HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-07-16July 16, 1984 Regular Meeting THE PLANNING BOARD held a regular meeting on Monday evening, July 16, 1984 in the Town Office Meeting Room with the following members present and voting: Paul A. Hedstrom, Chairman; (who arrived late) Michael P. Roberts, Vice Chairman; John A. James, Clerk; Erich W. Nitzsche; and John J. Burke. Town Planner Karen H. Pomroy was also present. PLANS NOT REQUIRING APPROVAL Noren Realty - Western Industrial Park - Holt Road Plan needs old lot lines. MOTION: by Mr. Burke that the plan of land located in North Andover, Mass. prepared for Noren Realty, being a revised plan of Western Industrial Park, dated 7/11/84, be approved under Subdivision Control Law Not Required with the condition that the old 10t lines be shown on the plan. SECOND: by Mr. Nitzsche VOTE : Unanimous - motion carries A. J. ~4aillett - Davis Street Mr. Burke abstained. Note: Mr. James arrived here. The Board of Appeals granted a variance to subdivide the property into two lots, having less than the required frontage. MOTION: by Mr. Nitzsche that the plan of land located in North Andover, Mass. prepared for A. J. Maillett Construction Corp., dated 6/30/84 be approved under Subdivision Control Law Not Required with the condition that the plan be revised to include a Board of Appeals signature block and that the Board of Appeals endorse the plan in accordance with the desicion granted by the Board of Appeals on 5/21/84. SECOND: by Mr. James VOTE : Unanimous - motion carries DECISION North Andover Business Park - Definitive Plan MOTION: by Mr. James to approve the Definitive Plan of Land entitled North Andover Business Park by H. W. Moore Assoc., Inc., dated March 23, 1984 with the following conditions: SECOND: by Mr. Burke July 16, 1984 -2- Regular Meeting North Andover Business Park - continued VOTE : In favor - 3 (James, Burke, Roberts) Opposed - 1 (Nitzsche) Motion carries Note: The conditions are made a part of these minutes. OTHER BUSINESS Trafalgar Estates - Letter of Credit The current Letter expires on 7/29/84. A new Letter of Credit must be delivered to the Planning Board. MOTION: by Mr. James to accept the new Letter of Credit and place a completion date of 11/1/84 on the subdivision. SECOND: by Mr. Burke VOTE : Unanimous - motion carries Hardtcourt Estates (Bonny Lane) - Master's Decision Town Planner Karen Pomroy reported that the Master's Decision imposed a 6/1/84 deadline for the work. A letter dated 7/16/84 from the Highway Surveyor was read and placed on file. Member James suggested referring the matter to Town Counsel. MOTION: by Mr. James to refer the matter to Town Counsel for advice as to whether or not the Planning Board can take the bond and instruct the Highway Surveyor to do the work. SECOND: by Mr. Burke VOTE : Unanimous - motion carries Tucker Farms - Definitive Plan - set public hearing date Public hearing set for August 6, 1984. Ingalls Crossing II (Crossbow Lane) - Completion date and discussion with Mr. Ray Ahearn Note: Chairman Hedstrom arrived here. July 16, 1984 -3- Regular Meeting Ingalls Crossing II - continued The completion date is 8/1/84 A letter from Mr. Ray Ahearn dated 7/16/84 was read and placed on file. Mr. Ahearn of 1756 Salem Street, was present and submitted a letter signed by several people. Town Planner Pomroy said that she asked the developer to be here tonight but he is not present. She also said that Mr. Ahearn should be talking to the Conservation Commission. Mr. John Willmschen said that the pond is a mess. He wants some- thing done. Mr. Paul Smart, 1782 Salem Street, said that they were led to be- lieve that the pond would be finished in the spring of 1984. It seems that the developer has closed off access to the pond. Mr. Ahearn added that it looks like a quarry. He wants the developer to follow through on the plans to finish it. Ben Osgood, Jr., representing his father, said that they do have intentions of finishing the pond. The boulders will go within the next two weeks. Placed on agenda for 8/6/84. Carlton Farms - bond release Letters from Ben Osgood dated 7/12/84 and the Highway Surveyor dated 7/16/84 were read and placed on file. MOTION: by Mr. Burke to release $25,000 per the Highway Surveyor's recommendation. SECOND: by Mr. James VOTE : Unanimous - motion carries. French Farm Village - bond amounts A letter from the Highway Surveyor dated 7/16/84 was read and placed on file. MOTION: by Mr. Burke to set the bond amount at $67,500 pending Mr. Hedstrom's and the Town Planner's approval of the legal documents. SECOND: by Mr. James July 16, 1984 -4- Regular Meeting French Farm Village - continued VOTE : In favor - 3 (Burke, James, Roberts) Opposed - 2 (Nitzsche) Motion carries Vest Way - Covenant Mr. Burke abstained Town Planner Pomroy reported that Charles Carroll requested that Lot 54 (in Phase III) be released from the covenant and be replaced by Lot 30 which is bonded, being placed under covenant. Chairman Hedstrom said the bond must be amended to delete #30 and add #54. Also, the Highway Surveyor must be notified. Member Nitzsche wants to check with the Conservation Commission and the Highway Surveyor before taking any action. Note: Mr. Carroll is not th~ owner of the subdivision. MOTION: by Mr. James to request a bond figure from the Highway Surveyor to include Lot 54. SECOND: by Mr. Roberts VOTE : In favor - 3 (Roberts, James~ Hedstrom) Opposed - 1 (Nitzsche) Motion carries Teoma Estates - Preliminary Subdivsion - set discussion date Discussion set for August 6, 1984 Great Pond Estates - Definitive Plan - Set public hearing date Public hearingiset for August 20, 1984. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Paul A. Hedstrom, Chairman Jean E White, Secretary DECISION - APPROVAL / ' NORTH ANDOVER BUSINESS ~ARK " ~;Ci: DEFINITIVE PLAN OF LANB' J~L ~ July 17, 1984 Any appeal shall be file(~ within (20) days after th date pf filing of this Notic in the Office of the Tow Clerk. from the 1. A 1Z inch ductile iron cement inside/tar coated outside shall be installed property line with S feet of cover below 'the finish grade: a. for a distance of 2240 feet on Willow Street Extension; b. for 1SS0 feet on Road A; 2. Eddy breakflange hydrants to North Andover specifications shall be installed at stations 10+20, 2S+10, 30+50, 34+S0, 39+40, 44+0 and 46*50; with 12 inch Hueller or equal gate valves (open left) at stations 29+S0, 29+60, and 29+70 with a 12 inch stub tie into Willow Street; and 38*90, 39*0 and 39+10 at Road A. 3. A 10 inch unglazed full strength vetrified clay sewer shall be installed along the centerline of Willow Street for 2277 feet and 478 feet on Road A. 4. Precast manholes shall conform to ASTM designation C4-78 and shall meet the following requirements: a. The wall thickness shall be not less than S inches, sections shall have tongue and groove joints with'an approved round or fin gasket. b. Pipe connections shall be of the rubber boot type with stainless steel band type or approved equal. c. Hanhole frames and covers shall be cast iron lettered-SEh~R and shall be 6 inches high.- (Ail sewer construction shall be subject to low pressure air testing prior to acceptance by the town). 5. Ail water construction must pass-leakage and pressure tests performed in accordance with S~ction 13 of 'A~WA standard C600'and shall be-- chlorinated in accordance with AE~A standard C601 Standard Procedure for Disinfecting ~ater Mains. Adequate public liability and property damage insurance, as well as a street opening bond in an amount satisfactory to the to the Highway Surveyor will be required for any off-site roadway work. 6. An adequate fire alarm system shall be installed on all-developed sites for proper fire' protection, to be approved by the Fire Chief. 7. The applicant, shall continue to pursue fhe necessary channels to acquire the necessary state permits to gain both emergency (for public safety vehicles)-and-permanent (to accomodate---additional traffic volume generated) access/egress of Road A to Route 125. 8. The two proposed cul-de-sacs shall be increased from 100 feet to 130 feet. DECISION -APPROVAL NORTH AN~MER BUSINESS PARK PAGE 2 N£P.~':' ', *. tiR J JL 18 !1 Any appeal Shall be filet within (20) days after th date of filing of this Notlc in the Office of the Tow Clerk. .: 9. Two catch basins shall be installed at Road A and Route 125. 10. Chect~rboard type grates s~all be used on all drainage catchbasins. 11. Ail caastruction shall comply with the Conservation Commisssion's O'rderof Conditions dated October 14, 1985, DEQE File NO. 242-195. 12. The I~Ilow Street Extension/Flagship Drive roadway intersection shall be baproved to the required width in accordance with Section I¥.A.Z.b. Design Standards to permit safe traffic flow in and out of the llasiness Park. Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the High~n~f Surveyor and Planning Board prior io any Park construction or until adequate securtiy is posted for its completion. 15. The ~l~licant is required to mitigate any additional .flooding on abutting properties to zero, in accordance with Section III.B.l.e. of the Planning Board's Rules ~ Regulations Governing the Subdivision of Land. 14. Street 8rainage not shown on definitive plan will not be added during const~ction unless required by the Highway Surveyor and will be detailed on the "AS BUILT" plans. 15. Additional drainage calculations shall be submitted and reviewed by the_Planning-Board for all drainage pipes-prior to signing-the.~-.