drain of 350 feet, build two catchbasins on Waver-
ley Road from Trinity Court to Greene Street. This drain
to take care of new development of that district. Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$500.00 be raised and a~]~ropriated for the purpose of this
Article to b~-~ex~ed ~h~e~''the direction of the High-
way Surveyor.
ARTICLE 48. To see if tile Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00) to be
used for a sidewalk project; the Town to pay one-half the
cost and the applicant to pay the other half. Petition of the HighWay Surveyor
Favorable action recommended, It is recommended that
the sum of $2,000.00 be raised and ap~£opriat~d for the
purpose of this Article, the~~ion tO be expended
under the direction of the Highway Surveyor,
ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will raise and appro-
priate the sum of Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) for the
purpose of painting and replacing street signs. Petition of the Highway Surveyor.
Favorable action recommended, It is recommended that
the sum of $9.00.00 be raised and appropriated for the pur-
pose of this Article, the ~~t~6~t0'be expended under
the direction of the Highway Surveyor, ·
ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00)
for maintenance of anY street in Town under Chapter 90
of the General Laws, said money to be used in conjunc-
tion with money which may be allotted by the State or
County, or both, for this purpose; or take any other action
in relation thereto.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor
Recommended to be stricken from Warrant, Duplicate
of Article 42.
ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of Seventy-five Hundred Dollars
($7,500.00) for the further rebuilding of Great Pond Road
under Chapter 90 of the General Laws, said money to be
used with any money allotted by the State or County,
or both, for this purpose; or take any other action in
relation thereto.
Petition of the Highway Surveyor
R~commended to be stricken from Warrant, Duplicate
of Article 41,
ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of Eighty-seven Hundred Dollars
($8,700.00) for the purchase of a Refuse Collection truck
fully equipped. This price includes trade-in of present
Diamond T dump truck now being used. Petition of the Highway Surveyor
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $8,70/).00 be transferred from available funds
in the Town Treasury for the purpose of this--A~t-/~le and
under conditions outlined in this Article. and that a com-
mittee o~ three be appointed by the Moderator to assist
and advise the Highway Surveyor in the purchase of this
modern piece of equipment. Your board recommends ad-
vertising for bids.
ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will vote to amend
Article II, Section 5, Paragraph (i) of the North Andover
Zoning By-Law by striking therefrom the words: "Rail-
road Avenue at Middlesex Street".
/'~ Petition of John Wolfenden and others
/ Since your Advisory Board is legally dependent upon
a decision by the Planning Board prior to making a re-
commendation on Articles of this nature, no recommenda-
tion can be made by your Advisory Board, up to the time
when this report was ready for publications, no action had
been taken on this question by the Planning Board.
ARTICLE 54. To see if the Town will vote to amend
existing Zoning By-Laws by changing from a general resi-
dential to business classification the following described
parcel of land: A certain area in the Town of North
Andover at Wilson's Corner on the westerly side of And-
over Street, bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of
Turnpike Street with the western line of Andover Street,
~.sometimes called Elm Street; thence running north-
westerly along Turnpike Street 350 feet to a point; thence
turning and running southwesterly on a line parallel with
said Andover Street 250 feet by ]and of Sarah E. Loftus
to a point; thence turning and running southeasterly by
other land of said Loftus on a line parallel with said
Turnpike Street 350 feet to said Andover Street; thence
running northeasterly and again northeasterly by said
Andover Street to a point of beginning.
Petition of John R. Mahoney and others
Unfavorabe action recommended. The Planning Board
has denied this amendment to existing Zoning By-Laws.
ARTICLE 55. To see if the Town will vote to amend
existing Zoning By-Laws by changing from a general resi-
dential to agricultural classification the following des-
cribed parcel of land. This property is located on the
westerly side of Chickering Road northerly of the Boston
and Maine Railroad crossing and is bounded and described
as followS:
Beginning at a point in the intersection of the westerly
line of Chiekering Road with the northerly line of the
Boston and Maine Railroad; thence northwesterly by the
northerly line of the Boston and Maine Railroad 236 feet to
a point; thence northerly by a line parallel to and 200 feet
westerly from the westerly line of Chiekering Rd. 236 feet
to a point; thence southeasterly by a line parallel to and 200
feet northeasterly from the northerly line of the Boston
and Maine Railroad 236 feet to a point in the westerly
line of Chickering Road; thence southerly by the westerly
line of Chickering Road 236 feet to the point of beginning.
