HomeMy WebLinkAbout1880 Annual Town ReportREPORT AUDITORS' RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, YEAR ENDI. N-G FEB. 10, 1880. LAWRENCE, M AS$.~ GEO. $, MERRILL ~" CROCKEI~, PRINTERS, 1880. T tiE AUDITORS' REPORT OF THR RECEIPTSA DEXPENDITURES OF THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, FOR THE YEAR E~'i)ING FEB. 10, 1880. LAWRENCE, 1VIA$S.: ]?I~RRIL~ ~ CROCKER, PRINTERS~ 18~;0. AUDITORS' REPORT. The Auditors of the Town of North Andover for theyear end- lng February 10th, 1880~ submit the following statement of accounts. SCHOOL DEPARTMENT. AMOUNT PAID FOR TEACHING SINCE LAST REPORT. It IG It SCHOOL° Pard George N. Cross, .............. $1,300.00 Annie L. Sargen~;, ............. 287.50 ~iErtnt 3d AC SCIIOOLS. Paid Alfred L. Smith, ................ 1,000.00 Emma J. Cheney, ............... 512.51) Hannah C. Carleton, ............ 456.00 3Iary E. Quealy, ............... 430.50 Laora A. Bailey, ............... 399.00 Annie G. Card, ................ 410.00 Sarah Poor .................... 399.75 cmq~m SCHOOLS. Paid L. B. Grigson, ..... · ............ 268.40- Mabel E. Blake, ............... 375.00 Emily F. Carleton, ............. 16:/.50 $1,557.50 8805.9~ zlmount carried forward~ $5~95 l. Il Amount brought forward, Paid Emily F. Carleton, .............. 250 00 ]g. Nettie Berry, ............... 117.00 ~I~nALL SCHOOL. Paid Jessie F. Greene, ............... RIVER SCHOOL. Paid Hannah F. Carleton ............. POND S~HOOL, Paid Annie F. Foster, ................ FUEL AND JANITORS' SERVICES. Paid Orin 17. Spofford~ janitor,. ....... 150.00 Edward ~fcKone, coaL .......... 79.56 MERRIMAC SCHOOLS. Paid Phincas Foster, janitor,. ........ 116.65 Charles 1'2. Foyc, janitor,. ....... 11.50 John Somerville, janitor, ......... l 3.00 J.Q. Moult~m~ cleaning, sweepihg, 87.83 Mrs. Havcrty, cleaning,. ........ 5.83 l~iary Broderick, cleaning, ........ 5.70 Catharine Lowe, cleaning, ........ 10.08 Bridget Cartain, cleaning,. ....... 9.08 Edward McKone, coal,. ......... 152.00 William B. Chadwick, wood, ..... 9.00 CENTRE SCHOOLS. paid L. B. Grigson, janitor, .......... 77.50 James L. Kimball, janitor, ....... 69.02 Edward ~IcI{one, coal, .......... 49.88 $5,951.17 $367.00 $370.00 $175.00 $266.00 $~29.56 $420.17 $196.40 zlmou~at carried forward, $7,975.80 AUDITORS~ REPORT. Amount brought fomvard, Paid John g. Foster, janitor, .......... Margaret E. Ramsdell, cleaning,. · Frederic Symonds, wood, ........ 21.50 1.50 16.50 POND SCHOOL. Paid g. Albert Iladley, janitor,. ...... 6.50 Thomas Manion, janitor, ........ 4.00 Frederick Ilerman, janitor,. ..... 4.50 R£VEI~ SCHOOL. Paid George D, Hayes, janitor, ....... 4.00 J. Q. 3Ioultou, cleaning ......... 1.50 KI~IBtLL SCHOOL, Paid John A. Bcncker, j~uitor, ........ 13.45 Julius Bode, wood .............. 82.26 $7~975.30 $39.50 $15.00 85 5O $45.71 REPAIRS, SCHOOL BOOKS, FIXTURES, &c. Paid ,New England School Furnishing Co., supplies,. · .; .......... 19.05 Geo. S. 5Ierrill & Crocker, diplo- mas ....................... 2.50 Geo. N. Rhoads, ribbon,. ....... 1.90 ' Geo. N. Cross; expense of procur- ing diplomas, .............. 2.20 Geo. N. Cross, books and palmr,. 5.82 Isaac F. Osgood~ supplies, ....... 1.20 John G. Brown, supplies, ........ 3.79 Amount om'tied forwarcl, $36.46 $8,117.47 AUDITORS~ REPORT. Amount brought fi~rward, MEUR15IAC SCHOOLS. Paid John G. Brown, s,pplies,. ....... 26.82 Davis & Furbcr, brusi~cs and paint, 3.56 W. A: Kimball, mouldings and butt screws, ................ 1.96 N. A. Bishop, wash bowl, ........ 1.75 Suttou Mills, Thrums, ........... 1.00 John Graham, stock and labor .... 19.00 Towne & Fuller, supplies, ....... 1.34 itemT Keniston, stock a,d Iai)or,. 13 00 J. Gilbert Ch'adwick, cleaning out buildings,. ................ 6.00 Samuel Moore, stock and labor,.. 15.50 Geo. S. Merrill & Crocker, cards,. ~.00 31. E. Rowe, Norcross Regulator,. 15.00 S. A. Ellis, tuning Piano, ....... 2.50 John W. Richardson, supplies,.., 12.45 CENTRE SCHOOLS. Paid Samuel F. Holt, setting glass, re- pairs ...................... 2.35 It. F. Clark, repairing clock, ..... 1.50 Lawrence Lumber Co., h,nber,... 13.78 Hem3' Kenistou, stock aad labor,. 70.16 William Forbes & Son,. stock and labor,. ......... . ........... 60.65 Sargent C Hall, black-board ..... 18.40 Joseph Jacobs, lumber, .......... 3.00 Franklin Edwards, stock and labor, 119,72 A. A. Currier, stock and labor,... 72.43 M. E.'Rowe two Norcross Regu- lators, .................... 27.00 William Barnett, repairing lhrnace, 1.45 John G. Brown, books ............ 60 Isaac F. Osgood, supplies,. ....... 14.13 $8.117.47 $121.88 $405.17 ~lmount carried forward, 88,644.52 AUDITORS~ REPORT. FARNHA~][ SCHOOL. Paid John J. Foster, setting glass, broom and repah'ing chairs ......... 1.30 H. F. Clark, repairing clock, ..... 1.00 Isaac F Osgood, supplies, ........ 1.45 I~OND SCIIOOL. Paid John P. Foster, broom,. ........ 32 Dane Foster, stock and labor, .... .29.50 Isaac F. Osg'ood, s,pplies,. ...... 31 Charles W. Foster, stock and labor, l 70 Charles A. Buttcrficld, repairs .... 2.00 ~.~Bx[~ school.. Paid Isaac F. Osgood, supplies ........ ~wa sc~oor.. Paid Town & Fullcr~ supp]ies~. ........ 38 Henry Kennistol~, stock and labor, 15.25 Aaron G. Rca, stock and labor~.. 13.93 Frank Chapman, stock and labor,. 12.40 John W. Richardson, supplies .... 48 INCIDE~ITAL I~XPENSES, Paid George L. I-Iarris~ taking sdxool CCh§nS, .................... 25.00 George L. Harris, truant officer,.. 10.00 Sam~el 51. Green~vood, conveyi~g fi'om River to Pond school,... 48.75 Geo. S. 5l-errill & Crocker, print- lng school report and list of text books, ................ 6'2.00 $8,644.52 $3.75 $33.83 $3.16 $41.74 $145.75 2tmount carried fonvard, $8,872.7~ RECAPITULATION. Whole amount of ordcrs drawn in School Department: Teaching ........................... 7,129.17 Fuel and janitors,. .................. 951.84 Repairs, books and fixtures, ........... 465.99 Incidental, ......................... 145.75 $8,872.75 AUIM~TORS~ SELECTMEN'S REPORT. OFFICERS' SERVICES, PMd William J. Dale~ jr., services as School Committee,. ......... $80.00 George W. Kittredge, services as School Committee, .......... 50 00 Alfred L. Smith, services as School Committee ................. 50.00 Calvin Rea, services as constable, 1878, ..................... 20,00 John H. Rea, services as constable, 1878, ..................... 25.00 Robert Elliot, services as constables 1878, ..................... '25.00 Francis Smi[h, services as consta- ble, 1878, . ................ I0.00 John El. Rea, services as truant otqlicer, .................... 3,00 Andrew Smith, services as Town Clerk, ..................... 40.00 Andrew Smith, services as Treas- urer,. ...................... 60.00 Andrew Smi[h, collecting taxes,.. 150.00 Charles F. Johnson, services as Se- lectman and Overseer of the Poor, . .................... 79.00 Charles F. Johnson, services as As~ sessor, .................... 58.50 zb~oun~ carried forward~ 10 AUDITOR~' RE~'OI~T. Amount brought forward, William B. Chadwick, services as Selectman and Overseer of the Poor, ..................... 75.00 William B. Chadwick, services as Assessor, .................. 55.00 Clinton C. Barker, services as Se- lectman and Overseer of the Poor, ............. ; ....... 60.00 Clinton C. Barker, services as As- sessor~ .................... 45.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT. Paid John F, Kirk, to pay members of Company. ................. $t29.25 M. L. Dunbar, steward,. ........ 35.75 Frank A. Coan, steward,. ....... 43.55 Enos S. Robinson, engineer, .... E. McKone, coat,. .... .. ....; .... William Poor, repairing hose car- riage, ..................... 178 00 Stephen Huse, services as drlver,. 7.00 J. W. Richardson, supplies, ...... 4.05 F. A. Coan, duster and dressing.. 3.00 Wm. A. Kimball & Co., door pull,. 2.25 A. P. Cheney, horses and self to fire, ....................... '~.0O Chas S. Stearns, Chamois, etc .... 1.80 John V. Cart, co~ton wast% ...... 1.40 th)bert Elliot~ wrench, ete, ...... 1.15 Demick & Dunbar, polish,. ...... 150 C. R. 5lason & Co., copper wire,. 40 $650.50 $235.50 $885.50 $473.19 C©CtlICItEWICK ~ lqO. Paid Chas. F. MarshaIt~ to pay ~embers of the Company,. ........... $192.20 Wm. A. Evans~ stcward~ ........ 30.45 Lawrmme Lumber Co.~ shiugles, etc., ...................... 35.61 C. F. Marshall painting hall, etc., ~1.75 Samuel F. Holt, tabor~ Paid Edwards & LinnelI, supplies, .... 6.02 McDonald & Ilanaford, wood,.... 5.76 James L. Kimball, labor,. ....... $.48 C. R. Mason & Co., mills ........ 2.22 Edward Adams, drawing engine,.. 1.00 C. F. Marshall, stationary~ ...... 40 Oliver R. Gile, service% 1878, .... 10.00 James W. Holt~ services, 1878,., 10.00 F. P. Hanaford, serviccs, ]$~8,... 10.00 John V. Cart, services, 1878, .... 10.00 Robert Ellioh services, 1878, .... 10.(10 Henry Keniston, services, -1877, .., 10.0t) $309,11 860.00 REPORT OF ENGINEERS. The t%ginecrs appointed by the Selectmen, report the En- gine Houses in good order; ~he engines also are in good order, with a sufficient supply of good hose, su~cient for any fire. They have made alterations and repairs on the (Eben Sutton) smal! hose carrL'~ge, making it shiraZ% ~br one horse. This was necessary, as they were unable to promote horses to move the large one in ease of fire; by making lhese alterations they now have a light, durable cartilage carrying one thousand feet of hose, weighing less than the large carriage when empty. They would recommend that the large carriage be sold. OLIVER R. GILE, ', JAMES W. ItOLT, [ F. P. HANAFORD, i~ Engineers. JOHN V. CARR, ROBERT ELLIOT, AIIDITORS~ RE POR'IL PATHING SNOW Paid Abijah P. Fuller~ ............... $ 7.50 Edward Adams, ................ 35.49 Joseph Avcritl .................. 29.69 Ilea Brothers, .................. 24.00 Jacob L. Farnum, .............. 19.10 John I. Farnhara, ............... 14.9(} Orin N. Foster, ................. 13.41I Albert Berw, .................. 