HomeMy WebLinkAbout1879 Annual Town ReportAUDITORS' OF THE RECEIPTS :'\ND EXPENDITU RES OF THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER,' FORTHE Y~EAR E~DI.N'G FEB. 13, 1879: - 1879. _A_UDITOI~S' REPORT OF TIlE RECEIPTSANDEXPENDITURES OF THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, FOR THE YEAR ENDING FEB. 13, 1879. LAWRENCE, MASS.: GEO. S. MERRILL (~ CROCKER, PRINTRII5. 1879. AUDITORS' REPORT. The Auditors chosen to audit She accounts of the Selectmen, Overseers of the Poor, and Town Treasurer of the Town of lq'orth Andover, have examined the same for the year ending Pebruary 13th, 1879, and report that they find the said accounta correctly cast and vouched for, fully representing the financial condition of ~he town, which we are most happy to state is free from debt, the first: time since North Andover became a town, and we think great credit is due those officers for the faithful discharge of their duties. The following statement of accounts is submitted: SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. AMOUNT PAID FOR TEACHING SINCE LAST REPORT. ltlGH SCHOOL. Paid George N. Cross, ........ t ...... $1200.00 Sarah A. Leonard, .............. 337.50 Annie L. Sargenh ....... ~.. .....29.00 $1566.50 M~Ur~AC SCHOOnS. :PaidAlffed L. Smith, ............... 1000.00 Emma I. Chency, ............... 475.00 Hannah C. Carelton, ............ 425.00 Julia 5fcDuffle,. ............... 425.00 Annie G. Card,~ ............... 875.00 Laura A. Bailey~ ............... 899.99 Mary E. Quealy,. .............. 375.00 34:74~. 99 ~mount carried forward, $5041.49 .~mount brought forward, CENTER SCI~OOLS. Faid L. B. Grigson,. ............... 694.08 Mabel E. Blake, ............... 375.00 ~ARNYIA~ SCHOOL. Paid Emily F. Carleton, ............ KIMBALL SCtIOOL. Paid Jesse F. Greene, ................ RIVER SCHOOL, }'aid Hannah F. Carle%on, ............ POND SCHOOL, Paid Annie F. Fos(er, ................ FUEL, AND JANITORS' SERVICES. YIIGH SCHOOL. }'aid Orin F. Spofford, janitor,. ..... $150.00 Edward McKonc, coal, ............ 91.00 MERRIMAC SCHOOL. }'aid },hineas Foster, janitor ......... 98.64 Charles Foye, janitor,. ......... 8.50 Edward Murphy, janitor, ........ `22.50 J. Q. Moulton, clcaning~ sweeping~ 8'2.75 Edward McKone~ coal,.. ......... 181.00 William B. Chadwick, wood, .... 6.00 CE~TEi~ SOUOOL. }'aid L. B. Grigson, janitor, .......... 119.50 Edward McKone, coal, .......... 113.00 Edward Adams, wood~ .......... 4.50 FARNHAM SCMOOL · John J. Foster, janitor, .......... 22.50 Jacob Farnum~ wood, ........... i3.~5 ~Benjamiu H. Farnum, wood~ ..... 12.25 $5041.49 1069.08 380.00 370.00 266.00 266.00 241.00 399.39 58.00 Amount carried forward, $8327.96 AUDITORS~ REPORT. Amount brought forward, pOSD SCHOOL. Paid Albert Hadley, janitor, .......... 6.00 Alfred Foster, janitor,. .......... 9.50 William Foster, wood, .......... 8.50 nlVER SCI~OOL. P~id Alice Greenwood, janitor, ........ 18.00 Freddie Wilbur, janitors ......... 6.00 James A. Montgomery, wood, .... 27.00 KI.~IBA~.~. SCHOOL. Pai~d Minie Benckcr, janitor, ........ 9.32 A. ~I. Lacys wood, ............ 22.75~ $8327.96 ,~ 24.00 51.00 32.07 REPAIRS, SCHOOL BOOKS, FIXTURES, HIGH SCHOOL. Paid Isaac F. Osgood, supplies, ...... 4.50 George N. Cross, book and chem- icals, ..................... 7.23 Arno P. Ellis, repairing pump,.. 75 Simpson & Oswald, ribbon~ ...... 1 · 2[ J. L. Hammett, supplies, · ...... 30.58 Rand & Avery Co., diplomas,... 10.00 Thomas Hall, chenlicals and ap- para%us, ................... 12.95 Nichols & Hall, letter paper, .... 1.50 Paid Davis & Furber~ castings, ........ 6.0~ Aaron G. Rea, stock and labors.. 25.26 John G. Brown, supplies,. ....... 26.77 Andrew J. Patterson, repairs piano, .50 S. A. Ellis, tuning piano, ........ 2.00 George B. Smart, stock and labor on furnace,. ................ 10.37 John Town, grading, ............ 10.00 Davis & Furber, painting out build- ings, ....................... 8.15 Nichols & Hall, letter paper, ..... 4.50 W. H. Rea, cleaning out buildings~ 4.00 Phineas Foster, repairs, .......... 4.07 Isaac r. Osgood, supplies, ....... 1.15 Amount carried forward, 68.72 102.79 $8606.54 6 ~ AUDITORS~ REPORT. Amount 5fought forward, CENTER SCHOOLS. Paid Isaac F. Osgood, supplies, ...... 10.65 George W. Horne, stock and la- bor, . ..................... 8.73 Henry Keniston, stock and labor,. 8.75 George W. Kittredge, supplies,.. 1.85 Nichols & Hall, letter paper, .... 75 Charles T. Emerson, inspecting school house,. ............. 5.00 L. B. Gr~gson, steel scoop, broom, brush, .................... 2.15 Henry H. Bishop, repairing fur- nace, ..................... 2.50 John H. Rea, stock and labor,... 9.18 William Barnett, stock, and re- pairs on furnace, ........... 19.42 F~RNI~ SCUOO~. Paid Isaac F. Osgood, supplies, ...... 5.25 lgew England Furnishing Co.,~... 60 George W. Kittredgc, Child's Book of l~ature ............ 1.36 Nichols & Hall, letter paper, .... 75 POND SOI{OOL. Paid Isaac F. Osgood, supplies, ...... 2.85 H. M. Clark~ repairing clock,.... 1,00 Charles W'. Foster, stock and la- bor, ...................... 2.75 KIMB-a-L L SC]~OOLo Paid Isaac F. Osgood, supplies, ....... 