HomeMy WebLinkAbout1977-05-02~ ~, 1977 - ~onday Regular Meeting The PIANNII~ BOARD held a regular monthly meeting on Monday evening, bay 2, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Office Meeting Room. The following members were present and voting; Paul R. Lamprey, Chairman; William N. ~lemme, Vice-Obairmau; Michael P. Roberts, Clerk; William Chepulis; and John J. Monteiro. PUBLIC HEARING - ~TONEOBEAVE ESTATE~: F. ~elin~s spoke regarding the engineering and stated that when the preliminary plan was submitted the road was 2100 ft. and did not have the severe hook in it as seen now. The PLANNIN~ BOARD now wants the fee of the roadwa~ to ertend to the property live. A second major change is in the drainage. Origina/ly, they showed the drainage as being intermittent along the roa~ with outlet pipes at Just about every other set of basins. With the recommendation of the Highwa~ ~urveyor for continuous drainage we now have 2 drainage systems, one en$ering onto Boxford St. and the other enter- ing into ~oequito Brook. The roadway is placed i between these 'ridges.!~ There are two perma- nent wet areas, a small one around lots 28 -29 and another around lot 23 but once the road is put in the drainage system will eliminate the problem. Felt that the remaining sink hold would be good for fire fighting, etc.; estimated to be about 30-~0 ft. in diameter. Would like to increase its water holding capacity so it oonld be used year round and would work with the Con. Com. on this. The suggestion was ma~e for a dry hydrant at that pond and another at Lot 16. There are 32 lots on approximately 50 acres; a portion of the land is o~med By N. A. Assoc. and a portion is owned by the Adams'; adjacent fo.:the old Teal Farm property. The rear of lots 8-12 have the driveway for the Farm on their rear property lines, a 30 ft. easement with a 20 ft. additional buffer to protect the privacy of that property. Mr. Monteiro questioned whether or no% Dr. Love had the roadway all the way in to his property from Boxford St. Much discussion between Nonteiro and ~elinas. Mr. Chepulis asked why only 7 test pits were perced iwhen 14 show c~ plan - ~elinas stated that in his personal opinion if the soil type is similar it is not necessary to repeat the pero for subdivision purposes~ it is merely to indicate to the Town the kinds of soils expected to be found in the subdivision. On the Designer's Certificate the dates and Registry in which recorded should be noted. ! Also, Book and Page numbers missing from the Form. Mr. Chepulis ahked where the starting point for surveying was established - Boxford St. Culverts should be shown on the definitive plan. Hr. Cyr requested a drainage easement on both the culverts. Mr. ~elinas said it would need a new Form "A". Hr. ~elinas told the BOARD that a plan for the ~tandpipe would be read~ in two weeks. Letters from Town Depts. were read and are on file. No one spoke in favor and no one was opposed. Hr. Monteiro agreed with the Fire Chief's letterI in that if there is no water we would have to request a standpipe and if none was given we Would have to deny the subdivision. Mr. ~elinas suggested getting some support for coming up with a standard on this type of request. Mr. Monteiro made a motion to take the matter under advisement and Mr. Salen~ne seconded. During short discussion Mr. ~elinas asked for authorization to come back with a standard worked out between himself and the BPW on the standpipe. The BOARD agreed. The vote was unanimous. Minutes of 0ct. 19 & 25, 1976 were unanimously accepted upon motion of Mr. ~M/emme and second by Mr. Roberts. STEVEN VOUNESSEA - PROPERTY ON 1620 SALEM ST.: Mr. Vounessea reminded the BOARD about the Turtle Hill subdivision. One of the problems was getting the drainage from Turtle Hill to connect wtih a catch basin on his property. The Town made a reoo~nendation that Vounessea give Turtle a drainage easement. He agreed to this and it is now into ~y and Mr. Turtle is reluctant to restore the property. He was upset at Town and Planning B~rd;felt there was lack of cooperation. He told the members t4at it