HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-15The North Andover Planning Board held a meeting on December 15, 1988 in
the Town Hall Selectmen's Meeting Room. The meeting was called to order
at 8:O8 p.m. by the Chairman Paul Hedstrom. Also present were George
Perna, Vice Chairman; John Simons, Clerk and and Michael Leary. Erich
Nitzsche was absent.
Public Hearings
Boston Brook - Definitive Subdivision & PRD
John Simons read the legal notices to open the public hearings for the
definitive subdivision and the PRD, Special Permit.
Ralph Joyce, attorney, gave the Board background on the Boston Brook
applications. He stated that in April of 1987 the original Subdivision
showed 24-25 lot subdivision and now the applicant is showing a cluster
development for empty nesters with 22 units. There will also be three
single family homes.
Byron Holmes, architect, spoke to the Board on culverts to be placed in
Boston Brook. He said that there will be 4 culverts,(4 - 10'x7' high).
Mr. Holmes said that the applicant will be asking for a waiver on the
length of the cul-de-sac. Mr. Holmes also stated that there would be a
2 to 1 replication of the wetlands. George Perna asked what the impact
to the flooding situation was and have they made the situation better or
worse. Mr. Holmes replied that it would be no better and no worse.
John Simons questioned the percentage of open space in the 24 acre
parcel. Mr Holmes said that approximately 83% would be open space
(20.18 acres). John Simons said he would like to see three more units
in the cluster development rather than the three houses.
Mr. Holmes stated that his client was going to deed some land for the
third fire station. D.E.M. counsel, Nick Vontzalides was present and
stated that it was not feasible.
John Simons spoke regarding the letter from the Board of Health. Mr.
Holmes said that he has been working with Mike Graf, Health Sanitarian.
Peter Brown, 1701 Salem Street spoke on the possible flooding situation
in the area. Paul Hedstrom spoke on wetlands and flooding issues. 90%
Conservation issue, 10% Planning Board issue. He said that the Planning
Board has the authority to make sure that upstream and downstream are
better. Byron Holmes said that Boston Survey has reviewed the plans and
that increasing the size of the culverts would eliminate part of the
John Simons said he would like to see the design of the cluster
development. Mr. Holmes showed John the design and stated that the
units would be 2,500 sq.ft. Paul Hedstrom spoke on the issue of septic
systems in the PRD application and the density figures. George Perna
expressed concerns with the 90 degree turns going into the driveways.
Paul Hedstrom questioned the visibility and sight distance.
MOTION: By George Perna to continue the public hearing until January 19,
SECOND= Michael Leary
VOTE= Unanimous of those present.
Paul Heds~rom turned the chair over to George Perna at 9:10 p.m.
Brook School - Special Permit - Watershed District
John Simons read the legal notice to open the public hearing. A letter
was received from the applicant asking for a withdrawal without
MOTION: By John Simons to accept the withdrawal without prejudice.
SECONDs Michael Leary
VOTE, Unanimous of those present.
Riparian Realty Trust - Site Plan Review
John Simons read a letter from the Building Inspector. A letter was
also received from the Conservation Commission regarding Lot 1 Berry
Street and Lot 2 Salem Turnpike, dated December 14, 1988 and is
available for anyone to read, addressing eight issues related to the
project. Scott Stocking, Town Planner summarized the letter from
Conservation. Scott Stocking stated that the Conservation Commission
was ready to issue a decision, a denial based in the plan before the
Board. The applicant asked that the Conservation Commission hold off
until there is more input from the Planning Board on it. If the plan is
marketably changed then Conservation will issue its decision to deny, if
there is substantial changes, the Commission will asked them to withdraw
the application and submit another Notice of Intent. John Simons stated
that he couldn't understand if the plan was going to change why didn't
the applicant withdraw this site plan. Scott Stocking said the issue is
how significant the plans are going to change.
Paul Hedstrom returned at 9:15 p.m. and George Perna turned the meeting
back to the chairman.
Scott Stocking went over some of the issues that are still outstanding
with the Planning Boards
1. Parking standards
2. Driveway connection between the two buildings
3. Improvements to Berry Street
4. Improvements of intersection of Route 114
5. Drainage
6. Setback between Industrial and Residential Zones.
Bylaw calls for 1OO' between Residential and
Industrial Zone
7. Wetland impacts
8. Technical issues related to septic design
9. Easement documents for septic systems - two different
10. Landscaping screening details
Scott Stocking stated that those are the major issues.
