HomeMy WebLinkAbout1956-04-18157 April 4, 1956 Mr. DeFuseie questioned if the new zoning law proposed, is and addition to the old laws or completely ch,~ged? Mr. Blaekwell replied it was a complete substitution. Mr. Rockwell arose and questioned that the new by-law states that a build~-g has to be 35t from the sidewalk, and if Davis & Furber were to tear down a building, and put a ne~ one in its place. Mr. Blackwell stated the pbint was well taken and he is in a tech~4 cal area. He also stated he took it for granted that no Board of Appeals would deny them a permit %o rebuild right next to the side-~alk. Attorney McNiff suggested that the problem could be solved that restrictions for requirements with reference to space between lot line and structure shall not apply to a building standing at _,m~ctment of this ~endment. Mr. MeNiff question if there was any prohibition in the revision in an t~dustria~ ~rea which excludes having the use of a house or garage. ~r. Bla~ll refe~-,-ed ~ to page ~, sectio~ 4. Mr. Black, ell expressed his point for zoning the area of the airport Industrial. He stated that the land is so situat/~ that if the Town could ever obt-~- the airport off of it,it would be an ~wmense gain. A question was brought out concerning residential dwellings on farms, Mr. ~lackweLl stated he would further study the matter. Mr. O~l~-- moved that the meeting he adjourned, Mr. B~nnan seconded this motion. Meeting adjourned at 9:55 P. M. Chairman April 18, 1956 The meeting was called to order at 7:45 P. I/. by the Chairman. Members nresent~ Nicholas F. Nicetta, Chairman, Ralph Finck~ John Osgood, James Barman and Howard Gil~ano Nr. Blaekwell, planning adviser was present to discuss with the Board the new Zo-t-E By-Laws. Secretary Osgoed proceeded with the reading of letters from Ricb-~d Preston, Commissioner of the Department of Commerce regarding to a future meeting of one of his representatives with this Board. A letter was sent setting Nay 7 as a meeting date. Mr. Blaekwell. stated if the Beard so desired he could be present at this ~eet~nE. Mr. Finek moved that a reply be written to Mr. Preson, Mr. Bannan seconded this motion. It was unanimous. The Beard received !iterat~re from the 1/ass. Dept. of Commerce, Division of Pi-n~nE. Mr. Finck suggested that Mr. Bla~kwell fill the form as much as possible. Mr. Osgood was agree- able to this suggestion. The Planning advisor replied he would ~ake a draft, statement. The Secretary read a lengtl~y letter from the North Andover. Board of Trmie regarding the current zoning work. A letter was sent in reply that this Board would give due consideration to the reccomendations made by the Board of Trade. 158: AprLll8, 1956 Secretary Osgood read a anonymous letter sent to the Board regar~-gFuneralParlors. The Board felt the matter haS been delvedinto theroughly before, a~d since there was no signature, save fcr a North Andover Voter the Board disregarded the letter. Mr. Blackwell questioned the Board as to the presentation it would ~s~e to the Town. Mr. B~-nan moved that the Board select the Industrial Boundaries first. Mr. Blackwell asked the Board if it was rezoned why we should not amend the zoning district bouudary. He then pre- ceded showing the members a map from the junction of Osgood Street and Barker and then to the Mr. Gl]~ questioned the move of going over 250 feet ca Osgood Street., Mr. Blackwell replied due to a previous meeting sc~e of the people in the vicinity opposed te not being zoned i~- dustrial. Mr. Blaekwell suggested tba% the draft idea of zoning district boundary was the center line of Osgoed Street. He said there was no reason why farming should not be ~amed as a use permitted in an industrial district. Mr. Chairman at this point~ suggested that there was no reason why %he Board whould not allow farming in an ~ndustr/al ~istriet. Mr. Blankwe11 then replied if farm dwellings being also explicity permitted, Mr. Finck questioned the point if farming development in an industrially zoned district who=Id be permitted. Mr. Blackwell replied that one farmers land in the area in question if not for sale, and there are to possibLlities in zoning industrial boun~a_~ies. 1. Farm Dwellings. He stated further to zone as nearly whole sale as possible. ~ Mr. Osgood suggested that the matter stand as it is,farming ~-d farm dwellings permitted Mr. Finck brought up the point of dual use. Mr. Blackw-~l said there is not departure from the present zon~g. The Board decided that farming should be permissable in Industr~l Areas. The full Board agreed. . Blaekwe]_l said as to building more industry leave the lines of the Rs~-oad as it is. read section 3.81 4 and 5 and inserted draft amendments down to Marble Reed, Main Street, ~nd Patriot Street. Industrial 2 takes in R~4~oad station. He suggested geing to the center line of ~ Street as Industrial.~,?~At the closing of this r*m~k, one of the members brought out it would br~E the Funeral Parlor iua ~section. Hr. Blackwell replied that the Industrial District can be brought to the Railroad t~acks. He stated the depth of N-~ Street ~usiness to the center of Saunders Street. There was som~_ dispute as to. pla¢4n~ the lunber- yeard being in a General Business area, and the pi-m-er advised that the Industrial District come all along the railroad to Sutton ~ Pond and extend the business district boundar~ to General Business District Boundary. Between Ma~ Street end Railroad be industrial. General. Business from w~4w Street to the Pond. He read page 9, section 4.42 an~ suggested from the trac~s to Sutton Street and Sutton Street a~l~he'~ht side up to the river be zoned Industrial. He suggested mak~8 from Main Street some standard depth to cover the Funeral Parler, because business on Main Street in hack would be Industrial. Mr. Finck questioned the advisor as to if the~e should be a smote specific,measure of standard which won't Be to broad to be misinterpreted. Mr. Blackwell repined he would restudy. The full board accepted sections 8:4 and 8:5.