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1907 Annual Town Report
" ' AS PRESENTED BY THE AUDITOR FOR TIlE, ':Financial Year Ending December..3ist,-i9o7. INCLUDING Report of School' Committee and Water Commissioners. ~ 908, TOWN OF NORTH.ANDOVER ~9o?. OF THE Receipts and Exlc. AS Pi~ESENTED BY THE AUDITOR FOR THE Ni~Sa,acial Vear iSndi~g Deccmloer ,3~st, 1NC!,UDING TOWN OFFICEI~$ FOl~ 1907. JAMES W. LEITCm Select~ren, Ot, erseers of the Poor and ~Board of I~realth,. PATriCK P. DAW,' G~O~ C. Joss~Y~, SUPERVUS D. HI~XMAN. PE'r~:~ HOLT, GE~,)gC~R C. JOSSgLYN~ C'ollector of Taxes, COI~NELIUS J. ~IAHO~Y. School Com~t~ittee, 3~ISS ~IARY G. CARLETON~ Term expn'es 1908. Da. F~, S. SmT~, Term expires 1909. Azm;aT F. K~x% J~., Te:m expires 1910; r,h,i~fl q[ ~olice, Wrn~ J. Tooasv. W~LL~ J. TommY, 6bnstables, ~)ATP~II-K J. I~EALE~. ~Pot~ce O~eers, G. J. V~ Bvs'Kmx. H M. W. la. SYNOPSIS OF THE Town Clerk's Record of Town Meeting;, Flarch 4, 1907 AND ADJOUI~NED TO FIAI~GH 9. A~r. 1. To choose a 3IodecaCor to preside a~ saicl meeting. A~liur P. Chiekering chosen. Ant. 2. To elecc S~Leotmon, Assessors, Overseers of the Poor, Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, Ilighway Sm'veyor, one School Com- mittee fey three years, Collector of Taxes, Constables, Auditor, one Trustee of Public Library £or three yea's, one Water Commissioner for throe years, and all et. her Town Oflieials requirecl by law to be voted for by ballot: also to vote on ~he question: "Shall license be granted for the sale of intoxicating liquors in the Town?" All the above, except Moderator, to he voted for on one ballot, in accordance with Chapter 11 of tl~e Revised Laws of Massgehu- sorts. The.polls will be open at 10 o'clock a. m., and maybe closed at 2 p. m. Voted to close at 4.10 o'clock. Agx':~ 5. To elect a Tree ~Vat'de}~ FieId Drivers, Fence Viewers and all o ,t~.~r Town O~eials not reqttirecl by law to be elected by ballot. Peter Ho1; elected ' ~ Tree ll~ arden. A~v. 4. To see'if the Town will accept the report of the re- ceipts and expenditures of thc Town, as presented by the Selectmen and Auditor. ° Voted to accept such parts as arc true and accurate] and lay the remainder upon the table. A~T. 5. To see what action the Town will take in regard to unexpended appropriations. Voted that all uncxpended appropriations be turned into the 1 reasur~, except those appropriated for other purposes. Ai4T. 6. To see what action the town will take as to the re- commendation of the Finance Committee. Voted to take up each item separately gnd it was voted to raise and approprlate.the following named sums fox' the several de~t-~ ~nents: ~ ' Assessm's, Auditor, Clerk of Town, Collector of Taxes~ Fish Warden, Forest Fire Warden, - Animal Inspector, Selectmen, Treasurer, including bond, Janitor Town tlall, Board of Health Officers, " " " ExpCllSes~ % on collections a~d premium on bo~d. 150 9'00 00 oo O0 00 ' ~5 O0 100 00 475 00 ~oo'ou 9,00 00 90 00 800 O0 5,500 O0 300 00 1,200 00 00 00 00 ~ including support of horses Fire Department, ~ and pay of drivers. } Fire Engineers, Police Dep~rtmept, State and County Taxes, /11,000 Contingent Fund, unexpended balance from 1906 artd4 3,200 Discount on ]Notes, .1,500 Election Expenses~ 800 00 Lighting. Streets, 3,000 00 Registrars of Voters, 150 00 State and Military Aid, 1,200 00 Library Trustees, (the Dog Tax and) 1,200 00 Memorial Day Fund, (unused balance of 1906 and) 200 00 Poor, Overseers of, 225 00 " Superintendent of, 500 00 " Support of, Receipts from Farm aml unused hal anco of 190(;, 4,000 00 Union School Loan, ~rom Uncollected Taxes, School Superintenclent { 5,800 00 from Treasury 1 eac tots, Janitors, Fuel, andunexpkled bal. from 20,500 00 Supplies, Reps, Text Bks '06 and Highw{ty Surveyor, 1,'200 00 Streets, Highways and Bridges, 3,500 00 Macadamizing, $1,000 from Excise Tax of 1907 and 6,000 00 Sidewalks, 1,500 00 Survgying, 150 O0 XVate~ Commissioners, 300 00 Interest on ]Vater Loan Bonds, ~,600 00 Maintenanc, WaVer Works, { and retilqug three } Receipts Construction of ;Va;er Works, ' bonds, Sinking Fund~ ;Va~er Loan Bonds, , 3,500 00 Tree 'Wardeu Expenses, unused balanee ~rom '06 and 1,300 00 " Salary, tOO 00 Pathing Snow, une×pended Excise Tax Rodeo ~mi~g Water Bon~l No. 3, '04, anti 3 and 4, '05, 3,000 00 Macadam Repairs, 1,000 00 from Excise Tax, 1907. ~9fi,620 00 AR.T. 7. To see what sttm of money the Town will raise and appropriate for the use of soy.oral departments for the current year, to wit: Schools, schoolhouses, highways and bridges, sidewalks, support ~ poor and all other necessary and proper expenses arising in said Town for the current year. Pas~ed. TOW~ CL]~RK'S RECORD OF TOWN MEI~TING. ART. 8. To see if the Town will accept the list of names for jurors as prepared, posted and presented by the Select- men. Voted to accept after excusing Jos'. H. Putnam, Albert Mc- Donald, Fred'M. V~'hitfier~ Patrick J. Healy and Chas. A. Appleton, and adding the names of Joe. L. Leighton and S. A. Jenkins. ART. 9. To see wl~at compensation the Town wi/1 pay for labor on highways for the eusuing year. Voted 20 cents per hour. ART..10. To see what compensation the Town will pay the members of the fire engine companies for the ensuing year. Voted 50 cents~er hour when on duty. Am'. 11. To see what action the Town wilt take in regard ~ inducing the prompt payment of ;axes. r Voted to charge six per cent per ammrn on all taxes no~ paid on or before No4~. 1, 1907. A~r. 12. To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Town Treasurer, with the approval of a majority of the Selectmefl, to borrow during the municipal year~ beginning March 4th, in anticipa- tion of the collection of ;axes of saki year. the sum of seven;y-five thousand (875,000)dollars, giving the notes of the Town therefor, payable within one year from date thereof. All debts incurred under ~athori~y of this vote sl~all be pai~l from the ;a~xes of the pre- sent municipal year. So voted. A~t~. 13. To see if the Town will vote 1~o raise .and appropri- ate the sum of ($200.00) dollars, for the purpose of Memorihl Day next~ and appoint a ct mini;me ;o take charge of tlm same. 'Appropriation made under Act VI. Same commit;ce as served last year. A~T. 14. To see if tim Town will accept Chapter 380 of the Acts of 1906, .to authorize the Town of North Andover to establish a sewerage system and bon'ow money therefor. So voted unanimously. AnT. 15. To see if the Town will vo~e t,o_ raise and appropri- ate the sum of $1,200 for the purpose of surveying, preparing plans 10 and such expense as may be necessary ;o the establishment of a sewerage system under Chap. 3~0 of the Acts of 1906. Voted 81,000. A~:T. 16. To see if the Town will vote to authorize thc Water Commissioners to lay water pipes on unaccepted sweets, provided the abutters give a release of right of way~ and provMed~ also, a sum equal to 5 per cent. of the cost of construction is guaranteed as water rates. Voted so to do if funds are aYailable. AgT. 17. To see if the Town wilt vote to extend 'its water system from a point on Chestnut street, near tahe residence of Mrs. Sarah GrozeSer, through Chestnut s~reet to Tucker street, to a point ~pposite the residence of William Tucker~ thence through Willow S~reet, to the residence of A. N. Talbot~ and authorize the Water Commissioners to issue bonds of the Town to provide for the pay- ment of the cost of said extension. On petition of William P. Tucker aqd others. Voted to postpone indcfinatel~. AnT. 15. To see if the Town will vote to extend its w~ter system on Turnpike street to the residence of Loring iN. Farlmm~ on Brook stree~ to Farnum street to residence of Benjamin W. I~'arnum, and authorize the Water Commissioners to issue bonds to pay for ;he same. On petition of Benja~nin Farnum and others. Voted ;o postpone inclefinately. ~. 19 To see if the Town will vote to extend its water system on Salem street, from a point near the residence of William X¥. P~hellgs~ easterly to the residence of A. P. Fuller, and authorize the Water Con, missioners to issue bonds t~ pay for the same. On petition of Abijah P. Fuller and others. Voted ~o postpone indefinatcly. A~. 2t~. To see if the Town will vote to extend its water system through Clark street, from Sutton street to a point near the residence of Gustave A. Yunggebauer~ and authorize the Wa~er Commissioners ~o issue bonds of the Town to provide fro' the pay- ment of the cost of said construction. On petition of William H. Fieldhoase and others. Voted ~ postpone indefinate, ly. ART. 21. To see if the Town wii! vote to accept Beverly street and Marblehead street from Middlese× street to Harold street, also Itarold street from Beverly s~reet to [~ailroad avenu% as laid out by the Selectmen according to plans now on file with the Town Clerk. On petition vf D. J. Costello and others. Voted to accept and take $400 from the appropriation for street~ highways ~nd bridges to grade same, AnT. 22. To see if the Town will vo~e to accept Common- wealth avenue as Ixi~ out by ~he Selectmen, accor~ling to plans now on file with the Town Clerk. On petition of William G. Gle~nie. and others. Voted to accept. A~T. 23. To see if the Town will vote to macadamize and otherwis~ improve Salem and Dale streets, from a pmnt on Salem street~ ne;;r ~he Ward residence, to the railroa:l bridge on Dale street, and appropriate money for the purpose· On petition of Char]es A. Appleton and others. Voted to take $200 from amount appropriated f( r macadamizing for the purpose. Aua'. 24. To see if the Tow~ will vote to appropriate tho sum of t;vo hnnclred and fifty (8250) dollars to remove the ledge and widen the roadway in Essex street, between the residence o~ Foss and 5V. S. Hughes. Upen pe~it~n of Edgar R. Tucker and others. Vote,4 to expend $250 of amount appropriated for svree[s,_high- ways and bridges for the purpose. ART. 25. To see if the Town -~ll vote to macadamize Union street from its intersection with Beverly s,feet and easterly ~o Second ~trect, and Second street to its intersection with Maple avenue, and appropriate {~ sum su~cient to pay for the same. Upon petition of J. Lewis Trmnbly and others. Voted ~hat $3,000 Le taken from macadamizing appropriation for this pnrpose. · : i ~-ORTIt AN DOVER. AnT. 26. To se* if the Town will vote to macadamize Sutton stree~ fi'om Main s~reet easterly to the point where tho macadamized road now ends at the ~oot of Polisher hill, so c~lled, near Sutton, mills, aud rais~ and appropriate money for the same. Upon petition of Jmnes C. Poor and others. Vo~ed that .51,800 be taken from macadamizing appropriation for this purpose. ART. 27. To see if the Town will vote ~o construct a con- cr~t~ sidewalk on Ashland street. Uponpefitiun of Arthur O'Lc~y and others. Voted that ~226 be taken fi'om amount appropriated for side- walks for this purpose. Aaw. 28. To see if ~he To~v'a ~il~ vote to build a'eoncro~ .~idewalk on the easterly side el Sutton stree* from tim corner of '~ain and Stt~ton streets, sou~erly to the tracks of the Boston & MMne Railroad at the North Andover station, and raise aud appro- priate money for the purpose. Upon petition of P. F. Muwhy and oeec. Voted that 8150 be taken from amount ~pproprigted for side_ wal~ ~or this pnq>ose. Aa~. 29. To see if the Tox;m will rzise and appropriate five hnn~ed (8500.00) dollmu to be expendotl by the ~'orth Andov'er Improvement Society, under th~ direction of the Tree XVarden. Upon petition of Harry R. Dow and others. 'Voted to rakse and appropriate $300 and the unexpended hal_ ante ~e credit of this soemty. AnT. 80. T6 see if the Town will instrue~ the Selectmen to · pro,de some suit~ble place other than the Eben Sutto~ Engine House for a polling place in S$ate election ia precinct bne. Upon petition of Arthur P. Chickering and others. Voted that ~he Selectmen be instructed to enquire if it is leasable. Ag~. 31. To see if the Town will vote to amend ~o Town By-Laws by adding a new section to Article 3, to be known as section 7, Stid sectiun to read as follows: No person shah hawk or TOWi~ CL]~P.K~S I%~ECOnD Ol~ TOWN ~IEET[NG 18 peddle fruits or vegetables without a written license from the Board of Selectmen. The fee for each license shall be five dollars. Such license shall continue in force until the first day of May next ensuing, unless sooner revoked by thc Board of Selectmen. Upon petition of Frank-H. Anderson and others. Voted to dismiss from the warran*~ AnT. 32. To see if the Town wilt vote to lease for a t~rm of years a portion of the rear end of the town lot to the North dover~ Veteran Firbmen's Association. Upon petition of G. H. Mizen and others. Voted that the Selectmen be authorized to lease not more than 10,0O0 square fedt for not more than l0 years. A~T. 88. To see if'the Town will vote [o raise and appro~ prince the sum of sixteen hundred dollars (*1600.00)for the chase of a co~nbination chemical and hose wagon. Upon petition of the engineers. So voted. A~r. 84. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appro- priate tho sum of fifteen handrect (81300.00~ dollars for tho pur- chase of a hook and lad,ler track. Upon p'etition of the engineers. Voted to postpone.i,definately. ART. 115. To see ff the Town will vo[e ;o raise and.appro- priate the sum o~ six hundred ($000.00~ dollars for the puroha~e of new fire hose. Upon peri;ion of the engineers. So voted. An~. 36. To see if thc Town will vote to raise ancl appro- priate the sum of eight hunt]red ($800.00) dollars for the purehaae of a hose wagon, lJpon petition of Edward Adams and others. Voted to raisc and appropriate $$00 and insert the wo~ls for Cochi~hewick Engine Co. A~i 37 To see ff the Town will vote to erect and maintain an arc light at thc corner of Greene stree; and R,~ilroad avenue~ and raise and appropria;e a sum sufficient ~o pay'for the same. Upon petition of Edward W. Greene and others. Voted to dismiss frmn the wan anL '~OgTH ANDOV~. A~v. 38. To see if the Town will vote to erect and maintain a gas light on Park street, between Pleasant and Main streets, and raise and appropriate a suni sufficient to pay for the same. Upon petition of Chas. F. Sowerbutts and others. Articles 38 and 39 acted upon together. Ag~. 39. To see if the Town will vote to erect and maintain an.arc light at the corner of Main and Park streets and raise and, appropriate a sum to pay for the same. Upon 'petition of Patrick J. Healey and others. ¥~oted to erect thr~e gas lights, one at cot. Main and Park sts.~ and two betwee~a that point and Pleasant street~ and raise and ap- propriate $45.. i~: A~. 40. To see if the Town will vote to erect an.t maintain an arc light at the end of Belmont street, opposite the resiclence of Mrs. John Sullivan, and raise an:l appropriate a sawn sufficient to pay for the same. 0n petition of John Sullivan and others. Voted to erect three gas lights and raise and appropriate $45. Aa'r. 41. To see if the Town wilt vote [o erect aml maintain fonrgas lights ia Sunnyskle park, and raise aact appropriate a sum sull~cient to pay for the same. Upon petition of Michael Driscoll and others. Voted to erect three gas lights and raise and appropriate S45. A~T. 42. To see if the Town will vote to erect and maintain two additional gas lights on Riverview street, ami raise and appro- priate ~' sum sufficient to pay for the same. Upon petition of William L. Smith and others. So voted~ and to raise ancl appropriate 830. A~. 43. To see if tho Town will vote to erect and maintain an are light~ on the corner of Milk and Johnson streets, and raise and appropriate a stun to pay for the same. Upon petition of John H. Sutton and' others. V'otod 'to postpone indefinately. A~. 44. To see if the Town will vote to erect and maintain an arc light on Union street, opposite the residence of Joseph L. TOWN CLlgl~IC.~S ]¢ECORD O1~~ TOW~* ~EETI~G. 15 Trembly, arm raise and appropriate a stun suffi2ient to pay for the same. Upon petition of A. F. King and others. Voted to erect two gas lights and raise and appropriate AnT. 45. To see what action t~e Town wHl take on ~he por~ o~ the commit~o appo~d at the last Annual Town Meeting ~o investigate the purchase of a pub[la playstead. Commi~ec repor~d that they were nnable ~o secure land~ and it was vote4 that the Scleo~uten serve as a oommlttee for this p~- pose during the corning year. Voted to raise ami appropriate 825 for the Moderator's services. Voted that the Setectmen be au*horized to pay bill for legal services reudered the Wa~er Commissioners durhg *he past year in such amonnt as shall be approved by said board, not in excess of J. WJ Town Clerk. SYNOPSIS OF THE Town Clerk's Record of Special Town Meeting:, May 10, 1907. AuT. 1. To choose a Moderator to preskte at s~id meeting. Arthur Chickefing chosen. ART. 2. ' To see w/mt action the Town wilI ~ake in ~he mat~er of construction of that ~eet, ion of the State Itighway which has been set aside to our Town. Voted tha~ the Town ~vaive all right in the mat~er of construc- tion of said Sta;e Ilighway. ,TAMES W. T~EITCII~ Town Clerk. SYNOPSIS OF THE Town Clefts Record of Special Town Meeting,', October 15, 1907. A~'r. 1. To choose a Mo,te~'ator '~o preside aS s~id meeting. Arthur P. Ohickeriug chosen. AUT. 2. To see i~ the Town will authorize the Seleetmen m si~n releases when the ahhugors refuse. Vo~ed ~o waive all righ~ in regard to the construction of S~ate Highway on Osgoed street, aacl tha~ it~ all other maCers pertaining to the same, ~he Selectmen be g~ven full power. Town Clerk. ORGANIZATION' --OF-- JANUARY COMMITTEE. A. F. King, Jr., Chairman, 44 Marblehead St. Mary G. Carleton, 137 Main St, Fre{t S. Smith, 5 Third St. Term expires 1910 T~'rm expires 1908 Term expires 1909 SUPERINTENDENT Wallace E. Mason, 15 Pleasant St. Telephone 2169. SUPERVISORS Music, Edward Buttcrwor~h, 208 Main St. Drawing, Mancl Milner, 64 5Vhittler St.. Andovor. Manual Training, Frank H. Lane, 240 Main St. Sewing, Bertha A. Chapmap, 48 Emerson St., Wakefield, i~lass. SU PERI N TEN DENT'S REPORT. I~ is a pleasure to your Su?rinte~den~ to n~ake a report of the schools for the past year, for two reasons: First--Because dsc corJial rela;io~;s between the commitiee and the super~;atende,,t and between the teachers ~nd the supeAnt,ndent have ,nade his work very cnj:)yab~e~ Second--Because the earnest and effective effor;s of the teachers in carrying out the plans and suggestions of the superintendeu; have produced resul~s of whlc~ it is a pleasure to spe~ REORADIN(i A year ago i; was necessary for me ;o say AGGOMPLISHHD "The work in the grammar schools is very far below grade." Today tidal could not be said. The plan of regrading r~eommended was carried out by vo~e cf vhe cotmni;tee. Only the better prepared pupils in each of the ttpper gr~4es were proa~oted. A few n~ore will have ;o be kept~ hack next ,~une, hat after ~hat the schools will be well up to the desired standard. NINTH GI~ADE In the ninth grade a half ye<' of algebra STUDIES has been introduced. Physical geography takes th~ place of the political geography which is finishdd in *he eighth grade. Engl;sh history is s~udied during the year with a topical review of American history which is prac- tically finished Jn the eighth grade. One lesson a week is being given i~ elementary science. The htst half of the year Latin will be begun b&~ *hose of ;his grade who plan to study La;in in the high ,,chool, the rest of the class, continuing their study o~-Englisi~ grammar. This will give the Latin class a good start in that study and save some crowding in the high school. It will also give those who want to take Latin, but are uncertain of their ability to handle it, a chance to test themselves before entering the high schools and thus more in~elligently to choose their course of studyin that school. The whole atmosphere of the grammar school is changed and . the work rapidly assuming the standard of similar grades in the better schools of the state. AI~ITHiqETIC In the study of arithmetic the pupils of all grades about a half year ahead df the ~vork at this time last year. The Milne's Progressive Arithmetics are proving ~all and more than was anticipated. Both teachers and pupils are enthusiastic in their praise. The industrial problems are well planned and the grouping of 'many problems at)out one set of basal facts is the most effective method of developing power that has yet been devised in problem work. OEOOI~APHV I should like to call special attention to the geography study in all the grades ~rom the ~ourth to the ninth. The teachers, at the suggestion o~ your superinten- dent?spent their visiting (lay last fall ]n the Watertown ~chools, inv.estigat~.ng the methods of geography study as carried ou there, an(] received many helpful suggestions. The "excursion and travel" idea has been adopted in part. In thclower grades some geOgraph- ical excursions have been made possible this fall by having Miss Keefe as a general assistant. She has taken charge of one division of a room while the teacher of that room has taken the other divi- sion for an out-of-floor geography lesson. In the upper grades the study has been made ~nore practical, only enough of the name and place geography being retained to form a hasis for the industrial and corrrmercial features which are being made more proininent. The study of the earth as ~nan's home and workshop is intensly interesting, and the "travel idea" has been greatly assisted in all the upper grades by the nsc of stereographs and stereoscopes. It is 23 proposed ~,o exten(l this study by stereographs this e.oming year. Those who attended the graduati~g exere'ises of the gi'ammar school were impressed with the results of this method of stutiying geography. INDUSTI~IAL The greate~st advance in our school system TI~AININ(i the past ~'ear has heen the introduction of .manual training f~r the bo~,s and of sewing for the girls in grades six to nine inclusive. Both o~ these courses.were established iu September and are well under way. The pupils are very much interested in this work and, doubtless many boys, who otherwise would have left school at the end of the year, will remain for further study attracted by these new lines of work. The outline for the sewing lessoos of this year is as follows: Grade VIi--Beginning stitches (consisting of basting, back- stitching, running, overcasting and hemming.) Grade VII.