HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-04-09 SPECIAL ~IEETING (continued from Apr. 7) in the To~ Office ~' ~' --' ~ ~ ...... ~ ' ~ee.,:n~ Room. ~n~. fol!owinL' ....... l ..... were present m:,u voling: :L_I ~ Chepulis, ......... ; Paul ,i. Hedztrcr.b Clerk~ Jojce A. DiTore; ma M~clm, e! P. ?hnre ~ere o~ visitor,s. .... ~,n,,~_~,~u~,~. kot~on by [[edstrom to defer until there are 3 raem~ers present, eocene bj DiTore ~r.d m:Jmimous vote. 1 -NA:,:IL?G OW S~S: the Clerk read the leg-al notice. There was no one present representing the Planning Office for Urb.?m Affairs ~md,,/or the Wood Ridge Develop~ent. Elaine Warwick, ,~3 Woodbridge Rd. Reiterated her points regarding ~he safely acpec~ prod confusion with ail kin~s of deliveries. Their main concern is with ~he emergency situations such as police ~nd fire~,~;hen Wood Ridge would be understood ac Woodbridge ~d ? ice-versa. ' ~ ~' ~:~ ~ '~c. 3B enables the BOARD to hol~ ,~" ~ ' The Ch~m~.am noted ~h~. ~-~. - ~ ~e,,ri~ followin- ~ 00~. eo for Letters from Police a~ud Fire Depts. ware read wkich expressed concern for the r;imi!ar- ~e~ of the n%ies, lettar~: on file. ~.m~n S~. Pierre, Pls_nner, ~tate~ that she had rpoken 'to the Post Of?ice who is also having problems with the confusion resulting from si~.~ilarity but there war not enough time to generate a_,letter. . ~ ..... e~ Kur~h, Uoodbridge Rd., expressed d=sire for a name ch-~nfje via ~-letter to the ~ ,~ ~.Q~,.D. Letter was read card is on file. ~oth Police :und Fire would endorse a cbc.uae in the name because of problems cited in their letters. The Chairmrm voiced disappointment that there was no representative of the Planning Office present 'to either oppose or consider a n:~mc chalice. A~ he understood it, the Archdiocese is reluctamt to change ~he no.me now because their stationerj has already been printed. According to the statnle the final approval has to come from the PL!>~II~_!G ~fotion made by Hedstrom to ch.~mge "Wood Ridge Rd." to '~idge Way" and second by Roberts. All desigmated parties to receive notice. The to'~n shall put up a sign at the proper locus. Unanimous vote. Timothy, C~,_e, ;..,~o~n::~-u~-'-~ .... ..... e..~zno~' ~- ~ha_. ::ppllcm~ ~.a~eo. :~a~ tL~. lot ir. ~.e~t~o, d ' ,- ;,~l~dln3' ~ ~m' ~ VJ~F denied c'~:lor, aScd a~: "'~" on p!~u subtitted. Application for ~ '~ ' , e.,,.! .... ~ ~,,~ n~,.~;e~ bec~tu~e he intcn~s t0 construct a sinjle-f,~j:ilj dwelling mt(] .-..;~,.~o.,.n~. ~=,: ,~;..c!~ P :]*;nit .... ~ ~ ~,. %o clro'umvent thc 1,_,~ ft. r('~,ire:uc:nt .~n:.,~,.i,3~ ~. ho rn:~idcs :,text ,:iccp ko t. Jo~;Id onlj o ..... '- - o .... - · on~., di'.34urZ the ~a~,d r_.ecessz~rj for ...... ~ .... '.1~-,d- ~c, ' ~-r. ~I d~e regard %o disturbed. Pranen%lj ~hcre i~' or~ c::is~i;~d ,7_ri~rewC- %]~.4 services ~wo ~.wnllings. Suhse~mn% to ~he construction of ~he :!riv~'::%~ ~b.e ~ >.nc] w~.~ Oivided. Chepn!is ~,sked ~;nder the prcsen~ division of ]anS, 'it:ere acm- recorded rigk~ of waj easements - C~jle smicT, yes, and showed 3cpu o~ %Lo rer):.