HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-17SPECIAL MEETING - April 17, 1986 The PLANNING ~OARD held a Special Meeting on Thursday evening, April 17, 1986 at 8:00 p.m. in the Town Office Meeting Room. The following members were present and voting at the meeting: Michael P. Roberts, Chairman; John J. Simons. Burke and John Karen Nelson, Town Planner, Charles Foster, Building Inspector and William Cyr, Highway Surveyor were also at the meeting. BEAR HILL Karen Nelson updated the Board on the problems which Bear Hill residents are having with erosion and washouts. Zak AleX~nian and John Tuttle, developers on Bear Hill, were invited to the meeting. Tom GOodW~n, re~resgntative for Mr. Alexanian was the only developer present. T~e Board requested that bo~h devel~pers'comPiy with the Highway Surveyor's recommendations which 'incfude th~ d°mPlete regr~ding Q~ the,Toad in the Subdivision ~o later than 3O days from this m~eti,g ('M~'~7,"~1986). MOTION: By John J. Burke that if the work is not completed within 30 days, that the Planning Board take the bond on Bear Hill, and to instruct the Town Planner to follow-up on this issue at the subsequent Regular Meeting. SECOND: John Simons. VOTE: Unanimous. PUBLIC HEARING Smolak Rezoning Proposal - Farmin9 John Simons read the legal notice. Mike Smolak was present to answer any questions regarding the article. There were none. MOTION: By John Simons that the Planning Board take FAVORABLE action on this article at Town Meeting. SECOND: John J. Burke. VOTE: Unanimous. NORTH ANDOVER CITIZEN BILL Karen Nelson informed the Board that the applicants of the Building Limitation and Adult Entertainment articles have refused to pay their legal notice bill per Bernie Zelitch of the Citizen. They, the applicants, say that the Planning Board should incur this expense. It has never been the policy of the Planning Board to pay legal notice fees for citizen's petitions. The Board unanimously agreed to instruct Karen Nelson to refer the matter to Town Counsel for review 90 and direction. Note: Paul Hedstrom arrived at the meeting (8:30 p.m.) DISCUSSION ~ "' ~' May Meeting Schedule The Board agreed to the tentative meeting dates during the month of May: May 5 and May 12, 1986. Ventura - Preliminary Subdivision MOTION: By John Simons to accept a letter of extension on the Ventura preliminary plan until May 31, 1986. SECOND: John J. Burke. VOTE: Unanimous. .MY. Messzna as~ea to meet wzth t~ DIanning 'Boar~ bFior to Publzc Hearing on May 5, 986 to have an '~nformai dzscusszon with regard ~to the Site Plan Review he submitted for Sanlau. Realty. He BOard ~o conszder gzvzng hxm a deczszon"On the'~ame 6vening as the Public Hearing because of time restraints. The Board would consider his request. Mr. Lou Minnicucci gave a brief overview of the project= it will be funded through the UDAC process; it will have approximately 55,000 sq. ft. of retail space - 2nd floor, 8,000 sq. ft., brick-faced uolonial design. The Board took the preconference meeting of the site plan review under advisement. Long Pasture - Preliminary Subdivision Motion: By John J. Burke to accept a letter of extension on Long Pasture Estates to May 28, 1986. Second: Paul A. Hedstrom. VOTE: Unanimous. Set Dates For Fee Increases The Board instructed Karen Nelson to go fOrward with setting Public Hearing dates on Fee Increases. Sub-Commit~t_,~e... f. or .Updgting Rgles & Regulations ,, ' _' : 3' ~ .' 3,~! '- f I .' F ; .l:~,u ~ ~,~ .The Sub-~omm~ttee to review the Rules and ~l%egulat£.o, ns Was named as mollows: Erich Nitzsche, John Simons ah~ WiilI~m b*~ian,-Fire Chief% ~' "'' ' ,'.' ~ t ~. Contiguous Bu~ldable Area Article MOTION: By John J. Burke to approve the amendment to the 75% Contiguous Buildable Area article which reads as follows: "As of April 26, 1986, the area of any new lot created, exclusive of area in a street or recorded way open to public Barker St., G. Barker, creation of new lot. Springhill Rd., P. St. Hilaire, lot line change. MOTION: By Paul A. Hedstrom to approve these Form A plans. SECOND: By John J. Burke. VOTE: Unanimous. DECISION Turner Estates - Preliminary Subdivision MOTION: By Erich W. Nitzsche that the Planning Board approve the Turner Estates Preliminary Subdivision dated February 17, 1986 prepared by Design Engineers Assoc. subject to the 14 conditions stated in the draft approval. SECOND: Paul A. Hedstrom. VOTE: Four in ~avor; one abstention (J. Burke). NOTE: The decision