is a mess, the pxpe xs exposes. ~ 2, 1~77 - conto Asked for euppo~ i¥om the BOIRD by b~n~nE p~e~ on ~. ~tle to finish the job, ~. C~ stated t~t he fel~ b~ly ~cause he ~as ~he ~e who enc~d ~. V~essea ~o ~t the e~emen$ ~d asked ~m t~t i~ ~ould ~ put back la am go~ iff not better c~di~ion. He w~ ~i~ to re,es2 t~t the ~ BoA~ not release ~ b~d m~ey. ~his is the only fool-proof meth~ of m~ a developer $~e ~$ion ~d rec~nded that the ~ ~vise ~. ~ttle he h~ 10 ~ to complete. ~. Monteiro ~e a~moti~ 2o send a letter to ~ttle ~v~g ~s 10 ~s $o ~c~plieh work on She V~essea prope~y or we ~11 t~e She monies ~o ~fill the obli~tion. The wo~ to ~ c~le~ed ~der the ~pe~ision of the ~ ~p~. With ~bon c~ny 2o A~old ~lis~ ~d V~eseea. ~. ~ale~ seceded ~d the vo~e ~s ~imous. ~EORGE ~HRIJENDER - LOT 30, ~RANVILLE LA~E: Mr. Schruender stated that he is a real estate Broker in N. A., that is Jan. or Feb. a Mr. Nugent came to him and put through a purchase and ~ales agreement, that at the time he had no knowledge of the problems. ~he gentlemen wants to move into his new house and asked for release on the Lot so he can start building. If Lot 30 is not included in the objections of the BOARD, said Mr. Monteiro, we may be able to adhere to the request. Mr. Schruender said that it is a hardship on the man because he has sold his other house and has to move into an apartment. Mr. Monteiro suggested release of Lot 30 and allow the Building Inspector to issue a permit. Mr. C~ stated that the conditions that were set on the drainage ditch running through the entire t~ck part of the subdivision is progressing quite well. Mr. Farr told the BOARD that they are working on it every clay and, if the weather holds, they will ~e finished soon; if not, it ~ill be into July. Mr. Monteiro then made a motion to discuss the full subdivision wi$h Mr. ~arr and make a decisic~ then to refer it to the subdivision control subcommittee to review. If things are progressing well there is a possibility that the BOARD would reinstate the subdivision. Mr. Lamprey stated that the reason the present action was taken was to protect future Burrers of the property. We tried to prevent the sale of land until the conditions were corrected. The purchase and sales agreement was signed a~ter the Planning Board revoked the subdivision approval. Mr. Saleratus seconded the motion and added that he would like to hear from the Con. Com. also. The vote was unanimous. FRANK ~ELINAS: ~TER tt~LL MC~T~A~E BC~D A~ - introduced-Arty... Dalton, at~.orney for ~he mo~e ~ who s~a~ed ~ i~ w~ ~cep~able for ~ ~osee. & copy ~d al~ gone to ~he Hi~w~ ~eyor ~d B~. The key is on p~ 3,said ~. ~1~, in t~t there ~e ~wo Sables of dollars ~volved. We ~ ~ng that the ~3~ ~. of ro~ be ~leased a~ ~his t~e ~d this b~d c~e~ that. ~d C~ s~d t~t he ~ed ~th ~he ~al ~ w~d l~e ~o ~a~ s~e for ~ proBle~ that might ~. ~. ~eiro ~es~i~ed p~e ~, "it being ~dersto~ ~t the le~der..." ~d felt it ~s v~e. ~o~s ~eed. ~. Mon~eiro ~e a mo~im to autho~ze the C~ to si~ the ~i~- ei~ C~rol A~emen~ for ~inter ~11 ~th ~ity ~lders of N. A. ~d ~d~er ~vi~ ~. ~. ~le~ seconded. ~i~ diSc~sion ~. Ro~s ~stated his disappr~l ~he a~e mentioned p~h. I$ should ~ specified S~$ the Highw~ ~eyor sh~ld dete~ine w~t is ~ble to c~plete ~he work Because it c~ld ~t oa~h~ up ~ liti- gation forever. ~. Chep~is ~ended the moti~ $o ~ $~$ the doe~$ ~ ~ferred A~old ~is~, To~ Co~sel. ~. ~le~ seceded. ~. Che~lis voiced o~oe~ the To~ ~ve suf~oient money to sects this t~e of work. ~. ~li~s sp&e of a meet- ing ~t~en C~, the contr~tor, Bor~si ~d himself ~d ~. ~linas felt t~t the S13~,~. w~ld no~ reflec~ s~e of ~he ~i~ten specifioati~ t~t ~ ~ ~ this To~. ~ey all a~ed ~hat it'/~s ~ealis~ic in a few ~et~oes. ~. Dalt~ ~ the con~r~ versial p~aph felt t~ She lender w~ld not be a~inst deleti~ it. The vote on the mo~ion was ~~s. ~EAT POND WOODLANDREUIaVmDRAINAOE PIPING DIA~RA~: letter from ~elinas ~s read. Oyr thought this was the most desirable route to go. A motion was made by Mr. Monteiro to allow the ohanges to be maple. Mr. Chepulis amended to incorporate it in the subdivision ~ 2, l~rf? - cont. plans for the