Petition of Henry Lund and others
Favorable action recommended. The Planning Board
has approved this amendment to existing Zoning By-Laws,
ARTICLE 56. To see if the Town will amend the
Zoning By-Law and the Zoning Map of the Town to make
the following parcel of land, now zoned as a general resi-
dence district, a business zone:
Lots 159,160, 161 and 162 as shown on Plan No. 463, on
file at the North Essex Registry of Deeds. Said lots are
contiguous, and together constitute a parcel of land on
the westerly side of Jetwood Avenue, 100 feet south of
Massachusetts Avenue, and having a frontage on Jetwood
Avenue of 200 feet.
Petition of Domenick Mangano and others
Unfavorable action recommended. The Planning Board
has denied this amendment to existing Zoning By. Laws.
ARTICLE 57. To see if the Town will vote to amend
the Zoning By-Laws by changing the classification of a
piece of property owned by Edward W. Saul from; an
agricultural to a business district:
Said property is located on the westerly side of Salem
Turnpike and is bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at an iron pipe in the westerl~ line of the
Salem Turnpike at State Highway Station 181 + 42 thence
southwesterly by other land of the said Saul, 85.67 feet
to an iron pipe in the center line of an old abandoned
way, thence northwesterly by the centerline of said old
abandoned way, 363.46 feet to an iron pipe; thence north-
easterly 29.48 feet to an iron pipe in westerly line of the
Salem Turnpike; thence southeasterly by westerly line
of the Salem Turnpike, 364.38 feet to the point of begin-
Petition of Edward W. Saul and others
Favorable action recommended. The Planning Board
h~s approved this amendment to existing Zoning By. Laws.
ARTICLE 58. To see if the Town will vote to amend
the Zoning By-Law by changing from Restricted t{esi-
dential to Business, the following described parcel of land:
A parcel of land on the easterly side of Chickering
Road, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the
intersection of the southerly line of Dufton Court with the
.easterly line of Chickering Road; thence southeasterly,
by the southerly line of Dufton Court, 219.25 feet to a
point; thence southwesterly 45.6 feet to a point; thence
southerly 209.0 feet to a point; thence southwesterly 39.0
feet to a point; thence northwesterly 135.4 feet to a point
in the easterly line of Chickering Road; thence north-
erly, by the easterly line of Chickering Road, 325 feet to
.the point of beginning.
Petition of George H. Schruender and others
Favorable action recommended. The Planning Board
has approved this amendment to existing Zoning By-Laws.
ARTICLE 59. To see if the Town will vote to amend
{he Zoning By-Law by changing from Restricted Residen-
tial to Educational, the following described parcel of land:
A parcel of land on the easterly side of Osgood Street
bounded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point in the easterly line of Osgood
Street at land of Robert Saltonstall; thence, by the east-
erly line of Osgood Street, northwesterly, northeasterly,
northerly and northeasterly, 3553.41 feet to land now or
formerly of Greenwood; thence southeasterly 395 feet, by
a stone wall, to a point; thence easterly, by a stone wall,
440 feet to a point; thence southeasterly, by a stone wall,
by several courses 540 feet to a point in the southerly
shore of Lake Cochichewick; thence easterly, southeast-
erly, northeasterly and southeasterly, by various courses,
by the southerly shore of Lake Cochichewick, 3,400 feet
to land of Caroline S. Rogers; thence southwesterly 1,879.38
feet to a point; thence again southwesterly 600 feet to a
point; thence southeasterly 160 feet to a point; thence
southwesterly, by a stone wall, 311.90 feet to a point;
thence northwesterly 42.75 feet to a point; thence south-
westerly 60 feet to a point; thence southeasterly 45.45 feet
to a point; thence southwesterly 117.75 feet to the point
of beginning.
//~ Petition of Abbot Stevens and others
Favorable action recommended. The Planning Board
· Zoning By. Laws.
/has approved this amendment to existing
AI~TICLE 60. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of Four Thousand Three Hundred
Dollars ($4,300.00) to purchase a tractor with back hoe
"~ Petition of Board of Public Works
~ Unfavorable action recommended at this time. This
type of equipment is now available on a rental basis. It
is felt that further study should be made to determine
whether the type of attachment mentioned above can be
adapted for use on one of the present pieces of Town
equipment or whether a separate tractor is required for
this specialized purpose.
