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1903 Annual Town Report
TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER. · I903 . OFFICERS' REPORT ReceiPts OF THE and Expenditures AS PRESENTED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR 'ENDING JANUARY T, T9o4, INCLUDING Report of School Committee and Water Commissioners~ METHU[~N TRANSCRIPT CO,~ PRINT[~RS~ ~9o4. TOWN OFFIGEi~S FOR 1903. gown Clerk, Tawn Treasurer, JAMES W. LErrCH. GEORCE H. PERKINS. Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of the ?aor and Board af ffeallh, Ja~tES C. PooR, E~w. W. G~s~, L. E~a OsaGe. Calleclar .al Taxes, ~own dudilar, CORNELIUS J. ~{~ONEY, ALBERT B. HANSON. Schaal Cammitlee, Nmvxo~ P. F~, Term expires 1904. Mms Ma~ G. CA,LEmON, Term expires 190S. D~. F~ S. Smx~, Term expires 1906. Canslables, GEORGE H. MIZEN, GEORGE L. HARRIS, JOSEPH L. LEIGHTON, FRED MARVIN, WILLIAM J. TOOHEY. ~al[ce O~cers and ffieM ~riz,ers, WILLIAM P. WHI'I~AKER~ MARCUS L, CAREY, CEARENCE GOLDSMITH~ JAMES M. CR~tC, CHARLES W. PAUL~ FRED L. SARGENT, CALVIN M. SANBORN~ PATRICK J. ~-IEALEY, SAMUEL T. WOOD, ARTHUR I~. FARNHAM, HENRY }~. SMITH, JOHN G. M. GILL, ARTHUR BUP, NHAM, JOHN M. SHEARER, JOHN H. CAMVBm~n, I~ATTHEW $. /V~ANCHESTER~ HUBERT ~. ~?'HI'ITTER, MIC1L~EL L. McDuFEIE~ CHARLES McCARTHY. Ifee~ber of Lookup and Agent Board af Health, FRED MARVIN. I~ater Cvmmissioners, HERBERT W. FIELD, Term expires 1904. AND~tEW REEVES, Term expires 1905. E, S. COLBY, Term expires 1906. Superintendent of 14faler I4Zor~s, CLARENCE GOLDSMITH. Park Commissioners, DR. C. P. MORRILL, Term expires 1904. T~o~.~s P. WENTWOm% Term expires 1905. Mcsrs T. S'rEvENS, Ja., Term expires 1906. Tr~stees af JPublic Zi3rary, JouN B. LEwis, Term expires 1904. M~ss ANNIE L. SaROENT, Term expires 1905. DR. C. P. MORRILL, Terra expires 1906. Zi~rarian, M~ H~NNA~ QUEaLY. ~egfstrars o~ Fo~ers, JOHN F. BANNAN, Term expires 1904. T~OM~S J. B~oDXmC<, Term expires 1905. F. OR~s REA, Term expires 1906. JA~ES W. L~n.cm W1LLIA3[ GILE. ~ngineers ~ fi/re ~e~ariman6 DAVID D. WALLWORK, GEORSE H. WILTON~ PATRICK J. CASEY. DR. GEo~o~ S. FULLE~. ARTHUR ~URNHAM. ~-ree k~arden, 1DE'I ER I-IOLTo FRED M'ARVIN. AMOS D. CARLETON~ ABIJAH P. ~LLER~ DENNIS J. COSTELLO~ ~OBERT H. HANSONs Jo~ H. Rna, F. O~ms P~r~er P. Daw, E~w~ W. Moon~. ~ANIEL CONNORS~ Eww~r3 S. EI~UNBS, ~¥1LLIAM S. ROUNDY~ HENRY R. SM1TIt, JOSEPH TRO.YiBLY, JO~N O'BRm~. JAMES W. ELLIOTT. ~vrcst ffire Ward, GEORGE A. ~ATIlANIEE C~'AGE~ BENJ. W. F.a-p~xrUlV[. ARTHUR P. CHICKEP, INO. SYNOP.51$ OF: THE Town Clerk's Pxecord of Town Meeting, MARCH :~, ~9o3, AI~TICL~'. 1. To choose a moderator to preside at said me~ting. Arthur P. Chickering, chosen. Alrr. g. To elect Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of the Poor, Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, Highway Surveyor, one School Committee for three years, Collector of Taxes, Constables, Auditor, one Trustee of Pubhc Library for three years, and one for one year, one Water Commissioner for three years, one Park Commissioner for three years, and all other Town Officers qnired by law to be voted for by ballot. Also to vote on the questions "Shall licenses be granted for the sale of intoxicating liquors in this town?" All of the above, except Moderator, to be voted for on one ballot, in accordance with Chapter 11. of the Revised Laws of Massachusetts. The polls will be open at 10 o'clock A. M., and may be closed at 2 o'clock P. M. Voted to close at 3.30. AR'r. 3. To elect a Tree B'arden, Field Drivers, Fence Viewers, and all oth.er .Town Officers not required by law to'be elected by ballot, Aar. 4. To see if the town will accept the report of the receipts and expenditures o~ the Town as presented by the Selectmen and Auditor. Voted to accept. A~r. 5. To see what action the Town will take in regard to nnexpended appropriations. TOWBI CLERK'S RECORD O1¢ TOWN MEETING. 7 Voted that all unexpended appropriations, except those to the credit of School Department, lmprovemer/t Society, Tree Warden, Memorial D~ty, be covered into the Treasury; ARr. 6. To see ~vhat action the Town will take as to the recommendations of the Finance Committee. Voted to take up each item separately and it was voted to raise and appropriate the following named sums for the several departments: Assessors, $$25 O0 Auditor, 225 00 C}erk of Town, 150 00 Tax Collector~ 1 per cent. on collections and premium on bond, 600 00 Fish Warden, 5 00 Forest Fire Ward, 25 00 Animal Inspector, 1S0 00 Selectmen~ 475 00 Treasurer, 8300 and premimn on bond, 350 00 Janitor of Town Hall, 200 00 Board of Health Officers, 90 00 Board of Health Expenses, 200 00 Fire Dept. Engineers, 150 00 Fire Dept., including support of horses and pay of drivers, 3,800 00 police Department, 1,000 00 State and County Tax, 7,000 00 Contingent Fund, 2,000 O0 Discount on Notes, 1,500 00 Election expenses, 200 00 Lighting Streets, 3,000 00 Registrars of Voters, 150 00 State and Military Aid, 900 00 Library Trustees /,the dog tax and) 1,Z00 00 Memorial, 150 00 Overseers of Poor, Z25 O0 Superintendent of Poor, 500 O0 Support of Poor, Receipts from the farm and S,000 00 NORTH ANDOV~R. Supt. and Committee of Schools, $800 00 Teachers, Janitors~ Fuel, Supplies, Repairs and Text Books, 19,500 00 Highway Surveyor, 1,200 00 Streets and Bridges, 3,500 00 Macadamizing, 4,000 00 Sidewalks, Concrete, 1,000 00 Surveying, ] 25 00 Water Commissioners, 300 00 Interest on Water Loan Bonds, 4,520 00 Maintenance, Water Works, [ Receipts Construction, Water ~Vorks, j Sinking Fund, Water Loan Bonds, 3,000 00 Tree Warden, 500 00 Tree Warden's Salary, 75 00 Stone Crusher, 800 00 $69,090 00 Voted that a committee of three be appointed to purchasea stone crusher, the highway surveyor to be oneof said committee. The moderator appointed William Gile, Peter Holt and Walter H. Hayes. A'~r. 7. To see what sum of money the Town will raise and appropriate for the use of the several delmrtments for the current year, to wit: Schools, School Houses, Highways and Bridges, Sidewalks, Support of Poor, and all other necessary and. proper expenses arising i~ said Town for the current year. Passed. A~r. 8. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen and Treasurer, jointly, to hire money temporarily in anticipation ofltaxes to be assessed for tb.e current year. So voted. AnT. 9. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen and Treasurer, iointly, to issue its promissory notes to meet/ts outstanding obligations. So voted. TOWN CLERK'S RECORD OF TOWN 3,{EETING. 9 ART. 10. Tosee if the Town will accept the list of names for iurors as prepared, posted and presented by the Selectmen. Voted to accept after excusing Edwin W. Moodyand adding the ~ame of John H. Rea. AR*. 11. To see what compens.ation the Town will pay for labor on Highways for the ensuing year. Voted to pay same as last year ($1.80 per day of 9 hours). Am'. 12. To see what compensation the Town. will pay the members of Fire Engine Companies for the ensuing year. Voled 50 cents per hour when on duty. ART. 13. To see what action the Town will take in regard to inducing the prompt payment of taxes. Voted tha't interest be charged at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum on all taxes not paid on or before Dec. 1. ARa'. 14. To see if the Town will vote to accept the By- laws as prepared by the committee on the revision of By-I,aws, after adding new section. Voted to accept. ART. 15. To see if the Town will vote to establish and maintain town scales, and raise and appropriate money sufficient for the purpose. Voled $500 for this purpose. Am'. 16. To see if the Town will raise the sum o[ ffiree thousand dollars ($3000) to enable the School Committee to enlarge the Union School building. So voted. ARr. 17. To see if the Town will vote to repair the Town Hall building, and raise and appropriate a sum sufficient for the same. Voted $3000. ART. 18. To see if the Town will vote to appoint a conmlit- tee to cm~sider the ad~,isabill~y o[ building a new engine house in precinct one, and securing a suitable piece of land whereon to locate the same, said committee to report at the next annual town meeting. NORTH ANDOVER. Committee appointed, Board of Engineers, Selectmen and A. A. Currier. Appropriated $100 for expenses of committee. ARr. 19. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sunt of two thousand dollars for the purpose of making the necessary repairs upon the Eben Sutton S. F. Engine. So voted. AR'r. 20. To see if the town will appropriate the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars ~$1503 to defray the expenses of next Memorial Day exercises. Appropriation marie under Article 6. Committee appointed, Henry A. Webster, Charles W. Phelps, Joseph Trombly, Parker J. Chase and Patrick Elogan. ARr. 21. To see what action the Town will take in regard to the filing of a claim for damages by theowners of water rights, with the County Commissioners for the taking of water from the Great Pond. Voted to place the matter in the hands of the Water Corn- missioners. ^RT. 22. To see if the Town will vote to locate an electric arc light at the junction of Massachusetts Ave. and Railroad Ave., and also at the junction of Massachusetts Ave. and Greene Street, and appropriate money for the same. Voted Ihat the Selectmen be instructed to ascertain if the street railway corporation will erect and maintain arc lights at the following places: One at the junction of Massachuselts Ave. and Railroad Ave.; one at lhe junction ot Massachusetts Ave. and Greene street; one at the junction of Turnpike street and Ando- ver Street. APT. 23. To see if the Town will vote to locate an arc light at the junction of Suffolk and Beverly Streets. So voted. Am'. 24. To see if the Town will appropriate the sum of five hundred dollars for the purposes of the North Andover Im- provement Society. Voted that $500 be raised and appropriated, to be expended under the direction of the North Andover Improvement Society. TOWN CLEP, K~S RECOI~D OF TOWN ]MEETING. 11 ART. 25. To see if the Town will vote to extend its system of water works from the intersection of Osgood and Pond Streets throt~g~ Pond Street and Bradford Street to the house of Mrs. William A. Russell, and autt~orize the Water Commissioners to issue bonds to the amount of seven thousand dollars ($7,000) or such l)art thereot as may be necessary to pay for ttm same; pro- vided- that the owners of property abutting the streets through which said extension is made will guarantee to pay to the town a sum, as water rates', equal to tour per cent. per annum on the cost o[ said extension. Voted that the Water Commissioners be instructed to extend the water system through t~ond Street and Bradford Street to the residence of Mrs. William A. Russell, or so far in this direction as they may deem advisable, and that a guarantee of four per cent on tee cost of construction be rectuired from the abuttors. Voted to issue bonds for the sum of $7,000. ART. 26. To see if the Town will vote to place a fire alarm box at the corner of Dale and Winter streets, and appropriate money for the same. Voted to raise and appropriate a sum sufficient. ART. 27. To see if the Town will ~aise and appropriate a sum sufficient to place a fire alarm box at the corner of Middle- sex street and Massachusetts avenue. Voted $75. A~a'. 28. To see if the Town will vote to place a fire alarm box on Osgood street near the residence of Arthur W. Bassett, and raise and appropriate money for the same. Voted $125. ART. 29. To see if the Town will vote to extend its water system by laying pipes for the distribution of water through Rus- sell, Oxford and Lincoln roads~ so*called, in the Russell tract, between Main and Pleasant streets, or upon any portion of said ways, and instruct the Water Commissioners to provide for this purpose. Voted to lay water pipes in Russell and Oxford. NORTH ANDOVER. Axv. 30. To see if the Town will vote to build ~ sidewalk on Milk street and raise and appropriate money for the same. Voted to build a cinder or gravel walk. ART. 31. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate a sum sufficient to continue the sidewalk on Massachusetts avenue, built last year, from the place where it ended to the Lawrence line. Voted to strike from the warrant. AaT. 32. To see if the Town will vote to build a concrete sidewalk on the westerly side of Main street from the Post Office ~to Sutton street, and raise and appropriate money therefor. So voted. Voted that no concrete walk be laid less than five feet wide. ART. 33. To see if the Town will vote to build a surface sewer (of 15-inch pipe) on the easterly side of Beverly street. So voted and $500 appropriated. ART. 34. To see if the Town will vote to macadamize Water street frorn E!m street to Clarendon street, and raise and appropriate money for that purpose. So voted. Am'. 35. To see if the Town will vote to accept Columbia road, so-ca/led, from Sutton street to Irving street, as shown on plan filed with the Town Clerk, and appropriate a sum of money for the same. Accepted. Appropriated $250 for grading. ART. 36. To see if the Town wall vote to accept RusseIl, Oxford and Lincoln roads, so called, ~n the Russell plot bounded by Main, Pleasant and Park streets, and appropriate money nec essary for grading the same for travel. Accepted. Appropriated $300 for grading. ART. 37. To see what action the Town will take in regard to water on Massachusetts avenue against pretnises of Hugh Shearer, and also in regard to improvements on Mi.ldlesex street. Also in regard to repairs in front of 100 Massachusetts avenue, and that the grade of the sidewalk be put in order. And that TOWN CLERK'S RECORD OF TOWN MEETING. 13 the Town appropriate sufficient money for the sam% and that the article in the Town Warrant of 1902 be carried out, and that ap- proprmtion be made therefor. Appropriated $300 to build sidewalk. Amt. 38. To see if the Town will accept Thorndike street, in "Sunnyside Park," so called, as shown on plan filed by the Town Clerk. Accepted. Appropriated $500 for grading. Am'. 39. To see if the Town will vote to rescind its vote to elect a Highway Surveyor, and vote to have ~ Superintendent of Streets appointed by the Board of Selectmen. Voted to strike from the warrant. Appropriated $10 to pay the Moderator. Voted that a committee consisting of the Auditor and two other persons be appointed to examine into the methods of book- keeping of the various departments; to prepare forms and make suggestions for the same, the committee to incur no expense except for stationery and postage. The Moderator appointed Henry D. Rockwell and William Knowles. SYNOP&IS OF THE Town Clerk's Pxecord of Town Meeting, MAY 28, 1:9o3- ' ART~CL~ 1. To choose 'a moderator to preside at said meeting. Arthur P. Chickering, chosen. ART. 2. To see what action the Town will take in regard to paying for constructing the sewer on Second street. Voted to pay for same from sewer assessments due the Town and any deficiency be taken from contingent fund. AR'r. 3. To see if the Town will approve of the action of the Board of Selectmen on January 5th, 1903~ in revoking the franchise of the Haverhill and Andover Street Railway company. ART. 4. To see if the Town will approve of the action of the granting of a new franchise to the Haverhill and Andover Street Railway company, or to any other company, along the route formerly used by the Haverhill and Andover Street Rail- way company. Voted that the Town approve the granting of a new franchise under advice of Counsel Knox, Currier & Coulson and J. P. s. Mahoney. A~. 5. To see if the Town will vote to instruct its Select- men to publish in one or more of the daily papers circulated in the Town the final draft of all franchises agreed upon between them and persons or companies seeking such franchises before binding the Town by signing said franchises. So voted. TOWN CI,ERK~S RECORD OF TOWN ~IEETING. ART 6. To see what ~ct/on the Town desires to take against the Middleton and Danvers Street Railway Company for requiring extra fare~ and otherwise violating the terms of its franchise. Voted that the matter be left with the Selectmen with the advice of Counsel Knox, Coulson & Currier and J. P. S. Mahoney. A~a'. 7. To take such other actions as said Town may deem expedient in relation to the Street Railway Companies having franchises within its borders. Passed. SYNOPSIS OF THE Town Clerk's Px¢cord of Town Meeting, OCTOBER :~o, ~9o$. ARTrCLE 1. TO choose a moderator to preside at said meeting. Arthur P. Chickering, chosen. ART. g. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen and Treasurer jointly to issue its promissory notes to an amount not exceeding three thousand dollars ($3,000) to meet the out- standing obligations. Voted to borrow a stun not exceeding three thousand dollars (S3,000). ART. $. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen and Treasurer jointly to borrow a sum not exceeding six thousand dollars ($6,000) to pay the expense of enlarging the Union School House, said loan to be called the Union School House Loan, and be paid as follows: The sum of two thousand dollars with the interest thereon in 1904; the sum of two thousand dollars with the interest thereon in 1905, and the sum o[ two thousand dollars with the interest thereon in 1906. Voted to borrow a sum not exceeding six thousand dollars ($6,000), same to be paid in s~x annual payments of one thousand dollars each with interest. ART. 4. To take any other action in the matter of raising money to pay for the Union School improvements as may seem wise. Passed. A~r. 5. To see if the Town will vote to extend its system of Water Works through Essex and Bradford streets to the house of Mrs. W. H. Salisbury or any part of the way, provided that the TOWN CLERK'S RECORD OF TOWN MEETING. 17 owners of property abutting the street through which said extension is made, will guarantee to pay to the Town a sum as water rates equal to four per cent. per annum on the cost of said extension, and to issue its notes to an amo~rnt not exceeding seven thousamt dollars ($7,000) to pay for the same. Voted to extend system through streets named, provided abuttors guarantee to 4 per cent. as water rates, a sum eq.ual to 4 per cent. on cost of construction. ARa'. 6. To see if the Town will vote to extend its sys~ tern o[ Water Works from Main street throught Greene street to a point in said street opposite the residence of E. W. Greene, provided that the owners of property a[mtting the streets through which the extension is made, will agree to pay to the Town a sum as Water rates equal to four per cent per annam, on tt~e cost of said extensiou and to issue its notes to an amount not exceeding three thousand dollars ($3000.)to pay for the Voted to extend system through Greene street,provided abut tors guarantee to pay aa water rates a sum equal to 4 per ct. on cost of constrnction. Voted that the Water Commissioners petiticm the legislatur ~ for authority to tssue hands to an amount not exceeding J~30,000. AR:r. 7. ~[o see if the Town will concur with the Board of Harbor and Land Cmnmissioners in the proposed changes m the boundry lines between the Towns of North Andover and Boxiord, North Andover and Middleton a~xd North Alxdover and North Reading or take any other action thereon. Voted to concur with said Board. JAMES W. LE1TCH, To~'n Clerk. SCHOOL REPORT. SCHOOL COMI'IlTTEE. Fred S. Smith, Chairman Term Expires 1906 Mary G. Carleton, Secretary, Term Expires 1905 N. P. Frye, Term Expires 1904 GEO. E. CHICKERING--SLTPERI~-TENi)EN'r. TEACHERS--SCHOOLS. 