HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUDIT 01-01-1966 -- 02-13-1968Form DA-96 ~-M sets (1)-10.67.946010 [JOHhl J. LYO~$ TOV/N C L,?ZT-, X NO. ANDOVb..~;L klz-~.~,. 01845 DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATIONS AND TAXATION BUREAU OF ACCOUNTS REPORT OF AN AUDIT of THE ACCOb~TS OF THE TOWN OF NO RT H AND OVER FOR THE PERIOD FROM JANUARY l, 1966 TO FEBRUARY 13, 1968 Made in Accordance with the Provisions of Chapter 44, General Laws September 20, 196~ CL. EOF. JAIL. LET COMMISSIONER ARTHUR H. IV~AcKINNON DIR"='CTOR OF ACCOUNTS September 20, 1968 MAlt. ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 20!7 BOSTON, MASS. 02106 To the Board of Selectmen Mr. Arthur P. Kirk, Chairman North Andover, Massachusetts Gentlemen: I submit herewith my report of an audit of the books and accounts of the town of North Andover for the period from January l, 1966 to February 13, 1968, made in accordance with the provisions of Chapter I!~, General Laws. This is in the form of a report made to me by Mr. William Schwartz, Assistant Chief of Bureau. AHM: em V~ery truly yours, Director of Accounts Mm. Arthur H. MacKinnon Director of Accounts Department of Corporations and Taxation Boston, Massachusetts Sir: As directed by you, I have made an audit of the books and accounts of the town of North Andover for the period from January l, 1966, the date of the previous examination, to February 13, 1968, and report thereon as follows: The records of financial transactions of the town, as shown on the books of the several departments receiving or disbursing money for the town or committing bills for collection, were examined and verified by comparison with the books and records of the town accountant and the town treasurer. The books and accounts in the office of the town accountant were examined and checked in detail. The recorded receipts were compared with the treasurer's books and with the records in the several departments collecting money for the town, the payments, as entered, were checked with the treasurer's books and with the treast~ry warrants, while the appropriations and transfers were checked with the town clerk's records of financial votes pas~ed by the town meetings and with the finance committee's authorizations of transfers from the reserve fllnd. The general and appropriation ledgers were analyzed for the period of the audit, a trial balance was taken off, and a balance sheet showing the financial condition of the town on December 31, 1967 was prepared and is appended to this report. The books and accounts of the town treasurer were examined and checked in detail. The receipts, as recorded, were analyzed and verified by comparison with'the records in the several departments collecting money for the town, with other sources from which the town received money, and with the town accountant's books, while the recorded payments were checked with the selectmen's warrants authorizing the disbursement of town funds and with the town accountant's records. The cash book was footed, and the cash balance on February 13, 1968 was verified by reconciliation of the bank balances with statements furnished by the banks of deposit, by inspection of'~he savings bank books and the certificates of deposit, and by actual count of the cash in the office. The reported payments on account of maturing debt and interest were compared with the amounts falling due and were checked with the cancelled coupons and securities on file. The bond and coupon account was reconciled with a statement furnished by the. bank of deposit. The records of payroll deductions on account of Federal and State taxes, the county and teachers' retirement systems, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, group insurance, credit union, and the United Fund were examined and reconciled with the treasurer's and the accountant's books, and the payments to the proper agencies were verified. The transactions of the trust funds in the custody of the town treasurer and the trustees.of the library funds were verified, and the securities and savings bank books representing the investment of the funds were examined and listed. The records of tax titles and tax possessions held by the town were examined and checked. The amounts added to the tax title account were compared with the collector's records, the tax titles redeemed were checked with the receipts as recorded in the treasurer's cashbook, and the tax titles and tax possessions on hand were listed and compared with the records at the Registry of Deeds. The books and accounts of the tax collector were examined and checked. The tax, excise and assessment accounts outstanding at the time of the previous examination, and all subsequent commitments, were audited and proved with the warrants issued for their collection. The recorded receipts were checked with the payments to the treasurer and with the accountant's ledger, the abatements as recorded were compared with the assessors' records of abatements granted, and the outstanding accounts were listed and reconciled with the respective ledger accounts. The records of departmental accounts receivable were examined. The payments to the treasurer were verified, and the o~tstanding accounts were listed and reconciled with the accountant's ledger. The books and accounts of the public works department were examined and checked. The recorded collections were' compared with the payments to the treasurer, the abatements as recorded were verified, and the outstanding accounts were listed and reconciled with the town accountant's ledger. The outstanding tax, excise, assessment, departmental, sewer, and water accounts were further verified by mailing notices to a number of persons whose names appeared on the books as owing money to the town, the replies received thereto indicating that the accounts, as listed, are correct, The records of apportioned assessments were examined and checked. The payments in advance were checked with the treasurer's books, the amounts added to taxes were verified, and the assessments due in future years were listed and reconciled with the controlling accounts. The financial records of the town clerk were examined and checked in detail. The records of permits, recording fees, etc., were checked and proved. The cash book was analyzed and the recorded payments to the treasurer were verified by comparison with the treasurer's cash book. The records of dog licenses, the proceeds of which are paid to the county, and of sportin~ licenses, which are collected on behalf of the State, were examined and checked in detail. The payments to the treasurer and to the Division of Fisheries and Game were verified, and the cash balance on February ,13, 1968 was proved by ~ctu~l count of the cash in the office. The surety bonds of the town officials required to furnish them were examined and found to be in proper form. The records of cash receipts of the selectmen, the sealer of weights and measures, and the inspectors of buildings, wire, gas and plumbing, as well as of the public welfare, school and library departments, and of all other departments wherein money is collected- for the