HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-01-22 Board of Selectmen Minutes BOARD OF SELECTMEN MINUTES January 22, 2018 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Phil DeCologero called the meeting to order at 7:OOPM in the Town Hall Meeting Room. The meeting was recorded. ATTENDANCE: The following were present: Chairman Phil DeCologero, Clerk Regina Kean, Licensing Chairman, Richard Vaillancourt, Rosemary Smedile, Chris Nobile, Town Manager Andrew Maylor, Assistant Town Manager Ray Santilli, Town Counsel, Suzanne Egan and Executive Assistant, Laurie Burzlaff. Approximately 50 members of the public were in attendance. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Chris Nobile made a MOTION, seconded by Rosemary Smedile, to approve the Open Session Minutes of January 8, 2018. Vote approved 5-0. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: Draft Host Community Agreement with Mass Innovation Works Town Manager, Andrew Maylor, reviewed the terms of the proposed Host Community Agreement between the Town and Valley Green Grow, Inc. In response to a question from the Board, Attorney Egan explained that two laws regarding a registered marijuana dispensary currently exist- MGL 94C, which relates to medical use (enacted 2012) and MGL 94G which relates to recreational use (enacted in 2017). The contract is falls under the previous law (94C)that does not have restrictions related to a Host Community Agreement. Attorney Michael Rosen spoke on behalf of Valley Green Grow and acknowledged that the draft agreement presented to the Board represents the substantive terms of the agreement. Jeff Goldstein, President of Valley Green Grow, Inc. acknowledged their agreement to create the North Andover Community Foundation and committed to funding the Foundation one million dollars per year for ten years. Drummond Playground final design The Board was given copies of the layout for the new Drummond Playground. Other communications and announcements Mr. Maylor indicated that the Department of Public Utilities is having a public hearing on February 13th at the Middle School regarding National Grid's efforts during the storm in October where 96% of the town lost power. Chris Nobile announced that nearly 200 high school students participated in the DECA competition and 81 have qualified for states in Boston. CONSENT ITEMS: Accept donation in the amount of$250.00 from Elizabeth Armstrong to the Police Department For the past several years, Elizabeth Armstrong has generously donated to the Police Department. Richard Vaillancourt made a MOTION, seconded by Rosemary Smedile that the Board of Selectmen accept the donation of$250.00 from Elizabeth Armstrong to the Police Department to be used for any needed services or materials for the department. Vote approved 5-0. Appointment of Laurene Belsito as an alternate to the Old Center Historic District Commission Rosemary Smedile made a MOTION, seconded by Chris Nobile that the Board of Selectmen appoint Laurene Belsito as an alternate to the Old Center Historic District Commission for a term ending June 30, 2020. Vote approved 5-0. Accept grant in the amount of$13,155.00 from MA Office on Disability The Town has received a grant from the Massachusetts Office on Disabilities in the amount of$13,155 which will be used to purchase a braille printer and a FM hearing assistance system to be installed in the high school auditorium. Board of Selectmen Minutes January 22, 2018 2 Richard Vaillancourt made a MOTION, seconded by Rosemary Smedile that the Board of Selectmen accept the grant of$13,155.00 from the Massachusetts Office on Disability. Vote approved 5-0. Request from Assistant Town Manager, Ray Santilli, to waive all fees associated with the Kindergarten Center construction project Included in the packet was a request from Assistant Town Manager, Ray Santilli, to waive all fees associated with the Kindergarten Center construction project. School Building Committee Chairman, David Torrisi and Assistant Superintendent James Mealey, presented the request. Rosemary Smedile made a MOTION, seconded by Regina Kean that the Board of Selectmen waive all fees associated with the Kindergarten Center construction project. Vote approved 5-0. Chairman DeCologero recused himself and left the room. Mr. Vaillancourt acted as chair. Request from North Andover Farmers Market Planning Committee to close First Street from Main Street to entrance at 15 First Street every Sunday beginning June 17, 2018 through October 7, 2018 from 7:OOAM to 3:OOPM Included in the packet was a request from the North Andover Farmers Market Planning Committee to close First Street from Main Street to the entrance at 15 First Street from 7:OOam until 3:OOpm. The market will be every Sunday from June 17, 2018 through October 7, 2018. All relevant departments have reviewed and have no issues. Chris Allen and Hillary Stasonis presented the request. Chris Nobile made a MOTION, seconded by Rosemary Smedile that the Board of Selectmen approve the request of the North Andover Farmers Market Planning Committee to close First Street from Main Street to the entrance at 15 First Street every Sunday beginning June 17, 2018 through October 7, 2018 from 7:OOam to 3:OOpm. Vote approved 4-0. Chairman DeCologero returned to the room. Open meeting law complaint from Frank Ragonese Included in the packet was a memorandum from Town Counsel, Suzanne Egan, regarding the Open Meeting Law complaint received on January 8, 2018. The board must vote to allow Attorney Egan to respond to the complaint. Regina Kean made a MOTION, seconded by Chris Nobile that the Board of Selectmen authorize Town Counsel, Suzanne Egan, to provide a written response to Frank Ragonese regarding the Open Meeting Law Complaint he filed on January 8, 2018. Vote approved 5-0. Town Manager's Annual Performance Evaluation The Town Manager's Employment Agreement includes a provision that the "Board shall review and evaluate the Manager every year from the date of appointment." Included in the packet was a summary, of the respective evaluation findings of the Board, prepared by Chairman DeCologero and Cathy Darby, Director of Human Resources. Richard Vaillancourt made a MOTION, seconded by Regina Kean that the Board of Selectmen approve Town Manager Andrew Maylor's annual performance evaluation. Vote approved 5-0. LICENSING COMMISSIONERS: Rosemary Smedile made a MOTION, seconded by Chris Nobile, to open a meeting of the North Andover Licensing Commission. Vote approved 5-0. Paul Gallant of Merrimack College requests one day wine and malt licenses for the following events at Cascia Hall: 1. Liberal Arts Academic Reception on Thursday, February 1, 2018 from 3:30pm-6:30pm 2. Health Sciences Academic Reception on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 from 3:30pm-6:30pm 3. Business Academic Reception on Wednesday, February 28, 2018 from 3:30pm-6:30pm Rosemary Smedile made a MOTION, seconded by Phil DeCologero that the Board of Selectmen, acting as Licensing Commissioners, approve the request of Merrimack College for one day wine and malt licenses for events on February 1, 2018, February 13, 2018, and February 28, 2018, as presented. Vote approved 5-0. Board of Selectmen Minutes January 22, 2018 3 Rosemary Smedile made a MOTION, seconded by Phil DeCologero to close a meeting of the North Andover Licensing Commission. Vote approved 5-0. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None PUBLIC COMMENT: Jeff Sheehy of 35 Copley Circle, President of Whittemore Company, read a letter he sent to Dr. Goldstein. Justin Shotka of 45 Belmont Street, stated his company is working on a device that identifies impairment due to marijuana use and voiced his support for the marijuana facility. Alexander Maribel of 133 Pleasant Street spoke regarding his support for medical marijuana. Richard Romano of 480 Gray Street spoke in favor of the project and appreciates the work the Board has done on this issue. Debbie Hope of 370 Great Pond Road would like to see the building come alive after being vacant for so long. Jim Lafond of 329 Osgood Street opposes the project and stated that there is no article prohibiting cultivation of recreational marijuana. Mr. Lafond also questioned the financial and social cost to the town. Ed Lynch of 52 Prospect Street stated that people are confused and suggested the Board of Selectmen, Planning Board and parties on both sides of the issue jointly create an informational document. Andrew Firman of 5 Crossbow Lane stated he does not agree with the argument that the process has been rushed as the town has been talking about it for seven months. Mr. Firman also stated it is better to have marijuana grown in a regulated facility than on the black market. Charles Trafton of 137 Salem Street, announced he is a member of the Finance Committee and the OPEB Committee and stated his comments are his and not those of the committees he serves on. Mr. Trafton stated he has researched the financial impacts and the town needs the additional revenue from this project to help address the OPEB liability. Daniel Defillippo of 47 Sutton Hill Road stated he supports the revitalization of 1600 Osgood. Cathy Santoro of 8 Millpond stated she is neither for nor against the project and is confused about how much money the town will get and where it will go. Peter Hall of 191 Kara Drive stated he is concerned with the agreement and doesn't think five million per year is enough. Isaac Fram of 101 Millpond stated he supports the project. Dan Leary of 26 Andover Street and a member of the development team for 1600 Osgood stated that they are having 2 more open houses on Wednesday at 7:OOPM and Sunday from 1-3PM. Donald Stewart of 52 Prospect Street stated that at town meeting residents already have their mind made up and a speaker will not change anyone's mind in the 3 minutes they get to speak. Richard Shaughnessy of 17 Wiley Court stated that he is a tenant at 1600 Osgood and the entire building will need to be rewired which will create IT jobs. TOWN MANAGER'S REPORT: Mr. Maylor stated that if the Host Community Agreement is approved, all funds generated by the agreement are general fund dollars subject to appropriation at Town Meeting. ADJOURNMENT: Chris Nobile made a MOTION, seconded by Richard Vaillancourt to adjourn the meeting at 9:25p.m. Vote approved 5-0. Laurie A. Burzlaff Executive Assistant Regina Kean, Clerk of the Board Board of Selectmen Minutes January 22, 2018 4 Documents used at meeting: Minutes of January 8, 2018 Draft Host Community Agreement Drummond playground design Donation memorandum Appointment memorandum Grant memorandum Fee waiver request Farmers market request Open meeting law complaint Town Manager's performance evaluation Merrimack College request Fire Department Report Overdose report Police Report Job posting/vacancy log Capital projects report IT Report Senior Center report Building department report Library report Textile recycling report TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER BOARD OF SELECTMEN 120 MAIN STREET NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 01845 Phil DeCologero, Chairman /IIIY�%/ •.. Regina Kean, Clerk „� " TEL. (978)688-9510 Chris Nobile FAX(978) 688-9556 Rosemary Connelly Smedile Richard Vaillancourt BOARD OF SELECTMEN& LICENSING COMMISSIONERS AGENDA MONDAY,JANUARY 22,2018 7:00 PM OPEN SESSION TOWN HALL MEETING ROOM 120 Main Street L CALL TO ORDER IL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. January 8,2018 Open Session Minutes, as written IV. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS A. Draft Host Community Agreement with Mass Innovation Works B. Drummond Playground final design V. CONSENT ITEMS A. Accept donation in the amount of$250.00 from Elizabeth Armstrong to the Police Department B. Appointment of Laurene Belsito as an alternate to the Old Center Historic District Commission C. Accept grant in the amount of$13,155.00 from MA Office of Disability D. Request from Assistant Town Manager,Ray Santilli,to waive all fees associated with the Kindergarten Center construc� E. Request from North Andover Farmers Market Planning Committee to close First Street from Main Street to entrance at 15 First Street every Sunday beginning June 17,2018 through October 7, 2018 from 7:OOAM to 3:OOPM F. Open meeting law complaint from Frank Ragonese G. Town Manager's Annual Performance Evaluation VL LICENSING COMMISSIONERS A. Paul Gallant of Merrimack College requests one day wine and malt licenses for the following events at Cascia Hall: I. Liberal Arts Academic Reception on Thursday,February I,2018 from 3:30pm-6:30pm 2. Health Sciences Academic Reception on Tuesday,February 13,2018 from 3:30pm-6:30pm 3. Business Academic Reception on Wednesday,February 28,2018 from 3:30pm-6:30pm VII. OLD BUSINESS VIII. NEW BUSINESS IX. PUBLIC COMMENT X. TOWN MANAGER'S REPORT A. Monthly Reports 1. Fire Department 2. Overdose Report 3. Police Depattinent 4. Job postin vacancy In 5. Ca itap l Projects 6. IT Re ort 7. Senior Center 8. Bu� 9. Library 10. Textile rec cy ling B. "Ask the Manager" XL NEXT MEETING DATE Tuesday,January 30,2018—Special Town Meeting XII. ADJOURNMENT BOARD OF SELECTMEN MINUTES January 8, 2018 CALL TO ORDER: Chairman Phil DeCologero called the meeting to order at 7:OOPM in the Town Hall Meeting Room. The meeting was recorded. ATTENDANCE: The following were present: Chairman Phil DeCologero, Clerk Regina Kean, Licensing Chairman, Richard Vaillancourt, Rosemary Smedile, Chris Nobile, Assistant Town Manager Ray Santilli, Town Counsel Suzanne Egan and Executive Assistant, Laurie Burzlaff. Approximately 30 members of the public were in attendance. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Richard Vaillancourt made a MOTION, seconded by Regina Kean, to approve the Open Session Minutes of December 18, 2017. Vote approved 5-0. CONSENT ITEMS: (taken out of order) Request of Luke Babb for permission to install a boardwalk at Osgood Hill Trail for his Eagle Scout Service Project Luke Babb, presented his request for permission to install a boardwalk at Osgood Hill frail for his Eagle Scout Service Project. The Conservation Commission has already approved the project. Rosemary Smedile made a MOTION, seconded by Chris Nobile that the Board of Selectmen approve the request of Luke Babb, to install a boardwalk at Osgood Hill trail for his Eagle Scout Service project and to waive all permit fees. Vote approved 5-0 Acceptance of donations Industrial size freezer to the Senior Center from the Friends of the North Andover Senior Center Rosemary Smedile made a MOTION, seconded by Richard Vaillancourt, that the Board of Selectmen accept the donation of an industrial size freezer from the Friends of the North Andover Senior Center to the Senior Center, Vote approved 511: $500 from Elizabeth Armstrong to the Fire Department, For the past several years, Elizabeth Armstrong has donated $500 to the Fire Department. Rosemary Smedile made a MOTION,,seconded by Regina Kean that the Board of Selectmen accept the donation of500.00 from Elizabeth Armstrong to the Fire Department. Vote approved 5- 0. Affordable Unit,Re8ale-2 Harvest,Drive, Unit 104 (Oakridge Village/Maplewood Reserve) The Citizens' Housing and Planning Association (CHAPA) has notified the Town that the affordable housing&nit at 2 Harvest Drive, Unit 104(Oakridge Village-Maplewood Reserve)is for sale. It was recommended the Board decline its right of first refusal. Richard Vaillancourt made a MOTION, seconded by Regina Keean that the Board of Selectmen decline the right of first refusal to purchase the affordable housing unit at 2 Harvest Drive, Unit 104 (Oakridge Village-Maplewood Reserve). Vote approved 5-0. COMMUNICATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: MassDOT-Update on Mass Ave/Chickering Road project Kristen Hayden, the consultant for MassDot updated the board regarding the Mass Avenue/Chickering Road project. They are in the process of evaluating options for the crosswalk and for a stop sign at right hand turn toward Osgood Street. Ms. Hayden will report back to the town by the end of March. Town Counsel for Special Town Meeting Suzanne Egan will be on vacation on January 30th. In Attorney Egan's absence, Lauren Goldberg will serve as Town Counsel at the Special Town Meeting. Attorney Goldberg is a lead attorney at KP Law and has a vast amount of experience. Since KP Law has already been appointed special town counsel for the town, no vote is necessary. Board of Selectmen Minutes January 8, 2018 2 Citizen petitions Article 1-Prohibition of Non-Medical Marijuana-General Bylaw Article 2- Prohibition of Non-Medical Marijuana-Zoning Bylaw Charles Salisbury, 301 Johnson Street, provided an explanation for Articles 1 and 2. Article 6-Authorization of the Town Manager and Board of Selectmen to negotiate and execute a Host Community Agreement with Valley Green Grow, Inc. (doing business as Massachusetts Innovation