HomeMy WebLinkAbout1949-10-07 September 15, 1949 continued .Ip any event, the Planning Board is unable to give formal consideratiola to this matter, until a formal application Is pr. esented t~ it. Very truly yours P~m~NINO BOAI~D OF NCRT~ ANDOVER. 13¸ Motion was made and seconded and it was VOT~ to adjourn the meeting. Meetingsdjourned at 10:10 P.M. October 7, 1949 The meeting was called to' order at 8..00 P.M. in the Town Building, by the Chairman. Members present: Gregory Mooradkanian, Chairman, Ja~es T. Poor and Richard G. Whipple. The first application to be considered by t~e,Board was that of Mr. Carmello Gioco for the approval of the ~a~mi~g :pAr%' of Hemlock Street. This applica- tion~as originally presented to the Board at their last regular meeting held on Friday evening, September 9, 1949. Due to the fact that Mr. Gioco' s plans b-d not been completed on that date, the discussion of this application was postponed to the October 7 meeting. Mr. ~ioco was present in his own behalf and with him were the engineers~ Fred Stowers and son. Plans were presented to the Board and explained by the engineers. Ail necessary details were complete on the plans and there was no objection to this application. Motion was made and seconded and it was VOTe) to take this matter under ad- visement and the Board also VOTED to go in a body and view this street be£ore~ giving final approval. Application was received from George and David-Rennie Jr. requesting the approval of plans to change the classification of a parcel of property owned by George and David Rermie, from ~eneral Residential to Agricultural District. The application and advertisement of the Public Hearing were read by the ~hairman and plans were presented.' Mr. and Mrs. David Rennie and George Rennie were present and stated that they were interested in developing a strawberry farm so that besides raising berries they would also raise the berry plants and planned to ship these to various' places. They wished also to be able to have a fruit and vegetable s rand on the lmremises at 200 Chickering Road where they would be able to sell and dispose of their produce. They stated that this sort of .farming had been started by their grandfather and that they wished to do the-same kind of farming. They have no intention of keeping or raising any animals but wish to keep their farm for produce only and m~inly strawberries. The property in question con- rains approximately 43 acres and almost half of it is still in woods. But the soil is very adaptable for the t~pe of planting which they propose to do. October 7, 1949 continued. Mr. Roland Sherman was present and stated that he w~ repreesenting Mrs. John Coolidge and the S~tton Hill Co. Inc., that no personalities entered into this objection to the Rennie application, but that he was f-mtliar with the ~oning By-Laws of the Town and that if this application was given approval it would not be fo~ the good of the Town or the people whom he represented. The changing of this District would be a complete about face in the purpose of the Zoning By-Laws,as set up by the town some years ago at a great deal of expense and expert advi=e. It would be detrimental to subsequent owners and even to the present owners, because of the types of industries and businesses or other uses which could be allowed in the District if it were to be changed into Agricultural. ~rs. Rennie then stated that their land was surrounded by ferns ef one kim~l er another and that these had been in existence fera good mA,y years before Zening. It was explained te ~rs. Eennie that these far~s were in existence before the Zeai~g Law became effective and were censidered as nen-eeafemaing uses and as such tho owners could act expand beyond the present use. Hrs. Rennie also stated that they did not intend to Build any houses en their ~ ~ecause the terrain would be very difficult to drain as 'well as Being a very expensive proposition and that it was very well suited for the purpose for which they wished to use it. · letter was received and read by the ChoirmanfremHr. Walter I~air ~hitehall vhov~icedhisobJectionto the re-zoning of this property intoAgricul~ural District. Hr. Rennie then stated' that they had bought this property in 19~7 but that it had Been used as far~ land since 1931 and that corn and ho~ had bee~ raised on this land for very ~any years to supply the nearby dairy farms. He also stated that they had been nsiag a fruit and vegetable stead which was located en his father's p~operty which adjoins his, but that he would like ta this stand on his own land for convenience and because he had mere room and there would Be labs traffic hazard since he' could have the stand set far enough Bask ~e as to have an attractive drive-in spasm. ~tion was sade and seconded and it was VOTED to' take this ~attor under ad- visement. Hr. Arthur A. Thomson attorney for Stanley Stefanski was present and stated that he had received the letter from this Board sent to him on September 26, 1949. Hr. Charles Cyr, E~gineer was also present and plan~ were lmresented to the Board euggesti~g.a new sub-division of "Stanleyville"and showi~g lots whiehwauld be 75 feet across the front and whiehwould extend h ask to the s~-calledStanleyville Avenue. -The houses whieh aight be builten these lets would have to be erected at least 250 feet from the high water ~ark. It was also suggested thor a turn-out be ~ade on the top ef the hill at the end of Staaleyville Avemae making it a she-way street and eli~insting the steep grade coming down towards Great Pond Road. There was also.some discussion regarding the proposition whereas Mr. ttefanski would turn over a strip of landborderingon~reat Pond Road for a depth of 250 feat; to the Town of North Andover it order to safegaard the water supply. Two of. the present owners who have lots facing Great Pond Roadvere present and they decided that they would like to think this proposition over before a decision, was uade to turn' their part of the land over to tho Town.