town, were examined and checked. The payments to the treasurer were verified, and the cash'on hand, including petty'cash advances, was proved by actual count. The books and accounts of the treasurer of the North Andover and Boxford District of Veterans' Services were audited in conjunction with the audit of the'town treasurer's accounts. The cash book was analyzed, the recorded receipts and disbursements were verified, and the cash balance on February 13, 1968 was proved by reconciliation of the bank balance with a statement furnished by the bank o£ deposit. Appended to this report, in addition to the balance sheet, are tables showing a reconciliation of the treasurer's and town clerk's cash, summaries of the tax, excise, assessment, tax title, depamtmental, sewer, and water accounts, as well as schedules showing the condition and transactions of the trust and investment fUnds. During the progress of the audit cooperation was received from 5 all officials of the town, for which, on behalf of my assistants and for myself, I wish to express appreciation. WS:MCC Respectfully submitted, RECONCILIATION OF TREASURER' S CASH Balance January 1, 1966 Receipts: 1966 1967 Sh, 307,595.56 5,678,720.58 $h72,611.11 9,986,316.1~ Payments: 1966 1967 5:31o, 6 7-19 617,059.2~ Audit adjustment December 31, 1967: Receipts reported in error Balance December 31, 1967 Balance January 1, 1968 Receipts January 1 to February 13, 1968 9,927,706 .~ 3 55.5 531,165.28 $53A,165.28 1,159,150.19 6 $10,458,927.25 $10, 58,927.25 $1,720,315.~7 Payments January 1 to February 13, 1968 Balance February 13, 1968 Balance February 13, 1968 666,875.93 1,053,h39.5~ $1,720,315.47 $1,053,439e54 Cash on hand February 13, 1968: In banks: Bay State Merchants National Bank, L awr enc e: General $30,322.95 Water mains 13, ~55.8~* Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company 20,800.00* Arlington Trust Company, 'Lawrence: General 50, 688.50* School 14,169.92* Merrimack Valley National Bank 26,056.85* State Street Bank and Trust Company, Boston ~83,150.8~* Community Savings Bank, Lawrence: Book No. 27346 .6,~23,h7 Merrimack Valley National Bank: Book No. h0050~2 279.67 Book No. 40050~3 1,913.68 Certificates of deposit,' verified In office, verified $6~7,961.72 .o :ooo.oo ~77.82 $1, 053, 439. 54 Bay State Merch.a~.ts National Bank, Lawrence ..... G'eneral..Acco~nt Balance February l3, 1968, per statement Balance February 13, 1968, per check register $30,322.95 Outstanding checks February 13, 1968, per list 91,403e3h Per bank statement and check register $121,726.29 $121,726.29 RECONCILIATION OF BOND AND COUPON ACCOUNT_ .St~te...S.~.reet Bank and Trust ~qmpany, BostQn Balance February 13, 1968, per statement Outstanding coupons February 13, 1968, per list NORTH ANDOVER AND BOXFORD DISTRICT DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS' SERVICES_ Reconciliation of District Tre. asurer's Cash_ Balance January 1, 1966 Receipts: 1966: Town of North Andover Town of Boxford Payroll deductions: County retirement system 1967: Town of North Andover Town of Boxford Payroll deductions: County retirement system $1,088.26 60.00 1,088.26 171.74 60.00 $31.67 1,320.00 1,320.00 Payments: 1966: Director's salary Telephone Dues Treasurer's bond County retirement system 1967: Director's salary Telephone Dues County retirement system Balance December 31, 1967. 1,200.00 59.6o 9.00 6.oo 60.00 1,200.00 53.1o 9.00 60.00 1,33~.60 1,322.10 14.97 Balance January 1, 1968 Receipts January I to February 13, 1968: Town of North Andover $1,088.26 Payroll deductions: County retirement system 5.00 $14.97 1,o93.26 7 $7ol.o0 $701.00 $2,671.67 $2,671.67 $1,108.23 8 NORTH ANDOVER AND BOXFORD DISTRICT_ DE?ART~[ENT OF VETERANS' S,E, RV. ICES_ Reconciliation. of District Treas. urer'...s C. ash _(Cont. ) Payments January 1 to February 13, 1968: Director's salary County retirement system Balance February 13, 1968: Bay State Merchants National Bank, per statement and check book $100.00 5.00 $1o5.oo 1,003-23 $1,108.23 Balance January 1, 1966 Deductions: 1966 1967 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS Federal Taxes $196,121.25 5,379.2 Payments to Directo~ of Internal Revenue: 1966 193,075.h2 1967 PJ$9,~60o00 Balance December 31, 1967 Balance January 1, 1968 Deductions January 1 to February 13, 1968 $17,083.15 41,5oo.55 ,0~8.28 $16,048.28 26, 96~ · 61 $ 58,583.7o $~58,583.7o $4 3, O12.89 I Payments to Director of Internal Revenue January 1 to February ~3., 1968 Balance February 13, 1968, per list 33,001.91 10,010.98 $~3,012.89 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS Stat ,e Taxes_ 1966 $2~,188.81 ~sion to tom~ Commission ~o totm Bal~ce December 31~ 1967 Bal~ce ~ua~ 1, 1968 ' Deductions J~u~y 1 ~o Fe~ru~y 13, 1968 Pa~ents J~uary l~to~ February 13, 1968: ~ state . ~,'898-o~ Co~ission to to~ . 33.15 Bal~ce Februa~ 13, 1968, per list County 'Retirement System De~ions: . p~~76~ts to co~ty t~easu~er: . Deductions J~uary 1 to Febru~y 13, 1968 Pa~ents to cowry treasurer .~ ~ua~ l to Februa~ 13, 195~ B~ACe Februa~ 13, 1968, pe~ list $2,187.50 54,761.68 23,86h.~3 29,56~.08 3,520.67 $3,520.67 3,813.9~ 5,931.20 $36,940.~9 ~2,018.75 33,175o0~ 45, 78~ .20 $3,182.28 1,567.1~5 9 $56,949.18 $56,9k9.18 $7,334.61 $7,334.61 $78,959.2~ $78,959°2~ $~,7~9.73 $4,749.73 Deductions 1966 1967 PAYROLL DEDUC~,I O,,NS_ Mas.~achusetts .Teachers, Retirement System $36,671.00 . ,o 6.78 Payments to Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement Board: 1966 1967 36,671.00 ,o 6.78 Deductions January 1 to February 13, 1968 Payments to Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement Board January 1 to February 13, 1968 Balance February 13, 1968, per list $2,880.61 1,906.40 Deductions: 1966 1967 T. eachers' Annuities. $9,260.00 11,~08.00 Payments: 1966: Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company Metropolitan Life insurance Company $9,100.00 160.00 1967: Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance. Company 11,2J48o00 Metropolitan Life Insurance Company 160.00 $9,260.00 11,~08.00 Deductions January 1 to February 13, 1968 Payments to Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company January 1 to February 13, 1968 Balance February 13, 1968, per liet $977.00 88.5o 10 $80,717.78 $80,717o78 $~,787°01 $ , 87.Ol $20,668°00 $20,668°00 $1, 65.5o $1,H65.5o PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS ~lue_Oross and Blue Shield_ Balance January 1, 1966 Deduct ions: 1966 1967 $24,886.19 30,255.63 Blue Cross and Blue Shield deductions reported as Pensioners Blue Cross and Blue Shield deductions Blue Cross and. Blue Shield deductions reported as group insurance appropriation refunds Payments to Massachusetts Hospital Services, Inc.: 1966 1967 $21,251.84 30,255.63 Pensioners Blue Cross and Blue Shield deductions reported as Blue Cross and Blue Shield deductions Group insurance appropriation refund reported as Blue Cross and Blue Shield deductions Group insurance deductions reported as Blue Cross and Blue Shield deductions Deductions January 1 to February 13, 1968 Payments to Massachusetts Hospital Services, Inc., ~anuary 1 to February 13, 1968 ~ Balance February l3, 1968, per list $186.U 55,141.82 37.07 80.08 $51,5o7.47 80.08 3.64 3,853.92 $2,541.66 11 $55,445.11 $55,HH5.11 $3,122.26 $3,122.26 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS ..p. ensioners ,,Blue, Cross m~d Blue ,Shield Deductions: 1966 1967 $2,113.55 2,~91.38 Pensioners,Blue Cross and Blue Cross deductions reported as Blue Cross and Blue Shield deductions $~t, 60~.95 80.08 Payments to Massachusetts Hospital Services, Inc.: 1966 1967 Group insurance deductions reported as Pensioners Blue Cross and Blue Shield deductions Blue Cross and Blue Shield deductions reported as Pensioners Blue Cross and Blue Shield deductions Group insurance appropriation refunds reported as Pensioners Blue Cross and Blue Shield 1,883.58 2,491.38 ~.,374.96 265.72 37.07 7.28 Deductions January 1 to February 13, 1968 Payments to Massachusetts Hospital Services, Inc., January 1 to February 13, 1968 Balance February 13, 1968, per list $17~. 