8.58 John F, Carlcton~ ............... 7.50 Benj. H. Farnmn, ............... 7..~5 Hem'y P. IngalIs, ............... 6.64 Hiram P. Goodhue, ............. 6.60 Julius Bodie,..' ................. 4.80 Dental Carleton ................. 4.50 Levi Goodhue, ................. 4.4I Frederick Symonds, .......... ~. o 3.98 Newell E. Ad, ins, ............... 3.90 WiHard Symoud~, .............. 3.71 Dauie! P. Stiles, ................ 2.71 Ira O. Gray ............. ; ...... t.55 Jacob C. Rea, .................. 1.50 John Gould .................... 75 Jotm Emery,. .................. 75 Geoi'ge A. Ton'n~ ................ 60 James H. Towne, ............... 60 Daniel Stiles, .................. 45 Paid John Town,. ................... 862.00 Horace E. Town, ............... 22.50 James C. Carleton,. ............. 3.75 Davis & Fro'bet, ................ 3.60 James Keefe, ................... John F. Lord, .................. 1.50 James Brierly~ ................. 75 Amount carried fm~ard~ $214.98 $96.35 $311.88 Pa~d AUDITORS' REPORT. 18 Amount b,,~u~.lht forward, George L. Barker,. ............. $26.70 Oliver Stevens,. ........ . ....... 8.38 William B. Chadwick, . ......... 24,50 Edward Adams ................. 2g.70 Wm. B. Reynolds,. ............. 22.50 John P. Foster, ................ 14.34 James C. Poor .................. 7.00 Clinton C, Barker, .............. 5.92 John H. Rea ................... 4.13 J Gilbert Chadwick,. ............ 4.12 Mrs. D. K. Gage, . ............. 3.60 Jacob Barker, .................. 2.77 J.A. Montgomery, ............. 2.70 William H. Rea, ................ 2.70 James Nason, .................. 2.50 Est. John C. Gage .............. 2.02 S. 5I. Greenwood,. ............. 1.80 James Brievly, . ................ 1.35 N~tlmniel Gag~, ........... ' 1.05 $311.33 $199.78 $511.11 HIGHWAYS, Money raised March 3d, 1879,. ....... Paid Ab]jah P. Fuller~ self, man and team ....................... $249.62 Alber~ Berry, self and team,. ..... 150.26 Edward Adxms~ man and team~.. 141.25 John I, Farnham, labor and team, 73,20 HenW P. Ingalls, labor and team, 62.40 $4,000.00 Amom~t carried forward, $676.73 14 AUDITORS' REPORT. Amouat b~.o~ght fomvard, Paid $676.73 Peter Holt, Jr., Self and team,... 61.95 John F. Carleton, self and team,.. 61.C0 Rea Bro~hers~ men and team, .... 61.95 Joseph Averill, men and team,... 54.90 Wm. W. Phelps, self and team,.. 37.83 Levi Goodbue, labor,. ........... 32.10 Jacob L. Farnum, self a:~d team,.. 27.7,5 Charles A. Butterfiekl, labor, ..... 27.10 William Verrier, labor, .......... ttiram P. Goodhae, labor, ........ 25.01 Joseph Abbott, labor, ........... 18.00 John L. Killam, labor,. .......... 11 Orin N'. Foster, men and team .... 10.50 Jadson E. Reynolds, labor~ ...... 10.32 Wm. K. Cole, labor, ............ 8.08 Eli Salloway, labor, ............ 7.80 . Charles Ilill, labor, ............. 6.00 Geo. M. Sbarpman,. labor~ ....... 5.25 Abijah P. Fuller, plank, etc., .... 5.20 J. H. Fish, labor, ............... 4.50 Isaac W. Holl;, labor, . .......... 4.50 Charles E. Holt, labor,. ......... 3.45 Azro Rich Dtn'gan~ labor, ........ 2.70 S. Wm. I~lgalls, labor, .......... 1.50 Victor Verricr, labor ............ 1.35 Abial Wilson, use of oxen, ...... Paid John Town, self and team,. ...... $631.85 Pedrick & Clossoa, gravel,. ..... 160.00 Edward Adams, men and team, .. 149.33 F. L. Smith, labor, ............. 1'26.00 Win. B. Chadwick, men and team,. 70.00 James C. Carleton, self and team,. 45.00 Joseph Pressey, labor, .......... 48.50 Davis &Furber, labor and lumber,. 38,76 A~wunts carried forward, $1,264.44 $1,193.52 $1,193,5'2 Paid AUDITORS~ HEPOI~T. Amour, ts brought forward, $1,264.44 John Sail. ivan, labor,. ........... 27.75 H. B. Ellis, self and team,. ..... 24.75 T. P. Rich, labor, .............. 20.25 Joseph Jacobs, Jr., lumber,. ..... 18.79 North Andovcr Mills, cinders, ... 16.15 William Green, labor, .......... 16.10 John L. Webster, labor, ......... 12.00 Daniel Collins~ labor, ........... 8.25 Gem'ge W. Smith, labor, ........ 7.50 James Keefe, labor, ............ 7.50 Patrick Lane, labor,, ........... 7.12 Thomas Murphy~ labor, .......... 2.25 George Dempsey, labor, ......... 1.50 B. McDonald, labor,. ........... 1.50 John Elliot, cinders, ............ 1.20 Abraham 'Wood, labor, .......... 75 George L. Barker, self and team}. $487.18 Edward Adams, self,~ men and team ....................... 301.51 D. D. Dame, labor, .............. 120.00 Oliver Stearins, men and team, .... 107.25 '{Villiam E. Russell, men and team, 71.50 Philip H. Harvie, labor, ......... 38.25 John P. Foster~ men and team,... 86.35 Peter Holt, Jr., self and team,... 36.00 Charles A2 Bu~terfield, gravel~ .... $2.10 · 1Va~han Barker~ labor and team,.. 25.80 Wm. A. Kimball_ & Co., drain, pipe, ...................... 20.30 George (~. Greenwood, labor ...... ]8 00 Edgar R. Tucker, labor, ......... ]6.~7 John Barker, labor, ............. ]5.83 Charles Wilcox, iron work, ...... 12.70 Thomas Robinson, labor, ........ ]2.00 Amounts carried .forward, $1,801.61 15 $1,193,5]:; $1,437.80 $2,631.32 16' Paid Amounts brought forward, $1,301.64 Moses T. Stevens, labor,. ....... 11.00 S M. Greenwood~ self and team,. 10.60 Wm~ W. Phelps, labor~ .......... 10.50 Barker Brothers, labor~ .......... 10.48 Wm. B. Chadwick, labor,. ....... 10.00 ttenry Keniston, labor,. ......... 9.65 J. A. Montgomery, labor, ........ 9.00 James Nason, labor ............. 8.75 Leot~ H. Bassett, labor, ......... 7.50 ]Dean Andrews, labor~ ........... 7.50 James L. Kimball, labor, ........ 4.50 W. H. Hayes, labor, . ........... 4.50 Joseph Jacobs, Jr, lumber, ...... 3.10 E. WbeeIer, labor~ .............. 3.00 O. Ii', Spoftbrd, labor,. .......... 2,85 Davis &Furber, cinders~ ........ 2.~10 H. Plummet & Co., lumber, ...... 2.37 James Briefly, 2nd., labor, . ..... 2.25 Eugene Foss, labor,. ............ 2.00 Wm. It. Stevens, labor, ......... 1.50 John Hickey, labor, ............. 1.50 Geo~ W. Kittredge, labor, ........ 1.00 John H. Rea, labor, ............ 1.00 C. O. Hemingway, labor, ........ 90 $9:631.32 $1~429.49 Henry Kenniston, building culvert, 92.00 Wm. A. Kimball & Co., drain pipe, tools, etc., ................. 47.02 Morss & Whyte, gravel screen,... 8.50 George W Kittredge, measuring gravel pit, .................. 5.00 Total expenditure,. ............. Overdrawn,. ......... . ...... ... $152.52 $4,213.33 $213.33 AUDITORS~ REPORt. 17 SIDEWALKS. Appropriation~ March, Sd, ........... Paid Abijah P. Fuller~ self, men and team, ...................... $112.50 Eli Salloway~ labor~ ............. 26.25 Victor Verrier~ labor~ ............ Wm. W. Phelps, labor, .......... Wm. S. Roundy, labor, .......... Casper Raw, labor, ............. Isaac W. Holt, labor, ........... Win; Verrier, labor .............. John Day, labor, ............... Paid John Town, self and team, ....... $123.58 F. L. Smith, labor, ............. 36.75 T. P. Rich, labor, . ............. 12.75 Asa Angler, labor, .............. ' 5.57 Joseph Jacobg, Jr., lumber, ...... 1.78 Paid George L. Barker~ self and team,.. $64.72 John Flynn, labor, .............. 15.75 D. D. Dame~ tabor, ............. 13.50 Phillip H. Harvie, labor, ........ 13.50 3~oses T Stevens, cinders~ ....... 2.85 22.50 18.00 15.00 10.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 TOWN. HOUSE ACCOUNT. Paid Orrin F. Spofford, janitor, ....... $100.00 Orrin F. Spofford, supplies, ...... 91.00 Henry H. Bishop~ Queen range and kettl% ................ 21.00 Samuel ttolroyd~ paint and grMn- ing doors, ................ 6.40 Orrin F. Spofford, supplies,. ..... 6.40 E. O. Sargent~ coffee boiler, ..... 3.50 Samuel Clark, repairing pump, .... 1.00 8500.00 $209.25 $180.48 8110.82 8500.00 $159.30 REPORT. TAXES. REMIT~ANOES. Paid Andrew Smith, Collector, taxes as- sessed in 1878, . ........... $163.96 INCIDENTAL EXPENSES. Paid Geo. S. Merrill & Crocker, print- ing Auditor's Report, ......... $60.00 Geo. S. Merrill & Crocker, print- ing check lists, warrants orders, bills, etc.~ .................. 50.00 W: E. Rice, Assessors' books, etc., 5.79 W ~. Rice, record book, ........ 11.75 T. Groom & Co., Collector's book, 2.00 Asa Angler, 43 street signs, ...... 9.57 E. L. Watson, paint and letter, 43 street signs, ................ 10.~1 S. F. IIolt, put up signs, ......... 75 Wm. II. Tucker, damage, ........ 25.00 Win: R. Johnson, damage, ....... 1.50 Joseph P. Blake, labor on common, 1.00 Simeon Foster, labor on common,. 1.50 A. C. IIardy, Fish Warden, ...... 5.00 C. F. Johnson, services State Aid, 10.00 A. Smith, paying State Aid, ..... 5.00 Samuel Clark, pmnp. Reservoir No. 4, ..................... 9.00 George La'rog, painting signs, .... 3.00 J. F. Allen, returning 31 deaths,. 7.75 Andrew Smith, recording births, marriages and death% ........ 55.25 Andrew Smith, stamps, st. ationery, express, etc., ....... ; ....... 9.15 $286.22 19 OVERSEERS' ACCOUNT. GENERAL EXPENSES ON ALMSHOUSE. Paid Peter Strout, services as Superin- tendent for one year, ........ $500.00 ' Peter Strout, to balance account,.. 29.85 MEDICAL ATTENDANCE. Paid C. P. Morrill, M. D., attendance at Almshouse, .............. $ 9.50 C. P. Morrill, l~I. D., attendance on J. A. Woodbmy, ....... 10.00 C. P. Morrill, M. D., attendance on Mrs. Il. Towne and child,. 5.00 C. P. Morrill, M. D., attendance on Daniel Blye,..; ......... 2.00 C. P. Morrill~ M. D., attendance on Ramsdell, .......... 2.00 C. P. Morrill, M. D. examining child of Silva, ........ 1.50 C. P. Morrill, M. D. examining. child of Thomas W. Brown,.. 1.50 RELIEF OUT OF THE HOUSE. Paid for supplies furnished Mrs. P. Don- ovan ....................... $171.78 For supplies furnished Mrs. P. Keating, ................... 160.94 Amount carried forward. $529.85 $31.50 $332.72 2O AUDITORS' REPORT · ~mount brought fo~'ward, For supplies furnished ~lrs. P. 5Ia- Mn, on account of Kelly chil- dren, ...................... 104.00 For supplies furnished James Keefe, 59.01 For supplies furnished 5Irs. Towne, 57.14 For supplies furnished Jane Brown, 2'2.50 For supplies furnished Wm. Bi'own, 13.73 For supplies furnished 3~rs Farmer, 7.50 For supplies furnished John Lord,. 