Works), and/or its affiliated entities, as the operator of a Registered Marijuana Dispensary and any other Allowed Marijuana Use (the "Operator") at the property located at Map 34, Parcel 17, commonly referred to as 1600 Osgood Street, North Andover(the "Property") Attorney Michael Rosen spoke on behalf of the petitioner, Jeff Goldstein. Chairman DeCologero indicated that the Board of Selectmen already possess the authority to enter into a host community agreement and do not need Town Meeting approval. Attorney Rosen explained petitioner's reasoning for Article 6 and indicated that he would let the Board know prior to Town Meeting if the petitioner is going to withdraw the article. Planning Board Special Town Meeting Warrant Articles John Simons, chair of the Planning Board, explained the two Planning Board articles. Mr. Simons indicated that the Planning Board drafted a bylaw which they/believe addresses their concerns if a project like the one proposed at 1600 Osgood were to move forward.Mr. Simons explained that there are members of the Planning Board that do not believe the project is right for North Andover. LICENSING COMMISSIONERS: Rosemary Smedile made a MOTION, seconded by Chris Nobile, to open a meeting of the North Andover Licensing Commission. Vote approved 5-0. Public Hearing for alleged liquor license violation at North Andover Restaurant, Inc. d/b/a Rolf's on November 22, 2017 (continued from 12/18/17f Rosemary Smedile made a MOTION, seconded by Phil DeCologero that the Board of Selectmen, acting as Licensing Commissioners, open the public hearing for the purpose of obtaining information regarding a possible liquor license violation by North Andover Restaurant, Inc., d1b/a Rolf's on November 22, 2017. The Chair read the notice sent to license holder and proceeded with the hearing. Officer Driscoll and Officer Barter gave their statements regarding the matter. Owner, Lesley Carlson,stipulated to the fact that there was a fight but not that there was a person under the age of twenty-one being served. Chris Nobilemade a MOTION,seconded by Phil DeCologero that the Board of Selectmen, acting as Licensing Commissioners,;close the public hearing. Vote approved 5-0. The Board discussed whether they believed any violations occurred. The Board agreed to address the two alleged violations separately. Chris Nobile made a MOTION,seconded by Rosemary Smedile that the Board of Selectmen, acting as License Commissioners, find that on November 22, 2017 at North Andover Restaurant d1b/a Rolfs, 9 Main Street, a liquor license violation did not occur pursuant to Town of North Andover Alcoholic Beverages Regulations and 204 CMR 2.05(2) Permitting an illegality on the licensed premises, to wit. Chapter 138, Section 34, Sale or delivery of an alcoholic beverage to a person under twenty-cine years of age. Vote approved 5-0. Chris Nobile made a MOTION, seconded by Phil DeCologero, that the Board of Selectmen, acting as License Commissioners, find that on November 22, 2017 at North Andover Restaurant d/b/a Rolfs, 39 Main Street, a liquor license violation did occur pursuant to Town of North Andover Alcoholic Beverages Regulations, Section 32(1)(c), disturbances or disorderly conduct related to the licensed premises adjacent properties and/or parking lots. Vote approved 5-0. Licensing chair, Richard Vaillancourt, handed the gavel over to the Chairman DeCologero. Richard Vaillancourt made a MOTION, seconded by Regina Kean that the Board of Selectmen, acting as Licensing Commissioners, impose the penalty of a written warning on North Andover Restaurant Inc. d1b/a Rolfs, 39 Main Street, for violation of the Town of North Andover Alcoholic Beverages Regulations, Section 32(1)(c), disturbances or disorderly conduct related to the licensed premises adjacent properties and/or parking lots, with the conditions that the license holder provide additional security training to staff, within sixty days report back to the Licensing Board of Selectmen Minutes January 8, 2018 3 Commissioners regarding said security training and retain all tapes from any incidents. Vote approved 5-0 Chairman DeCologero returned the gavel to Licensing Chair Vaillancourt. Request of Yakshil, LLC d/b/a Wine and Beer at the Andovers, 350 Winthrop Avenue, for a transfer of all alcohol package store license William Buco, manager of Wine and Beer at the Andovers and the new owner, Swetal Patel, were present to request the transfer of license. Phil DeCologero made a MOTION, seconded by Rosemary Smedile that the Board of Selectmen, acting as Licensing Commissioners, approve the request of Yakshil, LLC d1b/a Wine and Beer at the Andovers to transfer the all alcohol package store license. Vote approved 5-0. Request of Walgreens of Massachusetts, LLC d/b/a Rite Aid#10117, 525 Turnpike Street for a transfer of a wine and malt package store license Timothy Perry spoke on behalf of the applicant. Rosemary Smedile made a MOTION, seconded by Phil DeCologero that the Board of Selectmen, acting as Licensing Commissioners, approve the request of Walgreens of Massachusetts LLC d1b/a Rite Aid#10117 to transfer the wine and malt package store license. Vote,approved 5-0. Rosemary Smedile made a MOTION, seconded by Phil DeCologero to close a meeting of the North Andover Licensing Commission. Vote approved 5-0. CONSENT ITEMS (cont.) 2018 Special Town Meeting Warrant Included in the packet was a draft of the 2048 Special Town Meeting Warrant. Vote to open the warrant Chris Nobile made a MOTION, seconded by Richard Vaillancourt that the Board of Selectmen open the 2018 Special Town Meeting Warrant. Vete approved 44, Ms. Smedile opposed. Acceptance of the warrant Chris Nobile made a MOTION,seconded by Regina,Kean that the Board of Selectmen accept the 2018 Special Town Meeting Warrant as presented. Vote approved 4-1, Ms. Smedile opposed. Vote to close the warrant Richard Vaillancourt made a MOTION,seconded b Regina Kean the Board of Selectmen close the 2018 Special Town Meeting Warrant, Vote approved 5-0. Town Meeting.Warrant recommendations Chairman DeCologero opened the meeting for public comment related to the Special Town Meeting Warrant Articles. Michael Connelly, 481 Rea Street stated he is against allowing the Osgood facility stating that the town could he,at risk for violating Federal law. Ted Tripp, 262 Boston Street, spoke out against Osgood Facility and the loss of jobs and companies that currently occupy the building. Karen Rassias, 115 Carleton Lane asked about the host agreement in Article 6 and how the numbers were arrived at. David Torrisi, 67 Settlers Ridge,Road stated that Article 6 was solely to get a special town meeting scheduled and the Planni;ng,Board could have not submitted an article, giving them additional time to review any proposed article submitted by citizen petition. Ann Gleason, 28 Bradford Street stated she finds Osgood's advertising misleading. Carl Rapucci, 14 Bucklin Road stated it takes several years to get medical uses approved. Tom Dugan, 48 Beacon Hill Boulevard asked for tax revenue fee calculation and to make the community host agreement negotiations public. Lynn Rudnicki, 33 Marblehead Street, asked why the town spent money on the Amazon proposal if the Board wanted it used as a cultivation site. Matthew Peterson, 684 Massachusetts Avenue asked the Board if the project could be prevented by not having a Host Community Agreement. The Board indicated that not having a Host Community Agreement would not stop it but they could withhold their letter of non-opposition. Kelly Cormier, 169 Andover Street asked the Board to not issue a letter. Kathleen Sullivan, 128 Martin Avenue, spoke out against having a marijuana facility in North Andover. Board of Selectmen Minutes January 8, 2018 4 The Board voted their recommendations on the Special Town Meeting Warrant Articles. The options for recommendation were favorable action, unfavorable action, take no action or to be made at town meeting. Regina Kean made a MOTION, seconded by Chris Mobile that the Board of Selectmen recommend unfavorable action on Article 1. Vote approved 4-1, Ms. Smedile opposed. Regina Kean made a MOTION, seconded by Chris Mobile that the Board of Selectmen recommend unfavorable action on Article 2. Vote approved 4-1, Ms. Smedile opposed. Chris Mobile made a MOTION, seconded by Regina Kean that the Board of Selectmen recommend favorable action on Article 3. Vote approved 5-0. Richard Vaillancourt made a MOTION, seconded by Regina Kean that the Board of Selectmen recommendation on Article 4 be made at Town Meeting. Vote approved 5-0. Richard Vaillancourt made a MOTION, seconded by Regina Kean that the Board of Selectmen recommendation on Article 5 be made at Town Meeting. Vote approved 5-0. Regina Kean made a MOTION, seconded by Richard Vaillancourt that the Board of Selectmen take no action on Article 6. Vote approved 5-0. Vote to authorize Town Manager to resume negotiations with Mass Innovation Works regarding Host Community Agreement The Board was asked to vote on whether to authorize the Town Manager to resume negotiations with Mass Innovation Works regarding the Host Community Agreement or to wait until after the Special Town Meeting. Richard Vaillancourt made a MOTION, seconded by Chris Mobile that the Board of Selectmen authorize the Town Manager to resume negotiations with Mass Innovation Works regarding the Host Community Agreement. Vote approved 4-1, Ms. Smedile opposed. OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None PUBLIC COMMENT: Frank Ragonese, 1939 Great Pond Road, spoke against the Board voting in favor of allowing a marijuana facility. TOWN MANAGER'S REPORT: None ADJOURNMENT: Chris Mobile made a MOTION, seconded by Richard Vaillancourt to adjourn the meeting at 10:52 p.m. Vote approved 5-0. Laurie A. Burziaff Executive Assistant Regina Kean, Clerk of the Board Documents used at meeting: Eagle Scout project packet Donation memorandum Affordable Unit Resale memorandum Draft Warrant Public hearing packet- North Andover Restaurant, Inc. Wine and Beer of the Andovers request Walgreens request Job posting/vacancy log THIS HOST COMMUNITY AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT")is entered into this day of 2018 by and between Valley Green Grow, Inc Massachusetts not-for-profit corporation with a principal office address of 1600 Osgood Street, l 4,rth Andover, MA 01845 ("VGG")and 1600 Osgood, LLC, with a principal office address of 1690 Osgood Street,North Andover, MA 01845 ("1600 Osgood")and the Town oNorth'Andover,; ae "Town") a Massachusetts municipal corporation with a principal'address of 120 Main`S4cet,North Andover,MA 01845. WHEREAS,VGG has filed applications with the MAs;s4chusetts Department of Public Health for a license to operate a registered` arijpana dispensary(s%MD")for the cultivation, processing and dispensing of marijuana in accordant I ith the regulations issued by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. WHEREAS,VGG WishesA.o perate a 1 !,.,million square foot marijuana cultivation facility in Building 30[Aft&a,small portion of Building 70 to be redesignated as part of BLDG 301 at 1600 Osgood Street,North Andover as a component of an RMD. VGG is negotiating with other municipalitiestohosf fhe dupe „ elides under three additional RMD applications and'hAs:'n"b"innoon tugperate theretail component of any RMD or a Marijuana Retailer in Ndrth Andover WTIEREA ,VGG requires a letter of support or non-opposition from the Board of Selectmen in orkfto obtain a WD license from the Department of Public Health. WHEREAS, VGGintends to provide certain benefits to the Town in the event that it is licensed to operate an RMD cultivation, facility and receives all required local approvals; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the provisions of this Agreement, VGG and the Town agree as follows: " 1. VGG shall pay to the Town the sum of Five Million and 0.0/100 Dollars ($5,000,000.00)annually paid quarterly,($ ;2.50";000.00 pef"quarter) for 80 quarters commencing on the first day,diff the first full calender quarter month after the first certificate of occupancy is issd for any part of the maf:Juana cultivation facility. 2. The Town through its Board.of Selectmen will,Jssue a letter of non-opposition to VGG stating that it does not b0pose the location o£the.Building 30 and 70, for a 1.1 million square foot cultivaticiffl ity with no dispensing at 1600 Osgood Street. 3. VGG shall sp'ek a special permit 6m the North Andover Special Permit Granting Authority far al.I million,square foot, and no lessor more, marijuana cultivation fa lity. VGG's obiigatio" to pay ripens upon the grant of the special permit. The payment schedule begins upon grant of a certificate of occupancy o any: ort�gn of ie marijudrid'dAtivation facility. ' Jf the Special'Pe mit Grant ng Authority issues a permit for a cultivation, facility that,is less than 1 -1 million square feet,then the annual payment of Five Million ($ "QQ0,000.00)Dollars shall be reduce in a proportionate amount. Any increase in the'size of the,c�ultivation, facility shall increase the annual payment proportionatety-up to Five Million Dollars. Payment is pro-rated each quarter until VGG achieves maximum approval. 5. The provisions of this Agreement shall be applicable as long as VGG operates a RMD cultivation facility in the Town and shall survive the conversion or addition of any other marijuana related activity licensed,by the Department of Public Health("DPH") or Cannabis Control Committee ("CCC")at 1600 Osgood Street,North Andover, Massachusetts;:it,icluc ng but not limited to each of those AMUs provided for in Sectionof the°Toyer ofNorth Andover Zoning Bylaws,adopted as of January 30,.20 .,$`, if VGG�6,nverts to a for-profit organization or seeks any other license this Agreement shall yive such conversion. 6. VGG agrees that in the event that it applies f6f a license to cultivate recreational marijuana in the RMD cultivation, facility ani thereby converting all or a portion of the use of the faciltt ,to,a recreational t"narijuana facility that it will maintain at least a portion of the"facitity for medic aI iiiariJuana cultivation and that this Agreement shall survi*e such cpnversion=and the full Five Million Dollar annual payment for 80 qu "s shall b :a'continuing obligation. Should the state merge the categories of"Medical and"'recreational,this provision shall apply to the merged etegoiy. 7. VGG agrees tliatJa this eve xt it,applies for a license to cultivate recreational nxan ,1a ; or any offer recreational marijuana license in the RMD cultivation, facility,the,obligation o,maintain a portion of the facility for medical marijuana cultivation arid: Q pay the- 11 Five Million dollar annual payment under this 'Agreement shall:be incorporated as the payment obligations in any host community agreement entered into for such a license, if any. 8. VGG's obligation to pay the Five Million dollar per year with payments for eighty quarters shall not be discharged or waived for any reason. However, if VGG's license is suspended by a regulatory agency for more than one quarter, the corresponding quarterly payment due shall be deferred until the license is reinstated. VGG shall remain obligated to pay the quarterly payments that were deferred. Such payments shall resume on the first 4*6f, next calendar quarter. 9. If VGG defaults on its obligation to make a tiely payment or fulfill any other obligation under this Agreement, VGG agroes to waive all"Aefenses to the Town's withdrawal of the letter of nonuopposition and the Town's request to the licensing authority to revoke VGG's iOense to`operate the cults 4tion facility. The Town shall have all other remedies yailable"tn it under state laws. 10. 1600 Osgood agrees that the value of the real, roperty of the RMD facility shall be treated as taxable and 16000 ood shall not c biect.to or otherwise challenge the taxability of such real preppeftyy, *,May challenge any assessment in accordance with Massachusetts:l.aw. 11. VGG agreesthat a Other fees, pe mits, personal property and real estate taxes including aoypersonlproperty or:real estate tax increases which result from improvements,tq thes,btlding or land`and any subsequent valuation increase shall remain,the obligation o CxG and>or any other successor property owner. 12,,,�"VGG shall not assign sublet or otherwise transfer this Agreement, in whole or in part, without the;priorwritten consent of the Town, which consent shall not be treasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed, and shall not assign any of the moneys payable tinder this Agreement, except by and with the written consent of the Town. 13. This Agreement is binding upon the parties hereto,their successors, assigns and legal representatives.Neither the Town nor VGG shall assign or transfer any interest in the Agreement without the written consent of the other. 