Dennis Cronin, representing the applicant, was present as well as
William Bergeron, Hayes Engineering, and Mr. Rivers from Riparian Realty
Trust. Mr. Cronln spoke to the Board on the technical review process
and that the applicant had four meeting with Conservation Commission and
three meeting with the Technical Review Committee and a prior meeting
with the Planning Board. Mr. Cronin said he felt quite confident that a
design could be adapted that would satisfy the concerns of the
Conservation Commission and he said he is looking for direction on the
issues of the Planning Board brought up by Scott Stocking, Town
Planner. He said on the parking issues and letter from the Building
Inspector that it is a statement of what the principal is and the
application in the particular case, you have to develop a design which
incorporates the projected use and that is what is incorporated in the
plan is what the potential uses are and any conditional approval should
incorporate those projected use on the parking layout and must comply
with that. Mr. Cronin said that is what is meant in that section of the
bylaw was where there were no uses specified.
Mr Cronin also spoke in the VR and Industrial requirements in that the
applicant has complied with the dimensional requirements of the VR
District as it abuts the Residential Zone. He has presented a letter to
Scott Stocking which indicates under this type of situation where you
have a grandfathered right of use that a reasonable regulation is what
he applied, applicant is asking that the Board apply Industrial
dimensional requirements on the other side of the project where it abuts
Industrial use.
Mr Bergeron, Hayes Engineering, spoke to the Board on some of the issues
Scott Stocking, Town Planner brought up. Mr Bergeron stated that he was
somewhat surprised when at the last Technical Review Committee Meeting
when the issue of improving Berry Street was brought up, bringing Berry
Street up to Town standards. Mr Bergeron stated that Scott said that he
would be going to visit the site. Mr Bergeron said that there was a
stone wall along Berry Street also a substantial amount of large trees
along that area and subsequently would have to be removed which was not
their desire. An easement or right-of-way was also requested along the
dirt section of Berry Street for the future so the Town would not have
to do any land taking. Mr. Bergeron stated that it would pose a problem
because it was the primary area for septic system disposal. Mr.
Bergeron provided a letter from D.E.Q.E. saying it was alright for
building 2 and 3 to discharge sewage to another lot as along as there
is a long term easement or lease between the lots. Mr Bergeron said
that someone from D.E.Q.E. had spoken to Erich Nitzsche and that his
concerns should be rested.
Mr. Bergeron stated that he has been working with the different
departments trying to satisfy their concerns.
John Simons asked what the total upland area was. Mr. Bergeron replied
that 14 acres were upland. Conservation says there are 9.75 acres of
upland and 5.5 acres of wetland, of that, John asked how much was
covered for parking. Mr. Bergeron said that 51% was for parking.
John Simons raised issues on the parking lot and wetlands. Scott
clarified some of the issues as raised by the Conservation Commission on
those issues:
Boundary dispute
Resource area used for detention for stormwater
Performance standards of protecting the wetlands.
Driveway to lot 2 eliminated
Extensive work in buffer zone.
Suggesting imposing a 25' no construction zone around
the bordering vet wetlands.
Problem with replication plan.
Scott said those were main issues with the Conservation Commission.
John Simons stated that based on those issues that would be substantial
changes in the plans before the Board. The applicant is working on
those issues. John wanted to see the architectural plans, something
that would show the height of the building and the screening of the
surrounding property.
George Perna and Mr. Bergeron went over some of the issues the Planning
Board had~
Parking area show where it could be if business
changed - not to construct it, show it on the plans.
zoning issues - do they go with the current zoning
(VR) setbacks, applicant next to VR District what's
there is non-conforming and was put there before the
VR went into effect.
ENF (Environmental Notification Form) to be done for
the State curb-cut. Board asking applicant to file,
applicant would like to hold-off because of Berry
Street and the wetland crossing. This was on Scott's
A lengthy discussion took place on the connecting of the two parcels and
the wetlands.
George Perna said there should be some restrictions of commercial
traffic in the Residential Zone.