6.14 ~ew England School Furnishing Co., globe and cut block, ..... 9.25 Nichols & Hall, letter paper, ..... 75 $8606.54 68.98 7.96 6.60 16.14 Amount carried forward, $8706.22 AUDITORS~ REPORT. Amount brought forward~ RIVER SCHOOL, Faid Isaac P. Osgood, supplies,. ...... 1.73 George W. Kittredge, water pail, dust pan, broom, ............ 1.40 Aaron G. Rea, stock and labor, ... 4.45 Hicho]s & Hall, letter paper', ..... 75 Whole amount of orders drawn in School Department. Teaching, ......................... 7,392.57 Fuel and janitors, .................. 1~042.46 Repairs, books and fixtures, ........ 279.52 $8706.22 8.33 $8,714.55 AUDITORS~ REPORT. SELECTMEN'S REPORT. OFFICERS' SERVICES. Paid Isaac r. Osgood, services as school committee, six months ....... $100.00 R. Brookhouse, Jr., services as school committee, 1877, ...... 80.00 A. L. Smith, services as school committee, 1876,. ........... 50.00 A. L. Smith, services as school committee, 1877, ........... 50.00 George L. Fiarris, services as con- stable, 1877, ............... 25.00 JosephP. Blake, services as eon- stable, 1877, ............... 12.00 John Fi. Rea, services as constable, 1877, ...................... 12.00 Robert Elliot, services as consta- ble, 1877, ................. 10.00 George L. Harris, services as tru- ant officer, ................. 10.00 Samuel F. Holt, services as truant officer, ..................... 5.00 Andrew smith, services as Town Clerk, ..................... 40.00 Andrew Smith, services as Treas- urer, ...................... 60.00 Andrew Smith, collecting taxes,.. 150.00 Charles F. Johnson, services as Selectman, and Overseer of the Poor ....................... 82.00 Charles F. Johnson, services as Assessor,. ................. 59.00 Wm. B. Chadwick, services as Selectman, and Overseer of the Poor, ...................... 75.00 Wm. B. Chadwick, services as Assessor, .................. 50.00 Clinton C. Barker, services as Selectman, and Overseer of the Poor,. ................. '60.00 Clinton C. Barker, services as Assessor, .................. 40.00 $920.00 Paid FIRE DEPARTMENT. Charlcs II. Butterworth, to pay members o£ company, ....... 8157.20 ~J[. L. Dunbar, steward,. ....... 74.35 Enos S. Robinson, engineer, .... 10.52 R. Brookhouse jr., coal,. ........ 12.00 E. McKone, coal,. ............. 11.50 Joseph Jacobs, jr., coal,. ....... 43.13 George W. Furguson, painting and varnishing steamer, etc., .... 25.00 Robert Cook, labor and material~ 21.98 Henry Barton & Co., paint, stock, etc., ...................... 86.90 Chalqes G. Gould, painting engine house, . ................... 69.33 A. G. Rea, stock and labor, ..... 8.57 Stephen Huse, labor, ..... ; ..... 5.95 J. 'W. Richardson, supplies, ..... 5.29 M.L. D,nbar, chimneys and la- bor ou old engine, .......... 2.45 William Laing, wood, .......... 2.7,5 John V. Cart, iron work,. ....... 2.00 Davis & Father, waste and oil,,. 1.65 Wm. A. Johnson, poll tax and services, . ................. 7.95 C. W. Reynolds, poll tax and set'- vices, ..................... 6.55 COCHICHEW'ICK~ 1~0. ~. Paid Chas. F. Marshall, to pay mem- bets of Company,.'. ........ 151.90 Wm. A. Evans, steward, ........ 33.7l McDonald & Hanaford, pah~ting and vm-nishing engine, etc.,. 18.50 Chas. F. Marshall, record book and stationery .............. 2.50 Edwards & Linnell, supplies, .... 1.91 McDnuahl & Hanaford, trucking hose, ..................... 3.00 $505.07 $211.52 10 AUDITORS~ REPORT. Paid S. Henry Furber, services, 1877, 10.00 James W. Holt, services~ 1877,.. 10.00 lq'. P. Hanaford, services. 1877,.. 10.00 Oliver R. Giles services, 1876-77~ 20.00 Wm. B. Chadwick, services~ 1876, 10.00 $60,00 REPORT OF ENGINEERS. The Engineers appointed by the Selectmen would report the fiL'e apparatus in good order, but it will be necessary to make some repairs on engine house No. 2, in the Spring. They would recommend that the Eben Sutton hose carriage be sold~ for She reason they are unable to procure horses for it. O. It. GILE, JAMES W~ ttOLT,( F. P. HANIFOilD, ~ Enginee~'s. J. V. CARII, IlOBT. :ELLIOT, AUDITORS~ REPORT. 11 PATHING SNOW. Paid Isaac F. Osgood District ]No. l,... $83.00 Isaac L. Farnham, District No. 2,. 4.90 Edward Adams, District No. 2, ... 13.80 Orin F. Spofford, District No. 3,.. 30.50 S. M. Greenwood, District ]No. 4, . 18.80 James C. Poor, District iNc. 5, .... 7.80 George L. Barker, District No.6,.. 13.00 Nathan Barker~ District No. 6, .... 8.00 John C. Gage, District No. 6, . ... 6.00 James Nason, District No. 6, ..... 5.40 Nath'l Gage, District No. 6, · ..... 3.80 Joseph M. Russell, District No. 7,. 14.90 Chas. A. Butterfield, District No. 8, 8.00 John F. Carleton, District 1No. 9,.. 11.00 William Foster, District No. 10,.. 15.20 Abijah P. Fuller, District No. 11,. 6.90 James T. Johnson, District No. 1'2, 16.60 Daniel Carieton, District No. 1~,.. 7.00 Henry P. Ingalls, District No. 12,. 6.80 Edward Adams, District No~ ]3,.. 12.40 Seth T. Farnham, District No. 14,. 88.82 Loring B. Rea, District No. 15,... 10.65 John L. Killam, District No. 16,.. 7.00 Jo§eph Averiil, District ]No. 16,... 7.80 S. William Ingalls, District No. 17, 2.75 Wm. B. Chadwick, District No. 18, 59.85 Mrs. ~ancy D. Gag% District ]No. 6, 1876, ..................... 