19 TEACHERS. In Service Dec. 18, 1903. Ralph L. YViggin, Prin. of High schoal Annie M. Sargent Asst. Prin. of High school Edna O. Spinney Asst. High school Florence W. Wheeler Asst. High school Chester R. Stacy Prin. Merrimack Gram. school Hannah C. Carleton Asst. Merrimack Gram. school Mary E. Quealy Asst. Merrimack Gram. school Helen C. Sargent Asst. Merrimack Gram. ~chool Edith M. F. Barker Asst. Merrimack Gram. school Annie E. Sanborn Asst. Merrimack Gram. school Martha E. Keating Asst. Merrimack Gram. school Kate T. Fuller Asst. Merrimack Gram. school Joseph H. Hartley 'Prin. Union Heights school Carrie M. Carleton Asst. Union Heights school Helen E. Roache Asst. Union Heights school Ella A. Small Prin. Centre school Clara E, Bryer Asst. Centre school Grace B. Osgood Asst. Centre school Milton Drisko Prin. Bradstreet school E E. Thompson Asst. Bradstreet school Henrietta Hatch Asst. Bradstreet school Mary M. Quealy Asst. Bradstreet school · Mary M. Taylor River school Ruby F. Nason Pond schoo NelSe G. Meserve Farnham school Hannah F. Carleton Kimball school Edward F. Butterworth Supervisor of Music Maud Milner Supervisor of Drawing James M. Craig--Truant Officer. 20 SUPERINTENDENT~S REPORT--SCHOOLS. SUPEI~INTENDENT'$ I~EPOI~T. No~'ra A~,'r)ov~:R, Mass., JAN. 5th., 1904. The following report o[ the condition of the public schools of this Town is respectfully submitted: STATISTICS FOI~ SCHOOL YEAD 1902=a. Population according to Census 190g 4,243 No. of persons between 5 and 15 years of age, Sept. 190.3 816 No. of boys between 5 and 15 years ot: age, Sept., 1903 394 No. of gb'ls between 5 and 15 years of age, Sept., 1903 422 No. of persons between 7 and 14 years of age, Sept., 1903 574 No. of boys between 7' and 14 years of age, Sept., 1903 277 No. of girls between 7 and 14 years of age Sept., 1903 297 No. of pupils enrolled in public schools 875 No. of boys enrolled io public schools 424 No. of girls enrolled in public schools 451 Total Membership registered 919 Average number belonging tn public schools, 780.65 Average daiIy attendance in public schools, 722.09 No. of pupils attending school between 7 and 14 years of age, 614 No. of pupils attending' school over 15 years of age, 50 No. of boys attending school over 15 years of age, 2,3 No. of girls attending school over 15 years of age, 27 Per ceut. o[ attendance for year, 93 Number of schoo!s, 21 Number of school buildings, 8 SCHOOL ACCOrlFIODATIONS. If not the greatest, certainly the most conspicuous advance that has been made in the schools during the past year, has been in the line of better accommodations -particularly in a samtary SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT--SCHOOI~q. 21 Last year the Merrimack building was given modern sani. tary conveniences, and in this respect everything is all that can be expected. One of these days some device will be added for the purpose of taking the foul air out of the rooms that will make the ventilation perfect. The heating and appliances for furnish- ing fresh air are snfficient--a change in the ventilators is all that is needed. While such a change would be welcome, I do not consider it as necessary as some other improvements I have in mind. The size of the rooms and the facilities for heating, en- able us to use the windows and doors for ventilation with st fair degree of success. This year the Bradstreet building has been provided with modern sanitary arrangements, a model of their kind. Here, too, lhe ventilation of the rooms is far from being what it should be. The built, lng is heated by steam with direct radiation only. Small aperture~ in the walls near the radiators permit the en- trance of a limited amount of fresh air. Fire places in outside chimneys which, without a fire, are as likely to work one way as another, if they work at all, and ventilators with openings at top and bottom o[ rooms, which are intended to accommodate the carbonic oxide in /ts supposed unnatural efforts to rise, are pro~ vided for the exit of foul air. The rooms are small--far too small for the number of pupils seated in them--and there is, for this reason, all the more need for good ventilation. I think suit- able ventilation of modern design might be provided for this building at moderate cost. At present the basement is the only part ventilated scientifically. The Centre school has been provided with a new furnace to take the place of the old one that dated back to the erection of the building. The only veqtilation of this school is by the win- dows ~ but, as the building is heated with furnaces, the amount of fresh warm air can be controlled, and the rooms being large with a comparatively small number of pupds the need of im- provement is not so great as in lhe school previously mentioned. The stove stall has to be used in very cold weather to. help out the furnace. The Union school building has undergone such a transform- atmn that it would be difficult to convince a stranger that it ever existed in its old form. This is the only school building in town NORTH ANDOVER. in which the ventilation is perfect. The system installed is a good one, but as fresh air is a costly commodity in this climate, I fear the consumption of coal necessary to operate it will sur- prise us. As soon as sewer connections will permit, it should be our duty to provide sanitary arrangements in the basement, simi- lar to those at the Bradstreet. Three of the rooms are now oc- cupied-the new room being supplied with adjustable furniture of the most approved pattern. The indications are that it will be necessary to open the other room at an early day. This school is intended to provide accommodations for all the grades below the ninth in the territory lying beyond Railroad street. The building is an ornament to the neighborhood and is none too good for the town. The time has gone by in intelligent communities like this when any old thing in the shape of a build- ing ~s good enough for a public school. Hygienic laws are now more perfectly understood than in the days of our grandfathers, anti we know that forty or fifty scholars in a tight box of a room 28x32 ft. require more consideratio~ than did ten tt~ thirty in tine old ~ashioned school buildi~g ventilated by cracks and heated by fireplaces or stoves. ATTENDANCE. The attendance has been about the same as last year. Con- sidering the distance that many pupils are obliged to walk it can not be truthfully said that tardiness is one of our faults. We have been less troubled with unexcused absences this year than last. There have been fewer truants--not a single case }]aving been prosecuted. Oar record would appear better were it not for the apparent uncertainty ~n the minds o~ many coucerning the ringing of the no session bell, particularly at the Centre. The bell can not always be heard, and guessi~xg ~s likely to be on the side of a "no-session." On December third, the only morning on which the no-session bell was rung during the fal~ term, there xvere present in the afternoon at the Centre school only one pupil in one room and a very few in the other rooms. As the paths were pretty generally broken out and the sun was shining elsewhere, one could not help thinking it possible that a ~ession signal tmght be more demoralizing than beneficiaI; and the propriety of doing away with it altogether and depeuding on SUPERilqTEIqDENTIS I{E!~OR'I'--SCHOOLS, 23 the judgment and cmnmon sense of the parents as in days of yore, might be worth considering. MUSIC AND DRAWING. The remarks rnade in previous reports concerning music, will apply with equal force this year. As regards drawing, the work has been carried on as well as conditions would allow. Since the opening of the fall term the health of the supervisor, of the instruction has t)een such as to prevent her taking personal charge of the work, although she has directed the work of an as- sistant up to within a few weeks. We were fortunate in being able to secure the services of Miss Hosmer, who has been carry- ing on the instruction very {aithfully and successfully. Miss Milner confidendy expects to resume her duties at the opening of the winter term. MANUAL TRAININO. Manual training can truthfullybesaid to be a needed branch of public school education, and this need is .growing mnre and more apparent. I regret that we have nothing in this line {n our curriculum. Provision for such instrnction is nrade by statute, but il is not compulsory in our town. It is needed here if it is needed anywhere. In ara industrial community like ours, it is of more consequence that we should turn out artizans rather than artists. The elements of manual training once c(mstknted a part of the course in industrial drawing, but that was when drawing was not regarded as art instruction only--before it had developed into a free hand search for the beautiful. It can hardly be expected that a regular course of manual n'aining with all the expens~ that such a complete plant would entail, could be maintained in this town; and with the textile school in Lowell and the manual training course in our neighboring city of Law- fence, it would not be policy to consider it. Sewing is, however, a branch of manual training that is especiatly valuable in many ways for the girls, and indirecdy for the boys, and is com- paratively inexpensive. The experiment at the Bradstreet school last spring was a success in every particular, but the departure of the teacher who was also a regular teacher, prevented its renewal this fall. I do 24 NORTH ANDOVER. xxot desire to push this branch of education against the judgment of thc Committee It is bound to come sooner or later. Tine same education that answered for the children of a homogeneous, native people, will not sufiSce for t}~e children we now find coin- ing into our schools in increasing numbers. If we des~re to make of them trustworthy, self-helping and intelligent cStizens of our common republic, we must have an eye to the }~ome, for good homes, manual skil[ and good morals go farther towards making good and loyal citizens than me~e knowledge--es- pecially the little knowledge the average child is likely to get. OI~ADUATI~S OF OI~AIVIP, IA~ 5GHOOLS. The following pupils having completed to the satisfaction of the Committee the work laid out for the Grammar Grades were admitted to the Johnson High School: SCHOOL. Harriet Bi×by Virginia W. Bryant Lawrence Cary Robert A. Coan Margaret Dame George C. Dickey Hattie M. Dore James L. Frye James H. Greemvood James Hargrea~es Frances M. Driver Agnes g. Finn Mary Etta Finn Henry B. BedeI1 Richard Houghton Ruth B. Foster CENTRE Sidney ],aura O. Jackson Alice 1. Kirke Edith G. Knowles Daniel J. McCarthy Lillian Mc Pherson Henry Phelps Anna C. Phelan Georgianna Sullivan Anna F. WeJl EMe Wentworth SCIIOOL. Beatrice F. Murphy Anna G. Stone Fred J. Toohey Helena Phillips Florence Poor $CI~OOL. Owen Walsh C. Rea. SUPERIN FEND EN £"$ REPORT--SCHOOLS. FARNHAM SCHOOL. Jennie Marion Rea. The graduation exercises were held in Stevens Hall, Friday afternoon, June 19th. THE JOHNSON HIGH SCHOOL. The graduating exercises of this school were held in Stevens Hail June 25. lng graduates: Clinton Carter Barker Henrietta Letitia Drew Margaret Milner Diplomas were presented to the follow- ENOLISII COURSE. Violet Lawmia Driver LATIN COUP. SE. Rot~ert Bigelow Houghton Carolyn Lenora White As regards this school it seems lo me that there has been a distinct gain in the general clxaracter of the school since the opening of the fall term. It is hard to tell in just what O. is gain consists. It is manifested in a more scholarly spirit that pervades the wl:ole corps.of students and the more cordial re- lot:ohS that apparently exist between all connected with the school. It has occured to me that a list o~ the graduates of this school would be desirable tCor future reference, no such list having been printed for many years, it will also serve to show the character of the education given by the school as reflected in the lives of its graduates. Also, when compared with the list of those given in last year's report, who had gone on into some higher institutmn of learning, that ~hose whose schooling ended here have generally done cretht to the ~chool and to lhemselves. The list a, ill be found at the t. nd of this report. TEACHERS. Since the last years' report was made the following teachers have withdrawn from service: Miss Ethel A. Jacobs and Miss Helen A. Ward of the ~[igh school, Raymoo W. R~gers and Miss Ethel L. Halliday of the Bradstreet, also Miss Elizabeth E. Thompson, the successor of Miss Halliday. Their places were NORTH ANDOVER. filled by Miss Florence W. Wheeler and Miss Edna O. Splnney at the High school, Milton Drisko and Miss Cora R. Parsons at the Bradstreet. Miss Carrie M. Carleton was elected to the corps and assigned to the new room at the Union Heights school. Miss ;Vheeler resigned just before the opening of the present term and Miss ttelen C. Ward a former teacher is filling the vacancy temporarily. THE KIMBALL SCHOOL, By vote of the committee the Kimball school was opened in September with Miss Hannah F, Carleton as teacher. The school opened with one pupil and now has an enrollment of three. It is a pity'this and the Farnham school which has an enrollment at present of ten could not be combined. CONCLUSION. In the work of the year we have chmg steadfastly to ~stab- lished edncational truths. At the same time we have not been oblivious o[ the many innovations that have gained entrance into the Public school work of other towns. Anything that has had the test of experience and proved itself o~ value we have not been slow to adopt, at least in the intellectual line. We must not for- get, however, that motion is a law of the universe, and that effect- ive school work is constaufly changing. The pendulmn swings forward and backward. The fashion of today will not be that of tomorrow, and while at pretty regular intervals the educational pendulum recedes to a point dangerously near its slatting point we will, by careftfl observation, discover that the pendulum is sell[ advancing, and consequently the original starting point is never quite reached. The results of teaching certain branches are often critieised as "not up to the g~od old times" because the results are not the stone. One critic voices his complaint in the statement that the grnduates of our grammar schools do not know how to measure cord of wood. I do not think this is truo m our schools; but even if it were it reflects no discredit on the instruction given in the schools. It is not probable that not one in a hundred will ever be called upon to measure wood in any form. How many of us older ones who had the benefit of the old fashioned teaching SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT--SCHOOLS. 27 could perform the feat ourselves without refreshing our knowl- edge by ~eferring to an arithmetic? We are not called upon to do such things in these days as a rule. The ability to judge cor- rectly of a ton of coal by sight would be much more to the point. A college e(tucation has been defined as an education that would teach one when and where to obtain any needed information. It is so to some extent in the preparatory school. Neither school is designed for or expested to make experts or specialists. This regular return of the educational pendulum is more or less discouraging to the old teacher. To him or her a new idea in teaching is only the trying over again of a fad that is doomed to failure. Unfortunately this is often true. Still it is in a sense progress. It probably accords with the needs of the times. It is at least motion and not stagnation. It is new to the younger teachers a~d stimulates enthusiasm. Even fads have *.heir places in school work when treated purely as such. Reading, writing and arilhmetic are as much afflicted by what may be called fads as the other studies. In teaching readi~xg we have tried the alphabet, .word, sentence, thought, and phonic methods; in pen- macship the slant, vertical, and are now urged to try the medial; and in arithmetic the topical, spiral and spiral review systems with oral and written variations. Numbers have been taught abstractly and concretely, and in the early years o~ school life not at all. In spite of all the systems, howe,'er, generations of children have come upon the stage~ absorbed their relative pro- porUon of knowledge and passed on. I presume the same crit- icism that we occasionally hear now will be made fifty years hence, and these days will be referred to as "the good old times when chihtren learned some~hingin school." If the course of study is not extended too far and made too diffusive, the average child will be able to digest it if, he doesn't take it too seriously' I can't help wishing, however, that in the interest ut a happy ch,ldhood and a vigorous old age some things o~ a purely intel- lectual character could be lopped off ecl[rely and something in the/.ndustrial tine substituted there[or. In conclusion permit rne to thank you for your many kindly courtesies and your cordial co-operation. Respectfully submitted, GEORGE E. CHICKERING. Z [... > SUPER1NTENDENT'S RE,PORT--SCHOOLS. 29 JOHNSON HI(iH SGHOOLORADUATI~S. Adams Carrie E., '01 Adams George O., '95 Archibald Sabina, (Mrs. Alfred Large), '75 Atkins Ida B., '76 Auty Hann,q.h, (Mrs. Charles Rollins}, '73 Barnes Eva J., (Mrs. Henry Liddell), '70 Barker Clinton ~C., '03 Barker Grace I., '01 Barker Lettie M., '89 Berry Charles A., '77 Berry Hereford, '89 Berry Mary A., '77 Bishop Maria L., (Mrs, Geo. Goodhue), '75 Blake Mabel E., '70 *Bolton John W., '73 Brodie Grace E., '95 Brodie Mary E., '00 Brown Bnrtis S., '01 Brown Lillian A. (Mrs. Cur- tis Chamberlain), '82 Callahan Dennis, '97 Calla.hah Mary, '87 Callahan Nora Theresa, '01 Car:eton Emily F., '71 Cadeton Hannah F., '75 Carleton Ida F., '97 Carter Effie M., '01 Chadwick Arthur F., '97 Ciaat~.wick Warren B., *Cheney Emma L (Mrs. Al- bert Andrews), '70 Cheney Mabel J., '91 Chesley Alfred E., '96 Chickering Arthur P., '90 Christensen Anna K., '97 Church Mary E., '97 Clark Edith M. (Mrs. Burton Cole), '87 Clark Harry S., '98 Clark Harry W., '81 (;lark M. Allie (Mrs. Calvin M. Sanborn), '76 Clough Frank H., Coan Mabel E., '98 Colman Fred W., Conneliy Theresa E., Cooper John T., '78 Costello Katherine, '00 Curley Edward E., '97 Curtm Hannah T., '97 Curley Matthew H., '99 Currier Albert, '97 ~Davis Anna C., '76 Davis Annie G., '01 3O *Davis Frank K., '79 Davis Mary E., '84 *Downing Annie L. (Mrs. Albert H. Kent), '81 Downing Gertrude E. (Mrs. C. W. Ellingwood), '77 Drew Henrietta L., '03 Driscoll Anna F. (Mrs. Gil- lespie), '99 Driver Emily F., '97 Driver Violet L., '03 Duffy Margaret J., '99 Duncan Joseph A., '99 Egan Katherine G., '98 Eliot Joseph K., '98 Etlingwood. Charles W., '74 Elliott William R., '91 Elhson Annie B., '97 *Ell/son Gertrude H., '92 Farnum Alice R., '77 *Fernandez Edward B., '83 Fish Edith S., '90 Foss Fred G., '97 Foster George B., '76 Foster Horace K., '75 Foster Laura G. (Mrs. Geo. D. Ward), '91 Foster Minnie E. (Mrs. Wil~ liam Goodwin), '86 Foster Wallace R., '81 Foye Charles E., '82 Foye Clara /,. (Mrs. James Fernslde), '73 Foye Lewis A., '78 Foye Mary E. (Mrs. George Downing), '71 · Fuller Edward A., '83 Fuller Eliza F. (Mrs. Elmer Humphrey), '79 Fuller Grace Gertrude (Mrs. Harry W. Clark), '86 Fu]Ier Kate T., '95 Fuller Mabel F. (Mrs. John A. Currier), '95 Geaney Mary E., '93 Gile Lydia A. (Mrs. Stephen Panareroff), '86 Gilman Lavinnie E., '91 Goodhue Fannie I., '02 Greenleaf Linnie (Mrs. Alba Markey), '82 Hamlin Gertrude A., '01 Hathorn G-eorge Wihner, '02 t:~ayes George D., '83 Herbert John, '86 Herbert Maurice, '79 · Hodges Maria C., '73 Holt Edna M, 'g7 Holt Edw'ard W. A., '97 Hosmer Annie L., '99 Hosmer Herbert E., '01 Houghton Robert B., '05 Howard Frank S., '83 Ingalls Ida B. (Mrs. Oliver Hutchinson), '84 Ingalls Lizzie F. (Mrs. Wil- liam H. Lewis), '$1 Jewett Ida B., '96 SUPERIN~EN'DENT~S REPORT--SCHOOLS. 