HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-10-25October 25, 1982 Regular Meeting The PLANNING BOARD held a regular meeting on Monday evening, October 25, 1982 in the Town Office Meeting Room with the following members present and voting: Paul A. Hedstrom, Chair- man; who arrived late; Michael P. Roberts, Vice Chairman; Walter R. McDonough, Clerk; John J. Burke; and Erich W. Nitzsche. Town Planner Karen Pomroy and Highway SurYeyor William Cyr were also present. MT. HAYMEN Preliminary Subdivision Plan - Discussion with Engineers Steve Stapinski from Merrimack Engineering was present and made the following points to the Board: This is a 200 acre site located on the North Andover/Boxford/ Haverhill lines. The subdivision has frontage in North Andover along Bradford Street. Only a small portion of the subdivision is located in North Andover, being a small strip along the Northwest portion of the property. - They are proposing to Boxford's Planning Board to construct a road beginning in North Andover on Bradford Street. - The balance of the road would be located in Boxford. - There are some large lots to accomodate estates as well as the expectancy of solar applications. There are many small streams which run through the Barker Road- way. They will create retention pOnds on the site to control the run off o'f the development. They have provided easements along the brook to accomodate the work along the stream to create the ponds and provide driveways to the large estate lots (6 to 7 acres). The reason they are before the North Andover Planning Board is because the Boxford Planning Board requested that they bring our Board up to date because there is a roadway on to Bradford Street. Action by this Planning Board is necessary. All of the homes will be located in Bo×ford and all of the power will be coming from Boxford. The entire development will be serviced by on lot wells. No water from North Andover will be needed. October 25, 1982 -2- Regular Meeting Mt. Haymen - cOntinued - The retention ponds will act as fire ponds, There will be dry hydrants located there. - On roads and drainage, there will be 30 feet of roadway. - The Boxford specifications equal or exceed those of NOrth Andover. The water from Bradford Street would flow to a pair of catch basins and run through a drainage easement and to an existing retention pond. They also have a pair of catch basins located at the intersection. The following letters were read and placed on file: Highway Surveyor dated October 25, 1982~ the Board of Health dated October 25, 1982; the Conservation Commission dated October 21, 1982. Mr. John Decoules from Boxford's Planning Board introduced himself to our Board at this time. Mr. William Dolan, North Andover Fire Chief told the Board he will be getting together with Boxford's Fire Chief in the next few days. He feels that North Andover will be answering calls in this area. They will work out a mutual aid system. Mr. Stapinski responded to the Fire Chief's comments and the Highway Surveyor's letter with the following comments: All of the houses will have Boxford addresses. On the culverts under Barker Rd., both are to service a very small watershed. Most of the watershed is the Merrimack River. Before water from the development reaches Lake Coch- ichewick, it crosses farm property across the street. NOTE: Member Nitzsceh requested that the watershed boundaries be delineated on the plan and provided to the North Andover Planning Board. Mr. Stapinski continued with the following points: Barker Road is a public way. At the last Boxford Planning Board meeting, there was some discussion as to its status. They are going to be working with the Town Clerk to verify that it is a public way. It is 10 to 12 feet at its narrow- est and in some places it is 18 feet. There are some deep cuts in the road. - They will make some improvements to the roadway where it is deteri orated. October 25, 1982 -3- Regular Meeting Mt. Haymen continued The majority of the traffic will be on to Bradford Street. Mr. Cyr disagreed with a "Small amount of drainage" he feels there wi.ll be quite a bit of drainage. In addition, he feels the portion of Barker Street in North Andover (150 200 feet) would require road widening easements to upgrade that porti~on of the street. Mr. Joseph D'Angelo suggested having the County engineers help. In further discussion, it was stated that there is a question as to whether Barker Street