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AUDIT 12-31-1965
Form DA-96. 2M'seta-(2)-2-66-94201§ II · he ~ommonweal~h of ~assa~huse~s · · DEPARTMENT OF CORPORATIONS AND TAXATION BUREAU OF ACCOUNTS REPORT OF AN AUDIT of THE ACCOUNTS OF THE TOWN OF NORTH AN DOVER FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1965 Made in A~cordance with the Provisions of Chapter [~, General Laws 0ct~'b'er '25~ ~966 i · Gu',' J. R,zzo"r'ro COMM I $$1ONE;R I AWi'HU. H. D~'c'ro~ o~' ACCOUNTS October 25, 1966 MAIL ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 2017 BOSTON, MASS. Oa108 To the Board of Selectmen Mr. Fred P. 0akes, Chairman North Andover, Massachusetts Gentlemen: I submit herewith my report of an audit of tn~ Oooks and accounts of the town of North Andover for the year ending' December 31, 1965, made in accordance with Dne provisions of Chapter L~, General Laws. This is in the form of a ~eport made to me by Mr. William Schwartz, Assistant Chief of AHM:MCC Director of Accounts I I I I Mr. Arthur H. MacKinnon Director of Accounts Department of Corporations and Taxation Boston, Massachusetts Sir: In accordance with your instructions, I have made an audit of the books and accounts of the town of North Andover for the year ending December 31, 1965, the following report being submitted thereon: An examination and verification was made of the recorded financial transactions of the town as shown on the books of the departments receiving or disbursing money for the town or committing bills for collection. The books and accounts of the town accountant were examined and checked. The cash receipts as recorded were checked with the available departmental records and with the treasurer's books, while ~he payments were compared with the treasury warrants authorizing the disbursement of town funds and with the treasurer's records. The ledger accounts were analyzed, the appropriation accounts were checked with the amounts voted by the town as shown by the town clerk's irecords of town meetings, the transfers rmom the reserve fund were compared with the authorizations of the finance cormmittee, while other accounts were I I I the checked with information in the several departments in which the transactions originated. A trial ~oalance was taken off, and a balance sheet, which is appended to this report, was prepared showing the financial condition of town as of December 31, 1965. The books and accounts of the town treasurer were examined and ichecked in detail. The recorded receipts were analyzed and compared with the departmental records of payments to the treasurer, with other sources from which money was paid into the town treast~y, and with the town accountant's books. The payments were compared with the warrants approved by the selectmen and with the town accountant's books. The treasurer's cash balance on January 31, 1966 was proved by reconciliation of the bank balances with statements furnished by the banks of deposit and by examination of the savings bank books and certificates of deposit. The payments on account of maturing debt and interest were proved with the amounts falling due during the audit period and were compared with the cancelled securities and coupons on file. The outstanding coupons were listed and reconciled with a statement furnished by the bank in which funds are deposited for this purpose. The records of payroll deductions on account of Federal and State taxes, the retirement systems, teachers' annuities~ group insurance, and United Fund of Greater Lawrence were examined and reconciled with the town accountant's ledger accounts. The records of tax titles and tax possessions held by the town were examined and checked. The amounts transferred to the tax title account were checked with the collector's books, the reported redemptions of tax titles and sales of tax possessions were compared with the treasurer's recorded receipts, ~nd the tax titles and tax possessions on hand were listed, reconciled with the town accountant's ledger, and checked with the records at the Registry of Deeds. The savings bank beoks representing, the investment of the several trust and investment funds in the custody of the town treas~er were examined. The income was proved, the withdrawals were verified, and the transfers to the town were compared with the receipts as recorded on the treasurer's cash book. The transactions of the'trust funds in the custody of the library trustees were verified, and the securities and savings bank books representing the investment of these funds were examined and listed. The books and accounts in the tax collector's office were examined and checked. The taxes, excise, and assessments outstanding at the time of the previous audit, and all subsequent commitments, were audited and compared with the assessors' warrants. The cash receipts as posted in the commitment books were compared with the cash book record of collections, the abatements were compared with the assessors' records of abatements granted, the taxes transferred to the tax title account were verified, the payments to the treasurer were c~ecked with the treasurer's recorded receipts, and the outstanding accounts were listed and proved with the controlling accounts in the town accountant's