1 . VGG shall comply with all laws, rules, regulations and orders applicable to the RMD or any other AMU now existing or operating at'the.;property in the future, such provisions being incorporated herein by reference, and shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary licenses,permits, ani approvals required for the performance of such work. 15. Any and all notices, or other communications required or permitted under this Agreement, shall be in writing and delivered by.hand or mailed pQStage prepaid, return receipt requested, by registered of ertifiod`mail or by other reputable delivery service,to the parties at the addresses set forth on Page 1 or furnished from time to time in writing hereafter by one} ty to the other party. Any such notice or correspondence sh l beydeemed given wbpn so delivered by hand, if so mailed, when deposited with4he'O Sa.Postal Service or, if sent by private overnight or other delivery serve, wbe deposited'with such delivery service. 16. If any term ar"condition of this Agreement or'any application thereof shall to any extent be held invalid-,Regal or unenforceable by the court of competent jurisdiction,thb,;validity, legality, and enforceability of the remaining terms and conditions of tYtis Agreerrienthall;not be deemed affected thereby. 17This Agreement shalFbe governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with <the laws of the;Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the parties agree that Essex C' my superior court shall be the proper forum for any litigation for the adjudication of disputes arising out of this Agreement. 18. This Agreement,including all documents incorporated herein by reference, constitutesthe entire integrated agreement between VGG and the Town with respect to the matters described. This Agreement supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations and representations, either written or oral, and it shall not be modified or amended except by a written document executed by the parties hereto. 19. VGG agrees that it will not open or apply to opeiL -;medical marijuana dispensary facility, a retail marijuana facility,an onsite,consumption facility or a delivery service facility in North Andover. 20. VGG shall not use any of the Town public water supply or=infrastructure in its cultivation activities. VGG may use tie Town-Public water supolyy;And infrastructure for the operation of its business ne!t elating to the cultivation of marijuana, including but not limited to ani A,,1'IU conducting research and development activities. 21. The parties acknowledge that the�ciltvation facily�' vill be located in a G.L. c. 40R smart growth zoning district and tba the Town"F may vote to rescind such zoning district. As a consequeriee, the Comritirtvealth of Massachusetts may require that the T-o'wn-,repay Six hundred and'>f'ifty Thousand dollars it received when the c 46R disfz et was adopted.. If the Commonwealth requires repayment of all or-d, on of the Six Hundred;and Fifty Thousand ($650,000.00) dollars, VGG shall pay4he amort due to the'Commonwealtb. 22, This Agfee%ent is sfic to a 1.1 million square foot cultivation facility for a -license issued.10. R an Kl y DPH or any AMU approved by the CCC, for the same space. AnY future development or expansion requiring a license or an ameadment to th `RMD license shall require an additional Host Community Agrie"e In e n L Further, any AMU or other research and development use which space i � of within the 1.1 million square foot cultivation,processing and manufa6fu#ag''facility satisfying the fifteen(15%)percent rule under Section 8.13.6(4) o lie Zoning Bylaw shall be covered by this Agreement. 23. This Agreement does not affect, limit or control the authority of the Town,-its boards, commissions, or department to carry out their respective powers and duties to decide upon and to issue, or deny applicabl &snits and other approvals under the statues and regulations of the-:commonwealth,the General and zoning bylaws of the Town or applicable reg�alaons of those boards, commissions, and a department or to enforce sid stafial , bylaws, and regulations. The Town by entering into thgreement,s'pot thereby required or obligated to issue such permits and.approvals as may be'jit cessary for VGG to operate in the Town or to refrain f o#� ::enforcet ent action agg AV GG for ��st violation of the terms of said permits, p rovals bx,statutes, bylaw and regulations. 24. This agreement applies so1cly p VGG's plans"t' operate a 1.1 million square foot marijuana cultivation fa IztY` Any facility do` el&t ed on the property which are not a part of the cultivation faciliiy1 requite an additional Host Community Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partie's hereto have o ecuted this Agreement on the day and year first above written. f Town of Nora Andover d r� fir 'u f� f1 W � `�:; f,✓,��" b' " El'Ap f f� Y! h � �� {� � i�f 1Y s w � 1 wY , DRUMMOND PLAYGROUND 3 r - ; s t x'r, - 'x J, y& P&N Y 4 Fxx w- ✓x r ki+,; r - : a r "�a P`f ZI IN b ar s -soot f PI),RX STREET PLAYGROUNDS Model No. B502167RS Components Handcuod" C 9.W4—t&04AAA- ft A �.. hnw LBS@!awuM'kDu'�a f2«•" S L Po Ww V R IfM.wApd IXxv �w';S" f AJ.ww.sa k6oYe 0 A h IThnnVW!y ry� p 7 q U 1 4 lwuryyN hY '� d 9 P0�Am6tig4b N' fl `M plt6 tb PP,"""" U Fid w8iw a0i tlMevmP AA 1' wmd.k pl 0�lw y P p:N&tffi U nntlCN4PNPA t d�ktl5FIN1''PbNbC.GV2'M P'P'��3'ffpA71 P IN" i�'w4#�Y k L.k,c4— U 4 hre Z"lm.Y & V Y40;A ft uV 4 `d wltll. OPo°",wdueM Nbwelk" p °kw;, A-0 OWk 6W411 1 I � Fun Acxaanta 11 swore OwmPBnm 4uaMt WY�'tne Nro ca am,o .7my 1 at was.r+vdx:rd�Iry V a ^Wdncep`Ewµroxe�.NIO t rastwrcw1,Aawaw x.•ncroswsmermWe woWmrs vriwo[n1 w±.e.vw 9"�"d'6A6 LP9 � '�P' p`Q'�N�G P'&d.'.� k hCw.0',p Ar isgrOngi uRmi f M.A. W U NAId YPMp.wkk A!"rmamauave fl �'M I.e IbbvrwtlW d. t "A-WW 91k, h Q ° N M,n�^uw hM CnC w RotrrdePoaaBd'raq l�Vara:Prku"sxrw Badlt)ar ope�816:9� b ruga u sx.ria�tivm� Ar eve a u '—a w yw rox a 1 � x aa�rm��wwwoo� , CPaeuaa.9^� 'wgv�a PBm9 ' pzs pa a v',A1.o rr v"mmrEr my Saar&�t '9 W�a1.�s° s ur�xip r •ema.�a cwv avA uas a ma S 1 xa�+ua n w, w rmm mawa Pod Brown a U sxn u e ua e wu u m stzavy S.¢waw a�uvw.w�ecem , � - eI,xt�ftikem m � N—W R r mom, Lr raee„uo waw tw n=ww ".mwava: p ma w a we ww MW ft« o,,+ 4 u wmvmun x 'a mmwsaa n,mow m xaw o r w�r �. wmwmAuw nnn,ro w,mAww wwwab,w P 4 Va* aw^ww A N 0.k,nkro'b'W'mcr Cam .h6mm»➢ 'q Wd olnwgtldq�Ycoµw'C1w^,W; 0. „> wm m0mr4'""uimtiwwwwrww,raTwm,Yrvuww nmNw.m'Awamw�twa'w rownkw.,am;m,a. # eeTMtuapkrw.xr�xln lPrvW rvu 6 �w,wAd4W d yW W'uwrod armwawa:aadN mw.�du Yb< q&'AMd^^Aww.w�memM.n.&buq ••�^ UMMOND ����aaaa 3ro PLAYGROUND u; ,.' 0. .•^" )� III '° Y*�� ^,y t mk,t m h P IJ E �� n Jr e ?• r w J � w , et *Vw PARK SIIRII111I1,r PLAYGROUNDS Model No. B502167R5 ' G.a¢.azd•~a�h'urrvwmswa C67 vrowrac@z aarrt&'n uvroar 11 q'Yn�N&s:'mru'n �Components��} �16. i�ra vnan,.u° s -.a k,+.roa a ur3 la-,,� 2.`;mane P.�t n van"x�ubn*�" N. � w+s�.ka ra^�'• matira�..: p mw'w'w�w,tmm *'T KIA�9'kw�H�,2AO ProvWirig Playground Fun Accen T&",otos 9w4cAded MasticC'6men HIirerR $�63Badk w ewa�o ro��m�t�u� � wuwM awrc�a�imm�'vmmmmu c^ mm�rtn�'w uttaroa�.m raoDu amam�nanW o rr�m:a��u`�4.� i mix+a4"uo�Puvvrw.tr� g a�vr�v.�H'aa ` ws Berflne9rft$% M ca....uevu �rrop m row scud vara rowan ro�� Wro�r awm pana a mwrm H D E 4YMC I OPee 1mIW i'ttau mw wbenar rnv�mc m a ehvs a �ur ws� 0, I'Mi 0— � aa dm m 1 ruunu�wt am,on "^ �IPKut>na rw, e® 9.anr, mmmCIruarkuiNFrecsl6s4Burvro s tt uanwwuwma m ea�vm�¢eamaaaes�.�u #�z�w�re4a x wv.ae,aava'M�w av,wa�m.�r«ava�v:w�wnwaGN'11r- D.W. nr:- • W %ep.Srvng'6nuro fi & D.W S%%flro kkµwA.. k W..SkA B0, love 0G,k I mnlk. mwsuw:u»nu�maer� au.wm w�man+mmmemeOPu a.�inw,mvM*.enmwrva..uwwwu � SmIT�nS,fivh�6T A 6 %PiuXn:3" $. 0 YkkxO' D k� nav b W'F b$ -A➢.dAmy ry�`d°a„A Q Gam.PorrM13YWlpg wmd,R uwttaa.Nkrm$.PbvMaWNvfrlmmrµ9MldaW.s" "�..ngpPuu lYecM 6 VkxwJrMn tifixim vlutaxun idaeawY 4 S'.4ewRgw4m,N'.x6rtmik�Po-ft NORTH ANDOVER POLICE l!l/2 f% PdIICtl l4 ---Community Partnership--- The Office of CHIEF OF POLICE Charles P.Gray MEMORANDUM TO: Andrew Maylor,Town Manager FROM: Charles Gray, Chief of Police RE: Armstrong Donation DATE: January 8, 2018 Attached please find a donation of$250.00 from the Armstrong Family for the Police Department. It is my request that the Board of Selectmen accept this donation towards any needed services or materials the department may require. Thank you for your assistance with this matter. (Attachment 1) 1475 Osgood Street,North Andover,Massachusetts 01845 Telephone:978-683-3168 Fax:978-685-0249 22 December 2017 North Andover Police Department 1211 Osgood Street North Andover, MA 01845 Dear Sir: Enclosed please find my contribution of$250 for your emergency and/or relief fund to be used in support of North Andover residents in need. Regards, Elizabeth Armstrong 859 Winter Street North Andover, MA 01845 ELIZABETH A.ARMSTRONG 5-75i51ii0 L+ C r� WILLIAM D.ARMSTRONG U J G ERIKA L.MEYERS 859 WINTER ST. DATE NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 1 PAY TO THE " ORDER OFLLU 0 A, Lr,I IC LTJ a er 'PREMIER 46w- Santander� aAMN Santander Bank,N.A. MEMOc NP 611:011075150i: 38900025693V 1652 i i AGENDA COVER MEMORANDUM To: Board of Selectmen Thru: Andrew W. Maylor From: Laurie Burzlaff, Executive Assistant Date: January 18, 2018 Re: Appointment The appointment subcommittee is recommending Laurene Belsito be appointed to the Old Center Historic District Commission as an alternate member for a term ending June 30, 2020. North Andover, MA 120 Main Street Phone:978-688-4500 Volunteer Form Good Government Starts with You Date Submitted: October 13,2017 Name: Laurene Belsito Dome Address: 80 Osgood St. NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 Mailing Address: 80 Osgood St. NORTH ANDOVER,MA 01845 Phone Number(s): (617)939-1872-Cell Email Address: Lmbelsito@yahoo.com ........... CurrentOccupation/Employer: Legislative Director,Massachusetts Fiscal Alliance Narrative: Currently 1 have a flexible work schedule,often times being able to work from home. I have a bachelors degree in history with a focus in Colonial America.My husband and I are contributors and members of the North Andover historical society.I have always found it important to maintain our local and national history and have contributed to various state and national historical preservation organizations. I have been a resident in the old center historic district for 4 1/2 years and am dedicated to preserving and maintaining our piece of history. oar (s)/Committee(s): OLD CEN'T'ER DISTRICT COMMISSION Page 1/1 iW I AGENDA COVER MEMORANDUM To: Board of Selectmen Thru: Andrew W. Maylor From: Laurie Burzlaff, Executive Assistant Date: January 18, 2018 Re: Massachusetts Office on Disability grant The Board is being asked to accept the Massachusetts Office on Disability grant to the Town in the amount of$13,155.00 to be used for an FM hearing assistance system and a braille printer, The hearing assistance system will give residents with a hearing disability the ability to hear more clearly what is being discussed at Town Meeting and other events in the High School auditorium.The braille printer will be used to print town documents for the visually impaired. Both these items will give our disabled residents greater access to information on important Town issues. Nouli ��0����ANDOVER LmuheBur�m��D�u ndmnennm .==.�r.~.^,~ .gon> North Andover Project an 1message EQmrk1und. Evan (OHA) <Evan.EUorkkund@mamemeiiataha.ma.um> Fri, Jan 12. 2O18at3:2OPyW To: "|bucdaff@northandoverma.gov" <|bucdaff@northandovermo.gov>. "amay|or@nodhondoverma.gov" <amay|or@northandoverme.gov> Cc: "Dougon. Jeff(OHA)" «jeff.dougan@atote.ma.ua>. "Dumont. Michael (C}HA)" «minhue|.dumont@mtote.ma.uo> The Massachusetts Office on Disability's Grant Application Review Cpnnnn/ttme has reviewed your project grant application for the FY18 Municipal ADA Improvement Grant Progmaxn, and has provisionally approved a maximum grant of$13.155. |norder toreceive the maximum grant amount listed above: ' ° The work must be completed after the contract execution date, but before June 30, 2018. ° The date that all forms are properly completed, signed, and returned to MOD by the municipality will be considered the contract execution date. ° MOD must receive and approve detailed, itemized invoices showing incurred expenses (between said dates); also, the invoices must represent approved expenditures as authorized in the attached Grant Agreement document, Section 1:Project Scope. ° Invoices should be sent to me ASAP, and prior to June 30, 2018, or shortly thereafter. ° Any invoices dated prior to the contract execution date or later than June 30' 2818 are not eligible for grant funding; further, grant funds will not be released unless/until MOD receives and approves invoices for funding. ° |fyou anticipate this being an issue, please let us know so other applications can be considered. Now, we ask the following: ° That you complete the attached forms and return them to Michael Dumont, Assistant Director for Administration & Finance Miol�iae8.l�.)ummav,it@MassMai�A.State.�OA.US and to me Evan Bjork|und, General Counsel Ewam.BjorkUued@MassMaiX,State.MA.US )ASAP ° P|aosa nota that | have filled out portions of the formm, yet your town manager/ad min imtrator (or other responsible party listed on the forms) will need to complete all values, where applicable (including the "proof of authentication of signature" portion of the contract signature page). P|aaua double check all forms to ensure that they are accurate. ° Applications with incomplete forms, or a response of "Not Applicable" for any values will not be considered complete. It is the full responsibility of your municipality to wholly and accurately complete the forms. If you have questions about the procurement process, please refer to your municipality's procurement personnel; they are best set up to handle questions of this nature (not MOD). However, if you have grant questions related to these contracts, please contact me at or 617~727~7440 Extension 27324. Alternatively, if you have other miscellaneous grant related questions, such auapplicable architectural regulations, design questions or general disability related questions, please contact Jeff 0ougon, Assistant Director for Community Services at Jeff.Dougan@MassMaiLState.MA.US (preferred) or 617-727-7440 Extension: 27316. Thank you and congratulations! Evan Evan C. Bjorklund General Counsel Massachusetts Office on Disability One Ashburton Place, Room 1305 Boston, MA 02108 Phone: 617-727-7440 or 800-322-2020 Fax: 617-727-0965 Email: Evan.Bjorklundtc7r massmail.state.ma.us Website: www.mass.gov/mod Please be advised that, as the general counsel for the Massachusetts Office on Disability(MOD), I represent the MOD and do not represent any individuals who seek help from the organization. All benefits and privileges of an attorney-client relationship are limited to benefiting the staff of the MOD in their systemic work. Any communication with me or advice I may give when providing individual advocacy or information, including by email, does not create an attorney-client relationship and cannot be considered legal advice. If you would like individual legal advice, you should consult your own attorney. 