HomeMy WebLinkAbout1875 Annual Town ReportTHE AU-DITOlgS' OF THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF T~E TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, For tho Year ~di~ February 11, 1875. LAWRENCE, MASS.: TItE AUDITOt~S' I~EPORT OF THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVEi~, For the Year ending February 11, 1875. LAWRENCE, MASS,: GEO. S, MERRILL & CROCKER, PRINTERS. ~875. AUDITORS' i EPOlgT. THE AUDITORS have examined the accounts of the Select- mens Overseers of the Poor and Town Treasurer, and ~'espect~ fully submit that they find them correctly and carefully kept, and properly vouched for. We wish to express to our citizens our appreeiatlon of the efforts of your Town officers to conduct the affairs committed to their charge, in a thorough and pains-taking manner, and believe that (he results, as shown in the following exhibi; of their financial transactions, give evidence of an inti- mate knowledge of the wants of the Town, and a desire to bring its expenditures within the range of reasonable prudence. The following is a statement of accounts showing the expenses for /he past year, and present financial condition of the Town :-- SCHOOL DEP_A_RTME/q T. Amount Told for teaching since fast report: HIGH SCHOOL. Paid Percival J. Parris, ............. $1,202 $8 Martha R. Smith, .............. 500 00 M~ts~ac SCHOOLS. Paid Alfa'ed Smith, .................. $1,200 00 Emma J. Cheney, .............. 375 00 Sarah S. Barnes, .............. 875 00 Hannah C. Carleton, ............ 875 00 Amounts carried forwa~'d, $2,325 00 $1,702 88 $1,702 83 AUDITORS~ REPORT. .Amounts carried.forward, $2,325 00 $1,702 33 Maria F. Stevens, .............. 247 00 Maxy F. Foye, ................. 105 27 Mary A. Putnam~ .............. 117 00 Julia McDuffie, ................ 247 00 Mary F. Jenkins, .............. 15 20 Mary E. Quayle, ............... 57 50 Annie L. Sargent, .............. 24 50 CENTgE SCUOOLS. Paid Amos E. Rollins,. .............. $156 00 Lucy J. Kimball, ............... 279 00 Emily F. Carleton, .............. 840 00 Mabel E. Blake, ............... 320 00 FARNHAM SCHOOL. Paid Belle N. Lewis, ................ $126 00 S. F. Kimball, ................. 108 00 Carrie Whitney, ................ 108 00 KIMBALL SCHOOL. Paid Belle H. Grieves,. .............. $126 00 Mary F. Foye,. ................ 225 00 llIVER SCHOOL. Paid Carrie B. Manning, ............. $91 00 Mary E. Quayle, ............... 175 00 pOI{D ~CItOOL, Paid Annie P. Foster, ................ FUEL, AND JANITORS' SERVICES. HIGH ~CI1OOL. Paid O. F. Spofford~ janitor~ .......... $150 00 lq. Stevens & Sons, for coal, ...... 142 30 E. Adams, for drawing coal: ..... 14 50 Albert Berry, for wood, .......... 5 50 $3,138 47 $1,095 O0 $342 00 $351 O0 $266 O0 $266 O0 $312 30 Amount carried.forward, $7,473 10 AUDITORS~ REPORT. Amount brought forward, ~teRmMAC SCHOOLS. Paid E. McKone, ibr coal, ............ Albert Berry, for wood, ......... Eugene Joyce~ janitor, .......... C. W. Moulton, janitor, . ........ J. Q. Moultou, for sweeping and cleaning,. ............... ~. ]?aid $7~473 10 $270 50 6 76 60 25 , 61 00 104 40 $502 91 CE~TnE SCHOOLS. N. Stevens & Sons, for coal, . .... $167 80 E. McKone, for coal,. · ] ......... 60 00 Amos E. Rollins, janitor, ........ 38 25 Eben Fish, janitor, . ............ 84 75 Albert Berry, fbr wood, .......... 11 74 E. Adams, tbr drawing coal,. ..... 12 72 Sarah E. Fish, fer sweeping ...... 82 00 Eben Fish, for wood, oil, ere ...... 4 58 Sill 84 FAR~tIA M SCHOOL, Paid Albert Berry, for wood .......... $87 25 Frank Goodhue, wood and sawing,. 2 87 Eben Fish, prepared wood, ....... 75 John Foster, janitor, ............. 5 50 Miltdn Woodbridge, sweeping, .... 1 00 Adelaide Abbott, cleaning,. ....... ' 1 50 $48 87 FOND SCHOOL, Paid George B. Foster, janitor ......... El~ah Long, preparing and housing wood, ..................... RIVER SCHOOL. Paid J. A. Montgomery, for wood, ..... iVIattie F. Thornton, janitnr, ...... Matfie F. Thornton, building fires and sweeping,. ............. Amouu! carried forward, $5 O0 5 00 $10 00 $34 00 8 75 9 25 $52 00 $8,498 72 6 AUD1TORS~ REPORT. Amount brought forward, ~r~BaLL SCaOOr~. Paid Willie Russell, janitor,. .......... $6 00 Willie Russell, for building fires and sweeping~ ................. 2 00 Wm. Long, for wood, ............ 4 50 Julius Bode, wood, .............. 15 19 $8,498 72 $27 69 REPAIRS, SCHOOL BOOK. S, FIXTURES, ETC. HIGH SCHOOl,. Paid J. G. Brown, for books, statiooery, etc ........................ $10 17 Journal Newspaper Co.~ advertising for teacher, ................ I 50 Merrill & Crocker, fbr printing,. ,. 5 00 Bishop Bros., for grate and labor.. 15 00 Paid MEaRtatAC SCImOLS. Gayton B. Ellingwood, tbr stock and labor, ................. $41 89 Estate of' E. Elllngwood, stock and labor, ..................... 5 25 Bishop Brothers, labor, .......... 7 20 J. Towne, fbr gravel and cinders, . 12 80 D. Scott, tbr cleaning clocks, ..... 5 25 Andrew Patterson, repMring piano, 1 95 J. G. Brown, books and stationery, 14 70 H. C. Carleton, books, .......... 90 Eugene Joyce, removing seats, .... 1 00 J. H. Stafford, dusters and brushes, 8 15 G. B. Smart, grate, frame and labor, 17 50 Town & Fuller~ supplies, ........ 9 78 Amount carried forward, $3167 $126 87 $8,684 45 AUDITORS~ I~EPORT. Amount brought forward, C~aE SCHOOL. PaidHiram Berry, repairs and fixtures,. $18 71 J. P. Blake, stock and labor, ...... 20 86 J. L. Kimball, stock and labor, .... 75 G. W. Gould, glass and setting, . .. 15 98 J. G. Brown, books and stationery, 16 98 W. Stevens, brooms, ............. 2 95 FARIqHA}I SCHOOL. Paid Bishop Brothers, for dust pan and coal hod, .................. $2 25 F. Goodb~e, stock and labor, ..... I 42 F. Goodhue, repairing seats and fun- nel, ...................... I 10 J. G. Brown, books anti stationery, 6 28 Hiram Berry, supplies, etc., ....... 2 61 POIqD SCHOOL, Paid John P. Foster, supplies,. ........ $4 80 J. G. Brown, books, etc., ........ 2 60 Hiram Berry, repairs, etc., ........ i 00 KIi~fBALL SCHOOL. Paid J. G. Browu, for books, etc., ..... Sg 78 Hiram Berry, repairs and supplies, 4 RIVER SCHOOL. Paid George Wilton, for setting glass,. · $~ 75 J. G. Brown, books, ............ 80 Hiram Berry, repairs, fixtures, etc. 1 65 Whole amount of orders drawn in School Department ...................... For teaching,. ...................... $7,160 80 For fuel and janitors, ................ $1,365 61 For repairs, books and fixtures, ........ 268 66 $8,684 45 $75 78 $13 61 $7 90 $8 18 $5 20 $8,795 07 $8,795 07 AUDITORS~ REPORT. SELEOTMEN~S REPORT. OFFICERS' SERVICES. Paid Hiram Berry, services as school eom- mktee, 1878, ............... $115 O0 Hiram Barry, services as school com- mittee, to Oct., 1874, ........ 55 00 Chas. P. Morrill~ services as school committee, to Oct., 1874, ..... 90 00 J. W. Lewis, services as school mittee, to Oct., 1874, ........ 40 00 John H. Clifford, services as school committee, 1873, ............ 100 00 Wm. H. Jowett, services as con- stable, 1872-3, ............. 20 00 Andrew Smith, services as constable~ 12 00 Francis Smith, services as police of- ricer, 1873, ...... ~. .......... 12 00 Jeffrey Kelley, truant officer, 1873,. 5 00 J.F. Allen, services collecting taxes, 131 49 Andrew Smith, services as Town Clerk, .................... 40 O0 Andrew Smith, servlce% Treasurer, 60 O0 Charles F. Johnson~ services as Se- lectman and Overseer of Poor, 61 00 Charles F. Johnson, as Assessor, .. 76 00 John W. Richardson, services as Se- lectman, Assessor, and Overseer oI the Poor, ................ 111 00 Daniel Carleton, services as Select- man and Overseer el~ the Poor, 58 00 Daniel Carleton, services, Assessor, 76 O0 $1,062 49 AUDITORS~ REPORT. FIRE DEPARTMENT. STEa~Z~ ~nE~ SUTTOm Paid J. F. Kirk, to pay membei's of company, ...... $189 4=5 I~]. McKoae, coal, ......................... 20 00 E. McKon% acid, chamois, etc., 1873, ........ 11 3.5 H. Keniston, oil, chimneys, etc., 1873, ........ 4 05 Stephen Huse, services, and poll tax, 1878, .... 9 70 A. P. Cheoey, supplies, 1871, '72, '73, . ...... 16 96 McDonald & Hanaford, blankets ............. 15 50 Davis & Fnrber, leather, ................... 50 Blake Hose Co., hose and couplings, ......... DD 00 Amoskeag Manufacturing Co., coupling,. ..... 4 00 . S. F. McQuestlon, engineer, Dee. 27, 1~73 to May. 1874, . ......................... 53 55 Jeffrey Kelley, steward, Nor. l,1873, to May 1874 86 80 E. S. Robinson, engineer, May l, 1874 to l%b, 1875, ...................... - ......... 45 48 J. F. Kirk, steward, May l, 1874, to Feb., 1875, 55 82 Davis & Furber, coal, ..................... 19 06 N. P. H. Melvin, lock, ..................... 40 Wm. B. Perkins, steps,. ................... 4 00 James Boyd & Sons, repairing hose, etc ....... 9 .50 S. B. Miller, repairing hose, etc., ............ 4 00 Atlantic Cotton Mills, cotton waste,. ......... 2 20 Davis & Furber, oil,. ...................... 8 00 Ceo S. Merrill & Crocker, printing regulations, 8 00 John F. Biogham, zinc and labor, ............ 2 44 Wm. G. Kimball, cleaning harnesses, ........ 3 50 R. Brookhouse, Jr, coal, ................... 72 3.5 T. J McGlary, drawing steamer, and express, . 4 50 Wm. Laing, wood, ........................ 2 00 H. Keniston, oil, broom, etc, ............... 