has been accepted by the town of Boxford. Mr. Cyr stated that it is a public way from Route 125 to Bradford Street. Member Nitzsche closed the discussion by stating that he wants a formal submission to' the town of North Andover. PLANS NOT REQUIRING APPROVAL P~lli - Haymeadow Road Mr. Dave Webber from Kaminski, Gelinas and Associates was present to answer questions. MOTION: by Mr. Burke that the plan of land located in North Andover, Mass. prepared for Carl Polli dated September 23, 1982 and revised October 12, 1982 be approved under Subdivision Control Law Not Required subject to the prints being stamped by an engineer. SECOND: by Mr. McDonough VOTE : Unanimous.- motion carries Ridge~ood Cemetery - Johnson Street This plan was submitted to the Planning Board at an earlier date and withdrawn without prejudice for revisions since it did not meet the requiresment of our Rules and Regulations. MOTION: by Mr. Burke that the plan of land located in North Andover, Mass. prepared for Ridgewood Cemetery dated December 30, 1981 be approved under Subdivision Control Law Not Required. SECOND: by Mr. McDonough Discussion: Member Nitzsche had a problem with the plan because October 25, 1982 -4~ Regular Meeting PNRA's - continued it is stamped by Frank Gelinas who is no longer in Massachusetts. Mr. Webber responded that the plan was revised before Mr. Gelinas moved out of the state. Mr. Thomas Calzetta told the Board that there is a problem with his irrigation pond from this land. Note: Chairman Hedstrom arrived here. VOTE : Unanimous - motion carries Et A1 Real t~- Vest Way Member Burke abstained. MOTION: by Mr. Roberts that the plan of land located in North Andover, Mass. prepared for Et A1 dated October 20, 1982 be approved under Subdivision Control Law Not Required. SECOND: by Mr. Nitzsche Discussion - Chairman Hedstrom said the forms are not signed properly - Mr. Webber will have them corrected. VOTE : Unanimous - motion carries. OTHER BUSINESS Mills Hill Preliminary Subdivision Plan - Decision Mr. Alfred Shaboo from Flynn Associates was present. He presented revised plans to the Board. He stated that some property line changed have occured and a verticle curbe has changed. Also, water and sewer have been changed. The eventual course of all three utilities have remained the same. Mr. Cyr stated that he has not yet seen these revised plans but there is no way they are going to run drainage across Johnson Street or Marbleridge Road~ MOTION: by Mr. Roberts to table until November 1, 1982 to enable the Board and the necessary departments to review the revised plans. SECOND; by Mr. McDonough Discussion: Mr. Thomas Calzetta and Mr. Timothy Rock expressed concern about this subdivision. Mr. Rock pointed out that there was a study conducted five years ago by Lally Associates pooving that there would be more outflow from the subdi'vision on the Jay Road side. October 25, 1982 -5- Regular Meeting Mills Hill-continued VOTE : Unanimous - motion carries Robert Forget - Special Permit in Watershed - Decision Mr. Joseph Cushing, project engineer, was present and presented revised plans. He stated that as a result of a finding that an elevation was incorrect, he has revised the plans so that there will be no filling to cover the sewer line below elevation 110. The lowest celler floor elevation is 172.5. Also, they have, as required, developed some compensatory storage. A series of spot elevations were taken the low spot is 169. His client proposes to do the maintenance work from the outfall from the 30" pipe on Dale Street and clean out a drainage way from the 18" aluminum pipe under Marbleridge Road. In addition, the applicant will have to go back to the Conservation Commission, and a new order of conditions will probably be issued. Mr. Anthony Galvagna. Chairman of the Con. Com., was present and told the Board that it is their intent to have the information presented tonight brought before the Con. Com. ~so that they can make a determination whether or not the changes are significant enough to require another public hearing. It is his initial feeling that a new public hearing will be required. Mrs. Mary Hart, representing her aunts, ~as present. She wants to know who is going to clean up their channel and asked what about the people on the other side and'what about the brook. She stated that there are a lot Of serious questions here. Mr. Cushing responded that he can control the outflow and develop