72 57.5o 12 $~, 685. o3 $~,685.o3 $232.22 $232.22 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS ~roup Insurance_ Balance January 1, 1966 Deductions: 1966 1967 $4,713.16 4,927.90 Group insurance deductions reported as Blue Cross and Blue Shield deductions Group insurance deductions reported as Pensioners Blue Cross and Blue Shield Payments to Prudential Life Insurance Company: 1966 1967 Deductions January 1 to February lB, 1968 Payments to Prudential Life Insurance Company January 1 to February 13, 1968 Balance February 13, 1968, per list Deductions: 1966 1967 United Fund of Greate~...Lawrence Payments to United Fund of Greater Lawrence: 1966 1967 Deductions January I to February 13, 1968 Payments to United Fund of'Greater Lawrence January I to February 13, 1968 Balance February 13, 1968, per list $31.68 9,641.06 3,853.92 265.72 8,864 o48 4,927.90 $404.75 89.59 $90.58 77.64 90.58 77 °64 $5.82 2.16 13 $13,792.38 $13,792.38 $4 94.34 $4 94 o 34 $168.22 $168.22 $7.98 $7.98 Deductions 1967 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS North Andover Municipal Credit Union Payments to North Andover Municipal Credit Union 1967 Deductions January I to February 13, 1968 Payments to North Andover Municipal Credit Union Balance February 13, 1968, per list $1,793.00 89O.OO TAX COLLECTOR ~etty Cash Advance Cash advance February 13, 1968 Cash on hand February 13, 1968, verified PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES - 196% _ Outstanding January 1, 1966 Payments to treasurer 1966 Abatements 1966 Adjustment 1966: Abatements personal property taxes 1965 reported as personal property taxes 1966 $627.75 90.00 78.75 13A $14,330.00 $14,330.00 $2,683.00 $2,683.00 $100. O0 $1oo.oo $796.50 $796.50 REAL ESTATE TAXES - !965_ Outstanding January 1, 1966 Refunds 1966 Adjustment 1966: Real estate taxes 1966 reported as real estate taxes 1965 Payments to treasurer 1966 Abatements 1966 Transferred to tax titles 1966 PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES - .1966 Commitment per warrant Adjustment 1966: Abatements personal property taxes 1965 reported as personal property taxes 1966 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 $99,732.75. 939.00 Abatements: 1966 1967 90.00 $25,611.55 15o.oo ~68.75 z5,186.55 15o.oo 893.75 $100,731o75 78.75 $100,671.75 138.75 14 $26,230.30 $26,230.30 $100,810.50 $100,810.50 REAL ESTATE TAXES - 196~ Commitment 1966, per warrants Refunds: 1966 1967 $1,823,603.25 $8,207.63 15.oo 8,222.63 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 1,699,121-49 46,222.06 Abatements 1966 Transferred to tax titles: 1966 1967 219.00 2,547°94 Adjustments: 1966: Real estate taxes 1966 reported as real estate taxes 1965 1967: Real estate taxes 1966 reported as motor vehicle excise 1966 2,766.94 468°75 .5o PERSONAL-PROPERTY TAXES - 1967_ Commitment per warrant Payments to treasurer Outstanding December 31, 1967 $113,877.90 Outstanding January 1, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Outstanding February 13, 1968, per list $117 oh5 724 · 95 15 $1,831,825.88 $1,831,825.88 $114,720.30 $114,720.30 $84.2.40 $8~.2&,.o Commitment per warrants Refunds December 31, 1967: Audit adjustments Abatement of tax titles reported as real estate taxes 1967 Abatement reported in error Payments to treasurer Abatements Transferred to tax titles Outstanding December 31, 1967 REAL ESTATE_TAXES -,1967~_ $2,098,912.5o lO,594.o2 Outstanding January 1, 1968 Refunds January 1 to February 13, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Abatements January 1 to February 13, 1968 Transferred to tax titles January 1 to February 13, 1968 Outstanding February 13, 1968, per list 170.10 .10 1,988,61~.80 91,325.47 3 .97 29,301.48 $29,301.~8 674.00 8,032.75 1,419.12 19,679.51 MOTOR IroN-ICL~ EXCISE .- 1956... Abatements cancelled 1966 Payments to treasurer 1966 Abatements cancelled: 1966 1967 MgTOR VEHICL~ EXCISE - 1959_ $13.47 256.52 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 13. 7 256.52 16 $2,109,676.72 $2,109,676.72__ $29,975.48 $29,975.~8 $9.h8 $269.99 $269.99 ,MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE - 1964 Abatements cancelled 1'966 Payments to treasurer 1966 M0~_~_~OR .VEHi!~QLE EXC...~SE - 1965 Outstanding January 1, 1966 Commitment 1966, per warrants Refunds 1966 Abatements cancelled: 1966 1967 $1k9.~o 16.50 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Abatements 1966 28,~70.02 16.50 MOTOR ~VF~ICLE EXCISE - 1966 Commitment per warrants: 1966 1967 $299,499.74 21,077.43 Refunds: 1966 1967 5,511.78 '3,981.55 Abatements cancelled 1966 Adjustments 1967: ,Real estate taxes 1966 reported as motor vehicle excize 1966 Interest reported as~motor vehicle excise 1966 Payments to treasurer:. 1966 1967 2347,757.81 52,870.94 Abatements: 1966 1967 21,588.h9 7,906.51 $12,937.91 18,280.94 2,~5.8o 165.90 28,~86.52 5,044.03 $320,577.17 9,~93-33 52.25 .5o 300,628.75 29,h95.00 17 $112.20 $33,530.55 $330,123.75 $330,123.75 Commitment per war~ ~nts Refunds Abatements cancelled MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE - 196~. $332,222.12 7,291.56 161.70 Payments to treasurer Ab at ement s Outstanding December 31, 1967 295,350- 51 25,771.03 18,553.84 Outstanding January 1, 1968 Commitment January 1 to February 13, 1968, per warrants Refunds January 1 to February 13, 1968 Overpayments to be refunded $18,553.8 ~13,850.81 510.28 123.46 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Abatements January 1 to February 13, 1968 Unlocated difference February 13, 1968 Outstanding February 13, 1968, per list 9,809.23 1,~27.90 20°00 21,781.26 MOTOR VE_.~IC5E ~XCISE - 1968 Commitment January 1 to February 13, 1968~ per warrants Payments to treasurer January I to February 13, 1968 Abatements January I to February 13, 1968 Outstanding February 13, 1968, per list $2,686.20 313.50 21,270.