4 69 Asa H. Abbott, expressing hose, ............. 6 00 $760 25 10 AUD1TORS~ REPORT. Paid Wm. O. Kimball, eleaoing engine, ........... $13 50 Henry Smith, cleaning engine, .............. 2 00 $5 b0 COCItlOKEWICI~ 1~O. TWO. PaidF. R. Bishop, to pay members o[ Company,.. · $184 4,5 Wm. G. Kimball, steward .................. 37 10 Joseph P. Blake, stock and labor, ............ 8 56 McDonald & Haaaford, oil,. ................ 8 00 Louis Weil, coats, ......................... $0 00 $268 1 l ENGINEERS. Pald Joseptt N. Taylor, services, 18713, ............ $15 00 John V'. Cart, services, 1873 ................ 10 00 F. P. Hanaford, services, 1873, .............. 10 00 James W. Holt, services, 1873, . ..; ......... 10 00 Chas. Ca-. Woodcock, services, 1873, . ........ 10 00 $55 00 REPORT OF ENGINEERS. The board of engineers appointed by the Selectmen for fire department, considering it a duty to report to the town the eon- dition of the department, respectfully submit the following :- When we entered upon our duties the first of May, there had been a great deal of complaint about the expenses of this depart- meat, and we found it necessary to make alterations in the By- Laws, and other changes, in order to lessen the expenses, which are necessarily large. And we recommend a stated salary for the engineer and steward. We think the hose carriage is too heavy, and not adapted to the wants oF the town. We recom- mend a change for a lighter one with four wheels. We recom- mend the purchase of two hundred and fifty feet of hose by the town, as the steamer is a powerful one, capable of' throwing water a long distance, and ~nore hose is needed. AUDITOr8' RNPORT. · By a vote of the town, the selectmen and engineers ?gore in. structed to construct four suitable reservoirs for the uso of the town. Owing to the wet season we were unable fully to carry out the vote of the town, bu: have constructed two, one at the Parish, 16 feet in diameter and 21 feet deep; one at the Centre, 12 feet in diameter and' 16 feet deep, and at this time, Feb. 12th, they are well filled with water and in good condition. JOSEPH P. BLAKF~, For the Engineers. SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR ROADS. Paid I. F. Osgood, railing road near O. P. Bailey's. I. F. Osgood, labor, District No. 1, .......... 6 18 Joseph Kittredge, tabor, Distric; No. 1, ....... 7 S. B. Bodwell, labor, District No. 4, 1878, .... 4 00 F. 8ymonds, labor, District No. 13, 1878, ..... 8 00 John Town, carting gravel on new St. District, No. 18, 1878, ........................ 39 00 Davis & Furber, cinders and labor, Dist. No. 18 129 ~0 E. McKoae, gravel, ....................... 27 00 Oliver Stevens, gravel, ..................... Wm. Peters, gravel, ....................... 5 84 $335 77 AMOUNT PAID TO HIGHWAY SURVEYORS. Paid Isaac F. Osgood~ District No. 1, ............ $400 00 Thomas H. Kimball, " 2, ............ 170 00 Moses T. Stevens, " 8, ............ 400 Daniel F. Gardner, " 4, ............ 105 00 Daoe Foster, " 5, ............ 60 0O James Nason, " 6,. ........... 105 00 Henry L. Hill, " 7,. ........... 65 011 Peter tlolt, Jr., " 8, ............ 120 61t R¢~dney Sargent, " 9,. ........... 60 00 ~4mouat carried/brward, $1,485 60, 1.2 AUDITORS' REPORT. 2tmount brought forward, PaidIsanc W. Holt, District No. Abijah P. Fuller, '; Abijab P. Fuller, " John I. Farnham, " Frederic ~ymonds, " Jacob L Farnum, " George W. Tucker, " Joseph Averill~ Jr., " S. Wm. Ingalls, " S. Wm. Ingalls, " ' Wm. B. Chadwick, " $1,485 60 10, ............ 70 00 11, 1873, ...... *20 00 11,. ........... 90 00 12, ............ 224 75 13, ............ 65 O0 14~ ............ 77 O0 15,. ........... 65 O0 16, ............ 70 O0 17, 1873, ...... '25 O0 17, ............ 45 O0 18, ............ 1,575 00 Balance appropriation, 1573, $3,812 35 45 00 85 65 $3,767 No. 8, $9.40; No. 1'2, $25.'25; No. 14, $198.00, of appropriation for 1874, not worked, .................... 282 $4,000 OVERWORK BY HIGHWAY SURVEYORS. Pmdlsaac I'. Os~,ood, Surveyor Dist. No. 1, $10 00 00 Thomas H. Kimball," " " 2, ...... l~ioses T. Stevens, " " ;' 3, ...... Dane Foster, ,; " " 5, ...... James lanson, " " " 6, ...... Henry L. Hill, " " " 7 ....... Chas. A. Bunerfield," " " 8, 1873, Abijah P. Fuller, " " "11, ...... Joseph Averill, Jr., " " "16, ...... S. Wm. Ingalls, ~ .... ~ 17~ ...... BUILDING ROAD. Paid John F. Kimball, surveying road,.' ........... David S. Foster, damage, .................. Susanna Johnson, damage, .................. Wm. Sullivan, building road, ............... 3 30 10 00 6 50 1 50 10 00 10 00 5 00 10 00 6 00 $7'2 30 $5 50 · 25 00 20 00 9(;0 00 $1,010 50 AUDITORS' REPORT. 13 PATHING SNOW. Paid George French, District No. 2, ............ $13 20 S. B. Bodwell, " 4, ............ 18 60 John P. Foster, " 5, ............ 3 80 Geo. L. Barker, " 6, ........... 10 00 Henry L. Hill, " 7,. ........... 27 20 Rodney Sargent, " 9 ....... ~ ..... 7 40 M. S. Jenkins, '" 10,. ........... 7 00 _4.. P. Fuller, " I1 ............. 7 60 Nathan Foster, " 11, ............ 8 80 John [. Farnham, " 1'2 ............. 23 50 Frederic Symonds, " 13,. ........... 15 20 Albert Berry, " 14 ............. 39 35 Jacob C. Rea, " 15 ............. 23 10 Joseph Averill, ,Ir., ;' 16,. ........... 29 00 S. Wm. Ingalls, " 17,. ........... 2 40 Wm. B. Chadwick, " 18, ............ 42 70 $278 85 TOWN HOUSE ACCOUNT. Paid Orin F. Spofford, supplies for hall,. .......... $25 50 Orin F. Spoflbrd, janitor .................... 75 00 Albert D. Swan, insurance, ................. 195 00 $295 50 RESERVOIR No. I, Paid Howard & Stack, labor, etc.,.; ............. $73 62 Daniel Mahony, labor, etc., ................. 22 75 Simeon Foster, labor, etc., .................. 11 00 C. M. Haskell, labor, ere .................... 22 00 Chas. O. Hara, labor, etc., .................. i7 00 N. Stevens & Sons, labor, etc., ............... 2 00 James ~[. Horn, labor, etc., ................ 1 75 George Gould, labor, ete ................... 3 50 George O. Stevens, labor, ete ............... 6 75 Ralph Blake, labor, etc., ................... 1 75 Joseph Kittredge, labor, etc., ................ 8 00 $170 12 Amount carried forward, AUDITORS' REPORT. .Amount brought f grward, Paid Joseph P. Blake, labor, stock, tools, etc., ...... Charles Wilcox, iron work, ................. Edward Adams, hauling stone, etc., .......... Rodney Sargent, hauling stone, .............. George French, stone, ...................... W. H. Boardman, covering stones, ........... Wm. A. Kimbell, drain pipe,.~ ............. Chelms[ord Foundry Co., frame and cover, .... RESERVOIR No. 2. Paid Thomas Lyons, labor ...................... P. Noonan, labor,. ........................ John Curren, labor, ....................... John Dearie, labor,. ....................... Albert Gilman, labor, ...................... 5I. McCarty, labor, ........................ P. McCarty, labor,. ....................... James Barry, labor,. ...................... John Brien, labor .......................... John Branan, labor ........................ Michael McOarty, labor, ................... Timothy Reardon, labor, ................... James Phelan, labor, ...................... John Lyons, labor, ........................ John Mahaa, labor, ....................... ~[. Crosteu, labor, ......................... C. M. Haskell, labor,. ..................... Ralph Blake, labor, . ...................... Daniel Mahoney, labor, .................... Samuel Furber, labor, ..................... Mitchell & Smith, labor, ................... Wm. A. Kimball, shovels, .................. Towne & Fuller~ shovels, ................... Edward Adams~ hauling stone, .............. J. N. B. Green, brick, ..................... $170 12 78 86 6 12 4 00 30 00 20 00 30 00 2 85 10 75 $352 7O $16 65 350 17 50 1 75 25 O0 14 80 3 5O 1 32 I 32 17 58' 13 87 13 87 87 11 87 10 17 3 7O 85 O0 8 3t 17 05 2 00 162 59 2 8O 2 43 129 25 64 00 Amount carr~ed forward, $580 70 A,nount brought £orward, Paid John V. Cam', iron work .................... Davis & Fnrber, Imnber, ................... R. Brookhouse, Jr., ....................... ti. Keniston, sand, and use of derrick, ........ T. J. McClary, oils ........................ Davis & Furber, sperm oil, ................. Littleiield, Sargent & Co., cement, and drain pipe, Joseph P. Blake, horse at derrick, and teaming, Joseph P. Blake, rope, nails, etc., ............ Joseph P. Blake, labnr, . ................... Davis & Furber, castings, etc., .............. Tools left after building reservoir,. ............... $580 I0 5 14 16 2 46 82 9 90 6 $815 $12 15 70 80 00 16 50 80 00 90 00 84 30 55 05 00 A~ou~tt carried forward, $675 $55 50 85 O0 27 O0 6 85 1 50 21 O0 $146 85 INCIDENTAL EXPENSES. Paid A. Morrison, printing Auditors' report, ete.,..· Geo. S. Merrill & Crocker, printing school report, Geo. S. Merrill & Crocker, printing warrants, re- ceipts, bills, etc., ...................... Whifford & Rice, books and stationery, ....... Thomas Groom & Co., collector's book, .... ~. ·, Coolidge & Baldwin, laying out street., ........ LIBRARY. Paid J. Q, Moulton, cleaning house,. ............. $8 50 A. G. Rea, stock and labor .................. 168 88 H. Keniston, stock and labor ................ 88 00 Davis & Furber, stock and labor, painting, .... 