--Beginning stitches. Gi[xgham or white aprons. Grade VIII· Beginning stitches and button-hole stitch. Sew- ing on buttons, flannel petticoats, and button-holes. Grade iX.---Beginning stitches, darning, patching, and but-ton- holes. White petticoats. As all pupils were beginners this ydar, regular courses were nc; attempted for the upper grades· ~fter learning the stitches, thew will make as many practical articles and garments as their time]~will allow. The outline for the manual is being worked out gradually, the sixth and seventh taking s~oyd and the upper grades ~naking the best of the c~tstomary n~odcls. The general plan in all this work is to have the article manufactured bear as close relation as possible to the life of the child at home or at school. No models will be made for the simple practice of making, but skill in making seam, hem, joint or mitre ;~ill be acquired in making some article in which the child is interested and which he desires to make. Interest is thd basis of successful wnrk in industa'ial work as well as in acadam]c studies· For illustration, the pupil will not make a mitred joint for thc sake of learning to ruake that joint, bat will make a frame for his diploma, and in making that frame, s;m~et.hing in which he is intensely interested, will learn to make such joints. We are not attempting in this carpentry stndy to turn out ear- penters, }mt to give that skill of hand whkch has been lacking in our American schools and which, it is generally conceded, our eh~dren m~tst aeqnire, if we are to hold our position in the industrial world in co,,pe~igion with other nations of the world. A fine illuslration of the effect of int3res~ occurred in one of the rooms where the fiffl~ and sixth grades are~gether. The boys of the six*l~ have the m;mual. The ~ffll ffrade girls were allowed to sew ~th [ne s~x~l~ but there seemed to he nothing for the boys of the fifth to do except s;udy dnring this period. I~ was suggested that they ~night sew with the girls who were making sewing bags ,3nd, of course~ the suggestion was scornfully rejected. Miss Chap- man, the supm'v~sor of sewing, t~hen asked if they did not want to make a carpenter's apron for their own use in the manual training of next year. Tha~ was a different proposition ~nd was joyfully cepted. The aprons are all cut out and well under wav. The sewing supervisor and thc manual training supervisor each having ~ fi. ce a[tm'noon, ~wo classes were organized among the high school scholars, a class in. m~king underclothes for the girls, an~ a class in carpentry for the boys, the pupits returning in the al;emcon volun~rily for these classes. LEGTURES FOR A repori, of the schools for the past year 'PARENTS would not be complet~ without mention of the work done by the North Andovet Improvement Society for tho educational welfare of the town. During the winter a course of lectures was given before the parenm of the pupils of the public schools ou mt}les of special 5nt~rest ~o them as parents. Complimentary invitations were sent and tickets issued through the agency of the ehildren, and the de- mancls, for tickets showed that ~he efforts of the association was highly 'appreciated. The leetm'es, which were very in~eresting to the large audiences, were ably delivered and full of practical sug- gestions 6f great helpfulness for parents. The subjects and speakers were as follows: 25 "The Care of the Eyes and Ears," D~. J,)ltk\- C. BoWKICi~, Lawrence, Mass. "The Diet of School Children," Dh. FRm~ S. SmTn, North Andover, Mass. "The Itome Training of Our Boys and Gh'ls in the ~uties of Citizenship," Am;m~r lq'. K~%.J~., Es(~., North Andover, .Mass. ~ A~ the clese of each lecture the ladies of the association served ref~'eshmen~,s and a s ~cial hour was spent in converse and in d~'scus- sion of ~;he ;opic of the evening. SGitOOL OARDEN$ Tile lmprovemen"; Society has also shown its interest in the welfare of our school by inangura;ing the work in homo gower gardens ~o~ all pupils below ~e high school. Tile mam;gement ct thess gardens has been un,let t5~ ch~'rg3 o[a special committee eon~i.;fing o~: Rev. H. Usher ~l~oIwO, chairman; Charles .4. ~Xppleton, [ resident of the ,ss~cJation; Wrtllace E. M~son, 51rs. Nathaniel Stevens, Mrs. William Howes, Miss E. M. Buekwell. Each pnpil in the town was given an envelope, having printed on the outqde places for the pupil's name and school and a list of the ~owers to be planted. Over six hundred children resnonaed to the invitation to plato flowers, asking for over twenty-three hundred packages, divkled as follows: Sweet Alyssum 426 Calendul~ 377 Fern' O'clock 374 Morning Glory 409 Xas~urtium 410 Zinnias 377 The children, having checked ~he kinds of seeds wanted ant~ placed inside the pemlies to pay for the same. at a cent a package, returned ~he envelopes to their teachers. The comtnittee thentook the envelopes in char?, filled the small envelopes with ~he seeds asked for, and returned them to the teachers for ~hstribution. Dm'lng the summer a commie;ce o~ visitors, tach one of whom was responsible for a section of the town, visited the gardehs ~,ice and marked each garden excellent, good, fair or poor, in regm'd to skill and taste, in pla~;t;ng, care of the garden and results secured. The committee was nmde up of the following ladies: Miss Gertrude ~Oi{TII ANDOVEI~. Brooks, Miss E. 31. BuckwelI, 5'[rs. Ilarry Clark, Miss Beulah Elli- son~ Miss Lavinie Gilman, Mrs. William Ilowes, Mrs. O~to Kun- hardt, 3ISss Mabel Ilobinson, Miss Annie Sanborn, Mrs. George F. Sargent, Hrs. ~red S. Smith, Mrs. Sam 1). Ste~ens, Miss Kate H. Stevens, Miss Fannie H. Stevens, )Irs. Nathaniel Stevees, Miss Nellie Sfilling~ xMrs. Addle Car,ey 5Valhvork, 3Irs. George Wright. Early in September the committee [ock the cards used by these visitors and inspected every garden which had beeu marked "exee[- len~.' On the bas~s of ihis i,spection ~be prizes were awarded. The di~eulty Otis committee had in selecting tim bes~ gardens from so many good ones ~S seen from tim fact that in additien to 14 first prizes of $1 each and 14 secoml prizes of 50 cents each, they felt obliged to give 30 gardens "very high commendation" and to award their owners 25 cents each. These prizes were awarded at a puMic meeting of the society on Friday evening, November 23, the hall being crowded with friends of the contestants. It is in;cresting to note in the list of winners that locality had no~ing to ac wi*h results, the boys and g~rls in the closely graded Schools securing equally good gardens with those in ~he districm and those who had only a small back yard to nsc for a garden sometimes surpassing ;hose who had large areas to plant. The Improvement Society is to be congratulated on the success of this garden plan. The results will be far reaching. The ticn of flowers w5l develop ;lie finer qualities of ;he boys and girls; the open ah' exercise necessary will be a help to them physically; the 10ye of home and pride in its appearance will tend ~owards a bettor ci[~enship' and more respec~ for public grounds and public proper;y. The improvement of these homes through g;trdens wilI give a more attractive appearance to the whole town, ultimately tending draw new residents, new business and increased prosperity. Beauty has a market value, increasing every day, and no town can afford to neglect this fact in its attemp~ to increase its indust.ries and its pop- ~ation. In addition to this work the society has iaade a beginning of plans for beanl;ifying the school grounds. Over $150 has been pended this year, mainly on the grounds of ~he ttigh and Union schools. This is a step in the right direction, Our schoolhouses 27 should be models of cleanliness, sanitation and bea[~ty, that the chiI- dren may carry these ideas into their own homes. The thanks of the comm~mity as well as of the boys ansi girls and their parents are due to the ofticers of the Improvement Society for the time and trouble they have given to the sueeessful carrying out of this school and home decoration. It is real village improve- meat. After awarding the prizes President Appleton announced that The society, desiring to interest the High school pupils in the welfare of the tow~;, inasmuch as they had no opportunity to participate in the garden work, would offer three prizes, 1st, $5; 2d, $3; 3rd, for the best essay entitled, ':The Advantages of Nolq, h Andover as a Place of Residents." The essays are to be less *hun 1000 words in length, written on one side of the. p~per and handed to the eom- mittee before June 1, 1908. The judges will be appointed by Pr~sictent Appleton and he will announce their decision at the graduating exercises of the class of t908. Following is the list ef p'at,ils receiving prizes fox' flower ge. talens; First prize--Si each: Helen Bruce, J~mes W. DeAdder, James A. Dolan, Ralph, Dorothy and Alden Farnham, Geo. W. and James A. Glennie, Ida ~na Richard Greenwood, Chacles and Helen Jack- son, Mary E. and Annie 5lcAvoy~ Thomas Milnes~ Alice Moody, Elizabeth A. Paul, Madge and Thomas Peel, Edna Pfeiffer~ Agnes Ritchie. Second prizes--50 cents each: Sarah, Annabel, John, Joseph, Leo and Genevieve Campb~I1, Eene Dol~son, Mabel Fish, Phillip Garneau, Ale×under, Charles and William McKinnon, William Miller, Howard Sanborn, Donald and Raymond Smith, Dorothy Stone, Madehne Stone, William Walsh, Winifred and Bertha Wilde, John Willis, Irene Winning. . . Very High Commendation--25 cents each: Chester and Stell~ Banks, George Bat'~eau, Phoebe, Catherh~e anti Gertrude Berry, RusseU Bishop, Mabel 13righeman, Hattie and Mai)el Brighton, Catherine and Beatrice Collins, Ethel and Pearl Cm'rier, Daniel Dauchey, E~n~le Drouin, Harry R. Dow, Marion Eno, Martha Espig, Pauline Fernald, Mildred A. an(1 Annie G. Foster, Ralph S. Foster' Sara Greenwood, Jeremiah and Cornelius IIaggerty, Clara Knowles' · 2S Irene Manchester, Harriet Marston, John 51lines, Melviu Myo;, Morris Fred l{abs, Harold Sanborn, Florence an.d Olin Sanford, Katherine Sargent, Gladys and Gordon Stone, Margaret and Ray- mend Winning, John, Henry, and Mary E. Olsewsky. EVENIN(i INDUS-' AU the request of a large number dcsir_ T[~iAL GLASSES lng evening study four classes have been formed fl~is year, as follows: Shirbwaist Making, Miss Sarah Shepard, h~structor Making Underclothes, Miss Gertrude Joyee, " Mechanics! Drawing,)V. D. l{undle~;t~ " Penmanship and Arit~metic, G. C. Cannon~ " While the dull times prevented the attendance of many who had expressed their iaten6on of attending, yet the classes have been greatly interested ia their work and have accomplished a great deal. Each pupii has paid for tile tuition at the ra*e of ten cents per lesson, and ~his fact shows that *here is a need for such classes for the benefi~ of those who are employed during the day time. TEACHERS One test of a teacher's qualifications is tile PEDAOO(ilGAL mnbition shown to keel} in touch with tile liters_ LIBRARY ture of the profe~,sion. An inquiry last year brought out the f~ct tlmt nearly ail our teachers subscribed for one of the Teachers' Magazines and that several, by exchaage, had excess to ~bree or four others. ' The following books have been purchased from time to time during the year and, together wi;b those belonging ~o 1he superin- dent, have been accessihl5 to the teachers at the offir,e. Our more progressive teachers have availed themselves of ~;his opportunity to keep abreast of 4he best d~ought of the best educators, and their work shows the result of this professional reading. LIST OF BOOKS=:=Teachers Library. Pedagogical. Wa~marks fox' Teachers, A Modern School, Arnold [Ia n u s :Special MeGed ia History, Principles of" ~ ' [ eacamg, Psychologic Foundations of Education, (~ommon Sense in Teaching aaa Education, Elementary Educ:~tioa, The Phitosophy of Educa;ioa, The School and Its Life, The Te~ehh~g o~ History and Civics, The Teaching of English~ ' The Teaching of Chemistry and Physic% The Teaching of Mathematical, The S~ory Hour, (¢rowfl~ and Education, Geography Thro tga ~he S;ereoseo[ e, SmdeB~'s Guide, I cachet s 5[~m~ a, The ~eeita*io~, 29 Thm'ndike Ilarris Barnett Keith ttarris Gilbert Bourne CarpeBter, Baker & Scott Smith and BaH J. A. W. Young Kate Douglas Wiggin Tyler Emerson and Moore Hamilton Industrial. lPracfieal Baske~;-Maki~g~ Paper Folding, Cardboard Constrneiio% Elementary Knife 'Work Advanced Knife Work ]Notes for Meehanica[ D,'awing, Supplementary Notes Meehankcal Drawing, Folios of Architectural Drawing (2 Nos.), Ta54or (SUPERiXTEND%'ST)S LIBRARY) Pedagogical. The Making of a Teacher, Our Schools, Administration and Supervision, Thc Basis of Practical Teaching, Social Phases of Education, The Grading of Sch6ols, Psychology and Psychic Culture, Ednca*ional Aims and Educat. ional Values, Brumbaugh Chancellor Bryan ~)U~tOB Shearer H~lleck 3O General Method, The Methed of the Recitation~ Teachers Manual of Geography, Talk~ on Writing English, A Manta{1 for Teachers. Reading; Picture Study in Elementary Schools~ vol. l, " "11~ (ieographical. .. Geography of Commerce, Geography of Commerce and Industry, Commercial Geography, A Commercial Geography-, Commercial Raw Materials, "How We Are Fed (two copies)~ How We Are Sheltered, How We Are Clothed, Industry'at Reader, Foods, Excisions and Lessons in Home Geography, Geographic Influences im Am. Nistory~ A Reader ia Physical Geography. MeMurray McMun'ay M cM urray Bates Laing Wilso~ ' Trotter Rocheleau Redway Adams Toothaker Ch am berlain Carpenter McMurray Brigham Dodge Bench Work in Wood, School Needle SVork, Hand-Loom Weaving, First Book of Forrestry, Industrial. Hapgood Todd Roth The following books may be found on the shelves of the Stevens Memorial Library: List of Books, Stevens Flemoriai Library. Books On Educati~nai Subjects for Teachers. 1908. Bain, Alexander. Education as a Science. 1879. 370. B 16 Dexter, E.G. History of Education in the United States. 1904. 370. D 52 ]V~vorett, Edward. Importance of practical eduction and useful knowlsdge. Selections h'om his Ora- tions. ~79. Ev 2 The Groat Educators series. 3 vols. Bowon, B. C. Froebel and educatkm by sell activity. 372. F 67 Hughes, Thomas. Loyola and thc educational sys- tem of the Jesuits. 1892. 379. H 87 West, A.F. Alc~in and the rise of the Christian schools. 1892. 870. W 52 Hamilton, Gall. Our common school system. 1880. 370. D. 66 Heath's Pe.lagcgie41 Library. 8 vols. Cumenius School of Infancy; on ;he education of youth tho first six years. Edited by W. S, Monroe. 370. C 78 Compayre, Gabriel. The history of pedagogy. 1897. 371. C 73 DeGarmo, Charles. Tho essentials of methods. 1898. 371. D 358 Herbart, J.F. The science of education. 1896. 370. H 51 3Iunroc, J. P. The edueationaI ideal An out- line of its growth in modern times. 1896. 3713 M 923 t'I, adostock, Paul. Habit and its importance in education. 371. R 11 Ricks, G. Object lessons and how to give them. 2 series. 372. R 8'2 International Education series. 9 vols. Boone~ R. G. Education in the United States. 1894. 370. B 64 Froebe/~ Froebel. Education of man. 1896. 870. F 9'2 3]artin, G. H. Evolution of the Massachusetts public school s~stem. 1894. 379. M 36 Painter, F. If. N. History of educatiom 1896. 370. P 16 Payee. XV. H. Translatim)Rousseau's Emile, or treatise on education. 1896. 370. R. 76 Bald~drb Joseph. Psychology applied to the art of teaching. 871. B 19 NORTH Howland, George. Practical hints for teachers. 1~96. 3~l. tl 8~ P~ker, F.W. How to study geography. 1897. 371. P 22 Quick, R. H. Essays on educational reformers. 1896. 871. Q 4 Payne~ Joseph. Lectures on the science and art of e¢lncatiom 1892. 370 P 29 Spalding, J.L. Things of the mind. 1894. 390. Sp 1 Spencer, Herbert. Educatiou intellectual, serial, physical. 370. Sp ;g Aldrich, A.R. Clfildren, their models and critics. 1~93. 272. AL 2, DeGraff, E.V. School-room guide. 1878. 371. D 36 Dutton, S.T. School management. 1907. 371. l) 05 Salmnorb Otto. Teachers hand-book of Slojd. 1891. 371. Sa 3 Wiggin, K. l). Children's rights. 1802. 372. R 440 Wiggin, l{. D. and Smith, N. A. Froebel'sgifts. 372. R 44 MR. BURNHAM'$ A very hellfful and inspiring legt, ure on LECTURE &awing was given by Frederick L. Bm'n- ham, state agent for the promotion of in&ts- trial arts, in December. Through the courtesy of tt~e trustees of the Stevens Memorial Library the new h:fll in that building was opened for this lecture, and tl~e artistic design of the hall, with its delighthfl coloring, was in harmony wi~h and adderl emphasis to ideas of the speaker. , OI~ADUATION The plan of h~ving a speaker at the gradu- }~XEI~CISES ating exercises of the high school was carried on[ again this year, and tim address of Dr. F. W. H~milmn or Tufts College was greatly enjoyed ned appreciated hy all. The graduating exercises of the grammar school consisted of a presentation of industrial geography as it had been studied during [be las; half of tlm year. Views were thrown on the sc:teen b~ tim school lantern and described bv the ;ncmbers o~ the cla-s. The programs o~ these exercises are reproduce4 for permanent record. 33 PROOI~AM--(iRAM/'IAR SCHOOL. March--"The Old Sentinel," High School Orchestra. Praye5 gev. George E. SandersmL Response--"The Lord is My Shepherd," ~oschat fiLIMPSHS OF THE UNITED STATES AND ITS INDUSTRIES. From Boston to No~olk and Washington. Fortress Monroe, Government Buildings, Was]fington 5ionu,nent, Franklin Campbell Roberts. Impressions of the South. Cotton Field, Rice Culture, Colorado .Canyon, Fruit Raising, Mount Vernon. Fruk Growing, Win~er Resorts. Francis P. Dye,'. Chorus--"Doan Ye Cry, Ma Honey, Cattle ~aising. View of New Orleans, Branding a Calf, A Cattle Ran'ch, Stock Yards in Chicago. John Ehnore Willis. California. Old Missions, Yosemite NafionM Park. Dorothy Taylor Houghton. Lumbering. Methods in Maine, N'o~ Fluming Lumber. Mary E. F. Murphy. Metho/ts in Oregon, Salmon Fishing and Sheep Raising. SM,non Wheel, George Peter Leeeock. Herding, Paii~t Pots, Old Faithful, Old KentnckS,, Niagara, Yellowstone National Park. Henry Garrison Hol~. Eastward Bound. Grand Canoon, Yellowstone Lake Emigranls, Sight Seeing in New York. Mary Brearley. Chorus--"My Old Kenmck Home,~ Home Again. Co*ton Manufaetm'ing, Roswell Ephraim Ward. Chorus--"Swing song," Girts' Chorus. Presentation of Diplomas, Albert "c~ ~ F. K~n~ Jr., Esq., Chairman of fl~e School~Committee. Chorus--"To Thee, 0 Country~" tJichber~ March , High School Orchestra. This exercise represents the kind of geography work done in the study of geography by this class during the last year. NAMES OF ORADUATE$. Flerrimack School. Mary Brearley Harrison Carey Ethel Currier ' Francis Dyer Sarah Daw Agnes Godkey Dorothy Houghton George Leeeoek Margaret LaMere Catherine Mclnnes Centre School. J~'oster Our Commonwealth. Lohr Mary McNuity Mary Murphy George Rand Franklin Roberts Harold Sanborn Iloward Sanborn Arthur Tufts Susan Wentworth John Witlis Roswell Ward. Lilla Mildred Dimery Ru~h Towne Henry Gm'tisch Holt Annie Frances Whittaker John Jeseph Wilcox. Farnham School. Ralph S. Farnum. 35 PROGI~A~I--HIGH March--Marine's Inspection, ' High School Orchestra. The Pilgr/ms' ~!horus from "Tannhauser,TM ' Prayer, Salutatory~ Class Prophecy, Rev. H. Usher Monte. Anna Gertrude Stone. Virginia Winona Bryant. ,?rig of the Vikings, Address, The 'Gondola Valedictory, F. 'W. Hamilton, LL. D, President of Tufts College. Allison Isabel Kirk. Presentation of Diplotnas~ Forget-me-not.: March~ Albert F. King, Jr., Esq., Chairman of School Conmfittee. Iligb School Orchestra. Faning ]ie~ry ~5'mart Th. ¢eise Harriet Bixhy HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES. CLASSICAL COURSE. Anna Gertrude Stone ENGLISH C^OU RSE. George Clinton Dickey Richard Coolidge Honghton /~ATiN COURSE, Virginia Winona Bryant Philip Morse Hamigon Allison Isabel Rirk Edith Gerarude Knowles Beatrice Florence Murphy Jennie Marion Re~ Mildred Elinor Yos$ I~IVHI~ SCHOOL ' Ag the beginning of the fall term the hum- CLOSED bet of pupils at the l'[iver School had been re- duce4 to six by removal of several families from O~e district. The school was therefore closed an.l the.pupils are be- ing transported to the Men'imaek School. Tile parents are much pleased that tbeir children are able ;o enjoy the advantages of tile b.rger and more closely grade{l sehoot. Miss Ilelena B. Keefe, who was the read, er at this school, is employed as a general assistant, spending ;we days each week at the Me~a'imack, and one day each .at the Bradstreet, Union, and (?entre Schools. This plan has been of great help, especially to backward children, Miss Keefe works individually with an3~ pupils who have fallen behind on account of absence, er who ~ind soy di~culD' with any subject. A half hour of individual help of ~his k}nd given to a pupil at the right time may make all the difference between success and failure in that subject. .