~ 8 Outstanding January 1, 1966 Payments to treasurer 1966 FARM EXCISE - 1965 $339,675.38 $339,675.38 $33,038' 39 $33,038-39 $2~,270.18 $2~, 270.18 Commitment per warrant Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 FARM EXCISE - 1966 $429.17 3o.45 FARM EXCISE - 1967 _ Commitment per warrant Payments to treasurer Outstanding December 31, 1967 and February l3, 1968, per list $468.34 27.35 A??ORT .0 D AS_S SS ,Ts_ Outstanding January 1, 1966 Commitment per warrants: 1966 1967 Adjustment 1967: . Apportionments reported in error Audit adjustment December 31, 1967: Apportionments recorded in error ~7,~38.41 69,875.56 $18,933,62 77,313.97 535.20 100.00 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Abatements 1967 Apportionments: 1966 1967 Adjustment 1967: Commitment reported in error Outstanding December 31, 1967 9,012.30 13,383.40 '2,601.66 28,923.48 22,395.70 600.O0 31,525.14 22. O0 42,339.95 19 $459.62 $459.62 $~95,69 {3495,69 $96,882.79 $96,882.79 UNAPPORTIONED SEWER ASSESSMENTS (0ONT.) Outstanding January 1, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Apportionments January i to February 13, 1968 Outstanding February 13, 1968, per list $2,5o7.5o 760.97 2o $42,339-95 339.95 Outstanding January 1, 1966 Payments to treasurer 1966 SEWER ASSESSMENTS - 1965_ Commitment per warrant Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Transferred to tax titles: 1966 1967 SEWER ASSESSMENTS - 1~66 $9,120.~0 22.7o 30.00 18.90 $9,5~3.10 48.90 SEWE~...ASSESSMENTS - 1~67 _ Commitment per warrant Payments to treasurer Outstanding December 31, 1967 $8,949.91 233.30 Outstanding January 1, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Transferred to tax titles January i to February 13, 1968 Outstanding February 13, 1968, per list $30o00 19.00 184.30 $102.00 $1o2.oo $9,592.00 $9,592.00 $9,183.21 $9,183.21 $233.30 $233.30 APPORTIONED S~,TER ASSESSMENTS - NOT DUE Balance January 1, 1966 Apportionment s: 1966 1967 $2,601.66 26,775.~4 $44,352.60 Audit adjustment December 31, 1967: Apportionments not recorded 29,377.50 2,147.64 Payments to treasurer in 'advance: 1966 1967 Added to taxes: 1966 1967 Adjustments 1967: Apportionments reported in error List in' error Audit adjustments December 31, 1967: Apportionments recorded'in error Payments in advance not recorded Adjustment of list Balance December 31, 1967 8o9.5o 580.50 9,592.00 9,183.21 Balance January 1, 1968 Apportionments January i to February 13, 1968 1,390.00 18,775-21 5B5.ao .10 lO0. O0 480.00 .10 54,597.13 $54,597-13 1,071.48 Payments to treasurer in advance January I to February 13, 1968 Balance February 13, 1968, per list: Due in 1968 to 1977, inclusive 500.00 55,168.61 21 $75,877.74 $75,877.74 855,668.61 $55,668.61 UNAPPORTIONED STREET ~SESSMENTS Commitment 1967, per warrants Audit adjustment December 31, 1967: Commitment not reported $8,500. oo .20 Outstanding December 31, 1967 Outstanding January 1, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Outstanding February 13, 1968, per list $2,373.97 6,126 23 STREET ASSESS.MENTS Commitment per warrant Payments to treasurer 1966 - 1966 APPORTION~D STB~T ASSESSMENT~,,- ~OT DUE Balance January 1, 1966 Added to ta~s 1966 22 $8, ~0o.2o $8,5oo.2o $8,5oo.2o $8,500.20 $1,099.49 $1,099.49 $1,099.49 $1,099.49 UNAPPORTION~ WATER ASSESSMENTS_ Outstanding January 1, 1966 Commitment per warrants: 1966 1967 Audit adjustment December 31, 1967: Apportionment recorded in error $25,373.00 22,705.66 $3,000. O0 48,078.66 200.00 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Abatements 1966 Apportionments: 1966 1967 Outstanding December 31, 1967 2,080.00 2,437.36 14,021.16 3,577.50 2,517.36 798.84 17,598.66 28,363.80 Outstanding January 1, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Outstanding February 13, 1968, per list _$300.00 2~, 063 · 80 WATER Commitment 1966, per warrant Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 ASSES, 1966 Sm o.oo 30.00 WATER ASSESSMENTS - .1967 _ Commitment per warrant Payments to treasurer Outstanding December 31, 1967 and February 13, 1968, per list $1,127.56 108.00 23 $51,278.66 $51,278.66 $28,363.80 $28,363.80 $270.00 $270.00 $1,235.56 $1,235.56 Apportionments: 1966 1967 APPORTIONED WATER ASSESSMENTS - NOT DUE _ $14,021.16 4,177.50 Payments to treasurer in advance 1966 Abatements 1966 Added to taxes: 1966 1967 Audit adjustments December 31, 1967: Apportionments recorded in error Paid in advance not recorded 'Balance December 31, 1967 and February 13,_1968, per list: Due in 196~ to 1986, inclusive $270.00 1,235.56 2o2.5o 200 o 00 1,5o5.56 721.5o ~o.oo 15,329.10 COMMITTED SEWER INTEREST - 1965 _ Outstanding January 1, 1966 Payments to treasurer 1966 Commitment per warrant Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Transferred to tax titles: 1966 1967 COMMITTED SEWER INTEREST - 1966_ $1,713.15 59.65 $1,772.80 7.20 3.80 11.00 2~ $18,198.66 $32.6b, $32.6k $1,783.80 $1,783.80 COMMITTED SEWER INTEREST - 1967 Commitment per warrant Payments to treasurer Outstanding December 31, 1967 $1,388.90 k9.98 Outstanding January 1, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Transferred to tax titles January 1 to February 13, 1968 Outstanding February 13, 1968, per list $6.00 3.ok kOo9l+ COMMITTED STREET INTEREST r 1966 Commitment per warrant Payments to treasurer 1966 Commitment per warrant Payments to treast~rer: 1966 1967 COMMITTED WATER INTEREST - 1966_ $31.95 12.oo COM~,ITTED WATER INTEREST .-,.1967 Commitment per warrant Payments to' treasurer Outstanding December 31, 1967 and February 13, 1968, per list $601.49 43.20 25 $1,438.88 $1,438.88 $49.98 $49.98 $108 o O0 $1o8.oo $k3.95 $k3.95 $6~4.69 .69 Collections: 1966 1967 INTEREST ON TAXES, EXCISE AND ASSESSMENTS_ 2,507. Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Interest reported as motor vehicle excise 1966 $1,923.80 2,507.81 31.61 .50 Collections January 1 to February 13, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Collections: 1966 1967 MUNICIPAL,,LIENS $520.00 654.00 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 517.oo 657. oo Collections January 1 to February 13, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 26 $4,432.11 $4,~32.11 $180.73 $180.73 $1,174 - O0 $1,17~ .00 $53.00 $53.00 PRO-FORMA TAX Receipts 1967 Payments to treasurer 1967 27 $26.40 $26. 0 Balance January 1, 1966 Transferred to tax titles: 1966: Taxes 1965 Taxes 1966 Sewer assessments 1966 Committed sewer interest Interest and costs TAX TITLES_ $893.75 219.oo 3o.oo 7.20 201.73 1967: Taxes 1966 Taxes 1967 Sewer assessments 1966 Committed sewer interest 1966 Interest and costs 2,547.94 434.97 19.0o 3.~80 194.o7 Tax titles redeemed: 1966 1967 Audit adjustment December 31,1967: Abatement of tax title reported as real estate taxes 1967 Tax titles reported in error Balance December 31, 1967 Balance January 1, 1968 Transferred to tax titles January 1 to February 13, 1968: Taxes 1967 Sewer assessments 1967 Committed sewer interest 1967 Interest and costs Tax titles redeemed Balance Februax'yl3, 1968, per list 276.93 2,101.~2 $1,~19.12 19.00 3.04 2~.23 $1,797.30 1,351.68 3,2oo.58 2,378.35 170.10 .10 3,801.01 $3,801.01 .1,465.39 1,137.27 ~,129.13 $6,3~9.56 $6,349,56 $5,266.~0 TAX POSSESSION. S Balance January 1, 1966 Selling price in excess of book value 1967 Sale of tax possessions 1967 Balance December 31,1967 and February 13, 1968 Licenses issued: 1966 1967 TOWN CLERK Dog L..ic enses _ Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Fees retained: 1966 1967 $1,330.50 1,21~.00 151.75 ~2.75 Licenses issued January 1 to February 13, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Fees retained January 1 to February 13, 1968 Cash balance February 13, 1968 $5,662.25 675.