HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-06-16June 16, 1949 The meeting was called to order by the Chairman at $:3© P.I. in the Selectmen's Office. This was a special meeting called by the chairman to discuss the situation on Larraine Avenue. Members present~ Gregory Mooradkanian, Ohairman, Harold C. Kay, Peter Ritchie, James T. Poor and Richard C. ~hipple. Also present at this meeting were Mr. Breen, Mr. Norwood and M~. Barbette, all of whom either have homes or are building homes on Lorraine Avenue. They are having difficulty in obatining water service on this street, due to the fact that this street has never been approved by the Planning Board or the Board of Survey. They were advised by the Board to make an application and to present plans to have this street approved by the Planning Board and then they would be able to obtain the water sergice. Mr. David Rennie and son were also present in order to obatin information from the Board as to the procedure they should follow in order to have their land which is located on Chicke~ing~R~ad.~, re-classified from General residential to Agri- cultural. They were informed by the Board that they could make an application to the Board for a Public Hearing and present their plans and the Board would con- sider their application. : M~tion was made and seconded and it was voted that the clerk for the Board be instructed to compliea list of all the streets in the Town and make available to the Board any and all data pertaining to the status of the ~treets. This list should contain such information as to whether the street has sewer, water or both and any other pertinent information which might tend to proving if and when~the street had been approved by the Board or accepted by any previous Town Meeting. Motion was made and seconded and it was VOTED to~jour~n the meeting. Meeting was adjourned at 10~30 P.M. The next meeting to be held subject~o the call of, the Chairman. J I J~,.ly 11, 1949 Aspecial meeting was called by the Uhairman on this date. Members present~ Gregory Mooradkanian, Peter Ritchie and Richard O. ~hipple. Mr. Malcolm Norwood aaa present before the Board to sgain discuss Lorraine Avenue and to~t further information end instruction as to the procedure in presenting p&ans to the Board for the approval of Lorraine Avenue. Mr. Norwood was given a copy of the rules and regulations for the presenting plans to the Board and was given ihstructions ~as to what was required on the plans. Mr. Norwaod was informed that there was no information on record that this street had ever been approved by either the Planning Board or the Board of Survey and before this Board could take any action, plans must be submitted in accordance with the rules and regulations for the applications for the approval of the layout o~ streets. Mr. Norwood was also informed that if and when he was ready to l resent his plans, the Board would be only too glad to help him out and take action on his application, in order to facilitate his obatining the water service he desires. Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED to pay the sum of $10.00 to