61 40 Steele & McDonald, boxes, . ................ 144 00 J. H. Pray, Sons & Co., carpeting ........... 184 50 N. A. Bishop, Jr., stoves, etc., .............. 45 15 F. O. Dewey, chandeliers, lamps, etc., ........ ~7 45 J. Pillsbm'y, Jr, tables and chairs, ........... 47 .50 AUDITORS' REPORT. Amount t~rought forward, $146 85 Paid A. P. Fuller, guide posts, .................. 6 00 G. W. Gould, guide boards, and painting, etc.,. 6 50 Chas. Barnes, damage caused by defect in highway 15 00 Gilman P. Foss, damage caused by defect in high- way, ................................ 30 Off Thomas Dawn, use of laud for lock up, ........ 12 00 Geo. Wilton, painting signs, ................ 3 50 J, N. Taylor, insurance on town property ...... 65 00 Pemberton Insurance Co., assessment ......... 185 00 B. P. Saunder% services Bodwell case, ........ 37 00 A. C. Hardy, fish warden, .................. 25 00 A. Smith, paying state aid, . ................ 10 00 C. F. Johnson, services state aid,. ........... 10 00 J. P. Blake, services, committee on road at J. D. W. F., ........................... 3 00 J. F. Allen, returning thirteen deaths, ........ 3 25 A. Smith, recording births, marriages and deaths 55 30 A. Smith, stamps, stationery and express, ..... 10 86 $624 26 REMITTANCE OF TAXES, Paid A. D. Carlnton, Collector, sundry taxes assessed in 1873, ............................. $86 00 Joseph F. Allen, Collector, sundry taxes assessed in 1874, ............................. 147 13 DISCOUNT ON TAXES. Paid Joseph F. Allen, discount on taxes collected pre- $233 13 vioustoNov. 1, 1874, ................. $1,750 19 ABATEMENT OF TAXES, Paid Josiah Crosby, over-tax, ................... $15 00 Moses T. Stevens, over-tax, ................. 15 00 $30 00 ~.U'DITORS~ RE POI~T. 17 £) VE~4SEERS' AOOOUST. The Overseers of the Poor~ report that the whole amount of orders drawn is .................. $1,725 27 RELIEF OUT OF THE HOUSE. Paid for supplies to Benjamin Stevens,. ........... $60 00 Clothing for C. M. Hadley, ................. 12 00 $72 00 MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. Paid Dr. C. P. l~orrill, attending Phebe Itadley, ... $2 00 Dr. Jos. Kittredge, attending Phebe Hadley~... I 50 Dr. Jos. Kittredg% attending Elijah L., ....... 8 00 Dr. Jos. Kittredge, attending H. Pugsley, ..... 4 50 811 00 FUNERAL EXPENSES. Paid Jos. F. AIIou~ services as undertaker, ......... K. S. Porter~ for coffin, .................... 2 50 Paid Dr. C. P. Morrill, attending Mr. Plummet, (charged to city of Haverhill), .......... Towue & Fuller, for supplies to Betsy Fish~ {charged to Town of Middleton,) ........ INCIDENTAL EXPENSES. Paid J. C. Carleton, keeping two tramps, .......... Rodney Sargent, expenses sending II. Pugsley to Soldiers' Home, ................ : .... $6 50 $15 O0 81 06 S96 0O $1 O0 13 0¢ $14 O0 18 AUDITORS' REPORT. PAID CITIES AND TOWNS, Paid City of Haverhill, support of Mrs. Baker, . ... $4=3 04 City of Salem, support of Miss A. A. Nichols,. 21 00 City of Salem, support of Nancy T. Eastman,. 22 50 City of Lawrence, support of Mrs. Susan Briefly 1 00 City of Boston, support of Lucy Brown,. ..... 88 00 City of Boston, support of Abby E. Tyler, .... 99 00 City of Boston, support of Mary A. Stevens, .. 45 82 City of Boston, support of Michael Ryan's f&mily, '27 94 Town of Middletnn, support of Daniel KimbMl's thmily ............................... 1131 50 Town of Ipswich, support of Caroline Goodhue, 54 20 Town of' Saugus, support of Mrs. Jane Barrows, 15 25 Town of Marblehead, support of Sarah A. Evans 88 58 Worcester Lunatic Hospital, support otc Mrs. Charlotte Wallwork, ................... GENERAL EXPENSES OF ALMSHOUSE, Paid Rbdney Sargent., for services ................ Rodney Sargent, tbr supplies at almshouse, .... Louis Well, for clothing at ahnshouse, ........ Totalexpense, $1,725 27 172 $760 88 71 $600 O0 150 O0 15 O0 $765 O0 AUDITORS~ REPORT. 19 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER IN ACCOUNT WITH RODNEY SARGENT. To cash paid for supplies to Feb. 11, 1875, ........ $365 51 To cash paid for grain, . ....................... 356 69 To cash paid for flour, ......... : ............... 125 75 To cash paid for clothing, ...................... 78 44 To cash paid for repairs, ....................... 34 17 To cash paid for labor~ ......................... 38 00 To cash paid for Blacksmith,. ................... 47 10 To cash paid for meal,..' ............. : ......... 183 8'2 To cash paid ~or fish, .......................... 82 3 t To cash paid /bt salt hay, ...................... 177 00 To cash paid for standing grass, ................. 90 00 To cash paid for coal, ......................... 7 25 To cash paid for pasturing, ..................... 25 00 To cash paid for seed, . ........................ 9 80 To cash paid for incidentals, .................... 47 28 To cash paid for medicine, ..................... ; 2 40 To cash paid for tools, ......................... 51 49 $1,622 O1 eR. By cash in my hands Feb. 11, 1874, .......... .... $89 77 By cash received for produce, ......... ' .......... 1,062 25 By cash received for labor, ..................... 79 00 By cash received from Treasurer, ................ 150 00 Due me Feb. 11, 1875, ........................ 240'99 $1,622 01 NOTE,--Five hundred and forty-one traveling paupers have been accom- modated at the almshouse the past year at an estimated expense of J;54I, AUDITORS) STOCK AND TOOLS ON TOWN FARM. I horse~ ........................... 8,50 00 I pair oxen: ........................ 150 O0 1 pMr oxeu, ........................ 225 O0 10 cows, ........................... 875 00 1 calf, ............................. 12 00 40 fowls, .......................... 25 O0 Farming tools, ...................... 400 00 Furniture,. ........................ 250 00 SUPPLIES ON HAND AT TOWN FARM. 8 tons english hay, .................. 8176 00 12 tons rnn hay,. ................... 180 00 9 tons salt hay, ..................... 126 00 600 pounds pork,. ................... 90 00 90 bushels potatoes, · ................ 72 00 500 bushels turnips, · ................ 60 00 25 barrels apples, · .................. 25 00 40 O0 Cabbage, .......................... 25 barrels cider, · ................... 118 75 24 00 8 bushels beans, .................... Provisions, lard, flour and tea, ......... 45 00 $1,487 00 $956 75 INMATES OF ALMSHOUSE. Age. Age. James H, Freeman, ..... 8t Enoch Bailey,. ......... 69 Benjamin Faratmm,. .... 80 Hannah Frye, .......... 88 Barzelia Lew~ .......... 70 George McLaughlin~ .... 23 FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE TOWN. LIABILITIES. /q'otcs payable, ...................... $19,200 00 Due Rodoey Sargent, ................ 240 99 , ~l 9,440 99 C~sh iu Treasurer's hands,. .......... 4,205 11 Due from State {or Soldier's aid, ...... Due from Milun S. Jenkins, collector,1872 Due 3¥om Amos D. Carleton~ collector, 1873, ....................... Due from Jos. F. Allen, collector, 1874~ Taylor Rep. Fund, accrued interest to date~ Balance against the town, 506 50 50 O0 651 63 991 34 40 55 $6,445 13 $12,995 86 TAYLOR REPRESENTATIVE FUND, Amount of fund, .................... $100 O0 interest received in 1869, ............ $7 22 Interest received in 1870, ............ 6 60 Interest received in 1871, · ........... 6 58 Interest received in 1872, ............ 6 80 Interest received in 1873, ............ 6 63 Interest received ia 1874, ............ 6 72 $40 55 AUDITORS' REPORT. To cash paid State tax for 1874, ...... To cash paid cpunty tax for 1874, ..... To cash paid state aid for 1874, ....... To cash paid money hired, ........... To cash paid interest and discount on To cash paid seleetmen's orders, ....... To cash paid overseers' orders, ........ To cash paid selectmen and auditors,... To cash balance due from collectors, .... To cash in treasury to balance, ........ Town oF ~ORTH AKDOVER in ~ccount $3,060 00 2,102 10 406 00 22,000 O0 2,290 00 21,232 35 1,725 27 20 00 991 34 4,205 Il $58,032 17 $58,032 17 AUDITORS~ REPORT. ,current with AI'~DREW SMIT~I~ Town Treasurer. By cash on hand, February llth, 1874:, .$4,196 99 By cash received from City et Boston, pauper accouaq ................. 76 53 By cash received from City of Haverhill, 15 00 By cash received from Joseph F. Allen, for auctioneer's license, .......... 2 00 By cash received from James C. Carla- ton, tor auctioneer's license ....... 2 00 By cash received ~¥om Orrin F. Spofford, for use of Town Hall,. ........... 122 50 By cash received from Charles A. But- terfield, for gross on common and Centre School House lot, 1874, .... 10 00 'By cash received from John W. Richard- sou, fbr old lumber sold fi-om library building ..................... ~. · 2 00 ,By cash received frmn Michael F. Con- Ion, for hoard oi' his son, .......... 19 50 By cash received from Milon F. Jenkins, on account of' taxes of 1872, ...... 150 00 By cash received from Amos D. Carla- ten, on account of taxes of' 1878,.. 580 00 By cash received from Joseph F. Allen, interes; on taxes, . .............. 4 03 ~By cash received fi'om Hiram Berry,... trustee comtnon t'und, ............ 140 00 By cash rec'd item Hiram Berry, for wood on Centre School House lot. 1872, 5 18 ~y cash received from county treasurer, for dog licenses, . ............... 