12.00--$877.67 HIGHWAY APPROPRIATIONS Paid Henry P. Ingalls, District No. 12, 1877, in part ................. $18.40 Loring B. Rea, District No. 15,~ 1877, balance,. .............. 8.82 -- $22.22 SPECIAL APPROPRIATIONS. Paid Isaac F. Osgood, labor and material, District]No. i,. .............. $13.40 Wm. B. Chadwick, labor and mate- rial, District No. 18, ......... ~20.00 Davis & Furber, labor and cinders, District No 18, ............. 10.90 R. Brookhousc, jr., plank, District No. 18 ...................... 4.10 Edward Adams, balance, grading Sutton Street,. .............. 3.00 -- $251.40 AUDITOI~$~ I~EPORT. HIGHWAYS. Appropriation, March 4th, ............ Paid ~.. P. Fuller, self, men and team,. $i00.90 Thomas Robinson, labor, ........ · 28.50 George Wardwell, labor, ......... 19.50 Thomas Murphy, labor, .......... 12.00 John K. Blunt, labor, ............ 25.88 Wm. W. Phelps, labor, .......... 40.87 Frank Lambert, labor, ........... 4.50 E. Pike, labor, ................. 1.50 erin ~q. Foster, self and team, .... 4.50 Isaac W. Holt, labor, ............ 8.00 James MeCloy, labor, ........... 3.75 Edward Adams, self, men and team, 102.27 George Fish, labor, .............. 5.63 Patrick Lane, labor, ............. 1.12 Thomas Manion, labor, .......... 1.50 Robert Creelman, labor,. ......... 1.50 J. C. Kimball, labor, ............ 1.00 John I Farnham, labor and team,. 92.43 $. L. Itodges, labor, ............ 12.00 J. Donovan, labor, .............. 12.75 R. M. Hedges, labor, ............ 1.88 H. P. Ingalls~ labor and team, .... 93.80 Albert Berry, labor and team~ .... 54.15 Chas. A. Berry, labor, ........... 15.75 Willard Simonds, labor,. ......... 8.50 L. H. Ramsdcil, labor, .......... 17.25 Daniel P. Stiles, labor, .......... 6.00 Daniel Stiles, labor, ............. 1.50 Levi Goodhue, labor, ............ 12.00 Hiram Goodhue, labor, .......... 14.50 Ira O. Gray, labor, ............. 1.50 Sereno Terrio, labor, ............ 3.00 Henry Symonds, labor, .......... 1.12 Daniel G. Berry, labor, .......... 1.50 Wm. L. Silver, labor, ........... 75 Seth T. Farnham, labor and team. 7.90 Asa Millbury, labor, ............ 4.50 Rea Brothers, labor and team, .... 28.50 John Gould, labor, .............. 6.75 Newell E. Atkins, labor, ......... 8.00 Daniel Carelton, labor and team,.. 15.00 Wm. Foster, labor and team, ..... 54.02 Amount carried forward, $4000 00 $1132.97 AUDITORS~ ~EPORT. 13 .zlmount brought forward~ /)aid Benj. H. l~rnum, labor and gravel, B. F. Jenkins, labor and team~ Wm. Verria, labor, ............. Levi Salloway, labor~ ............ John Morris, labor, .............. 5Ioses Abbott, labor, ............ J. L. 17arnum, labor and team Frederick Symonds, labor, Frank B. Ham~ labor, ........... Est. Joseph Kittrcdge, team, ...... John Town, self and team, ....... H. E. Town~ labor, ............. J. W. ]3lake, labor, ............. Davis & Furber, man, team and $1132.97 51.91 13.62 6.00 6.00 3.75 8.62 19.05 3.00 12.00 75 1257.67 744.00 49.62 60.25 lumber, .................... 105.00 Wm. B. Chadwick, man and team, 69.50 J. H. Deming, labor~ ............ 40.12 William Green, man and team, .... 24.75 ti. L. Gill, drain pipe, ........... 28.80 Ii. ]3. Ellis, labor and team, ...... ~0.25 James E. Wilcox~ labor~ ......... 17.00 tIenry Wilber, labor, ............ 13.50 R. ]3rookhous% jr., lumber, ....... 11.02 Geo. W. Jackman~ labor~ ........ 10.50 John Morris~ labor, .............. 9.00 Wm. A. Kimball & Co.~ ......... 9.75 James C. Carleton~ labor, ........ 8.00 F. A. Coan~ labor, .............. 7.50 W. H. Somervillc~ labor, ......... 7.00 Thomas Keavney, labor, ......... 6.87 John H. Rea, labor, ............. 5.90 John Daley, labor, ....... ....... 5.62 T. A. McCarty, labor, ........... 3.75 Charles Wilcox, iron work, ....... 3.75 John V. Carr~ iron work, ......... 1.40 Asa Deming, labor, ............. 1.25 $1264.10 337.00 297.18 130.40 98.95 75.70 Geo. L. Barker, self and team~ .... Edward Adams~ labor and team~. Oliver Stevens, labor and team~. Henry Wilber, man and team, .... S. M. Greenwood, men and team, Amounts carried forward~ $939.23 $2521.77 AUDITORS~ REPORT, Amounts brought forward, $939.23 Paid Luther Lakin, labor, ........ ~.. 42.50 James Nason, labor and material, . 37.00 John P. Foster, labor and team,... 34.85 James Reagan, labor, ............ 34.95 James H. Towne, labor, .......... 32.30 ~ Josiah Bridges, labor, ............ 20.25 S. B. Bodwell, labor~ ............ 16.80 James Brierlcy, labor, ............ 14.10 C. A. Batterfield, gravels ......... 11.60 Est. Nath'l Swift, gravel, ......... 11.00 L. H. Bassett, labor, ............ 10.50 R. P. Kimball, ]abor, ............ 6.30 W. B. Chadwick, labor, .......... 5.40 John Cary, labor, ............... 5.25 Peter Kenedy~ labor, ............ 5.25 Dan D. Dane, labor, ............. 5.25 Patrick Lane, labor .............. 4.50 John Daley~ labor, ............. 4.50 ]Nathan Barker, labor, ........... 4.50 Chas. W. Foster, labor, .......... 3.75 C. C. Barke~., labor .............. 3.00 Est. Granville Bradley, .......... 3.00 T. A. 5IcCarty, labor, . .......... 3.00 James Smith, labor, ............. 3.00 A. P. Fuller, posts, ............. 