HomeMy WebLinkAbout1893 Annual Town ReportTOWN OF, NORTH ANDOVER. Officers' l~eport OF THE P~eceipts ~nd Expenditures AS PRESENTED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR, ENDING JAN, 3, 1893, INCLUDING REPORT OF SCHOOL COMMITTEE. -~N DOVER, MASS,; THE ANI)OVER PRESS. PRINTERS z893. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, Officers' l~eport OF THE Receipts ~nd Expenditures AS PI~ESENTED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR, ENDING .lAN. 3, 1893, INCLUDING REPORT OF SCHOOL CO/~IMITTEE. TtIE ANDOVER PRESS, PRINTERS. I893. TOWN OFFICERS, 1892, Town Clerk, ,lAMES W. LEITCH. Selectmen, Assessors, and Overseers of the Poor, EDWAJID 115 GREEi'V~', FRANK A. WARREAr, NA THANIEL GA GE. Board of Health, Dr. CHARLES P. MORRILL, Dr. FI~ANK E. WEIL, FRANK A. I.VARRE~N2 Town Treasurer, GEORGE H. PERKINS. Collector of Taxes, School Committee, J[(SS MARY G. CARLETON, Term Expires 1893. Dr. CHARLES P. MORRILL~ Term Expires 1894. Dr. FRANK E. WE[L, Term Expires 1895. Trustees of Public Library, W. gq CH[CKERING, Term Expires 1893. JAMES A. ELLISON, Term Expires 189t. A. L. SMITH, Term Expir.ss 1895. Road Commissioners, GEORGE tL TUTTLE, Term Expires 1893. BRADFORD C. SMITII~ Term E~plres 1894. ARIEL P. CHE~EIq T~m Expb'es 1895. Constables, GEORGE i. SMITH, ARTEMUS V. CHALK, GEORGE L. HARRIS, F~ED. L. SARGENt; Registrars of Voters, CALVIN REA, .IA,~fE3 }V. LEITCH, M. E. BOLTO~Y, THO~I(AS K. GIL~IAzV, A. L. FERNANDES. Auditor, GEORGE E. HATHORW, Town Warrant, 1892. TOGETHER WITH THE ACTION OF THE TOWN THEREON. ARtiCLE 1. To choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting. ELEC~S~) N. P. Frye. Aa~. 2. To elect Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of the Poor, Board of ttcalflb Town Clerk~ Town Treasurer, one School Committee for three y. ears, one Road Comufissioner for three years, Collector of Taxes, Constables, one Auditor, One Trustee of Public Library ~or three years~ and all other Town Officers required by law to be voted for by ballot; also to vote on ~he question, "Shall licenses be granted for the sale of intoxicating liquors in the towu?" All of the above, except Moderator, to be voted on one ballot, according to Chapter 386 of the .~cts and Resolves of 1890, and amendments thereo£. Sss Town Officers, page 1. Vo*m): That no licenses be granted. Ar.~. 3. To see if the Towu will accept the report of the receipts and expenditui~es of the Town as presented by thc Auditors, together with the repor~ of tbe Park Committee aud o~hors as therein co~taine~. ¥o~sr: To accept. 6 NORTH ANDO~EK. JkRT. 4. To see what action the Town will take in regard to unexpended appropriations. VOTED: That they be covered into thc treasury. ART. 5. To see what sums of money the Town will raise and appropriate for the use of the several departments for the current year, to wit: Schools~ School-houses, Highways and Bridges, Support of the Poor, and all other necessary and proper expenses arising in said Town for the current year. SEZ Selectmen's report. ART. 6. To see what compensation the Town will pay the Collector o~ Taxes the ensuing year. VOTED: To pay two per cent. on money collected. ART. 7. To see what co~npensation the Town will pay the members of the fire engine companies for their services ~or the ensuing year. VOTSD: To pay fifty cents per hour when on duty. AR~. 8. To see if the Town will authorize the Selechnen and Treasurer jointly to hire money te~nporarily for the use of the Town, tn anticlpat.ion of taxes to be assessed for the current year. VO~ED: That they be so authorized. Aa~. 9. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate nine hundred dollars ($900) for the support of the Public Library, the purchase of books for the same, and the rent of the library tOOthS, and also to see if the town will direct that the money received from the County Treasurer for dog licenses be paid for the support of the library, upon the pe- tition of the Trustees of the Public Library. Vorru: To raise and appropriate $1200; also the amount received for dog licenses. ACTION ON TOWN WARRANT. AliT. 10. To see what action the Town will ?ake as to the recommendation of the Finance Committee. COVEg~D by Article 5. ART. 11. To sec if the Town will raise and appropriate one hundred and twenty-tlve dollars ($19.2) [0 defray the ex- t~ense of decorating soldiers' graves on the goth day of May, next, and appoint a committee to take charge of the same. VOT~D: T6 raise and appropriate $100 and David A. Moul- ton, Charles A. Pilling, and Andrew 3. Barker were appoint- ed a committee to expend the same. Aa~. 12. To see if thc Town will accept the list of names for jurors, as prepared and posted by the Selectmen. Vo~z~): To accept after excusing William }I. Gemmell. ART. 18. To see what compensation tile Town will pay for labor on the highways for the ensuing year. Vo~s~): To pay 15 cents per hour. Au~. 14. To see if the Town will continue the present system of elec~ric street lighting and appropriate ~noney for the same. Vo~zr: To raise and appropriate $800 for said purpose. AR?. 15. To sec if the Town will accept the provisions of Chapter 50, Sections 20, 21, 22, '28, 24 and 25 of the Public S~:atutes, which provides for establishing and grading side- walks, as recommended by the Road Commissioners. ST~CKZN from the warrant. Aa~. 16. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appr9- priate two hundred dollars ($'200) to rail and make safe Stevens Street, by the mill pond, as recommended by the Road Commissioners. Vo~z~): To raise and appropriate $'200 for said purpose. Aa'r. 17. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- NORTH ANDOVER. priate six thensand dollars, ($6~000) for repairs of highways and bridges, as recmmnended by t~he Road Commissioners. VOTED; To raise and appropriafe $7,000, $1,000 of the same to be used to macadamize a piece of road near Centre COnlUlOll. ART. 18. To see if the Town wilt raise and appropriate two thousand ($2,000) for sidewalks, as recom~nended by thc Road (Jommissioners. Sa~tz as Article 19. AaT. 19. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the stun of two thousand dollars ($2~000) for the construc- tion and repair of sidewalks in those parts of the town xnost- ly traveled by pedestrians, on petition of N. P. Frye and others. Vo?~: $2,000. AR~. 20. To sce if the Town will vote to raise and appro- pria(e three hundred dollars ($3005 to rail dangerous placcs, as recommendcd by the Road Commissioners. VOTZr: $300. AaT. 21. To see if the Town will vote to macadamize a piece of road on Sutton Street, beginning near the junction with Main Street, and framing to a point near the office of Sutton's Mill, hud raise and appropriate a sufficien~ sum for the same~ on petition of 8. M. Greenwood and others. STPd0KEN from the warrant. A,T; 22. To see if thc Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the stun of one hundred ddlars ($100) for planting trees on the streets and puhlic squares, on petition of the Village Improvement Society. VOT~): To grau~ $100. ART. 23. · To see if the Town will vote ~o raise and appro- ACTION ON TOWN WARRANT. priate the sum of five hundred dollars (9500) for improving the approaches aud surroundings of the Town Hall, ou peti- tion of the Village Improvement Society. ¥0T~D: To appropriate $300. AliT. 24. To sec if the Town will acccpt Chapter 154 of the Acts of 1882, known as the Public Park Act~ whid~ pro- vides that any town accepting the provisions of the Act may a~ a meeting called for the pttrpose~ elect three park commis- sioners. The acceptance of this Act to be voted on by the use of the check list, voting "yes," or "no" in answer to the question: "Shall an Act passed by the Legislature of the Commonwealth in the year 1882, eatitled 'An Ac~ authoriz- ing towns and cities to lay ou~ public parks within their limits, be accepte~l,' on petition of the Village Improvement Society." VOTZ~: To aeeep~ the above Act. Aa~. 25. To see what action the Town will take in estab- lishing a system of drainage that shall be adequate and so arranged as to meet the neecls of the town, and appropriate a sum of money for the same, on petition of James A. Elli- son and others. VoT~n: To appropriate $800, and D. W. Carney, Harry W. Clark, and Albert McDonald were appointed a committee to procure plans and estimates and report at the next annual meeting. ART. 26. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate six hundred dollars ($600) for a twelve inch sewer, running from First Street, to and through M-aple Avenue to Third Street, on petition of James P. Markie and others. Vo~rr: To appropriate $600. A~t~. 27. To see wha~ action the Towa will take in tile matter of building a se;~er through Elm Street, from Main 10 NO~'2r H A. NDOYER. Street to Water Street, or to such a place as may be neces- sary for a proper outlet, and appropriate money therefor, on petition of N. P. Frye and others. VOTED: To appropriate $500. ART. 28. To sec if the Town will establish an electric arc light, or some other suitable light, at thc intersection of Itigh and Prescott Streets, or at some suitable place in that vicin- ity, the same to be paid for from an appropriation which may be made for the support of our system of street lighting, on petition of John A. Wiley and others. VOTE~: That the Selectmen and Road Commissioners be instructed to provide such light. ART. '29. To see if the Town will vote to discontinne thc voting precincts in accordance with Art. 73, Chapter 428, Act of 1890, on petition of James T. Johnson and others. INDEFII~ITELY postponed. Aa~. 80. To see if the Town will vote to revoke the ac- ceptance of Sections 74, 75, 76, and 77 of Chapter 27 of the Public Statutes, on petition of James T. Johnson and others. SAME aS Article 32. ART. 31. To see if thc Town will vote to change so much of the Town By-Laws as relates to the Auditors, so as to provide that instead of three (3) Auditors there shall be one Auditor chosen annually, whose duty it shall be to audit all bills each month k~efore the orders to pay the same are drawn by the Selectmen, on petition of James T. Johnson and others. VOTE~): To ameud as above arm' changing the word "audit" to examine. AR'r. 32. To see if the Town will revoke its acceptance of Chapter 158 of the Act of 1871, (Road Comr~issioners,) on petition of Willard P. Phillips and others. RULED mtt of order by the Moderator. ACTION ON TOWN WARRANT. 11 AaT. 33. To see if the Town will fix and determine the' salaries of the several towu officers, and to make the neces- sary appropriation therefor, on petition of Willard P. Phillips and others. VOTSD: To pay the Assessors $150 each. A~T. 34. To see if the Town will provide that no money shall be paid from the town treasury, except by specific ap- propriation, on petition of Willard P. Phillips and others. ¥OTED: To prohibit payments as above petitioned. A~T. 35. To see if sum to be used 1,y the called "the contingent lips and others. the Town will appropriate a proper Selectmen as necessity requires, to be fund," on petition of Williard P. Phil- VOTED: To appropriate $'2,000. ALIT. 36. To see if the Town will take such action as will insure the proper keeping of accurate records of all the do- ings of the several Boards, which either by the Statutes of the CommonweaJth or the By-Laws of the Town, are required to keep such record, and to instruct and make it obligatory on each of said Beards to preserve such record, together with all papers, petitions, remonstrances or other documents ap- pertaining to the doings of said Boards, respectively, on pe- tition of Willard P. Phillips and others. VO~ED: To instruct the several Boards to keep accurate records of their doings, the same to be open at all times to the public for inspection. AaT. 87. To see if the Town will vote to forbid any per- son other than its Treasurer, and Tax Colleetor~ from collect- ing or receiving any moneys due to the Town except by its Treasurer, and to provide that no moneys shall be paid by said Treasurer except for bills, etc., duly audited under such rules and regulations dUd forms as may be prescribed by the NORTH ANDOVER. 'Board of Selectmen, on petition of Willard P. Phillips and others. TH~ vote passed was in accordance with the above petition. ART. 28. To see if the Town will vote to forbid auy and every officer of the Town from being interested, directly or iudireelly, in any eoutract, sale, or purchase, to which the Town itself is a party, either directly or tbrough either of its Boards, on petition of Willard P. Phillips and others. ¥OTE~): To forbid all officers from being interested, etc., as petitioned. ART. 89. To hear and act on the report of the Committee created for the purpose of advising as to the purchase of the Sutton land~ and to ascertain what title the Town has, if any, in the land under the Eben Sutton Steamer House, and the Selectmen's Office at the lower village. VOTE~: To accept the above report. Also, voted to lust;ruer the School Committee to purchase one-half acre of land in the rear of Bradstreet School-house, for a playground forthe school-children. AaT. 40. To see if the Town will vote to accept a street as laid out by plan of R. A. Hale, from Lawrence Street to Beverly Street, and make an appropriation for building the same, on petition of John Perry and others. 8TRICKiEN from the warrant. ART. 41. To elect all Town Officers uot required to be chosen by ballot. ¥O~E~): That the Seleelmen appoint all officers not elected by ballot, and that the chairman of the Selectmen~the chaSr- man of the School Committee, the chairman of the Road Commissioners, and the Auditor, constitute the Finauce Committee. Report of School Committee. fib the Citizens of _Sbrth A~doeer :- The School Committee herewith submit to you flmir re- port for the year 1892-93. The financia] statement as prepared by Miss Carletou the Sccretary of thc Committee, is made as plain as possible that all may see at a glance what has been done with /~hc money entrusted to our care during the past year. SCHOOL HOUSES. The repairs upon our school buildings are necessarily large as all but two of them are wooden structures. The one at thc centre was very shabbily built and has al- ways b:en the source of great expense to the town. The heating apparatus o£tbis bttilding is very deficient. We ask for money to hea~ the building and at the same time ~'entilate it so that warmth and good air may be secured at all times. We had to expend ncarly $100 in order to re- [,air the furnace for winter use. We recommend that uew flom's be laid in the Merrimac building. The floors are worn, warped and shrunken, so thai it is impossible to keep the rooms in a proper coudition. We advise that new floors be pu~ into the lower rooms this NORTH ANDOYER. year, during the sunnner vacation, dud the upper rooms eau be repaired next yeai'. The estimated cxpeusc of good kith dried maple floors is $400. HIGH SCHOOL. We were obliged, very much against our wishes, to again look for a new principal for this school. In a school of this size these frequent changes are inevit- able. We have been remarkably fortunate in the pa~t in secur- tug good and efficient; masters and we believe our good fortune has not forsaken us. Its teachers are admi,'ably qualified for their work, and are auxious to keep tile school up to a high standard of excel- lcnce. Miss Gertrude Il. Ellisou was the only graduate. At the annual examination, fourteen candidates were ad- mitted to the school.~ We hope to be able iu the uear future to admit graduates from our grammar schools to the High School without an extra examination. GRAMMAR~ INTERMEDIATE AND PRIMARY SCHOOLS. There have been several change of teachers during tile year. In tile Merri,nac School, Miss Laura M. Dunsmoor of Bradford, was elected as assistant to Ivlr. Smith, and hasbeen doing very good work. Generally speaking this school is iua satisfactory condi- tion. To say that we are perfectly satisfied with the work ANNUAL REPORT.--SCH00LS. 15 done in some of the intermediate grades, would not be true and we hope to make some changes, that in our judgment are needed. Our primary scho~l~ are in an e~cellea~ coaditiou, and we fail to see where e[:ey cad be vm'y much improved. The Unloll, River, Pond, Ki~nball, and Farnham Schools: Iu these schools, espcciallythe last four, fi'¢qum~t chm~ge of teachers occurs, ks will be seen ia the list of teachers, since April 1892~ new ones have been appointed fl,r all except the River. We are sorry that we cannot adopt the plan of carrying the children from these small schools to centres where they could receive better advantages. Maoy towns bare adopted this system suceessfldly. If any school should lmmber less than fi~'e or six scholars we believe it would be our duty to make some such arrange- ment. ATTEN DANCE. The avet'ag'e attendance in all the ~chools taken together has increased during the last year as wili be seen by the tabular statement. "Some still seem to have the slovenly notion that school atteadance is a mere matter of convenieuee to parcots and children and evidently do not realize the value of punctuality and method." TRUANCY. This evil has seemed to be on the increase during the past year in the Mcrrimac, Union and Bradstreet school. We think teachers should use good judgement in sendiug the truant offaeer after absentees. 16 NORTH ANDOVER. The real truant is know not only to the teacher but to the committee and officers as well. If complaints come to us this year we shall put the proper officer on thc track of th5 transgressors. DRAWING. We asked last year for an appropriatioa of ,~tqO0 to enable us to secure a compeient teacher for this branch of'school work. We thought be~,t not to cng'age a teacher till the commence- ment of the Fall term at which time Miss Harriet D. Condon a gradaate of the Normal Art school and a teacher of' some experience, took charge of this department. We believe it is necessary to have a competent drawing teacher and shalI therefore ask for an appropriatiou ~o defray the expenses o1' the same. CARDS. "Since the beginning of the Fall term monthly-report cards have been used in thc upper classes of the grammar and mixed schools. These cards are seut to tho parents at the end of each month, showing the rank of the pupils in all the 'studies pursued~ the uumber of absen~ and tardy marks and deportment. Their stimulating effect upon the pupils seems apparent in their iucreased anxiety to reach a higher degree of excellence, and in theh' willingness to do extra work to attain it. By carefully inspecting these eards from month to month parents m%v kaow whether the quality of the work doae by their ehildrea is such as to entitle ~hem to promotion when the proper time shall come." ANNUAL REPORT.