~9 750.00 5,587.7~ $1,~82.25 1,356.75 2,5 .5o 29k.5o $10.00 1.00 6.00 28 $6,337 · 714. $6,337.74 $2,839.00 $2,839°00 $17.oo $17.0o TOWN CLERK Sporting License~ Cash balance January 1, 1966 Licenses issued: 1966 1967 93,485.2q 3,610.25 Payments to Division of Fisheries and Game: 1966 3,40~'5~0 1967 3,470.50 Fees retained: 1966 160.70 1967 165.25 Cash balance December 31, 1967 Cash balance January 1, 1968 Licenses January 1-to February 13, 1968 Payments to Division of Fisheries and Game January 1 to February 13, 1968 Fees retained January 1 to February 13, 1968 Cash balance February 13, 1968 Receipts: 1966 1967 MiscellaM~ous, ReceiptS_ Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Receipts .January 1 to February 13, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Cash balance February 13, 1968 $12o.5o 7,095.45 6,875.oo 325.95 15.00 915.oo 529.25 95oo.oo 23.00 91,h52.5o 1,673.40 1,~52.5o 1,673.~0 $138. O0 45.00 29 $7,2~5.95 $7,215- 95 $5~4.25 $3,125.90 $3,125.90 $183.00 9183.00 Reconciliation of Cash_ Cash balances February 13, 1968, per tables: Dog licenses Sporting licenses Miscellaneous receipts Cash on hand February 13, 1968, verified SRLECTMEN'S DEPARTMENT Licenses and permits issued: 1966 1967 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Receipts: 1966 '1967 PLANNING BOARD Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Receipts January 1 to February 13, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 $6.00 23.00 45.oo $7,478.00 7,418.00 7,478.00 7,418.00 $38.00 37.25 38. O0 37.25 3O $74.00 $7 .oo $14,896o00 $75.25 $75.25 $19.00 $19.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I' I I I I I I FIRE DEPARTMENT Acc. cunts. Reqeivable Outstanding January 1, 1966 Charges 1966 Payments to treasurer 1966 Outstanding December 31, 1967 and February l3, 1968, per list ~isce~!Aneo.us Receipts_ Receipts 1966 Payments to treasurer 1966 Permits issued: 1966 1967 BUILDING INSPECTOR- Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Permits issued January 1 to February 13, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Cash balance February 13, 1968, verified $10.00 75.00 75.00 10.00 $5,5~o.6o 11,59o.5o 5,5~0.60 11,59o.5o $75.00 10.00 31 $85.oo $85.oo $180.00 $180.00 $17,131.10 $17,131.10 $85.oo $85.00 Permits issued: 1966 1967 WIRE INSPECTOR _ Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Permits issued January 1 to February 13, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Cash on hand February 13, 1968, verified Permits issued: 1966 1967 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Permits issued January 1 to February 13, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Cash on hand February 13, 1968, verified $563.00 743.00 563.00 743.00 $18.00 32.00 $481oOO 43o.oo h81. oo h3o.oo $25.00 9.00 32 $1,306.00 $1,306o00 $50.00 $5o.oo $911.00 $3~.oo $3~.oo 33 S,~.AL~ OF ~,~H~S A~D ~mAS~R~S_ Cash balance January 1, 1966 Receipts: 1966 1967 $673 · 00 427.6o $56 .lo 1,100.60 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Cash balance December 31, 1967 623.10 359.00 982.10 174.60 Cash balance January 1, 1968 Payments~ to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Cash balance February 13, 1968, verified $~5.1o z9.5o Receipts: 1966 1967 ASSESSORS',DEPARTMENT Miscellaneous ~eceiptS_ ~5.oo 6o.5o Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 5.00 0.50 $1,156.70 $1,156.70 $17~.6o $174.6o $1o5.5o $1o5.5o HEALTH DEPAR..G~IENT_ Licenses and Permits Licenses and permits issued: 1966 1967 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Licenses and permits issued January 1 to February 13, 1968 Payments to treasurer January I to February 13, 1968 PLUMBING INSPECTOR Permits issued: 1966 1967 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 $1,355o00 1,230.00 1,355.oo 1,230o00 $1,163 · 50 1,2[~0o50 1,163 °50 1,240.50 $2,585.oo $2,585,,oo $41o5O $2,40~o00 $2,h. oh..oo 35 SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND MISCELLANEOUS Accounts Receivable Outstanding January 1, 1966 Charges: 1966 1967 Refunds 1966 $8,351.67 10,937o48 $5o2.31 19,289.15 6.70 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 7,013o~1 12,083.08 Abatements: 1966 1967 Audit adjustment December 31, 1967~: Sewer construction and miscellaneous accounts receivable reported as water construction and miscellaneous accounts receivable Charges reported in error Outstanding December 31, 1967 22.35 16.60 Outstanding January l, 1968 Charges January I to February 13, 1968 Unlocated difference February 13, 1968 19,096.E9 38.95 617.20 $617o 20 84.oo 13o30 pay~ents to treasurer January i to February 13, 1968 Outstanding February 13, 1968, per list Cash balance February 13, 1968 474o3O .216.20 24.00 $19,798.16 $19,798o16 $714.50 '$714.50 Charges 1966 ?aymonts to treasuror 1966 HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Ac co,~ut s Re c e ivable__ Receipts 1966 Payments to treasurer 1966 PUBLIC W~LFARE DEPARTMENT_ Infirmary Receipts Charge s: 1966 1967 General Relief -~A~ccounts Receivable $2,825.92 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Charges January 1 to February 13, 1968 Payments to treasurer Januar~y 1 to February 13~ 1968 2,825.92 36 $3O.6O 830.60 $1,382.86 $1,~382.86 $3,311.53 $3,311.53 $133.50 $133.50 Charges: 1966 1967 PUBLIC WELFARE DEPARTMENT_ Disabilit~ Assistan_ce - Accounts R._~eceivable_. $4,377.98 1,542.06 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Outstanding December 31, 1967 $4,377-98 Outstanding January 1, 1968 Charges January 1 to February 13, 1968 $5,795.62 lZ~.42 $12~.a2 13~.51 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Aid to Dependent Children - Accounts Receivable__ Outstanding January 1, 1966 Charges: 1966 1967 $8,41~.78 9,27U.73 $1,813.90 17,693-51 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Outstanding December 31, 1967 10,228.68 8,371.26 Outstanding January 1, 1968 Charges January 1 to February 13, 1968 18,599.94 907.47 $907.~7 1,070.UO Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 3? $~,9zo.o4 $5,920.o4 $ 262.94 $262.94 $19,507.41 $19,507.41 $1,978.27 $1,978.27 1966 1967 PUBLIC WELFARE DEP~RTMENT- 01d Age Assistance - Accounts Receivable_ $16,387.37 14,522.96 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Outstanding December 31, 1967 $16,387.39 13,272.41 Outstanding January 1, 1968 Charges January 1 to February 13, 1968 $29,659-80 1,25o.55 $1,25o.55 210.02 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Charges: 1966 1967 Medical Assistance - Accounts Receivable~ $36,793.40 46,297.67 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Outstanding December 31, 1967 $.36,793°40 40,657-57 Outstanding January 1, 1968 Charges January 1 to February 13, 1968 $77,450.97 5,6~0.10 $55~640'10 640.00 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 38 $30,910.35 $30,910.35 $2,460.57 $2,~60.57 $83,091.07 $83,091.07 $11,280.10 $11,280.1C VETERANS' SERVICES DEPARTMENT Accounts Receivable Outstanding January 1, 1966 Charges: 1966 1967 $10,096.03 12,45oo94 $9,775.98 22,546 o 97 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Ab at ement 1966 1967 Outstanding December 31, 1967 15,109.17 lO,448o43 8.50 8o80 Outstanding January 1, 1968 Charges January 1 to February 13, 1968 Commitment in error Outstanding February 13, 1968, per list .25,557o6o 17030 6,748oO5 $6,748o 05 1,895. O8 .lO 8,643.03 SCHOOL DEPAR~NT Miscellaneous Receipts_ Receipts: 1966 1967 $8,525.9? 