hereby becomes a part of these minutes. DISCUSSION Equestrian Estates - Abutters Easton, Melbourne and Truesdale requested time before the Planning Board to discuss the issue of the driveway location on Lot 1, Equestrian Drive abutting the rear of their property. George Pelletier and Ken Hyde were present at the meeting for the discussion. The abutters would like to have the driveway location to be away from their property line and closer to the wetlands. The Planning Board instructed the Town Planner to have a site visit with Tracey Peter, Conservation Commission Assistant regarding the possibility of changing the driveway location. Florence & Frances Estates Chuck Kelley appeared before the Planning Board to discuss the installation of septic systems on lots in Florence & Frances Estate4s since the sewer line has not been connected from Abbott Village Estates. Jack Linden, representative of the Conservation Commission, informed the Board that lots 2 thru 6 will not need a Notice of Intent for septic design, however, lots 1, 7 & 8 will require a submittal of a Notice of Intent for septic system installation. The Board of Health must have the septic system design prior to the Planning Board approval. After receiving approval from the Board of Health and Conservation Commission, the Planning Board will readvertise on behalf of the applicant to modify the Definitive Subdivision Plan to include septic systems. We are waiting for the applicant to suppy all of the necessary information. Lot 1, Essex Street, Special Permit Reconsideration - Desilets MOTION: By Erich W. Nitzsche to deny the request for reconsideration because the Planning Board does not find specific and material changes in conditions upon which the SECOND: VOTE: previous unfavorable action was based. Paul A. Hedstrom. Unanimous. Wagon Wheel Estates (Teoma II) - Preliminary Subdivision Les Godin, Merrimack Engineering Services made a presentation to the Board of this project. He stated that the site contains approximately 30 acres with 23 proposed house lots: it will be serviced with town water; there are no wetlands touching the parcel. John Burke read the letters that were received by the Highway Dept., Board of Public Works and Fire Dept. A site walk will be scheduled by Karen Nelson in the near future. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: By John J. Burke to take the matter under advisement. Paul A. Hedstrom. Unanimous. Ventura - Preliminary Subdivision James Curran from Cyr Engineering gave a brief overview of the proposed subdivision. The parcel contains aproximately 11 acres. Letters from the various Town Departments were read into the record. A site walk is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, May 10, 1986. Erich Nitzsche commented on the 6% grade slope and that profile grades are needed. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: By John J. Burke to take the matter under advisement. Erich W. Nitzsche. Unanimous. Jerad Place II - Preliminary Subdivision John J. Burke read letters from the Board of Health and Tree Department. The engineer, Thomas Neve, was not present at the meeting. The owner/applicant, Mr. Janusz, was in complete agreement to move discussion to the next Planning Board meeting on May 12, 1986. The Board unanimously concurred. Milltown Realty, Special Permit, Common Driveways - MacAloon MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: By John J. Burke to take the matter under advisement. Paul A. Hedstrom. Unanimous. BOND RELEASES Tucker Farms MOTION: SECOND: By John J. Burke to release $25,000 in accordance with the Highway Surveyor's recommendation for a binder coat of hottop. Paul A. Hedstrom. VOTE: Unanimous. Campion Hall MOTION: By John J. Burke to release $10,000 in accordance with the Highway Surveyor's recommendation for subdrainage work. SECOND: Paul A. Hedstrom. VOTE: Unanimous. Teoma Estates MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: By John J. Burke to release $20,000 in accordance with the Highway Surveyor's recommendation for rough grade and subdrainage work. Paul A. Hedstrom. Unanimous. Oakwood Subdivision MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: By John J. Burke to approve a transfer of ownership document on this subdivision subject to Town Counsel approval and review of the Town Planner. Paul A. Hedstrom. Unanimous. The meeting adjourned at 11:15 p.m. PB:ll Michael P R~be'rts, Chairman Nancy R. SteVenson, e y