ledger. The records of departmental, sewer, and water accounts were examined and checked. The reported payments to the treasurer were compared with the treasurer's cash book, the abatements were verified, and the outstanding accounts were listed and reconciled with the town accountant's ledger accounts. Verification of the outstanding tax, excise, assessment, depart- mental, sewer, and water accounts was made by mailing notices to a number of persons whose names appeared on the books as owing money to the town, and from the replies received thereto it appears that the accounts, as listed, are correct. The assessors' records of apportioned sewer and street betterment assessments were examined. The payments in advance were checked with the treasurer's recorded receipts, the amounts added to the tax levy of 1965 were compared with the collector's records~ and the apportionments due in future years were listed and reconciled with the respective accounts in the town accountant's ledger. The town clerk's records pertaining to dog and sporting licenses issued, as well as to collections for recording fees, marriage intentions, etc., and to collections on behalf of the wire inspector and gas inspector, were examined and checked. The cash book was footed, the payments to the town treasurer and to the State were verified, and the cash on hand January 31, 1968 was verified. The surety bonds filed by the town officials required by law to furnish them for the faithful performance of their duties were examined and found to be in proper form. The records of departmental cash collections by the board of selectmen, the sealer of weights and measures, and the building inspector, as well as by the infirmary, school, and library departments, and by all other departments in which money was collected for the town, were examined and checked. The payments to the town treasurer were verified by comparison with the treasurer's and the town accountant's books, and the cash on hand in the several departments, including petty cash advances, was proved by actual count. The books and accounts'of the treasurer of the North Andover and Boxford District of Veterans' Services were audited in conjunction with the audit of the town treasurer's accounts. The cash book was analyzed, the recorded receipts and disbursements were verified, and the cash balance on January 31, 1966 was proved by reconciliation of the bank balance with a statement furnished by the bank of deposit. In addition to th~ balance sheet, there are appended to this report tables showing a reconciliation of the treasurer's cash, summaries of the tax, excise, assessment, departmental, sewer, and water ~ccoun~s, as well as schedules showing the condition and transactions of the several trust and investment funds. For the cooperation extended by all town officials during the progress of the audit, I wish, on behalf of my assistants and for myself, to express appreciation. WS:MCC Respectfully submitted, I I I I I I I I I I I I RECONCILIATION OF TREASURER,S CASH Balance January 1, 1965, Receipts, Payments, Balance December 31, .1965, $441,454.86 3,914,722.48 $3,883,566.23 472,611. ll Balance January l, 1966, Receipts January I to 31, 1966, Payments January 1 to 31, 1966, Balance JanUary 31, 1966, $472,611. ll 52,698.49 $159,843.83 365,465.77 Balance January 31, 1966, Cash variation January 31, 1966, Cash on hand January 31, 1966: In banks: Bay State Merchants National Bank, Lawrence: General, Water mains, Certificate of deposit, No. DT708, Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company, Arlington Trust Company, Lawrence: General, School, Merrimack Valley National Bank, State Street Bank and Trust Company, Boston, Community Savings Bank, Lawrence: Book No. 27346, ~ Merrimack Valley National Bank: Book No. 4005042, Book No. 4005043, In office, verified, $30,655.79 13,855.84' 80,000.00 41,192.87' 67,309.54* 21,692.96' 51,592.61' 41,720.35' 6,166.96 279.67 1,913.68 $365,465.77 .06 $356,380.27 9,o85.56 · Per bank statement and check register. 6 $4,356,177.34 $525,309.60 $~2~.309.6Q $365,465.83 $36~.h6~.83 ~tate Merchants National Bank~ Lawrence Bay ~ General Account Balance January 31, 1966, per statement, Balance January 31, 1966, per check register, Outstanding checks January 31, 1966, per list, $30,655.79 70,406.58 $101,062.37 $101. 062..37 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i ! RECONCILIATION OF .$OND AND COUPON ACCOUNT State Street Bank and Trust Company~ Boston Balance January 31, 1966, per statement, Outstanding coupons January 31, 1966, per list, NORTH ANDOVER AND BOXFORD DISTRICT Department of Veterans' Services Reconciliation of District Treasurer's Cash Balance January l, 1965, Receipts: Town of North Andover, Town of Boxford, Payroll deductions: County retirement system, $1,088.26 171.74 60. O0 $33.92 1,320.00 Payments: Director's salary, Telephone, Treasurer's bond, County retirement system, Balance December 31, 1965, $1,200.00 2.50 60.00 $1,322.25 31.67 Balance January 1, 1966, Receipts January I to 31, 1966: Town of North Andover, Payroll deductions: County retirement system, Payments January I to 31, 1966: Director's salary, County rebiremen~ system, Balance January 31, 1966: Bay State Merchants National Bank, per statement