5.80 For supplies fm'nished J. A. Wood- bury ................... · · · · 3.75 For supplies furnished A. Burton,. 3.59 For supplies furnished J. W. Dempsey, ................ $.00 For supplies furnished Mrs. Benj. Stevens, .................... 2.50 For aid rendered Baniel Blye,.... 7.00 REFORM INSTITUTIONS, Paid State Reform School for board of John I:I. Conlon~ ...... ~ ..... 21.00 CITIES AND 'TOWNS. Paid City of Boston, support of Lucy Brown, ................... $ 68.00 City of Boston,. sup15ort of Mi- chael Ryau's famiiy~ ........ 156.00 City of Boston, support of Mary A. Stevens, ............... 29.48 City of Boston, support of Abby E. Tyler, . ................... 108.00 City of Salem, support of l~rs. 1~. T. Eastman, ............... 81.05 Town of ~liddleton, support of Martha Kimball and family,. 130.05 Town of Ipswich, support of Mrs. Caroline E. Goodhue, ....... 9.62 $332.72 $622.24 $532.20 A~UDITORS' I~EPORT. 21 RECAPITULATION. General expenses of Almshouse,. ...... $529.85 Medical Attendance,. ................ 31.50 Relief oat of the Hoose, .............. 622.24 Reform Institutions, ................. 21.00 Cities and Towns, ................... 582.20 $1,786.79 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER IN ACCOUNT WITH PETER STROUT. To Cash Supplies to Feb. 10, 1880,. ........... $261.36 Meat, ............................. 30.1'7 Fish~ .' ............................ 7.81 Clothing, .......................... 52.71 Medicine, . ........................ 4.35 Stock, ............................. 70.40 Pigs, . ............................. 12.00 Grain, . ............................ 161.98 Seed,. ............................. 7.95 Fertilizer, .................. ; ...... 22.50 Blacksmith, ................ : ....... 18.90 Coal, .............................. 25.63 Barrels~ ............................ 13.25 Labor, ............................. ' 14.50 Lumber, ........................... 14.95 Repairs, . .......................... 28.10 Incidentals, ......................... 9.85 $756,41 AUI)ITOR$~ REPORT. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER IN ACCOUNT WITH PETER STROUT. BI~ Cash l~eceived. For Milk,. ......................... $255.05 Apples, ......................... 237.53 Cows, ........................... 100.00 Pork, ........................... 51.08 Calves, ......................... 47.08 Eggs, .......................... 20.25 Potatoes, ....................... 7.91 Cow Hide, etc., .................. 5.50 Butetr, ......................... 2.16 From Treasurer, .................... 29.85 $756.41 i~ETER STROUT, Treasurer. NOTE.--Nine hundred and thirteen traveling paupers have been accommodated at the Almshoase, the past year, at an estimated expense of $273.90 FINANCIAL CONDITION OF THE TOWN. Cash that should he in Treasurer's hands, $8,613.08 State aid ............................ 137.00 Unpaid taxes, ....................... 825.01 City of Boston, (pauper account), ...... 107.59 Town of Bradford (pauper account), ... 9.00 City of Ilaverhili (pauper account), .... 3.00 LIABILITIES. 2t'otes Payable. Theron Johnson, not% ............. $3~500.00 George B. Loring," ............. 1,600.00 Enoch Frye, " ............. 500.00 Enoch Frye, " · ............ 600.00 Sarah W. Stevens," ............. 1,000.00 89,694.68 Balance in favor of the town, ............. $2,494.68 7,200.00 AUDITORS' REPORT. 28 STOCK AND TOOLS ON TOWN FARM. One horse, .......................... $150.00 One yoke of oxen, ................... 150.00 Eigh% cows, ~ 35 ................... 280.00 One bull ............................ 25.00 Four shoats, ........................ 2'2.00 Two hogs .......................... 30.00 Twenty-five fowls, ................... 15.50 Farming tools ....................... 400.00 Furniture, .......................... 200.00 $1,'272.50 SUPPLIES ON HAND AT THE TOWN FARM. Nineteen tons English hay~ ........... $$04.00 Two tons run hay,. .................. 16.00 Five bushe[s meal,. .................. 3.00 Fifteen cwt. short.s, .................. 12.00 One hundred bushels corn, ............ 75.00 Seven bushels beans, ................. 14.00 Two hundred and fifty lbs. sugar (white), 25.00 Fifty lbs. sugar (brown),. ............ 4.50 Seventy-five lbs. lard ................. 6.75 Soap, t:} boxes ...................... 7.50 Sixty lbs. coffee, .................... 4 80 Forty-two lbs. tea, ....... , .......... 14.70 Flour, 2½ bbls., ..................... 23.00 Four gallons oil,.. .................... 80 Fifteen lbs. tobacco,. ................ 7.00 One hundred lbs. beef~ ............... 8.00 Five hundred lbs. pork, .............. 40.00. l~olass~s, .......................... 3.00 Three hundred gallons vinegar,. ....... 45.00 Two hundred and fifty gallons cider, ... 25.00 Twenty-five bushels potatoes, ......... 18.75 Ten bbls. apples,. ................... 15.00 $672.80 The Overseers of the Poor, and Auditors, again commend. :Mr. and iq[rs. Strout for the good order and neatness at the Almshouse. AUD][TORS' REPORT. Dr, To Gash Paid. State tax, ......................... $620.00 County tax, ....................... 2,0'24.73 State aid, ......................... Money hired, ..................... 11~300.00 Interest, .......................... 591.03 Eben Sutton, Treasurer, library appro- priation~ ...................... 500.00 Eben Sutton, Tre~surer~ Dog'fund,... 305.22 State Treasurer, ~[ational Bank tax,.. 11.09 Overseers' orders drawn, ............ 1,736.79 Selectmen's orders drawn, .......... 16,434.46 Taxes assessed in 1879 remaining un- paid~ ......................... 825.01 Selectmen and Auditors, ............ 18.00 Cash that should be in Treasurer's hands ......................... 8,613.08 THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER in account Balance that should be in Treasury, as above,... Cash received of Andrew Smith, ............... Deficiency, ............................. Bogus notes~ as reported elsewhere .... 43,091.41 $8,613.08 1,622 28 $6,990.80 $21~600.00 A~DITORS' I{EPOUT. 25 Current with ANDREW SMITH, Town Treasurer. By cash on hand Febrnary 13, 1879,. $6,542.56 Ny Cash Received Rebecca R Barker, for use of Common in 1878~ ...................... 5.00 Charles Wilcox, for use of Common in 1879, ...................... 7.00 Orin F. Spofford, for use of Town Hall, ........................ 201.00' Town o£ Saugus~ pauper account~ .... 29.17 Jacob W. Morss, for covering stone,. 1.25 Joseph F. Allen~ Auctioneer's License 2.00 James C. Carleton~ Auctioneer's Li- cense, . ...................... 2.00 Eben Sutton, ~reasurer, ren~ of Great pond~ ........................ 10.00 Money hired ...................... 10,000.00 Assessors' Warrant for Taxes in 1879~ 18,629.65 County TreasureFs discoun~ on Coun- ty Tax, ...................... 2.24 County Treasurer, Dog Licenses ..... 305.22 Balance of Taxes assessed in 1878... 1~341.64 Interest on Taxes assessed ia t878, .. 11.77 Sundry Poll Taxes collected in 1879,. 31.11 Tax on Real Estate collected in 1879,. 8.30 State Treasurer, Corporation Tax .... 1,824.29 State Treasurer, National Bank Tax.. 2, '236.64 State Treasurer~ State Aid .......... 300.00 State Treasurer, Income Massachu- setts School Fund~ . ............ 201.50 Error discovered in Treasurer's ac- count, . ...................... 1,399.08 North Andover, Feb ~o, ]88o. aR. 848,091.41 AUDITOllS~ REPORT. 27 THE DEFALCATION, On account of the well-known embezzlement of the Town Treasurer. Andrew Smith, now in custody for his crime, it became necessary for the Auditors to make a special report upon the examination of the books, which they have lately made, for the purpose of determining the amount of the exist- ing deficiency. This examination'has been conducted with much care, and has embraced a review of Mr. Smith's accounts from the time when he first became Treasurer, in the year 1869, and whose term continued uninterruptcdly from that year until the discov- ery of his peculations on tbc 10th of the present month. The Auditors considered it proper to examine his accounts £or the entire period of his term of' service, notwitbstandlng that those accounts had been yearly gone over and reported upon by sue- cessive Auditors, who had served the town at various times. For Mr. Smith's statemcn~ confessed certain £rauds in par- ticular in those past audited accounts, showing that he had, by obtaining reccipks signed in blank, been abld to deceive the Auditor as to thc true nature of his transactions by filling out those blank receipts to suit his own purposes. ~Ir. Smith~ also, confessed to using a receipt for the payment o£ $2,000 and interest upon a note at two different periods~ which he was enabled to do by changing its date, thus using a receipt for the payment of the above sum, originally given in 1871, at a sub- sequent date, ( 1875 ) and by it gaining credit with the Audi- tors for the payment of a sedond $2~000~ when, in fact~ no such payment was ever made. These admissions suggested the possibility of his. employing similar methods in other instances, and the Auditors felt it their duty to discover whether he had or not. The Auditors AUDITOnS~ have not verrified every item on the Treasurer's books. Many of these items are quite insignificant. The proving of some others would involve extended correspondence and research, and the receipts given the Treasurer and received by him in the past ten years have disappeared. Such examina- tion of ;he books, however, has been made, as was felt to be necessary, and as would justly them in pronouncing them sub- stantially correct With the changes which they point out. The transactions of Treasut'er Smith with Col. Theron Johnson reveal the serious features of his dishonesty. It appears that the Town O~cers borrowed ibr the use of the Town, the sum of $11,000 in October, lS~9. For this loan the Town gave Mr. Johnson its notc, signed by Andrew