Bill Hmurciak would like to have more figures on the drainage.
Scott Stocking spoke on the width of Berry Street and the fact that the
impact on Route 114 and Berry Street would be greater. Dennis Cronin
wanted feedback on the connecting of the two parcels.
MOTION~ By Michael Leary to continue the public hearing until the first
meeting in February and accept an extension until February 16th.
SECOND: George Perna
VOTE~ Unanimous of those present.
Woodchuck Grove - PRD
John Willis stated that he has a particle status report and would like
input from the Board. He stated that he has been working with the BSC
Group on the drainage system. BSC is working on the design for the
stormwater run-off as the regulations require for the 10 year storm
event on the road, 25 year storm event on the lot and the 100 year storm
event of a major crossing, to mitigate to zero increase. John Willis
asked for a letter from the Board for clarification; design relief from
the regulations to use what ever the engineer, Mr Herlihy and the Town's
engineer come up with for the drainage of the hill; and direct BSC to
work in conjunction with the applicant as a consultant as well as
working with the Board. Woodchuck Grove will be placed on the agenda
for the second meeting in January.
Subdivision Rules & Requlations
Paul Hedstrom would like more time to go over the rules and regulations
and have the issue put on the agenda for the next two meetings.
George Perna would like to have a working session on the rules and
regulations sometime after January 5th.
MOTION: By George Perna to extend the public hearing to the second
meeting in January.
SECOND: John Simons
VOTE: Unanimous of those present.
Approval Not Required Form A Plans
North Cross Road - Lot Line Adjustment
There is an easement (Frances Estates) going through the property, need
MOTION: By George Perna to approve the Form A Plan subject to removing
the word proposed.
SECOND: Michael Leary
Vote: Unanimous of those present.
Chestnut Street - Lot Line Adjustment
MOTION: By John Simons to approve the Form A Plan subject to identifying
Lot 2 as Lot 2A.
SECOND: Michael Leary
VOTE: Unanimous of those present.
Chestnut Street - Four Common Driveway Special Permits
Scott Stocking spoke to the Board on approving three of the four special
permits cited that it could not be done. You could not pick any
particular combination and leave out one of the special permit
applications. Paul Hedstrom stated that because of the amount of the
units, ll units, off one driveway with 1,OOO feet between one house
location and the street, it was a question of degree, of housing density
allowed by four special permit applications.
John Simons said its a question of how it physically operates, yet it is
effectively a roadway because all the homeowners involved will be
driving on it.
Paul Hedstrom stated that the applicant, in trying to comply with the
common driveway bylaw, in doing so, created a 40 foot paved width that
services 11 house lots,m including a house lot and driveway that is over
1,OOO feet off the roadway, therefore, the extreme paved area creates
public safety issues and subdivision issues. It really is a subdivision.
MOTIONs By George Perna to accept the draft denial on the four special
permits for a common driveway amended by the Board conversation.
SECOND: John Simons
VOTE: Unanimous of those present.
MOTIONs By George Perna to go into Executive Session to discuss
Deseliets vs. Planning Board and Coolidge vs. Planning Board
which are in litigation.
SECOND~ John Simons
VOTE: Unanimous of those present.
The Planning Board went into Executive Session at 10540 p.m.
The Planning Board came out of Executive Session at 11:25 p.m.
Route 114/125
The discussion was tabled due to the hour and the technical issues to be
French Farm Drainage Problem
Scott Stocking stated that he had been in contact with J. Philbin and he
is doing the work. Scott is waiting for him to call back. Paul
Hedstrom said that he would also talk to J. Philbin.
Breckenridge Estates - Bond Release
MOTION~ By John Simons to deny the bond release at this time.
SECOND: George Perna
VOTE: Unanimous of those present.
Willow Industrial Park - Bond Release
MOTIONs By George Perna to deny the bond release at this time due to
incomplete work done on site.
SECOND: John Simons
VOTE: Unanimous of those present.
Carried over to the January 5th meeting.
MOTION: By George Perna to adjourn the meeting
SECOND: John Simons
VOTEs Unanimous of those present.
The meeting adjourned at 11:40 p.m.
Paul A. Hedstrom, Chairman
~'anet L. Eaton, Secretary