9,85.0.14 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 8,525°97 9,85o.14 Receipts January 1 to-February 13, Payments to treasurer January i to February 13, 1968 1968 39 $32,322.95 $32,322.95 $8,643.13 $8,643013 $18,376.11 $18,376011 $1,485.oo $1,485.oo SCHOOL DEPAR~,~ENT_ Lunch program_ Receipts: 1966 1967 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Receipts January 1 to February 13, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Cash balance February 13, 1968, verified Receipts: 1966 1967 Athletic Activities Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Petty Cash Advance_ Cash advance February 13, 1968 Cash on hand February 13, 1968: In office, verified Memoranda, per vouchers $88,123o35 92,320.28 88,123.35_ 92,320.2~ $8,686.49 4,602.00 $7,836.~8 702.50 7,836.48 4,702.50 $93.64 6°36 $18o,443.63 $180,443.63 $13,288.49 $13,288.49 $12,538.98 $12,538.98 $100.00 $100.00. STEVENS MEMORIAL LIBRARY Receipts Cash balance January 1, 1966 Receipts: 1966 1967 $981.96 1,033.08 Payments to treasur,er: 1966 1967 Cash balance December 31, 1967 997.O6 1,006.47 Cash balance January 1, 1968 Receipts January 1 to February 13, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Cash balance February 13, 1968 WATER LI~ENS - 1965~ Outstanding January 1, 1966 Payments to treasurer 1966 I WATER LIEN,S - 1966 Commitment per warrant Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 $84.17 2,o15.o4 2,oo3.5e~ 95. 136.42 2o5.79 26.31 $715.76 236.88 $2,099.21 $2,099.21 $232.10 $232.10 $191.70 $191.70 $9~2,64 $952,6}.l. WATER LIENS, - 1967 _ Commitment per warrant Payments to treasurer Outstanding December 31, 1967 Outstanding January 1, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, '1968 Outstanding February 13, 1968, per list Outstanding January 1, 1966 Charges: 1966 1967 WATER DEPARTMENT Rates._ $129,872.17 15o,315.Ol Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Abatements 1967 Transferred to water liens: 1966 1967 Adjustments: Charges reported in error: 1966 1967 Outstanding December 31, 1967 127,093 · 61 1~7,503.02 835.27 1,425.83 23.98 99.58 Outstanding January 1, 1967 Charges January 1 to February 13, 1968 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Unlocated difference February 13, 1968 Outstanding February 13, 1968, per list Cash balance February 13, 1968 $1,313.56 486.5o 969.58 416.92 $~,573.53 28o,187.18 27~,596.63 167.79 2,261.10 123.56 7,611.63. $7,611.63 39,311.59 34,877.16 29.07 8,647,69 3,369.30 $1,800.06 $1,800.06 9486.5o $284,76o.71 $284,760.71 $46,923.22 $46,923.22 WATER. .DEPARTM~.NT _ Water Constru. ction -~d Miscellaneous r Accounts Receivable_ Outstanding January 1, 1966' Charges: 1966 1967 Audit adjustments December 31, 1967: Sewer construction and miscellaneous accounts receivable reported as water construction and miscellaneous accounts receivable $27,190.52 27,491.83 $2,689.21 682.35 $57,417.00 Payments to treasurer: 1966 1967 Abatements 1967 Transferred to water liens: 1966 1967 Adjustment 1966: Charges reported in error Outstanding December 31, 1967 26, 51.25 28,179.50 117.37 374.23 Outstanding January 1, 1968 Charges January 1 to February 13, 1968 54,630.75. 93.80 491.60 6.00 2,194.85 $2,194.85 868.36 $57,417.00 $3,063.21 Payments to treasurer January 1 to February 13, 1968 Outstanding February 13, 1968. per list Cash balance February 13, 1968 $869.86 1,443.35 750.00 $3,063.21 WATER DEPARTMENT_ Reconciliation ofColl~ctor's Cash_ Balance February 13, 1968, per tables: Sewer construction and miscellaneous $2~.00 Water rates 3,369.30. Water construction and miscellaneous 750.00 Unidentified cash Cash on hand February 13, 1968: In office, verified $4,156.19 $4,156.19 On Hand January 1, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 Income Income ADDLE S. ARMITAGE CHARITY FUND In Custody of Town Treasurer Savings Deposits $5,9ol.51 6,186.01 6,~9B 6,~93o13 Re..,c eip, t s payme.nts 1966 $28~.5o Added to savings deposits $307.12 Added to savings deposits January 1 .~o ~ebruary !3. 1968_ No transactions recorded Total $5,901.51 6,186.01 6,h93.13 6,~93.13 $28~.5o $307o12 On Hand January 1, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 Income Income Income JOSEPH M. AN~, SUSAN F. STONE CHARITY FUND In Custody of Town Treasurer Savings Deposit~ $10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000o00 Receipts payments $429.40 1967 Transferred to town Transferred to town $479.74 J_-nuary. 1 to Fe. bruary 13. 1968_ $56.26 Transferred to town On Hand January 1, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 Income Income 'TAYLOR CHARITY FU.ND In C.~ust. ody of Town Treas. urer_ Savings $135.63 141.72 149.21 149.21 Receipts_ Payments !966_ $6.09 Added to savings deposits $7.49 Added to savings deposits January 1 to February 13. 1968_ No transactions recorded 46 To t al $10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 $429.40 $479.74 $56.26 To t al $135.63 141.7a 149.21 14 9 · 21 $6.09 $7.49 On Hand_ January 1, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 Income Income SARAH BARKER SCHOOL FUND_ In Custody. of Town Treasurer_ Savings Deposits_ $1,9~2.09 1,986.92 2,075.29 2,075.29 Rec. eip. ts _ P..ayment s~_ 1966 $82.83 Added to savings deposits Legal fees $88.37 Added to savings deposits January 1 to February 13, 1968_ No transactions recorded 47 Total_ $1,942.09 1,986.92 2,075.29 2,075.29 $88.37 48 On Hand January 1, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 Income Income On Hand January 1, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 MOSES TOWNE SCHOOL FUND In Custody of Town Treasurer Savings Depositp $6,2hh. 80 6,516. 2 6,835.57 6,835.57 ~e~ceipts Payment~s_ 1966 $272.12 Added to savings deposits 1967 _ $318.65 Added to savings deposits ~.---.-.---~. January 1 to February 13, !968 No transactions recorded HERMAN KOBER CEmeTERY PERPETUAL CARE FUND In Custody .of Town Treasurer Savings $100.00 !00.00 100.00 100o00 Receipts_ Payment s ~_ Income payable to the Ridgewood Cemetery Association Total $6,2~h.80 6,516.92 6,835.57 6,835.57 $272.12 $318.65 Total_ $100.00 100.00 !00.00 100.00 On Hand January 1, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 Ino ome Income KATE H. STEVENS OLD BURYING GROUND FUND In Custody of Town Treasurer Savings $188.91 197.05 205.82 205.82 PaymentS. ~eceipts_ 1966 $8.14 Added to savings deposits $8.77 Added to savings deposits January I to February 13, 1968 No transactions recorded STABILIZATION FUND_ On Hand January 1, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 Tn Custody of Town Treasurer Savings Deposits $20,808.52 31,744.27 43,541.90 ~3,668.03 P ayme.nt s_ _ Rec. ei~ts __ 1966. Town appropriation $10,000.00 Added to savings Income , 935.75 deposits Town appropriation Income $i0;935:75 .$10,000o00 Added to savings 1,797o63~ deposits --$11,797.63 January 1 to February 13. 