--SCHOOLS. t7 PLAY GROUNDS. Agrccably tO the vote of the town, we negotiated with Mr. Ebeu Sutton for two lots of land at the rear of and adjoining Bradstreet lot. 'The vote of the town allowed us to pur- chase one hal£ acre, but as the lots were surveyed, the two lots ~xceeded that amount by a few feet. We believe it would be for the future benefit of thc town to buy the lot also, joining and facing Main Street, which would give a straigbt line ou the South East side of nearly 300 feet. The price of the rear lots is $746.38; that o~ tbe side lot $670. COURSE OF STUDY. We contemplate making some change in the present course of study as soon as su~cient time a/Id thought can bc given to thc subject. To prepare a course of studies in a manner which shall secure the best results in every particular, is a very difficult thing to do. Pres. Elliot says o~ Arithmetic, "the school subject most relied ou to train the reasoning faculty." From one sixth to one quarter or even ouc third of the whole school time of our children is given to the subject of Arithemetic, a subject which does not train a single one of the four faculties to develop which should be the fundameutal object of educa- tion. It bas uothing to do with observing'correctly, or recording accurately the results of observation~ or with collating facts and drawiug h-esh inference therefrom, or with expressing clearly aad forcibly logical tbougbt. In spite of the common impressiou that this study is a prat- NORTH ANDOVER. ic~l subject, it is of very limited application in commo~ life, except i~ its simplest elements." Now if some of the time that is devoted to Arithemetic even~ can be spent in learning something of natural science as botany, horticultur% forestry, entomology~ ornithology, etc, subjects that will encourage and stimulafe a love for county life, it will be a change in the right direction. ARBOR DAY. The Village Improvement Association have requested the committee to devise some plan for the proper observance of this day in accordance with the program i~sued by the State Board of education. We hope to be able to make some arrangement for the suitable observance of the same. The National Columbian Public School Celebration of October 21, 1892. The Committee did not require the teachers to adopt thc regular program; but advised them to conduct the exercises accord!ng to ibc resources of their schools. 5Iost of our schools had simple exercises from 9 till 11 a. m, and the afternoon was made a holiday. REMARKS. As has been well said: "If it is worth while to found and equip a school or a sys- tem of schools~it is certainly of no less moment that teachers be effectively trained to give instruction in those schools." The day has passed when a graduate of our High School ANNUAL REPORT.--SC]~00LS. 19 can expect to take a positicn as a teacher in our schools~ w~th- out special training for such work. We are surrounded by towns that are able to pay good wages to teachers and expect to have the best. ~,Ve also want the best. We want teachers who are in demand elsewhere and who are thoroughly trained for the business of teaching, and to secure such we must pay them fair wages. We realize that~ %o teach to perfection is as difficult per- haps as to live to perfection." We only ask of our teachers, that they make every effort in their power to impart knowledge according to the best methods, to get out of the ruts, to study the living pages they have under their care: and see that their scholars not only learn books, but tim ;;irtues of punctuality, obedience, order~ patience, cleanliness~ self-control and application. NORTH AND0¥ER. ROLL OF HONOR, PUPILS WHO HAVE NOT BEEN ABSENT OR TARDY. Winter Term, 1891-'92. Badger~ Alphonso Baxter, Maggie Brodi% Mary Clark, Albert Christensen, Alma Christensen, Ida Christensen, Laura Costello, Annie Davis, Katie Davis, John Dillon, James Elliott, James Ellison, Annie Frost, George Geaney, Tom Goff~ Minnie Jewett, Ida Jewctt, Georgc Kelley, John Lawlor, Joseph Lawlor, l~fary Lynd~, Harry Meserve, George Phelps, Joshua l{obinson, Mabel S. Smith, Effie Wilcox, Mary Wilcox, Jennie Spring Term. Adams, George O. Barker, Jessie Barker, Mary Daley, George Davis, Carrie Dick, ¥iolet ANNUAL REPORT.--SCH00LS. 21 Barnard, Clara Bauchman, Albert D. Bauchman, Emma Baxter, Maggie Bean, Emil Chalk, Alber~ Christensen~ Hansina Christensen, Anna Christensen, Alma Christensen, /da Clements, William J. D. Coan~ Mabel Costello, Annie Oroeket~, John Curley, Eddie Currier, John A. Currier, Albert Curtin~ John 0urtin, Mary Hazelton, Ernest Hol~, Eddie ltulme, Minnie Jensen, Alfred C. Jensen, Dagmar Jewett~ Ida Jewe~, George Keating, Martha E. Keegan, Joseph Kershaw~ William J. Kit~redge~ Warren Lei~ch, Willie Lynch, Harry Lynch, Willie Donovan, Julia Donovan~ Katie Donovan, Theresa Downing, Alma Drew, Lettie Dufresne, Mary Dunbar~ Walter Eagan, Katie Ellison, Gertrude H. Ellison, Beulah S. Ellison, William Emrnet~ Grace Fielding, Eddie Fox, Bridget Frost~ George Fuller, Mabel F. Glennie, Raymond Goodhue, Edna L. Greenwood, George Murphy Annie Osgood, Isaac Phelps~ Joshua Phillips, Beatrice Powell, Gerh'ude Prescott, Lucy Rea, Fannie Regan, Katharine R. Robinson, Mabel S. Robinson, Ralph C. Sanborn, Fred. Sanborn~ Fannie Shcdd, BerHm Sullivan, Katie 22 Mackie, David McDonald, Maggie Mitchell, Albert Mowatt, Nellie NOaTIt ANDOVEll. Wadlin, Alice Walker, Ethel Welsh, John Wormald, Martha Fall Term. Badger, Alphonzo Baldwin~ Lena F. Barker, Jessie Bassett, Walter G. Bassett, Leon H. Baxter, Maggie Baxter, George Bean, Hem'y Bixby, Rober~ A. Burnham, Melvin P. Carney, Chester Carter, Theresa Carter, Eddie Chalk, Albert Chesley, Fred. E. Christensen, Alma Christensen, Anna Christensen, Laura Christensen, Ida Church, Lizzie Clements, Robbie Connolly, Theresa E. Costello, Annie Costello, Lizzie Crockett, Belle Curley, Eddie Gile, Fred. Gillespie, Aleck Goff, James Goff, John Goff, May Goff, George tlughes~ Thomas Jensen, Olga Jensen, Dagmar Jensen, Alfred Jewett, George Johnso% Leonard Johnson, Chester Keating, Martha E. Keefe, Alice Kccgan, Alicia M. Kelly, John Lamb, Eliza Lawlor, Joseph E. Lawlor, Charles Lawlor, Martha Leitch Willie, Lynch, Willie Mahoney, Cornelius J. Mahoney, Jerry Marston, Herber~ H. ANNUAL REPORT.--~-SCHOOLS. 23 (~urley, Frank Currier, John A. Curtin, Hannah Davis, Berfha Davis, Carrie Donnelly, Mary Donnelly, Katie Donovan, Julia Donovan, Katie Donovan, Nellie Donovan, Joseph Donovan, Eddie Downing, Alma Drew, Alice Drew, James Drew, Millie Drew, Let~ie Dufresne, Francis Duncan, Joseph Eagan, Katie Eastwood, John Elliott, James W. Eminent, Albert Fielding, Sadie Foss, Albert Fox, Bridget Fuller, Kate T. Fuller, Mabel F. McDonald, Maggie Midwood, Charles Miller, George Milner, Sallie Nelson, Alice O'Leary, Thomas Perley, Forres~ L. Phelps, Eliza Quealy, Ralph Regan, Katharine R. Roache, Belle L. Robinson, Ralph C. Robinson, Florence Sanborn, Fred. C. Shanahan, Francis Shanahan, Fred. Smith, Clarence S~evens, Minnie Stevens, Annie S~;ewart, Martha Stewart, Mary Stewart, Jessie Tisdale, Mabel Walker, Ethel Walwork, Mand Warren, Russell Woodhouse, Lena Wrigley, Bennie ~0RTH A~D0VER. NOT ABSENT OR TARDY. Spring Term. Adams, Charlotte Bickfbrd, Charles Brodie~ MaW Brodie, Grace Brodie, Kitty Callahan, Teresa Casey, Mary Casey, I~a Casey, Frances Davis, Annie Evans, Walter Gould, Eddie Jagger, Louisa Johnson, James Manning, Eddie Manning, Ben Schrunder, Joseph Stone, Efta Wilcox, Mary · lall Term. Adams, Charlotte Brodie, Grace Brodie, Mary Callahan, Teresa Callahan, Charles Callahan, Dennis Callahan, Condred Casey, Mary Casey, Ira Casey, Frances Driver, Violet Evans, Helen Knowlton, Mary Manning, Eddie McEvoy, Arthur Reardou~ Joseph I~eardon~ Daniel Reardon, Nellie Stone, Et~a Smith~ Ida Stone, Fred ANNUAL REFORT;--SCFIOOL$, 25 LIST OF TEACHERS OF T~E PUBLIC SCHOOLS, JANUARY 2, 1893. High School, .... Mr. James C. Flagg Merrimack, No. 1~ Merrimack, No. 2,. Merrinmck, No. 3,. Merrimack, No. 4,. Merrimack, No. 5,. Merrimack, No. 6~. Merrimack, No. 7,. Merrimack, No. 8,. Miss Annie L. Sargcnt Mr. A. L. Smith Miss Laura M. Dnnsmoor Miss Hannah C. Carleton Miss Mary' E. Quealey Miss Helen C. Sargent Miss Laura A. Bailey Miss Annie E. Sanborn Miss Annie M. 0sgood Miss Jean Gillan Union, No. 1,. Miss Estelle S. Rogers Union, No. 2, .... Miss Helen E.' Roache Bradstreet, No. 1, Miss Anna M. Tucker Bradstreet, No. 2, Miss Henrietta Hatch Centre, No. ], Miss Centre, No. 2, Miss Farnham, ..... Miss Kimball, ..... Miss Pond, ...... Miss River, ...... Music, ...... Drawing ..... Ella A. Small Mary B. Sproul Carrie B. Dean Mary A. Mahoney Margaret P. Hubbard Miss Hattie M. Ellis Mr. Edward Butterworth Miss Henrietta D. Condon. 26 N0~TH AND0¥ER. I[%1 j.o '~.uo~ aorI aql 'm a}~ 'a*v ~m..rds ANNUAL REPORT.--SCH00LS. ~7 SCHOOL CALENDAR. The school year for all the schools (except tim High School) consists of thirty-eight weeks, divided into three terms. The Fall term begins Wednesday following the first Mon- day in September, and cuds Friday before Christmas, with a recess at Thanksgiving of the day preceding Thauksgiving, and the remMndcr of the week. The Winter term begins the Monday aRer New Years, and continues to the Friday preceding the Annual Fas'~. The Spring term begins Monday after Fast, and ends in June, at the completiou o£ thirty-eigh~ weeks. The High School begins Tuesday following the first Mon- day in September and coatlnaes for~y vzeeks, with vacations the same, except that the Thanksgiving recess includes Thanksgiving day and thc remainder of the week. Respectfully submitted, CHARLES P. MORRILL, 5~AR~ff G. CARLETO~, FRANI~ E. WEIL, ~C~'OOL COi~[MITTEE. 28 NORTH ANDOVER. FLAG DAYS. Perry's victory, Lake Erie, Sept. 10, 1813 Battle of Antietam, Sept. 17,186.2 Columbus landed at San Salvador, Oct. 1.2, 1492 Battle of Saratoga, Oct. 17, 1777 Bat~;le of Cedar Creek, Oct. 10, 1864 National and Statc Elections, Nov. Thanksgiving Day, Nov. New York evacuated by British, Nov. g5, 1785 Boston Tea Party, Dec. 16, 1778 Battle of Trenton, Dec. 26, 1776 Emancipation Proclamation, Jan. 1, 1863 Battle of Prieceton, Jan. 3, 1777 Battle of New Orleans, Jan. 8, 1815 Lincoln's Birthday, Feb. 12, 1809 Washington's Birthday, Feb. 22, 1732 First United Staies Congress, Marclb 4, 1789 Monitor defeated Merrimac, March, 9, 186'2 Washil~gton elected President, April, 6, 1789 Surrender of Lee, April, 9, 1865 The Union Flag replaced at Sumpter, April, 14, 1865 Battle of Lexington, April, 19, 1775 Washington took Office, April, 30, 1789 Ticonderoga taken, May, 10, 1775 Memorial Day, May, Flag of Stars and Stripes adopted by Congrcss~ June, Battle of Bunker lq'ill, June, Battle of Gettysburg, July, l~dependence Day: July, 14, 1777 17, 1775 1-3, 1863 4, 1776 ANNUAl, REPORT.--$CItOOLS. 29 FINANCIAL REPORT OF THE SCHOOL DEPARTMENT, To G]z'O. £. H2 THORA~, ~Iuditor of the Town af 2Vorth zlndovcr :- The School Committee herewith submit their financial re- port for the year ending January 4, 1893: Appropriate4, March 189~°. For Salaries'of teachers and j~uitors, 810,250 00 Repairs and supplies, 1,400 00 Text books, . 675 00 School Committee, 400 00 Dra, wing teacher, . 400 00 813,125 00 Receipts. From sale of text books, $10 69 Sale of apples at River School, 4 00 Tuition and book (non-resident pupil,) 5 15 Centre School contributed towards flag-staff, 7 78 $27 57 Carried forward, NORTK A~DOVER. Brought forward, From S~ate School Fund, Iaterest on Moses Townc Fund, 1892, U'nexpended interest, 1891, Total amount available, Amounts Expended. For Teachers and janitors, Repairs and supplies, Text books and stationery, School Committee, Drawing teacher, . From Moses Towne Fund, Total expenditures, $27 57 162 78 166 70 38 89 $395 89 $13,520 89 $10,800 80 1,716 28 662 3t .t00 00 120 00 67 04 $13,266 43 From Uncxpended appropriation, etc., $115 91 Uncxpcnded Moses Towne Fund, 138 55 Totat unexpended, TEACHF. RS AND JANITORS. High School. Paid Boyd Bartlett, teaching, $687 50 James C. Flagg, 375 00 Annie L. Sargent, 500 00 Patrick Haley, janitor, ~ 75 00 Merrimack School. Paid A. L. Smith, teaching, ~1,000 00 Rose L. Fcrrcn, . 180 00 $254 46 91,787 50 Carried forward, $1,180 00 $1,737 50 ANNUAL REPORT.--SCHOOLS. 31 Broug. ht forward, Paid Laura M. Dunsmoor, Hannah O. Oarle~on, . Mary E Quealy, Helen C. Sargent, Laura A. Bailey, . Annie E. Sanborn, Annie M. Osgood, . Jean Gillan, Grace B. 0sgood~ James M. Craig, janitor, Union School Paid M. S. Johnson, teaching, Mrs. H. W. Clark, Estelle S. Rogers, . Hden E. Roache, Joseph Trombly, janitor, Bra~lstreet School. Paid Arum M. Tucker, teaching, Hannah J. Quealy, Henrietta Hatch, · James M. Craig,janitor, . Centre School. Paid Ella A. Small, teaching, Mary B. Sproul, Carried .forward, $1~180 00 $1,737 50 135 00 444 00 418 00 380 00 380 00 380 00 ~80 00 357 00 7 5O 300 O0 4,361 50 $40 00 90 00 247 50 38l 00 95 00 858 50 $267 50 108 00 887 50 10000 863 00 $118 00 380 00 $798 00 $7~815 50 NORTH ANDOVER. Brought forward, Paid George A. Towne, janitor, . Farnham School. Paid M. D. MeLeod, teaching, Carrie B. DeRn, Ambrose Allen, janitor, KimbMl Scho~. Paid Lizzie F. Ingalls, teaching~ Mary A. Mahoney, John A. Bencker, ianitor, Portal School. Paid S. Agnes Abbott, teaching, Margaret P. Hubbard. Fred. G. Foss, janitor, River school. Paid Hattie M. Ellis, teachiqg, Arthur F. Chrdwick, janitor, Paid Edward Butterworth, teaching, $798 00 $7,815 50 123 50 921 50 $ 96 00 200 00 22 80 318 80 $t61 O0 105 O0 12 O0 278 O0 8280 O0 21 O0 19 O0 820 O0 9228 00 19 00 247 00 $400 00 400 00 $10,300 80 ANNIIAL REPORT.--SCHOOLS. ~3 Drawing. Paid Harriet D. Condon, teaching, .9120 00 $120 00 R]~PAIRS AND SUI~PLIES. High School. Paid E. McKone, 86 tons coal, . $229 90 KenneIly & Sylvestcr, use of piano, 6 00 George 1~. Perkins, supplies, 5 05 Sanborn & t~ohinsoa, boiler door, etc.,. 1 75 D. C. Hall & Sons, feather duster, 2 50 James W. Leitcb, floor brush, i 75 N. S. S. Tompkins, glass and putty, 1 15 Boyd :Bartlett, supplies, 2 93 Geo. S. Merrill, programmes, 5 00 Annie L. Sargent, ribbon, etc., . 90 C. E. Stansfield, let/;ering, 35 P. J. Sweeney, & Co., 503 lbs. grate bar% etc, 26 67 John t:/. Rea, stock and labor, 2 00 ~erriraaek School. Paid E. McKone,.50 tons eoM, .9315 00 Herbert L. Foster~ wood~ 4 50 M. E. Austin, mower, tooIs, etc., 18 52 James W. Leitch, pump, pipe, floor brush, etc., . Carried forward, 14 10 .9852 12 $285 95 $285 95 ]~roughtforward, $352 12 $28,5 95 Paid Haverhill Manf'g Co., stop ladder, 2 75 J. L. Hammett, ink wells, . I 80 Pedrick & Closson, plush, gimp, etc., 76 W. E. Ric% waste basket, 90 L. 0. Moore & Co., cloth, 48 George I{. Perkins, supplies, 75 J. W. Richardson, supplies, i 66 H. M. Whittier~ cleaning vaults~ 5 00 John Carnie, labor, 15 00 Edward Nelson, labor, 2 00 James M. Graig, clea~dug, mow- ing: etc., 35 00 Edward Buttcrworth, tuning piano, 1 50 Henry P. Doe, repniring c~ocks, . ] 75 P. P. Daw, stock, etc., 2 00 J~mes W. ~itch~ stock and bor, 7 95 Davis & Furber Machine Co, stock and labor, D. L. Fernandes: stock and labor, 27 90 46 33 $505 65 Union School. Paid E. McKone, 8 ~ons coal, N. Foster, wood, N. S. S. Tompkins, feather dust- er, etc., H. M. Whittier, cleaning vaults, Carried forward, $52 8O 4 O0 2 18 5 00 $68 93 ~791 6O ANNUAL REPORT.--SCHOOLS, 85 BrougMforward $63 93 Paid Joseph Trombly, cleaning, repair% etc., 24 00 D. J. Costello, stock and labor, 18 68 P. P. Daw, stock and labor on flag staff~ .' 18 25 Henry P. Doe, repairing clock, 75 Bradstreet School. Paid E. McKone, 9.1 tons 10 cwt. coal, $135 45 A. P. Fuller, wood, 4 50 J. L. Hammett, desks, 13 50 N. S. S. Tompkins, glass, 5 00 M. E. Austin, flue brush, 2 50 Henrietta Hatch~ wire net and tacks, 1 26 S. D. Hinxman, punches, irons, . 75 J. W. Richardson, supplies, 63 James M. Craig~ cleaning, labor, 15 00 H. M. Whittier, cleaning vaults, 5 00 Henry P. Doe, repairing clocks, . 1 75 James W. Leitch, repairing gong, 2 18 Frank L. Gile, services on flag staff, I 50 Centre School. Paid E. 1}leKone, 16 tous 1 cwt. coal, $101 12 Albert Berry, wood, 5 00 N. S. S. Tompkins, glass and putty, 12 48 $791 60 115 61 18902 Carri~dforward, $118 60 1,096 23 NORTK ANDOVERo :Brought forward, $118 Paid T. A. Holt & Co., feather duster, broom, etc., 3 09 Geo. H. Perkins, supplies, 40 Geo. Gohld, gl~ss and setting, 17 50 Mrs. Geo. A. Towne, cleaning, 10 00 Geo. A. Town% whitewashing, repairs, supplies~ . 5 00 F. P. Daw~ s(ock aud labor ou flag staff~ 12 40 G. B. Smart & Co., repairing fur- Farnhanl School. 60 $1,096 23 80 82 24781 Paid C. A. Newhall, wood, $20 50 Albert Berry, wood, 15 25 Edward Adams, wood, 3 00 T. A. Itolt & Co., pail aad basin, 40 J. W. Riclmrdson, dust pan, etc., 35 Ambrose Alle% cteanlng, 2 50 42 00 Kimball School. Paid Albert Berry, wood, $12 50 T. A. ltol~ & Co., broom, nails, . 75 James Greenwood, chairs and freight, 8 00 M. E. Austin, bell, 40 Sanborn & Robinson, nails, etc., 88 Carried forward, $17 53 $1,886 04 ANNUAL REPOP~T.--SClIOOLS. 3¸7 Brought forward, Paid J. Jacobs, Jr., lumber~ J. E. Ingalls, labor, Mrs. Geo. Wardwell, cleaning, Jolm A. Bencker, cleaning yard; etc., $17 53 $1,386 04 22 17 15 00 2 50 50 57 70 Pond School. Paid Nathan Foster, wood, . $5.50 T. A. Holt & Co., hand brush, 45 M. E. Austin pump, tubing, . 6.0:~ James. W. Leitch stove pipe, labor, 5.85 John H. Rea, stock and labor, 13~78 P. P. Daw, stock and labor on flag staff, 6,75 Fred G. Foss cleaning, 2.00 H. M. Whittier, cleaning vault 3.00 43 36 River School. Paid Edward Adams~ wood, $6.00 W. E. Hayes, wood, stock, and labor 39.02 John It. Rea, stock and labor, . 8.87 P. P. Daw, stock and labor on flag . staff, . 7.50 Arthur F. Chadwick, sapplics, 2.65 64 04 $1,551 14 NORTH ANDOVER. Bro~2't~t forward, Incidental Expenses, Paid George C. Jossclyen, express, 916 50 Fred L. Sargent, carting furniture, books etc., 6 15 Amos D. Carlcton, taking census 25 00 James M. Craig truant officer from March, 1, 1891 to Jan. 1893, 70 88 John II. Stafford floor brushes 12 00 ti. Pigeon & Sons, flag s~aff, . 12 00 S. D. Hinxmam bolts ~or flag staff, 3 00 American Pub. Co., printing, . 10 50 M. G. Carleton, postage, express, etc., 4 71 J. L. Hammett, inkwells, . 