$UTINIAI~Y OF The repairs for the pas~ year have cost more I~EPAIRS than usual,°ont the buiidings have been put ip good repair and will no; need extensive re- pairs for some time to come. It is good business policy to keep- /mildings in good repair. Kimball School. Schoolroom, outside doors and entry painted, blackboards finished, new teacher's desk, new bookcase. Centre School. Roof retaired, wails and ceiling of one room $inted, black- boards refinished, one slate board put in, new desks in part. . High School. ]~{ew desks in main roo~n and in senior recitation room, addi- tional heating in recitation room. Franklin School. St. orm windows for two sidles of t,he building. ¸87 tlerrimack School.' Boiler retubed, new desks in one room, windows ~horongh}y repaired and painted throughout the building, basement room tloored anti prepared for a nmu,al U'ainiag room. Bradstre~t School. New boiler installed, ceilings and walls of two moms tinted. Union School. Blackboards refinished, roof repaired, ceilings repaired, sani~ ~aries btstallcd ia the basement t~) replace outbo~ses. River School. Doors, wimlows and blackboards repaired, Farnham School. Ceiling repaired, blackboard~ refinished, p~inted outside. Ill(iH SCHOOL The better work in the grammar schools is showing results in the high school. The class entering in September was ranch be~ter prepared to undertake high school studies than previous classes have been. The standard of attainment in the high school itself has been raised, and the result ks seen in mbre earnest application on ~he part of many students. I; is a pleasure to report that, after a careful examination of the school, the authorities of the Worcester Polytechnic Institution'have granted the school the cert, ificate privilege. Om' pupils in college are attaining a satisfactory standard, and several pupils passed the examinations of the Cellbge Entrance Board las~ Juue~ STUDY OF (]REEK No beginners class in Greek has been DYIN(] OUT formed thi~ year asno one desired to begin that study, There was none last year. Greek is the most expensive study of a small high school. Onr elass in Greek (senior), consisting of three pupils, requires fifteen hours time per week of a s~rong teacher, at an expense of $108, or 835 per year. The same teacher devotes twelve hours time eigkt.v-~qve Impels in English, at a cost of 8262, or 82.96 peK pttpil ~ORTH A~DO~Egr ~ per year. The small high school cannot afford t.o teach Greek, though it emtld not afford not to teach it if there was a demand for it: We are fortunate in not haviag the demaml. TEXTILE The high schoool is conducting at the present LECTURES time a series of lectures on textiles, for the benefit of the adults of the emnmunity. The first three lectures are being given by Prell Edgar E. B~rker o~ the Lowell tex61e schvol, are free to all, and e~ idently much appreciamt by the audiences a~tendiag. The subjects of the lectures so ~ar as plannect are as follows: ~ I.~TEXTILE RAW MATERIALS. . Animal Fibres--Silk, woo/, mohafl', alapaca, cashmere, vlcugna, Shoddy, mungo. Vegetable Fibres--Cotton, flax~ hemp, jute, ramie. Mineral Fibres--Asbestos. il.~Felting properties et wool, Wool scouring, Carbonizing and Neutralizing, lll.--rlanufacture of woolen and worsted yarns. MUSIC STUDY The privilege of taking music lessons of some recognized teacher, practising a; home two hours pm' daF, and having it count as an eqnicalent for a study at school, has been taken advantage of by several pupils, one on the violin aml others on the piano. The plan is Working well and we think it is only justice to those who are so interested in music. ORCHESTRA AND The orchestra and glee dubs organized GLEE CLUB last year have proved a sore:ce of pleasure, eot only to the members but to *he school as well. The orchestra furnished music a; several rhetorical exer- cises, appeared at *he school recital as accompanist, and in solo sel- ections, besides providing the music at both grammar and high gradua;iot~s. At the annual recital of the school chorus thc folloxv- ing prograph was rendeged with credit to the conductors and parti- cipants. SU PERINTE N'DENT~S PoE ~POI~T. B9 PROGRAM PART !. 1. Overture Rickmond High School Orchestra. 2. Lc* Our Voices Be Glad Chorus and Orchestra. ;¢. Vi ~lin Solo, Loin de Bal. Miss Rundlett.' 4. Boat Song Glee Oink 6. Reading ' Mr. Gale. 6. Piano (Symphony) M[ss Knowles and Miss Marion Rea. Chorus and Orchestrm 7. The' ~Fiag CA,, JSecocq~ Arr. Gille! Cowe~ 11. K. Hudk~ PROORAF! PART II, 1. Overture Lustspeil Sextet--Violins: Miss Rundlett, H. Mason. Flu*e: Mr. Rundlet*. Clarinet: D. Mason. Piano: Mrs. thmdlet*. Cello: Miss Cox. 2. Hither Fairies Trip Trio for Girls' Voices. 8. Duet (Serenade) Violin: Miss Rundlett. C]arinet: D. Mason, 4. Reading Mr. Gale. ,5. Merry Life Chorus. 6. American Fantasia · Orchestra. 7. (a) Happy and Light (b) Kentucky Babe Glee Club, 8. Italia Chorus and Orchestra. ICel~ Beh¢, Opus Schubert Theo. Bendix From Bohemian Girt Geibel ~D omizetti 1~o IZTH GLEE' CLUB. Sopranos. Ha~q'iet Bixby Allison L Kirk Mildred B. Ellis Beatrice F. Murphy Lucy F. Houghton Mildred E. Yost Lila M. Johnson Anna G. Stone Altos. Charlotte R. Batson Elizabeth M. Humpln'ey 3lva'garet C. Glover Mary J. Morrissey 3Iarjorie D. Tilton Tenors. Philip M. ttamilton Joseph 3lcCarthy Donald R. Mason Theron L. Yost Bassos. George C. Dickey Baymond Towne, Ilarold W. Leiteh ORCHESTRA. First Violins. Mnriel C. l~undlett Chester Kershaw Frank Woodhouse Frank Taylor Well Isabel Cameron Ida Greenwood Harold E. Mason George Scarers Second Violins. Ilarvey Humphrey James Knowles Herbert Lord Clarinet, Donahl Mason. Violoncello, Miss Charlotte Cox Flute. W. D. Ruudlett Drum, George C. Dickey ACCO~PAN ISTS. Chorus and (]lee Club, Edith G. Knowles. Orchestra, Lila M. Johnson. DIRECTORS. Voice, Mr. Edward Butterworth. Orchestra, Mrs..Mabel Sharroek Farr. READER. H. C. Gale, Tufts College. 4l ORADUATES AT COLLEOE Maude M. Howes Bessie E. Rea ~vValter G. Bassett FMward 1)usha*n. " Gladys Houghton Frank O'Brien " Fred B. Reyuolds " Walter S. Wrigley " John Jacob Barker Helen G. Bassett " Charles J. Dore " Daniel W. Driscoll Alberto T. Ellison Alice S. Ilainsworth " Stormont Josselyn " Jennie 31. Roxtrow George C. 1)iekey Phillip M. llamiltou Allison I. Kirk " Beatrice F. Murphy " Jennie M. Ilea " Anna G. Stone " Mildred E. Yost " Our citizens will be interested to know which of our graduates are at some higher institution and where they are. Johnson, '04 Radcliffe, '08 " '05 Salem Normal, " '05 Worcester Polytechnic, 12 '05 Dart.mouth, '10 '05 Salem Normal, '07 '05 Dartmouth~ '10 '05 Lowell Textile '05 Salem ]N-ormal, '08 '06 Burdette Commercial '06 Salem Normal, '09 '06 Tufts, '10 '06 Villanova, '10 '06 Simmons, '09 '06 Salem Normal, '09 '06 Da~mouth, '10 '06 Tufts, '10 '07 Worcester Polytechnie, '11 '07 Exeter, '08 '07 Fitchburg NormM, '10 '07 Mass. School of Phartnacy '07 Lawrence Commercial '07 XVellesley~ '11 '07 Curry School of Expression -In fiddit, ion to the ahove, four residents of the town who are graduates of Johnson High are studying at some institution. Harry G. Chapin Edward P. Kelley Mason Downing Harold E. Mason Tufts, '09 Dartmouth, '08 Erie Pape School of Art Tufts, '10 Our school numbers eighty-six this year. Its graduates to the number o~ more ~han twenty-five per cent o~ its enrollment are at college or some higher institutiou. XVhat town of the size of North Andover can make as good a showing? GOFIFIEt~GIAL COUI~SE 31r. James A. 3ld)onald~ the stent FOI~ HI(iH SCHOOL of the state board of education, after visiting our school iu December, said: "I have one criticism to make. You are carr:Sng along in your classes many who ought not to be in tl~em, who are not fitte~i for the work they are trying to do, and who, not interested themselves~ are hindering Ge others in their progress. 5'<,ti i'.eed a commercial course to supply the needs of this class o~ pupils." His words are a confirmation of wh:~t I said iu my report of las[ year. Let me quote from that report. "A careful study of the conditions existing in the high s(:hool and the upper grades of the grammar scl~ool leads to these conclusions. Fi, st, ~hat a large number of pupils drop out of school during the eighth and ninth grades who ought to bare mere education be- fore taking their places as wage earners. That in many cases they leave because the course of study offered ~,hem in the high school does no~ appeal to them. ~ecoudly, that quire a number who enter the high school do so for the reason that their parents compel them to~ or ;o be with their companions, and not because they see there sm,ties which attrae~ them. As a consequence, many of these pupils, withou~ any pur- pose, find the high school work irksome, and either remain a drag on the class or drop out altogether. These conditions ough; not to be. E;ery pupil who can do so, ought to stay in school until the e}~d of the ninth grade; every pupil wl}o desires to go further than the ninth grade, dud do wink in the high sehoola, should have offered him the opportunity to study that which a~tracts him. Mos; ot the pupils of whom I l~a~e written would t~e at;ratted by a commercial course. 3lany others who are exeellen~ students and who desire to take up eomn.'ercial branches have ~o go out of town ~o do so. The number of those who prepare for college is small, and yet we say we must prepare for college, and we say rightly. The numLer of those interested tn a commercial course that wilt fit them for life work is largo. Why should we not provid~ for them? · I think we should. i l:elievc that the commercial studies give as vahmblc ~;raining SUPEI~iNTENDENT*S REPORT. for citizenship as the so-called humanistic studies, and better train- ing for acenraey and judgment. I do not mean by commercial studies, typewriting and short- hand only, but, with these, a strong course in commercial geography, business arithmetic, commercial law', penmanship and commercial cerrespondence.. These studies added to a foundation of strong work in the academic studies, History, English, French, German~ Algebra, Civil.Govermnent, Physiology and Science, would attract to onr school mauy who uow leave dnring the grammar grades, g'i~e enthusiasm and interest to the work of those who at~end in i:ody and not ia spirit. Such a course is needed for our high school. It would require a teacher o~ commercial branches and would cost al>out $550 a year. i recommend *hat sueb f; course be established. SCHOOL LAWS Om' citizens ought to be familiar with the laws governing the schools. A few of the more recent ones and tl~ese mo~t commonly referred to are printed as ~ p~rt o{ %his repor~ for ready reference. I commend Geir care- fnl reading t~o every citizen. Respectfully~ submitted, WALLACE E. MASON, Super;intendent. EXTRACTS School Laws FROM o£ Massachusetts. BIBLE READ IN ~CHOOL A portion of the Bible shall be read daily in the public schools, without written note or oral commeut. COMMITTEE SUPER- The school committe may supervkse VISE ATHLETICS and control all athletic organizations composed of the pupils of the public schools and bearing the nmne of the school. It may directly, or through an organized representative, deter- mine under what conditions such organizations may enter into eom- petition with similar organizations in other schools. COMPULSORY Every child between Seven and £ourteen ATTENDANCE years of age, and every child under sixteen years %ho cannot read at sight and write le}ibly simple sentences in the English language, shall attend some clay- school in the city or town in which he resides during the entire time the public day scbools are in session, (except those attending ap- proved private schools or those receiving instruction at home, or those physically unable.) Every person having under his conla'ol a child as described in this section shall cause him to atteud school as required; aud if he fails for five da); sessions or ten halLday sessions within any period of six inonths, while under such control, to cause such child to so a~tend schoet, he shall, upon complaint b3T a truant officer and con- viction thereof, be punished by a flue of not more than twent.,v dollars. Whoever induces or attempts to induce a child to absent hinl- self unlawfully from school, or employs or harbors a ellild who, while school is in session, is at:sent unlawfully from school shall be punished b~' a fine of not more ~han twenty dollars. VAGG1NATION A child who has not been vaccinated shall not be admitted to a public school except upon presentatiou of a certificate gran;ed for cause stated therein, signed by a regul:n' prantising physician that he is not a fit subject for vac- cination. A chihl who is a member of ~ household in which a d)erson is ill with smatlpox, diphtheria, scarlet fever, measles, or any other infectious or contagious disease, or of a household exposed to such contagion from another household as aforesaid, shall not attend school until [he teacher has been furnished with a certificate from the board of health of the cit.y or town, or from the attending phy- sician of such person, stating that danger of conveying such disease by such child is passed. HABITUAL A child between seven an~t fourteen years of TI~UANTS age who wilfully habitually absents himself from school shall be deeme(t an habitual truant and may be comtnltted to a truant or industrial sehook HABITUAL A child between seven and sixteen years of age ABSENTEES who may be found wandering about the streets or public places of an3' city or t, own, having no law- ful occupa*ion, not at~cnding s(:hool, and growing np in idleness and ignorance, shall be deemed an habitual absentee, and may be placed in a truaut or reforl/l school. H~::IITUAL OFFENDEF~S A child under fourteen years of age who per- sis;en;l~- ~iolates thc reasonable regulations of ~:he school which he attends, or otherwise mishehaves 4~ therein, shah be deemed to be an habitual offender, and may be ?laced in a truant or industrial school. TRUANT OFFICER EFIPLOYFIENT OF CHILDREN UNDEI~ 14 A truant officer may apprehend ami take to school without a wan'an~, ~my truantee or absentee foun:] wandering about in the streets or public places thereof- No child under fourteen shall be employed in any factow, workshop, or mercantile estab- lishment. No child under fourteen shali be employed at work performed for wages or other compensation, ~o whomsoever payable, during the houm when the public soho, els of the town in which he resides are in so,ion, or before six in the morning or seven in the evening. No child botweeu the ages of fo~rrteen and sixteen shall be em- ployed in any factory, workship, or merehantile establishment, with- out a eerhfieate of ability to read at sight and write legibly simple sentences in the English language. An age and sehoolLng certificate shall be approved only by the auperiutemlent of schools er by a person authorized by him in writ- Lng. An age or schooling certificate shall not be approved unless sat- isfaetory evidence is furnished by a certificate of birth or baptism of such minor, or by the register of birth of such minor with a city or ~wn clerk, that such minor is of the age stated in the certificate' except that other evidenee~ under oath, may be accepted in ease the superintendent or p~rson authorizecl by the school committee, as provided in the preceding section, decides that neither the certificate of birth or baptism, nor the register of birth is available for the purpose. The age ami schooling certificate of a minor under sixteen years of age shall not be approved and signed until he presents to the person who is authorized to approve and sign it au employment ti&et duly filled out and signed. I'iEDlCAL INSPECTION OF SCHOOLS, Chapter 60'2, Ac;s of 1906, provides as follox;:s:-- Appointment of School Physicians, Etc. Seetion 1. The school committee of every city and town in ~he (ommcn~eallh shqll a?~)oin~ one or more school physieia~s, shall tn-ovide t.hem wi[h ail proper facilities f~ the performance of flxeir du*ies as pre~ribed in this ac*: proc~kd, Ao~cever, that in r~ies wherein ~he board cf heal*h is already ~naintaining or shall here- al[et' maintain substantially such medical inspec[ion as this ac* re- .~qui['es, ;he board of heal;h shM~ appoin; and assign the school physician. Hxamination and Diqgnosis to Be ~ade. Sec;ion 2. Every school physician shal[ make a promp; exam- in%io;t ~nd diagnosis of all children referred to him as hereMaf~er provided, and such further examination o~ ;cachets, jani;om and school buildings as in his opinion ~he pro~ec~ion of *he-health of the pupits may require. See6on 3. The school eommit*e sh~ll e~use to be referred ~o a school physician for examina6on and dia~gnosis every child re;m'a- ing ;o school wi;hou[ a eer;ifl~'ate ft'o~n the board of heai*h afker absence on aeeouxt[ of illness or from unknown eat~se; and e~ery child in the schools under i;s jm'isdiction who shows signs of [)eing in itl heal;h or of saSering from infectious or contagious disesse, unless he is ~g once e-rcluded by ;he *eacher; exeep~ ~ha; in the case of schools in remo[e and isola;ed si;nations ;he school comra~;;ee may make such o,her arrangements as may. bes[ e~'ry oug the purples of ;his act. :' Notize to Be Sent to a Parent or Ouardian. Section 4. The school committee shall cause notice of the disease or delco;s, if :my, from Which the child is fonnd to he 8~el'- lng ;o be sent ;o his p:n'ent or guardian. XVhenever a child Shows symptons of smallpox, searle; fever~ measles, chickenpox, tuber- eulosis, diph*heria or indnenza, tonsitl~is, whooping cough, mUn~ps~ scabies or trachoma, he shall be sen~ home immediately, or as soon as safe and propcr conveyance can be found, and the board of healt.l~ shall at once l>e noticed, Tests of Sight and Hearing', and Examination for Disability and Defects. Section 5. The school committee of every city and town shall ca,-s~ every chiht in the public schools to be separately and carefully tested and examined at least once in every school yeor to aSCel.tail~ whether he is surfing frmn defective sight or bearing or from any disability or defect tending to prevent his receiving ;he full benefit of his school work, or requiring a modification of the school work ~:";in order to prevent injury to the child or to secure the best educa- tional results. The tests of sight and hearing shall be made by teachers. The committee shall cause notice of any defect or dis- ability requiring treatment to be sent to the parent or guar,lian of the ehiht, and shall require a physieal record of e~ch child to be kept in such form as the state ho~:rd of educatiou shall describe. Sec;ion 6. Tile state board of health shall prescribe the direc- tions for tests of sight and hearing and the state board o~ education shall, after consultation with the state board (if health, prescribe and furnish to school committees suitable rules of instruction, test-cards, blanks, record books and other useful appliances fei- car~'ying out the purposes of this act, and shall pro~ide for pupils in the no,'~nal schools instruction and practice in the best methods of testing the ~ight and heating of children. The state board of erlucation may expend duri_ng the year nineteen hundred and six a. sum not greater than fifteen hundred dollars, and annually not greater than five hun- tired dollars for the purpose of s~/pplying the material required by this act. Expenses. Section 7. The expense which a city or town may incur by virtue of the authority herei~ vested in the school committee er bo~rd of health, as tl~e ea;e may be, shall uot exceed tl~e ~/mount appropriated for the cities hy the city council and in towns by a town meeting. The appr~priatio, shall exceed any expenditure or any indebtedness which may be incurred under this act, aud the sum appropriated shall be deemed a suflieient appropriation in the muni- cipMity where it is ~nade. Such appropriation need not specify to what section of tile ac; it snail apply, and may be voted as a total appropriation to be applied in carrying out the purposes of tile act. Section S. Th:~s act shall take effect on the first day of Sep- teinber io the year nineteen hundred and six. NORTH ASDOV~R, 49 SCHOOL CALENDAR. September 3, 1907. December 20~ 1907. .January 6, ~908. February 21~ [908. March 2, 1908. April 24, 1908. May 4, 190~S. June 19, 1908. September 8, 1908. December 24, 1908. Fall term began. Sixteen weeks. Fall term closed. Recess of two weeks. Winter ter~n began. Seven weeks. Wiutcr term closes. Recess of one week. Spring term begins. Eight~veeks. Spring term closes. Recess of one week. Smnmer term begins. Seven weeks. Summer term ends. Recess of ten weeks. Fall term hog[ns. Sixteen weeks. Fall term ends. Recess of two weeks. nlGII SCHOOL. The high s~:hoo/calendar is the same as the above, cx,-ep[ tha~ there is only one week of vacation at Christmas, the winr, e~ term beginning a week earlier in Janut~ry, and that the school closes one week later in June, making a term of forty ~veeks. scuooL s~ssmss. High School Eyre? week_day, e~cept Saturday, from 8.30 a. m. to 1.15 p. m. Cor~mmn schools (except district schools) 8.30 ~o 11.15 a. m. throughout the year; 1.15 to 3.30 p. m., November 1 to February 1; 1.45 to 4 p. m. the rest o~ the year. Holidays Saturdays, Thanksgiving'day and the latter half of day preceding and the day following, Washington's birthday, Patriots' day and Memorial day. The signal for no sessiou of the schools in stormy weather is the ringing of the bell on ~he Merri,nack school building a; 7.40 a. m. for no session in the forenoon, and at 1'2.40 p. m. for no session in the aftgrnoon. SUPERINTENDE~T~S REPOI~T. TO THE SUPEI~INTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. The following is my report as Truant Officer for the nhole to June lown for last year--Sept 1~. 1906 * 1907. Nuntber of a~sentees reported by teachers~ 455 " " " without permission of,parents. 75 " - - second offences, .... eases of sickness, .... absentees, third offences, 16 " " parents or guardians notified, 112 ~ ~' lmpils retm'ne(t to school from street, 34 " " arrests, " " prosecutions, 5 Cases of tardiness investigated, 25 Respectfully submitted JAMES M. (NAIG. 51 · STATISTICS. Population about 4500 No. of persons between 5 aud 15 years of age, Sept. 1907, 793 No. of heys betweeu 5 and 15 years of age, Sept. 1907, 391 No. oi girls between 5 ancl 15 years of age, b~pt. 1907, 402 No. of porsons between 7 and 14 years of age, Sept. 1907, 566 No. of boys between 7 and 14 years of age, Sept. 1907. 