4 attachments North Andover_Project_FY18 MOD ADA Grant Agreement TEMPLATE .pdf 25K North Andover_Project_FY18 standard-contract-firm March 2014.doc 363K North Andover_Project_FY18 comm-termsconditions.doc 169K North Andover_Project_FY18 CONTRACT SIG FORM.rtf 2750K f NORTN O X70 SgACHUSE INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Andrew Maylor DATE: January 17, 2018 Town Manager Q� FROM: Ray Santilli Assistant Town Manager SUBJ: Kindergarten Center Construction Project It is respectfully requested the Board of Selectmen waive any and all fees associated with the Kindergarten Center construction project. Thank you AGENDA COVER MEMORANDUM To: Board of Selectmen Thru: Andrew W. Maylor From: Laurie Burzlaff, Executive Assistant Date: January 22, 2018 Re: Farmers Market Attached is a request from Chris Allen on behalf of the North Andover Farmers Market requesting permission to close off a portion of First Street every Sunday from June 17, 2018 to October 7, 2018 from 7:OOAM to 3:OOPM. All relevant departments have reviewed the request and have no issues. NO[UH ANDOVER massamusft Laurie Burzlaff<lburzlaff@northandoverrna.gov> -------------- Board of Selectmen request -Farmers Market 1 message Chris Allen <nandoverchris@hotmail.com> Wed, Jan 17, 2018 at 10:18 PM To: "lburzlaff@northandoverma.gov" <1burzlaff@northandoverma.gov> Cc: Phil DeCologero <decologerop@gmail.com> Laurie,Could you get this on Monday's agenda? Thank you! CA Dear Board of Selectmen: In 2017,you supported our efforts to host a farmers market in North Andover's downtown. We are proud to report that your faith was not misplaced, After sixteen weeks,the work of over 100 individual volunteers (including many of you!),the participation of approximately 36 vendors,and the partnership of Lowell Five Bank and the North Andover Merchants Association,we executed an event that we believe made North Andover proud. Last year you approved our request to close off a portion of First Street to accommodate our weekly market. We are writing to ask permission of the Board of Selectmen to once again block off the part of First Street that runs from where it meets Main Street,down to just before the access drive,located to the left of the building at 15 First Street, We ask that the closure run from 7:00 a.rn- 3:00 p,m. on each of the 17 consecutive Sundays fromjune 17, 2018,to October 7, 2018. While the market would be openfrom 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.,the hours we have requested reflect setup and breakdown times for each of our vendors. This location allows us to host a farmers market right in the center of town. It creates both an opportunity to attract more people to our downtown,while also offering convenience to any residents,especially those living in senior housing located just yards from our proposed site. Additionally, brick and mortar businesses benefit from the increased traffic. Please let us know what additional information may be needed from us. We will.gladly send representatives to your meeting to speak in greater detail. Regards, Christine Allen Caroline Louise Cole Phil DeCologero Elisa Goldberg Tina Messina H. Michael Smolak Hillary Stasonis Tatiana Vazza u;f f 4fi✓i�1M1 INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: 1/18/2018 TO: Laurie Burzlaff, Executive Assistant FROM: Jim Stanford CC: RE: Farmers Market The Division of Public Works has no objection to the request from the North Andover Farmers Market Planning Committee to hold a Farmers Market on First Street for 17 consecutive Sundays starting on June 17, 2018. Please remind them that any trash or recycling must be taken away from the site at the end of each day and disposed of properly. r r 1 l � NORTH ANDD VER END" a a lowar a i 1 %b Community Partnership--- f Operations Division Lieutenant Daniel P.Lunen i Laurie Eurzlaff J FROM: Lieutenant Daniel P.Lanen ` RE: North Andover Farmers Market DATE: January 18, 2018 Please be advised that the North Andover Farmers Market has been reviewed. A police presence will be provided if available, Adequate signage for the road closure and detour will be required. f Two wooden barriers should be placed on each end of the road closure to help ensure vehicle traffic is blocked from the area. The organizers can contact the department for any traffic flow information. t r f f r f yl�! 1475 Osgood troel,Norlh Andover,Mas a husetts 0,9845 Tl hoi-i ,978- -116 Fos:9x8- 81-11 7 r I w T NORT"�A1alDOVER, SSSACHUS �" ®� t � , Fine Department 795 Chickering.load, North Andover; MA 0'1845 +� 0 Telephone 978-688-9590 Fax 978-688-9594 t k ,t 1, J To: Laurie Bur-laff January 20,2017 From :Lt Robert Bonenfant Re: Farmers Market 1, The 1 k y Fire Department has reviewed the request from North Andover Merchants Association to again host weekly Fanners Markets for 17 consecutive Sundays starting June 17 and running through October 7 2018. This request requires the closing of First from number 15 to Main St from lam till Spm each of the days. The Fire Department will request access to buildings in the affected area will be accomplished easily in the event of an emergency.A review of the planned layout prior to the fist events will be required. No cooking is alloyed under any of the tents.If a vendor is to be cooking proper permits and inspections of propane tanks, 'hoods,grills,and fire extinguishers will be required by the F.D.prior to opening. If the Fire Department can assist the Merchants Association in providing another safe season do not hesitate to contact us. We do not have issue with this event. i Lt Robert Bonenfant Fere Prevention Officer Town of North Andover J S w Proudly Serving Since 1921 i i TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER OFFICE OF TOWN COUNSEL 120 MAIN STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MASSACHUSETTS 01845 Suzanne P.Egan TEL. (978)794-1709 Town Counsel FAX(978)688-9556 segan@northandoverma.gov Memorandum to: Chairman and Members of the Board of Selectmen From: Suzanne P. Egan, Town Counsel ) `� Date: January 18, 2018 Re: Open Meeting Law Complaint On January 8, 2018,the Board received an open meeting law complaint regarding the December 4, 2017 Board of Selectmen meeting. The Board must review the complaint and respond in writing to the complainant with a copy to the Open Meeting Law Division of the Attorney General. In my opinion, the executive session was properly noticed and allowed under the law. As the Open Meeting Law allows,please authorize me to respond in writing to the complainant. OPEN MEETING LAW COMPLAINT FORM Office of the Attorney General One Ashburton Place Boston,MA 02108 Please note that all fields are required unless otherwise noted. Your Contact information: First Name: Frank Last Name: 'agonise Address: 1939 Great Pond Road City North Andover State: MA Zip Code:01845 Phone Number: +1 (978)794-4462 Ext. Email: 4 Organization or Media Affiliation(if any): , i Are you filing the complaint in your capacity as an individual,representative of an organization,or media? (For statistical purposes only) i 0 Individual F-I Organization Q Media j Public Body that is the subject of this complaint: x�Chy/Town F-1 county n Regional/DW&tct FI'st&e I Name of Public Body(including city/ I` Uwvn,county or region,if applicable):ww*Andam Board of wler rron,Essen Cmurq,MA- � $pmiftc personls),if any,you allege i committed the violation: Arwkew Maytor Til!T Manager Date of alleged violation: December 4,2017 4 Page t ,t Description of alleged violation: Describe the alleged violation that this complaint is about.If you believe the alleged violation was intentional,please say so and include the reasons supporting your belief. Note:This text field has a maximum of 3000 characters. board of Selectman went into Executive session-M.G.I.Chapter 30A,21(a)reason#6-listed agenda text:to consider the value of real-property-1600 Osgood Street proposed marijuana siting agree menitthen it was changed by eliminating: 1600 Osgood Street proposed marouana siting agreernertt,however the reason of he executive session was the discussion of a host agreement.between Town of NA and Ozzy Property, property owner.It was a covert meeting, intentionally listed falsely to keep it from NA citizens. i i I I What action do you want the public body to take in response to your complaint? Note:This text field has a maximum of 500 characters. Make available to NA citizens the full content of meeting and all the discussions that took place during meeting.This was brought to my attention Sunday December 10,2017. i Review,sign,and submit your complaint L Disclosure of Your-Corr I Public Record.Under most circumstances,your complaint,and any documents submitted with your complaint,is considered a public record and will be available to any member of the public upon request. Publication to Website.As part of the Open Data Initiative,the AGO will publish to its website certain information regarding your complaint, including your name and the name of the public body. The AGO will not publish your contact information. 11. codsuiting With a Private Attorney The AGO cannot give you legal advice and is not able to be your private attorney,but represents the public interest. If you have any questions concerning your individual legal rights or responsibilities you should contact a private attorney. III. submit Your complaint to the Public Bode. The complaint must be filed first with the public body. If you have any questions,please contact the Division of Open Government by calling (617)963-2540 or by email to openmeeting@state.ma.us. By signing below,I acknowledge that I have read and understood the provisions above and certify that the information I have provided is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ; Signed: '"' ForDW—By — or Ooh Received by Pubfk Body: Dote Received by AGO: Page 2 t4ORT i Oa�Y`mu `6��0 4 1f dAAYC4 I.fPy,�GJ ACHU��� TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER ER TOWN PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Andrew W. Maylor December 16,2016—December 15, 2017 INTRODUCTION A performance evaluation of the Town Manager can result in substantial increases in municipal productivity. The evaluation process itself enhances communication with the governing body and strengthens the management team. A positive or constructive evaluation will instill confidence in the Town Manger and motivate that individual to a higher level of performance. The evaluation can identify real or perceived problems and give the team an opportunity for corrective action before the problems cause serious discord. The evaluation session must reflect the thinking of the entire governing body. A carefully constructed evaluation process can be a very positive tool; it must be taken seriously and used wisely. FREQUENCY OF EVALUATION A comprehensive performance evaluation should take place at least annually. The annual evaluation should be scheduled well in advance to permit preparation time and to avoid having an evaluation scheduled due to a single problem. Ample time should be scheduled for each step in the evaluation process. Hurried sessions will not encourage communications,team building or the identification or problems. THE EVALUATION PROCESS Section I. Each member of the Board of Selectmen is to evaluate the Town Manager on each of the items listed by circling the appropriate number rating. Also provided under each major points are lines for comments. These written comments are essential in providing explanations for a rating given. RATING 1. Not enough information to answer 2. Improvement Needed 3. Satisfactory 4. Good Perfonnance 5. Outstanding Performance Section II. Each member of the Board of Selectmen will list their overall comments. Section 111. The Board of Selectmen will establish a policy statement for the upcoming fiscal year whereby the members of the Board of Selectmen will evaluate the Town Manager. The Chairman of the Board of Selectmen will compile the individual responses of each selectman into one comprehensive document that will be approved by the entire board. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT-An effective policy maker must develop personal characteristics,which are conductive to the smooth operation of the governing body and government. 1 2 3 4 5 Takes responsibility seriously and works hard. 5.0 1 2 3 4 5 Is sensitive to residents, staff and media. 4.6 1 2 3 4 5 Is tactful, diplomatic and tolerant. 4,8 1 2 3 4 5 Has a positive approach to position. 5.0 1 2 3 4 5 Recognizes and learns from past mistakes. 4.6 1 2 3 4 5 Devotes time and effort to personal and professional excellence. 5.0 1 2 3 4 5 Respects opposition. 4.6 Average by Selectmen 4.8 COMMENTS: Andrew is always available,takes his job as the leader of North Andover very seriously and works hard. Andrew has done a noticeably better job of working with residents to address concerns, even when he does not agree. Andrew is a very strong leader and as he has his view of the end game; sometimes I think that makes it harder for him to hear an opposing view and to modify his thoughts, however,that is not to say that I think he `disrespects' the opposition. On the contrary,when I have had an opposing view, I have always felt that we had a respectful conversation about the point. In my interactions with Andrew and in those I have witnessed,Andrew is always tactful and diplomatic. Andrew is an effective leader and extremely proficient at his job. The Town of North Andover is extremely fortunate to have him as a leader. PLANNING—In order for the government to be efficient and meet its future needs, decisions must be deliberate rather than reactionary. Planning is the instrument of deliberate action. 1 2 3 4 5 Sees the big picture—is aware of the full range of services. 5.0 1 2 3 4 5 Thinks and plans for the long term. 5.0 1 2 3 4 5 Recognizes the need for improvement and believes positive change is possible. 5.0 1 2 3 4 5 Understands all major planning processes and actively participates where appropriate. 5.0 1 2 3 4 5 Is willing and able to prioritize competing needs. 5.0 2 ... .. .. PLANNING 1 2 3 4 5 Plans for the long term purchasing,replacement and maintenance to Town 5.0 equipment. 1 2 3 4 5 Recognizes the value of excellent employee's and uses all reasonable efforts to insure 5.0 that the best available individuals are recruited and hired. Average by Selectmen 5.0 COMMENTS: Andrew excels in this area, is one of the most respected Town Managers in the planning aspect of finance throughout the Commonwealth. Andrew is an exceptional planner and business operator and our current financial position is the ultimate proof of his ability in this regard. He sees the big picture and takes actions to plan for the long term -the suggestion of establishing an OPED and Steven's Estate Committee are both great examples of his taking steps toward addressing longer term issues for the town. Andrew's support of the updated Master Plan exercise are another example of his support of long term planning. Not only does Andrew have a very solid understanding of planning processes and participates where appropriate,he is also willing and able to educate those of us newer to municipal governing in those processes which is much appreciated. When members of the public offer an opinion about Andrew it almost always includes the observation that he is a"Planner", indeed his calm, methodical,approach to tackling the"plan"(whatever the setting) is why I believe North Andover is in such good shape. Andrew is an excellent long term planner and has set the town up to be successful in the future. Andrew's hiring practices ensures the most qualified individuals are hired for their respective positions. TEAM PLAYER—Excellence in government requires teamwork. A good team member must constantly strive to cooperate with other members of the governing body. 1 2 3 4 5 Understands the importance of teamwork. 4.8 1 2 3 4 5 Willing to develop and work toward common goals. 4.8 1 2 3 4 5 Recognizes the efforts and accomplishments of other team members. 4.8 1 2 3 4 5 Spends the time and effort necessary to build the team. 5.0 1 2 3 4 5 Avoids bitter and unfair political rhetoric. 4.8 1 2 3 4 5 Recognizes and respects that staff members are part of the team. 4.6 Average by Selectmen 4.8 COMMENTS: Andrew understands the importance of teamwork, but he needs to encourage staff to freely share their ideas on ways to improve our town and to recognize their ideas and accomplishments. A good example of Andrew's ability to see the value of teamwork is his teaming with our neighboring towns to develop a Merrimack Valley team response to the Amazon bid which allowed us to showcase our great town but also show that we are part of an even greater whole. Andrew has also recognized Community and Economic Director Eric Kfoury for his great leadership role in the proposal development effort. 3 TEAM PLAYER COMMENTS Andrew often recognizes Laurie Burzlaff for her role in applying for and winning state grants, and he seems to look for ways to enable her to take on more responsibility which is evidence of his building/empowering his team. From a finance standpoint I believe Andrew respects and highly values the contributions of Finance Director/Town Accountant Lynn Savage and I have heard him recognize her for her contributions on many occasions. I believe Andrew recognizes and values Town Counsel Suzanne Egan's counsel. He engages her as I would expect and has referred me to her on several occasions ensuring that all of us benefit from her expertise. I feel often times, Andrew takes on too much responsibility and does not let the responsible team members handle the issues themselves. While not every staff interaction happens in front of the Board of Selectmen, all interactions in front of us show Andrew to be a nurturing mentor who acknowledges their success. CONDUCT AT MEETINGS—The success of a local government depends on the productivity of the meeting of the governing body. 1 2 3 4 5 Stays on the topic and follows the agenda. 5.0 1 2 3 4 5 Abides by the rules of procedure for meetings. 5.0 1 2 3 4 5 Participates actively in the meeting. 5.0 1 2 3 4 5 Keeps comments concise and does not monopolize the meeting. 4.6 1 2 3 4 5 Prepares for all meetings. 5.0 1 2 3 4 5 Regularly attends meetings. 5.0 1 2 3 4 5 Displays a competent and professional attitude. 