31 Johnson Charles E., '99 Johnson Sarah M., '91 Josselyn Harry A., '94 Keating Martha E., '96 Keefe Alice T., '97 Keegan M. Alicia, '93 Kelly Elizabeth A. (Mrs. Lawrence Reid), '82 Keniston Mabel E. (Mrs. Frank M. Greenwood), '82 Kershaw C. A., '71 Kershaw Florence A. (Mrs- Henry Bishop), '71 Kimball Charles, '83 Kimball M. Florence, '75 Kittredge Joseph, '75 Kittredge George W., '73 Lacock Clara F., '82 Lacock Frances A., '82 LaMere Fred H., '88 Lawlor Mary A., '99 Lynch J. I-tarry, '93 Mahoney Cornelius J., '96 Mahoney John P. S., '88 Mahoney Jeremiah F., '99 Mahoney Ma~y A., '90 Manion Sarah H., *Manning Carrie P. (Mrs. E. S. Rlcker), '70 Manning Fred N., '79 Marston H. Ilerbert, '94 Marston I.ucy A. (Mrs. Fred ?. Bcrq ), McDonald Margaret G., '98 McDonnell klam~ah F, '90 McKone Alice L., '82 McKone Harriet A., ;84 lVrcKone James J., '82 McKone John S., '71 McKone Richard A., '77 McKone Sarah E. (Mrs. Joha Barman), '79 Meser,,:e Delphena (Mrs. Watts), '88 Meserve George N., '97 Meserve Nellie G., '00 Midwood Arnold J., '00 Miller George S., '01 Milner Margaret, '03 Milner Maude, '88 Milner Percy, '82 MorrJssey William /ff., *Murphy Edward, '81 Murphy John P., '88 Needham Carrie W. (Mrs. Thomas B. Pollard), '78 Oates Emily M. (Mrs. W. Baker), '98 Oates Violet A., '02 O'Brien John J., '78 Osgood Annie M., '76 Osgood Grace B., '87 Osgood L, Edgar, '82 *Parkhurst Ida M. (Mrs. James H. Davis), '70 Perkins George H-, '79 32 NORTH ANDOVER. *Perkins Mand L., '91 *Phelps George B., '73 *Phelps Lucy R., '78 Pollard M. Alice (Mrs. Albert H. Candlin), '81 Pollard Thomas B., '79 *Poor Albert H., '70 Prescott Lucy A., '97 *Prince Irene C. (Mrs. Char]es Bennett), Qnealy Mar), E., '73 Q~ealy William E., '76 Quealy William E., '99 Rea Hattie F4 '01 Rea 0live A., '83 Regan Daniel J., Regan John, '84 Regan Katherine R., '96 Reilly Mary J., '87 Reynolds Clara J., '76 Roache Belle ],. (Mrs. An- drew H. Paul), '96 Roache Helen E., '84 Roache John F., '79 Robinson Mabel S., '93 Robinsnn Ralph C., '95 Sampson Phillips D, '75 Sanborn Annie E., '84 Sanborn Fred C., '98 Sargent Annie I..~ '78 Sargent Helen C., '79 Sargent John R., '74 Saunders Elizabeth M., '70 S4unders Frauk H., '79 Shepard Bessie M. (Mrs. Warren Dudley)~ '84 Smith Clarence I., '02 Smith Effie O. (Mrs. Patrick Donovan), '97 Smith Fred S., '88 %tandring Vina (Mrs. Horace Downing), '70 Starrett Arthur R., '02 Stevens Annie L., '00 Stevens William O., '81 Stillings Nellie M., '86 Stoodley Gill, ford, '73 Stowers Hurnham C,, Sutcliffe Emma S, (Mrs. Fred- crick Brush), '98 Taylor Mary M., '00 Tisdale Mabel B., '00 Tucker Atina M. (Mrs. E.W. Moody), '83 Well Charles L., '81 *Well Frank E., '75 Whipple Frankie E. (Mrs. C. E. Abbott), '82 White Carolyn 1,., '03 White Merle H., '01 ~Vilcox B. Letltia, '91 Wilcox Jennie F., '00 Wilcox Mary M, '97 Wilkinson Elizabeth (Mrs. Charlcs Kitchln), '86 Wilkinson Jennie (Mrs. Fred McClary), '87 Willis Abigail E., '00 Wright George L., '82 *Deceased FINANCIAL REPORT. the ~4uditar vf 2Vor~h ~tndaver: We herewith submit the Financial Report of the School Department for the year ending January 1, 1904. FRED S. SMITH, '} &baa! NEWTON P. FRYE, MARY G. CARLETON, Commit,'ve. 34 NORTH ANDOVER. FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE SCHOOL DEPARTi~IENT, SCHOOLS. High, Merrlmaek, Bradstreet, Union, Centre, Farnham, Kimball, Pond, River, Music and Drawing, Incidentals, Tcxt Books, Expended, and I Eue] $3075 121 $'235 43114 59 410 1911 4O] 149 1086 06 272 1395 O01 197 a47 501 19 109 O0 3, 6 50i 21 50 333 001 _ 808 80~ Repa [Text B'ks Suppland [Supphes. merits, aha, [ Totals. 592 6106 94 91 3994 4,3 151 1460 06 298 1891 46 16 383 .514 109 75 418 68 3 00 , 336 0O 1260 29 1260 29 Appropriations and Receipts, $19.5t9 78 Unexpended Jan. 1, 1903, . ..... $793 69 NAI~IES. L. E. Knott Apparatus Co., Essex Publishing Co., llermarl Kober, Geo. E. Chickering, Mary G. Carleton, Expended, School Fund· $14.49 57.68 $72.17 7'2.89 Unexpended Jan. 1903, Appropriation and Receipu Moses Supt. and To'ame Supply TOTALS. 'Fund. Agent. $1i.49 57.68 $12o.0o ] ~20.00 $775 00 775.00 140.00 140.00 $120.00412.43161.60 $915.00 800.00 $1,107.17 $454.03 $115.00 NAMES, Ralph L. Wiggin Annie L. Sargent Ethel A. Jacobs Helen A. Ward Edna O. Spinney Florence W. Wheeler Chester R. Stacy Hannah C. Carleton Mary E. Qucaly Helen C, Sargent Editt~ M. F. Barker Annie E, Sanborn Martha E. Keating Kate T, Fultcr Effie Carter Raymon W. Rogers Milton Drisko Ethel L. Efalliday Elizabeth E. Thompson Henrietta Hatch Mary M. Quealy Joseph If. ttartley Helen E. Roache Canic Carleton Ella A, Small Clara E. Bryer Grace B. Osgood Nellie G. Mcserve Ruby F. Nason Hannah F, Carleton Mary M. Taylor Maude Milner Annie Hosmer Edward Butterworth Patrick J. Healy James M. Craig James Armstrong Willimn Werk l~lrs. 1t. Smith Ruth B. Foster John A. Bencker James Standing E. McKone Joseph Trombly John H. Rea Smith's Express Edward Adams A. O. Foster E. W. Greene Nathan Foster Teachers, Repairs Janitors, and and Fuel. Supplies $1140 O0 7'20 00 ~oo 00 I )18 29 ] t07 00 i ~ss .50 [ 177 50 [ ~88 50 [ 388 50 I 388 50 I 217 50 ] ~.5o oo / ass ,o I 388 50_/ 388 5O / 1 75 as8 ~o / ass ,o / aaa oo I aTo so / 105 O0 aaa oo 8.5.5 t50 63 00 450 O0 5 50 300 O0 SO 6?6 O0 61 O0 90 O0 ,29 '25 16619 ~g 260 26 O0 00 85 1 .50 1 00 953 12 ~0 20 00 1650 16 00 15 O0 2150 Text Books and TOTALS. Supplies. 1140 00 1 80 721 30 300 00 255 12 180 O0 180 00 1013 '29 486 80 407 O0 388 50 877 50 388 50 388 50 388 50 45 00 361 90 , 217 50 210 O0 150 O0 388 50 388 50 458 06 39025 80 00 4.51 50 388 50 388 50 333 O0 370 .50 105 00 333 O0 355 50 63 O0 1 80 457 30 · . 300 80 787 O0 11925 16910 19 O0 26 O0 4 35 20 50 953 12 235 85 10 50 29 O0 16 50 16 O0 15 00 21 50 $3 10 i15,243 99 NAMES. Bro~ghl /brward, Methodist Church North Andover Waterworks Lawrence (5as Co. Annie L, Stevens IV[rs. Ha~ tmann H. M. Whittier A. P. C~rrier & Co. Sanborn & Robinson Wright, Stafford & Son Mrs. P. llealy John H. Rea P. Hogan Smith's Express James W. Leitch D. J. Costello D. J. Grogan Louis H. McAloon Hemy Harmon G. A. Smlth James Briefley S. D. Hinxman Dan Donohue Jennie Po}lock W. H. Godfrey Joseph Jacobs Louis Malo Edw. Adams Wm. G. Evans Mrs. Wm. Werk Mrs. Werk and Mrs. Evans F. II. Goodhue A. P. Chlckcring Buckley & Sullivan T, A. Holt &Cm F L. Sargent Chas. A. Pilling Continental Brush Co. Am. & Sun Publishing Co. M~ G. Carleton C. B. Smith E. E. Babb & Co. C. F. Winchester Atkinson & Mentzer Ginn & Company American Book Co. D. C. Heath & Co. Gem F. King & Co. J. L. Hammett Co. Silver, Burdett & Janitors, and Fuel. $15,138 64 5 25 $15,143 89 Repairs Supplies 70 00 84 31 8 87 30 00 10 O0 20 O0 74 1S O0 32 90 7 40 8 5O 34 98 162 70 522 87 27 98 34 66 28 60 41 29 ~6 34 15 85 2 25 8 80 3 O0 2~ 60 90 i® 1 ~0 3~ O0 ~0 38 9 10 7 O0 12 O0 2 O0 6 50 4 70 l0 80 9 34 7 58 $1423 63 Text Books a n d 'I%TALS. Supplies. $3 10 ;15,243 99 75 25 34 31 8 87 30 O0 ~0 O0 20 O0 74 1 05 19 05 32 90 7 40 8 50 34 98 162 70 522 87 27 98 34 66 28 60 41 29 26 34 15 85 2 25 8 8O 3 O0 25 60 4 90 75 4 O0 9 15 8 O0 13 30 I 74 30 O0 4 50 38 9 10 7 O0 12 O0 4 O0 6 O0 6 50 4 70 93 1l 103 91 120 34 129 68 10 40 [7 98 806 6~ ~06 67 120 99 120 99 76 89 76 89 75 82 75 82 70 84 70 84 60 Ol 60 O1 $943 22 ;17,510 74 NAMES. Brou~'hY forward, L. E. Knott Apparatus Co. Eagle Pencil Co, Thompson, Brown & Co. Wadsworth & Howland Janitors, and Fuel. $15,143 89 Repairs JText Book and I and Supplies. Supplies. dO 85 30 O0 29 37 16 90 TOTALS. $17,510 74 4O 85 30 O0 29 37 16 90 Arthur L. Cole Kenney Bros. & Wolkins Quincy E. Brewster Allyn & Bacon SmithPremierTypewriterCc Standard Book Co. Dyer & Co. C. Howard Hunt Pen Co. T. H. Kelley & Co. 'Geo. H, Perkins Houghton, Mifflin & Co. Robertson & Sutherland Lawrence Electric Co. N. England Crayon Co. Educational Pub. Co. University Pub, Co. P~ang Educational Co. Olivet' Ditson Co. C. H. Driver Co. Geo. C. Josselyn American Express Canno n-Keesling John P. Murphy Lawrence Rubber Co. Lord & Co. $1,423 63 50 15 50 30 15 30 59 16 59 10 21 10 68 13 68 O0 12 O0 02 9 02 00 7 0o O0 6 O0 90 5 90 60 5 60 57 5 57 00 6 O0 4 40 4 40 5 78 5 78 76 3 76 00 4 O0 15 3 15 I 35 14 35 13 95 13 95 I 35 1 35 3 O0 3 O0 4 10 4 10 1 80 1 80 I 05 l 05 $1,260 29 ;17,827 81 Expended $I5,143 89 38 NORTH A~DOVER. IMPROVEMENTS. NAMES. Joseph Twombly, james w. Leltch, G. A. Smith, Geo. G. Adams, Louis H, McAloofi, Chlckering & O'Connell, P. Hogan, S. Byren Bodwel], D. J. Costello, Fuller & Warren Co., Chandler Adjustable Chair and Desk Works, W. H. Godfrey, G. A. Smith, Appmptiatlon, $733 Bradstreet School. $363 85 974 z6 424 60 78 68 $I,841 29 $9,g2o 87 Union School. TOTALS. -- --- $ 4II oo L337 3I 208 i2 559 75 5,~o3 88 I 5,6~8 48 78 68 I,~74 52 1,274 52 75 oo 75 oo 13 56 I3 56 1,56o 4° 1,56o 4° 136 oo I36 oo ID O0 I0 O0 5°2 5~ 5°~ 5I $tr,795 33 SCHOOL PROPERTY. Schoolhouses and land, $65,000 O0 Laboratory, apparatus and chemicals, fuel, furniture and supplies, 2,000 00 $67,000 00 SCHOOL CALENDAR. 39 SCHOOL CALENDAR. The Fall Term begins on the Tuesday following the first Monday in September, unless otherwise directed by the Com- mittee, and closes the Friday before Christmas. Recess of two weeks. The Winter Term begins on the first Monday after January 1 and closes the last Friday in March. Recess of two weeks. The Spring Term begins on the second Monday in April and closes at such time as will complete thirty eight weeks of school sessions. The High school begins at the same time in September, but omits one week of the Spring vacation, and closes at the completion of forty weeks of school sessions. school. SESSTONS. High School--Every week day, except Saturday, from 8.30 a. m. to 1.30 p. m. Common schools (.except district schools)--8.30 to 11.15 a. m. throughout the year; 1.15 to 3.30 p. m., November 1 to February 1; 1.45 to 4 p. m. the rest of the year. Holidays--Saturdays, Thanksgi~'ing day and the day follow- ing, Washington's Birthday, Patriot's Day and Memorial Day. I',*O~ SESSION SIGNAL. The signal for no session of the schools in stormy weather is the ringing of the bell on the Merrimack School'.building at 7.40 a. m. for no session iu the forenoon~ and~ 12.40 p. m. for no session in the afternoon. 40 NORTH ANDOVER. TO THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. The following is my report as Truant Officer for the whole town for the last year--Sept. 1, 1902, to June 26, 1903: Number of absences reported by teachers, 195 " " " without permission of parents, 64 " " " second offences, 11 ..... ' third offences, S " "parents or guardians notified, 26 " "pupils returned to school front street, 25 " "arrests, 0 " "prosecutions, 0 Cases of tardiness invest/gated, 29 This is a marked improvement over last year.. Respectfully submitted, JAMES M. CRAIG, Truant OJ/~cer. AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE. To THE TAXPAYERS OF NORTH AND0VEI~: I have examined the accounts ot the Town Officers [or the year ending Jan. lst., 1904 and have found them correct with satisfactory voachers for all payments, have also verified the Treasurer's Report relative to Trust Funds and cash on deposit in various b"anks, and herewith present the annual report ot Re- ceipts and Expenditures classified under the headings of the sev.- eral departments with a statement o[ the Town indebtedness at the above date and a schednle of Town Property as valued by the heads of departments having charge of same. Persons having bills against the Town are requested to. pre- sent the same to the heads of Departments ordering the articles as soon as possible, charges to the several Departments to be made ont on separat(~ bills. Respectfully, A. B. HANSON~ AUDITOR. SELECTMEN'S REPORT. _To ~]ze We herewith submit the annual Report of the Selectmen for the year 1903. SELECTMEN'S REPORT. ELECTION EXPENSES. ANNUAL TOWN MEETINfi. A. P. Chickering, Moderator, A. W. Badger, Counting, etc. John Bolton, " Fred A. Carr, " P. J. Casey, " Harry Cunningham, Albert Currier, " Jos. A. Duncan, James w. Elliot, " Ed~v; A Holt, " Chas. E. Johnson, Leonard P. Johnson, " Arthur B. Keefe, " Henry Knowles, '" Jos. L. Leighton, " Chas. McCarthy, " Thomas Mitchell, " Geo. It. Mizen, John O'Brien, " Andrew Paul, " Fred Stone, " Fred L. Sargent, " Wm. J. Toohey, " John Willis, " Andover Press, Printing, John H. Rea, Labor on Booths, Geo. Matherson, " " John K. Fish, " " $5 50 4 50 4 5O 4 00 5 50 4 50 5 50 5 00 400 4 5O q 50 5 50 4 5O 400 2 50 4 50 3 75 4 50 4 50 4 50 1 85 2 00 4 50 13 O0 6O0 2 00 100 $10 O0 $120 60 ~Imaunl carried forward, ~130 60 44 ~ORTH A~D0V~R. Amountbroughtforwar~ $130 60 STATE ELECTION TUESDAY NOV. 3rd., 190,t. PR ECINC'i' ONE. Paid Thomas Pi Wentworth, Warden, $7 50 A. P. Chickering, Clerk, 7 50 David Wallwork, Deputy, 1 00 John L Flanders, Deputy, 1 00 Martin H. Pulsifer, Inspector, 7 50 Arthur B. Keefe, " 7 50 Fred S. Sanborn, *' 7 50 Jos. L. Leighton, services, 3 75 Fred Marvin, services, 3 00 P. P. Daw, labor on Booths, 1902 5 00 P. P. Daw, " " 1903 8 00 Geo. Matherson, " " " 2 00 John K. Fish~ " .... ' I O0 Edw. Towne, " " " 50 J. W. Richardson, oil, 70 $63 45 $63 45 PRECINCT TWO. Paid Peter Holt, Warden, $6 50 ti. F. Cunningham, Deputy, 1 00 Walter Hayes, Clerk, 6 50 Geo. H. Wilton, Deputy, 1 00 Geo. G. Chadwick, Inspector, 6 50 Calvin Rea, " 6 50 Thomas Finn, " 6 50 J. J. Dooley, . " 7 50 John T. Finn, " 6 50 _ H, Schrender, Deputy, 1 O0 C. H. Driver, Deputy, 1 00 g194 05 ~4mounls carriedforw~rd, $50 50 ,~194 05 SELECTMEN'S REPORT. 45 .4mounts braughl farward, James J. Dillon, Deputy, Geo. L. ttarris, services, John H. Rea, labor on Booths, Appropriation Overdrawn, for Moderator, $50 50 1 00 3 25 5 00 $200 O0 10 O0 43 8O $253 80 $194 05 $59 75 $253 80 $253 80' STATE AND (3OUNTY TAX. Appropriation, Paid State Treasurer, County Treasurer, Highway Tax, Overdrawn, $7,00O O0 $3,950 O0 5,198 55 39 55 $ 2,188 10 Expended, 9,188 10 $9,188 10 TREE WARDEN EXPENSES. Appropriation, Unexpended appropriation from l902, Expended, 353 01 Unexpended, 274 15 $500 00 127 16 $627 16 $627 16 NORTH ANDOVER, ME/'iORIAL DAY COFIFIlTTEE. Appmpriation, Unexpended appropriation from 1902, Expended, $163 50 Unexpended, 21 86 $150 00 35 36 $185 36 $185 36 NORTH ANDOVER IFIPROVEMENT SOCIETY. Appropriation, Unexpended appropriation from 1902, Expended, $285 48 Unexpended, 303 23 $500 00 88 71 $588 71 $588 71 INTEREST ON WATER LOAN BONDS. Appropriation, Expended, Overdrawn, $4,520 00 $4,8OO 00 280 $4,800 00 $4,800 JANITOR TOWN HALL. )0 )0 Appropriation~ Expended, $200 O0 $200 O0 $200 O0 $200 O0 SELEC'rMEN'S REPORT. 47 LRJHTINO STREETS. Appropriation, Expended, Unexpended, 32,970 70 $3,0{)0 00 Due from Boston & Main R. R. on ac- count of light at station, $$,000 00 $3,000 00 $65 00 WATER LOAN $1NKIN(i FUND. Appropriation, Expended, $.3,OOO O0 $3,O0O O0 $3,000 O0 $3,000 O0 LAND DM'IA(iE ON ACCOUNT OW .STREET RY. Received from Boston & Northern St. Ry. $614 00 Geo. Ripley, $614 00 $614 ~0 $614 00 INTEREST AND DISCOUNT. A pp ropriation, Essex Saving Bank, Bond & Goodwin, Irving Tolman & Tupper, Overdrawn, $794 59 316 25 938 O0 $1,$00 O0 548 84 $2,048 84 $2,048 84 NORTH ANDOVER. STATE AID. Appropr/atkm, Paid Ann Blanchard, $48 00 Ellen P, utterworth, 2'4 00 Andrew J. Barker, 48 00 Eliza Craig, 4B 00 Mary Coyle, 36 00 Samuel A. Evans, 72 00 Edward P. Hinman~ 60 00 Emma Mills, 48 00 George F, Morse, 48 00 Mary J. Sanborn, 24 00 Ellen Wallwork, 48 00 Margaret Winning, 48 00 Ann Wood, 48 00 g600 00 $900 00 ~qlLITARY AID--SPANISH WAR. Paid Samuel Riley, 30 00 Unexpended, 270 00 $900 0O $900 0O FIAINTENANCE OF WATER WORKS. Appropriatim~, receipts, $3,401 78 Commissioners, orders, $3,401 78 83,401 78 $3,401 75 SELECTMEN~$ REPORT. 49 Paid CONTINOENT FUND. Eben Sutton Co., No. 1, on account of Poll Taxes, $26 00 Cochichewick Co,, No. g, on count of Ptfll Taxes, 14 00 Henry M. Meek, supplies, 1 50 Review & Record, S 00 E. B. George, on account of Laws, 5 00 Telegram Publishing Co., adv. By- Laws, 36 00 American-Sun Publishing Co., adv. By Laws, 42 03 N. P. Frye, rent of Steamer Land, 72 00 Joseph A. Duncan, jamtor and services, 94 45 E. S. Cobly, insurance, 391 85 C. H. Driver Co., printing, 165 98 James w. Leitch, supplies, 139 10 Fred Marvin, keeper of lockup, etc., 61 85 I.awrence Gas Co., gas at Select- men's Office, 19 99 Lawrence Gas Co., gas at Town Hall, 59 83 American Publishing Co., printing, 41 2,5 George H. Perkins, supplies, 35 65 John N. Meserve, labor, 25 60 Fred L. Sargent, text books, 1 00 Fred L. Sargent, teams, . 9 00 E. Bradford, 7~ Liquor License, 50 Sanborn & Robinson~ supplies, 1 00 Lewis McAloon, labor at tenements, 18 10 No. Andover, Water Works, water at tenements, 17 62 wlmount ca~'ri~d farwa~d, $1284 27 50 NORTff ANDOVER. Amaun! braug4, t fvrward, Paid William E. Decrow, fire alarm box corner o4 Essex and Bradford streets, 50 00 George E. Martin, stationery, 5 00 P. B. Murphy, printing, 2 00 A. E. Mack, insurance, 216 00 Wrizht & Potter, assessors blanks, 4 50 Lawrence Rubber Co., supplies, 2 78 George L. Harris, posting warrants, 11 50 John Frankhn, surveying Haverhill and North Andover town line, 22 00 John P. Murphy, supplies, 2 05 Wilham Doherty, washing floors, 1 00 George F. King, stationery, 7 88 Joseph Trombly~coal at Selectmen's office, 4 50 E. MoKone, coal at Selectmen's office, 26 13 Arthur L. Cole, supplies, 31_ 75 Lawrence Binding Co., 28 00 New England Tel. & Tel. Co., 75 75 Methuen Transcript Co., Auditor's report, 287 75 Charles A. Pilling, stamps and envelopes (treasurer and col- lector), 84 20 Lilla D. Stoll, transfer slips, 19 80 F. S. Fuller surveying, 49 58 Thomas Cunningham, labor on tene- ments, 18 75 J. L. Fairbanks & Co., Assessors' books~ 10 25 Sweeney & Dow, advice on scale at Centre, 3 00 Briggs & Allyn, supplies, 9 50 $1284 27 ~lmoun/s carried forward/, $2257 94 SELECTMF~N'S REPORT. 51 Antoz~nt ~rou~t forwar~, $2257 94 Paid William J. Toohey, serving dog war- rants, 12 00 Andover Press, printing Assessors' lists, 53 40 Stewart Warren & Co., check book, 19 00 Dumas & Co., books for town office, 72 00 George W. Demurs, clock and re- pairs, 17 00 Dennis J. Costello, labor at office, 3 55 Dr. Fred S. Smith, returning births, 13 50 Dr. C. P. Morrill, ..... 4 $0 Mrs. Elizabeth Hilton, " ~ 25 Dr. A.J. Riopelle, " " 25 Dr. C. D. $cott~ .... 