336 44 ~By cash received from county treasurer, for discount on coanty tax ........ $6 43 ,By cash receipted from state treasurer, balance of corporation tax ibr 1873~ 136 99 ,By cash received from state treasnrer~ balance of corporation tax for 1874~ 1,129 57 By cash rec'd from Nat'/hank tax, 1874, 2,882 95 'By cash received from state aid allowed, 540 00 By cash received fi'om Massachusetts school fund, .................... '287 16 ~By cash received from assessors' warrant for taxes, 1874, . ............... 3~,856 By cash received from money hired, .... 14,500 00 $58,03~ 17 ANDREW SMITH, TREaSt~:~m No. Andover, Feb. ~, ~$75. AUDITORS~ REPORT. SUMMARY OF EXPENSES OF THE TOWN. Orders d*'aw~ by the Selectmen, per approval of School Commit~e~. For teaching~ ....................... $7,160 80 For iue]~ and janitors' services, ........ 1,365 61 For repairs~ fixtures ~.nd books, . ...... 268 66 $8,795 07 SELE(~T~IEN~S C. RNRRAL ORDERS, For officers' services, ................ $1,062 4,9 For fire department, ................. 1,088 86 Paid to highway surveyors~ ........... 3,812 35 Paid special appropriations for roads and bridges, . .................... 335 77 Paid overwork by highway surveyors, .. 72 30 For pathing suow~ ................... 278 85 For building roads, . ................. 1,010 50 Fur town house account, ............. 295 50 For reservoir No. 1,. ................ 352 70 For reservoir ~o. 2 .................. 815 05 For library, ........................ 675 33 For incidental expenses~ .............. 624 For remittance of' taxes, ............. 233 For diseonnt on taxes, ............... 1,750 For abatement of taxes, .............. 30 Total amount of Selectmen's orders, 26 13 19 00 $12,437 28 $21,232 35 OVERSEER'S ORDERS. For relief out of the almshouse, ....... For general expenses of ahnshouse, .... Amount carried forward, $960 27 765 00 $1,725 27 $22,957 62 AUDITORS' REPORT. 25 Amount brought forward, PAID BY THE TREASUREI~. State tax, .......................... $3~060 00 County tax ............... $2,102 10 Less discount, ............ 36 43 2,065 67 Interest and discount on notes, ........ 2,290 00 Selectmen and Auditors, .............. 20 00 Total running expenses of the Town, $22,957 62 $7,485 67 $80,393 29 SCHEDULE OF TOWN PROPERTY. Town House, fixtures and land adjoining, ....... $25,000 00 Two engine houses, .......................... 1,250 00 Steamer engine house, ....................... 4,000 00 Steamer Eben Sutton and apparatus, ........... 4,000 00 Two hand engines and apparatus, .............. 1,000 00 Lookup, ............ . ...................... 500 00 Town farm and buildings, .................... 7,000 00 Personal property at town farm ................ 2,222 00 Safe and fhrniture in Selectmen's office, ......... 25 00 Standard weights and measures, ............... 150 00 Schoolhouse property, . ...................... 43,000 00 $88,147 O0 LOUIS WELL, ~ JOHN P. FOSTER, } Auditors. JOS. S. SANBORN../ No. Andover, Feb. 11, 1875. 26 AUDITORS' REPORT. REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE. App~wpriations for the year 1875. Schools, ..................................... $8,000 00 Repairs on school houses,. ..................... 500 00 Roads and bridges, ........................... 8,000 00 Support of poor, .............................. 2,500 00 General expenses and reduction of town debt, ...... 10,000 00 CHARLES F. JOHNSON, ~ DANIEL CARLETON, ] JOHN W. RICHARDSON, LOUIS WEIL, Finance JOHN P. FOSTER, ~ Co*amlttee. JOS. S. SANBORN, I HIRAM BERRY, CHAS. P. MORRILL, JAS. W. LEWIS. J North Andover, Feb. ~[I, 1875. AUDITORS~ REPORT. 27 REPORT OF ASSESSORS. The whole number of ratable polls,... ~ Aggregate of personal estgte, ......... Aggregate of real estate, ............. 796 I~595,984 00 1,489,156 00 Amount of State tax, .............. $3,060 00 Amount of County tax, ............ 2~102 10 Amount of Town grant, ........... 26~300 00 Amount of Overlay, ............... 1,407 00 Poll tax, . ....................... $1,592 O0 Tax on personal estate, ............ 8,939 76 Tax on real estate, ......... ; ...... 22,337 34 · Rate of taxation per $1,000, ..... ~.. $15 00 Total number of dwelling houses, .... 555 Total number of horses, ............ 298 Total number of cows, ............. 579 Total number of sheep, . ........... 4,2 Total number of acres of land taxed, 15,379~- $2,085,140 O0 $32,869 10 $32,869 l0 C. F. JOHNSOIff, I $. W. RICHARDSON, } Assessors. D. CARLETON. ] North Andover, Feb. 11, 1875. AUDITORS' HEPORT. VITAL STATISTICS FOR 1874.. Number of births registered, .......................... 86 Males, ............................................ 46 Females, .......................................... 40 Number born of' American parents,. ................... 85 Number born of Irish parents,. ....................... 29 lqumber born of English parents, ...................... 17 Number born of Canadian parents, .................... Number born of' Scotch parents, ....................... 3 Number born of German parents, ..................... 1 Number of marriages registered~ ...................... 18 Number of grooms married before, .................... Number of brides married before, ..................... 1 American grooms~ .................................. 10 Foreign grooms, .................................... 8 American brides, ................................. '... 8 Foreign brides, ..................................... 10 Number of deaths registered, .......................... 38 Males,. ........................................... 17 Females, .......................................... 16 Of' these 6 males were married and 11 were single, and 13 females were married and 3 were single. Number born of American parents, .................... 22 Number born of' Foreign parents, ...................... Number under 10 years, ............................. 9 Number between 10 and 30 years, ..................... 6 Number between 80 and 60 years, ..................... 9 Number between 60 and 90 years ...................... 9 The oldest person was 86 years, 2 ~nonths, and 13 days. TOWN WARRANT. ~ssEx, ss. To AllDErS' SKITH~ O~E OF TKE CONSTABLE8 OF THE TOWN OF ~ORTH ~DOVEE~ ~REETI~: In the n~me of the ~ommonwe~lth oi ~ss~chusetts~ you are ~ereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town .of No~h Andove~ quMified by law to vot~ in elections and in ,town ~ff~i~ to meet a~ the Town Hall, ia s~id Wwn, on Mond~y~ ,the first day of March, next~ at 12 o'clock, noon~ then ~nd there .wact on the following A~ic]es, viz :~ Aa~. I. To choose a ~oderator to preside in said meeting. A~. II. To choose a Town Clerk for the year ensuing. Aar. III. To see ii the town will accept the Auditors' report. Ant. IV. To choose Selectmen, Assessors~ Oversee~ of the ~oor, Town ~easurer, one School Committee tbr three years, Constables, and all other necessary town officers ~or the year .ensuing. Aa~. V. To see if the town will accept the 158th Chapter of ,the Acts o~ 1871. Au~. VI. To determine what method the town will adopt to xepMr their highways the ensuing year. A~. VII. To see what sum of money tho town will rahe to · epair their highways and bridges the ensuing year. Au~. VIIi. To see what sum of money the town will rMse ~for the support of schools in the town the ensuing year. Aa~. IX. To see what sum of money the town will raise for the support of the poor the ensuing year. Au~. X. To see what sum of money the town will raise to reduce the town debt and to defray the necessary expenses arising in said town. Aa~. XI. To see what method the town will take to collee~ their public taxes fbr the ensuing year. 80 TOWN WARRANT. Amc. XII. To see if the town.will authorize the Treasurer of' the town to hire money in anticipation of taxes, under the direc- tlon of the Selectmen. A~T. XI II. To determine what compensation the town will. pay to members of engine companies for their services the year ensuing. ART. XIV. To see if the town will accept of the list of' jurors prepared and posted by the Selectmen. ART. XV. To see if the town will vote to buy t~wo hundred and fifty feet of hose for steamer. A~T. XVI. To see what action the town will take in ~'egard to the dog fund. ART. XVII. To see if the town will construct a road, begin- ning north of the residence of Nathan A. Bishop, on the Salem road, in said towns running by the residences of Capt. Haskell. and the late Aaron G. Rea, and Frederic Symonds, to the Andover llne, as previously surveyed, on petition of Asa G. Has- kell and others. A~T. XVIIL To act ou any other business that may legally come before said meeting. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at each of the churches in said town, two Sundays at least, before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fkl] not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk at the time and place- of holding said meeting. Given under our hands in North Andover, this thirteenth day of February, ia the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five. CHAS. F. JOHNSON, ~ ScZectmen J. W. RICHARDSON, } of DANIEL CARLETON~ ) 2Vorth .A~dover. A true copy. Attest, ANDREW SMITH, Constable of North Andover. THE AUDITORS' REPORT OF TPIE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, For the Year endinej February 11, 1875. LAWRENCE, MASS.: GEO. S. MERRILL ~ CROCKER, PRINTERS. 