2 25 E. Buttcrworth 75 W. E. Rice, paper and envelopes, I 20 Geo. H. Perkins, ~elephone to Centre 20 T]~XT-BOOK AND STATIONERY 165 ~4 $l~716 28 ACCOUNT. Carried forward, $529 81 ~1,551 14 Paid Geo. F. King & Merrill, $138 60 American Book Co, 77 85 Ghm & Company, 67 6:3 J. L. IIammctt, . 60 66 Thompson, Brown & Co., . 56 12 Silver, Burdett & Co., . 51 20 B. A. Fowler, 40 00 l]ostm~ School Supply Co., 87 75 ANNUAL REPORT.--SCH00LS. Brought forward, Paid University Pub. Co, A. E. Whlttcn~ . D. C. Heath & Co., William Ware & Co., Pulsifer. Jordan & Oliver Di~on Co., W. E. Rice, . Allyn & Bacon, John N. Cole, Et~ngham Maynard & Co., M. G. Carleton, Frost & Adams, Lee & Shepard, Educational Pub. Co., 39 $529 81 83 15 26 O0 22 66 16 92 8 40 5 75 5 O0 8 97 3 46 3 35 I 22 I 20 1 O0 42 $662 31 SCHOOL COMMITTEES' SERVICES. Paid Charles Noyes, Charles P. Morrill, Mary G. Carleton, Frank E. Well, · $ 25 O0 150 O0 150 O0 75 O0 $400 00 FROM MOSES TOWNE FUND. Paid Dyer & Co., $25 00 J.L. Hammett~ 28 39 A. H. Roffe & Co., 7 65 Ba]ch Brothers, 6 O0 $67 04 40 NOETH ANDOVER. PROPERTY IN cHARGE OF THE SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. Tile following town property is in charge of the School Department: High School. Laboratory apparatus and chemicals, . .99450.00 Case o{ minerals, cabinet of insects, 65.00 Fuel, furniture and supplies, 800.00 Piano, 200.00 ~derrimack School. Schoolhouse, fixtures, and land, ,924,000 00 Fuel, furniture and supplies, . 1,250 00 Union School. Schoolhouse and la,id, Fuel, furniture and supplies,· · ,925o0 oo '220 00 Bradstreet School. Schoolhouse, fixtures and land, .912,250 00 Fuel, furniture and supplies, 260 00 $1,515.00 25,250 O0 2~720 00 12,510 00 Carried fi~rward, $41,995 00 ANNUAL BEPORT.--SCHOOLS. Brought forward, Centre School, Schoolhouse, fixtures and land, $10,000 00 Fuel, furniture and supplies, . 275 00 Farnham School. 41 $41,995 00 10~275 00 Schoolhouse and land, $800 00 Fuel, furniture and supplies, . 100 00 900 O0 KlmbM1 School. Schoolhouse aud land, $600 00 Fuel, furniture and supplies, . 90 00 690 00 Pond School. Schoolhouse and land, Fuel, furniture and supplies, . · $400 O0 75 00 475 00 River School. Schoolhouse and land, Fuel, furniture and supplies, . · $1,000 00 Supplies at the house of M. G. Carle- ton, 85 O0 L085 O0 $175 00. 175 O0 $55,595 00 Sclcctmcn's Report. To the Auditor :- We hcrewifl~ submit our annual report. The town at its annual meeting in March, 1892, appropriated the following amounts for expenses for tbe current year, viz.: For Schools, Teachers and janitors~ . $10,250 00 Repairs o£ buildings and supplies, 1,400 00 Text; books, 675 00 Drawing teacher, 400 00 School Committe. 400 00 $13,125 O0 Overseers' Depart~nent, $5,500 00 5,500 00 For Highways and Bridges, . $7,000 00 Sidewalks, . 2,000 00 9,000 O0 For Sewer, on Maple Avenue, $600 00 " Elm Street, 500 00 1,100 O0 For Railing dangerous places, $ 300 00 " 'Stevens Street, 200 O0 5O0 O0 Carried forward, $29,225 O0 ANNUAL P~EP0 RT .--SELECT~i EN ' S. Brought forward, For Fire Department, $1,500 Horses and driver Engineer's services, For Police department, Lock-up, For Public Library, and dog licences, For Street Lighting, . For Officers' services, Selectmen's sa]aries, Assessors' " Treasurer's Town clerk's Registrars of voters, Election Officers, Board of Health, :For Memorial Day, For Planting Trees, For Improvemen[ of surroundings, 43 Town Hall $29,225 O0 O0 1,200 O0 75 O0 2,775 O0 $800 O0 100 O0 900 O0 $1,200 O0 332 60 1,532 60 $800 00 800 O0 $550 O0 450 O0 435 O0 100 O0 ]00 O0 100 O0 90 O0 1:825 O0 $100 O0 100 O0 $100'00 100 O0 $300 O0 800 00 Carried fi~rward, $87~557 60 44 NORTH ~Brought forward, For Sewerage Committee, for plans and estimates, Total appropriations, $37,557 60 $800 00 300 00 $37,857 60 Orders have been drawn by us on the treasurer for the payment of bills as follows: For Schools, Teachersaudjanitors salaries, . $10,300 80 Repairs of buildings and supplies, 1,552 48 $11,858 28 . For Text books, Drawing teacher, . School Committee, Incidentals, . For Overseers Dept., For Highways and Bridges, Sidewalks, Sewer on Maple Avenue, Sewer on Elm st,'eet, Railing dangerous places, Railing Stevens street, forward, $667 77 120 00 400 00 225 43 1,413 20 5~685 56 5,685 56 $7,164 41 1~862 08 549 48 497 82 322 64 198 04 10,594 42 $29,496 41 ANNUAL REPORT.--$ELECTMEN'S. 45 Brought forward, Fire department~ Maintaiuing Engine companies, Horses and driver, Engineers' services,. For Police department, Lock-up, . ~'or Public Library, ]For Street lighting, . For Seleetmen's salaries, Assessors' " Treasurer's " Town clerk's " Registrars of Voters, Election Officers, Auditors 1891 and 1892, Tax Collectors, Fish Wardeu, Board of Health, Miscellaneou% Board of Health expenses, . Memorial Day observance,. Planting T,'ees, Carri, d forward, $29,496 41 $1,320 54 1,421 20 55 O0 2,796 74 $845 61 . 114 02 959 68 $1,582 60 1,582 60 $694 71 694 71 $512 50 337 50 435 O0 100 02 118 O0 159 50 200 O0 453 68 5 O0 75 00 2,396 20 $96 77 100 56 100 O0 $297 88 $37,876 29 46 NORTH ANDOVER. J~roug]dforward, $297 33 $37,876 29 For Improvement of Town Hall snrroundings: $281 38 Sewerage Committee, plans and estimates 310 13 State Tax, 2,572 50 County Tax, 3,193 46 Forest fires, . 172 75 Contingent expenses,. 2 059 33 State Aid Chap. 301 acts o£ 1889 352 00 " " " 279 " " " 60 00 Military department, 440 76 Pathing Snow,. 656 98 10,396 62 Total amount of orders drawn .$t8,272 91 Following will be found detailed reports from the several departments: OFFIC]~RS' S]~RVICES. Paid Bradford H. Barden, Sclectman, Geo. L. Well, Edward W. Greene, Frank A. Warren, '- Natha,fiel Gage, " W. ~. Kellcy~ Tax Collector, E. S. Colby, " Paid Geo. tt. Perkins, Town Treasurer, Isaac F. Osgood, Town Clerk, Jas. W. Leitch, " Carried forward, $75 00 50 00 162 50 112 50 112 50 89 94 363 74 485 00 16 67 83 35 $1~501 20 ANNUAL I],EPORq'.----SELE(~T]g EN' S, 47 Brough! forward, $1,501 20 Paid E. W. Greene, Assessor~ 11-0 50 F. A. Warren, " 112 50 Nathauiel Gage, " 112 50 F. A. Warren, Board of tlealth, 32 50 G. P. Morrill, M. D., . 30 00 F. E. Weil, M.D., -02 Isaac F. Osgood, Registrar of Voters, 5 Galvin Rea, . " Thos. K. Gilman, " Jas. W. Leitcb, " M.E. Bolton, A. L. Fer~mndes " Geo. E. Hathorn~ Auditor, 1891, Charles E. Stillings, " Joseph S. Sanborn, Geo. E. Hathorn, " 1892, Robert E|liott, Fish Warden, Appropriation, Overdrawn, 50 00 " 37 50 12 50 23 00 25 00 " 15 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 80 00 5 00 $2~2.36 70 1~825 00 $411 70 CONTINGENT FUND. Paid W. W. Colby. retorning deaths, . $8 00 Hugo Beil, repairing town clock, 3 75 Patrick Haley, janitor of town ball, 125 04 Carried forward, $136 79 NORTK ANDOYER. Brought forward, Paid Patrick Halcy, ]abor, . Geo. S. Merrill, printing and advertising, . Abiel Wilsmh repairs ou road (IS88), Andover Press, printing tax notices, . Audover Press, printing town reports, Andover Press, printing voting lists, Andover Press, printing various items, . E. S. Colby, postage, Treas. of Commonweallh, one fourth of liquor license, P. J. Sweeney & Co., stock and labor, Bradlbrd il. Burden, Postage and stationery, Isaac F.O.~goo~l, returning births deaths and marriages, . Isaac F. Osgood, reptdrs, Isaac F. Osgood, express, postage Fred L. Sargent,, teaming, E. McKone, rent of barn, . E. McKone, coal, John H. Rea, labor, M. J. l~fahoney, returnings deaths G. L Smith, notifying town offieers~ 9136 79 5 00 8 75 4 80 1 25 248 50 24 85 89 30 10 80 50 7 89 15 O0 50 ~0 4 ~5 1 9~ 48 00 3 00 1 7O. 5 00 8 00 Caried forward, $666 ANNUAL REPOET.--SELECTMEN~S. 49 Brougbtforward~ $666 26 Paid S. D. Hinxman, repairs, . '2 50 J. H. Fuller, supplies for town hall, 5 44 Blair & Cutter, Auditor's book, 3 85 Andovcr Press, printing ballots, 40 75 Jas. W. Leitch, stationery, etc., 9 50 Jas. W. Lei/eh, /nc/dental ex- penses, . 10 65 Jas. W. Lcitch, repairs, '2 78 Jas. C. Poor, moving safe, . 5 00 F.A. Warren, express, postage 2 09 S. M. Spencer, Auditor's stamp, i 65 J. W. Richardson, supplie% 2 59 Bay State Nat'L Bank, discount on notes, 300 33 Little, Brown & Co,, supplement to Public Statutes, 2 85 W. E. Rice,Books and stationery, 9 78 J. L. Fairbanks & Co., Collector's books, . 5 50 John E. Ingalls, repairs, 5 00 Geo. L. Well, services on account of Marblehead St. Crossing 50 00 W. E. Rice, stationery, etc., 4 75 John E. Ingalls, repairing town pump, 5 00 Chas. A. Pilling, stamped envel- opes, 21 80 C. (J. Holt, town pump, 25 00 Jolm S. Graham, repairs and slating town hall, 117 81 Carried forward, $1,300 88 50 NORTH ANDOYER. Brought forward, American Fublishing Co., Prin~ lng and advertising, A. P. Ellis, repairing pumps,. D. J. Costello, repairs on town hall, A. E. Mack, Insurance on Centre School, J. O. Parker, Insu,'ance on E,g- in% House, . N.P. Frye, Esq., services on Sutton St. case, . N.P. Frye, Esq., services on Clarendon St. case, Geo. C. Josselyn, express, . Hugo Bell, repairs on town clock R. A. Hale, measuring stone, . G. H. Perkins, postage, F.E. Well, M.D. returning birth% C. P. Morrill, M. D. Returning births, Geo. L. Well, Esq., legal servi- ees~ G. L. Burnham, Fuel, Geo. H. Moulton, janitor, N. P. Frye Esq., atty for Jolm Duffy, . Total expenditures, Appropriation, $1,800 88 10 5O 17 75 207 P5 105 00 83 25 36 15 5 8O 55 3 75 8 O0 1 O0 ,q 75 12 00 ~0 O0 3 O0 40 O0 200 O0 $2,059 33 2,000 O0 Overdrawn, $59 33 ANNUAL REPORT.--SELECTMEN~S. 51 ELECTION OFFICERS, Appropriation, Paid Frank W. Frisbee, clerk, Novem- ber, 1891, $9 O0 James C. Poor, relier, Nov. 1891, 6 00 W. S. Hughes, deputy inspector, Nov. 1891, . 5 00 F. O. Rea, inspector, Nov. 1891, . 5 00 F. O. Rea, countingvotes, March 1892, 5 00 M. FI. Pulsifer, checker, March 1892, 5 00 S. C. Osgood, teller, March 1892, 5 00 W. R. Johnson, counting votes, March 189~, 5 00 Jehu A. Morrissey, counting votes, March, 1892, 5 00 W. F. Murch, counting votes, March 1892, 5 00 A.W. Brainard, counting votes, March 1892~ 5 00 W. H. Hayes, counting votes, Marcia, 1892, 5 00 M. S. Jenkins, teller, March 1892, 5 00 A. D. Carleton, clerk, Nov. 1891, 7 00 A.D. Car]eton, ballot clerk, March 1892, 4 00 M. II. Pulsifer, election officer, Nov. 1892, . 9 00 Carried forward, $90 00 $100 O0 NORTH ANDOV~R. Bro%,ht forward, $90 00 Paid Andrew Reeves, counting h~llots, Nov., 1892, 5 00 A. L. Perkins, warden, Nov., 1892~ 9 00 Maurlce Herbert, inspector, Nov. 1892, . 6 O0 J.A. Ellison,inspector,Nov.,1892, 9 00 M. S. Jenkins, inspector, Nov. 1892, 5 00 W. 1t. Toohey, deputy inspector~ Nov. 1892~ . I 00 J. W. Bol. ton, tel[er~ Nov., 1892, 9 00 J. P. S. Mahoney, counting votes, Nov., 1892, 5 50 A. W. Badger, deputy inspector, Nov. 1892, i 00 L. E. Osgood~ teller, Nov., 1892, 9 00 J. S. Sanborn, warden, Nov, 1892, 9 00 J.A. Morrissey, deputy inspector, Nov., 1892, . 1 00 To~:al expeaditurcs,.. Appropriation, Overdraft, STATE AID. C~r'rm: 301, ACTS or 1889. Paid Johannah Q. Moulton, $4 00 Ann Wood, 48 00 Emma A. Mills, . 48 00 Carried forward, $100 00 $159 50 100 00 $59 50 ANNUAL REPORT.--SELECTMEN~S. Brought .forward, Paid Am~ Blanchard, Margaret Wianing, William Craig~ Ann ]~IacDonald, M-ary J. Sanborn, Lucy F. Gould, . $100 00 48 00 48 00 36 00 48 00 24 00' 48 00 $352 00 Olt.&?TER 279, ACTS OF 1889. Paid Thomas D. Black, . $60 00 The State will reimburse the town all state aid paid under Chapter 301~ and one-half of tha~; paid under Chapter 279 of the Acts of 1889. MILITARY DEPARTM]~NT. Paid M. T. Mc3fanus, rent of Armory, $400 00 H. F. Downing, supplies, 9 47 E. McKoa% fuel, 26 00 T. A. Holt & Co., supplies, . 65 J. N. Gurdy~ fuel, . 2 00 A. P. Currier & Co., snpplics~ 2 64 Allowed by Commonwealth for rent of Armory, . Total expense: 9400 00 860 00 $440 76 $40 76 54 NORT~ ANDOVER. PLANTING TREES. Appropriation, Paid J. D. W. French, planting lrees, $100 00 $100 O0 $100 O0 STREET LIGHTING. Appropriation, Paid Lawrence Gas Co., gas, $98 88 Lawrence Gas Co., electtqc light, 595 83 $800 O0 Until the mon[h of May the town main/;aiued six arc lights and four gas lights. At thai, time a reduction was secured on the rentM of arc ligb~;s from $75.00 to .$70.00 per light per month. To maintain the present lights will require an appropriation of $850.00. PATHING SNOW Paid B. C. Smith, men and teams, $60 60 Thos. Murphy, labor, 29 80 Joseph Trombly, labor, 24 00 NWh. Gage, men and teams, 13 40 Geo./5. Turtle, men and teams, . 75 60 Edward Adams, men and teams, 51 80 Patrick Costello, labor, 4 00 Newell E. A~kius, labor, 9 80 E. C. Fisher, labor, . 4 60 Carried forward, $273 60 8694 71 ANNUAL REFORT. --SELECTMEN~$.' ~5 Brought forward, Paid Chas. O. Barker, men and teams, Seth T. Farnham.' labor, B. Holt Farnham, labor, . Daalel G. Berry, labor, George L. Avcrill, labor,. George Buras, labor, Joseph Garvin, labor, M. S. Jenkins, labor, . John Davitt, labor, . A. P. Cheney, men and teams, John I. Farnham, labor . Wm. Whittaker, labor, Geo. Gould, labor, . L. G. Lacy, men and teams, J. Mort. on, labor, . . John Hayes, labor, William, Young, labor,.. Calvin Rea, mea and teams, George A. Ilea, men and teams, Eugene McDonald, labor, Lawrence Murphy, labor, John H. Rea, labor, Julius Bode, men and team, J. F. Fos~er, labor-, ~. Alfred Bcauregard, labor, . Moses Towne, labor, Wm. Towne, labor, Michael Dooley, labor, J. G. Chadwick, labor, Oliver Stevens, labor, Nathan Foster, labor and team, Car~qed forward, $273 17 7 6 1 9 7 6 3 3 27 6 2 1 81 2 1 9 15 15 18 4 1 14 3 4 2 18 60 00 10 15 00 90 20 60 00 00 6O 00 00 $0 80 00 00 20 00 58 60 00 ~3 ~5 00 20 75 80 00. 79 60 48 88 56 NORTH ANDOVER. Brought forwa.rd, Paid Lawrence Doran, labor, . Wm. Buskirk, labor, . Jas. C. Poor, men and team, John K. Fish, labor, Henry A. Long, labor, Mosos Goodhue, labor? John O'Br~en, labor, C. A. Newhall, labor, . Charles Wilcox, men and teams, S. M. Greenwood, men and te~ms, . Daniel Ingalls~ labor~ . II. F. Downing, shovd, S. D. Hinxman, repairing snow plough, . Sanborn &Robinson, shovels, etc., J. H. Fuller~ shovels, T. A. IIolt & Co., shovels, etc., Johu Elliott, labor, John Brown, labor, . 2 19 2 4 9 6 43 88 00 00 50 00 57 78 60 90 00 15 6O 4 O5 7O I 5O 2 50 1 70 7O 3 00 4 00 $656 98 IMPROVEMENT 0r TOWN HALL SURROUND- INGS. Appropriation~ . Paid Geo. ti. Tuttle, labor, W. J. Jones, stock and labor, J. D. W. French, stockand labor~ . Unexpendcd balance, $300 O0 $9 O0 24 O0 248 38 $281 38 18 62 $300 O0 ANNUAL REPOI~T.--SELECTM EN~S. 57 PUBLIC LIBRARY. Appropriation, Amount received fi'om clog tax, . $1,200 O0 382 60 Paid to Trustees of Public Library, Trustees of Public Library, Trustees of Public Library, Trustees of Public Library, Trustees of Public Library, $800 O0 800 O0 300 O0 300 O0 832 60 $1,532 60 $1,582 60 NORTH ANDOVER. SCHEDULE OF TOWN PROPERTY. AT TOWN HALL. Town Hall, fixtures, and land, . .$20,000 00 Thirty-five settees, 70 00 Voting booths, railings, etc., 50 00 Eight chairs, . 6 00 Chandelier, , 50 00 Twenty lamps, 16 00 Stage scene,T, · 40 00 Tables, . 15 00 Clock, 15 00 $20,262 00 AT TOWN FARM OFFICE, Library, $25 00 Table, 10 00 Chandelier, 5 00 Stove, 2 00 Chairs, . 10 00 Vault, 100 00 152 O0 Carried forward, $20,414 O0 ANNUAL REPOI~T.--SELECTM EN'~. 59 Brought forward, 820,414 O0 AT VILLAGE OFFICE. Building, Library, Two tables, Twelve chairs, . Letter press, . Obandelier and la~nps, Safe, Stove and fixtures, Curtain and fixtures, Waste basket, Miscellaneous, Furniture in court room, $800 O0 450 O0 40 O0 36 O0 6 O0 20 O0 :175 O0 28 O0 8 O0 ] O0 10 O0 4O O0 ~ ],614 O0 AT ARMORY, Closets, . Gun rack, Furniture, Stove, Curtain and fixtures, $275 O0 25 O0 78 O0 20 O0 10 O0 408 00 TREASURER'S D]~PARTMENT. Standard weights and measures, $200 00 Duplicate set for deputy's use, 90 00 290 O0 Carried forward, $22,726 00 MORTH ANDOVER. BrougAtforward, $22,726 00 AT PRECINCT NO. 1. Voting booths, railings, etc., $100 00 100 00 TAYLOR FUND. Deposited in Essex Savings Bank, interest. $286 35 286 85 MOSES TOWNE SCHOOL FUND. Deposited in La~vrence Savings Bauk; $1000 00 Essex Savings Bank, . 1000 00 Broadway Savings Bank, 1000 00 Andover Savings Bank, 1000 00 4000 00 MISCELLANEOUS. Pump and trough at High Strec~ . $60 00 Pump and trough at Town Hall, 45 00 Pump and trough at Centre, . 75 00 Pump and trough on Railroad Street, 50 00 Gravel bank, . $2000 00 Two commons, 500 00 Total town property, 230 00 2500 00 $29,842 35 All of which is rospectfully submitted, EDWARD W. GREENE, FRANK A. WARREN~ NATHANIEL GAGE~ Selectmen of .North Andover. overseers' Report. To tl~e Auditor of the Town of ~Yorth Andover : We herewith submit our report for the year ending Jan- 3, 1893. Appropriatiou for support of the poor, $5500 00 ~ceive~ from Andover, 834 80 ~ceived from Lowell, . 86 16 Received fi'om W. J. Clements (reimb- ursement,) 29 71 Received fromGeo. L. Burnhnm, Supt. 1778 58 Paid Oversers account, including officers services, $5,635 56 Balance in favor of Department, 2,043 69 $7,679 25 $7,679 PAID COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS AS FOLLOWS. Paid School for Feeble-Minded for sup- port of Charles Barker, . $209 87 Worcester Asylnb care of Daniel A. Luke, .' 85 42 Danvers Asylum, care A. C. Long, Rachel Scholes, Martin Kcnnclly, Asa Detaining and Mrs. Clements, 722 42 -- $1,017 71 62 NORTH ANDOVER. PAID CITIES AND TOWNS, Paid City of Lynn, supplies to Rosa Keyes, City of Lynn, supplies to Albert Barrows, City of Lawrence, supplies to chil- dren, of Ellen Mooncy, City of Lawrence, supplies~ to Joseph Lacousc, City of Lawrence, burial of child of Henry Lambert, . City of Boston, care of child, of Geo. A. Tyler, City of Quincy, supplies furnished Mrs. Lucius Thayer, $32 O0 15 O0 11 O0 28 O0 7 O0 14 O0 6 75 RELIEF OUT 0r HOUSE. Paid T. A. Holt & (Jo., supplies ~o Jos. Lacouse, ~4 10 J. W. Richardson, supplies to Jos. Lacouse, 21 01 E. Cooper, supplies toMrs. Lyuch, 1,50 98 J. ti. Fuller, supplies to Mrs. J. H. Detaining, . 150 17 E. MeKone, coal to Mrs. J.H. Demming, . 6 50 J. W. Richardson, supplies to David Jones, . 32 62 Carried forward, ~365 38 $113 75 ANNUAL REPORT.--OVERSEERS. 63 Brou~l~tforward, 9365 38 Paid E. McKone~ coal to David Jones: 6 50 E. McKone, coal to CMs. Ward. charged to City of Newton, 3 25 H. F. Downing, supplies to Chas. Ward, charged to Newton, 11 97 E. McKone, coal to Mrs. Thomas, 17 00 J. W. Richardson, supplies to Mrs. Thomas, 32 09 J. H. Fuller, supplies to Wm Craig 6 50 J. H. Fuller, supplies to Mary Adams, charged to City of Lowell, 35 39 J. W. Richardson, supplies to Ellen Donovan, 155 04 J. H. Fuller, supplies to Mrs. Crockett, charged to Andover,. 151 03 J. H. Fuller: supplies to Mrs. Wormald, . 