HomeMy WebLinkAbout1979-06-04June 4, 1979 - MO~DAY Regular Mee~ing The PLANNING BOARD held a regular monthly meeting c~ Monday evening, June 4, 1979 at 7:45 P.M. The following members were present and vo~ing in the Town Office Meeting Room: William Chepulis, Chairman; John J. Nonteire, Vice-chairman; Michael P. Roberts; and Joy~e A. DiTore. PLANS NOT REQUIRING APPROVA~ 1 - ~ WOOD, Salem S~.: plan showed lots 1 & 2; lot 1 going to be transferred to l~rank Dinardi; lot 2 will become a part of James Wi--ing's land; dated Nay 19, 1979. Upon motion of Mr. Monteiro to endorse the plans above as not requiring approval under subdivision oontrol law and second by Mr. Roberts the BOARD voted unanimously in favor. 2 - FRANCIS J. TROMB~y, Hillside Rd.: location is where R~e. 125 intersects Hillside; plan dated June 4, 1979 showing lots Al, B1, C1 and D1. This plan was originally endorsed bat had conservation problems, so the lots lines were adjured to keep away from the drainage easement. Notion by Mr. Monteiro to endorse the plan as not requiring approval under subdivision control law and second by Mrs. DiTore. V~te was unanimous, INGALLS CROSSING - REQUEST ~OR AARTIAL R~W_.WASE: letter from Bud Oyr was read recommend- ing $50,0OO could be released. ~-~thur ~alogianis maid there is now an easemen~ on record. Letter from BPW dated June 1, 1979 reommnended $1260 to be released. Total to be released is $51,260 with balance of $50,840 remaining under the bond. Mr. Nonteiro made a motion to release per Cyr's and Borgesi's letters the amount o£ $51,260. Mrs. DiTore secouded and the v~te was unanimous. NARTDC~URT E~TATES: A~y. Warden requested being on the Agenda. Due to the receipt of the Board of Health letter changing their opinion on the definitive plan he requested that the PLANNING BOARD vote to sign ~he plan amd approve the subdivision as submitted. Mr. Chepulie cited that Oh. 41 is explicit regarding approval and then rescission. Atty. Warden's contention ~ ~hat because i~ is on appeal the BOARD still has juris- dic.~ion. Case of V. Pattel vs. Woburn, Dec. 1978, was brought to his attention by Mr. Chepulis. Mrs. DiTore made a motion to take the matter under advisement until the nax$ meeting. Mr. Monteiro second and the vote was unanimous. I~OREST ESTAT~ - Establishment of Bond Amount: letter from BP~ dated May 18, 1979 recommending amount of $16,000 and Mr. Oyr's letter recommending $75,000 giving a total of $91,000. Upon motion of Monteiro and second by DiTore the matter was taken under advisement until the next meeting because A. Kalogiania is going to put in wells and wants an adjusted figure from the BPW. Unanimous vote. WILLOW RIDGE - Request for Release of Remaining Balance under Bc~d: $1~000 remains. Due to the fact that the Highway Surveyor had not made a recommendation, Mr. Monteiro made a motion to table until such time as we reoeive same. Mrs. DiTore seoouded and VOte waB unanimous. D~INITIVE SUBDIVISION - CAMPBELL FOREST ~BNITTAL: Hearing date set for July 2, 1979 and walk site on June 9, 1979 at 8 A.M. RELEASE FC~: H~INS (HAYMWAI~OW) - Susan S~. Pierre said everything is okay except that the plan referred to is different from the one referred to on the mortgage bond although the recording number is the same. Motion by Mr. Nouteiro that land descrip- tion should agree on the two documents and petitioner should correct this for next meeting. Mrs. DiTore seconded and the vote was u~mous. .7uae 4, 1~9 - c~t. RULES FOR Si~IAL PERNIT GRANTING AUTHGRITY: The Chairman appointed the whole BOARD as a Committee to co~e t~ck to the next mesting with con~nents to prosmlg~te the final copy of these ~ules & regs. For June 18th meeting. TO~ PLANNER ~E ARTiCLE 46, 1979 A.T.M. - since there has been unanim~ms action a motion was made By Mrs. DiTore to hire Susan St. Pierre as To~n Planner for fiscal year 1980. Mr. Monteiro seconded and the vote was unanimous. BOARD C~ APPrALS LEGAL NOTICF~.' 1 - SII~EY CHADWICK - Motion by DiTore for unfavorable action; second by Monteiro; unanimous vote. 2 - CAROIu]2TE S. ROG~I~S - Motion by Monteiro for unfavorable a~tice~; second BY Monteiro; u~animous vote. CLASSIC REA~,TY TRUST - Motion BY DiTore to recommend unfavorable action; seoond by Monteiro; vote unanimous. EARTH RE~OVAL P~2~IT: Scott Follansbee (Off Salem & Ingalls) Susan told the BOARD what h~d already transpired to date with the ~Iiscellaneous Permit. Deferred action until June 18, 1~7~ meeting. COM. LEf~AI. NOTICE~'. Jay Burke and Barry O'~{agen received and on file. Ldg~LAL NOTIOES: BOXFORD, ANDO'~ on file. ~ISCEbLA~E(~JS MATTERS: Memo from ~d. Selectmen Re appointment of Towa COUnsel to take place at 7 P.M. on June 18, 1979. The Chairman attends the meet~-ug and acts on the vo~e of our BOARD. ~eoatu~e we don't know who the candidates are at this time, the Chairman was authorized to take a telephone when he has knowledge of the candidates. OETA m~v.~.. Motion by Mouteiro that we request a qualified Clerk/Typist for this summer program. Joyce DiTore seconded and the vo~e wa~ unanimous. Notification from Personnel Board th,at any new office aide will be compensated at the rate of $~.25/hr. Susan recommended that there be a Work S~op meeting very soon to look at what is really happening in Town and give direction to project priorities. June 12~h set for meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9= 30 P.M. Gilda Blaokstook, Seorstary