HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUDIT 12-31-1963DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATIONS AND TAXATION BUREAU OF ACCOUNTS REPORT OF AN AUDIT of THE ACCOUNTS OF THE TOWN OF NORTH A NDOV ER FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1963 Made in Accordance with the Provisions of Chapter h4, General Laws ;JOHN 3. LYONS TOWN CLERK NO. ANDOVER, LEo E. DIEHL COMMISSIONER I ARTHUR H. MAcKINNON DIRECTOR OF ACCOUNTS MAIL ADDRESS; P. O. BOX 2017 BOSTON 6, MASS. March 26, 196~ To the Board of Selec~maen Mr. William A. Finneran, Chairman North Andover, Massachusetts Gentlemen: I submit herewith my report of an audit of the books and accounts of the town of ~orth Andover for the year ending December 31, 1963, made in accordance with provisions of Chapter [~, General Laws. This is in the form of a report made to me by Mr. William Schwartz, Assistant Director of Accounts. Very truly yo_urs,~ Director of Accounts AHM: mdg Il I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I~. Arthur H. ~aeXinnon Directo~ of Accounts Department of Co~po~ations and T~at~on Naosachusettm In secondaries with your inst~uetionm, I have made an audit the books and aoeounts of the town of loPth Andove~ for Deeembe~ 31, 1963, the following ~epo~t being submitted the~eon~ An examination and verification was ~a~de of the ~eeo~ded financial transaetions of the town as shown on the books of the depar~- ments receiving oP disbumsing ~oney fo~ the town o~ so,sitting bills for collection. The books and aeoounts of the ~own aeoountant were examined and shocked. The oash ~eeeipts as ~eeo~ded were ~oked with the available departmental resorts and with the treasure, ts books, While the payments were oompa~ed ~lth the t~easu~ war, ants autho~izing the dis- bursement of town funds and with the t~easure~*s reeo~ds. The ledge~ a~oounts were analyzed, were eheeked with the amounts voted b~ the town aa to~n elerkfs- Pecords of ~own meetings, the t~anSfe~s f~om the reserve ~ were eompamed with the autho~izations of the finance eo~mittee~ while o~he~ accounts were eheeked with information in the several depaPt~ents in whieh t~ansaetions o~iginated. A t~ial balance was taken off~ and a balanee sheet, ~hieh is appended to the finanetal son, trion of the town as of De~ember 31., 1963. The books and aoeounts of the town t~easu~er were examined ~he~ked in detail.~ The recorded receipts were analysed a~d emapa~ed ~ith the depa~en~al ~eoo~s of pa~em~s ~ ~ ~reaa~er, wi~ e~e~ so--es ~om which ~ney was paid into t~ to~ treasury, ~d wi~ acoo~t{$ books, ~e paints were sedated wl~~ w~r~ts app~ved by the solec~en ~d wi~ the to~ aeeo~t~t's ~e t~eas~o~s ,ash b~ee on ~a~ ~1~ 19~ ~econeiliatiom of ~e b~ bal~ees with state, nfs ~ished by b~ks of deposit ~d by e~inatiom of the savi~s b~k b~ks los. res of de,sit. ~e pa~ents on aeeo~t of ~t~i~ debt ~d lnte~st were p~oved with the ~ts falling due d~i~ the audit pe~od compared with the