5.0 Average by Selectmen 4.9 COMMENTS: Andrew is well prepared for meetings and his attendance is excellent. Andrew does a good job of remaining in an advisory role during Selectmen's meetings. He participates as I would expect-never monopolizing or going off on a tangent. I appreciate when at times he steps in to redirect the conversation back to the point if we have strayed.I also appreciate Andrew's guidance on implications of decisions and timing. Andrew is always prepared and respectful of everyone's time.Andrew consistently assists the board during matters when meetings have come to a difficult position. He offers suggestions on how to move forward. Andrew's conduct is worth aspiring to, but I would say there are times when he could sit back and let the Board of Selectmen lead discussion. 4 .................. OVERALL AVERAGE RATINGS Personal Development 4.8 Planning 5.0 Team Player 4.8 Conduct at Meetings 4.9 TOTAL SCORE (OUT OF 20) 19.50 SECTION Il Are there any other or overall comments you wish to make on the following: a) strengths of the Town Manager, b) areas where improvement is needed, c) on other relevant aspects of the Town Manager's performance d) general managerial skills. COMMENTS Andrew is a strong manager and has excellent management skills. He is a strategic thinker and has created an excellent plan for the future of North Andover. He has delivered a consistent message since he has arrived in North Andover, and more importantly has delivered on that message. He is clearly respected by the Board of Selectmen,the School Committee,town employees and most importantly the town residents. A strength of Andrew's is his ability and willingness to collaborate with the superintendent of schools,understanding that the schools,while not under his control, are a critical component of our town. His commitment of the Medicaid Reimbursement to a Revolving Fund for curriculum is just one example of creative thinking, collaboration and commitment to All of North Andover,not just the part under his direct purview. He is always well prepared and speaks with confidence and authority. Andrew has provided excellent guidance and leadership over the last 6+years. Andrew brings a great balance of visionary leadership with tactical operator skills which together allows us to be in great shape now with prospects that continue to look good well into the future with new and growing services to our citizens. We are lucky to have such a competent leader for our town. Andrew is a true professional in the areas of finance, budgeting and execution. Again,AAA bond rating says it all, as well as our reserves and capital accomplishments. Andrew must follow the spirit of the Town Charter of keeping the Board of Selectmen informed by returning to the practice of putting his appointments on the Board of Selectmen agenda. These appointments are extremely important to the function of our town, involve the decisions of highly charged issues, and must be transparent to the public. If he is working on a project, contract, or new capital project he should not wait until he is near final negotiation or a decision before he presents to the Board of Selectmen. Andrew has been extraordinary in every facet of his work. His team approach, organization and professional manner has set an example to town employees and or boards. 5 SECTION III Please list specific objectives you would like the Town Manager to achieve in the next year. Implementation of the Mental Health Counselor Program Succession planning for the next Town Manager vacancy Maintain the AAA bond rating Balanced budget Oversee completion of the new Master Plan and Facilities Master Plan II Continued collaboration with the superintendent to support the successful launch of the new kindergarten facility Work with the School Department on reasonable and financially prudent strategies to assist them in accomplishing their goal to educate our children Recodify key town documents Continue to work on making our downtown more attractive and addressing our parking Establishment of a new Senior Center Serious tree replacement program Develop a mechanism that keeps the Board of Selectmen informed on all projects that he is working on a monthly basis Hold Executive Session on sensitive areas to keep us up to date where appropriate Date Signature of Selectman Signature of Town Manager 6 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER OFFICE OF TOWN CLERK 120 MAIN STREET NORTH ANDOVER,MASSACHUSETTS 01845 Joyce A.Bradshaw,CMMC A p Telephone(978)688-9501 Town Clerk FAX(978)688-9557 CHU MEMORANDUM TO: Richard M. Vaillancourt, Chairman, Licensing Commission Members of the Board of Selectmen Andrew Maylor, Town Manager FROM: Suzanne M. Pelich,Asst. Town Clerk DATE: January 22,2018 SUBJECT: One Day Liquor License Requests Attached please find three one day liquor license applications from Paul Gallant,on behalf of Merrimack College. The events are to be held on February I',February 13'h and February 28h- Included are recommendations from the Police Department, Fire Department and the Building Inspector. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you. TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER ONE DAY LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION (30 DAY NOTICE STRONGLY RECOMMENDED) Organization holding event: MERRIMACK COLLEGE Name&Address of Responsible Party: MERRIMACK COLLEGE/PAUL GALLANT 315 TURNPIKE ST, NORTH ANDOVER, MA-01845 Contact Number&e-mail Gallantp@merrimack.edu 978-837-3523 Location of Event: Cascia Hall Type of Event—Liberal Arts Academic Reception Is the event being catered? Yes X No Name of Caterer SODEXO FOOD SERVICE Date&Time of Event: 2/1/18 3:30pm-6:30pm Non Profit Organization Other Than Non Profit Wine & Malt X All Alcohol Wine & Malt ALCOHOL MUST BE PURCHASED BY THE LICENSEE FROM A WHOLESALER Has permission been received from the property owner to hold this event? YES Who is serving the alcohol?_SODEXO/MERRIMACK COLLEGE Does the server have liquor liability insurance? YES Have servers had training in alcohol service? TIPS CERTIFIED I,the undersigned, understand and agree to the restriction and responsibilities of holding a One Day Alcohol License and certify that I am not prohibited from holding such license. I agree that the Town of North Andover is in no way responsible for the actions of the applicant. Applicant's Signature Date Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 138, s 14 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER ONE DAY LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION (30 DAY NOTICE STRONGLY RECOMMENDED) Organization holding event: MERRIMACK COLLEGE Name&Address of Responsible Party: MERRIMACK COLLEGE/PAUL GALLANT 315 TURNPIKE ST, NORTH ANDOVER, MA-01845 Contact Number&e-mail Gallantp@merrimack.edu 978-837-3523 Location of Event: Cascia Hall Type of Event—Science& Engineering, Health Sciences Academic Reception Is the event being catered? Yes X No Name of Caterer SODEXO FOOD SERVICE Date&Time of Event: 2/13/18 3:30pm-6:30pm Non Profit Organization Other Than Non Profit Wine & Malt X All Alcohol Wine & Malt ALCOHOL MUST BE PURCHASED BY THE LICENSEE FROM A WHOLESALER Has permission been received from the property owner to hold this event? YES Who is serving the alcohol?_SODEXO/MERRIMACK COLLEGE Does the server have liquor liability insurance? YES Have servers had training in alcohol service? TIPS CERTIFIED I,the undersigned, understand and agree to the restriction and responsibilities of holding a One Day Alcohol License and certify that I am not prohibited from holding such license. I agree that the Town of North Andover is in no way responsible for the actions of the applicant. Applicant's Signature Date Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 138, s 14 TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER ONE DAY LIQUOR LICENSE APPLICATION (30 DAY NOTICE STRONGLY RECOMMENDED) Organization holding event: MERRIMACK COLLEGE Name&Address of Responsible Party: MERRIMACK COLLEGE/PAUL GALLANT 315 TURNPIKE ST, NORTH ANDOVER, MA-01845 Contact Number&e-mail Gallantp@merrimack.edu 978-837-3523 Location of Event: Cascia Hall Type of Event—Business Academic Reception Is the event being catered? Yes X No Name of Caterer SODEXO FOOD SERVICE Date &Time of Event: 2/28/18 3:30pm-6:30pm Non Profit Organization Other Than Non Profit Wine& Malt X All Alcohol Wine& Malt ALCOHOL MUST BE PURCHASED BY THE LICENSEE FROM A WHOLESALER Has permission been received from the property owner to hold this event? YES Who is serving the alcohol?_SOD EXO/MERRIMACK COLLEGE Does the server have liquor liability insurance? YES Have servers had training in alcohol service? TIPS CERTIFIED I,the undersigned, understand and agree to the restriction and responsibilities of holding a One Day Alcohol License and certify that I am not prohibited from holding such license. I agree that the Town of North Andover is in no way responsible for the actions of the applicant. Applicant's Signature Date Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 138,s 14 I ff AW &M, ANDOVER ern --Community Partnership•-• Operations Division Lieutenant Daniel P. Lanes TO: Suzanne Pelich FROM: Lieutenant Daniel P. Lanen RE: One Day Liquor LicenseRequests-Merrimack College February 1,2018 3:30 PM-6:30 PM Cascia Hall February 1 , 2018 3:30 PM-6:30 PM Cascia Hall February 28,2018 3:30 PM- 6:30 PM Cascia Hall DATE: January 16, 2018 i Please be advised that the following requests for one day liquor licenses have been reviewed. The Police Department recommendation would be that any alcohol being served be in conformance with applicable General Laws, including, but not limited to,MGL Chapter 138, consisting of various applicable sections. The Police would also recommend that all servers for the events be TIP certified. TIPS certification for all servers shall be provided prior to the event. Also,all alcohol for the event needs to be purchased from an authorized ABCC wholesaler or distributor. Copies of these invoices shall be turned into the Office of the Chief of Police no later than one(1) week from the event. These can be delivered United State Postal Service, Electronically, or hand delivered. t 1475 Osgood street,North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 Telephone:975®633-3166 Fax:976-661-1172 lI TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS 40 Fire Department ; 795 Chickering Road,Nath Andover,MA 01845 Telephone 978-688-9590 Fax 978-688-9594 From: Deputy Chief Graham Rowe January 1 ,2018 To: Suzanne Pelich Re:Merrimack College one day liquor license The Fire Department has reviewed the request from Merrimack College for a one day liquor license to be used at Cascia Hall on February 1,2018 from 3:30 -6: . During the event we require exit egresses to remain open and unobstructed. If this requirement is followed,then we do not have any is ues with this request. Graham Rowe Deputy Fire Chief North Andover Fire Department Proudly Serving Since 1921 1, TOWN OFNORTHANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS , Fire Department , 795 Chickering Road North Andover,MA 01845 Telephone 978-688-9590 Fax 978-688-9594 k From:Deputy Chief Graham Rowe January 16,2018 To: Suzanne Pelich Re:Merrimack College one day liquor license The Fire Department has reviewed the request from Merrimack College for a one day liquor license to be used at Cascia Hall on February 13,2018 from : 0 -6:30 , During the event we require exit egresses to remain open and unobstructed. If this requirement is followed, then we do not have any js with this request. Graham Rowe Deputy Fire Chief North Andover Fire Department Proudly Serving Since 1921 { f TOWN OF NORTH ANDOVER, MASSACHUSETTS Wr9� S Fire Department4�M 795 Chickering Road, Nath.Andover,MA 01845 Telephone 978-688-9590 Fax 978-688-9594 From:Deputy Chief Graham Rowe January 1 ,2018 To: Suzanne Pelich Re:Merrimack College one day liquor license The Fire Department has reviewed the request from Merrimack College for a one day liquor license to be used at Cascia Hall on February 28,2018 from 3:30p-6:30 . During the event we require exit egresses to remain open and unobstructed. If this requirement is followed, then we do not have any Xthiss request. Graham Rowe Deputy Fire Chief North Andover Fire Department Proudly Serving Since 1921 f q d 1/16/2018 Town of North Andover Mail-Re:Scan from Clerk's Office NQR OVER Massachus Suzanne Pelich <spelich@northandoverma.gov> Re: Scan from Clerk's Office 1 message Donald Belanger<dbelanger@northandoverma.gov> Tue,Jan 16, 2018 at 4:23 PM To: Suzanne Pelich <spelich@northandoverma.gov> Cc: Daniel Lanen<dlanen@napd.us>, Graham Rowe<growe@northandoverma.gov>, Robert Bonenfant <rbonenfant@northandoverma.gov> Suzanne, The Building Department has no issues with a one day liquor license(wine&malt)at Merrimack College for the following location; Liberal Arts Academic Reception 02-01-2018 3:30pm - 6:30pm Wine& Malt Science&Engineering, Health Science Academic Reception 02-01-2018 3:30pm - 6:30pm Wine& Malt Casia Hall 02-01-2018 3:30pm - 6:30pm Wine&Malt On Tue,Jan 16, 2018 at 11:45 AM, Suzanne Pelich <spelich rtoverma. ov>wrote: Good Morning, Attached please find three one day wine and malt liquor license applications. If you could please send me your I recommendations. f Thank you, Suzanne ------Forwarded message---------- From: <spiceworks@northandoverma.gov> Date:Tue,Jan 16, 2018 at 11:42 AM Subject: Scan from Clerk's Office To: Suzanne<spelich no n over . ov> This E-mail was sent from "Clerks-Ricoh-SP-5210SR"(Aficio SP 5210SR). " Scan Date: 01.16.2018 11:42:31 (-0500) Queries to: spiceworks@northandoverma.gov 1 Suzanne M. Pelich Assistant Town Clerk 120 Main Street North Andover, MA 01845 d Phone:(978)688-9501 Fax:(978)688-9557 Email spelich@northandovenna.gov Web wwwnorthandoverma.gov https://mail.goo le.com/ aiVu/0/?ui= i 7—OOf O7 2 d&jsver—pkG7biC U.en.&view=pt& arch=inbox&th=16100dafbb37clbO&siml=16100dafbb37... 1/2 North Andover Fire Department Page: 1 Incident Analysis Printed: 01/02/2018 From 12/01/2017 Thru 12/31/2017 Incident Type Incident Type Occurrences Percentage Fire, other 1 0.2 Building fire 1 0.2 Cooking fire, confined to container 4 0. 9 Chimney or flue fire, confined to chimney or flue 1 0.2 Dumpster or other outside trash receptacle fire 1 0.2 Overpressure rupture of steam pipe or pipeline 1 0.2 Rescue, EMS incident, other 33 7.8 Emergency medical service incident, other 115 27.1 EMS call, excluding vehicle accident with injury 123 29.0 Motor vehicle accident with injuries 8 1. 9 Motor vehicle accident with no injuries. 18 4.2 Search for lost person, other 1 0.2 Rescue or EMS standby 1 0.2 Gas leak (natural gas or LPG) 3 0.7 Carbon monoxide incident 4 0. 9 Electrical wiring/equipment problem, other 2 0.5 Power line down 3 0.7 Arcing, shorted electrical equipment 1 0.2 Attempted burning, illegal action, other 1 0.2 Service Call, other 2 0.5 Lock-out 5 1.2 Water problem, other 1 0.2 Smoke or odor removal 1 0.2 Animal rescue 1 0.2 Public service assistance, other 7 1.7 Public service 8 1. 9 Assist invalid 1 0.2 Cover assignment, standby, moveup 3 0.7 Good intent call, other 1 0.2 Dispatched & canceled en route 5 1.2 No incident found on arrival at dispatch address 1 0.2 Steam, other gas mistaken for smoke, other 1 0.2 Smoke scare, odor of smoke 1 0.2 HazMat release investigation w/no HazMat 1 0.2 False alarm or false call, other 1 0.2 ERROR OR TRAINING EVENT 1 0.2 System malfunction, other 3 0.7 Sprinkler activation due to malfunction 2 0.5 Smoke detector activation due to malfunction 8 1. 9 Heat detector activation due to malfunction 1 0.2 Alarm system sounded due to malfunction 10 2.4 CO detector activation due to malfunction 2 0.5 Unintentional transmission of alarm, other 1 0.2 Sprinkler activation, no fire - unintentional 3 0.7 Smoke detector activation, no fire - unintentional 21 5.0 Detector activation, no fire - unintentional 1 0.2 Alarm system activation, no fire - unintentional 5 1.2 Carbon monoxide detector activation, no CO 4 0. 