and check book, $1,088.26 5.00 $100. O0 5.00 $31.67 1,093.26 $1o5.oo 1,019.93 $1,098.00 $1.o98.OQ $1,353.92 $1,124.93 PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS Federal Taxes Balance January l, 1965, Deductions, Payments to Director of Internal Revenue, Balance December 31, 1965, Balance January l, 1966, Deductions January i to 31, 1966, Payments to Director of Internal Revenue January i to 31, 1966, Balance January 31, 1966, per list, Balance January l, 1965, Deductions, Payments: State, Commission to town, Balance December 31, 1965, State Taxes $21,782.40 130.57 Balance January 1, 1966, Deductions January i to 31, 1966, Payments January I to 31, 1966: State, Commission to town, Balance January 31, 1966, per list, $2,174.81 12.69 County Retirement System Deductions 1965~ Payments to county treasurer 1965, Deductions January i to 31, 1966, Balance January ~l, 1966, per list, $16,656.37 174,8~!1!.25 -17,083 $17,083.15 12,603.73 $17,085.15 12,603.73 $2,072.33 22,028.14 $21,912.97 2,187.50 $2,187.50 1,597.60 $2,187.50 1,597.60 8 $191,500.62 $191.~00._62 $29,686.88 $29,686.88 $24,100.47 $2.4,1oo.4z $3,785.10 $~.78~.10 $36,44 8.63 $36.k48.63 $2,304.85 $2.3o~_-8~ PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement Syste~ Deductions.1965, Payments to Massachusetts Teachers' Retirement Board 1965, Deductions January I to 31, 1966, Balance January 31, 1966, per list, Teachers' Annuities Deductions 1965, Payments 1965: Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, $2,~0.00 16o.oo Deductions January I to 31, 1966, Balance January 31, 1966, per list, Blue Cross and Blue Shield Balance January l, 1965, Deductions, Blue Cross and Blue Shield deductions reported as Blue Cross and Blue Shield pensioners deductions, Payments to Massachusetts Hospital Services, Inc., Balance December 31, 1965, $138.4o 22,674.14 1.76 $22,628.16 186.14 Balance January l, 1966, Deductions January I to 31, 1966, $186.14 1,903.14 Balance January 31, 1966, per lis't, 9 $33,485.41 $2,600.00 $2 ,;6.oo. oQ $650.00 $6~o.o0 $22,814.3,o $2,089.28 $2,.089.28 PAYR 0L'L DEDUCT IONS Pensioners Blue Cross and Blue Shield Deductions 1965, Payments to Massachusetts Hospital Services, Inc. 1965, Blue Cross and Blue Shield deductions reported as Blue Cross and Blue Shield Pensioners:.deddctions 1955, Deductions January i to 31, 1966, Balance January 31, 1966, per list, $1,933.83 1.76 lO $1,935.59 9178.49 Gr. oup Insurance Balance January l, 1965, Deductions, Payments to Prudential Life Insurance Company, Balance December 31, 1965, Balance January 1, 1966, Deductions January I to 31, 1966, Balance January 31, 1966, per list, $25.o6 4,869.84 $4,863.22 31.68 $31.68 385.64 94,894.90 $417.32 United Fund of Greater Lawrence Deductions 1965, Payments to United Fund of Greater Lawrence 1965, Deductions January i to 31, 1966, Balance January 31 1966, per list, 9128.46 I I I I I I I I I I TAX COLLECTOR Reconciliation ,of Cash Cash balances January 31, 1966, per tables: Real estate taxes 1965, Motor vehicle excise 1965, ~ Unapportioned water assessments, Interest on taxes and excise, Cash on hand January 31, 1966: Arlington Trust Company, per statement and check book, In office, verified, .Petty Cash Advance Cash advance January 31, 1966, Cash on hand January 31, 1966, verified, POLL TAXES - 1963 Abatements cancelled 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES - 1964 Outstanding January l, 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, Abatements 1965, REAL ESTATE TAXES - 1964 Outstanding January l, 1965, Refunds, Payments to treasurer 1965, Abatements 1965, Transferred to tax titles 1965, $28.36 2J, 511.23 6O.OO 12.70 $1,644.06 968.23 $853.30 35.00 $39,338°58 1,263.o5 $37,786.23 2,790.20 25.20 ll $2,612.29 $2,612.29 $100.00 $~oo.oo $2.00 $2.o0 $888.3O ~888.30 $40,601.63 $4,o,601.6j PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES - 196~ Commitments per warrant, Payments to treasurer, Abatements, Outstanding December 31, 1965, $94,766.25 183.75 796.50 - Outstanding January l, 1966, Payments to treasurer January i to 31, 1966, Outstanding January 31, 1966, per list, $9o.oo 706.50 REAL ESTATE TAXES - 196~ Commitments per warrant, Additional commitment, Refunds, Payments to treasurer, Abatements, Transferred to tax titles, Outstanding December 31, 1965, $1,747,434.00 83o.25 4,233.24 $1,651,667.4.1 74,955.28 263.25 25,611.55 Outstanding January l, 1966, Payments to treasurer January 1 to 31, 1966, Outstanding January 31, 1966, per list, Cash balance January 31, 1966, $2,019.30 23,563.89 28.36 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE - 1962 Abatements cancelled 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE - 1964 Outstanding January 1, 1965, Commitments, per warrants, Refunds, Abatements cancelled, Payments to treasurer 1965, Abatements 1965, $28,749.15 5,439.68 2,322.80 515.oo $27,582.07 9,;~;!1! .56 $95,746.50 $9~. 746. ~0 $796.50 $796,,. fo $1,752,497.49 $1. 