HomeMy WebLinkAbout1957-01-07to Federal Planning Assistance under Chapter 23A of the General LaMs of ~assachnsetts as amended and under Section 701 of the Federal Housing Act of 19§4. N~r. Finck seconded this motion. The entire Board Mas in agreement on this matter. The Chairman shoved illustrations of desks to the Board. Er. Finck mad~ a motion~ seconded byMr. GiLman to purchase the Executive Model at the cost of $13§. to be purchased for McQuesten's Office Supplies and EquiD~ent. It was unanimously carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p. m.  i~ lerk The me.timg was called te erd.~ at 7:b~ p~ Members lmr~saat ~: N~ol~ F. The mt~s ef December 3rd were rea~ by ~ae Seeretary. M~. ~lmck .A~® a metiem, seeemded by Mr. Gilman, that they be a~cepted as read. It wa~ accepted as ~rrected. The B~ard voted umm~mm~sly em the metiea. Veuchers made to the ~.ealth ~f Nassa~mtsetts u~a~_er A_~ 4, ia the mount ef $4~000. Bills were approved as follews: McQ~estem,s Office Sappl~as ~w~ Equipmaat, $121.50 for purchase ef sew desk; pm~teards, $.22 a~d Clerk,s salary, $15. M~. Joseph ~letti, a~c~mpanied by Mr. Erie Brained, Architect, appeared ~ef~re the Board. Mr. Filet%i stated ~hat when the ~e~ By-La~ g~es int~ effee%, he wa~ts t~ erect a metal em Ohicke~ P~_.~ near te the Bulger Animal Hospital preperty. Mr. Osgeod stated he would disqualify B~elf if such a pe$itien arises because he ~s a~ abutter. Mr. F~ck i~formed Mr. Filetti ~hat ~he Board was pewerless te act until t~e ~ew By-La~ gees fate effect. The B~rd reviewed the plams ~f the Laaterm Cerp~ra+~. The dra~ age systma aho~d ~we cateh-basi~s no farther tha~ 282 feet apart. The area i~ questi~ is l~cated n~*Ja of Dale Street, he, reded westerly ~y p~eperty ef Oadogsa; nertherly by property af I~laud; easterly by ot~er land ef the La~tern C~,~p., and by la~d e~ Peters; seutherly by lamd ef Gureix, Amdresse~, Bentem, Fess and .~m~t~. A letter frem W~lliam B. Duffy, S~perinte~dent ef ~he Beard af Pablic W~rks, dated December 28, 1956, ee~ceraimg the extemsien of a ~aSer system in the preposed subdivisi~ was read by the Secretary. The estimated eest of a water system ia the proposed area would be $9,000. The Board was i~ agreement that a hearing date for the ~amte~a Cerporati~ would be February h, at 8:00 P.M. Mr. George Hurd, Mr. John Pa~klleford, Dr. Panl Nerthr~p and Mr. Oahal~ appeared before the Board. Mr. ~urd expl~ued that he and the gentlemen pre- viously named were e~nnected with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, a~d the reason he appeared befor~ the Board, though he did not think the P~t~ Board had any control in the matter, was to discuss a p~rcel of land located on the top of Bostc~ Hill, North Andover. He stated that M.I.T. was a non-profit organizaticm, and since the wa~ it has had various contracts with the U.S. Air Force in electrical engineering projects. Sin~e 1951, M.I.T. has g~ne into radar research work and it requires a h~ hill ts f.!~11 the pur- poses of this t~ype of ~m-k. He said that Boston ~ fulfills ~1 the require- ments for such a radar station, as it is easily accessible %e Lincelu LaborAtory, located in Lexingt~, Bas a~ unobstructed view from the top of the hill, and is accessible frc~ the traffic stand-point. He stated that Mr. Cab~alane~ cc~tr~c% negotiator, h~ t~lked with Mr. John F~;~, ~r ~f the land in question, and he has a~rsed to lease his land to M.I.T. f~ six yea~s with an option to renew. He expressed the belief that the ski run wm~ld be able to continue. A h~ndred foot ccaerete antenna support ~hat would heaee equipment a~d space beard for tests weuld he erected. The employees would ec~e by car and work a 9 a,m. to 5 p.m. shift with probably a m~=,~ ~,mber of 12 people w~rking on ~ preject. A ~ tower 100 feet high would be erected. In addition to this towe~, there w~uld be '~ auxiliary towers, cae about 60 feet amd the other 40 feet which would ~mke the total mmmber of t~s, three. A prefabricated building would also be erected to h~,-se equipment. The lease would provide termination, the lessee (M.I.T..) weald take everything eat. This project is under the Federal C~m~a~ications Ccmmissiou's Jurisdiction, and so ffar as he it does not interfere with television. There wo~ld be no noxious f-~s a~d ne ~_a~nfasturing e~ aa~ kind. He also stated that this project did not require an~ services frc~ the T~wn; ami if ar~ were needed they weald be paid for. ~e added there w~ be a security watch at night. As fer water supply, it will be drilled for. Mr. Blaskwell e~ in at +~ t~e '.~.and was introduced;- Mr. ~urd fencing would be put arc,nd +_~e towers. The Gover~aea~ would pay for the in- stallation, M.I.T. making no profit at all. Mr. ~ard f~-~aer related that in 195~, they will be able to tell whether the radar screen can k~ep up with the speed of guided ~issiles. Mr. Blask~ell ~*c~aed b*= that it appeared he weuld need to apply far a b~ding permit, ~ut it ,~ld Be wiser to go before +_.~e_ Beard of ~peals regar~f~ the %ewer height proble~ Mr. ~ stated it wc~ld be a peaceful operation which would not work-c~ the week-ends and at night. They lef~ at approxi~atsly 9:30 Mr. Rlankwell took the floor and illustrated to the Board a detailed copy of the T~m ~. He exp~-~ed it was a 200-foot scale shewing m~st of the d~wn-t~w~ area, ~ustrating the Business a~d I~dustrial districts. It does not sh~w rural districts. The areas tha~ -~ere not shaded ~ the ma~ are z~ed f~ ~illage Residential. He has notified T~ra Clerk~ John J. Ly~s ~f the typographical errors and so f~rth, and as to the descriptions voted by the Town, t~ere are typ~al and sc~e other errors; ~e of the most i~portant being an Sattc~ S~ree~, and the words ~i%ted do not deseriBe the side ~.~e. The ~ndividual spots zoned -~ ~ T~wa, w~ich do mos show on the dow~-t~ area, w~re p~ ~ a corr~p~i~g sheet to be printed ~m the reverse side. The map and other descriptions ~ be c~ ane side, with the whole of the text ~n the other side, ~ the-~eta~d ~ap ~ ~ueinees spots on another sheet. It w~]] he set up as follows: The entire Tew~ ea oue ~ap, individual Business spots on a detailed large scale sheet, ~ne side weuld Be detailed ~aterial ou a large scale, and the map toge~he~ with -~