drayage system. N.r. Roberts seconded and the vote was unanimous. Mr. Chepulis made a motion that 'the drainags easements by chan~ed to conform with 'the new drainage layout. Kr. Konteiro seconded and the vote was unanimou,% JOHNSON CIRCLE - John Willis received a letter and got a call frc~ Mr. Gaffny who is responsible for this subdivision and stated that he knew it has not been completed. The reasons: 1) the proposal by Mr. Cyr that it should be allowed to settle for a period of time; 2) an additional connection into the lif~ station from houses on Johnson ~t.; 3) the BPW made substantial intrusions into the road. The original figure for completing the road has tripled. Mr. Cyr is requiring things that were not included in the original decision and he was not Highway Surveyor at that time. In addition, there is some build- ing going on and we do not wish to intrude on %his. Bud Cyr stated that he had gone over this three times with Jackie Gaffny and Heffron and it is getting quite irritating. Mr. Monteiro suggested having a meeting with the par$ies involved. Mr. Willis then requested an ex-tension of at least 30 days to get the matter resolved. A motion was made by Mr. Monteiro to extend the time limit to June 1, 1977. Mr. Oyr commented that it was supposed to be completed last October, the people on the street have problems and wou/d like to get it done. Mr. Willis asked if they intended to take the bond money. ~r. Ohepulis questioned who would do it fasters. Mr. Gaffny or the bonding Company; what are the cost factors? It was $5,300. originally and now the figure is right around $14,000 as a result o£ shaping of the road, curbing and shoulder work, etc. Mr. Roberts felt that the paper work should be set up and if no work was initiated by Ma~ 16th then file with the bonding company. Mr. Monteiro withdrew his previous motion. Mr. Lamprey suggested a motion that if we don't get any action by the 16th with some completion date ~0 days from then, the Chairman could be authorized to exercise the bond. Mr. Monteiro made a motion that the Chairman be authorized to exercise the bond if work was not begun by May 16th. Mr. Roberts seconded. Unanimous vote. GEORGE FARR, GRANVILLE LANE: ~tated that he is trying to fix the drainage; they are running into peat and silt and wet weather. Probably won't be done for at least a couple of weeks. It is really not ~e time of year to fixing it and would like to have the conditions lifted sc that people can get building permits to build houses. Mr. Monteiro told him that the BOARD would have to wait until Mr. Cyr and the Con. Com. ek's it. He brought up Schruender's situation and thought if it was successful it is possible that more lots could be released. The gentlemen wanting to build on Lot 28 was present. Mr. Chepulis questioned how much work had been done - Mr. Cyr replied that 2/3 was done but that alot of hauling was needed. Mr. Monteiro made a motion to reconsider Granville Lane, Salem Forest Subdivision because at this point the Highway ~urveyor is satisfied with the progress. Mr. Lamprey said that input from the Con. Com. was lacking. Mr. Monteiro withdrew his motion and made a second motion to refer the matter to the subdivi- sion control subcommittee for a report on May 16. Mr. Salemme seconded. Mr. Gelinas commented that he thought the Con. Com. did not want to review the subdivision until the PLANNING BOARD releases it. The vote on the me, ion was ~nanimous. BOARD OF APPEALS LE~ NOTICES: MONAHAN - Motion by Mr. Saleratus to question whether there is adequate parking facilities for the proposed enlargement of the existing building and the dimensions of the southeast corner of the building have not been noted. Mr. Monteiro seconded and the vote was unanimous. GILBERT REA - Motion and second to leave it to the discretion of the Board of Appeals ~y above members. Unanimous vote. Miscellaneous Matters: Have zoning map reduced; one copy at Advance Reprod. and other copies elsewhere. Con. Com. Public Hearing.' Lacy St. read and on file. Planning Board will review preliminary plans every Wed. starting May 4th.