o~oelled sec~ities ~d eou~ns on file.' ~e out- stsmdi~ coupons ~ere listed ~d re,,moiled with a stat~ent ~ished by the b~ in which ~ds ~e deposited for ~is ~e records of pa~oll deductions on accost of Fede~ State t~es. the retirement syste~, Blue O~ss ~d Blue ~hield, ins~ce. ~d the United ~d of ~eate~ Ba~enee were ex~ined reconciled with t~ to~ aeco~t~t's ledge~ accosts. ~e records of t~ titles ~d t~ possessions held by ~e to~ were ex~ined ~d ch, eked. ~e t~es t~sfe~ed tO ~e t~ title account were chee~d with ~e eolleeto~'s books, of t~ titles ~d sales of t~ possessions were eo~ed ~th treasurer's ~eoorded ~eoeipts,· ~d ~e t~ titles ~ t~ ~ssesslons on h~d were listed. ~eoonoiled with the to~ aeoo~ant's le~e~, checked with the reeo~$ at t~ Regist~ of Deeds. ~e savi~s b~ books ~ep~esenti~ ~e inves~ent of the several t~at ~d inveS~nt ~s in the oust, dy of ~e to~ t~asu~e~ were ex~ined. ~e i~o~ was proved, ~e withdrawals were verified, ~d the t~sfe~s to ~ to~ were compared wi~ the receipts as ~eco~ded on the treasursPts each book, The t~ansaetions of tho tamer funds Xn the ousted7 o£' the library trustees were vePifted. books rep?esonting the investment of these funds we~o examined and listed. The books and aeeounts in the tax oolleetor'$ offiee :were examined ,and oheeked. The taxees and assessments outetandir~ at the time of tho p~ovious audits and all subsequent eommitmmntsa ~or~ audited and oomp~ with~ the assessorst wa.~eants. The sash ~eoeipta as posted in the eonmitment books were so.pared with the~ sash book record of oolleetionss the abatements were compared with the assessors' ?e~or~s of abatements granted, the taxes account were ye?if led. the payments to the treasu~e~ were eheeked' with the treasurer's reeorded ~eeeipts, and the listed and p~oved with the controlling aeeounts in the ledge~. The x. eeo~-~s of departmental, sewe?a ~d wate~ ex~lned ~d ~he~kod. ~ ~~ed pa~en~e ~ tho sampled with ~e t~easu?e~8 ~a~ books ~o abat~nt8 wo~e ~d the outat~ding aeeo~s were listed ~d reaenelled with acco~t~t'$ ledge~ aeee~ta. Verification of the~ outat~~ taxa excise aleph.entel, aewe~. ~d water ascents was ~de by ~II~ a n~ber of pe~$ona ~se n~es appeared on t~ ~ks as ovi~ to the ~, ~d f~om the replies ~eeived thefts aeco~ts, as listed. ~e The assesso?s' tees?ds of appo?tionod sower and street bette~aent assessments we~e ex~ined. ~ne pa~aente in advance were checked with the ~ ~o~ta added the t~ Io~ of 1~ we~e oo~ed wi~ the apportio~ents due tn ~tu~e ye~s were listed ~ Feeoneiied ~th respective a~co~ts in the to~ aeco~t~t's The town clerk's ~eso~ds pe~t.aining to dog and sporting licenses aa well as to collections for ~ecording fees, etc., and to collections on behalf of the wire lnspeeto~t were exas~ned and checked. The cash book was footed, the payments to the town treas- urer and to the State wore verified, and the cash on hand Janua~.y 31, 196~ was verified. The surety bonds filed by the town officials ~equired by la~ to furnish them for the faithful pe~fo~aanoe of thei~ duties were examined and found to be in proper form, The records of depa~aental cash eollee, tions by the boa~d of seleatmaen, the sealeF of weights and ~easu~es, and the build~ tn8peo~oP, as well as By the school, ~d libbey dep~nts, ~d by ~1 othe~ deponents in ~ieh ~ne2 was collected fo~ ~e ~ were ex--ed ~d eheeke~. ~e paints to~ ~ t~eas~e~ were ve~ied by comparison wi~ t~ t~easu~e~'s ~d the to~ aeco~t~t~s books~ ~ the cash on h~d in ~he several depa~ents~ ineludi~ petty ~ash adv~ees, was proved b~ actual esot, The books and accounts of the treasurer of the 'North Andove~ and Boxford District of Veterans~ Services were audited in with the audit of the town treasurer's accounts, The sash book was the recorded ~eeeipts and disbursements were ve~ified~ and ~he sash balance on January 31, 19~ was proved by ~eeonctliation of the bank balanee with a Xnaddition t~ the balanee sheet, there report tables showing reeonciliations of the of ~he tax, ex~ise~ assessment~ depart~ental~ as well as schedules showing the condition and transactions of the several trust and investment For the cooperation extended by all ~own offielals duP~ ~ p~ogress of the audit~ ! eish, on behaXf Of~yassistantm and for ~yself~ to express appreciation. WS ~mdg Balance ~anuax~ I, 1%3, Roeelpts ~ 31, Balanee ~anua~y Oaah on hand January 31~ In ban~ ~e~ehants lational Bank~ A~lington T~uat Oo~pa,l~t ~tate 2t~eet Bank and Company, Commun! book Ne~ok Book ~o. ~!.00~0[I-3, Certificates of State Neroha~ta *Per bank statement and cheek ~egiate~, O0 Balance JamAa~y 31, Deposits in t~ait , Bank er~ox- to be ad~'ua~ed, Out Balanee per statement, Outstanding eoupona January 31, I~5~, pe~ liar, ~owno~ ~o~hAndove~ ~o~no~B~x~ord~ doducttons~ syste~ Office bond~ County~eti~ement'syst~a~ Balance Deees~e~ 31, 1%3, Bal~ce January 1. I ~e 31, of Mo~thAndoVe~, deduetionaS ~eti~ement January 1 f-. County ~etl~emant eyete~. Balar~e Bay State Ne~ehant. lionel per sta~nt and register, $l,lO~,O0 ~o00 O0 Belanoe ~enu~ 1, 1%3~ to Di~eeto~ of lntel~l Revs~ue~ Deeembe~ 31, 19&3, Balance Deductions January 1 31, Balance ~o Dl~ecto~ of Xntez~l Revenue pe~ liar, Balance Balance December 31, 1~63, Balance ~anu._a~y 1, 19~, Deductions January 1 to 31, 19~ January 1 to 31., 1%~ to town~ Balance Januar~ 31, 19~, Deductions 1963, t~eaau~ 1963, Deductions January 1 to Balance 19~' pe~ liar, Deductions Janua~ ! to 31, 19~- Balance Deductions , 20 Holp~ta~ Deductions January 1 t~ 31, 19~ to l~udential Lifo Inav~eneo Deductions January 1 to 31, l~, Balance ~anua~y Payments to United Fun~ ~f G~eate~ Lab?enoe i9~3, Deductions January 1 to Balance ~anua~y 31, 19~, per lilt, Cash adval~e~ Cash on hand january 31, 196~, Outstanding Deeembe~ and Outs Refunds Payments to t~easu~e~ Al~a~ements Outstanding Ja~ua~7 1, January 1, Interest and costa real estate taxes Fayments to _~ansfe~red to tax Real estate taxes as real estate $22, 20, O0 .83 $%8.00 Additional Refunds, Deeembe~ 31, 196~, Ou~s~anding Ianua~y 1, i96~, to t~easu~e~ ~ltstandilxg January 31, I '~o Comml~en~ pe~ war~ant~ Rofunda, Abatements, Outstanding Deee~be~ 31, Outstanding ~anuaz-y 1, 1~, Outstanding January 31, 1~, peT, ~??0.00 10.00 8.00 O0 $7%, Commitment per warrant, Additional eemmitment, Real estate taxes 196~ ~epe~ted aa real estate taxes 1963, Bewer assessments real estate Interest reported aa estate Abatements, Transferred to tax t~ Outstanding December 31, Untocated .ffe~enee 31, 1~ Payments to treasurer Januamy 1 to 31, 19~, Outstanding January 31, 196~, to treasu~e~ 1963, 7h.7.0~ O~t s t andin~ Commitments 1963, Refunds. 1963, Interest and costs repOrted as moto~ vehicle andtrailer excise Payments to treasurer Abatements 1963, Abatements rescinded Januar~ 1 te 31, 1964, 31, 1964, tO aommitment per warranta, Refunds,~ Abatements rescindedw Pa2ments te treasu~e~, Ab December 31, Outstandim~g January Commitments Refunds January 1 31, Overpayments to be ref~ed~ Payments to treasurer 31, 1964, Abatements ~anuary Outstandi~g per list, 2,90 Outstandin~ Jmuar~r 1, Faymenta to t~eaauve~ Januar~r I to ~1, Payments to t~easu~, Outstandin~ ~'anua~ 1, 1~(~, Payments to t~easu~e~ 31, 1 January 31~ 1~, $1, ~anua~y $~ee~ assessments a8 Sewor Payments to ~easu~e~ 1~3, Commitment per, Street assessments sewer assessments 1 ~ewer asSeSSments ~eal estate Ou~standing Deee~be~ 31, Outste~ding ~anua~y 1, i~6k, to Outstanding January 31~ Balance January 1, 1~63, Payments to treasu~e~ inadvanee, Added to taxes 1%3 Balance Deeember Balance ~anuary 1, 1~, to treasurer in adv~ee 31, Balance 31, It: ~e Yew ~atstanding Jarmary 1' 1~3~ ' . tc treasure~ 1~3, Street assessments 1%2 reported as sewer assessments O0 0ommitment per war~ant~ ·alance January 1~ 1963, Payments te treasurer in a~vamse, Abatements, Added to ta~es 1953, B~ce ~cembev ~d ~e to , interest ~e t~easurer 1~63, aommitment per warra~t~ 0ommitted street inte~eatl%3 reported aa cemmitted sewe~ Payments to treasu~e~ 31, 1~6~o Outstar~i~ January 31, l~,~,_pe~ list,. Outstanding ~anaary 1, I~S~ $~&S eommitted acre? Commitment per warrant, to. treasu~e~ 1~3, . Committed ~t~eet interest 1~3 reported as committed sever interest 1963, repe~ted Real estate taxes ,?..90 Collections Januar~ I t~ 31, Payments to treaa,~eer ~;anua.-y Collectlona 1%3, ~ayments to treasure~, Cash ~alanee Deeenbe~ Cash b~lanee Collections January Payments to treasu~e~ $215.00 Balance January 1. 1963. Transferred to tax titlea~ Taxes 1~2, Tax titles ~edeemed, Balance 1%3 8O ],9 Balance January 1, 1963, AUdit adJultment l Selling price in excess of b~k value, Sale of Balanee Dee~enber and llst. Licenses and per.its Licenses ~ pe~itn iasu~ J~u~y 1 ~ 31, t~eas~e~ Cash balance Januar~r ILicenses issued, Fees re 1%3, Licenses issued ~anu~ I to Fees ~etained Cash balance January Licenses issued, YaTments to Division of Fisheries and Game, Fees rotainedp Cash balance ~eembe~* 