792.497.49 $25,611.55' $161.70 $37,026.63 $37,026.63~ · 13 MOTOR VEHICLE EXCISE - 196~ Commitments, per warrants, Refunds, Payments to treasurer, Abatements, Outstanding December 31, 1965, Outstanding January 1, 1966, Commitments January 1 to 31, 1966, per warrants, Refunds January I to 31, 1966, Overpayments to be refunded, Payments to treasurer.January 1 to 31, 1966, Abatements January i to 31, 1966, Outstanding January 31, 1966, per list, Cash balance January 31, 1966, Outstanding January 1, 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, FARM EXCISE - 1964 Commitments, per warrant, FARM EXCISE - 196~ Payments to treasurer, Outstanding December 31, 1965 and January 31, 1966, per list, $271,629.98 6,138.00 $24o, o72.58 24,757.49 12,937.91 $12,937.91 15,474.90 335.76 225.15 $6,827.81 1,011o33 18,623.35 2,511.23 $~;~6.60 4 .22 $277,767.98 $277.767.98 $28,973.72 $28.973.72 $29.25 $487.8a ~k87.82 UNAPPORTIONED SEWER ASSESSMENTS Outstanding January 1, 1965, Commitments per warrants, $21,339.80 3,810.00 Payments to treasurer, Abatements, Apportionments, Outstanding December 31, 1965, $4,116.18 300.00 1,800.00 18,933.62 Outstanding January 1, 1966, Payments to treasurer January i to 31, 1966, Outstanding January 31, 1966, per list, $1,620.00 17,313.62 SEWER ASSESSI~NTS - 1964 Outstanding January 1, 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, SEWER ASS-ESSMENTS - 1965 Commitment per warrant, Payments to treasurer, Transferred to tax titles, Outstanding December 31, 1965 and January 31, 1966, per list, $10,008.88 30.00 102.00 APPORTIONED SEWER ASSESSMENTS - NOT DUE Balance January 1, 1965, Apportionments, $54,~348.18 1, UO0.00 Payments to treasurer in advance, Added to taxes 1965, Audit adjustment: List in error, Balance December 31, 1965, $1,654.60 10,140.88 .lO 44,352.60 Balance January 1, 1966, Payments to treasurer in advance~ January I to 31, 1966, Balance January 31, 1966, per list: Due in 1966 to 1975, inclusive, $359.20 43,993.40 $25,149.80 $25,1k9.8o $18,933.62 $18,933-62 $264.70 $264.70 $10,140.88 $1o,140,.88 $56,148.18 $56,148.18 $~$, 352.60 STREET ASSESSMENTS - 196~ Commitment per warrant, Payments to treasurer 1965, APPORTIONED STREET ASSESSMENTS - NOT DUE Balance January 1, 1965, Added to taxes 1965, Balance December 31, 1965 and January 31, 1966, per list: Due in 1966, $1,099.49 1,099.49 UNAPPORTIONED WATER ASSESSMENTS Commitment per warrants, ' Payments to treasurer, .Outstanding December 31, 1965, $375.00 3,000.00 Outstanding January 1, 1966, Payments to treasurer January I to 31, 1966, Outstanding January 31, 1966, per list, Cash balance January 31, 1966, $15o.oo 2,790. O0 60.00 COMMITTED SEWER INTEREST - 1964 Outstanding January 1, 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, COMMITTED SEWER INTEREST- 19~ Commitment per warrant, Payments to treasurer, Transferred to tax titles, Outstanding December 31, 1965 and January 31, 1966, per list, $2,133.12 8.40 32.64 15 $1,099.49 $1.099,49 $2,198.98 $2,198.98, $3,375.00 $3,000.00 $3.000.00 $75.77 $2,174.16 $2,174..16 COMMITTED STREET INTEREST - 1965~ commitment per warrant, Payments to treasurer 1965, INTEREST ON TAXES~ EXCISE AND ASSESSMENTS Collections 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, Collections January i to 31, 1966, Payments to treasurer January I to 31, 1966, Cash balance January 31, 1966, $85.97 12o7O MUNICIPAL LZENS Collections 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, Collections January 1 to 31, 1966, Payments to treasurer January i to 31, 1966, Receipts 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, PR 0-FORMA TAX TAX TITLES Balance January 1, 1965, Transferred to tax titles: Taxes 1964, Taxes 1965, Sewer assessments 1965, Committed sewer interest 1965, Interest and costs, $25.2o 263.25 30.00 8.40 44.35 Tax titles redeemed, Balance December 31, 1965 and January 31, 1966, per list, $2,887.82 371.20 $1,461.72 1,797.30 16 $87.96 $8?.96_ $2,297.24 $2,297.22 $98.67 $633.00 $27.00 $27 $.78 $3,259.02 $3.259.02 TAX POSSESS IONS Balance January 1, 1965, Sale of tax possessions credited direct to surplus revenue, Balance December 31, 1965 and January 31, 1966, per list, Licenses issued 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, Fees retained 1965, TOWN CLERK Dog Licenses Licenses issued January 1 to 31, 1966, Cash balance January 31, 1966, Sporting Licenses Cash balance January l, 1965, Licenses issued, Payments to Division of Fisheries and Game, Fees retained, Cash balance December 31, 1965, Cash balance January l, 1966, Licenses issued January I to 31, 1966, Payments to Division of Fisheries and Game January i to 31, 1966, Cash balance January 31, 1966, Miscellaneous Receipts Receipts 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, Receipts January I to 31, 1966, Cash balance January 31, 1966, $27.O6 5,662.25 $1,263.25 143.75 $64°00 2,811.55 $2,596 · O0 159.o5 12o.5o $12o.5o 451.oo $12o.5o 451.oo 17 $5,689.31 $1,407.00 $1 :,407. O0 $14.00 $1koO0 $571.50 $~71. fo $1,387.95 $1~387.9~ $94.60 $9Eo6O TOWN CLERK Reconciliation of Cash Cash balances January 31, 1966, per tables: Dog licenses, Sporting licenses, Miscellaneous receipts, Cash on hand January 31, 1966, verified, SELECTMEN.S DEPARTMENT Licenses and permits issued 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, Licenses and permits issued January i to 31, 1966, Cash balance January 31, 1966, verified, PLANNING BOARD Receipts 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, FIRE DEPARTMENT Accounts Receivable Outstanding January l, 1965, Charges, Payments to treasurer, Abatements, Outstanding