- ..... defimitive plans. '- 16.' Iffor=ation regarding the metes and bounds -of-the outside consh.:tion limit of Willow Street Extension shall be submitted for prope~acceptence-by the town.. 17.: As bat plans -shall be submitted t° ;the Plannin~ Bdard for and ~l~roval in accordance with Section III.B.J.4. Conveyance of Improvements In addit~on~ prior to final release-o~' security, [he_ appli~t sh~ll forward.to the Planning Board copies of those plans requi~i by the Conservation Commission detailing the extent of impervious areas associated with site development to ensure .that development does not exceed that described in .the drainage calcmlations dated March 1985. 18.-'Road ~oss-sections will be clearly. ~llustrated on the final def~-~ive plan for signature, s specified~, in Section. x V.c. 19. There $~all be no weephole in drainage structures as noted on detai~ sheet.'~ 20. As re,mired in the' Preliminary Plan Approval Condition #7, the appli~t shall proyide the ~roper buffer zone of 100 feet on lots 6 ' and 7abutting residential dzstricts in accordance'with Table II of the l~.th Andover Zoning Bylaw. DECISION - APPROVAL NO, TS USINESS PAGF. $ Any appeal shall be fih within {201 days after date of filing of this Not in the Office of, the To Clerk. 25. The applicant 21.' Final definitive plan shall show solid lines on proposed street and lot lines. 22. All easements shall be fully dimensioned on plans for proper convel~aace. The owner shall retain title to the £e~ of each street, path or easement in or appurtenant to the subdivision until conveyed to the town and shall maintain and ~epair the roads a~d drainage facilities in a manner satisfactory to the Board durin~ that period. NOTE: ]oration that fee is to be retained shall be placed on the definitive Plan ....· ..... . - 23. A sedimentation and erosion control plan specifying methods shall be submitted and approved' in accordance with Section III,B,l.k., .prior to conStruction. ~ .' ' ' 24. Copies of site regrading plans (showing lot regrading, cuts and fills) as required by Conservation Commission Order of Condition' 24Z-195will be submitted to the Planning Board along with Site Plans as required-by'Section 8 of the North Andover Zoning Bylaw. shall plan and coordinate the installation of ~?:_. :.]; ~.:. .undergr°und-utilities- prior- to- binder coat--application;__~ Final releas~ o£. ~ond money apbiicable 'to 'binder: shall 'n~t-be"-irel:8'a§ed' [ .... -'-- until the applicant's engineere -o£f~ecokd has _certified that' all. L ........... utilities, are installed and-~upon 'inspectin .by. the Highway._ Surveyor. " ' 2-6. i~here'/{~inq--inv~-ts .are set below the_existing grade and close: to--" :i _.=- property lines, proper-rip-.rap and erosion control measures shat1 be ' ~ '- ' .... ~' proviiled_where, deemed. ri~cessa~3("b)t~-'Lthe 'Hi-gh~/aY- Surveyor a'nd-Plann{n-g~:- "-6~-fi e ~s::' ~-nd/~'-t hef.-i nt eg~ i t_~ ~of-"em-b-a'nkm en t ~-~:~ ~. frbm-a~veYs-e'"~ffects of-surface water'. Applicant' will' d~taii- s-ukh-:- ' erosi~ control and rip-rap on_ definitive "plans pri'6r"t-0' - ~ .... endorsements~. .... :. _ - ..... d_'..-: :': the Fiaal Plan. . - ....................... n ........... ap~h i~"-;-~- · 28. All drain easements shall be delineated o the topogr drainage plans to insure the Planning Board and Higher:ay Surveyor that _. i' the~ drainage"iS indeed wi.thin .the. easements. . ............ Zg.":..If"in-t~e' opinion' of the .Fire- ChiefT'ithe-install.ed water:-.-line-does .... : - ................ not- ne~t -adequate .flow tests--in.gallons- pet- minute .as-required in -= ---Sectiam-26G:'_'in'"the _North'An'dover Fire Code'; the developer/owner'- shall, after, notice to the Planning Board, submit revised plans to the N~th Andover Fire Chief .and the North_Andover. Board of. Public ~..Works for_ ap~roval'~....which.-plans shall then be. submitted-to the i Planning Board for ~Pproval~:---Plans for_ pip_e, spaces and calculations:.- ';' _ for. tl~- spr-i'nkler- systems -'shall- be submitted to ..the Fire Cliie'f for i revieW, ' '_ ........................... ~_-_ ..... ,'% %-.'.. ". _.?.. . -'_-'~.~ : ..~ '=..-~Z'.'.~.-C-ZV_:': =~'". ...... ' .... ..... .-~---..-_~ :_:: ::., -: -; - - r'_-_. ~'. :; :~:~ :_~::~: DECISION - APPROVAL NORTH ANDOVER BUSINESS PARK PAGE 4 Any appeal shall be fi within '(20) days after date of filing of this No in the Office of the T( 50. The applicant/owner/developer shall be aware of the fact that approval of this subdivision under the Planning Board's Rules ~ Regulations will not relieve said parties o£ the responsibility to other property owners upon whose land is affected by indirect or direct development storm water discharge. **Notation is to be placed on the definitive plans to'be recorded..