277 No. of girls between 7 and 14 years of age, Sept. 1907, 989 No. cf beys enrolled in public schools, 1906-7, 436 No. of girls em'oiled in public schools, 190t~-7, 45'2 Membership registered 1906-7, 88~ Average number belonging in public schools, 1906-7. 792 Average daily attendance in public schools, 1906-7. 767 No. of pupils atteuding school between 7 and 14 years of age, per enroll~nent, 1906~7. 682 5Nfo. of persons attending school over 15 years of age, 1906-7, 60 Per cent. of attendance for school year, 1906-7, 97 ~No. of schools at present time, Jan. 1~ 1908. '25 No. of school buildings at present time, Jan. 1, 1908. 10 No. of school buildings occupied, 9 Financial of the School Report Department. To the Auditor of 2Worth We herewith submit~ohe Financial Report of the School De- pat~men~ for the year ending December 31, 1907. At a meeting of the School Committee held Janus-y, 1908, it was voted ~o accept the report of th~ Superintendent. and to adopt it as fl~ ~epo~t o~ the Committee. LBER~ F. KING, Jm, School MARY G. CARLETON. FRED S. SM[TH. 6~ommittee 54 SUPEIqlNTE~N~D ENT~S RF~POnT] F[NANGIAL I~EP01~T~sCH00LS. TEACHERS, Wallace E. Mason Annie L. Sargent G. Bernice Rogers Annie L. Stevens Lucinda H. Hartshmm Frank H. Lane Wan'ch R. Bowen Edwin A. Damon - Theresa E. Connelly Mary E. Quealy HeIen C. Sm.gent Gertrude A. Hamlia Annie E. Sanborn M~rtha E. Keating Kate T. Fuller Charlotte Halibnrtm~ Clara N. Wentworth Joseph H, Hartley Leonora White Clara E. Boyer Helen E. Roaehe Mrs. Florence Rafferty Mary M. Taylor Henrietta Hatch Mm'y 31[. qnealy El~a W. Small Edith A. Preston Grace B. Osgood Fannie A. Goodhue Helen G. Keefe Frances T. Wilson Lena M. Jones Violet A. Oates Edward Butterworttr Maude Milner Eertha A. Chapman Hannah C. Carteton Total~ teachers $1,040 00 820 00 620 00 520 00 300 00 320 0O 636 9O 420 80 471 10 500 00 500 00 500 00 5O0 00 500 Oo 289 30 ~00 00 252 80 347 60 460 7O 500 00 500 00 600 00 500 00 500 00 500 00 550 00 500 00 5OO 00 450 00 358 00 399 00 380 00 328 00 550 00 525 00 1~6 40 4 5O $16,970 10 JANITOI~$, James A. Craig Ida Evans Alfred Sanford James Armstrong P~rick J. Healey Mrs. Ilerbert Smith ~. Annie and George Frost Carrie Bassett T~tal, janitors FUEL AND CALVE OF BUILDINGS D. A. Carleton Dustbane Mfg. Co, Joseph J'aeobs T. A. Holt & Co. J. E. Nutter B. W. F~a'nMm Fuller Bros. Lawrence Gas Co. II. I. Dahlman & Co. James A. Leitch & Co. J. H. Fuller Co. Carrie I. Craig Joseph Trembly & Co. ~Nor~h Andover Waterworks Carroll & Casey Smith's Express Ida Evans 3Irs. James Armstrong Nathan Foster Ct)aries H. Foster E. J. Bencker John A. Bencker P. P. Caproni Sanborn & Robinson Mrs. Alfred Sanford Thd Sanitas Co. P. J. Healy Mrs. Herbert Smith Reid & Hughes $~40 00 63 00 112 50 279 50 448 08 38 50 26 00 58 00 gt,765 58 $18 12 44 75 2 08 2 00 1 25 24 50 26 45 15 00 16 00 84 36 65 .1,402 41i 95 80 9 00 12 71 3 00 35 35 9 5~ 20 50 1'2 o0, 21 95 i 05 9 15 2'2 25 16 20 .15 40 2 ~8 4 Q0 SUPERI~'TENDENT~S REPORT. Annie and Geo~ige Frost James Craig W. R. Robinson Edward Butterworth Robei:tson Suthcrland Co. A, P. Fuller L, R. Starrett Luther N. Hall William J. Bode Total, fuel and care 60 17 00 2 63 3 00 3 25 23 00 10-50 ' 463 13 00 $1,964 14 - BOOKS AND SUPPLIES Wadsworth, Howl and & Co, L. E. Knott & Co. Houghton & Mifflin Ginn & Co. E. E. Babb & Co. J. L. Hammett & Co. A. D. Handy Oliver Ditson & Co. Geo. F. King & Co. Kenny Bros. & Welkins Mil~;on Bradley Co. C. Howm'd Hunt Pen Co. L. C. Page & Co. National Geog. Society White Smith Music Co.. C.F. Winchester D. C. Heath & Co. - Silver, Burdett & Co. C. C. Birchard McKinley Publishing Co. C. H. Driver Co. Gee: C. Josselyn Stuarh Howland & Co. ,7. B. Lippincott & Co. Jordan Marsh & Co. Globe School Book Co. Harvard University Andrew J. Lloyd American Bool~ Co. Lord & Co. $14 52 38 56 26 28 243 53 357 63 112 34 6 90 28 67 4 8O 43 40 55 11 16 64 7 20 i 00 2 37 41 95 67 35 272 83 7 15 2 00 22 65 35 23 4 76 110 1 68 5 00 1 O8 4 25 145 15 13 50 Edward Butterworth Maude Milner Morse & Simmo,m John It. Thurston Sanborn & Robinson W. P~. Bowen Chandler & Barber J. F. Barnard Co. Allyn & Bacon 8ehoenhof Book Co. Robertson Sutherland Co. D. Appleton Co. David Farquah Robinson Ilar~] wares, Co. Geo, B. Holden Taylor Holden The Pahner Co. Library Bureau Rand ~icNally & Co. Oundy Bettony Co. John P. Murphy Total, books and supplies REPAIRS J. V~L Leitch & Son (Bradstree~ Boiler) J. W. Le~tch & Son Louis H. McAloon D. J. Costello S. D. Hinxman J. E. Nutter Robe~son, Sutherland W. B. Robinson American Seating Co. Mrs. James Armstrong P. Ilogan Clarence Farnum N. E. Tel & Tel. Co. Sanborn 3z Robinson Musk & Lillis H. P. Towne American Express Co. Geo. W. Hore~e Co. 57 3 15 2 40 30 94 ~ 75 15 20 I 25 350 28 8 45 11 94 6 57 5 56 19 84 27 20 4 20 ~ 00 3 25 75 1 50 8 4b 75 17 81 $'A,113 90 $595 0O 329 35 108 31 341 44 13 50 2 00 53 90 70 18 50 43 30 i 60 7 43 12 99 9 00 2 75 4 00 45 94 ~ Smith's Express Wright, Stafford & Co. ,lames Craig John.A. Beneker Edward Butt~rwor th D. R. Mason Arthur R. Daw W. R.. Bowen -Haro',d E. Mas3n Ray~nond Towne E. E. Babb & Co. Allen F. Abbott Geo. F. Laing s. H. and W. E. Nowell Robinson Hardware Co. C. F. Winchester Hugo Beil Mfg.. Co. otat, ~tep~rs INCIDENTALS. Elizabeth Reid American Express Co. Bosten & Maine R. R. Co. Goo, C. Josselyn Smi;h Premier ~l'ypewri;er lq. E. Tel. & Tel, Co. W. B. Clark & Co. Library Bureau Yost, Hamil;on & Dickey Fred L. Sargent C. H. Driver Co. James Craig Wallace E. Mason Mauae Miliaer ~. C. Cannon Boston & Northern R. R. C. O. Barker Chas. A. Pilling James W. Leitch & Co. Total, incidentals Wallace E. Mason, Snpt, -" " " secretary 88 52 208 90 1 00 15 75 15 20 11 60 1 50 49 75 1 90 8 25 1 50 144 75 '26 20 · 29 42 '2 5O 5 75 $2,380 70 $70 00 12 00 66 23 15 7 80 81 81 9 75 '20 '23 1 00 46 00 45 53 I 6O 86 51 190 8 25 50 00 7 00 l0 6'2 '2 50 $886 31 900 00 100 O0 · ' SUMFIARY; Teachers $10970 10 Ja'dtors 1705 58 Superintendent 900 00 Secret~ry 100 00 Truant, Officer 100 00 Fuel & Care of Buildings 1904 14 Books and Supplies 2113 90 Repairs 2380 70 Incidentals 886 31 Total expended from appropriation $26680 73 $~26680 73 Amount of Appropriation $25500 00 Unexpended BManee 507 65 Reed. old boiler tubes, Merrimack 10 62 Recd., sale of supplies 4 01 Total amount avallalde $260~2 28 826022 28 Overdrawn $658 45 FIOSI~S TOWNi~ FUND Unexpended from 1906 Receipts American Seating Co. A, D. llandy Longmans Green & Co, E. E. Babb & Co. Natl. Geog. Society Th9 Independent Houghton & Mifflin Total expended $451 29 160 80 $612 09 Expended 8268 00 65 85 3 75 83 68 2 00 2 00 1 28 $376 56 Balance on hand r · AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE 7o t/~e Taxpayevs of ~'orth Andover: 1 have examined tl~e accounts of the Town Officers for the year ending Jan. 1, 1'308~ and have found them correot with satisfactory vouchers for all payment, have also verified the Treasurer's Report relative to Trust Funds and cash on deposit in various banks, and herewith present the anmml ~eport of Receipts and Expenditures classified under the headings of the several departments with a state- merit of the town indebtedness at 'he above date ~nd a schedule of Town Property as valued by the heads of departments having charge of same. Persons having hitls agMnst the Town are requested to present the same to the heads of depamnents ordering the articles as soon as possible, charges to tt~e several depart~nents to be made out on separate bills. Respectful A. B. Ha~so~r, .4udito¢. SELECTMEN'S REPORT. i To the Aud4to~': We herewith submit the Annual Report of the Selectment for the year 1907~ TOWN OFFICERS' SALARIES. MAMES. J. C. Poor Peter Holt Geo. C. Josselyn S. D. Hinxman P. P, Paw Total ~Appropfiation O0 oo OO O0 $475 oo 475 oo ~62 5o 250 oo 250 oo · ~87 5° $75° oo 750 oo 25 $z25 oo $7 ~o 7 5© 3° oo 22 50 2z 50 $9° oo 9° oo $H3 75 3ox ~5 53© oo 39~ 25 203 75 $~54© oo ,54° oo 3!lqa,l lo pjeoff u°laaIl°Ox~& J iol.rpn¥ o o 0 o APPOINTED OFFIGEI~$. dler, $~oo oo ~ iiott~ $5 oo la, $25 oe derick, 837 5° ton, 37 5° 37 5° ~itch~ 37 5° ~, 33 3 :on, 66 6 >n 66 6 Smo oo 85 oo $25 oo $~5o co ~3oo o, ~, too oo 5 oo . 25 oo t5© oo 300 o, NAMF George S. Fuller, Robert B. George A. Rea, Thos. It. Bi John F. Ban: F. Otis Real James W. P. J. Casey, Vv' E. Towne George M. W. Moul~ L. H. McAloon Total,' Appropriati,an, 64 State Aid. Appropriation $1,200 00 Barker, Andrew J. $72 00 Blanchard, Ann 48 00 Butterworth, Ellen 48 00 Chase, Parker J. 72 00 Craig, Eliza 48 00 Evans, Samue! A. 72 00 Evans, Wm. A. 72 00 Hinman, Edw. P. 60 00 Mitchell, .Susan 48 00 MeCarthy, Patrick 72 00 Mills, Em~na 48 00 Monk, Annie E. 48 00 , Morton, John 48 00 Pickles, Mary A. 48 00 Poor, Charles II. 72 00 Roundy, Wrn. S. 61 50 Roundy, Mrs. Wm. S. 6 00 S~nborn, Margaret M. 48 00 Sanborn, Mary A. 24 00 Standring, James 4 00 Wallwork, Ellen 48 00 Webster, IIenry A. 16 00 Wood, Ann 48 00 81,131 50 Unexpended 68 50 $1,200 00 $1,200 00 Discount and Intere~. Appropriation ' $1,500 00 Winthrop Nat. Bank $67 60 Loring, Tolman & Tupper 215 18 Bond & Goodwin 198 42 ', .... 162 00 Amount carried forward~ ~648 05 $1,500 00 NORTH A~DOV~R. 65 Amount brm~ght forward, ~Vin~hrop Nat. Bank Essex Savings Bank 643 05 67 50 307 40 $1,500 O0 Unexpended Appropriation Winthrop Nat. Bank Unexpended Appropriation Expended $1,017 95 482 05 $1,500 O0 $1,500 O0 Interest on Water Loan. $6,520 O0 80 00 86,600 O0 $6,600 00 Water Loan Sinking Fund. $3,50O 00 $6,600 00 88,500 00 :~ 83,500 O0 $8.500 O0 State and County Tax. Appropriation Unexpended balance, 1906 Expended Unexpended $11,00 00 1,202 80 $11,585 41 616 89 $12,202 80 $12.202 30 Memorial Day Committee. Appropriation $200 00 lYnexpended balance, 1906, paidtocommittee, 22 83 22 83 Expended $169 47 Unexpended 30 53 $222 83 $222 83 66 North Andover Improvement Society. Appropriation Unexpemled balances 1906, Ezpended $158 75 Unexpended 357 50 $300 00 216 25 Janitor Town Hall. $516 25 Appropriation Expended $200 00 Lighting Streets. Appropriation Appropriation, gas lights Unexpended balance, 1906 Expended Uncxpended $516 25 $2O0 O0 $200 00 $3,569 14 236 70 $3,805 84 Tree Warden Expenses. $200 O0 $3,000 O0 195 00 610 84 Appropriation Unexpended balance, 1906 Expended Overdrawn $2,675 20 $3,805 84 $1,300 O0 707 98 667 22 Appropriation Expended Unexpended $2,675 20 Board of Healfh Expenses. $110 60 189 40 82,675 20 $300 00 $800 O0 8300 O0 67 ELECTION EXPENSES. ?larch Election, 1907. BickeI1, Joseph Burns, Thomas Carr, Fred A. Chiekering, A. P. Costello, Ed A. Costello, Ilugh F. (h~nningham, H. F. Currier, Albert Currier, Dana Dillon, John J. Donovan, Daniel J. Duncan, Joseph A. Elliott, James Garvey, John M. Gillispie, Charles Gillispie, Alexander Goff Fred Harris, Geo. L., police Healy P. J., labor on booths Hiaxman, Chas. D. Johnson, Ernest L. Lawlor, Joseph E. Leighton, Jos. L., pot/ce MeQuestion, Herbert L. Mizen, Geo. It., police Mellen, Thomas Phelan, Fred Prescott, Abbot Towne, Wallace Wagner, Jabez Willis. John J. ~3 50 3 60 4 O0 9,5 O0 8 50 3 60 3 O0 4 O0 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 ,50 4 O0 3 5O I 75 5 O0 3 50 3 50 3 ,50 3 50 3 50 2 50 3 O0 3 50 3 50 3 50 3 50 4 O0 .Amount carriec~ torward, ~1~9 75 68 SELECTMEN~S I~EPORT. Amount broug]~t forward~ November Election. Badger, A. ~V. Carr, Fred A. Chickering, Arthur P. Costello, Hugh ]. Daw, P. P., labor on booths Goff Fred Hinxman, Charles D. Howes, Fred Matherson, George, labor McQuestion, Herbert L. Wentworth, Thomas Willis, John J. Andover Press, check list and tally sheet Duncan, J. A. Phclan, Fred Driver, C. H. Co., ballots McAloon, Lout% ballot boxes Andover Press, ballots and check list Berry~ Sam D. (!asey, P. J. Chadwick~ George G. Cumfingham~ H.F. Davis, John F. ])ilion, J. J. Hayes, Waiter H. Healy, P. J., booths Healy, P. J. Healy P. J., police Hughes, W. S. Wilton, George Sargent, Fred S. Toohcy, Wm. J. $6 50 4 00 6 50 4 00 8 00 4 00 6 50 4 00 2 00 6 50 6 50 6 50 $ 50 [ 00 I 00 36 00 6 25 9 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 6 00 ] 00 6 00 5 00 I 00 3 5O I 00 I O0 4 15 '2 O0 $129 75 181 40 gSll 15 Contingent. Adams, Edward, hauling steamer '04 and '05 :$21 O0 Andover Press 10 75 American Express i 30 Bean & Foore, lumber, No. 2 1~. H. 14 42 ~arter Ink Co, supplies 4 40 ~olby, E. S., insurance 167 47 ~ole~ A. L.~ stationery 16 33 /~onnors, Daniel, moving weights and measures 2 00 Currier, A. P, ~eam damage 5 0O Daw~ P. P., labor, repairs, No. '2 E.H. 75 10 Daw, P. P., telephone 8 86 ~Dumas & Co., Expense Book 11 75 Dennison Mfg. Co., supplies 8 05 Driver, C. H. Co., printing 638 16 Duncan, Joseph, janitor and labor 125 90 Fairbanks, L. J., Tax Books 4 50 Forest Fire, expense 87 00 Frye, N. P, land rent 7'2 00 Gillls, J. 1~, one-half masters' expense St. R.R. 69~ 50 Gurley~ W,.&. L. E. supplies~ sealer 4 74 Hanson~ A. B., stationery 5 00 Hall, Luther N. supplies T. H, '2 67 Harris, Geo. L, keeper 29 90 Harris, Geo. L., warrants and posting 16 00 Hinxman~ S. D., keys and team 7 18 Hinxman~ S. D., telephone 3 66 IIargrave, J. J., supplies and sealer 5 00 Holt~ Peter, telephone 8 60 Jacobs, Joseph, coal 49 50 Joselyn's Express, express 85 Josselyn~ Geo. C., telephoue 4 35 Library Bureau, Index 16 91 Leighton, Joseph 3 50 Leiteh, Harold, teller St. R.R. 2 00 Amount carried forward, $1,385 45 7O ~O~TH ANDOVE~. Amount brought forward, Leitch & Son, J. W., Repairs etc. 280 Lawrence Gas, office & T. Hall Maldin Interage Co.~ water supplies I 50 MeAloon, Louis H., repah's Town Ha~! 100 45 k;~cDonough,,Martin, setting bounds 3 60 Mizen, Geo. H., posting notices i 50 Morrison Bros., printing assessors list 59 25 Morris, John, setting bounds 3 60 Murphy, P. B., dog blanks 8 2,5 N. E. Tel. & Tel. Co., office 52 78 O'Brien Thomas, windows of office 31 15 Parker, James O. insurance 39 00 P$rkins, Geo. II., supplies and teams 8 35 Pilling U. II. envelopes and stamps 108 54 Potter & Wright, assessors' blanks 2 50 Poll Tax Rebate, No. 1 32 00 " " " No. 2 35 00 Board of Public Works, water tene~ments 9 80 Ridgewood Cemetery Asso., care of lot 8 00 Reynolds, F. B., sealer weights and measures 223 69 Robinson Hardware Co, supplies Town Hall 2 25 Roake, S. L, team for sealer 75 Smith~ G. H. T. Hall tenement and office paint 106 49 Smith~ Horace H., land survey and plans 30 00 State Treasurer, half liquor license 50 Stauchfield, H. J., locks and keys 3 00 Stoth Lilla D., recorcls '26 80 Stewart Warren Co, Check Book 19 00 Sargent, Fred S, teams 8 00 Sun-America% printing 1 00 Sweeney & Dow, advice by-laws 5 00 Telegrum, printing i 00 .Winchester~ C.F. 4 85 Amount carried for,ward $1,385 45 17 79 1,374 06 $2,759 51 SELECTION'S REPORT. ¸71 Cain, Michael Craig, James M. Dudley, Edwin M. lfarris, Geo. L. Leighton, Jos. L. 3lcDuflie, Michael Cou~ Expens~ ~erwiek, J. B. Birmingham, R. Chesley, A. E: Craa.ffdrd, J. W. Daley, J. J. Fleming A. George, Leslie H. Holt~ E. W. A. Leiteh, J. W. 3lassie J. B. Morrill, C. P. Reed, V. B. Robinson, Florence N. Scott, C. W. Smith, Fred S. Births. 3 48 2 90 1 00 3l 17 1 00 1 00 i0 55 50 t 00 25 25 6 50 25 3 00 6 75 84 70 25 1 25 25 50 25 8 25 $2,759 51 112 95 $2,872 46 GEO. C. JOSSELYN,) P. P DA~V, ~f Selectme", S. D. HINXMAN; ) ~ORTH A~D~VEg~ Assessors' Report. No,Tn A~vovr~, JA~r. I, 1908. To A. B. Ha~son, Auditor of the 7~own of North Andover: The Assessors of the Town of North Andover, Massschusetts, herewith present theh' report for the year ending Dec.'31, 1907. Aggregate value of real estate $3,3377460 Aggregate value of personal estate 1,178,9'26 $4,516,386 Real estate $56,069 33 Personal estate 19,805 95 Polls 2~458 00 Amount required by assessors' warran~ Abatements and exemptions authorized $78,333 9.8 400 01 State tax $5,760 O0 County tax 5,732 34 Highway tax 93 00 Town Tax 61,966 75 Overlayings 3,003 19 Polt tax only 1,778 00 $78,333 28 ASSESSORS: REPORT, 73 Acres of land assessed Dwellings assessed ttorses assessed Cows assessed , Sheep assessed Otl;er neat cattle assessed Swine a~essed Value of fowl assessed Persons liable to military duty Dogs (male) Dogs (female) Total number of dogs assessed 15~141 791 467 822 3 176 96 $1,280 O0 750 269 19 288 ~rc^r~T Total value of real estate, assessed Total value of p~ersonal estate assessed Total value of real a~'d personal estate Taxe~ assessed on real estate : Taxes assessed on personal 'estate Taxes assessed on polls B. & M. R. 'R. excise tax $3,337,460 1,178,9~6 $56,069 38 19,805 95 2,458 00 3,303 91 $4516,356 $81,686 19 PETER HOLT, S. D. HINXMAN, GE(). C. JOSSELYN, ¢ ~¥orth Ando~e~ TREASUI ER'S REPORT. (ieorge H. Perkins, Treasurer, in Account with the Town of North Andover, Mass. DR. Lawrence Gas Co., rebate Essex s s dog tax, 1906 Arthur L, Cole, rebate Essex's s, repairs on Pond street Com. of Mass., corp. tax 1906 Max Glogovsky, pedler's license Carter Ink Co., reimbursement John P. Murphy~ liquor license George H. Perkins~ Board of Public Works George H. Simonds, gravel P. lq'. Murphy, fireworks license Sam Black, junk dealer's license T. A. Holt Co., fireworks license George A. Smith, " " Robert Smith, gravel Dana Currier, " · B. & M. R. R.., one-half electric light Money, unclaimed P. J. Healy, Town Ha~l rentat Charles E. Sa'out, rent of tenement lVillard O. Putnam, rent of " William H. Snell, Bay State Na~onal Bank, int. on deposiys " " '; " check book Amount carried forward, $ 1 73 540 17 1 00 1,000 00 60 15 10 00 2 20 1 00 I 00 8,000 00 5O I 00 5O 00 1 00 1 00 25 1 O0 32 50 6 00 26 O0 50 00 50 00 98 50 85 O0 10 O0 $5,025 O0 TReASUREr'S REPORT. 75 Amourd brought forward, John W. Richardson, sewer assessment William Sutton, L~wrencc house of correction, court fines Lawrence police court, " " North ~/udover police court, " " Wallace E. Mason, school supplies Broadway Savings Bank, interest on Moses Towne Fund Andover " ,, - ,, ,, Commonwealth of Mass., corporation tax " " " national bank tax " " " state aid - ' " " " St. 1~. R. tax Fred M. Hill~ Town Farm receipts Albert F. King, Jr., taxes C. J. Mahoney, taxes Total income Essex Savings Bank, Note No. 223 Loring, Tolman & Tupper, Note No. 224 Bond & Goodwin, Note No. 225 " " " ;' 226 $10.000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 Amount of notes given in anticipation of taxes Cash on hand Jan. 15~ 1907 Total receipts Money expended on account Overseers of the Poor expenses · Money expended on account general expenses " " '- school expenses Amount carried forward, $5;025 00 54 69 510 57 10 00 121 00 42 00 14 63 40 40 40 40 40 00 40 00 10,623 74 3,627 86 1.192 O0 8,489 99 1,160 90 64 50 78,559 36 $104,656 54 840,000 00 11,721 01 $156,377 55 $5,897 09 66,969 06 27,057 29 $99,923 44 76 NORTH ANDOVER. Amount brought forward, $99,923 44 " " " Lawrence police court certificate 65 47 Money expended on account North Andover police court certificate 128 14 Total amount expended on account of running expenses $100,117 05 Wintln'op National Bank~ water bond $1,000 00 Lawrence Savings Bank, two water bonds 2,000 00 Essex Savings Bank, three water bonds 3,000 00 XVin~hrop National Bank Union school- house note 1,000 00 Winthrop National Bank, tax not~ No. 225 · 10~000 00 Essex Savinlgs Bank, trax note No. 223 10~000 00 V¢inthrop National Bank, tax note No. 224 10,000 00 " " " " " No. 226 10,000.00 Total amount of notes paid 847,000 00 Cash in Bay State N~tionaI Bank~ Lawrence, Jan. 14, '08. 9~260 51) Taylor F~nd. Amou,t of fund in Essex Savings Bank at last annual report Amount of interest to Oct. 6, 1907~ Total All sewer assessments have been collected. $156~377 55 $430 58 17 38 $447 96 Board of Public Works Account. Cash on hand January 16, 1907, Received from Town of North Andover, sewer appropriation carried ?orward, 8383 91 1,000 O0 $1,383 91 TR~ASUR]~R~S I~EPORT. 77 tlrought forward, Received from Board of Public Works Received from Winthrop National Bank, on deposit Money expended, per order " " three water bonds Cash in Winthrop National Bank, Boston, JanuarF 14, 1908, Pul;lic Library Account. Cash on hand Jau. 15, 1907, Received from Miss Hannah Quealey, fines " " Town of North Andover, appropriation Received from'Town of North Andoveh dog tax, 1906 Money expended, per order Library Trustees Cash in Merchants National Bank, Lawrence, · January 14. 1908, /'~oses Towll · Andover Savings Bank Lawrence Broadway " " Total School Fund. $1, 383 91 15,288 84 43 46 $16,666 21 $13,606 79 8,000 O0 59 42 $16,666 21 $421 80 19 11 1,200 O0 540 17 '$2,181 08 81,526 45 654 63 $2,181 08 $1,000 O0 1,000 O0 1,000 O0 1,000 O0 84,ooo O0 ~ORTH ANDO~E~. The annual interest amounting to $160.80 has been drawn and placed at the disposal of ?~he Sehool Committee. Respectfully submitted, GEORGE IIENRY PERKINS, ~ reasurer. January 14~ 1908. AUDITOR'S I~EPOI~T. Union SehooI loan Bills due estimated, FINANCIAL STATEMENT, Liabilities. $2,000 oo ]00 O0 Assets. 0ash in Treasurer's hands, Uncollected Taxes-- A. Y. King, Jr., $943.54 ~ C. J. Mahoney, 14~204.15 Due from State and MilitaW Aid, Due from Cities and T~wns, Balance in favor of Town, $2,100 00 $23,79.4 44 $9~260 50 815,147 69 1~180 00 286 25 $25,824 44 $25,824 44 NoTr All of the outstanding notes excepting the Union School Loan have been paid. A. B. HA.wso_% Auditor. 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 O 0 0 O0 0 0 C O © 0 O 0 ~ ~ooooo ¢ POLICE DEPART31ENT. Jo tJ*e Auditor of the Town of :5~rt/~ A~dover: I herewith submit the ammal report of the Police Dcpax%mcnt for the year endiag Jan. 1, 1908. 