ARTICLE 61. To see if the Town will appropriate
from available funds, the sum of Two Thousand Three
Hundred Fifty - five Dollars and Forty - nine Cents ~t~
($2,355.49) being the amount of water department receipts
in excess'of water department operating expenses for 1952
to a Stabilization Fund as provided for by Chapter 124.
of the Acts of 1945, with the understanding that it is to
be used by the Town for capital improvements in the ~ ~.
water works system under the provisions of the above act.
Petition of Board of Public Works
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $2,355.49 be appropriated from available funds
in the Town Treasury and applied to a Stab{ii~a~lon
ARTICLE 62. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate or otherwise provide Twelve Hundred Dollars
($1,200.00) to be added to the unexpended appropriation
made under Article 51, 1952, to make such extensions of
the water main system, under the regulations voted at
the annual Town Meeting, as the Board of Public Works,
on October first, considers most necessary, such exten-
sions not having been petitioned for at the annual meeting.
Cl ~ Petition of Board of Public Works
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
$900.00 be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this
Article, to ~n~'r'-~'e direction of the Board
of Public Works.
ARTICLE 63. To see if the Town will raise and ap-
propriate the sum of One Thousand Six Hundred Dollars
($1,600.00) to be used with the present Chevrolet ton and
a half truck to purchase a new truck for the Water and
Sewer Department.
Petition of Board of Public Works
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of S1,600.fl0 be raised and appropriated and applied
for the purpose~ this Article.~'~0~cl-recom~nends
advertising for bids.
ARTICLE 64. To see of the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, Nine Thousand Dollars ($9,000.00) to
clean and cement line water mains in the water works
Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the funds for this capital improvement in the Town water
system be taken from accumulated excess water receipts
available in the Stabilization Fund. The amount now held
in this. fund is more than sufficient to meet the needs of
this Article, and in Your Advisory Board's opinion should
not be left idle in the Town Treasury. In accordance with
the provisions of Chapter 40, Section 5B. of the General
Laws, these funds may be voted to be taken from the
Stabilization Fund for such purposes by action of the
Town Meeting.
ARTICLE 65. To see if the Town will vote to instruct,
authorize and require the Board of Assessors to deduct
from the amount required to be assessed under S, ection 23
of Chapter 59 of the General Laws, as amended, the sum
of Thirty-five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00) or some part
thereof, from available funds, which sum is herewith ap-
propriated from available funds under Section 7 of Chapter
798 of the Acts of 1951 for the purpose of this authorized
Petition of John M. Pillion and others
· Favorable action recommended. It is recommended that
the sum of $35~000.00 be taken from available funds in the
Town Treasury for the purpose of this authorized deduc.
ARTICLE 66. To see if the Town will vote to raise and
~ appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the
water system on Mifflin Drive Five Hundred Thirty (530)
feet from Middlesex Street.
Petition of Ralph F. Duffy and others
Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted
favorably on Article 69, which should be considered prior.
to Article 66 to insure correct drainage and reSurfacing
of this street, favorable action is recommended, ·
The petitioner advises that he plans to construct two
additional houses once water is available, and your Ad~
visory Board has been informed that two more houses
are planned for the immediate future by other property
owners on Mifflin Drive.
The sum of $2.600.00 is to be taken from available
funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board
of Public Works for the purpose of this Article. on the
following conditions:
~ 1. That on or before June 1.1953, the petitioners and
?or owners make a guarantee, acceptable to the Board of
/Public Works, of six percent of the actual cost of con-
~struction. as water rates, for a period of 14 years.
~ 2. That on or before June 1, ~953. the construction
~of at least two additional houses shall have been started.
ARTICLE 67. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the sewer system on Mifflin Drive from Douglass Road
to Bradstreet Road.
Petition of Ralph F. Duffy and others
Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted
favorably on Article 69. which should be considered prior
to Article 67. to insure correct drainage and resurfacin~
of this street, favorable action is recommended.
The sum of $4.000.00 is to be taken from available
funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the B~d~of
Public Works for the purpose of this Article subject to
assessments or betterment charges under the conditions
of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906~ and with the further~
provision that construction of at least four houses shall~
have been started on or before June 1. 1953.