-'dcd e'~rement which ~uzs wi~h ~he land. bo%h o~.,~ers of %hose proper~ie¢ now :md ',;hen ~1;~¢ piece is convoyed ~ha e~uer.:ent will with tho l~md ~o service i~. Cke?uli:';; no~er~ %hz~ th~ plom %ning !ooke~ ~ ~howe~ a** -' '' '~' m- Bm'I, of I ...... er,, from '.~O;;~'.;:v St:r;:%or, :., Bu~!~zuj .,.;.,~.,;~c~,or, ~d. ~L.,.I~L~ ,~.d Fire De~t. ,~ec, strom oomntenta~. ~,..*I t>~ ~" is ,~ue-tin~ that ~ clrive- think tLere was ~r. fficien% room to tlc thi~. ?"~n ~t. Pierre st~%ed %}m.t she discussed ~his wi~h J. ~orgegi who believed tlm.~ il could be done T, ul, in any case, there are no ~ro.hzon~ in our ~-Ltw for a ,~,.,[ .,.c, from the "no cut" so on~y al~e~a- tiro is to pw~ i~ a~ %he 150 ft. mark or :to~ :4 :.!!. ,7olm Desmond, gre,a~ Pond Rd. sta~od ~ha~ hi~torio,:~ll~., thz~re were ~wo ~Trivewajs ~Lore orisina!ly which were altered into one l, eoau~e there is ~. sorimm proh!,::::~ wiqh loinS. Also~ there arc utility lines ' -~ ~s e .- ~ -v4~,' ~ ~*~ ~h%~ is where ]als service comes r~u-ming alon~ the area ~:no~.,.~ ~tm~e~ ~._,, ~/e from. Averk% Great Pond Rd,, felt 2hz2 re!ow z~emova] would presem2 a problem. Bill Driscoll, adjoining !o2, 1~1] ~rc~t Pond E:d., a%aPed %ha2 some 15 ye:~rs' ajo the re,mots of %he propert0-~ nar:ely Steinbcrj, muself, %n(] the Kennedys and Arch~mbaults were con~ac2ed ~- %he ~2;i20 Cons~dction Co. fo~ %}:e :-;3~le of fill from our proper2ies3. They needed ~/2 million O-~z.,is of fill for ~he aFpro%ch 2o the new bridgc on R~e. ~9~. . ~ ~h,~ ~ime, was 50-,~O f2. That is the reason for the steep .... b,~m ........ nj.l, at * ~ high,er th~ it is at ~he pre~en~ time. ~ ' into :~eo~t deal of ~e~ ~o~ a _ discussion wken 1'~i%e w~ted lhis fill. ~m pros %~e th%t we would ~ain p~ll %his level l~d ~d some rem%~eration for %he fill. The cons were ~h~% we would lose %he %o%a! ~esthetic value of our lots ~d all %he hills ~d trees wou!~ b~ los% ~d a s~eep emb~en% resulted. The removal of ihs drain~e t~e soil would crcr~e ea~ ~mcon%rollgble drainage problem. The excavation would exceed 40 f~. below tlc e~isling gr-i~e. To g'o along with ~he ez~istin6' drainxce ~here ~hould be establbLeJ ~, drainage swmle located close %o the center of the total ~ ......... ~'~ .~.~ ma,:: ~%cro,cs pr'aotioal!y the entire width of the ~ou-~hern ~ection of tko lot in ~ae~tion. At the present time you could consider it ~ %ri]..ubary %o thc L.l':a, cul,i h],]. ~lie drain~ce is in this direction. Cagle ~cked if he wa? r::o~,inj that this lo% ~!:~et' '~1! the drainage np %here - yet, r'ep]ied Driscoll ~md pointe~ out the e:~ir.:~i~g cOntovrr: ou tLe plm%. lie fe!% th~%t most of the remaining trees woul:~ ir'ave %0 ])c. r,.:: ~o~ e,.. ~er ~::e orlve(L% 0md thc dwelling. how. ch'ivew~, would hay,:_ . to !-~, conr;trur;':~e~ in order to cope wz~n %ke contours. proposed lot ¢_ud drivew~u. Dri~'ool] vofce(~ ccmcorn :J>o~:t hiP:~ septic ~.ycten.