136 07 Call & True, Fuel to Mrs Eliz~ abeth Detaining, 11 01 W. M. Humphrey, fuel to Mrs. Elizabeth Detaining, 6 00 G. L. Burnham, wood to Mrs. Thomas, . 6 00 G. L. Burnham, wood to Charles Ward, charged to city of Newton, 3 00 $946 23 64 NORTH ANDOVER. INCIDENTAL EXPENSES. Paid George L. Burnham, taking Con- lon children to Boston, $4 79 George :i. Smith, faking Teed chiI- drcn to Tewksbury, charged to Commonwealth, 2 90 A. P. Cheney, use of tcam~ I 50 EXPENSE AT TOWN FARM. $9 19 Paid George L. Burnham, Supt., $500 00 $500 00 Labor. Paid Swan Swanson, $192 00 Bridget Feeley, 39 00 Kate Clark, 111 50 John :Ivory, 3 00 J. H. Fish, 4 00 O. Louis Burnham, '20 00 Nat Foster, 45 00 G. L. Burnham, help in house, 25 00 Repairs. Paid John E. Ingalls, labor and stock, $ 4 50 P. J. Sweeney & Co., labor and stock, 7 05 D. J. Costello, shingling house and clapboarding barn~ stock and labor, 174 80 Hardy & Cole, stock, 4 69 I. W. Marden, painting, 100 78 $439 50 $291 82 ANNUAL REPORT.----OVERSEERS. 65 SUPPLIES. Paid Carroll & Cascy, coal, M. E. Ausfiu, hardware, tools and seeds, A. B. Bruce, supplies, T. A. Holt & Co., supplies, . H. K. Webster & Co., supplies, J. E. Reynolds & Son, Murray Brothers, supplies, W. G. Brown, supplies, T. J. Farmer, supplies, . George L. Burnham, stove, Curran & Joyce, supplies, E. C. Steigler & Co., supplies, D. F. McCarty, supplies, Schlegel & Fottlcr, supplies, F. A. Warren, supplies, . I./L Osgood, supplies, D. A. Carletou, fertilizers, N. S. S. Tompkins, supplies, G. L. Barker, supplies, William Oswald & Co., P. B. Robinson, supplies, Ball & Mullen, supplies, Lawrence Rubber Co., supplies, B. H. Farnham, supplies, E. Pike, pump, H. M. Whittier, supplies, C. W. H. Moulton & Co., ladders, George A. Rea, barrels, $ 74 40 27 51 55 75 671 19 194 82 9 94 39 27 143 03 30 77 25 00 2 25 5 81 171 79 8 00 14 55 6 40 33 00 $ 81 28 40 87 55 37 80 5 86 I 75 7 92 5 4O 3 70 9 10 6 O0 Carried forward, $1,707 77 66 NO~H ANDOVEE. Brought forward, $1,707 77 F. M. Victor, supplies~ 11 05 James Glennie, supplies, 9 00 James C. Poor, cow, 20 00 James C. Poor, harness, 15 00 James C. Poor, seed, 29 45 Boston & Maine Railroad Co., freight, . 8 22 N. D. Curtis, pasturing, . 15 00 Charles Wilcox, blacksmitbing, . 48 87 Sanborn & Robinson, supplies, I 15 George H. Perkins, medicines, 33 60 McDonald & Hannaford, supplies, 12 25 D. L. Whipple, hay, 15 00 P. Holt, jr., butchering, 3 00 $1,929 36 MEDICAL ATTENDANCE, Paid F. E. Well, M. D., attendance at Almshouse, $45 00 C. P. Morrill, M. D., attendance on Mrs. Thomas, . 8 00 $53 00 FUNERAL EXP]'~NSES. l~aid W. W. Colby, interment of Fat- rick Cavanagh, $25 00 $25 00 ANNUAL ~EPORT.--OVERSEERS. 67 RECAPITULATION. Paid Commonwealth, Cities and Towns, Relief out of House, Incidental Expenses; George L. Burnham, Supt., Labor at Town Farm, Repairs, Supplies: Medical attendance, . Funeral expenses, Officers' services, $1,017 113 946 9 5O0 439 291 1,929 53 25 310 71 75 23 19 O0 50 82 36 O0 O0 O0 $5,635 56 68 NOETH AND0¥ER. SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY OVERSEERS' DEPARTMENT. Town Farm and buildings, Furniture and clothing~ . STOCK. $9,000 00 600 00 Two horses, . 8250 00 Eleven cows, 340 00 One three-year-old heifer, 30 00 One two-year-old heifer, 20 O0 Three shoats, 15 00 One hundred fowls, . 65 OO IMPLEMENTS. One market wagon, ~25 00 One farm wagon, 40 00 One two-horse wagon, 100 00 One two-horse wagon, 15 00 One farm cart, 25 00 One Democrat wagon, 50 00 Garriedforward, $255 00 89~600 O0 $720 00 A~N-9 AL REPORT.---OVERSEERS. Brought forward, $255 One pung, 40 One sleigh, 2,5 One mowing machine, 25 One horse rake,. 5 00 00 00 00 00 Two plows, Two harrows, Two cultivators, One root cutter, One grin d-stone, One force pump, One two-horse sled, One ox sled, 12 00 15 00 8 00 3 00 3 00 5 00 40 00 5 ©0 One set of scales, 15 One set double harnesses, 40 Two sets single harnesses, Small tools, One drag, Two wheelbarrows, Twenty five feet of hose, Four ladders, Halters and horse blankets, O0 O0 40 O0 30 O0 5 O0 6 O0 2 O0 8 O0 15 O0 69 $602 00 SUPPLIES AT TOWN }'ARM. Fifteen tons English hay, . $300 00 Six tons meadow hay, 78 00 Four tons swale hay, 60 00 One and one-half tons oat fodder, . 24 00 Onc-hMf ton cotton scad meal, 13 00 One and one-half tons shorts, 80 00 $505 00 Uarried firrward, 70 NORTH ANDOVER. Broug~ht forward, $505 00 Twenty-five cords o~ prepared wood 125 00 Eight cords of oak wood, 40 00 TI,roe cords of piue wood~ . 10 00 Fourtm~s coal, 28 00 Sixty five barrels apples, 97 00 Twenty five bushels potatoes, 25 00 Sundry vegetables, 10 00 TwenW five bushels ouio,s, 25 00 Thirty five gal. oil, 3 00 One hundred lbs. of sak pork, 12 00 Fifty lbs. ham, . 7 00 Three hundred and sixty gal. of vinegar, 38 00 One hundred and eighty gal. of cider 22 00 One hundred lbs, sugar, 5 00 Thirty lbs. butter~ . 9 00 Two barrels flour, 11 00 Cider, oil aud flour barrels, 20 O0 Lumber 10 O0 $1,002 00 Your Board would report flint the Farm and buildings are iu good condition excepting flm/~ the buildings will require painting fl~e coming year. The manageme~t of Mr. and Mrs. Burnham have merited fl~e commendation of the Board. EDWARD W.GREENE, ) Overseers FRANK A. WARREN, { of NATI{ANIEL GAGE, _Poor. ANNUAL REPORT.--OVERSEERS. 71 SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT, :lb the Hoaorable Board of Overseers o£ the 7bwn oJ North Andover : Gentlemeu :-- I submit thc followi.g as my report of this iusti£ution from January 7, 1892 to January 4~, 1893; To cash received for Wood, Fat hog, Milk, . Eggs aud poultry, Vegetables, Apples, . Labor, Cows, Gravel, . Calv~es: DR. Total received for the year, By cash paid Town Treasurer, 86~ 68 19 2O 679 13 96 90 474 10 130 47 52 10 61 50 192 5O 3 00 5 00 81,778 58 81,778 58 72 NORTH ANDOVER. Number of inmates during fl~e year, . Admitted, · Died, Discllarged~ 12 1 2 6 NUMBER OF TRAMPS CARED FOR. Jalltlary~ February, March~ April, May, ,)'uric, July, August, Septembers October, November~ December, Very respectfully, 47 39 31 3O 10 0 0 2 10 28 34 58 289 GEO. L. BURNHAM, Supt. ~lbwn Farm. Road Commissioners' Report. 2b the .dtcditor : We herewith submit our report for thc year ending Janu- ary 3, 1893: The Town at its annual meeting in March 1892 made the following appropriations which were entrusted to us to ex- pend: For highways and bridges, . ~6,000 00 Macadamizing, 1,000 00 Sidewalks, . 2,000 00 Railing dangerous places, 300 00 Railing and improving Stevens Street, 200 00 Maple Avenue sewer, 600 00 Elm Street sewer, : 500 00 -- 810,600 O0 1%llowing will be found itemized accounts of the work per- formed: STREET DEPARTMENT, 6eorge lt. Turtle's Account. Paid George H. Turtle, services, $175 00 George II. Tutfle, men and teams, 551 30 Moses Towne, men and teams, 18 90 Edward Adams, men and teams~ 57 O0 B. H. Farnham, men and teams, 26 90 Peter Holt, Jr., men and teams, 161 25 Charles Wilcox, men and teams, 88 25 Charles Wilcox,blacksmith- lng, 9 32 Frank Davis, labor, 16 50 Daniel A. Cm'leton, labor, . 7 50 Dime IIartwe]l, labor, 84 50 John Hayes, I 50 Henry Reilly, labor, 28 50 John E. Baker, labor, 28 50 John Monion, labor, 101 25 Joseph Trombly, labor, 14 01 A. Fish, labor, 4 50 Arthnr Fish, labor, 17 25 George Burns, labor, 8 00 Patrick Reardon, labor, 16 50 John B. Jenkins, labor, 25 50 Chas. F. Clark, labor, 4 50 Cbas. Clark, labor, . 1 50 Carried .forward, $1,892 38 ANNUAL RE?0RT.--ROAD Brought forward, $1,392 93 Paid George Knapp, . 75 Joseph Garvin, labor, . 24 75 Daniel G. Berry, ]abor, 5 78 Edward Garvin, labor, 81 00 Eben Fisher, 4 58 John Camie, labor, . 39 00 A. P. Fuller: labor and gravel, 21 60 Albert Berry, labor and gravel, 4 05 Wm. J. Dale, gravel, 7 50 Aaron Thompson, gravel, 70 00 M. E. Austin & Co., tools, 7 50 Sanborn & Robinson, pipe, 90 86 T. A. Hol~ & Co., supplies, 3 40 Improvement of Osgood Street by order o£ Selectmen. Moses T. Stevens, 27 00 Joseph Trombly, labor, 18 50 B. C, Smith's ~.ecount. Paid B. C. Smith, services, $'215 50 D. J. Costello, stock and labor, 6 75 James W. Leitch, stock and labor, 5 32 S. D. Hiux,nan, stock and labor, 30 45 Henry Keniston, stock and labor, 4 00 Sanborn & Robinson, pipe, 53 38 M. E. Austin & Co, pipe, 31 00 Geo. Keniston, pipe, 8 17 A. P. Cheney, men and teams, 68 40 $422 97 Carried,forward, 75 $1,799 20 NOKTH ANDOVER. Paid Charles Wilcox, men and teams, Henry Rcilly~ men and teams, Frank E. McKone, men and teams, James C. Poor, men and teaxa% . John. lq'. Meserv% men and to~ms~ James Driseoll~ labor, J. E. Lyon% labor, . Thomas Carroll, labor~ Joseph Trombly l~bor, L~wrence Doran, labor, L. Murch~ l~bor, John Elliot~ Wm. Cra]g, labor, Thomas Murphy~ labor, Michael Morriscy, labor, . Patrick Collins, labor, Eugene McDonald, labor, Tim. Sullivan~ labor, D. L. Fernaodes, labor~ . James Smith, labor, Charles B. Thompson~ ]abor~ Michael Dooley, labor, J. B. Curtin, labor, . W. H. ~a, labor, J. H. Rcilly, labor~ Wm. WbittakeB labor, George Swift, gravel, Davis & Furber Co, casting, $422 97 132 00 78 90 109 35 47 25 95 4O 18 75 118 88 12 60 17 82 33 75 12 00 2 02 20 55 66 75 102 30 33 15 134 78 119 10 3 94 8 O0 13 50 75 i 5O 75 5 25 2 02 10 80 8 4O Carried forward, $1,628 ANNUAL REPORT.--ROAD COM~IISSIONERS. , 77 Brought for.ward, $1,628 23 Paid George I. Smith, stone, . 49 80 William P. Rut~er, stock, 8 75 Joseph Jacobs, lumber, 8 20 John W. Richardson, supplies, W. P. Phillips, storing stoa% . 15 00 R. A. Hale, surveying, 8 O0 A. P. Cheaefs Account. Paid A. P. Cheney, services, . A. P. Cheney, men and teams, William A. Russell, men and teams, Calvin Rea, men and teams, Frank Greenwood, men and teams, George L. Burnham, men and teams, Chas. D. Frost, men and teams, William B. Chadwick, men and teams, H. L. Fost;er~ men and geams. James C. Poor, men and teams, Heory A. Long, men and teams, J. F. Foster, men and teams~ . George L. Averill, men and teams~ A. M. Robinson, men, teams and stoa% $108 40 663 50 74 55 42 60 245 O0 55 5O 75 75 16 75 23 30 4 5O 16 5O 4 5O 49 5O 34 00 $1,717 20 Carried forward, $1,414 35 78 NORTH ANDOVER. Brou~lId forward, Paid Isaac Fish, labor and gravel, William J. Dale, gravel, S. M. Greenwood, gravel~ Frank Rea, gravel, Charles Bisbee, gravel, James Glennie, grave],. Lawrence Jones, labor, Fred. Barden, labor, William Craig, labor, James tteywood, labor, Michael Dooley, labor, Hugh Soragnam, labor,. John Haver~;y, labor, Patrick Collins, labor, Samuel Smith, labor, James Keefe, labor, Lawrence Doran, labor, Samuel A. Fish, labor, A. Neweomb, labor, S. D. Hinxman, blacksmithing, Davis & Furber Machine Co., lumber, Edward: Adams, use of road ma.chitin., Sanborn & Robinson, pipe and sup- plies, M. E. Austiu & Co., supplies, Andover Press, printing. 19 3 35 15 2 13 74 26 1 1 24 5 42 29 1 13 12 18 35 30 90 90 10 40 50 95 75 70 40 35 50 30 85 90 55 50 87 80 84 3 00 77 10 9 80 6 88 3 00 $1,880 99 ANNUAL REFORT.~ROAD COMHISSIONERS. 79 Summary. Appropriation, George l~. Turtle's account, B. C. Smith's account, A. P. Cheney's accouter, Balance, NOTE: To the above account there should be added $768.14, tl~e amount of bills remaining unpaid at the close of tl~e last fiscal year, ~naking the total amount of bills paid on account of streets thc present year $6~065.53.--:~uditor. $1,799 20 1,717 20 1,880 99 $5,397 39 602 61 $67000 00 $6,000 00 80 NORTH ANDOVER. SIDEWALK DEPARTMENT. George H. Turtle's Account. Paid George H. Tuttle, services, George Il. Turtle, men and teams, Charles Wilcox, men and teams, Peter Holt, men and teams, Arthur Fish, labor, George Burns, labor, Edward Garvin, labor, John Manion, labor, John E. Ingalls, labor, Joseph Garvin, labor', John F. Baker, labor~ WiBiam Towns, labor, Henry geilly, labor, Pat. Reardon, labor, George B. Clark, labor, William C. Clark, labor, Joseph Trombly, labor~ Bean & Poor, lumber, William $. Dale, gravel: Charles Butterfield, gravel, Oliver Stevens~ stone, Mrs. John O'Brien, stone, M. T. Stevens & Sons~ stock, Tbotnas Manion, labor, Whole amount of orders drawn, $61 O0 243 O0 148 25 43 50 4 50 I O0 21 O0 44 25 12 92 19 50 1 50 9 O0 2 25 9 O0 2 25 10 05 48 75 14 65 17 80 2 O0 30 O0 2 ~0 2 ~8 ~ 75 $753 20 ANNUAL REPORT.mROAD CO~MISSION~I~S. 81 B. C. Smith's Account. Paid B. C. Smith, services, $163 A. P. Cbeney, men and teams, . Frank E. McKone, men and teams, James C. Poor, men and teams, Thomas Murphy, labor, . J. E. Lyons, labor, Michael Morrisey, labor, J. Drlscoll, labor, P. Collins, labor, Eugene McDonald, labor, William Craig, labor, Ilenry Reiily, labor, Michael Dooley, labor, James Brierly, labor, . Thomas Carroll, labor, Timothy Sullivan, labor, Lawrence Doran, labor, . L. Murch, labor, J. It. Reilly, labor, . John N. Meserve: labor, S. D. Itinxman, s~ock and labor, Joseph Jacobs, lumber Davis & Furber Machine Co., George Il. Perkins, supplies, . 67 31 46 48 62 41 9 15 79 12 53 5 7 4 66 19 1 9 9 2 1 46 20 95 15 75 7O 00 80 $0 45 10 4O 69 75 2O $0 00 00 50 3O 6O 90 $$04 74 A. P. C, heney~s Accouut. Paid A. P. Cheney, services, $~3 75 A. P. Cheney, men and teams, 216 18 Sanborn & Robinson, supplies, 6 56 Carried forward, $266 49 82 Bro~.o'ht forward, ' PaidDavls & Furber Machine Co., cinders, A. Newcomb, labor, Samuel Smith, labor, William Craig, labor, Andover Press, printing, NORTH ANDOVER. $266 49 8 90 8 25 9 00 9 00 7 50 $~04 14 Summary. Brought forward, apprepriation, George H. Turtle's acc,rant, B. C. Smith's ~eeount, . A. P. Cheney's account, Balance, $758 20 804 74 304 14 137 92 ss;ooo o0 $2,000 00 Maple Avenue Sewer. Appropriation, Paid B. O. Smitb, services, J. N. Meserve, man and team, J. E. Lyons, labor, F. Collins, labor, Eugene McDonald, labor, . L. Murch, labor, Michael Morrisscy, labor, Thomas Murphy, labor, . Lawreuce Doran, labor, Timothy Sullivau, labor, Thomas Carroll, labor, J. Driscoll, labor, $600 O0 $41 60 4 50 ~ ~0 27 60 26 40 22 65 26 85 9 30 5 70 ~5 25 8 ~5 7 95 Garrled forward, $226 25 ANNUAL REPORT.--ROAD C0iK1KISSIONEllSi 83 BrougMforward, $226 25 $600 00 Paid Manuel Mendousa, labor, 6 45 Henry Keuiston, stock and labor, 16 25 Davis & lVurber Machine Co., castings, 8 00 Sanborn & Robinson, pipe, 277 48 R. A. Hale, C.E., surveying 15 00 Whole amount of orders drawn, 549 43 Balance, $50 57 ]~acadamizing Lawrence Street. App ro priation, Paid George ti. Tuttlc, services, $56 00 George H. Turtle, menand ~cams, 175 50 Peter Holt, men and ~eams, 93 75 John F. Baker, labor, 36 90 John Mauion, labor, 66 15 Henry Rcilly, labor, 98 17 Thomas Manion, labor, . 63 90 James Reilly, 27 00 P. Whalen~ labor, . 50 40 John Hayes, labor, 28 27 Charles Wilcox, stock aud labor, 88 87 Aaron Thompson, gravel, I 00 Edward Adams, crushing stone, 208 87 T. A. Holt & Co., supplie% 4 10 Whole amount of orders drawn~ Balance, $17000 O0 998 88 ~1 12 84 NORTH ANDOVER. Railing and Improvtng Stevens Appropriation, Paid George H. Tuttle, services, $24 00 George H. Turtle, men and teams, 67 50 Davis & Farber Machine Co., iron posts, 22 63 Bean & Poor, lumber, 14 40 Mary E. Holgam, stone, 4 00 Joseph Trombly, labor, 63 63 T. A. Holt & Co, supplies, i 88 Whole amount of orders drawn, Ehn Street Sewer. Appropriation, Paid B. C. Smith, services, $34 00 Sanborn & Robinson, pipe, 161 55 M. E. Austin & Co., pipe, 30 77 Hans Christensen, pipe, 4 05 George Kcniston, pipe, 3 51 City of Lawrence, sewer trap, 5 00 Davis & Furber Machine Co., castings: 8 93 Henry Keniston, stock and labor, 36 70 Timothy Sullivan, labor, 40 50 Michae! Morrissey, labor, 16 50 Eugene McDonald~ labor, 25 20 Lawrence Doran, labor, . 26 10 Garrledforward, $387 81 $200 O0 198 04 $1 96 $500 O0 ANNUAL REPORT.~ROAD COMMISSIONER~. ~5 Brougt~t forward, $387 81 Pgid J. Driscoll, labor, 23 70 John Ivory', labor, . 29 70 William Craig, labor, 26 70 J. Heap, labor, 21 45 John W. Richardson, supplies, I 54 Frank L. Fuller, C.E., 6 92 Whole amount of orders drawn, $500 00 $497 82 Balauce, $2 18 RAILING DANGEROUS PLACES. ?, ppropriation, $300 00 Expended on Pleasant and Osgood Streets. Paid B. C. Smith, services, $10 00 Joseph Jacobs, lumber, 60 22 A. P. Fuller, posts, 58 75 Charles Wilcox~ stock, I 40 A. P. Cheney, man and team, 75 75 John E. Ingalls, labor, 87 50 Michael Morrissey, labor, 16 65 William Craig, labor, 7 20 Sanborn & Robinson, supplies, 3 82 T. A. Holt & Co., supplies, I 35 $322 64 Overdrawn, $22 64 NORTH ANDOVER: Credit to Street Department, From Edward Quealy, use of sewer pump, $ 50 William A. IIall, use of sewer pump, 3 00 William J. Dale, use of sewer pump, 50 Edward Adams, use of sewer pump, 50 Albert N. Hol~, use of sewer pump, 50 William Gemmell, use of sewer p,tmp, 50 James C. Foor, use o£ sewcr pump, -1 50 M. A. Turner, gravel, 2 60 Joseph Trombley~ gravel~ 2 20 $11 80 The Road Commissioners recommend the Town to raise and appropriate for roads and bridges the ensuing year the sum of $6,000; sidewalks, 81500; for widening and railing road near James Hayward's and Marble Ridge Farm, 9300; for railing neat' Swif;'s pit on Old Railroad the sum of $150; that the Town raise and appropriate to locate and set street bounds and make plaus of streets, $300. GEORGE ti. TUTTI, E,] Road Commissioners B. C. SMITIL i of A. P. CHENE¥, Nort]i .4ndover. nginccrs' Rcvort' To the Auditor ofl the 2bwa ~f North Andover : The Board of Engineers respectfully submit the following report. Appropriation for Fire Department $1,,500 O0 Paid for Eben Sutton Company. Paid Manchester Loco. Works, for Air globe, . 88 00 E. McKone, coal,. 56 41. J. W. Leiteh, oil pan, and re- pairs, 4 03 G. W. Simmons, coats, . 5 40 Davis & Furber Machine Co., 4 28 Eben Sutton Pay roll, . 298 00 J. W. Richardson, supplies, 13 55 H. F. Downing, supplies, 60 P. J. Sween~y & Co, gas-fit- ting, . 