HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-01-28Spe'oiat f,~eet lng The PLANNING BOCZRD held a Special ~'.'eeting on Eonday evening, Janua~r 28, 1980 &t 7:30 P.[:. in the Town Office Meeting ]Zoom, The *el!owing members were present and voting: ~Jilliam Chepulis, Chairm~n; Paul Hedstrom, Clerk; Michael P. Roberts; and Joyce A. DiTore arrived at 9 P.M. follow~ing a personal committment. PLINS NOT REQUIRI:,IG APPROVAL: 1 - C. RICHARD ROBERTS: Bridle Path - oombiuinC ? lots into one. ~otion by Roberts to endorse the plan dated Dec. 17, 1979 as not recuairing approval unaer subdivision control law. Second by __ed~t~om ~n~ unanimous veto. o~ _ SCOTT PROP?~RTIES: Ha;,~eadow Rd. - plan dated Jan 14, 1980 to accommodate to allow for house placement which was too close to lot line. Hotion by Roberts to endorse as not req~uiring approval ~mder subdivision conzrol !-vel. Second by Hed~tror~ smd un¢mimous vet e. 3 - SCOTT PROP~TIES: H'%~meaSow Rd. - plan prepared for A1 Higgins, dated Jan. 15, 1980; change in layout; draina;je ea,?ernest formerly cro,'~sed through lot 66. Upon motion by Roberts and second by !tedstrom to endorse the plan ?~s not reqz~iring ~pproval ~nder sub- division centre! law the voze was ~ - ~WARD SARCIO~fE: ~larbleridge RS. - pla~ was never recorded so re$~est is for a re-endorsement. Roberts made a motion to re-endorse th~ plum of land dated July 20, 1978 ~nd Hedstrom seconded. Unanimous vote. ~, - CfhRL CAPOBIA}~CO: Middleton Rd. - Scott Giles representing; plan has proper area and frontage; Mi5dleton Rd. in N. A. becomes Ualem St. in ½mSover. Plan showed two lots, A & B, dated Jan ,o3, 19[,0. r,[otion.m~de %'~,, Roberts ~md seconded by Hedstrom to endorse as not ret?tiring approval trader srbdi~ision control law. Unanimous vote. ACC~ TO ~ LOTS$ NAY~DON - Sco~ Giles w~. advised to send a letter of request for waiver to submitted at new messing. He a~eed to comply. PAUL AI~A~ RE WILDWOOD ESTATES: a) Road Design -.~usan ~t. Pierre %cid"the BOARD thmt she was co.tatted By an abutter who complained abeu$ the. slope f~em his property to the road.~ Wh~le viewimg ~he site, she discovered that the read warn not b~ilt to sleets as sho. n c~ $Jae approved definitive plan. Ahe~rn stated that it is Better for him if it is ~r~ag and bas engineer ~eld him that it is ~ 6% slope Bu~ looks flat because the road was so short. Mr. Chepulis and Susan sai~ tha$ is incorrect Because it ~ould ~e just the oppoaite and the plan does not call for 12 ~t. to be cut. Because it is act done in accordance with the plan the Planning ~oard ~e~l~ revoke approval. Ahearn and his engiaeer should w~rk en something to correct this situsti~a. RoBerts suggested that A~earn bring in s0~e documenta%ic~ for ~he aext meeting. ~hepulis added that the drainage will also be effected By this. Highway Surveyor to be officially notified that ~here .As a problem wi~h She road. Aheara to have a solution rega~ling the slope read~ for the next mee%~ng. B) Covenant Sutxnittal - the road was started withou$ a~y securiSy. Sus~ "told Ahearn that we have to have a coveaant or Bond on record. He has esseatiall2 operated illegally. Abeam stated Sha~ he was not aware cf this and would h~ve a ooveaa~t or security ia for Feb. 4th. :~ Jaauary 28, I~K~ - cont. o) Request for Extemsion of Ccepletion Date - the cca~letion d~te previ~u.~ set ~ for ~. 1, 1~. Ro~s ~ed postp~g se~t~g a o~pleti~ ~te '~til the table the ~tter ~til ~B. 4th. He~r~ seceded ~d 2he vote w~ ~imous. CORRE~P~D~CE FROM TO~ C(X~S~ RE ~~ E~ "~l~" - l~er ~ted J~. 