'P'OL~i! E D~fi y,AR~i'M E _~ T, Financial Report of the Police Department. Sb PAY ROLL OF THE OFFICERS. Appropriation Wm. J. Toohev Geo. L. Harris P. J. IIealey Joseph L. Leighton Geo. H, Mizen Geo. Van Buskirk J. ti. Cmnpbell XVm. P. Whittaker M. L. Carey S. A. Jenkins Michael Cain ' H. M. ~Vhittier Geo. Clay Wm. Fitzgerald ]Frank Ellis J. J. CostMlo C. W. Hinxman E. Dudley J. M. Thompson J. T. Campbell, Jr. W. Roberts A. Bixby $305 81 115 89 83 '96 120 38 67 17 t7 2 '2 2 2 2 2 '2 2 $1,2001) 50 76 5O O0 50 00 75 50 60 25 00 50 50 50 50 50 5O 50 50 5O 50 Incidental Expenses and Supplies. New E. Tel. & Tel. Co. Fred L. Sargent Charles Perry F. Exfingshouse Samuel D. Berry $20 66 3 5O 6 00 4 00 2 50 Uarried forwetrd, 36 66 $1.10l bl $1,10l 51 Amount bro~#ht fbrward, 36 66 Frank M. Greenwood 0 00 Robinson Hardware Co. 13 75 Ja,nes W. Leitch & Son 5 03 Eben Sutton, S. F. E. Co. 5 00 George Ad Smirk 2 ~0 R. Schulz ~ 78 John P. Murphy 2 75 Wm. J. Toohey 7 00 Geo. H. Mizen 2 20 $1,101 51 Une~pende~ 1~ 52 $1,200 O0 The foil)wing arrests l~ave heen ,,mdc during the 5,ear 1907. Assault Larceny 15 D~'unk 10 Idle and disorderly 5 Cruelty to animals 4 Breaking and enterir~ 3 Malicious mischief 2 Railer and brawler 1 S;ubborn chiht 1 Unlicensed dog 1 Gaming on the Lord's day 2 Selling disabled horse 1 Neglecting child 2 Trespassing 2 l)evanged persons 2 Disturbance 2 Whole uumber of arrests 73 Males 63 Females ] 0 Deranged persons cared for 2 Num~ber of malicious mischief cases serried out of Court S Number of larceny eases settled out of Court' 10 Persons' bodies taken front the river 2 Larceny of property from buildings, value $105 00 t'roper;y recovered for tile y'ears '06 and '07 175 00 Number of cases ou trial before Lawrence police court arrested by Chief of Police Wm. J. Toohey 35 Number eases on trial before North Andover police court, arrested by Chief of Police Toohey Total q~otal amount in fines received from above cas~s Expended in conducting above cases $185 00 69 75 Net balance returned to Town Treasurer ~65 25 Total number of eases on trial before No. An. police c~urt, presented by other oftlcers 3~; Total a.mount of fines received from above cases 888 90 Total amount expended in conducting above cases 123 72 Showing a net overdraft in exlSenses over amount received for fines of $85 72 In compsriug relation cost of conducting cases in Lawrence police court and the North Andover police court, it can be plainiy seen that the latter cases were sources of gq'eater exl,~nse. I attri- bute this particularly to their not being properly prepared. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM J. TOOIIEY, 67tief qf Police. N'ORTIt Tax Collector's Report. 1897. Uncollected January 1, 1907, aml JanuaU 1~ 1.90~, 1898. Uncollected January 1, 1907, and aanuaU' l, 1908, 1~99. Uncollected danuaD~ 1, 1907, $92 16 Collected 84 50 .39 Uncollected January 1, 1.q08,. 1900, Uncollected Jammry 1, 1907, and January 1, 1908~ 1901, Uncollected Jamtary 1, 1907, $7~11 67 Collected b'0 00 $~8 60 $142 77 L, neollet~te t ,JRllllarV 1,190,% Oollee[ed Pakl Treasurer CASH. 864 50 $64 50 $64 50 864 5o Collector. NORTH ANI)O\'EI{~ .~[A~S., JAN. 1, 1908. TAX COLLE~:TOR~S REPORT. TAX COLLECTOR'S REPORT. 2'0 -4. ~. lrtanson, A~tdltor: 1902. Uncollected Jan. is 1907, 'Abated, Uncollected Jan. 1, 1908, 1903. Uncollected Jan. 1, 1907. Interest Collected warrants (~ollected interest Abated Uncollected Jan~ 1, 1908, 1904. [?neolleeted Jan. 1, 1907. Interest Collected warrants t'ollected interest A bated Uncollected Jan. 1, 1908 1905. Uncollected Jan. 1, 1907, Interest Collected warrants Collected interest Abated Uncollected Jan. 1~ 1908, 89 $35 97 $24 60 11 37 $35 97 835 97 $362 34 16 46 g156 88 16 46 88 98 116 48 8378 80 $378 $997 98 28 47 8383 46 28 47 85 '56 528 96 81,026 45 $1,026 45 $1.995 95 46 06 $654 52 46 06 50 67 1~290 76 $2,042 01 82,049. O1 9O 1906. Uncollected Jan. 1~ 1907. Interest Collected WatTants Collected interest Abated Uncollected Jan. 1, 1908 1907. Assessors' warrant Interest Boston & Northern St. R. lL Excise Tax Collected warrants Collected interest $8,2t9 17 92 15 $4,954 54 92 15 57 73 3,206 90 $~,,31l 32 88,311 32 $78,333 28 39 32 3,303 91 $68~883 59 39 32 Collected fi'om B. and N. St. Ry Excise Tax 3,303 91 Abated 400 01 Uncollected Jan 1, 1908, 9,049 68 Collected~ 1903 levy, Coliected, 1903 interest, Collected, 1904 levy, Collected, 1904 interest, Collected, 1905 levy, Collected, 1905 interest, Collected, 1906 .levy, Collected~ 1906 interest Collected, 1907 levy, Collected, 1907, inter3st Collected, Boston & N. St. ~y. Excise Tax, Paid Geo. H. Perkin% treasurer~ to balance, Cash on depos!t in bank Jan. 3, 1908, $81,676 i)1 $,~1,676 51 CASH ACBOUNT. $156 88 16 46 383 46 28 47 654 52 46 06 4,954 54 92 15 68,883 59 39 32 3,303 91 $78,559 36 569 7 ~ 879,129 10 Respectf,lly submitted. CORNELIUS J. MAHONEY, Uollector qf Taxe,s. Jan. 3, 1908. Engineers' Report. 70 tAe Auditor of the T~:,, of ~rortA A~dover: ~e hereby submit our ,'el)orr of the Fire Departinent of the Town of North Andover, for the 5,ear ending Dec. 31, 1907. Expense of Department. Appropriation Pay roll Lawrence Gas Co. J, W. Leiteh & Son Joseph Jacobs Cornelius Callahan Co. D. S. I~all & Son Mrs. Geo. Matthdson Treat Itardware Co. New England Tel. & Tel. Co. Mi',,s Julia Casey J, Trombly & Son Josselyn's express Bliss Bros. N. A. waterworks W. B. Robinson / II. E. Towne P. J. Ryan McDonald & Hannaford Sanborn & Robinson O. H. Perkins Smi;h & Mauning John Shea S. D. tIinxman Chas. Wilcox J, F. Bennett H. J. Meade $739 00 90 72 75 41 142 16 62 00 2 25 4 75 5 88 50 06 25 00 100 25 3 40 2 40 , 3 10 65 7'2 00 25 O0 15 70 2 10 24 98 3 36 16 75 11 15 22 64 9 44 6 20 $5,5~0 O0 Amount carried [orward~ $1,516 85 92 F. O. Walton R. Scholz C. H. Driver Co. T. P. XVenmmrth Board of Public Works DavM Crockett Briggs & Allyn Robinson Hardware Co. Suttons Mills Edward Adams Bu&ley & Sullivan E. H. Hnmphrey Davis & Furber Machine P. P. Daw J. F. Winchester Stuart Howland CO. G. A. Smith Mitchell & Hardiog A. P. Currier & Co. Expense of Horses. driver 6 5 10 2 17 35 18 18 4 29 12 2 6 '2 24 2 11 3 183 9 00 44 50 95 32 00 00 00 5.5 00 00 00 12 70' 30 00 50 25 5(3 98 $708 79 6154 52 707 38 4~ 2~ 12 65 73 3'2 43 12 35 9I 103 87 331 35 99 96 27 20 19 07 115 68 5~,i'40 George Mattheson, John K. Fish Mired $. Sanford Edward E. Towne Edward Dudley T. A. Holt & Co. J. C. Poor Chas. Wilcox E. S. Edmunds Berry Putnam Grain Co. S. D. Hinxman C. J. Kelly H.B. Robiason W. B. Robinson M. T. S~evens & Sons, ' Amongst carried 3~brwarcl, $1,516 35 899 17 3,049 35 $4,964 87 A~DOVER. Amongst brought A. D. Wheeler Beattie Zinc Works G. D. Fitts G. H. MiT~n J. P. Murphy A. P. Currier &. Co. American Express C~ ~,V. E. Towne G. H. Perkins · William Fernakl M. W. Moulton 5V. A. Atkinson B. &. M. R. R. Co. J. XV. Leitch & Soit Lawrence O, as Co. F. A. Sgrgent S. D. Hinxman Fire Alarm. . Er~gineer's AppropriaUo W. E. Towne M. W. Moulton L. H. McAloon Ged. H. Mizen' P. J. Casey $4,964 87 lO0 O0 ~6 67 66 67 ~3 33 ~3 33 · Special Appropriations. Fire Hose Cornelius Callahan Co. 585 00 Unexpended 15 O0 600 O0 Combination chemical and hose wagon O. F. Kress & Son 1575 00 O. F. Kress & Son 17 25 Amount c~trrie~l.for~c~tr~, $1,592 2f) 527 33 ~00 oo 300 O0 600 O0 600 oo 1600 00 NORTH A~I)OVEI~ ~mount bro.ugJ~t .i"orware~ $159'225 Unexpemled 7 75 1600 0D t600 0~ ttose wagqn 800 00 O. F. Kress & So~ 795 00 Unexpende~ b 00 800 00 800 00 .* The horses of the departmertt, including drivers, have been ployed upon flie streets of zhe Town' frown Jaanary 18t~ 1907, to Jammry lst~ 1908~ as follows: Hm'ses, tIorses. Horses. Steamer 1 Combination wpgon Steamer No. Jaouary~' 12 days 12 days ,5 days Feb~uary~ 13 " 18 '" 8 " 5lareh~ 18 " 18 " 8 " April~ 21 ~ 21 " 1~ 3iay, 19 " 19 " 20 June~ 21 " 18 '" '20 July, 20 " 22}" 21 August, 24½ '~ 22~" 21 September? 18 " 21 " 23 October, 20 ~' 20 ~ 23 November, 16 " 19 " 21 " December. 10 " 10 " 10 212~ " 216 " 195 2121 days at $4.75 per day, ~$1,009 38 216 " " " " " $1~026 00 105 " " " " ~' $926 `25 $2,961 63 Z < NoRTtI A~DO ~1£ ff. Location of Boxes. No. 25 Eben Sutton Engine House. " 26 Prescott cot. H~gh. " 27 Prescott street cor. Osgood. " 29 Osgoods*rcet cor. Pond. . " 31 Osgood stree~ near residence of'L. B}~sset~. " 35 Sutton street cor. High. " 36 Main street cor. Sutton. " 37 Brigh;wood Mills. " 89 Marblehead street cot. Unien. " 41 Mid~tlesex street cot. Massa&nse~ts avenue. ~ 42 Midde[sex cot. Railroad ave. " 43 Main stree~ cot. Railroad ave. " 44 Main street car. " 45 M~ple avenne cor. Second street. " 48 Mai~t street cra'. F~hn. "231 Osgood Mills. " 64 Pleasant s~et cor. Clarendon " 56 Pleasant street cot. Osgoed. " 5; Stevens Mills. " b8 Depot st. em; Essex " 59 Depot st. cor. Salem " 61 Essex s~reet eor. Sou~h Bradford. .' 62 Dale s~reet cot. Winter. " 63 Johnson s~reet eot. Rea. " 65 Phillips Sqnare. · -67 Anderson street near residence of H. W. Clark. " 68 Osgood street cot. Prescott. We rel, orr thc ~re apparatus in good condition, but desire once more ;a cml attontiou tu the cmtdition o~ the Eben Sutton Engine lIouse. This building is constantly in need of repairs, which money ~hrown away. The sanitary conditions are bad, and at the present time is too small to accommodate the different pieces of ap- paratus s~ored *hereim q'herefore your boar~ of engineers recotmnend tha~ an appro- priation be made for a new Eben Sutton Engine House. W. E. TOW~E, ) M. ~V. MO[IA( ~, ~giueers. L. H. McALOON, .Overseer's i~eport. ]|erewith in'esenl,ed is tm a~,count ~f reeei},T~ and exlJ~lB[i~lll'e~ NORTH AN1)OVER. Town Farm Supplies and Provisions. Appleton, Chas. H., stock, $6 00 Balfrey, E. T., supplies, 30 68 Beach Soap Co., supplies, 52 80 Bennett, John~ supplies, 57 09 The Berry Putuam Grain Co., supplies 320 87 Bicknell Bros, clothing, 15 40 The Board of Public Works, water, 23 56 Brownell, C. H., stock, 30 00 Caspian Lake Creamery Co., butter, 42 70 Currier &. Co., A. P., supplies, 84 69 Davis Fish Co., Frank E., supplies, 9 15 Dunnell, Geo. C, supplies, 45 55' Fairbanks, J. L., register, 3 00 Foster, Natnan, stock, 10 00 Fuller, Geo. S., services, 14 00 Fuller Bros., fertilizer, 9 00 Gage, N. A., stork, 10 00 Holt & Co., supplies, 28 12 Holt & Co., grain, 69 05 Hurd~, Eugene, stock, 90 00 Murphy, J. P., supplies, 21 95 New England T: &. T. Co., telephone, 26 56 Perkins, Geo. II. supplies, 5 05 Reid & Hughes, supplies, 18 16 Robinson, W. B, groceries, 141 18 Robertson, & Sutherland Co., supplies, I 49 She~, John, grain, 411 81 Smith, Dr. F. S., services, 41 00 Tro,nbly, Jos., coal, 125 52 ~Vobster, H. K., grain 48 25 ;Via.chester, J. F., se.xvices~ 11 50 Woodman, Geo. H., shoes, 3 50 Garrged £orward, .$1,757 13 OVERSEEI~S REPORT. 99 Amount ~rou#]~t forward, Town Farm Labor and Supplies. Adams, Edward, labor, Bean da Poor, lu~nber, Eriggs & Allyn, supplies, Breck & Sons Corp.~Josepb, supplies Board of Public Works, Buchan da Francis, Castor, Mary, labor, Colby, A. M, supplies, Callahan, C., hose, Cunningham, Hugh, labor, Cunningham, Henry, labor, Daw, P. P., repairs, Dolan, James, labor, Farnham: B. H., stock, Hinxman, S. D./repairs, Hill, Mr. & Mrs. F. M., superintsndent, Hill, Mr. & Mrs. F. M., expenses, Howaxd, Agnes, labor, Hardy & Cole, supplies, Leitch, Dr. J. W., supplies and repairs, McAloon~ Louis, repairs, McDonald da Hanaford, repairs, M~ rrison & O'Connell, supplies, Moody~ E. W., labor, Mitchell & Harding, lumber, O'Brien, John, labor, Oksewsky, John, labor Smith, G. A,, repairs, Stansfleld, H. S, supplies, Trainor, Annie, labor, Treat Hardwaae Co., supplies, Van Buskirk, J. W., la~lder, Vfilcox, CMs., labor, $16 64 8 2 48 13 26 13 Amount carried forward, $1,7.57 75 25 95 O5 4O 75 00 85 46 5O 2'88 00 85 00 36 00 30 75 33 98 118 29 499 92 12 90 6 00 I 25 183 15 120 87 25 75 4 70 15 ~0 9 O0 9O 34 00 162 05 6 75 158 OO 9.7 17 10 80 11 03 88,874 39 ~ |~eliel Out of House, tkdfi'eyl g~ T, ~upplies, Mrs. G. F. Royal, $4g 87 ilil!, F. M., ~upi)lies, Mrs. G. F. Royal, 12 55 Perkins, G. H., supplies, Mrs. G. F. Smith, Dr. F. S,, medicines, ttall, Luther N., supplies, Mrs. Hartman, Ilill, F. M., wood~ Mrs., ttartman, Jacobs, .los, c~al~ Mrs. Hartman, 14 ~9 ltaH, Luther N., m~pplics~ Mrs. J. W. Tufts, ]42 52 Ilall, Luther N., supplies, Mrs. Hals~ m'lh, 5 Jacobs~ Jos, coal, Mrs. Halsworth~ 4 Ilill, F. M.~ wood, Mrs. A. Wood, Hill, F, M, wood, Mrs. McArthur. ilii1, F. M., wood~ Mrs. Taaker, Jaetd)s, Jos., eoM, Mrs, Tasker, 2 llil], F. M., supplkes, J. Dolan, Bicknell Bros., clofl~es, J, l)olan, lh,lfinso,, W. B.~ groceries, J. l)olatt, , :~o 13 i~,bertson & Suflierland Co., supplica, ,I. Woo&naa, Geo. I1, shoes, J. l)olan, 7 60 Reid & [Iughe~, supplies, ~I 60 Lord & Co., shoes, Mrs. IL Comean, O0 Mercier, supplies, .Sira. Beam 144 No. Andover Cash Stoce,.supplies,3 rs. Manning, 1.s l0 J'acobs, Jos. coal, Mrs. Manning, s Oo No. Andovee Cash Store, sup[dies, .I. Tor, h,ff, 6 00 Smith~ 1)r. F. S., inedical atten,iance, ,, 7 50 Jacobs, Jos, coal, s O0 Perkins, Geo. H., E, Bryson~ ;,0 ~4mount carried./brwar& 711 o.~ $4,585 4s 101 Amo~t, nt browd~t Paid Public Institutions. l%×boro State Hospital, oe account William McNiff, Ladies' Charitable Society, Lawrence Mrs. Elizabeth Kenn3, .lohn Thorp, 5b~ss. School Feeble Minded, Herbert Quinton, $34 36 42 00 $ 00 110 96 $4,~85 4~ $195 82 Paid on Account of Cities and Towns. Lawrence~ E. T. Balfrey, supplies furnished J. E. Pickles, $78 44 l.~m ell, O. Rogers, supplies furnished P. Murphy, 47 23 Dr. F. S. Smith, me~lica/atte~dam'e P. Murphy, 29 50 \Ve.~t Boxford, O. Rogem, supplies furnished (1. F. Kenney family, ~2 OS Dr. George, ~nedical attendance. 61 00 YV~W.Colby, funeral expense G. I(enney 33 ou Paid Cities and Towns. t~awrence City of, on acvount of Bridget Keefe, Lawrence CiW of, on accotmt of Patrick Mahoney, lawrence, City of on a~collt/~ Of Sarah Flynn, 2~6 25 107 2-'-* ~;Im 2;) ~;5.067 10'2 amau~t ~rought fbrward, Lawrence, City of on account (ff John Ho~-ard, Boston, City of on aceoun* of Violet M. Hill, Lowell, City oi on account of Celia Dick, Methuen, Town of on aeconm of Ernes$ Bamford, 600 25 $5,067 115 45 5 71 35 7~ $76B 16 Paid on Account of Commonwealth. A. Gilbert and family, 7 88 Conlon &. Ryan? burial Frederick Myotte, 15 00 Dr. F. S. Smith, medical attendance, 22 50 G. H. Woodman, I 50 W. W. Colby, bttria] J. H. Doyle, 20 00 Appropriation~ Receipts, Expended, Unexpended~ Summary of Poor Account, $5,897 09 796 14 $6,693 23 66 88 $5,897 09 $5,582 33 . 1,160 90 $6,693 23 Superintendent's Report N~gTu AN~ovE~, Mitss., Jgnuary 1, 1908. Gk~TLr:~ES :--I submit the following as my report as super_ intendent of the Almshouse for the .year ending Dec. 31, t907: q'o cash received, Dr. ~Fo c~sh on hand Jan. t, 1907, :$1.5 79 "Apples so]d~ 7~ 26 ~' Eggs, 5.5 38 "Milk, 78~ 27 "Beef and Veal, 117 00 ~' Vegetables, 68 90 "Pork, 46 27 "Wood, 20 00 ~' Juvk, 16 90 "Hay, 9 00 "Labor outside, 15 00 cash paid Treasurer~ " on hand to bM. acc~, $1,2'P2 77 CT. $1~160 90 $61 87 $1,222 Inmates Jan. 1, 1907~ Admitted, Discharged, Present aumbe~ Dec. 31, 1907, Males, , Fe~nales, Between 70 and 89 years " 50 " 60 " " 20 " 30 " Travelers du~qng the year, Ilespecfful~y submitted, $1,222 77 Board of Health Report. To the Auditor o.f thc '1'o~,, of ;Vort/~ A~docer : The selectmen, act. lng as Board of Heal{,h, herewith present ;he following reper; for the year ending Dec. 81, 19¢!7: James W. LeiS;ch l~as ac;ed as agen; for the issue of board per- mits and George L. Harris was app~,inted agent, for the pm'pose posting no;ices and fumigation. Thirty-five cases of contagious disease have been reported the year endin~ Dec. 31~ 19o7. Dip~;heria, ~,lembranous croup, Scarlet fever, Cerebro spinal meningitis~ V a~*io cella, P,,hnonary l~ubcreuiosis, Measles, Typhoid fever, Tetanus, Board of Health Hxpense$. Appropriation, Driver Co. ('. Il., prin;i~g, Harris, Geo. L., agent, Josselyn's express, Leighl~on, Jos. L., Mm'ph>, .I. l>., SUl,pl~es, 7 75 t;3 74 I O0 ;17 50 $300 01~ U nexpended, 110 6o 189 40 GEo. l~'. S. D. lllsxxx×. $.'.1{ 00 ~ bo rd 8800 00 of Ileithh. 105 Memorial Day Fund. ]NOI~TII -A-NDOUEIq JanuaW 6, 1908. 7'0 A. .B. Hanson, ~4uditor : The Memorial day committee of 1907 make the following re- port, viz: Amount of appropriation, $fl00 00 Paid Albert Moody, flo~vers, 42 70 " Fred L. Sargent, teams, '24 00 " Rev. John M. Gallagher, rent of ball, 10 00 " Kneupfer & Dimock, piano, 5 00 " Edward Butterworth, music, 6 50 " C. II. Driver Co., printing, 6 00 " C.P. Currier, supplies, 4 35 " Sntitn's Express, '2 00 " Peel Bros., supplies, 1'2 80 " J.P. Murphy, cigars, 6 00 " HemLv A. Webs;er, labor and supplies, 7 12 " North Andover Drum Corps, 80 00 " Parker J. Chase, teams and labor, 8 00 " I~idgewood Cemetery Association, care of lot, bill of 1906, 5 00 Ballance, $169 47 $80 53 Respectfully submitted, H:~I~RY A. WEIlSTE~, ~ Jo~ STO~:, k F~x~ W. Exxos, Clerk~ C'ommittee. 106 ~o~Ta emorial Fund. ~ORTII ANDOVER, January 27, 1908. ~b A. B. l£a~son, Auditor: The trustees of the Soldiers* Monument Fund present their report. Amount of last report, $409 77 Interest to Oct. 16, 1907, 16 85 Town grant, 22 88 By gift, 10 00 $459 45 H~s~r A. WrBS~rR. ) J,~r:s C. Poo~, I Trustees. FR~SK W. ]~XTO~, ~0RTH A~DOVER. 107 North Andover Improvement Society. .Nostril A~r, ow'.R, Janu~u-y 17~ 1908. 2o the Auditor of the Town of ,¥orth Andover. D~:.~r; S~a :--Find herewith the report of the North Andover Improvement Society for the year 1907. llalance on hand, Jan. 10, 1907, $216 25 Appropriation at Town Meeting, 300 00 516 25 158 75 Expended for work on the Common, Unexpended balance Jan. 17, 1908, 8357 50 Respecff;flly bublnitted~ SAMUEL F. ROCK;VELL, Treasurer.. 108 TREE WARDEN'S REPORT. Tree Warden's Report. NOET~ A~'VOVRR, January 1, 1908. 7'o the Auclitorof the ]own o.! ~Vorth Andover : I herewith submit my eighth anmtal report as Tree 'Warden for the year ending D~cember 31, 1907. Twenty-five trees have been planted. The trees on our streets and public grounds have been cleaned of the insect pests and no injury has resaIted from them the past year. Three hundred and twenty-five dollars ($325) has been ex- pended in cut, lng and cleaning up bushes along the roadsides. All parts of our town is more or less infested with the Gypsey' moth and it cannot be too strongly urged on part of prepery darters to keep a sharp lookout and protect theh' own trees, especially to destroying all useless apple trees. The following bills have been approved: Appropria'fion, American-Sun Publishing Co., Beneker, John, cutting bushes~ Beneker, Ernest, cutting bushes, Bassett~ Arthur, Bassett, Leon H., labor o¢ moths, BaSsett, Wal~er, " " Breck, Joseph & Sons, supplies, Burke, Peter, labor on moths, Carleton~ Dauiel A., cutting bushes, 82,007 98 3 75 3 60 3 60 5 40 273 47 273 2O 30 60 33 00 10 80 Amongst carried .forward, $637 42 109 Amount brought forward Campbell, Willia~n, labor on ~no~hs, Chandler, Prootor, " " Claflin, William IL Co., supplies, Collier, Melvelle, labm. on moths, 'Curley, Frank~ " " Dow, James, " " ])riscoll, John M., cutting busheh Evans, Edward, labor on moths Evans, Otis, " '" Fenton, John, " " Foster, Ileqbert L., cuttlng hushes, Frost Insecticide Co., spraying outfih Gallant~ Stephen, labor on moghs, Gile, William., " " Gile, John, " " Goodhue, Frank H. cutting bushes, Greenwood, Guy, labor on moths, Greenwood, Harry," " lqinman, E.P., " " Hinxman, S. D, repairing ~ools, Holt, Peter, labor, Houghton, Chester, cutting bashes, Houghton, Robert, labor on mo;hs, Josselyn, George C., express, Johnson, George, labor on motbs, Leitch, James W. & Son, supplies, Loring, John O., trees, :McDonough, John, labor on moths, McDonald, D. Hannaford~ straps, :Murphy, Thomas, cutting bushes, National Coal Tar Cc., supplies, Pettingale, Amh'ews Co., " Perkins, George H., " 6 '23 t45 46 74 73 10 36 104 36 .67 5 ~59 50 25 406 66 11 8 138 12 .46 6 47 1'2 :'28 9 9 1 $687 42 40 40 83 60 80 50 O0 O0 40 O0 O0 40 40 O0 30 90 20 20 O0 60 60 80 20 O0 (;3 O0 30 75 O0 50 10 20 1,824 91 .Amount carried forward, ;$2,462 ~3 ~0RTH ANDOV~. Arao~cnt brought forward, Rahs, Fred, cutting brush, RJgley, Walter, labor on moth% Sharpener, George, cutting brush~ Smith, George A., supplies, Sullivan~ John A., cutting brushe~, Treat Hardware Co., tools and supplies, Wallwork~ Chm'le% labor on moths, Overdrawn, $2,462 33 16 60 62 10 15 30 I 02 84 20 12 55 71 10 $2,675 20 Respectfullysubmitted, PETER HOLT, 667 22 $2,675 20 Tree IVarde~. REPORT 111 Highway Surveyor's Report. 7o tAe Citlzen~ of the Town of North Andover Mass In connection with my official duties I herewith submit a brief review of the work that was done in the street departtnent during the past ~inaneial year. Streets. Owing to the lateness of the spring work was delayed the gen- eral work of cleaning up and repairing was done. The outlaying districts were put in repair according to their many needs. Harold Street, This street was accepted at the annual town meeting. Not having any available funds to work with nothing could be done on this street, only to have i~: surveyed and bound stones set, the work being done by a civil engineer, John Franklin of Lawrence, Mass. Bridges. Two old bridges were replaced by new onds on Rallread s~ree~ at a considerable expense. Two were replanked one on Riverviow street and Osgood street. NO~TH rlacadamlzing. The stone for ~his work was obtained from the Klm'edge e~tate. Sale~n street was macadamized kmna point near the Ward residence extending southerly to a point near Depot street for a elistance of 2.240 feet. Union street from Maple avenue to Beverly street 4.060 feet. Sutton street a distance of .2.090 feet. Owing to the delay of putting in the Penstock there is a portion of about 30 feet that has not been completed. Part of this work was repairing. I did not get as much wo~k of this kind done on account of the great ex- pense on repairing the crusher and ~oad roller. Concrete ,Sidewalks. This work was cnn'led to quite an exten~. The well known contractors, Smith & Bingham, did the concreting. A six foot walk was laid on Middlesex street from Massachusetts avenue to Marble- head street fro' a distance of 8lb yards of common and gO yards of hard. Beverly street from Middlesex street to Perry street 18'2 yards of coulmon. Stonington street from Midelesex sta'eet to Maple avenue 903 yards of common and 17 yards of hard. Ashland street 501 yards of common, 86 yards of hard. Sutton street fi'om Main street to the Boston & Maine depot, 190 yards of htu'd and '287 yards of common. Cinder sidewalks were repaired with cinders and stone dust. Snow. The streets and sidewalks have been promptly cleared of snow and sidewalks sanded at a very small expense. Respectfully submitted, WILLIAM G1LE, fifighway Surveyor. Jo A. B. Hand, on, 7ow~ Auditor: D~.aj~ Sm: Herewith submitted is ~he report of the High- way Surveyor for ~he financial year ending Dec. 81. 