HomeMy WebLinkAbout1976-08-02.... gul~r Meeting The PLA?~!.YC, FO.IED held a regmlar monthly meeting on ~'fondzy evening, iu~az% 2, ~975 ~% 7:30 P.M. ~D qbe Tm~ Office '~ ~ ' ~ ..... :.e~t~n~ Zsom. ~ following member~ were present and voting: ~itz Cstherr~ Chair~,n; William Che?!i:, Vice-Chair~n; John J. ~onteiro, Clerk; Paul R. Lamprey ~md William N. ~!e~e. There were l~ visitors present for the meeting. PIrBLIC t~RINC: TURTLE IrILL - Salem St,: The clerk read the legal notice. Messers F. Gelinas and J. Turtle appeared before the BOIRD representinj Lr~d~mi], Inc. ~e su~ivi~ion includes a 600 ~ P6 feet in width wi~h a ,-~,o ~lope ~,e area i~ ~,e~ zl~e8 by a roadway with oul de ..... c~ · 12 in. w~ter main, they will %ap in with an 8 in. ~nd~ end it with a k%.dr~nt and proposed 3 sets of catch %asins~ ~. Celinas pointed m~% the drainage swales on the p!~. He s~a%ed that there is no sewerage in that area. It is basically a straigh% forward sub- division, he said, containing 8 lots on ~ acres oF land. ~e ]and is fairly heavily woodsd; the con, ours are mere or less to a 60C angle to the proposed roadway. He pointed m~% per%ions of the area that is wet. Tbcy intend to install 18 in. cu]ver% which will pipe a portion of mn existing ditch. OPPOSITION: Fich%rd Callen, ~580 Salem questioned thc draina&e coming from the Drew's because of the interference with Steven Vanessea, 1620 ~%lem St., showed the drainage swale flows pretty heavily he now has a terrible water problem and St., crated that a portion of his land is wet and hi?./. He felt it would go onto his !~ud mud also the water table. a low area through his property and stated that in the~nrzno' ~. He further told the BOARD that this will only compound the present situation. ~arbara ~d~ms, J630 Salem St.,:voiced concern about her septic system. The property behind drains into her property, the children skate on it in the winter. ~.~. ~azier, 1~3~ Salem St..questioned whether or not the swamp would,De contamimated.. a~ . re~u!t of leech_n~. Mr. Tonello gave up a 3 fl. ~trip in re~urn for a .r~.no!u~. strip; ~,~. Qelinas said this ....... ~ %o thc la,nd J~es '.'~itt~<er ~uesiionc~ ~-cff. ~,~. Gelinas characterized the land to be up!~nds in 'z~st majority mud the natural drainage has been interfered with by constant filling of the wetland areas. ~Tmy do not intend to change the natural contours of the property, he said ,?~d emphasized thrJ there are some nmtural wetland areas that have been interfered with in the past '~t there is adequate capacity with the pipe mnd holding areas to t~:e care of natural run-off. ttr. Konteiro questioned the situation occuring wken certain problems are forgotten a~nd disagreed "~- :~. ge!in~s on the point .... ~.~ ~ -',.a~e.* ~ problem would be taken care of. ~Ir. Gelinas stated that there is no reason ::ho' lots 1, 7, & 9 c~unot be proper home sites without altering the contours; it is thc To;m's job to police this. Letters from thc ~oard of .~al~_. dated~..~.~. 2, ~<,~,o, the Fire Chief and Police Chief were read. Robert ?~ure~ o%~er of ~"~.~ land %under discussion,~ok~ in fa'zor of the petition. !!e felt that there wo~'~d he no more wJter created on Vounessea's overflow. P_egarding ~. ~ ~ .... '~ ~ thc ~a~, ,~ co~.cn~s - land was in the same condition ~ ~c no.., ~crc 2~ were nz~de The ~OAPP, wnani,-,ovsly ag?ced to view the site on August 7th al ~:30 r~.M. PLAN2 N~ ~LT~!~[C 1. AU~PJ~TI3~ DE PARIS: ~T~sse p!a~s, date~ Janizary, 1976, were before the BO~WD for recording p,~,~rpo~es. T~ey had been through the Boa~rd of Appeals and approved. ~?or. teiro made a motion to approve the plans ~- endors~mg ~,s not reqfuiring approval ,m~der subdivision control l~.w the Plan of Land o'~ed by Au~.stine DeParis. i,[r. Lamprey seconded a~ud th~, vote was ,~mmimous. ~. ~ .... ,~Io TR..O~L¥: ~ndover By-Pass - Plan cf Access ......... enb to be conveyed to ~'~ry- emma ~ ~_cis ~om~ly by .. ..... smack Col!e~.~'~.~n for recording p~pose= had been aovroved by ~crrimack College ~r ~ small ~ ~ ...... o~w_~ 2hat ~)n~ across its land. A motion was made hy Mr. Mo~teiro to endorse the pl~.n as not re~irinC approval ~nder sion con~ro! law,~," ~lemme~ seconded, s~ad the vo~e "~ .... ~,?. Chepulis amended the motion to state that .'