ARTICLE 68. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum~ of money to extend
the drainage system and constru~ct a road on Douglass
Road from Mifflin Drive to Greene Street, under Chapter
80 of the General Laws providing for the assessment of
betterments upon the property owners.
Petition of Ralph F. Duffy and others
Favorable action recommended. The cost of this pro-
ject is estimated at $1.285.00. and it is recommended that
this sum be taken from available funds in the Town
Treasury for the purpose of this Article to be expended
under the direction of the Highway Surveyor under the
provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws. as amended~
and the Selectmen are hereby authorized, empowered and
directed to take such steps as provide for the assessment
of betterments therefor under said Chapter 80, as amended.
-.~:~ ~- ARTICI~ 69. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the drainage system and improve the road on Mifflin Drive
under Chapter 80 of the General Laws providing for the
assessment of betterments upon the property owners.
Petition of Ralph F. Duffy and others
Favorable action is recommended, providing that the
Town has voted to approve Article 43 relating to a storm
drain on Greene Street. The cost of this project is esti-
mated at $14,090.00. and it is recommended that this sum
be raised and appropriated for the purpose of this Article
to be e~ded under the direction of the Highway Sur-
veyor under the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General
Laws, as amended -- the assessment of betterments to
be applied for the purpose of this Article as set forth in
your Advisory Board's recommendation on Article 68 of
this Warrant.
ARTICLE 70. To see of the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the ~vater system on West Bradstreet Road from the pre-
sent terminus Five Hundred Fifty (550) feet to Mifflin
Petition of John J. Donovan and others
Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted
favorably on Article 72, which should be considered prior
to Article 70 to insure correct drainage and resurfacing
of this street, favorable action is recommended.
The petitioner advises that he plans to construct two
houses once water is available.
The sum of $2,000.00 is to be taken from available
fttnds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board
o~ Public Works for the purpose of this Article. on the
following conditions:
1. That on or before ~une I. 1953. the petitioners and
or owners make a guarantee, acceptable to the Board of
Public Works, of six percent of the actual cost of con-
struction, as water rates, for a period of 14 years.
2. That on or before June 1, 1953, the construction of
at least two additional houses shall have been started.
ARTICLE 71. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate or provide by bond issue or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the server system on West Bradstreet Road from Mifflin
Drive to Greene Street.
Petition of John J. Donovan and others
Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted
favorably on Article 72, which should be considered prior
to Article 71 to insure correct drainage and resurfacing
of this street, favorable action is recommended.
The sum of $2,500.00 is to be taken from available
funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board
of Public Works for the purpose of this Article subject
to the condifions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906, and
with the further provision that construction of at least
two additional houses shall have been started on or before
ARTICL]~ 72. To see if tile Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the drainage system~ and improve the road on West Brad-
street Road under Chapter 80 of the General Laws pro-
viding for the assessment of betterments upon the pro-
perty o~vners.
Petition of Santo A. DiMauro and others
Provided favorable action has been taken on Articles
43 and 69, which refer to key links in draining the Mifflin
Drive area, favorable actio~ recommended, The cost of
this project is estimated at $3~960.00. It is recommended
that this sum be taken from available funds in the Town
Treasury for the p~rti-cIe~ [i~ expended
under the direction of the Highway Surveyor; under the
provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws, as amended
m the assessment of betterments to be applied for the
purpose of this Article as set forth in your Advisory
Board's recommendation on Article 68 of this Warrant,
ARTICLE 73. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the water system on Adams Avenue Three Hundred
Twenty (320) feet from Unity Avenue.
Petition of Santo A. DiMauro and others
Favorable action is recommended. One house to be
serviced by this installation is near completion. The sum
of $1~is to be taken from ava~l~l~ funds in the
Town T~easury to be ~'e~ded b~ the Board of Public
conditions:Works for the purpose of this Article upon the following
1. That on or before June 1, 1953, the petitioners and
or owners make a guarantee, acceptable to the Board of
Public Works, of six percent of the actual cost of con.
struction, as water rates, for a period of 14 years.
2. That on or before June 1, 1953, the petitioners and
or owners shall post a bond w~th the Selectmen ~n such
form and amount as the latter may require to assure the
town that six months after the completion of the project
the road and sidewalks affected by the project shall have
been so reconstructed and repaired~ including the instal.
lation of all necessary drainage systems therein, as to
meet such requirements as the Highway Surveyor shall
have prescribed as the conditions precedent to his certi-
fication of such ways under the Selectmen's '~R~gulations
for ~he Laying Out of Streets".