25 Dr. George E. Goodwin," " 2 50 Dr. J. A. Leitch, ,, " 1 50 Dr. T. W. Anthoney, " " 25 Dr. A. Fleming, - - 25 Dr. Florence Robinson, " '~ 25 Carter Ink Co., supplies, 1 25 Eben F. Brackett, serving notices on Haverhill & North Andover St. Railroad, 1 50 George H. IVJ[izen, services on street railway, 4 50 Fred Marvin, services on street railway, 6 50 W. C. Whittaker, services on street railway, 5 25 Jos. L. Leighton, services on street railway, 4 50 Henry R. Smith, services on street railway, 3 00 Charles McCarthy, services on street railway, 1 00 Amounl rarried forward, ~2485 89 NORTH ANDOVER. Amvun! broz~gM forwa~d, ~2485 89 Paid H. E. Osgood, photographs of street raiNvay, 12 00 Knox, CouIson & Currier, Haver- hill and Andover case, 1083 93 J. P. S. Mahoney, Haverhill and Andover case, 500 00 1. P. Clark, witness fees, 18 00 James C. Poor, carriage hire, 9 50 Fuller Bros., carriages, 3 00 Knox, Conlson & Currier, Pickles case, 337 09 Josselyn Express, express, 15 Thomas Kenyon, expert expense, ~.2 70 Appropriation, Receipts, Overdrawn, $4452 26 $2000 00 454 38 1997 88 $4452 26 NORTH ANDOVEI~ PUBLIC LIBR?~I~Y. Appropriatio% Dog tax, Paid Trustees, Dog tax, $1,200 00 460 96 $1,200 00 460 96 $1,660 96 $1,660 96 SELECTMEN'$ REPORT. 53 TOWN sCA. LES. Appropriation, Howe Scale Co., 15-ton scale, Louis McAloon, building platform, Bean & Poore, lumber, Joseph Trombly, building foundation, Unexpended~ 8500 00 $210 00 31 90 - 73 97 115 00 43O 87 69 13 $500 03 $503 00 TOWN HALL REPAII~S. Appropriation, Paid Andrew Wilson~ slating, D. J. Costello, carpenter ~vork, Blodgett Bros., clock work, etc., · Jas. W. Leitch, gas piping, Br~ggs & Allyn, windows, etc., G. A. Stnith, painting, Louis McA]oon, repairs, S. D. Hinxman, George Adams, Lawrence Gas Co., Overdrawn, $3,ooo oo $899 48 831 16 274 08 · 41 20 577 O3 311 8O 14 40 3 4O 103 00 [ o4 57 59 $3,057 59 $3,057 59 TOWN 0FF1¢£1~$ SALARIES. NAMES. J. c. Poqr, E. W. Green, L. Edgar Osgood, S. D. Berry, P. P. Daw, Total, Appropriation~ 00 $43 00 43 00 175 O0 131 00 131 $475 O0 $525 $475 O0 $5~5 75 18 75 00 75 00 25 56 ~5 25 25 00f~225 O0 O0 i$225 O0 $1,o aa 05 O0 30 O0 43O O0 22 50 335 O0 22 50 335 00 ;90 O0 ;131~ O0 ;90 O0 ;1315 O0 SELE C'T.ME1N 'S REPORT. 55 APPOINTED OFFICERS. Geo. S. Fu]ler~ $15o oo Wm. J. Elliott, $5 oo G-eo. A. Rea, $25 oo S. D. Berry, $~8 75 rhos. H. Brod. erick 37 5o lohn F. Bannon, 37 5° F. Orris Rea, I8 75 [ames W. Leitch, 37 5° D. W. Wallwork, $41 25 Fred Marvin, 41 25 Geo. H. Wilton~ I 41 25 P. J. Casey, :26 25 Total, $I5O oo $5 oo $25 oo $15o oo :$15° oo Appropriation, $I5o oo $5 oo $25 oo $I5o oo I$15o oo Respectfully submitted, P. P. DAW, '} Selectmen for Town of S. D. BERRY, North Andover. North Andover, Mass., Jan. 25, x9o4. NORTH ANDOVER. FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Outstanding notes, Union School loan, Bills due estimated, Liabilities. Assets. Cash in Treasurer's hands, Cash in Collector's hands, Uncollected Taxes-- A. F. King, Jr., $10,752.81 '( C. J. Mahonev 28,652.09 j Due from State and Military Aid, Due from Commonwealth, Cities and TOwtls, Balance in favor of Town, $17,000 00 6,000 00 300 00 $23,300 00 $3,184 28 4 9g 39,304 90 656 00 49 21 19,899 31 $43,~.99 3t $43,199 31 NOTE The Selectmen would advise that the uncollected taxes, $39,304.90, be applied to the payment of outstanding bills against the town, and to that purpose only. o° ~° o° ° m° ~'¢° ° o° ° °''o. o mm~ o o ~ oo~m'° ~m° o°¢"~ o oo8°o~88§°°8888o.s8888 ,oooooooo oo § oo © o oo~8oo 8 8 8§88o~ 60 NO~TH ANDOYE~. TAX COLLECTOI~'$ I~EI:)OP-.T. 1893. Uncollected Jan. 8, 1903, Abated~ Uncollected San. 1, 1904, 1894. Uncollected Jan. 8, 1903, Abated, Uncollected Jan. 1, 1904 1895. Uncollected Jan. 8, 1903. Abated, Uncollected Jan. 1, 1904, 1896. Uncollected Jan. 8, 1903, Collected, Uncollected Jan. 1, 1904, 1897. Uncollected Jan. 8, 1903, Collected, Abated, Uncollected Jan. 1~ 1904, $16 00 $6 00 10 00 816 00 $16 00 $41 76 $8 00 33 76 $41 76 $41 76 $168 90 $22 O0 146 90 8168 90 $168 90 $416 14 $44 33 371 81 $416 14 $416 14 $921 83 $216 25 6 00 699 58 $921 83 $921 83 TAX COLLECTOR~S REPORT. 61 1898. Uncollected Jan. 8, 1903, Collected, Abated, U,c~itected Jan. 1, 1904, 18q9 Uncollected Jan. 8, 1903, Collected, Abated, Uncollected Jan. 1, 1904, 1900. Uncollected Jan. 8, 1903. Interest, Collected, Collected Interest, Abated, Uncollected Jan. 11 1904, 1901. Uncollected Jan. 8, 1903, Interest, Collected, Collected Interest, Abated, Uncollected Jan. 1, 1904, $1,385 8O 411 08 32 00 942 72 $1,385 80 $1,385 80 $1,769 94 62I 99 50 00 1,097 95 $1,769 94 $1,769 94 $2,620 67 124 67 :1,006 58 124 67 80 O0 1,534 09 $2,745 34 $2,745 34 $10,874 41 592 54 4,909 15 592 54 49 26 5,916 00 $11,466 95 $11,466 95 NORTH AzNDOVER. CASH. Jan. 8, 1903, balance on hand, $23 24 Paid treasurer, 23 24 $23 24 ~23 24 Collected, 197,926 59 Paid treasurer, 7,926 59 NORTU A~,-DOVER, Mass., Jar.~. 1, 1904. $7,926 59 $7,926 59 ALBERT F. K~c, JR., TAX Co LL E(~vI'OR, TAX COLLECTOR'S I~EPOI~T. 1903. Uncollected Jan. 6, 1903, ~;14,641 55 Interest, 81 92 Collected, 6,090 78 Interest Collected, 81 92 Abated, 135 88 Uncollected Jan. 1, 1904, 8,414 89 $14,723 47 14,723 47 1903· Amount of warrants, Interest, Boston & Northern St. Railway, excise · Collected warrants, Collected Interest Abated, Collected warrants and paid treasurer after closing of books for year, Boston & Northern St. Railway, excise tax~ Uncollected Jan. 1904, $72,277 06 10 92 2,896 11 51,776 90 10 92 131 06 131 90 2,896 11 20,237 20 !$75,184 09 $75,184 09 TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT. ACCOUNT. Collected 1902 Levy, " Interest, " 1903 Levy, " Interest, Pgid treasurer, " after closing books, Cash on hand. $6,090 78 81 92 54~804 91 10 92 60,851 71 131 90 4 9g 560,988 53 560,988 53 Respectfully Submitted, CORNEI,1US J. MAHONEY~ COLLECTOR. 64 NORTH ANDOVER. TREASURER'S REPORT. Oeorge H. PerRins, Treasurer, in Account with the Town of North Andover, glass. Dr, Essex s. s., dog hccnse 1902 r~turned, $460 96 Raymond W. Rogers, rent of To~vn Hall, 16 00 Dr. C. P. Morrill,reimbursementaccount Poor dept. 20 00 l.oring N. Farnnm, account Street dept. $7 $0 American ?ublishing Co., reimbursement, 4 75 Commonwealth of Massachusetts, balance Cor- poration tax 1902, 76 67 Commonwealth of Massachusetts, balance Na- tional Bank Tax 1902, 194 10 Commonwealth of Massachusetts, support State pauper, 37 45 School Committee, account School dept. 49 78 Lane Construction Co., acc't Street dept. £Sg 40 Hale Hospital, Haverhill, reimbursement on count Bernard Murray, 7 74- George H. Perkins, liquor license, 1 00 John P. Murphy, ,, 1 O0 T. A. Holt & Co., firea, orks license, 1 00 Patrick Murphy, ,~ 1 00 W. S. Roundy, ,' 1 O0 George A. Smith, " 1 00 George W. K~llorin, on account Street dept. 5 89 Boston & Northern St. R. R., on account Ripley, 614 00 Massachusetts Broken Stone Co., on account Street dept. 15 00 TREASURER'S REPORT. 65 zlmot¢nt bro~¢~h/ far~Jar,/, $1794 24 N. W. Harris & Co., Union Schorfl H,mse l~)an', 6,000 00 " premium on loan, 142 74 " 2 days' interes~ ,,n loan~ 1 50 Bay State National Bank, credit on check hook, l0 00 Bernard Carunker, junk dealer's iicense, I 00 Morris Freedman, " 1 O0 Sam Black, " 1 O0 Maurice Black, " 1 '00 Graichen Brothers, " 1 00 North Andover Water Works, on account S,re,'t dept. 11 75 Lawrence Savings Bank, on account Moses Towne School Fund, 40 40 Essex Savings Bank, on account Moses 'Fowne St:hool Fund, 40 40 Broadxvay Savings Bank, on account Moses Towne School Fund, 40 40 Andover Savinfs 'Bank, on account Moses Towne School Fund, 40 40 Lawrence Police Court, balance on fines, 84 Hon. N. P. Frye, " 104 00 William M. Rogers, Esq., " 31 00 Lawrence House of Correction, Court fines, 10 00 Money unclaimed, James Conlon, i 00 " Jerry Sullivan, 60 James W. Leitch, on account Fire dept. 12 50 North Ando,~er Improv. Society, on account Street dept. 12 00 Walter Bigelow, rent of tenement, 51 00 Frank A. Point, " 42 50 Chas. E. Strm~t, " 120 00 Withdrawn from Taylor Fund, on account Poor dept. 57 65 Patrick Haley, rent of Town Hall and glass~ 7 25 Bay State National Bank, interest on deposits, 191 8~ Edward Butterworth, sewer assessment, 11 31 Alonzo Bixby, balance, '; 25 70 .4mandril cavr£ed £omvard, $8810 06 NORTH AND©VER. .4matcnt bvcmght fo~ward, $8810 06 Mrs. Lydia Keniston, sewer assessment, 19 80 Henry Keniston, ,t 32 70 Fred L. Sargent, balance, " 20 00 Joseph Tempest, " 33 00 Est. Betsy Leggett, ,' 11 32 Thomas K. Gilman, " 38 18 Est. Joseph H. Lamere, " 41 55 Mm. Ella Well, " .55 01 George Stevens, " 32 70 Patrick Ryan~ Balance, " 46 John W~ Richardson, " 102 John Stevens, ', 68 John Sullivan, Balance, " 16 Mrs. Nora Bolton, Balance, " 20 Patrick Doran, Balance, " 31 Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Corporation Tax, 8,866 " " National ~ank. Tax, 2,885 " " Military Aid, 64 .... Slate Aid, S92 " " BurialIndigent Soldier, 35 " " St. R. R. Tax, 4,3'38 Arthur Bnrnh~m, To,vn Farm receipts, 827 A. F. King, Jr., taxes, 7,947 C. J. Mahoney, " 60,851 10 00 36 05 81 30 18 46 o0 00 00 65 03 00 71 Total income, Cast~ on hand, January 14, 1903, Ix)ring, Tolman & Tupper, Notes, 200, 201, 202, ~30,000 O0 Bond & Go~dwin, Note, 203, 15,000 00 Bay State National Bank, Note, 201, 2,000 00 $95,785 $4,630 97 29 Amount of notes given in anticipation of taxes, ~47,000 O0 Total receipts, $147,416 26 TREASURER'S REPORT. 67 Money expended on account of Over- seers of Poor expense, Money expended on account of General expenses, Money expended on account of School expenses, Money expended on account of Trial Jusnce certificates, Total amount expended on ac- count of running expenses, Bay State Natmnal Bank, Note No. 204, Winthrop National Bank, Notes Nos. 200, 201, 202, Winthrop National Bank, Note No. 203, Total amount of notes paid, Cash in Bay State National Bank, Law- fence, Jan. 13, 1904, Total, $6,617 87 59,623 76 30,730 31 260 04 $97,231 98 $2000 00 30,000 00 15,000 00 $47,000 00 3,184 28 $147,416 26 LAWRENCE POLICE COURT ACCOUNT. Received from W. F. Moyes, clerk, fines, $25 00 Paid officers, services, Money in treasur~, 24 16 84 $25 00 NORTH ANDOVER. WATER WOI~K.5 ACCOUNT. Dr, January 14, 1903, Cash on hand account construction, January 14, 1903, Cash on hand account maintenance, Town of North Amtover, purchase water bond account construction, Essex Sav'ings Bank, purchase water bond account construction, Water Commissioners, receipts from construct/on, Water Commissioners, receipts from maintenance, er, Money expended on account of con- struction, Money expended on account of main- tenance, Cash in Winthrop National Bank, Bos- ton, on account o[ construction, $544 26 10 17 1,000 00 6,000 00 4,014 82 3,401 78 ' $14,971 03 $11,544 79 3,401 78 24 46 $14,971 03 TREASURER'S REPORT. 69 PUBLIC LIBRAI~Y ACCOUNT. Received from Miss Hannah Quealey, fines, ;~ 17 52 Received from town of North Andover, 1902 dog tax, 460 96 Received from town of North Andover, appropria- tion, 1200 00 Total, ;$1678 48 Money expended per order Library Trustees. $1667 .37 Cash in Merchants National Bank, Lawrence, 11 11 Total, ;$1678 48 BIOSES TOWNE SCHOOL FUND. Andover Savings Bank, Essex Savings Bank, Lawrence Savings Bank, Broadway Savings Bank, $1000 00 1000 00 1000 0C 1000 00 Total, $4000 00 The annual interest, amounting to $161.60, has been drawn and placed at the disposal of the School Committee. 70 NORTH ANDOVER. TAYLOR FUND. Amount of fund in Essex Savings Bank atlast annual report, $ 425 23 Amount of interest to Oct. 21, 1903, 14 82 Amount in Essex Savings Bank, $ 440 05 Amount withdrawn, account of benefit to the poor, $ 57 65 Amount in Essex Savings Bank, Lawrence, 382 40 Amount in Essex Savings Bank, 440 05 SEWER ASSESSMENTS. All sewer assessments remaining unpaid at last annual report, amounting to $561.87, together with two additional assessments of $44.027 making a total of $605.89, have been paid. Respectfully submitted, GEORGE It. PERKINS, North Andover, Mass., Jan. 13, 1903. .. NORTH ANDO¥ ER. I~EPOl~T OF CO/~IYI, ITTEE TO PURCHASE STONE CI~USH El~. At the last annual meelin~ the Town voted to raise and ap- propriate eight hundred (~800.00) dollars and appoint a com- mittee lo purchase a Stone Crusher. The CommiUee organized by the choice of Peter Holt Chairman and Walter H. Hayes Secretary. After visiting sew ertl stone crushing plants in different parts of the State and carefully comparing ~be merits and prices of tee alinement ma- chines, the Committe contracted with the Good ~oads Machine Co., for a No. 4 Champion Crusher, Belting and Sundry neces- sary repairs for t~e engine and elewtor for the sum of ($625.00) dollars and the old Crusher. The Highway Surveyor d~-cided lo change the Iocation of the Stone Crushing Plant and deeming it expedient to purchase new Bins, dxd so at a cost of ($103.62) dollars and your com- mittee approved the bill~ making total cost $728.62. Respectfully submitted, PETER HOLT ~,VALTER H. I-[AYES ~¥ILLIAS~ GILE. TOWN CLE!~K~S STATEMENT. 73 TOWN C;LEI~K'S STATE/~IENT. January 15th, 1904. 5so lhe Boa~',t of ]]eallh : G~Nn'LE~iUN :--I herewith submit my report for t~he year 1903. 1-)urmg the year there have been 79 deaths recorded. The :following persons have died during the year (over 75 years of age.) Mary J. (Ellison) Lang, 92 William J. Dale, 88 Mary (Thompson) Elvey, 86 Samuel DQwning, 81 Sarah (Garside) Stone, 80 Aaron Bartlett Osgood, 80 William Craig, 80 Hiram P. Goodhue, 79 John Clark, 78 Mary (McNamara) Meehan, 75 Henry M. Whitney, 75 The cau..ses of death were as follows: Accidental, 7 Meningitis, 2 Anaemia, 1 Negligence, 1 Apoplexy, 3 Nephritis, 3 Asthma, 1 Odeina o:f Lungs~ Bronchitis, 1 Old Age, 2 Bright's Disease, 1 Paralysis, 2 Catmer, 5 Paraplegia, 74 NORTH ANDOVERo Chilcl Birth, Chlofoforn Anesthesia, Diabetes, Diphtheria, Endocarditis, Gastritis, ,Gastric Ulcer, Heart Disease, Locomotor Ataxia, Laryngitis, ]~iarasmus, 2 Phthisis, 3 i Pneumonia, 11 1 Rheumatism, 1 2 Senile Debility, 1 1 Senile Dementia, 1 3 Still-born~ 2 1 Typhoid Fever, 1 3 Tuberculosis, 3 I Uremia, 2 1 Unknown Causes, 2 3 Whooping Cough, 1 VITAL STATISTICS. The Vital Statistics of the Town of North Andover for the year 1903 are as tollows: Marriages, whole number, Oldest groom, Oldest bride, Youngest groom, Youngest bride, Deaths, whole number, O~dest person, Mary J. (Ellison) Lang, Over 90 years of age, Over 80 years of age, Over 70 years of age, Over 60 years of age, Births, whble number, Foreign parentage, 41 52 50 20 17 79 92 1 7 20 29 105 55 TOWN ~LERI~S STATEMENT° 75 Males~ Females, Males, Female~, Number of Dogs Returned by Assessors. Number of Dogs Licensed. 211 18 269 31 3OO JAMES W. LEITCH, Town Clerk. 76 NORTH ANDOVER. . BOARD OF HEALTH I~EPOI~T. 5to the .4ual/tot of the Town of 2Vorth .4ndaver: The Selectmen, acting as the Board vf Health, herewith present their annual report. James w. Leiteh continued to act as an agent for the issue of burial permits, and Fred Marvin was appointed agent for gen- eral purposes of quarantine work. Thirty-five cases of contagious diseases have been reportecl during the year, divided as follows: Diphtheria, 7 Measles, 27 Membranous, 1 35 BOAI~D OF HEALTH EXPENSES. Appropriation, Fred Marvin, porting, fumigating, et% 37 65 Fred S. Smith, M. D., medical attendance 7 00 C: H. Drivar Co., printing, 5 00 E. W. Greene, bnrial of 4 Dogs, 4 00 J. M. Shearer, " " 1 " 1 O0 Wm. J. Toohey, " " 12 " 12 0O $200 00 ~mounls ca~'~'/ed./o~Tz, ard, }66 65 $200 O0 BOARD OF HERLT~t ]~EPORT. ?7 ~lmounts brought forward, ;~66 65 Wm. J. Toohey, killing 14 anlicensecl clogs, 14 00 John P_ Murphy, supplie~, 2 40 John H. Greet, supplies, 2 63 J. W. Leitch, supplies, OS F~¢d L. Sargent, ~teams, 2 S0 88 23 Unexpended, 111 77 $2O0 00 $200 O0 $200 O0 Respectfully submitted, P. P. DAW, S. D. B~aa¥, North Andover, Jan. 25, 1904-. Board af Health. ~ORI'~ ANDOVER. HIGHWAY SURVEYOR'S REPORT. ]'a the Citizens af the %awn af Warth. Andover, The general work of the department has been conducted this year according to the policy reported previously. STI~EET.~ AND WAYS. The sum apportioned for this work has been expended for ordinary repafrs, making the highways safe for travel rather than for any extended new work, and so tar as this amount permitted the numerous calls throughout the year were investigated and the mervices of the department given to the most defective places. While more money could be expended in improving the outlying ways, yet these are in as good condition today probably as the ordinary' country roads tn towns where good gravel is unob- tainable. Much still remains to be done to put RMlroad avenue in proper condition as to drainage, surfacing and grading the cross roads and driveway~ to the residences. Sutton street still continues to suffer from the leaking pen- stock nearSutton's mill and other unfinished wink of minor char- acter remains upon the hilIslope. It is to be hoped that the uncompleted work will be brought to the notice of the street railway corporation by ti~e local author- . ities or the master and the work needed required to be done. HIGHWAY SURYEYOR~S REPORT. 79 NEW STI~.EET$. Columbus and Thorndike streets .have been graded from special appropriations, as directed and authorized by the town. The appropriation relating to the grading oi. portions of Lincoln and Russell streets has not been used. The expenditure of $300 was involved, and upon ascertaining that there would be no prospect of a call to use the streets immediately, as a matter of discretion, it was deemed advisable to withhold the expendi- ture until circumstances should warrant the outlay. ~IAi~ADAMIZIN(i. Permanent road building seemingly has become a fixed idea, and it appears wise to make a reasmmble apportionment yearly for extending this work and to maintain the roads already bailt . for permanency. Experimentally it was decided to make a trial of the ledge- stone near the junction o[ Plcasant and Stevens streets for road building purposes this year ii' satisfactory arrangements could be made with the Kittredge heirs. The question was discussed with the fatnily agent, who made reasonable tel'ms for locating the plant upon and taking material trom the premises. The results have been very satis[actory so far. The led'ge is conveniently located and the material therefrom is superior to fieldstone for road building. The town teams can be advantageously employed, and another decided benefit is that the Highway Surveyor is in no way subject to the wh~m, caprice or convenience of anybody in the matter of furnishing stone. The ledge, ready at hand, mate- ~riaI can be obtained when needed. It seems probable that the ledge can furnish material tor several years, and therefore it ~vould be econo.my to continue operations there if, from time to time, satisi.aclory arrangements can be made with the owners. Native rock is coming to be used 80 NORTH ANDOVER. more extensively than ever, even on trap rock roads by the Stare High~vay Commission. It has been found to make a better binder in the first course and reduce the cost of construction. The appropriation for this work paid largely for installing the crushing equipment and also served to build more permanent roads than last year. East Water street was macadam/zed as directed, and the sewers~ gas pipes, water mains and general underground work having been finished on Elm s:reet~ this street connecting Main and Water streets, hitherto macadamized, was ready for completion. SEWERS. The completion of the sewer through Second street, ordered by the Board of Health in 1902, for which no appropriation was made and the surface sewer on Beverly street, authorized by a special appropriation, were the particular items for expenditure in this dcparmmnt. The flushing and cleaning oi the sewers, as usual, have de- volved upon Street and Water departments. SIDIEV~ALK$. Other than the ordinary repair of sidewalks the sum, appro- priated for this work has been expended in laying a concrete walk south6rly through Main, between Second and Sutton streets, and the construction of a cinder sidewalk on Milk street, between Johnson and Chestnut streets, which required very much grading. Of the special appropriation of $300 for sidewalks on Massachu- setts avenue $109.20 had been expended when work was sus- pended that the State Highway Commissioners may place their culvert in position, which, it is understood, they will do this sea- son. It is, ther. efor% recommended that the balance to the credit of this appropriation, $190.80, be retained in this department and devoted to the completion of the work. HIGHWAY SURVEYOR'S REPORT. 