.ig~.atu_res of the BriC.RD would be with- ~el~ ,mntil the ~ignature of the emmet of record iz placed on the application. ~alemme seconded ~ud the :~ote ;,za~ un-~nimous. ~f~'TSSIO)I OF ~:CIS TRO~L¥ L~}~ ZE-Z0~IBI~ - l~Ol~ 3Y-PASS: A~y. Charles ~om~ly represented his hrofher and sta~ed ~ha2 2he proposed arti01e ~o re-echo ~he land ~o I-~ ~'~ -~ - , · , z,~ ..... was al! ready. ~e~ wm,_id -~i~e:~, 2o ~o ahead wi~h ~ public nearing in order 2o be ready for ~ny ~gp-comin~ special or regmlar To',m ~eeting. '~ .... Chepnlis made a motion to set the h~_r,,u date for 7,~0~°.~..'~ on Sent ,,~. o~.~lemme ~eoonded ?mO_ the vote w~ ~.nanimou~. PLOOD IL?J. RD AR~%S - Letter from 2~en. lh~.r~2[ dated Aug. Pn8 was read in which he-advises that the BOARD set up the re&u~lations for *~his. The approved re~lations wm~_d be accepted ac~ am amendment to the B~y-Law. ~. Ostherr ~.uggested that for the ne~ meeting Mr. Chepulis get a'~la~_ of action" ready. ~.e new Zoning Map will be t~en up at the ne:~% meeting, also. W~ .... o~ DISCvJS£!O.~,~: The C!zzirman reiterated that a discussion had been held regarding the necessity for ~u monitoring program for the La/me Cochiehewiek Watershed. wa~ ~e~u. ..... cd to look into what it wou~d t~2~c to set up ~uch a program. Mr. Borgesi - subseqfuent to the meeting referred to, I obtained information from Camp, Dresser & McEee smd friends at Merrimack College in sanita~ en~ineering. They estimated equipment cost at about C20,000. Using their facilities to make the actual sample analyses would be less a~ud the sampling itself could be done with our people. The question was having a place to do this. Thic monitoring program would have to go on for at least ~ years in order to get comparisons. Hq also, read from Camp, Dreaser & !icKee's letter which cited how ma~, sampling locations necessary, monitoring 2 stre~s ?.nd body cf the La~:e. ~[r. Dorgesi felt he could set up a little lab at th~ south station ~ud it weu!d net entail additional persom~e!o The ~P?; would come in +~he near future with a c~rse of action to be tm!con. Joc Cushing - Seemed to fee]. t?~t he would not do it the ezact [~ame way because we don't actually ,~mow what to sa~,~ple for, would like more facts. L~c suggested two s,~ps: ~) a ~iuantitative and ~aalitative s~alysis of what is joing into the L~c and 2) set up the monitoring proc-ram to be done b~- a professional o~'g~ca~.ization. Gayton Osgood - the Division of ',b. tcr 2c!!ution Con%ro! i~ going to do a t-day study of the L.~c ~ ~'~ ~"~ George $~uford stated tkat ke lnuowz there '~ sewage ~ ' ~ - zs ooxno into the L~ce a~%d .~:nore it is coming from. Patrici~ '~om~y - told the ~ '~ ..... cone t~.c Con. Com. members h~. talked to ~eren%~a~e agencies ~.d they arc willing %o helP. This can be done without going to ,a professional level ~md tho n~' ir t~n ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-~' ~ .... leo Poster - Asked !ir. ~u~h..,o ............... advocating, ~r. Cushing's opinion was that if it costs money to n~ce ~n out~ido agency do ~hic then it "co-t~ money". ~e~ .'~' - 2:~ ..... ~ ~;~ of the Ls~:e or thc l~ck of it. ~k~ch discussion wen% on ~ ,o~r~zn~ ,.~o~ec ..... ~.e ~u~e~zon wa- o.o~z ,~ ...... sight p~sue the ,.ub~ec~ with ~errir~ck College ~'~"*~ .... ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ' · ......e., on a long~crm ~'- .... co~erical lab, Comments were m~de by ~E~. ~aching ~'~* ~:a o:'c~+ ~ct %0 f~u~ti~e, anything vmti! we ~i~-' out if & State ~ency cra]Id accom?]i?~: ±bis. ~ .... e., discussion encompassed t'~o wbo!~ ~,~+~ area. I~. Ostherr felt that we had not como much ~ar%ber~ from *'-~z:c ~rRar~he! ~tudF Committee of 4 or 3 years ago and, in his opinion, !~rge lo~ zoning may not ~e the ann.mr. Pat ~om%!y a~eed %ha2 the size ........ that are critical then %here of thc lot is not c~.cta], ~% if there =~ certain shm~.ld not be tony building in ~hose -~ e~, ~r ..... Cushing felt that the identified%ion of._ -~ water~hed area .~,,,oa]d %e i~cornorafe~_ ~-~o ..... our -c~-~.~,.~ ,.~s ~ first step. ~ombly oh~ge crud ~.rot~?.d Ob%din ~j' information ' ~= ~ o~ zb~_~ for Pranlc Ce!inas agreed that thc rcc'~,~r~-~,., ~ . area shm,~!d be :;ell identified.. The meeting adjot~:rned Chnirman Pr~j,? z Osiherr ret