Smith, treasurer, and regularly approved by the Selectmen in writing upon the face of the. same, as the. law requi~ed, or was construed to require, which note constitutes an unquestioned liability of the Town. Upon this note the following transac- tions t~ok place, or were pretended to have taken place by Treasurer Smith :- Ih October, 1870, one year's interest, a~ 7 per cenl., on the principal ( $11,000 ) was'paid, amounting to $770. In February, 1871, a partial payment of $2,000, and inter- est on payment, ($~9.92) was made. · In Septetnber, ~871, there was paid ~ year's interest on the remaining principal ($9,000), which payment amounted to $650. A similar payment of $680 was made for interest iu October, 1872, and another similar payment in September, 1873~ and another in September, 1874, A payment of another year's interest (which was still $630), oceurredoin September, 1875; but on the town books there was made at this latter date, an entry, which stated that the amount paid for interest on this note of Mr. Johnson's was but $490, and for this reason: on the preceding February(i. e. Feb, 1875), there was entered upon the town books a partial pay- ment to Col. Johnson of $2,000, and interest on same, $49.92 (a similar transacti'on to that which occurred in February~ 1871), but this entW of February, 1875, was a fl'audulent one, as no such payment took place in 1875, still this payment was allowed as correct by the Auditors of that year~ £or which act it is unreasonable to criticise them, for ~{r. Smith presented a receipt for the payment of {~he second $2,000 and interest, signed by Col. Johnson. This receipt, however~ was the identical one used by Smith, in support of his entry of Feb., 1871, he having simply removed the figure 1 in the date 1871, and substituting a 52 or changed the 1 into a 5, thus making the receipt available a second time, for the change of date was not noticed by the Auditor, and was indeed a feature they would hardly be e×pected to detect. It therefore happened that this state of things existed in February, 1875. Smith had actually paid Col. Johnson but $2,000 of the principal of his note, but the boo!ts of the' town showed that $4,000 had been paid, hence it became necessary for Smith to continue to pay Col. Johnsoo inter, st on $9,000 of principal, but to show on the books payments for intercs~ on but a $7,000 principal, to avoid detection. This explanation will account for thc appearance on the books of the payment for interest in September, 1875, of but $490, and also for a pay- ment of interest in October, 1876, of $490. In December, 1876, another partial payment of $4,000 was actually made, and was properly charged upon the town books, but thc previous false entry of tl~e $2,000 payment, made necessary a continmume of fraudulent memoranda upon the books for payments of interest, tiencc in September, 1877, Mr. Smith actually paid Col. Johnson intercst on ~ $5,000 princi- -pal, or $300 (for the rate of interest ~vas at that time reduced from 7 to 6 per cent), but there wt~s .placed upon the Treas- urer's hooks a payment of but $180~ or inte~st on a $3,000 principal. For a similar reason a payment of $180 was pretended on the books in September, 1878, but a payment of $300 was really made. ia February~ 1879, a third partial payment was actually made of $500, and honestly accounted for upon the books ; but while in September, 1879, the sum of $280.84 was actu- ally paid Mr. Johnson for interest, the books, on account of the old fraud could only show a payment of $150. In February, 1880, an additional partial payment of $1000 and' interest was really made to Mr. Johnson, and this was honestly entered np~n the Town books. This was the last transaction which ocenrred upon Col. Johnson's note. For a more concise statement of this whole affair, see following page :-- O0~OO©©O0~O00~ dd',dod~dd~dddd ' AUDITORS' REPORT. It will be seen from the above, that Mr. Smith bsA, up to the day the Auditors met this year, ( Feb. 10, 1880,) actually paid $650.84 more to Col. Johnson, as interest, than he had given himself credit for paying on his books; but he had also given himself credit on his books, under date of February 1875, for paying $2000 of principal and $49.9~ of interest, which he, in fact, never did pay; hence the following :-- $2049.92 excess of credit. 650.84 deficiency of credit. $1§99.08 excess, which will be found oharged to his account. There are also in existence certain promissory notes signed by Andrew Smith, treasurer, which do not bear the written approval of the Selectmen. The following are copies of ~ese notes :-- $5OO, 00 NORTH ANDOVEP~ Mass., Oct. 2, On demand, after date, thc Inhabitants of the Town of North Andover promise to pay to the order o~ Abbott Prescott Five Hundred Dollar~ value received. Interest at the rate oI seven per cent. per annum. ANDREW, SMITH, Town Treasurer. Sept. 29, 1877, interest paid to Oct. I, ~3o. oo. Sept. 9, 2878, interest paid to Oct. ~, Sept 2~, interest paid to Oct. ~, ~879, $3o.oo. Srooo. oo. NO2TH A~)ov~, Mass., Oct.' ~, x877, For value received, the Inhabitants of the Town of North Andover prom- ise to pay to the order of George B. toting One Thousand ]Dollars, on demand, with interest at the rate o~ six per cent. per annam. ANDREW SMITH, Town Treasurer. Interest paid to Oct. 2, ~$78, ~6o.oo. Interest paid to Oct. ~, ~879, $6o. oo. $I000.00. NORTH AN-DOVER, ~{as$., April z, For value received, thc Inkabitants of the Town of North Andover prom. ise to pxy .Mrs. Sarah F, Ab~tt, or order, One Thousand Dollars~ on demand; w~th interest zt the rate of six per cent. per ~unum, payable ~ly on thc F~st Day of Oc[ober. ANDREW SMITH, Town Treasurer. In.rest paid to Oct ~, ~875, $3e, oo. Interest pzid to Oct ~, I8~6, $6o.~. Interest paid to Oct. ~ ~877, $~.~. Interest pz~d to Oct. ~, t878, $~.~. Interest paid to Oct. z, x879, ~.~. A. UDiTORS' REPORt. ~I6oO. Oo. NORTII ANDOYER, l~,fass., Oct. I, t876. For value received, the Inhabitants of the Town of North Andover promise to pay to the order of William B. Chadwick, Sixteen I-Iundred Dollars, on demand, ~?ith interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annum. ANDREW SMIFII. Town Treasurer. Interest paid to Oct. 2, t877, 896. o0. Interest paid to Oct. ~, ~878, $96.eo. Interest paid to Oct. t, I879- 896.0o. ~looo.oo. NORTH ANDOYER. Mass., Oct. 2, t876. On demand, after date, the Inhabitants of the Town of North Andover, promise to pay to the order of Lucy Prescott, One Thousand Dollars, 'with interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annmn, va]un received. ANDREW SMITH, Town Treasurer. Interest paid Sept. ~, 2877. Paid to Oct. r, 86e.cc. Sept. 9, t$78, paid to Oct. ~ 860.00. Sept. 22, ~879, paid to Oct. 2,860.0o. ~i~ooo.oo. NORTH ANDOVEIt, Oct. 2, 1876. On demand, after date, the Inhabitants of the Town of North Andover promise tq pay to the order of Mary Prescott, One Thousand Dollars, with interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annum, value received. ANDREW SMITH. Town Treasurer. Interest paid September 59, r877. Paid to Oct. r, 86o.oo. September 9, ~878~ interest paid to Oct. ~, September 22~ ~879, interest paid to Oct. ~, t879, 86o.oo. 85,4ao.~o.' No~ A~;~ov~a, May 3, t879- One year after date, for value received~ the Town of North Andover, in the County of Essex, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, by their Treas- urer, duly authorized, promise to pay to the order of ~,Srs. Lydia J. Abbott the stun of Fifty-four Hundred Dollars, with interest at the rate of seven per cent. per annum. ANDREW SMITH, Treasurer. 8500.00. NORTH'ANDOVER, Oct. I, i879. On demand, for value received, the Town of North Andover, in the County of Essex, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts, by their Treasurer, duly authorized, promise to pay to the order of Mrs. Mary A. Muslin the sum of Five Hundred Dollars, with interest at the rate of six per cent. per annumt payable annually in October. ANDREW SMITH, Treasurer. lqo~'~t ANr>OVE~, Oct. t, 2879. On the first day of January, ~88h for value received, the Town of North Andover in the County of Essex, and Commonwealth of Massachusetts by their Treasurer duly authorized, promise to pay to the order o( Charles F. Maunders, the sum of Twenty-one Hundred Dollars. ANDREW SMITH, Treasurer. ~5000,OO. NORTIt ANDOVER, Oct. X, X879. On demand, for value received, the Town of North Andover, in the County of Essex and Commonwealth of Massachusetts by their Treasurer duly authorized, promise to pay to thc order of H~nry Kenniston, of North Andover, /be sum of Five Thousand Dollars, interest at the rate of slx per cent. per annura, payable annually in the month o£ October. ANDREW SMITH, Treasurer. $400.00. NOKTFi ANDOVER, Oct. I, 1879. On demand, for value received, the Town of North Andovcr, }n the County of Essex and Commonweath of Massachusetts, by their 'lYeasurer duly authorized, promise to pay to the order of Mrs. Sarah J. Taylor, the sum of Four Hundred Dollars, with intcrcst at the rate of six per cent. per annum, payable annually in October. ANDREW SMITH, Treasurer. ~[CO. UO. NO~.TH ANr~ovm~, May 7, ~879. Six months after date, the town of North Andover promise to pay to the order of Asa H. Abbott, One Hundred Dollars. Interest 5 per centi Value received. ANDREW SMITH, Treasurer. ~2000.00. NORT~ ANDOVER, OCt. I, t879. On demand, for value received, the Town of North Andover, in the County of Essex, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, by their Treagurer~ duly authorized, promise to pay to the order o~ Daniel F. Gardner o~ North Andover~ the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, payable annually in the month of October. ANDREW SMITH, Treasurer. LIST OF THE FACE OF QUESTIONABLE NOTES. ~rs. Lydia J. Abbot/:, ............................. $5,400 Asa II. Abbott, ................................... 100 Henry Keniston~ .................................. 