HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-02-04February 4, 1985 Regular Meeting The Planning Board held a regular ~eeting on Monday evening, February 4, 1985 in the Town Office Meeting Room with the following members present and voting: Paul A. Hedstrom, Chairman, who arrived late; Michael P. Roberts, Vice Chairman; John A. James, Jr., Clerk; and Erich W. Nitzsche. Highway Surveyor William Cyr and Town Planner Karen Nelson were present. PUBLIC ~RqRINGS Campion Hall - Definitive Plan (continued hearin~) Karen Nelson reported that B.S.C., the consultant hired by the Planning Board, said that they will intensify their study this week and take another site visit. They will submit a report to the Planning Board by the middle of next week and they may send a representative to the Planning Board meeting on February 25, 1985. MOTION: SECOND: VOTE : by Mr. James to continue the public hearing by Mr. Nitzsche Unanimous - motion carries Teoma Estates - Definitive Plan The Clerk read the legal notice. Letters from the following were read and placed on file: Highway Surveyor (2/4/85) Tree Warden (1/29/85) Conservation Commission (1/10/85) Board of Health (1/28/85) Fire Chief (1/10/85) Board of Public Works (1/30/85) Mr. Steve Stapinski of Merrimack Engineering, project engineer, Mr. Dom Teoli and Mr. Paul Maus, applicants, were present. Mr. Stapinski made the folloiwng presentation: The proposal calls for the subdivision of 11.8 acres of land located on the East side of Boston Street into 9 lots. The proposal calls for the construction of a roadway off of Boston Street which will end in a cul-de-sac. There will be adequate frontage to each of the 9 lots. In addition, they have provided for an extension of the roadway into land owned by Mr. Brown. It is South of Gray Street and 1/2 mile North of the Andover line. Ail of the lots are at least one acre with 150 feet of frontage. ,' The proposed subdivision would accommodate the construction of single family homes. The grading plan shows the ,potential location of.each lot for a single family home. Each lot will have a septic system. The applicants are proposing to extend a water main down Gray Street South to the subdivision along Boston Street. They are approximately 2,000 feet from the termination point. All of the proposed homes would be serviced by town water. They have provided adequate storm drainage. They will discharge into streams and wetlands area where it currently flows and discharges. The plans show it in detail. In addition, they have anticipated erosion. provided a erosion control plan. They have The roadway plan and profile show the roadway. The pavement will be 26 feet wide. The grades of the roadway will meet all of the town's standards. - The last sheet details the proposed water main construction. They have provided drainage calculations. Speaking in opposition were: Paul Perrochi David Thornton Michael Stella Linda Morse Mr. Perrochi voiced the following objections: He received the notice of the public hearing two weeks ago which is not adequate. His most serious objection is the location of the roadway on the plan. It divides the property in half. It runs on to a narrow street (Boston Street). It will be a serious hazard to those people who buy lots in the subdivision. - He wants the Board to take a look at the site. The proposed road is right off the rise of a hill. There is only one means of ingress/egress. With the location of the road, the hazard is worse. He wants someone to check with the Historical Commission because there is a cart path on the plan. Last summer he had a surveyor look at the property. In the course of looking at it, the man pointed out that on some of the deeds the boundaries were Northeast when they should have been Southwest. He wants to take his own survey. If the plan is not accurate and the Board approves it, he could find that a house is too close to his property. The plan does not adequately reflect what he calls a wetland area. Adjacent to Boston Street on what is now Lot 9, it is not a marsh - it is a swamp. The Conservation Commission should be notified, In addition, down the center of the property, there is a water course which does not contain water but is a stream. He questions if the plan is adequate to take care of the run-off. One of the properties next to the land is owned by the Commonwealth of Mass. He thinks it is Harold Parker State Forest. If it is State property, some notice should have been given to the Advisory Board of the Trustees of the forest. His primary objection is that the abutters are faced with a situation where property was subdivided and subdivided over the years and this plan had to be pieced together with a series of deeds. He wants an opportunity to make sure the boundaries are accurate. The Planning Board has an obligation to make sure that the developers will do the job right. The applicants do not have experience. Note: Chairman Hedstrom arrived here. Mr. Stapinski responded with the following: On the roadway and the allignment, there has been a lot of discussion on where it is proposed to be. Moving it 35 feet would have given them another lot. They lost the lot by moving the roadway. By moving it they were able to maximize the site distance. On the property lines, they went through considerable expense of relocating the lines. There were two plans done for Mr. Perrochi's lot. Mr. David Thornton voiced the following objections: He observed men he thought were surveying the land and they were tying things on his property. They claimed they were not on his property. He then h~red a surveyor and there were errors. His driveway is a horseshoe off Boston Street. 