196~ $126.13 Added to savings ~ deposits 49 Total_ $188.91 197.05 2o5.82 2o5.82 $8.14 To tal $20,808.52 31,74~ · 27 ~ 3,541 · 90 43,668.03 $10,935.75 $1o~'93~..7~ $11,797 ..63~ ~il,'797.63 Income 5o GEORGE W. AND RUTH E. BERRIAI~ MEMORIAL FInD In Custody of Library Trustees On Hand January 1, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 Savings Securities Cash Deposits Book Value ~t~ ~. o~ $1, OOOo oo - 67 o 97 1,000 o O0 - 42°76 _ $1,000.00 57 o 89 _ 1, ooo. co Receipts Income Cash on hand January 1, 1966 Payments $48°22 Expenditures 45.05 Cash on hand December 31, 1966 Withdrawn from savings deposits Income Cash on hand January 1, 1967. $93°27 Purchase of $1,000.00 securities [~5o22 Expenditures 67.97 Cash on hand December 31, 1967 Income Cash on hand January 1, 1968 '$1,~13.1§ January 1 to February 13, 1968 815.13 Cash on hand 42.76 February 13, 1968 Total $1,O45oO5 1,067 o 97 1,042 $~5.3o 67.97 ~'~93.2V $1,000 ° O0 70.[~3 42.76 857.89 ANNE BRADSTREET LIBRARY FUND On Hand January 1, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 In Custody of Library Trustees Savings Se curit ies Cash ~D~e pos i ts Book Value~ $247.16 $1,500.00 - 31~ o 51 1,500.00 - . , , oo.oo 355. - 1,500.00 Receipts._ payments_ Total $1,747.16 l, 81~.51 1,833.53_ 1,855.3~ Income Cash on hand January 1, 1966 Withdrawn from savings deposits Income Cash on hand January l, 1967 Income Cash on hand January 1, 1968 1966 $72.35 247.16 Expenditure s Cash on hand December 31, 1966 $1,500.00 65.27 31~.51 Janqary 1 to Februar~ 13,_ 1968 $21.85 Cash on hand 333-53 February 13, 1968 L'$355~3~ $5.00 314.51 Purchase of securities $1,500.00 Expenditures 46.25 Cash on hand December 31, 1967 333.53 $355.38 CHARTJ~S WHITNEY DAVIS LIBRARY FU~ND On Hand January 1, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 Custody ,of Library Trust.ees_ C ash $251.78 263.12 26.3O 192.75 Receipts Income Cash on hand January 1, 1966 Savings Securities Deposits_ Book Value Total_ $1,223.04 $10,173.96 $11,648.78 1,223.04 10,173.96 11,660.12 _ 11,397.00 11,~23.30 . 11,397.00 11,589.75 $533.98 Expenditures 251.78 Cash on hand December 31, 1966 Withdrawn from savings deposits Income Cash on hand January 1, 1967 Income Cash on hand January 1, 1968 Purchase of securities $1,223o04 Expenditures h97.25 Cash on hand 263o12 December 31, 1967 to February 13. 1968_ $166°45 Cash on hand 26.30 February 13, 1968 263.12 $1,223.04 7 34.07 26.30 '$1,9~3 o4~ $192.75 PHILLIPS LIBRARY FUND In Custody .of Library Trustees On Hand January l, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 Cash_ $g4.98 176.11 62.05 99. o4 Rece. ipts Savings D.e, po s_i ts $2,55o.oo 2,55o.oo Securities Book Value $2,55o.oo 2,550.00 Payments 1966 Gifts Income Cash on hand January 1, 1966 Withdrawn from savings deposits Income Cash on hand January 1, 1967 $103.56 Expenditures 122.11 Cash on hand ~4.98 December 31, 1966 '$~70.65- 1967 Purchase of securities $2,550.00 Expenditures 110.50 Cash on hand 176.77 December 31, 1967 ~January 1 to Februar7 .13, 1968 I nc ome Cash on hand February 13, 1968. $36.99 Cash on hand 62.05 February 13, 1968 $99.04 53 Total _ $2,594.98 2,726.17 2,612.05 2,649.04 $93.88 176.77 $270'"/65~ $2,55o.oo 62.05 ~'~2, ~-7.27- $99.04 DALE STEVENS CHILDREN'S BOOK FUND On Hahd January 1, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 In Custody, of Library Trustees Cash Savings Deposits Securities Par Value $178.15 $7,550.00 $1,000.00 2.02 7,550.00 1,000o00 100.;.I. 7 - - 200.02 - - Receipts_ Payment s _ 1966 Se cur it les Book Value, $4,95o. co ~, 95o. co 13,5oo.oo 13,5oo.oo Income Cash on hand January 1, 1966 $6~,~.22 178.15 Expenditures Cash on hand December 31, 1966 Withdrawn from savings deposits Income Cash on hand January 1, 1967 ~967 Purchase of $7,550°00 securities 587.65 Expenditures 2.02 Cash on hand December 31, 1967 Income Cash on hand January 1, 1968 j_mnuary .! to F. ebruary 13. 1968 $196.71 lOO.h7 Expenditures Cash on hand February l3, 1968 $297.1~ To t_a!_ $13,678.15 13,502.02 13,600.47 13,700.02 $82O.B5 2.02 $7,55o°oo ~89.2o lOO.47 $97.16 200.02 '~2-97.1~ 55 W, LIZABETH P. STEVENS FUND In Custody of Library Trustees On Hand Savings Securities Cash Deposits Book Value _ January l, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 $85.89 $10,827.21 - 145.26 10,827.21 - 56.58 - $10,827.21 118.62 - 10,827.21 Receipts Payments 1966., I nc ome Cash on hand January 1, 1966 $5~. 28 Expenditures .89 Cash on hand December 31, 1966 Withdrawn from savings deposits Income Cash on hand January l, 1967 W6oo.Y $10,827 o 21 472.14 14 5.26 Purchase of securities Expenditures Cash on hand December 31, 1967 ~$1'1,444.6i - january, 1 to February 13, 1968_ Income $158 Expenditures Cash on hand JanUary 1, 1968 56° Cash on hand February 13, 1968 Total $10,913 °10 10,972.47 10,883.79 lo, 945.83 $454.91 145.26 - $10,827 °21 560.82 56.58 - $11 ;'444 o6~ $96 o o0 118o62 56 MOSES T. STEV~ES FUND In Custody of Library Trustees On Hand January l, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 Savings Securities Cash Deposits Kook Value $15.9o $1o, ooo.oo - 15.03 10,000.00 - 55.27 _ $10,000.00 101.5~ - 10,000.00 Receipts Income Cash on hand January 1, 1966 Payment s 1966 $~75.00 Expenditures 15.90 Cash on hand December 31, 1966 Withdrawn from savings deposits Income Cash on hand January l, 1967 %k 90.90~ 1967__ Purchase of $10,000o00 securities ~36.99 Expenditures 15.03 Cash on hand December 31, 1967 I~C ome Cash on hand January 1, 1968 $£O,k52.0a- J,nuary 1 to Febr.uarY .13. %968 $1~6.27 Expenditures 55.27 Cash on hand February 13, 1968 $2ol.54 Total o, o~.5.90 10,015.03 ~o,o55.~ 10,101. $475.87 15.03 $10,000.00 396.75 55.27 -$£o,452.o~TM 57 NATHANIEL AND ELIZABETH P. STEVENS FUND_ In Custody of Library.Trustees On Hand January 1, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 Savings Securities C~sh_ Deposits Book Value $2,657.48 $25,000.00 - 2,Z~29 61 25, 000.00 - 3,168 [ 11 - $25,000.00 3,4 95 o 35 ' 25,000. O0 Receipts_ Income Cash on hand January l, 1966 Withdrawn from savings deposits Income Cash on hand January 1, 1967 P~ayment s. Total __ $27,657. 8 27,427.61 28,495.35 _19.6.6 $1,194.77 Expenditures 2,657.~8 Cash balance December 31, 1966 1967 _ $25,000.00 1,089.95 2,429.61 $1,422.64 2,429.61 $3,'t~52.25~- Purchase of securities $25,000-00 Expenditures 351.45 Cash on hand December 31, 1967 - $28 ,"519; Januar..y 1 to February 13. 1968 $364.8J~ 3,168.11 $3,532'.95 Inc oma Cash on hand January 1, 1968 Expenditures Cash on hand February 13, 1968 3,168.11 - $'28,519.5¢ $37.60 3,495.35 ABBOTT STEVENS FUND In Custody ..of Library Tr. ust..ees On Hand January 1, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 Savings Securities Book Value_ Cash Deposits $35o.5o $1H,92OolO 998.92 14,920.10 363°32 - 721 · 26 - Receipts_ Income Cash on hand January 1, 1966 Withdrawn from savings deposits Income Cash on hand January l, 1967 $10,079.90 10,079.90 25,000.00 25,000.00 Payment~ 1966 $1,124.93 Expenditures 350.50 Cash on hand December 31, 1966 $14,920o10 1,089.94 998.92 Total_ $25,35o. 5o 25,998.92 25,363.32 25, 721.26 $476.51 998.92 Purchase of securities $14,920o10 Expenditures 1,725o5~ Cash on hand December 31, 1967 363.32 · '$i7,008.96 Janu_ary 1 to February .13, 1968 36~. 