81 While some specific accounts appear to show ~tn overdraft and a balance appears in favor of other accounts, yet there re- mains to the credit of the department a balance of ~;lZt6.74, which includes a balance on hand of ~76.74 and $70 on an account due the department. The mechanical equipment of the department is in good con- dition, and correspondingly good results may be expected to fol- low judicious direction. It remains for me to thank the citizens generally for their good will and the interest taken to facilitate ~ny work in many ways by calling attention to defective and dangerous places and to other general and emergency work. I appreciate the courtesy of those in the Fire, Police and other departments with whom I have come in contact and the interest manifested by the laborers to cheerfully perform the work assigned. ~Respectfully submitted, WII.LIAM GILE~ No~m Aw~ov~a, Feb. 2, 1904. 82 NORTH ANDOYER, ~o A. ~. ftans:~, J~w~ Audi/or.. DEAR SIR: Herewith submitted is the report of the High- way Surveyor for the financial year ending Dec. 31, 1903. Respectfully, WILLIAM GILE, H~),'lzw,W ~urveyor. No~rH AN2OV?ZR, Feb. 2, 1904. OVERSEER'S~EPORT. 89 OVERSEERS' REPORT. Hanson ~4uditor: Herewith presented is an account of receipts and expendi- lures in the Overseers of Poor Dept. for year ending Jan. lst., 1904. TOWN FAR~ SUPPLIES ,~NI) PROVISIONS. A. B. Burnham, car fare, $ 96 Hobbs & Warren, 1 12 W. K. Cole, fruit, 1 14 T. W. Sheridan, supplies, 1 50 Howe & French, supplies, 2 00 Sam Hamlin, supplies, 2 50 Hugo Beil, supplies, S 00 G. H. Perkins, supplies, 3 72 Turner & Schwarzenberg, ~upplies, 5 40 Lawrence Shoe Co., supplies, - 7 50 John G. Chandler, 9 00 McDonald & Hannaford, supplies, 12 60 J. F. Bennett, manure, 15 00 F. E. Gleason, coal, 17 00 M. T. Stevens & Sons, hay, 19 50 Musk & Lillis, supplies, 27 35 Reid & Hughes, supplies, 52 72 E. McKone, coal, 69 30 D. A. Carleton, cows', 73 00 W.W. Eaton, groceries, 67 48 John W. Richardson, groceries, 112 80 T. A. Holt & Co., grain, 187 95 .4moment carried farward, $694 54 90 NORTH ANDOVER. Amount brought fomvard, $694 54 J. F. Bennett, provisions, 215 56 T. A. Holt & Co., groceries, 324 25 E. W. Pierce, grain and tools, 475 48 N. A. Water Works, coal, 25 25 John P. Murphy, supplies, 22 08 T. J. Farmer, fish, 87 76 $1,844 92 Town Farm, Labor and I~epairs. Bert Knowlton, labor, $g 40 F. E. Dodge, ~vhitewashing, 3 00 James Glennie, 5 75 R6bert Howard, labor, 8 00 Sarah David, services, 9 75 Fred S. Smith, M. D., med. aid, 10 50 Chas. Wilcox, blacksmithing, 12 00 Napoleon Desiadens, labor, 15 00 Louis FI. McAloon, stock and labor, 17 .30 John Rider, labor, 20 00 Flora Bennett, services, 21 14 Scott Pierce, labor, 32 00 S. D. Hinxman, blacksmithing, 48 35 Melbourn Collier, labor, 62 00 Fred E. David, labor, 90 00 Daniel Donahue, labor and repairs, 92 55 Joseph Stowers, 94 00 James W. Leitch, labor and repairs, 95 70 Maggie McNeil, services, 172 00 G. A. Smith, stock and labor, 197 63 Arthur W. Burnham, keeper, .4moi~n! carried £vrward, 500 O0 $1,009 07 500 O0 $3353 99 OVRRSEER~S REPORT. 91 ~maunt braught far-ward, $3353 99 Extraordinary lmprovoments. Turner & Schwarzenberg, pumping plant° 525 00 525 00 I~elief Out of House. James Brierley Est., rent Mrs. Manning, P. F. Murphy, groceries " J. w. Richardson," Mrs. Haztman, " " Mrs. Lacourse, Ellen L. Mahoney," Mrs. Bolton, E. McKone, coal G. F. Royal, F. E. Higgins, provisions" E. W. Greene, " " Currier & Campion, groceries Mrs. Garvin, J. Leary, supplies " J. F. Bennett, provisions Mrs. Bean, A. P. Currier & Co., groceries Mrs. Bean, $ 16 50 14 56 142 21 12 27 267 22 7 5O 130 76 9 00 84 00 5 5O 182 08 157 02 $1,028 62 Contingont. F. L. Sargent, team, J. L. Fmrbanks, pauper registrar, C. H. Driver Co. Ridgwood C~metery Association, grading town lot, 1 00 3 50 5 90 35 00 45 40 Amoz~t carried forward, $4,953 O1 92 NORTH ANDOVER. ~Imaunl braughl forward, $4953 01 TAYLOI~ FUND. John N. Meserve, wood for Mrs. Mills, SB 00 John N. Meserve, wood for Mfs. Woodman, 4 00 John N. Meserve, wood for Mrs. Manning, 4 00 E. W. Green, wood for George F. Royal, 18 65 E. W. Green, wood for Mrs. Ellen Watwork, 7 S0 E. W. Green, wood for Mrs. Ann Wood, 10 50 No. Andover W. ater Wsrks, coal for Mrs. Ann Wood, 5 00 $57 65 PAID CITIES AND TOWNS. City of Lawrence, on account o£ B. Keefe, g93 70 Methuen, on account of William Garbut, 191 12 City of Lowell, on account of Eliza and William Flemm~ng, 3 00 8287 82 PAID ON ACCOUNT OF {~ITIES AND TOWNS. No. Reading :-- H. B. Ellis; rent, Chas. Mclntyre, $6 50 Dr. F. S. Smith, Medical Services, Chas. Mclntyre, 10 00 $16 50 35314 98 OVERSEER'S REPORT. 93 ~Imvunt broughl farwar, d, City of Lawrence :- Ellen L. Mahoney, groceries, Mrs. Breen, $9 13 $5314 98 9 13 PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS. Mass. Hospital for Epileptics :- On account of Nellie Haggerty, 1~169 46 Mass. Hospital for Dipsomaniacs and Inebriates, John Oliver, 80 78 Danvers Insane Hospital, On account of Martin Kennelly, William Smith, Annie EIvy, George Kenney, Louisa Jagger, 640 26 Medlield Insane Hospital :- On account of Albert C. Long, Racbael Scholes, 292 00 Worcester Insane Hospital, 79 68 O'i HER INSTITUTIOI~S. Worcester City Hospital, On account of William Holt, · ~mounl carriedfarward, ~8 O0 1,262 18 $8 O0 $6594 29 94 NORTH ANDOVER. $6594 29 PAID ON AGGOUNT OF GOglFIONWEALTH. Aid to Benj. Young and family :-- A. Mercieb groceries, J. Trombly, wood, A. P. Cheoey, team, F. S. Smith, medical aid, B. & M. R. R., fares, Fred L. Sargefit, mov/.ng goods, One Sullivan, vagrant, Fred S. Smith, medical aid, Total expense, 4 00 4 7O 1 00 1 50 5 38 2OO 5 O0 Appropriation, For Supt. Town Farm, Town Farm~ receipts, Dr. C. P. Morrill (refund), Dr~wn from Taylor fund, 5000 00 500 00 827 03 20 00 57 65 $6404 68 Overdrawn, 213 19 18 58 5 00 $6,617 87 $6617 87 $6617 87 Respectfully submitted, P. P. DAW, S. D. BERRY, Overseers a/the North Andover, Mass., Jam 25, 1904. SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT. 95 SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT. Tv the Overseers ¢£the Poar ef //~e 7own af Nortt* Andaver: GENTLEMEN: I herewith submit my report for the year end- ing Jan. 1, 1904: Received for apples and garden truck, $ 75 57 l,abor from farm, 43 12 Live stock, 24 50 Wood, 18 50 Poultry and eggs, 36 31 Milk, 629 03 Paid Treasurer, $827 03 Uncollected, $116 55 Woad to outside poor and police station, 10 50 $127 05 Total, $954 08 The uncollected amount will be paid on Jan. 15, 1904. 96 NORTH AND0VER. The number of tramps for 1903 has been reduced nearly one-half. January, 22 February, 19 March, 41 April, 32 May, 23 June, 9 July, 1 August, 9 September, 9 October, 9 November, 20 December, 32 Total, 226 Number of inmates, 1903, Admitted, Transferred from Danvers, Discharged, Present number, Respectfully submitted, ARTHUR BURNHAM, .~uflrrintendenA ASSESSOr'S REVORT. 97 ASSESSORS' REPORT. Wa A. ]7. Han~on Auditar of ]'own Accounts; The Assessors of Taxes for the Town of North Andover, Mass., present herewith the following statement. VALUE OF PROPERTY ASSESSED FOR THE YEAR. 1903, Aggregate value ot Real Estate, Aggregate value of Personal Estate, 83,175,670 1,634,610 Total value Real and Personal, Rate o[ Taxation $14.50 per $1,000 $4,810,280 TAXES ASSESSED. Real Estate, Personal Estate, Polls, $46,047 21 23,701 85 2,528 O0 $72,277 06 APPORTIONMENT. Stale Tax, County Tax, Highway Tax, Town Grant, Overlayings, $3,950 O0 5,198 55 39 55 591804 96 3,284 O0 Total amount of taxes assesbed, 372,277 06 NORTH ANDOVER, Total amount of iaxes required by Assessors' Warrant, Abatement and exemptions author- ized, Acres of land assessed, Dwellings, Horses, Cows, Other neat cattle, Swine, Fowl, Value of Fowl, RETURNS TO TOWN CLERK. Persons subject to Military duty, Dogs (Male), Dogs (Female), RECAPITULATION. Total value of real estate assessed, Total value of personal estate assessed, Taxes assessed on real estate, Taxes assessed on personal estate, Taxes assessed on polls, St. Ry. Excise tax, $72,277 O6 3,565 69 15,171 725 478 869 127 92 3,560 1,630 752 211 18 229 $3,175,670 1,634,610 $4,810,280 46,047 21 23,701 85 2,528 00 2,896 11 $75,173 17 ENGINEER'S REPORT. 99 ENGINEERS' REPORT. T~ lhe ~4udi/ar of the Tvwn af ~Vorth .4ndaver: We hereby submit our report o£ the Fire Department of the Town of North Andover for the year ending Jan. lst., 1904. EXPENSE OF DEPARTMENT. No. 1. Appropriation, Eben Sutton, pay roll, $281 50 Horace E. Towne, engineman, 66 00 Lawrence Gas Co., 42 70 E. McKone, coal, 39 75 No. A. W Works, coal and water, 38 55 Joseph Jacobs, coal, 13 38 Buckley & Sullivan, furnishings, 12 75 James w. Leitch, supplies, 9 80 John W. Richardson, supplies, 9 71 Sanborn & Robinson, supplies, 8 32 John F. Bennett, supplies, 7 08 G. L. Gage, steamer coal, 12 00 C. H. Driver & Co., 5 67 Davis & Furber, supplie~, 4 70 P. J. Sweeney, repairs on heater, 4 55 A. P. Currier, 2 48 Amount car~qed farward, ~558 94 93800 O0 NORTH AND0¥ER. Amounls brought forward, S. W. Fellows~ Cornelius Callahan & Co., Josselyn Express, E. H. Humphrey, kindlings, Thomas E. Rhodes, Fred L. Sargent, Wm. G. Matherson, D. L. Hall & Son, J. C. Poor, J. A. Duncan, NO. 2. Cochichewick Pay Roll, C. N. Perkins & Co., P. J. Rvan, engineman, G. A. Smith, painting and papering, P. Holland overcoats, Edward Adams, drawing steamer, E. McKone, coal, [)avid Crockett, steward, 1). J. Grogan. stock and labor, McDonald &r Hannaford, Philtip Lee, steward, No. A. W. Works, coal and water, Willard Ferris, steward, John J. Cady, supplies, Charles Wilcox, ~I,. A. Holt & Co., John Franklin, E. H. Humphrey, kindlings, Iver Johnson & Co., W. S. Roundy, P. J. Casey, Davis & Furber, $558 94 1 25 2 00 2 10 2 00 2 84 2 00 2 63 2 50 1 50 50 $192 00 77 25 54 00 63 42 52 76 45 5O 43 00 36 58 33 93 30 20 24 00 19 20 14 00 9 45 8 90 7 6O 7 96 2 50 1 25 1 20 1 00 40 $578 26 $726 10 $1304 36 ENGIN'EERS~ REPORT, 101 EXPENSE OF HORSES. George Matherson, driver, John K. Fish, driver, E. W. Pierce, grain and straw, S. D. Hinxman, shoeing and repairs, John Laycock, hay, Peter Holt, hay, Charles O. Barker, hay, Charles J. Kelley, shoelng, Charle.,'Wilcox, shoeing, George S. Fuller~ George H. Perkins, P. J. Murphy, Joseph Jacobs, lumber for stalls, Edward Towne~ driver, Davis & Furber, paint for carts, Ame & Co., ointment, McDonald & Hannaford, FIRE ALARH. IV. E. Decro% W. H. Hayes, Fred Marvin, James W. Leitch, B. & M. Railroad, D..J. Costello, Chandler & Farquhar, strap and vice, A. P. Fuller & Son, Amounts carried forward, 696 00 549 50 308 80 132 45 76 97 74 50 44 37 35 05 10 00 8 50 8 S0 3 05 5 11 7 00 5 16 2 50 2 4O $260 O1 25 87 9 75 15 89 528 4 75 '550 3 50 $1,969 86 $330 55 ~ORTHANDOVER. ~lmounts carried farward, $330 55 William Ecrnald, 3 00 Davis & Furber, supplies, 2 42 D. J. Grogan, stock and labor, 2 88 G. E. Pedler, 1 50 American Express, 1 00 Electric Gas Lighting Co. 72 RECAPITULATION. Appropriation, $3,$00 00 Sale of copper and zinc~ 12 50 $342 07 EXPENDITURES. Fire department No. 1 and 2, Account of 'horses, Fire alarm, Unexpended, ENOINEER$. Appropriation, D. M. Wallwork, Fred Marvin, Geo. H. W£lton, P.J. Casey, 1,304 36 1,969 86 342 O7 196 21 $3,812 50 $3,812 50 150 00 41 25 41 25 41 25 26 25 $150 00 $150 00 ENGINEER'S REPORT. 10~ The horses of Department including drivers have been em- ployed upm~ the streets of the Town from January /st, 1903, to January 1st, 1904, as follows: Steamer Horses. Hose Horses. January, 13 days 14 days February, 10" 10" March, 12" 12" April, 21" 21" May, 24" 24" June, 21 " 21" July, 21" 21" August, 23" 23" September, 23" 23" October, 23" 23" November, 20" 20" December, 10" 10" 221" 222" 221 clays, at $4.75 per day, $],049 75 222 " ,, ,' 1,054 50 $2,104 25 REPAIRS UPON EBEN SUTTON ENOINE. Appropriation, American Locomotive Co. $1,875 00 B. & M. Railroad, 58 40 S. D. Hinxman, painting hose wagon, S0 00 D. W. Wallwork, time and expenses, 9 4S Unexpended, ? 15 $2,000 00 $2,000 O0 $2,000 O0 104 NORTH ANDOVERo FIRP ALARF! BOX AT JUNCT. MASS FIIDDLESEX STREET. AVE. AND Appropriation, $75 00 W. E. Decrow, box, wire and insolators, $60 66 W. W. Hayes, installing box, 10 DO W. F. Richmond, cross arms and pins, i 67 Unexpended, 2 67 $75 O0 $75 O0 FIRE ALARCl BOX NEAR A. BASSETT'S. Appropriation, $125 00 W. E. Deem% wire, box and insulators, $83 98 Fitts & Forristall, installing' box, 50 00 W. R~chmond, cross arms and pins, 7 65 Overdrawn, 16 63 $141 63 $141 63 ENGINEER'S REPORT. 105 FIRE ALARM BOX AT JUNCT. WINTER AND DALE ~qTREET$. Appropriation a sufficient sum to place box. W. E. Decrow, box, wire and insulators, $147 00 A. P. Fuller & Son, fire alarm p{~les, 79 75 S. C. Rea, setting poles, 30 00 W. F. Richmond, cross arms and pins, 17 98 D. J. Costello, extensions, 7 38 G. A. Smith, painting, 2 49 Fitts & Forristall, installing box, 135 00 Fitts& Forristall, supplies for line, 24 86 $444 46 0 0 0 0 0 °,d d o ~m~R'S R~O~T. 107 We have visited the several public buildings and school houses and find the fire escapes in good condition~ except that at the town hall, which was reported last yeah and the conditions remain the same. We report the fire apparatus in first class condition. l~.espectfully submitted, DAVID W. [VALLWORK~ F~sn MARVlbr, GEORCE H. Wxm'o~, ?. J. CASE¥. ]?ire £ngineers. POLICE DEPARTMENT. I herewith submit the annual report of the Police Depart- ment for the year ending December 31, 1903. FINANCIAL REPORT OF POLIGE DEPARTglENT. Year Ending December 31, 19o$. Fred Marvin, William J. Toohey, Joseph L. Leighton, George L. Idarrls, George H. Mizen, C~alvin M. Sanborn, John M. Shearer, John Id. Campbell, Fred L. Sargent, William P. Whittaker, Henry k. Smith, Charles McCarthy, A. H. Farnmn, M. H. Manchester, Patrick J..Healey, James H. Craig, M. L. Carey, Fred Marvin, keeper lockup, George H. Perkins, John P. Murphy, Dr. Fred S. Smith, Dr. G. E. Good,yin, C. N. Perkins Co., Patrick F. Murphy, C. H. Driver Co., Joseph Jacobs, James w. Leitch, N. E. Telephone Co., $385 5O 105 00 83 25 72 50 80 75 8 00 55 25 56 75 10 75 56 50 10 25 47 75 14 50 33 00 11 75 3 25 3 75 46 50 22 88 3 10 12 O0 11 50 6 55 2 25 3 5O 4O 35 25 17 Amaunl carried forward, $1172 70 110 NORTH ANDOVER. 2tmottnt brought forward, George A. Smith, James C. Poor, Edward Adams, William A. Wards Sanborn & Robinson, Charles Woodbury, S. W. Fellows, Appropriation, Lawrence Police Court, Court fines, Court cases, Overdrawn, $1172 70 3 49 4 00 2 00 2 00 45 2 00 75 260'04 1000 00 84 145 00 301 54 Total, $1447 38 $1447 38 The following arrests have been made duriug the year Males, 106 Females, 4 Total, 110 Assault of officers, 8 Assault and'battery, 12 Bastardy, Breaking glass, 1 Cruelty to animals Carrying dangerous weapons, 3 Drunks~ 32 Disturbing peace 5 Illegal bathing, 3 Larceny, 7 Lewdness, 1 Liquor nuisance, 1 Malicious mischief, 14 Selling liquor illegally, 1 Tromps, 6 Trespassing, 5 POLICE DEPARTMENT. 111 Threatening, 1 Vagrant, 1 Game shooting out of season, 3 Illegal fishing, 1 Keeping unlicensed'dog, 1 Keeping dog without collar, 1 Disobedient child, 1 In addition to the above cases 109 complaints have been investigated, with no arrest. Amount of stolen property reported, ;~970 00 Amount of stolen property recovered, 720 00 Doors found open and secured, 3 Dangerous places in streets reported, 5 Persons dying on streets, 3 Persons killed on railroad, 3 Insane people taken to the asylum, 4 Respectfully submitted, FRED MARVIN, Chirr of .Police. 112 so~zs A~owm ME OPxlAL DAY COmmITTEE. 2-0 the Citizens af lhe 5rawn of 2Vorth ,4ndaver: No report having been received from the Committee, the Auditor presents the following: Amount appropriated, $150 00 Unexpended from 1902, 35 36 Paid Committee, $22 64 A. S. lVIoody, 42 15 F. L. Sargent, 13 50 Eighth Regiment Drum Corps, 39 90 Ridgewood Cen~etery Asso. S O0 Needham Post No. 39, 1 33 Jos. A. Duncan, 1 O0 C. Il. Driver Co., 2 O0 D. E. Callahan, 10 00 Peel Bros., 11 49 A. P. Currier & Co. 5 64 John P. Murphy, 4 60 It. A. Webster, 4 25 Unexpended, Respectfully submitted, 163 50 21 86 $185 36 $185 36 A. B. IlANSON, ~uditon REPORT OF FOREST FIRE WARD. 113 REPORT OF FOI~F__3T FIRE WAR, D. To /he Hon. Board af Selectmen of 2Votth A ndover: GV. SXLES~E~: There have been no large forest fires during the current year and only three small ones, which were ~xtmg- uished without any expense to the town. Respectfully submitted, GEORGE A. REA, Fores~ Fire kk'ard. NORT~ Am)OWR, Dec. 31, 1903. NORTH ANDOVER. VILLAGE I/ PROVE ENT SOCIETY. I herewith submit the treasurer's report of the North Ando- ver Improvement Society for 1903: Unexpended balance from 1902, Appropriation 1903,, Total, Expended during 1903, $ 88 71 500 O0 $588 71 285 48 23 Leaving' an unexpended balance Jan. 1, 1904, $303 The items for the expenditures of 1903 were as follows: George Hall, labor and stock on trees, $ 13 68 C~terpillar belts, 50 00 Peter Holt, labor on common, 187 5S Six one-half barrels for common, 22 00 Charles Wilcox Jr., cleaning park, 13 00 North Andover street dept., stone dust, 12 00 Edward Adams, stone dust, 36 75 Total, 1~285 48 Respectfully submitted, SAMUEL F. ROCKWELL, IREE ~VARDEN% REPORT. 115 TREE WARDEN'S REPORT. ~To lhe Auditar of lhe 2~awn af Nor#~ Andover: I herewith submit my fourth annual report as Tree Warden' for the year ending January, 1904. One hundred and twenty- five trees have been planted the past season. The elms on our streets ar/d public grounds have been protected from canker worms. Slreet trees have been trimmed, dangerous trees re- moved. Bushes have been cut and cleaned up by the road-side in the out-lying districts. Some beauti[ul shade trees on the road-side have been destroyed by the abutting land owner~ through ignorace of the law. No person should cut any tree by the road-side without consulting the Warden. The following bills have been approved: James w. Leitch, for supplies, $29 31 Peter Holt, labor, 20.6 00 James C. Poor, labor, 6 00 13. W. Farnum, 8 70 E. Adams, $ O0 T. C. Thurlow, trees, 100 00 Unexpended, 274 15 Unexpended from appropriation 1902, 127 16 Appropriation 1903, S00 00 Respectfully submitted, $627 16 8627 16 · PETER HOLT, Tree PVa~den NORTH ANDOYE~. REPORT OF CATTLE INSPECTOR. 1o lhe tlan. Board ~f Selec~men of the ~wn oJ.