1875. THE AUDITORS' REPORT O~ THE RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES , OF THE TOWN OF 1NORTIt ANDOVEt/, For the Year ending February 11, 1875. LAWRENCE, MASS.: GEO. S. MERRILL & CROCKER, PRINTERS. ~875. AUDITORS' REPORT. THE AUDITORS have examined the accounts of the Select- men, Overseers of the Poor and Town Treasurer, and respect- fally submit that they find them correctly and carefully kept, and properly vouched for. We wish to express to our citizens our appreciation of tho efforts of your Town officers to conduct the affairs committed to their charge, in a thorough and pains-taking manner, and believe that the results, as shown in the following exhibit of their financial transactions, give evidence of an inti- mate kaowledge of the wants of the Town, and a desire to bring its expenditures within the range of reasonable prudence. The following is a statement of accounts showing the expenses for the past year, and present financial condition of' the Town :-- SOt~OOL DEPARTMENT. A*nou~ paid for teaching since last report: HIGH SCI:tOOL. Paid Percival J. Parris, ............. $1,202 811 Martha R. Smith, .............. 500 00 MERRIMAC SCHOOLS. Paid Alfred Smith, .................. $1,200 00 Emma J. Cheney, .............. 375 00 Sarah S. Barnes, .............. 375 00 Hannah C. Carleton, ............ 375 00 Amounts ca~rged fo~'ward, $1,702 8g $2,325 00 $1,702 88 AUDITORS~ REPORT. Amounts carried forward, $2,325 00 $1,702 38 Maria F. Stevens, .............. 247 00 Mary F. Foye, ................. 105 27 Mary A. Putnam, .............. 117 00 Julia McDuflle, ................ 247 00 Mary F. Jenkins, .............. 15 20 Mary E. Qaayle, ............... 57 50 Annie L. Sargent.. ............. 24 50 $3,188 47 CENTRE SCHOOLS. Paid Amos E. Rollins, ............ '... $156 00 Lucy J. Kimball, ........... ; ... 279 00 Emily F. Carleton, .............. 340 00 Mabel E. Blake, ............... 820 00 $1,095 00 FARNHAM SCHOOL. Paid Belle lq. Lewis, ................ $126 00 S. F. Kimball, ................. 108 00 Carrie Whitney, ................. 108 00 $342 00 KIMBALL SCHOOL. Paid Belle H. Grieves~ ............... $126 00 Mary F. Foye,. ................ 225 00 RIVER SCHOOL. Paid Carrie B. Manning; ............. $91 00 Mary E. Quayle, . .............. 175 00 POND SCHOOL. Paid Auuie P. Foster, ................ $351 O0 $266 O0 $266 O0 FUEL, AND JANITORS' SERVICES. HIOH SCHOOL. Paid O. F. Spofford~ janitor, .......... $150 00 ]N~. Stevens & Sous~ l~or coa]~ ...... 142 30 E. Adams, for drawing coals ..... 14 50 Albert Berry, for wood, .......... 5 50 Amount carried forward, $312 30 $7,473 10 AUDITORS' REPORT. tlmount brought forward, ]~ERRIMAC SCHOOLS, Paid E. McKone, tbr coal, ............ $270 Albert Berry, for wood, ......... 6 Eugene Joyce, janitor, .......... 60 C. W. Moultoo, janitor, . ........ 61 J. Q. Moultoo, for sweeping and cleaning, .................. 1 Paid CENTRE SCHOOLS. N. Stevens & Sons, for coal, · .... E. McKone~ for coal,. ........... Amos E. Rollins, janitor, ........ Eben Fish, janitor, ............. Albert Berry, for wood,.: ........ E. Adams, for drawing coal, ...... Sarah E. Fish, for sweeping, ..... Eben Fish, for wood, oil, etc ...... 50 76 25 O0 $7,473 10 4O $502 91 $167 80 60 O0 38 25 84 75 11 74 12 72 32 O0 4 58 FAR~HAH SCHOOL. Paid Albert Berry, for wood ........... $87 25 Frank Goodhue, wood and sawing,. 2 87 Eben Fish, prepared wood, ....... 75 John Foster, janitor, ............. 5 50 Milton Woodbridge, sweeping, .... 1 00 Adelaide Abbott, cleaning, ........ I 50 POND SCHOOL. Paid George B. Foster, janitor,. ....... $5 00 El~ah Long, preparing and bouslng wood ...................... 5 00 RIYER SCHOOL. Paid J. A. Montgomery, for wood, ..... $34 00 Mattie F. Thornton, janitor, ...... 8 75 MaUie F. Thornton, building fires and sweeping, .............. 9 25 Amount ca*'ried forward, $41184 $48 87 $10 O0 $52 O0 $8,498 72 6 AUD1TORS~ REPORT. AmouNt brought.forward~ KIMBALL SCHOOI~. Paid Willie Russell, janitor,. .......... $6 00 Willie Russell, for building fires and sweepings ................. 2 00 Wm. Long, for wood, ............ 4 50 Julius Bode, wood, .............. 15 19 $8,498 72 $27 69 REPAIRS, SCHOOL BOOKS, FIXTURES, ETC. HIGH SCHOOL. Paid J. G. Brown, ibr books, stationery, etc ........................ 810 17 Journal Newspaper Co., advertising for teacher, ................ I 50 Merrill & Crocker, tbr printing,... 5 00 Bishop Bros., for grate and labor.. 15 00 MERRISIAC SOHOOLS. Paid Gayton B. Ellingwood, for stock and labor, ................. $41 89 Estate of E. Elling~vood, stock and labor, ..................... 5 25 Bishop Brothers, labor, .......... 7 20 J. Towne, for gravel and cinders,.. 12 80 D. Scott, ibr cleaning clocks, ..... 5 25 Andrew Patterson, repairing piano~ i 95 J. G. Brown, bodks and stationery~ 14 70 H. C. Carleton, books, .......... 90 Eugene Joyce~ removing seats, .... i 00 J. H. Staflbrd, dusters and brushes~ 8 15 G. B. Smart~ grate~ frame and labor, 17 50 Town & Fuller, supplies, ........ 9 78 $31 67 $126 37 ~Imount carrY, ed forward, $8,684~ 45 AUDITORS' REPORT. 7 Amount 5fought forward, UENTnE SCHOOL. Paid Hiram Berry, repairs and fixtures,. $18 71 J. P. Blake, stock and labor, ...... 20 36 J. L. Kimball, stock and labor, .... 75 G. W. Gould, glass and setting, ... 15 98 J. G. Brown, books and stationery, 16 98 W. Stevens, brooms, ............. 2 95 FARNHA~ SCHOOL. Paid Bishop Brothers, for dust pan and coal hod~ .................. $2 25 F. Goodhne, stock and labor, ..... 1 4:2 F. Goodhue, repairing seats and fun- eel, ...................... I 10 J. G. Brown, books and stationery, 6 28 Hiram Berry, supplies, etc., ....... 2 61 POND SCHOOL. Paid John P. Foster, supplies,. ........ $4= 80 J. G. Browns books~ etc., ........ 2 60 Hiram Berry, repairs, etc., ........ I 00 KIMBALL SCHOOL. Paid J. O. Brown, for books, etc, ..... $3 78 Hiram Berry, repairs and supplies, 4= 40 RIVI~R SCHOOL, Paid George Wilton, for settifig glass,.. $2 75 J. G. Brown, books, ............ 80 Hiram Berry, repairs, fixtures, etc. 1 65 Whole amount of orders drawn in School Department ...................... For teaching, ....................... $7,160 80 For fuel and janitors, ................ $1,865 61 For repairs, books and fixtures, ........ 268 66 $8,684 45 $75 78 $13 61 $7 90 $8 18 $5 2O $8,795 07 $8,795 07 8 AUDITORS~ REi~ORT · SELECTMEN~S REPORT. OFFICERS' SERVICES. Paid Hiram Berry, services as scbool com- mittee, 1873, ............... $115 00 Hiram Berry, services as school com- mittee, to Oct., 1874, ........ 55 00 Chas. P. Morrill, services as school committee, to Oct., 1874, ..... 90 00 J. W. Lewis, services ns school com- mittee, to Oc~., 1874, ........ t0 00 John H. CliFord, services as school committee, 1873, ............ 100 00 Wm. H. Jowett, services as con- stable, 1872-3, ............. 20 00 Andrew Smith, services a~ constable, 12 00 Francis Smithy services as. police ricer, 1873, ................. 12 00 Jeffrey Kelley, truant officer, 1873,. 5 00 J. F. Allen, services collecting taxes, 131 49 Andrew Smith~ services as Town Clerk, .................... 40 00 Andrew Smith, services, Treasurer, 60 00 Charles F. Johnson, services as Se- lectman and Overseer of Poor, 61 00 Charles F. Johnson, as Assessor, .. 76 00 John W'. Richardson, services as Se- lectman, Assessor, and Overseer of the Poor, ................ Ill 00 Daniel Carleton, services as Select- man and Overseer of the Poor, 58 00 Daniel Carleton, services, Assessor, 76 00 $1,062 49 AUD1TOR8~ REPORT. 9 · Fire DEPARTMENT. STEAMER EBEN SUTTOn. Paid J. F. Kirk, to pay members of company, ...... $189 45 E. McKone, coal, ..................... ~... 20 00 E. McKone, acid, chamois~ ete.~ 1873, ........ 11 35 H. Keniston, oil, chimnefs, etc.~'1873, ...... '.. 4 05 Stephen Huse~ services, and poll tax, 1873, .... 9 70 A. P. Cheney, supplies, 1871, '72, '73 ........ 16 96 McDonald & Hanaibrd, blankets ............. 13 50 Davis & Fnrber, leather, ................... Blake Hose Co., hose and couplings, ......... 99 00 AmoskYag Manufacturing Co., coupling,. ..... 4 00 S. F. McQuestion, engineer, Dec. 27, 1873 to May, 1874, . ......................... 53 55 Jeffrey Kelley, steward, Nor.l,1873, to May ] 874 86 80 E. S. Robinson, engineer, May 1, 1874 to Feb , 1875, ............................... 45 43 J. F. Kirk, steward, May 1, 1874, to Feb., 1875, 55 32 Davis & Furber, coal, ..................... 19 06 N. P. H. Melvin, lock, ..................... 40 Wm. B. Perkins, steps, .................... 4 00 James Boyd & Sons, repairing hose, etc ....... 9 50 S. B. Miller, repairing hose, etc., ............ 4 Atlantic Cotton Mills, cotton waste,. ......... 2 '20 Davis & Furber, oil, ....................... 8 00 Geo S. Merrill & Crocker, printing regul~.tions~ ' 8 00 John F. Bingham, zinc and labor, ............ 2 44 Wm. G. Kimball, cleaning harnesses, ........ 3 50 R. Brookhouse, Jr., coal, ................... 72 35 T. J McClary, drawing steamer, and express,. 4 50 Wm. Laing, wood, ........................ 2 00 H. Keuiston, oil, broom~ etc., ................ 4 69 Asa H'..Abbott, expressing hose, ............. 