HomeMy WebLinkAboutFCMeetingMinutes_09.12.02 APPROVED FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES September 12,2002 Meeting ATTENDANCE: The following members were present: Jack Watkins,Chairman,Bernice Fink,Vice Chairman, Paula Porten,Paul Stewart,Steve Dawe,Keith Mitchell and Mark Nichols. Also present were Charles Salisbury, Town Moderator,Chuck Benevento,Town Finance Director,Joyce Bradshaw,Town Clerk and Charles Ormsby. CALL TO ORDER: Jack called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM. Linda Dallaire,our new Confidential Secretary, was introduced to the group. FINANCE COMMITTEE: Charles Salisbury introduced Mark Nichols,the newly appointed Finance Committee member. Joyce Bradshaw then swore him into office. Bernice Fink and Paula Porten were formally reappointed to the Finance Committee for a three-year term that will expire 2005. Charles Salisbury informed those present about Mark Nichols'background and expertise as a CPA. He also stated that he had hoped to round out the number of Finance Committee members to nine,but it wasn't possible by this meeting. The soon to be two two-year appointees will fill the vacancies left by Mark Weber and Mike Garron. Charles had interviewed fourteen people to fill the three appointments. Jack then asked Charles to take part in a discussion concerning the responsibilities and procedures of the Finance Committee. Jack noted that the committee is not representative of any one segment of the community;its interest is to represent the community at large. The committee is a cross-section of the community that helps the town implement its short and long-term financial strategies. Jack then asked Charles to comment on this issue. Charles stated the following: • There was a clear division of the FinCom last year • The issues of last year are there as big,or bigger,this year • The members are relatively new in terms of length of experience on a finance committee • The Association of Town Finance Committees is a great resource for members and suggested they attend the Annual Meeting in Worcester Keith Mitchell said the committee must meet Town Charter requirements and that Charles' points were well taken. Jack noted that before the group leaves tonight,the definitions of a quorum,vacancies and resignations would be decided. In researching this matter,it was stated that a quorum is whatever the committee decides. The Town Charter, Chapter 7 states the FinCom must have nine members. A quorum is defined as a simple majority. Paul noted that a membership of nine denotes five as the number for a quorum. Steve added that a resignation must be formally tendered to the FinCom Chair,Town Clerk,Town Manager and the Board of Selectmen. Without formal notification,a vacancy cannot exist. Additionally,a vacancy exists when a member's term is expired. The member may continue on the committee until an appointment is made. It was agreed that a member should lose membership if he/she misses four consecutive meetings. The Chairman determines whether an absence is excused. The committee then discussed timing of expirations. Expirations are described in the Town Charter and currently take place after the close of Town Meeting. The FinCom agreed that too much happens prior to and directly after Town Meeting. Charles noted that small changes to the Charter happen by article that goes before Town Meeting. A petition to the legislature is drawn up with the particular wording change. Charles recollects that changes to the Charter have occurred twice since he's been Moderator. Keith then distributed a memo from Paul to the FinCom concerning policies and rules of procedure and voting,. Keith noted that he made some revisions to the document. The group then discussed the issue of the FinCom meeting with the Board of Selectmen at least once a year. It was decided that a definition of when the two groups meet and what specific items to be discussed should be clearly defined. It was also noted that a couple of meetings should take place around the Annual Town Meeting. Monday,October 7 is the next Selectmen's Meeting. Chuck Benevento stated that changes to the Budget Policy Statement could be addressed at a Board of Selectmen meeting. A request to be on the agenda is required. It was also decided that an additional paragraph be added to the FinCom policies and procedures clearly indicating what information each FinCom member receives upon appointment(Town Charter,FinCom policies, Open Meeting Law Guidelines,Appointed Official Handbook,etc.). �. It was discussed whether FinCom Members can be elected or appointed to sit on another Town Board as a voting member.Minority/Majority reports were then discussed. Keith stated he would take the Policies and Rules of Procedure and Voting to the next step. APPROVAL OF MINUTES:A MOTION was made to approve the Minutes of September 12,2002 meeting with two minor changes: Change Bea to Bernice and the name of the group that she sat in on to the School Facilities Master Plan Committee. The MOTION to approve the Minutes with revisions was seconded. The vote passed 5-1 with Mark abstaining. FY03 BUDGET UPDATE: Jack Watkins noted that Dan Murphy,School Committee Chairman, said there have been unanticipated increases in the special education budget. Two adverse decisions made by the courts have caused the special education budget to fall$500,000 short. The School Committee is meeting Tuesday,October 8,2002. All FinCom members had been previously invited to attend. FY04 BUDGET CALENDAR: Chuck Benevento noted that the CIP information would be ready by January 2003. He further said that the Town inventory would be distributed in mid-October. INITIATIVES WITH ACCOUNTABILITY: Jack then distributed a memo sent to the Selectmen detailing Initiatives with Accountability.Keith made a MOTION,Paula seconded,to accept the Initiatives with Accountability document as written.The vote was approved(6-1)with Bernice opposed. The FinCom members then volunteered to act as liaisons to the Board of Selectmen for the following initiatives: ■ Develop commercial tax base(Keith Mitchell) ■ Seek PILOT revenue(Paula Porten) ■ Lobby for State Aid changes(Bernice Fink) ■ Increase fees to cover expenses(Mark Nichols) ■ Implement user fees(Paul Stewart) ■ Investigate reducing Town services(Steve Dawe) OTHER: Paul Stewart distributed a memo to the FinCom entitled"An Interim Report on"projected enrollment counts and their relationship to the need for a new elementary school". Steve said he had not received the official numbers for the October 1 enrollment. The FinCom members then had a lengthy discussion concerning the appropriation of funds for the new elementary school. Keith Mitchell made a MOTION,seconded by Steve Dawe,to send the Board of Selectmen and School Building Committee the following request: Due to the inaction of the Board of Selectmen to date,the Finance Committee requests that the School Building Committee not commit any town funds or appropriations for the next 30 days. During this time period,the Financial Committee again recommends that the Board of Selectmen establish a subcommittee to review current and projected enrollment counts in relationship to the need for a new elementary school located at Foster Farm. The composition of this committee should include representatives from the Finance Committee,Board of Selectmen,School Building Committee,School Department,and any other town resident who the Board of Selectmen deems necessary to accomplish the goals of the subcommittee. The MOTION was approved(by a vote of 5-1-1)with Mark Nichols abstaining and Paul Stewart opposed. Jack then distributed a letter from Paul Kelly concerning the possibility of a multi-sports facility in North Andover. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday,October 24,2002. It was noted that there could be an additional meeting on Thursday,October 17`x. If so decided,the FinCom would be notified. The committee also agreed to request the FinCom be on the October 21'meeting agenda of the Board of Selectmen. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business,Steve made a MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 pm. It was seconded by Paula and passed unanimously Submitted by: Linda Dallaire,Confidential Secretary