1907. Respectfully~ North Andover, Mass,, Jan. '25, 1908. WILLIAM GILE, tI'i(jhway ~urveyor. 120 Public Library. REPORT OF THE TRUSTEES. The Trustees of the Public Library herewith present to the town their report of ~he expenditure of theh' appropriation from January 1st, to Noveraber 1st. LIBRAiXY REPORT 121 FINANCIAL REPOI~T. Receipts. Cash on hand January 1, 1907 $4'21 80 Appropriation 1200 00, Deg Tax 540 17 Fines 19 11 Total Receipts to Desember 1 HXPENDITUI~E$. Hannah J. Quealy, Librarian $'250 00 Cora C. Holt, Librarian's Assistant ' 61 20 Beulah S. Ellison 48 1.5 Wauwinet Lodge, I. O. O.F. 417 00 Kelly Bros., papers for Reading Room 29 25 Little, Brown, & Co. 100 41 Library Art Club 6 ~Villiam S. Roundy 27 00 Fred L. Sargent 28 80 Box at Post ()ffice 2 00 F. L. Barnard & Co. 88 45 American Express Co. 5 95 Josselyn's Express 2 00 Library Bureau 2 00 C. W. Hinxman 25 00 William G. Ayer 25 George H. Perkins 90 Trustees of Stevens Memorial Library 57 05 William H. Guild & Co. 48 45 Dennison Mfg. Co. C. H. Driver Printing Co. 14 47 Total Expenditures Cash to balance, transferred to Trustees of Stevens Memorial Library $2,181 68 $1,184 96 $2,1 122 ' NORTH ANDOVE~. STATISTIC;AL REPORT. Month. January February March April May June July August Septe,nber T omi s ~N'o. Books Issued. 1163 '1024 1261 1119 985 932 775 792 449 8500 Fines $2 30 2 7O fi 00 1 45 2 00 1 25 3 61 2 10 I 7O $19 11 Days Open 9 8 9 8 8 9 9- 9 5 74 Average ch'culation, 114.86 L~rgest ch'culation, March 16 and April 13, 166 Smallest circulation, July 3 and September 18, 73 No books were issued from the library after September 18t]~, and October 1st we began to prepare for remov~ to the new build- inS, since it was the desire of both'Boards of Trustees to have the books inthe new buikliag when it was given over to the Town. This was cut, rusted to the Trustees of the Stevens Memorial Library. About 875 volumes that were worn out or very lnuch soiled were taken fi'om the shelves, and the rest put into their proper quarters in the new stack room. · The deed of the new building was given over to the Town~ Monday, November 4th, and then in accordance with the vote taken by the Town when they accepted Hon. Moses T. Stevens~ offer of a building, we the books and the balance of the gave :'.a~lon ;o the new Trustees, and officially ceased to exist. LIBRARY R,EPORT 123 In this our last report we wish to e~press our great gratitude that the Town has become the possessor of such a beautiful and up- 'to-date'.library building. North Andover may well feel proud in having on.e of the finest, if not the finest library building for a town of its size in the state. We congra*ulate our successors, the Trustees of the Stevens Me~norial Library, on the splendid opportunities that lie before them to serve the people. Tuo~las P. Wz>r'rwonn } A~,'m~ L. SARGENT J REPORT OF: TIdE TRUSTEES OF TIdE STEVENS ME~IORIAL LIBRARY. The Trostees of the Stevens Memorial Library' present to the Town the following report: Monday', November 4th, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the Selectmen of North Andover met the Trustees of the Stevens Me- ~norial Library'at the new building. There were present at that time Mt-. and Mrs. Nathaniel Stevens, Mr. and ~Irs. Satn D. Stevens, Mrs. John F. Tyler~ Dr. and Mrs. Whitman Cross, Mr. Moses T. Stevens, Mr. James C. Poor, Miss Amde L. Sargent, Mr. Patrick P. Daw, Miss Daw, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Josselyn, Mr. and Mrs S. I); Hinxman, Miss Elizabeth M. Pond, Miss Cora C. Holt, Miss Beulah S. Ellison. After the Selectmen had been sho,wn the building, all assem- bled in thc tieaping I{oom, and the Chairman of the Trustees, Mr. Nathaniel Stev:ens, addressed the Selectmen in those words ! "To the Selectmen of North Andover: Two years ago when the foundation of this building was laid we had every reason to ex- pect that those whose portraits decorate this room would be here today, but God willed otherwise, and it has been left to their sons and daughters to complete the work which they commenced. It was my father's expressed desire that no formal dedication should take place at tho opening of the library. He wished to have thq buihling opened to his fellow townsmen without formal exer- cises. We have endeavored to carry' out our parents' y'ishes in cons- · pleting this work, ancl in behalf of my brothers and sisters I take gre~t pleas'~:r~ in l~resenting to you the deed of the Stevens Memo- rial Library." · Mr. Patrick P. Daw, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, re~ calved the deed, and replied as follows: ~ "Ladies and Gentlemen: To me as Chairman of the Board ~ot Selectmen has come the pleasant duty of accepting deed of the Stevens Memorial Library in behalf of the citizens of North Andover. I do so with a deep sense of gratifica- tion, and with a full appreciation of the prospective benefits comit~g to our citizens through its use. A word of honest gratitude should be spoken for the memory of the late Hon. Moses T. ~tevens, whose strong manhood and faithful citizenship have made available this sub- stan~ial institution and placed it at our disposal for '~he education cf our children and our children's children. The prpgress of the town always stood foremost in his thoughts, and it is my wish that this monnment to his memory will always hold its fitting pIace in tile hearts.df our people." At three o'clock of the same afternoon, the doors were opened to the public, and on tha~ day and the next about four hundred and seventy-tlve people visited the new building, and on ~Vednesday, November' (Stb, the fins; books were issued. On Saturday, November 10th, the Chihtren's Room was opened for the first time. The patronage has been good. During ~he ~;*'en~y-three days in November on which books ;yore is,sued 1177 volumes were take~t ~nd during December, 1377. There are at present 672 people wh~ have registered to use the library. It is the desire of the Trustee~ that the library may be very useful to the people, and they hope that in the comiug ~ear very many more will find their way;o the libratLv and become regular patrons. Already the hall has.' been used for a lecture on "Texti/es" by Ih'of. Barker of the Lowell Textile School, and one on "School ]loom Decoration' b3' Mr.'Burnham of ;he State Board of Educa- tion. It is hoped that n~any occasions will con~e ;o use this hall for literary and educational purposes. The library has received the following valuable gifts since its opening: "One Thousand American Fungi" kora Mr. James Driver; "Our War with Spain 'for Cuba" and "The t~ed Cross from Mr. E. II. Briggs of Haverhill; "The Ohildren's Hour" in volumes from ~[r. George ]t. 5'liflih; "Silva of N~,rth America" 'in fourteen volumes by Prof. Chm'les Sprague Sargen~ from Miss Cpr- nelia A. French of Boston; "Harv~'d Bulletin" 2rout the Harvard Club of Lawrence; "Historic Guide to Cambridge" and "Cycl~ podia of Textile Work" from Mr. '.~athaniel~tevens., The Trustees have als4 received from the Trustees of Phillips Academy, Andover, ,$1200, the income of which is to be used for educational books and magazines, and a smaller sum which is availa- ble now. Following is the report of the expenditure of the Town appro- priation since the opening of the library: Receipts, Received fi'om the Trustees of the North Andover Public Library Expenditures, Elizabeth M. Pond, Lib~aiian Cora C. Holt, Assistant Librarian Beulah S. Ellison, Assistant Library Bm'eau Little, Brown & Co. H. W. Witson Co. Lawrence Gas Co. Albert S. Brearley, Janitor The C..lq. Driver Printing Co. E. M. Petal, supplies Total expenditure Cash on hand to balance $100 00 25 20 28 65 53 05 17 47 3 00 83 1~ '7g 00 8 00 1 00 $996 12 ~341 49 654 6B $996 12 T~stees. I eport of Forest Fire Ward. To the IIonorctble ~octrcl oj'* Select~e;~, of .~rort?~ A~dover : G~x'rL1;~rEx: [ respectftdly repm"~ the followi~g' forest fires ~or the ensuing ?ear: March17 On landor B.&M. R. IL No damage. March 30 Near Wood lane. No damage. April ~! On land oi' H. F. Mills. Damage $25. Two acres burned over. May 28 On land of Chas. Appleton. Two acres burned over. Damage 81.5. Aug. 15 On land of 3I. T. Stevens estal~e. No damage. l~espectfnlly submitted, GEO..4. I{EA~ ~orest Warden. Animal Inspector's Report. I hereby submit my ammM'rep~rt. N mnber o~ cattle inspected for thc year, 1~11~6 Number condemned and kilted~ 5 Expense for the year~ ~100 O0 Signed, DR. GEO. S. FULLEII. SCIllgI)ULE AND VALUATION Ol~ TOWN PI~OPERTY. 129 SCHEDULE AND VALUATION OF TOWN PROPERTY School Department. School houses and land, Laboratory, apparatus and chemicals, fuel, fmmiture and supplies, $69,500 00 2,100 00 $71,600 00 Schedule and Valuation of Town Property. Town hall, fixturcs and land~ Settees, Votin~ booths, P. 1 and 2, Eight chairs, Chandelier and lamps, Tables, Clock, Table at Town Farm Radiator at Town Fmrm office, Chairs at Town Far~n office, Vault at Town Farm office, Building, vi/lage office, Library, villagc office, Tables, village office, Chairs, village office, Letter press, village office, Gas fixtures, village office, Heating apparatus, village office. Vault, village office, $23,000 00 50 00 100 00 4 00 175 00 5 00 10 00 4 00 20 00 5 00 100 O0 800 O0 .47fi 00 15 15 O0 3 O0 20 O0 95 O0 800 O0 ~lmou~zts carried forward, 825~196 00 $71,600 130 Amounts brm~.qht forward, 825,196 00 Clock, village office, 14 00 Miscellaneous~ 10 0u Water trough, Osgood street, 25 00 Water trough, Andover street, 25 00 Water trough, Dale street, 25 00 Two Commons~ 1,200' 00 Buildings and land, Main street, 8,000 00 Town sheds, Main street, 500 00 Standard weights and measures Treasurer's department~ 200 00 Duplicate set for Deputy's use, 90 00 Taylor fund, 447 96 Moses Town School Fund, 4,000 00 Safe~ Town Clerk's ofiqce, 150 O0 Old office safe at Town Clerk's, 100 00 Town seal, 8 00 Register's Seal, 8 00 Ballo; boxes, 100 00 Miscellaneous, Town Clerk's oflqce, 25 00 Town scales, 400 00 $71,600 00 $40,523 96 Fire Department Property. NO, 1 Eben Sutton steamer house and stable, 8700 00 Boiler and fixtures for heating, 250 00 Gas fixtures, 25 00 Eben Suttou steamer, 4~000 00 One relief valve for steamer. 50 00 One hose wagon~ ~ 100 00 One combination hose and chemical wagon, 1,575 00 'Pwenty overeoa'% 70 00 .] A~nount carried ~orward, 6,770 00 $112~123 96 SCHEDUAL AND VALUATION OF %OWN PROPERTY · 131 2tmount brou#ht forward, 6,770 00 $112,123 96 Two Eastman sets, 125 00 Three hydrant gates, single, ! 30 00 ()ne hydrant gate, double, '20 00 ()ne reducing Y, 10 00 Two fire hooks, 5 00 Four horses, 800 O0 Two sets hanging harnesss, 150 00. Two sets working harness, 100 00 Collars, chains, etc., 20 00 Eight horse blankets, '20 00 Two carts, '200 00 ()ne two horse sled, 40 00 Two horse sleighs, 100 00 Hay and grain, 55 00 Water meter and fixtures, 20 00 Four fire ladders, 15 00 House furnishings, 68 00 One fire net, 100 0o One Healy shut-off nozzle, 20 00 Three Callahau shut-off nozzle aud pipes, 88 00 Two Star extinguisher% 40 00 One tnousand feet of old hose, 500 00 Seventeen hundred feet of new house. 1,065 00 No. 2 Cochichewiek steamer house and land. 521~ 00 Gas fixtures, 45 50 Ileater and fixtures, 1,060 00 Water meter aud fixtures, 20 00 Coehichewick stea,ner and jumper, 3,500 00 One Callahan shut-off nozzle and pipe, .",2 00 Carried forward 9,875 50 *10,356 00 $122,479 {~ '.~ NORTH ANDOVER. 27fought forward, Two hydrant gates, single, Two Star extinguishers, One Babcock extinguisher, Seventeen overcoats~ House furnishings, One Healey shut-off nozzle, Two horses, One hose sleigh, Wood and coal, Fora' horse blankets, Harness, etc., One cart, Fire Alarm. J~ire Alarm system installed, Extensions and twelve additional boxes, Tapper line with seventeen tappers, One generator, One motor, Wire~ One dozen jars, Two Gamewell fire alarm registers, Three telepnones and extensions, Five strikers~ Supplies,' Four gongs, One -aragon, Carried forward $~875 50 $122,479 96 20 00 40 00 20 00 52 00 100 00 20 00 500 00 50 00 30 00 25 00 283 30 145 00 $11,115 80 $1~900 00 1,180 00 300 00 1l 50 20 n0 85 00 ~ 00 200 00 50 O0 80 O0 30 O0 80 00 85 00 3,976 50 $137,572 26 ~roug/~ forward, $137,572 26 5took at Town Farm~ ' 8 Horses, 500 00 10 Cows at $45.007 450 00 2 Yearlings, at $80.00~ 60 00 2 Heifers, 30 00 65 Fowl, 82 0O t Bull, 30 00 -4 Shoats, 30 00 lmplements~ l Farm wagon, 30 00 1 Two horse wagon, 75 00 1 Square wagon, 100 00 1 Dump cart, 75 00 1 Two-horse sled, 50 00 1 Double-runner sleigh, 40 00 1 Sleigh, '20 00 1 Hay tender, 10 00 1 Rake, t0 00 1 Mowing machine, '25 00 2 Plows, 15 00 2 Harrows, 10 00 9. Cultivators, 10 00 1 Roo* cu~ter, 8 00 1 Grindstone. 2 00 1 Set scales, 10 00 1 Set Doable haruess, 15 00 '2 Single harness, 30 00 1 Market harness, 10 00 Small tools, 80 00 Seed sower, 5 00 Washing machine,. 3 00 Blankets and rob5s, 25 00 Carried forward, $1,132 00 · Li 6o~ o~ $189'807 26k i., 134 NORTH A~-I) OVIqR. Brought .forward ~;139,307 26 Supplies on Hand at flown Farm. 40 Tons of hay at $12.00, 15 Cords prepared wood at $5.00~ 20 Cords green wood at $4,.00 10 Tons coal at ~8.00, 50 Bushel potatoes, at 70c, 100 Cans fruit at 15% Vegetables, flour, sngar and supplies, 7 Bbls. apples at $1.50, 100 lbs. Pork at 10c, 100 gal. Vinegar, .1 Democrat wagon, Hot'se sprinklers, $480 0O 75 00 80 00 80 00 35 00 15 00 25 o0 10 50 10 00 10 O0 65 O0 250 O0 1,135 50 $140,442 76 Town Clerk's Statement. J~sm~RY 10, 1908. 7'0 the Board of Health: ,. GrNTL~rE~: I herewith subn~it my repo~'t for 1907~ Durlag t, he year there have been 80 deaths recorded. The ~ollowing persons who died were over 75 years of age: William P. Tucker, 87 Sarah Grozlier, 86 Henriette F. Kittredge, 8,~ John Mannion, 84 Benjamin Flint Jenkin~ 84 Ann Ellis, 83 Moses T. S~even% 81 Isabella H, Glennie, 79 James Standring, 78 Thc causes of death were as follows: Accidental, 5 Influenza, 1 Appendicitis, 1 Meningitis, '2 Appoplexy, 6 Myocardit~al Degeneration, 1 Aneurism, 1 Nephritis. 4 Asthma, 1 01d age, 2 Brights Disease, 1 Paralysis, 5 Bronchitis, 3 Peritonitis, 1 Cancer, 8 Phthisis, 1 ConvulsiSns, 1 Pneumonia. 12 Diabetis, 2 Still-born, 5 Endocarditis, 2 Tuberculosis, 4 Gangrene~ 3 Tenatus. 1 Gastritis, 1 q'ypeoid Fever, 1 Gas poisoning, 2 Heart Disease, 4 He~nmorrhage, 4 JAMES W. LEITCII, ~O~TH ANDOVEm, P eport of Board of Public Works To the 6*itizens of 2Y'orth d~*dover : The Board of Public Works herewith submits its First Annual Report for the year ending Dec. 31, 1907. Water Department. The year 1907 shows an increase of 84,099.19 in the receipts forwater rates. Of this amount $3,980,82 wa~ received from the City of Lawrence and 8118.87 was for the ordinary increase in Main Pipe. During the year 2,816.3 feet have been laid as detailed in the Superintedan;'s report. Hydrants. Hydrants set to Jan. 1, 1907, 201 Ilydrants set during the year, ~ 5 Total, 206 Service Piping. Service pipe laid on private property, 2,362.6 feet Serviee?ipe laid on town land, 1,130.1 feet Total, ' 3,492.7 feet ~ The Town has recived during the year on account of service piping and meters sold, $3,570.92. BOARD OF PUnLIC WORKS. 137 ~ervices. No. of water services;Jan. 1, 1907, Added during the year, 692 48 Total, 740 Meters set to Jan. 1, 1907: Added during the year, Meters, 539' 46 Total, 585 Total meters sold, 548 Meters rented, B7 Total, 585 In accordance with the vote of the Town, ]goads 28, 29 and 30 of the issue cf 1904, were bought and retired. The tbtal amount of bonds outstanding against the town amounts to 8160,000 due as 'fol- lows: $80,000.00 due in 1923. $40,000.00 due in 1929. 8242000.00 due from 1908 to 1934, 81.000.00 due each year. $16,000.00 due from 1908 to 1915, $2~000.00 due each year. We herewith submit a brief statemdnt of the smoun* to be raised each year on account o~ the Water Debt already, incurred. For Interest, 86,340.00 For Sinking Fund. 3,500.00 For Retiring Bonds. 3,000.00 Total, $12,840.00 The vote of the Town authorizing your Board ;o lay pipe on unaccepted streets where a release of right Of way is given and ~a guarantee of 5% on cost of consu'uction has enabled the Board _w lay without further vote of the Town 1,868.8 feet of pipe and fur~ nish water for eight new houses which have been constructed on un2l accepted streets,k " .SINKING FUND. Sinking Fund Commissioners present the following re- port ~ Bond Issue of 1898. To redeem Bonds Nos. ] to 80 inclusive.. Balance on hand, Jan. 1, 190.7, $22.922 00 Received from Jan. and July Coupons on Bonds, 620 00 Received from Msy and November Coupons on Bonds, fl00 00 Received from June and December Coupons on Bonds, 120 00 Received Interest Broadway Savings Bank, 19 20 Received from Town of North 5ndover, 1,800 00 Invested as follows: Town of Nox~h Andover Water Bonds, issue of 1899, Town of North Andover Water Bonds, issue of 1904, Town of North Andover Water Bonds, issue of 1905, Deposit Broad. Way Savings Bank, $25~681 20 817,000 00 5,000 00 8,000 00 681 20 825,681 25 Bond Issue of 18~9. To redce~n Bonds Nos. 1 to 40 inclusive: Balahc on hand Jan. 1, 1907, $7,495 51 Received from Jan. and July Coupons on Bonds. 160 00 Received from May and Novgmber Coupons on Bonds,. 120 00 Received from June and December CouPons on Bonds, 40 00 Received Interest L~wrencc Savings Bank, · 7 6'2 Received Interest Fssex S~vings Bank, 11 3'2 Received from Town of.North Andover, 1,700 00 Invested as follows: Town of North Andover Water B0hds, i~sue of I899, Town of North Andover Water Bonds, issue of 1904. Town of North Andover Water Bonds, issue of 1905, Deposit Essex Savings Bank, Deposit Lawrence Savings Bankv GEORGE HENRY PERKINS, ~reasurer. NATH A~N I~:L STt~iVENS, 25~NDREW' I~ E~'VES, William H. Somei'viHe 89,534 45 85,000 O0 3,000 O0 1,000 O0 '2.51 95- 282 50 Board ~' P.blic' Works. ~oA~) or r~;uL~c woRus ][39 FINANCIAL .STATEMENT. . Report of the receipts ahd expenditures of ttae Board o~ Pabli~ Works for the year ending Dec. 81,.1907. Jan. 1, 1907. Receipts. Balance on hand, $888 91 Service piping and material sold, 3,052 18 Sewers, maintenance and constaq~etion, 518 74 Water rates, 7,781 00 City of Lawrence ~wa~er) 3,980 '3'~ Appropriation for maintenance~ 6,773 36 ~ Appropriation for construction, 7~990 20 -Appropriation for maintenance and survey of sewers,. 1,000 00 Appropriation for construction sewers, 518 74 $31,948 51 31. 1907. Expenditures. Bills approved for maintenance. Bills approved for con~trr~ction, Bills approved for manintenance and construction sewers, Paid Geo. H. Perkins, Treas., Cash construction, $6,773 36 8,411 93 1~421 50 15,282 80 59 42 $31,948 51 140 NORTH A~DOVER. WATER--RECEIPTS NAMES. Adams, George G. Andover Bd. Pub. Wks. B/ack, Sam. Boston & Northern Street Ry. Ct). Brightwood Mtg. Co. Brown, J. G Colby, E. S. Costello, D. J. D. & F. Mach. Co. Davis, Geo. G. Frew, F. H. Godfrey, O. M. Greenwood, F. M. Holt, Peter llowes, William Junk Kunhardt~ G. O. Kunhurdt, Geo. E. Lawrence Gas Co. Leitch, J. W. & Son Merrimac Supply Co. North Andever Poor Dept. North Andover St. Dept. Peabody, E. A. & Son Phelan, Martin Ridgewood Cern. Asso. Sargent, G. F. Scoville, J. H. Sjostrom, William L. Smith's Express Stevens. M. T. & Sons Co. Stevens. Moses T. Wilcox. Chas. Sutton's Mills Service pipe & meters vari- ous parties Total Receipts from ~Vater Rates " Sewers Winthrop Na.t, Bank Total,. Service Piping 4o 5o 7a oo o6 9S 99 4o 4 46 zo 07 93° 64 $~446 9~ DisL Piping. $263 06 88 54 % 823 3 60 io oo 34° 07 ~i 74 284 43 7 04 300 O0 6 O0 76 15 6589 9 58 ~L477 98 linten 7° =9 r6 25 6 5o 7 56 $127 22 Total. 263 06 z~ 4° 343 o~ 88 54 6 5° 7° 29 46 72 $ 23 3 oo 3 6o r6 9° 3 oo IO OO 6 50 7 98 34° o7 I~ 74 ~o 99 284 43 48 40 7 e4 7 56 4 46 75 ~o 07 300 O0 6 oo ~5 24 52 9 58 93° 64 ~3,o52 ~8 ~,667 9a 5~8 74 ~5,~38 84 43 46 15,282 30 SEWER--RECEIPTS. NAMES. Particular Main , M~inten- Total. Sewer. 8ewer. anco:. ' Bixby, Alonzo 819 80 Boulanger, Octave 18 Callahan, D. Heirs 1 21 Costello. D.J. 38 8~ Cos~elto. P. ] 4 Garvey? John M. 12 32 Glennie, William C. 8 18 Godfrey, O.M. 39 96 Halliday, Wm. Ilinxmar~ l~{ary Mrs. 38 41 Kenismn, Geo. A 10 95 Leitch, J. W. & Son 1 40 McAloon, L.F. 2 50 Mahoney, C.J. 24 47 Newhall, Chas. A~ 26 30 ,Phillips. EmmaM~-s. I'11 29 Reid, Elizabeth Mrs. 70 98 Stillings, E. A. Mrs 26 23 Sullivan, John A. 1 40 Veteran Fii~bmen As. 19 06 Wiley; Eliza R. 1/rs. 41 63 Wright, Geo. L. 101 55 ' 819 18 1 4 1'2 8 39 10 38 1 2 24 26 11 70 26 1 ~9 41 101 06 21 88 06 3'2 18 96 10 41 95 40 50 '27 30 29 98 23 40 0(; 63 55 518 64 10 518 74 WATER--EXPENDITUI~ES Constraction. I Maintenance. America~ Oil Co, oil American Express Co., exp. Astotophi, Fred,, labor AndoAer Press, printir~g Bagil, Rabil, labor Bean, Emil~ labor Berry-Putnam Grain Co. Blake, G. F. Mfg. Co., rcpah-s Bond, H&rold L., supplies Boston & Maine, R. R !. 4 84 Boston & Northern Street Bristol Co., Thesink Bugliare, L., labor Builders Iron Fdy, castings Caffet, M., labor Carroll T., labor Castadra, S-, labor Chapman Valae Co.. valves Cheney. A. P., manure Clapp, W. H~ rcpaim Chickedng~ A P.. services Christina. O.,labo~ ~ co Colby. E. S. insurance Cole, Arthur. suppties Connors, D., labor r 65 9° Coste]lo, 1). J, services Cunningham, J. H., Corms. I 72 95 Crosby Steam Gaee & Valve Co.