3X, l~3, ~ ..... Cash balanee Licenses issued to Division Of Fisheries an~ 1 to Fees Cash balance Cash balance Januar~ 1, Receipts 1~3, Payments to t~easure~ 1963, Receipts Januax~j 1 to 31, 1~, Cash balance Jamuar~ 31, 1~, $X,202.2 Oash balanees ~anua~-y licenses, Cash overage ~anuar2 31 Oash on hand January 31, 196~, Outstanding ~anuar~ 1, 1~3~ Deoembe~ 31, 1~63, 31, t~easure~ I to Cash balance Per~aits issued 1963, 1963, Payments to treasu~e~ 1963, Per~aits issued ~anuar~ I to 31, I96k, Cash balance ~anuax~ Cash balanee January l, 1963, Femaits issued 1963, Payments to treasu.-~e 1~3, Per~its Cash on hand ~anuax~ 31, Ps.mits issued Payments to PoPmlts to 31, Cash on Band January 31~ O&sh balance ,~anua~y I,' 1~3~ Receipts 1963~ Sale ~isoellaneo.ue..._l~eeel~t~ Payments to t~eaeu~eF 1~3, Outstanding January l, 1963, ?ayments tO t~easu~e~, Outstanding December 31, I~63 and · ~an~a~y 31, Outstanding January ?ayments to treasu~e~ 19,00 Outstandi~ Januar~ 1, 1%3, Licenses am~ peri,its issued Payments ~ t~eaau~e~ Licenses ~d pe~lts issued Cash bal~ee J~u~y 31, Fe~its issued ~ t~eaa~e~ Pe~its iaa~e~ Aba tPeaeu~e~ December Audit ad Charges not ~epo~ted, Abatements Outstanding per list, Payments to treasurer, Abatements, General relief aecounts'~eee~vable Outstanding Dee~e~, 31,~ 1963, $I Charges 1~3, t~ treaau~er Janual-y 1 to Payments to t~eaau~ex- January 1963, Janua~ I to 31 Audl adJust~aent ~anuary 31, igb~ Charges not ~ecor~ed~ ~anuary 3i, Cha~ges 1963. ~0 Old age assistance aeeountl ~eceivable recorded as appropriation refund.~ Cha~ges ~anuary 1 to Audi~ adjustment January 31, Charges not recorded, Payments to tl-easttre~ Ja~ua~ 1 31, ~.ua~y 31, $I8,~7.79 Januar~ 1 te 31' not ~*e~oPd®d, 31, January 1 to , Outstanding January 31, 1~, pe~ list, Outsta-uding January 1, 1563, Ohax~ge s, ~o tl~e&Bu~ol,, Outstanding Deeembe~ &~ts tanding January Charges Janua~-y 1 to Outstanding Januar~ 31, 1~4, pe~ list, $8 C~a~,Kes ~963, ~aTments ~o =~eas~ne~, ~963, 1%3, Payments to t~earare~ 19~3, Reeeipts January 1 to ~aymenta to t~easu~e~ Cash balanee January 31, $7, Fayments to t~easu~e~ 1963, Receipts January 1 to 31, 196~ Cash advance January 31, Cash on hand In offLse, Memo~and&~ per vouGh®~s~ Cash balance January 1-1963, Receipts, ' Ee~etwts Cash balance January 1, 196~ Receipts ~anua~y Itc 31, 196~, Payments to t~easu~e~ Januar.y 1 ~ 31, 1~6~, Cash balance 196~, Cash advance Cash on hand Janu~ 31, In office, verified, Memoranda, per vouche~s~ I I I I I I I I I I Rofunds ~ T~ansfer~ed f~om water liens 1963 Oommitment per warFan~f, Outstanding Payments to 1 Outstanding January 1, 1963, RefUnds, totreasure~, adjustments: 1%3 not reeo~ded, Refund 'of vate~ eonstr~etion and miseellaneous aceounts ~eeeivable reported as O~Atstanding Deeember 31j Audit adjustment not reported, Overpayments to Be Payments to treasure~ January 1 to 31, Cash on hand J~ar? Outstanding January 1, 1~, Audi adjustment: Refunds of water conatruetton ~ miseellaneoua aeeounta receivable ~epo~ted as water rates, Audit Abatements not reported, Water lians added to not recorded, December Outstanding Audit adjustment Charges not reported~ ' 1 t~easu~e~ ~e_nuar.y 1 to Outstanding January 31, 1~. pe~ list, 110 28 100.00 30.00 30.00 91 January 1~ Decembe~ 31, ~ua~y 31, In.. Ous~od~, of ~ To~n ~Added to No tPansaetions~eoor~ied Januax. y 1, 1%3, December 31 January 31, ~ T~ana£e~ed t~ to~a, 000.00 ~anuary ~[!~ ,Cus~dF of T~wr~ ~Treasu~o~ 12~,29 Ho tranaaetions ~eeo~ded deposits, Januar~y 1, December ~anua~y 31, In __Custody ,...~f Added to savings deposits, Ho ~Fanaaation8 Peeo~ded D~ C ~ Added No ~rana~otLOna Peoorde~ January ~1, ~o t~anaae~ions Pooorded JanuarT 1, DeeemboP January 31, 1' December 31~ ~anuary 31, Reoeip~s Cash on hand January'l, 1963, Oash on hand January 1, 196k, la_ (~uotod~ .of. Town ..~asu~F Added No tz*ansaetions ~.eeo~ded ~O. OOZxpenditu~s, Oash on hand Doee~be~31,1~3, $I0.00 Cash on hand 31, Cash on hand Cash on hand Deoombex* ,00 O0 Deeelabel, Seaua. i~les Cash on hand ~anuar? 1, 1963, Income, Cash on hand, DeeeUbeF ~am,~a~ 31, 1~, Oash on hand Januar~ I, 1963, Cash on hand January 1, 196~, Decembex. 3.1, 1963, January 31, I%~, Cash on hand January 1, 1963, Cash on hand $~9.61 ~ 5.88 $99,38 ,00 O0 December. Cash on hand Xu__CUatod~ of Libw, ax, w' .Yr,us~teoo .00 I ~000.00 hand Deee~be~. 31, 1953, January. 1 to 31.. 196A~ Cash on hand Januax~y $99.~B $~0.~ Deoembe~ 30 Sa~e of Securities, Gain on sale of L~oo~ ~ Cash on hand January I, 1%3, $10, on in aav~a Cash on hand Januar.y 1, I96~, Cash on, hand Ja.mla~7 31, Receipts Cash on hand 1%3, Cash on hand Janua~ 1, I9~, Deoembet, 31, ~fanuary 31, ~o00 Cash on hand January 1, 1963, Cuh on han~ Oash on ~ ;~anuary 31, Cash on hand ~ on hand Cash on hand Januar~ l, $14.0. O0 Cash on hand ash on hand ~anua~y 1, (;ash on hand J'anuar7 1, Oash on hand Deoember Cash on hand .~anuary 1, 1963, on ha_nd Deoombo~, 31, Cash on hand Januar~ l, 1%~, ~nta Cash balanoem Januar~ 31, and Ruth E. ~morial Anne. B~adst~eet Fund, Dale ~oses T. Stevens Fund, Nathaniel and Elizabeth Stevens Fund, Abbott Stevens Fund Cash on t per statement and cheek book, Levy ef Tax Titles and ~tate TaXoa, $18 Cheeks ~0,6~'8~ Yede~a! ~ante, A~stPatton, Aid ~ Dopendent-~niI~ Aid, Assistance, ~oal Assistanee the 1, ~613.68 'T~oet WtaOellaneo~a~ I~ans ,Authortsed ~ $~7,878.~ 261 Loa~8 Au~hol. lsed 8~'" Ove~estimate 1~3: %, 'J.'~'=J CountF ~ax, lale of Real Estate ~, ~l,67~.83 ReseFve Fund - ~0,000.~ Overlays Reserved for Abat~nts~ ~iSe, Title ~ Possession, Aid Appo~,tl~ Steer Asne~t Revenuel Due in 1~ to lnelusivo, oF Fixed Deb~ Debt ~t~ 3o~lal Loansl Inside Debt Lima General i Sehe~l~ Gene,,al t $2,020,000.00 3~$,000.00 ~uet and Xnvoe~mn~ Funded: In Custod~ ef Lib~y ~teee, Addio S. N. and S~saa Fe ~h~] Cemoto~ Yundo~ ~ Kobo~ FeFpetual CaFe, Kate H. Stevens 01~ 10~ O00. O0 Dale ~tevena Chll~'a Noses T. Nathan~l and ~isabeth P, 3teV~, 0. T~ler,