30 , C. H. Robinson, work on bells, 25 22 76 Carried forward, $488 82 88 Brought forward, Paid Haverhill M'f'g. Co., Geo. Wilton,. J. Meserve, repairing stamp, Henry Keniston, masou-work~ Geo. L. Barber, lock aud staple Jos. Jacobs jr. coal, and lumb- er, J. Tattersall, painting, Lawrence Gas. Co., A. L. Perkins~ labor, D. L. Fernandez, labor,. G. H. Perki,~s supplies: G. L. Gage, coal, . P. P. Daw, stock labor, J. N. Meserve, Enos Robinson, engineman, Ball and Mullen, burner, . NORTK ANDOVER. $488 82 11 40 2 O0 1 5O 4 O0 1 O1 95 25 6 15 10 09 5 75 9 82 50 15 O0 12 94 4 O0 59 50 25 $727 98 Paid for Coehlehewlek Co. Paid Cochichewick pay-roll,. Geo. A. Town% care of lamp, Patrick Healey, Steward, T. k. Holt & Co. supplies,. McDonald & Hanaford,. Edward Adams, Lawrence Rubber Co. washers G. ~f. Burns, repairing fence, ~arrled forward, 496 37 34 3 6 3 1 $581 60 00 00 12 50 44 00 91 &NNUAL REPORT. ENGINEERS. Brought forward, Paid G. II. Perkins, alchool, · D. L. Fernandez, locks~, and work, John E. Ingalls, stock and labor, $581 91 50 5 00 5 75 Paid Engineers. Paid Geo. I. Smith, services, P. P. Daw, G. L. Barker,. J. N. Meserve, . J. E. Ingalls, $5 00 5 00 10 00 10 00 25 00 1892 Credits to Fire Department. Street department use o£ team. Jauuary, Two horses, February," " March, " April, " " ~ay~ " " 26 " " " " Jun% " " 23l-~ " July, " " 181-2 " August~ " " 28]-2 " " September" " 25 " " " " One horse 17 "$L50 18 days $3 per day, $39 00 20 " " " " 60 00 20 " " " " 60 00 25 " " " " 75 00 78 O0 70 50 55 5O 70 50 75 O0 25 50 Carriedforward. $609 00 89 $593 16 $55 00 90 NORTH ANDOVER. Brought forward, $609 00 October, Two horses, 24 1-2 3.00" " 73 50 " One horse, 22" 1.50" " 33 00 November two horses 22" 3.00" " 66 00 " one horse 13 " 1.00" " 19 50 DccemberTwohorses23 1-2 3.00" " 70 50 Eigh~ trials, 5.00 each," 40 00 One man 2641-~ days at l.50 396 75 Credit by selling one horse, Expense of Horses. Paid Wellington D~vi% steward and driver, $550 00 Dr. A. H. Campbell~ . 29 00 J. H. Fuller, grain, 87 88 J. W. Richardson, grain, 1~3 50 F. M. ¥ietor~ straw, 21 67 Geo. Josslyn, . 5 80 P. P. Daw: repairs and Inmbcr, 8 40 G. H. Perkins, supplies, . 32 18 Geo. I. Smith~ harness-black- ing, 80 S. D. Hinxman, work, . 78 66 M. T. Stevens & Sons, hay, 109 13 Mr. Snow, one horse, 295 00 J. N. Meserve, expense of buy- ing, 10 10 Carried forward, $1~277 12 91,328 25 175 00 $1,503 25 ANNUAL REPORT.--ENGINEERS. 91 Brought forward, $1,277 12 Paid Geo. L. Barker, expense of buy- ing, . 8 10 Freight, 3 00 P. Cowen, harness work, 48 95 John E. Lyons, steward and driver, and work, 74 68 McDonald & Hanaford, six snaps, 2 50 John II. Rea, repairs, 6 25 Schedule of Property in Fire Department. Steamer, engine house, and stable, . $3,000 00 Steamer, Eben Sutton, 4,200 00 Steamer hose-wagon, 275 00 Boiler and piping, 330 00 Three horses, . 750 00 One car/:, 115 00 One cart,. 85 00 Collars, surcingle and chains, 22 50 Three head halters.. 3 00 One street lamp, . 10 00 Twenty t~ohundred fcctjacket hose, 1,012 50 Seventy feet garden hose, 5 00 Steamer connection, 27 23 Portable bench and vise, . 10 00 One pair double hanging harness,. 120 00 One single hanging harness, 60 00 One clpck, 4 75 Carried forward, $10,029 98 $1~420 60 92 ~0RTK ANDOVER. Brought forward, Over coa~s, Eigh~ horse-blankets, One dozen lamps, One set siugle had'ness, One set single harness, One sled, Miscellaneous, . Three tons hay, Cannel coal, ]Furnace coal, Ladders, Two wardrobes, One bed and bedding, Cochichowick Engine House, Cochichewick hand-eugine, Five hundred feet jacket hose, Five coats, Five settees, One stove, Eight chairs, Curbing, One street lamp, One table, One lamp, Three lanterus, Miscellaneous, . Property in Hall, 810,029 98 100 O0 40 O0 5 O0 45 O0 25 O0 53 O0 50 O0 60 O0 28 00 10 00 20 O0 80 O0 20 00 800 O0 500 O0 400 O0 10 O0 10 O0 20 O0 8 O0 35 O0 7 O0 2 O0 2 O0 3 O0 15 00 75 O0 $10,510 98 $1887 00' $12,897 98 ANNUAL REPORT.--ENGINEERS. 93 We have visiied the public buildi~,gs and found ail in good conditio~t save a defective flue in the Bradstrect Schoolhouse which has since been rcmedied. We would strongly recomme~d a fire escape for the High School. There have bee~ four fires during tho year but not much loss of property. JOHN N. MESERVE, ) G. L. BARKER, ~ E~gi~eers. JOHN E. INGALLS, ) 94 NORTH ANDOVER. FOREST FIRE WARD'S REPORT, To the Auditor: The Forest Fire Ward submits his annual report. The Assistant Fire Wards were appointed as usual, so dis- c;ributed that each section of the town might receive swift and efficienc; help in case of need. There were more calls for service than in any previous year, as follows: 5larch 14. On pasture land belonging to Safford Bros. 100 acres were burned over no damage resulted. April 7. A brush fire g4ting beyond immediate control, near Mr. Hamer's, 15 acres were burned over, and 20 cords of wood damaged to~;he amount of $40.00. Also 10 acres of woodland, at a loss of $80.00. April 7. In tile River District, started by a locomotive, 150 acres were burned over, belonging to different parties. Damage, $100.00. Thc R. R. Co. rendered assistance. April 8. On woodland belonging to Geo. A. Rea, 6 acres were burned over. Damage estimated at .960.00 April 9. Three acres of land owned by B. H. Farnum were burned over. Damage 840.00. April 9. A brush fire near tile Unitarian Parso~mge seC; a tree ablaze, and a watch was required for some hours lest far- ther mischief ensue. ANNUAL REPORT.--ENGINEERS. 95 April 10, Three acres on the N. Peters estate were burned over, but no special harm was done. April 10. There was a fire on both sides oF the Merimack River. The E. S. Steamer was called out. No damage resulted from the fire. October, 30. 150 acres of Cato woods were burned over. Damage $200.00 Paid Forest Fire Wards, pay roll, $130 25 J. D. W. French, 5 00 John Brown, . 4 00 J, N. Meserve, 2 00 · Geo. L. Barker, 2 O0 Arthur O. Giles . 1 50 F. M. Greenwood, . 1 50 W. A. Johnson, . 1 50 John Ingalls Forest Fire Ward,. 0,5 00 $172 75 JOHN E. INGALLS, Forest Fire Ward. Police Report. ~o the Honorable .Bom'd of SeIe'ctmen : I have tim honor to submit tile tenth annual report of the North Andover Police Deparlment. The force consists of five eonstables~ seveu police officers and four specials. A great many complaints have been made during the pas~ year by parties who have been annoyed by tramps and peddlers, and in other ways during the day while the officers were at their work and not convenient to reach, and I would recom- mend ~hat a permanent officer be appointed to look after the peace of the Town at all t~imes. Following will be found the names of the officers and the wages drawn by each: Appropriation, $800 00 Paid George I. Smith, $144 00 George L. Harris, 89 75 A. V. Chalk, 99. 50 Fred. L. Sargent~ 59 75 E. P. Itinma% resigned, . 38 75 121. M. Sanboru, 59 50 ttenry R. Smith, 6~ 00 Carried forward, $546 25 ANNUAL REPORT.--POLICE. 97 Brought forward, Paid William J. Toohey, John Crowther, S. B. Bodwell, Ralph Blake, Daniel Ingalls, Charles F. Bisbee, Abraham Stott~ without pay, Enos Robinson, " Joseph Rand, ,' George L. Buruham," $546 25 66 00 20 00 47 50 18 25 9 00 5 50 Incidental Expenses, Paid Expense o£ court, $41 61 George 1. Smith, teams for use of deDartmeut~ 46 00 A. P. Cheney, teams for use of dept., I 50 Fred L. Sargent~ teams for use of departmenh 50 M. E. Austin & Co., three pairs handcuffs, 12 O0 William Ward, one pair hand- cuffs, 1 50 E. P. Hinman. police badge, 1 30 George I. Smith, fi~ree police badges, 2 2,5 George I. Smith, killh~g two dog% 2 00 RMph Blake, killing dog, 1 00 Dc. F. E. Well, medical atfend- ance on prisoner, 8 00 Carried forward, $112 66 $712 50 98 NORTH] ANDOVER. zBroughtforward, 8112 66 Paid Dr. C. P. Morrill~ medical at- tendance on prisoner, 2 00 George It. Perkins, use of telephone, etc., I 45 George I. Smith, serving dog war- rant~ 11 00 George 1. Smith, posting four town ~'arrants, . . 6 00 138 11 $845 61 O~-erdrawn, 45 61 Wl~ole number of arrests, 82 Male, 27 ~emale, 5 Offences for which ~trrests were made. Burglary, 2 Larceny, 0 Assault, 9 Disturbance, 8 Disorderly, 8 Drunk, (simple), 4 Drunk third offence, 1 Railer and brawler, 3 Safe keeping, 1 ~iseellaneoas Business. Burglaries reported, Breaking and entering reported, Buildings found open and secured, ANNUAL REPORT.--POLICE. 99 Complaints attended to, Complaints for keeping dangerous dogs, Calls responded to, Dogs killed, Defective places in highway reported, Disturbance suppressed, Dead bodies eared for, Intoxicated persons eared for~ Lost teams found and returned, Lost children found, Larceny reported, Nigh~ calls, Nuisances abated, Sunday fishing stopped, Sunday lmnting stopped, Diphtheria notices posited, Scarlet fever notices posted, Property reported lost, Property recovered, '209 6 4,2 5 7 12 1 30 4 3 3 10 2 5 4 6 9 $359 50 200 00 Schedule of Property belonging to the Department. Eighteen badges at 75 cents, . $13 50 Seventeen pairs handcuffs at $4 00 per pair, 68 00 $81 5O All of which is respectfully submitted, GEORGE I. SMITH, Chief of Police. January 4, 1893. 100 NO~T~ ANDOVF~. LOCK-UP REPORT. Appropriation, Paid H. C. Pinkbam, janitor, Thomas 01apperton, janitor, George H. Moulton, . Joseph Jacobs, coal, Joseph Jacobs, lumber, Edward Cooper, supplies, Thomas ¢lapperton, supplies, James W. Leiteh, supplies, S. D. Hinxman, ladder, B. L. Goss~ painting, Pedriek & Closson, chairs, . S. W. Fellows, books, Sanborn & Robinson, lamps, etc., A. L. Perkins; measuring stick, James Greenwood & Sons, matting, Overdrawn, $5 50 56 50 2 00 10 88 56 38 I 00 15 4 00 50 2 00 31 50 3 90 2 25 8 40 $100 00 8114 02 $14 02 Number of prisoners confined in lookup, Property Belonging to Lookup. Two mattresses, Two pillows, Four pairs blankets, . Carried forward, $t 00 1 00 5 00 $10 00 24 ANNUAL REPORT.--POLICE. 101 Brought forward, Three pails, . Six chairs, Two spittoons, One measuring stick, Two dippers, Two brooms, One comb~ . One slate, . Two towels and rack, Oae wash bowl, One oil can, Oae stable lantern, One ladder, One-half ton coal, One stove, Matting, $10 O0 1 25 8 O0 50 1 O0 50 50 10 10 5O 10 9.5 1 5O 4 O0 8 75 5 O0 6 O0 $38 05 Respectfully submitted, GEORGE I. SMITH, Chief of Police. Report of Board of Health. ]~XP1~,NDITURES. Paid William Shutfleworth, house rent, $18 00 A. L. Perkins, agen~ fumigafing~ 14 50 Fred. L. Sargent, labor and teams, 6 42 George I. Smith, placardiug houses, I 00 Frank E. Well, M.D., .(agent~o March 7tb,1892~ 12 00 George S..Merrill, printing, 12 75 Andovcr Press, prinfing~ 4 00 Frank E. Weil, M.D., stamps, velopes, etc., i 10 Isaac F. Osgood~ 1000 envelopes with stamps, 11 20 J. H. Fish, buryiug infaut, . 1 00 Timothy McCarthy, burying cow, 3 00 Oliver Costello, burying co% 8 00 George I. Smith, burying two dogs, 6 00 . George H. Perkins, supplies, 2 80 $96 77 During the past year twenty-one cases of contagious or infectious diseases have been reported, viz.: Diphtheria~ one; scarlet fever, nine; typhoid fever, six. Number of deaths from diphtheria, one; scarlet fever, one. Mr. A: L. Perkins was appoin';ed agent of tim Board. The Board had one thou- ANNUAL REPORT.--BOARD OF HEALTH. ~08 sand copies of tile Rules and Regulations printed and distrib- uted. Also posted as required by law. Fourteen houses were placarded. The agent fumigated all infected rooms in a thorough manner. ~o secondary cases occm'red. All wri~- ten complaints received by the Board have been investigated. Too much care cannot be exercised in preventing the spread of contagious and infectious diseases. We eaTnestly recom- mend tha~; the town construct a local sewerage system and introduce a public system of pure water supply. For tt~e present, an odorlcss wagon should be obtained, and a person employed to remove the contents of vaults and cesspools at the owner's expense. To show tl~e need of a public water supply and sewerage system, we print the following :-- WHY NORTH ANDOVER SHOULD HAVE A WATER SUPPLY AND SEWERAGE SYSTEM. An abstract of Dr. F.E. Weil's paper, read at fl~e spec ia towu meeting, held in North Andover, Dec. 28, 1892: "The matter of proper sewerage and pure water supply is of vital importance to every citizen. Upon the public health depends the l~ealth of each individual. Letus compare North Andover with the adjoining towns in regard to healfl~. In the tables presented, fl~e state's rank is 100, and whenever the population is giveu it is float of the mid-year (1880) of the period under consideration (1871-90). We nnd that North Andover has a general mortality rank of 84. and stauds fourth in comparisou wi61~ the adjoining towns, which would tend to show that our town enjoyed fairly good health. But to what diseases is our mortoality rank mainly due ? From the eight priucipal diseases, six give a mortality rank of only 56 2-8. The two remaining, typhoid fever and diphtheria, as every person knows, are closely related~ if not wholly depend- ~ORTH ANDOVER. cut upon bad drainage and polluted domestic water supply. North Audover's mortality rank from typhoid fever is 137. Andover's 58. In proportion to population we have 5 deaths frmn typhoid fever in North Andover to every 2 deaths from the same disease in Andover. Ac~;ually, Andover with a population of 5,169, had 30 deaths, while North Andover with a populatio~t of only 3,217, had 48 deaths. North And- over's mortality rank from diphtheria is 136. Andover's 66. In proportion to population, 2 deaths in No~h Andover, fo 1 in Andover. Actual uumber of deafl~s from diphtheria in Andover, 70. North Andovor, 90. Considering the Town having the highest mortality rauk from diphtheria as 1, North Andover has the unenviable rank of 18. Out of 344 cities and towns iu this state, 326 have a lower mortality rank from diphtheria than Sorth Andover. Holyoke is the only city in the state that has as high a mortality rank frown diphtheria. If we should include the year 1891, (during which in Octo- ber, November and December, we had 11 deaths from diph- theria) our mo~a.li~y rank from diphtheria would be over 150. * * * The average nmrtali~;y rank of i~ialden, Melrose and Medford. from typhoid fever is 60, ¢.North Andover 137) and from diphtheria 67, (North Andover 186). During the period in question, Melrose, (population 8,560) had 83 deaths £rom typhoid fever. Medford, (poputation 7,573), 45, and North Andover, (population 8,217) 48. From diphtheria, Melrose had 50 deathsi Medford sT, and North Andover 90. Certainly, if Malden, },~edford and Melrose need tt, e water of Lake Cochichewick, our need is twice as great. * * * * What has pure drinking water done to lower the death rate in ~his statc '.~ The number of public water supplies increased frown 20 in 1871 to 182 in 1691, and during ~;he last 5 years (1886-90) the death rate from typhoid fever was only one- half that of thc first 5-year period (1871-75). Bradford had ANNUAL REPORTf--BOARD OF HEALTH. 105 in 1889, 37 cases of contagious diseases; 1890, 25, and in 1891 only 13; sbowi~g the great beuefit derived from the troduction of pure water into that town. There is no reason why North Andover should not obtain the same good resul~ if we introduce a public water supply into our town. No one questions the purity of Lake Cochichcwick's water. Some' persons doubt if there is enougi~ to supply our town. If there is enough to supply Malden, Melrose and Medford, there is certainly enough for this town with less than one-seventh of their population. Gentlemen: ! have endeavored to show you thc urgen~ need o~ a pure water supply for this ~own, and the question is~ shall we continue as we are, subject to £requen~ snd fatal epidemics o£ contagious diseases, or shall we take steps ~o introduce a system of pure wa~er supply, lower our mortality rank, and place the town of North Andover where she be- longs, among the heMthies~ towns in the sta~e. The following communication, received by Selectman Greene, chairman of the Committee on Water Supply, is self- explanatory: OYF~CE 0r STATE BOARD OF HEALTH, 13 Beacon St., Boston, Jan. 16, 1893. To the Committee on Water Suffly e/the Tawn o/ Arorth Andover :- GENTLEMEN: The State Board of Health has consid- ered your application, dated Dec. 14, 1892, with regard to a proposed water supply for the town of North Andover, to be taken from Great Pond, within said town. The Board has caused examinations of the Pond and analy- sis of its water to be made, and finds that the water is of sat- isfactory quality for all the purposes of a public water supply, and that the quantity of water the Pond will furnish is many 106 ~;imes in excess of the quantity which will be required for ~he supply of the town. The Board is, there£ore, of the o~)inio~ that Great Pond in North A~dover is an appropriate source from which to take a water supply for the town. By order of thc Board, S. W. ABBOTT. FRANK A. WARREN, ~ ~Board FRANK E. WEIL, M.D. } of CHAS. P. MORRILL, M.D.~ Health North Andovcr, January 11, 1893. Assessors' Report' We herewith submit our annual report: Number of polls assessed: Male 986, female 3. Aggregate of personal estate, $514,858 00 Aggregate of real estate, 2,181,189 Amount of State Tax, $2,572 Araount of CoUnty Tax, 3,193 Town gran~ and overlay, . 25,913 Poll Tax, . . Tax on personal estate, Tax on real estate, ~1,973 5,666 02 24,040 07 O0 $2,708,047 O0 50 46 63 $31,679 59 50 $31,679 59 Rate of total tax per $1~000, $11 00 Number of horses, 525 Number of cows, 1,065 Number of cattle other than eows~ 211 Number of sheep, 29 Number of swine, 108 Number of fowl, 3,100 Number of dwelllng-bouses, 710 Number of acres of land, 15,561 EDWARD W. GREENE,] ~lssessors FRANK A. WARREN,I of NATHANIEL GAGE, Nort]~ .dndover 108 NORTH ANDOYER. REMITTANCES AND ABATEMENTS. 1891. James N. Oarvin, isaac Hail, Fred Long, John Mauning, Thomas :Manion, Michael Mulvey, Frank Nason, John O'Brien, James O'Brien, Charles ti. Poor, Robert Rabson, Mark Sullivan, James Smith, George A. Towne, William E Towne, William Ward, William Wagner, Albert Abbott, William Brown, Alden D. Brow~, Eben E. Bailey, James Barton, Ambrose Allen, William B. Allen, Simon P. Allen, Hiram Brown, Poll William Craig, Thomas Carroll, Parker J. Chase, Enos Grouse, John Delonoray, John Donovan, Frank Dougherty, Wm. P. Dowries, William Falla, Charles Fernald, Sylvester Oaffney, Howard Gerry, Patrick Hughes, Michael Haggerty, Nicholas Hartman, William Heeps, John Harrington, :Michael P. Haverty, Willard ttandy, Johu Kershaw, Dennis Lane, Emanuel Lamire, John Wilcox, ttoward Weaver, Dean Andrew, William Buskirk, ANNUAL REPORT.~ASSESSORS. 109 John Carney, Reuben O. Eldeed, George P. Frye, George H. Hannaford, Joha G. Johnson, James A. Manion, Patrick ]~urphy, Henry W. Stiles, Daniel Connors. John S. Graham, $8.20, Mar}' Bailey, $1.20, Charles Acherson, John Deloughrcy, Charles Desmazes, Andrew Bruce, George H. Faulkner, Royal Langley, Patrick Hacton, Alfred Buckley, Andrew Bl~ckwood, Patrick Gilcoly, ' William A. Frost, Irving Carier, James Judge, Arthur Cole, Patrick Devlin, Richard Hill, John Brown, Dennis Casey, Edward Calnon, John H. Campbell, Frank Chase{. Thomas Downes, Owen Flynn;- Willard Ferris. Real Estate. - Lewis Albezette, $2.36, Ann Briefly, $3.60. 