2.50 J. A. Montgomery, Iabor, ........ 2.25 J. C. Poor, labor, ............... 1.00 James F. Brooks, scraper, ........ $140.00 Boston and M,qine R. R., freight,.. 13.90 Wm. A. Kimball & Co., tools, drain pipe, etc., .................. 41.51 Chas. Wilcox, h'on work .......... 10.95 Plato Eames, drain tile,. ......... 1.70 James A. T~'eat, stccl, ........... 1.'28 C. ti. Butterficld, lumber, ........ 1.00 Total expenditure .................... Balance uncxpended, ................. $2521.77 1267.53 $210.34 83,999.6~ : ,36 ~UDITORS~ REPOnT. 15 REPORT OF ROAD COMMISSIONERS. Report of the Road Commissioners of [North Andover for the year ending Feb. 13~ 1879. Bills approved by the Road Commissioners. South District, ................. $17257.67 North D~strict, ................. 1,264.10 Centre District, ................ 1,267.53 Tools, freight, and drain pipe, e~;c.~ 210.34 Amount of property on hand, ...... -- $3,999.64 115.00 The new road laid out by the town from Main to Pleasant street, a distance of seventy-two and one-half rods, has been built out of the highway appropriation at a cost of $71;74; said road is in good passablc condition, bug will need gravel- ing the coming season. The Commissioners would recommend the purchase of about 85,000 feet of a gravel pit owned by Pedrick & Closson, at a cost of seven hnndred dollars; s&id gravel has been used by the Town for a number of years; and will cost quite a portion of the purchase money. If purchased by the Town there will be no charge for thc gravel used heretofore. On account of the high water of the Great pond~ the pond road was washed by means of a southerly wind, so that it re- quired one hundred dollars out of the highway appropriation for repairing ~;he damage. The Commissioners would recommend that the sum of $4,000 be appropriated for the repairs of highways. ABIJAH P. FULLER, ) Road Commissioners JOHN TOWNE, ~ of GEORGE L. BARKER, j l~orth .4ndover. 16 AUDITORS~ REPORT. TAXES. REHITTANCES. Paid Andrew Smith, Collector, taxes as- sessed in 1876, ............. $2.04 Andrew Smith, Collector, taxes~ as- sessed in 18772 ........ ~... 26.59 ABATEMENTS. Paid T. J. l~IcClary, over tax 1878, .... TOWN HOUSE ACCOUNT. Paid Orin F. Spofford, janitor, ........ $75.00 Samuel Clark, pump,. .......... 9.00 A. S. Bunker, street lanterns~... 9.00 Orin F. Spofford, supplies, ...... 13.91 Henry Kenlston, labor, and iron work, ..................... 4.25 P. P. Daw, stock and labor, ..... 41.50 Edward Adams, drawing cindcrs, 2'2.50 Orin F~ SpoHbrd, labor and sup- plies~ ...................... 18.30 LIBRARY. Paid Davis & Furbcr, labor and ma- te~'ials, .................... .48 $193.46 AUDITORS' REPORT° 17 INCIDENTAL EXPENSES. Paid Geo. S. Merrill & Crocker, printing Auditor's report, ............ $50.00 Geo. S. l~errill & Crocker, printing School report,. .............. 51.00 Geo. S. Merrill & Crocker, printing warrants~ bills, etc., .......... 14.50 J. P. Blake, Auditors'report prlnted~ 4.00 W. E. Rice~ books and stationery,. 7.80 T. Groom & Co., Collector's book, 2.00 Geo.W. Kittredge, surveying street, 5.00 0rin F. Spofford~ damage, ........ 15.00 Isaac L. Farnham, damage, ...... 4.25 James Brierley, guide boards_, and painting, etc.~ ............... 16.80 E. Br. Watson~ guide boards and painting, ................... 2.50 C. R. Mason, hand-cuffs, ......... 4.00 II. Keniston, stone trough~ pump, etc., IIigh St.,. ............. 34.65 A. C. Hardy, Fish Warden~ ...... 5.00 Andrew Smith, paying State Aid,. 10.00 C. P. Johnson, services State Aid, 10.00 J. F. Allen, returning, eighteen deaths,....'. ................ ~ 4.50 Andrew Smith, recording births, marriages, and deaths, ........ 57.70 Andrew Smith, stamps~ stationery, express, etc.~ ................ 8.98 $307.63 18 ~D~TO~S~ ~EPORT. OVERSEERS' ACCOUNT. GENERAL EXPENSES OF ALMSHOUSE. Paid Peter Strout, services as Superin- tendent, one year~ ........... $500.00 Peter Strout, cash for supplies, .... 150.00 A. D. Swan, insurance premium,.. 168.75 C. G. Gould, for labor and material~ 34.19 R. Brookhouse, for coal, ......... 26.10 H. Barton & Co., for paint stock,. 18.62 :Peter Strout, to balance accounts4. 251.03 -- $1,148.62 MEDICAL ATTENDANCE, Paid C. P. ~Iorrill, M. 1)., attendance at Almshouse, ............... 7.60 C. P. Morrill, ]k[. D. attendance on Moses Farmer, . ............. 7.00 C. P. Morrill, M. D,, attcndance on Herman Towne,. ............ 3.00 J. F. Richardq, M. D., attendance on Benjamin Stevens~ ........ 14.00 Garland and Chamberlain, ~I. D., attendance on Larrey Conlin,. 5.00 C. P. Morn'ill, M. D., examining John G. Batersby, an insane man, ....................... 5.00 C. G. Carleton, ~Vi. D., examining John G. Batersby, an insane person, ..................... 5.00 $46.60 .[l~tount carried forward, $1195.22 AUDITORS' REPORT. 19 Amount brought forward, , FUNERAL EXPENSES. Paid J. F. Allen, services as undertaker, Moses Farmer's funeral, ..... $4.00 J. F. Allen services as undertaker, Enoch Bailey's funeral, ...... 4.00 J. F. Alien services as undertaker, Herman Towne's funeral, .... 4.50 Charles S. Parker for col~in and robe for tterman Towne ...... 18.00 W. W. Colby for eollqn and robe for Enoch Bailey,. ........ ~. 14.50 $1195.22 $40.0~ Paid for RELIEF OUT OF THE HOUSE, supplies £urnished Mrs. P. Don- owtn, . ..................... $152.95 for supplies furnished James Keefe, 45.44 for supplies fln'nished Benjamin Ste- vens, ....................... 41.00 for supplies furnished Mrs. Towne,. ~8.01 for supplies furnished to Herman Towne~ ..................... 83.53 for supplies f~]rnished Jane Barrows, 17.50 for supplies furnished Wm. Brown, 15.44 for supplies furnished Mrs. Farmer, 12.25 for supplies furnished Mrs. Pa[rick Mahan on account of Kelley chil- dren, ....................... 104.00 $450.12 LUNATIC HOSPITAL AND REFORM Paid Taunto~ Lm~atic I~Iospital for board of Daniel A. Lake, ........... $102.35 State Reform School for board of Michael F. Conlon,. .......... 16.00 State Reform School for board of John H. Conlon,, ............ 39.00 Essex County for board of John Lawler, ..................... 13.00 Amount carried forward, INSTITUTIONS. $170.35 $1855.69 20 AUDITORS~ REPORT. .4mount Lrought forward, CITIES AND TOWNS. Paid City of Boston, support of Lucy Brown,. .................... $67.00 City of Boston, support of Michael Ryan, ...................... 156.00 City of BostoR~ support of Mary A. Stevens~ ................... 29.69 City of Boston, support of Abbie E. Tyler, ................... 92.12 Town of Middlcton, support of l~Iar- tha Kimball, ................ 130.00 Town of Saugus, support of Jane Barrows family, .............. 99.75 Town of Ipswich, support of Mrs. Caroline E. Goodhuc, ........ 71.14 City of Lawrence, support of Brid- get Keefe, .................. 62.90 City of Lawrence, support of Maria 51ichols, .................... 5.00 INCIDENTAL. Paid Francis Smith, for care of an insane person, .............. ...... $5.25 Total, .............................. RECAPITULATION. General expenses of Almshouse,. ...... $1,148.62 i~edical attendance, .................. 46.60 Funeral Expeuses,. .................. 40.00 Relief out of the house, .............. 450.12 Lunatic Hospital and Reform Institu- tions~ ...................... 170.35 Cities and towns, .................... 704.60 Incidental, .......................... 5.25 $1855.69 $704.60 5.25 $2,565.54 -- $2,565.54 AUDITORS~ REPORT. 21 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER IN ACCOUNT WITH PETER STROUT, To Cash Paid. Supplies, to Feb. l§th~ 1879~ .......... $400.91 ~Ieat, .............................. 60.74= Fish,. .............................. 20.95 Clothing, ........................... 74.]8 Medicine, ........................... $.35 Stock, .............................. 35.00 Pigs, ............................... 12.00 Grain, ............................. 203.08 Seed, ............................... 8.75 Tools, .............................. 19.4=9 Blacksmith~... i ..................... 21.74 Repairs, ............................ 71.85 Fertilizer, ........................... 17.56 Incidentals,. ......... ~ ............... 21.33 $978.43 GR. By Cash Recieved. From Treasurer, ................ $401.03 For apples, ..................... 180.05 milks ....................... 328.18 Eggs, ....................... 15.24 Butter, ................ ; .... 12.32 Calves, ..................... 27.99 Vegetables, ................. 8.62 $973.43 PETER STROUT, Sup't. Note.--Ten' hundred and eleven traveling paupers have been accommodated at the Almshouse~ the past year, at an estimated expense of $404.40. STOCK AND TOOLS ON TOWN FARM. One horse, .......................... $150.00 One yoke of oxen, ................. ;. 140.00 Nine cows, .......................... 315.00 One bull, ........................... 15.00 Three shoats,. ~ ...................... 24.00 Twe hogs, i ......................... 86.00 Twenty-five fowls, ................... 15.50 Farming tools~ ....................... 400.00 Furniture, .......................... 200.00 $1,295.50 AUDITORS' REPORT. SUPPLIES ON HAND AT THE TOWN FARM. Sixteen tons English hay, ............ $272.00 Two tons run ~hay, .................. 15.00 One ton fodder, ...................... 7.00 Twenty-two bushels potatoes~ .......... 22.00 One hundred and fort)' gallons vinegar,.. 2'2.00 Five huudred gallons cider,. ........... 85.00 Four bushel oats, .................... 1.80 Ten bushel meal,. ................... 5.00 Sixty bnshel corn, ................... 86.00 Seventeen hundred lbs. shorts, ........ 14.50 Molasses, 25 gallons, ................. 11.25 Pork, 700 lbs., ...................... 50.00 Beef, ............................... 12.00 Mackerel, ........................... 6.00 Oil, ................................ 50 Flour, three barrels, .................. 24.00 Tea, 26 pounds,. .................... 9.50 Butter, 58 pounds, ................... 12.76 Lard, 100 pounds, ................... 9.00 Coffee, one box, ..................... 5.00 Sugar, 100 ponnds, ................... 9.00 Beans, three bushel, .................. 6.00 Soap, I 1-2 box, ..................... 