6 00 $760 25 ]-0 AUDITORS~ REPORT. MERRI~IAO~ NO. OHE. Paid Wm. G. Kimball, cleaoing engine, ........... $3 50 Henry Smith, cleaning engine, .............. 2 00 $5 50 COOHICKEWICK, NO. TWO. PaidF. R. Bishop, to pay members of Compauy,... $184 45 Wm. G. Kimball, steward .................. 37 10 Joseph P. Blake, stock and labor, ............ 8 56 McDonald & Hanaford, oil,. ................ 8 00 Louis Well, coats, ......................... 30 00 ENGINEERS. Paid Joseph N. Taylor~ services, 1873~ ............ John V-. Carry services, 1873 ................ F. P. Hanaford, services, 1873,. ............. James W. Holt, services, 1873, . ............ Chas. G. Woodcock, services, 1873, ......... REPORT OF ENGINEERS. $268 11 $15 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 10 00 $55 00 The board of engineers appointed by the Selectmen for fire department, considering it a duty to report to the town the con- dition of the department, respectfully submit the following :- When we entered upon our duties the first of May, there had been a great deal of complaint about the expenses of this depart- ment, and we found it necessary to make alterations in the By- Laws, and other changes, in order to lessen the expenses, which are necessarily large. And we recommend a stated salary for the engineer and steward. We think the hose carriage is too heavy, and not adapted to the wants of the town. We recom- mend a change for a lighter one with four wheels. We recom- mend the purchase of two hundred and fifty feet of hose by the town, as the steamer is a powerful one, capable of throwing water a long distance, and more hose is needed. AUDITOI~S~ I~E PORTo 11 By a vote of the town~ the selectmen and engineers were in- structed to construct four suitable reservoirs for the use of the town. Owing to the wet season we were unable fully to carry out the vote of the town, but have constructed two, one at the Parish, 16 feet in diameter and 21 feet deep; one at the Centre~ 12 feet in diameter and 16 feet deep, and at this time, Feb. 12th, they are well filled with water and it~ good condition. JOSEPH P. BLAKE, For the Engineers. SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR ROADS. Paid I. F. Osgood, rai~ing road near C. P. Bailey's.. $77 51 I. F. Osgood, labor, District No. 1, .......... 6 18 Joseph Kittredge, labor, District No. 1, ....... 7 00 S. B. Bodwell, labor, District No. 4, 1873, .... 4 00 F. Symonds, labor, District 51o. 13, 1873, ..... 8 00 John Town, carting gravel on new St. District, No. 18, 1873, ........................ 8§ 00 Davis & Furber, cinders and labor, Dist. No. 18 129 20 E. l~IcKoue, gravel, ....................... 27 00 Oliver Stevens, gravel, ..................... 32 04 Wm. Peters, gravel, ....................... 5 84 $385 77 AMOUNT PAID TO HIGHWAY SURVEYORS. PaidIsaac F. Osgood, District No. 1, ............ $400 00 Thomas H. Kimball, '~ 2,. ? .......... 170 00 Moses T. Stevens, " 3, ............ 400 00 Daniel F. Gardner, '~ 42 ............ 105 00 Dane Foster, " 5, ............ 60 00 James Nason, " 6, ............ 105 00 Henry L. Hill, ~' 7,. ........... '65 0O Peter Holt, Jr., " 8,. ........... 120 60 Rodney Sargent, " 9 ............. 60 00 Amount carried forward, $1,485 60 12 AUDITORS' REPORT. Amoun! brought forward, PaidIsaac W. Holt, District No. Abijah P. Fuller, Abijah P. Fuller, " John I. Farnlm~n, " Frederic Symonds, " Jacob L Farnum, George W. Tucker, " Joseph Averill, Jr., " S. Wm. Ingalls, " S. Wm. IngalLs, " Wm. B. Chadwick, " $1,485 60 lq,. ........... 70 00 11, 1873, ...... *20 00 11, ............ 90 00 12, ............ 224 75 18, ............ 65 00 141 ............ 77 00 15,. ........... 65 O0 16, ............ 70 O0 17,1873, ...... *25 00 17, ............ 45 00 18, ............ 1,575 00 *Balance appropriation, 1873, No. 8, $9.40; No. 19, $95.25; No. 14, $198.00, of appropriation for 1874, not worked, .................... $3,812 35 45 00 $3,767 35 232 65 $4,000 00 OVERWORK BY HIGHWAY SURVEYORS. Paidlsaac F. Osgood, Surveyor Dist. No. 1,. ..... $10 00 Thomas H. Kimball," " " 2, ...... $ 30 l~loses T. Stevens, " " " 3, ...... 10 00 Dane Foster, " " " 5, .... 2. 6 50 James Nason, " " " 6, ...... 1 50 Henry L. Hill, " " " 7,. ..... 10 00 Chas. A. Butterfield," " " 8, 1873, 10 00 Abijah P. Fuller, " " "11,. ..... 5 00 Joseph Averill, Jr., " " "16,. ..... 10 00 S. Wm. Ingalls, " " "17, ...... 6 00 $72 30 BUILDING ROAD. Paid John F. Kimball, surveying road, ............ $5 50 David S. Foster, damage, .................. 25 00 Susanna Johnson, damage, .................. '20 00 Wm. Sullivan, building road, ............... 960 00 $1,010 50 AUDITORS' REPORT. 13 PATHING S'NOW. Paid George French,* District No. 2, ............ S. B. Bodwell, John P. Foster, Geo. L. Barker, Henry L. Hill, Rodaey Sargent, 31. S. Jenkins, A. P. Fuller, Nathan Foster, John L Farnham, Frederic Symonds~ Albert Berry, Jacob C. Rea, Joseph Averill, Jr., S. Wm. Ingalls, Wm. B. Chadwick, $13 20 4, ............ 18 60 5, ............ 3 80 " 6,. ........... 10 00 " 7,. ........... 27 20 " 9 ............. 7 40 " 10,. ........... 7 00 " 11 ............. 7 60 " 11, ............ 8 80 " 12 ............. 23 50 13, ............ 15 20 " 14 ............. 39 35 " 15 ............. 28 10 " 16~ ............ 29 00 " 17,. ........... 2 40 " 18, ............ 42 70 $278 85 TOWN HOUSE ACCOUNT. Paid Orin F. Spofford, supplies for hall,. .......... $25 50 Oriu F. Spofford~ janitor,. .................. 75 00 Albert D. Swau~ insuranc% ................. 195 00 Amount carried forward, $295 50 RESE[t¥OIF{ No. I. Paid Howard-& Stack, labor, etc.,. .............. $73 62 Daniel Mahony, labor, etc., ................. 22 75 Simeon Foster, labor, etc., .................. 11 00 C. 3f. Haskell, labor, etc.,. ..... , ........... 22 00 Chas. O. Ham, labor, etc., .................. 17 00 2(. Stevens & Sons, labor, etc., .............. · 2 00 James ~/I. Horn, labor, etc., ................ 1. 75 George Gould~ labor, etc., .................. 3 50 George O. Stevens, labor, etc ............... 6 75 Ralph Blake, labor, etc., ................... I 75 Joseph Kittredge,' labor, etc., ................ 8 00 $170 12 14 AUDITORS~ REPORT. Amount brough~ forward, Paid Joseph P. Blake, labor, stock, tools~ etc., ...... Charles Wilcox, iron work, ................. Edward Adams, hauling stone, etc., .......... Rodney Sargent, hauling stone, .............. George French~ ston% ...................... W. It. Boardm~n, covering stones,. .......... Wm. A. Kimball~ drain pipe, ............... Chelmsford Foundry Co, frame and cover~ .... RESERVOIR No. 2. Paid Thomas Lyons, labor ...................... P. l'qoonan, labor, ......................... John CUrren, labor~ ....................... John Dearie, labor, ............ - ............ Albert Gilman, labor, ...................... M. McCarty, labor, ........................ P. l~cCarty, labor, ........................ James Barry, labor: ....................... John Brien, labor,. ........................ John Branan, labor ........................ Michael McCarty, labor~ ................... Timothy Reardon, labor, ................... James Ph¢lan, labor, . ..................... John Lyons, labor, ........................ John Mahan, labor, ....................... M. Crosteu, labor, ......................... C. M. Haskell, labor,. ..................... Ralph Blake, labor~ ....................... Daniel Mahoney, labor~ .................... Samuel Furber, labor, ..................... Mitchell & S~nith~ labor, ................... Wm. A. Kimball, shovels, .................. Towne & Fuller, shovels,. .................. Edward Adams, hauling stone, .............. J. N. B. Green, brick, ..................... $170 12 78 86. 6 12 4 00 80 00 20 00 30 00 2 85 10 75 $352 70 $16 65 350 17 50 I 75 25 O0 14 80 3 §0 I $2 I 82 17 58 13 87 13 87 87 11 87 10 17 3 7O 85 00 8 81 17 05 2 00 162 59 2 80 129 25 64 00 Amou~d car~'ied forward, $580 70 AUDITORS~ REPORT. Amount brought forward, $580 70 Paid John V. Carr, iron work .................... 10 30 Davis & Furber~ lumber, ................... 5 00 R. Brookhouse, Jr., ....................... 14 16 ti. Keniston, sand, and use of derrick, ........ 16 50 T. J. McClary, oil, ........................ 80 Davis & Furber, sperm oil, . ................ 2 00 Littlefield, Sargent & Co., cement and drain pipe, 4.6 90 Joseph P. Blake, horse at derrick, and teaming, 82 00 Joseph P. Blake, rope, nails, otc .............. 9 84 Joseph P. Blake, labor, . ................... 90 30 Davis & Father, castings~ etc.~ .............. 6 55 Tools left after building reservoir, ................ $815 05 $12 00 LIBRARY. Paid J. Q. ]~oulton, cleaning house,. ............. $8 50 A. G. Rea: stock and labor .................. 168 83 H. Kenisten, stock and labor, . .............. 88 00 Davis & Furber~ stock and labor, painting, .... 61 40 Steele & McDonald~ boxes, ................. 144 00 J. H. Pray, Sons & Co., carpeting. .......... 134 50 1~1. A. Bishops Jr., stoves~ etc., .............. 45 15 F. O. Dewey, chandeliers, lamps, etc.~ ........ '27 45 J. Pillsbury~ Jr., tables and chairs~ ........... 