9 TOTAL 424 100.0 For Districts: All For Situations: All For Jurisdictions: All For Street (s) : All For Location: All TOWN OF NORTH ANOVER, USE,TTS Fire Department 795 Chickering Road,SIr°eet; North Andover, .i12'A 01845 Telephone 978-688-9590 Fax 978-688-9594 January 10, 2018 Mr. Andrew Maylor Town Manager Town of North Andover 1.20 Main. Street North Andover, MA 01845 Re: Overdose Statistics Deal"Mr. Maylor, Attached please find the monthly Overdose Deport which breaks down by month incident responses that the North Andover Fire and Police Departments have responded to since January 1, 2014 through December 3 , 2017. This information has been compiled from AmbuPro Next Caen, OCI Software which the fire department utilizes for our electronic patient care reporting as required by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you, P#4ef wz Jeffrey Deschenes,NI-EMT, IC EMS Training & Education. Officer North Andover Fire Department EXPLAINA TION OF TERMS Cardiac Arrest: Sudden cardiac arrest is the sudden, unexpected loss of heart function, breathing and consciousness. Sudden cardiac arrest usually results from an electrical disturbance in your heart that disrupts its pumping action, stopping blood flow to the rest of your body. These patients are provided resuscitation efforts with cardiopulmonary resuscitation, airway management and automatic external defibrillator. Cocaine: is a strong stimulant mostly used as a recreational drug. Cocaine has powerful negative effects on the heart and brain. Occasional users run the risk of sudden death with cocaine use. Cocaine use is bad for the heart. Cocaine increases heart rate and blood pressure while constricting the arteries supplying blood to the heart. The result interrupts blood flow to the heart muscle itself, which can cause a heart attack even in young people without heart disease. Dead on Arrival (DOA): Is a term used to indicate that a patient was found to be already clinically dead upon the arrival of professional medical assistance. Examples of Dead on Arrival according to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health are as follows: Date of Service (DOS): The date in which the fire department responded to a call for assistance. Fentanyl: Is a potent, synthetic opioid analgesic with a rapid onset and short duration of action. Opiate: Opiates are a group of drugs that are used for treating pain. They are derived from opium which comes from the poppy plant. Opiates go by a variety of names including opiates, opioids, and narcotics. The term opiates is sometimes used for close relatives of opium such as codeine, morphine and heroin, while the term opioids is used for the entire class of drugs including synthetic opiates such as Oxycontin. Some of the more common opiates are Codeine, Vicodin, Hycodan, Morphine, Oxycontin, Percoset, Dilaudid, and Fentanyl. Polysubstance Overdose: A polysubstance overdose is when a person is in an intoxicated state without a preference for one particular substance as several substances have been mixed together. Although any combination of three drugs can be used, more likely alcohol is commonly used with other substances such as cocaine and heroin. In the substance abuse context, it usually refers to the use of multiple illicit drugs, however, it can also apply to prescription medications used for nonmedical purposes. People often use multiple substances in an attempt to enhance the effect of a single drug to create a more intense high. NOTES: On July 12, 2016 (Polysubstance Overdose): A person with polysubstance overdose is when a person is in an intoxicated state without a preference for one particular substance as several substance have been mixed together for the ultimate effect. Although any combination of three drugs can be used, more likely alcohol is commonly used with other substances such as cocaine and heroin. On July 17, 2016 (Fentanyl Overdose resulted in Cardiac Arrest): This call was further investigated by the North Andover Police Department. Fentanyl is a potent, synthetic opioid analgesic with a rapid onset and short duration of action. This Fentanyl Overdose is in keeping with the trend that is being seen across the Merrimack Valley. On July 30, 2016 (Cocaine Overdose): Cocaine is a strong stimulant mostly used as a recreational drug. Cocaine has powerful negative effects on the heart and brain. Occasional users run the risk of sudden death with cocaine use. Cocaine use is bad for the heart. Cocaine increases heart rate and blood pressure while constricting the arteries supplying blood to the heart. The result interrupts blood flow to the heart muscle itself, which can cause a heart attack even in young people without heart disease. On August 8, 2016 (Ingested Percocets): The drug Percocet contains a combination of acetaminophen and oxycodone. Oxycodone is an opioid pain medication. An opioid is sometimes called a narcotic. Oxycodone is used to treat moderate to severe pain. On October 30, 2017: The patient accidently overdosed on prescription pain medication. On December 26, 2017: (Oxycodone Overdose) Patient accidently overdosed on prescription pain medication. North Andover Fire Department Opiate Overdoses By Month 2014 _.__..m._..-..__ _ ._�_....._-.w._.....__...____ ...___ 4 2 1 0 Jain Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec North Andover Fire Department Opiate Overdoses By Month 2015 6 5 _ 4 3 - 2 �Mvl E: - 1 - 0 �p Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec North Andover Fire Department Opiate Overdoses By Month 2'016 6 _® - 5 3 2 a Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec North Andover Fire Department Opiate Overdoses By Month 2017 6 5 4 3 2 1 D Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct. Nov Dec North Andover Fire Department Opiate Overdose Statistics 2014 Resident vs. Non-Resident M Resident m Non-Resident North Andover Fire Department Opiate Overdose Statistics 20'15 Resident vs. iNon-Resident a Resident 4110 M Non-Resident .......... __j North Andover Fire Department Opiate Overdose Statistics 2016 Resident vs, Non-Resident 41LI000 Resident North Andover Fire Department Opiate Overdose Statistics 2017 Resident vs. Non-Resident 11141 Resident Non-Resident North Andover Fire Department Opiate Overdoses_Resident vs. NVon-Residents Jan. 2018- December 2017 Pd Residents Non-Residents North Andover Fire Department Opiate Overdose Statistics By Year 2017 2016 2015 2014 q 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Number of Overdoses North Andover Fire Department Opiate Overdoses By Gender By Year i 2017 2016 n 2015 2014 mmmuulllllllll ""�� � elf SII n 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 N Ferrule w Male North Andover Fire Department Opiate Overdoses By Age Group By Year 14 12 '0 10 cu 6 6 ty E 4 E � r Z 2 0 a 15-20 21-25 26-30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 60+ 2.014, 1 3 6 1 2 0 2 0 0 0 '2015' 0 6 7 2 4 3 1 2 0 0 mi 2016. 1 3 12 7 5 3 0 1 1 1 M2017 0 5 2 6 4 2 3 1 0 4 Age Brackets by year __ r i L)WN OF, NORTH AN OVER, MASSACHUSETTS Fire Department 795 Chickering Road Street, North Andoi�er•, .A11A 01845 Telel)hone 978-688-9590 Fax 978-688-9594 North Andover Fire department Overdoses & Intranasal Naloxone Administration January 1, 2014 — December 31, 2017 Affiliate Hospital: Lawrence General Hospital 1 General Street Lawrence, MA 01 841 Affiliate Pharmacy: Lawrence General Hospital Medical Director: Dr. George I ondylis Director of Emergency Medical Services Lawrence General Hospital Statistical data obtained from AmbuPro EMS, OCI Software. Total Overdoses for Time Period • Total Calls for Opiate Overdoses (OD): 101 • ALS Narcan Administration: 6 • NAFD Narcan Administration: 55 • NAPD Narcan Administration: 12 • Opiate OD --Cardiac Arrest: 9 • Opiate OD—Dead On Arrival: 2 • Resident: 56 • Non resident: 45 Breakdown of Statistics January 2014: -No Incidents February 2014: -.Heroin OD—ALS Used Narcan Incident#: 1009124 DOS: 02/0112014 Resident Gender: Male Age: 50 North Andover Fire Department Intranasal Naloxone Administration (cont.) February 2014 cont. -Heroin OD—Patient Conscious Upon Arrival Incident#: 1009146 DOS: 02/04/2014 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 17 March 2014: -Heroin OD—ALS Used Narcan Incident#: 1009385 DOS: 03/21/2014 Resident Gender: Male Age: 25 April 2014: -No Incidents -Members of the North Andover Fire Department received training by Lawrence General Hospital in the administration of Intranasal Naloxone as a result of a Public Health Emergency declared by Governor Deval Patrick, May 2014: -No Incidents -Intranasal Naloxone was put into service at North Andover Fire Department. June 2014: -Heroin OD to Cardiac Arrest (Narcan Not Administred) Incident#: 1009829 DOS: 06/09/2014 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 50 -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#: 1009865 DOS: 06/16/2014 Resident Gender: Male Age: 26 -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#: 1009902 DOS: 06/25/2015 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 28 2 North Andover Fire Department Intranasal Naloxone Administration (cont.) July 2014: -Heroin OD—Patient Conscious Upon Arrival Incident#: 1009967 DOS: 07/08/2014 Resident Gender: Male Age: 28 Heroin OD—Patient Conscious Upon Arrival Incident#: 1010033 DOS: 07/20/2014 Resident Gender: Female Age: 29 August 2014: -Heroin OD—Patient Conscious Upon Arrival Incident#: 1010202 DOS: 08/26/2014 Non-Resident Gender: Female Age: 25 September 2014: -No Incidents October 2014: -Heroin OD —NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#: 1010404 DOS: 10/05/2014 Resident Gender: Female Age: 24 -Heroin OD--NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#: 1010418 DOS: 10/07/2015 Resident Gender: Female Age: 37 -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#: 1010491 DOS: 10/22/2014 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 23 3 North. Andover Fire Department Intranasal Naloxone Administration (cont.) October 2014 cont. -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Iincident# 1010554 DOS: 10/31/2014 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 36 November 2014: -Heroin OD to Cardiac Arrest (Narcan Not Administred) Incident#: 1010560 DOS: 11/2/2014 Non-Resident (Same patient as DGS: 10/31/2014) Gender: Male Age: 35 December 2014: -Heroin ADD—Patient Conscious Upon Arrival Incident#: 1010775 DOS: 12/9/2014 Resident Gender: Male Age: 26 January 2015: -Heroin.GD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident 4: 101.0982 DCIS: 01/16/2015 Resident Gender: Male Age: 28 -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#: 1011039 DCIS: 01/27/2015 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 22 February 2015: -Heroin OD—DDA, Obvious Signs of Death Upon Arrival Incident#: 1011159 DOS: 02/16/2015 Resident Gender: Female Age: 26 -Heroin GD---NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#: 1011172 DOS: 02/18/2015 Resident Gender: Male Age: 27 North Andover Fire Department Intranasal Naloxone Administration (cont.) February 2015 cont. -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#: 1011203 DOS: 02/24/2015 Resident Gender: Female Age: 29 Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#: 1011221 DOS: 02/27/2015 Resident Gender: Male Age: 42 March 2015: -Heroin OD to Cardiac Arrest (Narcan Not Administred) Incident#: 1011277 DOS: 03/10/2015 Resident Gender: Male Age: 52 April 2015: -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#: 1012669 DOS: 04/12/2015 Resident Gender: Male Age: 39 May 2015: -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#: 1011604 DOS: 05/04/2015 Resident Gender: Male Age: 27 -Heroin OD to Cardiac Arrest (Narcan Not Administered) Incident#: 1011770 DOS: 05/31/2015 Resident Gender: Male Age: 54 June 2015: -Heroin OD--Patient Conscious Upon Arrival Incident#: 1011835 DOS: 06/09/2015 Resident Gender: Male Age: 45 5 North Andover Fire Department Intranasal Naloxone Administration (cont.) ,Tune 2015 cont. -Heroin OD--NAFD Administered Narcan Incident : 1012693 DUOS: 06/13/2015 Resident (Same patient as DCIS: 0 /12/2015) Gender: Male Age: 38 Heroin CSD—Patient Conscious Upon Arrival,Narcan administered by parent Incident#: 1011877 DCS:, 06/18/2015 Resident Gender: Male Age: 23 -Herein OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident : 1012697 DCIS: 06/19/2015 Resident Gender: Male Age: 31 -Herein CSD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident : 1011911 DUOS: 06/23/2015 Resident Gender: Male Age: 38 July 2015: -Herein CSD to Cardiae Arrest (Narcan Not Administered) Incident#: 1011957 DOS: 07/02/2015 Nan-Resident Gender: Male Age: 24 August 2015: -Herein CSD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#: 1012962 DCIS: 08/29/2015 Resident Gender: Male Age: 23 September 2015: -Herein OD —NAPD Administered Narcan Incident#: 1013018 DCIS: 09/11/2015 Nen-Resident Gender: Female Age: 29 6 North Andover Fire Department Intranasal Naloxone Administration (cont.) September 2015 cont.-Heroin OD—Patient Conscious Upon Arrival Incident#: 1013019 DOS: 09/11/2015 Non-Resident Gender: Female Age: 26 -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#: 1013031 DOS: 09/13/2015 Resident (Same patient as DOS: 02/27/2015) Gender: Male Age: 43 -Heroin OD —NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#: 1013103 DOS: 09/27/2015 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 24 October 2015: -Heroin OD to Cardiac Arrest (Narcan Not Administered) Incident#: 3000009 DOS: 10/3/2015 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 34 -Heroin OD—NAPD Administered Narcan Incident ff: 3000022 DOS: 10/08/2015 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 39 -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#: 2000109 DOS: 10/30/2015 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 21 -Heroin OD —NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#: 3000084 DOS: 10/30/2015 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 49 7 North Andover Fire Department Intranasal Naloxone Administration (cont.) November 2015: -No Incidents December 2015: -No Incidents January 2016: -Heroin OD —NAPD Administered Narcan Incident#4000163 DOS: 01/04/2016 Non-Resident Gender: Female Age: 26 February 2016: -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 2000418 DOS: 02/02/2016 Resident Gender: Male Age: 43 March 2016: - Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#4000293 DOS: 03/03/2016 Non-Resident Gender: Female Age: 39 - Heroin OD—DOA, Obvious Signs of Death Upon Arrival Incident#3000230 DOS: 03/17/2016 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 25 -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 2000551 DOS: 03/18/2016 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 57 -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 3000253 DOS: 03/25/2016 Non-Resident Gender: Female Age: 34 8 North Andover Fire Department Intranasal Naloxone Administration (cont.) April 2016: -Heroin OD—NAPD Administered Narcan Incident# 3000312 DOS: 04/13/2016 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 41 -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 2000652 DOS: 04/17/2016 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 28 May 2016: -Heroin OD--NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 3000386 DOS: 05/06/2016 Resident Gender: Male Age 35 -Heroin OD - Patient Conscious Upon Arrival Incident# 4000323 DOS: 05/20/2016 Non-Resident Gender: Female Age: 27 .Tune 2016: -Heroin OD—NAPD Administered Narcan Incident#2000829 DOS: 06/02/2016 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 27 July 2016: -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 2000961 DOS: 07/06/2016 Resident Gender: Male Age: 28 -Fentanyl OD to Cardiac Arrest—Under Investigation by NAPD Incident# 3000613 DOS: 07/10/2016 Resident Gender: Male Age: 30 9 North Andover Fire Department Intranasal Naloxone Administration (cont.) July 2016 cont. -Heroin OD —NAFD & LGH ALS Administered Narcan Incident# 3000616 DOS: 07/11/2016 Resident Gender: Male Age: 33 -Unknown Poly Substance OD—NAFD & LGH ALS Interventions Incident#2000982 DOS: 07/12/2016 Resident Gender: Female Age: 23 -Heroin OD—Patient Conscious Upon Arrival Incident# 2001025 DOS: 07/25/2016 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 41 -Cocaine OD--NAFD & LGH ALS Interventions Incident# 3000661 DOS: 07/30/2016 Resident Gender: Female Age: 29 August 2016 -Opiate OD—Patient Conscious Upon Arrival Incident# 3000685 DOS: 08/04/2016 Resident Gender: Male Age: 55 -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 3000697 DOS: 08/07/2016 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 40 -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 3000715 DOS: 08/10/2016 Non-Resident Gender: Female Age: 39 10 North Andover Fire Department Intranasal Naloxone Administration (cont.) August 2016 cont. -Heroin OI)—Patient Conscious Upon Arrival Incident# 3000731 DOS: 08/15/2016 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 32 -Heroin CSD to Cardiac Arrest. Incident# 5000017 DOS: 08/30/2016 Resident (Same patient as DCIS: 07/06/2016) Gender: Male Age: 28 -Heroin. OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 5000023 DGS: 08/31/2016 Resident Gender: Male Age: 29 September 2O16 -Fentanyl GD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 5000114 DOS: 09/22/2016 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 25 41eroin.OD—Patient Conscious Upon Arrival Incident#4000473 DCIS: 09030/201.6 Non-Resident Gender: Female Age: 19 October 2016 -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 4000565 DOS: 10/27/2016 Non-Resident. Gender: Male Age: 34 -Ideroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 5000246 DOS: 10/2712016 Resident(Sar e patient as DOS: 07/11/2016) Gender: Male Age: 33 11 North Andover Fire Department Intranasal Naloxone Administration (cont.) November 2016 -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 5000276 DOS: 11/02/2016 Resident Gender: Female Age. 61 -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#4000637 DOS: 11/13/2016 Resident Gender: Male Age: 33 -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 4000664 DOS: 11/21/2016 Resident