~ror~h ilndaver.. GENTLEMEN: I submit to you my annual report o[ cattle inspec~ted by me during the past year: Number o[ cattle in- spected by mewas ten hundred and seventy-five (1075.) Num bet of quarantined and kiiled was ten (10.) ~ also fi)und five cases o~ glanders among the horse~ during the year. I't~ere were ~lso found twt~ outbreaks of hog cholera during the year, which was attended to at once. Respectfully submitted, DR. GEORGE $. FULLER, Callle ]nspeclar. SCHEDULE AND VALUATION OF TOWN PROPERTY. 117 &CHEDULE AND VALUATION OF TOWN -PROPERTY. S(3HOOL DEPARTFIENT. Sdhoolhouses and land, $65,000 00 Laboratory, apparatus and chemicals, fuel, furniture and supplies, 2,000 00 $67,000 00 BOARD OF HEALTH. Sulphur, candles, medicine, etc., Stationery, etc., $2 00 5 00 $7 00 SCHEDULE AND VALUATION OF TOWN PROPERTY. Town hall, fixtures and land, $23,000 00 Settees, 50 00 Voting booths, railing and furnishings, 100 00 Eight chairs, 4 00 Chandelier and lamps, 175 00 Tables, 5 00 Clock, 10 00 Table at Town Farm office, 4 00 Radiators and fixtures at Town Farm otIice, 20 00 dmou~t~' catty, d forward, $23,368 00 $67,007 00 118 NORTH ANDOVER. AnwunZ~- [~rou,~'h/fi2rzva~d, $23,368 00 $67,007 00 Chairs at,Town Farm. office, 5 00 Vault at Town Farm office, 100 00 Buildings, village office, 800 00 Library, village office, 475 00 Two tables, village office, 15 00 Nine chairs, village office, 15 00 I,etter press, village office, 3 00 Gas fixtures, village office, 20 00 Heating apparatus, village office~ 95 00 Safe, village office, 300 00 Miscellaneous, 10 00 Pump and trough, Town Hall, 75 00 Pump and trough, Railroad street~ 75 00 Two commons, 1,200 00 Land and buildings, Main street, 8,000 00 ' Standard weights and measnres, Treas~ urer's department~ 200 00 Duplicate set for Deputy's use, 90 00 Taylor fund, 382 40 Moses Towne school fund, 4,000 00 Safe, Town Clerk's office, 150 00 Town seal, 8 00 Registrar's seal, 8 00 Ballot boxes~ 50 00 Miscellaneous, Town Clerk's office, 25 00 Clock, village office~ 4 00 Town scales, 400 00 $39,883 40 Amount car~ed fa~ward~ $107,272 80 $CHEI)ULE AND YALUAT1OIq Amount broughl forward, $107,272 80 FIRE DI~PAI~TFIENT P~OI>EI~T¥. 'No. 1. Eben Sutton steamer house and stable, Boiler and fixtures for heating~ Gas fixtures, Ebeu Sutton steamer, One relief valve for steamer, One hose wagon, One thousand feet of new hose, Nine hundred feet of old hose, Two Star extinguishers, Eighteen overcoats, Two Eastman sets, One Callahan shin-off nozzle and pipe, Three hydrant gates, single, One hydrant, gate double, One reducing Y, Two fire hooks, Seven smoke protectors, Four horses, Two sets of hanging' harness, Two sets of working harness, Two single harness, Collars, chains, etc. Nine horse blankets, Two carts, One Z-horse sled, One hose sleigh, Hay and grain, Water meter and fixtures, Four fire ladders, $1,200 00 250 00 25 00 4,000 00 50 00 300 00 500 {30 270 00 40 00 12 00 125 00 32 00 30 00 25 00 l0 00 5 00 10 50 900 O0 200 00 90 O0 30 O0 20 00 25 O0 125 00 ' 40 O0 50 00 5 00 20 ~0 15 00 Amounts carriedfo2ward, $$404 50 3107,272 80 120 NORTH ANDOVER. ~4mounls 3rm~g4~lfwward, ;~8404 50 $107,272 80 One portable bench and vice, 10 00 Seventy-five feet of garden hose, 9 00 Two ward~%bes, 20 00 Bed and bedding, 15 00 One clock, 4 00 One'street lamp, 2 00 Hay and grain; 5 00 I~8472 50 Coehichewick steamer house, $500 00 Heater and fixtures, 125 00 Water meter and fixtures, 20 00 Cochichewick steamer and jumper, 3,500 00 Eight hundred feet of new hose, 400 00 Seven hundred feet of old. hose, 210 00 One Ca}laban shut-off nozzle and pipe, 32 00 Two hydrant gates, single, 20 00 Two Star extinguishers, 40 00 One Babcock extinguisher, 20 00 Seventeen overcoats, 52 00 Five smoke protectors, 7 50 Five settees, S 00 Five chairs, 5 00 Two lamps, I 50 Wood and coal, $4935 O0 FII~E ALARF1. Fire Alarm systems as installed, $1,900 00 Extensions and five additional boxes, 750 00 Tapper line with 16 tappers, 250 00 TSree generators, 1S 00 Two hundred pound~ blue stone, 12 00 Two dozen battery jars, 4 00 Half mile of alarm wire, 9 00 Coppers and zincs, 5 O0 One half barrel blue stone, I2 00 ~2957 O0 $123,040 30 SCHEDULE AND VALUATION OF TOWN PROPERTY. 121 Amaunl brvugh(forward, $123,640 30 SCHEDULE OF POLICE PROPERTY. Sixteen pair hand-cuffs, at $3.75 per pair~ $6(/ O0 Four t~visters, 4 00 Three dark lanterns, 1 50 Two flash lights, 6 00 Eight blankets, 10 00 Twenty badges; 15 00 Fifteen new badges, 22 50 Three tin slop pails, 75 One table, 1 25 F~ve chairs, 2 50 One wash basin, 15 Six towels and rack, 1 50 One measuring stick, 50 Two hand fire extinguishers, 2 00 Two grappling hooks and ropes, 3 00 One 14-foot ladder, 1 50 Two coal hods, 50 Three cuspidores, 75 One stretcher, I 50 One cot, pillow and blanket, 7 $0 One ton of coal, 9 50 Wood, 4 50 Two axes, 2 50 $158 90 Amount carried forward, 1g123,799 20 122 NORTH ANDOVER. ~4mount braugh( forward, $123,799 20 STOCK AT TOWN FARM. Horses, 12 Cows at $40 00 each, Bull, Heads of young stock, Hogs, 75 Fowls at 75c each, ~400 0C 480 00 20 00 105 00 30 00 48 75 $1083 75 IIIPLEMENT$. farm wagon, tow horse wagon, square wagons, dump cart, tow horse sled, double runner, sleigh, hay feeder, hose rake, mowing machines, mowing machine, ploughs, harrows,: cultivator, root cutter, grind stone force pump, set scales, set double harness, ~lmount carried forward, $40 00 100 00 75 00 115 00 -40 00 40 00 25 00 15 00 12 00 10 00 40 O0 7 O0 25 OD 3 O0 3 O0 4 O0 8 O0 15 O0 30 O0 $607 00 $124,882 95 $Cltl~.DULIg AND VALUATION OF TOWIq ~ROP~RTY. ]123 Amounts braughtfarward, $607 00 $124,882 95 Two single harness~ 5 00 1 market harness, 25 00 Small tools, 25 00 Seed sower, 5 00 6 Ladders, 12 00 Blankets and Robes, 15 00 1 democrat wagon, 35 00 $729 00 sUPPLIES ON HAND. 17 tons of English hay at $18.00 per ton, $292 · 2 " Oat fodder at $10.00 " 20 00 00 12 ,' Meadow hay at $12.00" 144 O0 6 Cords prepared wood at $6.00 per cord, 36 00 6 ........ $5.00 " 45 00 5 gal ot oil, 75 Flour sugar and other supplies, 68 50 28 Bushels of potatoes at 75c per bushel, 21 00 72 cans of fruit at 30c per can, 21 60 Vegetables, 15 00 7 Barrells of Apples at $2.00 per barrel, 14 00 225 Gallons of Vinegar at 12c per gal, 27 O0 5 Tons of Coal, 36 25 $741 10 $126,353 05 124 NORTH ANDOVER, PUBLIC LI BI~AI~Y. REPORT OF' THE TRUSTEES. Ia lhe ~uditar af Worth ~lndaver; The Trustees of the Public Library herewith present to the Town their report of the expenditure of their appropriation and the condition of the library at the pre,cut tim e. One year ago we reported no additions to the hbrary owing to the cost or the new catalogue. 'Fhi, year we have added an unusually large number of books, 386 in all. These, as they have come, have not only been ad4ed to the cat.~logue and a bulletin of them placed in the library, at Mr. Roundy's store at the Centre, and in the local papers, but the books themselves have been placed upon a table where the patrons or the ltbrary may examine them and select for them;elves. We are glad to learn that those frequenting the library like this new teature. It will be continued, and we hope that more pet)pie will avail themselves of the privilege thus afforded to see and to read good literature. The Library Art Club, to which our library beloua:s, ha~ fur- ni~hed us daring the year with several fine collections of pic- tures. These are always worth seeing, and an~- one w:m will take the trouble to visit the library when pictures are on exhi- bition ~vill feel repaid. Recently there has been hung in the reading room a ~ortrait of the late Capt..Hodges. This is the gift of hissm, Mr. Charles Hodges. It is very fitting that portrait~ of those men ~vt~o have helped to make North Andover's history should be placed in our library, where they will'be seen by the coming generations, and they and their service to the town not [orgotten. We wish that more such portraits might be given to us [or this purpose. It is our hope in the coming year to have placed in the reading room some shelves on ~vhich wi}l b~ kept reference books. We possess more such books than the people kao~ but ,ye have been unable to find any place ~here they c()uld be put to be of general use. Often the youna people who are tending schoM here and elsewhere, as well as others, wish to consult such books, and while our librarian has always been glad to help such studems even on days when the library was not open for the delivery of books, yet it w~ll be a great advantage if these ~oks m~y be accessible whenever the reading room open. This will make our reading room a combined reading and reference room. FINANCIAL REPORT. P..EGEIP'I'$. Town appropriation, $1,200 00 Dog Tax for 1902, 460 96 Fines, 17 52 Total, EXPENDITURES. Wauwinet Lodge, L O. O. F., rent, $$00 00 Hannah J. Quealy, librarian, 300 00 Cora C. Holt, assistant librarian, 52 40 Stormont Josselyn, assistant librarian, 45 00 George L. Harris, periodicals, 80 25 Kelly Bros., papers, 9 75 Little, Brown & Co., books, 360 0Z C. A. Stevens, books, 65 60 41,678 48 .~maunls tattled forward, ;~1413 02 $1678 48 126 No~'rH ~NDOV~R. ~tmot~nlx bra~£htfarwa~d, $1413 02 $1678 48 George Clarke, books, 18 00 J. s. Li31y, books, 3 40 E. C. Sargent, books, g 25 American Library Co., hooks, 12 00 Essex Publishing Co., books, 63 00 F. J. Barnard & Co., rebinding, 36 60 William F. Roundy, care of books at the Centre, 36 00 Fred L. Sargent, carrying books to the Centre, 38 40 Box at Post Office, 2 00 Josselyn's Express, 2 90 American Express Co. 5 55 George H. Perkins, supplies, 1 90 George W. DeMars, cleaning clock, 1 25 James w. Leitch, supplies, 10 James J. Shannon & Co., supplies, 1 00 Library Art Club, 5 00 Annie L Sargent, services as clerk for 1903, 25 00 $1,667 37 Amount on hand to balance, 3.1 11 $1,678 48 $1,678 48 PUBLIC L]BRAR¥o STATISTICAL I EPOI T, March April May June August September October Collected. 940 909 i 9°5 8~5 74x 868 864 868 November 777 Total, [ I°,3°9 2 53 9° ~ 85 ~ 68 i 23 8 9 9 9 9 102 ioi.o7 Average Circulation, I36 Largest Circulation, A'pril ~8, 58 Smallest Circulation, April I5, 396 Number of Books added during the year, Numbe~ of Books in circulation January ~, ~9o4, I°'827 s~G 'obi 6 6 9 sp~uo 89 ~ 06 9~ ~ 6o~'ox 89~ 606 o~6 'pons~I s~ooa 'oN · qluo I~ '£~tOdH~l '-IV:DI.Lgl&VIg 'pgoA~_ ~9oA ~aoN qd!~osum& umsoa '[emnof uol~oK 'u~a!~omV 'Um!lodomsoD 'X~nluoD 'uo[l~anp'L[ to Nmnof 'ouuqll~L ~IaoA ~aaN 'aqoi9 uolsoff 'plmaH uolsolt 'p~ooaxcl uolsoa 'mm~ol%L oouoa,~ c~l · 'UO0~! DMIGV[I~! NI 5;N01&VDI"IgFId dO AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE. 7-o the Cil£*e~s of/he 7-own of JVgrth Andaver: This is to certifl; that I have examined the accounts of your Water Department and have founds the bills to correspond with the amounts paid by the Town Treasurer. I also have a record of all bills paid. A. B. HANSON, Auditor. 130 NORI~ ANDOVER. WATER COM/~II$$IONER$' REPOI~T. 2-o #~e Cih~en.r of t/~e Town of Azorll~ dnd~ver.. The Water Commissioners herewith submit their sixth annual report for the year ending Dec. 31, 1903: The year of 1903 shows an increase of $624.71 in the re- ceipts for water rates as compared with the previous year, and the coming year, with a guaranteed income from the Pond and Bradford street lines, will give an additional increase in revenue of about S400 from that source. The receipts eaclx year for water rates have been as follows 1899, $1358 52 1900, 3216 O6 1901, 3661 45 1902, 4155 77 1903, 4780 48 All outstanding bills have been paid and all water rates have been collected and turned over to the Town Treasurer. ,~lain Pipe. During the year 10,409 feet of six-inch pipe have bee~t lakt as detailed in Superintendent's report. Hydrants. Hydrm~t~ set to Jan. 1, 1903, Hydrants set during the year, Total, 136 8 144 WATER COMMISSIONER'S REPORT. 131 ' Service Piping. Service pipe laid on private property, 2152.0 feet Service pipe laid on town land, 756.7 feet Total, 2908.7 feet The town has received during the year on account of service piping and meters sold $680.14. .Services. No. of Water services, Jan. 1, 1903, 493 Added during th~ year, 35 Total, 528 Meters set to Jan. 1, 1903, 313 Added during the year, Total, 345 Meters sold, 308 Meters rented, 37 Total, 345 Water Bonds, In accordance with the vote of the Town the balance of Water Bonds of the year 1899 were issued and sold as follows: $1,000 to the sinking fund of 1899 and the remaining $6,000 to the Essex Savings Bank, upon the written condition that the Town could repurchase them at par. .5inking Fund. The Sinking Funds for the redemption of $120,000 of bonds of the issue of 1898 and 1899 amounts to $17,014.77, of which $17,000 is invested in our own Water Bonds of 1899 and the balance of $14.77 is deposited in Savings Banks as detailed in report. The bonds, at the time of purchase for the Sinking Fund, were marked the propmty of the North Andover Water 132 NORTH ANDOYER. Loan Sinking Fund, and not negotiable. $3,000 of the 1899 bonds sold last year were repurchased at par for the Sinking Fund of 1898. Regulations and Fleter Rates tor 19o4. The board has adopted a new scale of meter rates and regu- lations. The change that will affect the water takers the most is the drop from 25 cents to 20 cents per hundred cubic feet, which will give the small takers more water for the same money, yet no service will yield the Town less than the old price of $6.00 per year. The larger takers will be affected but little by the new rates and it is thought that it will make a more datisfactory scale to the citizens without diminishing the income of the Town. Electrolysis. We have had to replace three service pipes on Sutton street during the last year on account of electrc)lysis~ and if nothing is done in regard to the deflection at electricity from the street rail- way tracks there will be more pipes to replace in the future. Pond and Bradford Street Extension. During the year 10,099 feet of six-inch pipe have been laid from the iunction of Osgood and Pond streets to the corner of Short and Bradford streets as voted by the Town at a cost of nearly $9,000. Four per cent. each year income on the same has been guaranteed by Geo. E. Kunhardt and Richard S Rnssell for the term of ten years, from Jan. 1st, 1904, they having signed a joint bond for $3,000 to indemnify the ri'own in case the water rates do not equal.the four per cent. in each and every year. Columbia Road and 5aunders 5treet. Short extensions of 185 feet on Colmnbia road and 113 feet on Sounders street have been made to reach new bnildings, and a twelve-foot extension on Andover street to a hydrant. HERBERT W. FIELD, )~ I.l~zler ANDREW REEVES, EDMUND S. COLBY, t Commt'ssio~e~s. SINKING FUND. 133 SINKING FUND. The Sinking fund Commissioners present the following re- port: ~o~ m~u~ OE 1898. ~To Redeem Bonds Nos. 1 to 80 inclusive. Balance on hand Jan. 6, 1903, $11,408 20 Received [rom Coupons on Bonds, 280 00 Received interest Broadway Savings Bank, 14 24 Received from Town of North Andover, 2,300 00 Invested as follows: Town of North Andover Water Bonds, issue of 1899. Deposit Broadway Savings Bank, nord XSSUE OV 1899. To Redeem Bonds Nos. 1 to 40 inclusive. Balance on hand Jan. 6, 1903. Received from Coupons on Bonds, Received interest from Essex Savings Bank, Received interest from Lawrence Savings Bank, Received from Town of North Andover, Invested as follows: Town of North Andover Water Bonds, issue of 1899, Deposit Essex Savings Bank, Deposit Lawrence Savings Bank, ~IERBERT W. FIELD ANDREW REEVES EDMUND S. COLBY GEORGE H. PERKINS, ~Fre~zsu,rer. North Andover, Dec. 31, 1903. $14,002 44 ;~14,000 O0 2 44 $14,002 44 $2,246 09 60 00 3 42 2 82 700 00 $3,012 33 $3,000 O0 8 43 3 90 $3,012 33 Sinking Fund Commissioners. 134 NORTM ANDOVER. FINANCIAL STATE~4ENT. Report of the receipts and expenditures of the Water De- partment for the year ending Dec. 31, 1903. Receipts. 1903. Jan. 6., Balance on hand, 8554 43 Service piping and mater/al soId, 2,437 07 Receipts, 4,979 53 Appropriation for maintenance, 3,401 78 Appropriation for construction, 1,577 75 Water Loan Bonds, 7,000 00 Expenditures, 1903. Dec. 31., Bills approved £or maintenance, Bills approved for construction, Paid Geo. Fl. Perkins, treas., Cash, construction, $19,950 56 $3,401 78 11,544 79 4,979 53 24 46 $19,950 56 RECEIPTS. 135 RECEIPTS. BILLS. Adams, Ch0~s. B. Andover Town Board Public Works, Costello, Michael Costello, Patrick Dale, W. J. Davis & Furber Marh. Co. Fellows. Mrs. Field, H. W. Flcmming, Kate et als. Gile, William Kunhardt, Geo. E. Leitch, [. W. McAloch, Mrs. M. Morris, John Ripley, (leo. Russell, Richard Rut~er, W. F. & Co. Stevens, M. T. & Sons Co. Smith, Geo. A. Junk, Coal and Coke, various par- ties, Interest Winthrop Bank, Turning on Water, Service pipe ,and meters~ various parties, Total, Water rates, Mainten- Service $I99 05 Piping. $3 20 2 7° ~6 5° 6 42 5 80 I~ 92 6 24 59 82 I 80 18 84 680 I4 $8~3 38 Dist. Piping. $81 20 f 3° 55~ ~9 ~ 75 45 33 49 $L623 69 TOTALS $3 2o 2,,70 ~6 50 50 6 3° 5° 6 42 5 80 ~ 92 558 I9 6 24 59 82 4 75 858 56 77 45 3 75 ~8 84 9 6~ W7 45 33 49 680 ~4 $2,636 ~2 4,78o 4.8 $7,416 60 EXPENDITURES. Adams, Edward, lead, American Express Co., ex., American Oil Co., oil, Andover Board Public Works, pipe, Berry, S. D., lead, Bicknell Bros., Blanket, Blake, Geo. F. Co., repairs, Broad Gauge Irort Works repairs, Brown, Nelson~ dynamite, B. & M. R. R., freight, Builders Iron Fdy., castings Callahan, Patrick, labor, Carroll, Thomas, labor, Challenge Tube Cleaner Co., Chapman Valve M:~g. Co., hydrants, Cheney, A. P., horse hire, Cole, Arthur L., stationeD, Costello, D. J., wagon, labor, Connors, Daniel, foreman, Coaghlan, Jcffry, labor, Currier, A. P. & Co., sup- plies, D. & F. Mach. Co., castings, Doherty, Edward, labor, Driver, C. H. Co., p~inting, Dudley, E. M., labor, Duncan, Joseph, services, Ellis, Leauder S., engi~:ee~,I Foley, Patrick, labor, Ford, Charles, labor. Foster, A. D., carpenter, GerUitta, Rosario, labor, Goldsmith, Clarence, salary, Goldsmith, Clarence, ex- penses, Goodwin, Geo. g., M. D., Greeler, Thoney, labor, Greene, E. W., hay, wood, Griffin, Michael, labor, Gutterson & Gould, lead, Griffins, A. A., Iron Co., Main- Service tenance. Piping. $~ ~o $ 25 I7 IO 500 ~6 80 . 5 43 4o os 35 os 5 40 ~o 80 226 ~5 21 OD t:z66 67 5 os 58 85 repairs, I 3 78 I Holt, T. A. & Co., supplies, 60 Hamlir~, Samuel, repai,'s, I ~5 J Hersey Mfg. Co., meter% / 2 22 84- os Carried forward, ! / $2x2o 34[ $z8o 88 Dist. Piping. Total. $9 63 $9 63 ~ 35 ~7~ IO 7~ 39 7I 39 ~9 58 ~9 58 ~6 80 2 9 3 60 3 60 484 75 49~ 57 ~o7 38 ~o7 3 89 40 89 4 13 4° ~3 4 $oo 38~ ~o 38? 73 5 5° 8 os 4 os 58 25 228 22 643 55 226 20 26I 20 45 7 84 5 76 6 a4 ~7 os 32 40 3~ 95 5t 8o 62 6o 226 25 I200 33 os 90 9 os 3 35 3 35 27 oo 2'] oo ~266 67 x5 os r5 os ~8 9° ~8 9° 58 85 ~9 2o It9 2o 374 93 374 93 3 78 6o ~5 86 22 $23o6 74 $4607 96 Broug'/tt for~vard, Hinxman, S. D., blacksmith Holt, Peter, teaming, Home, H. J. &'Co., shrubs Jacobs, Joseph, lumber, Jeusnppi, Longeo, labor, Josselyn, Geo. C., express, Kelley, Chas. f., blacksmith Kennedy, John, iabor~ Kunhardt, Geo. E., labor, Kress Bros., repairs, Lamb & Ritchie, pipe, Lawrence Gas Co., coke, Lawrence Lumber lumber. Lawrer[ce Rubber Co., boots, Lawrence Electric S. & C. Co., repairs, Leitch, James W., suppllcs, Library Bureau, cards, Loftus, W. F., Horse Clip ping, Ludlow Valve Mtg. hydrants, Marvin, Fred, janitor, Mt:Calm, Edward, boiieJ repairs, 1VfcCabe, Thomas, repairs, McDonald & Hanaford, sup. plies, McDuffee, Michael, labor, Michle, Sparto, labor, Millar, Chas. & Sons Co. pipe, Montgomery, Edw., labor, Moriarty, John, labor, Morris, David, labor, Murphy, John P., supplies, National Meter Co., meters~ Neptune Meter Co., meters, N. E. 