11, 19~ was re~, ~so m~i~ to didies the ~ts ~d co~ of letter ~ Att~. ~. A aew mo~i~ ~s ~ea filed ~ ~erior C~ to o~pel ~e pl~a~iff t, o~ply ~th the ~ip~a$i~. Ro~s s~ he w~d like to a~ T~ O~sel if we o~d o~ter~e for m~$~l ~sh ~d ~te~l assets. C~,~o o~o~ ~. ~illis Boo,se of coa~ioa ~t~g fr~ coxfliot~g ~te~tatioas of ~he i~o~ati~ ~vea. LETTER FR~ MVPC RE .~OLID WAST~ FACILITY - letter read aad filed. PLAN-~ POSITI0I~: The Chairman asked if the BOARD ~asired to put an aa~iole im the ?o~a b-~arra~t tc establish the position of ~own Planner permaneutly uRGer the Personnel h-Law - members all agreed that this should be done. Notion maAe b~ Hedstrom to so aotify the Personnel ~oard that we would like to make some type of change. No second received. Roberts then made a motion to petition the Personnel Board for a permauext position of Towa Plauner aAd ~hat the PLA1/K~N~ BOARD compose an article to continue the position for one year at a salary of $~8, ~8. DiTore seoonde~ and the vote was uBauimous. HI~t~AY SURVEYOR LEafiER RE COTUt~ ST. - correspondence read ~ ~he Cle~. No~i~ ~e ~ Robe~s to table ~he ~tter ~lil ~he Feb. 4 ~et~g in o~er iht ~. ~ ~ ~ ia atten~ce ~d ~ve o~nts. S~d ~ H~s~r~ ~d ~im~s v~e. LEGAL NOTICES: a) C0N. C(~. - read aad sa file. b) HA~ & A~DOV~ - s~. B~ ~D ~ Z~G ~OP~ ~old ~r, ~ he w~d like to de~l~ two.ol~er z~i~ ~iole8, ~e Iow d~si~y ~ ~e high density w~ch w~d ~1~ for 2~e~fs, p~se~e o~n sp~e, e~c. Fel~ th2 the aeo~ios for i~ ~ ~en set ~p ~der ~he ~ecial Pe~i~ pro.ess ~d ~ a piece of lud he w~d l~e to b~ng ~ ~er ~he ~icles. ReCesSed werk~ his pl~uer ~th ~ T~ Plier ~ o~e~ to ~oeive feed~k ~ to the t~'s ~reotion ~ ~s. ~s plier is Jo~ ~o~ who ~e the into the To~ ~t. ~. Ro~s~ op~ w~ t~t Bitter feel~ w~ ~i~ due to ~he effec~ i~ ~ ~ve ~ abutte~. ~g~ stated t~t if sine het~er ~he ~L ~ ~ s~e ~evel~er c~e ~ C~i~ ~11 ai~ ~ de~l~ ~oh better for the T~. ~ S~, Pier~ stat~~ t~t right n~ t~e P~ ~ ~e no o~trol ~er z~g bec~e ~ ~t these ~e ~ pi~es al~ of the $~e; if i~ou~ive tec~i~es to oversee t~s it w~ld beaefit ~he To~, ~e aced ~ aeo~i~ to dec,ass hovs~g costs ~1~ ~h t~ag ~e ~ the ~t use of t~ I~A, Ro~s ~terjecteA t~t he hoped the ~ is ~ll~g to p~ "~" ~er ~eoial: Pe~t ~t~g Au~hori~y. Ohep~is r~o~ed ~t the ~ aB~t ol~ter z~g for a 1~ t~e ~d ~ ~ ~ed ~ we ~ s~ l~e i~. Unfort~ely~ s~e of the foyer proposes ~ aot 2h~ o~lete. ~icely spelled out ~d preseated, ~s. DiTore felt ~t if ~ is ~ll~g to ~o~ ~th O~s plier i~ w~d ~ a g~ id~ ~o~se the ~ for ff~l~ e~lier e~ ~cause we di~tt do ~ k~ework. ~. Hedstr~ felt t~t the ~speeple ~ew as "~eater density" ~d act "cluster z~g-. ~. Chep~is that t~t ~ o~ld per,ps le~ ~ for 2he To~ ~d p~s it ~o~.~t she ~et wo~ ~ t~s to ~he · lam. 28~ 1<:)80 - cont. exolusio~ of to~n Business iff the B~ARD does approve of ~s~ is ~eeable to work ~h ~ ~te~sted patios w~ld ~ ~aefioial. ~str~ seceded ~d the vote ~ PLAN~ INFO: Zoning Aaen~aent to ~,~th Re, oval ~y-Law - ~he ~ of ~als ~ld l~e te ~ ~er ~rol ~er ~h Remo~l ~d ~11 send a letter to the ~ ~ ~kA.~ %~% we sp~sor ~ ~iole for the W~t. W~ti~ for~a ~ply ~ ~ C~el ~% sh~4 ~ ~ ~a~ for ~e~ meeting. There ~ also ee~e house~pi~g oha~gee to be ~ade %o the By-Law ~hich we have to insert im the Warrant. Seeond ~ ]~L~ore aaa ~mim~ ~te. A~pr~al receAved frea Atty. ~eneral for T~wa By-Law a~eadaent. Re Wetlaads P~ote~tie~ at Speoial Te~m Meeting of Ney. 19, 1979. Filed. MVPC "Ul~laSe# - received a~ filed. The ~eetiag aetjcmm~ed at 10 P.X. ~//- Gi~ ~l~ok~rtook