5,000 .3Irs. l~lary A. Haslin~ ............................. 500 George B. Loring ............................ ..... 1,000 Daniel F. Gardner, ............................... 2,000 Chas. F. Saunders~ ................................ 2~100 Lucy Prescott, ............................ ~ ....... 1,000 Abbott Prescott .... 500 Hary Prescott, ................................... 1,000 Sarah F. Abbott, ................................... 1,060 William B. Chadwick, ............................ 1,600 Hrs. Sarah J. Taylor, ............................. 400 AUDITORS' REPORT· In conclusion, the Auditors wish to say but a word in regard to their connection with the unfortunate event which has just transpired. All expressions charging these officers with neglect or tm- faithfulness, are uncalled for and u~just, and while X{r. Smith possessed thc confidence of the Auditors, as he did that of every man in town, these officers did not omit to attend to any duty which properly devolved upon them. The newspaper repor~ that the Auditors did not examine into 5ir. Smith's cash, but accepted his statement without question, is untrue. 5Ir. Smith was required to account for the balance reported in his hands last year, and would have been.required to do the same thing this year, this without doubt he anticipated, and to this is to be attributed his course of giving himself up to justice, on the very day the Audltors' were in session, for the purpose of perform- ing their yearly duty. The Treasurer's balance this year was so much larger than his actual cash resources in bank, (last yeax it was in the vicinity of $2,000), that it was hopeless for him to try and elude detection. We feel that no better evidence of the efficiency of the Audi- tors could be given than that the Town Treasurer refused to submit himself to their scrutiny,. JOSEPH BLAKE, JOSEPH H. STONE, Auditor's. J. GILBEt~T CItADWICK~ AUDITOP.$~ R~EORT. I]5 TAXES ASSESSED IN 1879 REMAINING UNPAID FEB. 10, 1880. South District, Resident,. ............ $292.30 · ]Non-Resident, ........ 34.92 Centre District. Resident,. ........... lqorth Distriqt, Resident, ............. 324.42 ]Non-Resident, ......... 2.08 327.22 171.29 326.50 $825.01 SUMMARY OF EXPENSES OF THE TOWN. ORDER8 DRAWN BY SELECT,lEI% PEg AI~ER0¥AL O~ '~CHOOL COMMITTEE. For teaching, ...................... $7129.17 Fuel and Janitor's services, .......... 951.84 Repairs, books and fixtures, ......... 645.99 Incidental expenses,.. ............. 145.75 $8872.75 · Selectmen's, general orders for officer's services, ...................... $885.50 Fire department, ................... 842 29 Pathing snow, ..................... A. P. Fuller, ...................... $1193.52 John Town, ....................... 1437.80 George L. Barker, ................. 1429~49 General expenses, .................. 152.52 Total expenditures,. ~ ................ SIDEWALK A~PPI~ OPRIATION. Ab]jah P. Fuller,. ................. $209.25 John Town, ....................... 180.43 George L. Barker, ................. 110.32 carried forward~ .$1727.79 $511.11 $4213.83 $15,82~.98 $500.00 $15,824.98 $6 AUD1TOR8~ REPORT, Amount bro~eght forward, TOW~ UOUSE AOOOV~T. Remittances of Taxes, ............. $159.30 Assessed in 1878, .................. 163.96 Incidental expenses, ............... 286.22 Total amount of Selectmen's orders,. OVERSEER'S ORDERS. General expenses of Almshouse, .... $ 561.35 Relief out of House, ............... 1175.44 PAID BY THE TREASUEER. County Tax, .................. ~... $2024.73 State Tax, ....................... 620.00 Interest, ......................... 591.03 Selectmen and Auditors, ........... 18.00 Total expenses of Town, ........ $15,824.98 $609.48 $16,434.46 $1736.79 $8253.76 $21,425.01 $100.00 $61.64 Taylor RepreseEtation Fund, ...... .. Income for,nerly reported, ........... Income for 1879, .................. Balance, ......... ,... ............ . $55.38 6.26 SCHEDULE OF TOWN PROPERTY. Town House and land adjoining (in- cluding High Sch6ol House),... $20,000.00 Engine house,. ................... 500.00 Steamer engine house, ............. 2,500.00 Library building, ................. 500.00 · , Steamer Eben Sutton apparatus, .... 3,500.00 Two hand engines,. ............... 500.00 Safe and furniture in Selectmen's office, 25.00 Standard weights and measures,.... 125.00 School house property (not including High School), ................ 38,000.00 Town Farm and buildings .......... 6,000.00 Safe at Town Ilouse, .............. 150.00 Respectfully submitted, JOSEPH P. BLAKE, JOSEPII II. STONE, J. GILBERT CHADWICK, $71,800.00 Auditors. AUDITORS~ REPORT. REP~)RT OF FINANCE COMMITTEE. For schools and repairs, . ........... $8,500.00 roads and bridges, .... ' .......... 4,000.00 support of poor, ................ 2,500.00 general expenses ............... 2,000.00 C~r~s F. Jomrso~, . WILLIA~ B. CL,S~OS C. B~s~s~, Josrru P. B~iKr, J. GILBERT CHAD~CK, ~ WrL~Z~ J. D~L~, J~., ] GEORGE W. KrTTR~DGE, Committee. REPORT OF ASSESSORS. Whole number ratable polls, 751. Aggregate of personal estate, ..... $533,661.00 Aggregate of real estate, ......... 1,5~5,205.00 ~. --$2,078,866.00 Amount of State tax, ............ County tax~, ......... " town grant, .......... overlay, .,. ~ ......... l~o]e tax, Tax on personal estate, .......... Tax on real estate, .............. Rate of taxation per $1,000 ...... Totat number of dwelling houses.. " " sheep, ......... " " ' acres of la~d taxed, CHAS. F. JOHNSON, WM. B. CHADWICK, CLINTON C. BARKER, 620.00 2,0'24.73 15,100.00 884.19 $18,628.92 1,374.88 4,429.89 12,825.20 $18,628.92 8.80 610 838 677 15,331 }~ssessors. AUDiTOrS~ R~POnTo VITAL STATISTICS OF THE TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER FOR THE YEAR 1879. Number of births registered, ........................ ,, 74 Males, .................................... 34 Females, .................................. 40 Born of American parents: ............... 33 " English " ............... 6 " Scotch " ............... 1 ~' Canadian ~ ............... 5 " Swede " ............... 1 " Portuguese " ............... 1 The others are those where the father and mother are of different nations. Number of marriages registered, .' ...................... 19 Tl/e oldest groom was ....................... 49 The oldest bride was ........................ 45 The youngest groorfl was ..................... 21 The youngest bride " 17 Two (2) grooms and two (2) brides have been married be£ore. Number of Deaths registered, ......................... 69 · Males,. .................................... 29 Females, .................... .. ~ ............ 40 Of this number there were of American birth,. 55 Foreign birth ....................... 14 Under 10 years of age, .............. 20 Between 10 and 20 years of age, ...... 9 " 40 ,6 50 " " · .....10 " 60 "70 '" " ...... 4 " 70 "80 " " ...... 10 " 80 "90 " " ...... 1 The Zhree (3) oldest persons who died were: John Levy, aged 81 years, 7 months, 21 days. Sarah L. Barden, aged 79 years, 4 months, 19 days. Sewell Flint, aged 79 years, 2 months, 5 days. AUDI~OR~ EEPORT. 89 INMATES OF ALMSHOUSE. Benjamin Farnham, age 85; Freeman Fulle~, age 89; Bar- villa Lc% age 75; Charles W. Teal, age 58; Hannah Frye, age 4:3; George C. ]~l[cLaughlin. age '28 years. I~ORTH A!qDOVE~, JAlq. 1, 1880. TO the Selectmen of the Town of North Jindover. Gentlemen: I herewith sub,nit the Annual Report on the condition of the North Andover Public Library for the year ending December 31, 1879: ]Number of volumes added daring the year~ 548 l~lumber of volumes now m the Library, 4,884 'Number of borrowers daring the year, 866 Circulation of books dm'lng the year, 16,000 Of these books, 60 per cent. consisted of Fiction; 11 per cent. of History, 10 per cent, of Travel, 5 per cent. of Biog- raphy, 3 per cent. of Poetry, 8 per cent. of Science and Art, and 8 per cent. of miscellaneous. Very respectfully, Es~ Sux~ro~. 40 AUDITOR3~ REPORT. NORTH ANDOVER LIBRARY 'n account Paid for books, ...................... $568.28 " A.L. Smith, librarian, ....... 150.00 " Mannengo Foye, ass't librarian,. 50.00 ~' Mrs. ~[oulton, janitrix, ....... 50.0D ~ Labels~ stationery~ etc ......... 11.50 " Joseph Jacobs, coal, .......... 6.50 '~ Raxxd,Avery & Co.~ cards, library 10.00 " Merrimack Hut. /ns. Co.,prem., 30.00 ~ Sundries, A. L. Smith,. ...... 12.69 ~ Express, .................... 6.45 $895.42 Balance, ............................ 151.96 $1,047.88 AUDITORS' I~EPORT. 41 1880. Jan. 1. 230.90 $1.34 with EBEN 'SUTTON, Treasurer.. 1879. c]~. ' Jan. 1. Balance, ..................... Jan. 21. A.L. Smith, book ............. Feb. 3. Treasurer North Andover. Dog tax, .................... 291.24 July 1. Treasurer North Andovcr~ ...... 500.00 Fines, catalogues, etc.~ ......... 23.90 816.48 81,047.38 Balance .................... 8151.96 EBEN SUTTON, Treasurer. North Andover, Jan. 1, 1880. TOWN WARRANT. ESSEX, S. S.. To Calvin Rea, o~e of the Co~stables of tho Tow~ qf _~orth Andover. G R E E TI~VG : in the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. you are hereby directed to notii~y and warn the inhabitants ot' the Town 0fNorth Andover, qualified by law to vote in elections and town affairs, to meet at the Town Hall, in said town, on Mon- day, the Fh-st day of March next, at Tweh'e o'clock, noon, then and there to act on the following articles, viz.: AR~. 1st. To choose a ~oderator to preside in said meet- 'inn. Au~. 2d. To choose a Town Clerk for the year ensuing. Ae~. Sd. To see if the town wilt accept the Auditor's Report. AnT. 4th. To choose Selectmen, Assessors, Overseers of the Poor, Town Treasurer, one School Committee for three years, aod one for two years, one Road Commissioner for three years, Board of Health, Constables, and all necessary Town OlItccrs for the ensuing ~'ear. ART. 5th. To determine wha~ metho~ the town will adopt to repair thc highways, and what compensation they will pay for labor, for the ensuing year. AeT. 6th. To see what sum of money the town will raise to repair its Highways and Bridges the year ensuing. An~. 