ARTICLE 741 To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide~ by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend ,.~.
the water system on Putnam Road One Hundred Sixty ~?
(160) feet from the present terminus near Mifflin Drive.
Petition of Blanche Adams and others
Provided that the Town Meetin9 has already acted fav-
orably on Article 77, which should be considered prior
to Article 74 to insure correct drainage and resurfacing
of this street, favorable action is recommended.
The petitioner advises that he plans to construct one
house once water is available.
The sum of $~$0.00 is to be taken from available funds
in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of this Article, on the fol-
lowing conditions: .
? 1. That on or before JUne I. 1953, the petitioners and
or owners make a guarantee, acceptable to the Board of
Public Works, of six percent of the actual cost of con-
struction, as water rates0~or a period of 14 years.
2. That on or before Jtme 1, 1953, construction of one
~0use shall have been started.
ARTICLE 75~ To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the water system on Putnam Road One Hundred Ninety
(190) feet from Greene Street.
Petition of Rodosildo DeBurro and others
Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted
favorably on Article 77, which should be considered prior
to Article 75 to insure correct drainage and resurfacing
of this street, favorable action is recommended.
The petitioner advises that he plans fo construct one
ho'~se once water is available.
The sum of $800.00 is to be taken from available fnnds
in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board of
Public Works for the purpose of this Article° on the fol-
lowing conditions:
/ 1. That on or before June l, 1953, thetoPetitionerSthe Boardandof
/or owners n~ake a guarantee, acceptable
/ P_vhlic Works, of six percent of the actual cost of con-
struction, as water rates, for a period of 14 years.
2~ That on or before June 1, 1953, construction of on~_~e
cdditional house shall have been started.
ARTICLE 76. To see if the Town ~vill vote to raise
anc~l appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer from
available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend the
sewer system on Putnam Road Three Hundred, Seventy-
five (375) feet from Greene Street.
Petition of Rodosildo DeBurro and others
Provided that the Town Meeting has already acted
favorably on ArtiCle 77, which should be considered prior
to Article 76 to insure correct drainage and resurfacing
of this street, favorable action is recommended.
The sumi of $1,7_00~0 is to be
funds in the Town Treasury to be expended by the Board
of Public Works for the purpose of this Article subject
to assessments or betterment charges under the condi-
tions of Chapter 380 of the Acts of 190~, and with the
further provision that construction of at least one addi-
tional house shall have been started on or before June
ARTICLE 77. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the drainage system and improve the road on Putnam
Road from Greene Street to Mifflin Drive, under Chapter
80 of the General Laws providing for the assessment of
betterments upon the property owners.
Petition of Rodosi]do DeBurro and others
Provided favorable action has been taken on Articles
43 and 69, favorable action recommended. The cost of
this project is estimated at '$3_,_~0,00, and it is recom-
mended that this sum be taken from avaia~ble_funds in
the Town Treasury for the purpose of this Article to be
expended under the direction of the Highway Surveyor,
under the provisions of Chapter 80 of the General Laws, as
amended -- the assessrr~ent of betterments to be applied
for the purpose of this Article as set forth in your Ad-
visory Board's recommendation on Article 68 of this War-
ARTICLE 78. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient s~m of money to extend
the sewer system on Woodbridge Road from Mifflin Drive
to Tyler Road.
Petition of Philip T. Miller and others
Favorable action recommended. There are two houses
to be served now by this sewer, and one additional house
is planned for construction at an early date.
It is recommended that the sum of $2.~00.0~_0_la~ taken
from available funds in the Town Treasury to be ex~d~d
by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this
Article on the following conditions:
1. That on or before June 1, 1953, the construction
of one additional house shall have been started.
2. That on or before June 1, 1953, the petitioners and
or owners shall post a bond with the Selectmen in such
form and amount as the latter may require to assure the
Town that six months after the completion of the project,
the road and sidewalks affected by the project shall have
been so reconstructed and repaired, including the instal-
lation of all necessary drainage systems therein, as to
meet such requirements as the Highway Surveyor shall
have prescribed as the conditions precedent to his certi-
fication of such ways under the Selectmen's "Regulations
for the Laying Out of Streets".