1892. Poll Taxes. Samuel A. Harlow, Edward L. Hail, Joha Goodall, George P. Frye, John Mason, James ~urphy, George Merrifield, Patrick Keongh, Hiram Harvey, Charles Cross, Robert Royce, Patrick Marden, Arthur Parker, John Ford, William H. Somerville, Charles E. Jewett, 110 NORTH ANDOYMR. Hiram Brow,, Jolm H. Mizen, James M. Thompsol~, Oliver Kinsman i James W. Robertsou, Howard Weaver. William Shutfleworth, Fred Symonds, George W. Tucker, Joseph F. Allen, William W. Child, Rea! Estate and Personal l'ropex~ty. Estate Dennis McCarthy, Estate Daniel Douovan Herbert W. Field, . Alice H. Mor~on, Daniel k. Carlcton, Hiram Harvey, Caroline E. Gray. . D. H. Meserve, Henry A. Long, John Sawyer, Daniel P. Pope, Amou J. Haskell, Mary A. Lovejoy, Robert B. Smith, Mrs. Ward, John S. Graham, 89 90 8 58 2 20 5 50 11 O0 Personal 94 " 5 50 3 80 34 4 73 82 3 18 5 5O 2 O0 4'40 3 10 Poll and personal. ,4ssessors. E. W. GREENE, F. A. WARREN, NATHANIEL GAGE, lax Collector's Report. STATEMENT. No report having been presented by William F. Kelley, Collector for 1888, 1889 and 1800, the following statement is submitted as the result of a careful examination of his books May 1st, 1892, this being thc date of his resiguation: Whole amount committed to him for collec- tion for the three years, . $100,522 28 Amount collceted and paid Treasurer. $96,517 0'2 Amount remitted and rebated, 977 99 897,495 O1 Balance uncollected, $3,027 27 His receipts frmn the Treasurer, however, show that he had paid to him $96,(;42.80, or $125.78 in excess of the amount collected. This was, as he explains, to cover any possible errors which might be fouud. It appears, therefore, that there is due William F. K~elley, ever payment on taxes collected, ~125.78. GEORGE E. HATHORN, Auditor. EDMUND S. COLBY, COLLECTOR, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER. Having been appointed by the Selectmen May 1, 1892, to collect the balance of the account of' William F. Kelley, resign. ed, I herewith submit the following report: 112 NORTH ANDOVER. 1888. Amount uncollected, Remitted and abated, Collected, . $162 73 98 40 $462 77 261 13 Balance uncollected, $201 64 1889. Amount nncollected, Remitted and abated, Collected, . ~271 23 216 87 $931 64 487 60 Balance uncollected, $444 04 1890. Amount uncollected, Remitted and abated, Collected, . 4!~5 32 459 02 81,632 86 954 34 Uncollected, 9678 52 EDMUND S. COLBY, Colkctor. ~NNUAL P~PORT.~.AX COLLECTOR. 118 EDMUND S. COLBY, COLLECTOR, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER. 1891. Amount uncollected, DR. aR, By cash paid Treasurer, Abatements and remittances, Uncollected, . t892. Ds. To Assessors' Warrant, eR. $8,208 08 $ ,900 65 168 70 1,088 73 $31,679 59 By cash paid Treasurer, . Abatements and remittances~ . Uncollected, EDMUND S. COLBY, Colkctor. $26,323 25 170 19 5,186 15 NoTr.--Abatcd since January 4, $11.00; collected and in hands of the Treasurer, S1,029.79; uncollected, February 10, 1893, 947064.59. 116 NORTH ANDOYER. ~Brought forward, $14,290 94 Patrick Haley, Town Hail Rentals, 20 00 Geo. L. Well, Esq., Court Fees, 80 00 Geo. L. Burnham, Acc't Poor Farm 1~778 58 William F. Kelley, collector, 2,983 90 E. S. Colby, " 31,660 01 Bay State National Bank, 14,000 00 $64,818 43 aR. Bay State National Bank, 14,000 00 Selectmen'sordcrs,Overseers'expenses 5,635 56 "' " general " 29,370 92 " " School " 13,fi66 4;3 Cash on hand to balance, 2,540 52 964,818 48 Moses Towne School Fund, Andover Saving Bank, . 1000 O0 Broadway, " " 1000 O0 Essex, " " 1000 00 Lawrence, " " ~000 00 94000 00 Annual interest on the above amounting to $166.70 has been drawn and placed to the credit of the School Depart- ment. ANNUAL REPORT.~X C0~Ji~CTOR. 118 EDMUND S. COLBY, .COLLECTOR, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOV£R. 1891. Amount uncollected, DR. l~y cash paid Treasurer, Abatements and remitlances, Uncollected, . 1892~ Da. To Assessors' Warrant~ By cash paid Treasurer, . Abatements and remi;tances, . Uncollected, $3~208 08 $1,950 65 168 7O 1,088 73 $31,679 59 $26,328 25 170 19 5,186 15 EDMUND S. COLBY, Collector. NotE.--Abated since January 4, $11.00; collected and in hands of tim Treasurer, $1,029.79; uncollected, February 10, 1893~ $47064.59. Treasurer's Rcvort. GEO. H. PERKINS, TR~,ASURER, IN ACCOUNT WITH TOWN 01~ NORTH ANDOVl~R, DR, Cash on haud, beginning of year, $630 lg Town of Andover, redmbursement, 334 80 City of Lowell~ 36 16 Com. of Mass.,Income Mass. School Fuud, . . 162 73 William Clements, re-imbursement, 29 71 School Committee, scholars tuition, . 5 15 Com. of Mass. Corporation Tax (Bal- enee 1891), . 77 02 Edward Adam% reimbursement, 9 50 George 15. Perkins, liquor license, . I 00 Chas. S. Stearns, " " 1 00 Joseph Jacobs, sale of Steamer horse, 175 00 Peter 15olt, jr., auctioneer's license, · 2 00 Geo. H. Poor, Cour~ Fees, 5. 10 Edw. Quealey, Use of sewer pump,. 50 Garrledforward, $1,469 80 ANNUAL REPORT.--TREASURER~S. 115 .Brought forward, Edw. Adams, Use of sewer pump, W. J. Dale, Albert N. Holt, " " " " William Gemmell," " " " James C. Poor, " " " " William A. ~all," :' " " M. A. Turner, Gravel . Joseph Tromb]y, '.' . Annoyer Saving Bank, Interest Moses Towne School Fund, Broadway Saving Bank, I, teres~ Moses Towne School Fnnd, · E~sex S~ving Bank, In~erest Moses Tow.e School Eund, . Lawrcnce Saving Bank, In~erest Moses Towne School Fund School Committee, Mrs. Hannah B. ~ea, Sewer ~ssess- mel~t~ Mrs. E. ~.Manning, " " Hon. N. P. FUc, " ". (2) Est. Asa Angler, " " (2) Joseph S. Saaboru, " " Com. of M~ss, Corporation Tax, " " " National Bank Tax, " " " Mil[taW Aid, CMp., 279, . Com. of Mass, Sta~e Aid, Chap. 301, " " " Armory Rent, . Essex County, dog licenses refund- ed~ $17469 80 50 50 5O 50 I 5O 3 00 2 60 2 ')0 45 50 40 40 4O 4O 40 40 22 42 12 50 12 50 25 O0 25 O0 12 50 7,723 O0 3,681 12 52 50 344 O0 400 O0 332 60 Carried forward, $14~'290 94 116 SOR~ X~'~OVE~. .Brought forward, $14,290 94 Patrick Haley, Town Hall Rentals, 20 00 Geo. L. Wcil, Esq., Cour~ Fees, 80 00 Geo. L. Burnham~ Acc't Poor Farm 1,778 58 William F. Kelley, collector, 2~983 90 E. S. Colby, " 31~660 01 Bay State National Bank~ 14~000 00 $64,813 43 CE, Bay State National Bank, 14,000 00 Selectmen'sordcrs,Oversecrs'expenses 5,635 56 " " general " 29,370 92 " " School " 13,266 43 Cash on hand to balance, 2,540 52 $64,81.3 4.3 Moses Towne School Fund. Andover Saving Bank, 1000 00 Broadway, " " 1000 00 Essex, .... 1000 00 hawreace, " " 1000 00 $4000 O0 Annum interest on the above amounting to $166.70 bas been drawn and placed to the credit of the School Depart- ment. ANNUAL REPORT .--TREASURER,'$. 117 Taylor Fund. Essex Saving Baok, Interest from Oct. 1891 to Oct. 1892, 275 25 11 10 $286 85 Respectfully submitted, GEORGE H. PERKINS, Treasurer. North Audover, Jan. 16, 1893. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES, AYailable Assets. Cash in hands of Town Treasurer, $2,540 52 Cash in hands of Library Trustees, 602 48 Due on uucollected taxes of 1888, 1889, 1890, 3,027 27 Due ou uncollected taxes of 1891, 1,088 73 Due on uncollected ~;axes of 1892, 5,186 15 Due ou State Aid account, 352 00 on Military Aid account, 30 00 fi'om City of Lowell, 35 39 from City of Newton, 18 22 from Town' of Audover, 12 22 unpaid sewer assessments, 112 50 Total, 913,005 48 Liabilities. None: Excepting probably a few bills not yet presented for payment. GEORGE H. PERKINS, Treasurer. TOWN NOTES, 1892, No. ][)ate. Time. Amt. Interest When Paid. 108 April 12, 1892 7 mos 82000.00 847.88Nov. 161892 109 May 10, 1892 7 mos 2500.00 59.17 Dee. 18 1892 110 Jan. 14, 1892 6mos 4500.00 91.50 Dee. 18 1892 111 July 12,189'2 6 mos 8000.00 61.00Jan. 10 1898 11'2 Aug. 9, 1892 4 mos 2000.00 27.88 Dee. 12 1892 Tot;al 814000.00 8286.88 The above are all the notes given by the Town for the year and were discounted by the Bay State National Bank of Law- rene% at the rate of four per cent;, per annum. There are now no outstanding no~cs agai~st the Town. EDWARD W. GREENE~ FRANK A. WARREN, NATHANIEL GAGE~ GEORGE It. PERKINS, Treasurer. Selectmen. Vital Statistics. To GEO. E. IT~ Tf~rORA7;, .~tuct~tor o/ tl~c Tow,~ o/ Nor#~ Tile Vital Statistics of the Towo of North Andovcr, as re- corded for the year 1892, are as follows Marriages, whole number, · Oldest groom, Oldest bride, Youngest groom, . Youngest bride, Births, whole number, Male, Female, English parentage, Irish parentage, Scotch parentage, Deaths, whole number, . Foreign parentage, · Over 80 years of age, Over 70 years of age, Oldest person, 28 51 20 18 65 85 g0 15 12 59 86 12 92 JAMES W. LFATCH, Town Clerk. Memorial Day Report. 2'0 the A~dltor : The Committee appointed to expend fl~e appropriation for Memorial Day, submit the following report: Appropriation, $100 O0 Paid H. A. Webster, collation, .$21 88 Post 39, G. A. R., use of flags and ,0unting, . I 50 M. Wingate & Son, flowers, . 38 68 A. P. Cheney, teams, 3 50 Mechanics Brass Band, . 35 00 Total amount expended, $100 56 Overclrawn ~ 56 D. A. MOULTON, , ) CHARLES A.~ PILLIN G, ~ Committee. List of Jurors. rhe following ia a lis~ of jurors as prepared by the Select- me~b atld presented to ibc town for it8 acceptance: Adams, Edward Averill~ George L. Barker, Jacob Barker, John Badger, Alphonso W. Badger~ Orrin A. Berry, Albert Bisbee, Cbartes E. Bolton, Michael E. Brainard, Albert W. Burnham, George L. Burnham~ John Carleton, Daniel G. Chadwick; George G. Cheney, Ariel P. Costello, Dennis J. Daw, Patrick P. Downing, Horace F. Ellison, James A. Farnbam, Charles H. Gray~ B. Osgood Hamiaford, Fred P. ttayes, Walter H. Herbert, Mauriee Hinxman, Superhus D. Holt, Albert N. Holt, Peter, Hughes, Winfield S. Ing./alts, S. William Johnson, Charles F. Kelley, Edward J. Leitch~ J~mes W. Lacy, Lawrence Meserve, John N. Meserve, Charles Perkins, Apollos L. Pulsi£cr, Martin H. Rca, Calvin Reynolds, Judson E. Roberts~ William 1'22 NORTH ANDOVEII. Farnum, B. Holt Farnum, Benja:;~i~ W. Fernaudcs, Alfred L. Fuller. Edward A. Gile, Oliver R. Gila, William Goodhue, George ~[. Graham, Alexander B. Sweeney, Patrick J. Shcdd, Charles J. ti. Stevens, Nal'hanieI Tisdale? R'ank Toohey, W]tliam Warren, Aaron R, Williams, George P. Wright, ocor~e L. EDWARD W. GR. ELNL, FRANK. A. WARREN, q/ NATftANIEL GAGE. i Nor#~ ztudover. Public Library. REI~ORT OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTY. ES. 7b the Citizens of ~Vorth Andoeer :- The third annuaI repor~ of the Trustees of the Public Library for the year ending Jan. 3, 1893, is herewith respect- fully subnfitted :- Total amount received fi'om all sources, including the balance from the previous year, ,$2,165 40 Total amount expended, 1,562 92 Balance in the treasury, $602 48 Number of circulating books in library, 7,542 Reference books, 776 Takers, 1,190 Total circulation, estimated, 16,500 Number of books added tim past year, 861 New books purchased to replace lost or worn- out books, 25 Number of books re-bound, 275 Books repaired in library~ estimated, 700 124 NORTH ~NDO~R. Estimated value of 8,318 books. 8 tables, 59 chairs, . 4 stepdadders, ! settee, i box, 30 paper files, Cards and blanks, $5,200 O0 40 O0 20 O0 4 O0 4 O0 10 O0 10 O0 6 O0 Total, $5,294 00 A'list of the books added to the library the past year may be found at the end of this book. TR]~ASURER'S R~PORT. Cash on haud at beginning of the year, . $582 80 Miss Hannab J. Quealy, fines and catalogoes, 50 00 Town of North Andover, appropriation, 1,200 00 Town of North Andover, dog licenses, 1892, 882 60 82,165 40 $1,562 92 602 48 $2,165 40 Trustees' orders, Cash on hand to balance, CR. Respectfully submitted, GEORGE H. PERKINS, TaEa$, Public Library Trustees. NORTH AN~)0VrR, Ja~. 5, 1898. ANNUAL REPORT.--PUBLIC LIBRARY. 125 RI~CEII'TS AND EXI~ENI)ITURI~S. RECEIPTS. Balance from previous year, $582 80 Frmn Hannah J. Quealy, fines and cat- alogues, 50.00 George II. Perkins, Town appropria- tion and dog licenses, 1,532 60 F~XPENDITURES. Paid Little, Brown & Co., books, $460 33 Wauwinet Lodge Association, rent of library rooms, 400 00 Hannah J. Qucaly, salary and re- bate .on catalogues, 214 68 L. Edgar Osgood, salary, 35 00 George II. Moultou, sMary, 35 00 F. L. Sargent, carrying books to Centre, 38 40 I. F. Osgood, care of books, 36 00 W. W. Chlckering, time and ex- penses as trustee, 50 00 A. L. Smith, time and expense as trustee, 50 00 J. A. Ellison, time and expenses as trustee~ 25 00 W. E. Rice, stationery, paste, etc., 3 34 $1,347 75 Carried forward, $2,165 40 N0~TH ANDOVER. Broug']~t.forward, $1,347 75 Paid Davis & Furber Co., labor, 2 40 George 13. Josselyn: cxprcsssge, . 3 35 George S. ~[erri]l, cards and tickets, 7 ~50 1-I. M. Plimpton & Co., re-bind- ing books, 28 $8 M. E. Austin & Co., lock and staple, 64 George L. Harris, papers and magazines, 30 38 J. H. Rca, stock and labor, 12 52 Library Bureau, Boston, paper files, 10 50 American Publishing Co., cards, 8 00 Balch Brothers, The Ceatury Dictionary, 75 00 E. S. Colby, insurance, 46 00 $1,562 92 Cash in treasury to balance, 602 48 82,165 40 As in previous years, iu the selection of books, it has been attempted to choose them in such variety that all classes of readers may find something of interest among them. Tl:e fact that the circulation has somewhat increased encourages tbe belief that the library is, at least, not losing iu popular- ity. It is to be regretted, however, that at the merely nomi. nal price at whleh tbe catalogues are sold they should not be found in every Ilome. _4.t the annual Town meeting held March 7, 1892, it was voted that the library be kept open three hours in the after- ANNUAL REPORT.--PUBLIC LIBBARY. 127 noou and two hours ill tile.evening, six days in the week; and $300.00 was added to the appropriation to meet the in- creased expense incident to this innovation. As there seemed to be very little demand from the reading public for more ample opportuoitics for the exchange of books, the library has been opened only on Wednesdays and Saturdays, as hereto- fore. A reading-room was established Nov. 1, 1892, which is open from 7 to 9 o'clock on every week-day evening, and in which are placed tile Boston and Lawrence dailies, several scientific, mechanical and other weeklies, and some of leading monthly magazines. The facilities thus afforded for obtaining information as to current events seem to be fully appreciated~ especially by the young: the Bumber availing themselves of the privileges of this roo~n being much greater than was expected. It is proposed to increase the number of periodicals for this department as occasion shall demand. It is also intended to place some of the more frequently eon- sulted reference books in this room, thus rendering more easily accessible to those who visit it. The magazines which have lately been in the library for circulation bare been withdrawn, and may be fonnd on the tables of the reading-room. Thanks are due to Rev. H. H. Leavitt and others who were associated with him in establishing anti maintaining a reading-room, for the preseBtation of tables and a large num- ber of'chairs for the new room. This gift materially]essened the expense of furnishing it. Also, tile library is under obli- gation to Hon. Moses T. Stevens for nume~-ous public docu- ments. By reference to the report o£ tke receipts and expeuditures, it will be seen that file cost of maintaining the library and reading-room and the receipts for the same are nearly 128 NORTH ANDOVE~ equal, the balance a~ the end o£ last year and tt~e present balance being respectively about $600.00. From this it appears ~hat lhe last approprlation~ in amount, will be adequate for thc comi~g year. With an equal appropria- tion, however, the balance at the e~d of the coming year, as compared w~th thc present balance, will be greatly reduced on account el' k~eepiug the reading-room open through the whole year. The lease of the library rooms will expire with the present calendar year. W. W. CHICKERING, ) J. A. ELLISON, t Trustees. ALFRED L. SMITH, Report of Finance Committee. Ia accordance w[fil thc vote of the Towtx at its aunual meeting in 1891, tile Finance Connnittee respectfully recom. meud that the following named sums be appropriated for ex- penses of the Town for tile year 189:3: For Sclmols: Salaries of teachers and janitors, and fuel, $12,700 00 Repairs of buildings, Text-books, School Co~nmittee, For Highways and Bridges, Sidewalks, For Support of Poor, Superintendent of Poor Farm, 2,100 00 700 00 500 00 $16,000 00 $6,000 00 1,500 00 7,~500 00 $4,200 00 $00 00 4,700 00 For Town Officers: Salaries of Selee~- men, . 8475 00 Salaries of Assessors, 450 00 Salaries of Overseers of' fl~e Poor,800 00 Salaries of the Board of Health~ 90 00 Carrledforward, $1,815 O0 $25,P00 O0 ANN-UAL REPORT.---FINANCE COMMITTEE, Brought forward, For Salary of Town Clerk, Salary of Treasurer, Salary of Collector of Taxes, Salary of Auditor, Salaries of Election Officers, Salary of Regist,ars of Voters, For Fire department, . Support of horses and driver, I~ngineers' services, pay of For Police Department and Expenses of Lockup; officers' pay when on duty 25 cents per hour, For State and County Taxes, For Street Lighting, For Pathing Snow, For Contingent Fund, . For constructing Sutton Street, as per decree of County Commissioners, 180 $1,815 00528,200 00 100 00 435 00 500 O0 100 00 200 O0 100 00 2,750 O0 $1,500 00 1,200 00 75 00 ~,775 O0 900 O0 5,765 O0 1,500 O0 1,000 O0 2,500 O0 1,600 O0 $46,990 O0 EDWARD W. GREENE, ] CHARLES P. MORRILL, I Finance GEORGE E. HATHORN, Committee. GEORGE H. TUTTLE, Auditor's Certificate. This certifies fl~at l have examined with care the accounts of the several Town Officers, for the year ending January $i 1898, and have found them correctly kept~ and satisfactory vouchers for all payments made. In accordance wi~h the vo~e passed at fi~e las~ annual ~own meetia~g, I have examined all bills falling due subsequen~ to tl~t meeting~ before payment was made, and all errocs found were duly corrected. GEORGE E. H~.THORN~ .4uditor. No~u Asuovr~, Mass, Feb. 13, 1893. Rcvort on Scwcragc. To the Citigens of 2Vorth A~tdover : Your committee appointed under article 25 of the Towu warrant of 1892" to see what action tl~e Town will take in establishing a .?stem of drainage that shall be adequate and so arranged as to meet the needs of the town, and appropri- ate a sum of money for the same on petition of J..4. Ellison and others," report as follows. Your committee realizing the importance of the work in- trusted to them and desiring to obtain the best engineering skill possible with the sum appropriated advertised for pro- posals for making the necessary surveys~ drawing of plans, estimates of costs of construction etc., of a system of sewers for our town. In answer to our advertismeut many bids were received from engineers in different parts of the country. From the uumher, the offer of MN'. F. L. Fuller of Boston was decided upon as being on the whole most satisfactory to your committee. Mr. Fuller has had a large experience in work of this nature a~d conies to us highly recommended. Under his directiou surveys have been made of all the territory hounded by and iacluding High and Sutton streets and Maih street as far as the Episcopal Church, also includiug parts of the town known as New Jerusalem, Union Heights and Stevens village; plans and profiles have been drawn, and estimates made which are submitted in this report. These plans must be presented to and receive the approval of the State Board of Health before sewers c~u be built, but as there is no town ANNUAL REPORT.