~md whether or not the :.;ieep gradient of the d~'ivew%: ;.'o:~]d l,e accel, table. Cagle: if we do re- der:ig~ tko drivewau ~o con?]j with tko I~0 ~'t. requirnment would tk,:.t not ci:"cur~ver.~ the need to remove .'u~' of the trec;c or ~:]'~z,:~:~? DOTED mer-:ber~ aCTee,! that tlzi~ plr~n could not Fo;:si%!U i>e -tpi:,rovcd thc v'o~ it i~. Thc.m, nade several requests o~ the 2~titioncr ~.z f6!!owz: fi].~ for cletermi:::.tio:: of wztl~:mds app]ical)i!ity; reioc~-~to tlm proposed drivew:~.j z'o ~k:tt ~t will i::%c:vr:ct ;-;ilb thc: eui';tihg drivew%~ 130 ft. Lori- zon%allj from tko :aec: ]ich w'~ter mark of La':.'-. Ccchic'r('.wiok; rubmissiou of a: soil r~nd wa'tot conservation m'.m.t~cmen4 2!~; orosiou coiitl-.ol r~e-tbod~ durinj and after sons,irate- tier!; plmi c!iall sliow e':is%ing ~d .Jroi~ose,,i llotion then m:'de ~<' 2oi?~sr%~. to continue V..:o pu~:lic kearing t~til Mond~$~, ~'~ ~2!., so that %he potitioher can :uh~i~ thc necc:'c.:~ry inform:t~ion re%~ire0 bU ~he ~C~D in conform~oe uith the RU!c~: & Zegs. i!a,fxtrom seconded ~ud 2he vote ~.~am m~mni:nouu. 3iTore re~.:ested tha~ copies of tke nc;z pizn be ~];mi~ed ~o the ?O~i~D in order copies maj ~e ~ent out for referrals to other to~.m boards. ~ - BROOK3 SCHOOL, Great Pond Rd.: f!:m da~ed April 7, 1~20 divi~inj a 8 %ore p~cel into b;o 4 acre iot~:~ ~.~ B. There is a.: e~:iclin~~,,~-'a~.-~_u~ on Lo~ ~ ~ ~,n cid .,.cnn .g~zon on Lot A. ,,o~ ..... m,~ ~ :ot~on 2o endorse the p]~ dated April 7 ac: not reT¢irinj approval ~der ~:u~division control Law. PiTore seconded m~¢ un~inm:z vote. on wLich thc nize of ~ho !o~ i~: dinini~he4 1o 2~,33.~- ~.f. ~md intrciucinc Lo% i. lbo ~m~:%l! por%iou c-a~ off Lo[, If~ ~eco~es p::rt of parcel ~,~. Mo~ion ~j ~ober%s to ,~ndo:-se ~he phm a~ no% ro:p~ring ~,pprovcd under ~ubc!ivision con%re! law subject %o re~'i~:ion :IaSc cm~. Cesitm-,tio~ c.f ~:na]l portion a;: i-?..r% cf parcel ~ beinC pl~c~ on pl?n. - T:ITTP.~QE, Cour~ & Pleac:,':::t S50.: 21:i: was an appro:md pl'm rhich nee<~s reric:?.- i:::-e l:ec::::r:e :i:::~: period I::::~ e],aps:d for recordinj, :o c:::,nf~s m?,de. Moliou %j Rc~s, crt~ to endorse :~; not re$:irinj ::pprov~] :m~er cubdiYision con%roi l::w plato of !;r:~ '~%~¢ April i, ~o~ The ~ ' not ,.. ~ 1/~,,, . ...... the orijin~.l cl.~.%e wau thc piano. Roberts thm~ ::mended his motion th:~t it be ohS. oread m, bject to the original date beinj put hack on the plan. l:ed. stro::~ seconded :md vmanimov, s vote. i1 wa~.: never r'ecord~d. }Tow they desire %o ~ ' '~ ... t.:ng .ut once includin~t 01,:,;',-=~ Lot~ ~ and ~= Umon motion of ~ %~ *' anf. second '~', PiTore t'~ -~ '~ rc~:irin5 ~)proval ,,,,~o~ ~::~bdivicion control ,:~.~ ~:pplic~:': i~ t'-,.c,<: cn tho : ~lic::tion: ?uae for the ow:~er. were re:rd Lj thc Clef'k: ':iyh:':::j D?rvejor, Board of ::::~lth, Fire Dept., Tree /eptlc ~ysten: for ::urphy':: former b. ous:e tlc fac~s are: the septic sue'tom is on ~.n afjoinind lot b~t: t~':tt :itua%ion is !,~inC ta!