47 50 $675 33 INCIDENTAL EXPENSES. Paid A. I~[orrison, printing Auditors' report, etc.,... Geo. S. Merrill & Crocker, printing school report, Geo. S. Merrill & Crocker, printing warrants, re- ceipts, bills, etc., ...................... Whitford & Rice, books and stationery, ....... Thomas Groom & Co., collector's book, ....... Coolidge & Baldwin, laying out street~ ........ Amount carried fo~'ward, $55 50 35 00 27 00 6 85 1 50 21 00 $146 85 16 AUDITO]~S' REPORT. Amount brought forward, $146 8,~ Paid A. P. Fuller, guide posts,. ................. 6 G. W. Gould, guide boards, and painting~ etc.,. 6 50 Chas. Barnes, damage caused by defect in highway 15 00 Gilman P. Foss~ damage caused by defect in high- way, ......................... ....... 30 Thomas Dawes use of land for lock up,. ....... 12 0(~ Geo. Wilton, painting signs, ................ 8 50 J. N. Taylor, insurance on town property, ..... 65 00 Pemberton Insurance Co., assessment ......... 185 00 B. P. Saunders, services Bodwell case, ........ 37 00 A. C. Hardy, fish warden, .................. 25 00 A. Smilh, paying state aid, ................. 10 00 C. F. Jo,hnson. services state aid,. ........... 10 J. P. Blake, services, committee on road at J. D. W. F., ........................... 8 00 J. F. Allen, returning thirteen deaths, ........ 8 25 A. Smith, recording births, marriages and deaths 55 30 A, Smith~ stamps, stationery and express, ..... 10 86 $624 26 REMITTANCE OF TAXES, Paid A. D. Carleton, Collector, sundry taxes assessed in 1873, ............................. $86 00 Joseph F. Allen, Collectors sundry taxes assessed in 1874, ............................. 147 18. DISCOUNT ON TAXES. Paid Joseph F. Allen, discount on taxes collected pre- $233 13 vious to Nov. 1, 1874, ................. $1,750 19 ABATEMENT OF TAXES. Paid Josiah Crosby, over-tax, ................... $15 Moses T. Stevens~ over-tax~ ................ .. 1.5 00 $30 0O AUDITORS~ REPORT. 17 OVF, t{SEEi:{S~ ACCOUI~ T. The Overseers of the Poor, report that the whole amount of orders drawn is .................. $1,725 27 RELIEF OUT OF THE HOUSE. Paid for supplies to Benjamin Stevens,. ........... $60 00 Clothing for C. M. Hadley, ................. 12 00 $72 00 MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. Paid Dr. C. P. Morrill, attending Phebe Hadley, ... $2 00 Dr. Jos. Kittredge, attending Phebe Hadley,... 1 50 Dr. Jos. Kittredge, attending Elijah L., ....... 3 00 Dr. Jos. Kittredge, attending H. Pugsley, ..... 4 50 $11 O0 FUNERAL EXPENSES. Paid Jos. F. Allen, services as undertaker, ......... SA 00 K. S. Porter, for coffin, .................... 2 50 $6 5O PaidDr. C. P. Morrill, attending Mr. Plummet, (charged to city of Haverhill), .......... $15 00 Towne & Fuller, for supplies to Betsy Fish, (charged to Town of Middleton,) ........ 81 06 $96 06 INCIDENTAL EXPENSES. Pa~d J. C. Carleton, keeping two tramps,. ......... $1 O0 Rodney Sargent, expenses sending It. Pugsley to Soldiers' Home, ..................... 18 00 $14 00 AUDITORS' REPORT. PAID CITIES AND TOWNS. Paid City of Haverhill, support of Mrs. Baker, . ... $43 04 City of Salem, support of Miss A. A. Nichols,. 21 00 City of Salem, support of Nancy T. Eastman,. 22 50 City of Lawrence, support of Mrs, Susan Brierly I 00 City of Boston, support of Lucy Brown ....... 88 00 City of Boston, support of Abbv E. Tyler, .... 99 00 City of Boston, support of Mary A. Stevens, . . 45 82 City of Boston, support of Michael Ryan's family, 27 94 Town of Middleton~ support of Danlel Kimball's family ............................... 131 50 Town of Ipswich, support of Caroline Goodhue, 54 20 Town of Saugus, support of Mrs. Jane Barrows, 15 25 Town of Marblehead, support of Sarah A. Evans 38 58 Worcester Lunatic Hospital, support of' l~lrs. Charlotte Wallwork, ................... GENERAL EXPENSES OF ALMSHOUSE. Paid Rodney Sargent, for services,. .............. Rodney Sargent, for supplies at almshouse,.... Louis Well, for clothing at almshouse, ........ Total expense, $1,725 27 172 $760 88 71 $600 00 150 00 15 00 $765 00 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER IN AccoUNT WITH To cash To cash To cash To cash To cash To cash To cash To cash To cash To cash To cash To cash To cash To cash To cash To cash To cash RODNEY SARGENT. paid for supplies to Feb. 11, 1875~ ........ $365 51 paid for grain, . .............. .' ........ 356 69 paid for flour, ......................... 125 75 paid for clothing, ...................... 78 44 paid for repairs, ....................... 84 17 paid for labor, ......................... 88 00 paid for Blacksmith, .................... 47 10 paid for meat,. ........................ 138 82 paid for fish, .......................... 32 8 l paid for salt hay, ...................... 177 00 paid for standing grass, ................. 90 00 paid fbr coal, ......................... 7 25 paid ibr pasturing, ..................... 25 0O paid for seed, ......................... 9 80 paid for incidentals: .................. '.. 47 28 paid for medicine, ...................... 2 40 paid for tools, ......................... 51 49 $1,622 O1 SR. By cash in my hands Feb. 11, 1874, ............. $89 77 By cash received for produee~ ................... 1,062 25 By cash received for labor, ..................... 79 00 By cash received from Treasurer, ................ 160 00 Due me Feb. 11, 187§, ........................ 240 99 $1,622 O1 NoTz.--Five hundr&d and forty-one traveling paupers have been accom- modated at the almshouse the past year at an estimated expense of A UDITOR8~ REPORT. STOCK AND TOOLS ON TOWN FARM. I horse, ........................... $50 00 1 pair oxen, ........................ 150 00 1 pair oxen ......................... 225 00 10 cows, ........................... 375 00 1 calf, ............................. 12 00 40 fowls, .......................... 25 00 Farming tools, ......... ............. 400 00 Furniture, ......................... 250 00 SUPPLIES ON HAND AT TOWN FARM. tons english hay, . ................. $176 00 12 tons run hay, .................... 180 00 9 tons salt hay, ..................... 126 00 600 pounds pork, .................... 90 00 90 bushels potatoes, ................. 7'2 00 200 bushels turnips, ................. 60 00 25 barrels apples, ................... 25 00 Cabbag% .......................... 40 00 25 barrels cider ..................... 118 75 8 bushels beans, · ................... 24 00 Provisions, lard, flour and tea~ ......... 45 00 iNMATES OF ALMSHOUSE, Age. James H. Freeman, ..... 81 Benjamin Farnham, ..... 80 Barzelia Lew, .......... 70 $1,487 O0 $956 75 Age. Enoch Bailey, .......... 69 Hannah Fry% .......... 38 George ~IcLaughliu ~ .... 23 AUDITORS' REYORT. 3]. FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE TOWN. ~Iotes payable, ...................... $19,200 00 Due Rodney Sargent, ................ 240 99 $19,440 99 ASSETS. Cash in Treasurer's hands,. .... ' ...... 4,205 11 Due from State for Soldier's aid, ...... Due from Milon S. Jenkins, collector, 1872 Due from Amos D. Carleton, collector, 1873 ........................ :Due from Jos. F. Allen? collector, 1874, Taylor Rep. Fund, accreed interest to date, Balance against the town, 506 50 50 O0 651 63 991 34 40 55 $6,445 13 $12,995 86 TAYLOR REPRESENTATIVE FUND. Amount of fund,....: ............... $100 O0 I~come of f~ncl ~nexpended in ha~ds of Treasurer. Interest received ia 18692 ............ $7 22 Interest received in 1870, ............ 6 60 Interest received in 1871, ............ 6 58 Interest received in 1872, ............ 6 80 Interest received in 1873, ............ 6 63 Interest received in 1874, ............ 6 72 $40 55 AUDITOR8~ REPORT. DR. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER in account To cash paid State tax for 1874, ...... $3,060 00 To cash paid county tax/'or 1874, ..... 2.102 10 To cash paid state aid for 1874, ....... 406 00 To cash paid money hired,. ~ ......... 22,000 00 To cash paid interest and discount on notes, ......................... 2,290 00 To cash paid selectmen's orders, ....... '21,232 35 To cash paid overseers' orders, ........ i,725 27 To cash paid selectmen and auditors,... 20 00 To cash balance due from collectors, .... 991 34 To cash in treasury to balance, ........ 4,205 11 $58,O32 17 $58.032 17 AUDITORS1 REPORT. .current with ANDREW' SMITH, Town Treasurer. By cash on hand, February 11th, 1874, $4,196 99 By cash received frmn City ot Bosto% pauper account~ ................. 76 53 By cash received from City of Haverhill, 15 00 By cash received from Joseph F. Allen, for auctioneer's license, .......... 2 00 By cash received from James C. Curie- ton, tor auctioneer's license ....... 2 00 By cash received fi'mn Orrin F. Spofford, for use of' Town Hall, ............ 122 50 By cash received from Charles A. But- tcrfield, for grass on common and Centre Sctmol House lot, 1874 ..... 10 00 ,By cash received fi'om John W. Richard- son, tok' old lumber sold kom library building ....................... 2 00 By cash received frnm Michael F. Con- Ion, for board uf his son, .......... 19.50 By cash received from Milon F: Jenkins, on accmlnt of taxes of 1872, ...... 150 00 By cash received from Amos D. Curie- ton, ou account of taxes of 1873,.. 580 00 By cash received fi'om Joseph F. Allen. interest on taxes, . .............. 4 08 By cash received f?om Hiram Berry,... trustee eomnmn f,md, ............ 