84 363.32 Expenditures Cash on hand February 13, 1968 Inc omo Cash on hand January 1,' 1968 $17, oo8.'96~ $6.90 721.26 59 MARY O. TYLER LIBRARY FUND_ In Custody of Library Trustees On Hand January 1, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 C ash Savings Deposits Securities Book Value $177.80 $12,500.00 - 320.19 12,500.00 - 47.21 . $12,500.00 230.47 . 12,500.00 ~eceipts_ Income Cash on hand January 1, 1966 ~.Payme.n ts_ 1966 $595.53 Expenditures 177.80 Cash on hand December 31, 1966 Withdrawn from savings deposits Income Cash on hand January l, 1967 Income Cash on hand January 1, 1968 -$773.33 1967 _ Purchase of securities $12,500.00 Expenditures 547.47 Cash on hand 320o19 December 31, 1967 $13,367 .'~6-- January 1 to February 13, 1968 _ $183.26 Cash on hand February 13, 47.21 1968 T. ot.al~_ $12,677.80 12,820.19 12, 547 · 21 12, 730.47 $45~.14 320.19 '$77J'.3~ $12,500.00 82o.45 47 o21 $230.47 6O SPECIAL GIFT FUND On Hand_ January l, 1966 December 31, 1966 December 31, 1967 February 13, 1968 In Custody of Libr.ary .Truste..es Cash _ $220.10 172.15 274.27 382.38 Receipts_ Savings Deposits ~1,825.oo 1,825° O0 Securities Book Value $1,825. oo 1,825.00 p_p?yment s_ 1966 _ Gifts Income Cash on hand January 1, 1966 Withdrawn from savings deposits Gifts Income Cash on hand January 1, 1967 Gifts Income Cash on hand January 1, 1968 $74.8 Expenditures 86.68 Cash on hand December 31, 220.10 1966 1967_ Purchase of securities $1,825.00 Expenditures 229.03 Cash on hand 80°37 December 31, 1967 172.15 $2,3d6.5% ~.anuary 1 to February 13, 1968 $81.22 Cash on hand 26.89 February 13, 1968 274.27 '$362.36 _Tot.al_ _ $2, o45.1o 1,997.15 2,099.2~ 2,207.3 $1,825.oo 207.28 274.27 306 o 55-- $382.38 61 RECONCILIATION OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES' CASH Cash balance February 13, 1968, per tables: George W. and Ruth E. Berrian Memorial Fund Anne Bradstreet Library Fund Charles ~itney Dsvis Library Fund Phillips Library Fund Dale Stevens Children's Book Fund Elizabeth P. Stevens Fund Moses Stevens Fund Nath~niel and Elizabeth P. Stevens Fund Abbott Stevens Fund Mary 0.Tyler Library Fund Special Gift Fund $5?.89 355.38 192.75 9~.o4 2OO.O2 118o62 lOl.5~ 3,495.35 721.26 230o~ 382.3~ Cash on hand February 13, 1968: Merrimack Valley National Bank, per statement and check book $5, g54.7o $5,95~.70 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER Balane Sheet - December 31, 1967 GENERAL ACCOUNTS Cash: Gene ral AccoUnts Receivable: Taxes: Levy of 1967: Personal Property Real Estate Motor Vehicle Excise: Levy of 1967 Farm Excise: Levy of 1967 Special Assessments: Sewer: Unapportioned J Added to Taxes: Levy of 1967 Street: Unapportioned Water: Unapportloned Added to Taxes: Levy of 1967 Committed Interest: 8ewer: Levy of 1967 Water: Levy of 1967 Assets ,8h2.ho 29,3Ol .48 42,339.95 233.30 8,500.20 28,363.80 108.00 49°98 43.20 $531,165o28 30,143.88 18,553.84 27 °35 79,638.43 Liabilities and Reserves Temporary Loans: In Anticipation of Serial Issue Payroll Deductions: Federal Taxes State Taxes $16,048.28 3,520.67 Agency: County - Dog Licenses Tail ings: Unclaimed Checks T~ust Fund Income: Stone Charity Fund Taylor Charity Fund 4,678.31 78.00 Recoveries: Disability Assistance Veterans' Services 2,564° 72 5~3.75 Federal Grants: Disability Assistance: Administration 76.69 Assistance 1,5~6.33 Aid to Dependent Children: Administration 13.21 Aid 1,956.55 Old Age Assistance: Administration 1,0~9.60 Assistance 7,049.63 $245, ooo. oo 19,568.95 28.25 399.0O 4,756.31 3,108.~7 Accounts Receivable: (Cont.) Tax Titles and. Possessions: Tax Titles Tax Possessions Departmental: Fire Sewer Disability Assistance Aid to Dependent Children Old Age Assistance Medical ~ssistance Veterans' Services 3,801. O1 5,587.74 10o O0 617o20 124 °42 907 1,25o.55 5,640.10 6,748.05 Water: Liens Added to Taxes: Levy of 1967 Rates Construction and Miscellaneous 486.50 7,611.63 -2.194.85 Aid to Highways: State County 16,o5T.5o 8,02~ o 74 Loans Authorized: School New Well Police Station Equipment 582,000. O0 230,000°00 9~: 000 O0 000 ~ O0 Unprovided For or Overdrawn Accounts: Underestimates 1967 Assessments: State Recreation Areas 2,604.47 County Tax 8,969°69 GENERAL ACCOUNTS (CONT,) 9,388.75 Federal Grants: (Cont.) Medical Assistance: Administration Assistance School Aid': Public Law #81-874 Public Law #85-864 Public Law #88-210 Public Law #89-10 1 197.70 33,929.32 5,302.59 96.19 11,268.91 Revolving Funds: School Lunch School Athletics 11,000.88 3,152o87 15,297.79 10,292.98 Appropriation Balances: Revenue: General Water Non-Revenue: Fire Equipment Highway Equipment Municipal Relief Sewer Construction Water Construction 72,653 o 09 4,695.95 26.50 2,673.00 1,825.09 7,475.25 104,984.34 24,086.24 Loans Authorized and Unissued Sale of Real Estate Fund 914,000.00 11,57~o16 64,250.57 14,153.75 194,333.22 669, 0oo. oo 4,458.37 Unprovided For or 0verdra~ Accounts: Overlay Deficits: Levy of 1967 Overdrawn Appropriations: Snow Removal Addition Franklin School 13,196.65 7,906.96 GENERAL ACCOUNTS (CONT.) (Cont.) 4,380.60 Receipts Reserved for Appropriation: Chapter 679, Highway Aid 9,024 o15 Library Aid 2,727°00 21,103.61 Reserve Fund - Overlay Surplus Revenue Reserved Until Collected: Motor Vehicle Excise 18,553o84 27 °35 Farm Excise 'Special Assessment Tax Tible and Possession Departmental Water Aid to Highway 79,638°43 9,388°75 15,297.79 10,292~98 24,086.24 $1,669,652.91 Surplus Revenue 11,751.15 838.97 157,285o38 280,720.52 $1,669,652.91 Apportioned Assessments'Not Due: Sewer Water DEFERRED REVENUE ACCOUNTS $5~,597.13 15,329.10 Apportioned Sewer Assessment Revenue: Due in 1968 to 1977, Inclusive Apportioned Water Assessment Revenue: Due in 1968 to 1987, Inclusive $69,926.23' $5~,597.13 15, 329.10 Net Funded or Fixed Inside Debt Limit: General Outside Debt Limit: General Public Service Enterprise Deb t: $1,~60,000.00 252,5oo.oo ~DEBT ACCOUNTS $610,000. O0 1,712,500.00 Serial Loans: Inside Debt Limit: General: Fire Equipment Highway Equipment Municipal Relief Sewer School $5,000.00 55, ooo.oo 35, ooo.oo 315,000.00 200,000.00 Outside Debt Limit: General: School 1,~60,000.00 Public Service Enterprise: Water 252,500.00 $2,322,500.00 $610, 000. O0 1,712,500.00 $2,322o50d.00 m m m m mm m m m m m m ~ m m m m m m Trus.t and Investment Funds: Cash and Securities: In Custody of Treasurer In Custody of Library Trustees TRUST AND INVEST}~EIIT ACCOUNTS In Custody of Treasurer: Welfare Funds: $69,400°92 Addie S. Armitage Joseph Mo and 119,629.08 Susan F. Stone Taylor School t~nds: Sarah Barker Moses Towne Cemetery Funds: Herman Kober Perpetual Care Kate H. Stevens Old Burying Grounds Investment Funds: Stabilization $6,493o13 10,000 o O0 ~49o21 2 075.29 100o00 2o5.82 43,541.90 $189,030.00 In Custody of Library Trustees: Library Funds: George W. and Ruth E o Berrian- Memo r i al Anne Bradstreet Charles Whitney Davis Phillips Dale Stevens Children' s Book Elizabeth Stevens Moses Stevens Nathaniel and Elizabeth P. Stevens Abbott Stevens Mary O. Tyler Special Gifts 1,042o76 1,833o53 11,423.30 2,612.05 13,600.47 10,883°79 1 O, 055.27 28,168.11 25,363-32 12, ~7o21 2,099.27 $69,400.92 119,~9~08 ~189,030.00