December 31, 1965 and January 31, 19S6, per list, Miscellaneous Receipts Receipts January i to 31, 1966, Payments to treasurer January i to 31, 1966, $14.oo 451.oo 94.60 $363.04 20°00 $20.00 353.o4 10.00 18 $559.6o $599.60 $7,o85.oo $7,08~..00 $268.00 $268.00 $57.oo $383.04 $100.00 $1oo.oq BUILDING INSPECTOR Permits issued 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, Permits issued January 1 to 31, 1966, Cash balance January 31, 1966, verified, WIRE INSPECTOR Permits issued 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, Permits issued January I to 31, 1966, Cash on hand January 31, 1966, verified, GAS INSPECTOR Permits issued 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, Permits issued January I to 31, 1966, Cash on hand January 31, 1966, verified, SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Cash balance January l, 1965, Receipts, Payments to treasurer, ~ Cash balance December 31, 1965, Cash balance January 1, 1966, Cash on hand January 31, 1966, verified, Receipts 1965: Sale of maps, ASSESSORS ' DEPARTMENT Miscellaneous Receipts Payments to treasurer. 1965, Receipts January I to 31, 1966: Sale of maps, Payments to treasurer January 1 to 31, 1966, $!7.30 445.50 $406.70 56.10 19 $6,405.90 $6,40~. 90. $73.25 $795.00 $79~oOO $5o.oo $71.00 $71.oo' $462.80 $462.80 $56. o $56.1o $68.00 ~68.00 $5.00 $~o00 TREE DEPARTMENT Accounts Receivable Outstanding January 1, 1965, Abatements 1965, HEALTH DEPARTMENT Licenses and Permits Licenses and permits issued 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, Licenses and permits issued January I to 31, 1966, Cash balance January 31, 1966, verified, PLUMBING INSPECTOR Permits issued 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, Permits issued January i to 31, L966, Cash balance January 31, 1966, verified, SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND MISCELLANEOUS Accounts Receivable Outstanding January I, 1965, Charges, Payments to treasurer, Sewer construction and miscellaneous accounts receivable reported as water construction and miscellaneous accounts receivable, Outstanding December 31, 1965, Outstanding January l, 1966, Charges January i to 31,!.1966, Outstanding January 31, 1966, per list, Cash balance January 31, 1966, $280.09 9,679.26 $9,440.49 16.55 5o2.31 $5o2 o31 307.13 $491o31 318.13 2O $19.00 $19 .,oo $1,409.00 $1 .hO9.00 $21.00 $2~ ~oo $1,946.00 $1,9k6~00 $141.00 $9,959.35 $9.9~9.35 $809.;~;~ $8o9.hh I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Accounts Receivable Charges 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, PUBLIC WELFARE DEPARTMENT Infirmary ReceiPts Receipts 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, Receipts January i to 31, 1966, Cash balance January 31, 1966, verified, General Relief - Accounts Receivable Outstanding January 1, 1965, Charges, Payments to treasurer 1965, Abatements 1965, $1,300.00 3,163o28 $3,163.28 1,300.00 Disability Assistance - Accounts Receivable Charges 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, Charges January i to 31, 1966, Outstanding January 31, 1966, per~ list, Aid to Dependent Children - Accounts Receivable Outstanding January l, 1965, Charges, Payments to treasurer, OutStanding December 31, 1965, $2,485.18 8,771.57 1,813 · 90 Outstanding January t, 1966, Charges January 1 to 31, 1966, Outstanding January 31, 1966, per list, $1,813.90 198.84 21 $172.5o $3,824.73 $3,82h.7~ $255.78 $4,463.28 $4,778.15 $h,?78.15 $145.93 $14~.93 $11,256.75 $11.256.75 $2,012.74 $2.q12o74 BUREAU OF OLD AGE ASSISTANCE 01d Age ASsistance - Accounts Receivable Charges 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, Charges January 1 to 31, 1966, Outstanding January 31, 1966, per list, Medical Assistance for the Aged - Accounts Receivable Charges 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, Charges January i to 31, 1966, Outstanding January 31, 1966, per list, VETERANS' SERVICES DEPARTMENT Accounts Receivable Outstanding January 1, 1965, Charges, Payments to treasurer, Abatements, Outstanding December 31, 1965, $8,307.32 10,637.31 $9,165.33 3.32 9,775.98 Outstanding January l, 1966, Charges January i to 31, 1966, $9,775.98 748.37 Outstanding January 31, 1966, per list, SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Miscellaneous Receipts Receipts 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, 22 $1.3a9,,,,44 $31,483.39 $2,693.90 $2,693°90 $18.9hl~. 63 $1o,524.B5 $6,954.25 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Receipts 1965, Lunch Program P~Yments to treasu~.er 1965, Receipts January 1 to 31, 1966, Payments to treasurer January 1 to 31, 1966, Cash balance January 31, 1966, verified, Athletic Activities Receipts 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, Receipts January I to 31, 1966, Cash balance January 31, 1966, verified, Petty Cash Advance Cash advance January 31, 1966 and February 18, 1966, Cash on hand February 18, 1966: In office, verified, Memoranda, per vouchers, STEVENS MEMORIAL LIBRARY Cash balance January l, 1965, Receipts, Payments to treasurer, Cash balance December 31, 1965, Receipts Cash balance January 1, 1966, Receipts January 1 to 31, 1966, Payments to treasurer January I to 31, 1966, Cash balance January 31, 1966, verified, $8,272.55 