--SEWE~AGE. 188 below us which use the River wafer we apprehend no difli eulty from the State Board. Your committee have looked into this and i; can be brought ]~efore the State Board if the system as recommended is adopted. We herewithprcsent to your careful consideration a report from our engineer, Mr. Fuller~ which your committee heartily enclose. Engineer's Report. Messrs. Danid Hz. Carney, ~arry ~V. Clark, Albert 2)lcDon- aid, Com,~itiee o~ Seweroge, ATorth A~dover~ Mass. Gentlemen: I take pleasure in presenting to you a brief re- port upon s, proposed system o~ Sewers for the Town of North Andover. But little need be said of (he advantage and convenience of both Sewers and a Public Wa~er Supply, as these arc facts acknowledged by all thoughtful people. A growing to~ncanno~ afford to be without these two necessities of living, not only on account of the health and comfort of its own citizens, t,ut because they are an iuduce- ment and an attraction to those seeking a location for their families or their business. Great; advance has been made within a few years in these two matters of sanitary improvement, both as to methods and in the lesseued cos~ of materials. In the sewering of towns, and even of cities under some conditions, it has been found advisable to adopt the "Separ- ate'' or small pipe systgm. This is the system I have recom- lnended and showu on the acco~npanying plan of the town. Formerly in ma,y eases, sewers aud drains were large, poorly coastructcd as to material and workmanship, of im- proper proportious and insufficient grade or slope. These sewers, being bailt for the carrying off of storm war- 184 NORTH ANDOYER. er from the streets, as well as for the house drainage, were altogether too large to properly conduct the latter. The daily flow of sewage from a house beingdistributed over from fifteen to eighteen hours, is not very great at any one time~ and can be carried off in the minimum length of time by a round, smooth pipe of such diameter that the amount of sewage it has to carry shall make a reasonable depth, and thus ensure suffieient veloelty to quickly send it to the pein* of discharge. If pipes or drains are too large, giving them a wide flat bottom, the sewage is spread out too thinly over this bottom, and there is but little velocity, and dogging is the result. The town of North Andover presents no serious difficulty in the way of house drainage, andis rather favorably situat- ed in regard to the surface drainage of its streets, on account of the ease with which this surface water ear. be ~urued, at fre- quent intervals, into the water-courses of the town. This cannot of course be done wi~b the sewage, wlfich should, if possible, be discharged at one place. The plan herewith presented shows the points of discharge, the size of pipe in each street and number of man-holes, and by arrows the direction of flow. The profiles, also a part.of rids report, show the depih~of thc sewer below the surface of the street, the man-holes, and file inclinations and consequec~ direction of flow. The estimate sheet shows what is needed at the present time. In addition to this, the plan shows the manner in which the drainage of other streets, and of l~orth Andover Centre can be disposed of. By inspecting the profiles it will be seen that the drainage of the Centre, of White Row and the Stevens 3Iitl and of a portion of Pleasant Street, must be b7 a sewer following Cochiehewick Brook to High street. ANNUAL RE~ORT.--SEWERAGE. 135 This, as before stated, is not included in the estimate, because at the present time not absolutely necessary. This sewer should receive, through a branch from Stevens ~lill, all the ret'use which is at present turned into the brook, and which in times of low water, at least, makes it very.foul. The configuration of the ground is such that a small por- tion of Second street, Beverly and Suffolk streets, must drain into the Shawsheen River near tile Boston & Maine R. R. ~Middlescx and Loring streets, must also enter the same stream at a point higher up. May, Behnont, Sargent, and Hodges streets, fro,n necessity are carried to tile Shawsheen near its junction with the Merri- mack. With these small e×ceptions, the entire drainage of the town is discharged into tile Merrimack River at a point on the line of' the Northerly extension of Main street. The sewers are to be placed at such a depth, that sinks and · water closets in basements can he drained. Man-holes are to be plaoed on tile liue of the sewers, and not over 300 feet apart. They are also to be placed at all changes of line or grade. By this means an easy inspection of the sewers can be made, and their condition observed. These man-boles also afford an easy means of flushing, by introducing a hose from hydrant orfirepump. The slopes are generally so steep, how- ever, that no special trouble need be apprehended on account of deposits in the pipes. The minimum grade, or the flattest slope it was found ne- cessary to adopt, was six inches in one hundred feet. This occurs for short distances only, except in Water street and the Westerly end of Sutton street. The maximum grade is seven feet Jn one hundred feet, and occurs on Sutton street, just West of High street. 136 NORTH ANDOVER. The estimate provides Y branches for not only every house on the line of the sewers, but also for all buildinglots, where houses, in future may bc built. Until connections are made with tile houses, these branches will be closed with an cartheu-ware stopper, When the sewers are built~ record of these branches will be mad% so tbat when needed~ they can be found. When the proposed system is bullb house connections with the preseut drains should be discontinued, and the house comiectcd with the new system. In most cases, thc old sew- ers can be used for surface drainage, and discharge at suit- able places into the nearest stream. Tbe estimate is based on the probable cust of sewer pipe for tl~e coming season, and of similar work iu o~her towns. Much time and thmlgilt has been given fo thc plamling o~ a system which should bc simpl% effective and economical. I desire ~o thank the Comnii~tee for their kindness and con- sideration. Estimate of Cost. 850 lineal feet 20 inch sewer pipe laid, at $1.65 $1~402.50 3,627 " " 15 " " - - " 1.15 4:171.05 2,566 " " 12 " ..... ' " 0.95 2,437.70 3~021 - - 10 " " - - " 0.85 2,567.85 12,840 " " 8 " " " " " 0.75 9~630.00 12~803 " " 6 .... " " " 0.70 8~962.10 ~5,707 " 140 mall-holes "50.00 7,000.00 Rock Excavation [Estimated] 1~500.00 Rubble Masonry Bulkhead and appurtenances, at outlet, 800.00 $37,971.20 I~. MAIN -- ~T. PLAN OF SE'~VEIIAC~E S¥STE~ FOR TH E TOWN or I~ORTH ?kNDOVER. scal~ of FEet. ]Nov. 5. 1892. F".L .Fu LLE R. CIVIL ANNUAL RYJPORT.-- SEWERA GE. 137 Brought forward, Add 15 per cent, for contingencies and Engineering, . Respectfully submitted, $$?,971.~0 5,695.68 $43,666.88 F. L. FULLER, Civil Engineer. While there has been considerable money expended in tim past for sewers we question if the desired result has been obtained, or whether some of the money thus used was not wasted, as there was no system to work from nod each piece of sewer thuslaid is independent; of all others and cannot be brought to one common outlet. In view of this fact; the necessity of a regular system wilt be appreciated as being a great saving of money and also giving us a sysl:em of sewers tha~ will be a benefit and advantage to our town; your com- mittee would therefore recommend the adoption o~'the system as by plans of Mr. Fuller and that sewers be laid in accord- ance therewith. D. W. CARNEY, ) lt. W CLARK, f Committee. ALBERT McDONALD, The following statement o£ the receipts and expenditures o~ the above committee is submitted by the auditor :-- Pa~d Boston Herald Co., advertising~ $3 88 Boston Advertiser, advertising, 5 25 YI. A. Wadsworth Co., adve~.dsing~ 1 50 Frank L. Fuller, C.E., 300 00 $310 18 Appropriation, .. 300 00 Overdrawn, $10 13 I EPOI T Of the Road Commissioners of the Town of ATorth Andove~; in the matter of layin~ out a town way ta run from Beverly Street, westerly to the "Air Line Road," now called Lawrence Street. To the inhab{tants of the town of North ztndover : On or about file fifirtieth day of March, 1892, your Board received the following petition, viz.: To the Honor~le ~oard ~ ~oad 6'ommksio~rs of the town of ~orth ~ndover : Respectfully represeuts the undersigned residents of said town, that public ~uvenience and necessity require that public way be laid ou~ in said town, begiuning on the Air Line Road, now called Lawrence Street, fi~ence re?lng easterly by a private path called Perry Street, crossing Pcb ham S~reet, to Beverly S;reet, as shown on a plan and seription drawn by R. A. Hale, C~ E., markefl A and ~, and mode par~ of the petifiou, ~he same to be thir6y-five or for~y feet wide. Wherefore your petitioners pray your Honorable ANNUAL REP0~T.~STREET~, Board to lay out a public way as aforesaid, or as near as may be to said plan, and in the way and manner as indicated by thc Statutes of this Commonwealth, JOHN PERRY, EDWARD F. WEEKS, JOHN ERNST, JOSEPH TROMBLE¥, RICHARD STRITCtt, JOHN GLENNIE, WILLIAM SHUTTLEWORTH, I~fARY A. BAILEY, THOMAS McNIFF, D. J. COSTELLO, ISAAC SLEIGtI, JOS~P~ ROBINSON, JAMES B. MILLER, JOSEPH PRESSEY, E. W. GREENE. After considering ~he matter and viewing the premises, your Board determined that a public way should be laid out substantially as prayed for, and on October 15th~ 1892, is- sued a notice of their iutention to lay ou~ said way, a copy of' which is hereto annexed marked X and made part of this re- port, aud served the same by pos. tic, g, and by copy on each of the owners of laud, or their agents, over which said way is proposed to be laid out, all of which was done pursuant to the s~atutes in such cases made aud provided. O~) Saturday, October 29th, 1892, according to said notice aud after hearing all parties present, most of whom favored the project, your Board laid out said way as follows, viz: 140 NORTH ANDOVER. DESCRIPTION OF SAID PROPOSED STREET. The northerly line of the proposed street begins at a point in the westerly liue of Beverly Street, said poinl, beh~g 227 feet northerly from theinterseetion of the westerly line of Beverly and northerly line of Middlesex Street, thence rnnning west- erly at an angle of 90 degrees with the westerlyline of Bever- ly Street~ a distance of 415 feet to a point at the fence of John Perry. Thence turning a little southerly aud making an gie of 176 degrees with the last described line. The liue runs 583 feel, to a point in the easterly line of the Air Line Road, wlfieh point is at a distance of 251.7 feet from the in- l,ersection of the east line of Air Line Road aud north line of Middlesex Street. The above description is the uortherly line of said proposed street and the southerly liue is 40 feet distant measuring at right angles fi'ora the above line and parallel therewith, and placed proper hounds and line marks to iudicate the proper lines thereof, a~: its junetiou wi0~ said Beverly Street a~ a point in the fence on land of John Perry, and at a point in the fence of land of John Carey on said Air Liue Road, as iudieated by tl~c plan marked A herewith submitted and made par~ of this report, and also awarded the following damages to he paid by the town~ to fl~e owners of land fromwhom land was taken by said laying out viz: Greeue Estate, E. W. Greene, Agent, 7800 sq. ft. $156 00 Mar.~ A. Bailey, 8000 " 160 00 ,)olin Perry, 1080 " 21 60 Isaac Sleigh, 3060 " 6l 20 Elizabeth Weeks, 1632 " 32 64 Carried fi~rward, $431 44 ANNUAL REPORT.--STREETS. ~Brought forward, Wm. Manchester, Richard Stritch, Appleby heirs, John Hartley, Agent, John Carey, Making a total sum of 141 $431 44 ]960" 39 20 195 " 3 86 3276 " 65 52 580 " 11 60 $551 62 We have also properly filed with the Tow,, Clerk said lay- ing out with thc bounda,'ies and measuremeat~ thereof seven days at least before this annual meeting of March 6th. 1893, as required by law, a,d now present this report and laying out to the town for its acceptance, and if so accepted said way is to be forever after known as a public town way. We recommend that said street be named Perry street, and estimate the cos; of construction at ,$ January, 1893. Respectfully submitted, GEORGE H. TUTTLE. ] ROAD BRADFORD C. SMITH. I o~ ARIEL. P. CHENEY, Neath ANDOVER. The following ootices were served on ali owners of laud, Oct. 15th and 17th, 1892. 142 NORTH ANDOVER, Nor. m Asnovza, Mass., October 15, 1892. Notice is hereby given that on Saturday, the 29th day of October, 1892, we, the undersigned, Road Commissionners of said town of North Andover, intend to lay out in said town of North Andover, a town way, the same to run from Beverly street westerly to Lawrence street, otherwise called the Air Line Road, the boundaries to which ~nay be substant- ially as follows, viz: D~SCmpT~o~ o~ SA;D Paoroszn ST~ZZT. The northerly line of the proposed street begins at a poiut in the westerly line of Beverly Street, said point being 227 feet northerly from the intersection of the westerly line of Beverly and northerly line of Middlesex Street~ thence run- ning westerly at an angle of 90 degrees with the westerly line of Beverly Strech a distance of 415 feet to a point at the fenco of John Perry. Thence turning a little southerly and making an angle of 176 degrees with the last described line. Thc line runs 583 feet to a point in the easterly line of thc Air Line l~d, which point is at.a distance of 251.7 feet from the intersection of the east line of Air Line Road and north line of Middlesex Street. The above discription is the northerly linc of said proposed street and the southerly line is 40 feet distant measuring at right angles from thc above line and parallel therewith. All parties abutting on said proposed way~ and all others interested in said matter~ can meet said Board at the School A~NUAL REPORT.--STREETS. 143 House oa said Beverly Street~ and be heard thereon, on SaturdaL October 29th, 1892, at 2 o'clock, p. ,n. Per order of GEORGE H. TUTTLE, I ROAD COMSqSSIONERS BRADFORD C. SMITH, or ARIEL P. CHENEY, NOI:TI{ ANI)OVr. R. NORTu ANDOVSU, Mass., October 15, 1892. Iown Warrant. COi~Ii~[ONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS,} ESsrx, ss. To either of the Constables of the ]~wn of :Vorth .4ndover : G'REETING: In thc name of thc Commonwealth of Massachusetts~ you arehereby directed to notify and warn the inhabRants of said North Andover, qualified by law to vote iu elections and town affairs, to meet iu Town Hall, in said Town, on Monday, the sixth day of March, next coming, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon, then and lhere to act on the following articles, viz.: A2T~CL~ 1. To choose a Moderator to preside in said meeting. AgT. 2. To elect Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of thc Poor, Board of Health, Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, one School Committee for three years, one Road Commissioner for three years, Colleclor of Taxes, Constables, one Auditor, One Trustee of Public Library for three ycars~ and all other Town Officers required by law to be voted for by ballot; also to vote on the question, "Shsll licenses ]~e granted for the sale of ~ntoxicat~ng liquors in this town ?" All of the abo~e, except Moderator, to be voted on one ballot; according to Chapter 386 of the Acts and Resolres of 1890, and amendments thereto. NORTH ANDOVER. The polls will be open at ten o'clock a. ~., and may be closed at two o'clock ?. M. ART. 3. To see if the Town will accept the report of the receipts and expenditures of tbe Town as presented by the Auditor, together with the report of the Committee on Sewers and others as therein contained. ART. 4. TO see what action the Town will. take in regard to unexpended appropriations. ART. 5. To see what action the Town will take as to the recommendations of the Finance Committee. ART. 6. To see what suxns of money tile Town will raise and appropriate for the use of the several departments for the current year, to wit: Schools, School-houses, ttigbways and Bridges, Support of the Poor, and all otber necessary and proper expenses arising in said Town for the current year. ART. 7. To see if the Town wiil authorize the Selectmen and Treasurer jointly to hire money temporarily for the use of thc Town, in anticipation of taxes to be assessed for the current year. ART. 8. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate twelve hundred dollars ($1200) for thc suppor~ of the Public Library~ the purchase of books for the same, and the rent of the library rooms, and also to see if the fowu will direct that the money received from the County Treasurer for dog licenses be paid for thc support of the library, upon the pe- tition of the Trustees of the Public Library. ART. 9. To see if thc Town will raise and appropriate one hundred and twenty-five dollars ($125) ~o defray the ex- pense of dccorating soldiers' graves on the 30th day of May, next, and appoint; a committee to take charge of the same. ~NNUAL ~E~ORT.