[ Currier, A. P. & kgo,, supplies Davis & Furbe Mach. Co.. rprs. Daw. James. labor D~amond, Joe, labor Dijon. P_ labor ~oo Donlg, Tom, labor 4 40 l)omestic Engineering Driver. The C. H. Co., printing Domaz. Geo.. labor 1)uava, Geog labor Duncan, Jos. A. sen, ices Ellis, Leander S., engineer Engineering Record Essex Say. Bank. water bonds Carrledforward $197 o9 Servicel Dist [Pumping Piping. Piping. [ Plant. Gen. -- __ I lO $3989 220 19 oo Uo a4 ? 93 ~9 9 ~96 6 , Total. 39 89 4° 26 2o 24 9° ~I5 3° 3 3¢> 9 20 196 53 8 o~ 75 7 Io 237 3~ 8z5 733 24 Iox 69 72 95 5 oo 5 ~4 I o2 I0 O0 17 4° ~4 9° 72 80 I OO 19 20 I7 4° 859 72 3 oo 3000 O0 ro7 io lO7 IO 84cc>4o~t 84 o~ , 4° 21 72 723 391, 55, 9o6 8g 50 ' 6 5° 7 2o 93 25 80 8 oo 75 50 O0 3~ 23~ ~5 ~1 33 539 78 27 } ~4 i 02 10 O0 x7 40 - x2 9° 61 20 7 2o I oo 25 ~o ~9 2o 17 4° I I 428 $0 I 59 3 oo 7z 5coo__oo . . ~ 387° 99/,~634 33 1167i 69 $7374 ro I45 NAMES. Brott~o'/~! forward 'Fairbanks Co , The. hydrants ;Fire and Waler Engineering Fitts, Geo. D., supplies ~ ;~o 8 3 Service ] Dist. Pumping Gem P'ping. Piping. Plant. $~97 09 387© 99 t634 33 I671 69 $7374 lo 212 OO .50 212 50 3~ Fontana, Philip, labor 8 6o Irrancesco, ']'oney, labor ~'uller Bros., team hire Fulleh A. P., wood. Gallison Brass Fdy, supplies Oa.padula, Raffle, labor 3 3© Garlock Packing Co., pack~ng Gulseppe, R., labor 6 2o Goldsmilh, Clarence scrvices Harnngton. P., labor 5'4 oo Hinxman, S. D., repairs tlolt, Peter, services Holt. T. A. & Co., supplies Hardy & Cole, lumber Jacobs, Joseph, coal Johns-Manville Co. Jepson, William A. coal Johnson, Cbas. E., services Josselyn, Geo. C., exldress l~aidlaw Dunn Gordon Co. rep. Law. Elec, Supply & Corn Co, Lawrence Gas Co., coke Lwarence Rubber Co., boots Lead Lin¢<l Iron Pipe Co. 38o 68 L~wrence Mach. Co.. repmrs I.eitch, J. W., & Son 3,1 IO Library Bureau, supplies Loftus, R. W. Lovallo, John, labor ~ 60 Lorenz, Domenic, labor 3 60 Ludlow Valve Co., valves Lv.,chburg Fdy. Co.. p~pe 5(agiaro, M., labor Marina, Chas, labm 2 4© Mnl)ona]d & /lanafoFd. sup. 51 7© ~9 ~o ~z 60 &~ 9~ 69 oo 7t ~ 7 2o 25 9° 64 ao 381 r6 ~ 5© 34 35 25 20 5 720 03 66 8o 20 4 ° 3 67 ~o ~ 80 39 McEvoy, James, labor 5 to Mmrimack Supply Co.. castings 48 99 Mnuidpal Pnbl~shing Co. Murphy. J.,labor 24 m Murphy, J. P., supplies t National M'eter Co. 263 23 1 27 Neptune Meter Co. 253 8o [ 3© Carrtedforw'ard ~287 69 5277 60 1'2,59 3= 3605 40 60 7° 19 2o 4 88 4 88 ~ 80 56 ?o 6~ 9~ I 80 77 o~ 82~ i6 821 ~6 29 60 I02 70 za 83 25 68 187 35 277 65 75 75 ~,5~ O 5~ ~4 45 ~4 45 38~ ~6 514 O2 524, O2 ~ 5° ~ S© 4 5° 4 5o ~ 50 x 5° a 50 34 35 380 68 i~ 8 40 92 ~29 52 I8 5~ '~8 5© 75 75 bo 3 ~o ~8 8o 95 ~ 60 7a.Q o~ ·6 8o 80 ~o S° 75 eo 75 26 so 66 89 65 co 3 oo' 60 ]35,6o 4° ] 4b.. 69 290 9· 08 283 $8 3° $~2329' 9I~¢ 144 NAME. Construction Maintenance. Total. ,~roug'/~l fbrward N. E. T, and T. Co. g. Dist. E. Rog. Deeds O'Brien, T., labor O'~ahoncy, M. Padula~ Toney, laL~r Pettingell, Andrews Co., sup. Pilling, Chas A. Piper, Wm. T., eugineer Poll, Dominic, labor Ponto, An&rose, labor Pulatki, F~a,nk, labor Ramlonda, O., labor Rea, Calvin, services Reid & Hughes Co., supplies Reynolds, F. B., services Richards & Co., lead Roach, David labor Robb-Mumfford Co , supplies Rock, Jerry, labor Ruggio, Joe, labor Rutter, W. F. & Salvatore, A., labor Sargent, ¥. L., team Sebastian, Toney, labor Smith's Ex., seraices Smith, Geo. A., suppllcs ' Smith, J. E., services Spencer, l ,era.~ labor Sumner & Cerald, supplies Stevens, M T. & Son Co., hay Tardugio, F., labor 'Fardeum, M., labor Towne, Win. E, labor ~rcat Hardware Co., supplies Trombly, J os,, coal Wallwork, Chas., labor Walworth Mfg. Co Wilcox, Chas., repairs Winslow, Geo. E., tel. Wood' R. D. Co., plp6 Tolal 23 4© 3,40 20 Io 5 ~o 12 60 38 20 i oo 24 IO 2 25 16o 43 So 89 48 56 40 3 . 5~ 5o 29 70 60 _~°~ 6o t9 8o 2 50 56 78 5 5© z 6o 3 05 3© oo ~9 74 25 92 16 7 24 8o 5 76 ~2 24 oo 74 60 17 50 ~5 68 2o 4 40 35 4o 02 co 42 96 89 ... ~65 50 6603 9© ~25I$ 28 14465 08 ,,S~2329 9~ 26 45 ~ 25 94 5° 3 °5 25 3© I51 65 37 62 3© oo S ~o ~2 60 38 20 8 40 ~ 50 ~9o ~7 U6 67 7 40 62 1o 333 09 25 20 7 75 44 6o 2 50 5 45 12 50 3~6 66 7 3° '7%46 23 IO ~7 5° ~5 68 33 75 40 4° ~3 43 43 96 ~65 5° 64~ 89 ilOARI) OF PUBLIC WO]gKS. 145 Sewer Department. In accordance with the vete of the Town at the last Annual Town Meeting, your Board engaged Mr. E. W. Bowditeh, of Boston, and complete plans have been prepared for a Sewer System, which will provide satisfactor~Jy for the disposal of the sewerage of the Town for ~nan.v }'ears to come. These plans have been prepared with the view of utilizing the sewers already built. Main sewer laid during the year, 360 feet. Conneqtions ~nade between l~ouses and main sewers {h~ring the year~ 14. / 146 NOI~TH ANDOVEIL SEWE~EXPENDITU~H. Constrtlction. Maintenance. NAMES. Particu-! l~I.~in Par[icu- American & Sun Pull Co. Bagil, Rabil, labor Bean, Wilfred. labor Bond, Harold L. Co. Mdse. Boston & Maine R. R., fda. Bowditch, W. E., surveying Cafl~, Michael labor Catadra, Sam, labor Connors, Dauiel, labor Dijon, Patrick, labor Doulg, Tom~ labor Drlver~ C. H. Co., printing Fontana, Philip, labor 5 00 O0 ~2 ~0 6 90 ' 42 25 ~ 98 6O0 17 O0 ] 29 40 5 00 44 21 17 66 2 44 5 00 2 80 '2 00 6 50 '2 20 00 20 90 2O 40 14 40 29 53 80 ,17 42 21 60 19 80 40 8O 60 63 13 50 7 10 g fi0 17 40 I 00 21 O0 21 60 36 80 ~ 00 8 7O 15 00 5 00 16 20 9 80 26 11 5 II 45 40 85 _ 12 60 i~a4,, 83 $831 5g S10 59 Gapadula, Raffi~, labor ,I 5 k~ibbv Fdy. Co. I Guis~ppe, Rugo~ labor I 14 Harringt0n, P., labor I 29 Hogan, P., services Lawrence B.~tbbcr Co., Sup. Leitch~ J. W. & Son. supplies 10~ Library Bureau~ sewer cards Lorallo, John, labor Lorenz, Dominie, labor MeAloon, L., supplies McDonough, Martin, labor McEvoy, James, Sr. Mu/~pby, gerry, laber O'Briem Timo~hy~ labor O'Mahoney, M., pipe Padual, Toner, labor Pnlatki, Frank, labor Reid & Huglles Co., supplies Roache, David, labor ;l{uggio, Joseph, labor Sebastian, Cerroni, labor ,Spencer, Lemnei, labor Treat Hdw. Co supplies Wahlo I/ros., cement Wallwork, Chas. V,r. Main. $35 55 $35 55 Totals. ~12 00 5 00 2 20 42 45 6 65 600 00 46 40 5 ©0 6 l 31 5 00 2 80 8 50 2 20 5 00 20 90 14 90 43 ~0 ~9 53 1 80 151 68 20 13 28 80 1 8o 3 60 63 13 50 7 10 ~ 80 49 90 42 60 36 80 i O0 $ 60 8 ~0 15 O0 ~ 00 26 O0 31 22 4 45 40 86 12 60 ~1421 50 BOAi~I) OF PUBLIC 5VORKS. 147 Cost of Construction. (To Jan. 1, 1908.) Distribution piping Suction Main Reservoir Pumping S~ation Pmnping Plant Service Piping and Meters Inckdenml Consmmtion~ Expenses Land ancl right of way Tool aecoun~ Fountains Total $138,761 35 1,943 61 6,389 65 6,72 04 14,094 0'2 18,92'2 11 5,471 88 499 70 442 39 515 81 $189,021 56 148 NORTH A~DOVER. JA~u~t~~ 1, 1908. Board of Public Works, North Andover, Mass. Office, Odd Fellows Building, 114 Maiu Street. Office hours: Saturday afternoou, 2-5. Saturday evening, 7 to 9. During the first ten days. of January, April, July and October every afternoon, 2-5, every evening, 7-9. l~ules and l~egulations. All meters shall be computed quarterly; in case of a meter stopping or failing to register, the quantity of w~ter used shall be estimated as the ~mount which ordinarily passes through the meter when in operation. Bills for metered water shall be rendered quatteri~, on the first day of January, April, July and October for the amount of ~¢ate; use~l during the previous quarrel based on thc following sliding scale: Cost S~rnmary For first 2000 cubic fx. 20 cts. per 100 cubic ft., $4.00, 2000 cu. ft. $4.00 From 2000 to 10,000 cubic, ft. 12 cts. per 100 cubic ~t., $9.60 1000 cu. ft. $13.60 All over 10,000 cubic ft. 8 cts. per 100 cubic ft. All meters read i~. e~bic ~eet. A cubic foot is computed as ) seven and one-half gallous. No service shall pay less than $1.50 /per quarter. 'gO;~R'r) (5P t'UBLIO WOI~KS 149 REOULATION~. The following regulations, until ]~urther notice shall be eor~. :sidereal a part of the co~tract with every person who us~ water. 1. All apphcations for the use of water mast be made at the ,o~ce of tim Wa~r Commissioners, and ~ate fully ~e put,se for which i* ~ i~ended to be used. The Town w~l in all cases furnish and lay the sm'viee pipe item the street mMn and through ;he cellar wail, and provide on ~he end Gereof a ~top and waste valve. And the owner ~ thc prem~es shall in all eases pay tox' such servie pipe ,as may be laid within his p~emises, together with the stop and waste valves, at s~mh rates ~ may be fixed by ~he Water Commhsmners. 2. The Town will set metem on ~1 services and charge a rea- ;tgi of two dollars per year. Consumers at then option may purchase ~aM meters when they wilt be marked on the books as private and no rentM will be charged. All meters wil M kept in repair by the Town and no charge made therefor, except in ease of freezing or negligence. That in ~o instance sha)l more than one set of build- ings be supplied through one meter, and a separate meter shall be re= quked fi'om each building from which tho owner receives revenue, 8. All p~'sons using water must furnish internal pipes~ con. ~eetions a~d fixtures and keep them and all pipes to the stree~ line in good repair and protected fi'om frost at their own expense~ and ~he Town will not be liable for any damage resulting from a failure ~o do so. No person shall be permit~d to connect to any water pipes ou the inlet side of the meter in any way or manner without a written permi* from the lVater Commissioners. 4. Water rates shall be payable at the office of the Water Commissioners quarterly. No abatement of water rates shatl be nmde except when the entire premises are shut off for a period of ~ leas~ three months. In all eases of non-payment of ~ater rates within thirty.days after the same are due as well ~ for any viola- tion of these rules and regulations, the supply of water may be shu~ off and water will not again be let on except upon payment of thd amount due and the sma of one dollar for shutting off and letting on the water. In ease of shutting off or letting on the water for re- pairs, testing the pipes or any other purpose the stun of one dollar will be cha}'ged. 5. The water rates shall be paid by thd owner or lessee of the whole premises and the owner shall in a~l cases be responsible for the water rates of his tenants. 6. 1~o wamr taker shall supply water to pa~ies not en~;itled to. its use, except on w~itten permit. 7. All ppparams and places supplied, with water mast be acces- sible a~; all times to the inspect.ion of the Water Commissioners or their agents to exa~nine the pipes and fixtures and ascertain quantity of water used and the manor of its use, and all pipes and fixtures shali be subject to rejection by said Cmnmissioners if con- sidereal unsuitable for the purpose. ~S. ART. 7. Sac. 1. Town By-Laws. /Xro person shall open any hyclrant of the water works system of the Town, withou~ written permmission previously obtained from ~he Board of Water Commis- sioners, l~rovided, however, that nothing in this section shall he constructed to prohibit the use of hydrants and water by t~he Chief of ~he Fire Department or the person ae*i~g in his stead, in case of fire. ~. The Commissioners reserve the rlgh~ to restrict the use of hose or fountains or t~o shat off the water when it becomes necessary ;o ~nake extensions or repairs or for violation of the iqegu/a~dons. . .! O~" P~JB],iO 151 Superintendent's Report. 70 the Board qf t~Ublic Works: There has been laid during the past year, 2,816 3 feet of six- inch main pipe and six-inch gates, 1 twelve-inch gate, and 5 hydr~tnts have been set, making a total of 3'2.26 miles of main pipe, 1 twelve-inch cheek valve, 1 fourteen-inch gate, 18 twelve-inch ;gates, 43 eight-inch gates, 147 six-inch gates, 201J hydrants. The main pipe was laid as follows: - Barker street from Prescott sla'ee~ to a point 230 feet ~ortherly on Barker street~ 269 feet six-inch pipe, 1 hyclrant, l six-inch gate. Satin(lets s~reet~ from end of pipe, to a point opposite the bt~itd- ing of ~;he Nortt~ Andover Veteran Firemen Association, on Saunders street, 75 feet six-inch pipe, 1 hydrant. Commonweatth Avenue from Massachusetts Avenue to a point '280 feet southerly on Commonwealth Avenue. 2159.8 feet six-inch pipe 1 six-inch gate. Thorndike street from the northerly side of Troy road ~o a point 454 feet ;southerly oa Th:~rndike street. ~41 feet sixdnch pip% 1 hydrant. Ehnwood street £rom 3[assaehnsetts avenue ;o a point 55 feet southerly on Ehnwood s~reet, 10~ feet six-inch pipe, t six-ineh gate. Milton street from Thi~il street m a poiat 125 feet sonthcriy on 5[it~on street, 140 ~eet sixAnch pipe, 1 six-inch gate. Bay State road from Osgood street to a point 5150 feet westerly on Bay State road, (;00 feet six-inch pipe, 1 hydrant. 1 six-inch gate., t{ailroad avenne from Greeu street to a point 780 feet souther ty on Railroad avenue, ~31'5 feet six-inch pipe, 1 hydrant, 1 si~- inch gate. Emrty-slx meters have been set during tim gotal et 585 meters in use. year making KIND. 2 in,. '7 I t91 286 10 24 2 Crowl~ Geln Empire Nash Trident Columbia Hersey Worthington Keystone SIZES 1 in. 4 , 1 7 I 188 3 60 1'2 272. 10 24 1 2 17 554 There are 740 service connections ~vhich are at present supply- ing: 858 tSnnili~ 133 stables, '20 stores, 8 schools, 5 churches, ~0 manufactories, 7 drinking fountains, 2 barber shops~ 1 cemetery, 10 boarding houses, 1 laundry, 4 railroad statlons~ 5 greenhouses, 14 buildings, 1 sewer flush, 6 stand-pipes for watering carts, 1 blow-off, 17 f~ie services, 1 stone crusher. Samples of water fi'om Great Pond have been sent to the State Board of Health, and the chemical analysis of the same returne¢l as follows 'uo~.;>o[[o D ~' The following records show the work done by pmnps, average daily .consumptimb etc. during'tEe }'ear ~1[~07. '[00D ',~qrI oo~ zod sqq · pndmucI SUOl[~D 00© 000000000 o o 156 ~ORTH ANDOYER. LEAKS. July 30, Pleasant streets hydrant. Aug. 19, Sutton street, service pipe 493, ELECTROLYSIS. Sept. 30, Ashland street, service pipe 640, ELECTROLYSIS. Sept. 30~ Sutton street~ service pipe 7, ELECTROLYSIS. Oct. 2, Sutton street, service pipe 453, ELECTROLYSIS. Dec. 10, Water street, service pipe 62, lead c~ngection broken. Respectfully submitted, CHAS. E. JOHNSON, Superinten(lent. North And0ver, December 31, 1907. BY-LAWS OF THE TOWN OF NOI~TH ANDOVEI~. ESSEX COUNTY, ~IAS,~ Article 1. SEm'm_~ 1. The Annual Tow~k Meeting shall be held on the first Monday in March. SECTION '2. The warrants for all Town meetings shall le dL r~cted to either of the constables, who' shall s¢rve the same by post~ lng a true and attested copy thereof at the Town hall and at five o~c more public places in each precinct of the Town, not more than fifteen nor less than ten days before the time of holding said Meet- lugs. SECTION 3. When a Town Meeting shaft be adjourned ro a time certain that is more than fourteen days from the time of ad- journment the Town Clerk'sh~ll cause notice of the time and place of such adjourned meeting to be duly posted in three or mor public places in each precinct in the Town [wo days at least before the ~ime of holding said adjourned meeting, which notice shall also briefly state the business to come before such meeting. Sr~c~o~ 4. The Ammal Town meeting' in each year shall be adjourned by the Modera~tor, immediately upon the closing of the polls, to the Saturday next following said Annual Town Meeting at half past one o'clock in thc afternoon for the consideration of all tic]cs in thc warrant for said Annual Town Mecting, excep; those for the election of towrt olIicers, boards and committees. Before said adjournment the Moderator shall appoint a com- mktee of five to consider the recommendations of the ]~'inance eom- mktee and the appropriations asked for ia the various articles of the w~rrant for smd Annual Town Meeting and to repor~ m said adjour- ned meeting. Article It S:~CTrO× i. 'The Selectmen' in ~]?ditlos tcr their' genera~ t{u~ties, shall have ~mthority ~o defend suits brought agains~ the T'ow~n~ uales~ o~hemvise ordered by z vote o~ ~he Town. S~cT~ox 2. The SeIectnmn shal~f' annually cause a report $o be printed which Shall contain a statement of their doings during preceding financial yeaI; ghe reporg of the School Committee and such other officers, boards and committees as are ~equh'ed ~o make reports; the list ~ jurors a~ prepared by the Selectmen; a report of a~I Towt~ Meetings held since ~he publication of ~he la~ Annu~] Town 'Repor~ ~ tim ~eguIatio~m of the Board o~ Health and of the Board of Water Commissioners; ~he By-Law~ o[ the Town; suoh other mat~crs as they d~m expedient or as the Town votes to insert. Said repor~ sh~l be bound in pamphtet form, ~nd shall be ready for distribution among ~he taxpayers at ~a~t seven days be- fore tho Aumta~ Tow~ Meeting. Artlcie 111 S~:caqox ]~. The SeIectmen shatl annually, during the month ~ff Mar~h, appoint at least five police officers: and a Chief of Police The latter shall have general supervision and direction of ~he cou- ntables and police ofiieers of the Town. S,~:c:r~o~ 2. The Selec~mea may make such rules and regula- r, ions as they deem necessary, under the Revised Laws, in relation to the passage of carriages, sielghh stree~ car.s or other vehicles through the streets and ways of the Town. or the use of sleds or 0~her vehicles for coasting therein.' Any violation of said rules and regulations shall be Vanished by a fine o.~ not less than one ~olla¥ or more than twenty dollars. S~cTms 8. No person shall keep a shop for the purchase, sale or barter of junk, old metal or second-hand articles, or shall go from lmuse to house collecting or procnring by purchase or barter any '~such articles, without a written lice~nse from the Board of Selec~ menJ The fee for such license shall be one dollar. Each license ~hall continue in force until the first day o% M~y ~next ensuing unless ~ooner revoked by the SeIectmen. S~c'r~)~- 4. No person shall behave in a rude ~or disorderly ~nanuer, nor use loud~ profane or iadecen~ language, nor throw .stones, snow balls or (~her missiles in any .street ~r other public .place. S~:c'~'x~)~- 6. No p~rson shall loiter upon any side walk, street or way of the Town~ or upon privaee propcrSy thereto adjoining with- .out the consent of t~ ownm' thereog, a~ter he has been requited by :a constable or pulse officer ~o deparL. S~:c.~IO~ 6. No ~rson shall pasture cattle or other animals ~ifltm' with ~ with out a keepe~5 up~ any of the streets or ways of Thc Town, ~ovided that this By-Law shall not effecg the rights of ~.ny person to the use 6f the land within the limits of such street or way adjoining h~ own premised Article IV 'Src'rxo~ 1. The financial year of the Town shaH begin wilh She first day of January and end with the ~lst., day of December and ~or the pak'men~ of bills contracte4 by the several departments for ordinary expenses, during the interval between the close of lhe financial year and the time of making the next annual appropri- ations, the Selectmen shall have authority to dr~w from any avail- able funds in the hands of the TreasurcL and the amount so drawn shall be charged against the said next annual appropriation for the depar~nen* for which such draft shall have been n~ade; but in no ease shall such expenditm'e for any purpose exceed one-sixth of the amount appropriated f~r that purpose at the Annual Town Meeting in the preceding year. SECT~O~ 2. No money shall be paid from the Town TreasmT, except the state and county taxes and bank discount, without a war- rant therefor signed by the Selectmem. S,:¢T~ox 8. Ail promisory notes of lhe Town shall be signet;. by the Treasurer and'eonntersigned by the Selectmen. g×c'rmx 4. Al1 Town officers, boards and committes, who in. auy way receive or expend money belonging to the Town, shall keep a recorc] of 'dmSr oflScial acts, and an accoun~ of their receipts and'ex- penditures; they shaIl make an ammal report to the Town in seaso~ to be audited and ingorporated into ~he Annual Town Report. SJZCTmX 5. All Town officers, boards and committees, who shall receive money in behalf of the Town, shall pay to the Treas- urer lnonthly, and oftener if so requested by the Selectmen, alt money so received. Ail other persons who shall have in theh' pos- session money belonging to the Town shall pay the same forwith to the Towa Treasurer. SF~cq'm~ 6. The Superintendent or other oftlcial charged by t!m Board of Water Commissioners with the duty of collecting an4 receiving money due the Town, shall gix, e a bond in a penal sum and with sureties approved by the Board of Selectmen. S*:(:'rmx 7. The Seleet~en and the Auditor shall ¢onstimm a committee to he known as the Finance Comjnittee, whose duty it shall be to prepare a table of estimates of expenses for whigh appro- priations are to be made at the next annual Town Meeting, and to repom the s~me in writing on or before the first day' of February in each year to the Selectmen, who shall incorporate said report in the Annual Town l{eport. SzcTm:~ 8. It shall be the duty of the Auditor to inspect all bills presented against the Town; to see that they have the approval of the officer, board o,r committee conti:zcting the same, and are in proper form; to inclieate the account to which they are chargeable; and, if there are funds~ to transmit said bills with his cm%iflcate to the Selectmen, who shall draw their warrant on the Tewn Treas-' urer authorizing payment thereof; to examine the books and ac- counts of all town ofllcers, bom'ds and committees receiving and ex- pending ~noney; to investigate the condition of ail funds and .trust funds held for the benefit of the Town. He shall verify the amount s¥q,^ws. of funds in the hands of the town oflicers, boards and committees by actually counting the cash in theh'.possession, and by personal ap- plicatbn at banks of deposit, sball' ascertain the amounts held there- in to the credit of the Town. He shall report to the Town in de- tail under each department all receipts and expenditures by the Town for the pre{,ious financial year. Src~m~r 9. No office, board or committee of the~ Town shall have any pecuniary interest, either