140 00 By cash rec'd trom Hiram Berry, for wood on Centre School House lot, 1872, 5 18 By cash received from county treasurer, for dog licenses, . ............... 836 44 .By cash received from county treasurer, for dlseount on county tax, . ...... 36 43 By cash received from state treasurer, balance of corporation tax for 1873, 136 99 ~By cash received from state treasurer, balance of corporation tax fbr 1874, 1,129 57 By cash rec'd from Nat'l bank tax, 1874, 2,882 95 By cash received from state aid allowed, 540 00 By cash received from Massachusetts school fund, .................... 287 16 By cash received fi'om assessors' warrant for taxes, 1874, ................ 32,856 95 By cash received from money hired, .... 14,500 00 $58,032 17 ANDREW SMITH, Tg~asugum No. Andover, ]Feb. Ir, 1875. AUDITORS~ REPORT. SUMMARY OF EXPENSES OF THE TOWN. For teaching, ....................... $7,160 80 For fuel, and janitors' services,. ....... 1,365 61 Far repairs, fixtures and hooks, . ...... 268 66 $8,795 07 SELECTMEN'8 GENERAL ORDER8, For officers' services, ................ $1~062 For fire department,. ................ 1~085 49 86 35 Paid to highway surveyors, ........... 3,812 Paid special appropriations for roads and bridges~ ..................... 835 77 Paid overwork by highway surveyors, .. 72 80 For pathing snow~ ................... 278 85 For building roads,. ................. 1,010 50 For town house account~ ............. 295 50 For reservoir No. 1, ................. 352 70 For reservoir No. 2, ................. 815 05 For library,. ....................... 675 33 For incidental expenses, .............. 624 26 For remittance of taxes, ............. 233 13 For discount on taxes, ............... 1,750 19 For abatement of taxes~ .............. 30 00 Total amount of Selectmen's orders, $12,437 28: $21,232 35 OYEE~EER'S ORDERS. For relief out of the almshouse, ....... $960 27 For general expenses of almshouse, .... 765 00 Amount carried.forward, $1,725 27 $22,957 62 AUDITOR~~ REPORT° 25 Amount brought forward, Pan) Br TH~ Tazasvszm State tax, .......................... $3,060 00 County tax ............... $2,102 10 Less discount ............. 86 43 2,065 67 Interest and discount on notes, ........ 2,290 00 Selectme.u. and Auditors, .............. 20 00 Total running expenses of the Town, $22,957 62 $7,435 67 $30,393 29 SCHEDULE Of TOWN PROPERTY. Town House, fixtures and land adjoining ........ $25,000 00 Two engine houses, .......................... 1,250 00 Steamer engine house, ....................... 4,000 00 Steamer Eben Sutton and apparatus, ........... 4,000 00 Two hand engines and apparatus, .............. 1,000 00 Lockup,. .................................. 500 00 Town farm and buildings, .................... 7~000 00 Personal property at town farm~ ............... 2~222 00 Safe and furniture in Selectmen's office, ......... 25 00 Standard weights and measures, ............... 150 00 Schoolhouse property, ....................... 43,000 00 $88,147 O0 LOreS 1 JOHN P, FOSTER, } ,!lnd~tors. JOS. S. SANBORN. ~ 1~o. Andover, Feb. 11, 1875. AUDITORS' REPORT. REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE. Appropriations for the year 1875. Schools, ..................................... Repairs on school houses, ...................... Roads and bridges, ........................... Support of poor,. ............................. General expenses aud reduction of town debt, ...... CHARLES F. JOHNSON, ) DANIEL CARLETON, JOHN W. RICHARDSON, LOUIS WEIL, JOHN P. FOSTER, JOS. S. SANBORN, H IRA]}I BERRY, CHAS. P. MORRILL, JAS. W. LEWIS. North Andover, Feb. ]r~, i875, $8,000 00 500 00 3,000 00 2,500 00 10,000 00 Finance iComraittee. AUDITORS' REPORT. 27 REPORT OF ASSESSORS. The whole number of ratable polls, .... Aggregate of personal estate, ......... Aggregate of real estate, ............. 796 $595~984 00 1,489,156 00 $2,085,I40 00 Amount of State tax, .............. $3,060 00 Amount of County tax, ............ 2,102 10 Amount of Town grant, ........... 26,300 00 Amount of Overlay, ............... 1,407 00 Poll tax, ........................ $1~592 00 Tax on personal estate, ............ 87939 76 Tax on real estate, ................ 22,337 34 $32,869 Rate otc taxation per $1,000, ........ $15 00 Total number of dwelling houses, .... 555 Total number of horses, ............ 298 Total number of cows, ............. 579 Total number of sheep ............. 4,2 Total number of acres of land taxed, 15,379~ $32,869 l0 C. tr. JOtINSObl, ~ J. W. RICHARDSON, } Assessors. D. CARLETON. ] North Andover, Feb. 11, 1875. AUDITORS' REPORT. VITAL STATISTICS FOR 1874. Number of births registered, .......................... 86 Males, ............................................ 46 Females, .......................................... 40 Number born of American parents, .................... 35 Number born of Irish parents, ........................ 29 Number born of English parents, ...................... 17 Number born of Canadian parents, .................... 1 Number born of Scotch parents,. ...................... 3 Number born of German parents, ..................... 1 Number of marriages registered, ...................... 18 Number of grooms married before, .................... 4 Number of brides married before, . .................... 1 American grooms, . ................................. 10 Foreign grooms, .................................... 8 American brides, .................................... 8 Foreign brides, ..................................... 10 Number of deaths registered, .......................... .33 Males, ............................................ 17 Females, .......................................... 16 Of these 6 males were' married and 11 were single, and 13 females were married and 3 were single. Number born of American pare~ms, ....... .' ............ 22 Number born of Foreign parents, ....................... 11 Number under 10 years, ............................. 9 Number between 10 and 30 years, ..................... 6 Number between 30 and 60 years, ..................... 9 Number between 60 and 90 years ...................... 9 The oldest person was 86 years, 2 months, and 13 days. TOWN WARRANT. ESSEX~ SS. To ANDREW S~IITH, O~ OF TFII~ COlgSTABLES OF THE TOWN OF q~]'OItTtt ANDOVER: {~REETII~G ** In the name of the Commonwealth of ~Iassachusetts, you are ~hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of I%rth Andover, qualified by law to vote in elections and in .town affairs, to meet at the Town Hall, in said town, on Monday, the first day of March, next, at 12 o'clock, noon, then and there to act on the following Articles, viz :~ A~T. I. To choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting. ART. II. To choose a Town Clerk for the year ensuing. A~T. III. To see if the town will accept the Auditors' report. ART. IV. To choose Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of the l:'oor~ Town Treasurer, one School Committee for three years, Constables, and all other necessary town officers for the year ,ensuing. ART. V. To see if the town will accept the 158th Chapter of · the Acts of 1871. AnT. VI. To determine what method the town will adopt to xepair their highways the ensuing year. ART. VII. To see what sum of money the town will raise to repair their highways and bridges the ensuing year. ART. VIII. To see what sum o~ money the town will raise :for the support of schools in the town the ensuing year. Awr. IX. To see what sum of money the town will raise for -the support of the poor the ensuing year. ART. X. To see what sum of money the town will raise to ~reduce the town debt and to defray the necessary expenses arising in said town. AnT. XI. To see what method the town will take to collect .their public taxes ~br the ensuing year. TO~I~ ~AnRANT. ART. XII. To see if the town will authorize the Treasurer of the town to hire money in anticipation of taxes, under the direc- tion of the Selectmen. A~T. XIII. To determine what compensation the town will' pay to members of engine companies for their services the year ensuing. Aa~. XIV. To see it' the town will accept of the list of jurors prepared and posted by the Selectmen. A~T. XV. To see if the town will vote to buy two hundred and fifty feet of hose for steamer. ART. XVL To see what action the town will take in regard to the dog fund. A~r. XVII. To see if the town will construct a road, begin- ning north oi the residence of 1N~athan A. Bishop, on the Salem road, in said town, running by the residences of Capt. Haskell and the late Aaron G. Rea, and Frederic Symonds, to the Andover line, as previously surveyed, on petition of Asa G. Has- kell and others. Aa~. X¥III. To act on any other business that may legally come before said meeting. And you are directed to serve this warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at each of the churches in said town, two Sundays at least, before lhe time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk at the time and place of holding said meeting. Given under our hands in :North Andover, this thirteenth day of February~ in the year one Ihousand eight hundred and seventy-five. CHAS. F. JOH:NSON, I Sdectmen J. W. RICHARDSON,I of DANIEL CARLETON. .North .4adorer. A true copy. Attest, ANDREW SMITH, Constable of North Andover.