ARTICLE 79. To see if the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the sewer system on Spruce Street from Massachusetts
Avenue to Hemlock Street.
Petition of Ernest Connor and others
Favorable action recommended. There is one house
nearing completion to be served by this sewer, and more
construction is planned.
It is recommended that the sum of $2,250.00 be taken
from available funds in the Town Treasury to be expended
by the Board of Public Works for the purpose of this
Article on the following conditions:
1. That on or before Iune 1, 1953, the construction
of one additional house shall have been started.
2. That on or before June 1, 1953, the petitioners and
or owners shall post a bond with the Selectmen in such
form and amount as the latter may require to assure the
Town that six months after the completion of the project,
the road and sidewalks affected by the project shall have
been so reconstructed and repaired, including the instal-
lation of all necessary drainage systems therein~ as to
meet such requirements as the Highway Surveyor shall
have ~rescribed as the conditions precedent to his certi-
fication of such ~vays under the Selectmen's '~Regulations
~/~r'the Laying Out of Streets".
ARTICLE 80. To see of the Town will vote to raise
and appropriate, or provide by bond issue, or transfer
from available funds, a sufficient sum of money to extend
the water system from Johnson Street, ~vesterly and north-
erl:v on Heath Road Extension to its intersection with
Sutton Hill Road, and thence westerly by Sutton Hill Road;
a~ total distance of approximately 1,600 feet to a point
opposite property now owned by Frances S. Barrows. Petition by Harry Sutton, Jr., and others
Favorable action recommended. At present there are
four houses being supplied by the Town Water System
in this area. However. your Advisory Board has been ad-
vised that the present water line has reached the limit
of its capacity to provide adequate water service, and an
extension of the water system would be required to serve
any new houses in the area. The. sum of
be taken from available fu~lds in the Town re'T~-~-~ry to
be ex,)ended ~-~'B~d~r~-~of Public Works for the pur-
pose ~)f this /{rticle upon the following conditions:
1. That on or before June 1, 1953, the construction
of two additional houses shall have been started.
9.. That on or before June 1, 1953, the petitioners
and or owners make a guarantee acceptable to the Board
of Public Works of six percent of the actual cost of con-
struction, as water rates~ for a period of 14 years.
3. That on or before ~une 1, 1953, the petitioners and
or owners shall post a bond with the Selectmen in such
form and amount as the latter may require to assure the
Town that six months after the completion of the project,
the road and sidewalks affected by the project shall have
been so reconstructed and repaired, including the instal~
lation of all necessary drainage systems therein, as to
meet such requirements as the Highway Surveyor shah
have prescribed as the conditions precedent to his certi-
fication of such ways under the Selectmen's "Regulations
for the Laying Out of Streets".
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Essex ss:
To either of the Constables of the Town of North
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts,
you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabi-
tants of North Andover, qualified to vote in Town Affairs,
to meet in the Town Hall directly following the adjourn-
ment of the Adjourned Annual Town Meeting on March 14,
1953, then and there to act on the following business:
ARTICLE 1. To see if the Town will vote to amend
the Zoning By-Law by changing from Agricultural to
Business, the following described parcel of land:
A parcel of land on the easterly side of the Salem Turn-
pike and on the northerly side of Berry Street, bounded
and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of
the easterly line of the Salem Turnpike with the northerly
line of Berry Street; thence no~-thwesterly, by the easterly
line of the Salem Turnpike, Ninety (90) feel to a point;
thence northeasterly Two Hundred, Fifty (250) feet to a
point which is Two Hundred, Forty (240) feet from the
northerly line of Berry Street; thence southeasterly Six
Hundred, Thirty (630) feet to a point; thence southwest-
erly Three Hundred, Fifty (350) feet to a point in the
northerly line of Berry Street; thence northwesterly to
the northerly line of Berry Street, Six Hundred, Sixty
(660) feet to the point of beginning.
Petition of Joseph M. Finneran and others
And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting
true and attested copies thereof, at the To~vn Hall and at
five or more public places in each voting prbcinct. Said
copies to be posted not more than fifteen days nor less
than ten days before the time of holding said meetin~
Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant
with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time
and place of said meeting.
Given under our hands at North Andover, Massachu-
setts, the nineteenth day of January in the year of our
Lord One Thousand, Nine Hundred and Fifty-three.