2,973.79 $10.96 89.04 $92o81 996 o 98 $1,005 o 62 84.17 $84.17 94.59 $84o17 94.59 23 $85,811.67 $89,811.67 $11,246.34 $5,045°25 $~.oh~.2~ $430.00 $h3o.oo $100.00 $100.00 $1,0'89.79 $1.089.79 $178.76 $178.76 WATER LIENS - 1964 Outstanding January 1, 1965, Payments to treasurer 1965, WATER LIENS - 196~ Commitment per warrant, Payments to treasurer, Outstanding December 31, 1965 and January 31, 1966, per list, WATER DEPARTMENT Rates Outstanding January l, 1965, Charges, Refunds, Payments to treasurer, Audit adjustments: Charges reported in error, Water liens not recorded, Outstanding December 31, 1965, Outstanding January l, 1966, Charges January i to 31, 1966, Unlocated difference January 31, 1966, Audit adjustment January 31, 1966: Charges reported in error, Outstanding January 31, 1966, per list, Cash balance January 31, 1966, $860.g8 191.70 $4,592.11 125, 3 89. 24 12.36 $124,372.52 790.33 4,573.53 $4,573.53 29,309.78 .73 $23.98 lO,9O6.88 22,953.18 $900.61 $900.61 $1,051.98 $129,993.71 $33,884.o4 $33.88k.ok, WATER DEPARTMENT Water Construction and Miscellaneous - Accounts Receivable Outstanding January 1, 1965, Charges, Sewer construction and miscellaneous accounts receivable reported as water construction and miscellaneous accounts receivable, 'Payments to treasurer, Audit adjustments: Charges reported in error, Abatement not recorded, Water liens not recorded, Outstanding December 31, 1965, $650.16 36,309.12 16.55 $34,015.75 .72 8.50 261.65 2,689.21 Outstanding January l, 1966, Charges January i to 31, 1966, Outstanding January 31, 1966, per list, Cash balance January 31, 1966, $2,689.21 1,4o5.52 $3,229.33 865.40 Reconciliation of Collector's Cash Balance January 31, 1966, per tables: Sewer construction and miscellaneous, $318.13 Water rates, 22,953.18 Water construction and miscellaneous, 865.4© Unidentified cash, $24,136.71 18.29 Cash on hand January 31, 1966: Arlington Trust Company, Lawrence, per statement and check book, In office, verified, $24,032.81 122.19 25 $36,975.83 $36,97~.83 $4,094.73 $4.094.73 $z4,155.oo $24.1~.00 I I i I I I I I I I I I I On Hand January 1, 1985, December 31, 1965, January 31, 1966, Income, ADDIE S. ARMITAGE CHARITY FUND In Custody of Town Treasurer Savings Deposits 5,797.7o 5,901.51 5,901.51 Receipts Payments $263081 Added to savings deposits, Transferred to town, $263.81 January 1 to 31~ 1966 No transactions recorded JOSEPH M. AND SUSAN F. STONE CHARITY FU~D In Custody of Town Treasurer On Hand January 1, 1965, December 31, 1965, January 31, 1966, Savings D~posits $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Receipts 965 Payments Income ,~ Transferred to town, I nc ome, January 1 to 31~ 1966 ~.26.5~ Transferred to town, 26 Total 5,797.70 5, 9Ol. 51 5,9Ol.51 $1o3.81 160. O0 Total $10,000.00 10,000.00 lO,O00.O0 $26.56 On Hand January 1, 1965, December 31, 1965, January 31, 1966, Income, On Hand January l, 1965, December 31, 1965, January 31, 1966, Income, TAYLOR CHARITY FUND In Custody of Town Treasurer Receipts Savings Deposits $1 3o.36 $135.63 $135.63 ~yments 1965 $5o,2~7_ Added to savings deposits, January 1 to 31, 1966' No transactions recorded SARAH BARKER SCHOOL FUND In Custody of Town Treasurer Receipt. s. Savings Deposits l, 903.95 1,942.09 $1,942.09 payments 1965 $76.14 Added to savings deposits, Legal fees, January 1 ,to 3,1, 1966 No transactions recorded 27 Total $130.36 135o63. 135.63 $~o27 Total $1,903.95 ,942.09 $38.14 38.00 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I On Hand' January 1, 1965, December 31, 1965, January 31, 1966, I nc ome, On Hand January 1, 1965, December 31, 1965, January 31, 1966, On Hand January 1, 1965, December 31, 1965, January 31, 1966, Income, MOSES TOWNE SCHOOL FUND In Custody of Town Treasurer Savings Deposits $5,994.56 $6,21~ .8o $6,2~!~! .80 \ Receipts Payments $250.2~ Added to savings deposits, January 1 to 31, ~966 No transactions recorded HERY~YN KOBER CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE FUED In Custody of Town Treasurer Receipts Income payable to the Ridgewood Cemetery Association Savings Deposits $100o00 100o00 100.00 Payments KATE H. STEVENS OLD BURYING GROUND FUND In Custody of Town Treasurer Receipts Savings Deposits ilS1 ~9 188!91 188 91 Payments 1965 ~ .~ Added to s'avings deposits, January I to 31~ 1966 No transactions recorded 2¸8 Total $5,994.56 6,244.80 $6,a44o8O Total ~lOO.OO 100.00 100o00 Total $1~1.59 188.91 188.91 $7°32 29 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I On Hand January l, 1965, December 31, 1965, Receipts Withdrawn from savings deposits, Income, POST-WAR REHABILITATION FUND In Custody of Town Treasurer Savings Deposits Pa,~ents $4,756.44 lO7.01 Transferred to town, STABILIZATION FUND In Custody of Town Treasurer On Hand Savings Deposits January 1, 1965, December 31, 1965, January 31, 1966, $10,229.68 20,808.52 $20,808.52 Receipts Payment s ~,96~ Town appropriation, Income, $10,000o00 578.84 $!0,57~. Added to savings deposits, January 1 6o 31, 1966 No transactions recorded Total $4,756.~ $4,863.45 Total $10,229.68 $20,808.52 $~o,8o8.5~, $10,578.84 ~1o~?~0~4 / GEORGE W. AND RUTH E. BERR!AN MEMORIAL FU~TD~× In Custody of Library Trustees On Hand January 1, 1965, December 31, 1965, January 31, 1966, Savings Cash Deposit.