7th. To see what sum of money the town will raise for the support of Schools in the town for the ensuing year. Ag~. 8th. To see what sum of money the town will raise for the]support of the Poor~ the year ensuing. AUDITORS' REFORT, - 43 AnT. 9th. To see what sum of money the ~own will raise to defray the necessary expenses arising in said town. 'ART. 10th. To see what method the town will adopt to col~ lect its taxes for the year ensuing. ART. llth. To see if the town will authorize the Town Treasurer to hire money for the use of the town when necessary~ upon the approval of thc Selectmen. An~. 12th. To determine what compensation the town will pa5' to members of Engine Companies for their services, the ensuing year. AnT. 13th. To see if the town will accept and revise the list of names for jurors as prepared and posted by the Select~ men. ART. 14th. To see if the town will pay to the Treasurer of the Library, the money received from the County'Treasurer for dog licenses, to aid in the support of thc Library. ~ A~. 15th. To see if the town will raise five hundred dol- lars for the support of, and purchase of books for the Library. AR~. lSth. To see if the town will appropriate the sum of one hundred dollars to deft'ay the expenses of decorating the soldiers' graves on thc thirtieth day of ~ay next, and appoint a Committee to properly expend the s~me, on petition of Mathias Bixby and others. AnT. 17th. To see if the town will accept of a piece of road known as Suffolk Street, on Green land; as laid out by the Road Commls§ioners, on petition of Thomas H. Kelly~ and others. A~T. 18th. To see if the town-will grant J. D. W. French leave to change the location of the road near his residence, on petition of J. D. W. French. and others. ART. 19th. To see if the town will exempt from taxation, a number of lots of land (on Green farm) until 1890, on petition of John L. Webster, and others. A.~. 20th. To see if the town will authorize the construc~ tion of ~ stone bridge over Coehichewick B~'ook, in Elm Street, near the works of Davis & Furber, on petition of George L. Davis, and others. AUDITORS' REPOI~T. ART. 21st. To see if the town will build an abutment of a bridge on the easterly bank of the Shawsheen river at a point, in sald river in continuation of Union Street, upon condition that the City of Lawrence will complete the building of a bridge at said points on petition of Moses T. Stevens, and others. At~T. 22d. To hear and act upon tl~e report of the commit- tee created for the purpose of submitting a draft of a set of By-Laws for the town. Aaa'. 23d. To see if the town will accept the 366th Chap- ter of thc Acts of 1869. AgT. '24th. To see what sum of money the town will appro- priate to improve the Common at l,he Centre. AnT. 25th. To see if the Town will choose a Committee to take such action, as they, under legal counsel, may think proper, concerning the defalcation of our late Town Treasurer, Andrew Smith, or any matter relating thereto wherein ~qhe interest and welfare of the Town is concerned, on petition of A. P. Cheney, and others. ART. 26th. To act on any other business that may legMly come before said meeting. And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting true and attested copies thereof at each of the churches in said town, two Sundays at least before the time of holding said meeting. Hereof fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, at the time and place of holding said meeting. Given under our hands in North Andover, this twentieth day of February, in the year one .thousand eight hundred and eighty. CHARLES F. JOHNSON, ~ Selectmeu WILLIASI B. C[/ADWICK,I of CLINTON C. BARKER, North Andover. A true copy--Attest, CALVIN REA, Constable of North Andover. REPORT OF THE COMMITTEE, APPOINTED TO SUBMIT A DRAFT OF A SET OF The Committee appointed at thc Annual Meeting or' the Town in Mar~h, 1879, to prepare and submit to the Towu at thc Annual Meeting in 1880. a draft of a set of ByoLaws. beg leave to submit ~he followiug~ as their Report. OF TItE TOWN OF NORTYI ANDOVER. ARTICLE I. SrOT~O~ 1. The knnuai Town Meeting, for the election o1' Town Officers, and for other purposes, shall be held in the month of March in each year, Ssc~. 2, The win'rants for all Town Meetings shall be directed to either of the Constables of the town, and all meet- ings shall be notified by posting tru~ aud attested copies of the warrant in each of tlxe Post Offices of the town, and in the porches or vestibules of the several churches and meeting- houses in the town, two Sundays or fourteen days before the day of said meeting, S~c?. 3. The Town Officers which are required by law to be chosen by ballot, and their respective terms of office, shall be designated in the warrant for the ammal meeting. Src~. 4. At the annual Town Meeting, after the election of Moderator, the polls shall remain open for such length of time as the Town may by veto order; bu~ if such time has been fixed, no vote, so fixing the time for closing thc polls shall be reconsidered, except for the purpose of extending the same. S~:c?. ~. When any Town Meeting shall be adjourned to a time certain that is two days or more from the time of adjournment, by reason of the regular business being unfin- ished, or fi'om some other cause, the Town Clerk shall cause notices of ~he time and place of holding such adjourned meet- ing to be duly posted la some public places in Town, wlfich notices shall, also, briefly s~ate the business ~o come before such adjourned meeting. 48 sg-r~Aws. SECT. 6. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received~ but to adjourn the meeting; to lay on the table; for the previous question; to commit or amend; to postpone to a day certain; or, td postpone indefinitely, which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which t~ey are named. S~cT. 7. Upon taking the vote, if the decision of the Moderator is doubted, it shall be discretionary with him whether he take a viva voce vote, a hand vote or 'poll the house--in which case he may appoint tellers. S~cT. 8. No Art{cie in any Wart-an~ shall be taken up and considered out of its order, except by a vote of the meet- ing. S~c?. 9. No vote shall be reconsidered at thesame meet- ing at which it was passed, except upon a motion made within one hour of th~ adoption of such vote, unless ordered by a vote of two-thirds of the voters present. S~c~. 10. All motions offered for the consideration of the meeting, shah be in writing, if so required by the Presiding Officer, Town Clerk or the kVieeting. SteT. 11. The duties of the ~ioderator, not prescribed by the Statutes or by the foregoing By-Laws, shall be determined by the general rules of parliamentary law~ so far as they may be adapted to Town Meetings. ARTICLE II. Src?. 1. The Selectmen shall have full authority, as agents of the Town, to institute and prosecute suits in the name of the Town, and to appear and defend suits brought against the Town, unless otherwise ordered, by a vote of the Town. S~cT. 2. The Town may authorize thc Treasurer to borrow money temporarily in anticipation of the collection of taxes, and to give promissory notes %herefor in behalf of the Town, the same to be signed by the Treasurer, and by a majority in number of the Selectmen, each signing officially, and all promissory notes of the Town shall be signed the same way. S~r. $. Whenever. it shall be necessary to execute any deed of conveyance, or any instrmnent other than the .notes mentioned in the preceding section, required to carry into effect any vote of the Town, they shall be signed in the same manner as prescribed in Section ~r., unless the Town shall otherwise vote in any special case. SECT. 4. The Town at its annual meeting in each year~ shall choose a Board of Health, consisting of three persons, whose duty it shall be to look after the sanitary condition of. the Town, and, under the General Statutes, make such regula-: tions as they deem necessary for the pubIic health and safety, respecting nuisances, sources of filth and causes of sickness within the Town~ and respecting articles capable of cont,aining~ or conveying infection or contagion, or of creating sickness brought into or conveyed from the Town. SECT. 5. It shall be the duty of the Board of Health to enter complaint against all persons violating the said laws and regulations, and to prosecute the same to final judgments at the expense of the Town. SECT. 6. There shall be chosen at the Annual Meeting~. three Auditors of Accounts, who shall at the close of the financial year,.audit the accomtts of all the Officers and com- mittees of the Town, who, in any way expend money.belong-; lng to or received from the Town; and for this purpose theyl shall have free access to and shall examine all accounts kept by the Selectmen, Overseers of the Poor~ Board of Health, Treasurer, Collector, School Committee, Road Commissioners or Highway Surveyors, Library Committee, Engineers of the Fire Department and all other Town Ottlcers. And it shall be their duty, when auditing the accounts of the Treasurer, to verify the amount of cash or funds in the Treasurer's hands, either by actually counting the same or by personal application at the Bank of Deposit, ascertain the actual amount on depos- it to the credit of th6 Town, or by both~ as circumstances re-' quire. In addition to their other duties~ they shall annually sub- mit.to the Town a detail~d report of their findings, which shall be printed under their supervision; in connection with the said' report, shall be published such estimates as the Financial~ Committee may choose to make, and such recommendations any Town Officer may deem advisable~ and also the Annual~ Report of the School Committee. It shall be bound together in pamphlet form~ and be distributed among the Tax-Payers by the Town Clerk, seven days, at least, before the time of holding thc Annual Meeting. Srcr. 7. It shall be the duty of the Selectmen or School Committee as the case may be, to cause to be p~osecuted all per- ~ous who may cut, mark, mar, defile, deface, or in a~y manner damsge, or injure any public building belonging to the town, or any out building or appendage to such building, or wbo may damage or injure any fence enclosing any land belonging to the town, or who shall 'cut, mar, injure or destroy any shade or ornamental trees, situated and growing in any public or private way in the town~ or ou any land belonging to the town, whether ~aid trees belong to the tov~n or to private individuals. Src'r. 8. Whoever shall be found guilty of violation of the preceding section shall be pnnished therefor by a fine of not less than one dollar, nor more than twenty dollars for each offence. Ssc~. 