40-45 miles per hour. Traffic is Mr. Stapinski responded as follows: - The plan is not in error and he has a copy of Mr. Thornton's plan. They are in agreement with Mr. ThOrnton,s surveyor. Highway Surveyor William Cyr added that on the original plan, the road was 45-50 feet to the South. He went out with Mr. Stapinski and decided that the proposed plan is the best plan for the road. Mr. Michael Stella of Gray Street voiced the following: - The property across the street has potential for 8 lots. His concern is that the flow of water be maintained. He went up there today and noted water on the East portion of the property. There was no water on the West portion. - On the future easement on the cul-de-sac, it opens up an area three times larger than what is proposed. His concern is the future drainage and how it will be tied into the plan in question. On the Impact Statement, reference was made to two detention ponds which are not on the plans. If there is no increase in the rate of flow, the length of flow could result in an increase in volume on the other side of Boston Street. Mr. Stapinski responded as follows: On the rate of increase, there will be none. control it on the site. They will On the volume, there is a potential for a 100 year storm for an increase in volume. It is impossible to calculate it at this time. On the Brown parcel, they have assumed that the Planning Board and Conservation Commission will follow the same standards as other subdivisions. Where the extension is proposed, it is dry. - On the ponds, they are on the plan. Mr. Stella asked if the volume of flow increases, is it possible to relieve the problem with another pond. Mr. Stapinski responded that the amount would be approximate. Linda Morse stated that there is a drain which feeds down to the proposed road. There is also a natural stream. She has seen it flow across the street and it backs up on to her property. Mr. Stapinski said she is accurate on the location of the streams. On the flooding of the street, he cannot address it. They have computed the elevations. There would be some back-up in a large storm. Member Nitzsche requested additional drainage information and he wants the watershed boundaries shown. Mr. Stapinski said he will provide whatever information the Board requests. MOTION: by Mr. James to continue the public hearing to 2/25/85. SECOND: by Mr. Nitzsche VOTE : Unanimous - motion carries Florence Estates and Frances Estates - Definitive Plans The Clerk read the two legal notices. Letters from the following were read and placed on file: Florence: Board of Health (2/4/85) Highway Surveyor (2/4/85) Tree Warden (1/29/85) Conservation Commission (1/10/85) Board of Public Works (2/1/85) Fire Chief (1/10/85) Board of Health (1/28/85) Conservation Commission (1/10/85) Tree Warden (1/29/85) Highway Surveyor (2/4/85) Board of Public Works (2/1/85) Mr. Cyr stated that he did not include this in his letter, but on the upgrading of Rea Street and the culverts under the brook, and on the drainage and other utilities, make sure that bonding is done to make sure that the work is done and assurances are received. Mr. Steve Stapinski of Merrimack Engineering, project engineer, made the following presentation: On Frances Estates, the proposal calls for the subdivision of approximately 9 acres into 8 lots, all of which will have adequate frontage and area on a proposed roadway which they show to connect Abbot Street with Rea Street. - The subdivision is located just to the West of Salem Street. - The roadway would come from the existing frontage on Abbot Street to the site down to Rea Street which is in need of upgrading. They are proposing to improve Rea Street from this location all the way out to Summer Street. It is a private way and they will construct it to town standards. As part of the improvements, they will reconstruct the culvert on Mosquito Brook. - They will extend the town water. - They will be creating a loop between Abbot and Summer Streets. They are working with the Board of Public Works and other developers and land owners to attempt to provide a sanitary sewer for the site. They will participate in the funding of a lift station. Joe Borgesi is coordinating the project. They have also provided for leaching fields and septic systems in case the sewer does not come in. They can construct them to service each home. - There have been perc tests. Additional tests must be done. On the drainage, they will construct storm drainage and connect the drain line into the facility on Mosquito Brook. - On Florence Estates, it runs between Rea and Summer Streets. This was the site of the Arsenault land. There is a house which has frontage and access to Summer Street. There is not adequate frontage for this parcel so they will provide it with 150 feet of frontage on the proposed roadway. The subdivision calls for 5 additional buildable lots on the new roadway. It will be built according to town standards. There will be a water main off the other one. They will provide storm drainage and discharge it into a wetland. It will run to Mosquito Brook. If one plan is approved and one is disapproved, Rea Street will still be upgraded. Rea Street is private and owned to the center line by the abutters. Not e .- Attorney Kelley stated that he talked to Mr. Romano and he said he is agreeable to negotiate to reconstruct Rea Street. The prospects of Romano conveying the land are good. Mr. Stapinski added that it could then remain a private way or it could be adjudicated as a public way. The reason for the exchange with Mr. Romano is to allow for the 50 foot right-of-