'gel. & Tel. Co., tel. rent, North Andover (St. Dept0, O'Neil, Con, labor, Ossemcraude, Vittorio, lab., Perfin, Seamans Co., sup- plies, Carried forward, $~t2o 34 ~ ~6 oo 6 3° 4 oo 8 85 x 50 5 04 I 50 46 o2 9 72 75 6 oo 7 34 3° 82 3° 6 ~$ ~ 70 17 60 x8 96 ~t 75 $2407 32' iervice >iping. t8o 88 9 oo a77 07 53 76 18 oo 406 85 $947 27 Dist. Piping. $2306 74 t42 9° 2 48 79 57 5° 48 8O 15 OO 28 75 3100 27 3I 29 6o 24 20 3~ 86 5043 85 255 oo 5t 4° ! 80 38 oo 98 56 to8 5° 88365 82 Total. $4607 96 x68 to ~6 oo 6 3° 6 48 79 57 8 85 50 57 80 I5 oo r 5° 277 07 28 75 5 04 31 oo i 50 127 09 9 72 75 29 60 6 oo 7 34 3° 82 3° 24 20 3t 86 5043 85 ~73 oo 5~ 40 6 ~5 4~8 55 ~7 60 18 96 H 75 38 oo ioo 27 to8 5° $11720 4r Pierce, E. W., grain, Pilling, Chas. A., P. M., postage, Poor, James C., teaming, Reagan, Jerry, labor, Richmond, Will F., repairs, Roache, David, labor, Robinson, Chas., tel. rep., Rutter, W. F. & Co., sup- plies, Richardson, J. w., supplies, Sampson, Geo. H. Co., dyn- amite, Saransia, Rosario, labor, Sheridan, Edward, labor, Smart, Edward M., labor, Spencer, J. E., labor, Spencer, Lemuel, labor, Small, John, labor, Smith, Geo. A.~ painting, Stevens, M. T. & Sons Co., repairs, Sioehr, H. C. & Co., salt, Sweet & Doyle, valves, Treat ilardware trod Supply Co., supplles, TrombI¥, Joseph, coal and The Fairbanks Co., Tyer Rubber Co., pm'Op. valves, U. S. C. L p. & F. Co. pipe, Vitto~io, Pisuettello, labor, Waldo Bros., cement, ~x~iilcox, Chas., horse shoeing V. arson, Henry, labor, I \V~rd, William, labor, Walworth Mfg. Co., sup-[ plies, Znm, Frank, labor, Main- Service Dist. tenance. Piping. Pipinff. $~4o7 32 $947 27 $8365 I34 o9 13 oo 29 05 3 oo 305 57 ~ ~5 io oo 2 oo 66 74 20 t6 2~ 70 ~5 5° 5oe 8r 6 5~ 35 7° 5 5° 28 40 4t 6o 221 89 3 38 ~oo 89 i 75 m 33 34 oo 25 78 255 97 3 60 ~2 60 3°4 44 ~o9 80 67 43 4 4~ 89 37 368 45 27 oo I48 96 4° 2 2O ~3 86 63 89 20 52 Jo/al, I$3,4o~ 78 I34 09 13 oo 29 05 3 oo 357 ~7 2 oo 289 ~3 20 ~3 40 23 78 255 97 3 60 4% 33 lO9 8o 5 GO 2 7° 69 ~g 3° 24 626 i$ 6 50 35 70 368 45 27 oo 5 50' 28 4~ 4°. 2 2¢ 226 7r 20 52 $t4,946 57 RULES AND WATER PATES. 139 COST OF CONSTRUCTION. (To January lst,, E9o4,) Distribution piping, Suction mMn, Reservoir, Pumping station, Pumping plant, Service piping and meters: Incidental construction expenses, Land and rights of way, Tool account, Fountains, Rules and Water Rates. $90,682 72 1,943 61 6,389 65 6,982 04 5,708 86 7,440 61 5,471 38 499 70 442 39 515 31 $126,076 27 All meters shall be computed quarterly; in case of a meter stopping or failing to register, the quantity of water used shall be estimated as the amount which ordinarily passes through the meter when in operation. Bills for metered water shall be ren- dered quarterly on the first day of January, April, July and Octo- ber for the amount of water used during the previous quarter, based ov the following sliding scale: Cost. Summary. For first 2000 cubic feet 20 cts. per 100 cubic feet, $4.00, 2,000 cu. ft. 94.00 From 2000 to 10,000 cubic feet 12 cts. per 100 cubic feet, $9.60, 10,000 cu. ft. $13.60 All over 10,000 cubic teet 8 cts per 100 cubic feet. .4//me/ers read in cubic feet. A cubic foot is computed as seven and one-half gallons. No service shall pay less than $1.50 per quarter. 140 SO~XH A~DOW~. REGUL&T]ONS. The following Regulations, until further notice, shall be con- sidered a part of the contract with every person who uses water, 1. All applications for the use of water must be made at the office of the Water Commissioners and state fully the purpose for which it is intended to be used. The Town in all cases fur- nish and lay the service pipe from the street main to and through the cellar wall and provide on the end thereof a stop and waste valve. And the owner o[ the premises shall in all cases pay for such service pipe as may be laid within his premises, together with the stop and waste valve, at such rates as may be fixed by the Water Commissioners. 2. The Town will set meters on ail services and charge a rental of two dollars per year. Consumers at their option may purchase said meters, when they will be marked on the books as private and no rental will be charged. All meters will be kept in repair by the Town and no charge made therefor, excepting in case of freezing or negligence. In no instance shall more than one set of buildings be supplied through one meter, and a sepa- rate meter shall be required for each building from which the owner receives revenue. 3. All persons using water must furnish internal pipes, con- nections and fixtures and keep them and all pipe to the street line in good repair and protected from f~ost at their own expense, and the Town will not be liable for any damage resulting from a failure to do so. No person will be permitted to connect with any water pipes on the inlet side of the meter in any way or man- ner without a written permit from the Water Commissioners. 4. Water rates shall be payable at the office of the Water Commissioners quarterly. No abatement of water rates shall be made except when the entire prmnises are shut off for a period of at least three months. In all cases of non-p~yment ot~ water rates within sixty days after the same are dne, as well as for any violation of these rules and regulations, the supply may be shut off and water will not again be let on except upon payment of the amount due and the sum of one dollar for shutting off or let- ting on the water. In case of shutting off or letting on the water REGULATIONS. 141 for repairs, testing of pipes or any other purpose the stun of one dollar will be charged. 5. The water rates shall be paid by the owner or lessee of the whole premises, and the owner shall in all cases be responsi- ble for the water rates of his tenants. 6. No water taker shall suppty water to parties not entitled to its use, except on written permit. 7. All apparatus and places supplied with water must be accessible at all reasonable times to the inspection of the Water Commissioners or their agents to examine the pipes and fixtures and ascertain the quantity of water used and the manner of its use, and all pipes and fixtures shall be subject to rejection by said Commissioners if considered unsuitable for the purpose. 8. Art. 7. Sec. 1. Town By-Laws. No person shall open any hydrant o[ the water works system of the Town, without writ- ten permission previously obtained from the Board of Water Comrnisioners ~ provided, however~ that nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the use of hydrants and water by the Chief ot the Fire Department or the person acting in his stead, in case o[ fire. 9. The Commissioners reserve the right to restrict the use · of hose or fountains or to shut off the water when it becomes necesss, ry to make extensions or repairs or for violation o[ any of the Regulations. NORTH ANDOVER. SUPEI~INTENDENT'.5 I~EPOI~T. Commissioners: There have been laid during the past year 10409.0 feet of six-inch main pipe and 6 six-inch gates, and 8 hydrants have been set, making a total of 21.57 miles of main pipe I twelve inch check valve I fourteen inch gate, 17 twelve inch gates, 12 ten-lnch gates, 40 eight-inch gates, 96 six-inch gates, 144 ky- drants. The main pipe was laid as follows: Columbia Road, from Irving Road to point 18S feet south~ 185 feet six-inch pipe. Saunders street, from point 389 feet north of Cleveland street, 113 feet ~ix-inch pipe, 1 three-nozzle hydran.t. Andover street, at point 500 feet north of last hydrant, 12 feet six inch pipe. 1 three-nozzle hydrant. Pond street, from Osgood street to Bradford street, 7404.0 feet six-inch pipe, S six-inch gates, 4 three-nozzle hydrants. Bradford street, from Pond street to Short street, 2605.0 feet six-inch pipe, 1 six-inch gate, 2 three-nozzle hydrants. 'g'0612 ~usmo 144 NORTI{ ~NI)OVER. Thirty-two meters have been set this year, making a total of' 345 meters now in use. SIZES. No. NAME. I In. 3-4 In. 3 Crown, --2 ]-- I 1 1 Gem, 1 J 151 Empire, I 4 2 39 N~sh, I 1 117 Trident, 2 13 Columbia, 1 21 Hersey, 345 I i 3 4 7 5-8 In. 145 38 115 1Z 21 331 There are 532 service connections which at present are supplying: 641 families. $5 stables. 14 stores. 6 schools. 4 churches. 6 manufactories. 6 drink~ng4onnta~ns. 2 barber shops. 1 cemetery. 7 boarding houses. 2 laundries. 4 railroad stations. 4 greenhouses. 7 buildings. 8 fire services. 1 sewer flush. 6 stand-pipes for watering carts. 1 blow-off. SUPERINTENDENT'$ REPORT. 145 Samples of water from Great Pond have been sent to the State Board of Health, and the chemical analysis of the same returned as follows: 146 ~o~ ~vovx~, The following records show the work done by pumps, average daily consumption, etc., during the year 1903: mo['~dmnsuoD sql -uo.tlanS prm ~ulpnpuI 'qluoI,'-I '~rm I IIIIIIitllil I SLTpERINTENDENT'S REPORT. 147 LEAKS. March 27, Sutton street, service pipe 453, electrolysis. July 7, Sutton street, service pipe 278, electrolysis. July 30, Sutton street, service pipe 227, electrolysis. August 6, Marblehead street, service pipe 82, split lead con. August 6, Middlesex street, corner Marblehead street, 8 inch gate, stuffing box. August 25, Church street corner Main slreet, 6 inch pipe, blown joint. Dec. 3, Essex street near Depot street, 12 inch pipe, blown joint. Respectfully submitted, CLARENCE GOLDSMITH~ Superin~endfnt. North Andover, Dec. 31, 1903. 148 NORZ~ LiST OF: JURORS. The Selectmen herewith present a list of persons who, if said list is approvedand accepted, by the town at its forthcoming an- nual meeting, will be liable to be drawn for jury duty: Badger Alphonso W., leather worker, Batson Joshua B., carpenter, Barker John, farmer, Barker Jacob, farmer, Casey P.J., milthand, Chadwick George G, farmer, Chadwick J. Gilbert, farmer, Collins John J., milk dealer, Coppinger John T., salesman, Cunningham H.F., ' station agent~ Dillon James J., machinist, Duncan Josepk]A., cterk, Eaton Frank W., machinist, Eughley Henry B., woolsorter, Farnam Benjamin H., farmer, Farnum Benjamin W., farmer, Foster Archie O., farmer, Foster Harry, clerk, Foster Horace B., machinist, Foster Nathan, farmer, Gage Stephen De M., bacteriologist, Gile Fred W., teamster, Gillespie Alexander, salesman, Graham Alexander B., woolsorter, Halliday William, clerk, Hayes Benjamin F., operator, Hayes Walter H., farmer, Hinxman S.D., blacksmith, Holt Peter, farmer, Hubbard William, shoemaker, Hughes Winfield S.~ farmer, Jenkins Alfred S.. farmer, LIST OF JURORS. 149 Jenkins H. Fred, Jones Thomas L., Keeffe Arthur B., Kershaw Roberb Knowles William H., Leitch James. W., Mackie William, McAloon Lewis F., Meserve Mosher B., Miller James B., O'Brien John J., Osgood H. C., Osgood L. Edgar, Poor Willard H., Poor James C., Pulsifer Martin H., Putman Joseph H., Rea George A., Robinson Addison M., Stiles Horace A., Tisdale Frank, Towne Moses P., Webb Frederick W., Webster Henry A., Whittier Hubert M., Wills Thomas P., Whooley William, overseer, painter, insurance agent, loomfixer, woolsorter, plumber, overseer, carpenter, farmer, section hand, shoemaker, photographer, reporter, farmer, farmer, machinist, teamster, farmer, milk dealer, carpenter, card setter, farmer, clerk, woolsorter, farmer, carpenter, machinist, PATRICK P. DAW~ SAMUEL D. BERRY, Selectmen af ~Varlh Andaver. NORT~ ANDOVER, Feb. 9, 1904. 150 No~r~ ANDOVER. Report of Bookkeeping Committee. Ta lhe Uili~ens a/the 7~own (f JVar/h ~4n~/vT,er: At the adiourned Town Meeting March 7th, 1903, it was voted that a committee consisting of the auditor and two other persons be appointed to examine into the methods of book- keeping of the several departments, and to prepare forms and make suggestions for same at no expense to the town except for stationery and printing. The committee present the following report: After making themselves familiar with the various methods in use in the several. departments and the results which they desire to obtain, they have, with the assistance of Mr. Daw and /V~r. ]gerry, prepared forms that were approved by the selectmen for a portion o[ the departments. These books have been made up and are now in use. There are, however, some departments for whom they have not been able to arrange ~orms satis[actory to themseh'es and at the same time obtain the desired results. We would further recommend that the to~vn appropriate & sum sufficient to pay ~or a clerk for the Boards of Selectmen~ Assessors, Overseers of the Poor and Board of Health, in order that the detail work be more systematically carried out. A great deal o~ time has been put in on this work, but it is by no means completed, and your committee would suggest that the work be continued throughout the ensuing year. Wishing to thank the officials ol the various departments [or the assistance they have given us, we remain, Yours respectfully, WM. KNOWLES, A. ]3. HANSON, H. D. ROCKWELL. NORTH AI~DOVER, MASS., Feb. 1~1, 1904. BY-LAWS. 151 BY:LAWS OF THE TOWN OF NOI~TH ANDOVEI~, ESSEX COUNTY', .rlASS. Article !. SECr'TO~ 1. The annua! Town Meeting shall be held on the first Monday in March. SEcr~os 2. The warrants for all Town meetings shall be directed to either of the constables, who shall serve the same by postin~ a true and attested copy thereof at the Town hall and at five or more public places in each precinct of the Town, not more than fifteen nor less than ten days before the time of hold- ing said Meetings. Sr:crxos 3. When a Town Meeting shall be adjourned to a time certain that is more than fourteen days from the time of adjourmnent the Town Clerk shall cat,.se notice of the time and place of such adjourned meeting to be duly posted in three or more public places in each precinct in the Town two tq. ays at least before the ~me o£ holding said adjourned meeting, which notice shall also briefly state the business to come before such meeting. S~ca'los 4. The Annual Town Meeting in each year shall be adjourned by the Moderator, immediately upon the closing of the polls, to the Saturday next following said Annual Town Meetiug at half past one o'clock in the afternoon for the con- sideration ol all articles in the warrant for said Annual Town Meeting, except those for the election of town officers, boards and committees. Eefo~e said adjournment the Moderator shall appoint a committee of five to consider the recommendations of the Fin- ance committee and the appropriations asked for in the various ~0RI'H ANDOVER. articles of the warrant for said Annual Town Meeting and to re- port to sa~d adjourned meeting. Article Il. SEcrior~ l. The Selectmen in addition to their general duties, shall have authority to defend suits brought against the Town, unless otherwise ordered by a vote of the Town. .S~eT~ON 2. The Selectmen shall annually cause a report to be printed which shall contain a statement of their doings during ~he preceding financial year; the report of the School Committee and of such other officers, boards and committees as are required to make reports; the list of jurors as prepared by the Selectmen; a report of all Town Meetings held since the publication of the last annual Town Keport; the regulations of lhe Board of Health and of the Board of Water Commissioners; the By-Laws of the Town; and such other matters as they deem expedient or as the Town votes t~) insert. Said ~eport shall be bound in pamphlet form, and shall be ready for distribution among the taxpayers at least seven days be[ore the Annual Town Meeting. Article Ill. Sr, cu.~o~ 1. The Selectmen shall annually, during the month of March~ appoint at least five police officers, and a Chief of Police. The latter shall have general supervision and direct- ion of the constables and police officers of the Town. SEc~'~o~ 2. The Selectmen may make such rnles and reg- nlafions as they deem necessary~ under Ihe Revised Laws, in lation to the passage of carriages, sleighs, street cars or other vehicles through the streets and ways of the Town, or the use of .sleds or other vehicles for coasting therein. Any violation of said rules and regulations shatl be punished by a fine oi: not less than one dollar nor more than twenty dollars. S~c"r~oN $. No person shall keep a shop for the purchase sale or barter of junk, old metal or second-hand articles, or shall 153 go from house to house collecting or procuung by purchase or barter any such articles, without a written license from the Board of Selectmen. The fee for such license shall be one dol- lar. Each license shall continue in force until the first day of May next ensuing unless sooner revoked by the Selectmen. S~CT~O~- 4. No person shall behave in a rude or disorderly manner, nor use loud, profane or indecent language, nor throw stones, snow balls or other missiles in any street or other public place. SECTION 5. No person shall loiter upon any sidewalk, · street or way of the Town, or upon private property thereto adjoining without the consent of the owner thereof, after he has been requested by a constable or police officer to depart. SECTION 6, No person shall pasture cattle or other ani- mais either with or without a keeper, upon any of the streets or ways of the Town, provided that this By-Law shall not affect the rights of any person to the use of the land within the limits of such street or way adjoining his own premises. Article IV. Srcq'~oN 1. The financial year of the Town shall begin with the first day of January and end with the 31st day of De- cember; and for the payment of bills contracted by the several departments for ordinary expenses, during the interval between the close of the financial year and the time of making the next annual appropriations, the Selectmen shall have authority to draw from any available funds in the hands of the Treasurer, and the amount so drawn shall be charged against the said next annual appropriation for the department for which such draft shall have been made; but in no case shall such ' expenditure for any purpose exceed one-sixth of the amount appropriated for that purpose at the Annual Town Meeting in the preceding 3tear. SrcrioN 2. No money shall be paid frmn theTown Treasury, except the state and county taxes and bank discount, without a warrant therefor signed by the Selectmen. NORTH ANDOVER. Section 3. All promissory notes of the Town shall be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by the Selectmen. Section 4. All Town officers,boards and committees,who in any way receive or expend money belonging to the Town, shall keep a record of their official acts, and an account of their receipts and expenditures; they shall make an annual report to the Town in season to be audited and incorporated into Ihe annual Town Re- port. Section 5. All Town officers, hoards and committees, who shall receive money in behalf of the Town, shall pay to the Treasurer monthly, and oftener if so requested by the Selectmen, all money so received. All other persons who shall have in their possession money belonging to the Town shall pay the same forthwith to the Town Treasurer. Section 6. The Superintendent or other official charge~t b.v the Board of Water Commissioners with the duty of collecting and receiving money due the Town, shall give a bond in a penal sum and with sureties approved by the Board of