9. It shall be the duty of all persons occupying or having cha~e of any town property to notify the Selectmen, or School Committee~ as the ease may be, of any violation of Section Seven; and upon the receipt of any such in{brmation they shall cause investigation thereof to be made, and if in their judgment a violation of said Section has been committed, they shall, unless satisfactory amends are forthwith made, prosecute the same to final judgment, at the expense of the town. S~cr. 10. Thc Selectmen shall annually, before the first Monday of June, appoint five or more Police Officers, Dur- suant to the General Statutes, Chapter 18, Section 38; and fi'om the elected Constables, or from fl~e said appointed officers,, they shall select and appoint one as Chief of Police. who shall have general supervision and direction of the Constables and Police Ol~iccrs of the town when on duty, which said force, iu addition to their duties required by the laws of this Commonwealth, shall mM~e complaints and prosecute to final judgment all ¥io- lations of these By-Laws~ except those relating to truancy. The Police Officers so appointed shall hold their offices during the pleasure of the Selectmen, and the pay for their services and also of the Constables shall be fixed by the Selectmen, S~.cT. 11. Whoever shall affix with any adhesive matter~ orby any~other means, any bill, placard, or notice, or shall write any words, figures, or devices, to, or upon any building/: wall, or fence in the town, without the consent of the owner occupant; or whoever shall injure, damage, deface or tear. down any bill, plac.ard~ notice, or guide-board, that shall have been lawfully posted, shall forfeit and pay a sum of not less.. than one dollar nor more than ten dollars for each offence. S~CT. 12. The Selectmen may make such rules and regu-~ lations, under the General Statutes, in relation ~o the passage of carriages, wagons, carts, trucks, sleds, sleighs, horse cars, or~ other vehicles, or to the use of sled's or other vehicles for coast- ing in and through the streets or public ways of the town, as they shall deem necessary for the public safety or convenience,:~ and any one violating said rules or regulations shall p~y a fine' of not less than one not' more than.ten dollars for each offencel S~CT. 13. No swine, sheep, horses, asses, mules, goatsb or neat cattle~ shall be allowed to pasture or feed upon anyof th~ streets or ways in the town, either with or without a keeper}' and any one violating the provisions of this .section shall be punished therefor, by She punishmen~ of a llne of not less than one dollar nor more than twenty dollars for each offence; pro2 Vided that this section shall not affect the rights of any person to the use of thc land within the limits of the street or way adjoin~ lng his own pre~nises, and that it shall not be deemed a violatioff of this sec. tion if any of the beasts above mentioned shall casually feed~ upon any street or way while being driven to or from a pasture actually owned or leased by the owner or keeper, or after having escaped from such pasture without the knowledge of such owner or keeper. Ssc~ 14. The Selectmen, before granting a written permis, sion 5o remove any building through any public s~roet, or way in the town, under the General Statutes, shall ascertain if tho injury or destruction of any shade, ornamental or other tree or shrub~ or any building, fence or fixture either of ornament 52 · 0 n~-LAWS. utility, standing in any street, way or enclosure will be caused thereby, and if iu such case, in their oplnion,~such permission shonld be granted.,.they shall require the person or persons so applying to give satisfactory security to any one owning or occu- pying any such property, to indemnify him or them for any damage that might be caused as aforesaid, before granting such permission. S~c~. 15. The Road Commissioners, or Highway Surveyors as the case may bo shall keep a record of their official acts, and an account of their receipts and cxpcnditur~s; they shall make a report to the town annually, in season to be audited and in- corporated into the report mentioned and provided for in Sec- tion Six. They also shall annually, in the month of May, in- spect tim stt.eets, ways, and bridges in the town, with a vmw · to determine their condition in respect to §afety, to the exist- ence of obstructions, defects, and encroachments, and need of repair. ARTICLE III. TRUANCY. Sr~c~c. 1. There shall be appointed annually by thc School Committee~ two or more suitable persons, who shall be desig- nated as tt.uant officers who shall hold thcb' offices during the pleasure of the School Committee, and whose compensation shall be axed by them; who~e duty it shall be, under the di- rection of the School Committe, to enforce and carry into effect any and all laws o~ this Commonwealth concerning truants and truancy, and shall, in addition, obey such rules, and regulations as the School Committee may give concerning the compelling of habitual absentees to be punctual in their attendance at ~ehool. ARTICLE IV. rn,'A~C~A~ n~Ur. AT~O~S. S~CT. 1. The financial year of the town shall commence on the at'st Wednesday fsi;owing the erst M~onday tn January, in each year, and shall close on the first Tuesday preceding sai~l Wednesday in the next year, and all accounts shall be audited to the close of the said qnancia[ year. SgCT. 2. NO money shall be paid from the town treasury, except the State and County Taxes, without a warrant therefor signed by a majority of thc Selectmen. S~cr. 3. 'The assessment of taxes shall be completed, and the tax-list and warrant shall be delivered to the collector, on or before the first Monday in August, and the tax bills shall be distributed among the tax-payers oa or before the second Mon- day in Scptc~nber iu each year. SECT. 4. Ail taxes assessed in each year shall be paid on or before the first Monday in November in each year; and on all taxes that shall not be paid on or before the sai~l day, · interest shall be charged, at a rate to be fixed annually by a vote of the town, pursuant to thc General Statutes. And the CoI[ector shah use all means and processes provided by law for . the collection of ~axes remaining unpaid after the first day of January in each year. Bills for pplls taxes only shall be pay- able on demand. S~cr. 5. The co~npcnsation of the Collector of Taxes shall be fixed annually by a vote of the town; and he shall pay over to the Treasurer all moneys received by him without any un- necessary delay~ and shul/also pay over to the Treasurer the full amount of all tsxes collected by him, on or before the expir- ation of his term.of office; and he shall, not be entitled to any compensation until the whole amount of taxes collected by him have been paid into the Treasury as aforesaid. ARTICLE V. RULES AND RE~ULATIOI/S OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. S~CT. 1, The Engineers, as soon as practicable after their appointment, shall meet and organize themselves into a Board of Engineers~ by the choice of a Chief Engiueer~ a first and second Assistaut~ and a Clerk, .who shall hold their respective offices for the year ensuing, and until others are elected in their stead. S~cT. 2. The Chief Engineer may call meetings of th~ Board whenever he may deem it expedient. SE~. 3. A majority of the Board shall be present at any of the meeting~, in order to constitut.e a quorum. The Chief 54 ~ B~-LAW$. shall preside at all meetings of the Boards when he shall be present, also give the casting vote in case of a tie; and in his absence the senior Engineer present shall be the presiding officer, S~c-r. 4. The Engineers shall have general superintendence and control of all the Engine and other houses used for the purposes of the Fire Department, and of all the furniture and apparatus thereunto belon~ng; and of the Engines~ and all other apparatus belonging to the Town. Src, r. 5. It shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer to visit, or cause to be visited by one of his Assistanta, all the compan- ies belonging to the Fire Department, at their regular monthly meetings, for the purpose of ascertaining the condition of the apparatus, and for furnishing all necessary supplies; also, to ascertain the number and standing of its members. SrCT. 6. It shall be the duty of said Engineers~ whenever a fire shall break out in the town, to repair forthwith to~ or near thc place where the fire may be~ to take proper measures that the several Engines, aud other apparatus~ be arranged in the most advantageous situations, and duly worked for the extin- guishment of the fire; and to require and compel a~sistance from all other persons, as well as members of the Fire Depart- ment, in extinguishing the fire, or moving furniture, goods and other merchandise, fi'om buildings on fire, or in danger thereof; and to appoint guards for the security of the same; also to re- qub'e and compel assistance in pulling down and demolishing buildings~ if necessary, and in suppressing all tumults and dis- orders that may occur at a fire. S~c~. 