HomeMy WebLinkAboutFCMeetingMinutes_04.28.04 FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES April 28,2004 —� ATTENDANCE: The following members were present:Jack Watkins,Chairman,Bernice Fink,Paula Porten,Paul Stewart,Melinda Coppa,Mark Nichols,Steve Dawe with Mike Batsimm arriving at 8:00pm. Joyce Hanlon also attended. CALL TO ORDER: Jack called the meeting at 6:30pm OLD BUSINESS: THE BUDGET: ARTICLE 3: The group discussed Mark Rees' FY04 budget adjustment handout,which is Artiele 3,and Paul provided his own handout. The group further discussed that the budget would be$85,000 short if the schools received their full request. The schools requested$261,000 to fund SPED but only$175,000 was allocated. Paula MOVED to approve Article 3 with Mark seconding. Paul then MOVED to amend the Article to fully fund SPED by taking $75,000 from Free Cash.Melinda seconded. The amendment failed 34 with Melinda,Jack and Paul voting in favor and Paula, Steve,"B"and Mark voting against. Jack then MOVED to amend Article 3 by increasing the school budget by$75,000 and reducing the snow&ice budget by$75,000. Melinda seconded and the motion passed 6-1 with"B"voting no. The group then voted on the original motion to approve Article 3 as amended and the vote was 6-1 with"B"voting no. FY05 BUDGET: Because of the error with the tax levy,$102,000 is needed to balance the FY05 budget. Mark Rees recommends increasing the Excise tax line by$102,000 to balance the budget. ARTICLE 8: Per Joyce Hanlon,there are no unpaid bills. ARTICLE 17 AND CPA: The group discussed that the CPA budget need to be corrected because it used a faulty tax levy when surcharging 3%of the tax bills. `B"then discussed that Article 17 and questioned that it allows for borrowing,which is unlike all other appropriation articles. Paul would contact John Simons to discuss this and the group would vote on CPA articles at the next meeting.. ARTICLE 23,TIF: Joyce Hanlon briefly discussed the TIF and lease agreements. ARTILCE 33,AMENDING TOWN CHARTER: Melinda says that she received a call by Ted Tripp,but because she did not attend the meeting after the Fincom vote against this article,she could not.bring up the vote. However,she wants it on the record that she does not support this article anyway. ARTILCE 44,NEW ZONING-PCD: "B"discussed her concern over the fact that a new zoning district is being created called Planned Community Development and would like more information about it.The group agreed to vote on Community Development Articles at the next meeting. TOWN MEETING PREPARATION: Joyce Bradshaw is putting together the motion book and Jack will present the 5 slides,which he planned to show at a prior presentation. Mark Rees will then present the budget. NEXT MEETING: The next meeting is scheduled for May 6,2004 at 6:30pm at the temporary town hall. ADJOURNMENT: Melinda MOVED to adjourn the meeting and Mark seconded.The vote was unanimous.