~TO~qWARRANT- ~7 ART. 10. To see if the Town will accept the list of names for jurors, as prepared anal posted by tbe Selectmen. ART. 11. To see what compensation the Town will pay for labor upon the highways for the ensuing year. ART. 12. To see if the Town will continue the present system of street lighting and appropriate money for the same. AaT. 18. To see if the Town will vote tO erect and main- rain an electric light at the corner of Water and Clarendon Streets, near the house of Joseph Lamere, said light to be the same as those nov~ in use in the town, on petition of Phineas W. Whittier and others. ART. 14. To see what action the Town will take towards establishing electric arc lights at Nason's Corner (so called), corner of Osgood Street and Air Line, and Phillips Square (So-called,) in said tow,,, on petition of George L. Well and others. ART. 15. To see if the Town will vote to buy a chemical engine, and raise and appropriate a safllclent sum for the same, on recommendation of the Engineers. A~T. 16, To see if the Town will vote to buy apparatus for the removal of night soil, as recommended by the Board of Health, and appropriate a suflicient sum for the same. AaT. 17. To see if the Town will appropriate the stun of seven hnndred forty-six dollars thirty-eight cents (9746.88) to pay for land purchased by the School Committee as per vote of the Town at the last annual meeting; also, to appro- priate the sum of six hundred seventy dollars ($670) to pur- chase the side lot, as recommended by the School Committee. ART, 18. To see if the Town wil~ raise ancl appropriate 148 NORT~ ANDOVER. the sum of six hundred dollars ($000) to complete the sewer on Elm Street, as recommended by ~he Read Commissioners. Aur. 19. To sec if the Town will vote to build a street a~ laid out by the Road Com,nissioners~ leading from Lawrence S~ree~ to Beverly Street. and sppropriatc a sum sufficient for the same. ART. L~0. To see what action the Town will take in the matter of widening and changing the grade of Sutton Street from its juaction with M~in Street easterly past the property of Sutton's Mills, as recommended by the Road Commis- sioners. AaT. 21. To see it' the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of three hundred dollars (8800) to set street bounds and make plans of streets. AUT. 22. To see if tho Town will raise and appropriate the sum of one hundred fifty dollars (8150) for railing Rail- road Street, near Swift's gravel pit, AaT. 28. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate for railing and widening the street near James Hayward's house and Marble Ridge Farm tile sum of %hree hundred dollars ($300), on recommendation of the Road Commissioners. Aa?, 24. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate a sufficient sum of money to build a sewer on Railroad Street, from Middlesex Street to sewer on Main Street, on pe/~ition of Thomas Dooley and others. AaT. 25. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate the sum of one hundred dollars ($100) for the plant- lng of trees on roadsides and public gronnds, on petition of Village Improvement Society. Aa~'..26. To see if tile Town will vote to raise and appro- ANNUAL REPORTo--TOWN WARRANT. 149 priate the sum of two hundred dollars ($200) to continue improvement on the grounds of the Tow~ Hall, en petition o£ Village Improvement Society. AaT. 27. To see if the Town will vote to discontinue a short road in front Of the Town Hall, ou petition of Village Im- provement Society. ART. 28. To see if the Town will vote to elect Park Com- missioners, on petition oil Village !mprovcmcnt Society. AgT. 29. To elect all /:own officers not required to be chosen by ballot. AR~. ~0. To he~r a report o£ the Committee on Water Supply, m~d to ac~ on any matters that rosy come up in re- gard to the same. And you are directed to serve this Warra~t by posting true and attested copies thcreo~ ]u each of the postoffices~ m~d also in the vestibules or porches of the severat~ churches within said town, two Sundays or iburtcen days before the time of ho]ding said meeti~g. ~tcreof ~ail ~xot, and make duc return of tb~s Warrant, wi~h your doings, thereon, to thc Town Clerk~ at the time and place of holdi~g said race(ina. Given u~der our ha~ds in said North Andover, ~his lhir- teenth day of February, in the year ()ne thousand eight hun- dred and ninety-three. EDWARD W. GREENE, ) ~qeleclme~ FRANK A. WARREN, NATHANIEL GAGE, North ,~dover. List. of Books Added to the Public Library in 1892. Above board, W.C. Metcalf. ;253.128 Across Tb~.bet, G. Somalot. : 219.39 Admiral's caravan, The, C.E. Carryl. 258.129 Advanced building constructiml, 253.1'30 Afloat and ashor~ on. Mediterranean, L. Meriwether. 253.131 Afro-American folkdore, A.M. Christensen. 258.50 After tweaty years, J. Sturgis. 253.152 Agriculture, F.H. Storer. 2 vols.296~51-52 Alcwin, A.F. WesL 258.133 America, History of, J. Winsor. 2vols. 220.32-39 American life, Silhouettes of, R.H. Davis. 254.95 Angular stoae, The, E.P. Bazan. 258.53 Arne and the fisher lassie, B. Bjornson. 258.51 Art, Teaching of, W. Collingwood. 258.52 Attic philosopher in Paris, An, E. Souvestre. 254.91 An,t A~ne, Mrs. W. K. Clifford. 254.92 Autumn, H.D. Thoreau. 254.93 Axel Ebersen, A. Laurie. 254.94 Baby John, 254.96 ANNUAL P~EPORT.~BOOKS. 151 Bahamas, History of the, Battle of New York, The, Beauties of nature, The, Beautiful, Philosophy o£ the, Beauty of form, Beri% the Briton. J. H. Stark. W. O. Stoddard. Sir J. Lubbock. W. Knight. F. M. Steele. G. A~. Henty. Blue-grass region of Kentucky, The,J. L. Allen. Boy,' II. Milman. Boyhood of Lincoln. The,- H. Butterworth. Boy travellers in Central Europe, The, T.W. Knox. Browning~ Robert. A primer on. F.M. Wilson. Bull-calf, The. A.B. Frost. Bunny stories, The. J.H. Jewett. Calmlre, Canoemates, Capillary crime, A, Captain of the Kittiewink. The. Captured cruiser. The, Characteristics, chatelaine of La Trioit$. The. Cheap money, Cheerful cats, J.G. Francis. Chesterfield, The Earl of, Letters from, Child of the caravan, The. E.M. Green. Children, ~. R. Aldrich. Children of the poor~ The, J.A. Reis Children's rights, K.D. Wiggin. China collecting in America. A.M. ~Ear]e. K. Monroe. F. D. Millett. H. D. Ward. C. J, Hyne. S. Weir Mitchell. H. lq. Fuller. 258.54 254.97 254.98 258.55 25S.99 254.100 216.41 254.101 254.102 254.103 258.56 254.104 254.105 254.106 254.107 249.101 254.1~8 254.109 254,110 254.111 254.111 254.113 Lord Mahan. 2 vol. 255.c~4-98 254.114 254.115 254.116 254.117 254.118 152 NORTH ANDOVER. Christ vs. CbristianltL. 258.57 Clocks of Rondaine, The, F.R. Stockton. 284.10 Colonel's money, The, L.C. Lillle. 249.102 Colony of girls, A, K.L. Willard. 249.103 Columbus and Bcalriz, C.G. Du Bols. 249.104 Columbus, The story of, E.E. Seeyle. 254.119 Crow's nest, C.C. Harrison. 254.120 Culture, Physical, C.W. ]Emerson. 296.53 Cynthia Wykebam'~ money,. A.K. Rohliffe. 255.106 Danube, The, F.D. Millett. 257.54 Daughter of the South, A, C.C. Ilarrison. 249.105 David Alden's daughter, ii. G. Austin. 255.107 Day at La Guerre's. A, F. It. Smith. 249.106 Dear, 255.108 December roses, Mrs. ('. Praed. 249.109 Decorative art, Tim claims of, W. Crane. 216.42 DeFoe, Daniel, 3,/bmr novels of, 258.58 Denzll Ouarrler, 258.59 Dickens, Charles, Letters to Wilkie Collins, Discovery of America, The, Divine comedy, The, Don FowmiL E. Cavazza. Donald Ross, Wm. Black. Dorothy Q. O.W. Hohnes. Dorothy Wallis, Down the Danube, P. Bigelow. Duchess of Angoulem, Youth of the, I. de St. Around. Duchess o~ Berry, The, " Dukesborough (ales, R. 5I. Johnston. 258.60 J. Fiske. 2 vols. '200.57-58 C. E. Norton, tram 257.48-45 259.107 261.53 255.109 255.110 255.111 255.112 249.108 ANNUAL REPORT.~BOOKS, Dynamo-electric machinery, L.P. Thompson. 296.56 East and West, E.E. Hale. 257.55 Edelweiss of the Sierras~ An, C.C. Harrison. 257.56 Edinburgh, Literary landmarks of, L. Hutton. 249.110 Electrical dictionary, E.J. HoustOn. 295.55 Electricity, J.T. Sprague. 257.57 Eline Yere, L. Couperus. 263.60 Elsie at Viamede, M. Finley. 256.58 Engineer's pocketbook, The, D.K. Clark. 259.56 English colonization~ A. Caldecott. 259~57 English colonization and empire, A; Caldecott. 257.46 English composition, B. Wendell. ~57.47 English history, stories from, 257.48 English literature~ essays on, E. Scherer. 257.49 English social movements, R.A. V~'oods. 257.50 Englishman in Paris, An, .~ 257.59 Equatorial America, ~. M. Ballon. 259.58 Errand boy, The, H' Alger. 257.60 Essays in miniature, A. Repplier. 277.109 Etching, A treatise o% M. Lalanne. 296.54, Ethics, The elements of, J. II. i~Iuirhead. 257.51 Europe, Political history of~ E. Lavisse. 259.59 Fairy tales, Mme. d'Aulony. 296.55 Farragut, Admiral, Life o4 A.T. l~ahan. 277.110 Fate of Fenella~ The, Feast of the virgins, Fellow and his wife, A, Fine arts, The, First family of Tasajara, Folly and fresh air, Twenty-four authors. 277.112 H. L. Gorton. 219.40 B. W. Howard and ~,1. ~. Sharpe. 259.68 G. B. Brown. 257.52 B. Harte. 260.58 E. Phillpots. 249.111 Foot-path way, The, For his sake, For the defence, Forresters, The, France, The literature of, France under the regency, Frederick the Great~ Battles of, French Revolution, The end of the, French Revolution, The, Garrison, Wm. Lloyd, Life of, Genesis and growth of religion, The German Emperor, The, German literature, Essays on, Giovanni, Goddess of Atvatabar, The, God's fool, Golden gossip, A. Grandmother, The, Grania~ Great streets of the world, The, Greek archaeology, Hand-book of, Green fairy book, The, Green tea, Ground arms, Grover Cleveland, speeches of, Half brothers, Half century of conflict, A, B. Torrey, 277.112 A. F. Hector. 277.113 B. L. Farjeon. 260.54 A. Tennyson. 257.55 H. G. Keene. 260.55 J. B. Perkins. 277.114 T. Carlyle. 278.184 E. J. Lowell. 278.182 H. A. Taine. 2 vols. 262.61-62 G. Smith. 260.56 Rev. S. H. Kellogg. 298.185 P. Bigelow. 249.112 H. H. Boyesen. 249.113 F. H. Bassett. 78.136 W. R. Bradshaw. 263.63 M. 5lartins. 278.837 A. D. Whitney. 261.50 B. lq'emie. 261.50 Hon. E. Lawless, 261.51 278.133 A. L. l~Iurray. 295.51 A. Lang. 378.139 ¥. Schallenberger. 278.140 B. Von Suttner. 249.113 262.59 H. Smith. 279.123 F. Parkman. 2 vols. 262.57-58 Half-hours with the millionaires, B.B. West. 279.124 Hand-book of literary curiosities, The,W. S. Walsh. 279.125 Happy Fife, Recollections of a, M. North. 2 vols. 295.52.53 ANNUAL REPORT.--BOOKS. I55 Hazell's annual for 1892, Helen Treveryan, Heliographi¢ processes, Her brother Donnard, Heraldry, Heresy of Mehitable Clark, Highland chronicle, A, Highway construction, His great self, Ilolmes, O. W., Jr., Hopkins, Mark, Life of, Hone Sabbaticse, Horse, Natural history of the, IIouse, comfortable, Tile, Household of Glen Holly, The, Hughes, Most Rev. Johnl Life of, Hurly burly, Ibbetson, Peter, Life of, Iliad, Companion to the, Imogen, In starry realms, Ink, The manufacture of, It came to pass, Italy, Impression~ of, Ivbry gate, The, Jackson, Helen Hunt, Poems of Jackson, Gen. T. J., Life of, Japan, Japanese letters, Jason Edwards, 262;52 J. Roy. 252.63 E. Lictze. 255.93 E. E. ¥oeder. 249.115 A. E. Hulme. 262.58 A, E. Slosson. 249.116 S. B. Dod. 249.117 A. T. lqyrne. 279.126 ]FI. V. Terhune; 262.54 Speeches of 25-!.90 F. Carter. 249A18 Sir J. Stephen. 262.55 W. II. Flower. 262.55 -4.. B. Ormsbee. 249.119 L. C. Lillie. 249.120 Rev. H. A. Brann. 279.127 E. Marshall. 279.128 G. Du Maurier. 263.53 W. Leaf. 280.129 M. Moleswar th. 280.180 R. S. Bell. 262.60 S. Lehner. 280.131 M. F. Sanborn. 262.61 P. Bourget. 253;54 W. Berant. 280.182 280.134 Mrs. T. Jackson. 268.55 H. Norman. 263.56 Com. H. Berkeley. 264.58 H. Garland. 263.53 156 Joshua Wray, Julius Caesar, La Bella, Lady Patti, Laura, Lessons of the Master~ Literatur% A history of, Little brothers of the air, Little dinner~ The, Little marine~ The, Little minister~ The, Little Miss Joy, Little sister of Wilifred~ The, Lodge~ Henry Cabot, Speeches of, London, London, Literary landmarks of, Love~ The evolution of, Love for an hour is love forever, Loyola~ Lucky lover, The, Magic ink~ Main travelled roads~ ~-annelita, Meriam, Marse Chan~ Massachusetts, Three episodes in the history of, Master Bartlemy, Mather, Cotton, Life of, Meditations on the life of Christ, T. Carlyle. O. T. Miller. C. T. Herrick. F. M. Lean. J. M. Barrie. E. Marshall. A. G. Plympton. W. Berant. L. Hutton. E. Miller. A. g. Barr. Rev. T. Hughes. J. G. Habberton. W. Black. H. Garland. A. F. Hector. l~f. C. Wilson. H. Victor· .T.N. Page. NORTH ANDOYER. H. S. Beattie. 280.137 W. Fowler. 263.59 · Castle. 249.121 M. Huuger~rd. 249.122 M. Molesworth. 280.135 H. James. 280.123 277.101 278.98 284.111 284.112 280.114 284.113 284.114 295.54 284.115 277.99 277.102 277.108 277.100 284.116 277.103 285.111 287.104 277.105 280.115 285.112 C.F. Adams. 2 vol 285'118-111 F. E. Cyompton. 285.115 Rev.. AP. Marvin. 285.116 Thomas A.K. cmpis. 280.116 ANNUAL REPORT.~-BOOKS. 157 Memorabilia of Jesus, Merry tales, Mesmerism, The rationale of, Michael and Theodora, Millionaire at sixteen, ]~l'iss Bagg's secretary, Miss Wilton~ Money, The use and abuse of, Money, Monkey, The speech of, Mostly, Ma~orie Day, Mrs. Keats Bradford, ~/Iuslc, Conversation on, Musical history, My Lady's dressing room, My sephtuagint, My three score years and ten, Nature, The realm of, Naulahka, The~ Nevermore, New England cactus, A, New Harry and Lucy, The, Nimrod & Co., Not all in vain,. l~lutrition, The science of, Oak, The, Old devil, The, Omoo, On Canada's frontier, On the trail of the moose, W.W. Peyton. 285.117 S.L. Clemons. 277.106 A. P. Sinnett. 280.117 A. E. Bart. 285.118 W. T. Adams. 278.182 C. L. Burnham. 280.118 C. Warren. 280,119 W. Cunningham. 280120 E. Zola. 285.119 R. L: Games. 285.120 ¥. Townsend. 253.127 M. L. Poole. 277.107 A. Rubenstein. 284.98 J. E. Matthew. 278.127 Baroness Staffe. :284.99 Rev. C. F. Deems. 249.123 T. Bell. 278.128 H. R. Mill. 278.129 Kipling and Balcstier. 278.13( R. Boldrenwood. 273.101 E. P. Humphrey. 249.124 E. E. Hale. 278.181 G. Ohnet. 249.125 A. Cambridge. 284,102 E. A tkinson. 249~126 II. M. Ward. 284.1('3 L. Tolstoi 279.114 H. Melville. 249.127 J. Ralph. 249.128 G. D. Ellis. 249.129 ~OI~H ~NDOY~ER. One good guest, The, Orators of the French Revolution, L. B. Walford. 279.115 H. Bi. Stephens 2vols. 249.]30- 131 Ornithology, NuttalL 2 vols. 284.104-105 Our Bessie, R. ]N. Carey. 279.116 Palmerston, Viscount, Life of, :Marquis of Lorne. 284.106 Pastels of men, P. Bourgess. 2 vols. 379. People at Pisgab, E.W. Sanborn. 250.113 Persia and Kurdistan, Journeys in, I.L. Bishop. 2 vol 284.107-108 Phases of animal life, R. Lydekker. 250.114 Phil and the baby, K.C. Lillie. 279.119 Phonograph, The, W. Gillet. 250.115 Physical beauty, A.J. Miller. 279,120 Pinch of experience, A, iL. B. Walford. 279.121 Platform, The rise and p~'ogress of H. Jephson. 2vol. 282.106-107 Playhouse impressions, A.B. Walkeley. 283.104 Playthings and parodies, B. Pain. 250.107 Play in Provence, J.V.E. Pennell. 250.116 Political Americans, C.E. ]Norton. 250.118 Political verse, 282.108 Politics and pen pictures, H.W. Hilliard. 219.41 Pot of gold, The, }I. E. Wilkins. 282.109 Potiphar's wife, Sir E. Arnold. 282.110 Preacher's daughter, The, A.E. Barr. 250.119 Prehistoric people, Marxuis de Nadaillac. 350.120 Presumption of sex, Thc, O.F. Adams. 282. I 11 Pretty Michae]~. M. Jokai. 283.102 Prince Serebryani, A. Tolstoi. 2.50.121 Princess Mazaroff, J. Hatton. 283.103 Puritan in Holland, England, etc., D. Campbell. 2 vol. 255.99-100 ANNUAL REPoBT.--BOOKS. 159 Quality of mercy, The W.D. Howells. Queen of cra'ds and cream, A, D. Gerard, Railway man~ Tbe, M. Oliphant. Recent'rambles, C.C. Abbott. Records of Tennyson, Ruskin and Browning, Redemption of Edward Straban, Renaissance, The~ Rende and Colette, Res Judicatoe, Rescue of an old place, Thc, Rest, The tecbnique of, Robert Morris, Life of, Roger Hunt~ Rose and Ninette, Rosebud garden of girls, A, 279.122 284.109 283.105 237.55 Anna T. Ritchie. 237.56 W. J. Dawson. 280.121 J. M. Hoppin. 283.106 D. La Forest. 283.107 A. Bissell. 280.122 M. C. Robblns. 280423 A. C. Brackett. 280.124 W. G. Sumner. 287.57 C. P. Woolley. 283.108 A. Dander. 284.109 Nora Perry. 287.58 M. L. Poole. 279.118 2 vols. 244.58-59 Roweny in Boston, Saint Nicholas, 1892, San Salvador, Sara,, Scapegoat, The, Sea mew abbey! Shakespeare, Tributes to, M. A. Tincker. 280.125 F. E. Nemberry. 212.31 T. A. Caine. 249.87 F. Warden. 280.126 M. R~ Silsby. 280.127 Sieur de' Bienville, Life of, Sir Godfrey's granddaughters, Simms, Wm. G., Life of, Small dynamo, Notes on design of, Socialism, G. King. R. N. Carey. W. P. Trent. G. Halliday. · Rae. Some strange corners of our country, C. P. Lummis. Spanish galleon, The, C.S. Seeley. Sponge's sporting tour~ 212.32 212.33 249.90 212.34 216.43 217.28 280.128 249.88 160 NORTH ANDOVER. Spoil of office, A, Statesman's'year book, Stationery steam engines, Sunday reading for the young, Tales of time and place, Ta]leyrand, ,-YIemoirs of, Tariff~ The, Taxation and work, Tcherkesse prince, A~ Ten centuries of toilette, Tess of D'urbervilles, That angelic woman, That stick, That wild wheel, Those cbildreu, Thousand and one days, The, Tiddledywink ~ale% To the snows of Tibet, Tom Paulding, Told in the gate, Too short vacation, , Tramp across the continent, A, Travel amongst the Andes, Travels among thc great Andes, Twenty years around the world, Under the water-oaks, Unseen friend, The, Van Bibher, etc., H. Garland. 210.27 249.89 R. H. Thu~slon. 210.29 281.107 G. King. 253.116 Duc de Broght. 5 vols. 255 101-105 210.39 E. Atkinson. 209.29 Mme. de Msissner. 253.117 A. Robide. 249-91 T. Hardy. 249.92 J. 1~. Ludlow. 249.93 C. M. ¥onge. 249.94 F. F,,. Trollope. 209.30 H. Milman. 209.31 J. H. McCarthy. 2 vols, 208. 26-17 Y. K. Bangs. 249.95 A. E. Pratt. 282.112 B. l~Iatthews. 208.28 A. Bates. 253.118 L. L. Williams and E. Mc Loughlin. 258.119 C. F. Lummis. 253.120 F. Whymper. 219.42 E. Whymper. 219.42 J. G. Vassar. 217.33 M. Brewster. 908.29 L. Larcom. 258.127 R. H. Davis. 253.122 ANNUAL REPORT.--B00K~. 161 Vain fortune, Qr. Moore. 249.96 Venetians, The, M.E. Maxwell. 253.123 Vesty of the basins, S.P. Greene. 253.124 Vermont~ History of, R.E. Robinson. 349.97 Voyage of discovery, A, H. Aide. 253.125 Walks and talks of two schoolboys, J. C. Atkinson. 208.80 West fi'om a car window~ R.H. Davis. 207.24 White; Bishop William, Life of, J. II. Ward. 307.25 Witch Winuie's studio, E.W. Champney. ~07.26 With Columbus in America, C. Faulkenhorst. 207.27 With edge tools, Ii. C. Taylor: 249.98 Wood engraving, W.J. Linton. 24~9.99 Wreckers, The, Stevenson, Osborne. 253.126 Writers and readers, G.B. Hill. 249.100 Young knight errant~ A, W.T. Adams. 207.28 Zachary Phips, E.L. Bynner. 207.29 CONTENTS. Almshousef Snperin tendent of Assessors~ Auditor, Board of Health, Collector of Taxes, Engineers, Fingnce Committee, Forest Fire Ward, Jury List, Library' Trustees Report, Library Books Added, Memorial Day Committee, Officers of Town, Overseers of Poor, Police, Road Commissioners, Selectmen, School Committee, School Department, Financial, Sewerage Committee, Special P~eport on Streets, Town Notes, Treasurer, Vital Statistics, · , Warrant, 1892, and Town Action, Warrant for 1895i 71 107 131 102 111 87 129 94 121 123 150 120 3 61 96 73 42 13 29 138 118 114 119 5 145