direct or indirect~ personally or through another person, in any loan, contract or employment of any sort made by, with or for that departmen~ to which his or its duties appertain. All contracts or employments made in vlok&tion of this By-Law shall be void as to the Town, and no bills therefor shall be approved, audited or paid. Article V. S~cTros 1. The assessment of taxes shall be completed and the tax list and warran~ shall be delivered to the Collector of Taxes on or be.fore the fifteenth day of August, and the ~ax bills shall be disWibuted on or before the seco.nd day of September in each year. S~c~oN 2. The Collector of Taxes shall use all means and processes provided by law for the collection of taxes remaining un- paid after the first day of January in each yeat. S~cTm~- 3. The compensation of the Collector of Taxes shall be iixed annually by vote of the Town. Article VI. Srcvto~ 1. The Board of Selectmen may decloa'e any sewer l~id in any land, street or way, public or private,, op~ne4 or pro- posed to be opened for public truvel, to be a common sewer; and the same shall not be 1Md or connec:;ed z4th an&' existing common sewer except by the board of officers ~uthorized by law to lay and ~naintaln common sewers. Iq O~ TIt A~N-DOVER. SJdCTION 2. The Board of Health may make and enforce reg- ulations for the public health an(:[ safety relative to house drainage and its connection with public sewers, if a public sewer abuts the estate to be drained. SEOT~'[7~: 8. No serson shall enter his drain into any common · sewer without a written license from the Board of Selectmen, and any person entering under such license shall comply with such rules and regulations as to material m~d constructim~ as 0ac Board of Selectmen may prescribe. Saki Board ma)' close any drain enter- ing a common sewer for failure to comply with the provisions of this By-Law. No excavation shall be ma(to within a public way in connect- ing such private drains with a common sewer except under the di- rection of the Highway Surveyor or other persons having charge of the streets of the Town. Article VII. S~crtoh- 1, No person shall open any hydrant of the water- works system of the Town without written permission previously obtained from the Board of Water Commissioners; provided, how~ ever~ that not]ting in this section shall be construed to prohibit the use of hydrants anti water by the Chief of the Fire Department, or the person acting in his stead, in ease of fire. Article VIII. SI~CTION 1. The following shall be the device of the Town seal: In the center of a double circle the inscription," Incorporated April 7th, 1~55;" in the margin without the inner circle the legend, ', Town of North Andover, Massachusetts." Article IX. Si;CTX0N 1. The violation of these By-.Laws, except such as by their terms pro~'ide a pena[t5 for the breach thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than twenty dollars. BY-LAW'S. 163 S*:crmx 2. These By-Laws may be amended or repeated at any Town Meeting, provided an article or articles for that purpose have been inserted in the warrant of said meeting. S~cT~o~~ 3. Ali By-Laws heretofore made and adopted are hereby repeated. ~ ~ T COMMON WEALTH OF MASSACHUSE TS. Essrx ss. SUPERIOR COURT. Thc ~oregoiug By-Laws havh~g' been examined are approved by the court. ' Attest. JAMES P. HALE. November 16, 1903. Ass't (~terk. Nm~'rn A~novE}~, Mxss., Nov. '23~ 1,q03. I.hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the By- Laws of tl~e Town of 5¢orth Andovcr as accepte¢.t by the Town a~. the Annual Town Meetin~ held March 2nd, ] 903: and approved by the Superior Court November 16th., I903. Attest JAMES W. LEITCH, :Town C'ler]c. List of Jurors. The Selectmen herewith present a list, which if said list be approved and accepted by the Town at its forthcoming annual town meeting, the persons herein named will be liable to be drawn for Jm'y duty. Abbott, Frank Badger, Alpl~onso Barker, John, Barker, Jacob, erry, Sam D., Batson, Joshua B., Bedell, John A., Brightman, Geo. B., Cart, ]~¥ed. A., Cos~ello~ Michkel ~V., Campbell, John T., Cullen, Geo. J., Casey, P. J., Chadwick, Geo. G., Chadwi&, J. Gilbe% Cm'ley, Edward E., Dooley, James J., Davis, John F., Donovan, D~nieI, Duncan, Joseph A., Eaton, Frank W, Eugley, Henry B., F~nha~ Arthnr H., Farnham, Benjamin, Foster~ Arathan~ Foster, Archie O., Fisher, Edwin C., Fos% Eugene P., clerk. leather worker farmer. farmer. farmer. carpenter. machinist. phnnber. tinsmith. mill hand, clerk. cleriC. mill hand, farmer. farmer. ivoulder~ moulder. mouhtel'. machinist, machinist. woolsorter, farmer. farmer farmer. farmer. farmer. farlner. LIBT OF JURORS. · Fernald, Wm. M., Finn, Thomas T., Foster~ Herbert L, Graham~ Alexander B., Glennie, James, Itayes, Waltgr H. Healey, $olm X.~ Hinxmau, S. D.~ Holt, Peter, Jones, Thomas L., Jenkins, S. A., Leighton, Jos. L., McAloon, Louis H., blilner, Thomas, ' Miller, James B., Morse, John H., Moody, Edwin W, O'Brion, John J., Osgood, L. Edgar, Paul, Waiter I{., Pooh Willm'd H, Rea, Geo. A., Rea, Orris F., Rea, Calvin~ Richardson, John W., Toohey, Wm. J. Jr., Webster, Henry A., Whittier, Hubert M., card setter. foreman. farmer. woolsorter. ~armer, farmer. woolsorter~ blacksmith, ~a~mer. painter. machinist. painter. carpenter. ·clerk. mill hand.. broker. ~armer. shoe maker. clerk. farmer. farmer. farmer. farmer. retire~[ merchant. machinist. woolsol%er. farmer. P. P. DAW, GEO. C. JOSSELYN, S. D. HISXMAN, Selectmen 2Vorth 21~ndover. NORTII Appropriations l~ecommended b~y the Finance Committee. Assessors, Auditor, Animal Inspector~ Board of Health O~cers, " " " Expenses, Clerk of Town, Collector of Taxe¢, Contingent Fumt, Discount on Notes, Election E×penses, Fish Warden, Fire Department~ tire Engineers, Forest Fire Warden, Janitor Town Hall, Lighting Stree;s, Memorial Day Fund~ Poor, Overseers oh 1% on collectim~s and-[ premium on bond. ~. unexpended balance dud { including support of horses and pay of drivers. " Superintendent of, " ~ Support of, unexpemied balance, receipts and Public Library, Dog Tax and Police Department, Registrars of Voters~ State and Military Aid, State and County Taxes, Selectmen, Treasurer, including bond, Tree Warden Expenses, " Salary, Amount carried flbrward APPROPJ~IATION~ $750 00 275 00 100 O0 90 O0 gO0 O0 150 O0 1000 O0 4,000 o0 2,000 00 300 00 o 00 b,500 06 300 00 25 O0 200 00 3,500 00 250 O0 225 00 500 00 5,000 00 1,800 00 1,'200 O0 150 00 1,'200 00 12,000 O0 475 00 500 00 2,000 O0 100 O0 $43,895 00 Amount brottg/tt fo~,ard · $43,895 00 Water Commissioners, 300 00 Interest on Water Loan Bonds, o 6,400 00 ~Vater Loan Sinking Fund 3,500 00 ~[ainte~xance and Construction of ~a~er · Works Receipts from Water Rates. Redeeming Water Bond No. 4~ 1904, and 5 and 6 of 1905, 8,000 00 Schoo] Teachers~ Janitors, Fuel and Repairs P-7~'200 00 Union School Loan, from Cash in Treasury 1,000 00 Highway Surveyor, 1,200 O0 :Streets, Ilighways and Bridges, 4,500 O0 2~Iacadamizing, 5,000 O0 -Si~]ewa/ks, 1,500 O0 Surveying, 100 O0 ,Maintenance Sewers 1,000 O0 .Pathlng Snow- 1,500 O0 $100,095 O0 r. r.D. W, h GEO. C. JOSSELX~'~', ~ Fi~a~ce S. D. IIINXMAN, Com~ittee. ALBERT B. HANSON, ) TOWN WARRANT C0~Ih[O~NWEALTH OF ~ASSAOHUSETTS~ '~ , Ess~;x ss. 3 To either' of the Co~stables o£ th¢ 7Z~cn of 2Vorth A~dovei'. In the name of the Commonxvealth of Massachusetts, you are here')y directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of lX'orth An- dover, qualifiecl by law- to vote in elections and Town affairs, to meet in Town Hall in said Town on 31onday the second day March nex~ con, mencing at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there ~o act on ;he following Articles, viz :-- AnT. 1. To choose a Modex'a~or to preside at said ~neeting. ~ Ai~T. '2. To elect Selectmen~ three Assessors, one for one year, one fo?two years and one for three years, Overseers of the Pccr Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, Highway Surveyor, one School Com- mittee for three years, Collector of Taxes, Constables, Auditor, One Water Commissioner' for three years, and all other Town officials re- quired by law to be voted for by ballot; also to vote onthe question: "Shall license be granted for.the sale of intoxicating liquors in this Town ?" All the above, except Moderator, to be voted for on one bkllot, in accordance with Chapter 11 of the Revised Laws o~ i~Iassachusetts. : The polls shall be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. and may be closed at ' 2 o'clock P. M. Ax~!r. 3. To elect ~ Tree Warden, Field Drivers, Fence View- ers, and all other Town officials not required by law to be elected by ballot. A~v. 4. Tosee if the Town will v0~e to accept the report of t~e receipts and expenditures of the Town, as presented by the Se- lect~nen and Auditor. ART. 5. To see wh~t action the Town will take in xegard to unexpended appropriations. A~T. 6. To see what action the Town will take as to the re- comendatlon of the Finance Committee. ART. 7. To see what sinus of money the Town will raise and appropriate for the use of the several departments for the current year, to wit: Schools, Schoolhouses, Highways and Bridges, Side- walks, Support of Poor and all other necessary and proper expdnses arising in said Town 3Ieeting for the current year. AliT. 8. To see if the Town will acccp~ the list of names for Jtucors as prepared, posted and p~Yesented by the Selectmen. A~m,. 9. To see what compensation the Town will pay for labor on Ilighways for the ensueing year. A~.T. ltl To see what compensation the q'own will pay mem- bers of the Fire Cmnpanies for the ensneing year. . AeT. 11. To see what action the Town will take in r[gard ;o inducing the prompt payment of taxes. A~T. 12. To see if the Town wit/vote to authorize the Toarn Treasurer, with the approval of the majority of the Selectmen, ~o borrow during the municipa(year, beginning Marc/~ second, m an- ticipa*ion of the collection of taxes o~ said year, *he sum of Seventy, five thousand ($75,000.00) dollars, giving the notes of ;he Town therefor, payable within one year from the da~e thereof. All debts incmxed under authority o~ this vote shall be paid from the ;axes of tim present mumcipa[ year. ~5 ' AnT. 18. To see if the ~own will vot~ to raise and appropriate the sma o~ ($250.00) dollars, for the purpose of Memorial day next. Upon petition of Frank W. Eaton and others. AnT. 14. To see what action the Town will take in the mat- ,er of electing the Selectraen for a term of three years. Upon re- corameudation of the Selectmen. ART. 15. To see what action the Tow~ will ~ake to purchase or otherwise secure the lot of land known as the "Tavern Lot" from the estate of the late 3I. T. "' the same. Stevens, and ma re prormmn fm Upon reconunemtation of the Selectmen. AliT. 16. To see what action the Town will take upon the report of the Selectmea in the matter of 3lay Street and the play- stead as instructed at the last Annual Meeting. An'r. 17. To see what action the Town will take to i,nprove the sapitary condition around the Town Hall by the addition of toil- et rooms. Upon petition of the Board of Health and Board of iectmen. ART. 20. To see i~ the Town will vote to accept the plans for a sewerage system as prepared by E] W. Bowditch, Engineer of Boston. wlfich the Board of Public Works Was instructed to procure at fl~e last Annual Town Meeting. AnT. 21. To see i~ tl~e Town will vote to appropriate the sum of one thousand ($~,000.00)dollars for the construction and main- t~enance of sewers fo,' the ensuing year. Upon petition of the ~0ard of Public Works. AnT. 18. To see what a~iou the Town will take in the ap- pointing of a committee to consider the advisability o~ erecting a Town Building for the use of the several departments. Updn re- commendation of the Selectmen. ART. 19..To see what action the Town will take in regard to furnishing the Town Hall with settees and appropriate a sum suffi- cient roi~the same. Upon recommendation of the Selectmen. Ag~. 22. To see ii the Town will vote to appropriate the stun' of eighteen h~ndred dollars ( $1,$00.00 ) and the Dog Tax for the , support of the Library. Upon petition of the Trustees. ART.~ 23. To seeif the Town will raise and appropriate, or otherwise providei a sufficient sum of money for the purpose of re- pairing the macadam road on Sutton Street from a point near the residence of Mr. Finnegan Westerly to/Railroad Square~ so called. Upon petition of George E. Kunhardt and others. A~'r. 24. To see if the Town will appropriate or otherwise provide a surf/dent sum of money for the purpose of macadamizing Salem Street from a point opposite the residence of the Misses Ward t~ the residence of Charles Wilcox in the Centre Village. Upon petition of Chas. A. Appleton and others. A~v. 25. To see if the Town will vote to macadamize Third ~ Street, the cost to be taken from the appropriation for ms, cadam roads. Upon petition of 'Fred S. Smith and othe;s. AcT. 2(;. To see i~ the ToyOta will vote to expend two thou- sand doi[ars ($2,000.00), of the Street Railway Ta,x in macadamiz- ing Railroad Ave. beginning at Massachasetts Ave. and going south as far as two thousand will go. Upon petition of Edward W. Greene and others. A~. 27. To see if the Town will vote to accept the extension of Middlesex Street. fi'om Green Street to Main Street. as now laid out. Upon petition of Sam D. Stevens and others. ART. 28. To see what action the Town will take in accepting Milton Street, off ~hird Street as laid out by the Selectmen. Upon pdtition of the Misses Laycock and others. ART. 99. To see if the Tbwn will vote to build a concrete sidewalk on the Easterly side of Marblehead Street ~rom the Boston and Main Railway 9tossing ~o Union Street and appropriate a sum of n~oney fox' the same. Upon petition of Andrew Reeves an~l others. / A~, 80. To see what action the Town will take in regard to placing in repair the street known as Court Street~ and appropriate a sum of money sufllclent for the same. Upon petition of George B. Loring and others. AnT. 31. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropri,4te the sum of two hundred dollars ($200.00)~ for the purpose o~ enabl- ing the School Committee to employ a school physician for the.cur- rent year, nnder provision of Chap. 502, Acts of 1906. ART. 32. To see if the Town x¥ill vote to construct a three run engine hens% and select a lot of land for the same~ and that the Se- lectmen and Treasurer jointly be authorized to issue bonds, notes or script of the Town to pay for the same, to the amonnt o~ twenty ~housand dollars(S20.000), or saeh part~ thereof as may be necessary. Upon petition of the Engineers. ART. 33. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of six hundred ($600.00) dollars, for the purchase of new ~Jre hose. Upon petition of the Engineers. ART. 34. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate the sum of three hundred (~300.00) dollars, for the purpose of installing a Tapper System in the houses of the members of the Cochiehewiek Engine Company. Petition of Edward Adams and others. AnT. 35. To see if the To~n will vote to raise and appropriate a sum of money sufficient to install an adequate system of heating in the Centre School Building. Upon petition of Louis A. Holt and others. AnT. 36. To see if the Town will raise and appro[,'iate hundrqc[ ($500.00) dollars te be expended by the Nort,h Andover hnprovement Society, under the direction of the Tree Warden. Upon petition of Chas. A. Appleton and others. Aaa'. 87. To see if the Town will raise and appropriate a suffi- Cient sam of money to erect and main[,ain ~n are light on Pleasant .,S~reet between Stevens Cornet' and Stevens Street. Lpon petition ~>f Harry F. Cunningham and others. Cost $~5.00 dollars, AR~'. 38. To see i~ the Town will vote to erect one gas light un Ferry Street, and raise and appropriate mone~' to maintain the same. Upon petition of William Dryden and elbe, rs. Cost $19.00. A~T, 39. To~eeifthe Town will vote to pla:ee gaslights at 'the corner of Maple Ave. and Stoningtm~ Street and at the 'corner of Stoningtvn and Middlesex Stt'eets, And app~'opriate money for the same. Upo~ petition o£ttans Christensen and others. Cost AnT. 40. q~o see if the Town will vote '[o erect and ~naintai~ three gas lights on Court Street and raise and appropriate fifty-seve~ (857.00) dolla~.s for the .same. Upo~a petition of John F. 13annon and others. A~r. 4t. To see if the Town will vote to e~ect and maintain a gas ligh* on Ehn Street opposite the Trinitarian CongregationaJ Church and raise and appropriate a sum sufficient to pay fca' the ~same. Upon pe*itioa of Charles P; MonqlA and others~ Cost $19.00 Awr. 42. To see ff the Town will vote to place three (3) gas ~ - ~ights on May ~treet, and raise and appropriate money for the sup- port of the same. Upon petition of Joseph Bickell and others Cost A~'l'~. 48. To see if the Town will vote to aceep~the provisions of Chapter 191 of the Acts of 1907. An Act to au;herize the t, ablishment o~ Boards of ~.urvey in Towns~ Upon petition of Will_ lam Hallid~y and others, Ai{T, 44. To see ii~ the Town will vote to raise and approlMate the sum oi~ two hundred (~200.00) dollars to build a Service sewer ~n Suffolk Stzee;. ~;pon petition of Henry A~ Webster and others. ART. 45. To see if the Town will vote to sewer Beve~'ly ;Street, and raise or make provisions for the same. Upon petitim~ of Edw~rd F. Weeks and otbers~ And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting a and attested copy thereof at the Town Hall, and~ at five or more public places in. each precinct of the Town, not more than fifteen nor Iess than ten days before the time of~ holding said meeting. Hereof faiI not and make true of this IVarrant, with your do- ings thereon, to the Tbwn Clerk at the time and place of holding said meeting. Given under our hands in said North Andover, Ma~saehusetts~ this eleventh day- of February~ in the year nineteen hundred and eight. P. P. DAXV, S. D. HINXMAN, GEO. C. JOSSELYN. A Trne Copy2 Select.m e~z Town o~/' North Andowr~ ~[assachus. etts. CONTENTS. Appropriations Recommended ............................. 166 ,Assessor's l~eport ........................................ 72 ~[uditor~s Certificate ..................................... 60 Animal Inspector's Report ................................ 1~'8 · Board of Public Works Repor[ ............................ 136 Water Dp't ....................................... 136 Sewer " ................................... 145 Board of I[ealth Report .................................. 104 Eiqgineer's Report ....................................... 91 Engineers .......................................... 93 Fire Alarm Expense ................................. Horse Expenses ..................................... 92 Location o£ Fire Alarm Boxes ......................... 96 ltecords of Alarms and Fires. '~ ' 95 Financial Statement 80 Forest Fire Wards Report ................................ 1'27 Elighway Surveyor's Report .............................. List or Jtu. ors ........................................... 1 (;4 Memorial Day Committee Report ......................... 105 North Andover improvement Report ....................... 107 Overseers of Poor Report ................................ 97 Almshouse Expenses ................................. 9~ Out of Honse Expenses ........ - ..................... 100 Paid Cities and Towns ..... ' .101 Paid l'ublie institutions .............................. 101 Paid on Account of Cities and Towns .................. 101 Snperintendent's Iteport .............................. 103 Police Department It.et,orr ................................ ~chool Committee's lleport ............................... 19' Exl'enditures ........................................ Ite~nizecl Account Teachers, J'anitors and Fu6I ............ 54 Itemized Account Repairs and Supplies ................. 56 Outline of Course of Study ............................ 4'3 School Calendar ..................................... Superintendent's Report .............................. Selec~men's Report ..................................... Board of Health Expenses ....... . ................... 6g Contingent Fund ................................... Election Expens~.s ........... ..................... Y... Finances ........................................... ~iscoun~ and Interdst ................................ 64 Interest on Water Loan ~/onds ...................... 65 Janitor of Town Hall ............................... Memorial Day Expenses .............................. 65 ~'orth Andover Improvement Expenses ................ Salarms 1 own O~cers ............................... $t, ate and County Taxes .............................. State Aid ........................................... 64 Street Lighting ...................................... Tabular Statement ................................... Tree Warden Expenses ................. ............. Water Loan Sinking Fond ............................ Seheduie and valuation of To;~n Property. .................. 129 Town By-Laws .......... 7. .............................. 157 Town Warrant ......................................... Town Clcrk's Repor~ .................. : .................. 6 Town Clerk's Statement .................................. 185 Town Officers .... ' ....... 3 Tax Collector's Reports ................................... 88 Town Notes ............................................ 79 Treasnrer's Report ....................... Moses Town School Fund.. ~ .......................... 77 Public Library Account ........................... .. 77 Tn) Ior Fund ....................................... 76 Board of~PubSc Works ............................... 76 'Free Warden's Report .................................. 108 Trustees of PubSc Library Report ........................ 120 Trustees o~ Stevens Memorial Library Report ............... 124