7.50 $592.81 At a meeting of the Overseers of Poor, and Auditors, at the Almshouse, Thursday, Feb. 13, everything was found in its usual good condition, and the Superintendent and l~Iatron, were commended for the care and fidelity with which they have discharged their duties during the two years they have had the management of thc place. They have filled the place to the entire satisfaction Of the Board, and the town is to be congratulated in their having been so fortunate in the selection of parties well qualified for so important a position. It is much to the credit of iYIr. and ]grs. Strout that they have fully sustained the reputation so favorably held for economy and good management. The farm and buildings have been kept in good condition, with many improvements on the farm and in the interior ar- rangements of the barn. AUDITORS~ I~EPOI~T · FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE TOWN. LIABILITIES. Notes payable, ...................... $6,500.00 Cash iu Treasurer's hands, ............ $6,542.56 l)uc from State for Soldiers' Aid~ ...... 300.00 Due from unpaid taxes, ............... 1341.64 Due from the State, ............. ..... 28.90 Due from Saugus, .................... 15.44 Balance in favor of the town, .......... -- $8,228.5~ $1,728.54 Town debt reduced in 1878, ............ $2,281.97 AUDITORS' REPORT. To Oash Paid. State tax, ........................... $1~240.00 County tax, ........................ 2,239.50 State aid, ........................... 300.00 l~on ey hired, ........................ 11,~00.00 Interest, ............................ 655.90 Robert F-1liot, appropriation for decora- tion, ............................. 100.00 Eben Sutton, treasurer, library, appropri- ation, ............................ 500.00 Eben Sutton~ treasurer, dog tax, ....... 291 Ta~es assessed in 1878, remaining unpaid, 1,341.64 Selectmen's orders drawn, ............. 15,644.27 Overseers' orders drawn, .............. 2,565.54 Selectmen and auditors, .............. 19.00 In treasury to ~balance, ................ 6,542.56 $42,6~9.65 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER in account AUDITORS~ RE~ORT. 25 with ANDREW SMITH, Town Treasurer. By cash on hand February 18, 1878; .... 5,711.14 By Cash l?ecei~:ed. City of Boston, pauper account, ........ 121.43 Ebon Sutton, unexpended bslance of appropriation for decoration, 1877,... 2.55 Robert Elliot, unexpended balance of appropriation for decoration, 1878,... 1.50 James M. Home for use of Common~ 1877, ............................ 7.50 Charles Wilcox, for usc of Common, I878, 7.00 George W. Kittredge, for grass on Cen- tre school house lot, ................ 3.00 George W. Kittredge, for one pane of glass, Centre school house,. .......... 35 Joseph F. Allen~ auctioneers' license,... 2.00 James C. Carleton, auctioneers' license,. 2.00 Ebon Sutton, treasurer, rent of Great Pond, ............................ 10.00 Orrin F. Spofford~ for rent of Town Hall, 98.00 Balance of taxes assessed in 1876, ..... 12.84 Interest on taxcs assessed in 1876, ..... 2.00 Balance of taxes assessed in 1877, ..... 520.57 Interest on taxes assessed in 1877, ..... 19.8(~ Sundry poll taxes, 1877, .............. 12.00 Sundry poll taxes, 1878, .............. 24.00 Assessors' warrant for taxes: 1878,. .... 21,194.82 Money hired, ....................... 10,000.00 County Treasurer, dog tax, ........... 291.94 State Treasurer, pauper account, ....... 14.80 State Treasurer, corporation tax, ....... 1,514.92 State Treasurer, National Bank tax, .... 2,584.33 State Treasurer, State Aid, ............ 274.40 State Treasurer, Mass. School Fund... 207.46 aR. 42,689.65 North Andover, Feb. ~3, ~879. ARDREW SHITIf~ Treasurer. AUDITORS~ t~EPORT. TAXES REMAINING UNPAID FEBRUARY 13, 1879. Ass'd in 1878, South District, Resident, l~on Resident, Middle District, Resident, Non Resident, North District, Resident, Non Resident, $453.44 30.56 378.52 16.72 461.16 1.24 $484.00 $395.24 $462.40 $1341.64 AUDITORS' REPOET. 27 SUMMARY OF EXPENSES OF THE TOWN. ORDERS DRA~rN BY SRLEOT}][EN PER APPROYAL OF SC~HOOL CO]w- MITTEE · For teaching, . ...................... $7392.57 Fuel and janitors' services, ............ 1042.46 Repairs, books and fixtures~ .......... 279.52 -- $8,714.55 SELECTMEN'S GENERAL ORDERS. For o~cers' services, ................ 920.00 Fire department, ............ ... ..... 776.59 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT UNDER DISTRICT SYSTEM. Pathing snow, ...................... Highway appropriations, ............. Special appropriations~ .............. To Road Commissioners, ............. Town Ilouse account, ............... . Library, ........................... For remittance of taxes~ ............. Abatement of Taxes, ............... Incidental expenses, ................ Total amount of Selectmen's orders, 377.67 22.~2 251.40 651.99 3999.64 193.46 52.0~ 28.6~ 48 307.65 $15,644.27 OVERSEER8' ORDERS. For re]icl out of the house, ............ 1,390.82 For general expenses of Almshouse, .... 1,174.72 $2,565.54 PAID BY THE TREASURER. State tax,. .... · ..................... 1~240.00 County tax, ......................... 2,239.50 Interest, ............................ 655.90 Paid Selectmen and Auditors, ......... 19.00 $4,154.40 Total running expenses of town, ....... $22,364.21 ~.UDITORS~ REPORT. TAYLOR REPRESENTATIVE FUND, $100. Income formerly reported, ............ $51.24 Income for 1878, ..................... 