7. The Chief Engineer shall have the sole command at fires, over ali other Engineers, all members of the Fire De- pea-tment, and all other persons who may be present at fires; provided, howevers that no building shall be pulled down or demolished without the concurrence of at least three Engineers. SEc'r. 8. In the absence of the Chief Engineer; the first Asslstant~ and in his absence the second Assistant shall exe- cute the duties of his offiee~ with full powers. $~c-r. 9. It shall be the duty of the Chief Engineer to keep or cause to be kept, a record of all fires which may happen in the town during the year, with the probable cause of the same, and a description of the buildings and. property destroyed and injured, together with the names of the owners and occupants of such buildings; also, make an annual report of the same, together with the names of the owners and occupants of such buildings; also, make an annual report of the same, together with the condition of the fire apparatus, once a year, to the town. S~c~. 10. If any Engine or fire apparatus be so damaged that immediate repairs are necessary, it may be taken forth- with to a suitable person to be repaired; but no repairs shall be made until information of such damage is given to the Chief Engineer, that he may order or superintend such repairs. Pro- vided, thut in ease such information cannot readily be give.n to the Chief Engineer, it may be given to any other Engineer. Ali bills of any kind, are to be presented to the Chief Engineer itmnediately after the work is delivered. SECT. 11. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to give notice of all meetings to each of the members, and to keep a true record of all business transacted at the meetings of the Board of Engi- SECT. 12. The ~nembers of the several fire companies.are ~trictly forbidden to asselnble at any of the Engine houses on Sunday, except in case of fire, or without the permission of an Engineer, and no repairs or work of any kind will be allowed on that da~', without the consent of the Chief Engineer. Szc~. 13. It shall be the duty of the Foreman of the several companies, to demand the discharge of any members who may be guilty of any improper conduct, or use any disrespectful . language to the board of engineers, or oitlcers of the company, and in ease they refuse to discharge such xnember, the Fore- man shall ut once report the same to the Board. SE¢~. 14. Any mmnber who shall be absent from three consecutive fires, unless detained by sickness of himself or family, shall be liable to be discharged from the Department. 'S~c~. 15. Each of the Steam Fire Engine companies formed, and appointed by the Beard of Engineers, shall have a Foreman, Assitant Foreman; and Clerk, who shall constitute the officers n¥-Lxw's. of said companies, all of whom shall be chosen annually, and in the month of May, by written ~'otes of their respective com- panics at a~ special meeting held for that purpose; also, at such times as vacancies may occur, and repor~ the same to the Board of Engineers. SEo?. 16. Each of the Steam Fi~'e Engine companies, formed and appointed by the Board of Engineers, shall have an Engineman, Assistant Engineman, Fireman and Steward, all of whom sh~ll be appointed by the Board of Engineers, and shall hold their office until removal by said Board. SECT. 17. Each of the Hose and Hook and Ladder com- panics, formed and appointed by the Bbard of Engineers, shall have a Foreman, Assistant Foreman, Clerk and Steward, all of whom shall be chosen annually, and in the month of May, by the wri.tten votes of their respective companies at a special meeting held for that purpose; atso at such times as vacancies may occur, and report the same to the Board of Engineers. SECT. 18. It shall be the duty of the Foreman of each of the companies of the Fire Department respectively, to see that the Engines and other apparatus, together with the buildings entrusted to his care, are kept clean and in order for imme- diane use; to preserve order and discipline at all times, and to require and enforce a strict compliance with the rules, regu- lations and order of the Board of Engineers. SECT. 19. It shall be the duty of the Clerks of the respect- ive companies, to 'notify' members of all meetings; to keep an exact roll, specifying the time of' admission and discharge of of each member of their respective companies, and report the same within five days from the performance of said duty, to the Chief Engineer. SEce. 20. The Enginemen of the steamers shall have sole care of their respective Engines, under the direction of the Board of Engineers. They' shall be held responsible for the care and good order of the same, and see that they are at all times in condition for immediate use. Thc Enginemen shall run the Engines at fires or at other times when required; in their absence the Assistant Enginemen shall perform said duty. The En~nemen may have the privilege of recommending their Assistants. Sre?. 21. The Firemen shall be under the direction of the En.~nen~en while on duty. They shall prepare the fuel for the Engines, and have it at all times ready for use. In the absence of the Fireman the Foreman shall appoint a suitable person. SEc?.. 22. It shall be the duty of the Steward to keep clean the house, hose, or other apparatus which' may belong to the company; to clean the snow from the sidewalks connected with the house ia winter, and perform such other duties as are in-. cumbent upon him. Src. r. 23. On the return of the Englnes and other appara- tus, either from fires or drill, they shall by their Enginemen and Stewards~ respectively, be well washed, cleaned, oiled, and securely housed; and once in every month, said Companies shall meet for the purpose of examining the state of their respective engines and othe? apparatus and see that the same is in good order and fit for use, and to transact any .business that may come before them. SE~. 24. No company will be permitted to take their Engine or other apparatus out of Town without the permission ofthe Chief Engineer, or in his absence, the next in command. S~c?. 25. The members of each company are to have the control of the Engine and other apparatus committed to their care, which are not to be handled, used~ or in any way med- dled with, by the members of other eornpanies, unless by the permission of the officers having the Same in charge, or by the special order of one of the Board of Engineers. S~c~. 26. If any member of either of the several compan- les ~hall wilfully neglect or refuse to discharge his duty, or shall be guilty of disorderly conduct or disobedience to any cer, or to any Engineer, he shall, for such offence, be dis- missed Iroin the Fire Department. · SEc~. 27. No person shall be permitted to engage to serve in the Fire Department for a shorter period than three months, and if he shall be dismissed from his company before the expir- ation of the same, except it be on account of sickness or some other circumstances beyond his control, he shall forfeit all com- pensation which may have become due him. · SEc?. 28. Ail bills' must be presented monthly for the approval of the Board of Englneers. SECT. 29. It shall be the duty of the officers and members of the Fire Department, .whenever a fire shall break out in the town, to repair forthwith to the building in which are depos- ired their Engines and other apparatus, and to convey the same, in as O~derly a manner as may be, to or near the place where the fire is, and in conformity with the direction of the Chief or other Engineers, to exert themselves in the most orderly manner possible~in running and managing the Engines, Hook and Ladders, and other apparatus, and in performing any other duty they may be called upon to do by an Engineer; and upon permission of the Chief or other Engineer, ~they shall, in an orderly and quiet manner, return said Engine and other apparstus to their respective houses, provided that,' in the absence of all the Engineers, such direction and permission shall be given by the Foremen of the respective companies. SECT. 30. As a general rule, it is recommended not to open the windows or doors of a building in which a fire may be, nntil a supply of water is obtained, and then carefully to abstain from injuring goods or furniture by its injudicious application. SEc~. 3l. The first Engines on arriving at a fire, are to be drawn to the nearest supply of' water, and there set in such a manner as will be satisfactm'y to the Chief or one of the Assistant Engineers, their suction hose lowered and their lead- ing hose extended, and to play directly on the fire, unless otherwise ordered; the other Engines on arriving, to be placed in the same manner; S~CT. 32. Each hand engine company is to carry not less than three hundred feet of leading hose, the Steamer not less than eight hundred feet. SECT. 83. The Driver of the Steam Fire Engine, those who are permanently employed in the Fire Department, shall have sole care of the horses, under the direction of the Chief Engi- neer. ARTICLE VI. Smcr. 1. These By-Laws may be amended at any Annual Town Meeting; provided an article or articles for that purpose has been inserted in the warrant for said meeting.' SECT. 2. All penalties or forfeitures recovered for the vio- lation of any of the foregoing By-Laws shall be paid into the Town Treasury for the benefit of the town. SECT, 3. Any complaint for the violation of any of the fore- going By-Laws may be made before any District or Police Court in the county, or before any Justice of the Peace for the County of Essex, designated and commissioned to try eriminal cases, and any copy of these By-Laws published by the author- of the town shall be taken to be authentie. SECT. 4.. These By-Laws shall take effet from and after their adoption by the town, and their approval by the Supedor Court, and all By-Laws heretofore made and adopted by the town are hereby repealed. All of which is most respectfally submitted~ NEWTON P. FRYE, j C-b~mitt~ o~ M. S. JENKINS, DANIEL CARLETON, By-Laws.