Gender. Male Age: 38 December 2016 -Fentanyl OD —NAPD Administered Narcan Incident 4 4000700 DOS: 12/06/2016 Resident Gender: Male Age 36 -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 4000703 DOS: 12/07/2016 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 26 -Fentanyl OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident # 5000402 DOS: 12/11/2016 Non-Resident Gender: Female Age: 30 -Heroin OD—NAPD Administered Narcan Incident# 5000403 DOS: 12/11/2016 Resident (Same patient as DOS: 08/31/2016) Gender: Male Age. 30 12 North Andover Fire Department Intranasal Naloxone Administration (cont.) January 2017 -Heroin OD - Patient Conscious Upon Arrival Incident# 5000541 DOS: 01/14/2017 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 29 -Unknown OD —NAPD &NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#4000880 DOS: 01/18,/2017 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 21 February 2017 -Heroin OD—Patient Conscious Upon Arrival Incident#4000978 DOS: 02/09/2017 Resident (Same patient as DOS: 12/11/16) Gender: Male Age: 31 -Heroin OD—NAPD &NAFD Administered Narcan Incident # 5000650 DOS: 02/15/2017 Resident Gender: Male Age: 24 -Heroin OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident # 5000682 DOS: 02/24/2017 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 39 March 2017 -Opiate OD—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident#4001087 DOS: 03/09/2017 Resident Gender: Female Age: 50 -Opiate OD to Cardiac Arrest - Family &NAFD Administered Narcan Incident 4 4001168 DOS: 03/26/2017 Resident (Same patient as DOS: 12/11/16) Gender: Male Age: 31 13 North Andover Fire Department Intranasal Naloxone Administration (cont.) April 2017 -Heroin Overdose—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 4001277 DOS: 04/21/2017 Non-Resident Gender: Female Age 25 -Heroin Overdose—Patient Conscious Upon Arrival Incident# 5000931 DOS: 04/26/2017 Resident Gender: Male Age 35 -Opiate Overdose—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 5000937 DOS: 04/27/2017 Resident Gender: Male Age: 34 May 2017 -Heroin Overdose--Patient Conscious Upon Arrival Incident#4001323 DOS: 05/02/2017 Resident Gender: Male Age 45 -Heroin Overdose--ALS Administered Narcan Incident#4001360 DOS: 05/12/2017 Non-Resident Gender: Female Age 36 .lune 2017 -Heroin Overdose—Patient Conscious Upon Arrival Incident# 7000052 DOS: 06/01/2017 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 27 14 North Andover Fire Department Intranasal Naloxone Administration (cant.) July 2017 -Opiate Overdose - NAPD &NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 8000311 DOS: 07/28/2017 Resident Gender: Male Age 41 August 2017 -Opiate Overdose—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 7000361 DOS: 08/08/2017 Resident Gender: Male Age 39 -Opiate Overdose—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 1013247 DOS: 08/23/2017 Resident Gender: Male Age 64 September 2017 -Opiate Overdose - Patient Conscious Upon An-ival Incident# 1013440 DOS: 09/22/2017 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age 33 -Opiate Overdose—Bystander Administered Narcan Incident# 8000412 DOS: 09/28/2017 Resident Gender: Male Age 24 October 2017 -Opiate Overdose—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 8000422 DOS: 10/06/2017 Resident Gender: Male Age 35 Opiate Overdose--ALS Administered Narcan Incident# 1013594 DOS: 10/15/2017 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 21 15 r. North Andover Fire Department Intranasal Naloxone Administration (cant.) October 2017 cont. Opiate Overdose—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 1013595 *Two patients at same location* DOS: 10/15/2017 Non-Resident Gender: Mala Age 54 -Opiate Overdose—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 1013595 *Two patients at same location* DOS: 10/15/2017 Non-Resident Gender: Male Age: 46 -Opiate Overdose—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 1013668 DOS: 10/24/2017 Resident Gender: Male Age: 67 -Opiate Overdose—ALS Administered Narcan Incident# 7000472 *Unintentional OD of Prescription Medication* DOS: 10/30/2017 Resident Gender: Female Age: 70 November 2017 No Incidents December 2017 -Opiate Overdose—NAFD Administered Narcan Incident# 1014028 DOS: 12/12/2017 Resident Gender: Male Age: 49 -Opiate Overdose—Patient Conscious Upon Arrival Incident# 1014166 *Unintentional OD of Prescription Medication* DOS: 12/26/2017 Resident Gender: Male Age 77 16 North Andover Fire Department Intranasal Naloxone Administration (cont.) December 2017 Opiate Overdose—NAPD Administered Narcan Incident# 1019 181 DOS: 12/29/2017 Resident Gender: Male Age: 31 Respectfully Submitted, N#al, Jeffrey Deschenes,NREMT,IC EMS Education&Training Officer North Andover Fire Department 17 ������ii��uu i � 1� i�r l� � 111 1��1��1���;����� r����J��JJ�° �������� . � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII i cul 1I III//%��, ���� � r l�� �� ��� , l ��// l%%/!!,'J� J ��111�j�� 11„� ,��h �Y,���� �� � I,Ip„I�I I Ilijiuuuuuuuu �%��%/� � /�/ \ rrvvvv� I �� IPv,, r � II �� ii�,�� \iii�lll��;P: 1� ill, III �� _� ��� 1 '� � � �/,��� ' (/:/� �/./ ' M1M1 � 11171 Pi li i�°i III�I�V Ili II�� it �����II � ;� i � i "/ /,��� / ��Y i � �,. �;� 111,1(/(I� G/ o%rl i� �>>„%/ »�� liiil°III°iYuuudddddduu i � ,, � °i11% ,,,,/� ,�,, ,����� ' ,�.� i/ ”%����%1ii�2, ,. /%/% ,. 9 Jl/ /�j// I�,�l i V IY��l I um „��� /alt/l/�// � / //%// ,,� .�-� /!/„: %///„ WWII �V�1`V�II� ,,,, D//,f%/ �//%/,.iii, �i�/ ,, ;,,, ,,,,, ,/�� , , � �\, IIS � S �,N -„ ,', ,, /�,,,;,,�- ����%% � �,-„ ;;; % aa�ao �/a��///i/!/o/��� P��JV)IY�J,I�iI�YI� Ij li0�ti���a III���U ,,, / 1� �� � `�/j >,'9 off�� � � u D� �/l ,rrr � / �i//�h / Y., �� f( 1 � � (1��111111 `\ ii1 i 1 l 1 1 / / / �� ��19 ,[J (�I �� �,,:�ili9iilll � ������������pppp�\\\\i1i1i �,�::::t., /,i,� iii /// ��%��.,� � ,i , Pr � it�Y li � p ��N�r�� (11\\\\\\�`1��\IIl /�� ii„��///' � �� /// ai/�����„ r�� lD�, :,..... „oi�r��,., {1 ������ III �� `11��1 �- ,��� % ��f /ii' ��/%i/i,. / /�l� II i 1, VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV I, I . i i ' „) 1.. %' I / I i �: I 1”' it I I �.. r1r I V i1 i F ��� � 1. • I i! i I i.1S it �� � - vu ,,,,, iY � '1111 -_,. JJ i i 1�lIflV� I J///. /,,,,,ilivr�, ai/ / /, air v q� ,1��������//% ///G ��/, J//i //���„����//��/ //�� ,moi//��, , „ ���j/ �ii={'' ,,,,,,orr�ii,,,, ,,,,�„' i/'//�%/ '///Cf1�";;. ��,� ,/!: i ;lig/� �(J�(J(J� ai/cavi i«//.. 111f�11J//i/i/ii, ,,,;, ,,, YJ �������i�///�;^;,,,,, iii%� �o.o r, i ,,, ,t�r, � � � ///��/ JI111��f%/j��%%%%/Circ,% rii/�i /,, �f� � �/irrrlfl ,//lll� lT�lr//%i/,!%llJ�ro�;!�l , ��//%/ / / rr””pp i ' »ilii/o i, ��l/i�ai/, // �( d ,/ �, ', �///// i//, „///i 1�/ / /i%////i////// / / i���j �":�V�q������ g , A „% ��F /Ilrri%" r / �� r �, P r / / / ������� �������� ������ /�� � � .. �� , � �� �� ....../off/ / MINE,///�/ • Holiday Directed patrols resulted in numerous arrests and i%j%• //// / r / p g p �`' ' roa�ti�+�� ol'icin � kee in the 114 mall corridor s� e � m ,, _ r+Il1i�� "�x � I 111 JYI, � � VIII �ulVUuuuuuum 4 , uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuuuuuu VV�V��V�VMV�NVVfo4uuuuuuuuu u��„ �yy lfiaa ' 'a Statistical / AN i c i a S ta till"11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11, uuuomomouuouumuumuuomouoiiuuuuumomuuuomuoomouuuomuuuomuommouuuomomomoommouuomuuuoiuomomomouuoouuuuommomommuuouuumu uomimuumu�uuuuouumuumuouuuumum�ii / i ":x � I JYl„ a fill i ;1 .... cembe, ,,,2017 , ,;- c OW, Data Dec 31, 2 017 F"erao»,I. 31 Ta I'D Part1 mm escy ' 6;� � Part 1 Incident 14 12 10 8 6 i illi Current 4 INWrior 2 p U II f 0 1 ILI w IF D&ember 2017 - Part 1 Crir . ; Cate: Dec 311, 2517 Penod 3'65 Ta I'D Partl r 'T [fir- k P ;nlmr� '', U.;; p h'W A u VFi I i ;e' nam'; W 4� Part 1 Incidents 220 f200��or 180 160 �U 140 120 100 80 Ow Current 60 �� . Prior , 40 e 20 1 r r 1 w I 2� 0 Q 121 WW9 V1�119V�`"VW>I9➢JJ1ll11�IS�YVIV�U1N��l'Ull9U�IW9VIWWIW1D91VWNYWW9WIIVIWUW YIY�IWIWIVYIHSUWN!�ii>"��04�Y M r' 6 n LO iy 0 CL o, 0'p 0 LO A 0 ' Oe, #0/P 0 170 ot 4 � A, . \; o 'cps \ . mp \;° 0 \ `\ \ \\ AME/O„ December 20117 - Part 2 OffS/ Y P/M �—%-----/O%/a Cate: Dec 31i., 2Ol7 Perood 3165 Ta b, Part2: Fart 2 Incident 120 100 so 60 40 20 Current P ri o r w ' w �* � «:`� �'� �. �. o � � � oy e" -8 z '> "' viii /liar/// r /l/ cemb er l 2017 l / Date: Dec 31 23'17 Perood 31 Ta I'D G L """"W Quality of Life 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 limilCurrent 100 � � yyr ,, ' � - �� 1t'or', . .Prior 0 � q- `' a , s ' 1zco c" c' ' ISS, \ \ _.. C) CL MR \ 0 ' Q — rr e "or VY n X90 s �s r so oSov •: J #0 LOo a +' #r� )o LP te 1 od''/ n 9 0/, lld X191 o /0 o sa r� o� o US ho WN �0 mommmmmlll \\ oming,"Events - ,, w ,,, �//�//„ .... ... //r// • ....... Ongoing narcotic enforcement and diversion in certain areas o concern • In-Service training" at NECC Haverhill/Methuen police academy" • Department Blndget planning �f �f , /� a ill it Y I "„ 'iia�isiu�rdrrr✓�e( 4, W'" Pk�VaIlUk- HEMMER= y mI ilVi iii'. mil ni �i�ouuuluran � °Vd �� uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum uuuu , .�M,�ku,�,, ! I I I➢Ylguul,, �uiuu f�io, III�III ii puuuuu lfiaa CAPITAL PROJECTS UPDATE Public Works Proiect Upcoming milestones TBD—revised project substantial completion Update as of January 1, 2018: Work remaining includes roof and building edging. The weather and, more importantly, delays in delivery of materials needed to complete the work have resulted in the substantial completion date being further pushed back. The general contractor will need to return in the spring to complete landscaping and outside work. A certain dollar retainage will be held back of any final requisition payment. Update as of December 1, 2017: Work during the past month included landscaping (hydro-seeding and plantings), layout and marking of parking areas, furniture delivery and installation, painting of interior rooms/offices, and other miscellaneous interior work. The major work of installing exterior wall panels continues at a slow pace since the panels were not initially properly measured and need to be redone individually on site. Update as of November 1, 2017: Work during the past month included installation of site lighting, completion of elevator installation, primer painting of interior rooms/offices, painting of existing garage doors, painting of right side existing exterior, curbing installed, finished bituminous paving in front and rear areas, internal ceiling grids, ceramic wall and floor tile commenced, ongoing interior electrical/HVAC work, and temporary heat installed. Update as of October 1, 2017: Work during the past month included installation of binder paving, ongoing interior electrical/HVAC work, data wiring, initiation of painting activities, installation of panels on existing garage building, delivery and installation of elevator, initiation of ceiling grid and tile installation, and removal of all contaminated soils from the site. Due to anticipated delays in delivery of roof edging, the substantial completion date of the project has been pushed back two weeks. As a result, the furniture delivery and installation has been rescheduled for November 28tH Update as of September 1, 2017: Work during the past month included completion of installation of Salt Shed, ongoing interior plumbing/electrical/HVAC work, and initial installation of interior walls. Update as of August 1, 2017: Work during the past month included ongoing metal panel installation at the garage,completion of drainage structures adjacent to Salt Shed, ongoing plumbing/electrical/ HVAC work and completion of IT infrastructure in new building,and begin installation of Salt Shed. Update as of July 1, 2017: Work during the past month included completion of the Salt Shed foundation,on-going garage siding installation,on-going HVAC/plumbing/electrical,and installation of drainage structures on the rear portion of the site. Final arrangements are being made to remove the remaining `contaminated' soil piles in early July. A hydrant flow test exceeded acceptable levels thus will allowing for the elimination of extending the water connection to Osgood Street. Capital Projects Update as of January 1,2018 1 1' a g e Update as of June 1,2017: Work during the past month included completion of the concrete slab-on- grade, remediation of the asbestos in the Salt Shed, demolition of the existing Salt Shed, and rough grading for the new Salt Shed. Most of the `contaminated' soil has been properly disposed; only a small mound remains. Key items to be completed during the month of June include installation of the new Salt Shed footings, installation of site drainage structures, roof installation for the new building, and the garage siding work will commence. Update as of May 1, 2017: Work during the past month included slab-on-grade backfill and compaction, structural steel erection and detailing, and under-slab utility installation. The soil from the front section of the property and some soil from the rear has been determined to be `contaminated'. The Town is assessing alternatives to where the soil can be transported. Project remains on schedule. Update as of April 1,2017: The project resumed in earnest in mid-March and is scheduled to progress on schedule. The steel was delivered and erected this past month giving shape to the new building. In April, work will continue on the building including pouring the slabs, initial electrical and plumbing, etc. During early April, remediation of the asbestos in the salt shed will be conducted. Then the salt shed will be demolished and prep work will begin for the new salt shed. Update as of March 1, 2017: Not much work done in the month of February as the project expected the typical winter weather. The steel is scheduled to be delivered the week of March 6th;erection and welding will take two weeks (weather depending). The contractor will begin to prepare for the replacement of the siding of the garage bays side of the existing building. Testing in the salt shed indicates the presence of asbestos. Remediation will take place during this month. The existing Salt Shed are scheduled for demolition in early April. Update as of February 1, 2017: At their meeting of January 23rd,the Selectmen voted 4-0-1 to select `Terra di Siena' as the exterior color for the new and existing public works buildings. Key items completed by the contractor in the past month include foundation wall installation, elevator pit waterproofing, preparation for elevator masonry shaft work, and d elevator shaft CMU wall construction. Test pit excavation were done at the existing Salt Shed. Asbestos testing in the existing Salt Shed are scheduled for February with demolition of the building scheduled for early April. Update as of January 1, 2017: Actual construction began the week of December 5th. All required conservation measures were put in place and a security fence was erected around the site. The foundation is expected to be poured in the first weeks of January with steel erected by the beginning of February,weather permitting. The site work and demolition of the existing salt shed were put off until spring so as not to interfere with Public Works snow/ice operations. Update as of December 1, 2016: No update provided Update as of November 1, 2016: General contractor bids were received and reviewed. Based on awarding the base contract and the three listed alternates, the low bidder was L.D. Russo, Inc. of Harvard, MA at$4,533,000. The OPM reviewed the DCAMM evaluations/reviews and submitted a positive recommendation. Contract documents were issued and a pre-construction meeting is Capital Projects Update as of January 1,2018 2 111, a!1 e scheduled for November 9th. It is anticipated the general contractor will initiate construction activity by the end of the month. Update as of October 1, 2016: Construction bid documents were issued on schedule. Filed sub-bids were received on September 29th. Addendum#1 and#2 were issued to the bid documents. General contractor bids are due on October 13th. Update as of September 1,2016: The Zoning Board of Appeals rescheduled their August 9th meeting to August 18th. They approved the variances for the side setbacks with the decision becoming final as of September 14th. All of the decisions of the land use boards (Planning, Conservation, and ZBA) will then be formally filed with the Registry of Deeds. The milestones for the issuance of the construction specifications and bid due dates were pushed back one week due to the preparation of the extensive documents and drawings. This will not affect the dates of the contract being awarded and the anticipated start of construction. Update as of August 1, 2016: Hill International,the Owner's Project Manager(OPM),was hired for this project in mid-December 2015. CSS Architects were placed under contract in late-January 2016. A working group consisting of Bruce Thibodeau, Tim Willett,and Stephen Foster were designated to work with the architect and OPM on