4.14 Balance, ............................ $55.38 SCHEDULE OF TOWN PROPERTY, Town House and land adjoining (includ- ing High School House), ......... $20,000.00 Engine House,. .................... 500.00 Steamer Engine House, .............. 2,500.00 Library building, ................... 500.00 Steamer Eben Sutton and apparatus,.. 3,500.00 Two Hand Engines, ................. 500.00 Safe and furaiture in Select,hen's office, 25.00 Standard weights and measures, ...... 125.00 School House property (not iucluding High School), .................. 88,000.00 Town Farm and Building, ............ 6,000.00 Safe at Town House, ................ 150.00 ----$71,790.00 JOSEPH P. BLAKE, ~ Auditors. JOSEPH H. STONE, ) AUI)IT Olds~ REPORT. 29 REPORT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE. APPROPRIATIOI~{8 FOR THE YEAR 1879. For schools ......................... $7,500.00 For repairs, . ..... .................. 1~000.00 Roads and :Bridges, .................. 4,000.00 Support of poor, .................... 2,600.00 General expenses, ................... 2,000.00 CHARLES F. JOHNSON WM. B. CHADWICK, CLINTON C. BARKER, JOSEPH P. BLAKE, JOSEPH H. STONE, Wk~I. J. DALE, GEO. W. KITTREDGE, Finance Com~n~ttee. REPORT OF ASSESSORS. Whole number ratable polls, 757. Aggregate of personal estate, ... $528,268.00 Aggregate of real estate, ........ 1,548,260.00--$2,071 ~528.00 Amount of State tax~ .......... 1,240.00 Amount of County tax, ......... 2~289.50 Amount of Town grant, ........ 16~900.00 Amount of overlay~ ............ 814.0'2 $51,193.52 Poll tax, ..................... 1~514.00 Taxon personal estate,. ........ 5,018.55 Tax on real estate, ............ 14,660.97 $21,198.52 Rate o£ taxation per $1,000, .... $9.50 Total number of' dwelling houses, 607 Total number of' horses, ........ 318 Total number of' cows, .......... 647 Total number of sheep,. ........ 61 Total number of acres of land taxed, ..................... 15,396 CIIAS. F. JOHNSON, ~ WM. :B. CHADWICK,t Assessors. CLINTON C. :BARKER, North Andovcr, Feb. I3, ~879- 3O AUDITORS' REPORT. VITAL STATISTICS OF THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER FOR THE YEAR 1878. q~umber of births registered, ............................ 80 Males, ...................................... 38 Females, .................................... 4,2 Born of American parents, .................... 23 Irish, ............................... 26 English, .............................. 7 Canadian,. ........................... 1 Swede, ............................... 1 The others are those where ~he father and mother are of different nations. lgumber of marriages registered, ........................ 28 The oldest groom was, ......................... 59 The oldest bride was, .......................... 42 The youngest groom was, ...................... 21 The youngest bride was, ....................... 18 Five grooms and three brides have been married before. Number of deaths registered, ........................... Males, ...................................... 26 Females, .................................... 21 Of this number there were of American birth, 39 Foreign birth, · ........................ 7 Unknown, ............................ 1 Under ten years of ag% ............... 20 Between 15 and 20, .................... 20 and 30 and 40 and 50 and 60 and 70 and 80 and 40, .................... 5 50, .................... 1 60 ..................... 2 70~ .................... 5 80, .................... 5 90, .................... 8 The three oldest persons who died were, Ephraim Lacy, aged 8t years 1 ~nonth. Susan Osgood, aged 83 years, 8 months, 25 days. David Clandennin, aged. 84 years 2 months. AUDITOB,$' REPORT, INMATES Of ALMSHOUSE. Benjamin Farnham, age 84; Freeman Fuller, age 79; Barzilla Lew, age 74~; Charles W. Teal, age 57; Hannah E. Frye, age 42; :Edmund Brierley, age 36; Susan :E. Brierley, age 34; George C. McLaughlin, age 27; Sarah E. Brierley, age 4 years. NORTH ANDOYER, Jx~, 1, 1879. To the Selectmen of the Town of 22'orth .Andover : . Gr~Tr.E~_~ :--I herewith submit the annual report on the condition of the North Andovcr library for the year ending I)ec. 31, 1878: Number of volumes added during the year, 412 Number of volumes now in the 'library, 3836 Number of borrowers during the year, 9 [4 Number of volumes rebound, 88 Circulation of books during the year, 15,600 Of these books 58 per cent. consisted of fiction, 13 per cent. of history~ 10 per cent. of travel, 5 per cent. of biogra- phy, 3 per cent. of poetry, 3 per cent. of science and arts-8 per cent. of miscellaneous. Very respectfully, EBON SU~TOg. AITDITORS~ REPORT. NORTH ANDOVER LIBRARY in Paid for books and re-binding, ........ $432.23 Librarian~ ...................... 150.00 Assistant Librarians, ............ 50.00 Mrs. Houlton, .................. 50.00 Ls~bels, stationer~'~ etc.~ .......... 16.70 Fuel~ .......................... 14.43 Colburn Bros., .................. 6.45 Cards, ......................... 8.00 Express, ....................... 8.05 A. J. Wrigttt, .................. 3.75 Balance, ............................ acct. $739.61 230.90 $970.51 AUDITORS' REPORT. with EBEN SUTTON, Treasurer. 