Selectmen. Section 7. The Selectmen and the Auditor shall constitute a committee to be known as the Finance Committee, whose duty it shall be to prepare a table of estimates of expenses for which appropriations are to he made a,t the next annual Town Meeting, and tO report the same in writing on or before the first day of February in each year to the Selectmen~ who shall incorporatk said report in the Annual Town Report. Section 8. It shall be the duty of the Auditor to inspect all bills presented against the Town; to see that they have the approval of the officer, board or committee contracting the same, and are in proper form: to indicate the account to which they are chargeabl, e; and, if there are funds, to tnm.smit said bills with his certificate to the Selectmen, who shall draw their warrant on the Town Treasurer authorizing payment thereof; to examine the hooks and accounts of ali town of Ecers, boards and committees, receiving and expending money; to investigate the condition of all funds and trust funds held for the benefit of the Town. He shall verify the amount of funds in the hands of town officers, BY-LAWS. 155 boards and committees by actually counting the cash in their possession, and by personal application at banks of deposit, shall ascertain the amounts held therein to the credit of the Town. He shall report to the Town in detail under each department all receipts and expenditures by the Town for the previous financial year. Section 9. No officer, board or committee of the Town shall have any pecuniary interest, either direct or indirect, personally or through another person, in any loan, contract or employment of any sort made by, with or for that department to which his or its duties appertain. Ail contracts or employments made in vio- lation of this By-Law shall be void as to the Town, and no bills therefor shall be approved, audited or paid. Article V. Section 1. The assessment o[ taxes shall be completed and the tax list and warrant shall be delivered to the Collector of Taxes on or before the fifteenth day of August, and the tax bills shall be distributed on or before the second day of September in each year. Section 2. The Collector of Taxes shall use all means and processes provided by law for the collection of taxes remaining unpaid after the first day of January in each year. Section 3. The compensation of the Collector of Taxes shall be fixed annually by vote of the Town. Article VI. Section 1. The Board of Selectmen may declare any sewer laid in any land, street or way, public or private, opened or pro- posed to be opened for public travel, to be a common sewer; and the same shall not be laid or connected with any existing com- mon sewer except by the board o[ officers authorized by law to lay and maintain common sewers. NORTH ANDOVER, · Section 2. The Board of Health may make and enforce reg- ulations for the public health and safety relative to house drain- age and ils connection with public sewers, if a public sew~ abuts the estate to be drained. Section 3. No person shall enter his drain into any common sewer without a written license frmn the Board of Selectmen; and any person entering under such license shall co~nply with such rules and regulations as to material and construction as the Board of Selectmen may prescribe. Said Board may close any drain entering a common sewer for failure to comply with the provis- ions of this By-Law. No excavation shall be made within a public way in con- necting such private drains with a common sewer except under the direction of the Highway Surveyor or other persons having charge of the streets of the Town. Article VIi. Section 1. No person shall open any hydrant of the water- works system of the Town without written permission previousI¥ obtained from the Board of Water Commissioners; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to pro- hibit the use of hydrants and water by the chief of the Fire De- partment, or the person acting in his stead, in case of fire. Article VIii. Section 1. The [oliowing shall be the device ol the Town seal: In the center of a double circle the inscription, "Incorpo- rated April 7th, 1855 ;" in the margin without the inner circle the legend, "Town Of North Andover, Massachusetts." Article IX. Section 1. The violation of these By-Laves, except such as by their terms provide a penalty for the breach thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than twenty dollars. ~Y-~w$. Section 2. These By-Laws may be amended or repealed at any Town Meeting, provided an art~file or articles for that pur- pose have been inserted in the warrant for said meeting. Section 3. All By-Laws heretofore made and adopted are hereby repealed. COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS. ESsEX ss. SUPERIOR COURT. The foregoing By-Laws having been examined are approved by the court. Attest: lAS. P. HALE. Ass'l Clerk. November 16, 1903. NoRm A~DOVV. R, Mass., Nov. 23, 1903: I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the By- Laws of the Town of North Andov~r as accepted by the Town at the Annual Town Meeting held March 2nd, 1903, and approved by the superior court November 16th, 1903. Attest: JAMES W. LEITCH, Town Clerk. 158 NORTH ANDOVER. Appropriations l~ecommended by the Finance Committee. DEPARTMENTS. Assessors, Auditor, Animal Inspector, Board ot Health Officers, " Expenses, Clerk of Town, Collector of Taxes, Contingent Fund, Discount on Notes, Election Expenses, Fish SVarden, Fire Department, Fire Engineers, Forest Fire Warden, Janitor of Town Hall, Lightin'g Streets, Memorial Day Fund, Poor, Overseers of, " Superintendent of, " Support of, Public Library, Police Department, Registrars of Voters, Reduce Town Debt, State and Military Aid, State and County Taxes, Selectmen, Treasurer, .4.PPROPRIATION, ~600 O0 225 O0 150 00 90 00 200 00 150 00 700 00 4,000 00 2,000 00 250 00 5 00 3,800 00 1S0 00 25 00 200 O0 3,000 00 150 00 225 00 500 00 5,000 00 & Receipts 1,200 00 & Dog Tax 1,200 00 150 O0 3,000 00 700 00 10,000 00 475 00 350 00 Amotmt carried forward, $38,495 00 RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE. 159 Amounl braughl farward, ;~38,495 00 Tree Warden Expense, 500 00 " Salary, 75 00 Water Commissioners, 300 00 Interest on Water Loan Bonds, 5,200 00 Water Loan Sinking Fund, 3,500 O0 Maintenance and Construction Water Works, School, Teachers, Jamtors, Fuel and R.e- pairs. Unexpended Balance, and School Superintendent and Committee, Union School Loan, Highway S~m, eyor, Streets, Highways and Bridges, Macadamizing, Sidewalks, Surveying, Pathing snow, Receipts from Water Rates 19,500 00 800 00 1,000 00 1,200 00 3,500 00 5,300 00 Unexpended Excise Tax of 1903 150 00 Railway Excise Tax of 1904 $79,52O O0 P. P. DAW ~ ]vinancial S. D. BERRY, A. B. HANSON, t Committee. TOWN WARRANT. COMMONWEALTIt OF ~'fASSACHU'SETTS~ ESSEX SS. GREETING: In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of said North Andover qualified by law to vote in elections and to~n affairs; to meet in Town H~I1 in said Town, on Monday, the seveath day of M~rch next, commencing at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to act on the fol]o~ving articles, viz: ARr. 1. To choose a moderator to presideat said meeting. ART. 2. To elect Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of the Poor, Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, Highxvay Surveyor, one School Committee for three years, Collector of Taxes, Constables, Auditor, one Trustee of Public Library for three years, one Water Commissioner for three years, one Park Commissioner for three years, and all olher Town officers required by law to be voted for by ballot. Also to vote on the question, "Sha]l licenses be granted for the sale of intoxicating liquors in this town?" All the above, except moderator, to be voted for on one ballot, in accordance with Chapter 11 of the Revised Laws of Massachusetts. The polls will be open at 10 o'clock a. ~z., and may be closed at two o'clock v. ~. ARr. 3. To elect a Tree Warden, Field Drivers, Fence Viewers, and al! other Town O~cers not required by law to be elected hy ballot. ART. 4. To see if the Town will accept the report of the receipts and expenditures of the Town as presented by the Selectmen and Auditor. ART. 5. To see what action the Town will take in regard to unexpended appropriations. Aar. 6. To see what action the Town will take as to the recommendations of the Finance Committee. ARr. 7. To see what sum of money the Town will raise and appropriate for the use of the several departments for the cur- rent year, to wit: Schools, School houses, Highways and Bridges, Sidewalks, Support of Poor, and all other necessary and proper expenses arising in said Town for the current year. ARr. 8. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen and Treasurer, jointly, to hire money temporarily in anticipation of taxes to be assessed for the current year. AaT. 9. To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen and Treasurer, iointly, to issue promissory notes to nreet out- standing obligations. AaT. 10. To see if the Town will accept the list of names for jurors as prepared, posted and presented by the Selectmen. AaT. 11. To see what compensation the Town willpay for labor on Highways for the ensuing year. A~T. 12. To see what compensation the Town will pay the members of the Fire Engine companies for the ensuing year. AR'r. 13. To see what action the Town will take in regard to inducing the prompt payment of taxes. ART. 14. To see if the Town will vote to raise one thousand ($1,000) dollars for the purpose of painting the in- terior of the Town Hall and furnishing new settees for the same. On petition of the Selectmen. ART. 15. To see what action the Town will take upon the report of the committee to consider the advisability of building a new Fire Station in Precinct One. ART. 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of twenty thousand (~;20,000) dollars for the pur- pose of building a new Fire Station on the Town lot as recom- mended by the Committee. On petition of said Committee. AR'r. 17. To see if the Town will appropriate the sum of eight hundred dollars to enable the School Committee to repair the Higi~ School rooms. Upon petition of the School Com- mittee. AR2'. 18. To see if the Town will appropriate the sum of fifteen hundred ($1,500) dollars to enable the School Committee to purchase in the name of the Town, lot No. 90, and the north- erly half of lot No. 92, on Beverly street, to enlarge the grounds of the Union school house. Upon petition of the School Com- mittee. ART. 19. To see if the Town will appropriate the sum of two hundred ($200) dollars for the purpose of Memorial Day next, and appoint a Committee to take care of the same. Peti- tion of Frank W. Eaton and others. ART. 20. To see what action the Town will take in the matter of Clerk service for the Town Officers, to wit: Selectmem Assessors~ Overseers and Board of Health, as recommended by the Town Book-keeping Committee in their report. ART. 21. To see what change the Town will make if any in the matter of maintaining the Town Farm. On petition of the Overseers. ARa'. 22. To see if the Town will vote to raise and ap- propriate the sum of five hundred ($500) dollars to grade and improve the road~vay and sidewalk of Essex street from the Unitarian church to the residence of Granville P;. Foss Jr. Up- on the petition of Peter Holtand others. ART. 23. To see if the Town will vote to macadamize Pleasant street from the corner of Elm and Pleasant streets to to the em'ncr of Davis smd Pleasant streets near the residence of Thomas K. Gilman, and raise and appropriate a sum of money sufficient fro' the same. Upon petition of Thomas P. Went~vorth and others. ART. 24. To see if the Town will vote to re-surface the Telford Road on Osgood street from Prescott street to Stevens street, the cost to come out of the appropriation for macadam roads. On petition of Nathaniel Stevens and others. AR~'. 25. To see if the Town will vote to re-surface the Telford Road from Carney's corner to Phiilips Square the cost to come out of the appropriation for macadam roads. Upon petition of Edward Adams and others. ART. 26. To see if the Town will vote to macadamize Marblehead street between Union and Sutton streets or any por- tion o~ said street, and raise and appropriate a sum of money for the purpose or make other provisionsfor the same. Upon petit- ion of Andrews Reeves and others. ART. 27. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars for a concrete side walk from the corner of Main and First streets to the corner of Maple Avenue and First street. Upon the petition of James P. Phelan and others. Am'. 28. To see what action the Town will take in the matter of placing a street l.~ght at the corner of Troy Road and Erring street. Upon the petition of Carl Albrecht and others. Am'. 29. To see what action the Town will take in the matter o£ repairing Troy road £rom Columbia road to Thorndike street. Upon the petition of Carl Albrecht and others. Am'. 30. To see if the Town will vote to allow the North Andover Hay Scale Company to move their scales to Phillips Square. Upon petition of Edward Adams and others. AR~. 31. To see if the Town will vote 'to build a sewer from present terminus on Davis street, to Main street, thence Southerly on Main street to a tpoint opposite St. Paul's church~ and raise and appropriate the sum of eight hundred ($800) dol- lars to pay for the same. Upon petition o£George E. Kunhardt and others. Am'. 32. To see if the Town will vote to build a sewer in Sutton street between High and Main streets to provide for the discharge thereof between the points named, according to tlxe sewerage system adopted by the Town, and raise and appropriate money for this purpose. Upon petition of Benj. F. Hayes and others. AI~T. 33. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate a sum of money sufficient to maintain a bed in the Lawrence Gen- eral Hospital. Upon petition of L. Edgar Osgood and others. ART. 34. To see if the Town will vote to extend the water system through Peters and Turnpike streets to Railroad Avenue, or any portion of the way and provide money to meet the ex- pense thereof. Upon petition of Chas. H. Farnham and others. ART. 35. To see if the Town will issue, and sell or pledg0, bonds of the Town of North Andover to an amount not exceed- ing ten thousand ($10,000) dollars under provisions of law rel- ative to the construction and extension of the water supply ssstem of said North Andover, for the purpose of extending said system in accordance with votes of theTown at the Special Meet- ing thereof held on Oct. 20, 1903, through Bradford and Essex streets, and through Green street, and for the further purpose of extending said system through Peters and Turnpike streets, in said North Andover. Upon petition of the Water Commissioners. ARq'..36. To see what method the Town will adopt for the payment of any loan obtmned or indebtness incurred under or on account of any issue of bonds as allowed by law for the purpose of extending the water supply system of North Andover. And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting ~a true and attested copy thereof at the Town Hall and at five or more public places in e~ch precinct of the Town not more than fifteen nor less than ten days before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not and make due return of this warrant with your doings thereon to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of. holding said meeting. Given under our hands in said North Andover, Massachu- setts, this fifteenth day of February, in the year nineteen hun- dred and four. PATRICK P. I]AW ) Sdeclmen 2'awn of JVarth .4ndaver, SAMUEL D. BERRY 2tfassachuselfs. CONTENTS. Appropriations Recommended ...................... 158 Assessors' Report .............. ................. 97 Auditoi's Certificate .............................. 41 Auditor's Report ................................. 57 Board of Heal'h, Report of the ..................... 76 Bookkeeping Committee, Report of .................. 150 By-Laws ........................................ 151 Cattle Inspector's Report .......................... 116 Fire Engineer's Report ............................ 99 Expenses of Department ....................... 99-103 New Fire Alarm Boxes ........................ 104 Records of AIarms and Fires ................... 106 Financial Statement .............................. 56 Forest Fire Ward's Report ......................... 113 Highway Surveyor's Report ........................ 78 Street Depamnent Expenditures ................ 83 List of Jurors ................................... 148 Memorial Day Committee ......................... 112 Overseer's Report ................................ 89 Police Department ............................... 109 Publi~ Library, Report of Trustees .................. 124 Record of Town Meeting .... ' ...................... 6 School Committee, Report of ....................... 18 School Superintendent, Report of ............... 20 Expenditures of Schools ...................... 34 Itemized Account of Teachers, )'anitors and Fuel.. 35 Itemized Account of Repairs and Supplies ........ 35 Itemized Account of Books and Stationery ........ 35 School Calendar ............................. 39 Table of Attendance .......................... 28 Graduates ot' Johnson High School .............. 29 Improvement Account ........................ 38 School Property .............................. 38 Truant Offi~zer's Report ........................ 40 Selectmen'8 Report ............................... 42 Contingent Fund ............................. 49 Election Expenses ............................ 43 Memorial Day ............................... 46 State and County Taxes ....................... 45 State Aid ................................... 48 Tree Warden Expenses ....................... 45 North Andover ][mpro~'ement Society ............ 46 Lighting Streets .............................. 47 Janitor Town Hall ............................ 46 Interest on Water Loan Bonds .................. 46 North Andover Public Library .................. 52 Discount and Interest ......................... 47 Town Officers Salaries ........................ 54-55 Water Loan Sinking Fund ..................... 47 I,and Damage on Account of Street Railway ...... 47 Maintenance of Water Works .................. 48 Town Scales ................................. 53 Town Hall Repairs ........................... 53 Schedule and Valuation of Town Property..' .......... 117 Stone Crusher, Report of Committee ................. 72 Town Clerk's Statement ........................... 73 Town Officers ................................... 3 Tax Collector's Report ............................ 60 Town Notes ..................................... 71 Town Warrant ................................... 160 Treasurer's Report ............................... 64 Moses Towne School Fund .................... , 69 Public Dbrary Account ....................... 69 Sewer Assessments ........................... 70 Taylor Fund ................................ 70 Water Works Account ......................... 68 Tree Warden's Report ............................ 115 Village Improvement Society Report ................ 114 Water Commissioners' Report ...................... 130