~ 3O Receipts Total ,~96~ Income, Cash om hand January l, 1965, Income, Cash on hand January l, 1966, $.05 !l,OOO.OO $1,ooo.o5 $45.05 '1', ooo. co$~, 045.05 $56.30 1,000.00 $1,056.30 Payments $45.00 Cash on hand December 31, 1965, .05 January 1 to 31, 1966 Cash on hand January 31, 1966, $11.25 __45005 $56.30 ANNE BRADSTREET LIBRARY FUND On Hand In Custody of Library Trustees January 1, 1965, December 31, 1965, January 31, 1966, / / Savings Cash Deposits Receipts $1,500. OD $1,500. O0 $1,5oo.oo 1965 Income, Cash on hand January l, 1965, $69.02 $247. lb $178.14 247.16 264.04 Income, Cash on hand January l, 1966, Payments Cash on hand December 31, 1965, January 1 to 31~ 1966 $16.88 247.16 $26h,04 Cash on hand January 31, 1966, $45.05 $4~.o~ $56.30 Total $1,678.14 ,764.04 $247.16 $247.16 $264.04 ~26~.0k On Hand January 1, 1965, December 31, 1965, January 31, 1966, CHARLES WHITNEY DAVIS LIBRARY FDliD In Custody of Library Trustees S , Savings ecurltzes Cash Deposits Book Value 140.53 $1,225° o4 251.78 $1,223.04 $57.50 $1,225.04 Receipts $10,175.96 $10,173.96 $10,173.96 Payments Income, Cash on hand January l, 1965, 196~ $530.04 Expenditures, Cash on hand December 51, 140.33 1965,' $670.37 Income, Cash on hand January l, 1966, January. 1 to 31, 1966 $13 · 76 251.78 Expenditures, Cash on hand January 31, 1966, PHILLIPS LIBRARY FUND In Custody of Library Trustees On Hand January 1, 1965, December 31, 1965, January 31, 1966, R, ece, ipts 1965 Savings Cash Deposits- 47.04 $2,550.00 44.98 $2,550 O0 60.17 $2,550~00 Payment s Gifts, I nc ome, Cash on hand January l, i965, Income, Cash on hand January l, 1966, $93°96 114.76 Expenditures, Cash on hand December 31, 1965, January 1 to 31, 1966 $15.19 · 44.98 $60.17 Cash on hand January 31, 1966, 31 Total 11,53733 ll,6 S TS $11,454.50 $418.59 .2~1.78 '~670.'37 $208.04 Total $2,597.0& ,610.17 $210.78 $2~o76 $60.17 DALE STEVENS. CHILDREN,S BOOK FUND In Custody of Library Trustees On Hand Savings Cash Deposits Securities Par Value Book Value January 1, 1965, $7.75 December 31, 1965, $178o15 January 3t, 1966, $52o41 i7,55o.oo 7,550.00 7,550. co Ii,00'00 ,000.00 ,000.00 4,950. oo 4,950. oo $4,9~o.oo ~eceipts 1765 Pa, ,~, ent s, Income, Cash on hand January l, 1965, $623051 ~31.:26 Expenditures, Cash on hand December 31, January 1 to 31.~ 1966 Income ,' Cash on hand January l, 1966, $28.69 ' Expenditures, Cash on hand January 31, 178.15 1966, $2og. / ELIZABETH P. STEVENS FUND In Custody of Library Trustees On Hand January 1, 1965, December 31, 1965, January 31, 1966, Savings Cash Deposits 64.64 $10,827.21 85°89 $10,827o21 $85.89 $10,827.21 Receipts 'Payments Income, Cash on hand January l, 1965, i96~ $487.2i _ 64.64 $991o,8'~ Expenditures, Cash on hand December 31, 1965, Cash on hand January 1, 1966, January 1 to 31., 1966 Cash on hand January 31, ~85o 89 1966, 32 Total $13,507°75 $13,678.15 $13,552o41 $453.11 i78 $154.431 52.41 $2o6':~4 Total $10,891.85 lO,91J.iO 10,913.10 $465.96 $8~.87~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I MOSES T. STEVENS FUND In Custody, of Library Trustees On Hand Cash Savings D~osits January 1, 1965, December 31, 1965, January 31, 1966, $72.60 15.9o 15.9o $10,000.00 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Receipts Payments 1965 I nc ome, Cash on hand January l, 1965, $45o.oo 72.6O Expenditures, Cash on hand December 31, 1965, January ~ to 31~ 1966 Cash on hand January l, 1966, $1 ~.,gq Cash on hand January 31, 1966, NATHANIEL AND ELIZABETH P. STEVENS FUND~' In Custody of Library Trustees On Hand Savings Cash Deposits January 1, 1965, December 31, 1965, January 31, 1966, $1,933.61 $2,657.48 $2,769.98 25,000.00 25,000.00 $25,ooo.oo Receipts Payments 1965 Income, Cash on hand January l, 1965, $1,125o00 1~933.61 $3~05~.6! Expenditures, Cash on hand December 31, 1965, January 1 to 31~ 1966 Income, Cash on hand January l, 1966, $112.5.o Cash on hand January 31', 1966, Total $10,072.60 $10,015.90 $10,015.90 $506.70 15.9o $522o~60 $1g. 9Q Total $26,933.61 $27,657.48 $27,769.98 $401o13 2,657.48 $3,0~.61 $2,769.98 $2.769.98 ABBOTT STEVENS FUND In Custody of Library Trustees On Hand January 1, 1965, December 31, 1965, January 31, 1966, Cash $274.32 35o.5o Savings D~posits $14,920.10 14,920.10 14,920.10 Securities Book Value $10,079.90 $10,079.90 $10,079.90 Receipts Payments Income, Cash on hand January l, 1965, 1965 $1,116.40 .4 274.32' $1.390.72 Expenditures, Cash on hand December 1965, I nc ome, Cash on hand January 1, 1966, January 1 to 31~ 1966 $45°00 350.50 Cash on hand January 31, 1966, MARY 0. TYLER LIBRARY FUND In Cflsto4y of Library Trustees On Hand Cash Savings Deposits January 1, 1965, December 31, 1965, January 31, 1966, $225.oo $177.80 $65.4o $12,500. O0 $12,500.00 $12,5oo.oo Receiots P ayme nt s Income, Cash on hand January l, 1965, 1965 $555.39 _ 225. oo ~780.39 Expenditure s, Cash on hand December 31, 1965, Income, Cash on hand January 1966, January t to 31, 1966 $56.25 Expe ndi tures, Cash on hand January 31, 177.80 1966, '_~2~'4.,Q~ 34 Total $25,274.32 $25,350.50 $25,395°50 $1,040 o 22 , 350.50 $1.'t~ $395.50 $395.50 Total $12,725. oo 12,677.80 12,565.4o $602.59 177.80 $-780.39 $168.65 65.40 35 SPECIAL GIFT FUND In Custody of Librar. y Trustees On Hand Cash Savings Deposits January 1, 1965, December 