1878 Jan. 1. Balance, ................... Feb. 1. By Dog tax, ................ 304.22 Mar. 8. Town of North Andover, Andrew Smith~ Treas.,. 500.00 Fines, catalogues, etc., .... 55.58 $110.76 859.75 1879 8970.51 Jan. 1. Balance,. .................. $230.90 ~BEN Srrr~oN, Treas. North Andover~ Jan. 1~ 1879. AUDITORS~ REPORT. COMMITTEE ON DECORATION, The committee chosen by the town, respectfully submit the following report: Cash received from the town, ...................... $100.00 Paid George W. Thornton, for flowers,.. $20.00 A. P. Cheney, for teams, ......... 6.00 Edward Adams, team~ ........... 2.50 John Towne, team, ............... 3.00 Geo. S. 5J[erril[ & Crocker, printing, 1.00 For evergreen, .50, twine, .50~ .... 1.00 For soldiers' lot, ................ 30.00 For grading, .................... 35.00 Uncxpended balance to Town Treas- urer, ........................ 1.50 $100.00 t~OBERT ]~LLIOT~ Committee. North Andover, February 22, 2879. TOWN W'ARRA T. ESSEX, S. S. To Calvin Rea, one of the Constables of the Town of North Andove~; Greetino~ : In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabi- tants of the Town of North Andover, qualified by law to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet at the Town~ Hall in said town, on Monday, the third day of March. next, at ,2 o'clock, noon, then and there to act on the following articles, viz :- To choose a Moderator to preside in said ART. Ist. meeting. ART. 2. ART, 3. Report. ART. 4. To choose a Town Clerk for the year ensuing. To see if the town will accept the Auditors' To choose Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of the Poor, Toxvn Treasurer, one School Committee for three years, one Road Commissioner for three years, Constables, and all necessary town officers for the year ensuing. AUDITORS' REPORT. ART. 5. To see if the town will abolish the office of the Board of Road Commissioners, on petition o£ A. P. Ellis and others, ARr. 6. To determine what method the town will adopt to repair the highways, and what compensation they will pay for labor, for the ensuing year. ART. 7. To see what sum o[ money the town will raise to repair its highways and bridges the ensuing year. ART. 8. To see what sum of money the town will raise for the support of schools in the town the ensuing year. ARr. 9. To see what sum of money the town will raise for the support of the poor the ensuing year. .ART. IO. TO see what sum of money the town will raise to defray the necessary expenses arising in said town. RT. I I. To see what method the town will adopt to collect its taxes for the year ensuing. _ART. ~2. To see if the town will authorize the Town Treasurer to hire money for the use of the Town when necessary, upon the approval of the Selectmen. ART, 13. To determine what compensation the town will pay to members of engine companies for their ser- vices the ensuing year. ART. 14. To see if the town will accept and revise the list of names for jurors, as prepared and posted by the Selectmen. AUDITOES' EEPO~T. ~7 .A. Rr. ~5. To see if the town will pay to the Treasurer of the Library, the money received from the County Treasurer for dog licenses, to aid in the support of the library. ART. I6. To see if the town will appropriate five hun- dred dollars for the support of, and purchase of books for the library. Ant. ~7. To see if the town will grant Mrs. Lucy Prescott leave to straighten her fence, and improve the highway west of her house. Ax:r. I8. To see if the the town will appropriate the sum of five hundred dollars to build a sidewalk (or such portion of it as that sum will properly build) from the Post Office in the Centre to Post Office at the depot, on petition of James T. Johnson and others. A~r. ~9. To see if the town will choose a committee of three to draft a set of By-Laws for the town, to be submitted for acceptance at an adjourned meeting, on pe- tition of N. P. Frye and others. ART. 20. TO see if the town will pay for the putting in of a culvert on Main street on the side of the road op- posite the M. E. church, on petition of Eben Sutton and others. Axr. 2 t. To see if the town will buy a gravel pit for the use of the town, as recommended by the Road Com- missioners. ART. 22. To see if the town will sell the Ebon Sutton hose carriage as recmnmended by the Engineers. ART. 23. To see if the town will name the new street running from Main to Pleasant street (beginning near the house of Patrick Ryan) Davis street. ART. 24. To see if the'town will grant the Farmers' and Mechanics' Club the use of the Town Hall on the same terms as last year. ART. 25. To act on any other business that may le- gally come before said meeting. And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting' true and attested copies thereof, at each of the churches in said town, two Sundays at least before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of holding said meeting. Given under our hands in North Andover, this fifteenth day of February, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. CHARLES F. JOHNSON, ) Selectmen WILLIAM B, CHADWICK,t of CLINTON C. BARKER, North Andover. A true copy--Attest, CALVIN' REA, Constable of North Andover.