compensatory storage. They will not touch the drainage ways - the drainage will be the same after development as it is now. Mr. Cyr added that the drainage from Salem Street in both directions dumps into the brook on Salem Street. There is a good amount of wash which builds up at the traingle at Forget's property. On the Stork's property, it is normal flow. If we don't keep the area we are talking about here free and flowing, it will wash down and do more damage to the brook. MOTION: by Mr. Roberts to table for a future decision. SECOND: by Mr. Nitzsche Discussion: Mr. Cushing stated that this project will not measureably increase the rate of runoff (1/10 of an inch). Mr. Forget has ~reed to clean out and by cleaning, it will make the drainage more efficient. Chairman Hedstrom added that we cannot authori'ze any increase in run off. VOTE: Unanimous - motion carries. October 25, 1982 -6- Regular Meeting Hardtcourt Estates Bond release Town Planner Karen Pomroy informed the Board that she, Mr. Cyr, and Scott Follansbee visited the site last Friday in an attempt to ascertain what needs to be done on Bonny Lane~and listed the following: 1. 450' of total Cape Cod bern 2. 150' of stone pipe for French drain on the cul-de-sac 3. Leveling to pick up the grade on the cul-de-sac 4. Grading at shoulder areas 5. The gas chamber 1½" stone will be required on the edges of the gas chamber 6. A Man hole cover 7. Stone bounds Mr. Follansbee stated that what we are talking about is that in keeping with the town's policy of putting hottop on after the construction is done, he is looking for a release of money. Mr; Cyr wants some work done this year and other things can be put off until later. He disagrees with Mr. Cyr's figures. His prob- lem is continuing to do work without the money to pay for it. He is requesting that the Planning Board release some money and he is willing to wait for the final coat of hottop until the bulk of the subdivision is completed. He doesn't think it is fair to hold so much money. Also, he stated that he can do what Mr. Cyr wants in the next few weeks. Chairman Hedstrom asked Mr. Cyr about a bond release and Mr. Cyr responded that if he gets the work done, he will consider a release. Mr. Cyr added that we don~t lOok at what contractor's suggest the job will cost - we need protection~ MOTION: By Mr. Roberts that Mr. Cyr provide Mr. Follansbee with an outline and when a proper request for a release is submitted to the Planning Board, the Board will act on it. SECOND: by Mr. Nitzsche VOTE ~ Unanimous motion carries. Abbott Meadows Release request Mr. Scott Follansbee stated that there are four house lots. When the plan was recorded, Lots A and B were on the plan as under the covenant. They are Form A lots on Abbott Street. An attorney feels that the covenant pertains to them. October 25, 1982 -7- Regular Meeting Abbott Meadows continued MOTION: by Mr. Burke that upon review of the covenant by Mr. Hedstrom as well as the plan, if the two lots in question should not be under the covenant, he may sign the release form. SECOND: by Mr. Nitzsche VOTE ~ Unanimous - motion carries. Gilman Lane drainage course Discussion with Con. Com. Mr. Galvagna from the Con. Com. stated that a short time ago, the Planning Board discussed not impacting down stream areas with any up stream projects. The lot in question acts as a storage area. By giving it a straight shot, you are running the danger of im- pacting down stream with a larger volume. He understands the Highway Surveyor's concern, but as matters stand, the drainage system has been in for over a year and appears to be functioning. It appears that with the proper control at the headwall, the maintenance problems will be solved. Mr. Cyr stated that Town Counsel should tell us where we begin and end with street drainage any drainage running from one subdivision to another is defined as street drainage. The Bridges - Covenant Member Burke diqualified himself. Mr. Jay Philbin told the Board that lot 53 is sold and he would like to swap it for lot 32. MOTION: by Mr. Roberts to accept the exchange of lot 53 for 32 as an exchange for security for Et A1 Realty Trust and sign the covenant. SECOND: Discussion~ by Mr. McDonough the Board instructed the Town Planner to review the document and have the Town Clerk sign it. VOTE Unanimous ~ motion carries. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Jean E. White, Secretary Paul A. Hedstrom, Chairman