the project. The group worked diligently through the first few months of 2016 on reviewing different layouts, designs, etc. as the present site has a number of restrictions including wetlands both to the right and left of the property and Wayne Street that runs the entire left side of the property. A `Site Plan Review Application' was filed with the Planning Department on May 6th. Public hearings were held before the Planning Board on June 70', June 21St, and July P. A `Notice of Decision' was approved on July 5th. The 21-day review period ended on July 27th and the decision became final. A `Notice of Intent' was filed with the Conservation Department on May 27th. Public hearings were held before the Conservation Commission on June 8th, June 22"d, and July 13th. An `Order of Conditions' was approved and issued on July 13th. A `Variance' for side setbacks was filed with the Board of Appeals on June 2"d. A public hearing was held on June 28th and continued until August 9th. The variance will be granted on August 9th,the decision signed and issued by August 23rd, with the 21-day review period ending on September 13th. The project design was reviewed by the Board of Selectmen at their meetings of June 6th, June 20th, and July 18th. The Board approved the building design on July 18th as well as stating their preferred color of`brick red' for the building. Capital Projects Update as of January 1,2018 3 1 P a g e Kindergarten Center Project As of June I", the project is under the direction and oversight of the School Building Committee. Senior Center Proiect Upcoming milestones TBD—issue a Request for Qualifications to hire an Owner's Project Manager TBD—issue a Request for Qualifications to hire an Architect/Designer Update as of January 1, 2018: No update Update as of December 1, 2017: No update Update as of November 1, 2017: No update Update as of October 1,2017: No update Update as of September 1, 2017: No update Update as of August 1, 2017: No update Update as of July 1,2017: No update Update as of June 1,2017: Annual Town Meeting approved the FYI CIP which included$472,500 to hire an Owner's Project Manager and Architect/Designer for the expansion of the Senior Center. Capital Projects Update as of January 1,2018 4 1 P a g e - � Al A 21 IS- 8 8 s 8 r, ? e Alill 1 µ - � gj North Andover December 2017 Report Itl Report Type Status Count of Report Type DPW-Other Resolved 6 DPW-Tree Resolved 3 Health Issues/Concerns Resolved 4 Not Listed-Other Received 1 Not Listed-Other Resolved 1 Total Reports: 49 Police-Traffic/Other(non-emergency only Resolved 1 Total Resolved: 45 Trash&Recycling Received 2 Percent Resolved: 91.83673 Trash&Recycling Resolved 19 Dead Animal Resolved 1 Snow Issues Received 1 Snow Issues Resolved 10 aunt of Pepert,Type Count of Report Type 1,9 16 1,4 12 ... ._.......... ........._..... ._.. 10 R 6 4 2 ... .... ® MMIM MISM1 rim= MOM No= Resolved Resolved Resolved Received Resolved Resolved Received Resolved Resolved Received Resolved DPW-0ther DPW.Yreae Health Issues/ Not Listed-Cather Police-Trafkie/fatherTrash&Recycling Dead Animal Snow Issues Concerns (vion-emergency onlyl ,Report"rypue Status Permits by Month Building Electric Plumbing Gas Total Mise Total Fy 2018 Issued $ Generated Issued $ Generated Issued $Generated Issued $ Generated Permits Revenue $ Jul-17 127 $274,688.00 85 $39,701.39 61 $35,617.84 35 $2,505.00 308 $1.50.00 $352,662.23 Aug-17 181 $88,300.87 96 $14,776.25 68 $7,506.03 40 $3,311.00 385 $150.00 $1.1.4,044.15 Sep-17 148 $50,427.60 100 $12,143.99 92 $9,420.82 24 $1,908.00 364 $73,900.41 Oct-17 147 $54,757.43 115 $12,028.24 73 $5,296.15 42 $2,927.50 377 $150.00 $75,159.32 Nov-17 147 $47,070.18 100 $19,565.72 59 $6,544.81 57 $3,791.00 363 $150.00 $77,121.71 Dec-17 1.10 $33,347.89 74 $7,655.31 35 $1,940.50 38 $2,926.50 257 $45,870.20 Jan-18 0 $0.00 Feb-18 0 $0.00 Mar-18 0 $0.00 Apr-18 0 $0.00 May-18 0 $0.00 Jun-18 0 $0.00 TOTALS 860 $548,591.97 570 $105,870.90 388 $66,326.15 236 $17,369.00 2054 $600.00 $738,758.02 FY 18 Budget $700,000.00 $100,000.00 $70,000.00 $31,000.00 $901,000.00 FY 18 Total $548,591.97 $105,870.90 $66,326.15 $17,369.00 $600.00 $738,758.02 $Diff -$151,408.03 $5,870.90 -$3,673.85 -$13,631.00 -$162,241.98 Big$ Amounts Building, Electrical, Plumbing&Gas Jul-17 $219,373.08 1160 Great Pond Rd. - Brooks School Sep-17 $4,032.00 800 Johnson St.-SFH Dec-17 $2,450.00 851 Forest St. House Reno Jul-17 $4,554.90 1160 Great Pond Rd. - Plumbing Permit Sep-17 $3,570.00 4 Compass Pt. -SFH Jul-17 $3,576.00 10 Compass Pt. -SFH Sep-17 $3,570.00 6 Compass Pt. -SFH Jul-17 $3,492.00 8 Compass Pt. -SFH Sep-17 $3,204.00 9 Lincoln-Addition Jul-17 $3,264.00 12 Compass Pt. -SFH Sep-17 $3,595.42 285 Holt Rd.-Plumbing Jul-17 $3,264.00 14 Compass Pt. -SFH Sep-17 $7,620.00 660 Chickering Rd.-McDonald's Jul-17 $27,421.64 1160 Great Pond Rd.- Plumbing Permit Sep-17 $2,472.00 815 Chestnut-Sheet Metal Jul-17 $27,421.64 1160 Great Pond Rd.- Elec. Permit Oct-17 $6,900.00 1160 Great Pond -Sheet Metal Jul-17 $4,554.90 351.Willow St. - Plumbing Permit Oct-17 $5,679.47 125 Flagship-Tenant Fit Up Jul-17 $3,100.00 315 Turnpike St.-Ath.Field Improvements Oct-17 $8,586.00 60 Regency Place-SFH Jul-17 $9,192.00 50 High St-Tenant Fit Up-Aries Oct-17 $2,249.72 50 High Street-Sheet Metal Jul-17 $2,256.00 315 Turnpike-Sakowich Ctr. Nov-17 $4,891.62 130 Windkist Farm Road Aug-17 $3,036.00 70 May Street-SFH Nov-17 $3,900.00 351 Holt Road -Sprinkler Aug-17 $4,600.00 1099 Salem Street-SFH Nov-17 $3,564.00 351 Holt Road-Fire Upgrade Aug-17 $4,650.00 1087 Salem Street-SFH Nov-17 $5,774.55 351 Holt Road - Electrical Upgrade Aug-17 $3,360.00 142 Greene Street-Addition Nov-17 $2,706.00 1160 Great Pond -Sprinkler Aug-17 $2,700.00 70 Main Street-Common Areas Nov-17 $4,659.00 75 Nutmeg-SFH Aug-17 $10,426.00 1600 Osgood-Final Cost-Solar Dec-17 $5,570.00 575 Osgood -Sheet Metal Aug-17 $8,400.00 10 High Street-Jade Restaurant Dec-17 $2,422.00 562 Turnpike -Tenant Fit Up Aug-17 $10,525.00 815 Chestnut-Office Reno Dec-17 $5,400.00 271 Stevens St.- House Reno MD 1/8/2018 FY 2018 Commercial Certificates of Occupancy Issued Month B Permit Number Date BP Issued CO Number CO Issued Est. Value of Permit Business Name Owner Name Contact No# Address On Permit App. July 23357 3/7/2017 26574 7/13/2017 $102,000.00 Dental Office Suite 125 Nano Properties* 978-686-2223 203 Turnpike Street 24053 4/3/2017 26707 7/13/2017 $12,500.00 Luigi's Restaurant Evros Realty Trust* 978-682-2222 15 First Street 24619 5/16/2017 26672 7/20/2017 $18,000.00 Doves And Figs Turnpike Flagship* 978-394-0013 733 Turnpike Street 25331 6/19/2017 26699 7/26/2017 $12,503.00 Mike's Market Giglio-Middlesex* 508-246-6798 220 Middlesex Street August 26185 6/29/2017 27183 8/7/2017 $8,083.00 Dani Kay Store A&M Realty Trust* 978-341-4200 85 Main Street 23468 4/5/2017 27195 8/7/2017 $125,000.00 Gloss n' Go Salon Delta MB LLC* 978-851-8000 350 Winthrop Avenue 25877 6/20/2017 27433 8/11/2017 $84,724.00 Bella Ballerina David Steinbergh* 617-625-8315 18 High Street, Building 5, Suite 1 September 24566 6/27/2017 27964 9/6/2017 $471,000.00 Phasex WOR Associates Ltd. 978-988-9200 125 Flagship -offices 27380 9/15/2017 30277 9/23/2017 $57,532.00 Hudson Design Hudson Design 978-557-5553 45 Beechwood -Workstation Redo 24711 5/30/2017 30375 9/26/2017 $1,481,491.00 Merrimack College Merrimack College 978-837-5459 315 Turnpike-O'Reilly Hall October 26006 7/13/2017 30350 10/2/2017 $331,160.00 Orange Theory Fitness NA Crossroads* 603-765-5007 550 Turnpike Street-Tenant Fit Up TEMP 25563 6/29/2017 30868 11/12/2017 $250,000.00 Merrimack College Merrimack College 978-837-5459 315 Turnpike Street- Field Improvements November 28184 9/6/2017 31388 11/2/2017 $38,100.00 Lighthouse Placement Services Osgood Landing LLC* 978-681-5004 1600 Osgood Street-Office 28258 9/6/2017 32074 11/27/2017 $80,000.00 Legends Gymnastics 25 Comm NA LLC* 978-655-7171 25 Commerce Way-Gymnastics Academy December 27450 8/30/2017 32380 12/21/2017 $877,106.00 Watts Water Watts Water 978-689-6067 815 Chestnut-Update Offices 27806 8/30/2017 32154 12/11/2017 $4,100.00 Merrimack Valley Wellness Ctr. Turnpike Flagship* 978-394-0013 65 Flagship Drive-Office and Xray Room 24475 5/11/2017 32373 12/28/2017 $3,036,600.00 Bake N'Joy Muffin Realty Trust 800-666-4937 351 Willow Street- 11,860 SF Addition 27803 9/11/2017 31212 12/29/201.7 $45,000.00 Office Space Bradstreet Partners LLC* 978-409-2217 70 Main Street-Suite 200 26777 8/21/2017 31214 12/29/2017 $225,000.00 Common Area Of Building Bradstreet Partners LLC* 978-409-2217 70 Main Street-Common Area 26288 8/21/2017 31213 12/29/2017 $82,000.00 Physical Therapy Office Bradstreet Partners LLC* 978-409-2217 70 Main Street-Suite 201 26393 7/25/2017 32802 12/29/2017 $765,782.00 Aries RCG West Mill NA LLC* 617-625-8315 50 High Street-Aries-Suite 21 Total $8,107,681.00 *Owner of Building/Suite- Not Business Owner MD 1/2/2018 3 Job Posting/Vacancy Log January 18, 2018 Date Position Department Hiring Manager Status Posted 11/27/17 Heavy Motor Public Works Tim Willett Interview held on 12/28/17. Posted on Equipment Town website and social media. Posted Operator with Valleyworks Career Center and Job Quest. 11/21/17 Chief Assessor Assessing Lyne Savage Positon re-advertised in the Eagle Tribune on 1/14/18 and re-posted on Monster.com. Low resume response. Hired Rena Swezey as Interim effective 1/8/18. Advertised on Ma Municipal Association on 11/26/17, Posted on Ma Association of Assessors on 11/26/17. Posted on Monster.com and advertised in Eagle Tribune 11/26/17. 7/17/17 Page Stevens Kathleen Keenan No activity as the focus was on hiring a Memorial Teen Librarian. Will resume activity. Library Posted internally and on town social media and Merrimack Valley Library Consortium. Stevens Memorial Library—December 2017 Highlights During December the Library hosted the first Staycation Week of the 2017-2018 NAPS school year, offering expanded Programing during school vacation week, 12/26/17 - 12/31017,. In addition to storytimes and movies, a few new Programs were introduced, One example is,the Little Kid Obstacle Course which was designed for 2-5 year olds, providing them with an opportunity to burn.Taff some energy and work on grass motor skills. Over 30 children participated, climbing,jumping, crawling and playing. We celebrated the New Year with the Day 365 Celebration, held on December 31! Children could say goodbye to 21117 and ring in 2018. with crafts and games enjoyed by all. Drag Day Afternoons are held 4 times a month and due to their popularity are always in demand, These fun sessions allow children to snuggle up with a dog and read to a"judgement- free"pooch.. It is a great early literacy program providing yet another option to encourage children to read. In December we are delighted to report,that we hired a part time Teen Librarian who will. be starting in January, 2018, We are excited to start the New Year with a dedicated staff member to work with our teen community, What's next for the Library? • During the month of January, Stevens Librarians will begin planning for Suri mer at the Stei�ens, 2018. The Collaborative Summer Leading Program theme this summer is "Libraries Rock". • Remember to check for Library Programs, buy visiting the n1in calendar on the Library website StcvensMemLi rg, or follow us on Facebook or Twitter, StevensMemLib,to receive programing updates. i i Stevens Memorial Library AAyr t;ev nsMerrfflb ,rg Prepared 1/10/2018 December 2017 Monthly Report �� FY18 Library Service FY18 Library Service Julys Aug* Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun* Year Total Library Servke Moura 199 242 245 245 248 255 1,434 Library Visuors 1 9,721 10,999 10,068 10,187 10,555 7,912 59,442 'summer hours FY18 Circulation To Date. 94,010 FY2018 Materials Usage Statistics Totals in Green squares below are included in the annual total. FY17 Circulation: F 195,253 Totals in Fink squares below are included in the annual total. I Print/t"hysi(A Mat�eriais Or cation(Syiinphony Mteglt'ts'ted IU rary Systenn) Includes books,magazines,video(DVD),audiobooks(cd,mps,etc),music(cds) July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Year Total FY18 16,342 16,773 13,577 13,064 12,652, 11,382 83,790 FY17 14,799 16,171 14,798 13,728 15,028 11,754 13,925 13,283 16,371 1.3,157 13,922 14,737 171,673 lli E-Materials usage Overdrive IF-books&E-audio July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Year Total FY18 1,102 1,231 1,142 1,052 976 1,007 6,510 FY17 864 $61 761 899 960 836 1130 905 1015 1004 941 937 11,113 Tumblebooks(ChIldrens E-books) July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Year Total FY18 4 11 115 183 142 10 465 FY17 7 23 83 319 149 404 524 186 975 167 458 327 3,622 Safari Business E-books(Read.Online Only) July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Year Total FY18 Sections 81. 331 1,039 130 41 843 2,465 FY17 Sections 719 404290 314 331 380 1 17811 72 320 1 66 1099 1 105 5,881 Freegal(e-music) July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Year Total FY18 Downloads 102 169 193 174 171 339 1,148 FY18 Streamed 211 271 614 510 313 178 2,097 FY17 Downloads 254 2,89 225 246 275 247 220 176 161 118 138 106 2,455 FY17 Streamed! 733 1159 975 685 385 537 711 311 37'8 137 205 174 6,390 North Andover Selectmen Meeting Senior Center Monthly Report FY18 FY 18 In Center Visitors Sep. Wkly Oct. Wkly Nov. Wkly Dec. Wkly Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. TOTALS M'au°mmol°euoi°flty II': ducatiiau°i Book Club 7 2 13 3 12 3 12 3 55 Computer Classes 2 1 7 2 2 0 2 0 16 ESA Educational Lectures 4 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 10 Heart to Heart 32 8 34 8 35 8 42 10 177 Lecture Series 1 681 171 541 181 741 181 641 211 1 1 1 334 News&Views 109 27 122 40 146 36 94 23 597 Coiirmmurmmuuiflt:y IP:Dirca::llect Cuddles 116 29 96 24 43 14 75t75 416 Flea Market 0 Mr. Fix-It 6 **** 18 **** 6 **** 3 33 Congregate Meals 288 72 368 92 298 74 298 1565 II':Gr�:urmeII':IIIlxeurci1e General Fitness Classes 85 21 105 26 89 22 83 21 452 Zumba Gold 12 4 15 5 16 4 16 5 77 Zumba Fitness" 78 19 113 28 106 26 74 25 469 IeaIh]'i Scureeurmliiigs Walk In Clinic 10 5 10 5 8 4 6 3 51 Foot Care 20 5 24 12 21 10 22 11 125 Massage Therapist 1 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 9 �'urm�:eurZeurmeura�a1aurmalll Nursing Students 2 0 2 0 0 0 4 Thompson School Student Social 0 Brooks School Students 0 Legal Assistance 5 1 1 01 31 1 3 1 15 Ou tiread,i Advocacy Office Consultation 7 2 11 2 4 1 1 1 29 Shine Counseling 4 2 4 2 24 12 22 11 81 lecureat:Iau°m Art Class 14 4 22 5 24 8 14 4 95 Bingo 278 69 288 72 190 47 264 66 1274 Bowling iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillillillillillilliI iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillillillillillillillI iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillillillillillillilI iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillilillillillillilI iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillillillillillillI iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiillillillilliillillililI 0 Bridge 215 54 232 58 185 46 185 46 1021 North Andover Selectmen Meeting Senior Center Monthly Report FY18 Cards 63 16t20 14 56 14 43 11 275 Chess 0 Computer Lab 46 11 5 39 10 31 8 170 Golf*** 0 Knitting&Crocheting 13 3 18 9 13 3 10 3 72 Mahjong 15 41 22 5 236 6 2 83 Quilting 12 3 7 3 11 3 2 1 42 Scrabble 14 3 9 2 4 2 4 2 40 Woodcarving 23 6 30 8 17 4 261 6 120 FY 18 Outbound Services Sep. Wkly Oct. Wkly Nov. Wkly Dec. Wkly Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. TOTALS Outareuclllw/Advocacy Brown Bag Program 39 41 36 36 152 Housing Outreach Socials/Cookouts 24 0 0 0 81 105 Home Visits/Outreach Visits 58 14 54 13 47 12 59 20 277 Meals On Wheels 1555 389 1567 362 1481 370 1316 329 7369 Sociullls i milts Fresh Table 90 22 85 28 225 Socials-In House 58 58 67 67 140 140 87 87 704 Men's Breakfast 23 23 18 18 20 20 27 27 176 Day Trip*** 10 0 0 11 21 Supper Club*** 11 9 0 16 36 Socials-Off Site*** 17 9 0 47 73 Daily&Weekly Transportation*** 250 62 308 77 230 57 250 63 1297 Fax Consultant Preparation I= 0 DPDDD"'i"'O"'i"'ALS Ilteir Moistlli 3684 957 3869 1018 3403 975 32511 985 0 0 0 0 0 0 18142 ***These events are held offsite **Zumba Fitness over 60 years of age Textile Recycling Tipping Fee Tipping Fee Collection- Collection - Revenue- Revenue- Savings- Savings- Current Fiscal Year Current Fiscal Year Current Fiscal Year Month (lbs) (to date) Month (to date) Month (to date) May, 2017 8,576 8,576 $ 85.76 $ 85.76 Jun, 2017 8,050 16,626 $ 80.50 $ 166.26 Jul, 2017 4,984 4,984 $ 49.84 $ 49.84 $ 165.05 $ 165.05 Aug, 2017 5,683 10,667 $ 56.83 $ 106.67 $ 188.19 $ 353.24 Sep, 2017 4,228 14,895 $ 42.28 $ 148.95 $ 140.01 $ 493.25 Oct, 2017 4,592 19,487 $ 45.92 $ 194.87 $ 152.06 $ 645.31 Nov, 2017 5,490 24,977 $ 54.90 $ 249.77 $ 181.80 $ 827.11 Dec, 2017 3,364 28,341 $ 33.64 $ 283.41 $ 111.40 $ 938.51 Jan, 2018 Feb, 2018 Mar, 2018 Apr, 2018 May, 2018 Jun, 2018