31, 1965, January 31, 1966, $135o'31 ~22O.lO $193.24 $1,825. O0 $1,825. oo $1,825.oo R. eceip~s Payments Gifts, I nc ome, Cash on hand January l, 1965, $168.13 82.12 Expenditures, Cash on hand December 31, 1965, January 1 to 31, 1966 Gifts, Cash on hand January l, 1966, $5.00 220.10 $225.10 Expenditures, Cash on hand January 31, 1966, Total $1,960.31 ~, o45.1o ,018.24 $165.46 220o10 $31.86 193.24 $225.10 RECONCILIATION OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES' CASH Cash balances January 31, 1966, per tables: George W. and Ruth E. Berrian Memorial Fund, Anne Bradstreet Library Fund, Charles Whitney Davis Library Fund, Phillips Library Fund, Dale Stevens Children's Book Fund, Elizabeth P. Stevens Fund, Moses To Stevens Fund, Nathaniel and Elizabeth~P. Stevens Fund, Abbott Stevens Fund, Mary 0. Tyler Library Fund, Special Gift Fund, $56.30 264.o4 57.50 60.17 ? 15.90 2,769.98 395.5o 65.4© 193o24 Cash on hand January 31, 1966: ~ Merrimack Valley National Bank, per statement and check book, $4,016o33 $~,016.33 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER Balance Sheet - December 31, 1965 GEEERAL ACCOUNTS Liabilities and Reserves Cash: General, Accounts Receivable: Taxes: Levy of 1965: Personal Property, Real Estate, $796.5o 25,611.55 Motor Vehicle EXcise: Levy of 1965, Farm Exc i s e: Levy of 1965, Special Assessments: Sewer': Unapportioned, Added to Taxes: Levy of 1965, Committed Interest: Sewer: Levy of 1965, $18,933.62 102.00 32.64- Tax Titles and Possessions: Tax Titles, $1,797o30 TaX Possessions, 5,662.25 $472,611.11 26,408°05 12,937.91 41.22 19,068o26 7,459.55 Payroll Deductions: Federal Taxes, State Taxes, Blue Cross and Blue Shield, Group Insuranbe, Tailings: Unclaimed Checks, Trust Fund Income: Stone Charity Fund, Taylor Charity Fund, Recoveries: Public Welfare, Disability Assistance, Aid to Dependent Children, Federal Grants: Disability Assistance: Administration, Assistance, Aid to Dependent Children: Administration, Aid, $17,083.15 2,187.50 31.68 $3,769.17 78. oo $5oo~oo 177.65 347.00 $1,167.14 2,967.35 1,453.22 6,887.o5 $19,488.47 4oa.4o- 3,847.17 1,024.65 Accounts Receivable: Departmental: Fir e, Sewer, Aid to Dependent Children, Veterans' Services, (Cont o ) $1o.o0 5o2.31 1,813.90 9,775- 98 Water: Unappor t i one d Assessments, Liens Added to Taxes: Levy of 1965, Rates, Construction and miscellaneous, $3,000.00 191.70 4,573.53 2,689.21 'Aid to Highways: State, Count y, $18,036.18 9,018.08 GENERAL ACCOUNTS (CONT.) 12,102.19 Federal Grants: (Cont.) 01d Age Assistance: Administration, Assistance, Medical Assistance for the Aged: Admini s tr at i on, Assistance, School Aid: Public Law #81-874, Public Law #85-864, Revolving Funds: School Lunch, School Athletics, 10,454.44 27,o54.26 Appropriation Balances: ~evenue: General, Water, Non-Revenue: Fire Equipment, Sewer Construction, School Construction, Water Construction, OverestiMates 1965: State Recreation Areas, County Tax, 3,489.80 17,~7.11 1,651.18 1,871.14 18,707.02 8,319.05 $15,588.86 2,769.89 $108,500.60 896.23 26°50 30,044.66 1,325.3a 26,414.89 $676.03 3,869.60 Sale of Real Estate Fund, Receipts Reserved for Appropriation: Library Aid, 63,960.06 18,358.75 167,208.20 4,545.63 4,458.37 2,727.00 GENERAL ACCOUNTS (CONT.) Reserve Fund - Overlay Surplus, Overlays Reserved for Abatements: Overlay 1965, Revenue Reserved Until Collected: Motor Vehicle Excise, Farm Excise, Special Assessment, Tax Title and Possession, Departmental, Water, Aid to Hi,away, $12,937.91 41.22 19i 068.26 ?,459.55 12,102.19 lO,454.44 27, O54.26 Surplus Revenue, 819.63 1,157.72 89,117.83 211,015.11 Apportioned Assessments Not Due: Sewer, Street, DEFERRED REVENUE ACCOUNTS Apportioned Sewer Assessment Revenue:- $1~$,352.60 Due in 1966 to 1975, Inclusive, Apportioned Street Assessment Revenue: Due in 1966, $44,352.60 l, o99.49 Net Funded or Fixed Debt: Inside Debt Limit: General, Outside Debt Limf. t General, Public S< vic,~ Enterprise $1,740,000.00 240, 000.00 DEBT ACCOUNTS Serial Loans: Inside Debt Limib: $443,000.00 General: Fire Equipment, S ewer, School, 1,980,000.00 Outside Dabt Limit: General: School, Public Service Enterpr.ise: Water, $15,000.00 188,000.00 240,000.00 $1,740, 000.00 240,000.00 $443,ooo.oo 1,980,000.00 TRUST AND INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS Trust and Investment Funds: Cash and Securities: In Custody of Treasurer, in Custody of Library Trustees, $45,321.46 119,374o00 In Custody of Treasurer: Welfare Funds: Addie S. Armitage, Joseph M. and Susan F. Stone, Taylor, School Funds: Sarah Barker, Moses Towne, Cemetery Funds: Herman Kober Perpetual Care, Kate Ho Stevens 01d Burying Ground, Investment Funds: Stabilization, $5,9ol.5i 10,000. O0 135'.63 1,942 . o 9 6,2l~ o8O 100.00 188.91 20,808.52 $45,321.46 TRUST AND INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS (CONT.) In Custody of Library Trustees: Library Funds: George W. and Ruth ~.o Berrian Memor ial, $1,04~. O~ Anne Br~~dstreet, 1,747.16 Char-les Whitney Davis, 11,648.78 Phillips, 2~, 594.98 Dale Stevens Children's Book, 13,678.15 Elizabeth P. Stevens, 10,913.10 Noses T. Stevens, Nathaniel and Elizabeth P. Stevens, Abbott Stevens, Mary 0o Tyler, Special Gifts, 10,015.90 27,657.48 25, 35o. 5o 12,677.80 2,o45.1o 119,374.00