Arthur A. Thomson
Joseph M. Finneran
Andrew F. Coffin
Board of Serectmen
A true copy,
North Andover. Massachusetts. January ............. 1953
Unfavorable action recommended. The Planning Board
has denied this amendment to the existing Zoning By. Laws.
Printers - Lithographers --
65 Salem Str~ Law.rice, Ma~
SL50-Water Fluoridati,on F vored
In North and likened
payers' f~ee the
of its members
rate of $48 per
formed but unofficial sources;
end ~onally
ticles which had a r~cate.
more than
rats. of ~
$12~,~o0 a .'"?
to mm of $4.60 ove~ David Wallworl
new ,refuse
-highway de-
~h/s has no
g their tradi-
tional., privileges m the oldest
form of democratic processes, in this area to
.North Andovor townspeople by ation arogram with
thundering majority ,koice vote
~avore'd the fluoridation of the .cutttn~ down the
~own water supply
; Dr. Julius Kay, prime leade~ in teeth amon~ the toga
~the movement, proclaimed the
grocess "the m o s t wonderful , Site
ealth opportunity for children" The critical
?! which has inched t
'~ 1 wiaen
unreservedly.- advanced
wards sucee~ul conclusion ,
is made by the selectmen.
The vote was 28 for the payment,
~ refusal
the adVis-
follow the water and
sewer 'installations and the three
would be
)n ~or befbre
~. That on or before June
gune I
a ginee, r ~
a; sum not to
asked for
~,000, '~d
hoard of selectmen, the
area,-that of
gano and that o~
and Antnni
torney Charles W
The amendmeat and the article
were in tut
t~aas, .it a ~
Page fi)me)
wa~ to have the appropriation
made flora water aw/liable sur.
ing issued a call
s- on the
ut he said it
v-of the objects c
~s taking here is
South Lawrence di:
I-[e gave three reasons then for
the study, as follows
1. To insure the safety of
the inhabitants of el
[Lawrence and to :heir
holdings in and
real estate fire.
2. To maintain and aid the in-
menr over a petter of
the department
Lawrence is now f
,,c~mmtor~ r or a
Casino Associates. He also oper-
ated ,a drug store at Hampton
Beach, and was a substantial prop-
arty eisner there,
Hi~ son, John E, Cuddy 3rd, a
veta~an df World War II, was
killed after the cessation of hostili-
ties while enroute hom~ to this
~0un~ty following extensive se~i~
n th6 South Pacific theater o~
One' ~ the commu~ty's out-
~nd~g leaders, Mr. Cuddy en-
~ge~An many cha~able and civic
ade~or~' in this city
by a ~iend
pnsumonia had set in ~ ~ fur-
~h~r ~m~ ication.
~nt~u~ from Pa~e One)
who have been
oy Chairman of
ing Board Danial Tyler, 5
tot. All employes to be dropped
of ex-Gev, Paul A. Dever.. a shift of 1~
Chall ge' , The alderman
eI[ in the summer
~ound that
(Continued from Page ,One) pi'ess ~1
on .peaceful routine mis-
Pledges for the independence
Austria continue to be
"Il ,will be ~nteresunt
in these and other
action was given by
esgab}~h.a list from which to informal statement.:
appointment. He made plain
said he
(Continued from
address , that ill
(with the West
Western diplomats took rain.
Statement ' In Maine,'
was that deeds rather rain which
W(~ds were what was. needed from
the new Soviet rulers.
The State
About 2.34
,159 Cr~s
street, Lowell.
M~. Ester Ramey, 66
.went .out of control and
same address.
James Maehaldo, 100 O~gondF
st~, reparted to police at 11'
a. m. Monday that the left rear
and right: front hubcaps Were[
ttolen and the right 'frnn{ door on
his automobile was broken while
the car was' parked on Concord
street l~t~ve~n Broadway
Franklin street Sunday het~ee,
~ and 8:15 p. m,
r he bid 'on'
civil cng/-
on each train trax~l
fence and Msthuen
The ]/~oston and
in June
d from Law-Manchester to
New Hampshire
additional i
· to..
or in its special
racing meets
har~ Park.
for the'city en-
described the Nichola~ ~. ~
~id. Trial ,Continues while
es E. Warnei
) Russo and
st paiardo doing busines~s
Pappalardo Oil 'Company
- Mr. Pappalardo, and Mr,
~ offered~ test/monv Monc/'av morn- car struck an automobile