<~n cars, of b:- %}:a ~P~'f r~:nnin~ u true,J: :n,:c,'tn .:!! "2ules f: Pe2~." with one e:mop~io::. :lc ~.rc req~:esii~tg 9j% t':'::d~; Pobert~:' :,hi Cu:zm-~ St. Pierre :,;.alkad i~ in tl:e fiel¢ a~:cl ~:ttle ]:al described it to th,n;:; ~.t thet time. lie' e<:pl :inei, :-;':en you are ::t the top of the hill looking clod,m_ a% thc bathing as little a'. pomsib].e, and, h3:cc thc road ?el!ow the n:t:zral centaurs :~::; much as possible. Did not :;es a::y rea:o:: to imi :~ I~ ft. c:]t wi%h s!opinC shoulders. Cjr's rebutt:.]: the rOu,p[O with ~ne m:rr~mt '~ rule; it ~ :~ cookie sheet type of de:m~opr':',n~ w]zere ]olc are frl/~r~ u%ilisinG- the land ~m<? i~ :omebo(!~- w?.nSs to 80 givu:: 'the P. ~. ieveraca. T]',,~ ~ wou]c' pro!>~uly rods:ce the nu::l',c:r of !ot~.' =nd felt :.:e shin:Id wo~'.r a:~ olo~lj' to the existing ~:~.divici,:,n ~ule:: & Regs. with consistency as well :s work wi'th tLe developer. Problems could arise. 2obertq interjecte2 that ;,'~ :'.]:ou'd not jo l-:!indl$- 5nrc this he:':m~ze il is a sensitive piece of property. replied tha~ it is not ~.ur.z~te. on 'Shi~ plan on doing-what is .... ~oard req~,ested letter cf confirmation from .... '~ ....... a is ;~.., ............... r being installed service the ~h~rp~ '~ ' r recor,.mn:,c' .~n .,~ ~ ~.~-~ inoor:)orato the ~uc~cstious from %he otl:a~ town ','~,~ ' ..... ~_,nc:~ ~nto hi:: definitive submi%tah The only ~ceztion seems to bo 'thc j--'~ .... '~ ' ' .... unCe]x~tood thq. t tho lo~ on Pleas~:t are not in the ,.* ¢. o', ,~ .~t.,r~,o~ - Yuttle: nc, twc ~¢, 2he =~ * .... ~,~ resdrc filing witk the Con. Com. but they are not part of this subdivision.~ ~u~_ ~, .,_,~ ~.°* Pierre added thai an~%hing ~ ' . ~tn~.~ , ...... w~,,torshed zoning would be,mnforce¢~ by the ~ilding Iuspector. ~na thc For::: ~ ~ * ,~ ~-, .~ ~o~ has alreadj been tentative approval wilh the ¢o!lowinc m:jges'tio~J:: consideration of letters from the various Doard2 when n~ ~ 8' ~ ,' '. ~.~ oc,.e _ln~ ~-,~t~, .... definitive ~!?m;. . BPW recommendation should ~hL approval; recommenda~iofi of gyp et thzs meeting that Tu221e be incorporated in * ,,~lc~ for ,d,riveway entry bo ¢[enerous with the ,slope eaoement~ ......, would be moredas~r,ao,le~:" '' that ho ,:,lso needs adequate ::loPe .... ¢' I/ILL0:{ I}~USTRIAL N?,K: Submittal of Do:~.d - Yinnio Cr:~sso reqte~ted that the ~OARD accept a mortgage bond in lieu of cover, m% an.~ th~me%j re!ease tke lots. Bond in c, mount of ~6~000. _'.totten l:j Monte~:'oto ~cce~t tlc %~ond and re!ease the lots so desid~,ated. Second 'cy DiTore b ~m. & ,,r ..... · ~r. amstarU .... ~ ~ ~x~:~z~ono~ . ~on,t Rd. ~kbove let'toPs received ~;,:]. on file to %a 4,':'::en ~p :~ ,~ _~ ~ .... ~j ~ meeting. lJnmirr, ou~ agre emmut ~.rP~L:~ L~AL i - D,~i:;ci:~ ,f: ~,i:~' ..... o. %y DiTore, second ..... , ~.0~,10~. %y .... Pol}eris %o r'eco~ner, d uufavoralola ;:orioni -.'?~ ..... lc, c~T,~ re:~uiremenis'~. .... ~ un~nir:]ous vote. lite Flail ,.o,,m:l ,. ~..e would Leo L;,fend, Tree "~' _ ...... C~rk ...... ~:.~ Pr, ~0 !,30~7 %0 il7~ill~ tho Inspection Hinut~s of 9/21 :: $/'~-~ ~ ~'"~ ~::_3o~arned 11 ~ .;,.. . 2 Ch~.irm::m